The Way of the Nin

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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Insanity's_Spawn »

"Act like...KAZU-kun?" He asked, trying and failing to snatch his mask back. "So, act like I have no idea what is going on most of the time? Girls actually like that? I thought it was because he is tall...And gimme that back." He grumbled, making another failed snatch at the mask. "Maybe I like my anonymity. Besides, an emergency situation could crop up just about anywhere." He tried to take a step forward, and, his feet still encased in ice, he slipped, fell on his back, and hit his head on a tree root. "Ouch! Kazu-kun, get this ice off me!" His head was swimming, and he was seeing double. Despite himself, he grinned. Now there were two Akira-sensei's, and two Kenki-san's, and two Alera-san's. Then he noticed the two Kazu's...great, that thought ruined his moment of bliss. Because he really needed two mister popular's to compete with. The ache in his head came crashing down on him then, and he let out a little moan, before pushing himself up into a sitting position. Akira-sensei was gorgeous, he thought, trying to clear his head of the pain. "Why'd you take my mask, anyway?"
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

"Why do i get the Perv on my team?" Alera asked, deadpan as deadpan can be "Jirou-Baka has peeked on the Women of this village many times, but those are just the times he was caught, why do i have to deal with him?"
Last edited by Mandalore_The_Uniter on Mon May 17, 2010 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by VagueDurin »

While the others might have found it amusing, Kenki felt bad and even a little guilty when she saw Jirou-Kun slip and fall because of the ice around his feet. The shy Nin took a very deep breath, and then stood up off of the bench and shuffled over to where the boy sat, keeping her orange eyes pointed at the dirt. "I... Jir... I'll help." She whispered, taking a knee in front of the boy pervert. She then placed her left hand over top of her right, setting them both atop his left foot and slowly closing her eyes, controlling her breathing in long, slow, deep breaths as she used her technique Create Heat, to produce heat in the palm of her hand and the ice-shoe on his left foot immediately began to melt...
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Halcyon508 »

Kazuma reached up and scratched the back of his head... "Sorry Jirou... I can't get rid of the ice once I create it..." he frowned a bit and helped the boy up.

Akira smiled and leaned over. "Your a good boy Jirou." she said softly, "And I'm going to keep your mask for awhile, you have a cute face, and such nice fluffy hair which is just too adorable to cover up."
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

"The First Sign of Peaking, and i will Sever your Manhood." Alera said to Jirou, pointedly "Understood?"
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Insanity's_Spawn »

Jirou looked at Akira, wondering just what she was playing at. There was simply no way she actually thought he was cute. He shrugged it off, and looked at Kenki, melting the ice off his foot. Were they all in on it, like, some huge joke? At least he had a chance of not getting frostbite in his feet. Another reason not to like Kazu, aside from getting all the girls, yet taking none of them. He smiled a little at Kenki. "Thanks, Kenki-san. I was starting to lose feeling in my feet." Kazu helped him to his feet, and he shifted his balance to his thawed foot. At least he was apologetic, kinda. Just now taking note of what Alera had said, he harrumphed a little, and looked at her. Nope, obviously, not all the girls could be in on it. "I'll keep my manhood where it is, thanks. Where is Haruto-kun? Sleeping again?"
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by VagueDurin »

Hayato and Haruto walked side by side down the lane, approaching the gate at a decent pace. Haruto had his pack slung over one shoulder as he labored to keep up with Hayato's long strides. As they approached the gathering, he noticed that the shy girl was thawing an ice cube off of the perverts right foot, while Akira-Sensei and Kazu watched in amusement. They're already pulling hijinx? How troublesome is this trip going to be? He thought glumly as they approached.

Hayato clapped his hands together, the sound booming and echoing much louder than Haruto thought possible and the slacker actually winced away from the noise. "And now we are all here!" Hayato shouted to the group.
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Syn_the_Stampede »

Jun squatted under the shade of a nearby tree, his forearms resting on his thighs. Kazu and Jirou were at it again which, if nothing else, was great entertainment. There was one thing he knew, if the mission didn't turn out interesting, the trip to and fro with this group would be.

