The Xen Chi Invasion: Mission to Thyferra

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Kyr’am Gota
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The Xen Chi Invasion: Mission to Thyferra

Post by Topgun220 »

IC:Kyp was asleep at the controls again, his ship was deadly quiet as it traveled through hyperspace towards Fondor. The crew was asleep as well, or at least not making much noise. Kyp's brown coat draped over his chair and his belt holsters lay on the deck under his chair. Another three hours until the ship exited hyperspace above Fondor and from there departed to Thyferra. He wasn't sure taking this job was the smartest thing to do but he and Rock needed to eat. So after collect some insane mercenaries and smugglers they headed out. Kyp watched the controls with half open eyes.

OOC:A crappy opener but its all good. OOC thread is here. Post there that youre interested before jumping in unless you have already told me you want to join.
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Post by [ShadowWalker] »

As did Rock...but he didnt watch the controlls, he watched the crew.

'Rurk A'Tarak the colossal Barabel warrior, with not much trust left over for noone accept the captain of the vessel.
It looked as if he had fallen asleep against the wall next to the cockpit, even his tail slowly wiggled back and forth as if he was dreaming.

In some ways he was, he was daydreaming about some battle he fought a long time ago, the Hut's mercyless combatants chasing him, but he was the Hunter allways, never took to beeing a prey, he hunted the hunters back rippping them apart sending pieces of them back to the one who paid their bills, allways with the note 'The hunt is mine...'

Although he was daydreaming and seemed to be way off in his mind, he really wasnt. For some reason his feelings told him to be alert. The M-9 assultblaster rested on his large knee, and his hunters hearing alerted him of every sound that seemed out of the ordinary. Scared he wasnt, he barly knew the word itself. Tension might be a better word. Anticipation...

He awaited their arrival and what to come, preparing himself for what might be a somewhat suicidal mission...
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Post by Mir »

She was silent, eyes open, thinking. Jaina Kacen lay in her bunk on the ship. Why again had she decided to go on this mission? Lack of money? It wasn't really that? The fact that she hadn't destroyed anything or killed anyonre in the past few months? Maybe? The cute one from Tatooine with the scars? She did like scars. This one was a toughie. But not as much as a toughie as this "mission" to Thyferra.

She rolled over in the bunk and looked around at her small cabin that she'd been given. Her pack was in one of the small corners. and against one of the walls was her weapons pack. This mission was going to be fun, but insanely hard. Going up against the Xen'chi? They were crazy to do this, but that was yet another bonus. All in all, she was actually quite pleased to be on the mission. Attractive leader, horrible odds, lots of targets.

Jaina only wished they'd drop out of hyperspace faster.
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Post by Topgun220 »

The ship lurched out of hyperspace and Kyp woke up. He flipped the intercom on quickly. "Attention everyone, this is the captain speaking. We have arrived at Fondor and will be departing again momentarily. Please brace yourselves for lightspeed." He enterred the coordinates while the hyperdrive recharged.
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Post by Topgun220 »

OOC:Cadden, Smoke if you guys are still going for this feel free to jump in anytime.

IC:Kyp made the jump to lightspeed again, heading towards Thyferra. The route he was using was not well known, used by smugglers and pirates during the galactic civil war to get access to bacta under imperial noses. It was far enough away from the planet that the Xen'Chi would not pick them up when they entered the system. Or so Kyp hoped.

The trip was uneventful, only an hour in length it was short but sweet. The Heap of Faith dropped out of hyperspace. Thyferra was a distant ball of blue and green. There were a dozen or more ships of obvious Xen'Chi design that looked like cruisers or carriers. Kyp expected this though, he would get through the blockade...or he'd die trying. Most likely the latter from the looks of it. He never was one for the odds anyway. "Will everyone please report to your station or find a hole and hide if you don't have a station. Were going for a nice little ship ride past a Xen'Chi armada and will be arriving on the planet under the secure control of the Xen'Chi afterward. If we live that long then we will take whatever amount of bacta we can and make a break for Fondor. I'd say may the force be with us but I'd doubt it thinks we have a snowball's chance in mustafar."
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Post by Mir »

"Lets blow some things up!" Jaina half yelled jumping out of her bunk at the sound of Froth's voice. She headed towards one of the weapons turrets and slid in. She powered up the guns and got a headset. "Ready when you are Cap'n."
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Post by [ShadowWalker] »

Rock looked quickly into the cockpit, and out onwards the ships Kyp talked about. He nodded his big head slowly and then he sat down in the chair that was designed for his massive body, the co-pilot seat onboard the Heap of Faith was worth every credit...

He heard the voice from one of the gunwells and talked with his usual string and somewhat demanding dominant voice...

