Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Unrelated stories that take place in a setting besides Star Wars...

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Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

Part 1: A Noble Desire

Along the coast waves crashed against small outcroppings forming cliffs and water washed up on beaches. The three riders could see much from their position up high. Rocky cliff walls divided green land and barren sandy beaches. The riders examined the land that was their home. Midland had many estates of minor nobles from the neighboring city states of the Free Marches. “Come now old man.” One of the riders, a young man with golden hair, said to the eldest of the group. “Tired already?”

“When you reach my age you’ll feel the same.” The man replied. He had the same colored locks as the younger man. They were family, plain for any to see. Each possessed the same eyes, the same hair and the same long and gaunt features in the face. Only the third rider, a boy still, differed from the two in appearance. Bran Conri was not family. The boy had black hair and eyes of a strange piercing blue, a nod to his probable Chasind lineage. He was being fostered in the Free Marches by the Skepland family. A squire not yet knighted learning the arts of martial combat and the sword along with the niceties of noble society. While technically he was squired to Lord Skepland, the old man, the young man with him often took over the duties of training and educating.

“When I’m you’re age I’ll have servants check the estate.” Marius Skepland said. He was young and ambitious. Not much older than Bran, Marius was knighted.

“You should never trust another’s eyes to do what yours may.” The old man said. Bran gave him a nod. It was a lesson well learned. Another man could lie, or misinterpret what he saw. Instead it was a noble’s duty to lead by the sword. Even in such a mundane task as checking on the affairs of your property a noble was meant to lead.

The estate sat between the city-state of Hercinia and the inland city of Markham. When the city states fought it was inevitable that armies would meet somewhere in the area. Surrounding the hill on which the tiny keep that was the Skeplands manor house was a field of wild flowers, thousands of them, and on the outer perimeter in a circle was twenty small huts. In each was a small wicker basket called a skep from which the family got their name. A skep was a basket designed to hold bees, with the occasional skep being crushed to harvest the honey inside. Everything about the Skeplands seemed to revolve around bees and honey. The family crest was a golden yellow honeycomb on a blue field representing the ocean and coastland they sat on. Currently the groups were inspecting the skeps on the outer edges of the lands. Nearly one hundred bee hives flourished on the grounds.

Bran stared up the coastline. The ocean always held some amazement for him. “Do you see that?” he asked pointing up shore. Indeed the group did. There was a fire alit, most likely some old driftwood caught by the suns heat, or so Marius said. “I don’t’ think so.” Bran replied. “That seems like too much fire.” Pausing as they approached he squinted a little. “And there is a person down there!”

“I see nothing.” Marius said quickly.

“And yet there still is someone there!” Bran said putting his heels to his steed and darting towards the fire. The others followed closely behind him. As they got closer they could see that the debris that was alit was the remains of a seafaring vessel. Bran approached the burning wreck and dismounted running towards the body in the sand. A girl stood washed ashore, her clothing torn and tattered its color indiscernible do to grime and sand. The girls eyes were blue as the ocean she came from, and her red as the fire around her.

“Does she live yet?” Marius asked as he approached.

Bran quickly put his hand to her chest and felt it rise and lower slightly. “She does.” He said softly.

“Let’s get her to the Manse then.” The old man said. Bran obediently obeyed, he picked up the girl and placed her on his horse sitting in front of him in the saddle so he could hold on as he made haste to the keep….

Rosalyn Skepland stared at the girl in the bed. The red head was the same age as her, or at least in appearance. She put a cold wet cloth on the girls head. The boys had brought her into the house, and the job of mending the girl had fallen to Rosalyn. She had stripped the dirty and disgusting clothing from the girl with the help of one of the Elven servants. Rosalyn herself worried her family, caring not for marriage and children but instead for healing and herbs.

As she worked over her charge Bran noticed the family resemblance. Golden blond locks of hair fell to her shoulder and gentle green eyes told of the life she lived. At age thirteen she had been betrothed to a son of a noble in a political marriage. Her fiance had died mere days before the wedding from fever. Bran didn’t know if she had loved or even cared for the boy but after the incident she spent two years learning of salves and potions to heal. It was impressive the knowledge she gained in such a short amount of time.

Under sheets and secure the red head stirred but would not wake. Rosalyn sat vigil for two days by the girl giving her potions and rubbing salves onto her skin. It was only after two days had passed that the red head woke up. Rosalyn looked down smiling at the girl. “It’s okay.” She said softly her cheeks rosy red. “Here.” She said as the girls eyes stared into hers. She lifted up a cup and put it towards the girls lips. “Medicine.” She said followed by a wink. “I added a little honey for the taste.” Smiling in a calm manner she pulled an extra blanket over the girls shoulders. “My name is Rosalyn.” Calmly she pulled back the cup so the liquid trickled into the girls mouth. “You’re safe in my fathers home.”
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Sera Pryde said nothing as the other girl gently poured the medicine down her throat. The concoction tasted vile even with the honeyed sweetener but that seemed to matter little to the young girl. "Where--," she moaned softly, trying to lift herself off the bed with little luck, "who..."

Rosalyn lightly placed her finger against Sera's lips and quietly shushed her. "It's alright, you're safe. Just lie down now."

Sera had little strength to fight it as she was gently forced back into the bed. Her body was exhausted and she could barely keep her eyes open. It wasn't long before she slipped back into a deep sleep...


Sera swore under her breath as the arrow went wide and missed its mark. The doe, frightened by the passage of the deadly projectile, skittered off into the underbrush and out of sight. Sera was still swearing by the time Marius caught up with her.

"A few more words like that and father might mistake you for a Ferelden sailor," he said with a smile.

"I almost had it," Sera complained, she was busy sifting around in the bushes looking for her lost arrow. "Aha," she said, finding the arrow and fishing it up. Then she turned back to look at Marius, "Let's find another."

Marius shook his head. "Alas it is getting late. Father will be worried if we don't head back."

Sera stuck her lower lip out in a pout but obediently followed her elder foster brother back to the horses. They rode back to the keep in relative silence, Marius would occasionally try to strike up a conversation but his line of questioning would always lead back to asking her where she came from. Sera always found ways to avoid inquiries into her past, for instance when the conversation seemed to head into that direction she would become suddenly fascinated by a bird or a flower and then that fascination would lead into talking about the flower arrangements she saw in the garden. Marius like a good sport indulged her, agreeing with her opinion about the arrangement of particular flowers and before he knew it they were both riding through the front gate into the keep's courtyard.

Two elven servants awaited them, Marius hopped down from his horse and handed the reins to one but when the other tried to reach for the reins of Sera's horse she refused. "Miriel, you know I don't like it when you wait on me," she told the elf.

"But, Mistress, I am your servant."

"I am not nobility, Miriel, I can take care of my own horse. Please, go spend some time with your daughter. I'll see to it that he gets to where he's supposed to go," Sera assured her with a gentle pat on the horse's mane.

The elven woman gave Marius one uncertain look but the man's impassive expression was no help. "I--I can't. If the master finds out--,"

"Then he'll scold me," Sera interrupted her, "It's one night Miriel, your children need you more than I do."

The elf was at a loss but she politely bowed. "Th--thank you, mistress," she replied and she quickly retreated out of sight.

"Come on, boy," the red-headed girl said after the elf had gone and she gave a gentle tug on the reins and quietly led the stallion into the stables. After his saddle was removed and he was secured in his stall she pulled down a brush and set to combing the horse's coat. When she glanced up she saw Marius walking towards her and for a moment she wondered if the boy was going to nag her some more about her past. Three months it had been since she washed up on that shore and she could tell it never sat well with him that she was so mysterious about where she'd been or why she was even on that boat. It pained her to keep it a secret but if he knew the truth about her it would only make things worse. Right now things were good for her and she wanted to hold on to that for as long as possible...
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

"You coddle the servants." Marius said as he approached. Standing next to the girl he let a smile cross his face. "If you do not expect them to perform their duties all the time than how can you trust them to perform when they are needed?” As he approached he reached out and brushed a bit of red hair from her face. The young man was tall and picturesque with short golden hair. Everything about him screamed that he was a noble in birth, manner, and appearance. Brushing aside the honeycomb lock from his face he was about to go into a lecture about how a lady of the household should act. Sera could tell by his face that whatever he was about to say would be long and tedious. She however was saved by the timely arrival of Rosalyn.

The young girl, approached with wildflowers in her hand. She had picked the flowers from around the estate and arranged them into two bouquets, one in either hand. Handing one to her red headed elder she said, “Come with me!” and pulled on the girls hand! Before Marius could object the two girls were out of the stable heading towards the grounds. Rosalyn looked tired, her face pale. Sera knew that she had just come from her eldest brother Aldo. Aldo has been taken sick some weeks before Sera arrived. Bedridden now the man had only rarely seen Sera in the brief periods he was lucid enough to wonder to the dinner table. He should have died weeks ago, everyone knew it. He lived only because of the attention of his young half-sister who sat in near constant vigil at his side until either he became well and slept or ordered her away. Aldo was the eldest child of Lord Skepland by his first wife, Marius and Rosalyn from his second and current wife, who died in childbirth.