Jun frowned and shifted his white vest for what had to be the fiftieth time since leaving his house. His father absolutely insisted that he wear it for his first mission; he said it was good luck. It belonged to his older brother when he was just fresh out of the academy. Wonderful hand-me-downs. It could be worse. He could be smothering under some of the bulkier ones normally worn. His provided less protection, but greater flexibility. After getting comfortable, he closed his eyes and began enjoying the gentle breeze; it carried the scent of flowers.

A resounding clap shook him from his daze. He quickly identified the origin of the noise as Hayato-sensei. Jun didn't know how long he had been "out", but his legs were starting to ache. He hadn't noticed Haruto was in tow until he made his way over to where the others were. That's everyone, he thought. It's time to begin the first of many journeys to come.
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Halcyon508 »

The group rallied at the gate and began their long trek. They walked and walked and walked down an old path. From the look of the road they took it was one rarely traveled. The two team leaders explained that this would allow them to move quicker without worrying about being discovered until they neared their destination. Seven days the journey would take. As they walked along the road the two leaders stared and nodded at each other. They diverted off the path and into the woods finding a clearing. "This is where we'll make camp for the night." Hayato said.

"I know this area." Akira then said, "There are two hot springs." She pointed in two directions, "Boys over there and girls over there." she pointed to their designated area's. "We can clean up after we make camp."

"Alright!" Kazu said happily. "Feel fresh for a new mission. Kenki-chan can you help me with the fire?" he asked as he gathered several sticks and logs to start the fire. Akira and Hayato set up each of their teams tents. Akira smiled, she'd be sleeping in a tent with the cuter of the two teams. She squealed a bit.
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by VagueDurin »

Kenki blinked and glanced in either direction before her gaze settled on the ground near Kazuma's feet. "I... aye." She whispered with a nod of her head. She followed Kazu around, always staying a few steps behind the boy as he gathered up sticks and branches and piled them up in the center of the clearing. She found herself watching Kazuma so much that she hadn't even noticed when he'd finished as was looking at her expectantly. Then the boy stepped closer.

"Kenki-Chan, are you alright?" he asked, waving a hand in front of her face slowly.

Kenki blushed and nodded quickly. "Aye." She replied, stepping around Kazuma to try and slip away before he'd see how embarrassed she'd been to be caught staring. The young Nin crouched down a few feet away from the pile of wood and brought her right hand up to her lips, concentrating her energy in the center of the ring that her thumb and fingers created she blew out hot air and ignited it as it passed through the ring. The result was a flash of hot flames, shooting out and starting the sticks and logs on fire.

Kenki then stood up and went to turn around but she hadn't noticed Kazu standing here and mashed right into him with a muffled squeak.
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Halcyon508 »

Kau caught Kenki and smiled at the girl. "That was amazing." he said as if everything were normal. "Can all Asura do that?"

"So cute!" A voice yelled from the side of the two. Akira ran up next to the two and squeezed them together. "You two are just adorable!" she said loudly. "Oh kids are just great."

"You don't have kids do you Akira-sensei?"

"Me? Oh no..." the woman replied letting the two children go. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason..." Kazu said awkwardly staring at the woman.
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

Alera Helped Make Camp, Mostly helping the Sensei's set the Tents.

Alera was walking up to Kazu when the Whole Scene Happened.

Alliera leaned in to Kazu, Blushing as she did, "Is it me or is your Sensei a-little Creepy?" She wispered
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Halcyon508 »

"Is she?" Kazu asked. "Maybe a little, but I think she just wants to have kids of her own...." He thought about everything that was said and then finally said, "I hope she just wants to have kids of her own."
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

"If she makes a Move, I'll protect you." Alera said, Still Wispering "Let's just hope Your Right."
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by VagueDurin »

We have to set up our own campsite? Oh how troublesome. Haruto thought. The red haired Nin started slowly following the others around, going from one job to the next. He always seemed to arrive just before the job was completed, however, and rarely did a single thing to help out. Before long, the fire was going and Tents were set up. Haruto found a small boulder and sat down, leaning his back and head against the rock, pressing his tinted glasses up on the bridge of his nose as he settled in for a nap.

