STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by coronhorn »

Devon shrugged, "Sure I can take you there but why in the Force would they let us onboard? Something tells me your slightly psyhic paper isn't going to work this time, Thrawn isn't exactly known for being weak of mind."
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by Xanamiar »

Taya crossed her legs as she sat in front of Leia and looked at her. "I got here as soon as I was told, you know Luke is going to be fine. We Skywalkers aren't that easy to get rid of."


"Zahn, you should insist on the Master taking the lead here. This student doesn't have your best interest at heart." The man stood slightly behind the throne, covered in a black cloak.

"I already insisted, you saw the results. The Master refuses to take over. What am I to do?"

"Tell the master that if he does not help you, that you will stop supplying the ore to republic, and start supplying a different organization. Like the Black Sun, or the Hutts."

"What's to keep him from just cutting me down?"

"The Jedi are weak your highness. They can't cut you down in cold blood, it is against their code. But it isn't against mine." The man's eyes glowed for a few seconds as the guards opened the main doors and Crystal entered the room.

"Jedi, what can I do for you now?" The Zahn spoke up as the man once again disappeared behind the throne.

"I've done all of my research, I shall be back tomorrow to make a decision on where the Jedi stand. For now, if your excellency will excuse me."

"Of course, please tell your Master to come see me, as soon as he can. I need to discuss some things with him."

"He will be with me tomorrow I am sure. If that is not soon enough, then perhaps you should go and seek him out yourself. Good day Zahn." Crystal didn't even wait to see a reaction, she immediately turned and walked out.

"They have no respect for you, your highness. Perhaps tomorrow they will learn some respect." The man came out from behind the thrown and put his hand down on his saber. "Or perhaps they will die."
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TATOOINE: Infinity's End cockpit..

Post by zephre »

Galen sat back in the seat. “I can get us aboard the RSD Excellion, Vos. I was on board during the Incident.” He stated. “If I can use your Comm.” Devon motioned to the panel. Marek nodded, and turned to the Comm unit. As if really looking at it for the first time, he realized that this comm was impressive to say the least. Glancing at Vos, he smirked. “Your taste in Communications gear is remarkable, Captain.” And placing the head set on, he began working the console, switching on the Speaker so that all could hear. The Jedi didn’t want to give any surprises to the Infinty’s Captain, especially given the circumstances.

“This is the Infinty’s End, Jedi Knight Galen Marek speaking, to the RSD Excellion, respond.”

The Voice only communications came back quickly. <<This is RSD Excellion, We have you Infinty’s End, . Stand By for the Grand Admiral.>>

Marek actually looked surprised at that. Was Thrawn expecting him? Even Romana looked somewhat alarmed. Moments later, the deep voice of the Grand Admiral resounded off of the cockpits bulkheads. <<This is Thrawn, Jedi Marek. What is your current condition.>>

“We are whole, Admiral, thank you for your concern..” Galen stated. “We are request..”

<<Granted>> He said shortly, and continued after a beat <<Is the Gallifreyan Senator still with you..>> His voice sounded most insistent. Galen looked back at the Time Lady, who nodded that she was. He paused, as if formulating his response. “Is there a problem, Admiral”

The Cockpit was surprisingly quiet as the Infinty’s End, broke the Atmosphere into orbit. The RDS Executioner, was very obvious in orbit. It was easily the largest Capital ship that Devon had ever seen. Four times the size of the properly named Super Star Destroyers, and ten times the size of the regular ship of the fleet. It was based on the basic design from Kuat Drive Yards design, but had a large Section of the nose and body was cut out, removed to about half its length. In that area, a large disk shape was Installed, and much of the machine’s infrastructure continued down the dorsal edge. It appeared that the Command Deck was on the underside of the behemoth, sitting next to two large Gravity well generators. Tenders and Star destroyers sat next to the monster, in silent protection. The RSD Excellion was spinward of the, a Executor class Republic Command ship. Under normal circumstance, it would be the largest in the area, but there were others out here now. Two of the Mon Calamari Self Defense Force M-80 Battleships had taken place with the Republic ships, surrounding what appeared to be a Mon Cal Construction platform. Within its facilities, it appeared that there was three Terraforming Modules, apparently for the surface of Tatooine.

<<Any more questions should be held until you arrive at the Excellion,. I will have a Trooper awaiting your arrival to bring you to the bridge.>> and cut off.

A concerned look took Romana’s face, as she rubbed a small object that was suspended from her neck. “It appears I’m expected..” she said. It no longer held the somewhat amused look it had earlier. Galen shut down the Comm unit, and turned. “What did you expect? You ordered a republic officer to allow you into a designated No Fly Area in the middle of a Disaster Zone announcing yourself as a Senator. You didn’t think that you wouldn’t be noticed?” he asked incredulously. “I find that hard to believe. You wanted to go to the Excellion,. ,” he paused, and turned back to the communication suite “You got your wish.”

She sighed. “The Doctor always made this look so.. Easy..” she said, her face giving a slight smirk.

Marek said, not looking back. “You’re not the Doctor..”
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NABOO: Theed:

Post by zephre »

Leia thinly smiled, and reached out and stroked her sister cheek. “He’s gone, but not.. Far away, farther than anyone has ever been..” she said. “Or Imagined ever being..” and blinked. “I keep seeing him, as if he’s here.. “ She smiled broader, and her eyes looked as if she was barely holding onto sanity, as Taya watched her eyes cloud over again, as she arched her back, as if she was going to be broken in half.

“THE HUNTER!” She Shrieked. “Luke is fighting the Hunter, without his Lightsaber. Ataru! Don’t use Ataru, you’ll exhaust yourself..Master Kenobi gives you the Legacy.. ” and her eyes cleared again..

“Help me..” she pleaded Taya. “Help me stay awake.. Ill lose connection if I Lose Consciousness..” and clouded again.

“The Teenager you saved.. She’s your Savior.. She will keep you from the Dark Side.. The Man in the Blue Box.. Listen to him,” she said, and in a very good imitation of Master Kenobi, almost flawless. “You’re Not suppose to be here, and you’ve been dead for some time..”
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Post by zephre »

Her eyes took on a more normal look for a few moments, then glazed over again. “Beware the Dark Lord.. He is a pit of Darkness.. Torture is his weapon.. “ She said. “The Black Helmet.. The Dark Armor.. Hides his weakness. It keeps him alive.. Like Greivous. Evil with a spark of light, hidden and forgotton.” And remained quiet…

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NAR SHADDA: LITTLE DURRO’S<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The Time Lord stroked his beard, smiling at the views that showed before him, on the monitors in his TARDIS. His minions were doing his bidding, as he had foreseen. The one on Zhantou was doing especially well, he acknowledged as he watched the events unfold. Soon, General Kenobi would be dead, upturning the Jedi Council. General Kota would be dead as well, murdered in his chambers as he slept, and the Republic did the work for him, by destroying Tatooine, inadvertently killing the son of General Skywalker. He would have preferred to have had a hand in it, the killing of the offspring, but it was well enough that the government did it. His agent he had on the scene at Tatooine had informed him completely on the events, in great detail. The Daleks had been useful as well, in this one and only case where Daleks WERE useful. In general, a Dalek invasion generally ends in their favor. Not this time, however…

Davros, and the Dalek Emperor must be beside himself with rage! Destroyed by a superlaser created by a lesser species.

It was such a wondrous Machine, that vessel. What was its designation, the Republic Deflection System? RDS Executioner? They should change the designation to Republic Death Star! The Chronarchs should be beside themselves with worry, wondering what they will do with it. He knew what he would do with it, and now there was no Doctor to stop him, he may act on that desire. Many things would be easier now, he knew. With the Doctor gone, forever trapped in the time stream, he would have free rein to do as he wished, to thwart his plans. He could rule here..

Some things had to happen first. The Jedi had to lose confidence in the Republic, and vice versa. The Chancellor of the Republic must be killed, as he was well considered by the Gallifreyan Council, and if left to fate, the Republic would be heralded into the Shadow Proclamation, the Senate of the Great Governments of the Universe as a full member. Oh, how he wished he could travel forward in time, to see events to come, but that would show his locations to the Celestial Intervention Agency, and the Council of Rassillion. He would be caught instantly.

No, at this time, it was best to use his flunkeys..

Unless he destroyed the Council.. Destroy Gallifrey. He could do it, he knew, but he would have to have the Super laser. Standing, he moved from his monitor room, and walked into the master control room of his TARDIS. The Austere white walls resounded his bootfalls, shaking the reflective roundels inset in the hardpoints as his cloak swished the ground while he walked to the Central Control. The Octogon shaped console of his Type 120 TARDIS. He caught his reflection in the mirrored surface, and smiled. He indeed cut a dashing figure. The High Collard cloak, his striking grey hair and well trimmed beard over the black ‘old republic’ uniform style suit and high black boots. He truly liked this incarnation, as he had held it since the Clone Wars. The Time Lord reflected on those exciting days, and how he had been able to continue the conflict for years after the deaths of the Dooku and Greivous, and the capture of Palpatine.

It was a pity about Palpatine, however. He had felt he had found a kindred spirit in the Sith Lord. Oh, Palpatine had attempted to subjugate him, which was his nature, but the two of them came to an accord upon revealing to the then Senator of Naboo that he was a Time Lord, and even thanked him for ‘killing him’, causing him to regenerate into this body. Shaking off the weakness of pity for the Sith, he checked the console, to ensure the chameleon circuit was still emplace, and returned to the monitor station..

And something new had happened. Manipulating the controls, he looked at the time stream..

The Doctor would return, following a link that was here if the current events didn’t change drastically. Continuing to fine tune the controls, he pinpointed the link, the point that the Doctor would use to find his way back..

The Doctor would use the Force to return? Impossible, Gallifreyans were unable to use the Force, or even access it. But how..

Peering into the Nexus stream, he could see it all now. The young Jedi, Skywalker hadn’t died, he was now a Companion to the Doctor..

The Boy had a twin, another Force User.. He was linked to her, reguardless of his location in the time streams..

