The Xen Chi Invasion: 4th Fleet: Guardian of the Republic

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The Xen Chi Invasion: 4th Fleet: Guardian of the Republic

Post by Halcyon508 »

The fleet was positioned in a system that was utterly unimportant. Thelax had only the smallest of population and there main export was various forms of rice and other agricultural products. However early in the days of the rebellion the Alliance had set up a facility neighboring a large asteroid field in the system, due to the extreme threat of the Xen’Chi this facility had currently become operational once more.

Attached to the facility by large mandibles was a floating museum; a relic of days long past. The Guardian of the Republic, an old Venator-class cruiser had been mothballed shortly after the clone wars and bought by a wealthy businessman who paraded the ship around as a mobile museum. It was mainly a propaganda tool used by those loyal to the emperor, however late in the days of the alliance the ship was commandeered by a rebel assault force and used as a platform to liberate several worlds. Once again the ship was then turned into a museum again, this time dedicated to the New Republic.

The need for ships had been dire and the republic once again had need of the old vessel. Many of the systems had been replaced over the years and now the systems were being updated and upgraded so the ship would be combat ready and able to join the 4th fleet.

Admiral Viskun Nune remembered visiting the Guardian once many years ago, and now he was there again. The Admiral was a Duros of fair stature, like most of his people he was generally calm and easy going, his stories were long and, to the enjoyment of the crew, entertaining. The projected time of completion for the ship had been delayed for several months and finally the Admiral had taken an interest in the project.

Although the Admirals presence was a welcomed addition that boosted moral the creature he brought with him wasn’t. Captain Wosino was a small bug of a thing, as many consider dugs in general, and wore a shock baton with him at all times. It was said, though not loudly, by the work crews that you could always tell where he was because the stick clamored as the Dug walked bouncing steadily off the ground. Dugs are notorious bullies and Admiral Nune needed someone like that not only for security detail but also to keep the work crews productive.

It only took several weeks of Wosino’s strong arm and Nune’s shining disposition to get the ship up to snuff. New fighters had come from command and docked in the largest hanger bay of the ship, the only problem as Nune estimated was the lack of trained pilots. Almost half of his fighter pilots had failed to arrive with the compliment of fighters for the large vessel.

The Admiral into the hanger down a ramp and past where several of the latest X-Wing Models were being stored, eventually the XJ models will be transferred to his command ship an MC90 Inalienable Right which was on patron on the opposite end of the asteroid field. As he walked past a structural support which chimed, he stopped and looked at a flat screen vid panel. A voice echoed through the hanger of the ship, “Late in the clone wars the ARC-170’s…” the voice cut out when the admiral’s fist penetrated the monitor. The Admiral looked around the work crews who were already scrambling to fix the problem. Nune took the opportunity to hike to the bridge.

“Report?” Nune said as he entered the bridge. He heard a rhythmic tapping behind him and didn’t need to look to know that it was a small stature dug now standing to his rear.

“Sir” the creature hissed. “I have an urgent report.” His voice gave no indication as to the urgency of the report or betrayed any emotion other then anger. “One of our patrols has failed to check in. I sent a fighter team to investigate.”

The Admiral nodded. “And Captain?”

“And they have failed to check in….there last message was a garbled transmition.”

“Why wasn’t I informed?” the Duros man said nonchalantly.

“It’s the asteroids sir, they have been doing this to us since we got into system. Its part of the reason why we chose this location to hide…”

“Sir contact from the fighter patrol!” said the Comm officer cutting the dug off. “Sir we’ve got a lot of interference…the transmition coming in gargled.”

“Let me hear it ensign.”

Inalienable Right *static* …..*Static* trying to penetrate jamming field* Static* hundreds *Static* Right behind me…” Nune cringed as apparently the pilot has finally broken through the jammers in time for his audible screams to echo over the command bridge.

“Shields up, Battle stations!” Alarms sounded and lights flared and crew ran to there stations.

“Sir we have contacts!”

“How many” The admiral replied. The junior officer stared at the screen. “I said how many?”

“I…” the young man stumbled. “I can’t tell sir…a lot.” As if to validate the youths claim a swarm of fighters came into view pierces through the asteroid field. The stations shields were still out when the first salvo of missiles hit. In addition lasers from the fighters tore into the armor plating.

“Get us out of here now!” Nune yelled as he saw the fighters ignoring his ship and attacking the station. He hated being right, behind the fighters was a wave of corvette sized ships, small and able to maneuver through the sparse areas of the field. They fired lances of red light which caused a cascade within the station resulting in a large explosion, it would have been a spectacular display of color had it not killed several thousand sentients. The lumbering ship was clear and the fleet around it sprang into action. Several corvettes with Republic colors sprang forth to meet the invaders and were slowly batted away by fighter superiority. “This is fleet Command all ships break off!” the slaughter was beginning the route out of the asteroid field was now blocked with enemy capitol ships. “We need to punch a hole though them, launch all available fighters! I want those enemy fighters to stop nibbling at my shields.” His voice was calm, and his orders precise.

Two of the republic corvettes ignited into small red and orange balls, however they took several fighters and at least one enemy corvette with them. The last of his heavy ships, an MC80 Mon Manda was badly damaged its engines out, shields out, most of the weapons destroyed or disabled. The Admiral mentally accounted for his vessels. There was two corvettes and a gunship still with him forming a flying wedge, most of the squadrons from the MC80 and all his own fighter craft. The Mon Manda began to break apart before his eyes.

“I want you to go full speed ahead.” He calmly spoke. “Captain Wosino contact all ships and tell them we are heading straight into the enemy fleet and driving through them, tell them to go at full speed, we will meet them in Quadrant 14.”

“Aye, sir.” The Dug relayed Nune’s commands quickly, knowing that lives were on the line. The large Venator-class moved forward. Many of the enemy fighters were now turning towards the large ship. The gunners of the point defense laser cannons began to fire, over and over drawing more energy from the reactor. There were so many fighters, that if the gunner missed his intended target, he would still hit another enemy fighter. Nune’s thirty or so squadrons were beginning to rally and respond to the attack, and minor dogfights ensued, as the fighters moved with the Guardian of the Republic. The ship’s speed meant that it could escape from this situation quickly. Luckily the other three ships of the wedge had similar speeds or higher.

