The Xen Chi Invasion: The Path to Coruscant

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Man of Many Faces
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The Xen Chi Invasion: The Path to Coruscant

Post by corsos »

Admiral Gregory Dreskul stood on the bridge of the Star Destroyer Insidious, overlooking the gateway planet of Borleais. He had finally been taken away from the Loris border and given an important role in the war. Apparently, Thrawn had finally decided the threat from Loris was gone, likely because of the death of Esran Croft. No government would go to war without their leader, unless they knew it was Thrawn that had orchestrated the man's death. And Dreskul knew that was not the case. It was far too risky, and Thrawn wanted to avoid war so badly, Dreskul could tell by the extremely cautious rules of engagement he had been given.

His entire command was on edge, as much as it ever had been, and that was including the Battle of Corellia when Damascus was killed in front of most of them on the ship's bridge. Reports were flowing in from all over Imperial space of attacks on Away Stations, defense platforms, trade routes and systems by both large and small Xen Chi and their thrall fleets. Imperial fleet command had been mobilized and put on alert throughout all of Imperial territory. In an absolute shock Coruscant had been left relatively undefended with the Principality heading to Yaga Minor to defend Bastion. How the aliens might possibly know Bastion's location was beyond Dreskul's knowlwedge, but certainly precautions had to be made.

It made his position here all the more important. If Borleais fell, the path to Coruscant was open. So, in short, Dreskul's stance was this: You shall not pass. With minor attacks and strikes happening across all the systems and borders there was great probablity that the main thrust would happen here. Dreskul looked out his viewport, and then down at his sensor display. He had a formidable fleet at his disposal, nearly 40 ships or varying classes and types. It included 8 Imperial Mark 2 Star Destroyers, including his own, an Interdictor Cruiser, a half dozen smaller Star Destroyers including older Imperial models and a few Victory Class Destroyers. Filling out the fleet were Nebulon Frigates, Strike Cruisers, Carracks and Lancers.

The red lights of the bridge began to flash. And he saw a far more formidable fleet arriving in system, larger than his own. As it turned out, this would be the main target of the Xen Chi.

Dreskul looked over the bridge and spoke. "Everyone to their battlestations. Maintain your positions. Prepare for battle. They shall not pass."
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Man of Many Faces
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Post by corsos »

In his time guarding the Lorisian border Dreskul found time to reflect on what had happened on the bridge of the Cleansing, watching Damascus face Grand Admiral Ardin and both falling in a strange confluence of events. Seeing the man on who he had served under as a lowly Ensign and had tried to base his career on was quite remarkable. So when Grand Admiral Thrawn made available to his officers a portion of his old personal logs and memoirs Dreskul poured over them again and again.

One thing the Grand Admiral had written about but Gregory still could not see was the beauty of battle, how something so savage could in its own right be beautiful. How could something like Corellia, where millions died be considered beautiful on any level? Even now, looking into the darkness of space with bright colors painting a virtual panorama, Gregory couldn’t see it. Red lasers, green turbolaser blasts, blue ion pulses traded fire with yellow plasma fire and other traditional laser blasts lighting the space around the lively world of Borleais. Perhaps it was the fact that he was outnumbered and slowly withdrawing that stole away the beauty.

Dreskul looked down at the sensor display and continued to see what he had predicted only ten minutes before. “The enemy is flowing ships into our right flank, and we’re buckling. Send reserve battle group Tango to reinforce and adjust our lines to keep them in line with the remainder of our group. Order ship rotation Charlie.”

The moment the battle had commenced Dreskul ordered a line in front of the planet to match the arrangement of their static defense platforms. Once those platforms had fallen, the first two ship rotations had taken place, Beta. Fresh ships moved to the front line and the initial engaging ships moved backwards, allowing their shields to recharge. It was a defensive tactic to buy time and slowly deplete the energy of the attacking ships. The second and last rotation had been ordered leaving no ships that had not yet seen combat. The Insidious lead this final wave and immediately began loosing fire from its forward batteries into the oncoming Xen Chi battleship, that seemed to be one of the command ships.

The Insidious shuddered as plasma fire hit its energy shields, absorbing the enemy fire. Some of the alien support frigates and cruisers joined in the attack on the Insidious, and the shield rating slowly began to dip. “Focus our fire on the command ship. Its shields are almost gone.”

“Aye sir.” Soon the Victory Class Star Destroyer Wrath joined the Insidious in its fire and explosions began to erupt from the alien cruiser. A round of cheers erupted from the bridge and the alien ship drifted out of formation.

“Quiet!” Dreskul shouted. “Lock tractor beams on the wreck, pull it close to us.”

“Aye sir, we’ve locked with the beam, but the ship’s breaking apart we’re pulling the forward section only.”

“It will be enough, position it above our bridge. Focus fire on the starboard frigate, bring it down. And tell the Wrath to tighten up its formation, it’s too loose we can’t let the enemy split our strength.” Dreskul said looking at the sensor readout. The battle elsewhere was not going quite as well. While the center of the line was holding and even repelling the aliens with relative success the same could not be said for both flanks. The Xen Chi were trying your classic pincer movement, moving most of their strength to right, where Dreskul had sent almost all his reserves. But the side was still crumbling. The left was little better, where his ships were outnumbered as well, though by far fewer alien vessels but were nonetheless starting to turn the corner in an attempt to flank the center portion of the line. It would have been easy enough to slide back and prevent that, but that movement would out Dreskul and his entire fleet deep into the planet’s gravity well where escape would be impossible. Still outnumbered, they would be trapped, just what his enemy wanted.

But if he didn’t move to defend and reinforce the flanks, a good portion of his fleet was gone, but more importantly the system would be lost and a clear path to the Jewel of the galaxy would be opened. There really wasn’t any other choice. “Bring us about hard to port. Order the Hades starboard, reinforce the right flank.”

“Aye sir, turning hard to port.”

The Insidious lurched as it turned its massive hulk to port and sped towards the left side of the line that was slowly falling. He had already lost eight vessels with a dozen more taking heavy damage, with the enemy losing only five pressing the offensive advantage. There had been no response to his distress signal from Coruscant and no sign of any reinforcements. This was a fight Dreskul could see that he was going to lose, but he would take down as many of the enemy as he could along the way.

ooc hal - this would be a good time.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by Halomek »

Through the tunnel of hyperspace, three ships soared across the nether, fresh from victory at the industrial planet Mechis III. Two of them were new designs, known as Arc-class assault ships. They resembled a pointed spear with a very thick shaft on the end. The arcs were designed to be war factories, capable of creating new forces in the midst of battle. Mechis III had been their trial by fire and now they journeyed to Coruscant to be inspected for use by the Empire.

They flanked a much larger ship, roughly twice the size of a normal star destroyer, which bristled with weaponry and other nasty surprises. The ship was a matte black thanks to a special coating of stygian-triprismatic polymer which made it nearly undetectable by conventional sensors. Known as the Enforcer, it was a one-of-a-kind command ship built to the exact specifications of its master: Reng Kasr, leader of Oremin.

The man in question was seated on the bridge, deep in thought over recent developments. He wore a black uniform cut in the style of the Empire’s Grand Admirals, but lacking any sign of insignia or other paraphernalia. He didn’t need them. None questioned that Kasr was the one in charge.

Kasr knew the Empire was losing its war with the Xen’Chi. The aliens were managing to take system after system with impressive speed. If they continued to dominate worlds at their present rate of movement, they rest of the galaxy would be under their control within another year, two at the most.

That was if the situation failed to change. Although the way Oremin was structured meant that it couldn’t challenge the Xen’Chi directly, the resources at its command were considerable enough to effect a big change in the war, especially since the Xen’Chi had no clue that they existed. The Empire would not fall, not if Kasr could help it.

He had much to talk about with Thrawn once he arrived.

A series of proximity warnings abruptly rang through the bridge. Before Kasr could issue orders, the hyperdrive safeties cut-in automatically to drop the Enforcer and its escorts out of hyperspace. The sight that greeted him on the viewscreen wasn’t pleasant. A massive Xen’Chi fleet was already in the process of attacking Borlieas.

His XO, Captain Alaan Ank, muttered a curse unsuited for a bridge officer, but Kasr let it pass without comment. The situation certainly warranted it. He hadn’t anticipated that the Xen’Chi would get this far into the Core so quickly. Taking Borlieas would mean their next target would be Coruscant.

Within moments of reverting, the Enforcer’s tactical screens came alive with detailed battle data. Kasr took it in as his keen mind evaluated the situation. The Xen’Chi had the superior numbers and the better position. Currently the Xen’Chi seemed intent on trapping and destroying the Imperial forces. The Empire was giving them a good fight, but it was clear the Xen’Chi were steadily chipping away at their defensive formation.

He hated to admit it, but Kasr knew that the battle was lost. At best all the Imperial forces could do in their present situation was delay the inevitable. With the Xen’Chi steadily tightening the noose on their trap, it was about the only option left to the Imperials. The Xen’Chi didn’t seem intent on allowing them the ability to retreat.

The Enforcer and her escorts had come out of hyperspace on the other side of the battle, behind the Xen’Chi fleet. It would have been an excellent position for an ambush, but not with the few ships Kasr had at his disposal. The Xen’Chi were already sending ships to deal with the new intruders without it affecting their pincer movement.

“Borlieas will fall today,” Kasr announced to his crew with a steady calm. “But we will not. We’re going to disrupt the Xen’Chi lines and make it to Coruscant as planned. Both arc ships are to move forward to protect our prow. Our bearing will be a straight line towards the Imperial fleet, sublights to full burn. All fighters and support craft are to be launched immediately.”

“Contact the Insidious. Unless he has been killed, Admiral Gregory Dreskul should be the man in charge of the Imperial fleet. I wish to talk with him at once.” Kasr’s eyes narrowed. “I won’t have so many good Imperials die by Xen’Chi hands today.”
Man of Many Faces
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Post by corsos »

His crew understood the orders when Dreskul had given them, and since they had carried a solemn silence, understanding their eventual fate. The remains of the Imperial fleet were doing an admirable job engaging the aliens and making they pay for every meter of space they had earned. But the claw was closing, and Dreskul's ships were in the middle of it.

"Sir, I have incoming IFF signals coming from behind the aliens engaging the Hades and its battle group."

Reinforcements from Coruscant... perhaps this isn't over yet.

"Give me the good news sensors." As if bellying the need for good news the entire ship and bridge lurched as it took more plasma fire.

"Only three ships sir... looks like a couple of carriers, and one Imperial Class Star Destroyer marked Enforcer. But they aren't Imperial signals Admiral, I haven't seen a configuration like this before. The ships are also specially modified. They're heading straight for the Xen Chi line engaging the Hades."

The news was met by more silence from the bridge, knowing well that even one more Imperial Star Destroyer could not change the result of the fight. But Dreskul was slowly calculating whether or not it could help them save a portion of their fleet.

"Sir, they're hailing us."

"By all means comm, put them through." Dreskul said calmly, facing the holoprojector with his hands folded behind his back. Though barely 35, to his credit, and much unlike Banner Ton did, he was displaying a calm throughout a battle that was not going very well at all.

The man that appeared was old, in fact if Byron Chamberlain was still with the fleet, this man would have likely been his senior. His unform was not an Imperial one, but it had the trappings of one and the markings on his uniform seemed to display a rather high rank.

"Welcome to Borleais, I wish my welcome could be a bit warmer. I am Admiral Gregory Dreskul."

"You can call me Kasr." The man said in return. "It seems as though you could use some assistance."

"That we could, Kasr." Dreskul was filtering the name through his mind and knowledge of history. It rung familiar... but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"We will engage the alien fleet on this end of the battle. Bring the main force of your ships about for a jump to Coruscant." The man said, before shutting off his holo-connection.

Dreskul pursed his lips and walked to the viewport, looking at the battle with his own eyes before looking down at the sensor readout. It still wasn't a battle they could win. But there was now an opportunity for a partial victory.

"Order the Wrath and Constable to their full broadsides to the enemy. We need a screen."

"Sir, that will almost cut in haf the number of weapons they'll be able to bring about on the alien fleet."

Dreskul nodded. "I know, tell them to put all their auxiliary power into their shields. We need a screen. Order all other ships to reverse thrusters and come about to reinforce the Hades. We're going too punch a hole through that line."

An Imperial and Victory Class Star Destroyer both gone... but necessary sacrifices. They have good Captains... they will understand.

"Sir, we're getting a tight beam from the Constable."

Dreskul frowned, but nodded his assent. Soon a holo-image of young Captain Presley appeared before him. He already had a cut on his face from falling debris on the bridge of the Star Destroyer.

"Admiral... am I to understand what it is you want us to do?"

Dreskul nodded. "Yes Captain."

Silence was shared between the two men that had served together for almost give years together, not to mention coming up together in the academy on Caridia.