"Camping is so troublesome."
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Insanity's_Spawn »

Jirou trudged through the woods, fuming at how useless Haruto-kun was being again. A complete waste of space, that's what he was. Space that could have been filled by some girl or another, he thought glumly, as he picked out a few herbs that might make dinner taste a little better. He had learned to identify them during his training, and he didn't much care for his chances of having a decent meal out here. How did they expect them to walk all day living on those journey rations? When he came back to the campsite, there was already a fire, so he dropped the spices on one of the rocks making up the fire pit, then went off to find something to drink. He was thirsty after the day's trek, but hot springs wouldn't really do for drinking, so he ran off in what seemed like a likely direction, and started searching.
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Syn_the_Stampede »

After helping with the tents, Jun immediately walked the perimeter of the camp a few times. He was looking for the best approach to the camp if he were an enemy. After deciding on the few areas that deserved his attention, he returned to camp to retrieve his backpack. It held most of the Nin tools needed to set an early warning system. His traps would be made up of a small area of makibishi to make any victims yelp in pain. If they were good or lucky enough to bypass that, his second line of defense would be kunai and wire. The wire would be stretched taught between two buried kunai and a few small bells would hang from said wire. These traps would be easy enough dodge during the day, but in the dark of night, when an attack was most likely to occur, they would be difficult, if not impossible, to see. In those areas he didn't have enough supplies to rig, he used what Mother Nature supplied - twigs. A very liberal amount of twigs. He scanned the camp perimeter one more time before nodding to himself.

Just then a low growl emitted from his stomach. Embarrassed, he put one hand over his belly as if that would quiet it, but planned on acquiescing to its grumbling demands nonetheless. Jun doffed his backpack and began rummaging around for something edible.
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Halcyon508 »

"It's okay Alera-chan." Kazu said smiling and wiping a stand of hair out of his face. "I'm sure she is just a cheerful woman."

Kazu walked away and started towards a nearby game trail. He paused and looked at some tracks on the ground. Frowning a bit as he examined them he contemplated their meaning. It was probably nothing, nothing the others needed to be worried about. Walking back towards the campsite he pulled up an old dry log next to the fire to sit on. He smiled and looked over at Jun. "Take a seat." he sat patting next to him on the small log. He pulled out a small can and opened it using the provided key. He then went into his backpack and pulled out some seasoning. He sprinkled it onto the chopped and diced meat before yet another can was added to the pan. This time it was rice. "You are hungry right?"
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Insanity's_Spawn »

Having found a small stream, and gotten a drink, Jirou was now heading back to the campsite. After almost setting off a tripwire, he decided to keep an eye on the ground. Obviously defenses had been set up while he was away. Were they trying to keep him out too? They could have waited till he got back. He was very jumpy from then on, until he made it back to the clearing. Even then, he was expecting the others to attack him for some reason. He shook his head. He was just being paranoid. He decided to go pester Akira for his mask back, maybe it would give him an opportunity to touch her somewhere or another, by accident.

Walking up to Akira, he decided he would just ask for it. "Hey, do I get my facemask back yet? Now that we are traveling, and anybody could sneak up on us, I'll be better of if I can blend in with shadows." He pointed at his hair. "This doesn't exactly help."
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Syn_the_Stampede »

"Am I ever!" Jun exclaimed as he took a seat next to Kazu. His eyes steadily became bigger than his stomach with each pop and sizzle of the meat and rice.The aroma was heavenly! Jun snapped out of his food induced stupor, and chided himself for his lack of manners. "Thank you, Kazu-kun."

Jun regarded the young Nin beside him for a moment before looking back to the fire. "Kazu-kun, I hope you don't mind me asking, but what are your thoughts on our companions?"
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Halcyon508 »

"What do I think?" Kazu said aloud. He turned and smiled at Jun as the lights played around his face. "I like you..." he said softly "I think Akira-sensei is too playful, and puts too much stock in cuteness." Bracing himself for being squashed into Jun by Akira he looked around and found that Akira wasn't nearby. "Kenki seems nice too, and her fire abilities will be very useful." Blinking his blue eyes he then added, "We're lucky she's on our team." He paused and looked around, "Haruto is lazy, but he passed the academy so he must have some skills. Alera is nice and her little Griff should be able to sniff out the enemy before they reach us. Jirou seems to be competent at hiding at least..." he frowned. "And you," he started. "I think I like you..." he wiped a hand through his hair, "You are prepared and determined and make a fine addition to our team."

