Dawn of Darkness

18 years after the Battle of Yavin...
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Dawn of Darkness

Post by Cadden »

OOC: If anyone cannot see beyond a potential story, and thusly has biased issues against what they will discover in reading this, then take it here. I will not start an OOC thread until I get things fully explained. This is the kickstart of a project I have revolving around this thread's, and hopefully its successors', main character & stuff involving him.


Holoworld III, one year ago

The cantina, dubbed, the Firegnat, rested in the slums of the city Inspiration, the capital of Holoworld III. There, in the back room, he waited for his adversary to meet his end. Who entered the room did not look like who he had fought back on Falleen, but it mattered not. His signature in the Force remained the same. Wasting no time, he unclipped his lightsaber.

A snap-hiss, and a red blade glowed before his muscular, armored body. “You haven’t changed,” his adversary noted, sizing the Dark Jedi up. “I must say, I didn’t expect you to be here so soon.”

“Blackthorne,” he said, his voice dark, deep, and dead of emotion. “It ends here. This will be a testament to all the Jedi… of what happens when they commit treason.”

Then the charge, and his opponent immediately took out his white blade, ignited it, and the two beams clashed. The armored man twisted his wrist, and allowed his blade to slide free, before he dodged the resulting impact of Dark Jedi’s, then brought his own around and at a diagonal cut. The blow was met with the Dark Jedi’s own lightsaber.

“Did Maladan tell you to kill me?” he asked. “If so… then you shall fail as well. The old man thought he could defeat one as skilled as I… and he was wrong.” The comment had not shaken his opponent. This meant nothing to him, however, and instead of awaiting a response, jabbed at the other, whom in return shifted his body to the left as the lightsaber came within centimeters of impacting his Mandalorian armor. His opponent swatted away the blade before he could alter his attack, and then performed a roundhouse kick. The move caught him off-guard, and caused him to stumble back.

“You’ve prepared,” the he noted. “Too bad it was for nothing.” As he brought his blade back, his opponent brought up his left arm and, using the Force to trigger the command, let the projectile fly. A split second later, the small projectile which left the gauntlet’s hidden launcher split itself in two, with a small wire connecting the two points. Arrowheads popped out the front, and another split second passed before it made contact. The lightsaber flew out of his hand, and was carried to the wall behind him, whereupon was slammed against the wall as the two ends of the projectile bore into the duracrete.

“You have no idea,” his enemy responded. He disengaged his lightsaber and discarded it. “Now, we play on my terms.” The man produced a DH-17 blaster pistol.

He just laughed. “No blaster pistol can harm me,” he said, and brought out his hand to call it from his opponent’s. However, the armored man had prepared for this and, as the pistol left its grasp, he followed it to its new carrier, bringing his fist back and connecting it with his jaw. He collapsed backward, and the pistol fell to his side, whereupon his opponent called it to his own hand.

“Then you shall be proven wrong,” the man said, and brought it up to meet him. “Defeat is part of a warrior’s life… and I have recovered from our last battle. Stronger than before.” His opponent squeezed the trigger, but not before he could roll out of the way. The Dark Jedi then called his lightsaber to his hand, as it broke free of its bond, and was already using the Force to toss the blaster pistol aside from his foe. The lightsaber reached his hand, and the red blade protruded, and he swung with all his might.

And stopped. The Dark Jedi could not have ever heard this counter-attack come, however, because he would have never thought his enemy to use a vibroblade in a lightsaber battle. He looked down at the blade, lodged into his gut, as a crimson fluid began to run down his dark armor, and drip to the ground.

His hand grew weak, and he dropped the lightsaber to the ground, and disengaged, as the red blade slid back into the hilt. He looked at the armored man, furious and with disbelief.

“You are weak,” the man told him, “and very predictable.” He called the blaster pistol to his hand one last time, and pointed it directly at his forehead. “And now, Ilan Garuda, you shall die as nothing more than a man who was proven wrong.” He squeezed the trigger, and a single blaster bolt came out of the pistol, and Garuda fell to the ground. Darkness, and silence, consumed him….

The commotion caused the people in the front of the cantina to call for the authorities. And when the proper authorities had arrived, Blackthorne was long gone. They investigated the crime scene. Given the obvious signs of a combat scenario, they concluded it was more of a “private business”, of sorts. Regardless, they had to clean up and close the case. The obvious fact was that the man, lying in a pool of blood, with a scorch mark on his forehead, was dead, and had to be removed. It was bad for business, after all.

Two medical officers hauled the limp body on to a medical repulsorsled, and hauled to a repulsorcraft to be carried to the morgue. Once they loaded the corpse on in the vehicle, one man spotted movement. Curious, the two approached, on either side.

With a last bid of energy, two hands firmly grasped the men. Before they could panic, however, a strange, tingling sensation ripple through their bodies, and then they were unable to make any noise, as suddenly the pain grew so immense, that within seconds, both fell to the ground, dead.

Slowly, with some effort, the two hands retracted, and tossed aside the medical sheet. Ilan Garuda lifted himself off the sled, and out of the vehicle. He noticed his lightsaber was missing, and he narrowed his eyes. True, he was alive, but still weak, and he needed to flee. He could always build another lightsaber, and it was unlikely he would be able to retrieve either his or Teslar’s before anyone else could, and before making a scene. Darth Vader and Darth Sidious’s teachings came into his mind, and utilizing what was left of his strength in the Force, he concealed himself from view, and retreated to safety.

A couple hours later, a lone, battered Kihraxz-class fighter broke atmosphere and entered orbit of Holoworld III.. Once the coordinates were set, it burst into lightspeed, never to return to the world.

Present Day

He had grown in power. Teslar Maladan had been quite useful to him, after all, having utilized what he had learned from training the fool’s remaining Force and life reserves one year ago. Ilan had learned of a powerful artifact, through his journeys, which would aid him in his bid to destroy the Jedi, eradicating them from the face of the galaxy forever. He had traveled to many places, touched by the Dark Side of the Force. Ziost, Roon, Ambria, Thule; each location granted him more knowledge, more power. It was only a matter of time before his training under the two Sith Lords, Vader and Sidious, had proven to be a useful tool in unlocking the secrets these planets held.

The Dark Lords had failed in their plan. They had hoped to keep him away from their teachings. And, with the arts of the Sith embedded in his memory, he expounded upon them with their teachings, and took on the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith. Whether other Sith would consider him one or not, he held the knowledge, the teachings, and was trained in the arts of the Sith.

During this time, he had a run-on with an old warship, perhaps one of the last of its kind. If it weren’t for the fact that it was manned and fully operational, it would have been a floating tomb. The Venator-class Star Destroyer Mark II had become his personal flagship, after he had “convinced” the captain that his best interests were to be loyal to him. However, despite its complement of seventeen TIE-series fighters, it still was not enough. Ilan soon found himself thirsting for more power. More possessions, unaware that it was happening.

Of course, every master would need an apprentice, and so, Ilan had taken under his wing not one, but several apprentices. Even together, they could not defeat him. Not yet, anyway, for they still had a way to go before they could compare to him in both the skills of a lightsaber and the knowledge of the Force. And so began his movement, a move to put the Jedi Order to ruin, once and for all. He would do what, with all their power, Darth Vader and Darth Sidious were unable to do. Ilan was determined to exterminate every last Jedi.

OOC: Okay, with introductions out of the way, you can expect the next post to be an actual piece of writing, instead of recounts. Hey, I needed to put people up to speed on why Ilan is still alive, and what he's been doing, somehow. :P
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Post by Cadden »

OOC: Okay, I decided to do a little more of an introductory thing. Just to kind of make things a little clearer, if the Wikia entries and narraration do not. Besides, there are a few things on the agenda that need explaining, so I'll be doing that in these next posts. Each of the following four posts are for each world Ilan visists. Afterwards, it'll be another post or three before things are finally caught up. So, likely, no more than ten more posts by yours truly 'fore it's all about the present.

Again, this is just to make things clearer, no other reason. Well... that, and it's fun. :P


Ziost, Eleven months ago

Ilan dropped out of hyperspace several hundred kilcks away from the long-forgotten Sith world. The Force had led him to this place, he could feel its power… it surging power from the Dark Side of the Force. It was reaching out to him, beckoning him to enter the atmosphere, and find the citadel. Ilan was not one to argue destiny, and so he followed the beckoning of the Dark Side. Not long before his fighter entered the atmosphere did he sense a powerful individual in the Force on the world. There was a small concentration of power, coming from the very citadel he wished to visit. Ilan smirked.

Good, he thought. My first apprentice. Unless, of course, he is a fool. Ilan found himself entering the atmosphere, and it was not long before he found a landing spot near the citadel he wished to visit.

The hike was short, but required some excess energy to achieve. A short amount of time passed before he arrived at the entrance to the citadel. Ilan took a deep breath, absorbing the Dark Side energies of this place, before he took the first step inside.

“I can feel your presence, Fallen One,” he heard a deep voice echo through the halls. Ilan frowned, knowing it was the one who he would have to defeat, in order to take his first step toward destiny. “You come in search of answers… there are none. Only death.”

“Small talk,” Ilan responded, “coming from one who serves a dead master.” He could feel the other’s anger, and knew battle was upon him. No one approached him, which irked Ilan greatly. “Will you hide like a coward? Stand and face me!”

Around a corner ahead strolled a man, wearing nothing but black. His robes were draped by a hooded cloak, and his face covered by a mast with no holes. Across the bridge of the mask’s would-be nose and down the would-be cheeks was painted a thin stripe of red, which could have been mistaken as a representation of tears of blood. Ilan was not intimidated.

Without hesitation, with little warning, the man moved, and Ilan could feel a dark manifestation form nearby, and come straight for him. He had little time to react, but it was enough. His training as an assassin under Darth Vader and Darth Sidious granted him exceptional reflexes in the Force. He sensed where the invisible projectile came from, and held out his hand. A wave of dark energy rushed against him, and dissipated around him as the attack was foiled. Another attack, and Ilan blocked it. Two more, also blocked. Ilan grinned at his foe.

