The Xen Chi Invasion: Fifth Sector Fleet
Moderators: VagueDurin, Nichalus
The Adminerator
The Xen Chi Invasion: Fifth Sector Fleet
Corellia System
The twenty-three vessels of the New Republic's Fifth Sector Fleet was orbiting Crollia. The massive star cruiser Formidable dwarfed all but the Audacious and the Tenacious, the two Victory Mark III Star Destroyers attached to the fleet.
Onboard the Formidable, Rear Admiral Savrek Wolfray looked out the viewport, considering his situation. The fleet had been ordered to gather at Corellia in preparation of combat patrols. The last reports placed Xen'Chi forces at Balmorra and Sarjonis. Especially the fall of Balmorra irked the Rear Admiral. When he had heard the news, he had silently promised to do his utmost to prevent Corellia from suffering the same fate.
He turned away from the viewport, walked to his table, and began looking through the latest supply reports...
OOC: This is the thread for the battle of Corellia.
The twenty-three vessels of the New Republic's Fifth Sector Fleet was orbiting Crollia. The massive star cruiser Formidable dwarfed all but the Audacious and the Tenacious, the two Victory Mark III Star Destroyers attached to the fleet.
Onboard the Formidable, Rear Admiral Savrek Wolfray looked out the viewport, considering his situation. The fleet had been ordered to gather at Corellia in preparation of combat patrols. The last reports placed Xen'Chi forces at Balmorra and Sarjonis. Especially the fall of Balmorra irked the Rear Admiral. When he had heard the news, he had silently promised to do his utmost to prevent Corellia from suffering the same fate.
He turned away from the viewport, walked to his table, and began looking through the latest supply reports...
OOC: This is the thread for the battle of Corellia.
'Will finish a thread one day…'
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OOC: Okay, since I’m not too sure what I have to work with yet here's my opening post, deliberately ambiguous when it comes to the size and composition of the fleet. Still, it gets things off the ground. 
Overseer Ralic felt the tremor run through the deck of his Xai’chen Class Command Cruiser, Tyrande, as the hulking obsidian warship emerged from hyperspace just short of the Corellian system. It was a tremor that matched the one in his gut. Had Ralic been a baseline human, the officers and crew gathered around him at the Tyrande’s tactical station might have noticed a wry smile cross their Commander’s face; but of course Xen Chi warriors never smiled, especially if they were Overseers.
It was good to have that familiar tremor in his gut again, that ripple of nervous anticipation right before a battle, a final reminder that despite all the planning in the galaxy, most battles rarely turned out exactly as you wanted them to. Once upon a time he had felt shame at these feelings of doubt and uncertainty, felt betrayed by both his body and mind, but those days of youthful folly were well behind him now, the tremor in his gut had not once prevented him from doing his duty, and doing it well. These days he welcomed it like an old friend.
“Sensor contacts?” he asked, his crimson eyes flitting briefly to his second in command, a newly raised Prefect named Dalis.
“Nothing close, Overseer,” the young Xen’Chi women replied, “There are several contracts at the edge of our sensor range, probably freighter traffic, but we’re too far out for them to see us.”
Ralic raised one black eyebrow, “Are you sure?”
His Prefect hesitated only a moment before replying, “No. It’s possible that those freighters are long range surveillance ships. Unlikely; but possible.”
Ralic gave a small, almost imperceptible nod. Good, it seemed that his Prefect was intelligent enough to admit her limitations, far too many of the warriors he had served with in recent battles with the Chiss had been filled with the Xen Chi warrior spirit and not a lot else. A true warrior must consider all possible implications if they were to emerge victorious from battle.
“A lesson for the future,” he told her. “Regardless, today it is irrelevant, even if the New Republic has warning of our impending arrival it will avail them little. Once the Kaspic, and Retras, signal they’ve calculated there hyperspace courses signal them to jump.”
“Yes, Overseer,” Dalis replied, stepping to the nearby comm station and waiting for the signal that would mean the two Vis’kral class frigates were ready.
Several moments passed, giving Ralic time to study the young Prefect who had so recently been assigned to his command. Like most Xen Chi women she was tall and willowy, her grey skin dark almost to the point of being black, while her blue/black hair was cut short and spiky, distancing her from many of the other female Prefects. This one was one to watch, Ralic noted to himself, she stands out from the crowd. Perhaps I have finally found a student worthy enough of my attentions?
“The Kaspic and Retras have jumped,” Dalis announced suddenly, cutting into Ralic’s musings.