But Nune knew that this was still going to be hard, and that odds were many more would die. He was right as turbolaser fire poured into one of the corvettes. “Get some help for that corvette!” He yelled out. He was starting to lose his composure, and he knew that he couldn’t do that. The crew needed him to be the strong leader under fire. The Duros took a few deep breaths, the fire of his red eyes showing that he was calculating how best to escape this battle.

Two squadrons of Republic fighters, bombers to be precise oriented on the frigate that was hitting the corvette hard. They fired missiles and pulled away as a hidden enemy fighter came out of nowhere and started to hunt them. Three of the bombers exploded under the initial pass, and more would fall under another, but they had accomplished their mission somewhat. The frigate had taken a full salvo of missiles, and there was a small hole in the frigate’s hull. Atmosphere escaped the ship, and the amount of turbolasers started to decline. But the corvette’s shields were buckling, and Nune didn’t think that they would hold for long. The corvette was passing from the frigate’s field of fire, but they were not out of the reach of their foe.

“Fighter count?”

“We’re down by three squadrons sir, and estimates on enemy fighter strength show that they’re close to double ours.” Nune nodded, he turned to his small XO.

“She’ll hold, Admiral.”

“That she will Captain Wosino, that she will.” He raised his voice. “This vessel has seen more battles than this, believe me. It was in the Clone Wars, in battles that would have made this look like nothing. Keep your heads and we’ll get out of this.”

They did. But not before losing another four squadrons and both of the corvettes. Turbolasers claimed the first corvette, as they hadn’t been able to get the shields back online to a sufficient degree. The second was claimed by missile fire. Bomber squadrons had just appeared, and though the Republic fighters and the point defense laser cannons had tried, the missiles had gotten through. Even the Guardian of the Republic had been hit badly, losing a chunk of its shields. But they had gotten through.

They were now in hyperspace, headed towards the remaining vessels of the fleet. Nune thought of all he had lost, two MonCal Cruisers four corvettes, and more men then he cared to think about.
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Post by Halcyon508 »

Commander Pesk walked briskly down the hall, when a Fleet Admiral tells you to meet him in your office you don’t keep him waiting. Pesk was a Gran, tall for his species and thin, his skin was an oily and sickly and a smell resonated off him wherever he went. This was not the normal. Normally Pesk has a gleam in his third eye and a skip in his step. He passed several junior officers before walking through the door to the Admiral’s office.

The moment the door opened he noticed a small dug, a dug with Captains insignia and a stun baton who immediately jumped into the air knocking Pesk over. The distain from the dug was reasonable as the gran has subjugated their homeworld centuries before. However Pesk found this to be very rude.

“Down Wosino!” The Admiral barked showing no emotion. The buggy alien spit several curses as he walked back behind the desk. “Commander, do you know why are here?”

”No sir I don’t believe I do.” The alien stated. “has there been something wrong with my services.”

The Admiral stood up and calmly handed the Commander a report detailing the battle of Thelax. “Safe locations, one that they would never find, a perfectly secure area, no sizable force within two days striking distance…these are all your words”

“Yes sir and how dare you suggest otherwise. I…” His didn’t finish the sentence before a fist flew and smashed right in between his three eyes. He fell to the ground and grunted from the blow.

“I don’t suggest it I know it, thousands are dead!”

“Sir!” he exclaimed, “I did my best! If I have failed you then I am truly sorry!”

The Duros betrayed no emotion as he pulled out a small pocket knife. He opened the blade and held it firmly in his hand and squeezed. A Drop of blood hit the floor, “Dead” another drop hit the metal deck and seemed to echo. “Dead” another drop “Dead, dead, dead….how do you apologize to them?”

“Sir I…”

”Don’t talk!” the Admiral snapped. “There is nothing more to say on this matter.” He reached out his bleeding hand and Wosino quickly hobbled over with a bandage to cover the wound. “Commander has the fleet I requested been assembled?”

”Yes sir, a sizable force from the 4th fleet sir.”

“I am sorry for striking you, you’re a fine officer Commander Pesk.” The Admiral placed the bandaged hand on his forehead. “I will need you in the coming days, its time we strike back at those who have destroyed us, those who have killed our brothers in arms. I want you to write up a list of likely targets with your former diligent work.
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Post by Halcyon508 »

The target had been selected, Melkin. The system was located at a nexus between several industrialized worlds, it was chosen for both the fore mentioned reason and the fact that intelligence has seen increased number of raids on the planet by local forces. This led to the thought that there must be a base of operation of some type nearby. Once in System the fleet was to send out a call asking for any assistance, numbers wise the task force would be the greater both in capitol ships and amassed fighter superiority. At least that was the plan….

After entering the Melkin system the fleet sent there message, launched fighters, and found nothing but two corvettes which were easily dispatched. The enemy fleet had dispersed throughout the system several hiding in a nearby asteroid belt and on the dark sides of moons and planets.

The Republic flit split up and began to hunt down elements, however whenever a ship was alone and vulnerable an attack would come via micro jumps or cold starts. It was a Delaying tactic that Admiral Nune assumed could only mean that they were waiting for reinforcements.

Two hours passed with neither side taking many casualties. Nune ordered all ships to be ready for a microjump to his position at a moments notice. A cautious and wise order to be given, long range sensors soon showed scores of enemy ships pouring from there hiding places, a fleet larger then the one that intelligence suggested however still with less capability then Nunes own force.

“Ensign, order the recall now.” Nune said calmly.

”But sir the enemy is finally coming out!” the junior reported.

”Yes, and that tells me that their reinforcements are about to arrive.” As if to validate the theory several vessels entered the system. He was now outnumbered, however not by much. Although in terms of capital ships he was now diminished in stature he still had fighter superiority because of the massive amounts carried by the Guardian.

The thrall fleet moved forward, confident that its intent would win the day. Their fighters surged towards those of the New Republic, forming a cloud, which would soon become a larger cloud of death and destruction. The larger ships of the Xen’Chi waded through the swarm and began to fire on the republic ships.

The Bothan Cruiser Pride of Bothawui took several hits as it worked its way behind one of the larger cruisers of the enemy and began pounding away at the engines. The RSD Peacekeeper positioned itself between the Guardian and the enemy as to absorb fire and protect the weaker ship. The Admiral looked on in pride as he saw his fighter horde shredding the weaker Xen’Chi fighter force. Nune had done it, he had achieved local superiority.