“Wasted effort,” he said, and unhooked his lightsaber. Not a second later could he feel himself begin to grow ill. A toxin began to invade his body, yet there was no means of entry. Which meant that this individual was casting it upon him. Ilan frowned, and instead of resisting the poisonous effect, allowed it to take its course as he focused on the Living Force. Within moments, he could feel the effects gone, and no trace of the poison left over. “If that is all the power you have,” he finally noted, “then it is a waste of my time to deal with you properly.”

“I am to guard this place with my life,” the man stated. “And so I shall.” He felt a twinge of pain, and immediately reacted by using the Force to block the effect of the new power against him. Ilan was fed up with this, and lifted his hand in the air. The man followed, but then pushed him back with the Force, collapsing to the ground.

Ilan recovered his footing, and activated his lightsaber. “Good,” he said. “Something useful.” He charged against his foe, and swung his blade fiercely against the other. The man ignited his own blade, a purple glow emanating from its hilt, and blocked Ilan’s throw. He then took a large, powerful swing against Ilan, and the sheer force of the blow caused his lightsaber’s position to falter slightly. Ilan was impressed, but he was not moved. He pushed the counterattack aside and jabbed at the man’s chest.

His opponent saw this coming, and dodged aside, using the momentum to fuel his next violent throw. Ilan blocked, and then pushed the man back with the Force. “You are skilled,” he noted, “but you will not beat me. I was trained by the Sith… you cannot hope to overcome my power, my skills. But I have uses for someone of your caliber… submit to me, and you shall be spared.”

The Dark Jedi master looked at Ilan for some time. “I serve no master,” he simply responded. Ilan shrugged, and once again pushed forward with his hand, sending a wave of Force Lightning at his opponent. He had no time to react from its unpredictability, and the sheer force of the attack made him fly back and collide against the wall. His lightsaber flew out of his hand, and Ilan called it to his own. The Dark Assassin walked over to the fallen Dark Jedi Master, and activated the purple blade, crossing it with his own with his enemy’s head between the tips of the blades.

“Now… you were saying?” Ilan asked. There was no response. “Make no mistake, you are not that useful to me, and I will kill you if you do not pledge your allegiance. Your unconditional allegiance.”

The Dark Jedi Master looked up at Ilan, before finally nodding. “You are clearly the superior of the two of us,” he acknowledged. “I am at your command.” Ilan waiting a moment, to demonstrate to him that he was no fool, before he deactivated both blades, and tossed the Dark Jedi Master’s nearby.

“What is your name?” Ilan asked.

“Fos Vadan,” the other responded.

Ilan nodded. “Well, Fos Vadan,” he continued, “you are to remain here until further notice. Kill anyone who attempts to gain entrance.” Fos nodded. It was nothing unlike his previous assignment, so the new one did not bother him a bit. “I will summon you when I am ready.” This piqued the other’s curiosity, but the master of the Dark Side remained silent.

Ilan spent the following several hours seeking out and collecting knowledge that he had sought out. Knowledge previously deemed forbidden by anyone but his prior masters whom set foot in this citadel. And Fos Vadan, the protector of the world, was not only forbidden to look for this ancient knowledge, but also knew nothing of how to reach it. At the end of Ilan’s search, he had successfully discovered the location of two Sith holocrons. The Dark Jedi discarded them in a small pouch, and left the citadel to its protector’s care. Soon, this world would be meaningless to him. Now, he needed to visit the next world on his agenda. The planet Roon, once headquarters to the New Sith Empire. He would finish this journey, and he would become a Sith. No mere Dark Jedi was capable enough of defeating him in combat.
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Post by Cadden »


The lone Kihraxz fighter dropped out of lightspeed in high orbit, and the Dark Jedi onboard began to plot a course for his next location. Once the headquarters of the New Sith Empire, Roon was a shadow of what it had once been. He was just outside the ring of asteroids and meteors, any closer and Ilan would risk the destruction of his ship upon leaving hyperspace. He looked at the orbiting belt, and immediately plotted his course for the ancient Sith stronghold, a place now taboo to the inhabitants, and unknown to almost any off-worlder. If what Ilan heard was true, then anyone from off-world who decided to look in to the location of that stronghold, and find it, would be dead by now. A Dark Jedi Knight guarded the place, much like Fos Vadan on Ziost, and Ilan was sure, two more on the other two worlds he would visit after he was finished here.

It was not long before he found a landing spot not far from the stronghold, and Ilan brought the ship down in the thick jungle that surrounded the ancient site. He left the ship, and, lightsaber in hand, proceeded onward. The walk was short, no more than thirty minutes, and as he arrived at his destination, he could feel the Dark Side swelling around this place. Only the most dangerous of wildlife even dared to consider coming close, and often they kept their distance. Taking a deep breath, and closing his eyes, Ilan grinned. Yes… this “guardian” was, indeed, inside. He suspected that not even the Dark Jedi inside the stronghold knew of the secrets of this place. Stretching out with the Force, Ilan found the center of the Dark Side power, deep within the stronghold’s underground complex.

As he entered the doors to this place of darkness, Ilan heard two lightsabers suddenly activate. He waited, looked around, and then activated his own blade, just as the two red ones of his enemy came bearing down on him. “A fellow Makashi expert, I see,” Ilan said, keeping his blade between the other two. “And, I notice, you are skilled in Jar’Kai, using Niman.” He grinned. “This will be enjoyable.”

“I shall destroy you, as I have destroyed others that have come before you,” the masked man said. Ilan just looked at the two piercing red eyes behind the black and red mask, and granted his opponent a taunting laugh. The Dark Jedi brought one of his blades around to attack Ilan, while attempting to use the other to keep Ilan’s own lightsaber at bay.

It didn’t work. Ilan cut through the other’s first bladed defense, and brought his lightsaber around to deflect the other. Then, before his enemy could swing a third time, Ilan leapt back, and brought his blade to his side, holding it horizontally and pointed away from his body. “Do not make the mistake in thinking your expertise in Jar’Kai will win you this battle,” Ilan taunted. “Your skills with the blade are strong, but I sense that your powers in the Force are undeveloped.”

As the masked Dark Jedi charged in response, Ilan held out his hand and sent a mighty shove of telekinetic energy his opponent’s way. It hit its target, and knocked him off-balance. Ilan took the charge and, fiercely, swept his arm forward, as if he were throwing a punch, and whipped his blade forward in a broad arc. The sheer intensity of the assault battered away one of the Dark Jedi’s lightsabers, but he was able to block with the other, and kicked Ilan up and over him. The two lightsabers clashed as one Dark Jedi flipped over another, and as Ilan landed, he brought his blade down in a sweeping motion, while turning on heel. The masked Dark Jedi blocked and rolled away as Ilan attempted another assault.

As he got up, the Dark Jedi found his lightsaber flying out of his hand, and deactivating nearby. A gleaming red blade came centimeters from his neck, and rested there, as Ilan looked at the Dark Jedi. “You are skilled,” Ilan noted. “I have uses for one of your caliber. Submit to me, become my servant, and your life shall be spared.”

He could feel the other’s anger swell, but then it subsided. Ilan was pleased to learn that the masked Dark Jedi knew when he was beaten. He withdrew his blade as the other took a kneeling bow. “My lord,” the masked one spoke. “What is it you wish of me?”

Ilan grinned. “You will continue to protect this stronghold,” he responded. The other looked up at him, and Ilan could sense his confusion. “I will call you to me when it is time. I have come here for other purposes, however.”

The Dark Jedi knew exactly what Ilan was referring to. A stronghold of the Sith, when protected, was rarely empty of artifacts. The masked one nodded and informed him of the doorway, locked by the Force, to the underground complex. When he was finished explaining how to get there, Ilan nodded. “Do not follow me,” he instructed, “or my amnesty will be withdrawn.” Another bow, and Ilan left for the underground complex.

Once he had retrieved what he was after, Ilan re-emerged with a device in his palm. The masked Dark Jedi looked at it, and back at Ilan. A Sith holocron. “I will await your word, my lord,” he spoke with a bow. Ilan just nodded, and left the stronghold. Half an hour later, he lifted his fighter from the surface, and made his way out of the atmosphere and past the asteroid ring. Once he was clear, Ilan plotted his next course. The planet Ambria. It was said that the planet was home of a lake infected by the Dark Side. Though, Ilan had no plans of visiting this place until after he retrieved his next holocron.

After he made the jump to lightspeed, Ilan began working on activating the Sith holocron, to learn of its secrets.


It was his second-to-last stop. Ilan observed the planet before him. Indeed, he could feel the swelling energies of the Dark Side focused on a singular place on this world. That must have been Lake Natth. He could also feel a faint Dark Side energy focused on another portion of the planet, using the lake’s dark energies to nearly blind its presence in the Dark Side. Admirable, Ilan noted, and somewhat ironic. He had not planned on visiting the Dark Lake so soon after he found the stronghold, but it seemed like he might be in for a real treat.

Landing his fighter in the swamp-like environment, Ilan once again left the ship and made his way to the faint source of the Dark Side. Once there, he was actually mildly surprised. It was more of a tower than a fortress, or temple, or stronghold. Slightly bulkier than a standard tower would be concerned, Ilan quickly deducted that most of the place must be underground.

Frowning, Ilan entered the tower, only to find it vastly vacant. He could not feel any one else’s presence, but he could feel a slight dark nexus underground. Working to discover the hidden passage, Ilan was able to make his way down to the lower level underneath the tower. There, before him, stood another Dark Jedi. He would have been mildly surprised, but Ilan knew that any place Palpatine wished to guard would need a protector in the Dark Side of the Force. The individual before him wore a Mandalorian-esque mask, and Ilan would have mistaken him for a Mandalorian had it not been for obvious dissimilarities in appearances.

The other did not even speak, and instead held his hand forward, and sent forth a wave of electric energy toward Ilan. The becoming-Sith held up his own hand, palm facing his enemy, and absorbed the energy. Then, the other unclipped his blade, and charged, igniting it en route. Ilan unclipped his own, and ignited it as well, then clashed against his aggressor’s.

I grow tired of these games, he thought, sourly, and sent his knee into his opponent’s gut. The other doubled over and, while distracted, Ilan sent his elbow against the back of his neck, sending him to the ground. The lightsaber deactivated as the masked opponent’s hands hit the floor, and Ilan swiftly kicked the blade away. “I sense the Dark Side in you,” he said, his own blade near the masked man’s chin. “What is your name?”