He sat back, deep in thought. He would have to do something now..

He would have to send an assassin to kill the Twin. He nodded, indeed, that was the solution. Kill Leia Skywalker..

Touching the screen, he pulled up one of his Minions..

<<<Yes.. Master..>>>

Smiling, he said. “Go to Naboo, and Kill the Jedi Padawan, Leia Skywalker… This is your new Priority..”

The screen went blank, and the Master nodded.. There, that was dealt with. Now his next plan was to get started..

Steal the Republican Deflection System RDS Executioner?

A fitting weapon for the Time Lord called the Master, with its new name...

The Death Star…
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by coronhorn »

Devon set his jaw as he adjusted course towards the massive ship and the transmission died off and his two passengers sparred verbally, he wasn't quite sure where this was all going but it was making the short hairs on his neck get all military on him. It was a sensation he hadn't felt in years and a slight smile creapt accross his lips, a few hundred meters from the gapping maw of the ship's forward landing bay the ship shuttered as a tractor beam latched on, it was a little further out than the protocol he'd remembered but that was war time and things tended to get played fast and loose when beings were shooting at each other, locking down the controls he started the automated landing sequence that would trigger the landing gear when the beam now gripping them had it in place, the other two looked at him oddly as he pushed back from the control console and stood,

"What?" he shrugged and motioned out the window, "I'm not flying anymore and the ship can land itself and I need to go change."

He stepped past the other two without a further word and made his way out of the cockpit and around the ship's main ring to his personal quarters which he keyed open with his ident chip, inside the small cabin lit only by a small automatic desk lamp that had flickered on when he'd entered he opened the small locker near the end of his bunk and pulled out a vac-sealed bag, inside the dark hued and grey lined shape of his old republic spec-ops dress uniform sat. Picking the package up he stared at it the smile on his lips playing slightly at the corners before he set it aside and pulled a smaller package out, popping the seal he pulled out his military ident wallet, sealing the bag back up he placed everything carefully back in the locker and re secured it. He wasn't sure how much weight the ID would still carry but whatever was going on he was pretty sure it might at least grease the wheels, the exploits of the Commandos during the war were still widely admired, clipping it onto the lapel of his dark spacer jacket his knees bent reflexively as the ship dropped onto it's landing struts. Checking the charge on his blaster he reholstered it and slipped back into the circular hallway as rounded on the main boarding ramp he could hear his two passengers trading more pleasantries though their voices both trailed off as he appeared,

"No need to stop on my account." he smirked as he thumped the ramp control, the aging thing hissed and dropped silently to the deck in a cloud of mist from the sani-jets lining either side of the ramp, and then strode confidently down, waiting near the foot of the ramp just a few feet off was a soldier in phase three armor with his bucket clipped to his belt standing at parade rest. The man's eyes made a quick study of Devon and he quickly snapped to attention and popped a salute, Devon studied him in return taking in the short cropped blonde hair and sturdy non-clone build and then casually returned the salute. The younger man relaxed with a smile extended an eager hand,

"It's always an honor to meet a veteran of the war Captain Vos, especially a commando."

Devon smiled as he shook the trooper's hand, "And likewise it's always an honor to meet one of those who're still proudly defending the Republic..."

"Sargent Nivaro." the younger man answered the implied question, Devon nodded as behind him he could hear the two distinctly different sets of footfalls coming down the Infinity's ramp, the Jedi's soft-soled boots making almost no sound and the Time Lady's heeled ones clacking noticably on the metal decking, Navarro looked around him and stiffened back up,

"Master Jedi, Madame Senator, if you'll please follow me."

Devon gave the man a smirk and fell in beside Navarro as they all started into the belly of the beast...
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Post by zephre »

Romana smiled brightly at the Republican Trooper, moving to his side. “Thank You ever so, Sergeant,” and pulled out some of the small candies from her pocket. “Jelly Baby?” The Sergeant glanced at her offered hand, but declined the small chewy candy. Galen smirked “Good Choice.” He said simply and continued following Nivaro. “What has happened since the incident?” Nivaro glanced back. “You understand that much is classified, Master Jedi..”

Marek nodded. “Of course. We did notice that there representatives from the Mon Cal Defense Force in orbit.” Nivaro stopped in front of the bridge lift. “After the event, the Chancellor made a request to the Mon Calamari for their services, based on the report from the Grand Admiral.” As the lift opened. The quartet entered and within moments the car began moving up. “They will be sending the Terraforming platforms to Tatooine within the next twenty four hours, after the Mon Cal complete their analysis.” Romana smiled broadly. “WONderfull. I would love to speak with their representatives once this is completed.” The Sergeant simply nodded, as the lift doors opened, exposing a very similar access corridor. “How far is it to the bridge, anyway?”

Nivaro smiled. “Four more lifts, and one very long corridor..”

Admiral Thrawn stood, arms crossed as he gazed out the viewport in his ready room at the behemoth sprawling before him as he listened to the Chancellor, His holographic form standing next to him. “It must be dismantled” Thrawn said simply. “It is too much power for any government to possess,” and glanced at the image of Bail Organa. “I know this first hand.” Organa folded his arms behind his back, his lips tightening. “I agree with you partially, Admiral. However, for its intended purpose, its usefulness is unparalleled. Duros would have been destroyed if not for it, as well as Genosa and Tyferra.” He stated. “Dismantling the Executioner will have to be decided by the Senate Arms Committee.”

Thrawn turned away, shaking his head. “It is too important of a decision to be left up to committee.” He stated. “I had thoughts of its military applications, and I realized what it could do at full power.” And looked back out of the viewport. “I can see now what the Jedi mean when such power is seductive.”

“You did what you had to do, Admiral.” Organa said.

“It was a horrible mistake..” and thought. “No, rather a complete lack of thought that brought us to this situation. I take full responsibility for Tatooine’s condition, Bail.”

The Holoprojector brought Organa to stand next to Thrawn. “We all knew the risks, Admiral. I take as much blame as you. The Doctor had stated that the Daleks were enough of a threat to warrant it..” he stated. “I understand that a representative from Gallifrey has arrived?” Thrawn nodded. “Indeed. She will be on the bridge shortly, along with the Jedi Knight Marek.” The hologram of Bail Organa nodded. “I would very much like to meet her, since there hasn’t been word on the Doctor since the incident. All of them, actually.”

“You will have your chance, Chancellor. The Gallifreyan Woman is approaching the bridge” Thrawn stated, as in the bridge monitor of his Ready Room, the lift doors opened to the bridge, and being escorted by one of the Troop sergeants was Marek, The Clone Wars Veteran Vos, and a Young woman whom he assumed was Romana. Organa’s holographic projection leaned closer to Thrawn. “She’s quite young, isn’t she..” Thrawn nodded. “So it would seem.”

The Door chime brought his attention to the hatch, which he opened from a desk toggle. Marek, Devon and Romana were led in by Sgt. Nivaro who went to rigid attention. Thrawn gave him a wave of at ease as Nivaro introduced the trio. Nodding, Thrawn said simply. “Remain on the bridge, sergeant. You will be seeing to their needs while they are on board.” Nivaro acknowleged, and exited the Ready Room, leaving them with the Admiral. Thrawn looked up at the trio, and gave a short nod. “Welcome Aboard, Lady Romana, and to you, Captain Vos.” The Holographic image of the Republic Chancellor Bail Organa stepped forward. “It is unfortunate that this meeting isn’t under better circumstances. The Republic is gratefull for your Service in this Incident.” The Holo image stated. “ I understand I have yourself and Captain Solo to thank for the Protection of Mos Eisley Spaceport..” He directed at Vos.
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by coronhorn »

Devon gave a slight shrug at the compliment, "Most of the credit goes to Solo your honor, I merely made some suggestions with regards to deployments and weapon placement. He and the Doctor are the one that rallied the irregulars and held them together."

Devon paused as his eyes shifted from the blue glowing representation of the Chancellor to Thrawn and then quickly to some of the pads and screens that were up, between what he could glimpse, what he'd seen on the planet and the presence of the Mon Calamari he knew there was something wrong,

"When are they going to begin evacuations of the planet, sir..."

It wasn't like Tatooine had a massive population but it was spread out over the entire surface mostly in small enclaves and that didn't even cover the Sand people of whom no one was sure of numbers...
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Post by zephre »

Chancellor Organa clasped his hands behind his back. "The evacuations will begin within 12 hours, and Force willing, we will have the General Population off world within 72 hours." he said, his face taking on a more somber look. "The Indigenous Species are another matter.. The Republic will dispatch representatives to them, but we can't guarantee their willingness to leave.” He said. “If that is the case, then were confident that the Terraforming platforms the Mon Calamari have supplied will be sufficient to allow them to survive while the air is being cleaned.” He stated. “The Mon Calamari are also going to conduct tests across the planet to see exactly how much damage was done,” and paused. “Lady Romana, is there anything that you can tell us. Will the Daleks return here on Tatooine?”

Romana crossed her arms. “It’s entirely possible, but unlikely at this point. Their Pyramid was utterly destroyed, so they don’t have a conduit to come through. If they wish to do so, they will have to utilize their fleets. You bloodied their noses..” she said, and thought.. “Well, if they had noses..” and continued. “and the Dalek Emperor will send out scouts, and probe the Republic galaxy.” She stated. “You will have some time before they return. The Doctor will have much more information on them..” she said. “After all, he is considered their greatest enemy..”

Thrawn looked over at that. “What happened to him. He was active just before the Executioner fired on the Dalek Pyramid. From what we understand from past dealings that was out of character for him.”

Romana smiled. “That was one of the reasons we wished to come up. We wanted to take a look at your recordings from the Incident.” She said. “I think we can learn much of what happened to the Doctor, as well as Jedi Skywalker..”

Thrawn nodded, and pushed a button on his desk. “Lt. Raster will assist you.” A moment later, the soldier who had conducted them to the bridge entered the room. “Take them to Tactical, and introduce them to Lt. Vastole Raster. “and with a short salute, conducted the trio to the Tactical Display suite. It was a large chamber, with a central Holo emitter, which was currently showing the cloud on Tatooine, and showing the Mon Calamari ships arriving on the surface. Behind one of the consoles was a young man, a Zebrak wearing the rank of Lieutenant. He turned to look at the group as they arrived, recognizing Navaro. “What’s all this, Chase?”

