The Xavier Institute for Higher Learning.
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The Xavier Institute for Higher Learning.
Midwest in an unknown location
"Mr. Xander, we have finished the work on the blueprints, now we just need your approval before wes start building."
Jarlan looked over the plans and quickly drew in a few changes.
"It's looking quite good so far. I just need a few more things changed. You still don't quite understand what I am doing here do you?"
"Well sir, if I didn't know any better I'd say that you are trying to recreate something that we've already done, but only once."
"That's why I hired you. I know your company has done it before, and I just want to get it done again."
"Yes sir. We have the Entire Foundation poured, and I'll implement your changes immediately. You do realize that this is going to cost a fortune, right?"
"Of course I do. Thank goodness I have one." Jarlan smiled at the man as he looked over the site of what was going to be his Mansion. "How long before it's completed?"
"With the new additions, I'd say give us a month."
"You have three weeks. School starts soon, and I want to help as many children as I can."
"We'll do our best sir, but we can't promise anything."
"Do your best, and have it done in three weeks. If need be, I'll pay extra to get whatever help you need. Just remember that no one else needs to see those prints." Jarlan headed towards a helicopter that was nearby. As he walked towards it, it immediately started up.
"Hey, Jarlan."
"What is it?"
"I just wanted to know. Are you what I think you are?"
"I haven't the slightest idea what you mean." Jarlan smiled then walked to the helicopter.
"Where to Mr. Xander?"
"Well, I do have some things in New York I need to do. So let's head there. Besides, I'm hoping that a friend of mine has decided to take me up on an offer."
"Yes sir." The helicopter took off and Jarlan looked over what was being built.
"It's going to be beautiful." Jarlan remarked to himself as the helicopter took off towards the airport. "Is my plane ready?"
"Yes sir, it will be before we land."
"Good, I don't want to waste any time."
"Mr. Xander, we have finished the work on the blueprints, now we just need your approval before wes start building."
Jarlan looked over the plans and quickly drew in a few changes.
"It's looking quite good so far. I just need a few more things changed. You still don't quite understand what I am doing here do you?"
"Well sir, if I didn't know any better I'd say that you are trying to recreate something that we've already done, but only once."
"That's why I hired you. I know your company has done it before, and I just want to get it done again."
"Yes sir. We have the Entire Foundation poured, and I'll implement your changes immediately. You do realize that this is going to cost a fortune, right?"
"Of course I do. Thank goodness I have one." Jarlan smiled at the man as he looked over the site of what was going to be his Mansion. "How long before it's completed?"
"With the new additions, I'd say give us a month."
"You have three weeks. School starts soon, and I want to help as many children as I can."
"We'll do our best sir, but we can't promise anything."
"Do your best, and have it done in three weeks. If need be, I'll pay extra to get whatever help you need. Just remember that no one else needs to see those prints." Jarlan headed towards a helicopter that was nearby. As he walked towards it, it immediately started up.
"Hey, Jarlan."
"What is it?"
"I just wanted to know. Are you what I think you are?"
"I haven't the slightest idea what you mean." Jarlan smiled then walked to the helicopter.
"Where to Mr. Xander?"
"Well, I do have some things in New York I need to do. So let's head there. Besides, I'm hoping that a friend of mine has decided to take me up on an offer."
"Yes sir." The helicopter took off and Jarlan looked over what was being built.
"It's going to be beautiful." Jarlan remarked to himself as the helicopter took off towards the airport. "Is my plane ready?"
"Yes sir, it will be before we land."
"Good, I don't want to waste any time."
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New York City Airport
"So, where are we going?" Shayla asked as she buckled herself in on Jarlans private jet.
"I have a couple of people I'd like to check out. One of them is a boxer in his high school in Little Rock Arkansas. The other two are sisters, who are living in California. They may be a bit tougher to find, considering they are scared for their lives, and believe that everyone is out to get them, but knowing what I do of them, I could see them becomming a very good team."
"So, off to Little Rock then?"
"Yeah, I look forward to meeting this guy, he's said to be undefeatable in the ring, and a few other things make me think that he has something to hide, but I won't know til we get there."
"So, where are we going?" Shayla asked as she buckled herself in on Jarlans private jet.
"I have a couple of people I'd like to check out. One of them is a boxer in his high school in Little Rock Arkansas. The other two are sisters, who are living in California. They may be a bit tougher to find, considering they are scared for their lives, and believe that everyone is out to get them, but knowing what I do of them, I could see them becomming a very good team."
"So, off to Little Rock then?"
"Yeah, I look forward to meeting this guy, he's said to be undefeatable in the ring, and a few other things make me think that he has something to hide, but I won't know til we get there."
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Little Rock Arkansas
The small town home was peacefull as usual, when suddenly the door bell rang.
"Hello. I presume you are Mrs. White?"
"Yes I am, may I ask who you are?"
"I'm Jarlan Xander, and this is my associate Shayla O'Malley."
"A pleasure to meet you." Shayla spoke up.
"What can I do for you Mr. Xander, Ms. O'Malley?"
"Actually we are here to talk to you about your son, Isaac."
"What about Isaac?"
"Well, I run a school for gifted students, and I'm here to offer Isaac a full scholarship at my school, if he proves to be as good as I think he is."
"Well, come on in, and we'll talk about it. Isaac! Come on in here!"
"What mom?" Isaac walked into the room and met eyes with Jarlan first, but immediately looked over to Shayla. "Who are they?" he whispered quietly to his mother.
"This is Mr. Xander, and Ms. Shayla. They are from a school that want to offer you a scholarship."
Jarlan nodded as Isaac took a seat, and Jarlan followed suit. Jarlan started to feel out the situation and could sense the fact that this boy was a mutant.
"I'd like to offer you a scholarship for my school, if you'd be interested. It is for very special youths who have unique abilities. If you are interested in it, here is my card." Jarlan handed him his business card. "And..." Jarlan began again as he reached into a breifcase he was carrying. "Here's some information about the school and everything we offer. Please notify me immediately if you would like to start this year in the school."
After a few more pleasantries Jarlan and Shayla walked out of the home and slipped into the limo and drove off back to the airport.
"Do you really expect him to come to the school with that little information?" Shayla was baffled with the calmness that Jarlan had handled it.
"Well, you only heard the conversation that I had with the parents. I had a completely different conversation with him. He knows exactly what the school is, and what it will help him do. He seemed very excited about it, and felt that he could convince his parents. I'd say that I should have a call from his parents within the next couple days. Now we just have to go track down the girls. How hard can it be to find two certain mutants in California." Jarlan smiled as he sat back and broke out some wine. "Want a glass?"
"Sure." Shayla took the glass and sipped on the wine. "Have you always read minds like that? Including mine?"
"I had to read yours hun. You were a bit messed up wihen you were found. It was the only way I could find out everything I needed to know. Since you weren't in much shape to tell me."
"Where do you draw the limits?"
"Anything that you hold dear to your heart, I haven't touched. I don't listen nor pry for secrets, I only look for the thoughts that are right there on the top of your mind. The ones that could get you in trouble from time to time if spoken aloud, but when in your head, they are your own thoughts, but they are your TRUE thoughts. That's what I'm looking for, truth."
"Understood." Shayla took another sip of her wine as the limo continued towards the airport.
The small town home was peacefull as usual, when suddenly the door bell rang.
"Hello. I presume you are Mrs. White?"
"Yes I am, may I ask who you are?"
"I'm Jarlan Xander, and this is my associate Shayla O'Malley."
"A pleasure to meet you." Shayla spoke up.
"What can I do for you Mr. Xander, Ms. O'Malley?"
"Actually we are here to talk to you about your son, Isaac."
"What about Isaac?"
"Well, I run a school for gifted students, and I'm here to offer Isaac a full scholarship at my school, if he proves to be as good as I think he is."
"Well, come on in, and we'll talk about it. Isaac! Come on in here!"
"What mom?" Isaac walked into the room and met eyes with Jarlan first, but immediately looked over to Shayla. "Who are they?" he whispered quietly to his mother.
"This is Mr. Xander, and Ms. Shayla. They are from a school that want to offer you a scholarship."
Jarlan nodded as Isaac took a seat, and Jarlan followed suit. Jarlan started to feel out the situation and could sense the fact that this boy was a mutant.
"I'd like to offer you a scholarship for my school, if you'd be interested. It is for very special youths who have unique abilities. If you are interested in it, here is my card." Jarlan handed him his business card. "And..." Jarlan began again as he reached into a breifcase he was carrying. "Here's some information about the school and everything we offer. Please notify me immediately if you would like to start this year in the school."
After a few more pleasantries Jarlan and Shayla walked out of the home and slipped into the limo and drove off back to the airport.
"Do you really expect him to come to the school with that little information?" Shayla was baffled with the calmness that Jarlan had handled it.
"Well, you only heard the conversation that I had with the parents. I had a completely different conversation with him. He knows exactly what the school is, and what it will help him do. He seemed very excited about it, and felt that he could convince his parents. I'd say that I should have a call from his parents within the next couple days. Now we just have to go track down the girls. How hard can it be to find two certain mutants in California." Jarlan smiled as he sat back and broke out some wine. "Want a glass?"
"Sure." Shayla took the glass and sipped on the wine. "Have you always read minds like that? Including mine?"
"I had to read yours hun. You were a bit messed up wihen you were found. It was the only way I could find out everything I needed to know. Since you weren't in much shape to tell me."
"Where do you draw the limits?"
"Anything that you hold dear to your heart, I haven't touched. I don't listen nor pry for secrets, I only look for the thoughts that are right there on the top of your mind. The ones that could get you in trouble from time to time if spoken aloud, but when in your head, they are your own thoughts, but they are your TRUE thoughts. That's what I'm looking for, truth."
"Understood." Shayla took another sip of her wine as the limo continued towards the airport.
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He remembered little and what he did remember wasn’t good. His eyes opened and they immediately stung. He closed them, but the stinging persisted. He realized then, that he was currently in the water. Salt water. The ocean. Images of fun times at the beach with the family flashed through his head. Ice cream cones and sunscreen. Hot dogs and sand in sandals. He shook his head, attempting to clear the thoughts from his mind. He pushed forward through the water.
The man realized that he had to open his eyes and he did just as he pushed forward. There was a pain in his back, a strong pain, followed by another in his chest. He realized then that he’d been shot in both places. He was trailing blood. This was a bad thing, he knew that. He also knew that he had to get to shore and soon. It was then that he attempted to lift his head above the water. He took a breath as he did and saw that land was not that far away. He also recognized his surroundings, though how he did, he had no clue.
The landmark was significant, and though he couldn’t remember how he knew it, he just knew that the huge red bridge told him that he was in San Francisco. He struck out in the water, pushing past the pain. He had to get to land. Eventually he did, pulling himself up out of the water. It just so happened that the place where he got out of the water had a few people standing by. One of them ran over to him. “Oh my God, are you alright?” The man asked the one who had just come from the water, helping the other to his feet where he swayed in the wind, incredibly weak.
“Who is he?” One of his friends asked.
“I don’t know, but we need help. We need to get him to a doctor.”
“I’m a doctor.” One of the people who was there, but wasn’t part of the group said. He had turned at the sound of the second person’s question. He came now towards the man. “He’s been shot. Twice. Let’s get him down on the ground. Hey buddy, you have a name?”