“My name is not of your concern,” the masked man spoke in a gruff voice. “For you are insignificant compared to me.”

Ilan laughed. “Considering how easily defeated you are, I would watch that tongue.” Ilan motioned the man to stand up, and he did so.

“You did not defeat me,” the masked Dark Jedi responded. He lifted his hand, and Ilan found himself following, and his throat began to grow tighter. “I merely underestimated you. A mistake I will not do so again.” The Dark Jedi called his lightsaber back to him and activated it. “Now… perish.”

Ilan was successfully able to cancel out the masked Dark Jedi’s attack, just as the blade came for him. Ilan blocked it, and the duel began. Both attacked with ferocity, and both deflected or dodged with near-perfect timing. Then, Ilan changed the tide of the duel with a series of seemingly unrelated swings and lunges. Each attack his enemy grew less proficient at blocking, until finally, Ilan broke through, and kicked the man away from him. He used the Force to pull the Dark Jedi back to him, and he gripped his neck, lifting him off the ground.

“You are beaten now,” Ilan tormented. “Your skills in lightsaber combat cannot go unnoticed, however. I will give you this one chance to join me. If you refuse, I will end you, here and now.”

There was a moment of silence, before the masked one spoke. “Very well,” he responded. “I shall join you, under the sole condition you relieve me of this position.”

“In due time,” Ilan responded, dropping the man. He landed to his knees, and touched his throat. Ilan’s grip was powerful, and there was no doubt he could have killed the masked Dark Jedi. “You will remain here until further notice,” Ilan continued. He could feel the other’s glare, but the masked man knew he could not kill Ilan, and so no aggressive motion was made. “But first, I require access to the storage room.”

The Dark Jedi nodded. “Very well,” he said. He led Ilan to the door, which was sealed with the Force. Concentrating, Ilan began to manipulate the energies around the door, until finally, the door gave way and split open, revealing the near-empty room Ilan was in search of. It contained only two objects, both Sith holocrons. Ilan collected them both, and looked at the masked man. “You have no need to protect this place any further,” he spoke. “But you will remain here until I call upon you.”

The other hesitantly nodded in agreement. “So it shall be done.”

After Ilan left, he made his way to the lake, and concentrated there for a moment, before he could feel the Dark Side of the Force swirling around him like a vortex of deadly energies. Opening his eyes, Ilan felt the presence of great Sith spirits, powerful in nature. “I have nearly finished my quest,” Ilan spoke to the spirits. “I have been trained by the greatest, and I am learning from artifacts of the Sith.”

“But you are no Sith,” an eerie voice spoke to his mind. “Not yet.”

“You must embrace the teachings, not just learn of them,”
another said.

“And so I shall,” Ilan countered. “I know how Sith behave, as it is how I behave. I know how Sith fight, as it is how I fight.”

“If you truly wish to be considered a Sith Lord,” another spoke, “then you must embrace the teachings of a Sith Lord.”

“Teach me,” Ilan responded. “I am ready.” He kneeled to the ground, and awaited their decision. He felt the ground rumble slightly, and looked around. Dark Side dragons, Hssiss. He thought they were but a myth. Evidently, he was wrong. They came for him. Ilan activated his blade, and fought the six Hssiss with ferocity, not giving in, showing no mercy. He felt the Force flow through him, felt the Dark Side heighten his abilities to unbelievable levels.

Finally, Ilan slew the last of the Dark Side dragons. He turned, and faced the lake once again. “You are ready,” another spirit acknowledged. “Come… learn of the ways of the Sith. Embrace the teachings of the Sith. You will become a powerful Sith Lord, indeed....”
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Post by Mir »


"Commodore, we've done nothing for the past six months."

"That's good, if you would think about it. No one has come after us, and we don't have to go after anyone. Self-preservation is our goal, you know that."

"True, but the men are itching for a fight. Anything."

"I have a feeling that a fight will come to us. You don't need to worry about anything." Jakeston Alarni said. His XO nodded slowly.

"I been feeling it too Commodore. I don't know, its like there's something dark in space. And I don't just mean you know who." The XO rose from where he was sitting in Alarni's office. He did a quick salute with the brandy snifter and set the empty glass down on Alarni's desk. "Thanks for the time, Commodore, and the drink."

"Anytime William, the doors open." Jakeston leaned back in his chair after his XO had left. It seemed so long ago that they had been in the service of the Empire. He had been a real Commodore then. Commanding this Venator-class Star Destroyer Mk II, an aging but still able ship, in addition to two Victory-class Star Destroyers Mk II, an Escort Carrier, and two Strike Cruisers. But all that changed after Corellia. After Corellia, after he saw what those things known as GAIT could do...Jakeston realized that it was better to be on his own than to be in the hands of Thrawn. He knew that Thrawn was a brilliant tactician, but he knew that Naval Command would fight the Xen'chi however they could, and while they would care about lost ships, they wouldn't care to the extent that Jakeston wanted for himself and his crew.

He knew that many of the ships in his taskforce were loyal to the Empire, no matter what. His crew was older, more experienced. Some were alive at the start of the Clone wars, and many had fought in the Clone Wars in the Republic Navy. They knew what this new threat meant. And so the crew of the Venator-class Star Destroyer Mk II Gladiator left the service of the Empire along with their families. From there, they roved from system to system, starving until they turned to the inevitable: piracy.

Alarni led his men and they did deeds that they themselves had fought against but a few months earlier. Now? They had a temporary home in this system that Alarni didn't even know the name of. The Gladiator had a full complement of starfighters. Nine squadrons of Shielded TIE Interceptors, three squadrons of TIE Bombers, three squadrons of Tri-fighters, and two elite squadrons of TIE Avengers. Those had been hard to maintain, but they had managed to do it. That was around the time they had come across a recuperating but still powerful Dark Jedi.

Ilan Garuda. The Dark Jedi had easily impressed Jakeston, a man who had always had respect for the Jedi. His methods reminded Jakeston of Lord Vader, someone who in Jakeston's mind was what Force-users should be in the galaxy, people who got things done. Garuda it would seem, had the power to protect his crew and their families, the one thing that Alarni wanted over anything. The Dark Jedi had only to ask and the Gladiator would be his. Ilan had, and the ship had been renamed Hammer of Darkness. Now they cruised around, waiting for Garuda's orders.

Garuda hadn't begun to entrust Alarni with his secrets or his plans, but Jakeston figured that was because the Dark Jedi didn't trust the human Commodore yet. But Jakeston wanted, no, he needed to know what Garuda's plans were, so that he could facilitate them to the highest degree.

OOC: More Coming.

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Post by Cadden »

Present day

After Ilan had traveled to Ambria so many months ago, he made a stop by the world of Thule, whereupon he had recruited to his cause another Dark Jedi named Zanica Oon. She was a lightsaber duelist, pure and simple, and her style reminded him fondly of his old master, Darth Sidious. There, Ilan had collected the last holocron he sought out, and over the span of three months, he studied the ways of the Sith vigorously. He could feel his power grow by the day, and soon, he took on several new apprentices, giving each a new name.

Tyraun Reuix, a strange creature from unknown origin, was granted the name Darth Essum. His brute strength, pure rage, and skills with a blade would prove to serve Ilan well.

A Codru-Ji Dark Jedi named Eyion Robiu held the talent of wielding two blades at one time, and was granted the appropriate sith name of Darth Nemesis, thus becoming Ilan's right hand man and primary combatant.

Then there was Jaeema Terrles, another skilled with dual-bladed combat. She adorned herself of Sith markings, though she was not a Sith until Ilan had met her and took her on to be his apprentice, thus being given the name Darth Scelus.

Finally, the Noghri Roghehk, a typical candidate to be a Sith Marauder. Darth Trucido is what became of him.

The circle was nearly complete. Ilan still required one more apprentice - one strong in the Force, one who would become his successor in the future.

He opened his eyes and did a glance around. It was time. Ilan, who now adorned the name of Darth Invisus, arose from his meditative position, and left his chambers. The journey to the bridge was but a few minutes' walk, and by the time he arrived, he could tell that Nemesis was already there. The Codru-Ji was observing the routine patrols from the forward viewport. He had to have sensed Ilan's arrival, as he turned and approached his master.

"My lord," Nemesis said with a bow, "your Hands have reported success in uprooting the Jedi you are in search of." Ilan nodded to Nemesis, motioning the Codru-Ji to rise. "Reports indicate that he resides with a New Republic fleet. They have confirmed one Mon Calamari Cruiser, one Mon Calamari Frigate, one Nebulon-B Frigate and an Assault Frigate."

A frown was Ilan's response. "The Hammer may be able to take on all three frigates," he responded, "but not with the Cruiser in the equation." He did not want the pirates to combine their forces with the Hammer of Darkness, as their likes were fickle, at best. If their claims were true, then all they would need to do is pin down the Hammer, and then bring in whatever reinforcements they supposedly have in order to bring the ship down. No, he would not allow it. "What is their current position?"

"They are confirmed by our sources to be located near the Yavin System," Nemesis responded. "Shall I prepare for an attack?"

Ilan frowned. "No," he said. "Let them acheive their pathetic victory. Call back my Hands, I want them onboard this ship when we engage their forces." Nemesis bowed and walked by Ilan, and off the bridge. Ilan turned to face the commodore, who had been overseeing deck operations for the past several minutes, it seemd. "Commodore," he called to the man, and Jakeston by making his way to Ilan, and bowed. "Set course for the Nilgaard Sector. I want this ship to border the Emmer System, and lay in wait."
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Post by Mir »

The Commodore's Navigations Officer looked at him and when the Commodore nodded and repeated the Dark Jedi/Sith's orders to the bridge crew. He gave a tight nod to Garuda.