The battle raged and Honor Bound, a Nebulon-b2 frigate, was forced to withdraw to a rearward position hiding in the shadow the Guardian. Fighters darted to and fro and in a deadly game. Nune watched as just in front of his bridge a triangular E-wing shot through the shields and hull of a sleek enemy fighter. The Admiral noted with interest that the explosions of the fighter had been a green flame. This indicated a non oxygen atmosphere.

“Admiral we have ships jumping in behind us.” One of the pit officers yelled franticly.

”How many?” Nune asked in a nonchalant manner

“Two light Capital ships and twenty-one fighters”. The admiral Nodded, it wasn’t enough to tip the scales too much in the enemy favors.

“I want you to send the Bright Lance with a fighter escort to that position, tell them to engage the enemy.”

“That won’t be necessary Admiral!” Wosino yelled. “We are reading IFF as the Mercenary Ship Money Maker, an Eidolon-class Strike Cruiser.”

Commander Pesk looked at the control panel in shock. “And some of those fighters are Clone War vintage…it’s a surprise that they are even operational.”

”It’s a surprise we are operational then?” Wosino snapped and eyed his stun baton.

“They are informing us their fighters are engaging the enemy and wish further orders.” The Comm officer reported as the Bothan assault cruiser tore a large chunk out of the Star destroyer sized ships engines. “They are going to explode…” one of the bridge crew said as the ship began to break apart with small fires erupting and then being put out by the vacuum of space.

“Tell them to take up positions behind theHonor Bound, and protect that ship from being crippled. I want to get her out of this alive.”

”Aye sir.”

An explosion rocked the ship. “What was that?” Nune said in a monotone voice.

“Sir we’ve been hit hard, our shields are out.”

“Damn our shields whats the enemy doing?”

“We have destroyed one of the large cruisers sir, two corvettes and it appears that the cruiser the Peacekeeper was engaged with is disengaging heavily damaged.”

“Have the Pride pursue and destroy. Tell the Peacekeeper to hold position there is a third cruiser out there.” And we can’t take them alone.

The Bothan Cruiser was hot on the tail of the larger ship blasting it will as many weapons at it could bring to bear. Assault ships began to exit the ship as the Cruiser pierced through armor of the horrid cruiser. Several assault shuttles got out and shot back towards the fleet before the cruiser slowed from damage to its engine and eventually stopped drifting harmlessly in space. The Pride of Bothawui swung around and charged towards the Xen’Chi lead cruiser.

In addition to the destroyed cruiser the lead ship and others began to excrete their own assault craft. The few fighters remaining formed escort for them…their target was plain enough to see, they were heading for the Guardian

“Prepare to repel boarders!” Nune yelled as the first assault ship penetrated the hanger. “Request an assault team from the Peacekeeper they have the men to spare.” He looked around the bridge. “Wosino! I want you to get down to the hanger and manage the defense of the ship!”

The Dug nodded and unbuckled his stun baton and raised his plaster pistol high. “Understood!” he exclaimed as he rushed off the bridge, the moment he exited Nune made a hand signal and the blast doors sealed the bridge in.

”Sir we are getting a transmition from the Money Maker.”

”What are they saying?” Nune asked.

”They said they are sending help to deal with the boarding party!”

“What are they sending?” Nune stared at the operator he looked confused after asking. “What are they sending?” he repeated.

“Sir they said they are sending four men…”

Wosino ran as fast as his hands could take him down the hall. He reached the entrance to the massive hanger and slowly looked around the corner. He noticed two enemy combatants staring right back at him. Thralls! he spat in his mind as he saw the queer aliens with breather units and horned helmets. He turned back around the corner grateful for his small stature, they hadn’t seen him. The dug scurried down the hall to a t intersection and got around to a better angle from which to strike.

He barrel rolled into the hallway shooting his pistol in mid-flight hitting one of the horned thralls in the chest. when the maneuver was complete the small dug raised his stun baton up and gave a firm shock before moving his foot to bring his foot up to shoot his pistol.

The small Dug moved on shouting encouragement to men on the firing line. The Dug noticed a breach in the “battle line” and quickly grabbed a group of men and charged over a group of containers through the open hanger and up to another group of barricades. The makeshift bunker protected them from enemy fire, however they were pinned. They couldn’t move, and couldn’t shoot because of the massive amounts of fire being thrown down upon them.

Wosino waved the stun baton in the air daring the enemy to attack and about to order a charge. As he stood up to fire his weapon a fighter burst through into the hanger sliding across the deck having taken a laser hit just before entering. From the fighter a man jumped out with two blaster pistols firing franticly at the mass of enemy soldiers. The gunman jumped from his crippled fighter onto the ground and ran to Wosino’s position.

”You in charge here?” he asked a human with a lieutenant insignia.

“No I am!” The Dug said.

The man extended his hand “Captain Terry Teuton of the Money Maker

“And what good are you?” Wosino asked. “Now you are here pinned with us!”

”Nah” Terry said with a devilish smile. “I’m just here early!” as he said that three more fighters darted into the hanger. The canopies opened revealing two humans, one young another older and a Bothan. The Two Humans jumped out of the fighter and the snap hiss of their lightsabers igniting could be heard echoing throughout the cavernous hanger; one Green and one a fiery orange. “See? My Cousin is always on time!” Wosino grimaced and charged forward. Terry shruged and followed the Dug.
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Post by Mir »

Simon Muir sighed as he vaulted himself out of the cockpit of his A-wing. The man preferred infiltration of enemy's minds and filtering out information. Not destroying valuable minds that held information. But skipper had asked him to. Well the 'skipper' can bloody well shove his head up his rear end Simon took his anger out on one of the Thralls that was near him. He turned as another was climbing over his A-wing to strike him from behind. "I just had that waxed!" He squeezed the trigger of his blaster carbine, spraying the Thrall's chest with blaster bolts.

He turned again, as a familiar snap hiss somehow carried above the whine of blaster bolts and screams of the dying. He half expected it to be Derek or Erik, one of his cousins. But then he saw that orange blade which had freaked him out to no end. Orange? Who in their right mind would use an orange crystal in there light- never mind that- where would you find an orange crystal? These two thoughts were in the Bothan's mind as he layed a deluge of blaster fire into the thralls.

He ran forward. As he did, he saw a blaster bolt from a thrall head his way. He knew that there was no way he could dodge it. Was this how he was going to die? A green light came infront of his face. Funny. He'd always thought it'd be white. Apparently it wasn't. It also wasn't the light before one died, because he found himself on the ground, looking up at the wielder of a green lightsaber. The brown haired Jedi had a hand outstretched to him.