It was then that the man, who had been trying had to follow along with what they had been saying realized that he didn’t know his own name.
The man realized that he had to open his eyes and he did just as he pushed forward. There was a pain in his back, a strong pain, followed by another in his chest. He realized then that he’d been shot in both places. He was trailing blood. This was a bad thing, he knew that. He also knew that he had to get to shore and soon. It was then that he attempted to lift his head above the water. He took a breath as he did and saw that land was not that far away. He also recognized his surroundings, though how he did, he had no clue.
The landmark was significant, and though he couldn’t remember how he knew it, he just knew that the huge red bridge told him that he was in San Francisco. He struck out in the water, pushing past the pain. He had to get to land. Eventually he did, pulling himself up out of the water. It just so happened that the place where he got out of the water had a few people standing by. One of them ran over to him. “Oh my God, are you alright?” The man asked the one who had just come from the water, helping the other to his feet where he swayed in the wind, incredibly weak.
“Who is he?” One of his friends asked.
“I don’t know, but we need help. We need to get him to a doctor.”
“I’m a doctor.” One of the people who was there, but wasn’t part of the group said. He had turned at the sound of the second person’s question. He came now towards the man. “He’s been shot. Twice. Let’s get him down on the ground. Hey buddy, you have a name?”
It was then that the man, who had been trying had to follow along with what they had been saying realized that he didn’t know his own name.
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Los Angelas
"Hurry up Shaina... " Shynira ducked into the door, and waited for Shaina to catch up, Shaina shot through the door and Shy grabbed her and they both vanished. Shortly after the men chasing them busted through the door.
"Where did you go girls? We won't hurt you, we're only here to take you in." The FBI agents spread out and started covering the building. AFter they left the room Shy and Shaina reappeared.
"Let's go, we need to get out of this city." Shy looked over at Shaina who had almost completely changed now. "What do you say we head to San Francisco, maybe we can lose them there."
"Sounds fine to me." Shaina nodded and took Shy's hand and both girls walked through the wall and past all the other agents outside of the building.
Northern California
The helicopter's noise was almost enough to drive Shayla insane. But Jarlan just sat there, almost like he was in a deep meditation.
"What are we doing?" Shayla finally asked
"We are going from city to city, till I can feel the girls."
"There's got to be an easier way to locate them."
"There was once, but honestly, I'm not sure if I could even use the technology that allows it to be easier."
"What do you mean?"
"Charles Xavier had a machine called Cerebro, it allowed him to sense the presense of all humans and mutants across the states, some say even across the world. But, if you don't have the control he did..." Jarlan stopped realizing he was having to scream, then said the rest of it in Shayla's mnid. "And I don't know how much control I have, so making the machine, and using it, might kill me, and it might do me good."
Shayla nodded and sat back, letting Jarlan get back to his search.
"Hurry up Shaina... " Shynira ducked into the door, and waited for Shaina to catch up, Shaina shot through the door and Shy grabbed her and they both vanished. Shortly after the men chasing them busted through the door.
"Where did you go girls? We won't hurt you, we're only here to take you in." The FBI agents spread out and started covering the building. AFter they left the room Shy and Shaina reappeared.
"Let's go, we need to get out of this city." Shy looked over at Shaina who had almost completely changed now. "What do you say we head to San Francisco, maybe we can lose them there."
"Sounds fine to me." Shaina nodded and took Shy's hand and both girls walked through the wall and past all the other agents outside of the building.
Northern California
The helicopter's noise was almost enough to drive Shayla insane. But Jarlan just sat there, almost like he was in a deep meditation.
"What are we doing?" Shayla finally asked
"We are going from city to city, till I can feel the girls."
"There's got to be an easier way to locate them."
"There was once, but honestly, I'm not sure if I could even use the technology that allows it to be easier."
"What do you mean?"
"Charles Xavier had a machine called Cerebro, it allowed him to sense the presense of all humans and mutants across the states, some say even across the world. But, if you don't have the control he did..." Jarlan stopped realizing he was having to scream, then said the rest of it in Shayla's mnid. "And I don't know how much control I have, so making the machine, and using it, might kill me, and it might do me good."
Shayla nodded and sat back, letting Jarlan get back to his search.
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The sky grew dark as she sat perfectly still, allowing the darkness to surround her. The lights of the city could barely be seen from where she was, but the stars began to show through the black sky. As the clouds cleared the area she watched as the stars began to collect together, making a stream of white light cross the sky. She felt at peace with the world, for the first time in years. She knew that one day she may end up regretting all she had done, and the time had finally come. A time to bring her deeds to an end, and begin anew.
She sat wondering if she would ever be able to forget all those whom she had touched. But still wasn't sure if she could ever forgive herself for those that she had killed, even though there were few, they were the strongest in her mind. The thoughts and feelings of everyone who even just bumped into her was still there, but it had been months since anyone touched her skin, since she started wearing long sleeves, and long gloves.
She looked over the building in front of her which was going up pretty quickly, just waiting for the school to open, and waiting for the owner to come home.
She sat wondering if she would ever be able to forget all those whom she had touched. But still wasn't sure if she could ever forgive herself for those that she had killed, even though there were few, they were the strongest in her mind. The thoughts and feelings of everyone who even just bumped into her was still there, but it had been months since anyone touched her skin, since she started wearing long sleeves, and long gloves.
She looked over the building in front of her which was going up pretty quickly, just waiting for the school to open, and waiting for the owner to come home.
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The man woke up in the hospital room, unsure of anything. He knew nothing except that he was in a hospital gown and in a room, with monitors, IV hook ups, everything. He looked around, confused and unsure of what was going on. One thing that he did know was that he had to leave this place and get out as soon as possible, more like now. He reached out and pulled out the leads and then the IVs. Sliding his legs out from underneath the covers on the bed, he stood up.
The room swayed, and he felt as though he was falling backwards. He reached a hand out and grabbed the IV stand. He closed his eyes and allowed himself a moment to clear his thoughts and free his mind. His eyes snapped open as a nurse entered the room and gasped. “You’re not supposed to be up. Sir, I need you to lie back down.”
“I can’t do that.” He said.
“Sir.” She said, as she reached to her hip. His eyes stayed on her own, but he saw the movement. She was pressing a security button on her hip. A part of him was ready and primed to punch her and take her out, but another part of him didn’t want to do that. However, his mind reasoned that doing that would be pointless since she’d already pressed the button. He brushed past her and headed down the hallway.
He needed clothes. Obviously a hospital gown was not the best choice in clothing. As he was half walking half running down the hallway, two security guards came around the corner. They were coming towards him. He heard shouts behind him and realized that there were two other guards coming up from behind him.
The man kept up his pace, increasing it so that he was running. All the security guards had batons, and he knew he had to disarm them or at least get one of the batons in his possession. He solved the problem in his second attack. In the first one, he grabbed the wrist of the guard who tried to attack first. He snapped it, and the baton fell out of his hand, and into the man’s hand.
The man turned, still holding the first guard’s wrist and slammed the baton into the other’s face. His moves were fast, quick, and naturally calculated at a blindingly fast speed as the other guards fell upon them. Five seconds later, all four guards were knocked out on the ground. The man ran.
The room swayed, and he felt as though he was falling backwards. He reached a hand out and grabbed the IV stand. He closed his eyes and allowed himself a moment to clear his thoughts and free his mind. His eyes snapped open as a nurse entered the room and gasped. “You’re not supposed to be up. Sir, I need you to lie back down.”
“I can’t do that.” He said.
“Sir.” She said, as she reached to her hip. His eyes stayed on her own, but he saw the movement. She was pressing a security button on her hip. A part of him was ready and primed to punch her and take her out, but another part of him didn’t want to do that. However, his mind reasoned that doing that would be pointless since she’d already pressed the button. He brushed past her and headed down the hallway.
He needed clothes. Obviously a hospital gown was not the best choice in clothing. As he was half walking half running down the hallway, two security guards came around the corner. They were coming towards him. He heard shouts behind him and realized that there were two other guards coming up from behind him.
The man kept up his pace, increasing it so that he was running. All the security guards had batons, and he knew he had to disarm them or at least get one of the batons in his possession. He solved the problem in his second attack. In the first one, he grabbed the wrist of the guard who tried to attack first. He snapped it, and the baton fell out of his hand, and into the man’s hand.
The man turned, still holding the first guard’s wrist and slammed the baton into the other’s face. His moves were fast, quick, and naturally calculated at a blindingly fast speed as the other guards fell upon them. Five seconds later, all four guards were knocked out on the ground. The man ran.
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Jarlan and Shayla had spent a full day, and now another half traveling from city to city looking for the girls.
"Jarlan, anything?"
"Afraid not. I have't felt their presense yet." Jarlan opened his eyes and looked at Shayla. "Sorry that this is so boring, maybe I should rethink making a new cerebro, then this would be an easy task." Jarlan close his eyes, probing through the cities, looking for the specific minds of the girls. "I don't think they are here, pilot. Take us further South."
"We'll need to stop for fuel first."
"That's fine. Just stop in the next big city airport."
"Yes sir."
"Jarlan, anything?"
"Afraid not. I have't felt their presense yet." Jarlan opened his eyes and looked at Shayla. "Sorry that this is so boring, maybe I should rethink making a new cerebro, then this would be an easy task." Jarlan close his eyes, probing through the cities, looking for the specific minds of the girls. "I don't think they are here, pilot. Take us further South."
"We'll need to stop for fuel first."
"That's fine. Just stop in the next big city airport."
"Yes sir."
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He'd found the clothes that he'd arrived in. After grabbing a nurse and getting her to help him that is. They had been put into a ziploc bag. He had them and he'd stolen a doctor's change of clothes. Now he was out and about, looking for a safe place to examine his clothes for anything that would clue him into who he was and what he had been doing in the middle of the San Francisco bay.
He found it in a small park. After finding a recluse place and sitting down on a bench, he unzipped the bag and went through everything. There was nothing anywhere except for in the back pocket of his damp blue jeans. He took the small box out and flipped the cover. When he flipped it, he found that there was a keypad. His fingers moved over it as he considered what the combination might be. Of their own accord, his fingers tapped in "41259819". The whole keypad lit up green and slid away to reveal a single piece of paper.
He pulled it out and turned it over. Then he smiled. Now he was getting somewhere. He had a bit of a walk, but that wasn't going to be a problem.
Roughly half an hour alter, the man entered the San Francisco branch of Wayne Financial. One of the largest banks in the world, Wayne had locations all over the world. Here at San Francisco, they had a series of high end security deposit boxes. The man didn't know it, but his box shared the same wall space as royalty and corporate dynasties. The man walked towards one of the teller spots. "Good afternoon, I'd like to take a look at my security deposit box." He said. He gave the man behind the bulletproof glass the slip of paper with the passcode on it. When the teller punched it in, it came back correct.
The man was guided towards the security deposit box area, but not the normal one that the general public used. He was taken a few flights of stairs down into the ground. He went through a security checkpoint and then a verification test. His handprint scan passed easily. He was surprised by this, but he didn't let it show, for fear of the guards getting suspicious of him. Finally he reached the boxes. His was brought to him and he was left alone in a booth.