“Sir, the Admiral wants you to access them to see the recordings from the event.” Navaro stated, and with that, Romana stepped forward. “A true pleasure to meet you, Vastole. If you’d set us up with a few moments before the Incident, then we can do the rest..”

Lt. Raster nodded, and moved over to the main console, and began working the controls. “I can take you any point after the Excellion arrived in system. You just need to..”

“Anchorhead, near Toshi Station.. Three minutes before the Super laser hit Tatooine..” Galen ordered, and Raster nodded, fine tuning the search. The Holo came up, in the characteristic blue display of the Holo was the only light as the incandescent lamps dimmed. The Tactical display showed three small ships, pulling people into their cargo holds. “Can we get closer?” Romana said, looking though her spectacles. “They’re so Tiny..” Raster nodded, and focused on the area in a tighter view. “This equipment is pretty experimental, it gives a full representation of the situation from all of the scanner arrays, sensor packages and all other information’s coming in.” the Zebrak stated. “With all of that, we can make an accurate account of events in an area..” Romana smiled wide, “Brilliant!” and rested on her elbows, holding her Sonic Screwdriver. “Can we get closer?”

Raster nodded, and brought it close enough to see features, albiet at about one hundred yards. “That’s about it.” He said. Marek looked at him. “Play it.”

The scene played out, as three of the ships were sitting on the sands as troopers were assisting people evacuate the burned out town. This had been one of the area’s that the Daleks had hit first, before the Battle of Mos Eisley. Devon could recognize the ships, the Resulla, Pasculle, and the Honus Lewwl’m, and out of the Honus Lewwl’n, a young woman ran out and entered one of the burned out domiciles. Seconds later, a swoop hopped out of the cargo bay, and the rider hopped off. Romana cocked her head. “Whats all this?”

“That’s my Partner..” Marek said as the Holos of Luke, who was carrying a small boy, and the young woman rushed out of the building, as the swoop moved over to them. Raster’s voice could be heard in the background. “Impact in five seconds..”

In the Holo, they boarded the swoop, and streaked off across the desert, as the displacement wave destroyed Anchorhead. “Follow the swoop..” Romana said. Raster nodded, and targeting the swoop, followed its course as the displacement wave got closer to them. Navaro, who had been watching as well, shook his head. “There’s no way they could have made it away. Too much weight on that swoop to get full speed..” as they were watching, the Holo picked up another object, moving at incredible speed, spinning on its axis, until it was along side of the swoop. “Wait.. whats that.” Navaro said, pointing..

Raster paused it, and brought up another Holo pad. “Here is the mockup of the object..”

It was something that shouldnt be flying. It was rectangular, about seven foot wide at its base, and tapering up to six feet at its top, which was about eight feet tall. It was blue in color, and had a single door. It had sensors on the top, with a single strobe light which was currently flashing. Devon recognised it instantly. “A CorSec Box?” and an old one, in fact. Contemporary Shelters for Corellian Security were green, instead of Blue. They hadn’t been blue for over a hundred years, ordered by the Diktat to correspond with the Corellian official colors.

“Thats the Doctor’s TARDIS!” Romana said excitedly! “Hit play, please, at slow motion if possible..”

Raster did so, and they could see the events as they unfolded. The displacement wave was pushing giant peices of Tatooine along with it, and a particularly large peice was about to hit the swoop. More importantly, the green energy from the blast was about to overtake them, turning the ground to glass in its wake. The TARDIS was now spinning considerably slower than it had been at full speed, overtook the swoop, and moved if front of it and matching speed, opened its doors. The swoop streaked into the door, as the energy wave hit, followed by the side of the mountain. “Can we get a different angle on this?” Ramona said, moving to another side, lowering her view. Raster nodded, and the whole scene angled. She shook her head. “No, No.. I need to get closer..” and moved over to the control panel. She pointed the Sonic Screwdriver at the console. It whirred as the scene got closer, where it appeared to be no more than thirty feet, and became crystal clear. “Back up, and hit play..”

Raster nodded, not entirely sure what happened. “Playing..”

They could see the swoop, now from the side. The Swoop, with the three people on it, streaked inside the TARDIS, which was fading away as the swoop passed through, now with no riders. The Displacement wave hit the Gallifreyan Machine, which made it almost appear to warp, bending with the wave as it passed through it, disintegrating the rider-less swoop in its flight path. The TARDIS flashed in the wake, and disappeared in a bright flash.

“You can stop now, we have our answer..” Romana said. “Well, that proves it. The Doctor, and the three on the swoop are alive..” and turned to her companions.. “No idea where they are, but their alive..”
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by coronhorn »

Devon knelt beside the holo-display and watched the slowed down playback loop, the beings on the swoop clearly vanishing before the swoop disintegrated in the wake of the blast wave, it was the reaction of the doctor's vehicle that he found strange, it almost reminded him of the flash of pseudo-motion that most ships produced when they entered hyperspace,

"So you think they what... got stuck in hyperspace? Thrown halfway across the galaxy? I've seen what that box of the doctor's can do first hand and if the stories are to be believed it can even travel through time."

Devon caught more than a couple upturned eyebrows at the last bit, time travel was still something most sane beings in the galaxy considered impossible, sure there were stories that littered the space lanes about hyperspace jumps gone awry that moved the unfortunate ship forward or backwards, but there was never any hard proof, never any witnesses to the event...
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by zephre »

Karita: Wildspace:

Ahrubis Al’Fattah meditated in his chamber, clearing his mind for the coming tasks, which in the scope of the force, was trivial. Within the next hour, he and his brothers would board a ship, and travel to Naboo, deep within the Republics territory. He would infiltrate the home of a Jedi Master, one that had a seat on the Jedi Council, and murder his daughter all on the whim of man who called himself The Master. The Force offered him no solace, or insight into what was to come. He was certain that there would be an altercation between himself and the Jedi Master, and more than probably he wouldn’t survive. It mattered not. Al’Fattah’s brothers would ensure that the Jedi Padawan would perish.

He stood, and stepped over to the water fall that was part of the chamber, and rejoiced in the ice water as it cascaded down his body. It awaked and aroused his senses, clearing his head of the webs of doubt. Ahrubis would come home again, a victory against the Jedi assured. Gathering his belongings, he headed to the ship that had been supplied by The Master, ready to do the bidding of a Madman..


“Devon, You clever Corellian!” Romana squealed, clapping her hands and hopping in place, upturning more eyebrows. Rushing over to the main console, she looked up at the technician. “How robust is this system of yours, Mr. Raster?”

“With the correct amount of information and variables, it can replicate any situation.” He said, his face taking on a confused look. “How much more information..”

Romana’s Sonic Screwdriver went to work on the console as she yelled over to her Astromech. “Plug In, and give the machine what it needs!”

Within minutes, the Holo display paused at the point of the wave hitting the Doctors TARDIS, showed a new Icon, one that defiantly wasn’t common. “I’m adding in variables from the Temporal Matrixes that our people use to operate TARDISes. “ she said, her hands flying across console. “Newer TARDISes such as mine have governors that protect against inadvertently being sent into Hyperspace, or the Time Stream..”

Sgt. Navaro leaned over to Devon. “I take it this is classified Information?”

Romana continued her rant. “His is a Type 40, which is about a thousand years out of date, but still works wonderfully.. Oh, granted, he has done his own upgrades, but there are specific changes in the TARDIS Coral that won’t allow alterations, making it malleable to outside forces…” and she hit enable. The Time Lady looked back at Devon and Galen. "For somthing like this to happen, it would have to be a perfect storm of coincidences. The Superlaser, the Daleks Pyramid and Tattooines unique energies and multiple temporal rifts, not to mention the Doctors TARDIS being so ancient and that Jedi Skywalker's force ability brought this all about.."

The Holo showed a new aspect to the simulation, a small rip, the size of the Doctors TARDIS which it was sucked into. More glyphs showed on the Holo, sending information into the ancient Astromech and looping it back to the Holo. K-9, in his high piney voice stated. “According to the information from the Matrix, the Doctors Type 40 TARDIS is no longer in this galaxy, and in the simplest of terms, the Type 40 TARDIS went Sideways into another. This time point has become a Nexus Point in the Time Stream. At this point in Time, Ascending Travel is now hazardous past six months in order to avoid Paradox.” He said, and continued. “There is one point of connection with where his Type 40 TARDIS is currently at, and this Galaxy..”

Galen stepped forward. “Where?”

Romana touched a few more controls, and A world came up on the Holo. “Naboo.. Where ever they are, they will return..” she said, looking at them. “IF they return, mind you..” and back to the Holo screen. “On Naboo..”

“Skywalkers Homeworld..” Galen said…

“But why Naboo, what’s there..” She said, not really listening to the Jedi. “Maybe if he had a Twin Sibling, it’s possible that there is a connection, but it would have to be a very strong connection..”
Last edited by zephre on Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by Xanamiar »

Taya walked out of Leia's room, and looked at her father. "I think we need to talk." Anikan stated and drug the girl into his office.

Several hours later, Taya stormed out of the room, almost in a huff.

"Taya, what's wrong?" Padme asked her daughter as she walked by.

"Nothing that can't be fixed." Taya gave her mother a half smile. "I'll be back..."


The sleek starfighter dropped out of hyperspace and immediately disconnected with the hyperspace ring. It took off as if it was in a hurry towards the largest ship Taya could find on the sensors.

"We have you on our radar, please identify yourself." A voice came over her commlink

"I am Jedi Knight Taya Skywalker, I'm here to speak with Galen Marek, I have reasons to believe he is on board one of your ships." Taya waited for a response from the large ship.
Last edited by Xanamiar on Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by zephre »

The Tactical bays comm. unit flashed for attention, and after a moment, Raster looked over. “Jedi Marek, there is an incoming starfighter from the Jedi Temple. The pilot is requesting to speak with you..”