"Stand down a moment there, no trigger happiness untill i give the god to go... We have no chance against their armada and they now it, The heap is a beutiful lady inside but on the outside she looks tired and old, no threat to anyone. And because we are no threat they will not even bother to look more then once at us, thats whats gonna take us to the spot, not by fighting... not yet..."

He made a grin at his friend and captain and turned his black eyes to the ships again. he could easily turn off the weapons from his seat or even stear there automatic fire sequence. He was from his years of fighting many different cinds of battle experienced in many ways of fighting, but that experience just told him in this case that they should lay low and look like they belonged.

"Kyp... any idea if theese recent occupants has any tollerance against humans and other beeings or not? DO they allow any traffic to or off the planet at all for instance...? My idea is just to look like we have an arent down there..."

He looked down on the growning planet ahead of them as to even more express what he ment. Fear wasnt anything he even knew, but he was far from just a huge brute killing machine... behind his thick ceratinshell protected head he had a fully functional strategic brain also.
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Post by Topgun220 »

"From what I can tell these folk don't like any kind of visitors. I doubt they'd let commercial traffic continue on during their occupation. Our best bet would be to try and slip past their sensors. If they do catch us they probably will shoot first and pick up the pieces later. Which means the whole ship is going to be run on almost no power, just enough to keep us moving." He gave a worried look to Rock as he cut all power to everything except engines and life support. Then he lowered the engine thrust greatly. 'Please don't care about some meaningless speck on the sensors, please don't notice us.' Kyp silently prayed to whoever would listen.

"Just hang on back there, if we do get spotted..." He let it trail off knowing that unless they got past the bulk of the fleet before they were spotted they were as good as dead.
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Post by VagueDurin »

Elexus Orelia silently stalked his way up to the cockpit of the battered transport. He watched on with silence as the captain powered down the ship and they began the first true dangerous part of the mission. "Do we have to be quiet, too?" he asked into the silence, the average hieghted man smirking broadly as the two beings in the cockpit jumped out of their skin... "Or are their sensors not that good?" he leaned against the entrance to the cockpit, a pair of pistols holstered at his side, along with a few melee devices, brown hair spiked up slightly.
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Post by Topgun220 »

Kyp smiled at the younger man's comment, he appreciated the good humour to break the mood. "As far as we know the Xen'ies ,as I have affectionately dubbed them, never fought with any kind of infiltration and smugglers weren't ever a problem with their type of government. In other words, I hope not..." It was a lot more difficult than it looked to steer a ship with no thrusters or engines.

As the ship closed on the planet Kyp could see objects floating in space, as he neared them he saw they were bodies, debries, and chunks of ships that were destroyed in the battle of Thyferra. As he was looking out at the objects in wonder he noticed a frigate closing on their position. "Oh frell no." He looked at the ship and litterally stopped breathing as it neared. His heart was beating so loud it was the only thing he heard. A massive sense of imminent danger and doom loomed over him with a eavy presense further encouraging him to stay silent and motionless. He forced the words to his lips. "Don't make any noises..." He slowly moved his hands to the controls, he set them down as softly as possible. The frigate was right above them now, Kyp was begining to gain control of himself again.

He was ready to jumpstart the ship if the Xen'ies wanted to take a closer look at the hunk of space junk drifting about just underneath them.

OOC: My next post WILL be the landing I promise but I got into this post so its not going to get us far. Hey I try alright.
Niko says:
were so lame
Kit_Fitsu says:
but awesome at the same time
Niko says:
its so contradictory
Magic Man says:
agreed on both acounts
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Post by Topgun220 »

The Heap of Faith passed by the frigate and continued toward Thyferra. Kyp audibly let out a sigh of relief, now was the hardest part...and most dangerous. A minute before entering the atmosphere of Thyferra Kyp powered up the ship. "You can start blowing things up now Jaina!" The Heap's shields flickered to life as a squadron of Xen'Chi fighters were dispatched from the frigate to engage the small freighter.

The fighters wouldn't be able to engage the Heap because of the distance between them. But the fighters were gaining on the freighter as it entered atmosphere. "Elexus I need you on the lower gun, you're a better shot than Jaina." Kyp worked furiously pushing buttons and controls while trying to hold the Heap's decent at a 45 degree angle. "No offence Jaina." He yelled back to her. He then turned to Rock. "Manage our shields, we can sacrifice power from the engines but not much. The ship rocked as a volley of plasma fire hit the Heap's rear shield. "Could we fire the bloody turrets!?"
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Post by Mir »

"Alright calm down pretty boy! And don't think I didn't take offense at that nice comment of yours." Jaina replied, bringing the turret's guns to bear on a Xen'chi fighter. She squeezed and held the trigger, and red bolt after red bolt was sent out to meet the enemy fighter. The pilot to his credit threw the ship into evasive manuvers and Jaina wasn't able to track his erratic flying well.