He opened the box and stared at the contents. There wasn't much in there, but the metal bottom seemed fake, creating a space too shallow for the deep box. He took this second top off and his eyes widened. Various passports were in the container, as well as thirty thousand dollars in different currencies from the around the world. Finally there was a Desert Eagle pistol with a magazine in the gun and another one at its side. A quick check of both told him that they both held rounds.
The bank people had given him a bag and he emptied the contents of the box into the bag. As he did, one of the passports fell onto the floor. He bent and picked it up. It had been on the top of the pile and so he assumed that it was the main passport that he used. It was a British passport and it had his face. Most importantly, it had a name. Alec Partridge.
He found it in a small park. After finding a recluse place and sitting down on a bench, he unzipped the bag and went through everything. There was nothing anywhere except for in the back pocket of his damp blue jeans. He took the small box out and flipped the cover. When he flipped it, he found that there was a keypad. His fingers moved over it as he considered what the combination might be. Of their own accord, his fingers tapped in "41259819". The whole keypad lit up green and slid away to reveal a single piece of paper.
He pulled it out and turned it over. Then he smiled. Now he was getting somewhere. He had a bit of a walk, but that wasn't going to be a problem.
Roughly half an hour alter, the man entered the San Francisco branch of Wayne Financial. One of the largest banks in the world, Wayne had locations all over the world. Here at San Francisco, they had a series of high end security deposit boxes. The man didn't know it, but his box shared the same wall space as royalty and corporate dynasties. The man walked towards one of the teller spots. "Good afternoon, I'd like to take a look at my security deposit box." He said. He gave the man behind the bulletproof glass the slip of paper with the passcode on it. When the teller punched it in, it came back correct.
The man was guided towards the security deposit box area, but not the normal one that the general public used. He was taken a few flights of stairs down into the ground. He went through a security checkpoint and then a verification test. His handprint scan passed easily. He was surprised by this, but he didn't let it show, for fear of the guards getting suspicious of him. Finally he reached the boxes. His was brought to him and he was left alone in a booth.
He opened the box and stared at the contents. There wasn't much in there, but the metal bottom seemed fake, creating a space too shallow for the deep box. He took this second top off and his eyes widened. Various passports were in the container, as well as thirty thousand dollars in different currencies from the around the world. Finally there was a Desert Eagle pistol with a magazine in the gun and another one at its side. A quick check of both told him that they both held rounds.
The bank people had given him a bag and he emptied the contents of the box into the bag. As he did, one of the passports fell onto the floor. He bent and picked it up. It had been on the top of the pile and so he assumed that it was the main passport that he used. It was a British passport and it had his face. Most importantly, it had a name. Alec Partridge.
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It had been four days now that Shayla and Jarlan were searching from city to city. They were now on their fourth helicopter pilot, since the others had to take a couple days of rest after so many hours of flying. Jarlan still sat quietly searching through all the minds of those below, only taking the feeling of who they were, and not the thoughts themselves.
"They are near." Jarlan spoke for the first time in hours, waking Shayla out of a light nap.
"Where are we?" Shayla asked the pilot as she snapped herself back to conciousness.
"San Francisco, Ma'am."
Shayla looked down over the city, through the glass beneath her feet.
"Oh great, how long will it take to pinpoint where they are now?"
Jarlan smiled. "Pilot, take us to the airport. We'll need to get a car and take a drive around the city."
The helicopter landed, and Shayla and Jarlan both ran out from under the blades, into a private hanger.
A man stood at the door and opened it. "Welcome to San Francisco Airport. What can we do for you today?"
"We could use a car." Jarlan smiled at him. "And we could also use a map of the area if you could."
The man made a couple phone calls and informed them that the car would be there in half an hour, and invited them to sit and wait in the waiting room.
"They are near." Jarlan spoke for the first time in hours, waking Shayla out of a light nap.
"Where are we?" Shayla asked the pilot as she snapped herself back to conciousness.
"San Francisco, Ma'am."
Shayla looked down over the city, through the glass beneath her feet.
"Oh great, how long will it take to pinpoint where they are now?"
Jarlan smiled. "Pilot, take us to the airport. We'll need to get a car and take a drive around the city."
The helicopter landed, and Shayla and Jarlan both ran out from under the blades, into a private hanger.
A man stood at the door and opened it. "Welcome to San Francisco Airport. What can we do for you today?"
"We could use a car." Jarlan smiled at him. "And we could also use a map of the area if you could."
The man made a couple phone calls and informed them that the car would be there in half an hour, and invited them to sit and wait in the waiting room.
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The sun began to rise, plastering the sky in wonderful colors. She got up from the blanket on the ground, and looked around the area. It had been days that she was staying in a tent outside of the school, and the past couple days it had been raining non stop. This was the first time she actually got to sleep outside, since the first day she had gotten there. The Building was fully erect, and the crews were all on the inside of the building. She hopped on her motorcycle and drove it down into the parking lot. She hoped off her bike and walked up to the door. After knocking she waited.
"Hello?" The man came to the door with a quizzical look on his face.
"Hi, I was wondering if you know when Jarlan would be back here?"
"I'm sorry, but who are you? Before I answer that question."
"My name is Velana Prova, Mr. Xander invited me down here."
"I'm not sure when he'll be back, but he did leave this for you if you showed up. Is that your bike?"
Velana shook her head and took the envelope.
"Oh good, I was wondering who it was that was sitting so close to the project." The man smiled and gestured for her to come in. "This side is still underconstruction, however, Jarlan made arrangements for the North wing of the building to be done first. It is the faculty quarters."
Velana walked in and opened the envelope as the man was speaking and found a note, and a set of keys.
"Velana Prova. I am glad that you have taken my invite and have come to the school. I regret that I am not there to greet you, however I will be there as soon as I can. For now, please stay in the North wing, the keys are to the building, and to your room. The main kitchen should be complete upon your arrival, but just in case it wasn't going to be, I had them install a refridgerator and a microwave in your room. I know how you like your privacy and figured that would give you a place to go when you need to be alone. Thank you again for comming, and enjoy your stay."
Velana smiled then put the letter in her pocket and spun the keys around her finger.
"Would you show me to the North Wing please?"
"Of course."
Velana followed the man through the construction area and into the main hall. Velana looked around as the man shut the door behind them. "So, this part of the school is also done."
"Honestly miss, the only part we are still working on is the East wing, where you came from. The rest of the mansion is done. The North wing is up the stairs, Take a left, then an immediate right, that will take you down the hallway and then into the rooming section. The main kitchen is straight from here and to the left as well. Please make yourself at home. If you need anything, let us know. We know this place very well now." The man smiled and opened the door, letting the sounds from the construction echo through the hall, and then as it closed it went quiet again.
"Nice sound proofing." She smiled to herself and walked back outside grabbing her bags, and then walking back inside and made her way to her room.
"Hello?" The man came to the door with a quizzical look on his face.
"Hi, I was wondering if you know when Jarlan would be back here?"
"I'm sorry, but who are you? Before I answer that question."
"My name is Velana Prova, Mr. Xander invited me down here."
"I'm not sure when he'll be back, but he did leave this for you if you showed up. Is that your bike?"
Velana shook her head and took the envelope.
"Oh good, I was wondering who it was that was sitting so close to the project." The man smiled and gestured for her to come in. "This side is still underconstruction, however, Jarlan made arrangements for the North wing of the building to be done first. It is the faculty quarters."
Velana walked in and opened the envelope as the man was speaking and found a note, and a set of keys.
"Velana Prova. I am glad that you have taken my invite and have come to the school. I regret that I am not there to greet you, however I will be there as soon as I can. For now, please stay in the North wing, the keys are to the building, and to your room. The main kitchen should be complete upon your arrival, but just in case it wasn't going to be, I had them install a refridgerator and a microwave in your room. I know how you like your privacy and figured that would give you a place to go when you need to be alone. Thank you again for comming, and enjoy your stay."
Velana smiled then put the letter in her pocket and spun the keys around her finger.
"Would you show me to the North Wing please?"
"Of course."
Velana followed the man through the construction area and into the main hall. Velana looked around as the man shut the door behind them. "So, this part of the school is also done."
"Honestly miss, the only part we are still working on is the East wing, where you came from. The rest of the mansion is done. The North wing is up the stairs, Take a left, then an immediate right, that will take you down the hallway and then into the rooming section. The main kitchen is straight from here and to the left as well. Please make yourself at home. If you need anything, let us know. We know this place very well now." The man smiled and opened the door, letting the sounds from the construction echo through the hall, and then as it closed it went quiet again.
"Nice sound proofing." She smiled to herself and walked back outside grabbing her bags, and then walking back inside and made her way to her room.
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Suddenly the vehicle came to a grindig halt as Xander told Shayla to stop.
"Stay here, I'll be right back." he got out of the vehicle and disappeared quickly into an alley.
"Shynira...." the voice echoed through her head. "Shynira, you have been running long enough already."
"Do you hear that?" Shy finally asked Shaina.
"Hear what?"
"The voice?"
"Guess not. What is it saying?"
"It's calling my name, and telling me that I've been running long enough."
"I'd agree with that." Shaina smiled as she looked out the door way into the back alley. "Personally I'd love to stop running."
"Well, I would too. But it's hard to keep living when you have nothing." Shynira paused as she heard the voice again.
"I'm going to open the door, I am alone, and I mean you no harm. Please just listen to me." As the voice stopped the door began to open.
"Let's get out of here!" Shaina started too run towards the front door.
"Wait, for some reason I think that we're okay."
Jarlan entered the room and smiled at the girls.
"My name is Jarlan Xander. I'm here to offer you a position in a new school for special children. LIke your selves."
Shynira still wasn't sure what to say.
"I can tell that you are both scared, and I know that you are being chased by many different agencies, mostly because of your mutant abilities, but also because of your actions. I have deal for you." Jarlan smiled and motioned for the girls to sit down, which they did. "Good, I'm glad to have your trust. Now, if you are willing to turn yourselves in, I"ll make sure that the judge goes easy on you, and releases you to me. But only if you are willing to stay at the school, and learn what is taught. Including History, English, Math, and Sciences, and especially including morals and using your powers for the good of people."
"How can you make such promises." Shaina spoke up.
"Let's just say I have a way with people. Do we have a deal?"
Shynira looked over at Shaina and then took her aside and they began whispering to one another. As they finished whispering they turned around to Jarlan.
"Good, I"m glad you see things my way." Jarlan smiled at the girls. "I need you to walk outside and surrender yourselves to the Federal agents who are on their way here."
Shynira ran to the window and didn't see anyone around. "How do you know they are on their way?"
"Because I can sense their presense, just trust me girls. You will be fine."
Shynira and Shaina took each others hands and walked out the back door and into the alley.
"FREEZE!!!!" Several agents popped out of different areas of the alley with guns pointing at the girls. "You are under arrest!"
Shy and Shaina threw up their hands and surrendered to them, taking them to the jail house.
"Stay here, I'll be right back." he got out of the vehicle and disappeared quickly into an alley.
"Shynira...." the voice echoed through her head. "Shynira, you have been running long enough already."
"Do you hear that?" Shy finally asked Shaina.
"Hear what?"
"The voice?"
"Guess not. What is it saying?"
"It's calling my name, and telling me that I've been running long enough."