Galen stepped over. “Who is it?”

The Zabrak listened a moment longer. “Jedi Taya Skywalker.”

Galen closed his eyes. What would be bringing her here now, at this time. “With the Admirals permission, allow her on board. I’ll meet her on the same landing bay as the Infinity’s end.” and turned to Devon and Romana, who was still engrossed in her equations. “Vos, I have to deal with something for a short bit..” and paused, as if considering his next statement. “I shall return as soon as I am able..” and with that, left the tactical bay, and began making his way to the landing bay.


<<<Jedi Skywalker, this is the RSD Excellion. You are cleared in Bay two Aft. Jedi Marek will be alerted to your arrival and meet you on the Hanger deck.>>>
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by Xanamiar »

"Thank you." Taya said as she looked over the ship in front of her. Taya suddenly sped up the tiny fighter, shooting straight towards the ship, as she got close enough she suddenly pulled off, and quickly rounded the ship, back into the aft of it. After locking onto the cordinates that was given she slowed the ship down and slipped into the bay. As the ship came to a stop, she opened the dome and gracefully fell to the floor.

Taya began to walk towards the door when they opened. "Galen, good to see you. But I don't have time to answer all your questions. I need to know what happened to Luke, and whether or not you've figured anything out."
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by zephre »

Galen Marek’s eyes narrowed at the younger knight, which she knew was one of his indicators of annoyance. “Then perhaps you should have used the Hypercomm, rather than fly here.” He looked around the hanger bay, “Not here..” and motioned her to follow him. Wordlessly, the moved through the passageways of the Flag ship, back towards the Tactical bay.

The Jedi Knights entered as a young woman with the long scarf appeared to be talking to herself, tapping into the technical panel and looking over the information before her as a Corellian in civilian attire leaned on the console, as events continued to play over and over, The super laser hitting Tatooine, Icons of Luke and two others on a Swoop attempting to outrun the blast wave, and the apparent intervention of what appeared to be a flying Cor Sec Box, and its relative disappearance..

What her father had told her was true..

Standing off to the side was a Republic Soldier, his helmet clipped to his belt, and a Zabrak Republic officer, standing behind the main console.

“So Hypothetically, Given this information of Skywalkers Twin Sister, then the Doctor’s TARDIS can use that as a waypoint, and find its way back to our Galaxy with little or no problems.. Easy Peasy!” The Woman said, wearing a pair of very thick lenses spectacles, making her already large eyes look larger. “Well, relatively easy.. sort of like swimming though frozen raw sewage.. Now, if I could only get a piece of Leah’s Brain.. Only a small bit, she’d never notice it gone..”

Galen pointed to each of them. “Lady Romana of Gallifrey, Captain Devon Vos of the Infinitys End and one of the people who fought off the Daleks with Skywalker. Sgt Navaro, and Lt. Raster.” And with no real pause. “And you can’t have Leia’s Brain.”

“Oh, your back!” Lady Romana said, startled “.. And you brought a little friend.. I’ve found some rather interesting tidbits about all this..” the Woman said, smiling broudly. Reaching into her pocket, she began to pull out some of the candies, as Galen stopped her.

“Lady Romana, can you please replay the events for Jedi Skywalker again, so she can be brought up to speed…”

Nodding, “Of Course.. Taya, yes?” she said, grinning and moving back behind the console. “Not Leia, obviously. Much too young..” as she used the Screwdriver again. “I took the liberty to adding some more detail.. Some shaders and such.. Wont be a tic…”
And with a flourish. “And there..”

She hit play, and the Holo again blared to life, but this time, it was a far cry from the standard holographic display.…
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by coronhorn »

Devon Vos winched at the brightness of the hologram as it flared to life in full living vibrant color, once his eyes adjusted he realized they were all now standing in what amounted to a life sized recreation of the last few minutes of the Doctor and the Jedi's last moments, it was errie how everything was simply motionless, then suddenly it all jumped into motion with the same ferociousness that he suspects it originally presented with. He'd never seen a hologram with anywhere close to this level of realism before in his life...
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by zephre »

Romana grinned wide at the reaction from Vos, Marek and the Republic Sargeant. Even Raster, the technician who manned the console was taken aback. She gave Devon a small chuck on his shoulder

“This is Amazing!” He exclaimed. “My son Koden would love to see this!” The Zabrak turned to Romana, a wide grin. “How did you do it?”

The Time Lady waved off the Question. “Oh, I just re tuned some of your equipment, and working through K-9. The Artemis Institute has been playing with the concept for several years, and will make a fortune in about a decade.. but that’s neither important or relevant at this moment.” As the holo played around them, she directed her comments to Taya. “As you can see, the Republics Superlaser hit, and your Brother, with two people in tow, made their escape with the Swoop. It wasn’t until here..” she paused, allowing Taya to see the Doctor’s little Blue Box dart in front of them, open its door, and the Swoop shot though it, exiting the opposite side riderless.

“Here’s the tricky bit.” She said, slowing the feed, as the blue CorSec Box was overtaken by the displacement wave, with what could now be seen as a mixture of energy, molten sand and some bits of what could only be described as hypercharged particles. The Displacement wave hit the Gallifreyan Machine, which made it almost appear to warp, bending with the wave as it passed through it, disintegrating the rider-less swoop in its flight path. The TARDIS flashed in the wake, and disappeared in a bright light.

The Astro Mech K-9 looked back. “I Must Disconnect from the Republican machine, 90 percent probability that it will become damaged..”

“Oh, very Well.. Disconnect.” The Time lady said, and looked at Raster meekly. “Sorry..”

Within moments, the room sized holo altered back to its normal size, though he had to admit, the images did look crisper now. “Ill have to shut it down for a time to make sure that it hasn’t been damaged.”

“No Problem at all. K-9 has it recorded, so we will be able to paruse it at our leisure.” She said, and turned to the young Jedi. “So, What we have learned is that the Doctor and his new Companions, namely Your Brother, the Young woman and the Child have been thrust elsewhere, somewhat… Sideways.. through the dimensional wall of the time stream..” she said, wondering if that sounded right. “And your Sister Leeloo is the key to returning them, or rather THEM returning..”

“..In Theory..”
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by Xanamiar »

Taya watched over everything, and listened to the woman as she talked. Once she was done Taya glanced over the smaller holographic respenstation of what all was going on.

"So, let me get this right." Taya looked into the womans eyes. "The blast, along with the particles, and molten sand, and whatever else, sent this Doctor character, along with my brother and the other two, into a different dimension. A dimension where decisions were made differently than this one. Not so different than this one, though, since I know at least one of those decisions would have been made in this dimension if it wasn't for the Doctors interference. Am I on the right track?"

Romana looked down at the girl. Shook her head affirmatively, reached in her pocket and pulled out some of the candies, offering them to Taya, who took some out of her hand and popped them into her mouth.

"Okay, so... Leia is right then. She does need to concentrate on what's happening with Luke, in order to give the 'Doctor' a pivot point to locate to come back to us?"

Romana nodded her head affirmatively again. "Guess I should go back and keep Leia company then, and keep her conscious. About how long do you think it will be?"
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by coronhorn »

Devon Vos crossed his arms as he listened to the two women go back and forth, there was a prickling at the back of his mind that something was wrong about this, something they weren't seeing. Then his mind settled on the prickly thought like a hawk-bat on it's prey,

"Lady Romana," he spoke intrupting thier exchange, both looked at him somewhat sharply, "What happens to the Doc if Luke's sister I don't know... dies? I mean I know it's not likely but..."

He left understood that anything was possible, even more so when it came to the Lords of Gallifraye...
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by zephre »

Romana stopped mid sentence, as she was about to go into a detailed and rather lengthy discussion on the time space continuum and how the TARDIS Relative space was there, attempting to answer the How Long will it Be question. “What was that?”

“What happens to the Doc, if Luke’s Sister Dies..” Vos repeated, much more slowly.

The Time Lady’s eyes darted, what exactly would happen. Well, for one thing, the Doctor would not be able to return, not without the focal point, that being Leia Skywalker’s link with her twin. Granted, there was a chance, depending on how far they went, but it would be folly to attempt it, and hope to arrive in the correct stream. There was also the possibility of Paradox, which was something she didn’t even want to think about.

“If she were to die, then there is no chance for the Doctor to return, nor his companions..”

Galen nodded, “Has the Doctor enemies we should be concerned about?” folding his arms across his chest. He already knew the answer, however.

Romana sighed. “Many, in fact. Chiefly among them is the Time Lord renegade who calls himself the Master..” and looked at Devon. “During your Clone Wars, he lead the Separatists after Palpatine as captured, if my history is correct, but he was never caught..”
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by coronhorn »

Devon nodded, "Fact is we never even got close, he was always a step or three ahead, like he knew what we were going to do before we even thought to do it. I honestly don't know how we ever managed to defeat the tinnies with him at the head, i guess we were just lucky..."

"More than lucky," the young trooper who'd escorted them in spoke up, "there was never any question the republic would prevail with the Force and the jedi on our side."

Devon glanced over at the smugly confident young man, his blue eyes glinting in the low light, he admired the enthusiasm but he knew just how very close the republic had come to loosing the war while Palpatine had been running the show and after him it was only several timely interventions by the Doctor that had prevented the Republic from falling before the Master's droid armies. He was going to correct the young man when something clicked in the back of his mind, he narrowed his eyes and fixed them on Romana,

"It wasn't like he knew what was going to happen, he actually knew, didn't he? You people can actually see the future can't you?"
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by zephre »

Romana stare off into the distance for a few moments before answering the question. It was one of the gifts of the Time Lord, and their curse. When the Time Lady spoke, not looking at the assembled group and pulling the long coat around her, She spoke with a voice no longer carrying the light lyrical tone, but one of heavy burden.

“The Time Lords view all of the possible futures in a given situation, with the possible outcomes laid before us to guide or hinder those whom we have chosen or have been dispatched to inspire or injure. We see them at all times, with any one we meet. We see all that is, all that was and all that will ever be.” She said, and finally looked up.