"Emmer System it is, m'lord." Energy flowed from the ship's reactor through conduits that had been repaired countless times and into the hyperdrive. Stars elongated and the Hammer of Darkness was moving faster than light. Hyperspeed, the single technology that had brought about the galactic expansion that everyone knew of as soon as they picked up a history book. A technology that was now taken for granted. Alarni turned to regard Garuda. He had heard what Darth Nemesis had discussed with Ilan and wanted to know what the plan was. "M'lord, if I may, I did overhear what you and Darth Nemesis were talking about a New Republic fleet being our target. I believe that the Hammer has more fighters than them, and we can use that to our advantage. Its possible to lay a trap for them, surprise them and take away what strength their Mon Calamari Cruiser gives them."
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They say ignorance is bliss, and the commodore could be faithful he had all the bliss in the galaxy. Ilan suppressed a grin. Yes, of course, the Republic fleet was the target... he would not get the Jedi if it were not. But the objective was the Jedi. He would break him... and mold him into a new image, with a new name.

"Do what must be done," he informed the commodore, "but we will not leave the Emmer System until the objective is accomplished. I want that fleet to be aware of our presence, Commodore, and I want them to charge blindly to our position. Failure is not an option."

Ilan did not allow the commodore a response, as he left the bridge. His Hands of Darkness will meet them in the Emmer System, and from there the plans set forth to lure this Jedi to him will be put in motion. Now, it was only a matter of time, before they began their rise to power.
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OOC: In case no one realized this from the Wikia site, I decided to nix out the other “Darths”, aside from Nemesis. Personal reasons. That being said, ignore Essum, Trucido, and Scelus. It’s just Ilan (Invisus) and Nemesis, with Ilan’s four Hands of Darkness.


Two days later

Ilan observed the wreckage of the pitiful attempt that the Rebels sent to meet with the Hammer of Darkness. There, in front of him, rested the two graveyards of the Nebulon-B Frigate and the MC-55 Star Frigate. Pathetic, he mused. As if they could ever hope to match the Venator and its crew.

The battle had just ended, and he could feel that the Jedi survived, and was now boarding the ship as his prisoner. Of course, this individual would not wish to waste his strength and energy until he reached the Sith Lord, and that would be his undoing. Ilan looked at his apprentice, Darth Nemesis, and nodded to the Codru-Ji Sith Warrior. Nemesis bowed and left the bridge, minutes later returning with four others. All five of Ilan’s apprentices stood behind the Sith Lord as the bridge doors opened, and the Kiri Jedi was escorted in by four stormtroopers.

“Interesting he did not even put up a fight,” he heard an officer state. Ilan narrowed his eyes, but did not say anything in response. He and his five apprentices knew why this Jedi did not fight his way to the bridge – the crew of this ship was not his objective. Ilan, Nemesis, and the Hands of Darkness were.

Ilan motioned the four stormtroopers to leave the Jedi’s side, and they responded obediently. He then motioned his four Hands of darkness forward, standing between Ilan and the Jedi, flanking either side of their master as they made a physical barrier between the Jedi and his target.

“Welcome, Kal Norr,” Ilan said after a moment of meditation. The Jedi’s anger was swelling, which gave way to his mental barriers that he was taught to uphold during his Jedi teachings. This made extracting the Jedi’s name very easy for the Sith Lord. He admitted, he expected something much more of a challenge, but nevertheless, Kal would grow stronger than he could ever imagine, perhaps even some day surpassing Ilan and strength, and thus obtaining Ilan’s position. “Welcome to the future.”

The four Hands of Darkness took that as their queue. They began to approach toward Kal Norr. Ilan spoke again. “If you are all that the Jedi has to offer, then my mission to eradicate your kind, and wipe them from the face of this galaxy, will be much easier than I had first imagined. Your pitiful Jedi Order is blind to the truth of the Force, young Jedi. It is not a shield to protect the useless but, in reality, a weapon to empower the worthy. Come, join me… you know in your heart that your destiny lies with the Sith.”

Kal suddenly freed himself from his binders, and called his two lightsabers to hand with the Force, activating both and standing in a ready position. Ilan just smiled, followed by a short chuckle. “You show resolve, young Jedi… but it will not save you. If you will not join me, then you are useless to me. Kill him.” Fos Vadan, the masked Dark Jedi, led the others in activating their lightsabers, and attacked.

OOC: Okay, Cazzik. Take it from here… just as we discussed. They're all typical users of their descriptions, so you shouldn't have any trouble RPing the duel.
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This man was more than what Kal had expected. He had felt the darkness aboard this vessel. But it was not until he faced the vile creature that he knew exactly what he had stumbled upon, even before the man spoke. He was not a Dark Jedi........he was a Sith Lord. Everyone knew it was just a matter of time before they rose once again to challenge the Jedi and the galaxy. Kal Norr would have to survive, long enough to report back to the council and let them know that the Sith had returned.

He studied his opponents as they charged him. The one completely covered in black was the most powerful, he could tell all ready. His strength was not in his skill with a blade, which meant Kal needed to be wary of anything this man attempted through the Force. There was a female, though he was unsure of the species. The way she held herself told the Jedi enough. She was skilled with a blade, and may rival his own abilities. There were two other males, less dangerous in his opinion than the other two. One wore a mask that resembled a Mandalorian. So far, it seemed to Kal that he was comparable in both Force abilities and saber skill. The Jedi grinned slightly as he rested on the fourth. He wielded two weapons, and had a very short temper, Norr could tell. He would be the first to go.

The Kiri jumped into the air, flipping over the top of the black robed master. As he landed he threw up his foot in a wide arc, connecting with the master's face and sending him to the ground. Kal needed him out of the way momentarily if he was going to survive this. In one fluid motion he attacked the female with his right blade and blocked a volley of Force lighting from the Mandalorian with his left. As the woman brought her weapon around Kal ducked and rolled out of the way, allowing the lightning to hit her. The man stopped immediately as he realized he had hit his own ally. The Jedi took advantage of this situation and delivered a powerful kick to his chest from the air, sending him to the ground in a very forceful manner. He then turned his attention to the brute who was about to attempt to hack him in half.

Kal brought his blades up and parried the blow from the Dark Jedi. The Kiri grinned. He could make this one angry enough to make a mistake. It wouldn't take much, either.
"I expected a great warrior in the service of the Sith. If this is all you can muster, then perhaps I need not even warn the Jedi of your existense."

That did it. This particular adversary was far less of a threat than the other three, simply because of this mortal flaw. He lunged at Kal. The Jedi dodged and brought his blade down on the man's right wrist, severing it. As he stood to yell out in pain, Norr drove his other blade deep into his chest. The Dark Jedi hit the ground in a lifeless slump. The Kiri had dealt with this one just in time, because the female was once again back to challenge him. This time, Kal met her head on, and their blades were a flurry around them. The crackling heat of the sabers echoed down the corridors. This one was skilled.

The Jedi rolled away from her and turned, bringing his leg around in a wide arc, catching her face. She hit the ground, but rolled immediately back to her feet. She charged him, and he jumped over her, leaving her back open. He hurled his left blade with precision accuracy. It found its mark, and the woman fell to her knees. Kal was amazed when she attempted to climb back to her feet once more. He quickly cut her head from her shoulders, effectively ending the threat she posed. He whirled around and ducked under the Mandalorian's blade.

After facing the woman, this dark warrior's skill with a saber was pathetic. Kal quickly severed both of his enemy's arms and watched him fall to his knees. The Jedi could feel the rage inside of him. What he was about to do was not the Jedi way. But he was dealing with followers of the Sith. They were too dangerous to let live. He drove both blades into the man's chest, and he crumbled into a pile at Kal's feet. The threat was not over yet. It had just occured to him that he had not seen the master in quite some time. He turned around to face the man in the black mask. The master didn't speak, but Kal could feel the power at his command.

The Jedi braced himself as a massively powerful volley of Force lightning erupted from the master's hands. He caught it with both of his blades, but the sheer magnitude of the attack forced his weapons away from him. They turned off and hit the ground, sliding away from his grasp. The blue electricity snaked around his body and he screamed out in pain. This was not the way he was supposed to die. Not at the hands of the Sith. He had to warn the Jedi. The Council needed to be prepared. His anger flooded in and he climbed to his feet. His skin smelled charred, even as the electrical attack continued. The Jedi launched himself at the master and grabbed his head. He turned it, and there was an unnatural crunching sound as the neck snapped. He dropped the body and turned to face the Sith Lord and his apprentice. He summoned his weapons to him and ignited the blue blades once again.
"Come, Sith. Your time is at an end."
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Darth Nemesis moved to attack, but Ilan just held his hand out, keeping his apprentice behind him. He grinned once again, and allowed himself a chuckle. It was a wordless taunt toward Kal. “You would fight your fate, Jedi?” He stopped chuckling. “Violence before reason. Excellent… you would, indeed, make a worthy addition to my apprentices.”

Kal narrowed his eyes. “If you believe I will join you, you are mistaken,” he said.

“Are you so certain?” Ilan asked, amused. “Then it is time you experienced the full power of the Dark Side.” Ilan brought up his hand and sent a volley of lightning Kal’s way. He managed to deflect it, but only at first, as the force behind the dark power was too great, and knocked his guard off, and both lightsabers to the side. He vaulted back and slid across the duracrete floor a couple meters. “More power than the Jedi could ever offer you.”

Nemesis followed Ilan as he approached the downed Jedi, but kept his distance in case Kal decided to counter-attack. “The first lesson will be carved in your flesh.” He brought his hand up again. “Pain is the ultimate teacher. The lesson begins now.” Ilan let loose another fury of lightning on the downed Jedi, and watched as he struggled to free himself of it. Ilan’s control over the power was much greater than Fos Vadan’s, thanks to Darth Sidious’s teachings. And, even more, thanks to the teachings of the Sith holocrons.

After a short time, Ilan stopped. Kal had slipped into unconsciousness. “Your journey hasn’t ended… yet.” He nodded to Nemesis. “Take him away. I want to be notified the moment he awakes.” Nemesis bowed to his master, and levitated Kal into the air, taking him from the bridge. Ilan turned around, and looked at his dead Hands. They had served their purpose to the very end. Treachery is the way of the Sith, he noted dryly. “Clean this mess up,” he instructed a random bridge officer, and then turned and approached Commodore Alarni. “Commodore,” he said, “our work here is done. Set these coordinates into the navicomputer. We are going to build ourselves a force mighty enough to square off against the Jedi themselves.” He handed a datapad to Jakeston, who in turn delivered it to the navigations console.

“It is time we find this rogue Imperial faction, and persuade them to join our cause.”