“Very well, prepare the fleet to join them,” he ordered, feeling one final tremor run through his gut.
Soon, very soon, he would be engaged in combat once again. The instant the first salvo was fired his gut would cease its rumbling, the time for all doubt and second guessing having passed. In the heat of battle, there was no room for such things.
Several minutes later the two Xen Ci Frigates slipped silently out of hyperspace, emerging on opposite sides of the New Republic fleet, yet keeping well out of firing range. Within moments the first sensor scans of the fleet and Corellia’s orbital defenses were in and being beamed straight back to Overseer Ralic. It would take the Overseer only moments to decide his plan of attack after that, and then the full might of the Ralic’s Xen Chi fleet would be unleashed on the hapless vessels of the New Republic…

Overseer Ralic felt the tremor run through the deck of his Xai’chen Class Command Cruiser, Tyrande, as the hulking obsidian warship emerged from hyperspace just short of the Corellian system. It was a tremor that matched the one in his gut. Had Ralic been a baseline human, the officers and crew gathered around him at the Tyrande’s tactical station might have noticed a wry smile cross their Commander’s face; but of course Xen Chi warriors never smiled, especially if they were Overseers.
It was good to have that familiar tremor in his gut again, that ripple of nervous anticipation right before a battle, a final reminder that despite all the planning in the galaxy, most battles rarely turned out exactly as you wanted them to. Once upon a time he had felt shame at these feelings of doubt and uncertainty, felt betrayed by both his body and mind, but those days of youthful folly were well behind him now, the tremor in his gut had not once prevented him from doing his duty, and doing it well. These days he welcomed it like an old friend.
“Sensor contacts?” he asked, his crimson eyes flitting briefly to his second in command, a newly raised Prefect named Dalis.
“Nothing close, Overseer,” the young Xen’Chi women replied, “There are several contracts at the edge of our sensor range, probably freighter traffic, but we’re too far out for them to see us.”
Ralic raised one black eyebrow, “Are you sure?”
His Prefect hesitated only a moment before replying, “No. It’s possible that those freighters are long range surveillance ships. Unlikely; but possible.”
Ralic gave a small, almost imperceptible nod. Good, it seemed that his Prefect was intelligent enough to admit her limitations, far too many of the warriors he had served with in recent battles with the Chiss had been filled with the Xen Chi warrior spirit and not a lot else. A true warrior must consider all possible implications if they were to emerge victorious from battle.
“A lesson for the future,” he told her. “Regardless, today it is irrelevant, even if the New Republic has warning of our impending arrival it will avail them little. Once the Kaspic, and Retras, signal they’ve calculated there hyperspace courses signal them to jump.”
“Yes, Overseer,” Dalis replied, stepping to the nearby comm station and waiting for the signal that would mean the two Vis’kral class frigates were ready.
Several moments passed, giving Ralic time to study the young Prefect who had so recently been assigned to his command. Like most Xen Chi women she was tall and willowy, her grey skin dark almost to the point of being black, while her blue/black hair was cut short and spiky, distancing her from many of the other female Prefects. This one was one to watch, Ralic noted to himself, she stands out from the crowd. Perhaps I have finally found a student worthy enough of my attentions?
“The Kaspic and Retras have jumped,” Dalis announced suddenly, cutting into Ralic’s musings.
“Very well, prepare the fleet to join them,” he ordered, feeling one final tremor run through his gut.
Soon, very soon, he would be engaged in combat once again. The instant the first salvo was fired his gut would cease its rumbling, the time for all doubt and second guessing having passed. In the heat of battle, there was no room for such things.
Several minutes later the two Xen Ci Frigates slipped silently out of hyperspace, emerging on opposite sides of the New Republic fleet, yet keeping well out of firing range. Within moments the first sensor scans of the fleet and Corellia’s orbital defenses were in and being beamed straight back to Overseer Ralic. It would take the Overseer only moments to decide his plan of attack after that, and then the full might of the Ralic’s Xen Chi fleet would be unleashed on the hapless vessels of the New Republic…
'Would you do it with me, heal the scars and change the stars?'
The Adminerator
'Will finish a thread one day…'
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The first tiny speck of light appeared without warning at the edge of the New Republic battle line, followed swiftly by a second, and then a third. Then suddenly the space in front of the Republic fleet was alive with lights, just over fifty of them in all, resolving themselves into the distinctive forms of Xen’Chi warships and the not-so distinctive forms of their accompanying Thrall fleet.