"It's been an honor sir, get the fleet to Coruscant. We'll handle this."

"Thank you Captain. I'll speak to Marylin."

Dreskul could almost see tears in the young man's eyes. "Thank you sir. Get the fleet home. Presley out."

Dreskul slammed his fist down on the console, letting out his frustration and rage for just a moment. A second later he was again looking at the battle with studied senses. The Insidious was almost fully turned with the rest of its battle group and was starting to turn towards the Hades. They were fortunate that Kasr arrived on that side of the battle, where the Xen Chi had committed fewer ships, otherwise they would still be as good as dead.

Sometimes fate smiles on you.... maybe there is something to karma.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by Halomek »

With the formidable might of the Enforcer’s guns combined with the those of the arc ships fired in synchronized bursts at one ship at a time, the first ships the Xen’Chi sent against Kasr did not last long. It was a feat of coordination that only the best commander and crews could accomplish. Kasr did not deny himself the sense of satisfaction he felt at seeing the alien ships fall apart before his guns. The Xen’Chi had not considered his small force a real threat; it was a mistake he knew the aliens wouldn’t make the second time.

The next wave the aliens sent to deal with him was much more massive in accordance with the danger the Xen’Chi commanders saw him as now. It helped to relieve some of the pressure on the Imperial fleet, but not enough to turn the tables. It irked Kasr to think that if he only had a few more ships, the battle here at Borleais could have had a different outcome, but he had sent the other ships he used to retake Mechis III back to Oremin for repairs before departing to Coruscant.

Such was the whim of Fate and there was no use lamenting over it. He took some solace in the fact that as important strategically as Borleais was, it lacked any real infrastructure. The Xen’Chi might be at Coruscant’s doorstep, but taking the system from the Empire wouldn’t be detrimental to the Imperial war machine.

Kasr calmly watched the interstellar game of chicken play out as his ships rushed towards the implacable wave of Xen’Chi ships rallied against him. “Ready port and starboard tractor beams, target the two nearest Hetch'hek cruisers. Forward shields on all ships are to be reinforced with all available power,” he ordered with a cold smile. It was time for the Xen’Chi to discover the real reason he had placed the arc ships on either side of the Enforcer’s prow. With their tractor beams added to the Enforcer’s own, he would literally have the ability to push back the Xen’Chi blocking his way.

The Enforcer’s powerful shields absorbed a multitude of plasma blasts as the two respective forces closed within range of each other. Still, Kasr withheld the order, waiting for the perfect moment to unleash his next surprise as his ships continued their headlong rush towards the enemy. He watched the range finder with an experienced eye as he factored in all the variables; the mass of the Xen’Chi ships, the power of the tractor beams coupled with the momentum they would gain from the sublight engines, the range at which the beams would be their most effective… The timing had to be just right for this to work.

When they finally reached the desired point, Kasr gave the order with one simple word: “Now.”

Designed with an excess of tractor beams for drawing in raw material from the battlefield, each arc ship opened with their full complement of twenty at once. The Enforcer added its own more powerful tractor beams to the push, moving the unwilling Hetch'hek’s out of their way to collide with nearby Xen’Chi ships. Kasr’s ships continued to add to the commotion by switching to other, smaller, ships in the same fashion, completely disrupting the enemy formation as they plowed through.

“Even out the shields and open up with full broadsides,” he commanded. “We don’t need to focus on destroying the enemy vessels, just keep them off balance long enough for us to make it through. Make it as chaotic as possible for our enemies.”

“You’ve certainly gotten their attention,” Ank said to him quietly. “If I may sir, why aren’t we using the Enforcer’s primary weapon?”

“We can’t win this battle, Captain,” Kasr answered him. “As such, I have no intention of unleashing this ship’s full array of abilities for the enemy to see and be aware of next time. The tractor push should get us through their fleet and give Dreskul’s forces the opening they need to get away. That is all that is required for now. Make no mistake, if we stayed to fight, the Xen’Chi would eventually overwhelm us.”

As if to underscore Kasr’s point, the Enforcer suddenly shook from a sustained series of plasma blasts.

“Understood, sir.”
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Post by corsos »

"Fancy." Dreskul watched the Enforcer and its two support ships obliterate the first Xen Chi task force sent against it, and then send into dissaray the second group, using some kind of trick with their tractor beams. Dreskul often argued they were tools that weren't used often enough in combat by fleet commanders but even he hadnt thought to use them to the extent Kasr did.

They're more powerful than our normal beams. This Kasr has some interesting ideas. We will have to talk at a later time.

Most importantly the Enforcer and its ships had weakened and discombobulated this flank of the Xen Chi assault. The Hades in conjuction with the Strike Cruisers Prosperity and Danger had cleared a fairly large path in the Xen Chi lines that would take them on a rendevous path with the Enforcer.

Certainly they would leave far more Xen Chi ships intact than they would have had they stayed and fought to the end. But the arrival of the Enforcer made it possible for Dreskul to save almost half his fleet, something he would not have been able to do otherwise. But the Xen Chi had lost only a dozen ships, only two of those dozen their larger cruisers. It would have to be enough, and the sensor readouts and holovideos from the Insidious would be invaluable to Grand Admiral Thrawn. Dreskul's ships drew even with the Hades and its battle group, and together the 20 remaining ships moved through the hole in the Xen Chi line and towards the Enforcer. The Hades and it's support ships, many on its last power cells moved to the center of the formation, protected by the Insidious and its fresher support ships.

"Flank speed, get us out of this gravity well." Dreskul ordered - his eyes focused on the sensor readout that was showing the Wrath and Constable burning from internal explosions. The sheilds were gone, and fewer and fewer turbolasers and ion cannons fired by the second. Soon the sublight engines shut down, and escape pods began blasting away from both white triangle shaped ships. To his dismay he watched the Xen Chi ships begin to pick off the escape pods before they got to the surface.

Bastards.... we'll be back for you.

"Sir, we're moving towards the Enforcer, it's broken free from its pursuit."

"Give me a channell."

"Open sir."

"Mr. Kasr, offering you an official escort to Coruscant. Please move to position Alpha-Three-Vixen. Awaiting confirmation."
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by Halomek »

“Acknowledged and appreciated,” Kasr replied. His crew were experienced enough to follow through with the unspoken orders as they brought the Enforcer into position. The arc ships stayed in sync with the larger vessel, still protecting the prow.

He looked back at the tactical screens to see the Xen’Chi fleet struggling to regain control of the battle. It was much too late though and both sides knew it. The aliens might have taken Borleais, but it had become a hollow victory for them. They had been outmaneuvered and humiliated by Kasr’s seemingly insignificant numbers, turning what should have been a hard fought victory into an embarrassment for their superior forces. He could imagine that more than a few Xen’Chi commanders would die afterwards to appease their warrior’s sense of pride after such a disgrace.

He could only hope.

As the Oremin ships formed up with their Imperial counterparts and the last of the fighters returned to their home ships, the two groups jumped into hyperspace towards Coruscant. They left behind the noble Imperials who had sacrificed themselves to make it possible and the enraged invaders who had been robbed of a devastating victory by Kasr’s rogue element.

OOC: Shall we continue the events that’ll happen on Coruscant on this thread?
Man of Many Faces
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Post by corsos »

ooc great work Hal - getting a big battle/thread done in such a succinct fashion is rare to say the least.

As for cotinuing- I think we can do so here. I see Kasr and Dreskul working together from here on out - if that's ok with you?
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by Halomek »

OOC: What can I say? It was fun to do a different take on a battle thread. :) As for Kasr and Dreskul working together, sounds like a good idea to me. Dreskul seems like the kind of officer Kasr would approve of working with.

IC: The relatively short jump to Coruscant gave Kasr just enough time to digest the battle data. The Enforcer had come out of the battle with minor damage, thanks mostly to its powerful shields and the two arc ships that had protected it.

Arc ship Alpha had sustained some heavy hull damage, but continued to function with little difficulty. As factory ships, the arcs were naturally designed to be resilient. Arc ship Beta had fared much better than its counterpart which appeared to be due to the randomness of battle more than anything else.

As they exited hyperspace, Kasr refrained from making a disparaging noise as he noticed how underdefended Coruscant truly was. It was not what he wanted to see with the Xen’Chi now knocking at Thrawn’s door.

“Get in touch with our sources right away,” he told Ank. “Thrawn is no fool, if Coruscant is this open, then Borleais is not the only important world being attacked right now. I want to know where else they’re hitting.”

Ank saluted as he went off to fulfill Kasr’s orders.

Kasr stood as he handed down more proclamations to his bridge crew. “Our ships are to stay at yellow alert until further notice. My shuttle is to be readied for immediate departure and the Mechis III prisoners are to be loaded onto a transport with the type 2 dark troopers as guards. Inform Thrawn that I’m coming down to see him.”

As his crew rushed to fulfill his word, an unsettling thought occurred to him. Were the Xen’Chi deliberately trying to draw away Coruscant’s fleet in preparation for an attack?

As Ank returned with the information Kasr had requested, he spoke quietly with his XO. “Get in touch with every ship Oremin can spare and have them discretely gather near Coruscant. Start with the Kismet, I wouldn’t put it past Roviditian to already have a mental list drawn up for just such a purpose. Coruscant can’t be allowed to fall. With the Empire continuing to lose ground, it may not be able to recover from losing the capital.”

Kasr frowned as he looked at the list. There was a heavy indication that Yaga Minor was going to be hit next… not good. The Xen’Chi were moving directly for the Empire’s two major bases of power: Coruscant and Bastion.

All the more reason to keep Coruscant out of Xen’Chi hands at all costs…
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Post by corsos »

Dreskul and his fleet dropped out of hyperspace along with Kasr's ships, who impressively enough were still in perfect formation. It was still a sight that Dreskul could not get used to, Coeuscant defended by not one Super Class Star Destroyer. It had always been either the Cleansing or the Principality that stood as a staunch defender of the Imperial capital. But the former was gone, either destroyed or captured and the latter was near Bastion, protecting it from another encroaching Xen Chi fleet. There was still a fairly impressive set of ships at the capital, including a dozen of the most advanced Imperial Class Star Destroyers in the entire fleet, but without that command ship it simply wasn't the same.

Dreskul did nothing, only waited for the inevitable.

"Sir, we're being hailed by High Command."

Dreskul nodded. "Put him through."

An image of the grey haired Admiral Gilad Paelleon appeared before Dreskul. "Why are you here with half your fleet Admiral."

"Im forwarding the battle plan to command sir. A fleet nearly twice our number arrived at Borleais and we were forced to withdraw. We would have lost more of our number if not for the arrival of the Enforcer, its Commander Reng Kasr wishes to speak with the Grand Admiral. And I would like to report on the enemy's tactics in person."

Paelleon waited a moment, looking down at the report that no doubt was flowing on the datapad in front of him at the Imperial Center at Coruscant.

"Granted. Landing pad, 568. Bring Kasr with you. I will arrange time on the Grand Admiral's schedule. Command out."

Dreskul released the breath he was holding and relaxed. That wouldn't last long, all that tension would be back when he faced Grand Admiral Thrawn. "Get me Kasr."

The comm officer nodded. "Connected to the Enforcer sir."

"Mr. Kasr, we have been granted an audience with the Grand Admiral. Land your shuttle and platform 568, I will meet you there. Dreskul out."

Gregory looked over his bridge crew and addressed his XO. "Take orders from orbital defense command and take whatever formation they desire. Arrange repairs for the ships that need it as quickly as possible. Something tells me we won't be here very long."

"Aye sir. Good luck." The Captain answered.

Dreskul made his way off the bridge and down towards the hangar bay, where his shuttle was almost ready. He went onboard and before long he was on his way towards the Imperial center. He looked at the Imperial fleet through the shuttle's viewport and became more and more aware of just how vulnerable they were. The war against the Nrew Republic, while a complete success had cost them much, especially the battle of Corellia where they lost more than 10% of all their forces, including the Death Star and a lot of their good officers.

The shuttle slowly set down, and Kasr's shuttle landed shortly thereafter. Dreskul waited for the man outside, looking towards the entrance ramp where Admiral Paelleon himself as approaching. Dreskul again played Kasr's name through his mind, and while he still couldn't place it it rang even more familiar now than it did before. He must be someone, if Paelleon himself would come and meet him.

"Admiral." Dreskul saluted Thrawn's most trusted officer.

"At ease." Paelleon said to him. "My condolences on the loss of your men."

"Thank you sir." Dreskul said, looking towards Kasr's shuttle. The man was just now disembarking.

"I can't place his name sir, but it sounds familiar."

Paelleon looked at the young officer, obviously dissapointed. "He once wore the same uniform as Grand Admiral Thrawn... but that was a long time ago."