"I'd agree with that." Shaina smiled as she looked out the door way into the back alley. "Personally I'd love to stop running."
"Well, I would too. But it's hard to keep living when you have nothing." Shynira paused as she heard the voice again.
"I'm going to open the door, I am alone, and I mean you no harm. Please just listen to me." As the voice stopped the door began to open.
"Let's get out of here!" Shaina started too run towards the front door.
"Wait, for some reason I think that we're okay."
Jarlan entered the room and smiled at the girls.
"My name is Jarlan Xander. I'm here to offer you a position in a new school for special children. LIke your selves."
Shynira still wasn't sure what to say.
"I can tell that you are both scared, and I know that you are being chased by many different agencies, mostly because of your mutant abilities, but also because of your actions. I have deal for you." Jarlan smiled and motioned for the girls to sit down, which they did. "Good, I'm glad to have your trust. Now, if you are willing to turn yourselves in, I"ll make sure that the judge goes easy on you, and releases you to me. But only if you are willing to stay at the school, and learn what is taught. Including History, English, Math, and Sciences, and especially including morals and using your powers for the good of people."
"How can you make such promises." Shaina spoke up.
"Let's just say I have a way with people. Do we have a deal?"
Shynira looked over at Shaina and then took her aside and they began whispering to one another. As they finished whispering they turned around to Jarlan.
"Good, I"m glad you see things my way." Jarlan smiled at the girls. "I need you to walk outside and surrender yourselves to the Federal agents who are on their way here."
Shynira ran to the window and didn't see anyone around. "How do you know they are on their way?"
"Because I can sense their presense, just trust me girls. You will be fine."
Shynira and Shaina took each others hands and walked out the back door and into the alley.
"FREEZE!!!!" Several agents popped out of different areas of the alley with guns pointing at the girls. "You are under arrest!"
Shy and Shaina threw up their hands and surrendered to them, taking them to the jail house.
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Partridge looked at his surroundings in a new light. He didn't know who he was. Yes, he had a name, but Shakespear had said something that a while ago. Alec knew that he had no purpose right now, he just wanted to find out who he was, and what he had been doing in the middle of nowhere. Not that he had anything against San Francisco, he just didn't know if he did have anything against San Francisco or if he should at all.
Alec was now in a diner, having a burger with onion rings. He took another sip of coffee. Dipping an onion ring in honey mustard, he ate it. As he did, he realized that he'd memorized the license plates numbers of the five cars parked out front. Also, he'd noted that one of the men in the diner showed evidence that he commited spousal abuse while another was clearly carrying a loaded weapon, which put Alec on edge for some reason.
Shaken, he leaned back in the booth and rubbed a hand over his face. Was their anyone who could help him? He needed to piece together the disjointed and fragmented thoughts in his head.
Scarsdale, New York
Alessandra Santiago woke with a start, a loud noise waking her. Something was wrong. She couldn't tell what it was, but it was bad. She was on vacation from her job and would soon have to head back, but for now she was home. She had come home to visit her parents and get some of her mother's food and be reminded that it was high time she settle down and start thinking about grandbabies. Her bare toes, small since birth, touched the cold wood of the floor, shirking away from it for a second after touching.
She had on a matching set of Victoria's Secret tank top and boyshorts and proceeded to leave her old bedroom and check on her parents. They weren't in bed. Frowning, she headed downstairs. Mama and Papa were always in bed before she was nowadays. She had been out with friends and had headed straight to bed through a side entrance to the house when she'd gotten back.
Alessandra came into the living room and her eyes widened. Her parents sat on the sofa, blood leaking from holes in their chest where they'd been shot. She rushed forward and knelt in front of them.
"Mama? Papa?" She asked, speaking in English. She spoke to them in Portugese and then Italian and finally Polish, knowing that they frowned upon English. She jumped up and headed to the phone to call the police, but not before she saw the sign on the couch next to them and the anti-mutant message it bore.
Alec was now in a diner, having a burger with onion rings. He took another sip of coffee. Dipping an onion ring in honey mustard, he ate it. As he did, he realized that he'd memorized the license plates numbers of the five cars parked out front. Also, he'd noted that one of the men in the diner showed evidence that he commited spousal abuse while another was clearly carrying a loaded weapon, which put Alec on edge for some reason.
Shaken, he leaned back in the booth and rubbed a hand over his face. Was their anyone who could help him? He needed to piece together the disjointed and fragmented thoughts in his head.
Scarsdale, New York
Alessandra Santiago woke with a start, a loud noise waking her. Something was wrong. She couldn't tell what it was, but it was bad. She was on vacation from her job and would soon have to head back, but for now she was home. She had come home to visit her parents and get some of her mother's food and be reminded that it was high time she settle down and start thinking about grandbabies. Her bare toes, small since birth, touched the cold wood of the floor, shirking away from it for a second after touching.
She had on a matching set of Victoria's Secret tank top and boyshorts and proceeded to leave her old bedroom and check on her parents. They weren't in bed. Frowning, she headed downstairs. Mama and Papa were always in bed before she was nowadays. She had been out with friends and had headed straight to bed through a side entrance to the house when she'd gotten back.
Alessandra came into the living room and her eyes widened. Her parents sat on the sofa, blood leaking from holes in their chest where they'd been shot. She rushed forward and knelt in front of them.
"Mama? Papa?" She asked, speaking in English. She spoke to them in Portugese and then Italian and finally Polish, knowing that they frowned upon English. She jumped up and headed to the phone to call the police, but not before she saw the sign on the couch next to them and the anti-mutant message it bore.
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On the way back to the airport, after Jarlan had implanted several details in the FBI agent's minds, Jarlan felt something pulling at him.
"Stop here Shayla." The vehicle stopped in front of a diner. "I'll be back."
Jarlan walked into the diner and scanned the area, seeing a man with his head in his hands, he sat down in front of him.
"Hello Alec." Jarlan paused and waited for a response.
"Stop here Shayla." The vehicle stopped in front of a diner. "I'll be back."
Jarlan walked into the diner and scanned the area, seeing a man with his head in his hands, he sat down in front of him.
"Hello Alec." Jarlan paused and waited for a response.
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Alec looked up and smiled at the man in the booth with him. "Hello there." He immediately cased the man and after a few moments knew quite a few things about him. Partridge leaned back in the booth and thought about what it would take to break the man. Probably not much. "How do you know my name?" he asked, attempting to eliminate one of a few choices.
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"Well, let's just say that I have a gift." Jarlan smiled back at him. "I actually think that I can help you. It seems that you are in some trouble. Well, not really trouble more like anguish."
Jarlan's next words were directed telepathicallly directly into his mind.
"You've lost your memory, I may be able to help retrieve them."
Jarlan's next words were directed telepathicallly directly into his mind.
"You've lost your memory, I may be able to help retrieve them."
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"They say that the meaning is all in the journey ahead, not the destination." Jarlan smiled. "But the destination is always what keeps us on the path of the journey."
Jarlan opened the back door of the car, and climbed up front after Alec got in.
"Shayla, meet Alec. Alec, Shayla O'Malley."
Shayla nodded. "A pleasure to meet you. To the airport then Jarlan?"
"Yes, we should get back to the school. It should be done by now."
Jarlan opened the back door of the car, and climbed up front after Alec got in.
"Shayla, meet Alec. Alec, Shayla O'Malley."
Shayla nodded. "A pleasure to meet you. To the airport then Jarlan?"
"Yes, we should get back to the school. It should be done by now."
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The car pulled up into the carport of the school. Jarlan opened up the front door, and got out, then opened the back door. Putting his hand into the car he took Shayla's hand and helped her out of the car. Soon after Alec appeared getting out of the vehicle as well.
"Welcome to the Xaviers Institute of Higher learning. I hope that we will all be able to help out the children of today." Jarlan smiled and walked over to the front door.
Shayla looked around noticing many people still working on the front lawn, putting in the new grass and trees here and there. Jarlan opened the door and Shayla was the first to walk in, noticing a lot of old world style to the front entrance area. Jarlan waited for Alec to walk in then followed, closing the door behind them.
Jarlan walked around the entrance and smiled. "Looks like they got done in time."
"Yes, they just left yesterday." Velana walked out from behind the wall and started down the stairs. "They called up before they left, letting me know that all the assigned areas were complete. Then asked me to give this to you." She walked off the steps and handed Jarlan a sealed envelope. "They said it was for your eyes only." Velana looked at the others then back at Jarlan.
"Oh, my apologies. Shayla O'Malley, Alec Partridge... This is Velana Prova. She will be teaching mathematics, and advanced Math as well." Velana shook their hands, and Shayla noted that not a bit of her skin was bare except that of part of her neck and her head.
"Cold?" Shayla couldn't help herself but ask, knowing that she could warm her up fairly quickly.
"Not at all, but thank you for asking." Velana spoke kindly then turned around. "Let me know when you are availabe to talk Proffessor." Velana walked up the stairs and disappeared into the hallway.
"Strange woman." Shayla spoke out loud, not even sure if she could hear her or not.
"She is diferent, but so are we all." Jarlan turned to see the door breifly open and close as a shadowy figure entered and came to his side. After a brief few seconds of whispers Jarlan spoke up. "Yes you may get started." As soon as he spoke the figure scuttled off. "She has a unique condition, that doesn't allow any human contact with her skin. If you touch her, she will absorb part of your life force, and in the case of mutants, your abilities for a time. She is a loner out of need, not out of want."
"What of the other one that just ran in?" Shayla asked not letting Alec get a word in edgewise.
"That's Mouse, she'll be taking care of some technical things around the school. She has access to all the rooms, and she is completely trustworthy. Don't worry about her. By the way, she is extremely shy, so don't be offended if she never says a word to you." Jarlan opened the envelope in his hand and pulled out several keys.
"These are for you." He handed Shayla a key tha had her name on it, and handed Alec a key that was blank. "The falculty rooms are up the stairs to the left, then down the hallway. Once you are comfortable with the layout of the mansion, please come see me in the living quarters."
"Welcome to the Xaviers Institute of Higher learning. I hope that we will all be able to help out the children of today." Jarlan smiled and walked over to the front door.
Shayla looked around noticing many people still working on the front lawn, putting in the new grass and trees here and there. Jarlan opened the door and Shayla was the first to walk in, noticing a lot of old world style to the front entrance area. Jarlan waited for Alec to walk in then followed, closing the door behind them.
Jarlan walked around the entrance and smiled. "Looks like they got done in time."
"Yes, they just left yesterday." Velana walked out from behind the wall and started down the stairs. "They called up before they left, letting me know that all the assigned areas were complete. Then asked me to give this to you." She walked off the steps and handed Jarlan a sealed envelope. "They said it was for your eyes only." Velana looked at the others then back at Jarlan.
"Oh, my apologies. Shayla O'Malley, Alec Partridge... This is Velana Prova. She will be teaching mathematics, and advanced Math as well." Velana shook their hands, and Shayla noted that not a bit of her skin was bare except that of part of her neck and her head.
"Cold?" Shayla couldn't help herself but ask, knowing that she could warm her up fairly quickly.
"Not at all, but thank you for asking." Velana spoke kindly then turned around. "Let me know when you are availabe to talk Proffessor." Velana walked up the stairs and disappeared into the hallway.
"Strange woman." Shayla spoke out loud, not even sure if she could hear her or not.