Ralic watched as his fleet revered from hyperspace, holding just short of weapons range, and studied the tactical display that showed the two Republic Victory Class Star Destroyers heading towards his two Frigates. “Tell the Frigates to withdraw,” he ordered, “I seriously doubt the Republic Commander will continue to pursue them considering we’ve arrived.”
Dalis nodded and set about relaying Ralic’s order.
Drawing himself up to his full height, muscles contorting across his dark tattooed chest, he gave the tactical display one last quick glance before issuing the set of orders that would deploy his fleet. “Have the Tarna and her Thrall escorts break to port, while the Racorta, and hers break starboard,” he said, gesturing to his two Hetch’hek class cruisers, “They’re are to come in at the Two Corellian weapons platforms on either side, thus negating their overlapping fields of fire.”
He watched seconds later as the two groups of around twenty ships broke away, it was a tactic designed not only to allow them to subvert half the weapons platforms firepower, but to get the enemy Commander to split his fleet as well.
“We’re to hold here,” he added. He would keep the Tyrande and her escorts out of the battle for the moment, thus giving his opponent yet another decision to make. Did he split his force yet again and send a portion of it away from the protection of the Golan platforms to engage the Tyrande, or did he wait to see what move Ralic made later on in the battle?
It would be interesting to see what the Republic Commander made of his move to combine Xen’Chi and Thrall warships together. The majority of Xen’Chi commanders simply considered the Thralls as canon fodder, and while it was true if it came down to it the Thrall was less important that the Xen’Chi fleet, he would not needlessly sacrifice those beings lives.
Intrigued by the battle to come, Ralic settled back to await his opponents counter move.
Ralic watched as his fleet revered from hyperspace, holding just short of weapons range, and studied the tactical display that showed the two Republic Victory Class Star Destroyers heading towards his two Frigates. “Tell the Frigates to withdraw,” he ordered, “I seriously doubt the Republic Commander will continue to pursue them considering we’ve arrived.”
Dalis nodded and set about relaying Ralic’s order.
Drawing himself up to his full height, muscles contorting across his dark tattooed chest, he gave the tactical display one last quick glance before issuing the set of orders that would deploy his fleet. “Have the Tarna and her Thrall escorts break to port, while the Racorta, and hers break starboard,” he said, gesturing to his two Hetch’hek class cruisers, “They’re are to come in at the Two Corellian weapons platforms on either side, thus negating their overlapping fields of fire.”
He watched seconds later as the two groups of around twenty ships broke away, it was a tactic designed not only to allow them to subvert half the weapons platforms firepower, but to get the enemy Commander to split his fleet as well.
“We’re to hold here,” he added. He would keep the Tyrande and her escorts out of the battle for the moment, thus giving his opponent yet another decision to make. Did he split his force yet again and send a portion of it away from the protection of the Golan platforms to engage the Tyrande, or did he wait to see what move Ralic made later on in the battle?
It would be interesting to see what the Republic Commander made of his move to combine Xen’Chi and Thrall warships together. The majority of Xen’Chi commanders simply considered the Thralls as canon fodder, and while it was true if it came down to it the Thrall was less important that the Xen’Chi fleet, he would not needlessly sacrifice those beings lives.
Intrigued by the battle to come, Ralic settled back to await his opponents counter move.
'Would you do it with me, heal the scars and change the stars?'
The Adminerator
"Sir, multiple contacts! I count at least forty!" The Rear Admiral looked calmly at the tactical display.
"Order the Venerable and the Victorious to break off."
Savrek Wolfray looked at enemy maneuvers from his command chair onboard the Formidable. To him, the Xen'Chi commander was making an error in splitting up his fleet. An error that Wolfray was going to take advantage of.
"Order the Venerable, the Victorious, the Pioneer, and the Striker to defend the port station. All other vessels, proceed starboard. All ships, fire when in range."
The four Victory Star Destroyers headed towards the Racorta and her escorts, while the remaining nineteen ships advanced towards the Tarna and her escorts. The ships opened fire as soon as they were within range. So far, no fighters had been launched...
"Order the Venerable and the Victorious to break off."
Savrek Wolfray looked at enemy maneuvers from his command chair onboard the Formidable. To him, the Xen'Chi commander was making an error in splitting up his fleet. An error that Wolfray was going to take advantage of.
"Order the Venerable, the Victorious, the Pioneer, and the Striker to defend the port station. All other vessels, proceed starboard. All ships, fire when in range."
The four Victory Star Destroyers headed towards the Racorta and her escorts, while the remaining nineteen ships advanced towards the Tarna and her escorts. The ships opened fire as soon as they were within range. So far, no fighters had been launched...