“Where are you taking me?” Sera asked.

It was apparent where she was going. The two girls, each bearing flowers in their hand was heading towards the yard. A circle had been erected with wooden barriers and dirt had straw had been strewn on the ground. Two combatants circled one another under the watchful eye of the lord of the manor, Count Skepland. It was the young Bran, along with a sworn sword, a landless knight whose fealty was sworn to the count. Some lords had multiple knights, but Lord Skepland only had his sons and the Master of Arms who stood before them.

Bran parried a blow from the heavy wooden training sword. The weapon was designed to be much heavier than a real sword, as to train the arm and strengthen the muscles. The two circled each other, and every time a blow was landed onto Brans padded armor Rosalyn grimaced and looked away. To look at the girl you’d have thought that the boy was being executed in front of her. “I can’t watch!” she said as the instructor shot a blow into his arm hard. He panted as he riposted and struck back. Moving to one side he caught his breath and frowned. Bran smiled at Rosalyn who blushed a little before looking away as she held her flowers up attempting to subtly hide her face. The fight continued as each tried to bludgeon the other. “Sera.” The young girl asked. “Is there no one waiting for you? No one you care about, or who cares about you?” The girl spoke but her eyes remained on the young squire.
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Sera's expression became ashen. Everyone she loved and everyone she cared for were dead long before she ever set foot on that boat. There was no going back to see them now, not after what happened. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut and looked away, trying hard to bite back the tears. Rosalyn, perhaps sensing that her friend had not yet spoken, turned to look at her.

"I'm sorry, Sera, I didn't mean to bring up anything painful," the girl quickly apologized and Sera shook her head.

"It's not that," she lied, "I was just thinking of what I should do with that maker awful tapestry in my room. You think father would let me hang it in the servant's quarters?" She asked, turning back to look at Sera with an expression that belied her inner turmoil. She had a smile on her face now as if nothing had happened, though Rosalyn had a feeling she was just hiding behind it again.
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

"No." Rosalyn said softly. "I don't think he would let you give a piece of art like that to the servants, it costs more coin than most of their yearly wage." They continued to watch the fight develop before them. Rosalyn gasped as Bran fell from a lunging attack from the larger and stronger man. Covering her face with her hand to avoid seeing the boy possibly get hurt she frowned to herself. "Is he doing well?" she asked her friend. "I cannot tell."

Bran fought with a sudden urge of intensity as he looked at the flower bearing Sera and Rosalyn. The two had come to watch his training, flowers in hand to show support, and he didn't want to disappoint them by having a poor showing. Blocking a blow meant to knock him in the head and throw him to the ground Bran stepped in and shot an elbow into the instructors chin throwing him back. No time to lose he pressed the advantage attacking while his opponent tried to steady himself. Several blows landed while several more were blocked by his unsteady opponent. Aldo approached the ring handing a letter over to his father. Lord Skepland stopped the training after examining the contents of the letter. Approaching the dark haired youth he gently handed over the letter. Bran read it with shaky hands before bowing his head solemnly and walking briskly back towards the manner house.

Dropping her flowers and started to pursue the boy to figure out what hat happened when the steady hand of her father gripped her shoulder. "What is wrong?" Rosalyn asked in a demanding tone.

"The boy has just found that the King of Fereldin is dead at Ostegar. His family slain, his lands razed." The old man looked down at his feet and showed an expression of melancholy to the two girls. "His father and two of his brothers died at Ostegar. His mother, younger brother and three sisters died when the darkspawn raised his home." He looked up at the girls with a frown on his face and then added, "A servant was ordered to leave with what was left of his estate, money and some family keep sakes, and come here. It was he who wrote the letter. He is three weeks from here."

The blond girl frowned as she thought about the implications, "What of Bran?" She asked softly.

"He'll be leaving soon." Another voice called. It was Marius, "It is no longer of benefit to us to foster the boy when his family has fallen on such straights. Isn't that right father?" Tears welled up in Rosalyns eyes. The girl ran away from the crowd trying desperately to find a place to be alone.

"What you say is true." The old man said watching his daughter run away, "However I cannot help but think that abandoning the boy now would only sour our reputation. Plus I gave my word, a dept of honor, to his father that I would look after him, and so I will."

Bowing Marius said, "Of course father." He looked over and smiled at Sera. "We will accept him into our home and into our hearts as one of our own. And when he has knighted he may swear his sword to our family." He was careful to consider Sera nearby. "Perhaps we could even arrange a marriage for him to the daughter of local nobility." The idea of getting any potential competition out of the way filled his head. Looking once more into Sera's eyes he beamed her an innocent smile. "Not to your daughter of course, his status is far beneath our fair Rosalyn and even to your adopted kin Sera, but to a local knight maybe? When I am lord I could use such an alliance."

"You get ahead of yourself son." The father said wheezing a bit and coughing. "You have other mattered to attend to. Leave now." Marius bowed before taking his leave. "I am sorry you had to hear all of this Sera. I know you have a troubling past, if not what that entails." The old man said looking at the young girl. "Marius has long been jealous of any who I've shown an interest in. Of Aldo my first born and of Bran. Were it that Bran was my son instead...." he let the thought drift away without further explaining. "I'll take my leave now." the father said. "I must attend to Aldo and tell him the news. I hope it takes it better than Rosalyn."
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Sera stared at the retreating form of Marius' father. She had so many things to say to his son, none of them appropriate of course but perhaps it was better that she didn't get to say them at all. With a sigh she headed off in search of Rosalyn, she knew the girl probably wanted to be alone now but Sera knew her presence would make her feel better. She was one of only a few people who knew Rosalyn's secret hiding spot and that was the first place she checked.

"Your father wasn't going to send him away, you know," she said as she walked up quietly behind Rosalyn, "Lord Skeplan has no more reason to keep me around than he does Bran yet he does so anyway."

She sat down behind the girl, leaning her back against Rosalyn's. "Bran's going to be knighted soon, he has more reason to be here than me. Your father will give him a home, he gave one to me."
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

Rosalyn felt horrible. She smiled meekly as she felt Sera's body slide down against hers. They were far away from the manse now, near the coast where the boys had found Sera. "He saved your life." she said softly folding her knees up to her chest and wrapping her hands around her legs. "I know Marius would have you believe that it was him who did, but Bran saw you and dragged you from a fire. Father told me so." Wiping the tears from her eyes she reiterated her her point, "Bran is brave and honorable and kind." She added blushing in her cheeks. "I like having him around." She said finally. Catching herself in a rather embarrassing admission she quickly added, "And you too Sera. Father was right to bring you into our house." She beamed a smile turning to look the girl in the eyes, or as close as she could to doing it.
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Sera smiled slightly at that but somewhere in the back of her mind she couldn't help but wonder how long it would last. "I like being here too," she said finally, "It's nice after... Well, everything--," her words trailed off after that.

The two girls fell silent for a time. After awhile Sera decided it was time to go back and she turned to look at her, that's when she noticed a group of four men approaching them. "Well well, what have we here then?" One of them asked.

"Seems to me we go' a couple o' birds ripe for the pickin'."

"Rightly so," the leader and he turned to look at the girls. "What so you, Bird? You going to come quietly?"

Sera was on her feet in seconds, one hand pulling Rosalyn behind her. "I'd walk away now if I were you."

Three of the men laughed heartily at that while the fourth seemed confused. "I don't get it boss, what's so funny?"

"This bird thinks she can take on all four of us, ya idjit," the man snapped at him and when realization dawned on him he started laughing too but by now it was no longer funny. The leader turned his attention back to the girls and nodded to the man on his left. "Have your fun with 'em, boys."

The one on the left could barely contain himself he charged forward and promptly found himself planted face first in the dirt when the red-headed girl did something he couldn't see and swept his legs out from under him. Sera had used the brute's own momentum to her advantage, all it took was a swift kick to the man's legs and he was on the ground at her mercy. She jumped on his back, pulled his dagger from its sheath and stabbed him in the back of the neck as Rosalyn stared on in horror. She'd never seen anyone get killed before and she certainly didn't think Sera capable of such an act yet the girl acted so swiftly and so coldly that Rosalyn found herself wondering if Sera was even the same girl anymore.

The leader of the men stared at the corpse of his fellow in shock. "Kill that bitch," he shouted at the top of his lungs and the other two brutes lunged forward.

Sera rolled forward off the corpse and staying low she turned and lashed out with her dagger. She cut the achilles tendon of one of the bandits then brought the weapon up in time to deflect a blow from the other's sword even as the first was falling. The two fought for a moment, Sera regained her feet and pedaled backwards as she parried blow after blow. She feinted to the side and caused the man to over extend himself and as he stabbed at her she knocked his sword away with a flick of her dagger then spun and cut his throat. By now the first was staggering back to his feet but he wasn't given a chance to recover before Sera had freed the sword from the second's grasp and hurled her dagger at him. His expression was one of wonder as he slowly toppled over, the blade of Sera's dagger stuck in his forehead.