"She is diferent, but so are we all." Jarlan turned to see the door breifly open and close as a shadowy figure entered and came to his side. After a brief few seconds of whispers Jarlan spoke up. "Yes you may get started." As soon as he spoke the figure scuttled off. "She has a unique condition, that doesn't allow any human contact with her skin. If you touch her, she will absorb part of your life force, and in the case of mutants, your abilities for a time. She is a loner out of need, not out of want."
"What of the other one that just ran in?" Shayla asked not letting Alec get a word in edgewise.
"That's Mouse, she'll be taking care of some technical things around the school. She has access to all the rooms, and she is completely trustworthy. Don't worry about her. By the way, she is extremely shy, so don't be offended if she never says a word to you." Jarlan opened the envelope in his hand and pulled out several keys.
"These are for you." He handed Shayla a key tha had her name on it, and handed Alec a key that was blank. "The falculty rooms are up the stairs to the left, then down the hallway. Once you are comfortable with the layout of the mansion, please come see me in the living quarters."
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He wants me to be a teacher? Alec thought. He barely knew what he knew, how was he supposed to teach? As he walked through the hallways, flashes came to him, newspaper clippings of Charles Xavier's old school. It had been before the widespead use of the Internet. Alec continued to walk as his mind basically remembered everything it knew about the house that Xavier built. It was a lot of information to process and he realized that Jarlan indeed wanted him to teach. He reached the faculty area and then used his key to enter one of the rooms.
The room met with his approval, which didn't meant much, since a room with dirt floors and no walls would have met with his approval as well. Eventually, he set the bag that he'd brought with him down and headed out, but not before locking the room. He wasn't sure where Jarlan was, but eventually he'd find him.
Alessandra had finished dealing with the immediate concerns regarding her parents' deaths. Their funerals had been arranged and would take place in a few days. All she wanted now was to get away from the house in Scarsdale. That meant heading back to Kansas and work. But she needed to speak with Jarlan first.
They'd installed a web cam service on her laptop and she accessed it, to see whether or not Jarlan was online and could speak with her. She also opened her mind so that he'd be able to hear her thoughts. "Jarlan," She said outloud, "are you there?"
The room met with his approval, which didn't meant much, since a room with dirt floors and no walls would have met with his approval as well. Eventually, he set the bag that he'd brought with him down and headed out, but not before locking the room. He wasn't sure where Jarlan was, but eventually he'd find him.
Alessandra had finished dealing with the immediate concerns regarding her parents' deaths. Their funerals had been arranged and would take place in a few days. All she wanted now was to get away from the house in Scarsdale. That meant heading back to Kansas and work. But she needed to speak with Jarlan first.
They'd installed a web cam service on her laptop and she accessed it, to see whether or not Jarlan was online and could speak with her. She also opened her mind so that he'd be able to hear her thoughts. "Jarlan," She said outloud, "are you there?"
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Jarlan sat in the living area near the computer console. "Jarlan, are you there?"
Jarlan sat up tapped the console in front of him, the video box popped up and he could see Alessandra. "Yes I am here, it is good to hear from you. If you are..." Jarlan stopped. "My apologies, I hand't heard of your parents murder, I've been quiet busy. You don't have to come back to work, unless you really want to." Jarlan could feel her anxiety of the situation, and heard her thoughts ringing loud and clear. She did want to come back to work, and he was happy to know it, but he wanted to make sure she had made up her mind before telling her of her assignment.
Jarlan sat up tapped the console in front of him, the video box popped up and he could see Alessandra. "Yes I am here, it is good to hear from you. If you are..." Jarlan stopped. "My apologies, I hand't heard of your parents murder, I've been quiet busy. You don't have to come back to work, unless you really want to." Jarlan could feel her anxiety of the situation, and heard her thoughts ringing loud and clear. She did want to come back to work, and he was happy to know it, but he wanted to make sure she had made up her mind before telling her of her assignment.
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Alessandra smiled as Alec came into the room, knocking lightly on the door. He waited patiently, able to see her face on the screen, though due to the angle of the camera, she was barely able to make out someone else in the room with Jarlan. "Thank you," She said. "I'd like to come back to work as soon as possible. I'm sure you have a case of some sort for me to work on by now." She said, her smile widening.
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"In fact I do. There are a couple of young girls who have had some trouble with the FBI. I told them to surrender to the FBI and that I would take care of them. The detectives in charge should be calling you any time now, to tell you to come down there. I need you to get the courts to release the girls under my supervision. If there are any problem at all, let me know and I'll fly down there." Jarlan paused as he considered his next words. "By the way, they are in California, so enjoy the trip. And if there is anything I can do for you, just let me know."
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Alessandra nodded. "It shouldn't be too much of a problem. I'll just have to take a look at the information and the allegations of the case. Just have the information forwarded to my email and I'll take a look while I'm on the flight." She said. "I guess we'll talk about things when I get back with the two girls. What are their names?" Santiago asked. Jarlan told her and she nodded. "Okay, I'll book a flight immediately. I'll talk to you later Jarlan, bye." Her face disappeared from the computer's screen.
"Who was that?" Alec asked, when Jarlan was done.
"Who was that?" Alec asked, when Jarlan was done.
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"That's Alessandra, she's my right hand around here. She's the school counselor, and the company lawyer. So far, since I've had her on my staff, I haven't had to show up in court. I hope she can take care of the girls, they'll need some help in getting out of trouble." Jarlan spun around in his chair and looked at Alec.
"By the way, I don't expect you to teach, but I don't expect you to have to room with the children either. I figured if I put you in the faculty area, it would give you much more resources to look through, trying to figure out who you are, on your own." Jarlan motioned towards the couch in front of him. "If you want, you can take a seat, I'm going to email this information to Alessandra. And no, I'm still not your shrink."
Jarlan turned back around and began typing up the information that Alessandra would need, then turned back around.
"However, if you think you are capable of teaching at some point, I could use the help." Jarlan smiled at him, and took out the envelope that Velana handed him, pulling out some paperwork, he then put the paper work in a locked drawer. "Follow me, and we'll get some tests ran to see if we can figure some things out about you, and where you came from."
"By the way, I don't expect you to teach, but I don't expect you to have to room with the children either. I figured if I put you in the faculty area, it would give you much more resources to look through, trying to figure out who you are, on your own." Jarlan motioned towards the couch in front of him. "If you want, you can take a seat, I'm going to email this information to Alessandra. And no, I'm still not your shrink."
Jarlan turned back around and began typing up the information that Alessandra would need, then turned back around.
"However, if you think you are capable of teaching at some point, I could use the help." Jarlan smiled at him, and took out the envelope that Velana handed him, pulling out some paperwork, he then put the paper work in a locked drawer. "Follow me, and we'll get some tests ran to see if we can figure some things out about you, and where you came from."
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The Previous Night...
The night air rested softy on the abandoned scene, cloaking it in a stillness that wished not to be disturbed. The old gas station was alone in that wasteland of night, its wanting, yellowed illumination casting a harsh and unnatural twilight on everything. Oil stains decorated the cracked cement, along with weeds left untended growing in cracks and along the edges of where man's concrete world ended. Crickets chirped in their even, steady tempo, their rhythm disregarded by a pair of howling dog some distance away, both groups oblivious of the small station.
With a flicker, one light advanced the reign of the darkness.
Upon this scene staggered a man, clothes torn, and with blood and dirt staining his form. He looked in his early thirties, but he seemed shocked at the world around him, as if he had never really learned what it, in truth, entailed. Dazed, he stopped, looking up towards the red glow of "Conoco" and, after a moment, fell forward, returning to his staggering gait. Losing balance, he tumbled towards one of the pumps, saving himself at the last second with an outstretched hand. With a piercing, hollow pain, he felt his side give. He knew that the wound had split back open. Grinding teeth to shut out the pain, he pushed himself back erect, and staggered onward. Crashing against the side of the station, he found what he should have already seen by now; a dark, empty interior. There was no one here to help... he was alone.
Groaning, he pushed himself away from the glass door, and he continued his wounded, dizzy advance. With one free hand he steadied himself against the station's wall, and with the other he grasp at his injury. It wasn't fair. That was all he could think of; how it wasn't fair. He had told others countless times that life wasn't fair, and he had no trouble accepting that. But this wasn't just not 'fair', it was... something more. 'Fair' was the only word he could think of. He had done nothing, nothing wrong. He wasn't even one of them... one of those... he hadn't killed her. He hadn't. How could anyone think that he--
The man tripped, fingers clawing at the building as he fell. A futile effort. Pain erupted in his stomach as he hit the ground, followed quickly after by a sensation as though his head had just snapped. His body shook, and a shiver overcame him. He was fine, he told himself. He had to stand back up. He had to go on... With a ringing in his ear that blotted out all other sounds, he, once more forced himself up, and stumbled on for the last time.
Steadying himself on the pay phone, he awkwardly fumbled change into the machine. Out from his pocket he pulled a smeared card with a number hastily scratched on it. He punched the number in. Knuckles became white as his head began to spin. The ringing of the phone was all but lost to his ears. Would they just pick up? Would they please just pick up?
He sunk slowly to the ground as he heard an answering machine pick up. The words he heard made him cringe; he could do without ever hearing them again. Without ever... "mutant research", the friendly voice said, and followed it up with something the man didn't quite catch. 'Xander' was in there, telling him that he had called the right number. The ringing in his ears was beginning to lessen now...
"Hello?" He hesitantly asked, after the beep, "You... you gotta help me, you just... oh, you have to help me." His voice was the pleading of a broken soul. "I'm not one of them, I'm not. Honest I'm not... My wife and my daughter are back there... you have to help me! I'm not a mutant--I'm--I'm not--you have to prove it to them! I'm--my--my name is..." His heart jumped. Fear gripped him, and he couldn't make himself say his name. He couldn't let them find him... "Marlowe," he continued, hurriedly, "My name is Marlowe, and I'm on highway 24, just outside of Detroit, I--I think I'm just a little ways from where I-75 crosses it... I need your help--For the love of--please won't someone pick up this--!?"
His head jerked around, hearing the rumbling sound of an old truck engine. His eyes focused, and he watched as a green truck, visible only for its left headlight being burnt out, advanced into the circle of yellow station light. Marlowe could see where the paint had chipped away, and left the thing to rust. It was the truck. They were here.
"Hey look! I think I see him!" A voice called from the truck.
"They're... they're..." Marlowe whispered into the phone; the last words he said before he felt his whole body seize up.
It was like a horrible, stop motion film, watching that old truck advance towards him. The wheels ground to a stop, aiming the car as to perfectly blast him in the light of the one remaining headlight, as if to say 'here he is! You can take care of him now!' Dressed in plaid, armed with shotguns, and smelling like tobacco, two men got out of the car, and walked towards the payphone, where Marlowe lay crumpled. Marlowe could not make himself look at their faces, look where he knew he'd fine two grins. Amusement at his death. All the man could do, was close his eyes, and pray that they didn't see him. Pray that after he died, his wife and daughter would be safe. He knew this to be impossible. They would be hunted just like him. None of them were mutants, but they were still hunted...
"That's the strangest... I swear that I saw him right here...!"