"Can I offer you some help?"

"Don't mind if you do." The Bothan took the hand and was pulled up. The other with the orange blade fought well too. The three moved over to where Teuton was.

"Skipper. Interesting ship you chose to enter."

"You saying something bad about this ship?" Simon looked to his left. There was no one there. A cough. He looked down.

"Of course not. Just that its got a big hanger, with lots of thralls."

"Lots of thralls that will die." The dug replied.

"What's your name?"

"Names later. Names now, we die. Shoot now. Shoot now, we live, fur man." Wosino turned and started firing at a thrall. Muir shrugged as he brought the barrel of his carbine in line with a Thrall's head. The Dug had a point.

OOC: :P at the other Jedi.
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Post by Topgun220 »

As Kiel catapulted through the air he knocked away two or three shots from enemy thralls. Had they ever seen Jedi before? They didn’t seem to care much that they had joined the battle. No matter, they wouldn’t be a problem for too long. His orange blade move swiftly deflecting shots left and right, he focused and tried to bounce the shots back towards his attackers. He was mildly successful taking out two Thralls as he continued to deflect more bolts. The fire on him intensified and he forgot about hitting an enemy with a bolt and focused on surviving.

'Why does everyone underestimate the kid, and when they find out he's good everyone wants to shoot the kid.' he grunted as if the deadly bolts assaulting him merely annoyed him.
He jumped to the side of his master just in time as several bolts simultaneously struck where he had just been moments before. He covered his master’s flank from enemy fire as they made their way towards them.

OOC: Not much really but there wasn't much I could write.
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Post by Halcyon508 »

The battle raged on as blaster shots fired recklessly around the hanger of the ship. Admiral Nune noted that the enemy fleet was beginning to run about, and the ships that had landed in his hanger were leaving in an awful hurry. He looked over to a secure feed from the hanger bay, originally set up so the bridge could monitor patrons to the museum.

What he saw was a route, his own med led by Wosino dodging from cover to cover as two cloaked figured deflected red spears of light with lightsabers. It was an impressive sight by all who could see it. The thralls fought with ferocity creating small pockets of resistance in the hanger as they were cut off from escape. Many escaped to shuttles, but many more made barricades with whatever they could find and fought to the last, the last shred of power in their blasters, the last man. Admiral Nune Ordered the recall of all fighters.

The Debris’ was being cleared and the bodies of the thralls thrown off the ship. Wosino used his typical strong armed diligence in making sure all fighters had a place to land. The older of the two Jedi supervised as his younger lifted objects with their mysterious power helping in the effort. Admiral Nune walked down from the bridge once he was sure that the armada was safely in hyperspace. He approached Wosino and bent down to whisper in his ear. The dug spat a whisper back into the Duros’s ear. Nune walked up to a mercenary overlooking the ship and staring at old the museum plaque. “Captain Teuton welcome aboard the Guardian of the Republic.”

“Captain Teuron of the Coin and Saber Mercenaries,” This ship was the battle of Coruscant, it helped liberate worlds.” Teuton said. “Its an honor to be onboard.”

The Admiral nodded and walked up behind the Jedi with Wosino at his heel. “Master Jedi, I’m Admiral Viskune Nune.”

The Jedi turned around and extended his hand. “Adam Sage.” He said as he turned around to watch the youth list another object and move it onto a piece of large equipment. “A pleasure to meet you sir” Adam said as he turned around again.

“I want to thank you for coming onboard, you and your team turned the tide it seems.”

“I came here hoping I would be at the right place at the right time, I’m only happy that I could be of assistance.”

“We have a vacancy here on the ship, after action reports show that several of your pilots are above average, I’d like you to stay onboard and head up the formation of a new Squadron. We have a surplus of ships you see…”

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll stay as long as I’m needed.” He said with a broad smile easing the Admirals tension.

Adam felt a tug on his robe and looked down at a dug examining a stun baton. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours?” he pointed hit foot at Adams lightsaber.

“No I don’t think so…” Adam said with a slight chuckle.

The Dug pulled on Nunes leg and spat, “You invite these people to my home! These people I don’t even know! And they won’t even show me their lightsabers!”

“Wosino!” The Admiral said sternly putting the dug in his place. “Master Sage it is an Honor to have you onboard, if you and yours would meet me at the briefing room in say two hours? That should give you enough time to get settled. Wosino will see to your quarters.” Wosino grunted under his breath…
Domani, forget domani
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~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
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Post by Mir »

Simon's datapad buzzed. He didn't hear it at first as they walked along the corridors. Sage didn't say anything as he was quietly discussing something with his padawan. Teuton was silent too. The Dug didn't say anything either, his stun baton impacting against the metal floor. They turned a corner to find the men and women of the ship already at attention, saluting them all. Wosino merely nodded and they went back to their work. Then he turned.

"Fur man. Why are you making a noise? Are you a bomb?!" He activated the stun baton and turned to leap at Simon. Adam turned to Simon as the Dug went into the air. Wosino stopped in mid air. "No show lightsaber boy, put Wosino down." Adam nodded and the Dug settled on the ground, as Simon pulled the datapad out of a thigh pocket.

"Well, now I know you're name is Wosino. Mine's Simon."

"Answer call, fur man. Weird music it makes." Simon nodded. He tapped a few keys, also ruffling his head fur from time to time.

"Get on with it Simon," Teuton said.

"Sure Skipper. Its a call from my cousin." He accepted the call and then Derek's face appeared on the screen. "Hey."

"How are you doing?" Derek replied.

"Let Wosino see." The Dug leapt into the air again, this time not stopped by Sage. He latched onto Simon's arm and dragged it down. "Hmph. This no fur man. How he related to you?"

"That's what I'm wondering. Derek?" Sage seemed to perk up at that. He turned to regard Simon with a little interest.

"We need to be in the same room with lots of alchohol for me to retell the story. I was wondering how you're doing."

"I'm fine. You picked a perfect time to call. We just finished dealing with some Thrall and Xen'chi. We're with the 4th Fleet right now."

"Giving away our position to a possible enemy?!" The Dug was mad now, and switched the stun baton to overcharge, his favorite setting.

"The Xen'chi? I'm at Onderon."

"Yeah, the Xen'chi." Simon brushed the Dug away from him. "Two Jedi hooked up with Coin and Saber. Kiel Argent and his master, Adam Sage." Derek's face changed.

"Adam Sage?"