Dreskul's mouth was still hanging partly open as Kasr approached...

ooc all yours Hal, you can chat with Paelleon and take us all the way to Thrawn.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by Halomek »

Kasr departed the shuttle with two of his personal bodyguards in tow that were for appearances only. Kasr’s body was sculpted into that of a warrior through decades of constant training and practice. His physique was better than that of men half as young as him. There weren’t many threats to his person that Kasr didn’t feel comfortable handling on his own.

He waited as a transport from the Enforcer landed behind his shuttle. A squad of type II dark troopers exited the ship with eight ashen-skinned Xen’Chi warriors between them. The aliens were in chains and stun-cuffs. As an additional precaution, each one had been given an implant at the base of their spine that would render them helpless if they somehow managed to get away from their guards. Any one of the dark trooper guards could activate it with a simple signal. There would be no heroics from the prisoners on his watch.

Hand folded behind his back, Kasr walked up to Pellaeon and Dreskul. The look of fading shock from the youngest officer didn’t escape Kasr’s notice. It was a common enough reaction when people learned just who he was, especially from people who hadn’t been a part of the old guard. He ignored it for now and instead addressed Pellaeon. “A gift for Thrawn: eight Xen’Chi warriors, including their Precept, taken from her flagship at Mechis III.”

Pellaeon looked over the prisoners as well as the dark troopers guarding them before nodding as he turned to one of the stormtroopers nearby. “Sergeant, transfer these prisoners to the cell block in sector eight and keep them under heavy security until Grand Admiral Thrawn decides what to do with them.”

The stormtrooper confirmed the orders as he signaled for six other stormtroopers to form up around the prisoners before escorting them away. Two of the dark troopers stayed behind after a gesture from Kasr.

Kasr then glanced at Dreskul and cut straight to the heart of the matter; better to get this out of the way sooner rather than later… “I suppose you’re wondering why you’ve never heard of me if I held such a high rank?”

“Your name did seem a little familiar to me, sir,” Dreskul said with as much composure as he could manage. “But I’ve never seen it listed among the twelve Grand Admirals that Emperor Palpatine appointed. I know Thrawn was promoted after that, but I’ve never heard of any other Grand Admirals in the Empire besides James Ardin.”

“I knew those men, Dreskul,” Kasr said to him. “Only a few of the original twelve actually deserved that rank. Most of them got there through political connections instead of talent. I was appointed before any of them though, twelve years before official Imperial records say the rank was created. I helped to destroy the remaining Jedi, but the only problem was that I was too good at it. Palpatine saw me as a threat to his power because he knew he couldn’t control me with wealth or privilege.”

“Before the worst happened, I orchestrated my own court-martial so I didn’t outlive my usefulness to him. Palpatine made claims that my shuttle was destroyed by Rebels before reaching the prison, but it was another of his deceptions. While I was locked away and assumed to be dead, Palpatine had all traces of my existence wiped from every record he could get his hands on.”

“Why would he go to such lengths?” Dreskul asked. “There have been other high ranking traitors to the Empire. Grand Admiral Zaarin turned out to be one. You can still access the records on him.”

“Kasr had the potential to be much more of a threat than Zaarin could ever hope,” Pellaeon answered. “One of his areas of expertise was - is - dealing with Force users. If any of the Emperor’s enemies managed to get their hands on Kasr’s work, they could have brought about his downfall. Haven’t you ever considered it odd that Vader is credited for killing all of the Jedi?”

“I…” Dreskul started before he paused to think about it. “I see your point.”

“There were others, but I was his greatest, second only to Vader,” Kasr said with a nod. “Palpatine erased my existence because he couldn’t allow anyone to believe that there was someone seriously capable of challenging his power. These days, only those who were a part of the Empire before Yavin know who I really am.”

“That is quite a story,” Dreskul said as he tried to digest everything he had been told. If it weren’t for Pellaeon confirming everything Kasr said, Dreskul wasn’t sure if he would have believed it.

“It’s only the tip of the iceberg, but we don’t have the luxury of time to go into it,” Kasr said dismissively. “Thrawn is waiting and I have a lot to discuss with him.”

Without further talk, Pellaeon led Kasr and Dreskul to the Imperial Palace where Grand Admiral Thrawn was waiting to receive them. As always, Thrawn was immaculate in his appearance and as impassive as a stone wall. His red eyes measured everyone in his presence. Pellaeon and Dreskul saluted their superior, but Kasr kept his hands at his back. Instead his eyes met Thrawn’s, exchanging a respect for an equal that went beyond required military decorum.

“Grand Admiral Thrawn,” Kasr said to him. “You know why I’m here. The Xen’Chi are proving to be more than the Empire’s forces can handle. I’ve come to change that.”
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Post by corsos »

And why do we need your help.

And that would have been the timid version of what Admiral Dreskul would have said if he was Grand Admiral Thrawn. Not to say this former Grand Admiral wasn’t very talented or skilled, but to imply a man like Thrawn needed his help to defeat any enemy of the Empire crossed the border of bluster into arrogance. But to his credit, Thrawn was stoic and seemingly pretended that nothing was said.

“It’s been some time, Kasr. Last we met I was but a Captain in the service of the Empire.”

“You’ve come quite a way.” Thrawn said. “Come inside, we have much to discuss.” The alien waited a moment before looking over to Dreskul, addressing him. “You too, Admiral.” Thrawn turned and walked back into the Imperial Center, Kasr and Dreskul following right behind. A squadron of stormtroopers took position around the group, escorting them to Thrawn’s command center.

Dreskul was still downright uncomfortable watching Thrawn walk around in the pristine white uniform of a Grand Admiral. All they had to prove Thrawn had indeed earned the rank was an easily forged document once signed by Emperor Palpatine and the word of a man now dead, James Ardin. It had nothing to do with the fact that he was an alien, if he was skilled enough to hold the rank all, Dreskul would follow him to the end. But the fact that he was an alien made it all the less believable he was what he claimed. He would, no, the galaxy would soon find out the truth of the matter. But for now, the word of James Ardin was good enough for him.

The stormtrooper escort departed, leaving the three officers alone as they entered Grand Admiral Thrawn’s command center. The three level complex was perhaps the most secure in the galaxy, filled with display after display of galactic maps, ship schematics and other technical information. He walked the two men across the floor and through another two doors before coming to rest in his office. It was large, almost 20 meters across both ways, with various pieces of art hanging from the walls and sitting on various pedestals set across the room.

“Take a seat.” Thrawn said, motioning to the two seats on the other side of his desk. Dreskul obeyed the order, Kasr sat as well, but the way he did made it seem he was agreeing to a suggestion.

“I’ve gone through your report of the battle Admiral. Am I to understand that you were prepared to sacrifice your fleet in protecting Borleais?” Thrawn’s voice betrayed nothing.

“Aye sir. Before the arrival of Mr. Kasr it was my determination that I had to options at my disposal. Lose three quarters of my fleet and inflict little damage on the enemy, or lose it in its entirety and inflict moderate to heavy casualties. I chose the latter.”

Thrawn nodded, his red eyes piercing Dreskul’s. “You placed yourself in a situation where both your options were poor ones, that is a fault in your planning. I expected better of you Admiral.”

Dreskul nodded. “Aye sir.”

“But in the position of your own doing, you made the correct one, as poor of an option as it might have been. And you did well in adjusting your tactics with the arrival of Mr. Kasr. But more importantly viewing your battle holos will allow me to study the tactics of our enemies.”

Dreskul said nothing. He knew better than to talk to a superior officer when his opinion was not asked. Thrawn briskly shifted his attention to the older man.

“I had hoped, Mr. Kasr, that Oremin would choose to involve themselves in this war. What help do you offer us?”
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by Halomek »

Kasr was almost positive that Thrawn already knew most of what he had to tell the other, with the question being a mere formality. He decided to play along as he really had no desire to butt heads with Thrawn over something so trivial. It would be counterproductive to what he was trying to achieve.

He removed several datapads from a pocket on his uniform and placed them down before Thrawn. “Ever since GAIT showed up and made a mess of the Empire’s victory at Corellia, the Empire has not been in a position to enter the kind of large-scale war such as what we are currently faced with. Imperial propaganda keeps this fact away from the public, but the results speak for themselves. The Empire has suffered some major losses, and now that Thyferra is in enemy hands, it is even more vulnerable.”

Kasr leaned back in his chair. “I believe you to be a brilliant strategist, Thrawn, so you must already know that in it’s current state, the Xen’Chi have a high probability of destroying the Empire through sheer attrition if nothing else. You need a renewable source of troops. For this reason I’ve had Oremin resurrect the dark trooper program and upgrade their design over General Mohc’s originals. In addition Oremin has also resurrected the TIE droid program and upgraded them as well. The two ships you see escorting my Enforcer are designed to be able to create both of these droids under battlefield conditions and can be employed in other… more creative ways. I’ve designated them Arc-class assault ships. The full design specs for all three are included in those datapads for the Empire’s use.”

“All three were battle-tested at Mechis III to great success, allowing me to retake the planet from the Xen’Chi. Mechis III’s facilities need some repair, but can be fully operational again in a matter of weeks.” Kasr gestured towards the datapads. “The full details of that battle have also been made available to you.”

Thrawn took a moment to review the datapads in question, his red eyes skimming over the data before he looked back at Kasr. “Quite impressive, Kasr. I expect you’ll be sharing the data from the Xen’Chi ship you captured as well?”

“Of course,” Kasr agreed readily. “I thought it prudent to move it to a location the enemy has no knowledge of first. My people’s findings will be sent to you, however the prisoners we captured are waiting for you in sector eight.”

“And the Mandalorians you encountered?”

Kasr allowed himself a rare smirk. “Yes, I’ve spoken with their new leader. They’re definitely on the rise again. Acting on the Empire’s behalf, I have secured an alliance with them for you. After some analysis I have reason to believe that their new Mandalore is a man named Cadden Blackthorne. He may be a difficult ally to work with considering his history with the Empire, but the Mandalorian skill in battle can’t be ignored. I believe they’ll be a valuable tool for the Empire to change the tide of this war.”
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Post by corsos »

ooc a little short - but it's hard when I can't rp Thrawn's thoughts! ;)


“You’ve taken many liberties, Kasr.” Thrawn said. Dreskul watched the blue skin alien as he spoke. He didn’t have much experience with him, but he thought he could detect a bit of annoyance in the officer. He would feel the same way, if a man, an outsider came to him as though he couldn’t succeed without his help.

“But they seem to be appropriate, and your preparations impressive. I would like to speak with these Mandalores. If their current abilities at all reflect those of their ancestors, they will be a useful asset.”

And a way to weaken them as future threat.

At least that’s how Dreskul saw it. Whenever one could use surrogates or as the Xen Chi called them, thralls, to fight their battles of them it should be explored. Always weaken a potential future enemy when possible. And Dreskul assumed that would also include Oremin, if Thrawn did in fact see them as a future threat.

“As for your droid fighters and dark troopers, there were a certain amount of defects in the original models, as I’m sure you are aware.”

“They have been corrected, as best technology provides of course.”

“Good, I thought you would.” Thrawn answered. But Dreskul detected something else behind that answer, as though the alien knew it before it was even given.

How many secrets does Thrawn have?

“And the price to use these assets, Mr. Kasr? Or are you donating them to the cause?”

“Our means of productions are meek, as compared to the Galactic Empires, Thrawn.” Kasr answered. “We offer the plans free of charge.”

Thrawn’s head barely moved to acknowledge the officer. “It is appreciated Kasr. I will come to my own conclusions after research, but I ask you your impressions of the Xen Chi. Nothing is more valuable than first hand battle experience.”
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by Halomek »

“The Xen’Chi are truly a warrior culture and as such they are typically aggressive. Even when faced with an unwinnable battle, they fought me to the very end at Mechis III. None surrendered, preferring to take their own life instead when it was clear they couldn’t fight any longer. They are quite skilled in battle, as they demonstrated to me by still being able to fight with some kind of coordination after I completely disrupted their standard communications and scanning abilities.”

He interlaced his fingers together thoughtfully. “It is their strength and their weakness. They’re not hesitant to enter battle, which makes it much easier to draw them into a trap. Their overwhelming numbers and thrall fleets have also made them overconfident in their own power, which I think has only been boosted by the speed of their drive into our territory. Again, this can be exploited.”

“However there are many variables to the Xen’Chi offensive that must also be considered.” Kasr paused as he gathered his thoughts. What he had to say next was still circumstantial at best. “My agents have been gathering reports on the thrall fleet that has been giving the Xen’Chi some of their most impressive victories. Information is sketchy, but Oremin has been able to confirm that it is being led by an apparent Xen’Chi who calls himself Grand Admiral To’Barren.”

“This To’Barren seems to know the best way to subvert our defenses, but there are many pieces to this puzzle that do not fit. All of the information Oremin has gathered on the Xen’Chi thus far indicates that any Xen’Chi with a rank as high as a Grand Admiral would not be caught dead on a thrall ship. The rank itself is suspect, as the Grand Admiral was an invention of Palpatine’s. With the possible exception of the New Republic, I have not seen it used outside of the Empire.”