Marlowe's eyes shot open, hoping against all hope that they weren't just playing some sadistic game with him. Like a fool, he believed that there was a chance of hope. The image to which he opened his eyes to dispelled all such false notions. There, stood the two brothers, looking down at him, guns in hand. His instincts told him to run, but his body refused.
'Just leave my family alone...' He wanted to say, but his mouth refused to move. He was unsure if he should blame loss of blood, or his fear.
"Well, there's nobody here. You got me to get out for nothing!" The man turned around, and began to head back to his truck.
"But I swear, I just saw him! Right here! not three feet from right here!" The second protested, looking for a second time directly at Marlowe.
Marlowe could only reason that this must be a dream.
"I'm going to leave you behind if you don't stop jumpin' at everything you see." The elder barked, slamming the car door behind him. "Now get back in the car. You're going to be the one who lets him get away!"
"Oh no, I'm not." The younger shook his head, returning likewise to the truck. "He's a dead man. I'm going to be the one that sees to it."
In disbelief, Marlowe watched the two drive off, leaving the area of yellow light to return to the deep, empty darkness. What... what had just gone on? They... they were right there, and yet they had just walked off. But why? How? How was that even possible...?
"Oh, they didn't see me..." he said unconsciously into the phone's receiver. His voice was composed of complete horror. "They really didn't see me... they really didn't--"
With a click, the answering machine hung up.
The night air rested softy on the abandoned scene, cloaking it in a stillness that wished not to be disturbed. The old gas station was alone in that wasteland of night, its wanting, yellowed illumination casting a harsh and unnatural twilight on everything. Oil stains decorated the cracked cement, along with weeds left untended growing in cracks and along the edges of where man's concrete world ended. Crickets chirped in their even, steady tempo, their rhythm disregarded by a pair of howling dog some distance away, both groups oblivious of the small station.
With a flicker, one light advanced the reign of the darkness.
Upon this scene staggered a man, clothes torn, and with blood and dirt staining his form. He looked in his early thirties, but he seemed shocked at the world around him, as if he had never really learned what it, in truth, entailed. Dazed, he stopped, looking up towards the red glow of "Conoco" and, after a moment, fell forward, returning to his staggering gait. Losing balance, he tumbled towards one of the pumps, saving himself at the last second with an outstretched hand. With a piercing, hollow pain, he felt his side give. He knew that the wound had split back open. Grinding teeth to shut out the pain, he pushed himself back erect, and staggered onward. Crashing against the side of the station, he found what he should have already seen by now; a dark, empty interior. There was no one here to help... he was alone.
Groaning, he pushed himself away from the glass door, and he continued his wounded, dizzy advance. With one free hand he steadied himself against the station's wall, and with the other he grasp at his injury. It wasn't fair. That was all he could think of; how it wasn't fair. He had told others countless times that life wasn't fair, and he had no trouble accepting that. But this wasn't just not 'fair', it was... something more. 'Fair' was the only word he could think of. He had done nothing, nothing wrong. He wasn't even one of them... one of those... he hadn't killed her. He hadn't. How could anyone think that he--
The man tripped, fingers clawing at the building as he fell. A futile effort. Pain erupted in his stomach as he hit the ground, followed quickly after by a sensation as though his head had just snapped. His body shook, and a shiver overcame him. He was fine, he told himself. He had to stand back up. He had to go on... With a ringing in his ear that blotted out all other sounds, he, once more forced himself up, and stumbled on for the last time.
Steadying himself on the pay phone, he awkwardly fumbled change into the machine. Out from his pocket he pulled a smeared card with a number hastily scratched on it. He punched the number in. Knuckles became white as his head began to spin. The ringing of the phone was all but lost to his ears. Would they just pick up? Would they please just pick up?
He sunk slowly to the ground as he heard an answering machine pick up. The words he heard made him cringe; he could do without ever hearing them again. Without ever... "mutant research", the friendly voice said, and followed it up with something the man didn't quite catch. 'Xander' was in there, telling him that he had called the right number. The ringing in his ears was beginning to lessen now...
"Hello?" He hesitantly asked, after the beep, "You... you gotta help me, you just... oh, you have to help me." His voice was the pleading of a broken soul. "I'm not one of them, I'm not. Honest I'm not... My wife and my daughter are back there... you have to help me! I'm not a mutant--I'm--I'm not--you have to prove it to them! I'm--my--my name is..." His heart jumped. Fear gripped him, and he couldn't make himself say his name. He couldn't let them find him... "Marlowe," he continued, hurriedly, "My name is Marlowe, and I'm on highway 24, just outside of Detroit, I--I think I'm just a little ways from where I-75 crosses it... I need your help--For the love of--please won't someone pick up this--!?"
His head jerked around, hearing the rumbling sound of an old truck engine. His eyes focused, and he watched as a green truck, visible only for its left headlight being burnt out, advanced into the circle of yellow station light. Marlowe could see where the paint had chipped away, and left the thing to rust. It was the truck. They were here.
"Hey look! I think I see him!" A voice called from the truck.
"They're... they're..." Marlowe whispered into the phone; the last words he said before he felt his whole body seize up.
It was like a horrible, stop motion film, watching that old truck advance towards him. The wheels ground to a stop, aiming the car as to perfectly blast him in the light of the one remaining headlight, as if to say 'here he is! You can take care of him now!' Dressed in plaid, armed with shotguns, and smelling like tobacco, two men got out of the car, and walked towards the payphone, where Marlowe lay crumpled. Marlowe could not make himself look at their faces, look where he knew he'd fine two grins. Amusement at his death. All the man could do, was close his eyes, and pray that they didn't see him. Pray that after he died, his wife and daughter would be safe. He knew this to be impossible. They would be hunted just like him. None of them were mutants, but they were still hunted...
"That's the strangest... I swear that I saw him right here...!"
Marlowe's eyes shot open, hoping against all hope that they weren't just playing some sadistic game with him. Like a fool, he believed that there was a chance of hope. The image to which he opened his eyes to dispelled all such false notions. There, stood the two brothers, looking down at him, guns in hand. His instincts told him to run, but his body refused.
'Just leave my family alone...' He wanted to say, but his mouth refused to move. He was unsure if he should blame loss of blood, or his fear.
"Well, there's nobody here. You got me to get out for nothing!" The man turned around, and began to head back to his truck.
"But I swear, I just saw him! Right here! not three feet from right here!" The second protested, looking for a second time directly at Marlowe.
Marlowe could only reason that this must be a dream.
"I'm going to leave you behind if you don't stop jumpin' at everything you see." The elder barked, slamming the car door behind him. "Now get back in the car. You're going to be the one who lets him get away!"
"Oh no, I'm not." The younger shook his head, returning likewise to the truck. "He's a dead man. I'm going to be the one that sees to it."
In disbelief, Marlowe watched the two drive off, leaving the area of yellow light to return to the deep, empty darkness. What... what had just gone on? They... they were right there, and yet they had just walked off. But why? How? How was that even possible...?
"Oh, they didn't see me..." he said unconsciously into the phone's receiver. His voice was composed of complete horror. "They really didn't see me... they really didn't--"
With a click, the answering machine hung up.
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Jarlan took Alec down to the basement of the mansion. Down there was a host of various equipment and technology, all geared towards various complex things that were beyond Alec's comprehension. He didn't bother trying to figure out what Jarlan was doing, but in the end, after all the tests, the one thing that Alec did know was that they had no conclusive results. They couldn't tell who he was, or what his real name was. He didn't even have normal fingerprints. They knew nothing.
All they knew was that he had super strength, endurance, agility, and an extremely powerful healing factor. He had an innate capability to learn and master various skills. He also had superhuman eyesight. Basically he was Wolverine, just without the claws and adamantium skeleton. He looked at the results that the computer had spewed out. "So, nothing really?"
All they knew was that he had super strength, endurance, agility, and an extremely powerful healing factor. He had an innate capability to learn and master various skills. He also had superhuman eyesight. Basically he was Wolverine, just without the claws and adamantium skeleton. He looked at the results that the computer had spewed out. "So, nothing really?"
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"Nothing conclusive yet." Jarlan looked over the information. "But I am certain that you are working for some sort of agency. Whether it be FBI, CIA or any of the other governement agencies, I can't be certain. But the fact that you don't have normal prints, you aren't available in any of the systems, and that you came here from a hospital from a wound suggests that you are in deed working for someone, and have a very high clearance." Jarlan didn't bother saying how he knew he had been from the hospital, or anything else, he knew that Alec was smart enough to figure out that he had been probing his mind since the time they met.
"I don't see this as a total waste of time though." Jarlan stopped looking through the documents and stood up from the counter. "On the contrary, I look at this as a way of helping you to find out who you want to be, rather than who you were."
There was a breif shuffle at the door before a knock came to it. Velana got up from her chair, which she had been reading in for the past several hours and answered the door. There stood a young woman with a cloak covering most of her face, and she tapped her foot somewhat impatiently. After a few seconds, the girl whispered to Velana. Velana nodded and let her in. After several minutes in the room the girl disappeared back into the hallway. When she had left Velana looked over at her desk to discover that she had installed a new terminal at the desk, with a camera and intercomm system.
"I would have said thanks, if you'd stayed for a few more seconds." Velana whispered under her breath as she laughed it off and returned to her book.
"I don't see this as a total waste of time though." Jarlan stopped looking through the documents and stood up from the counter. "On the contrary, I look at this as a way of helping you to find out who you want to be, rather than who you were."
There was a breif shuffle at the door before a knock came to it. Velana got up from her chair, which she had been reading in for the past several hours and answered the door. There stood a young woman with a cloak covering most of her face, and she tapped her foot somewhat impatiently. After a few seconds, the girl whispered to Velana. Velana nodded and let her in. After several minutes in the room the girl disappeared back into the hallway. When she had left Velana looked over at her desk to discover that she had installed a new terminal at the desk, with a camera and intercomm system.
"I would have said thanks, if you'd stayed for a few more seconds." Velana whispered under her breath as she laughed it off and returned to her book.
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"Can't know who I want to be without knowing who I was. Might just be becoming the same person I used to be." Alec said, pulling the leads from his chest. He got off the table. Jarlan was reading his mind, probing yes. Alec didn't trust him for a second and he had no doubt that Jarlan would know this after a little more probing. And he didn't care. He had quickly realized that Jarlan could mentally affect him, but he knew that he could incapacitate the man if he really wanted to, before Jarlan would be able to respond to what he was doing. "In the end, we're all victims of our past." He said.
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"Perhaps we are..." Jarlan began as he walked towards the door. "But whether or not we should allow ourselves to be victims, is the question we should ask."
Jarlan smiled, and opened the door then started walking back upstairs.
"By the way Alec." Jarlan motioned to the door. "I assume that you are a man who is very interested in keeping your physical condition at it's best. I have a workout gym that you are welcome to use. It's near the gym, feel free to use it as you wish. You have free reign of the school, and if you need to leave for any reason, let me know, and I'll arrange a car for you."
Jarlan smiled, and opened the door then started walking back upstairs.
"By the way Alec." Jarlan motioned to the door. "I assume that you are a man who is very interested in keeping your physical condition at it's best. I have a workout gym that you are welcome to use. It's near the gym, feel free to use it as you wish. You have free reign of the school, and if you need to leave for any reason, let me know, and I'll arrange a car for you."