"Yeah. You know him."

"We've met. May I speak to him?"

"Sure." he turned to Sage.

"Where's your humor when you're talking to him? Or do you only do it to me?" Teuton asked. He'd been subjected to Simon's wordplay for the past few months.

"The battle's taken alot out of me Skipper."

"I bet." Simon turned, as his fur started to lift up and point outwards. Wosino was coming closer and closer to him.

Meanwhile, Adam had gotten the datapad and was looking at a Bothan who was now a...human? "Yeah. Its a long story. Listen, the Jedi have organized at Onderon and there are talks about reconsituting the Jedi Council. Maybe you should come over here."

"That sounds like a good idea. I did promise to help the captain of this fleet, but this Xen'chi threat needs an organized Jedi Order to effectively combat it. I'll head over, with my apprentice." Derek nodded.

"I've got to run. There's this Nagai padawan. Getting on my nerves, talks to much."

"Like your cousin, Simon." Derek smirked.

"I'll be waiting for you, Adam." The two nodded to each other before the screen went blank. Adam looked back to see Teuton trying to stop Wosino from hitting Simon. Teuton was saying something like "As much as I want it to happen, I want to do it."
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Post by Halcyon508 »

Adam talked briefly with the admiral promising that as soon as possible he would return to the fleet. He and Kiel boarded two of the new model XJ X-Wings, fully armed with torpedo’s, and took off. It was doubtful that they would encounter the enemy however it was always better to be prepared. Then they WOOSH out into hyperspace and leave and eventually arrive where the jedi are….

OOC: Everyone in this thread with me...most likely before Adam gets back I will start a secondary battle but until then W-W-W-W-WOSINO!
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
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Post by Mir »

Nune looked out across the endless stars. The Duros stood silent as the Guardian of the Republic cruised slowly. There was something amiss in the air, and it couldn't have been the Melchorean burritos that the mess hall had served for lunch. He turned to the Dug next to him. "Captain Wosino?"

"Aye, Admiral."

"What are the latest reports?"

"All sensors systems report no enemy activity. All fighter patrols have picked up nothing." Nune nodded and turned back. He looked back as Wosino continued to talk. "We're just waiting for the Jedi who won't show me his lightsaber, the fur man who thinks he's funny, and that ship." Nune admonished the dug who fell silent and took to pacing the bridge.

The Admiral sat in the command chair, thinking to himself until, after five minutes of his executive officer's pacing, the clunking from the stun baton had driven nearly the whole bridge crew insane. He told Wosino to investigate the Mess Hall's Melchorean burritos, which Wosino headed off to do. After that, a peaceful silence filled the bridge, and Nune nearly dozed off.

Ten minutes later however, Nune was wide awake, his eyes narrowed. It wasn't the report from his sensors officer had he had been looking for. Instead of the Money Maker, the Fourth fleet had netted themselves some vessels that didn't look like anything he'd seen before. But on closer inspection they were of the same appearance as some of the ships that had attacked the fleet before. Thrall!

Before he could even open his mouth, the door to the bridge opened. Wosino had appeared bearing interesting news about the contents of the Melchorean burritos but that information and almost Nune's lunch went out the airlock as turbolaser fire hit the Guardian of the Repbulic. The ship shook slightly. Nune turned to his Dug XO. "Captain Wosino?"

"Aye, Admiral."

"All ships open fire. Launch fighters." Wosino nodded as he relayed the orders. The New Republic ships fired back, red stabs of energy leaping through space. Thrall fighters screamed through space, moving to close with the just launched NR fighters. The smaller Thrall fleet had used its element of surprise well and as they fired back at the NR fleet, Nune's sensor officer called out to him.

"Admiral, the Money Maker has just dropped out of hyperspace!"
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The Money Maker jumped out of hyperspace in a melee. The Jedi and other pilots ran to and fro and hurriedly manned their fighters taking off into the vast expanse of space.

Kiel jerked the controls to left dodging several plasma bolts as they seared past his viewport. Two Xen’Chi fighters just would not let him be. They were on his tail and constantly keeping him in a defensive state. His shields took a volley or two but they held. The new XJ-wing fighters were faster, more nimble, and carried more firepower than the older models. Kiel was more or less toying with these Xen’Chi as he got used to the controls of his new fighter under combat.

His rear shield took another hit, okay it was time to end the game. He opened himself to the force more fully instead of just using his danger sense to avoid stray laser shots. He now could feel in the force where the fighters were and anticipate their maneuvers. Using this knowledge he engaged the fighter in some quick skillful maneuvers that forced the pair to split themselves. He got on one’s tail and fired a burst into the ship’s shields until they failed and the cockpit shattered surrendering the pilot to the cold deadly embrace of space.

The second fighter was not done with Kiel yet though and he reminded Kiel he was still around by sending a pair of plasma bolts into his shields. Kiel spun the craft around and sprayed a few shots into the fighter’s shields. The Xen’Chi pulled off his attack course and tried to make a break for it. Kiel merely locked onto him and unleashed a proton torpedo. A few seconds later the fighter was engulfed in flames and Kiel surveyed the battlefield.

The battle was nearing its end. The Xen’Chi had been routed by the unexpected arrival of the Money Maker and its expert pilots. Kiel sought out more fighters to engage but there were none, if they were not already destroyed they were about to be by several New Republic or Mercenary pursuers.
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Post by Halcyon508 »

Downtime, life in the world of a New republic soldier was filled with downtime interrupted by brief and deadly encounters with the enemy. Wosino watched from Afar as orange and green saber collided. The Jedi was training his apprentice. They collided creating momentary flashes and every movement seemed to create a show of lights. Several troopers and pilots had already gathered around watching as the two did battle in the spacious hanger bay.

Kiel swung high and Adam blocked with one hand on his saber and the other at his side. Kiel backed off with a subtle movement and waited for his master to make a move. It came, a slight stabbing motion which arced near the end nearly making Kiels block fail. Kiel decided to go on the attack himself and sliced diagonally, Adam blocked with his lightsaber being held on the outside hand. He spun slowly and used his opposite hand, which has been otherwise limp, to grab Kiel by the arm and use the momentum from the attack to propel his apprentice forward revealing his back to Sage.