'Will finish a thread one day…'
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Ralic watched as the first streaks of ruby red laser fire lanced out from the incoming Victory Class Star Destroyers that were barreling to intercept the Racorta and her escorts. “Launch fighters, have them form a protective screen,” he ordered, his voice as calm as if her were ordering his midday meal. “Order the Atiren Triads to engage those Star Destroyers, have the Racorta and the rest continue on towards the planetary defense station.”
Moments later a scattering of tiny dots began to appear on his sensor board, followed by twelve bigger dots moving away from the large Hetch’hek Cruiser to engage the enemy Star Destroyers.
“Overseer,” Dalis appeared at his elbow, her eyes held a questioning look. “Will the Triad’s be able to match those Republic Destroyers?”
Truth be told it was a good question, and one that even Ralic himself was unsure of the answer to. The Atiren’s were a recent addition to the Xen’Chi Thrall fleets, newly conquered, and relatively untested in battle. The insectoid race’s primary Destroyer class vessels operated in groups of three, a number which for some reason played a pivotal role within Atiren society. Individually they were about the size of one of the Republic’s Nebulon B class frigates; however they packed a greater weapons load, although at the expense of shields and armor.
“Unknown,” he replied, although his voice expressed no doubts over his decision to send them against the bigger more heavily armed vessels. “We shall however, find out soon enough.”
“And if need be assist,” Dalis added, realizing for the first time why Ralic had kept the bulk of his Xen’Chi ships back with the Tyrande. This was as much a test of their new Thrall allies as it was anything else.
“Precisely,” Ralic almost smiled.
OOC: I don't want to turn this into a micro managed battle or anything, but is there any chance you could send me a fleet list Jag? In return i'll do the same just as soon as i can find five free minutes
Moments later a scattering of tiny dots began to appear on his sensor board, followed by twelve bigger dots moving away from the large Hetch’hek Cruiser to engage the enemy Star Destroyers.
“Overseer,” Dalis appeared at his elbow, her eyes held a questioning look. “Will the Triad’s be able to match those Republic Destroyers?”
Truth be told it was a good question, and one that even Ralic himself was unsure of the answer to. The Atiren’s were a recent addition to the Xen’Chi Thrall fleets, newly conquered, and relatively untested in battle. The insectoid race’s primary Destroyer class vessels operated in groups of three, a number which for some reason played a pivotal role within Atiren society. Individually they were about the size of one of the Republic’s Nebulon B class frigates; however they packed a greater weapons load, although at the expense of shields and armor.
“Unknown,” he replied, although his voice expressed no doubts over his decision to send them against the bigger more heavily armed vessels. “We shall however, find out soon enough.”
“And if need be assist,” Dalis added, realizing for the first time why Ralic had kept the bulk of his Xen’Chi ships back with the Tyrande. This was as much a test of their new Thrall allies as it was anything else.
“Precisely,” Ralic almost smiled.
OOC: I don't want to turn this into a micro managed battle or anything, but is there any chance you could send me a fleet list Jag? In return i'll do the same just as soon as i can find five free minutes

'Would you do it with me, heal the scars and change the stars?'
The Adminerator
OOC: No problem
Here ya go: ... ctor_Fleet

"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve." - Bilbo Baggins
From madness comes wisdom, and from wisdom comes power.
"I'm convinced you're secretly a British Spy" - Mir
It takes strength and restraint to be gentle. Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong. - Leo Buscaglia
My characters
From madness comes wisdom, and from wisdom comes power.
"I'm convinced you're secretly a British Spy" - Mir
It takes strength and restraint to be gentle. Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong. - Leo Buscaglia
My characters
The Adminerator

"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve." - Bilbo Baggins
From madness comes wisdom, and from wisdom comes power.
"I'm convinced you're secretly a British Spy" - Mir
It takes strength and restraint to be gentle. Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong. - Leo Buscaglia
My characters
From madness comes wisdom, and from wisdom comes power.
"I'm convinced you're secretly a British Spy" - Mir
It takes strength and restraint to be gentle. Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong. - Leo Buscaglia
My characters
The Adminerator
Wolfray turned in his command seat.
"Order the Illustrious, Invincible, Indomitable, Steadfast, Striker, Thunderbolt and Thunderchild to remain at their initial positions."
While the carriers, the frigates and the gunships returned to their initial positions as ordered, the remaining twelve Republic vessels engaged the incoming Triad destroyers. The two sides traded sporadic turbolaser fire.