“All but our own. Up until a few days ago in my personal temporal stream, I was an academic, teaching at the Academy on Gallifrey. I would have never have guessed that I would have returned to the Republic after my field work during the epoch of the Sith Empire, as I am sure that the Doctor hadn’t expected to be shoved into a different dimension when he went to assist Luke Skywalker, Raisa Zephre and Tuller Westin. I am also certain that the Master would cause more mischief if he could see into his own future and know whenthe Celestial Intervention Agency wasn’t keeping constant tabs on his TARDIS operation.” And nodded, and with a smirk, the slight twinkle returned to her eyes, showing that she was back so to speak.

“Yes, we can see the future…”
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by coronhorn »

Devon scowled at the answer as the possible implications of it flowed through his mind, he couldn't see the future but you didn't need to be able to see what was coming. If the Master did have a mad on for the Doctor and could see possible futures then this would be an opportunity that would be irresistible to him,

"We have to go then," he glanced over at the presiding republic officer, "and if you have any assets Naboo I suggest you activate them and assign them to a protection detail."

With that Devon turned and started for the doorway, he paused at the secure doors, "Anyone else coming?"
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by zephre »

Galen moved to the Heavy doors aside Vos, and cycling the hatch, looked back over his shoulder towards Taya and Romana. “Join us there once your business is completed with the Council..” he stated, and began heading off down the Corridor which would lead them to the Excellions docking bay, where the Infinity’s End was berthed.

Raster gave the Corellian a nod. “Ill activate the Naboo Public Safety and Republic guard, Sir…” he set to task, and a moment later, raised an eyebrow. “Already done, and it looks like there are a number of Republic ships enroute to Naboo already..” The Zabrak stated, and looked up. “It’s where their taking the Refugee’s from Tatooine.”

Romana nodded. “I shall be along after my meeting with the Republics people.. Shouldn’t be long, I wouldn’t think..” she stated. “My TARDIS is available on Tatooine, so I’ll make my way there in it.” She then turned to Taya. “Feel free to hitch a ride with me if you wish, since it seems that Jedi Marek isn’t in the best of spirits, and I wouldn’t mind the company..”
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by Xanamiar »

Taya nodded at the woman.

"I have my starfighter here on the ship. I should probably take it back with me." Taya smiled at the woman.

"Don't be silly, you can park it in my Tardis, I have plenty of room." Romana pulled out a handful of candies and offered them to Taya, who took a few.

"Okay, I guess that will work then."
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MAF ASTRADA: Hyperspace.. Enroute to Naboo

Post by zephre »

Ahrubis Al’Fattah moved through the Astrada, past his siblings of the True Order, as he made his way towards the cockpit intent on having words with The Masters lackey, who had been sent to ferry them to their destination. When they got aboard, they were met with a recorded message, presumably from the Master, telling them to remove their proper attire, into some rags that had been provided. Understandable, the zealot thought to himself, as to not bring up unwanted attention to them. What surprised them was they were not alone..

There were twenty some mercenaries, of various species onboard as they boarded. Their leader, a Rodian named Hovvis, informed them that they were there at the Masters instructions, and that the only contact the Mercs had was from the Masters pilot, who had made a brief appearance when Hovvis and the others arrived. The Rodian knew what his job was, which was to support the True Order in their task to destroy the Jedi Padawan.

Moving through the limited space of the Cockpit access ring, Al’Fattah entered the control chamber of the Astrada, and was surprised to find only a single male human running the vessel. The Red Haired man looked back over his shoulder, and motioned him to approach. Ahrubis moved forward, and took a seat in the communication seat as the young man looked back, his attention no fully on him..

“Is there something I can help you with, friend?” the man said, a slight smile crossing his stubbled face.”

“You are the Master’s representative?” The Order Knight asked, surprised. “Not what I would have expected from a..” and paused at the younger mans confusion. “You are not the Masters Representative..”

“I was simply hired by a fellow, said to pilot an old hulk to Naboo, and I’d get paid exceedingly well. How I dealt with the Authorities was my worry, he said..” The red haired man stated, and rotated the seat around. “So I asked myself.. self?” and smiled at his own joke. “What is happening in the Naboo system right now, and I get the answer. Tatooine is sending its Refugees from that sun flare to Naboo, and since we are suppose to be sneaky, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to pop in with the rest of the refugee ships..” and looked back at him. “Whadda ya think?”

Al’Fattah nodded. “A good plan indeed, so long as there are no questions asked about the transponder having a different journey log.”

The red headed man smiled, yellowed teeth showing. “Hardly a problem.. I’ve already taken that into account.” And flipping a switch under the console, and with a small click a new panel slid into place, albeit somewhat sloppily. “This has a variable transponder. Ive already altered the logs for Tatooine.” And with another click, put the console away. “All covered!”

The Order Knight nodded. “I see that you have all accounted for. What do you know about the mercenaries.”

“I’m suppose to play a message thirty minutes to revision, once that hits, then Ill play it..” Red stated. “You lot are forcers, yeah?”

Al’Fattah nodded. “Indeed. We were formerly of the Jedi Order based out of Karita space..”

Red raised an eyebrow. “Formerly?”

“We no longer see eye to eye, and have broken from the Monastic Order on Karita.. No more do you need to know..” and stood. “We will be expecting you at the allotted time..” and left the cockpit..

Joklyn Zephre smirked as the man left, and turned back to the console, and closed the cockpit hatch. “Idiot..”

Pulling back his sleeve, he exposed a massive Chronocom, and thumbing the send switch, tapped quietly into the large device..
Zephre shut the comm down, and turned back to his console, thinking how easy it would be to wipe out the force users who were so trustingly sitting in his hold. However, he wouldnt survive The Masters wrath, and knew that the large comm device which was so usefull, could also kill him...

He settled back for the very, very long hyperspace flight, and mused..

It was the price of being The Time Lords Companion...
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by coronhorn »

"Refugees are the perfect cover," Devon muttered more to himself than any of his companions, "I can't count the number of times we infiltrated an otherwise hardened Confederate target aboard some random vessel filled with beings just trying to get away from the war. just too many beings without solid ties to anywhere all at once."

The young trooper who'd been accompanying them nodded and added, "Security officer's worst nightmare."

"If I were the Master could see the future I'd have already had my people in place on Tatooine before the Darleks invaded positioned so that there would be nothing to even hint that something was off. Hell if he can see the future then he probably already knows we know. This is making my fracking head hurt."

As the small group swept through the final airlock into the main landing bay of the super-massive destroyer where the End was parked they found a small contingent of lead by a republic navy officer, most of the men were dressed in non-standard kit and there were only two clones he could pick out, the officer standing feet shoulder width apart stiffened up when they walked through the hatch and Devon's stomach sank when he snapped to attention,

"Honor to meet you Captain Vos," Devon did his best to avoid scowling at the man, and was about to remind the man he was retired when the he extended a small envelope, "The Admiral wanted me to deliver this personally to you. Your commission has been reactivated and Omega Squad has been assigned to assist you with your assignment, further you're to be given access to any resources you deem vital to complete the assignment."

Devon swore he could almost "feel" the Jedi's danger sense prickling behind him as he told the small piece of folded paper and flipped it open, he could see the surprise and then envy that flashed across the young trooper who'd been escorting them but his eyes were fixed on the officer as he crumpled the orders sheet, the man's eyes went large and was about to say something when Devon stepped past him to Omega, the only familiar faces were the Fett clones,

"Niner?" the lead clone stiffened but shook his head,

"Sorry sir, Niner took his fur-low along with the other original Omegas at the end of the war."

Devon nodded, the Clone Independence Act which had granted all of the Clone soldiers full rights and a generous pension had been fairly controversial when it'd first been proposed after the war finally ended but the Jedi Order lead by Master Skywalker had been firmly behind it. Interestingly enough most of the clones chose to remain with the republic. It hadn't surprised him at all since for most of them the Army and their brothers were the only things they knew but some had chosen to strike out on their own. He'd heard that quite a few of the commandos and a few of the ARCs had ended up on Manda-lore, there was even a rumor that a couple of Jedi had gone native as well but that was something that the Order had refused to comment on,

"But don't worry sir, all my men have busted their shebs to live up to the reputation."

"Who was your training sargent?"

The man smirked, "Kal Skirta, sir."

Devon nodded, "Alright then, lets saddle up, there are temp racks in the main hold, should be enough for all of you."

Devon turned back to the still shocked officer,

"Make sure there's a flat of the newest Katarn kit waiting us when we get there." as he started to turn he caught the pained look in his escort's eyes, "And have Navarro here reassigned, I'm taking him with me, seems to be pretty sharp and all my head knowledge is out of date."

Again the officer started to protest but Devon didn't give him the chance, if they were going to drag him back in it was going to be on his terms,

"Come on kid." he smirked jerking a thumb at his ship, "You too Galen."
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Post by zephre »

Galen nodded, and began to follow Vos up the ramp of the Infinity’s End. He hadn’t expected this when He hired the Corellian at Mos Eisley, and would it have been different had Solo been hired? A short time ago, Vos was no more to him than a hired pilot only on the basis that the Corellian Solo had not been able to take him. Now, Devon Vos was a reactivated Trooper in the Republican Army, about to depart to Naboo to protect a young woman that he had... Well... Rather strong feelings for. Much stronger feelings than was comfortable for him...

Marek followed the Corellian to the Cockpit, and took the spot he had earlier, at the communications board. Already in the Co Pilots seat sat the Republic Trooper Navarro, who had a rather amused look on his face.

“I thought Lt. Yosslin was going to pop a vein.” The young trooper smirked. “He’s a real stickler for rules and decorum.” He stated, and then added. “He’s a good guy, don’t get me wrong.”

Marek glanced back. “How is this important, Sergeant.” The Jedi asked. “Will some perceived lack of decorum somehow block Captain Vos’s request for mission necessities?”

Navarro shook his head. “No, Sir. Not at all. Lt. Yosslin will have the flat of Katarn Mk IVs just as requested, and probably more equipment that will be of use.” He said, looking somewhat embarrassed. “I was just relating that Yosslin… Um...” and turned back to the console, “So, who is this we are protecting...”