Wosino clapped his feet together delighted at the victory. Despite all appearances the Dug enjoyed the company of the Jedi. “You know what you did wrong?” Sage asked his apprentice. “You were fighting the lightsaber, not me.” The Dug nodded realizing the mistake. “in a fight with two armed men its best not to dwell on the weapon like most do. You are fighting the person not the weapon. A Lightsaber is an extension of your opponents arm, a part of him.” Adam reached out his hand and lightly hit his apprentice with an open palm on the chest. “Who would you wish to punish to bring justice. The hand that struck you? Or the heart that ordered it?”

OOC: sorry its short kinda crappy
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"I see master" Kiel took a few steps back and sunk into his ready stance. His orange blade leaping to life once again. Adam did so as well but his stance was stricter, more disciplined. Kiel struck first taking a controlled step and a short horizontal cut at his waist. Which his master batted away with ease and followed up with a swift thrust at his chest. Kiel Sidestepped and threw a fist at where Adam's head should have been. Instead he was knocked off his feet by his master's sweeping kick.

He rolled to the side and broke the melee with his master. It was obvious he was still far superior to Kiel even though he was not even giving it his all. Kiel was tired and a little worn, going against someone like Adam Sage wasn't easy in any sense of the word. He tried but could never get an advantage but he did feel that he was getting more skilled from each passing day of training.

"I guess I still have a lot to learn." He said rising slowly switching off his saber. "We all have much to learn." Adam said, Kiel flashed a smile.
"Thanks, I'll take comfort in the fact that I am not alone in my distress." Adam replied wisely "Distress? No not distress, even I am still learning young one." Sometimes Kiel forgot just how wise Adam was. As wise as the ancient Jedi masters probably, maybe even wiser. It was slightly daunting to train under him but a great privilege in the same sense.
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Derek smiled as the boarding ramp lowered. A beautiful Twi’lek stepped off the ramp, looking a little out of place, but still happy to be there. Her purple skin shone with excitement and adoration. Muir was just happy that he was recipient of that adoration and the cause of that excitement. He caught her up in a hug as her lips met his.

“How was your flight?”

“Alright. Karn says hello.” Derek nodded at Tatya’veronsis’ words. He slid an arm around her waist and they started to walk to the door.

“No, Wosino.” The Dug eyed him.

“You could be lying to Wosino. You are hairless unlike your cousin. How can I trust you.”

“What makes you trust Simon?” Derek asked. Before Wosino could reply, Tatya slid into the conversation.

“What are you saying no to, Derek?”

“He wants you to show him your lightsaber.” She just nodded and brought out the hilt. “He means press the button.”

“Oh. Why?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’m sorry, Wosino, I can’t.” Wosino continued to stare.

“I’m going back to watching orange blade fall on his rear end.”

“Have fun. Tell Adam that Tatya is here for me, please?”

“Sure.” The Dug started off, stun baton clunking as usual. They could heard him drafting a complain to Nune about the Jedi, the Jedi Order, Adam Sage, Derek Muir, and Melchorean burritos, not necessarily in that order. The door slid shut behind them, and the little corridor was deserted. Finally they were alone. Tatya had Derek up against the wall faster than he’d expected and before his mind could say “Force powers”, she was upon him. His other hand found her waist as well, as he pulled her closer to him.

“How long’s it been?” He asked, breathless, when they parted.

“Two weeks, maybe a little bit more.”

“I missed you.”

“I can tell.” Her lekku twitched, and he gently played with one of the ends. “Well, where are our quarters?” He smiled slowly. “Don’t think I got you excited for that reason, Derek. I’m tired and I need some sleep.”

“Of course.” They headed off to the room. She didn’t actually go to sleep for another hour, Derek in bed next to her in the quarters that they were to share. He looked at the slumbering Twi’lek and gently kissed her cheek. He had his memories of Derek Muir, the Bothan, but he felt a sense of detachment from his former self. The human Derek rose and slid out of the bed. He reached down under the bed and took out a shoebox sized box. He flipped the lid and took out what was inside. He’d finished cutting the yellow stone since he’d gotten it. Derek had also accumulated the different parts that he was going to use in his lightsaber. He closed the lid and set it under the bed.

Derek had another shuttle to meet.
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Rhyana Torshey. That was her name, and it was all he knew about her. Derek leaned against the wall as he waited for her shuttle. She was to be his padawan, sent by the Jedi council. It didn’t make sense for a member of the Jedi Council to not have a padawan to train and Derek had to agree with the common sense. Torshey would be able to learn from both him and Sage, which would benefit both her and him. Sage would be able to cover the areas that Derek wasn’t strong on, and Derek would have his first training made that much easier.

The shuttle arrived, Wosino reported over the intercom. Derek could almost hear the question. Will she show me her lightsaber? He smirked. It’d be the first lesson that his padawan got. Don’t listen to the Dug. He saw the speck of white in the distance and it slowly got bigger as it came towards the docking bay.

It was a Lambda, like before, but he wasn’t anticipating this one as much as he had been anticipating Tatya’s. The boarding ramp lowered and a young woman of eighteen disembarked. Despite his feelings for Tatya, Derek’s human side of him was immediately attracted to Rhyana. She was beautiful to say the least. Silvery white hair cascaded down to her shoulders. Her skin was pale, but not in a bad way. She wasn’t an albino, her skin had more of an ivory complexion. Then he found her eyes. Silver eyes. He immediately moved to check her finger count, but his eyes couldn’t leave hers. Deep. Like a churning container of the metallic color. She had a fire in her eyes that he couldn’t attribute to anything yet. He broke off the stare before it became impolite and then let his eyes wander over the rest of her ample figure. She wore a silvery white jumpsuit that clung to her, showing off curves. He noticed that cylinder that was attached to her waist. Either her former master’s or of her own make. He nodded and cleared his throat as she came near.

“Rhyana Torshey.” Her voice was light and musical. He found himself at a loss for words and to cover himself, he put his hand in hers. He silently cursed Karn for having his human body’s hand be so rough compared to the softness of hers. If he didn’t love Tatya and if she wasn’t to be his padawan…to many “ifs”. He decided to settle for what was reality.

“Derek Muir.” She nodded and smiled. He just nodded, trying to ignore what was in the back of his mind.

“So you’re to be my master.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement, rather. He nodded again, as the two fell in step and headed towards the exit.

“I just need to know how much your previous master taught you, and we’ll go from there.” She told him as they walked through the ship to her quarters.