Onboard the Formidable, Wolfray was passing out orders.
"Concentrate all turbolaser fire on one vessel at the time. Once it is out of the fight, move on to the next. All ion cannons, concentrate on the big cruiser."
As one, the fleet detachment opened fire on an unfortunate Triad Destroyer...
Opposite the engagement, Captain Vickar of the Venerable recognized the tactic of his opponent.
"Order our fighters to launch and keep the enemy fighters at bay, and warn the defence station that the cruisers are moving towards them. All ships, fire your missiles. Concentrate all other fire on one vessel at the time."
The four Star Destroyers fired their missiles into the oncoming swarm of Triad destroyers, simultanously opening up on the lead destroyer with a hail of turbolaser and ion fire.
The eight fighter squadrons of the Star Destroyers launched, forming a protective screen of fighters ready to jump on the Xen'Chi fighters as soon they was within range...
OOC: There ya go. Sorry it took a while. I'll let you decide if we decide damage for our own forces or not.
"Order the Illustrious, Invincible, Indomitable, Steadfast, Striker, Thunderbolt and Thunderchild to remain at their initial positions."
While the carriers, the frigates and the gunships returned to their initial positions as ordered, the remaining twelve Republic vessels engaged the incoming Triad destroyers. The two sides traded sporadic turbolaser fire.
Onboard the Formidable, Wolfray was passing out orders.
"Concentrate all turbolaser fire on one vessel at the time. Once it is out of the fight, move on to the next. All ion cannons, concentrate on the big cruiser."
As one, the fleet detachment opened fire on an unfortunate Triad Destroyer...
Opposite the engagement, Captain Vickar of the Venerable recognized the tactic of his opponent.
"Order our fighters to launch and keep the enemy fighters at bay, and warn the defence station that the cruisers are moving towards them. All ships, fire your missiles. Concentrate all other fire on one vessel at the time."
The four Star Destroyers fired their missiles into the oncoming swarm of Triad destroyers, simultanously opening up on the lead destroyer with a hail of turbolaser and ion fire.
The eight fighter squadrons of the Star Destroyers launched, forming a protective screen of fighters ready to jump on the Xen'Chi fighters as soon they was within range...
OOC: There ya go. Sorry it took a while. I'll let you decide if we decide damage for our own forces or not.
'Will finish a thread one day…'
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OOC: Short post, but it keeps us going.
Aboard the lead Atiren Destroyer, Hitarch Desch’ka bared his mandibles in a grimace as the destroyer directly to port wilted under a sustained barrage of enemy fire. The four Victory class Star Destroyers had combined there firepower and were picking there targets one at a time, a move that the Hitarch had not expected. Driving hard towards one another, the two groups of ships had engaged head on, and despite the Atiren’s superior numbers it was the Republic forces who had drawn first blood.
Desch’ka watched in horror as the Kretar Class Destroyer’s forward shields fared one final time before buckling, and then moments later the vessel’s elliptical shaped bow was engulfed in a series of hull shattering explosions. When the debris finally cleared, there was nothing left of the front quarter of the ship.
Yes, the Republic had drawn first blood; but now it was the Atiren’s turn. Through a series of clicks and whistles the tall insectoid alien ordered his vessels to break, each triad picking one of the four Republic vessels, and moving to engage one side of the ship. The theory being that when the Republic commander rotated his ship to bring his stronger sides shields into play, the Triads would break off and at least one Kretar destroyer would be free to hammer away at the ships weakened side…
Aboard the lead Atiren Destroyer, Hitarch Desch’ka bared his mandibles in a grimace as the destroyer directly to port wilted under a sustained barrage of enemy fire. The four Victory class Star Destroyers had combined there firepower and were picking there targets one at a time, a move that the Hitarch had not expected. Driving hard towards one another, the two groups of ships had engaged head on, and despite the Atiren’s superior numbers it was the Republic forces who had drawn first blood.
Desch’ka watched in horror as the Kretar Class Destroyer’s forward shields fared one final time before buckling, and then moments later the vessel’s elliptical shaped bow was engulfed in a series of hull shattering explosions. When the debris finally cleared, there was nothing left of the front quarter of the ship.
Yes, the Republic had drawn first blood; but now it was the Atiren’s turn. Through a series of clicks and whistles the tall insectoid alien ordered his vessels to break, each triad picking one of the four Republic vessels, and moving to engage one side of the ship. The theory being that when the Republic commander rotated his ship to bring his stronger sides shields into play, the Triads would break off and at least one Kretar destroyer would be free to hammer away at the ships weakened side…
'Would you do it with me, heal the scars and change the stars?'