“It appears to make no sense on the surface, but as you examine the surrounding data, a very disturbing picture starts to emerge.” He shared a significant look with Thrawn and Dreskul. “Gentlemen, I have nothing concrete to back this up, but I believe that somehow To’Barren and Banner Ton are linked to each other. They may even be one in the same.”

OOC: Hope I didn't go too far on that, Corsos.
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Dreskul couldn't beleive his ears. Banner Ton had been killed at Ord Mantell, when the Cleansing was lost to the Xen Chi. As much as he detested Banner Ton in many ways, the one thing he didn't think he would ever do was betray the Empire. He had ample opportunities in the past to defect to the New Republic or any other organization, and with his skills he would be readily accepted. But to defect to an unknown alien invasion force? It just wasn't his style.

"We have come to the same conclusion." Thrawn said matter of factly. "Observe." The blue alien motioned to the emerging screen on the wall.

"We were sent this transmission that was originally recieved at Thyferra. We noticed nothing at first, but since we have noticed the same strange tendencies you have Kasr. And we matched facial profiles. Behold."

The transmission of the ashen alien known as To'Barren was quickly joined side by side with the official Imperial portrait of the former Admiral Banner Ton. The similarities were stark.

“As you can see, besides the skin, hair and eye discoloration he is the same man. They clearly forced him to undergo some sort of transformation, to make him similar to the rest of their species in appearance. It does not match what you have told me, and what our intelligence has learned about their species. They subjugate their races and place them beneath them in thrall fleets, as you said. This one, however, has been placed in a command post with multiple ships and other species under his command including a species known as the Adamar, the Ssi-Ruuk, and other conquered humans. And he is receiving no command or support from Xen Chi leaders, having been given independence of action. An uncharacteristic, but wise maneuver on the part of our enemies. There are few men better equipped to fight a war in this galaxy than he. It also explains his targeting of Thyferra and Yag’dhul, and the ease at which he took them. Admiral Baldin, who defends Fondor has been given the proper information, and I trust him to deal with the traitor in due time.” Kasr nodded, and Thrawn looked to Dreskul, where the shock on his face was readily apparent.

“A familiar face for an enemy Admiral Dreskul, you served under Banner Ton, as a Captain on his ship at Corellia. I trust your loyalty is not a question.”

Gregory’s face turned very pale and stammered out his response. “Sir, I understood you saw the official report of what happened on the bridge when the question arose between Emperor Damascus and Grand Admiral Ardin.”

There was a small twinkle in the blue alien’s eye, but he did nothing else to alter his serious expression. “Of course I did Admiral. But you know Ton as well as he does you. Therefore, I have every intention of keeping you very far away from this Admiral To’Barren.”

“Of course sir, then what would you have me do with my fleet?”

“Your fleet will remain here, Admiral, and join Home Fleet under my command to defend the Capital. You will take a battle group of your choosing and join Mr. Kasr as our liaison to Oremin and the Mandalorians. If this of course, is acceptable to Mr. Kasr?” Thrawn shifted his gaze to the former Grand Admiral.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by Halomek »

Kasr nodded sagely as he took in the information Thrawn provided. Ton’s identity was confirmed then, which in turn opened up a whole new dimension to this war. There were questions Kasr had considered that now had to be reevaluated. Despite Ton’s dubious moral character, what Thrawn had said was accurate; his skills as a tactician were never in question.

As Thrawn put forth the idea of Dreskul working with him, Kasr considered it as he looked over at the Admiral. “I believe you to be an honorable man, Dreskul, and a good officer. Both are necessary traits to work with me, so I have no objections to it as long as it is understood that I am in command.”

“You may question my orders if you feel they are unwise, I do welcome feedback and may even change my decision accordingly, but…” Kasr let the word linger as his ice blue eyes suddenly grew colder than the plains of Hoth. “I expect my final word to be obeyed.”
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Post by corsos »

Thrawn spoke before Dreskul did. "Understand Mr. Kasr, Admiral Dreskul goes with you as an agent of the Empire, as our liaison to your people. He acts as Commander of the Imperial forces assigned to him in conjuction with you in battle. If he deems orders you give to be detrimental to the cause of the Empire, as unlikely as that may be, it is his duty to not obey them. I am not in the position to hand away my forces, even to a man like you Kasr. However, I do beleive working with you will provide us an opportunity to do great things against our new enemy."

Dreskul looked to Kasr, and dreaded his answer.

ooc short- but I really dont have anything else to say
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by Halomek »

“Of course,” Kasr agreed with a nod towards Thrawn that defused the sudden tension in the room. “I’m well aware that Dreskul’s duties to the Empire come first, however I have no room for unnecessary heroics under my command. My expectation is that Dreskul will be exemplarily in his duties, nothing more. It will be the same situation as when I offered Admiral Roviditian’s services to Captain Chamberlain, only in reverse.”

Satisfied that his point had been made, Kasr moved on. “Since the Empire’s forces are currently heavily committed to a defensive posture, I plan to make a series of deep strikes into Xen’Chi territory. My goal is to uncover as much information as I can about our enemy, with a secondary objective of hitting their supply lines and depots along the way – a cavalry raid so to speak. With so many Xen’Chi resources committed to the offensive, they should be leaving themselves vulnerable deeper within their territory.”

“In addition to Dreskul, I would like to request the services of Vice Admiral Dolomar Daktren and the 77th task force be added to my fleet. With the current state of the war, I believe the skills of Daktren and his command could be better utilized for an offensive such as this.”
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Thrawn dipped his head, very slightly. "Daktren? I think that can be arranged, but considering his rank he would be under the command of Admiral Dreskul, is that understood?"

"Yes." Kasr answered.

"Good then." Thrawn stood and extended his hand to Kasr, who took it. Dreskul saluted the Grand Admiral, which was returned and the two began to leave his office. "A moment alone for you, Admiral."

Dreskul stopped as Kasr stepped through the door. "Yes sir?"

"Watch him well Admiral. His record under Palpatine was exceptional and he is a capable officer, but he has been away from the Empire for a long time. Use your judgement, which I do trust, otherwise I would not send you with him. Also, Admiral Draktren and him have a previous relationship, watch them both closely. This command is yours, and with Kasr's experience and ingenuity you can do well in this war effort. I expect weekly reports, do you understand?"

Dreskul nodded. "Aye sir."

"And do not make the same mistake you made at Borleais again, and that will be your last command."

"I understand sir."

"Gather your battle group, and rendevous with Vice Admiral Draktren. I will send him his orders."

"Aye sir." Dreskul said.


Dreskul nodded, and left the room where Kasr was waiting outside. "I'll need to get back to my ship, and prepare. Is there anything I should know, or you would suggest with choosing my battlegroup, in relation to the forces at your disposal."
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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“Pick your best and your brightest, but only those you feel you can spare from guarding Coruscant,” Kasr told him. “Support ships should be a priority; other than that I’ll leave it to your discretion. With your forces combined with Daktren’s and those I will bring in from Oremin, there will be at least five Imperial-series star destroyers to call upon. Each of those five ships are at least twice as deadly as your average star destroyer due to the experience of their crews.”

Kasr indulged in a tight smile. “Even if we don’t receive support from the Mandalorians, we already have the power to slag entire worlds right there. All I’m concerned with is keeping our big guns safe from the smaller threats.”

“I must leave to prepare, but I’ll transmit the rendezvous coordinates to your ship, Admiral.” Kasr paused as he turned to go, and in a quieter voice, one that dropped the pretense of command briefly, he spoke to Dreskul as one man to another. “The Xen’Chi will pay for their crimes against our galaxy, I promise you that. I can’t begin to know what we’ll run up against, but I’ll do everything in my power to see to it that this isn’t a one-way mission.”

Without waiting for Dreskul’s response, Kasr then left, leaving the other alone with his departing words.
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Post by corsos »

I like this man, he knows what he is doing or at least projects that he does. The only thing that could get me killed is his obvious hubris. Thrawn had it, so did Ardin in some ways. It must come with the Grand Admiral's uniform.

Dreskul watched the former Grand Admiral leave and began filtering the ships under his command through his head as he walked back to his shuttle. Thrawn had allocated him a battle group, so he could pick four or five ships from his command. The one ship he knew he would take was one that had been part of Ardin’s old command for a long time, the Grappler. The presence of an Interdictor Cruiser, which Dreskul was sure Kasr did not have, would add versatility to their combined fleet. Besides, Captain Arnold would consider his ship wasted in a planetary defense.

Just so he could have an advantage if a conflict erupted with Oremin, Dreskul considered taking another Star Destroyer, but the thought of taking another capital ship away from Coruscant eliminated that option. Kasr wanted versatility and Dreskul saw the advantage in it as well. In the type of incursion missions they were planning speed and the ability to support their five command ships would be the requirement for the remainder of his vessels. The Lancer Frigate Sniper was an obvious choice, being able to protect the Insidious . And like the Grappler it was a ship was connected to the Vengeance and then the Cleansing for a long time. Captain Crawford was quite good at what he did.

Emerging from the Imperial Center, Dreskul walked into his shuttle, his small retinue behind and they lifted off for the Insidious, hanging in low orbit.

With more than half of his battle group already decided, Dreskul knew he would need more fighter support. The single wing of fighters from the Insidious would not be enough. But Dreskul had no intention of taking a an escort frigate with him, the ship simply did not have the potential of serving more than one purpose. A Nebulon Frigate was the obvious choice, one of the newer B-3 models that had a little more firepower and better shields than the older models. The ship had been commissioned only shortly before the battle at Borleais, named the New Dawn, partly in honor of the Black Dawn, one of the ships that so bravely helped in deposing Damascus from his throne at Corellia. The Captain of the older ship, Commander Denise Patrick had not survived the battle, and her replacement had been hand-picked by Thrawn, a young man named Durrant. He had spent the early part of his career earning a reputation as a hotshot commander of an Assault Transport squadron that lead tons of boardings during serious action. Dreskul would be sure to reign him in if necessary.

His final selection was an easy one, one made with his heart. Dreskul commanded the Wraith for more than a year when he was with naval intelligence and the ship was a special part of him. The Strike Cruiser was specially modified, with it’s entire ground force removed, spare two 20 men special operations team with light armament. It allowed the addition of a second squadron of fighters, and an improved sensor suite designed for spying on enemy ships and going undetected by enemy sensors. The ship was able to operate on its own with great success, and Dreskul trusted its Captain Trevan Prescott completely.

The shuttle came to rest on the Insidious, and Dreskul moved to the bridge immediately. He was assailed by his XO the moment he walked on the bridge. “Sir, we have received coordinates from the Enforcer for a hyperspace jump?”

Dreskul nodded, walking towards the front of the bridge, where he turned and addressed the bridge crew. “Aye, plot them, and forward them to the Sniper, Wraith, New Dawn and the Grappler. We have been assigned to work with the Enforcer and a planetary government known as Oremin to launch counter strikes against the Xen Chi. We will be the start of a counter-offensive from our galaxy, one that will make these aliens think twice before committing themselves so completely. Once we are in formation with our battle group, go into hyperspace.”

“Aye Admiral.”

Dreskul nodded to his resolute crew and turned his attention back over to the viewport, where Coruscant hung with far too few Imperial ships around it. He didn’t feel good about leaving, but Thrawn was here. The Jewel could not be in better hands.

Ooc what thread should we relocate to Hal?
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

ooc I will leave this open for the Xen Chi eventual move on Coruscant. Im not sure how I'm going to handle it, but Ill figure something out...
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

Supreme Overseer Hell'kattar stood onboard the Xai'Chen Class Ship Venasax looking over his fleet. The ship was named for the first being the Xen Chi thought was their Xa'Tieron, who lead their victory over the Adamar more than a decade ago. The time was coming for the final assault on the Capital of this pathetic government that had fell before their offensive as quickly as any species they had ever dealt with. They were fortunate a species like the Adamar hadn't found this hub of power first, if they had such resources in their war against the Xen Chi the result would likely still be undecided.

Chosen by High Councilor Intic as the perfect commander of the war, so far everything was proceeding as planned, despite the minor setbacks at they system the humans referred to as Corellia. Even the thrall known as To'Barren had performed above expectations, siezing nearly a dozen systems and putting their enemy into a panic. The key destroying any enemy was destroying the safety of their government. That was Hell'Kattar's goal here. He had nearly 50 Xen Chi ships at his command, some of the finest in the fleet. They were supported by twice as many thrall ships, capable but not the most stategically minded ones. But that would be something they would not need being under the command of someone such as he.