“My lord?” Jakeston responded. “How do you propose we go up against this faction? We have but one ship.”

He let a grin slip to his face. “They are renegades of the Empire,” he simply said, “and that is why they will be so easily persuaded.”
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OOC: Where do I remember that from....Oh yeah the wiki...you plagarized yourself! :P


Alarni nodded. Renegades of the Empire, much like he himself was. He turned to his navigations officer, who nodded once. The ship had long ago fully charged its hyperdrive and it was a simple effort to "flick the switch".

As the ship slid into hyperspace, Alarni could only think back to the fight that had taken place on the bridge. It wasn't that every bridge officer had wished he'd had popcorn and maybe a cola, but that they knew if they accidentally spilled either, Ilan would probably turn the lightning on them.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, Alarni felt a little pity for the Kiri Jedi. Kal Norr as his name was, would soon be finding himself upon the unpleasant mercies of Ilan Garuda, something that Jakeston wished upon no one.
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His eyes opened slightly. The glare of the lights was almost too much for him to take. The electricity had scorched him. The black robed Dark Jedi had been plenty, but the much more powerful Sith Lord had nearly killed him. His vision slowly adjusted and he was able to view things properly again. He rotated his head to both sides in order to take in his surroundings. He was in some kind of a holding cell, his blades no where to be found.

He tried to sit up, but his muscles screamed for him to stop. He laid back down, took a deep breath and pulled himself to a sitting position. He was in trouble here and he knew it. No one else knew he was here, except perhaps Commodore Tardun. But he had no idea if his friend had survived the fleet battle. Odds were, he was alone in this. No one was going to send help. He felt anger rise in him like a storm as he thought about the Sith Lord and the beating he had taken not too long ago. Even though he realized his thoughts went against the Jedi way, he couldn't help but desire vengeance. He pushed it from his mind.
"No. I am a Jedi Knight. I will not let him break me."
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"Ah, but he already has," Kal heard a voice. As the Kiri turned to see who was speaking to him, he could notice a Codru-Ji in full battle armor. The same one behind Ilan on the bridge of the Venator. "Do you not feel it, the hatred, the anger, swelling in you? If my master wanted you dead, you would be dead, young Jedi. You know this, and you hate him for it. This is good, for your hatred will make you powerful."

Nemesis turned, and approached a console. "Master, he is awake."

"Excellent," a response came shortly after. "I will be there momentarily." Nemesis deactivated the comm. link and turned to face Kal Norr.

"Rest assurred, Jedi, your time is at an end. But my master has plans for you, so you can be assurred that when your time as a Jedi ends, you will feel freedom never experienced by the tenents of your corrupted Jedi 'Code'. The Dark Side has taken you, and now my master will teach you how to control that anger, and make it your weapon. And when you are ready, your new name will be given to you, as mine was to me."

OOC: Figured a little interaction would be nice, get Kal's blood boiling, before he meets Ilan once again. :)
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"My name, you vile, worthless excuse for life, is Kal Norr. It will never be anything else."

The Jedi glared at the four armed Sith Lord. He wanted nothing more than to rip his limbs off and beat him to death with them. Of course, he was also very aware that those were not the thoughts of a Jedi. Just being in this place was corrupting him. He needed to get out, to escape back to the Jedi. They could help rid him of these Sith emotions, to ban these poisons from his mind.

His eyes connected with Darth Nemesis' eyes. For a moment he thought he could kill him by simply looking at him. He abandoned this idea.
"Did your master break you as well, Sith? Were you a Jedi once? Or were you always this pathetic?"
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Nemesis frowned, then grinned, followed by a laugh. A taunting laugh. "Your words will not affect me, Jedi," he said. "I could have killed you where you stood, and I could have done so now. However, I would not have been in my master's good graces. And, believe me... any thoughts you harbor toward me would be like a pleasure cruise, compared to what Lord Invisus could do."

He returned to seriousness. "You, Jedi, will learn the true power of the Dark Side of the Force. You harbor rage, anger... fear. I can taste them as those thoughts steam out. I can feel your hatred swell with each word spoken between us. Yet you do not use them. Curious."

There was a moment of silence, before the door opened, and in walked a familliar figure. Ilan Garuda - Darth Invisus. The man nodded to Nemesis, who in turn bowed and took his leave. "So... this is the Jedi. Pathetic. You may have been able to defeat my Hands, young one... but you are no match for a Sith Lord." He closed his eyes and pored into Kal's head. "I can sense much hatred in you. Yes..." Ilan grinned a maniacle grin. "You remember what my officers, onboard this ship, did to that pitiful attack force that you lead against me. You despise me for the destruction that was caused. You would kill me in cold blood because I am Sith... and I you, because you are Jedi.

"Your kind are nothing but a band of traitors. You betrayed your Republic, and so the Sith arose to make it strong again. And now, here you are, with your 'New Republic'... and the Jedi Order is back in power, I understand it. Yes... your thoughts have already betrayed them. You believe you can escape this place, and return to them for your 'cleansing'... I know of all of this. You have already fallen to the Dark Side, and yet you cannot control it. Your thoughts are wild, uncontrolled. But, under my guidance, my instruction... you can learn to harbor your feelings of hatred... of anger, revenge... and turn them into your greatest weapon.

"I can still smell your flesh, scalding from the dosage of power I have presented you. You can have that, and more, by joining me." Ilan allowed himself to grin once again. "You know, deep in your heart, that it is your desire. Join me, young Jedi... and you will acheive a power greater than any Jedi, greater than anything you have ever dreamt of. Swear your allegiance to myself... to my teachings... and your life shall be spared."
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Kal's eyes did not move from Garuda. He did not flinch while the Dark Lord spoke, nor did he speak. He simply stood there, and glared. There was a part of him, though he would never admit it, that wanted to take his offer. He wanted to explore what the Dark Side could do. He had always been intrigued. The Jedi Masters always warned you against the lure of the Dark Side. But so many had fallen to it, and so many had claimed it was more powerful than the light. The Jedi had to admit, that such wielders of the darkness like the Sith ahve come back again and again to conquer the galaxy and to obliterate the Jedi Order.

He remembered most of his history. Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma had challenged the galaxy and left a lasting impression. Revan and Malak had been even greater. The Jedi Order fell before them. The Brotherhood of Darkness led by Lord Kaan had destroyed themselves, true, but they had also wiped out an entire planet full of the greatest Jedi alive. And then, of course, there had been Sidious and Vader. The pair that had driven the Jedi to near extinction faster than any of the others. And now, there is Ilan Garuda. Darth Invisus and his apprentice, Darth Nemesis. And he was standing before Kal, giving him the option to become one of them, to become a Sith. To become a Darth. He was being given the chance to make his mark on history. To be remembered forever. He was so tempted, and he knew it. Without flinching he spoke.
"No. I am a Jedi."
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Ilan looked at Kal, long and hard. Good, he was beginning to control his anger, fear... hatred. He could feel it. The Kiri "Jedi" could block his thoughts, but not his feelings.

"You, young Jedi, have much to learn, of power... of the Dark Side of the Force," he said. "Your resolve is strong, and I can use that. However... your loyalties are questionable, and this not something I desire at my side." He turned, and opened the door, where Nemesis awaited.

"He will not join us, master?" Nemesis inquired. He sounded bewildered, or perhaps is was merely all part of the act.

"Oh, he will," Ilan responded. "Those are mere words. His desires, however... those have already spoken." He looked back at Kal, who could clearly hear the conversation between the two.

The door to the interrogation chambers opened, and in strolled an officer. "My lord," he announced. Ilan looked at the man. "We are approaching our destination."

Ilan nodded. "Very well," he responded. He turned his attention back at Darth Nemesis. "Break him. In doing so, you will be ready for your trials. I have other business to attend to."
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Post by Mir »

By the time Garuda reached the bridge, the Hammer of Darkness had reached the Delta Serpentis system. It dropped out of hyperspace in the system. From the looks of things, it was an outpost system for some government, and it had the trappings of such. There were a couple stations in the system along with a few capital ships.

"Sir, contacts bringing weapons to bear."

"Standown. Leave the shields up, but the weapons powered down. See if you can get a communications channel with a ship or station." the officer nodded.

A tense minute later, the communications channel was opened. Alarni turned to Garuda as an officer's face appeared on the viewscreen. It was the Sith Lord's turn to "work his magic".
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Ilan looked over the man for a brief moment, before he spoke. "Commander," he finally said, noting the officer's rank insignia, "who is in charge of this operation?"

The officer frowned. "I am not at liberty to say," he responded. "You are denoted as a threat to our borders, and it is I who will be asking the questions, not you."

Such a piece of ferocity, Ilan noted with a grin. His commanding officer must be pleased.

"You are an unidentified craft, judging by your markings, of Imperial allegiance, is this correct?" the man continued.

"My allegiance," Ilan said, "is of no threat to you or your superiors." He could see the officer look slightly dazed for a brief moment. This one is strong. "I will to speak to the individual in charge of your Remnant."

"I do not take orders from you." The officer turned off-screen. "Launch the bombers."

"That will not be necessary."

There was a brief moment of silence, before the officer spoke again. "Cancel that order," he said, off-screen once again.

"The Venator and its entire crew will remain here," Ilan continued, "and I will be granted escort to your leader."

The man's will was fading. Good. "Your ship will be guarded here," he responded. "I will provide you an escort to Testria, our capital, to speak with Supreme Commander Tyfus."

Ilan grinned. "And the ship is not to be harmed during our stay?"

"Your ship will remain unharmed."

Ilan nodded. "Good. My transport will depart from the ship shortly. I expect my escort to be ready to take me to Tyfus."

"They will be ready," the commander assured Ilan, and the comm. was severed.

Turning to the commodore, he nodded. "Do not fire unless fired upon," he told the man, knowing that a sense of comfort would be needed for Jakeston. "Lord Nemesis will still be onboard, should anything happen. Consult him if you require assistance." After receiving his affirmation, Ilan left the bridge.


"So, Jedi... you deny your fate, as though you believe you hold any chances of controlling it," Nemesis stated, approaching Kal Norr. "Let me tell you of our people, then... maybe of understanding us more, you may realize why my master has not killed you yet.