Marek reached under his tunic, and pulled out a Holo Locket. Removing it from his neck, he activated it, clicked through a number of images and tossed it back towards the Republic Soldier. Navarro caught it, and looked at the represented image, and held it so it could be viewed by Devon.

“That is whom you’ll be protecting. Leia Skywalker, Jedi Padawan under Master Tano and the eldest daughter of My Master. “And turned back to his console, and put the headset back on his head. “Pass it back once you’re done examining it...”

“So we can expect Master Skywalker there, as well as Master Tano?” Navarro asked, as he flipped through the images. He saw the young Jedi he had just met, as well as whom he assumed was the missing man, Luke..

“My Master is there now,” Galen stated. “Her Master, I can’t say. She was on assignment the last I knew. I’m certain that once she learns of Leia’s predicament, she will make her way to Naboo as well...”

Navarro took another cursory look at the Holo, and nodded as Boot steps could be heard coming up from the Access corridor. One of the Troopers poked his head in “All are aboard and Secured, Sir…” He said to Vos, and returned to his fellow soldiers...

The Excellion’s launch controller squawked over the head set…

<<<Infinity’s End, you are cleared for launch. Upon arrival to Naboo, you will be cleared to land at the Private Starport near the Naberrie Estate, where you will be met by representatives of the Skywalker family and the Royal Guard, and be taken to the Estate house where you will take possession of your equipment..>>


“Lady Romana...” Raster announced, as they examined the images again from the surface of Tatooine. “They are expecting you in the Central Conference Room...” The Zebrak flipped a few more switches. “I’ll have someone show you and Jedi Skywalker the way there...”

“WONderful!” The Time Lady exclaimed, picking up her coat and hat. “Who can I expect to see there?”

Raster looked again at his console. “Admiral Thrawn will be there in person, and via Holonet will be The Republic Chancellor Bail Organa, Senator Amidala from Naboo, and Senator Mothma of Chandrilla among others. There will also be representatives from Tion, Corellia, Hapes Consortium, Eriadu and the Tapani Nobility.” He said, and after a few moments, and the sound of keys being manipulated, he glanced back up. “It appears that your people are sending additional representation…”

Romana nodded. “I see. Does it mention who will be attending?”

Raster nodded. “The Hologrid information states that it is Castellan Rassilon...”

At hearing the name of the Time Lord responsible for the safety, security and general protection of Gallifrey, her colonies and in effect the Shadow Proclamation, Romana could feel her face go white, as she closed her eyes. “This should be interesting...” she stated, visibly shaken…

NABOO: Theed

Anakin closed the doors to his wife’s private office as she prepared to transmit for the Senate meeting. He paused outside, and returned to his eldest daughter’s quarters. See-Threepio was still keeping watch over her, as she continued her meditations. The Jedi Master was relieved when he found that Leia’s autonomic responses were still intact. If a glass of water was pushed into her hand, she would drink it. He hadn’t been pleased with the prospect of hooking her up to tubes and life support.

“Luke is on Alderaan now...” She said her voice thin and whispered as she looked up at her father. “He’s sleeping..”

Anakin kneeled in front of her, and stroked her cheek. “Your awake..” he said, smiling.

“The Visions aren’t so..Intense.. When Luke is asleep..” she said, and takes another sip if water. “When he’s awake, it’s as if the vision completely takes over all my senses..” shaking her head, as if attempting to clear out some of the muddy feeling. “I’m utterly helpless when I’m under the visions, and I hate it..” and held her head in her hands. “I feel so.. weak..”

Anakin nodded, and changed the flow of the conversation slightly. “Who all is there, in your visions..”

“The Doctor, the Teenager, Threepio and Artoo, Master Kenobi and now a Corellian..” she said, and taking another gulp.. “I’m not sure of his name, I’m sorry..”

Anakin smiled. “You don’t have anything to be sorry about..” he said, “It’s impressive that you are keeping the connection for so long a time.” The Jedi Master rolled back onto his feet, and stood. “I have some things to deal with. Threepio will remain here, and I’ll be back shortly..” and left the room..

Captain Dominaul, of the Security Forces, saluted him. “You called for me, Sir?”

Anakin nodded. “Yes, I want you to post some of your people around the estate. I have a feeling that they may be needed...”
The Captain nodded. “I see, sir. Unfortunately, with the Tatooine refugees arriving here soon, we will be over taxed, so I may be able to put down only a couple, but I will assign the best I have available..” the man stated. Anakin nodded.

“I can ask no more, Captain.. Thank you..” and with that, the Dominaul turned and left the estate. Who would he station here, as he promised the best he had available..

Once back at the speeder, he pulled up the names of his better guards, and began making Comm calls..
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by coronhorn »

"Strap in boys." Devon smirked as he shifted power to the Infinity's repulsors, the vibration in the ship's deck plates shifted frequency and through the view ports the deck dropped away as the light freighter rose into the massively over-sized launch bay of the Execellion. The size of the ship was shocking, he wasn't sure but it looked like you could easily fit a Victory class in it and have room to spare, he ticked the controls and rolled the ship over and pointed into open space,

"I still can't believe how big that ship is." Trooper Navarro crowed as he craned his neck to look up at the ship as Devon leveled the Infinity out and setup for the jump, "I mean where do you build something on that scale, I've been posted at Rendelli and Kuat, neither has a facility to build something like that."

"The better question trooper would be why would you build something like that?" Devon responded as he pulled down on the activation lever for the hyper drive, the stars streaked for a moment and ship rocketed forward, "It's a little under an hour to Naboo from here, I'm going to grab a shower and change clothes. There's food in the galley assuming the clones haven't cleaned me out yet, you're both welcome to anything left."

Stepping through the hatchway he could hear the clones from Omega squad rummaging in the galley and turned the other way following the ring of the ship's main access tunnel around to his private quarters, he palmed open the door and was stripping his shirt off before it slid shut behind him, he tossed it into the corner of the small cabin and then leaned on the small sink that was part of the built in refresher unit, the glow panel flickered on automatically the cool artificial light causing the multiple scars that criss crossed his upper body to stand out, he stared into his own deep emerald green eyes,

"Fate's a stanging cruel mistress." he growled to himself and then reached for the crystalline straight razor he kept in the drawer just to the right of the sink...

Chase Navarro settled back into his chair as Captain Vos slipped out of his and told them they had run of the ship's galley and then disappeared through the hatch,

"I get the impression there's more to the Captain than meets the eye." he mused as he closed his eyes, the Grand Army of the Republic had turned cat napping into an artform and he had every intention of catching some rest before they got to Naboo...
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by Xanamiar »

Saria Sadow had been working for the Naboo Guard as long as she could remember. It had been a lifetime of guarding mostly Padme, and Leia. Something seemed to be calling to her every day. Dreams of a different life, one that she would have to write off every morning as just dreams. However she found herself using a datapad to keep track of the very vivid dreams. As she sat writing in the pad, her comm suddenly went off.

"Sarla, we need you at the main house. It would seem that Anakin wishes that all our best guards be there."

"Roger that." she spoke back into the comm as she placed the pad in her pocket and took off toward the main house on her speeder.
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by Xanamiar »

Taya waited until Romana was done speaking to Raster. "If you need to be at this meeting, I should proabbly get going. I need to make sure my sister is okay."

Romana smiled. "Sweety, you can go to this meeting with me, and not lose any time at all. Just hang out for a while. You never know what may end up being needed when it comes to a meeting of this magnitude. Your presense here may change the course of the galaxy."

Taya didn't bother questioning her further as they set off for the meeting.
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover)

Post by coronhorn »

Devon stared up into the small spray head as it poured a measured ammount of hot water out of it's nossle, the sequence of events that had lead him to where he was flooding through his mind's eye, he was still finding it hard to believe that he'd allowed himself to be pulled back into things. It's not like he'd gone looking for this, it had just found him,

"Blasted doctor." he grumbled aloud as the water cut off and the automated drying sequence that would recapture as much of the water as possible for recycling. His skin prickled as the cooler air swirled in as the warm moist air was sucked out. Opening the door he grabbed his towel and stared at the partially bearded face staring back at him from the built in mirror,

"Well regulations are regulations," he smirked and pulled the crystal straight edge from it's storage kit and then lathered up his face, a few minutes later he stepped out of the small 'fresher booth in his cabin running his hands over his now smooth face, laid out on the bunk across the room was his old captain's uniform, he stared at it and then moved to his small locker and pulled out a pair of black spacer pants with a pair of Corellian blood stripes and one of his cleaner shirts and then pulled on the Captain's jacket with it's rank insignia glittering in the low lighting, again he checked his reflection in the mirror and then slipped back out into the ship,

"So do you think the stories about him are legitimate?"

Leon glanced up from his DeeCee at the question from Gas, who was laid out across the room on one of the temporary bunks attached to the far wall of the cargo bay,

"Look around you kid, I know you're a shiney to the corps but does this bay look like it belongs to just any old retired trooper?" that was Sargent Rao, he was the most senior man on the squad and he'd actually served with some of the original Omega's, "Niner and Darman both told me stories about Vos, he was one of the only mongrels they ever respected, no offense guys."

The two other commandos sitting down at the other end of the bay working over their DeeCees motioned as if to dismiss any disrespect, non-clones were still not a common thing among the commando corps and the few that had made the cut had more than earned their places. Both Ty and Bo were humans and both were easily the match for any of the Fett clones except maybe some of the ARCs or Nulls. He'd never met any of either but they were the stuff of legend within the GAR,

"He's the real deal Gas, I snuck a look at his file before we reported to the flight deck, most of his record is still classified triple black."