She turned her attention to the fourth who had used the distraction to grab Rosalyn and was now holding a dagger to her throat. "You take one step towards me, you wretch, and I swear I'll kill her! Now drop that sword!"

Sera glared at him, her hand tightening around the hilt of her sword before she finally let it go. "There that's a good girl," the man said with a smile, "Now come over here and--," he stopped suddenly when the air around around the girl and even the ground itself seemed to heat up and burn. Before he knew it he was on the ground and writhing in pain as flames consumed him. Rosalyn had fallen some distance away her eyes glued to the thrashing man and her ears ringing with his screams. Before she realized it Sera was at her side pulling on her arm.

"Rosalyn! Rosalyn, we have to go. Rosalyn!" Sera slapped the girl back to her senses, "Get up, we have to go now!"
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

"Sera!" Rosalyn yelled as she was pulled along. The red headed girl pulled her as she ran toward the manse as fast as she could. "Sera!" Rosalyn yelled once more trying desperately to get the girls attention. "You're hurting me." She said before finally pulling her arm away from the older girl with a rapid jerk. "You were hurting me...." The girl said faintly as she looked at the grim expression on Sera's face. "What did you do Sera? What did you do?" Rosalyn demanded standing firm her hands shaking at her side and her face showing an expression of dread. Dread at seeing a man die or at seeing her friend use magic she could not tell, but it was indeed dread that filled her. "Are you, I mean what you did..." She couldn't find the words to ask but the intend of the statement was clear. Are you a mage?
Domani, forget domani
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~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Sera looked away, she was so angry at herself that she hadn't realized she was hurting her friend. I've really done it now, I've ruined everything. "I'm an apostate, Rosalyn," she finally admitted, "That's why I never told you about where I came from. If I did I would have to tell you that Templars killed my whole family. My mother and sister weren't even mages but they died anyway."

Her hands balled into fists and her body trembled violently. "I will take you back to the keep but then I must go. I can no longer stay here," she said, finally turning back to look the girl in the eyes, "Please, tell your father 'thank you' for me. If there was ever a home for me to have I would have wanted it to be here."
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

Rosalyn stopped dead in her tracks and stared at the girl. She was an Apostate, on the run from the Templars, the Chantry, and the entire world. She opened her mouth to speak but couldn't muster the words. They walked in silence towards the keep for a minutes before the sound of hooves echoed down the cobbled roadway. Bran and her father were riding towards them both horsed. As they approached Bran leaped from his horse skidding on the ground to embrace Rosalyn. "Are you okay?" He asked seeing her trembling a little. "We heard there were bandits from one of the servants so we rode out to see if you'd be alright."

The old man, unhorsed himself slowly his tired bones aching as he did so. He looked at the girl and simply asked, "What happened child?"

Sera was about to speak, she had opened her mouth but before words could spurt from it Rosalyn said, "Sera saved me." She nodded a little bit meekly. "There was thugs and they wanted to.... they wanted to hurt me." She choked on the words, "And then Sera hit them with a knife and threw a torch at one and then we ran!"

Approaching Sera Lord Skepland wrapped an arm around her, "I am forever in your debt child. You have saved my sweet Rosalyn."

Bran gave her a sweet smile. Bran handed the harness of his horse to Rosalyn and Sera. "Take my horse and ride back to the Manse." He said softly, "I'll go ahead on foot with Count Skepland and make sure the threat has passed and none shall follow."

Rosalyn gave a weak nod as she mounted the horse behind Sera. The two rode off as they watched her father and Bran pull weapons and trod down the path. "Don't go." Rosalyn said grabbing the girls waist from behind and squeezing it tightly. "I don't want to lose you..." she said in a near silent and week voice, "No one has to know, I can keep a secret...."
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Sera's eyes fell as she directed the horse back to the keep at a steady canter. She couldn't stay here for long even if she wanted to, eventually the Templars would find her. "I don't know if I can," she whispered back, "I didn't have a torch when the thugs attacked and when your father and Bran see the bodies they'll look for one. They're going to find out, Rosalyn, and I need to leave before they do."
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

"They wont find out nothing." Rosalyn said. "There has to have been branches, driftwood, anything like that nearby." She pleaded, "Any of those those burnt up objects can qualify." Sternly she said. Frowning a little bit she contemplated what she had said and thought about it intently. "That is assuming they are even looking, making sure the area is safe, doesn't necessarily mean looking for a torch. They will merely make sure there are no more bandits around!" Rosalyn was excited now at the prospect of her friend staying with her, for a little while. She squeezed tighter as they got closer to the Keep. "I won't tell anyone." She repeated her earlier statement. "No one will know and everything will be okay."

They approached the keep and noticed the others waiting. Lady Skepland and Marius stood waiting the return of the others. Each saw it in the girls eyes that something had happened. Lady Skepland approached and nearly pulled her daughter from the horse in order to embrace her. "Oh heavens." She said frowning. "I am so happy you are safe! Quickly we need to get you inside and cleaned up!" she pulled her daughter away and towards the home before the girl could say a word.

"I am happy that you are well." Marius said beaming Sera a smile. "You were in my thoughts when I found out there were bandits." Reaching a hand out to help the girl down he beamed her a smile. "I don't know what I would have done if you had not come back safely."
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Sera had a hard time understanding Marius. One moment he could be a complete ass the next he coddled her as though he loved her. She stared at him, wondering just what it was that he was hiding behind that smile of his. He acted almost like a child with a secret, something he knew that he really shouldn't. With things as they were now Sera couldn't help but wonder if Marius knew her to be a mage.

"Yes well, at least you won't have to worry about that," Sera replied smiling back at him, though her meek smile paled in comparison to his. "I need to go lie down and rest," she said, walking past the boy and into the keep.

"How did you two survive?" Marius' voice called after her.

Sera just shrugged as she walked away. "I got lucky."
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

Sera was in her room when a knock came on her door. "May I come in?" a voice called. Sera gave her affirmation allowing the figure to walk through the door. Bran stood in her doorway for a brief moment before entering her chamber. It wasn't entirely appropriate for him to be there alone. "I wanted to thank you." He said briefly. "For saving Rosalyn." Walking over to a chair he pulled out his hand and took a seat. "You mean alot to her, to this family, and I'm just happy you were there to look after her." Awkwardly Bran paused and stood up. He went to leave and then stopped turning to face the slightly younger girl. With his back still turned to her he added, "You're very brave." Turning now he smiled. "I believe Rosalyn is waiting for you down the hall as well... She's been a bit reluctant to come in."
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Sera nodded in reply but did not turn around as Bran left the room. A moment or two later Rosalyn was in the doorway and Sera beckoned her to come inside. "You don't have to be afraid of me, you know," the red headed girl assured her, "My father trained me to resist the pull of demons. I'm not going to turn into an abomination like those other apostates."
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

Rosalyn nodded at the girl. "I'm not afraid of that." She said softly. "Although I probably should be." She walked into the room and sat down at the end of the bed and looked over towards her friend. "you just... you killed them without second thought." She refused to look the other girl int he eye. "I just never would have imagined that you... I mean you didn't even hesitate."
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

"I'm--used to it," she said, hesitating slightly. How does one admit that she killed her first Templar at the age of ten? It was never an easy childhood for her. Her family had to pick up and move so often that they rarely had a chance to put down roots. By the time they think they've settled in her father would get word of some Templars asking questions about them. The first time the Templars caught them it was only blind luck that saved Sera and her father. If Sera hadn't managed to catch that Templar from behind...

"Look, I did what I had to do to protect you. Let's try not to think about it more than that, okay?"
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

After brief glances and meek smile followed. From the look on Rosalyns face one could tell that she understood. "It's getting late." She said softly. "I should go." She stood up and walked to the door stopping just before she opened it. "Thank you." The girl said before leaving. Sera smiled a bit and went to bed...

The Fade

The room was open and expansive. To call it a room was a little big of a misnomer, there was an entire wall missing facing out where one could see the black city. The dream realm was calling to Sera, pulling her to this spot. A distinctly feminine figure sat on a large throne as a large group of mortals flocked around her. "What is your desire?" She asked as one approached. The woman was blond and pretty with blue eyes. She looked young but at the same time Sera could tell that was merely an illusion of the fade.

"You promised my son would marry a powerful woman!" She demanded. "Instead you have made him infatuated with that stupid girl!"

"Is she not powerful?" The demon asked stretching on her chair. "Do you believe I don't know power when I see it?"

"Not the kind of power I was looking for, to be married to a princess and..."

"Silence!" A roar bellowed from the demon of Desire as she stood. "The bargain was made. You have asked for much and I have yet to fail to deliver."

"Y...yes" The woman said finally. "Of course..."