He wore his Overseer's mantle proudly, the symbol of his High Rank bright and for all to see. His tattoos spoke of his victories and accomplishments, showing everyone around him that his rank was not given, no, it was earned. If he had been allowed to pursue his course in dealing with the Chiss, that species would have fallen as well. And this was a perfect time to prove that, for intelligence told him that this system called Coruscant was defended by the leader of this human Empire... a Chiss warrior called Thrawn. Hell'Kattar savored this opportunity.

"My lord, out ships are in the requested positions."

"Enter darkspace, and prepare to seal our final victory."

In short order, the fleet was off.

ooc this is the start Battle of Coruscant, ill move it along as fast as possible.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

Darkspace engulfed the 100 strong Xen Chi fleet. Hell'Kattar stood onboard the fleet's flagship the Xai'Chen class Cruiser Venasax like a marauding Khan upon his steed at the head of the army's Vanguard. Chosen by the High Councilor as the fleet's Supreme Overseer after the debacle against the Chiss, his bravery and honor in battle was unquestioned. All who had in the past lay dead at his feet. It was an appointment that was necessary to reinforce the warrior's caste confidence and ferocity, who had become fed up with the former Supreme Overseer, Drekkar, who favored a much different type of war very much outside the Xen Chi ethos.

And that was how Hell'Kattar arrived at Coruscant, the hero of the warrior caste, conqueror for the Xen Chi Dominion. HIs fleet nearly doubled the size of the human force defending the capital of this pathetic human Empire. And even stranger was the enemy configuration. Their center, which when defending a planet of considerable value should be strongest, was in fact the weakest. Only a pair of their larger wedge shaped vessels made up the center of the formation with a handful of support ships along with a quartet of their static defense platforms. They were organized in a pincer formation as though they were the agressors. Even if they could flank the Xen Chi on both sides, it would mean nothing in the grand scheme of the battle. And once the planet was bare of defenders even if the remaining ships fought, they would devastate their capital from orbit. This battle was over before it began.

Such fools, and amateurs at warfare. If the one that leads this defense is indeed one of the Chiss, there is now little question as to why he was expunged from their military.

"Ahead to battle! Fire at the closest possible moment, show no mercy!"

* * *

Grand Admiral Thrawn stood silently onboard his flagship, the Imperial Class Star Destroyer Chimaera watching as the expected alien fleet arrived in the system and began to advance, straight for his ship, and the Juniper whom with the four Golan platforms comprised the strength of the center lin of his defense. It was despicably weak by any standard and any defense strategy resembling it would have been considered madness by the most amateur to the most professional alike.

The bridge crew was obviously nervous, only Paelleon knew exactly what Thrawn had planned, the one thing that turned the madness of this strategy into what would become a great victory.

"Maintain position." Thrawn's calm voice played across the bridge.

The alien fleet grew ever closer and soon was within firing range, their plasma cannons beginning to strike the Chimaera's shields, as well as those of the Golan platforms and support ship.

"Activate the mechanism." Thrawn ordered.

Paelleon gave the signal and their plan was set in motion.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

I have never seen something so futile.

The front line of his ships were in optimum range of the human defenders, and in short time they would obliterate them. Some of the human ships were moving along his fleet's port and starboard, and he appropriately portioned enough of his forces to hol them off until he was done clearing the center of the human lines. The planet itself was something like Hell'Kattar had never seen before, the entire thing covered by a city. It was truly amazing the number of people and the level of resource that was needed to maintain such a metropolis.

I cannot even fathom everything we can do with such a planet.

“Supreme Overlord, the Phalanx is lurching, it seems to be losing atmosphere. It is not returning communication.”

“Impossible.” Kattar tried to find the ship through the Xai’Chen cruiser’s viewport. And there was to port, and it looked far worse than ever the Supreme Overseer feared. It was as though an entire portion of the forward potion of the ship was either collapsed or completely destroyed. It was a wreck.

The Supreme Overseer turned to view the rest of his fleet when the entire ship shook. To the starboard side now, it was the Xeonix, another Xai’Chen cruiser, and it’s fate was far worse than that at the Phalanx. The bridge and most of its forward section was gone, fire and plasma erupting from every seem of the ships armor. “What’s happening!”

Kattar slammed his fist on the bulkhead, and turned to his second for an answer.

“My lord, the damage was not done by a typical weapon, it appears to be similar to what would happen if a ship was struck by an asteroid.”

“There was no asteroid!” Kattar barked.

“We’re altering our sensors my lord… it should…” The XO was quickly interrupted by one of the Xen Chi warriors that were in charge of the sections.

“Lords – an object approached straight ahead!”

Kattar turned to look for this object, but nothing was there. “If our eyes are deceived by this Chiss outcasts, our weapons will not be. Destroy it.” The plasma cannons from the Venasax changed targets away from the enemy, and seemed to simply fire into the emptiness of space. But something was certainly amiss, as the bursts were simply disappearing only a kilometer away from the ship as though they became invisible themselves.

“Why are our weapons ineffective! What sorcery is this!”
“It’s a large mass object my lord, it’s as though it is swallowing our fire… with no adverse effect. It is continuing towards us, and our shields will not be able to deflect it.”

“Grapple beams! Push it away!”

“Our targeting systems do not recognize anything, we can’t get a lock!”

“It’s closing to 400 meters, my lord.”

“Move us hard to port – maneuver out of its path.” Kattar ordered. Running was not the Xen Chi way, it was not his way, but there was no other, choice with an invisible unstoppable force coming towards them. The ship groaned as it turned as sharply as possible. In fact, it sounded downright painful, but no maneuver would be enough. The same result was happening all across the ships lining the perimeter of his ships.

Hell’Kattar could hear the grinding of steel on steel before the explosion and the sound of escaping atmosphere. The sounds never stopped, only grew louder and louder as this object ate through the obsidian Xen Chi hull. It was loudest right before the bridge was breeched, and vacuum stole all sound and breath from the brave warriors dying there. Now, Hell’Kattar realized why the Adamar called this being the blue demon, and how he was wrong for mocking them for it.

At least he died knowing that he died a warrior, fighting for the glory of his race.

* * *

Paelleon watched as Thrawn’s trick became clear and was carried out in absolute perfection. Destroying so many ships was brilliant enough, but for Thrawn it wasn’t enough. The wrecks of the Xen Chi ships, along with the hulls of destroyed ships thrown at them by the Empire now held the Xen Chi fleet in a tight container, leaving little room for maneuver, firing angles, or anything else. It almost completely removed the Xen Chi advantage of superior firepower. The ships of the Galactic Empire swooped around the enemy and cut off their retreat, engaging the ships at the rear of their lines.

Absolute brilliance…
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

"What are our total losses Captain Paelleon?" Thrawn asked in his cold voice, one would never know he had just won a monumental victory on behalf of the Galactic Empire.

“Twenty ships sir, slightly less that half our strength. That includes twenty percent of our Cruisers, Destroyers and other Capital ships. Another twenty will require extensive repairs.” Paelleon answered. Thrawn’s response was more silence, as he already began to plan his next move with his new information.

Losing almost half your fleet would, at most times, be considered if not a defeat, a very costly victory that would hinder your further war efforts. But this was not such a case. The enemy was completely destroyed, having lost nearly three times the ships Thrawn had. After the cloaked weapons had destroyed their targets, they created a perimeter around the aliens, funneling them into a confined space, trapping their superior numbers behind their own ships preventing them from joining the fight. It allowed the Empire to slowly whittle down their numbers line by line, ship by ship. Thrawn could send in fresh vessels to dole out punishment allowing damaged ones to regain their shields, preventing losses. The enemy, so close together was unable to maneuver and use their superior numbers. Because of the strategy the battle took nearly three hours, and it had worn on everyone involved. No matter who their commander was, they just didn’t have a chance.

Thrawn’s voice broke Paelleon’s thought process. “Arrange the remaining ships in defense pattern Chaltera, and move what ships require repairs into dry dock immediately. Have civilian transport begin hauling the wrecks out of the shipping lanes immediately.”

“Chaltera sir, I’m not familiar…”

“It was designed and inserted just prior to the battle. It’s there Captain.”

“Yes sir… immediately.”

Paelleon began to move to dole out the orders to Space Control on the surface, when his sensors officer yelled, rather panicked, at the top of his lungs. “Sir we have sensor contacts at the edge of the system.”

“What kind?” Paelleon asked.

“Hyperspace.” The young man answered. And for a few seconds, before the ships appeared everyone on the bridge held their breaths, fearing more alien ships. All of them were out of formation, and many damaged, all tired. If a formidable enemy arrived now they would all be dead.

The site of the Star Destroyer at the head of the formation allowed all of them to release their breaths in a drawn out sigh. But it was only a momentary respite. The rest of the ships behind it were not Imperial, well some were, but not enough for it to be friendly. Thrawn must have noticed the formation and makeup of the fleet right away, he knew who had arrived.
“It’s Ton.” He said. “Quickly, form a wedge in front of the damaged vessels. Then we wait for his demands.”

Paelleon raised his eyebrows. “You’re sure he just won’t attack?”

“He is too petty a man to take his victory with silence.” Thrawn said. “Drop our communications shield, and send a general SOS to our nearby forces.”

“Yes sir.” Paelleon answered. His stoic demeanor did not betray his inner panic. He had never heard Thrawn admit defeat before a battle was even joined.

That was when the ship’s comm beeped. Thrawn stood, straightening his white uniform and hit the connect button. This battle would not be fought with just ships.

* * *

To’Barren had savored this moment during the entire two-hour hyperspace trip. He wished and prayed that the Xen Chi fleet lead by Supreme Overseer Hell’Kattar would be destroyed, weakening Thrawn’s defense. No other Xen Chi commander, with their honor code, would think such a thing. But To’Barren’s loyalty wasn’t theirs. They fought for their race, To’Barren fought for himself. It was he that had earned the right to lead the Empire after Damascus’ murder. Thrawn had stolen it from him. Then he had sent him to a trap at Ord Mantell, where these savage aliens had turned him into the ashen creature he was now. No more. He would have his retribution. His ship was aptly named.

When the fleet reverted from hyperspace, all of his prayers and dreams had indeed come true. Not only was Thrawn’s fleet decimated in number, maybe thirty ships remained, it was completely out of position, and very much damaged. To’Barren… no, maybe it was the face that went with that name, but it was Banner Ton that smiled. Everything had come true. The same way fate and luck had stolen everything away from him at Corellia, it now gave it all back. He would enjoy his victory, but he would enjoy more what came before. He would take his time with this, because he knew he had it. Even if Thrawn called for help immediately, it would be at least an hour before help arrived. And even if Baldin got his own bright idea and tried to follow, To’Barren had left small skirmish groups to slow his progress sufficiently for him to have his fun.

“Connect me to the Imperial Class Star Destroyer Chimeara, it is in the center of their lines.”

He forms a vanguard with his own ship at the center… how primitive. I would think the master tactician would be more creative…

“We have full audio and holovid connection, the one called Thrawn awaits you.”

To’Barren flipped the on switch and smiled at his once superior officer, straightening his own while uniform. “Hello Thrawn.”

ooc this continues......
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

“Banner Ton.” Thrawn’s cold voice returned the greeting with a little more than a hint of annoyance in his voice.

“I’m known as To’Barren now, named by my new bosses. But you can call me Banner, Thrawn, though perhaps Grand Admiral Ton would be more appropriate.” He smiled, hoping to draw an answer out of the blue alien. But the Imperial Regent would not be easily goaded.

“Angry Thrawn? I can see why. You are about to be bested by someone you tried to throw away because they were a threat to you. Who was to know that I would be scooped up by your greatest enemy and used against you. And on top of that, arrive at your doorstep at the most inopportune time, with your own fleet damaged and in disarray. Or perhaps you are angry at Baldin? You shouldn’t be, the old man did an admirable enough job, you should have known better than to throw a fossil like that at me, thinking he could best me.”

Banner waited again, still smiling ear to ear, to see if Thrawn would answer him, or in the least show any physical hint of the rage that must have been boiling inside of him. But he was ever stoic, like the pale blue skin was the same color as the ice that ran through his veins.

Does this man feel nothing?

“Just admit I am your better, Thrawn, that I bested you and your lackeys.” Banner knew Thrawn would say nothing, but words had never sounded so sweet coming off his tongue. “Say the words, and perhaps I’ll spare your life when all this is over. Just say it. Admit the truth. You are fortunate it is me, after all, that has arrived here Thrawn. If it were Xen Chi leading this attack your fleet would already be destroyed, and Coruscant razed. Me, you can negotiate with. And my terms are quite reasonable.” Banner said.

“First, you officially transfer regency over the Galactic Empire to me. The Empire will survive this war, and see the Republic dead and destroyed once and for all. You will disappear, and in writing abdicate all rights to the Regency of the Empire, and give up your rank. I’ll offer exile to satiate your loyalists, but if you prefer execution so be it.”

And even if you take exile… both of us know you won’t make it very long.