"The Jedi wish us exterminated for but one reason, Jedi. They fear our power, they mark us for extermination. Persecuted for our knowledge... knowledge feared by lesser men. All because of our strength... we are more powerful than any Jedi. Power... that separates us, from mere mortals."

Nemesis deactivated Kal's force field, and before the Jedi could make his move, the lightning was already on him. The Jedi was still weak from his last encounter with the power of the Dark Side, and his fall to the ground in agony was inevitable.

"Poor little Jedi," Nemesis taunted. "Nobody can help you at such great distance. No one can help you... except yourself. Your skeleton is shattered. There is not much time. Do you want to live? Or do you wish to die, and join the countless other Jedi who tried to kill a Sith Lord before, and fail?"
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He could feel it. The lightning crept across his body like hundreds of deadly snakes, all sapping the very life from his eyes. The Sith spoke the truth, as much as he hated him for that. His body was broken, even if the attack stopped, Kal could not defeat Nemesis in this condition. He would fail, he would die. His anger grew. It was so intense now.

He had been a Jedi Knight. He served the Council and the masters loyally, never asking for anything in return. Where were they now that he was in need? Where were they when one of their own was in a dire circumstance? The Jedi had abandoned him. They were not the only ones. The Republic. He had served as a general for an entire battle fleet. He had brought down enemies of the Republic for no other reason then he believed they threatened the great government. But when he, a servant of said institution, was threatened himself, the Republic was no where to be found. They used people, just as the Jedi used people. They both had used him.

His body was broken. It was time to decide. Lay here and die a Jedi, without anyone ever knowing or caring what happened to you. Or he could live. He could become a Sith. He could tear those who betrayed him apart. He could slaughter everything they cared about and show them who the true power in the galaxy was. He realized these were not the thoughts of a Jedi. But they were his thoughts, his desires.
"Teach me, Sith. Teach me so that I may have my vengeance."
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Nemesis grinned. It was successful. Jedi truly were as weak as his master had claimed. This was the first he had gone against a Jedi, and he could certainly see where Invisus's claims of the Sith being more powerful stemmed from.

"Master," he announced over the comm., "it is complete."

Fortunately, Ilan was not far off, and soon he arrived in the room, looking at the scalded body of Kal Norr. "Excellent," he said to Nemesis. "You have indeed grown strong in the ways of the Sith, since we first met." Nemesis bowed to his master as a show of gratitude. "However, your training is far from over. Now, you will begin to learn of the higher learnings of the Sith. You will stay here and assist if any... complications... arise."

"Yes, my master." Nemesis once again bowed, and left the room.

Ilan looked down at Kal Norr's withered body. "You are no longer a Jedi," he announced to the Kiri. "Your spirit is broken, and your flesh is weak. Your hatred is still wild, untamed, but in time you will learn to harness it, and use it against your enemies. You realize the treachery of your so-called Jedi Order, and you wish to enact your revenge upon them. This is good, but you must first learn to control your anger, your hatred. Call upon these feelings, let them fuel your desires, let them bring life to your crippled body.

"Now... arise... Darth Malice." Ilan watched as the former Jedi, once known as Kal Norr, struggled to get up. "Call upon the Dark Side, let it flow through your veins, empower your actions!" Ilan snapped at his new apprentice. He watched as it was difficult at first, but then Malice was able to rise, albiet weakened. "Your first lesson has been imprinted upon your flesh, Lord Malice. And now you learn the second. My shuttle is awaiting to take us to our future allies. Accompany me on this task."

Ilan led Malice to the docking bay, where the shuttle promised awaited, along with two TIE Avengers to escort them to Testria. Ilan would not yet trust this Shadow Imperium for their own escorts, he would require his own until the alliance was sealed. He led Malice onboard the shuttle, followed by two stormtroopers for escort, but mostly for show. When ready, the ship lifted off, and left the docking bay.

As the Lambda-class shuttle left the docking bay with the two TIE Avenger escorts, the comm. onboard the ship flickered to life. "Shuttle Vigilant, we are moving to escort position, you may call your fighters off."

"Negative," the pilot responded, "our passenger wishes for his own escort, as well."

"Vigilant, we were instructed..."

"And you will escort us," Ilan put in, approaching the console, "but with my own."

"... Very well, we will provide additional escort to that which you have provided." Ilan returned to Malice, who was still recovering from his dosage of lightning.

"The weak-minded are easily corruptable," Ilan told his new apprentice. "It is better to provide influence in the Force, over wonton destruction. While death serves as a useful teaching aid, even a single TIE fighter pilot is a useful tool."

Shortly after, the shuttle entered lightspeed, along with its four escorts, en route to the captial of the Shadow Imperium.

OOC: Okay, so I lied, Cazzik. :P If you wish to do a little interaction to solidify Kal - err, Malice - be my guest. I'll be continuing in a timely manner either way.
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Post by Cazzik »

Malice was having a hard time remaining awake. However, he had to admit, the strength of the Dark Side was intoxicating. He had been broken, on the verge of death, and the Dark Side had healed his flesh. Yes, he had made the right choice. Now he was in a shuttle with his new master, on his way to some place called the Shadow Imperium. He hoped there would be little hostilities, if any at all. He was in no shape to combat anyone. Not to mention, he was weaponless.
"Lord Invisus, I will need to construct new weapons soon. I have nothing other than my own hands in which to combat your enemies at the moment."

Crap, I know. I had nothing else at the moment. :P
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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Post by Cadden »

"Patience, young one," Ilan responded. "A true Sith need not rely on his lightsaber for victory. Acts of manipulation can prove to be just as powerful, and even more fruitful. You will construct your new lightsabers, in time. But do not underestimate the power of the Sith... or of what the Dark Side may grant you."

Some time later, the shuttle dropped out of lightspeed near Testria. The two Imperium escorts broke off, and sped ahead of the Lambda-class shuttle and its two TIE Avenger escorts.

"Home Base, this is Epsilon Three, we have escorted in a visitor to speak with the Supreme Commander," the pilot of one of the TIEs reported.

"Epsilon Three, who authorized this?"

"Commodore Formasta, sir."

There was a moment of silence. "The Supreme Commander will not take any visitors, gun them down."


"You have your orders, pilot."

The pilot relayed the orders to his wingmen, and turned around. Ilan felt the change of attitude, and approached the cockpit. Eyeing the situation, he instructed the pilots to inform their escorts of the new situation.

Within seconds, the Avengers engaged their enemy. The TIE Interceptors were shielded, and equipped with a hyperdrive, but they were no match for the Hammer of Darkness's superior craft. The skirmish was short, and soon the entire planetary region was alerted of the hostilities.

"My Lord," the pilot of an Avenger said over the comm., "we should leave, now."

"Not yet," Ilan responded. "Open up the comm. channel." There was silence. "Do it, or we shall all die here."

On Home Base, the comm. officer frowned. "Sir, the shuttle is hailing us." The Supreme Commander frowned. "Shall I put them through?"

A moment of silence filled the gap between the question and its answer. "Very well," he finally said. "We shall humor them before their deaths."

"Ah, so you must be Supreme Commander Keldon Tyfus," the bald individual on the other end of the comm. said. "I come to propose an alliance."

"And what kind of alliance do you have to offer me?" Tyfus asked, ignoring his own urges to find out how this man knew of him. "As you can see, I'm safe and secure here, with my own little empire."

Ilan grinned. "Because, I know what you wish the most."

Tyfus looked at Ilan for a moment. "I'm listening."

OOC: AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaand... cut! :)
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Post by Cazzik »

OOC: I'll post when there is more for Malice to do. ;)
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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Post by Cadden »

OOC: No worries, that wasn't a queue or anything. It's called keeping an element of mystery.

Or surprise. I haven't decided which yet. :)
You have a right to remain silent... I hope to God you use it.
Xanamiar wrote:Cadden is a comical genius.
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Post by Cadden »

OOC: M'kay, made my decision.


After Ilan pitched his proposal to the Supreme Commander, Tyfus sat in silence, fingers crossed and mouth cupped in his palms. Ilan waited patiently for the Supreme Commander's decision.

Finally, Tyfus spoke. "Your proposal is intriguing," he said. "And you certainly seem a man worthy of your position. You've done your homework, Garuda. Part of me sees no reason why you should be blown to space dust right now. However," Tyfus gestured around him, "I see no reason why I should turn you down. If your claims are true, and you can help me with this acheivement, then consider ourselves allies."

Ilan nodded. "You will not be disappointed, Supreme Commander," he responded. "My ship is awaiting my instructions in the Delta Serpentis system. I require complete access to your territories to fulfill my end of our bargain."

"Of course. However, realize you will be under our jurisdiction..."

"I am aware. We will remain in touch, Commander." The comm. link was severed, and Tyfus looked at an officer.

"Instruct our forces to keep an eye on them, but not to fire unless hostilities are proven," he ordered. "I refuse to trust this man until he has proven his trust."

Onboard the Vigilant, Ilan looked at his new apprentice. "Do you feel it? The Dark Side energies? They were faint when we arrived in the system, but I can feel them much stronger, now. Once we rendezvous with the Hammer of Darkness, you will construct your new lightsabers. I will require your skills in order to find the root of these energies, and perhaps even rally another to our cause."

Within time, the Vigilant met with the Hammer of Darkness in a minor Imperium system. From there, Ilan met with Nemesis. "Everything is proceeding as planned," he instructed his apprentice. "And now, I have a new task for you. The Hands of Darkness served their purpose well, but I will require new Hands. They will need to be capable of handling these tasks..."