The Adminerator
Vickar watched the alien ships part to attack the sides of the ships. Apparently the aliens were under the impression that one side of the shield was stronger than the other. Vickar shrugged.
"All ships, keep your fire on the designated target. Fire missiles when appropriate. Launch the fighters and order them to engage the secondary target."
The four Star Destroyers shifted fire from the destroyed alien vessel to the next target, hammering it with turbolasers and ion cannons. The Mark I's fired another salvo of concussion missiles at the ships attempting to circle them. Simultanously, 4 squadrons of X-Wings and 4 squadrons of T-Wings launched and assaulted the alien vessel designated as the secondary target.
OOC: Two of the circling ships are assaulted by 40 concussion missiles each. You may pick which ships are the primary and secondary target, but they would likely be among the ones in front of the VSDs.
"All ships, keep your fire on the designated target. Fire missiles when appropriate. Launch the fighters and order them to engage the secondary target."
The four Star Destroyers shifted fire from the destroyed alien vessel to the next target, hammering it with turbolasers and ion cannons. The Mark I's fired another salvo of concussion missiles at the ships attempting to circle them. Simultanously, 4 squadrons of X-Wings and 4 squadrons of T-Wings launched and assaulted the alien vessel designated as the secondary target.
OOC: Two of the circling ships are assaulted by 40 concussion missiles each. You may pick which ships are the primary and secondary target, but they would likely be among the ones in front of the VSDs.
'Will finish a thread one day…'
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Overseer Draconys Ralic watched in silence as the battle unfolded before him. He would have scowled had he been in private, it was already clear that his Aitren Thrall forces were no match for the New Republic vessels. His thoughts drifted back to the recent campaign against the Chiss, it had been a similar story when facing Chiss vessels in that ultimately the only thing that could stand up to a Chiss Cruiser, was a Xen Chi Cruiser. So it appeared, was the case here.
For the time being his starboard flank was reasonably secure, despite the loss of the first Atiren Destroyer, and the imminent loss of a second, he knew that in time the superior numbers would eventually yield a success of there own. The port flank on the other hand was a different story. It seemed this was where the Republic Commander was concentrating the bulk of his fleet, and the twelve large Cruisers were cutting the small Atiren Destroyers to pieces. Even as he watched a dark green dot indicating a friendly contact winked out of existence on his sensor board, it was the fifth in as many minutes.
“Bring all remaining ships up to full power,” his voice cut through the background com chatter that the other ships were broadcasting, like a knife. “Wedge formation, have the Karnadis and Lawtra at the front, we’re going to cut through the Republic heavy cruisers and go for their support ships. We’ll see if we can’t draw away some of the pressure on our Thrall allies.”
A chorus of affirmations followed, and then the great Xen Chi Cruiser began to surge forward, falling into its position on the right flank of the wedge formation. As the distance closed Ralic found himself holding his breath, things were defiantly not going as he had planned, but then that was hardly much of a surprise, it was the nature of battles to chance unexpectedly. No, what was worrying him was that he was no longer certain of the battles outcome.
Ralic didn’t fear death, there was not a single Xen Chi warrior alive who did, for to die in battle was an honor surpassed by only one thing; victory. No, what Ralic feared, what had been growing in him ever since the war with the Chiss, was something far worse; an honorless defeat. He knew, like many of the Xen Chi that over the past decades the number of full Xen Chi warships being produced had declined steadily, Thrall fleets had filled the gaps in the fleet, yet it had become ever obvious that the Thralls were inferior to the Xen Chi’s own battleships.
This war had started because of the need to replenish the Thrall’s lost against the Chiss, yet despite the initial success of the campaign there was a nagging feeling at the back of Ralic’s mind that things were about to change; just as they had against the Chiss. These sleeping giants that were the Empire and the New Republic were finally mobilizing, the element of surprise the Xen Chi had first enjoyed was slipping away… and these ships that they fought, the Star Destroyers and Mon Calamari cruisers, were almost a match for the Xen Chi vessels.
The more Ralic thought about it, the more it became obvious to him that he couldn’t afford to throw the Xen Chi vessels under his command away needlessly. Yes, there would be glory in it, but in the long term it could be disastrous for the Xen Chi as a race. These thoughts were unsettling to say the least, they went against everything Ralic had been taught to believe, yet the conclusion he had come to was inescapable. If he were faced with a defeat, he could not afford to sacrifice his fleet the way tradition dictated.