“That is my offer Thrawn. The Empire survives, under my leadership, as it should have been after Ardin, as it should have been after Marion, and after Damascus. Palpatine’s vision survives, so does Ardin’s, so does yours. I will treat Coruscant well, and when the time is right I will banish the Xen Chi from the galaxy myself. That is my offer, Thrawn, take it, or be destroyed here and now.”

Banner wasn’t sure if Thrawn had blinked once during his entire soliloquy, his anger must have been fierce even though his expression showed nothing but the usual focused intensity he always had. If he was a wise man, and truly cared about the Empire he would accept the bargain. But something told Grand Admiral Ton that Thrawn was a man that would have to be torn from his throne, not simply step down. When the Chiss finally did answer, his voice was as cold as ever.

“If I was to ever willingly turn the Empire over to a vain, self-serving, arrogant little weasel like you, I would sully the man that gave me this rank, our Emperor Palpatine. I will do no such thing, nor would I ever. A better man would not have lost the Empire’s command ship over an inconsequential system such a Ord Mantell. Do not blame me for that failure, blame your own incompetence. The same incompetence that will doom you here. You were always a disgrace to the uniform. I should have had you executed the moment I took power. That decision is the one I shall have anger over. I did not recognize your vices and incompetence quite soon enough.” Thrawn finished.

Much unlike Thrawn’s cold visage during Ton’s speech, Banner was a bit more demonstrative his nostrils flaring and face reddening, even in its ashen color. “You will pay for this you interloper. An alien will not lead the Empire, I will prove human superiority. Pray to whatever primitive Gods your species worships Thrawn, because your demons have finally come to claim you.”

Banner didn’t even have the pleasure of disconnecting the communication; Thrawn beat him to the punch.

“DAMN HIM!” Ton slammed his fist on the bulkhead. He was still shouting. “He’ll have it his way, full ahead, weapons charged, shields at full. Trample Thrawn’s fleet. Our target will be the Chimera. And we shall see who it is that’s incompetent.”
Last edited by corsos on Mon Mar 03, 2008 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by ValynDyral »

And so it began.

Engines flared, and renegade warships turned upon the finest of the Galactic Empire - a symbol of the most exquisite warcraft a galaxy of millions of worlds had ever conspired to field.

The renegade destroyers were scarred, blackened in places, like hardened warriors, utterly distinguishable from the pristine Imperial garrison.

To those thousands of private vessels evacuating the system, flowing arterially from Coruscant's surface, it was the prelude to the galaxy's end as they knew it - Thrawn could not win. In the face of such impossible numbers, little more could be made than a useless stand, a defiant and poignant entry from the world of the living into the records of history. To those thousands fleeing for their lives, it was the end of the Empire as it was known.

But one ship did not flee.

On the outskirts of detectable space, it hung motionless and static - it could have been a pleasure liner or some massive materials carrier, if its lines were not so overtly menacing. It hung in space, periodically swarmed by fleeing ships, neither advancing nor retreating.

It had floated there as Thrawn defeated the Xen'Chi, just far enough from the Jewel of All Worlds to avoid being hailed.

Now, as the hundreds of scarred battlecruisers enveloped the Imperial fleet, the solitary vessel's engines pulsed once and it drifted forward.

It did not go far before it slowed again, still well out of the reach of even the most ambitious gunners on either side of the conflict.

And then, something very curious happened: Barren Ton never got his chance to prove to Thrawn the innate superiority of his human blood.

Indeed, he never got to prove anything at all.

Auditory sensors throughout the mixed host detected strange creaking from the Xen'Chi flagship, as if the very metal of the hull was being subjected to extreme pressure. For a brief moment, the ethereal creaks and groans subsided.

And then, the flagship of the invading force, the same from which To'Barren executed his ambition for a new Empire, tore in half.

Superstructure streamed from the disparate pieces, as the star destroyer found its front end and its rear separated roughly along the line of the hangar bay. It was not a clean break - explosions sounded throughout, hundreds of bodies were sucked into the grasping void of space as they suddenly found themselves in an environment with no atmosphere. Slowly at first, and then more quickly, the front wedge of the Star Destroyer - an eight hundred kilometer spike trailing wreckage like a falling star - accelerated apparently of its own inclination into an adjoining Star Destroyer. The resultant impact ruptured a reactor, and both were engulfed in a a muted explosion, flaming gas exploding out in utter silence in the vacuous battlefield.

The remaining piece of To'Barren's flagship - the command tower and the adjoining superstructure - sundered. Piece by piece, it simply collapsed like a house of cards, until there was nothing left.

The solitary onlooker's engines pulsed again, as it turned to retreat from the battle.

Just before the vessel departed from the perceivable range of the present warriors, the sensors on either side began to trill in the sort of instilled alarm their programmers reserved for the most unexpected urgencies.

All around the solitary vessel, space was filled. Sleek, black warships - innumerable, a veritable armada composed of black spots where the stars did not shine.

At their center was a void of endless darkness that, on the Imperial sensors, rendered as something profoundly and disturbingly unmistakable - the scourge of the stars, a Super Star Destroyer.

They hung in space for but a moment, an expression of opulence, of brazen hubris. The message was clear:

Gaze upon your saviors, and tremble.

And then, as a wavering and distorted whole, the black armada entered into hyperspace, disappearing from the Coruscant system, and leaving the Imperials to finish this battle on their own terms.
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Post by corsos »

ooc giddiup - post up tonight
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

The Imperial Star Destroyer Juniper was destroyed at last. As much as he was loathe to, To’Barren had to give the Chiss credit, he had gotten as much as any officer could have out of such an outnumbered fleet. Perhaps as much as To’Barren would have, but likely not. Now the path was clear to the Chimaera, Thrawn’s flasgship. The bell was about to toll for the last time and To’Barren would finally have what he deserved, what he had earned.

For once fate had sided with him, arriving at Coruscant only hours after Thrawn had concluded his former battle, his entire fleet battered and out of formation. Not that such help was required for him to defeat the Grand Admiral, but it was certainly welcome. So many times before, despite his best efforts and expertise it had been simple chance that worked against Admiral Banner Ton.

As a young officer, he had shown far more skill, and aptitude than any of his contemporaries, but that soft-hearted fool James Ardin had rewarded them instead of him. He brought the terrorist Tainer to justice and hunted down and destroyed Blackthorne’s crew that had bombed the facilities at Bilbringi. Yet, was it he that was rewarded? No. Fools like Kyle were actually given a regentship, and nearly led the Empire to ruin along with Gandel and Ferval until Damascus arrived.

And with the newly crowned Emperor, finally someone realized his record and skill. With the Death Star, he led the Emperor’s fleet, in truth the entire war planning of the fleets movements throughout the galaxy were his doing. He had routed the New Republic time and time again – driving them from Anaxes and Coruscant. The final death knell should have been sounded at Corellia. The Republic fleet was being crushed, the Corellian fleet already destroyed along with all its facilities. Victory was his and it only would have been a matter of time before the rest of the galaxy was in the Emperor’s grasp.

But fate intervened. First, of all people, James Ardin returned from the dead by the side of his troublesome brother Delth, Emperor Croft and the man about to be killed today, Thrawn. They waylaid his fleet and actually fought against the Empire. But even so… it wouldn’t have mattered, he would have destroyed them as well. That’s when the mysterious group of fighters… ships… whatever they were arrived. They destroyed his Death Star, and the Ardins killed Damascus, his Emperor. And then if not for the interference of his treacherous first officer Gregory Dreskul he would have continued the war but he managed to mutiny the Cleansing’s crew, turning them against him.

Thrawn, much to his surprise, kept Banner around for a while before sending him to certain death against what no doubt the alien knew was an unstoppable alien fleet. Much better to be rid of those more talented than you, than allow them to remain and perhaps challenge your authority. There was no way Thrawn ever thought Banner would return, let alone after this transformation, to strip him of his rule in this way. He would claim Coruscant for the Xen Chi, and turn his thrall fleet back against his alien masters. The installation ceremony for his Emperorship would happen within days… because the current Regent was about to die. Fate smiles on us all, eventually.

How perfect… Thrawn was to be destroyed by the ship To’Barren specially dubbed The Retribution.

“Align us with the Constrictor, full ahead. Engage the Chimaera with all forward batteries the moment we’re in range.” To’Barren ordered, and soon the two wedge shaped ships were closing with the Chimaera, angling to provide the best weapons coverage, but smallest profile for the battle.

“Give me a channel.”

“It’s open sir, but we get no recognition from the enemy.”

“Will they hear me?”

“If their array is active sir, they will.”

“So, Grand Admiral… your end comes. No dignified response? Last requests? Perhaps a plea for mercy?” To’Barren asked. “You will leave this galaxy by my hand.” To’Barren waited to see if there was answer, when there was none he nodded his head and the two Star Destroyers unleashed hell. Under such heavy concentrated fire, even a Star Destroyer as well put together and commanded as the Chimaera wouldn’t last long. It returned fire at the Retribution but her shields would hold long enough.

That was when the entire ship shook, so much it almost knocked To’Barren off his feet. “The sith was that?” He asked, regaining his balance.

“Unknown sir… no weapons have registered having breached our shields. All systems are nominal.”

To’Barren narrowed his eyes, staring at the Chimaera, what else did the Chiss have up his sleeve. “Increase inertial dampeners, it’s a trick to phase us, nothing more.”

His last work was eaten by another loud creak, like the steel of the ship itself was groaning in pain. It shook even more, and To’Barren would have fallen again if he wasn’t already bracing himself. Near everyone else at their stations hit the deck and soon the red light indicating an emergency were blinking all over the bridge.

That’s no trick…

To’Barren straightened, but continued to hold onto the bulkhead with the ship still rattling a bit, like something was horribly wrong with the engines. The power flickered off for a moment before the emergency lights came on. He was about to ask what in the Emperor’s Black Bones was going on when the exploding flashes outside the viewport caught his attention. Almost a kilometer worth of the front wedge of his vessel had detatched itself from the portion housing the engines and the bridge. He never gave another order… he sprinted off the bridge and headed for the escape pods.
There was no explanation for what had happened… perhaps some kind of powerful tractor beam Thrawn had hidden away somewhere. But whatever the weapon was, there was nothing he was going to be able to do about. Better to live, fight another day and see Thrawn destroyed. The red emergency lights were flashing throughout the ship, as atmosphere began leaking from everywhere. The escape pods for the bridge crew weren’t far, just down two sets of corridors. He sprinted through the halls, hand always along one of the walls just in case the ship had any more violent convulsions. It did twice more, sending everyone heading for the pods to the floor… but To’Barren managed to stay ahead of the others and was the first to arrive, diving head first into an escape pod that could have fit three people. He close the hatch before anyone else could get in.

Slamming the large red button the pod exploded from the Star Destroyer and out towards space, actually, and thankfully towards the Constrictor which would pick up the pod after the battle. Looking out of the pods viewport, he watched what was once his flagship, or at least what was left of it, fold up onto itself engulfing the bridge and engine sections of the ship.

So much for fate smiling on me…

To’Barren brooded, screaming in frustration, he spun around and punched the viewport on the other side of the pod. When he moved his hand away he saw the most terrible thing he had ever laid eyes on. His pod was floating past the bridge of the Constrictor, so close he could almost see onboard. But that wasn’t what frightened him. The front edge of the Retribuition was soaring towards it… flames shooting out of the once pearly white hull. He was going to be caught in between. To’Barren pressed both his hands against the viewport and rested his forehead between them. He closed his eyes as the fire came closer. It was all over, and he knew it.

One last time, before his small, microscopic pod was swallowed by the fiery mass, To’Barren cursed his bad fortune. Little did he know, this had nothing to do with luck… it had everything to do with the force. It didn’t listen to any of his protests as the hulking mass cracked the pod’s glassteel window… the vacuum sucking whatever words To’Barren had left to utter, along with all his ambition and arrogance. Banner Ton was no more.

* * *

Vice Admiral Chorn quietly watched the two Star Destroyers blow up, seemingly from within. He had been charged with protecting To’Barren’s flank from Thrawn’s secondary forces. The line was held, and the group was making good progress, so much so he had allowed his attention to be drawn into what should have been the end of the treacherous Thrawn. Then chaos happened. There was no explanation for it. He didn’t know how he would react if his Springhawk Class Cruiser, the Icey Doom was beset by such terror. There was no reaction, no answer. The Retribution was destroyed, and the Constrictor now joined it, the remains of the ships colliding horribly.

“Run one more scan.” Chorn said. He was determined to find what caused it.

“Nothing sir… no wait. We have expanded the range… look at the edge of the system. An entire fleet of ships blending in with the stars… our sensor readout indicates an entire fleet, at the center of which is a Super-Class Star Destroyer. They are painted black and their IFF signatures do not register.”