Those that pay attention will note what planet she and another char of mine are from :D
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Derek should have been surprised that with the whole silver thing, her lightsaber blade would be the metallic color, but when Rhyana had turned the lightsaber on in their first training session he had been. With Tatya looking on, he’d tested her lightsaber skills. He found that she had a mastery of Form I and knew enough of Form III to keep his blade away a decent number of times. She knew of the other forms, which told Derek that her last master had taught her well. The master had obviously been a battlemaster. The girl knew how to use the different forms together and to combine them to cover the weakness of one with the strengths of another.

But like a battlemaster would, her former master hadn’t taught her much about Force manipulation. She couldn’t use telekinesis very well, except when in the heat of battle when she wasn’t really thinking about it, just reacting to her opponent’s attacks. And that was just one example. Rhyana needed to work on her ability to sculpt reality around her through the Force. Derek intended to teach her so that she knew it just as well as she knew her lightsaber drills and forms.

He turned to see Kiel Argent coming towards them. He smiled at the young padawan of his friend. “Hello there Kiel, how are you today?” He didn't see Adam around, but knew that the Jedi Master would be around here somewhere. Unless he was trying to stop Teuton from killing Simon, Wosino from killing Simon, or was dodging Wosino's stun baton himself.
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Kiel had just finished his physical exercise session and was going to go into the hangar bay or some other open area away from crew members and practice his saber skills. "I am fine Master Muir," Kiel took a slight respectful bow and noticed Rhyana standing next to Derek. "how is your new padawan?" He spoke to Derek but smiled softly at Rhyana in as friendly a manner as possible.
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"I'm fine. You must be Kiel. My master has spoken very highly of you and your skills." She said, her voice light, and a smile on her face. He was a few years younger than her, from what her master told her, and had great potential to be a leader amongst the Jedi.
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"I am indeed Kiel and I can only hope your master is right. From what I know he most often is." He turned his attention back to Derek. "Is there anything I can aid you with Master Muir?" He really wasn't looking forward to running errands but it was respectful to offer to do them if Derek was busy with his padawan's training.
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Muir thought for a few moments. "I don't need anything in particular, except for your lightsaber blade." Kiel looked a little confused. "I want you to spar with Rhyana." He said. The woman looked at her master.

"Are you sure, Master. I'm not sure if I'm ready, or..." She trailed off, unsure about different things.

"Rhyana, I've told you before, you need to stop doubting yourself so much and so often. You're quite powerful and I have no doubt that you'll be able to hold your own against Kiel."
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Kiel had dueled with Adam before and he did not doubt his own control but that didn't stop a slight amount of fear for her from going through his mind. He quickly pushed the thought away and took out his lightsaber but did not activate it yet. "If that's what you need Master Muir then I would be happy to oblige."
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Muir nodded once to Kiel and then to Rhyana before taking a few steps back to Tatya. The Twi'lek female turned to Muir. "Are you sure she's ready?"

"Its a mutually beneficial training session," he said softly. "Rhyana was trained by a battle master. She knows her forms well and can probably wield a larger raw kinetic power than Kiel can, but Adam teaches finesse better than a battle master would."

"Makes sense." She gave him a light peck on the cheek. "I just hope you know what you're doing."

"I always do." She smirked.

Rhyana waited a few moments. Then she nodded once to Kiel and then leapt forward, silver blade suddenly appearing in the air as she was airborne. It twirled in the air and then lifted, as she brought it down onto Kiel Argent's head.
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Kiel ignited his own orange blade and sidestepped the brutal attack as well as parrying it downward to avoid redirection into his new position. Kiel took a step back and dropped low to the ground attempting to sweep out Rhyana's feet from under her.
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Rhyana smirked. This padawan didn't know that battle was her element. She leapted into the air, backwards and let her feet move out, to hit Kiel in the face. Then she snapped her legs backwards and completed the backflip. The saber twirled in her hand and she looked at Derek, unsure whether she should continue. Derek just nodded.

"The boy seems unmatched." Tatya said.

"He's holding back. I think he thinks that he'll hurt her and wants to avoid that. Hopefully he's changed his mind."
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Kiel took the shot in the face as a sign that Rhyana could hold her own. He collected himself and deepened his connection to the force, he could feel everything happening around him. He concentrated on Rhyana, focusing on her every move until he could 'feel' her heart beating. He moved on her first striking out skillfully testing her defenses with a series of controlled cuts and stabs.
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Post by Halcyon508 »

Adam stared at the progressing fight from the hangers control center watching. “Grandfather always said ‘If you love, love without reservation or jealousy. If you fight, fight without holding back.’” Adam smirked to himself. “He also said you never truly knew anyone until you got them mad.” Adam looked at the small dug who walked up beside him. “I suppose most everyone has known you at some point hmmmm?” he said. Wosino grumbled and clutched his stun baton prodding Adam in the side. Nothing happened. He mumbled something about “cheap Jedi tricks” and turned his attention toward the main attraction.
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Rhyana decided after the first few cuts and stabs that Ataro wasn't cutting it anymore. She took a few steps backwards, giving her the time she needed to drop into a Soresu ready stance. She smiled to Kiel, beckoning him forward. If she had been a Sith or a Darksider and was actually taunting Kiel, then she would have been utilizing Dun moch. But as it was, she was playfully fooling around with the younger padawan.

Derek sensed a familiar presence and he turned to see Adam standing near him along with Wosino. The dug came up to him and prodded the stun baton into him. Nothing happened, and the dug muttered something about "species changing jedi tricks."

"So, you're here to see how real fighters duel?"

"Bah. I could beat the girl and the boy with my stun baton. What, she thinks cause she color coordinated silver she's going to win? And he thinks a tropical fruit colored lightsaber helps him?"

"Well, I dunno Wosino, Adam has taught Kiel very well and from what I've seen already, Rhyana could take you even if she was wearing gold or red or any other color." The dug snorted.
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Kiel did not notice the arrival of his master, he was only aware of his opponent and his immediate surroundings. He saw her in a tunnel vision like view while he could feel the area around him through the force so he didn't bump into a wall of trip. He stepped towards Rhyana but did not attack, he noticed her change to the more defensive soresu form. It would take some work beating her in that form he would much rather just draw her out of it. Kiel moved around her just outside her striking range, he refused to be drawn in for a almost useless attack. He had all day to wait for her to make her move, from what he'd observed that wouldn't take long.
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Derek had, in their training session given her insights into Soresu, insights given to him by his brother Erik. Erik Muir had learned, other than Form I only two other forms to mastery The first was Djem So, but the second was Soresu. Indeed, it was the only form that Erik Muir ever used. When one has the benefit of a master at something telling you what to do, you tend to listen. Derek had listened and had past the same teachings on to Rhyana.