"And now I want what is mine." The demon turned and looked straight at Sera. "I want what is mine!" She screamed again and charged the girl who with a sudden start woke up.

"Are you okay?" Sera heard. A blond haired man was standing over her bed. "I heard you having a nightmare so I came to see if I could help." Marius was lying. He had to be. The door to her room was shut and he was standing so close with no sign of fatigue. Instead he was sitting, watching her sleep. "Sera..." he said leaning down. One leg followed by another sat on the bed until he was straddling the poor girl. Leaning he kissed her with passion and rose. "I love you Sera...." He said as his skin began to boil. Large bubbled appeared and receded all along his body as his hands grew and facial features warped. Abomination. "Kill me." He said. "I couldn't bear to hurt you...."

A loud scream echoed down the hall. Rosalyn was in trouble....
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Sera reacted without thinking, in those close quarters she threw a fireball at him and only after he had been thrown clear of her bed had she regretted it. He sheets were now aflame and she quickly tossed them off of her, running towards the door only to be cut off by the sudden appearance of a shade rising from the ground. She skidded to a halt then threw a glance back over her shoulder where Marius was climbing to his feet.

Maker's breath, she swore, Marius an abomination? How is that possible? She didn't think demons were capable of communicating with normal humans, not unless they were mages or... Could it be? It was possible the veil might have been weakened here but it would have taken an event of unimaginable tragedy to do it.

"Sera, please," the demonfied prince pleaded with her again, "Kill me!"

Sera stood there with her arms at her side, her eyes closed. "I'm sorry," she whispered after saying a quiet prayer then she turned and sent a bolt of lighting streaking out towards Marius. The electrical blast hit him dead on then arced back and struck the shade behind her, killing both of them instantly. Another scream could be heard from down the hall and Sera rushed to the door and threw it open. Outside her room was chaos, there were bodies of guards and servants everywhere as imps, shades and demons ran amok. Sera quickly scooped up the sword of a fallen guard then ran towards Rosalyn's room as fast as her legs could carry her...
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

Rosalyn jumped up out of bed and screamed. There was a person, no a thing, on the edge crawling towards her. A multitude of shambling walking corpses limped towards her. She could recognize the faces of servants and guards. Each of them gaunt and pale with torn flesh. Rosalyn picked up a candlestick from next to her bed and began beating the closest thing to her. More started to surround her and grab her trying to drag her from her bed. She screamed again. Footsteps could be heard from the room as she continued to beat the creatures off of her.

As she lifted the candlestick to strike once more at the creature a blade burst forth from its chest. Rosalyn screamed. Bran stood over the creatures with a sword in hand. He began swiping them away from Rosalyn. Realizing the greater threat the monsters began to swarm the boy. Despite his skill with a sword the horde slowly began to overcome him. It was then that he saw Sera burst into the room. "Get Rosalyn out of here!" he yelled as he burst forward with his sword creating a hole.
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Sera did as she was told she grabbed Rosalyn by the arm and literally dragged her from the room. The girl fought against her grip the entire way yelling for her to stop. "Wait, Sera! You can't just leave him!"

"He told me to save you," Sera answered her in a tone that carried a certain finality to it.

"But you can save both of us not just me!"

Sera stopped and then spun on her angrily. "What do you want me to do? Go in there throwing fireballs around and just hope that Bran won't turn me over to the Chantry?"

Rosalyn stared at her helplessly. She couldn't fully understand the fear her friend carried of Templars and the Chantry but she knew if Bran didn't get any help soon he would die. Sera had the power to help him and Rosalyn wanted--or rather needed her to. "Please, you have to help him. Bran won't turn you over to the Chantry, he won't."

"And you know him so well," Sera accused her. "Alright maybe he won't turn me over to the Chantry but what if he tells your father? You think your father would allow an apostate near his family after this? I'll be lucky if they don't blame this whole demon outbreak on me!"

Rosalyn had tears in her eyes now and she fell to her knees, gazing up at her friend with a pathetic, pleading expression. "Please, Sera, you have to help him. Don't let him die!"

"Blood and ashes I'm a fool," Sera swore aloud, "Fine, stay here!"

Then she took off running back to Rosalyn's room. By the time she got there Bran was neck deep in undead and he was not very happy to see her. "I told you to get Rosalyn to safety, did you even do as I asked?"

"Reprimand me later, just stay behind me," Sera told him.

"Stay behind you? Are you mad?"

"Just do it," she screamed and as if to emphasize her point a fiery nimbus appeared around her and seemed to consume the entire room. A score of undead caught flame immediately and the fire began to spread and surround the others. Sera, having used more energy than she was used to nearly collapsed but Bran somehow managed to catch her when he noticed her fall.

"Sera, you're a mage," he said in shock, so surprised was he that he almost forgot to run.

"Long story, talk later, find Rosalyn now," Sera said in a weak voice while pointing towards the door.
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

Holding onto the girl Bran walked out the door closing it behind him. Rosalyn greeted him with a weak smile. She had been through alot and the turmoil inside of her showed. On the one hand she was overjoyed by Bran's survival and on the other she was utterly depressed and dismayed at the current state of affairs. "For the time being," Bran began resting Sera on a bench, "I will assume that you didn't cause this." He wasn't sure that he could trust her, however she did save his life. "Do you have any idea what started all of this?"

"Aldo!" Rosalyn screamed. She turned and started to run only to have Bran catch her arm and pull her close to him. "Let go!" she screamed. "Aldo! He's sick and bed ridden! He can't defend himself! We have to go!"

"Rosalyn! You can't go!" Bran said firmly. "I am a meager squire, but sworn into your families service. I cannot let any harm befall you." Pulling her close he rubbed her back to console her.

"That applies to Aldo too right? You're sworn to him as well aren't you?" A scratching sound echoed through the room. Their loud exchange had attracted the attention of the corpses. The scratching was coming from a nearby door.

"Fine." He said. "I'll get Aldo and you out of the Manse and out of harms way, then I'll come back and deal with these things." He struck up a defensive pose with his weapon as he ran down the hallway. Every now and again a corpse would jump out and he would slice it down. They reached Aldo's room and opened the door. Blood painted the walls as if a servant had put a brush to it. Bran immediately pulled Rosalyn into his chest to shield her from the sight. A groan echoed over the scene of carnage. Bran exchanged Rosalyn for his sword walking slowly towards the sound prepared to cleave another walking corpse. As he approached he saw a figure lying in the bed, several guards felled around him with corpses all but destroyed. "Ser Aldo?" He asked as he approached. The man was well, or at least as well as one could expect from a bed ridden noble.

"They sacrificed themselves for me." Aldo said looking at the dead guardsman. "I told them to run...."

"They did their duty..." Bran looked around as one of the dead guardsman's hands began to shake and move to grip its weapons. Bran struggled a bit with his sword before slicing the newly risen corpse knocking it to the ground. "I want you to leave with Rosalyn and Sera." He said helping the man from his bed. "I want you to go with them and get as far away as you can."

"What about you Bran?" Rosalyn asked desperately. "Aren't you coming with us?"

"No." Bran said. "I have to find your father, your mother, and the cause of all this. But...." He paused and turned looking at Aldo. "But I don't want anything to happen to you. It is my duty to protect you...."


"Go." Bran said interrupting her thought. "Sera," he added to the girl, "I'm counting on you." And with those words lingering in the air Bran ran sword in hand from the room into the lions den....
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Counting on me? Easier for him to say he didn't just spend all his energy conjuring a firestorm. "Come on," she said to Rosalyn and Aldo. She could walk under her own power now but she was still exhausted from her overuse of magic. As such she didn't want to risk getting into a fight, not with two non-combatants and a weakened mage. It took them awhile to work their way outside taking only the safest paths out of the castle. Sera would periodically range ahead to make sure the way was clear before waving Aldo and Rosalyn over.

The sun was just starting to rise over the horizon by the time they reached the garden. "The gates are closed," Aldo informed them and Sera resisted the urge to swear.

"Alright, so how do we open them?"
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

The small group reached the gate. Aldo, sickly and weak at the knee, stepped up to massive gate and heaved his weight into them. They budged a little creating a small gap. With another mighty tackle he pushed his bulk against the thick wood. "They weren't locked." He said softly as the gap expanded. It wasn't large, but enough for the group to squeeze through one by one. The group retreated through the door and up a hill away from the manse. Staring and watching the door they waited. No daemon possessed corpses followed them. They waited and waited, Aldo impatiently coughing.

The sun was starting to rise. The dawn scarlet as blood heralded the arrival of a boy retreating from the keep through the gap left by the groups escape. Born in the pattern of histories loom the boy seemed to act upon some unknown inclination. Yuri Aeron was a servant in the house having been brought by a visiting noble who claimed that he found a pregnant woman on the road. The woman had died and the noble requested that the baby be given a home within the Skepland estate. The boy had served nobly since. He had jet black hair similar to Bran's but that is where the similarity ended. The boy was younger with a more gentle and feminine face and eyes black as pitch. He held a sword in a shaky hand, how he had managed to survive no one could tell. "Bran needs help!" He said as he approached the group on the overlooking hill. "He went after Lord Skepland and was captured." he sat huffing and puffing.