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Dazed, Marlowe opened his eyes. White, was the first thing he saw. Textured, he noted after a moment; beyond simply 'rough' to the point where the form of the irregularities could be seen from that distance. Another moment passed, and Marlowe sleepily realized that he was looking up at the ceiling. But that wasn't his; there should have been a water spot from the upstairs bathroom. Then where was he--? He jerked into a sitting up position, knocking a potted plant off the nightstand beside him. He saw it begin to fall, but he immediately stopped watching after that; he didn't care about its survival.
His mind, in a panic, refused to move, instead only allowing Marlowe to think, process. His entire body began to do what it was built for.
Curtains were pulled over a large window. Most of the light was cut off, but enough filtered through. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a television set, a chair, two doors... Beeping. He was hearing beeping when he was asleep--heart rate machine. His eyes glanced up to an IV, filled with blood. Sounds of movement could be heard the doors... He was in a hospital--he had already figured that out--but what hospital? Where? Had they found him? No; his wrists were unbound; he would have been cuffed if they would have found him. So, this couldn't in a Detroit hospital; that would have been too close. How long had he been here? His mind flashed back, remembering his wallet. Gone. They wouldn't have had any identification to go on--but there were other ways to find a man's identity. He couldn't have been here long, then; doubtful even a day. The curtains, new. The TV, old. The wallpaper, new. The heart rate monitor--he could see it out of the corner of his eye--new, but small, simple... A small hospital. This had to be what he was in. Something outside of a big city. Isolated--well, that gave him a few more hours. His mind rushed over lists and names of hospitals, and a few came to mind. Those equipped to handle an emergency situation narrowed it down to one; Saint Luke's Shelter.
His chest. It still hurt from the wound, but less than he would have expected. The wound's damage must have not be great, just the loss of blood. He wouldn't be in here for long--they'd want information out of him quickly. But what could he do? How could he escape...? His mind jumped back to the call. Would they come? How would they know where he was...? He'd have to make a call. Would the hospital track the number? Were they allowed to do that? No, no they weren't. Would they even come? Would they even help him? He had to think of something to convince them... But how, what?
Again his mind danced over to his surroundings. No telephone in the room; he'd have to ask for one. What was that smell? Burning? Again his mind tracked back to the image he had seen out of the corner of his eye--the heart rate machine was a flat line. It hadn't been that way when he was still waking up. Well, he wasn't dead, so the machine must be malfunctioning; there wasn't even a constant tone. Someone was bound to come check on that. Should Marlowe pretend to be asleep? It would likely work...
The plant hit the floor with a crash, destroying vase and life inside in a single blow.
Marlowe turned over, and began faking sleep. He needed time to think, think about what he'd do if last night's call had done no good...
His mind, in a panic, refused to move, instead only allowing Marlowe to think, process. His entire body began to do what it was built for.
Curtains were pulled over a large window. Most of the light was cut off, but enough filtered through. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a television set, a chair, two doors... Beeping. He was hearing beeping when he was asleep--heart rate machine. His eyes glanced up to an IV, filled with blood. Sounds of movement could be heard the doors... He was in a hospital--he had already figured that out--but what hospital? Where? Had they found him? No; his wrists were unbound; he would have been cuffed if they would have found him. So, this couldn't in a Detroit hospital; that would have been too close. How long had he been here? His mind flashed back, remembering his wallet. Gone. They wouldn't have had any identification to go on--but there were other ways to find a man's identity. He couldn't have been here long, then; doubtful even a day. The curtains, new. The TV, old. The wallpaper, new. The heart rate monitor--he could see it out of the corner of his eye--new, but small, simple... A small hospital. This had to be what he was in. Something outside of a big city. Isolated--well, that gave him a few more hours. His mind rushed over lists and names of hospitals, and a few came to mind. Those equipped to handle an emergency situation narrowed it down to one; Saint Luke's Shelter.
His chest. It still hurt from the wound, but less than he would have expected. The wound's damage must have not be great, just the loss of blood. He wouldn't be in here for long--they'd want information out of him quickly. But what could he do? How could he escape...? His mind jumped back to the call. Would they come? How would they know where he was...? He'd have to make a call. Would the hospital track the number? Were they allowed to do that? No, no they weren't. Would they even come? Would they even help him? He had to think of something to convince them... But how, what?
Again his mind danced over to his surroundings. No telephone in the room; he'd have to ask for one. What was that smell? Burning? Again his mind tracked back to the image he had seen out of the corner of his eye--the heart rate machine was a flat line. It hadn't been that way when he was still waking up. Well, he wasn't dead, so the machine must be malfunctioning; there wasn't even a constant tone. Someone was bound to come check on that. Should Marlowe pretend to be asleep? It would likely work...
The plant hit the floor with a crash, destroying vase and life inside in a single blow.
Marlowe turned over, and began faking sleep. He needed time to think, think about what he'd do if last night's call had done no good...
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Her plane landed. Alessandra was in business class and she reached down, grabbing the briefcase she had stashed in front of her seat. It was more of a laptop case, with her highly technical Wayne Enterprises laptop that had cost her an insane amount of money before she'd gotten it customized. She shouldered the laptop case and rose. Alessandra had one a blue skirt that ended a few inches above her knees and a white silk shirt. She had a blue jacket on that completed the business ensemble. She took off her reading glasses as she turned to the overhead compartment to get her carryon.
Hands came up and did the job for her. She turned and gave a patented smile to the male flight attendant. He'd been showing an interest in her and she'd flirted with him, if only to give herself something to do during the long flight to California. "Thank you." She said, and he nodded with a smile. He set it down on the ground. "It was nice meeting you, Curtis." He smiled at her. "Maybe if I'm free later." She said. He'd given her his phone number earlier.
She gave in to her European side and kissed him on the cheek, letting him draw in the scent of her perfume one more time. "Thanks again." She headed out of the plane. She had business to do and inadvertently, hearts to break.
OOC: Short, but it gets her part started. More coming soon.
Hands came up and did the job for her. She turned and gave a patented smile to the male flight attendant. He'd been showing an interest in her and she'd flirted with him, if only to give herself something to do during the long flight to California. "Thank you." She said, and he nodded with a smile. He set it down on the ground. "It was nice meeting you, Curtis." He smiled at her. "Maybe if I'm free later." She said. He'd given her his phone number earlier.
She gave in to her European side and kissed him on the cheek, letting him draw in the scent of her perfume one more time. "Thanks again." She headed out of the plane. She had business to do and inadvertently, hearts to break.
OOC: Short, but it gets her part started. More coming soon.
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After Jarlan excused himself from Alec he made his way to the living room, and waited for Shayla to come back up to the front of the mansion. He had looked forward to showing her around, but knowing her, she had already seen a great portion of it while he had been in the lab. He noticed that his answering service had a message for him and hit the button.
AFter hearing the plight of the man he immediately got on the phone and called some associates who would be in or around the area he was in. He asked them to track him down, and let him know where he was. Once he knew where he was, and if he was alive, he could go and maybe help him out.
Shayla walked into the living room and noticed Jarlan on the phone.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"I thought I was the one who could read minds." Jarlan smiled at her and then hung up the phone. "Seems that a man was accused of being a mutant and beat nearly to death before he made a call to me, asking me to prove that he wasn't a mutant. I have dispatched several associates to look for him, in and around the detroit area. They should have word back soon on where he is, and if he's alive."
Shayla nodded and sat down on the couch, her thoughts started to confuse her, when she felt Jarlans presense in her mind.
"Thought you were going to stay out of there." Shayla slapped him on the leg. "Every time I start having visions of well... something, I feel you in there."
"My apologies. It is a side effect of the mental discipline that I showed you, all those years ago. It seems that you associate the side effect with me. I swear, I wasn't in there just now." Jarlan smiled and got up. "You need to remember to keep your thoughts focused on now, the memories you've lost, are probably gone forever." Jarlan smiled and thought to himself. "Or at least I hope they are." as he walked out of the room. "Want a tour of the Mansion?"
"Nah, I think I've seen most of it."
"I figured as much. But, you didn't see the basement." Jarlan smiled as he noticed the surprised look on Shayla's face.
"I didn't see any stairs or elevator leading down."
"You wouldn't have. The stairs are hidden, and the elevator isn't in yet. Mouse is supposed to work on it soon, but for now, she's busy putting in a video intercomm system throughout the mansion. Follow me."
AFter hearing the plight of the man he immediately got on the phone and called some associates who would be in or around the area he was in. He asked them to track him down, and let him know where he was. Once he knew where he was, and if he was alive, he could go and maybe help him out.
Shayla walked into the living room and noticed Jarlan on the phone.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"I thought I was the one who could read minds." Jarlan smiled at her and then hung up the phone. "Seems that a man was accused of being a mutant and beat nearly to death before he made a call to me, asking me to prove that he wasn't a mutant. I have dispatched several associates to look for him, in and around the detroit area. They should have word back soon on where he is, and if he's alive."
Shayla nodded and sat down on the couch, her thoughts started to confuse her, when she felt Jarlans presense in her mind.
"Thought you were going to stay out of there." Shayla slapped him on the leg. "Every time I start having visions of well... something, I feel you in there."
"My apologies. It is a side effect of the mental discipline that I showed you, all those years ago. It seems that you associate the side effect with me. I swear, I wasn't in there just now." Jarlan smiled and got up. "You need to remember to keep your thoughts focused on now, the memories you've lost, are probably gone forever." Jarlan smiled and thought to himself. "Or at least I hope they are." as he walked out of the room. "Want a tour of the Mansion?"
"Nah, I think I've seen most of it."
"I figured as much. But, you didn't see the basement." Jarlan smiled as he noticed the surprised look on Shayla's face.
"I didn't see any stairs or elevator leading down."
"You wouldn't have. The stairs are hidden, and the elevator isn't in yet. Mouse is supposed to work on it soon, but for now, she's busy putting in a video intercomm system throughout the mansion. Follow me."
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She undid the clasps of the briefcase and lifted the cover. She had more than a few papers in the case and she took a few of them out and set them on the table. With Jarlan’s money, she had posted bail for the two girls. Alessandra was in her hotel room. Shynira and Shaina sat on the bed, watching her as she conscientiously went about setting up her work space. “Why are you doing that?” One of the girls asked. Alessandra smiled and turned to look at them over her shoulder. She adjusted her glasses.
“It’s just how I work. Everything has to be organized and easy to access before I can start.” She said.
“Do you really think you can get us off of all the charges?”
“It’ll be a little difficult.” She said, shrugging out of her jacket, “but it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.” She sat behind the desk and looked at the girls. “So, I’ve seen your statements to the police. Is there anything else that you feel as though you should tell me?” She asked. “I need to know everything, regardless of what it is or whether you feel that it is bad or not.”
“Anything and everything will help get you guys off the hook.” She said with another smile. They nodded and spoke then. When they were finished, Alessandra nodded. She leaned back in her chair. “Shouldn’t be too much of a problem, really.” She said. “As long as we don’t have a tight fisted prosecutor, we won’t have too much of a problem.” She added. The two girls nodded.