As the wedge of Xen Chi Cruisers smashed into the New Republic lines, his only thought was that he hoped he would never be put in such a position….
OOC: Yeah, i know i'm jumping all over the place but i'm trying to get into the head of the Xen Chi commander... I'll post a reply to do with the Vics attack soon.
For the time being his starboard flank was reasonably secure, despite the loss of the first Atiren Destroyer, and the imminent loss of a second, he knew that in time the superior numbers would eventually yield a success of there own. The port flank on the other hand was a different story. It seemed this was where the Republic Commander was concentrating the bulk of his fleet, and the twelve large Cruisers were cutting the small Atiren Destroyers to pieces. Even as he watched a dark green dot indicating a friendly contact winked out of existence on his sensor board, it was the fifth in as many minutes.
“Bring all remaining ships up to full power,” his voice cut through the background com chatter that the other ships were broadcasting, like a knife. “Wedge formation, have the Karnadis and Lawtra at the front, we’re going to cut through the Republic heavy cruisers and go for their support ships. We’ll see if we can’t draw away some of the pressure on our Thrall allies.”
A chorus of affirmations followed, and then the great Xen Chi Cruiser began to surge forward, falling into its position on the right flank of the wedge formation. As the distance closed Ralic found himself holding his breath, things were defiantly not going as he had planned, but then that was hardly much of a surprise, it was the nature of battles to chance unexpectedly. No, what was worrying him was that he was no longer certain of the battles outcome.
Ralic didn’t fear death, there was not a single Xen Chi warrior alive who did, for to die in battle was an honor surpassed by only one thing; victory. No, what Ralic feared, what had been growing in him ever since the war with the Chiss, was something far worse; an honorless defeat. He knew, like many of the Xen Chi that over the past decades the number of full Xen Chi warships being produced had declined steadily, Thrall fleets had filled the gaps in the fleet, yet it had become ever obvious that the Thralls were inferior to the Xen Chi’s own battleships.
This war had started because of the need to replenish the Thrall’s lost against the Chiss, yet despite the initial success of the campaign there was a nagging feeling at the back of Ralic’s mind that things were about to change; just as they had against the Chiss. These sleeping giants that were the Empire and the New Republic were finally mobilizing, the element of surprise the Xen Chi had first enjoyed was slipping away… and these ships that they fought, the Star Destroyers and Mon Calamari cruisers, were almost a match for the Xen Chi vessels.
The more Ralic thought about it, the more it became obvious to him that he couldn’t afford to throw the Xen Chi vessels under his command away needlessly. Yes, there would be glory in it, but in the long term it could be disastrous for the Xen Chi as a race. These thoughts were unsettling to say the least, they went against everything Ralic had been taught to believe, yet the conclusion he had come to was inescapable. If he were faced with a defeat, he could not afford to sacrifice his fleet the way tradition dictated.
As the wedge of Xen Chi Cruisers smashed into the New Republic lines, his only thought was that he hoped he would never be put in such a position….
OOC: Yeah, i know i'm jumping all over the place but i'm trying to get into the head of the Xen Chi commander... I'll post a reply to do with the Vics attack soon.
'Would you do it with me, heal the scars and change the stars?'
The Adminerator
OOC: Sorry about the delay.
Savrek saw the attack coming almost before it began. He turned to his Communications Officer.
"Concentrate all fire on the incoming cruisers." He turned quickly to his Tactical Officer. "Designate the lead cruiser as the primary target. Focus all fire on them. And order every fighter we have to assault those corvettes!"
As one, the Republic ships shifted their fire to the lead cruiser, pounding it with turbolaser fire. A single sentence rang in the New Republic commander's head, as he watched the spectacle, a sentence he had been taught by his father.
"Concentrate your fire on one target to the exclusion of all else. That is the road to victory."
Savrek saw the attack coming almost before it began. He turned to his Communications Officer.
"Concentrate all fire on the incoming cruisers." He turned quickly to his Tactical Officer. "Designate the lead cruiser as the primary target. Focus all fire on them. And order every fighter we have to assault those corvettes!"
As one, the Republic ships shifted their fire to the lead cruiser, pounding it with turbolaser fire. A single sentence rang in the New Republic commander's head, as he watched the spectacle, a sentence he had been taught by his father.
"Concentrate your fire on one target to the exclusion of all else. That is the road to victory."
'Will finish a thread one day…'
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The Xen Chi heavy cruisers smashed into the New Republic lines with the force of a sledgehammer. White hot bursts of plasma lanced out from the wedge of Xen Chi ships, peppering the Mon Calamari cruisers, while in return a scathing torrent of ruby red laser fire began to concentrate itself on the lead elements of Ralic’s wedge.