Akira looked down at Jirou. "You are so cute..." she replied holding the mask up. "Your so small...I think I'll call you bite sized." She held his mask up above the youths head. Smiling devilishy she took the mask and stuffed down her shirt nestling it in her cleavage. "I'll be keeping this for awhile. If your a good boy I might give it back.
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Insanity's_Spawn »

Jirou turned around, spinning on his heel, harrumphing, as he walked back to the campfire. She just wouldn't listen. It was perfectly logical for him to cover up his hair, were they to be attacked, he would stand out, even in the darkest shadows he could make, which essentially would make him nearly useless. He flopped down beside Jun and Kazu, breathing in the smell of food. Akira-sensei hadn't even given him a decent excuse to touch her innocently. He sighed, thinking of this, but instead, he said "Akira-sensei still won't let me cover this hair. You guys think I should cut it off?" He wasn't really going to cut it off, he actually liked the unique color, but on a mission, it was a hindrance.
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Syn_the_Stampede »

Jun was taken aback. He didn't understand why, but maybe he was expecting a different answer. Kazuma was so accepting, and Jun found that he really liked that. "I... Thank you...for your words. I like you, too."

His gray eyes shifted to the ground as if in thought. Even during his time at the academy he hadn't tried overly hard to make friends. All that mattered at the time was his training. Did he have something to show for it? Sure. He had surpassed all of the Yakuta in his age group in martial skill, but he was beginning to have regrets. Did he miss out on making friends like Kazu-kun? How many classmates would have been his friends had he just been more sociable, and not rushed home to practice? These were questions he could not answer, but he could make an attempt, from this night forward, to alter his lonesome path.

Jun finally raised his eyes to Kazu's face. His attention was on the food again, making sure it didn't burn. "I think, in your own way, that you're wiser than the rest of us, even if you don't know it or acknowledge it. You're leadership material, and once we gain rank, I think that's the exact role they'll put you in." Jun smiled.

It wasn't long before Jirou joined them. "Akira-sensei still won't let me cover this hair. You guys think I should cut it off?"

The Yakuta youth's eyes narrowed and a sly grin formed on his face. "Nonsense! I think you should put your skills to the test and take it back when she goes to sleep."
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

Alera walked over to Jun and Jirou, "But did you see where she put it?" She asked, Shuddering "I'm not letting her Touch my Mask..."
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Halcyon508 »

Leadership material? Kazu smiled as he pondered the words. He wasn't sure if it was true, if he had that sort of potential, but knowing that someone thought so made him feel a little better. This boy he sat next to was a little shy, but clearly compitent and a deep thinker, at least in Kazuma's eyes, and he had said that Kazu was leadership material. Yes he liked Jun. It was then that Jirou came over, although the boy was a pervert and not the nicest person to be around Kazu probably liked him to. Because of the perverts size rather then age or experiance Kazu saw him as a sort of younger, imature, brother who needed to be nurtured and taught. "Perhaps" he said thinking about the boys dilemma, "Sensei is testing you. Perhaps they are testing all of us in our own way." he shrugged a bit and wiped a hand through his hair ruffling it. "I mean its only natural for them to try and determine our abilities right?"
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by VagueDurin »

"That was amazing. Can all Asura do that?" Kazuma asked her as he held her in place. Kenki blushed and looked downwards as she nodded. "Aye..." she whispered, and was about to say more when Akira Sensei popped up and mashed them together in a tight hug and went on about how cute they were. When she finally went away, Kenki finally managed to step back and out of Kazu-Kun's arms. She started to move a rock around with her left foot as she got ready to finish her reply about the Asura clan's abilities... But then Alera-Chan snuck up next to Kazu-Kun.

"Is it me or is your Sensei a-little Creepy?"

"If she makes a Move, I'll protect you."

Kenki slowly shrunk away from the two as they continued talking. She glanced around to the left and then to the right, before slowly shuffling off towards the edge of the camp. The shy Nin watched as both Jirou and Jun broke camp, then she slipped off into the woods. She carefully walked through the underbrush, circling around the left side of the camp until she came across a group of bushes. Kenki smiled just slightly and hurried over to the bushes, pulling a small bag from her pack and quickly filling it up with tasty and colorful berries.