They didn’t get a tight fisted prosecutor. They got a conservative hard ass. He was trying to get the girls the maximum penalty possible for nearly every charge possible. It was clear that for some of them, he couldn’t get the two girls on guilty charges and so he’d dropped them. But the others, he was sticking to his guns with. Alessandra sighed as she sat in her chair in the courthouse. With the exception of the legal representatives of both sides as well as the two girls themselves, there were very few non essential people in the courtroom.
As the case progressed, Alessandra began to get more and more annoyed with the man on the other side of the room. He was just being stupid and in her mind, he needed to drop the case. At this point, she didn’t think she was going to get the girls off of on everything. Furthermore, she was just getting downright annoyed by him. She had a feeling that the judge was as well. As far as she could tell short of using her powers, the judge wasn’t too thrilled with having this case on his docket.
It wasn’t that big of a case nor was it that important. It was clear that the girls were sorry for what they’d done. Or at least, Alessandra had made sure that it seemed as though they looked sorry enough for it to work. Once it had come out about their powers, the judge had taken a bit more interest, but in the end, he had returned to his disinterested state.
She had half a mind to use her powers. But she knew it would be wrong. Fifteen minutes later, she was convinced that it was going to be for the greater good of the world. So she did. Ten minutes later, the charges were dropped after the girls were handed probation and were “forced” to go to Xander’s new school. Alessandra smiled at the girls as they left the courtroom and California.
“It’s just how I work. Everything has to be organized and easy to access before I can start.” She said.
“Do you really think you can get us off of all the charges?”
“It’ll be a little difficult.” She said, shrugging out of her jacket, “but it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.” She sat behind the desk and looked at the girls. “So, I’ve seen your statements to the police. Is there anything else that you feel as though you should tell me?” She asked. “I need to know everything, regardless of what it is or whether you feel that it is bad or not.”
“Anything and everything will help get you guys off the hook.” She said with another smile. They nodded and spoke then. When they were finished, Alessandra nodded. She leaned back in her chair. “Shouldn’t be too much of a problem, really.” She said. “As long as we don’t have a tight fisted prosecutor, we won’t have too much of a problem.” She added. The two girls nodded.
They didn’t get a tight fisted prosecutor. They got a conservative hard ass. He was trying to get the girls the maximum penalty possible for nearly every charge possible. It was clear that for some of them, he couldn’t get the two girls on guilty charges and so he’d dropped them. But the others, he was sticking to his guns with. Alessandra sighed as she sat in her chair in the courthouse. With the exception of the legal representatives of both sides as well as the two girls themselves, there were very few non essential people in the courtroom.
As the case progressed, Alessandra began to get more and more annoyed with the man on the other side of the room. He was just being stupid and in her mind, he needed to drop the case. At this point, she didn’t think she was going to get the girls off of on everything. Furthermore, she was just getting downright annoyed by him. She had a feeling that the judge was as well. As far as she could tell short of using her powers, the judge wasn’t too thrilled with having this case on his docket.
It wasn’t that big of a case nor was it that important. It was clear that the girls were sorry for what they’d done. Or at least, Alessandra had made sure that it seemed as though they looked sorry enough for it to work. Once it had come out about their powers, the judge had taken a bit more interest, but in the end, he had returned to his disinterested state.
She had half a mind to use her powers. But she knew it would be wrong. Fifteen minutes later, she was convinced that it was going to be for the greater good of the world. So she did. Ten minutes later, the charges were dropped after the girls were handed probation and were “forced” to go to Xander’s new school. Alessandra smiled at the girls as they left the courtroom and California.
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The girls walked out with Alessandra, got into a limo and headed directly towards the airport.
"How long do we have to stay?" Shynira asked.
"Til you are 18. From there you will be free, as long as you prove yourselves as good citizens." Alessandra went back to her laptop as the girls looked out the windows, thinking about their future.
Back at the mansion Jarlan made arrangements for the several new teachers who had arrived. And got word to the family of the beaten man, that he was going to be fine, and transported him to the mansion to run some tests.
Jarlan couldn't help himself but to get excited as he saw the school starting to really take shape. Mouse had been working nonstop getting up the video conerencing in all of the professors rooms, and started working on some things underground. In a few more days, the school would be open, and hopefully many students would start to enroll.
"How long do we have to stay?" Shynira asked.
"Til you are 18. From there you will be free, as long as you prove yourselves as good citizens." Alessandra went back to her laptop as the girls looked out the windows, thinking about their future.
Back at the mansion Jarlan made arrangements for the several new teachers who had arrived. And got word to the family of the beaten man, that he was going to be fine, and transported him to the mansion to run some tests.
Jarlan couldn't help himself but to get excited as he saw the school starting to really take shape. Mouse had been working nonstop getting up the video conerencing in all of the professors rooms, and started working on some things underground. In a few more days, the school would be open, and hopefully many students would start to enroll.
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Despite gaining time when they flew back to Kansas, it was evening when they reached there. Alessandra got off the plane and turned in the terminal, waiting for the two girls. She had all of her belongings on her carryon, that was just how she operated. The girls hadn't had much themselves, but it had been enough to warrant a suitcase. The trio headed down to baggage claim and waited for the suitcase to arrive.
As they did, Alessandra went over what she needed to do in her head for when she got back to the Mansion. She still had a few talks to have with her family's lawyers concerning the death of her parents, but for the most part, everything had been squared away. She had kept the house and everything, as her parents had completed their mortgage payments on it. With the way the economy was, that was a good thing. Alessandra didn't need money, she was doing alright, so the lowering value of the house didn't bother her.
She also had a few patients to see. She was a lawyer herself, but she didn't specialize in estate laws and wills. She also was a psychiatrist and had a private practice in Wichita. Alessandra had put a few patients on hold for their normal meetings in order to take that vacation and had postponed a few more after the death of her parents and her trip to California. She had a duty and an obligation to see to them.
Santiago watched as the suitcase came to them. Using her telekinesis, she lifted it up off of the belt as one of the girls went for it. "Don't worry, I've got it." She said.
"You never told us you were a mutant." The other said.
"I never told you I wasn't. You'll soon learn that people hide all sorts of things." She said with a small smile. "They hide prejudice, bias, and outright hatred. They smile to your face and lie to you, meanwhile cursing you in their minds."
"You mean anti-mutant sentiment."
"Exactly. The two of you," She said, as they headed out to where a car was waiting for them, "are going to a school where that doesn't exist. But you can't let that rob you of knowledge of your surroundings." She slid into the back of the car and wait for them to head to the mansion before continuing. "All these people here, they fear what they don't understand. At the school, we're going to work with you to better your powers and yourselves so that we can strike at that fear, and help people understand and not be afraid.
As they did, Alessandra went over what she needed to do in her head for when she got back to the Mansion. She still had a few talks to have with her family's lawyers concerning the death of her parents, but for the most part, everything had been squared away. She had kept the house and everything, as her parents had completed their mortgage payments on it. With the way the economy was, that was a good thing. Alessandra didn't need money, she was doing alright, so the lowering value of the house didn't bother her.
She also had a few patients to see. She was a lawyer herself, but she didn't specialize in estate laws and wills. She also was a psychiatrist and had a private practice in Wichita. Alessandra had put a few patients on hold for their normal meetings in order to take that vacation and had postponed a few more after the death of her parents and her trip to California. She had a duty and an obligation to see to them.
Santiago watched as the suitcase came to them. Using her telekinesis, she lifted it up off of the belt as one of the girls went for it. "Don't worry, I've got it." She said.
"You never told us you were a mutant." The other said.
"I never told you I wasn't. You'll soon learn that people hide all sorts of things." She said with a small smile. "They hide prejudice, bias, and outright hatred. They smile to your face and lie to you, meanwhile cursing you in their minds."
"You mean anti-mutant sentiment."
"Exactly. The two of you," She said, as they headed out to where a car was waiting for them, "are going to a school where that doesn't exist. But you can't let that rob you of knowledge of your surroundings." She slid into the back of the car and wait for them to head to the mansion before continuing. "All these people here, they fear what they don't understand. At the school, we're going to work with you to better your powers and yourselves so that we can strike at that fear, and help people understand and not be afraid.
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Shynira thought about what she had said for a while, and found herself falling asleep on their way to the mansion. Shaina also fell into a deep sleep as the vehicle sped toward their destination.
"Girls, we're here." Alessandra spoke as she put away several things she had been working on. Shynira and Shaina slowly woke up and looked out the window at the large mansion.
After getting thier suitcase out of the vehicle Alessandra walked them up to the door. "Welcome to Xaviers institute of higher learning." She opened the door and the girls noticed the dimmly lit lights. "It's late, everyone is in bed. I suggest you two do the same."
Shynira and Shaina looked at one another then back at Alessandra who was smiling at them.
"Here's your key." She handed both girls an identical key. "Your room is down the hallway and then to the right. Your room number is 101. I believe you are the first students to show up. Your classes will start within the week."
Shynira and Shaina half smiled and started towards their bedrooms.
"Nice to have you here." They both heard the voice yet no one was around. "I'll see you in the morning." They heard the mans voice in their heads but shrugged it off thinking he must be lurking in the hallways.
"Alessandra..." Jarlan walked out of the living quarters. "Thank you for getting the girls here. Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Girls, we're here." Alessandra spoke as she put away several things she had been working on. Shynira and Shaina slowly woke up and looked out the window at the large mansion.
After getting thier suitcase out of the vehicle Alessandra walked them up to the door. "Welcome to Xaviers institute of higher learning." She opened the door and the girls noticed the dimmly lit lights. "It's late, everyone is in bed. I suggest you two do the same."
Shynira and Shaina looked at one another then back at Alessandra who was smiling at them.
"Here's your key." She handed both girls an identical key. "Your room is down the hallway and then to the right. Your room number is 101. I believe you are the first students to show up. Your classes will start within the week."
Shynira and Shaina half smiled and started towards their bedrooms.
"Nice to have you here." They both heard the voice yet no one was around. "I'll see you in the morning." They heard the mans voice in their heads but shrugged it off thinking he must be lurking in the hallways.
"Alessandra..." Jarlan walked out of the living quarters. "Thank you for getting the girls here. Is there anything I can do for you?"
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She had let her hair down when they'd gotten out of the airport, pulling it out of the bun she'd had it in. Now, she ran a hand through it, and blinked a few times as she smiled. Her parents' death was in the past to her. It was time to move on, that was what they would have wanted and that was what was smart for her to do. She had to keep going otherwise, she'd end up obsessing about their death. Even worse, she'd become more of the mindstate of someone like Erik Lensherr. And that was something that she wanted to avoid.
"No, I'm alright." She said, shaking her head. "Really, I am," she added, because Jarlan looked unconvinced. She wasn't, but she would work through it herself. She took a quick look around the room and then smiled. "From the look of things, you seem to have gotten a lot done while I was on vacation."
"That we have." Her mind left her body and flitted through the school quickly. There were more people there than before. Something was strange about one of them.
"There isn't anything you can do for me right now, but something tells me that there's something I can do for you."
"No, I'm alright." She said, shaking her head. "Really, I am," she added, because Jarlan looked unconvinced. She wasn't, but she would work through it herself. She took a quick look around the room and then smiled. "From the look of things, you seem to have gotten a lot done while I was on vacation."
"That we have." Her mind left her body and flitted through the school quickly. There were more people there than before. Something was strange about one of them.
"There isn't anything you can do for me right now, but something tells me that there's something I can do for you."
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