"Captured by walking corpses?"

"No." the boy said shaking his head hard. "Captured by the creature inside! He went to rescue my lord and was taken." Shaking a little he then added, "I tried to fight, but the guards overcame me."

Aldo nodded, "Even a corpse would be a hard fight for a gentle boy like you."

"They weren't dead sir." Yuri was holding back tears. "They were alive like you and me in service to the... thing!" He took a few steps back away from Aldo turning his back on the man and looking into the castle. "We need to go back and get Bran and save my Lord Skepland..... Ser Aldo, you're a knight... surely you could...."

"No!" Rosalyn exclaimed interrupting the boy. "Aldo has been bed ridden for months! Can't you see he can barely stand!" tears poured down her face. "He can't... he can't save Bran...."
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Sera was only barely listening to the others. "A desire demon," she almost spat the words. The others were looking at her curiously. "A demon who plays on the desires of men. She twists them into serving her, turning friend into foe. If these men are under her sway then they're as good as dead. Once she has a hold on you she never lets go."

"And Bran?" Rosalyn asked fearfully.

Sera shook her head. "It takes special training to resist a demon and even then it's never easy. Bran will turn like all the rest if he hasn't already."

Rosalyn shrank back into Aldo's arms and Sera could hear the sobs wracking her body. With a sigh she rolled her eyes and started walking back towards the manse. "Where are you going," Aldo called after her.

"If it is a desire demon then I have a pretty good idea of what she wants. I will try to rescue Bran if I can but the rest of you should get as far away from here as possible."

Aldo tried to call after her again to stop her but she was already at the bottom of the hill and soon after she disappeared through the massive gate into the manse. Sera, what the hell are you doing? This was completely unlike her, every instinct was telling her to run and get the hell away from here but her friendship with Rosalyn urged her forward. She knew how much Bran meant to her friend and she would not see any harm come to him, not if she could help it. Still, though, attacking a demon all by herself? It was suicide.

She shook her head, it's too late now I've already stepped inside her realm. She approached the doors to the grand hall, a squadron of guards standing outside. They readied weapons as she approached but Sera made no move to attack them. "I would speak with your mistress," she told them in a loud, clear voice. A look of determination in her eyes...
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

The guards only grudgingly accepted her demand. Together Yuri and Sera walked down the corridor as the guards led them safely past the corpses and into the great hall. Although rustic by most standards the great hall was none the less impressive. Corpses and traitor guards stood to either side allowing a central alley for one to advance. At the forefront attached to the wall where once sat the Count's table and the Skepland banner now sat an altar with a small idol. Just behind the idle was the form of a nearly naked woman swaying in the light of early morn. Her body seemed to glitter and her subtle movements captivate her audience. A blond haired woman stood in the center before her in a flowing white dress. Bran stood in a trance like state beside her.

"Ah another worshiper!" the demon said. "What is it that you desire?" she pointed at a guard, "he desired money, a trifle to be sure." and then to another, "And him lust." then finally she pointed to the woman in front of her. "And she.... she desired more than most. Power, lust, envy. She wanted her husbands first child to suffer before his death. Then she wanted her son to fall in love with a powerful suitor. Both times I gave and gave but she found the result unacceptable. She tried to renege on her bargain so I took what was mine, her first child's soul." The demon smiled and rubbed a hand through Bran's hair. "Then she held a new desire." two guards brought in a wounded Count Skepland. "She wanted a new start, which I have provided with this vessel." The blond haired woman raised her hands high above her head. She held a knife which plummeted down into the chest of Count Skepland. "She need only to shed her former life." The Demon replied. The blond haired woman turned around revealing the face of the Lady Skepland to Sera. "Now what is it you desire girl? How can I make your desire come to pass?"
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Sera avoided looking at the grisly seen as much as possible. Count Skepland was dead now, the kind man that took her in, clothed her and treated her as one of his own was gone and though it pained her she hid her feelings refusing to show weakness in front of this fiend. "I desire nothing from you, demon," she announced in a strong voice, "I come for Bran. Release him and I will leave you to your little kingdom, refuse and--," she held up her hand and a ball of fire materialized out of thin air above her palm before she quenched it by closing her first. "It's your choice, but I do hope you refuse."
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

The demon smiled. "Foolish child." She said stepping forward. Seeing the flame in Sera's hand and the demon approaching her Yuri stepped forward to intercept. The sword in his hand raised in a guard. "One such as you couldn't hope to harm me." She smiled as she reached out her hand towards the outstretched sword. "Your devices are useless against me." Her hand wrapped around the blade and then passed through it as if a specter. The blade started to corrode under the strain of the demonic presence. Yuri stepped back freeing the metal from the creatures grasp and swung a mighty blow which should have cleaved her in half. Instead the sword only slowed slightly through the body as though he was cutting a hollow and empty shell instead of the thick flesh he saw before him. "My body isn't tied to this world by mere flesh." The demon said with a menacing laugh.

Bran sat immobile in the chair. He didn't know what to do. Standing up he approached the window and glared out. It was as if he was a passenger inside his own body. From the window he saw the Lady Skepland stab her husband. The blood oozed out onto the floor pooling in a circle. "Your dead." Bran said hearing a soft coughing behind him. He knew instantly who was behind him. "You know your dead right?" the boy turned and looked the elderly man in the face. His face slowly morphed and suddenly he was younger. "Shouldn't you go to the makers side?" Bran asked.

"I wanted to see you." The man replied. "I wanted to see you before I went."

"I'm sorry." Bran said. "I was sworn to you, it should have been me on that slab, not you." Brans eyes welled up a little.

"Don't cry." the man said in a strict tone. Bran had heard it since he was a small child. "Never show weakness in the face of vile creatures such as this." The man stepped forward and put an arm around Bran. "I have an answer for you."

"An answer?" Bran asked.

The man gave him a nod. "To your great concern. I say yes."

"Yes?" Bran said with a bit of a smile. "Yes...."

"You should have been my son." Lord Skepland said. "Now embrace me as a father, one time before I make my journey."

Bran smiled and lunged at the old man hugging his arms around him. "Father... I'm sorry...." He said as the pressure vanished and the man disappeared. "Be at peace."

And then Bran moved. "I will not marry the lady Skepland!" he yelled his arms moving as though braced by invisible scafolding. He picked up and pointed a sword at the idol at the end of the room. "I will not be a puppet!" he yelled.

"No?" the demon smiled. "Then what of your bride?"

Bran turned and looked at the Lady Skepland. Suddenly his eyes betrayed a sense of love and longing, a feeling of dread. "Rosalyn?" He asked staring at the girls mother, who he saw now as the demon wished him to see. "This can't be... I got you to safety..." Shaking a little he lowered his sword. "Why are you here?"

"Because I called to her." the demon replied. "Is not my voice so lovely."

"Snap out of it!" Yuri yelled lunging forward with his battered sword. A snapping hiss of arcane energy enveloped the boy and threw him backward.

Bran noticing this jumped and grabbed his sword running towards the center. A guardsman moved to intercept him and was cut down quickly. "Rosalyn I need to get you out of here!" he yelled. Desperately he began to swing and thrust with his sword. "Rosalyn..." he said as he swung at some invisible enemy before riposting and driving his blade into one of the walking dead. "You need to get out!" The boy was going insane. Enemies surrounded him, both real and imaginary, and he struggled to keep them from overcoming him.
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Sera was beginning to feel like everything was falling apart. The young servant had so far proved useless against the demon and stubborn enough to keep charging at her as if his ruined sword would make a difference. No, this was a battle of wits and magic and since Sera wasn't sure her abilities could even harm the creature she decided to go with the former. Bran was stuck in an illusion, one conjured by the demon to make him believe his beloved Rosalyn was here and in danger. He needed to be made to see the truth, but Sera knew she couldn't force him out of the illusion he had to realize the truth on his own.

Calmly she stepped over to Bran and laid a hand on his arm, preventing him from swiping at whatever imaginary creature he believed was attacking him. "Listen to me, Bran, you've done your job. You have no reason to fight anymore."

He struggled against her grip but she refused to let go. "Lady Rosalyn is safe. You asked me to bring her to safety, remember? I've done that and now I've come back for you. I'm going to take you to Lady Rosalyn and her brother but you have to trust me."
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

Bran felt the pressure on his arm and saw Sera. Rosalyn was safe she insisted and yet there she was before him. Remember, remember, she wanted him to remember. Images flashed through him. He had saved Rosalyn, where was she now? How could she have gotten into the chamber before him. His head ached in pain as he quickly jerked and blocked a sword, this time a real one and not an imaginary one. Pushing he shoved the victim out of the way. "I saved Rosalyn?" He asked his eyes starting to focus. "I entrusted her to you... and then came here. She's safe." He reaffirmed his beliefs. Looking nearby he saw the doppelganger that was the Lady Skepland. The woman looked to him as Rosalyn, however his heart could tell the truth. What stood before him was but a shell painted in his lovers form. With an angry charge he thrust his blade into her chest. As he did so the specters that attacked him dissipated and vanished. Lady Skepland was dead. "May you find the peace in death you never had in life." Bran said as she fell limply to the ground.