Her goal was to kill not count the number of times the guns fired, so the red stream of laser shots followed the pilot until the fighter was hit three times and exploded in a fireball. She found a new fighter and oriented on it.

"Any chance of the bottom turret proving its better accuracy and skill?"
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Post by VagueDurin »

Elexus shrugged slightly, turning around, he silently stalked his way back out of the cockpit. "Sure thing, boss." he spoke as he started down the ladder into the turret. Slipping on the headset with one hand whiel he keyed the turrent on with the other, he settled into the chair and took a deep breath.

He took the controld in his gloved hands and moved to bring the crosshairs down on one of the fighters... Trajectory data manipulating itself in his head as he he shifted aim to a point away from the craft, and stroked the trigger carefully.

A single shot of crimson energy shot forth from the turret, piercing the canopy of the fighter and superheating anything inside of it. Then the now pilotless ship simply careened out of control towards the planets surface.

"One shot... One Kill." he spoke calmly over the comm channel before he moved to line up on another target...
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Post by [ShadowWalker] »

Rock managed the copilots duties and moved energy from engine to the shields as a smaller hit took to 'The Heap'.
The ship rattled alittle but not much more happend as the attacking Xen'Chi fighter had been shot down.

The voice of the two gunners was heard clearly in the cockpit and the dark rumbling sound of 'Rurk A'Tarak rolled down the gunwells.

"Dead is dead, no matter how they die... good job on thoose two but have you considered the once comming from the port side?"

Another shot hit them and a little heavier this time, the fighters flew over the ship and was making their turn around for another attack.
Rock sat his huge body down in the chair, again strenghtening the shields were it needed. He was a fighter himself but thought that ship to ship was no sport and prefered hand to hand or with firearms just like his Mandalorian carbine.

"Raaaah.... now take thoose out so we can get down there..."
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Post by Mir »

"Keep your scales on, I got them." Kacen replied, through her turret in the direction of the fighters in question. Her laser shots were more accurate this time, to prove a point to Elexus. While she didn't get the enemy fighter in one or two shots, she felt that five was a definite improvement from before. "Next target, please." She asked sweetly.
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Post by Topgun220 »

Kyp jerked the controls forcing the ship into a steep dive toward the planet. The two remaining fighters followed suit in close pursuit. Kyp gritted his teeth as the Heap plunged down towards the rushing ground. Moments before impacting the ground he yanked the controls upward nearly missing the flat plains he was now passing over. He added power to the engines and the speed of the craft increased. The ship was heading straight for a mountain range, possible saftey.

Kyp weaved the Heap through the mountain range with skill and precision. The fighter pilots were finding it harder and harder to keep up with the Heap as it didn't even decrease speed to swerve around the mountains. After pulling around a sharp turn a large mountain was smack dab in fornt of the Heap. Thankfully Kyp reacted instantaneously and jerked up sharply on the controls. Still the ship's shields flickered as they scrapped against the mountainside. The other two fighters weren't as fast or skilled as Kyp, the first smashed right into the mountain killing the pilot instantaneously. The second fighter managed to pull out after losing his shields from the blast.

As the remaining fighter rose to the saftey of the skies Kyp dove deep into the mountain range. "They shouldn't be able to pick us up on sensors if we hide in a cave down here without power." He quickly located a large enough cave in the side of one of the larger mountains and landed the ship inside it. "Rock shut our power down and keep us on minimal energy output. If you can try to block their sensors as well."
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Post by VagueDurin »

Elexus removed himself from the turret and quietly made his way back up to the cockpit of the ship. One hand resting on the handle of his pistol, he leaned up against the wall, an eyebrow raised up curiously... "What Next, Boss?"
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Post by Topgun220 »

Kyp looked baxk at Elexus who managed to sneak up on the vetran yet again. "We wait...and pray." He added looking up almost as if he was looking through the rock wall over the ship into the sky where the Xen'Chi waited for them.
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Post by Topgun220 »

OOC: Kick start time! if you are in this POST if not then ASK TO JOIN! that is all :)

IC: After nearly two hours of waiting Kyp felt confident enough that the Xen'Chi took off seeing as one freighter could not possibly cause that much damage to the army they had on the ground. Kyp had the crew load up into the two ground speeders he brought on board the Heap for transportation. The group made their way to Xozhixi where they would infiltrate the space station, grab the bacta, and get filthy rich.
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