The sensors officer, despite the dire news, was calm as any good Chiss should be. But even with that discovery there was no explanation for what happened to the Retribution. Chorn looked at the readout and watched as the Chimaera slid behind the two exploding destroyers falling back closer to the planet. The rest of the Imperial fleet was following suit, consolidating themselves. He glanced again at the black fleet, which was still just sitting there.

Chorn cleared his throat and opened a channel to the rest of the fleet. “Xen Chi fleet, Admiral To’Barren is out of contact, I am now in command. Form up with me, and we will make a final run at the planet.”

Chorn watched and waited as his ships heeded his commands. Some did… but not enough. Only a third of his remaining ships, including none of the Ssi-ruuk listened to his command. The others in small pockets began moving towards the edges of the system, running away from this new threat and whatever invisible force destroyed their leader. Co’rex and his ships obeyed, as did those that had Imperials as parts of its crews. The rest were clearly deciding to go off on their own. What he had left at his disposal would be barely enough to beat Thrawn, with all things being equal. With the black fleet, and his secret weapon there was only one solution.

“Form up, and change course to 178. We are jumping back to Svivren.”

Chorn and his ships began to turn and move out of the system’s gravity well – leaving what was once as sure victory behind. No one pursued…

* * *

Applause and celebrating erupted on the bridge of the Chimaera as the rest of the Xen Chi fleet began to withdraw. Paelleon shared a glance with Thrawn, neither sharing in the celebration. The old Captain approached the Grand Admiral.

“Sir, what did we just witness?”

Thrawn spoke these words as though they were most painful he had ever uttered. “I don’t know.”

“The black fleet is gone, but they’ve managed to leave some sort of jamming field over the entire system. We can’t send any signals outside the system. It was activated just over a second before the black fleet jumped into hyperspace. 1.44 to be exact.”

“Whatever happened to Banner Ton was their doing. Begin a full review of all sensor logs. I want an answer.”

“Yes sir.” Paelleon said, saluting, breaking the smallest of smiles. A victory after all, was still a victory.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by Notorious »

"Cowards!!" Captain Co'Rex shouted as he slammed his ashen fist against the console. Did they have no honor? No respect for the chain of command? At the first sign of adversity the damned aliens turned and ran.

The Redemption was just a piece of an unfinished puzzle if the fleet was not whole. The captain knew as well as Chorn did that without all their forces together their deaths were just short of inevitable.

"What the hell is going on?" he shouted. No one answered.

“Form up, and change course to 178. We are jumping back to Svivren.”

The order came with a cold, sterile tone, but given the current situation Co'Rex couldn't help but sense a hint of desperation in it. They had to retreat or risk losing everything.

"We should have won this battle," the captain whispered. "Do as he says, change course to 178 immediately. Angle all shields to rear-deflection and transfer weapon power to engines. Get us the frell out of here."
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Post by corsos »

ooc Notorious - our deal with Chorn and Co'rex will continue on this thread -viewtopic.php?t=6669

This will now act as the center of the Empire Thrawn-Imperial command post...I know there are a number of people out there that need to speak with the blue-man
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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[ooc] More to come [/ooc]

Post by Kytross »

Acting Captain Sropts Nesestial stood in the auxiliary bridge of the Lancer frigate Flyswatter. The remains of the second Xen’Chi fleet had fled and he was receiving status reports from what few non-commissioned officers remained after the main bridge had been destroyed while dealing with the first armada. Fresh out of academy with the last graduating class, Sropts had longed to prove himself in battle. Now that he had he was shaking his head at the damage that had been done, the lives lost. His best friends onboard had been lost to the plasma fire from a Xen’Chi Hetch’hek cruiser.

“Captain Nesestial,” Sropts turned his head to face the spaceman first class who was addressing him. Protocol classes from the academy blared klaxons in his head reminding him that Captains do not address enlisted men under most circumstances. He almost laughed when he considered that the last remaining commissioned officer aboard a ship assuming the captaincy and continuing to aid his fleet against two much larger alien armadas probably didn’t qualify as ‘most circumstances.’

“Report,” Sropts said as he returned the spaceman’s salute.

“Sir, we’re receiving a hail from the Interdictor.” Academy had only mentioned the Interdictor once in passing: through the information gathered by the first few models, the inderdictor class cruiser has been found to be more useful as a support vessel then a ship of the line. The Interdictor was the first ship of it’s kind, a cruiser with four gravity well projectors. Unlike it’s derivative designs, the Interdictor was 900 meters, not 600 meters and had almost as much firepower as a Victory class star destroyer mark 2.

“Thank you I’ll patch it through here.” Sropts leaned forward over the nearest console and typed on the lightboard, bringing up the holodisplay. An older man, in his late forties or early fifties stood there, lean and in excellent shape, hands folded behind his back. “Captain Nesestial reporting, Commodore Crassus.”

Crassus was the family name of one of the richest landowners in the Empire, and now parts of the New Republic. The Julia Crassus was a party girl who showed up on the cover of all the holorags and celebrity trash papers. Her mother had been just as bad at the same age, and had recently joined her daughter on an Empire spanning party that had hit all the best planets. Sropts couldn’t help but notice Commodore Darius Crassus bore an uncanny resemblance to the elder heiress to the Crassus fortune.

Be that as it may, Sropts and the rest of the crew of the Flyswatter owed Commodore Crassus their lives. When the bridge had been holed Crassus had engaged the Hetch’hek cruiser that was attacking Sropts ship. While distracting the Xen’Chi, Crassus had latched onto the wreck of a Xai’Chen Cruiser with his tractor beams and launched it into the Hetch’hek Cruiser. Crassus had taken Sropts under his wing and with a few Carracks and two VicStar one’s they held their part of the entrapment globe when the Imperial Star Destroyer that was commanding their battlegroup went down. Darius knew the capabilities of every ship under his command, and seemed to know the crews as well, always maneuvering his ships to where they could do the most good. Without him in command Sropts was sure his ship and probably the rest of the ships in their battle group would have been lost.

“Captain Nesestial, long range scans are picking up a large ship that has just dropped into system a good eight to ten light minutes out from Coruscant. Since we are the closest ships, the Flyswatter and the Interdictor will go and investigate.”

“Begging your pardon sir, but eight light minutes? Can’t we just open communications?”

The hologram of Darius Crassus smiled. “No son. When the Black Fleet left it blocked all hyperspace communications. All faster then light communications and scanners have been effectively jammed.”

“I’m sorry sir, I didn’t know.”

“It’s alright. You’ve got a lot on your mind right now. My sensor scans show most of your systems are fully operational, is that correct?”

“Except for the bridge, sir. Yes sir.”

“Well we’re the only two ships in decent fighting condition in this part of the fleet. So we’re going to go out there and take a look-see. Make sure this isn’t a threat to the Empire. You are on fighter patrol. If they’re hostile, take down anything they put in the air.”

“Aye aye sir. Ummm.”

Darius shook his head slightly. “Ummm? Do you have a question Captain?”

“Sir, I was wondering how your ship sustained so little damage. I’m grateful sir, it’s just that you were in the brunt of the fighting against both fleets. No disrespect sir, just curiosity.”

“Remember how I told you to drop engine power to ten percent and divert the excess energy from the engines to your shields when you’re not maneuvering?”

“Yes sir, and to divert it back after I’ve started my maneuvers. And that this tactic is only to be used in fleet engagements when I need to hold a position.”

Darius nodded. “Exactly. You learn quickly. I haven’t fired up my gravity well projectors much at all. Where do you think that excess energy has gone?”

It was so obvious, Sropts felt like an idiot. “Into your shields sir. I apologize for my ignorance.”

“Only willful ignorance needs to be apologized for, you’re not expected to know everything. Is your ship ready?”

“Sir, yes sir!”


The Interdictor and the Flyswatter broke away from the main fleet and vectored toward the new ship in system. Darius dropped a message detailing the events that prompted his actions and his decision into the message center. It would be routed up to the Grand Admiral in it’s due course. When the Grand Admiral saw them breaking away from the fleet he’d probably bring the message up faster, and if he wanted to recall Darius, he had plenty of time to catch them as they brought their ships up to flank speed and slowly, ever so slowly crossed the 143,900,379,840 odd meters to the unidentified ship’s position.
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Post by Kytross »

“We’re getting a message sir,” KD-74, a standard battle droid, said from his post at communications. The bridge was filled with droids, mostly regular battle droids, a few super battle droids, a number of droidekas and one power droid. There were five organic sentients on the bridge as well, one Sluissi, one Mon Calamari, one human and two Ithorians.

Ithorians, also known as hammerheads, had heads similar to the hammerhead shark. Taller and bulkier then most humanoids, the Ithorians had two mouths, one on either side of their neck. These two Ithorians were dressed similarly in simple cuts of silk. The elder sat at the sensors console the younger at the pilot station, both vigilant.

The human had brown hair and blue eyes. He leaned against the back wall with his hands in his pockets and watched everything that was going on while exuding nonchalance.

The Mon Calamari are an amphibious race with a fish-like head and long, webbed fingers. This Mon Cal was dressed in green silk, again simply cut, and had salmon/brown skin. He was sitting at the shields station, one eye on the console, the other watching the Sluissi. He was obviously nervous and low on patience.

The sluissi are a serpentine race, humanoid from the race up and snakelike from the waist down. This particular Sluissi was green with a white stripe down his belly. He wore a simple shirt and vest top with a belt, all of which had bits of technology, tools and gadgets attached to it, including a blaster on his right hip and two cylinders on his belt that could only be lightsabers. He slithered over towards the communications console that KD-74 sat at, his cane tapping on the floor. Since a cane could not possibly assist a being who slithered, it was an obvious affectation, one that was oddly suiting. The Sluissi had an air of concerned indifference that usually was seen in Grandparents watching their grandchildren.

“Did the message come in on radio or Hypercom?” The Mon Cal asked.

“Radio,” the droid answered. The Sluissi smiled.

“See Ackran?” the Sluissi said to the Mon Cal, “when the hyper sensors get jammed, the Hypercom goes as well. What we need to do is figure out what could cause a Hypercom black out like this. The only thing I can think of is a gravity fluctuation.”

“Well a gravity flux would do it, but couldn’t someone jam hyper com frequencies as well as normal frequencies? Like sensor stealthing or jamming on an electro magnetic scale” Ackran asked.

The Sluissi started to reply but the human interrupted, “Tolly? I’m all for theoretical reverse engineering, but don’t you think we ought to hear the message?”

“Good point Beasley, bring up the message KD-74,” the Sluissi, Tolly, said. The droid flipped a switch and after a burst of static a commanding voice came over the ship’s speakers.

“Unidentied ship, this is Imperial cruiser Interdictor. Power down your weapons and shields and prepare to be boarded for inspection.”

“Bossy isn’t he?” Tolly asked and got a laugh from Beasley. Tolly addressed the droid, “Send this back KD-74, ‘Interdictor, this is the Galactic Republic independent dreadnaught Morning Star. Admiral Ptolemy Alexander is here to parlay with Ensign Thrawn.’ Send that broadcast so their entire fleet will get it in 8 minutes. Pause and then send the correction to his rank. What is he now, a Grand Admiral?”

“Admiral?” Ackran asked, “Since when were you an Admiral? I thought your latest delusion had you as a Colonel.”

“Lay off the snake Ackran,” Beasley said from the wall, “at least look up the Sluissi on the holonet before you cut him down.”

“Who are you anyway?” the Mon Cal asked, one of his eyes shifting to glare at Beasley, “why is he even on the bridge?”

The elder Ithorian spoke up, turning his gaze away from his console for a moment to look at the Mon Cal. “His name is Beasley. He asked me if he could join us on the bridge, and says he has experience with capital ships. I asked Tolly and Tolly said it was okay.”

“Bearron’s got it pretty much dead on accurate, I’m here to help. What do you want me to do Tolly?” Beasley asked, addressing the sluissi.

Tolly was looking at the sensor console, rubbing one of his fingers under the back of his jaw, the two Imperial ships were still six light minutes out. “Stand there and look pretty.” Beasley laughed. Tolly tapped the screen of the console. “I think that’s a Lancer frigate with the Interdictor. You all know what a Lancer is right?”

“An anti-starfighter platform with engines,” Beasley answered quickly. Ackran swiveled an eye to scrutinize Beasley.

“Why would he bring a Lancer with him? A dreadnaught only fields one squadron of fighters, he’s got to have at least that many fighters, probably two squadrons. It makes little sense.” Tolly leaned on his cane, pondering the situation.

“Perhaps they couldn’t get a good reading on us without hyper sensors?” Bearron asked.

“No,” Tolly said dismissively, “They got a full electromagnetic spectrum read on us I’m sure. That’s why we didn’t see a response until twenty minutes after we got here. They needed 8 minutes for passive sensors to pick us up, a couple minutes to identify what we are and then 8 minutes for the light and other electromagnetic sensors to bounce back to us. Besides, electromagnetic scanners are more accurate then hyper sensors. No, they knew what we are. There has to be another reason for the Lancer.”