"Ser Bran!" the servant boy yelled jumping forward. He picked up a shield off the ground as he glided across the floor and landed in front of the young knight in time to deflect a blow from the demons arcane whip. The boy was pushed back slightly the pressure on the shield pushed him back before he firmed up his footing. The boy huddled under the shield protecting his lord knight from harm as the whip retracted and attacked once more clashing against the metal of the shield. Another attack would unbalance the youth holding onto the sword. The desire demon pulled back her hand and prepared to strike....

The metallic footfall of armored boots echoed down the hall. A breastplate bearing the insignia of the Templars, mage hunters, shone in blue. The sword affixed across a wreath heralded the doom of those who could use magic to penetrate the fade. The armor clad warrior quickly assessed the situation. Darting forward he raised his should and unsheathed his sword sliding into position in front of the hapless shield wielding boy. He took the blow bowing to a knee briedly. Armor clanking he stood up and pulled on the others grabbing and pulling them around a nearby pillar. Another whip of arcane energy snapped into a column cracking stone. "Where is the contractor?" he demanded simply. His voice echoed with a tang of metal through the small slots of his helmet.

"Dead." Bran said thinking of the lady Skepland. "Why are you here? Are you all that the Chantry sent for a demon infestation?"

"A man stabbed came to us and told us of a witch near the estate." The Templar said glancing around the corner. "I was sent ahead of the main party to arrange for lodgings. Where is your lord?"

"You must have met him on the hill. Aldo is lord of the manor now." Bran said with a twinge of despair overcoming his otherwise knightly demeanor. "Swords do not hurt the creature!" Bran said as the Templar stepped forward and raised his shield to block another lance of crackling energy.

"What flesh is this demon bound?" the Templar asked kneeling to lessen his profile.

With a frown Bran replied. "No one was possessed." Looking to Sera he added, "There is no Mage here Ser Templar."

The expressionless helmet of the Templar answered him. "All demons must be anchored to this realm. Destroy the anchor, banish the demon." The man stepped forward and muttered something under his breath. The sword in his hand began to glow consumed by a blue hued fire. "Find the anchor!" he said charging forward blocking a blow. Two guards rushed him as he headed towards the demon. He pushed one away with his shield and and knocked the other with an ineffective bow across the shoulder with his sword. The men staggered but were not out of the fight as he cut with his sword through the demons body. Instead of corrupting influence on the sword his steel sliced clearly through the ghostly figure causing it to recoil in pain.

Bran stepped forward and shot a sword through one of the guards as Yuri the servant desperately tried to shield his master. It would have been a comical sight if not for the gravity of the situation. A boy with a towering shield he could barely manage acting as an extra set of arms for another lad blocking incoming blows and pushing people away with the large metal sheet.

The Templar fought a desperate battle of parry and strike against the demon. Neither seeming to gain an advantage except for the few occasions the demon managed to strike a particularly powerful blow knocking aside the man. On one such occasions the Templar cascaded towards the altar holding the strange idol. As he stumbled his approach several guards jumped to intercept stabbing and pushing with hands to keep him away from their heretical site of worship. "Blessed are the righteous, the lights in the shadow. In our blood the Maker's will is written!" He yelled quoting the Chant of Light as he stabbed deeply with his blade. The demon seemed to scream and squirm. Though no damage was being done the pain was real enough, and provided enough of a distraction from other earthly concerns to allow for Bran to effectively engage the guards and corpses without fear of retaliation by the devastating demon whip.

Seeing the Templar as a threat the demon lashed out with more violence and power than had been previously displayed. The whip struck at the breastplate of the Templar shattering the iron and throwing the Templar across the room. Red liquid dripped from the chest wound as the Templar struggled to his feet. Another blow knocked him to the ground. The whip swung around the demons head in preparation for the final blow...
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

As the three warriors battled for their lives Sera drifted to the outskirts of the room. She had not expected a Templar to show up and now that he was here part of her was looking for a way out. It wasn't until several charmed guards rushed past her that she realized she was being largely ignored by everyone in the room. Even Bran and the Templar were thoroughly occupied in their battle to notice her and she figured the demon was more interested in keeping her alive and unharmed for possession rather than killing her. If she wanted to slip out of the room right now she could, but she would never forgive herself for doing so.

"All demons must be anchored to this realm," she overheard the Templar telling Bran, "Destroy the anchor, banish the demon."

Destroy the anchor? The demon had said she wasn't bound to this world by flesh, so something inorganic? A vase, a statue, even a chair. Something imbued with magical power, but what could it be? She looked around the room, her eyes scanning every object. The demon could have been bound to anything in the room, but regardless of what it was her minions would be over protective of it. The Templar was struggling for his life against the onslaught of the demon and her horde and when he was nearly forced into the idol upon the altar at the other end of the room Sera was among the first to notice a shift in the minion's behavior. Two guards had deliberately placed themselves in front of the altar, almost as if they were protecting it.

That has to be it, she thought, running over towards the altar. When she got closer she could feel the magical power emanating from the idol and she knew for sure this was what she was looking for. She reached down to grab it when a sudden movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. A guard attacked her, swiping his sword at her at an angle that nearly took her head off. The girl quickly ducked under the attack, scooping up the idol in her arms at the same time, then she threw her shoulder into the guard knocking him off balance. Her shoulder hurt from the impact but she continued to push until he fell over then she turned and ran. She needed to find a way to destroy this idol and she had to do it without magic. If she cast a spell now the templar would be on to her for sure.

On nimble feet she ran through the battle, ducking past swords and running through arms and legs until finally she noticed the servant boy's half melted sword. She slid to her knees on the floor next to the sword and swept it up in her hand. Holding the broken weapon in both hands she brought it down as hard as she could against the idol, chipping away at the stone. Meanwhile, the demon was about ready to finish off the Templar when that first chip made her suddenly aware of the danger. She half turned and saw the girl hacking away at the idol and in an effort to stop her she lifted her whip again. She tried to lash it forward but a sudden force jerked her back. When she turned to look she saw Bran holding onto her whip with both hands.

"You fool," she screamed, "You cannot stop me! Not in this world or the next!"

"No, but we can at least send your ass back to whatever hell you crawled out of," he told her, his teeth grinding together as he tried to ignore the pain from her whip.

The demon was about to blast him away with magic when Sera dug her makeshift dagger into the idol one last time and shattered it in half. The demon let out an inhuman scream before her body melted away into nothing, her minions collapsing as the spell binding them was broken. When it was over Sera dropped the sword to the floor, the hilt clattering on the ground beside her. She stared at the broken idol, the remains of the demon washing away. It wasn't until she felt a hand on her shoulder that she realized Bran was standing behind her.

"Hey, you okay?"

"I was--thinking," Sera told him, "The demon said Lady Skepland was the one who asked for Aldo to suffer. Now that she's gone do you... Do you think he'll get better?"

She looked up at the boy, her eyes seeming hopeful but her voice filled with doubt. She did not know how much of Aldo's illness was caused by the demon, it was possible that none of it was though she dearly hoped that wasn't the case...
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

Some of the guards that were scattered started to come out of the demons trance while others merely sat catatonic among the ruins of the great hall. Bran frowned at the display ahead of them. Looking at the servant boy Yuri he said simply, "retrieve the Lady Rosalyn and Lord Aldo." He looked over at the Lady Skeplands body. "Bring them here." The young man walked across the room and covered his Lord and lady's bodies with a tapestry of the honeycombed crest of the Skepland Family. He looked at Sera and then the Templar lying on the ground. "Any of you who can hear me and still walk leave this room now with whatever comrades you can carry." Loud and with authority he spoke so that those able moved quickly grabbing wounded comrades and leaving the hall. Surely some of the guards were loyal still and just under a demons spell? It would be a question for later investigation. As one of them went to pick up the Templar unconscious form Bran yelled "Leave him."

As the guardsmen left the few loyal retainers came in with Yuri, Aldo, and Rosalyn. Rosalyn ran forward arms outstretched with no thoughts of what was proper hugging her beloved. Bran smiled weakly at her. She knew instantly her father was dead and was ashamed that instead of morning for him she was relieved his ward had survived. Tears welled up and poured down her face. Reaching out a hand Bran scooped them up. "It's okay." He said in a soft voice. To hell with decency. The raven haired youth leaned forward and kissed her gently. After moments together he paused and stared at Aldo. The man didn't apear to be better, his face was still a sickly gaunt color, however he was walking under his own power and didn't seem as fatigued as before. Bran assumed time would heal his spell bound sickness now. "Lord Aldo." He said with a tinge of pain. "In your fathers final moments... his spirit spoke to me. I cannot be sure if it was really him or if it was some plot by the demon who resided here but the spirit said he could grant my wish." Bending to one knee he added. "However it is your house now. I have negotiated for months to no avail." Having been stalled by Marius, but there was no need to speak ill of the dead. "I fear though that now with my lands gone...."