Once Ilan had finished summarizing what he was looking for, Nemesis bowed deep. "Consider it done, my lord. I will notify you when they are found." Darth Nemesis left the room, and made his way to the hangar, while Ilan proceeded to check up on Malice, and his progress in his new weapons. The new Sith Marauder would prove useful, but he could not put it beyond him to betray Ilan and Nemesis, and the entire ship. The new Sith would need to prove his loyalty to Ilan, to gain his full trust.
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Post by Cazzik »

There was the familiar snap-hiss as the blades leapt to life. They were beautiful, much more elegant than his last pair. The crimson weapons sliced through the air as he gave them a quick practice. He was truly reborn now. The Jedi Knight Kal Norr was dead. In his place stood the ruthless Darth Malice. The Kiri turned as his master entered. He bowed his head.
"My master. What is your will?"
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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Post by Halcyon508 »

Kage stood back erect at attention against a wall, he was thirteen now, four years since he was taken from his home. Him and the others, they had been separated for four years save the times master demanded they duel and no one knew of anything but what they had done. They now entered the second stage of their training where they were to compete amongst each other and live now in closer proximity. Blood Wraiths marched by in a staggered formation. Sadis looked grim, Kage dared not move his eyes from his masters, he looked with his peripheral vision and could see the others. He was the youngest in the group though only by days. There was two girls, one fourteen the other his age, Saria. He remembered her from childhood, she had the kind of lips that did more then drink. Kage tried to examine her without moving his eyes but found them slowly sliding over to gaze at her. She had long slender legs, the kind that do more then walk.

“Adept Morin!” Kage heard his masters call in his ear and his eyes shot forward immediately. “What do you think you were looking at?” A chorus of giggles echoed through the training hall and Sadis stared back silencing them. He was in no mood today. The instructor leaned in and whispered in his ear “Boy by the end of the day you will be so tired you won’t have time for teenaged impulses like that!” He leaned back and loudly yelled, “Do you know why you are here Adept? Have four years drilled it into your mind?

”Yes Master!” He said in cracking high pitched voice.

”Then enlighten me as to why I am babysitting you?” Sadis said with a contorted smile. He meant babysitting as a jailor baby-sits the inmate.

“I am here to serve you master.” There was a firm resolved look on his face.

”And how will you serve?”

Looking confused now the youth said. “I will do as I am told.”

Sadis moved his face to within centimeters of Kages own face “Brilliant answer adept”. Sadis leaned back and called out for all to hear “You are all special, but only one will be special enough.” Sadis smiled grimly, “From now on all ties to your past are gone, you have no mother, you have no father! From this moment on The Sith is mother, the Sith is father.” He Paused “And I am Master and your only goal is to serve me.”

The end of the day came, the sun had set and Kage sat in his bunk looking up at the wall, Sadis was right, Kage was so tired he hardly even remembered the look of the girls. His knuckles were bleeding and every muscle ached, his legs grew numb lying in bed and his arms burned from the workout his master had set him through.

Darth Sadis walked in and began to speak; Kage could hardly make out what he was saying. I live and I die for the master. Kage thought as his eyes shut slowly and he drifted into sleep.

The morning’s training with the Sith Lord was over, but instead of rejoicing like many of the adepts Kage was scared. After morning exercises everyone showered and cleaned up and went to a class session (held by droids). He had only been training in this second stage for fifteen days, however it was long enough for several of the older cadets to set there sights on the smallest adept, Kage and an even. The harassment has gone on for many days, always after morning training, and Kage suddenly came to the realization that Sadis didn’t care. Monitors were everywhere he knew what was going on and simply didn’t care. His body was bruised from both the harsh work outs and the increasingly violent attacks.

He had left his room to communal shower. Kage was in the shower letting the water run over his body, he was just about to leave when he came for him. A fist to the back of his head signaled their arrival and the larger boy was holding him in an iron grip which could only be explained by his alien abilities. Kage wiggled attempting to get free refusing to be a helpless victim. The muscles in his right leg tensed and suddenly it shot backwards into the large boy’s legs. The large boy, threw him to the floor and began to kick him, Kage covered his face and curled into a guard with his legs up to deflect the abuse until finally it stopped. He got up as the boy was beginning to leave and in the most mature voice the thirteen year old could muster said, “Running away already?”

The boys turned around and the largest quickly smirked to his friends. “No I suppose not.” Fighting him won’t be enough, Kage thought to himself as the older boy approached. I need to win! Not only win but crush him. If I completely humiliate him, break him others won’t come back for me, at least not in the light of day.

The large boy grabbed Kage after punching him in the face and gut, Kage keeled over and his opponent lifted him, his body gangling slightly. Kage looked up with semi dazed eyes and immediately knew what to do. With his left hand free he delivered a punch to his assailants throat and followed up with his right fist smashing into the boys nose. Kage was dropped and fell with a hard thump onto the ground, he fell just at the feet of his opponent and tangled his right leg with that of the larger boy toppling him to the ground.

Taking advantage of the situation Kage jumped to his knees and landed on the boys chest and delivered blow after blow in machine gun style to the older boys face, and throat. Red blood flowed like a river to the drain of the communal shower and formed a whirlpool going down the drain. Kage punched and punched until the boy underneath of him went limp, unconscious. He stood up with blood on his hands and looked at the other two boys who simply ran into the barracks. Kage examined his hands and made note of the blood. He finished washing his hands and walked out of the shower complex, still wet and naked, a droid hovered into the shower. Looking up at the exit Kage could see the old Castles Crest, and above it was written “death walks among you.” Not Today Kage thought to himself, I showed that bastard, I’ll show them all.

He returned to his room where he dried off and laid himself down in his bed. He heard a crack in the door, and then smelled a strange smell, for his senses were more attuned then other humans. He flicked on the lights which blinded his would be assailant, however his eyes adjusted quickly to the change as he jumped out of bed to defend himself throwing a single punch. His arm was blocked and extended throwing him into a wall. He shook it off and stood up to be greeted by a dark haired girl, he recognized her as Saria.

They stood around for a second and when he realized she would not hurt him he plopped himself on his bed. She quickly followed him landing on top of him. “I know what you did.” She said in a sweet a voice.

“Do you now?” Kage replied.

“Have you ever seen what happens to a person when you break there nose? When you crush there windpipe? When you make them bleed that much blood?” She replied gleaming her eyes into his. He remained motionless underneath of her his heart pounding.

“And how do you know what happened?”

”I sent him of course? As a test to see if you are worthy,” She winked her right eye. “You know for such a little boy you are rather strong. I could see liking someone like you.”

”We could make a great team? Is this what you are saying?.” Kage was not falling for this girls poison, “I would hardly need someone as weak and feeble as yourself.”

“Now now, is that anyway to speak to a friend?” She slowly reached out her hand and rubbed Kage’s cheek producing an involuntary spasm.

”Go away!” Kage barely managed to say in a whisper.

“Sweet, sweet little boy, if you drive me away now you will regret it forever.” She smiled wickedly and winked at him. “This is an offer, not a demand, remember it.”

She leaned down and kissed him and slowly slithered across his body before leaving the bunk itself. She sang as she walked away her voiced echoed into the room, Kage hung on to that voice as long as he could with his hearing and was paralyzed as her sent lingered, but then it passed and only the memory lingered. Turning out the lights Kage slowly let his vision fade into black and fell into a dreamless sleep.

3 Years Later
For a palace this maiden was born,
So bold, so graceful, so slender,
Like a tiny bird flitting at morn
Over the dew-laden lily buds tender.
Were this exquisite maid only mine,
For never a mansion I'd pine.

Saria stood in the middle of the large training hall, the red training saber (they were not allowed to have real sabers save when Sadis made them duel to the death) glowed as she practiced. Her training consisted of a dance, albeit a deadly dance, moving slowly from one move into another. Though impractical she found the art of Ataru to be great for keeping fit and flexible. She blocked high while sinking into her right leg and straightening her left. Then as she straightened out her right leg elevating her body, her left leg followed suit slowly being sucked in until her left foot gently traveled up her leg and up to rest just above her knee. This was followed by an upward strike of the lightsaber and an elegant one legged flip.

She sang a non-coherent song which echoed through the hall as she continued her slow movements. In the past three years all of the adepts save four had been eliminated, killed. She heard a noise from a shadowy balcony but ignored it, it was often a creak be heard. Raising her saber high above the head she lifted her knee to her chest and slowly moved her foot to point her heel toward the ceiling. Her toned body held her weight as she bent her knee down and performed a summersault like movement forward followed by a stab of her blade. She smiled to herself and stopped her performance. She shook her arms and slowly began to stretch while her singing grew louder.

She heard a noise, and from the shadow and a boy named Sal came walking. He stared towards her, leering, his eyes changing between a murderous rage and a hazy nothing. Like a moth to a flame he walked forward as her singing voice rang louder and then clearer. She Sang;

“In this place you come walking, You bring your thoughts inside
Like the glow of neon lights you make the shadows hide
Your thoughts however are not yours and I control your will
And as your queen I say to you, my wishes you will fulfill”

As she finished her song he was standing before her, lured like a moth to a flame. She struck out with her hand slamming his face and breaking his nose knocking him out of his dreamlike state. Saria let her guard down and started as he pulled a knife. He moved in close, within a foot from her his knife at her throat. “If you try to use your voice I will slit your throat.” The boy said. “First I’d like to have some fun maybe cut that face of yours up.” As he said that a foot shot upwards into his chins making him fly backwards and onto the ground.

Saria followed up before the boy could react and straddled his chest putting her knees just under his ribcage. By brute force he lifted himself up, with Saria still straddling him, and attempted to move to strike. However as quick as he was she was quicker and nimbler by far and hurried to switch position and then straddled his back with her arms wrapped firmly around his neck. He Fell to the ground under her weight and she wrapped her legs around his waist like a snake grasping its prey. His face turned a shade of red before he ceased to move. She continued to squeeze for several more seconds until the body started to spasm and his life ceased to exist.

She looked to the door and noticed Kage walking in, no doubt drawn to the smell of blood. He walked up to her and with a ghastly look. “Did he harm you?” he said with genuine concern.

“Of course not,” She said as she opened up the flood gates. “But I find it adorable you are concerned.” She leaned in and kissed him lightly on the cheek. “Go back to your training.” You foolish, foolish boy. Kage left reluctant and in a daze.

She heard a noise from a balcony and saw the figure of her Lord Sadis smiling. “Do I please you my Lord?” She said as she bowed. “Were you watching the whole time? Do you wish me to continue practicing?”
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
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Post by Cadden »

OOC: Well, after some time of inactivity and trying to get my writing bug back, I think I can squeeze out a sensible enough post to move our side along again. Let's see what I come up with.

"My master," Darth Malice stated as Ilan entered his chambers. The statement was followed by a bow. "What is your will?"