“Push on, we must break through their lines,” Ralic remained his fleet. Once past the line of Mon Calamari cruisers he would have a clear run at those smaller support ships left behind, not to mention the second Golan weapons platform hanging in orbit over Corellia. However, not all of his ships was going to survive long enough to get there.
Already he could see several small explosions blossoming along the hull of the lead cruiser, as the nearby Republic ships abandoned their pursuit of his smaller Atiren Destroyers to concentrate the majority of their weapons fire on the incoming Hetch’hek cruisers. Ralic counted the seconds down as they closed to within almost point blank range of the Republic forces, the unlucky Hetch’hek cruiser suddenly falling out of formation and veering to port right into the path of the nearest Mon Calamari cruiser.
Her Commander knew that his ship was dead, knew it would never survive to breach the Republic lines, and so he had made the only choice left to him as a Xen Chi warrior. A warriors death. Ralic didn’t spare the doomed Hetch’hek another look as it ploughed bow first into the starboard side of the Mon Calamari cruiser, its death throes lighting up the inky black space around it for light-years to see.
His fleet was taking a battering, reports were coming in of more destroyed Atiren ships, and even as the lead elements of his attacking wedge pushed through the New Republic lines there were more reports of shields failures, and heavy damage taken. So far things did not look good, but despite this Ralic knew that things were going to take a turn for the better soon enough.
The Republic Commander’s tactics were simply enough, targeting one or two ships at a time, and so far it was yielding successful enough results. However what he must now be aware of was that many of his ships would be showing heavy damage taken, and soon enough the Xen Chi’s superior numbers would begin to take there toll. The question was, would it be soon enough for Ralic to win the battle…
“Push on, we must break through their lines,” Ralic remained his fleet. Once past the line of Mon Calamari cruisers he would have a clear run at those smaller support ships left behind, not to mention the second Golan weapons platform hanging in orbit over Corellia. However, not all of his ships was going to survive long enough to get there.
Already he could see several small explosions blossoming along the hull of the lead cruiser, as the nearby Republic ships abandoned their pursuit of his smaller Atiren Destroyers to concentrate the majority of their weapons fire on the incoming Hetch’hek cruisers. Ralic counted the seconds down as they closed to within almost point blank range of the Republic forces, the unlucky Hetch’hek cruiser suddenly falling out of formation and veering to port right into the path of the nearest Mon Calamari cruiser.
Her Commander knew that his ship was dead, knew it would never survive to breach the Republic lines, and so he had made the only choice left to him as a Xen Chi warrior. A warriors death. Ralic didn’t spare the doomed Hetch’hek another look as it ploughed bow first into the starboard side of the Mon Calamari cruiser, its death throes lighting up the inky black space around it for light-years to see.
His fleet was taking a battering, reports were coming in of more destroyed Atiren ships, and even as the lead elements of his attacking wedge pushed through the New Republic lines there were more reports of shields failures, and heavy damage taken. So far things did not look good, but despite this Ralic knew that things were going to take a turn for the better soon enough.
The Republic Commander’s tactics were simply enough, targeting one or two ships at a time, and so far it was yielding successful enough results. However what he must now be aware of was that many of his ships would be showing heavy damage taken, and soon enough the Xen Chi’s superior numbers would begin to take there toll. The question was, would it be soon enough for Ralic to win the battle…
'Would you do it with me, heal the scars and change the stars?'
The Adminerator
"We've lost the Arbiter!"
"Shield strength down to 63 percent."
"The Macoma is reporting heavy damage."
The reports kept coming in, as the Republic fleet switched its fire to the next Xen'Chi cruiser in the wedge.
"Order the support ships to spread out. And keep firing!"
Even as he gave the order, the MC80a Macoma took another plasma salvo, and broke in two. Wolfray grieved for the men and women lost, even as he joined the cheer as another Xen'Chi cruiser was crippled.
"Switch target. Keep firing!"
"Shield strength down to 63 percent."
"The Macoma is reporting heavy damage."
The reports kept coming in, as the Republic fleet switched its fire to the next Xen'Chi cruiser in the wedge.
"Order the support ships to spread out. And keep firing!"
Even as he gave the order, the MC80a Macoma took another plasma salvo, and broke in two. Wolfray grieved for the men and women lost, even as he joined the cheer as another Xen'Chi cruiser was crippled.
"Switch target. Keep firing!"
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