"Have no fear." Aldo replied without a cough. "Father had already agreed. You shall be my brother." Reaching out a hand he helped the younger man up. He moved the man so that his hand and Rosalyns connected. "And you two shall be wed."

Rosalyn looked on in shock. "I didn't think..." She started thinking about everything that happened. "I didn't know...."

"I've always loved you." Bran said stepping forward. "Since I was a little boy there has only been you."

Aldo coughed, a fake one instead of his normally sickly wheeze. "There is much to attend to before that."

"Of course." Bran said moving forward towards the downed Templar. "Look away Rosalyn." he said picking up a sword and placing the tip on the Templars chest. He moved the blade up the armor and pushed the helmet off the head. He stared down at a dark haired boy around his age. Hell the boy could have been him if a few facial features were changed. "He must barely have finished his apprenticeship or else still is an apprentice." Bran said. "That explains why they sent him to do the grunt work of arranging lodgings." He lifted up the sword prepared to strike and then frowned. Slamming the blade down in a crash he screamed a cry of agony. The blade had missed the armor and embedded itself into the floor. "I'm sorry Sera but you're going to have to run." He looked down at the boy. I shouldn't have removed his helmet. "I cannot kill him, and too many know your secret or have seen magic, they will investigate and they will find out about you." Looking up he knew that Aldo didn't know her secret, he would fill him in later if he already didn't understand the situation. "I'm sorry Sera, but you'll have to run, for awhile at least, but I'll lead them away from you. When things become safe again I promise I will welcome you with open arms." Hanging his head down low. "I'm sorry." he replied. "I can't protect you. I can't protect anyone." Clenched fists at his side he replied to his own statement. "All I can do is make sure you're not here and buy you some time."
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Sera stared down at the young boy Templar and felt a twang in her hurt. All because of yesterday, she thought, I was careless. I should have made sure they were dead. "I understand," she said quietly. There was no way out for her this time. Even if she had killed him there were a whole slew of Templars heading this way. Her only option was to leave and the sooner the better.

She turned to look back at Rosalyn who was now trying to fight back the tears forming in her eyes. "Don't cry for me," Sera said, "because this isn't a goodbye. I've never felt at home anywhere else but here. Someday I will come back."

Then she turned and walked deliberately towards the door. She had her head held high and her shoulders straight but her expression was a torrent of emotion. She bit back the tears threatening to spill forth all for Rosalyn's sake. She couldn't break down now, she might never leave. Finding renewed determination she quickened her step and ran out into the hallway...
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

Part 2: A Templar's Promise

The girl was running but it was no use. She couldn't afford a horse and the ones chasing her could simply requisition new ones, there was no way outrun them so she'd have to try and be tricky. That led her here, into the woods area around the southern coast of the free marches. Running into the woods seemed like the best way to prevent horses from chasing, however there was a path not a hundred yards down which had allowed several of the Templar to cut her off as the others made there way on foot behind her. Two Templars turned a corner of thick brush coming into view. Sera shot a fireball at them as they lifted their shield. The trees lit on fire but the Templars held steady their shields protecting them from the brunt of the blast. The girl turned and darted away from them only to see two more coming up the path behind her. She took to the woods off the path running through the thicket.

As she ran she saw a figure in front of her. She slowed as she approached and saw the boy Templar from Skeplands keep. He was wearing no armor, his having been destroyed in his fight against the demon, and held tightly onto a shield and sword. "I don't want to hurt you." He said softly gazing at her with soft blue eyes. Sera started to charge up a fireball before she saw his hand move and a strange blue light overtake her. The fire vanished from her hand. "You can't use magic..." he said in the same calm voice. "Please cooperate."

Sera would have none of that. She pulled out the sword to her side and charged him knowing that her only chance of escape was through him. Although capable with a sword it became evident within the first blows that she was no match for him. As he charged he lifted his shield up and absorbed the blow quickly, the added defense would be hard to crack. Sera swiped again and once more he blocked with the shield while trying to talk her down. The boy was being foolish and refused to attack. With a mighty blow Sera moved to swipe him out of the way so she could get by. As she swung the sword his shield came up, quicker than before, blocking her arm in the air. After leaving the girl exposed he slapped her upside the head with the side of his blade knocking her to the ground. Sera defiantly got up and was about to run when a hand fell onto her head crushing it with the pummel of a sword. "Was that necessary?" The boy asked as the other Templars circled the girl.

"She is an apostate living outside the circle. We are to bring her in by any means."

"But she was beaten, you didn't need to harm her." The boy interjected.

"You have much to learn." Another Templar spoke. "The mage is a trickster. She did not want to come with us and would have done anything to escape. It is better this way." The boy looked unconvinced.

"Now pick her up and lets get going." the first Templar spoke. The boy did as he was commanded...

Fifteen minutes later the caravan was traveling down the road towards the nearest circle. Four Templar rode on horses flanking a wagon driven by a boy, the apprentice Templar. At the back of the wagon was a cage covering it divided into four sells, three were occupied. Sera was waking up. She sat in the from most cell near the drivers perch, where as a man and a woman were in the rearmost two cells. The fourth cell was vacant, however there was a small boy next to the coach driver. "You'll like it at the circle." The older boy said to the younger one.

"Will you be there Tristan?" The young boy asked.

"Of course." Tristan spoke.

The boy stared up at him and pulled his sleeve, "And I won't have nightmares anymore?"

"They will train you to block them out. You won't have those bad nightmares again, but I can't guarantee you won't have the normal kind." he spoke with an uncharacteristic kindness.

"Put the little one in the cage!" A large Templar called. "That is where the Mage belongs."

"That is where apostates belong." A shorter more dashing Templar on the opposite end replied. "This boy comes with us voluntarily."

"That's right." Tristan spoke up. "Rodrick is a good boy, and you should all be checking the road! No go and ride ahead!" His words were those of a command but his tone was that of a frightened boy.

"The boy has the right of it." The nice Templar said. "We should check the road ahead."
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Stupid, Sera scolded herself. After having run so far how could she let herself get caught so easily? I've been so stupid. She sat up and leaned her back against the bars facing away from the driver's perch. She only half listened to the conversation between Tristan and the other Templars and she waited until they had rode away before speaking.

"You shouldn't fill the boy's head with such lies," she told him, "The Circle is just a prison. You think your life will be happier living there? Everything you do will be under the watchful eyes of the Templars and if they even suspect you of being an abomination they'll cut off your head or make you tranquil."

"That's not true," the boy Templar tried to object.

"Is it," Sera asked him, "I heard stories about the Circle in Kirkwall. Mages there are being made tranquil every day. Mages who have even passed their harrowing, or so the rumors say. The Templars think of us all as demons and they want nothing more than to wipe us off the face of Thedas."

"Then why even have a Circle at all," Tristan demanded, "If what you say is true then why not just kill every mage in sight?"

Sera smiled and shook her head. "You're too naive," she told him, "Magic is dangerous but it is also useful. Why destroy that which you can control? It's only after a mage has rebelled that the Templars put him down like the dog he is."

"We are not dogs," the little boy next to Tristan shouted.

Sera just fixed him with a cold stare. "Is that so? Then why keep me in a cage?"

"Because you would run away!"

"I run away because I have good reason to. You know nothing of the Circle or the Templars!" Sera shouted at him a bit louder than she had intended to and drew the attention of some of the other Templars

"Tristan," a man said, trotting up beside the wagon on his horse with his hand suggestively on the hilt of his sword, "shut that bitch up or I'll do it for you."
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

"You won't touch her!" Tristan yelled. "And you won't bully me any longer." The two exchanged glares before the Templar let out a grunt and ran his horse forward. "And you Mage." The boy said tilting his head back. "It's better if you don't yell for now. Not all Circles are the same, Kirwall isn't every circle but to a small extent you're right." Pausing before continuing he wrapped an arm around the boy and pulled him closer to him. "There are Templar who abuse the system but aren't there Mage's who us blood magic? And aren't Mages hunted by those who fear them?" Tightening his grip on the boy he said, "We found Rodrick here hiding in a shallow well. When the people of his village discovered he was a Mage they chased him away." Looking at the boy Tristan smiled weakly. "A Templar's duty isn't only to hunt and control Mages it is to protect them from others as well."

"You'll protect me right Tristan?" The boy said.

"I'll always protect you Rodrick."

"Oh he say's that now." The man in the back called. He had been listening intently. "But he'll cut your throat as soon as you toe the line." The man leaned back against the cage. "He talks about protecting us from others but what he means is imprisoning us."

"Shut up." Tristan said, "You're making him confused, you're making him sad."