Beasley walked over to the sensor station and looked over Bearron’s other shoulder at the display. After a minute he said, “There’s a lot of debris trailing in Coruscant’s revolutionary orbit.”

“There’s always debris in Coruscant’s revolutionary orbit. Spacers drop garbage and ships break down. It’s got more traffic then any other planet in the galaxy. In fact, where is all the commercial traffic? Why aren’t there any deliveries being made?” Tolly asked, reaching over Bearron’s shoulder and extending the range of the display. There were no commercial ships to be found and an overabundance of debris near where the planet had been no more then a few hours ago.

“There was a battle,” Beasley said. Tolly nodded; Beasley continued, “A big one. Imagine if we could salvage that.”

Tolly grinned. “Maybe we can. I think we’re looking at the Xen’Chi’s attempt to butt heads with Thrawn. I can use this in my negotiations.”

“You’re actually going to negotiate with the Empire?” Ackran was incredulous. All eyes turned toward the Mon Cal after his outburst. Then a proximity klaxon went off and everyone turned to look at the sensor display. There were two images of the Interdictor and the lancer frigate on the display. One was still 6 light minutes out, the other was less then 10 miles distant; killing range for a star destroyer of that size.

“What happened?” Bearron asked.

“He made a microjump,” Tolly replied, letting out a slight hiss.

FB-251 spoke up, “Sir, the ship is hailing us and wishes to open a channel of communication.”

Tolly grinned. “Certainly, put the human on screen.”

No sooner had he said the word then a life-size version of a middle aged human male who kept his body well trimmed appeared in the main display of the Morning Star. He was obviously the captain of the Interdictor. Immediately there appeared a much younger human next to him, probably the captain of the lesser vessel.

“Greetings!” Tolly said with a smile, leaning heavily on his cane, “How are you today?” Tolly released the transmit button.

Bearron spoke up before the imperial commodore could answer. “Tolly, his ship is at 78% operability. The lancer, Flyswatter, is functioning at above 90%, except its bridge is completely gone.”

“That would explain why the other officer is in a Lieutenant’s uniform.” Tolly said with a grin.

“Greetings Admiral Alexander,” The elder human said with a foreboding smile, “I’m afraid you’ve been missing for nearly twenty years and the Republic as you knew it no longer exists. You need to power down your shields and weapons and prepare to be boarded.”

“Missing? Is that what Palpatine classified me as? Be a dear and let your reagent know that I’m here to parlay.” Tolly smiled at the officer. The officer’s face was cool and emotionless.

“Be that as it may you will power down your weapons and shields and prepare to receive boarders.”

“Actually,” Tolly paused, “You know, you never introduced yourself. Is that Imperial policy? In the Republic fleet it was required to identify yourself to the people you’re trying to arrest, especially those complying with galactic custom, like me.”

“I am Commodore Darius Crassus,” said Commodore Darius Crassus his eyes closing slightly, “You have one minute to power down your weapons before I open fire.”

“Commodore Crassus,” Tolly said with a wider grin, “Formerly of the Devastator? Anakin wrote in your file that you were one of the most competent officers he’d ever served with. I would expect someone who earned such high praise from Lord Skywalker to know that it is Intragalactic custom for a warship seeking parlay with a hostile faction to come to a stop as they exit hyperspace and make no hostile actions. I have fully complied with those customs.”

“I have never had the pleasure of meeting the rebel Skywalker, and you have 37 seconds to comply.” Crassus’ voice was calm and collected.

“Sir, they’re generating a gravity field,” Beasley said, still looking over Bearron’s shoulder at the display.

Tolly nodded acknowledgement to Beasley and addressed Crassus, “Commodore, I will power down my weaponry if you will look up Intragalactic custom to verify I have complied.”

Darius stared at the Sluissi for a long moment, letting the seconds tick down. Suddenly he let out a loud piercing shriek, grabbing his head and flailed out of the holo receivers.

“Crassus, Crassus, are you alright?” Tolly shouted into the voice receiver for the holocom. The only answer was continuing shrieks of horrific pain.

“What happened?” Ackran asked.

“I have no idea,” Tolly said meekly. Then the ship rocked as the Interdictor fired a barrage of energy, turbolasers and Ion cannon, into the Morning Star’s shields. “Sithspit!” Tolly said as he was tossed about from the impact, his long tail keeping him from falling. Beasley, who was not sitting and had no tail for ballast, found himself sprawled out face first on the deck. “Bring shields to full,” Tolly shouted.

Fully aware that Tolly had installed a planetary level shield generator on the Morning Star, Ackran answered him calmly, “Shields to full power,” quite satisfied that while the larger ship outgunned them and would eventually win in a slugging match, it would be hours upon hours before the Interdictor could drop the Morning Star’s shields and that Tolly would find a way out of their predicament before that happened.

“Ion cannon fire only, every available cannon on the Lancer, any other ion cannons are to target the Interdictor.” Tolly barked out.

“Roger, roger,” FB-251 said from his station, relaying the order to the appropriate battle droids throughout the vessel.

“Cousin Eyehra,” Tolly addressed the younger Ithorian, “vector us between the two capital ships, I don’t want the Lancer getting away.”

“Aye sir,” Eyehra said as he bent to his console and began piloting.

“Beasley, man the tractor console and direct the droids to latch onto the Lancer when we get close enough and hold it in place.” Tolly sighed, wiping his brow. “We need to disable that ship before our fighters can attack their cap ships.” Beasley nodded as he picked himself up off the ground and sprinted to the tractor console, barking his own orders to the droids there.

“Bearron, what kind of fighters did they launch any TIE bombers?”

“No Tolly, no fighters have been launched,” Bearron replied.

Tolly turned to look at him. “No fighters were launched?”

“None Tolly.”

Tolly chuckled. “Well that explains why he brought the Lancer. I thought he had compliment of bombers. XL-1?”

The power droid who had been standing on deck responded with a “gonk.”

“Tell DL-81 and the remaining fighters to launch. His is important: keep out of range of the Lancer. Keep the Interdictor or the Morning Star between them and the lancer at all times. Their target is the Interdictor’s shield projectors on top of the control tower. The Imps don’t have any fighters so it should be an easy run. If they launch fighters, they are to return to the Morning Star and I will come up with another strategy. Got all that? Repeat it back to me.” XL-1 hopped from foot to foot and gonked three times. Tolly nodded. “Perfect, go do it.”

“I don’t know how you understand him,” Ackran said from his chair.

Tolly turned toward Ackran, ignoring the question, “Bring the shields down to 75%, we’re drawing too much power to bring all our guns to bear and work the engines. Call the other XL droids and have them power into the Shield system, we’ll bring the shields to full after that.”

“Aye, aye,” Ackran said with a sigh.

Tolly paced back and forth, tapping his cane, mumbling, “What am I forgetting, what am I forgetting?” He stopped and opened a com channel, “Interdictor, cease fire, I do not want to continue hostilities, cease fire.” Tolly bent down and set up a program to repeat that message every five minutes. Now he could only sit back and see if his plan would work.
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Post by corsos »

ooc Kytross - havent seen you post in a while - is all well? Here is a 'move the war along' post


“We are bogged down Grand Admiral. When they retreated, the Xen Chi left worlds in ruined. We have had to rebuild entire economies, it takes time.” The Moff of Finance spoke quietly. “The people must be able to eat in order to build the ships and other equipment we need for war.”

Maezal Voss sat quietly, looking over the faces of the room. Appointed Director of Intelligence he had taken a far more low-key role in government than the majority of his predecessors. That type of role was necessary when the former Director overthrew the government and crowned himself Emperor. Voss still officially held the rank of Captain the Imperial Navy, but he was no longer running a ship. It was no surprise Grand Admiral Thrawn had appointed someone from the Navy, where he had the most loyalty, to such an important position. But Voss had more experience that his years as a Captain. He was a sensors and communications officer, and was a bureaucrat in the middle echelons of Naval Command with roles as a quartermaster, deployment and other mundane roles. The other part of his career was classified, his five years in Imperial Intelligence as a sector Chief. He didn’t cut any throats, or steal any state secrets but he was an organizer and facilitator for those that did such things. He was a bureaucrat, but a damn good one and a fine leader.

At least, he thought so.

Voss didn’t need any official training in intelligence gathering to tell how annoyed and frustrated Thrawn was becoming with the reports from the Moffs and planetary governors at this meeting. Unfortunately for the blue skinned Regent, everything the Moffs were telling him was true. His estimates on the cost of the damage caused by the Xen Chi during their withdrawal were astronomical. Paying for all the reparations, while at the same time paying for the construction of new ships was bordering on unrealistic. Unfortunately, Thrawn had no interest in hearing about such restrictions on his ability to wage war.

“Why do civilian construction operations require the use of my military?” Thrawn calmly asked.

Voss cleared his throat this time. “My people on the ground inform me that many systems are bordering on revolution sir. The presence of our troops calm the populace. It would bog down our military even more if these systems went into revolt.”

“And your estimates are accurate Director Voss?”

“As much as they can be sir. I see no other choice than to continue on our current course.”
Thrawn sighed, about as much emotion as you would ever see from the Chiss Grand Admiral. He had heard all the reports, and was forced to face a grim reality. To his credit, despite not liking the information he accepted it and would deal with it as best he could. A man like Damascus would try and twist facts and pursue his own course regardless.

“Carry on then.” Thrawn said, and the room began to disperse.

Voss was stopped on his way out by one of Thrawn’s aides, who ushered him back to the Grand Admiral’s private office. He waited there for him, sitting in his chair. “Maezal, sit.”

“Sir.” Voss sat, as commanded.

“I placed you as Director of Intelligence because you deal in facts, figures and truth. You are not cloak and dagger. So tell me, according to your information, are things like the Moffs tell me?”

“Yes sir, as far as I can tell. As you know, intelligence, projections and estimates are not an exact science. The Xen Chi have left us ragged. Imperial citizens are not in a good way, to put it plainly sir. And we cannot afford to be away fighting the Xen Chi, and leave our core support unhappy and susceptible to New Republic swindling. We have a treaty with them, I know, but they would try to assert their influence to gain the support of the people.”

Thrawn nodded, knowing Voss was right. “Have you managed a hypothesis for the Xen Chi’s withdrawal despite not suffering any major defeats?”

“Not yet sir, but I expect a slew of intel from Admiral Dreskul and Captain Prescott after they conclude their engagement with the enemy in the unknown regions. Preliminary reports are positive, including initial success of hard data extraction for their facilities.”

Thrawn nodded. “Good. The data we received from their communications hub has not proved as useful as I hoped. Bring this data to me once it is decoded and analyzed.”

“Of course, sir.” Voss said, and left the room. Thrawn was a Navy man, and now with his fleet occupied he was being forced to rely on intel to feed his needs for persecuting the war. For Voss, the pressure was on.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

ooc with Sharrek involved... ill have to bring back an old friend from the Silk Dragon Consortium... Im going to achieve full closure with this storyline...


"Who's there?"

"Skarrek." Came the semi-garbled voice over the communicator. It was all he needed to hear, so he turned it off. This source was never wrong.

"I can't beleive he's still alive."

"I'm sure he would say the same about you." His trusted Liuetenant smirked, feet resting on his desk. Protege was a more likely term, because when all was said and done it ws him would run the information Empire that had been created in secrecy.

"It's been a long time. Something tells me that the years have treated him better than they have me. I'm an old man."

"And over the hill." The smile on the younger man's face made him laugh. His protege had all the skills necessary to run what he had created, and had a far better personality. No doubt many of his employees couldn't wait for him to die.

"I think it's time I returned to the fold."

"Your call boss, just remember what you told me. If you go back, there's no coming back."

"Contact Voss and tell him Grant Tirelli is back. Ill be meeting his Rogue Fleet in Xen Chi space."
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by Jagtai »

Space lit up as two dozen alien ships emerged from hyperspace. Leading the fleet was six massive warships which dwarfed the Imperial Star Destroyers guarding the system. Behind them came a score of smaller vessels. Each and everyone of the warships were painted darkblue and bristled with weapons.

First Admiral Eshtemoh Cosimo stood on the bridge of the flagship, the Apocalypse-class Command Ship Wisdom's Judgement. His steelblue eyes studied the Imperial fleet defending the Imperial capital. Then he turned to his Comm Officer:

"Hail the Imperial Fleet."
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Post by corsos »

"Who in the Emperor's name are they?"

Paelleon asked.

"Black Star Confederacy." Thrawn said icily from his command chair onboard the Chimaera. The Chiss had been spending more time on the Chimaera recently, trying to stay out of the nonsense at the capital.

"They are hailing us."

"Put them through."

"Yes sir."

They waited to see what the BCS had to say...
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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