That brought a whistle from Gas, to his right the bay's main hatch swung open and Vos himself stepped through, his beard was gone and he was wearing his duty jacket over otherwise civilian attire, the captain's insignia glinting in the light from the glow panels,

"Officer on deck!" came the quick order from the Sargent and all of the Omega's came to attention and snapped up salutes, Vos returned it just as smartly,

"As you were." came the response, the man's voice held an ease with command that was always the sign of an experienced officer, Leon watched as he crossed the deck to where Rao was camped out and then snapped his own weapon back together and slotted it back into it's holster and strapped it back around his waist and leg then sauntered over near where Rao and Vos were, plucking an energy bar from his the leg pocket of the utility pants he wore, they may have finally fixed the rapid aging issue for clones but it had done nothing to quench their seemingly insatiable appetites, apparently the metabolic enhancements that the Kaminoians had made were more difficult to sort out than the rapid aging. He didn't mind much since it meant that clones like himself maintained thier superior stamina and strength to most mongrels and as long as the republic was picking up the tab it wasn't any sweat off his back,

"Captain Vos," the clone he'd spoken with on the flight deck of the ship spoke with a bit of a grin extending a hand, he took he gripped the other man's arm at the elbow in a traditional mandolorian shake and noticed the grin grow a bit,



"Good, I need to know what kind of action our men have seen and I'd rather hear it from their Sargent than read it on a screen. Have you worked with a Jedi? Any shinnies I should know about?"

"Only Shiny is Gas," he motioned to one of the clones lounging in his bunk making furiative glances over his shoulder and doing his best to pretend that he wasn't trying to eavesdrop on the conversation, "he's fresh from the five oh first and he's our communications specialist, top ratings on all of the newest gear and a pretty solid rifleman. He ofcourse served under General Skywalker in the war, most everyone else here has dealt with the Jedi, special operations command as you know has a somewhat closer working relationship with the Jedi."

Devon nodded, but he also knew it wasn't one shared with the whole order, "Good, just s we're clear about this, the Jedi is NOT in command of this mission. I am."

He glanced around and got nods from each of the troopers, "When we hit the ground, we hit the ground running, I want the kit that should be waiting on us sorted and checked, I want you to procure us some transport, nothing overtly tactical. Remember we want to keep this as low profile as we can, don't be afraid of the refugees that are going to be on planet but remember that it's very likely that among them are our targets. Remember that they probably know we're coming and act accordingly, rules of engagement are open but keep collateral to a minimum."

That brought another round of nods, "Good, see you all when we're skids down."

Leon watched as Vos turned and strode back out of the room,

"Intense isn't a word I use much but stang."

Sargent Rao smirked, "Well you heard him Omegas, reversion is in ten minutes!"
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TATOOINE: RDS Excellion Conference Room..

Post by zephre »

Romana stepped into the Excellions conference room, which was easily large enough to comfortably seat twenty with ample elbow room. Several of the seats bottoms had been flipped over, showing what looked like holographic projectors, to accommodate those who weren’t going to be present in person. Several small placards had been activated, identifying the participants. She had been placed next to the Castellan of Gallifrey, which made sense she supposed. His presence made sense since his life had been as intertwined with the Doctor as much as her own.

It also made her edgy. Rassilon was named for the oldest of the Time Lords, and in some way she felt that he believed that he was a true reincarnation of that barbaric member of their species and one of the founders of the Time Lords. She knew of that he had been a classmate of the Doctor, as well as the Master, and even belonged to the same Chapter House, Prydonian. He had joined the Celestial Intervention Agency directly from the academy and had been partnered with another classmate, Patience who eventually wed the Doctor. According to the archives, He had been present when the Doctors wife was sent back to the TARDIS stables as a warning to the Chronarchs after the keelhauling by the Master and his Renegades, and turned a blind eye when the then first incarnation Doctor, with the assistance of his granddaughter Susan stole the old Type 40 which would come to be known as The Doctors TARDIS. Somewhere between that time, and while she traveled with the Doctor, Rassilon had gone from being an ally and even friend to becoming an antagonist. The Doctor would never speak of what had occurred, and she knew better to ask.

As Castellan, it was his sworn duty to see to the protection of Gallifrey, her Colonies and protectorates, as well as act as an advisor to the Shadow Proclamation. This was a position that he had proved remarkably capable, more so than the others who had held the position before him. If he was going to attend this meeting, then there is some question within the High Council that her report alone would be insufficient. She had never been popular with the High Council, and Romana had hoped that after all of this was over she would have their confidence again. At least she hoped.

The main doors opened, as Admiral Thrawn entered the chamber, followed by a pair of assistants, looking briefly at her and the Jedi, and with a nod, took a place at the right side of the table, next to the placard that read CHANCELLOR ORGANA at the head of the table. To the left read SENATOR AMIDALA and under it, NABOO, which suddenly came to life as the full sized Holographic Representation of the Senator rezzed in. The projection blue and ghostly in the chair, which Romana assumed that there must be the seats twin at her location, as how she sat in the chair was flawless. The Holographic Senator gave a short nod to the Admiral, but seemed to recognize neither herself nor Taya. More than probably since they weren’t sitting in the seats, there was no holographic representation of either of them. Another holographic participant appeared, where the Placard read GOV. TARKIN, and under that read ERIADU: SESWENNA SECTOR as his point of origin. Others began to appear as well, from Hapes, Tion and others identified as Republic Senators.

What was surprising was that the Castellan had not shown himself as of yet, though perhaps they were having problems making the necessary frequency changes to mesh properly with Gallifreyan technology. She should offer her services to upgrade the holographic projectors, such as she did with the tactical computers, but never had a chance. One of the assistants folded the seat pad back into itself, removing the projector and leaving it as an normal looking chair.

“What happened to the Castellan?” Romana asked the assistant, as he was moving back towards the Admiral. The assistant turned to her, and gave a short nod.

“The Lord Castellan will be joining us in person, Lady Senator.” The Ensign stated. Romana raised an eyebrow.

“May I ask when we can expect him?” She asked, her voice raising slightly. “Or will he be keeping the assembled waiting until he is well suited to make an..”

“I wouldn’t imagine keeping the assembled waiting any longer than necessary, Lady Romanadvoratrelundar.” Came the deep, resonate voice of the Castellan. Closing her eyes, she pasted a wide grin, and turned to face Rassilon. “After all, time is of the essence, in this case..”

He was wearing the Mantle of his position of Castellan, along with the Red and Orange robes of Prydonian Chapter which made him a striking figure. His current incarnation was tall, well proportioned and particularly handsome, with a strong jaw and clefted chin. Behind him followed one of the Chancellery Guard, wearing the ceremonial armour chest plate reserved for special functions. The Cape trim showed him to be an officer of the watch. On his hip was the holstered Staser pistol, the standard side arm of the guard and one of the few weapons that would kill a Time Lord outright, with no chance of regeneration possible.

“That’s so very kind of you, Lord Rassilon.” Romana said, giving her head a bow. “You said Time is of the essence? Has something happened I hadn’t taken into account?”

Rassilon smirked. “That can be spoken of later, in a more appropriate setting.” and Romana could see that he had noticed her companion. He smiled, and gave a short bow. Romana smiled, and extended a hand in presentation. “Jedi Knight Taya Skywalker..”

“I am Rassilon, Time Lord of the House of Blyledge, Prydonian Chapter and Castellan of Gallifrey, If we are to be formal.” He said. “Your family is of great interest and fascination to the Time Lords..”
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover

Post by Xanamiar »

"Well then, if we are to be formal, I am Taya Skywalker daughter of Annikan Skywalker, Champion of the Jedi and one of the presiding council." Taya paused as if she were done. "And daughter of Padme Amidala Skywalker, former Queen and now Senator of Naboo." Taya smiled at the man. "And we have always had a great interest and fasination about the Time Lords."

Taya looked over to see Romana's expression, and waited to hear more from Rassilon.
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover

Post by zephre »

Romana raised an eyebrow at the Jedi Knights mirroring the Castellan’s introduction, and looked to Rassilon. The Time Lord paused, then broke into a wide smile. Apparently, he wasn’t offended in the least and in fact seemed oddly pleased.

“Well said, Young Jedi. There are times that I forget that overlong introduction that are more résumé than greetings are tedious at best.” Rassilon said, removing the Mantle from his head and shoulders, and handing it back to the Chancellery Guard. He looked to Romana.

“Impressive companion you have, Lady Romanadvoratrelundar. I do hope your return to field work after so long a time has served you well.” He said, somewhat disinterested in her answer. The Guard handed him a clear sheet of Lucite, on which various glyphs showed in the light.

“Taya is involved in the situation.” Romana began. “It is her Brother with the Doctor, and the link to them to return is her Sister.”

“The Doctor is alive?” he said, turning quickly to face them. “Your certain of this?”

“Indeed” Romana said, a slight smile on her face and wondered how the Castellan would take such news. She quickly gave him the details of what they had learned, leaving nothing out and offered for K-9 to show the holographic data.

“That won’t be necessary.” He waved the old droid off, and turned his attention to Taya.

“How strong is the connection between your Brother and Sister..” he said, his gaze levelled on the young Jedi..

NABOO: Naberrie Estate: Theed

“So, what’s this then?” Naboo Guardsman Treyk Pallant asked the Republic Reserve trooper behind the controls of the Repulsor Truck. Emblazoned on the side was the symbol for the Republic Armoury.

“Armour and weapons for some reinforcements’ enroute from Tatooine, I’m to pass them on to the captain of the Infinity’s End.” The trooper stated, showing the data pad to the guardsman.

Pallant nodded, looking over the pad. “This is some pretty impressive gear.” He said, passing it back. “Lucky Guy.. See Guardsman Sadow once your there. She’ll show you where to put them..”

With a short nod, the guardsman watched as the Repulsor Truck rattled off down the private road. Guardsman Sadow can take care of it..

Anakin looked over the Royal Guardsmen who had been assembled. There were only four of them, but he felt confident in Captain Dominaul’s picks. Only one of them had worked on the estate grounds before, so he knew who would be the best choice to put the responsibility on.

It would have been better if they could have had more resources, but the Tatooine refuges were arriving very shortly, as was the Republic troopers.