Once she was finished, she continued on passed the circle, pausing to watch as Jun-Kun set up several traps to catch any enemies that might try to approach their temporary home. Then she silently followed behind Jirou, tracing his steps to avoid the rest of the traps until they got back to the camp. She made her way over to the tents and leaned up against a tree, comfortable in its shadow as she watched the rest of the team start to gather around the fire.
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Insanity's_Spawn »

Jirou looked at Jun, almost laughing. If he knew where she'd put it, he wouldn't have said that. A test? No way, the only logical test would be for him to steal it back. He doubted very much that Akira-sensei wanted him stuffing his hand in there. Unless she was some sort of pervert. Nah, he had to be the only one of those in the village, otherwise it wouldn't really be a bad thing. He really did want to 'pass' that test. He couldn't wait to have his mask back now that it had been in Akira-sensei's shirt.

"No, Alera is right about that. Where she put it, she isn't gonna want me digging around for it. Not a test, I'd say." But if she wasn't testing him, what was she doing, then? He sat there and tried to puzzle it over in his head, and he kept coming back to the same conclusion. She was messing with him...
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Halcyon508 »

"Maybe the objective isn't to steal it back?" Kazu said. "Maybe it is something else... when I was talking around...." Kazu began, "I saw some tracks, we're only a day away from the village on a path our people rarely use. The chance of it being an enemy is low so it must have been friendly. If that is the case than perhaps something is going on we don't know about?" he paused and looked back at Kenki standing by the tree. "Come eat Kenki-chan!" he yelled at the shy girl. "You should get to know your team!"
Domani, forget domani
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by VagueDurin »

"K-Kazu-Kun..." She whispered, looking down at the ground for a few moments. She was hungry though, it'd been a long walk. She eventually forced her legs to start moving and closed the distance from her safety spot to the fire itself. With a hardly audible whisper of a greeting, the young Nin sat down on the other side of Jun-Kun, smoothing out her skirt before she reached into a pouch on her vest and pulled out the bag of berries.

"I... For the Team... To share..." She whispered to Jun, holding the bag out for him to take.
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

"I don't know." Alera said, "But we should keep our eyes open..."

"Can i have some of that food?" Alera asked Kazu "I'm kinda hungry."
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Syn_the_Stampede »

Jun took the bag with a confused look on his face, but all became clear once he peeked inside. His face lit up as he scooped out a handful of berries. "Hey, look what Kenki-chan gathered for us!" He passed the bag on to begin its rotation amongst the group. He popped a few of the sweet, juicy morsels in his mouth before turning back to Kenki. It was then he noticed she hadn't taken any for herself before giving the bag to him. That wasn't the end of his observations, though.

He had been aware of her presence, certainly, but this was the first time he'd actually noticed her. With the demure look she wore much of the time and the firelight dancing across her face... Jun decided she was quite comely. He was surprised that Kazu hadn't noticed. Or, maybe he did, but just wasn't thinking about such things. He couldn't help but think of Jirou at that moment. He blinked several times and shook his head. There he went again, getting lost in his own musings. He wondered if they thought he was weird for doing that so much.

Jun smiled and motioned for Kenki-chan to take some of the berries in his hand. It was only right that she also enjoy the benefit of her labor.
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by VagueDurin »

Kenki offered Jun a rare few seconds of eye contact and a soft smile before she reached out and delicately picked up a couple of the berries from his outstretched hand. She popped one of them into her mouth and her eyes closed as she enjoyed the taste slowly. When they finally opened, she pointed them back down at the fire in front of her.