So she patiently stood in the stance, silver blade at the ready. Soresu was a defensive form, and its purpose was to enable the user to outlast one's opponent. In effect, it turned a fight into a war of attrition. She drew the Force too her, sinking into its comfortable embrace. The eighteen year old waited. And one thing about women and men was that women could be much more patient than men could. Her goal here was not to strike before Kiel, but to beat him, something that she intended to do.
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Her resolve was admirable and Kiel almost considered taking several steps back and turning off his saber. He wanted to wait but he couldn't, she may be in soresu but he wanted to truly test the effectiveness of his master's form. He wanted to see how much his training had really paid off. Kiel moved in for the attack, he feigned a horizontal strike on her throat coming from her left. In the hopes to set her up for a further strike, or at least some more insight on her skill with Soresu.
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A good fighter relies on his skills. Rhyana wasn't just a good fighter but a great one. Her master had taught her much of Ataro, though Derek hadn't gotten to testing her Ataro skills yet. She'd already displayed her flexability when she'd kicked Kiel in the face, but now she wanted to cement it. Perhaps in his stomach? She ducked down as the horizontal strike came in. Then she flicked her blade off with the Force and let herself fall forward, hands coming up to push off from. Kiel's blade would hopefully still be high enough so that her feet would get chopped off. She tucked her feet in and then shot them out, into Kiel's stomach, amplifying the strike through the Force. She was now laying on the ground and she pressed the button on her saber, igniting her blade before she got up.

Derek's eyes widened. Damn...
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Kiel used the kinetic force to jump into the air and rolled into a back flip. He landed and wasted no time, she was even more aggressive than he had thought. He leaped forward at her and lashed out with his blade at her shoulder. He reached out into the room through the force for objects as his attack was blocked. He found the dug's stun baton to be a fitting tool. Using the force he plucked it out of the alien's grip and threw it at Rhyana's head while he increased the ferocity of his attacks.
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She felt the baton coming towards her and knew that the Dug would definitely be displeased if anything happened to it. Of course if something did happen to it, she could always blame Kiel. He had after all taken it from the Dug. She noted the increasing ferocity of attacks and smiled to herself. How childish. She jumped back and reaching out, caught the Dug's stun baton. She smirked at Kiel and sped it back towards the Dug, who caught it, now getting very annoyed at the number of Jedi onboard the ship, swearing that he was going to talk to Nune the first chance he got. Tatya took that chance to pat the Dug on the head and give him a scratch behind the ears.

Torshey meanwhile dropped low and angled the tip of her blade at Kiel. "Come, Kiel, surely you must be able to finish me off." She said, a smile on her face.
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Kiel wasted no time pondering over his lost attack, he knocked her blade down and threw a wave of telekinetic energy at her. He locked blades with her and grabbed her saber arm with his free hand and rolled into her chest where she would be unable to strike him very effectively without offering him the ability to do the same.
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She smiled at the back of his head. "Kiel, besides the fact that this isn't very jedi like, you're not my type, and a few years younger than me. But I admired your bravery." She leaned up and gave him a peck on the cheek. She closed her eyes and found that his legs were on top of her left leg which was on the ground. Rhyana placed her other leg on top of his legs. Then she pulled her legs to the right and made them vertical, shifting her hips and upper body as well. This pulled Kiel on top of her. The suddeness of it would also loosen his hold on her saber, or at least she hoped.

Pulling hard, she managed to free her hand and then let go of her saber. It deactivated while in the air and slid across the floor to stop near Derek, Tatya, and Wosino. Her hands were now free, while he was wielding a weapon whose lethality was compounded in the close quarters that they were in. Moving quickly, while her hand had just let loose the saber, she sent a Force push into Kiel's side and let her feet fall to the side, loosening her grip on his feet and legs. He was subsequent thrown up in the air.

She was quick to scramble to her feet and outstretched her hand, calling her blade back to her.
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OOC: Nix the last post.


She smiled at the back of his head. "Kiel, besides the fact that this isn't very jedi like, you're not my type, and a few years younger than me. But I admired your bravery." She leaned around and gave him a peck on the cheek. She was about to try to break the hold, when Derek called out for the two of them to stop.

"Its pretty much a stalemate." Derek said. Rhyana cursed to herself. "Kiel, let her go." He added.
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Post by Halcyon508 »

Adam smirked to himself and suppressed the pride he felt for his apprentice. Though not how Adam himself would have dealt with the situation, Kiels moves certainly exhibited the unorthodox style that Adam promoted in his pupil. He was bemused at the girl and her reply to Kiels ‘unjedi like’ technique…
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Kyr’am Gota
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Post by Topgun220 »

Kiel stepped away and returned his lightsaber to its position on his hip. "I think both of us got something out of that duel we can learn from." He smiled to Rhyana and noticed his master standing right there next to Derek. "Hello Master, I uh...didn't see you there."
Niko says:
were so lame
Kit_Fitsu says:
but awesome at the same time
Niko says:
its so contradictory
Magic Man says:
agreed on both acounts
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Post by Halcyon508 »

“You should have been more aware of my presence.” Adam said. “But you did ok.” Adam looked over ad Derek. “You supervising over here your thoughts?”
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
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Post by Mir »

Derek nodded at Sage. "I saw you hold back when Rhyana shifted into Soresu. I don't personally see the point of holding back when someone is not only shifting into a different form, but the 'I'm going to outlast you' form. I think you did well despite that." He turned to his padawan now. "Were you using inverse dun moch?"

"Sort of." Derek nodded, lifting his eyebrows as he did.

"Not so sure thats wise against another lightsider, but it has its merits. Interesting combination of Ataro and Djem So and-" Wosino moved forward, his stun baton lifted on high.

"Which one of you took my stun baton?" he said. Rhyana pointed at Kiel, and the Dug advanced on the human.
Everyone knows "Pops and Junior = #Ratings"
Everyone knows "Cazzik and Mir = #Wynning"
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Post by Topgun220 »

"Easy there friend, no harm was meant to it." He lifted his hands in a gesture of surrender but didn't back up. He sent a sense of comfort and serenity through the force to aid in calming the Dug down.
Niko says:
were so lame
Kit_Fitsu says:
but awesome at the same time
Niko says:
its so contradictory
Magic Man says:
agreed on both acounts
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