He motioned to Sadow, whom had worked at the estate before. “Saria, since your familiar with the estate, I want you to take the lead. There will be some Republic troops coming, so you will assist them with what they need once they arrive, do you understand?" he said, “I need to head out to the Platform now, as they will be arriving shortly.” He said, and exhaled.

“My daughter is in a very delicate condition at this time, and must not be disturbed from her meditations. I know that with the four of you on the grounds, I’ll have nothing to worry about.” With that, left towards the Private air field, moving at a brisk pace.

Guard Foveron raised an eyebrow. “What does he mean delicate?”

Guard Cozime shook her head. “Slothbrain..”

“What?” Foveron shugged. “I don’t get it?”

“She’s probably Pregnant.. That’s when you’d call someone in a delicate condition, yeah?” the final guard, Guard Hazzah, stated as he crossed his arms.

“Slothbrain..” Cozime smirked. “It’s far worse than that, I’m sure.” And looked to Sadow. “So, whats the play...?”

The breeze picked up in the mid afternoon sun as Anakin arrived at the estates private landing pads, watching the sky from the back of the swoop. He could feel it now, though the Force..

The Republic Troopers were on approach, and would be landing in moments.

Galen was with them, and deeply troubled.

He first saw the bright speck, which grew in size as the vessel grew closer. Within a few moments, he could make out the lines of a YT-1300 freighter on final approach.

Swinging his leg over the swoop, he spurred the swoop to the now flashing landing pad, and watched as the vessel expertly landed, settling on its struts.

Anakin walked across to where the ramp would lower, and waited...
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover

Post by Xanamiar »

"Well, considering the visions she's having, I'd have to say that their connection is strong enough to span throughout time, and dimensions, if I understand how things work." Taya smiled slightly. "They are twins, and they have always had a very strong connection with each other. Being able to tell when one was in danger, and things like that. Unfortunately, it's a lot stronger than my connection with any of them." Taya thought about the time she had spent alone on a planet, where even her own master had thought she was dead. "Anything else you need to know?" she asked respectfully of the man.


Sadow nodded at Anakin as she took charge of the guards, and assigned them their guard points. For some reason, something seemed to almost speak to her as if she was being forced into take a certain assignment.

"I'll take the daughters room to ensure she is not disturbed." unaware of it, she reached up and rubbed her neck lightly, as if she was feeling something around her neck that wasn't there. "The rest of you take positions here, here and here." She said as she pointed out the entryways.

Sadow nodded her head, as if to say. "Let it be" and walked away from the other guards as she took her position near the door. Still rubbing her neck, not even realizing she was doing it.
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover

Post by coronhorn »

As the cloud cover parted beneath the Infinity's windscreen Devon was surprised to see the coordinates he'd been given were not for one of the man urban landing pads on Naboo or even the giant royal hanger that was used by the planet's aristocracy and senator, but rather a small country villa surrounded by miles of open country, this of course put a slight kink in his planning but nothing that couldn't be overcome. As he brought the ship in on the final approach he could see multiple pallets of gear stacked beside the pad and single man standing beside them. The sight of him caused the hairs on the nape of his neck to stand up, keying open the intra ship comms he opened a channel to the rest of the ship,

"Skids down imminent, we have a high level visitor waiting on us so best behavior, we're not in the city so scrape the transpo plans and focus on securing the perimeter of the compound and triple checking all of the security systems on the hour."

As the ship dropped to it's skids with a thump and bounce Devon stood to go and stopped to look at the Jedi, "So which one of your buddies is it out there waiting on us?"
-David W aka Coronhorn... A ghost of Exodus past...
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover

Post by zephre »

Galen’s mouth quirked slightly, and forms the hint of a wry smile. “That’s Master Skywalker, of the Jedi Council.” He stood, and glanced at Vos. “He is also my Master and guardian since I was four or five years old. It’s his daughter who we are here to keep safe.” The young Jedi moved past Vos toward the lowering ramp, donning his cloak and spoke over his shoulder to the Infinity’s Ends Captain. “My Master will want to speak with you once you’re done with the troops, and I need a few moments alone with him.”

With that, Galen strode down the ramp, unsure what to expect from his former teacher.

Anakin watched as his former Padawan stepped off of the edge of the ramp and onto the tarmac and walked towards him, pulling the cloak around him. Anakin could literally see the pressure building in his former apprentice as he could feel Galen pushing back his concern and despair.

Galen bowed to the older Jedi as he closed the distance. “I failed, Master.”

“You hardly failed, Galen.” Anakin stated flatly. “There is still Hope of recovering Luke and the Doctor.”

Galen was about to speak, then closed his mouth, thinking out his next words carefully. “I was more speaking of Tattooine. I was in a position to deter them from using the Super Laser. I didn’t, trusting the military to know what was best.” The young Jedi looked down. “I was wrong.”

“The Jedi are not to interfere with the Military, there would have been nothing you could have done and from my understanding, A possible Dalek incursion warranted the excessive force.”

Galen nodded, unconvinced but knew better than to push it with his former Master. Had he known or forseen the outcome, would he have had to have killed every one on the bridge to stop them from attacking the Dalek pyramid with the planet killing laser to keep this from coming pass. The Daleks couldn't be such a threat to warrent destroying the ecosystem of a planet.

Or even more unthinkable, destroying the entire planet?

SHaking off that thought, he brought his mind to the tasks at hand,

“How is Leia. The Gallifreyan Ambassador Romana believes that she is in contact with Luke.” Galen asked, as they began to move towards the Infinity’s End.

“She is keeping strong, stronger than many others I’ve been fortunate enough to know in my travels. She refuses to rest, keeping a link between herself and Luke.” Master Skywalker stated, his lips tightening. “I don’t know how long she can keep it up, however. Eventually, she will break down from the pressure.”

“She is stronger than any of us give her credit.” Galen said, as the first glimpsed of the Captain of the End walked down the ramp.

Skywalker nodded, and closed his eyes momentarily, reaching out to his daughter..

Still ok..

“So, there is some concern about a possible attack on the Estate?” Anakin said, raising an eyebrow to his padawan.

“There was some concern about a Time Lord calling himself The Master making trouble during this crisis. Ambassador Romana believes that if he kills Leia, then the Doctor will not be able to return here, effectively removing him from reality..” he said, shaking his head. “It’s a lot to take in, Master..”

Anakin smiled. “You get use to it.” He said, clasping him on the shoulder, as he saw the Corellian on the ramp. The Master Jedi raised an eyebrow. “That’s Devon Vos, yeah?”

“Yes Master.” Galen said, looking to the older Jedi. “Are you familier with him?”

“Not directally, but I do know that he was under Zey, who was tasked with finding The Master.. Maybe he will get another bite at the fruit..”

The pair approached the ramp, and holding a hand out to Devon Vos, introduced the captain of the Infinity’s end..
“Captain Devon Vos, this is the father of the woman were here to protect, Master Anakin Skywalker…”
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Re: STAR WARS: Lords of Galllifrey (An Infinities Crossover

Post by coronhorn »

Devon took the slightly older Jedi Master's hand, "Honor to meet you sir, I've heard many a clone speak of you in the hushed tones reserved for legends, but if you will excuse me I have alot of work that needs doing and very little time to do it in. Do you currently have any security on the grounds right now that we should be aware of?"

Skywalker nodded, "There are four royal guardsmen here on the estate; Hazzah, Cozime, Foveron, and Sadow each assigned by Captain Dominaul from the palace, I trust the man implicitly."

Devon nodded and as the Omega's filed down the ramp beside him he motioned to Rao, "Send Gas to do a physical location check on the guardsmen and make sure we're all on the same wavelength, have Ty and Bo do a perimeter and signals sweep. I want you and Leon on the protection. Now lets go, get that gear sorted and slotted."

Turning back to Skywalker Devon motioned to the house, "If you could be so nice as to show me the way, sir."

Skywalker nodded and the two of them started for the house at a brisk pace, "I'm impressed Captain, not many people can manage a pack of commandos like that."

Devon smirked, "Easy once you know how they think and gain their respect but then I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, sir. I assume you're aware that the Council and the military both think that the Master is coming after your daughter?"

Skywalker nodded with that knowing smile that every single Jedi he'd ever met seemed to wear all the time, "Good, if you feel anything out of place you'll let me know then."
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Post by zephre »

Rassilon shook his head. “No, not currently but I have no doubt that I can depend on you in the future when needed. I will make certain that all possible assistance will be given to your family in this situation,” and motioned to the Chancellery Officer. The Spit and polish soldier moved to the Castellans side.

“Contact Gallifrey, and have the Stables focus a portion of their scans within the Matrix and bring their attention to this zone. I want to know the moment that the Doctor’s Type 40 enters the Timestream. Have them link to Lady Romanadvoratrelundar’s TARDIS.”

“Lord Castellan, I am here to ensure your safety..”

“I am here, among our friends within the Republic, in the presence of a Jedi Knight.” He said, “I couldn’t be safer.”

The Officer saluted, and turned to the escort Trooper that was waiting for them. A moment later, the pair left the conference room.

Romana watched them go, and turned back to the Castellan. “Your are taking this much more in stride than I had believed you would, Lord Rassilon.”

“We shall see how much in stride, as you say, I will react depending on the Republics standpoint on their planet killing machine. The Shadow Proclamation is waiting, in essence, to exhale. All of the members are very nervous about a young government having a super weapon that is able to stop a Dalek Invasion with a single salvo.” He said, looking over a flimsy. “Or more so, crippling one of their own worlds in the process..”

“It is hardly unheard of, Rassilon..” Romana stated. “The Judoon have been know to sacrifice one of their protectorates as needed, as have several..”

“No, it is not unheard of, which is the problem.” Rassilon said, shaking his head, and turning to the Jedi, explaining.

“The Shadow Proclamation is a quorum of governments, working together for mutual protection and betterment, much like your Republic.” He stated, “The Galactic Republic has been approached in joining the Proclamation, finding that it has much to offer the universe in whole.” He looked back to Romana. “Until it was showed that the Republic has and is willing to use a Super Weapon.” He shook his head. “Using such a thing is strictly against several articles of the Shadow Proclamation. There are few times such force is allowed..”
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