"Thank you... Jun-Kun." She whispered, tucking an errant strand of gray hair back behind her ear.
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Insanity's_Spawn »

Jirou took one of the berries, and popped it in his mouth. It was surprisingly good, and, after swallowing it, he smiled at Kenki. "Thanks, Kenki-san!" He said, as he took a handful of the berries, and passed the bag on. "Is that food almost done?" He asked, when his stomach gave out a loud rumble. "So whats all this about tracks in the woods? You think there are actually enemies nearby, or what?"
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Halcyon508 »

"Food is done!" Kazu said smiling and accepting a handful of berry's. He ate the small things and smiled as he passed around portions of his hard cooked meal to everyone. He took in a bite and then after swallowing, as to not speak with his mouth full of food, he finally said. "I think that the tracks are friendly." Kazu said, "I mean we're still so close to the village, but its why I believe they are testing us. What if they got some Nin of the village to sneak up and engage us?" He glared around. Directing his gaze to Jun he then added, "I mean if this mission is important then why aren't they setting up traps? What does everyone think?"
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

Alera also accepted a Handfull of Berries, ""Thank you Kenki-San." She said.

"I think we shouldn't let our gaurd down." Alera said, "wheather it be our Senseis tests or Bandit attacks, we need to be ready if something Happens"
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Halcyon508 »

Kazu flashed a toothy grin at Alera. Then he leaned forward and looked down at Kenki, "Kenki-chan!" he yelled, "What do you think?" His smile grew broader, "I know one thing!" The boy added not giving the girl time to respond. "I'm sure you'll just breathe fire at them though and scare them all away!" He wrapped an arm around Jun's shoulders and pulled him in. "Then me and Jun-kun will finish them off!"
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by VagueDurin »

Color flushed into Kenki's cheeks as Kazuma raved on again about her fire abilities. She wondered, as well, what could be going on. The Sensei's hadn't really given them much direction beyond telling them to set up camp here. And... come to think of it, they'd been pretty specific about the campsite location. Kenki frowned slightly, her orange eyes looked up from the flames and over towards where the Sensei's sat, talking amongst themselves... Could they have purposefully had the teams stop here, because they were planning a test?

"Akira-Sensei did seem to know this area, and we could have kept going for another hour or two before we had to stop." She whispered, almost in Jun's ear... It was more than most of them had probably ever heard her say at one time, and she didn't feel comfortable saying it out loud for everyone to here. Hopefully he or Kazu-Kun would pass it on and elaborate on it...
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Syn_the_Stampede »

Jun's right hand was halfway to his mouth with a piece of meat when Kazu grabbed him and pulled him in. His chopsticks slipped and the meat shot straight into the fire in front of them. He gave his blond haired team mate a hurt look, then burst out laughing. "Yeah, we will! Team five will save the day!" Another dose of the contagious Kazu. That was a good thing, though.

All of the tomfoolery almost made him miss Kenki's take on things. "I think Kenki-chan is on to something. We stopped before we should have and Akira-sensei knows the area. Perhaps well enough to give some "foreign invaders" the advantage." He added conspiratorially, "Maybe it will be the team leaders themselves that will do the testing." His gray orbs shot to Kazu. "We need a plan! What better way to prove ourselves than to catch our attackers in a trap or perform a well executed counterattack?"
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Halcyon508 »

"Alright guys!" Akira yelled before Kazuma had a chance to speak. "Hayato-sensei is going to look into something." she said with a smile. "And I'm going to take a bath." The woman said winking and twirling around Jirou's mask in her index fingers.

Kazuma quirked an eyebrow. "I wonder what that is about?" He said clearly implying that they all knew what was about to happen. "Well we were told to all bath as as well." he bit into his meal and chewed. "Jirou-kun you bathe first with Haruto." He turned to Kenki and Alera and then said, "You two should probably go now so you can keep an eye on Akira-sensei." He paused and looked at the four he had suggested take baths in the hot springs. "Make sure you guys watch each others backs."

Smiling a bit he looked over at Jun. "We'll watch the camp and shore up the perimeter while they bath and jump in after." His now familiar disarming smile shone at Jun. The boy then addressed the group as a whole. "Make sure you are never alone, never easy prey. They can come at any time and when it happens we'll need to be prepared. As for making a plan, unless we know how they are going to attack it's useless to try and anticipate." He frowned a bit, the first time since meeting the group. "This is also assuming that I wasn't just being paranoid when I brought this up..." A cloud passed by overhead darkening the sky above Kazu. "I mean... there is no telling if I'm right or not until it happens..."
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Re: The Way of the Nin

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

Alera Nodded, Before Making her way to the Hotspring Akira was using, Alliera activated her Sniff ability, taking an Occasional Wiff of the Surrounding area, wanting to be ready.
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