"And he should be." Standing up the man glared at him, "He choose this didn't he? Chose to be a lapdog of the Circle."

"Oh be quiet Degove." The woman in the cage said, "He's a child. They're both children and we shouldn't expect them to understand."

"I'm not a child!" Tristan shot back. "And you have my word, that no harm will befall any of you."

"He gives us his word." Degove said immediately.

"Well he's cute at least." The woman replied. Tristan blushed a little. "Maybe the circle won't be bad right?" The woman nudged through the bars at Sera. "Lots of pretty Templars for a girl like you."

"Shut up!" The voice called as one of the Templar rode back on his horse. "I don't want to hear another word from any of you." He threatened with his sword a little bit before moving on.

"Everyone be quiet for now." Tristan said looking back at them. "We can talk later tonight about this once little Rodrick has gone to sleep. Anything I can do to ease your concerns..." A glare from the Templar shut him up. They continued on their journey for the rest of the day until night fell...

The Templar made camp after a day of hard travel. Tristan perched himself against a tree not far from the wagon. He sat Rodrick down there and covered him in a blanket. Walking back to the wagon he went into a trunk and pulled out several more blankets. "Don't bother." One of the Templars said. "It won't get that cold."

Tristan ignored them and proceeded over to the cages gently placing a blanket in each. "Even if it isn't that cold..." he started, "They could use it to pad the floor."

"Since you like them so damned much," the grumpy and mean Templar began, "you can take the first watch."

"I don't think that is wise." The nicest of the Templar replied. "I mean he's only..."

"He is a Templar." The nasty one said. "He'll take the first watch."

Tristan rolled his eyes. He sat down leaning his back against the tree. He wrapped his Arm around Rodrick and stared at the cage. It seemed that a silent hour went by before the boy went went to sleep. He started to thrash around having a nightmare of demons trying to claw at his mind. A blue light encircled him as Tristan concentrated, and then he was calm the nightmare ending. "Without the circle he won't survive." Tristan said. "The demons will consume him."

"How generous of you to protect him." The woman in the cage said. Tristan stood up gently putting parting with the boy. He approached the cage a little keeping a safe distance. "You're going to protect me like that while I sleep?" The woman said her eyes starting to change to an even brighter blue.

"No." Tristan said. "I can't use that skill so soon after having exhausted myself."

"You know my family comes from a long line of Magisters in Trevinter." The color of her eyes were now so bright they were practically growing. "We used to rule these lands before the trouble." Tristan found his body forced to move forward. "You're feeling yourself coming further and further under my spell and you can't do anything about it. When standing watch you shouldn't waste your talents on a weaklings nightmares." Smiling she crooked her finger beckoning him closer. Tristan obeyed without protest. "There are deeds that can be done even through bars." She said extending a hand and wrapping her fingers around his belt. She pulled him close to the cage by his trousers and looked him dead in the eyes. Her lips locked with his. As they kissed for moments she bit down on his lip drawing blood. "But all the better to do it outside of the cage." She said proffering the keys in her other hand. She unlocked the cage door and stepped out. "You've been a good boy." The woman said finally.

"Now what about you?" She approached Sera's cage with the keys. "You show a hatred for this land and it's people. Should I train you and allow you to come with me to Trevinter? Or are you like Degove there? Do you not have the stomach for blood magic?" She placed the key in the keyhole and used a finger to wipe the blood from her lip. "Now Templar Boy... Tristan was it? I want you to die." Tristan began to seize up on the ground at the command. Using the blood on her fingers she quickly cast a spell. From the other side of the fade two hands appeared and grabbed a Templar, the nice one, and tore him in half screaming. "And now you all die!" The woman yelled as the Templar began to awaken. They gathered up their weapons and charged. She flung them back before howling like a wolf in a deafening cry. Snarling beasts appeared around her as the Templars started to prepare to cut her off of her magic and she ran.

The Templar chased after the witch who ran into the Forrest. One of the Templar was intercepted by a wolf and felled to the ground as several snarling beasts attacked him. Little Rodrick, awakened by the commotion, ran to Tristan on the ground and tried to rouse him from his vicious seizure. "Tristan wake up! Snap out of it Tristan!" And the wolves circled the pair....
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Sera watched the woman with a growing dread. She never trusted her or the man she had been captured with. Her father had once told her that though mages deserve the benefit of the doubt many of them will still resort to forbidden magic to defend themselves. Sera knew quite well the effectiveness of blood magic but she would never allow herself to use it. The magic itself wasn't inherently evil but the power it granted could corrupt the soul. It was this last that Sera was in no hurry to find out.

When the woman placed the key into the lock of her cage Sera wasted little time twisting it and opening the lock. She threw open the door and started to flee into the woods as the other Templars chased after the blood magic wielding witch. Sera had just reached the treeline when she heard the cries of the little boy. She turned to look back at him and found him leaning over the seizing Templar and surrounded by wolves. Just turn around and run, she told herself, it doesn't concern you. She started to turn away when she heard a startled cry and the snarling of a wolf. She looked back and the boy was on the ground, the wolves edging closer.

"Maker's breath," she swore rushing forward with a raised hand. A ball of fire materialized above her palm and she threw it at the nearest wolf. The beast howled in pain as the flames consumed it and the others turned their attention to her.

"What are you doing, you fool? Run away!" The caged man shouted at her.

Sera ignored him and summoned up as much power as she could muster, forming a wall of flames that sounded the boy and consumed the wolves. The howls worsened as the beasts cried out in agony before they were ultimately silenced. Sera parted the flame and stepped into the circle to check on the boy. He had a bite mark on his arm from where the wolf had bitten him and he was cradling it with his other hand. Sera knelt down next to him, tearing off a strip of her cloak she gently wrapped it around the boy's wound.

"I don't know any healing magic," she told him, "So this will have to do."

She glanced at the young Templar who had by now stopped seizing, though whether he was still alive or dead she couldn't tell. "Wait here for the others to return," she said to the boy, "I can't protect you while defending myself."

"Wait," the boy said, grabbing her by the hand as she stood to leave. "You're not coming with us."

Sera smiled at him. "Maybe the Circle is a place for you, but I do not belong there." She gently ran her fingers through his hair as a sign of farewell, "Take care of yourself, Rodrick, we will not see each other again."

Then she turned and started to run, stopping only when she heard the caged man shouting at her. "Wait, set me free," he said.

Sera paused in front of his cage. "How do I know you're not like her," she asked, gesturing off in the direction the blood mage had gone.

"How could I be? I could never lower myself to using blood magic! Please, you have to believe me!"

Sera stared at him a moment or two longer then she turned, pulled the key out of the lock from her cell and tossed it into the man's cage. You better not make me regret this, she thought before she spun on her heel and ran off into the woods. Hopefully, if all went well the Templars would be chasing that blood mage for hours. She should have a pretty good head start on them by the time they got back...
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Halcyon508 »

Degove looked back. "This isn't right." He said as he watched more wolves coming to the site. He turned to see flame and ash and the boy standing alone with wolves around him, another on the ground, possibly dead. Looking over at the Templar he moved and felt his breath. "Living but barely." he said zapping a wolf with a lightning bolt. Casting a slight incantation the boys body jolted. "He will come to groggy in a few minutes." The mage said moving towards the boy. A wolf jumped, poised to strike at the child and was slapped aside by a branch wielded in the hands of the boy Templar barely able to stand. "I told you I would protect all of you..." he said before collapsing.

The Mage Degove manipulated the earth throwing a fist. at a nearby wolf. "Alright." He said staring at the young Templar. "Against my better judgment I'll stay with you." the boy was unconscious, and badly needed medical aid. Degove concentrated and tried to heal the wounds, but it was magic that was not in his nature....

Sera ran and ran trying to get away. Before she had realized it, she was surrounded by the remaining two Templars bodies. "Oh my little girl... so you found me." a voice in the wilderness called. "Do you know who I am?" It echoed so the girl could not get a location from it. "A Magister from Trevinter, on an Important Mission for the Archon and I've taken an interest in you. Have you come to be my apprentice," Sera turned and saw the woman. "Or have you come to die?"
Domani, forget domani
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~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
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Re: Dragon Age: An Apostates Tale

Post by Pryde »

Sera froze in her path. She had thought she ran in a different direction from that taken by the blood mage yet here she was. Did she come to me? Or did I run to her? She glanced this way and that trying to find the source of the voice but finding none. She hadn't realized it at first but it was possible the witch may have cast a spell on her. For a brief moment before she unlocked Sera's cage the two of them locked eyes. Stupid, she berated herself, I let the witch control me.

"I just thought I had a better chance surviving with you," she lied, better not to provoke a fight just yet. She had to bide her time, wait for the right moment to strike. "It seems I was right, these two didn't even stand a chance against you."

The question is can I? She'd never tested her skills against a blood mage before and she already allowed herself to be controlled once. She couldn't fall under her spell again, to do so would be disastrous. Stay strong, Sera, you can beat this woman if you're patient.
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