It could be a ploy to earn my trust, Ilan mused, or it could be genuine. Only time will tell. His actions against his former master, Teslar Maladan, had proven quite useful over the past year. He had found Lord Nemesis, as well as his new apprentices, Malice. And now... now he had pinpointed a third addition to his ranks. "I have located the source of the darkness that was sensed earlier," he told Malice. "You have been training hard, and now your skills will be put to the test. Not far outside the borders of the Imperium lies a deslotate world named Tarix. One of great power rests there - I believe he is known as Sadis, and he holds a past of Sith training. However, his training is incomplete.

"Due to the nature of this mission, you will accompany me to this world, and recruit this 'Lord' Sadis into our ranks. You will learn much as to what it means to be of the Sith in this journey. Who you will trust, who you will spare... and who you shall kill to reach your objective. A Sith relies on his skill, just as much as he does on a psychological advantage over his opponent. Make them fear you, and you will be unstoppable. Let them control your fate... and your life will be at an end."

Some time later, a shuttle departed from the Hammer of Darkness. Commodore Alarni was instructed to move the ship to inside Imperium borders, not far from Tarix. However, the shuttle was to go directly to Tarix. Should things get ugly, then Ilan had a plan to make sure that Sadis would never make it off the world alive. And whatever he was doing there, would be destroyed alongside him. Soon after, the Lambda-class shuttle entered lightspeed, en route to its destination.

OOC: Next post, I'll get the arrival in.
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Post by Cadden »

A lone Lambda-class shuttle dropped out of lightspeed near the planet Tarix. Ilan could sense the dark side energies teeming about the planet, he did not even have to search for them. This place was crawling with the influence of the Dark Side of the Force, he could tell. "Be cautious," he instructed Malice. "We will not be welcomed here, and I'm certain that our first encounter will be a hostile one. Use what you have learned thus far - it may not have been much, but it's more than what they will know. You are Sith, Darth Malice - they are not, even if they claim to be. Do not falter. Use the elements of fear, surprise, intimidation. Only by doing this, will victory be imminent."

Not long after, the shuttle touched down on the rugged terrain, not a great deal of a distance away from an ancient fortress. The ramp lowered, and both Ilan and Malice strode down. Ilan raised the ramp behind them with the Force. "Now, let us pay the locals a little visit," he said to Malice.

OOC: I'll let you take it from here, Cazzik, since you seemed to have a clearer depiction as to what is gonna go on.
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Post by Halcyon508 »

Kage snuck through the shadows, his mission was simple, he had to stalk the third candidate to Sadis’s apprenticeship. According to the plan Saria should be preparing an ambush while avoiding the foul things Sadis set about in the lower levels of the Castle. Kage hated the poor starved creatures that were loosed in the depths. They hunted the remaining apprentices, a small source of entertainment to the grand Lord Sadis. Kage hated Sadis, he and Saria had devised a plan. The final stage of the grand competition was to be a duel between the two final survivors. They were to be given real lightsabers, that’s when they would strike betraying their master.

Kage's body stiffened. He lifted his nose in the air and sniffed violently. His heightened sense of smell, hearing, and vision allowed him to stay far enough away from his quarry to remain unnoticed. Now however his tensed muscles made his hair rise, the sent had been scattered by the air ducts. He squinted his eyes peering through the darkness, his pupils taking in what little light remained. Nothing, not even a trace of dust from the fall of the boys large feet.

With all his other senses failed Kage stood completely still, he slowed his breathing and was as silent as could be. The force was useless, one of the first things all of candidates had learned was to make themselves small in the force, indistinguishable from the small creatures that reside in the dungeon. Only Saria seemed to be invisible. Initially this gave Kage an advantage in tracking other members and slowly picking them off when they were alone. However as of late it seemed it that following the Brute has become harder and harder.

Movement. His head raised as his ears heard the trampling of feet from…behind him. He turned just in time to dodge an attack from a large boy. “Kamik, how did you find me?” he asked as he stared at the bald muscular boy. Though Kamik was only slightly larger in size Kage knew that Kamik had densely packed muscles, a result of genetic engineering, giving him an enormous strength.

“You and that witch aren’t the only ones who can do tricks.” The large boy replied as he threw a fist. Kage dove to one direction barely avoiding the blow which, had he not known better, he could have sworn put a dent in the wall. Kage stood up swiftly and prepared a defensive stance. The beast attacked lunging with a fist, Kage stepped back avoiding the blow and skirting to the right. He let loose a punch which has seemingly no effect on his opponent. Kamik swung his arm wildly in an attempt to swat Kage like an annoying pest, however the frivolous attack failed to hit its mark.

Knowing he could not sustain a blow for the larger and stronger opponent Kage knew that he had to end the fight as quickly as possible. He put his arms up in a guard and as bald boy lurched forward with a first clenched tightly. Instead of dropping back Kage stepped forward passing the opponents guard and launching several elbows into his face.

The barrage had the desired effect temporarily blinding the brute. He turned to flee only be grabbed by the shoulder and pulled back being thrown onto the ground. Being briefly stunned he was soon struck with a massive punch. He curled into a small ball on the ground as the left him skirting consciousness. Kamik lifted him up Kage and squeezed his already injured shoulder. Kage’s only thought was on escape. He jerked hard dislocating the shoulder and disabling his right arm kicking off Kamiks chest to propel him away. He scurried off in defeat…


Saria was waiting impatiently in her quarters. She sensed a little of what happened, but not enough. Had her pawn been successful? Kage burst into the room his arm hanging slack next to him. No I don’t suppose the pawn was successful. She thought to herself seeing him. “And what happened?” She asked sweetly.

Kage retold the tale sparing no details. He hung his head lightly in defeat. “It was a near impossible fight.” He said as Saria gently grabbed his good arm and affectionately positioned him beside her. He became distracted. Trying hard to remember details of the battle just fought. “The one thing I can’t figure out….” His voice trailed as if he forgot what he was going to say next. “I can’t figure out…” The sound trailed until a spark light and he nearly dislocated his other arm jumping from Saria’s side. “Is how he found me…”

Saria stood up and gracefully walked around the boy in front of her. Her sent filled his nostril and seemed to get stronger. And intoxicating odor and yet stronger now then ever he has smelled. She walked behind him and put her arms over his shoulder being gentle on the limp side. “Well,” she whispered in his hear. “The creatures travel in small packs, its rare to find one alone. One could assume that the lone beast was one of us.”

Kage reflected, his eyes revealing the strain of thought. Her sent had grown even stronger almost oppressive. “Maybe that’s true.” He replied as she kissed him lightly. He returned the kiss taking in her hand. They had never been this sensual before… “But he isn’t that bright how could he have figured it out?”

“I don’t know…” Said Saria as she moved back away from him slightly feinting contemplation, Kage stood in a stupor. “It could be because I told him….”

Kage heard the thought but couldn’t put the simple equation together. “well why would you do that?” he replied.

“I wanted you dead.” Kage heard the words and the haze in his eyes seemed to vanish as self preservation kicked in. He turned around just in time to see Saria’s arm finish a swinging motion. He fell lump to the ground as Saria examined the sharpened and now bloody metal spike in her hand. “The pawn may have failed, but the queen did not.” She said as a droid came in and took the remains away.

OOC: it may not be the best but its 2 am….I’m tired…Anyhow Cazz waiting to talk to you before my next post
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
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Post by Halcyon508 »

Saria gazed out into the large stage. Sadis was having the duel be held at the large theatre inside the castle. Always one for theatrics Saria inwardly smiled. She stepped forward as a droid slowly pulled back the curtain. Sadis was on a private balcony watching intently to determine who his apprentice will be. Across the open expanse of the stage stood Kamik; casting a large shadow over Saria.

They didn’t wait. Saria darted forward at a pace that Kamik couldn’t match their sabers met and the blow nearly drove Saria to her knees. She rolled lightly dodging a second attack. She stood now facing the brute of a boy. Believing his extra long reach to be an asset Kamik stabbed his blade forward excepting Saria to parry. Never doing what is expected of her, instead she bent backwards avoiding the blade. Her back arced and before her head hit the ground she kicked with her right foot landing a solid blow on Kamiks jaw.

The brutes eyes reddened as hatred boiled in his blood. Saria giggled lightly and smiled. Kamik charged with a rage in his eyes. He held his lightsaber high and with all his might brought the blade down. Saria refused to block and instead angled her saber slightly as to deflect the blow while sidestepping.

Now they were side by side, Saria went on the offensive immediately bringing her saber in on Kamik creating a beautiful show as she spun. Kamik easily blocked the attack, however she was relentless. She quickly flipped backwards and deflected off a wall to strike from yet another angle. The large brute has a harder time blocking as he was not expecting such an attack. Saria smiled as she centered herself and bent her knees low. She attacked once more and drove the beast back.

He staggered from the amounts of attacks being delivered. Saria placed a foot firmly on his chest and pushed hitting his saber hand with her toe and propelling herself back once again. Now separated by several meters she noticed Kamik turn his lightsaber off. He reached his hand out as Saria mimicked his movements. With the force Kamik tore a light from above the stage off its rack and threw it toward the small girl. Saria in turn did likewise which slammed into him moments before she jumped to avoid the object being thrown at herself. Her jump was too light and she was knocked to the ground.

She got up ready to defend herself and realized that her lightsaber had fallen. As Kamik charged she looked briefly to her side seeing the saber. He thrust his saber and Sirena sidestepped barely avoiding the deadly blow, she reached her arms out and grabbed Kamils guiding him to a slight fall. She spun while retaining control of Kamiks wrist with her left arm and extended her right. A small silvery cylinder flew from the ground and into her hand. The snap-hiss sound of a lightsaber igniting echoed through the theatre as continued the spin and with lightsaber in hand decapitated Kamik. She giggled as she looked at the limp body.

She stared at the balcony where Sadis stood and hummed softly causing an enchanting echo to be heard.
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
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Post by Cazzik »

The Kiri Sith held his sabers in hand as he followed his master across the rough terrain. This planet was hot. Far too hot for his taste. However, that meant nothing to him. He was Darth Malice, a Marauder of the Sith Brotherhood. Servant and apprentice to the Dark Lord, Darth Invisus. No world would conquer him. No adversary would defeat him. He was a warrior, a killer. And he would prove to his master that there are none that can stand before him.

It was not long before they saw a massive construct before them. It was impressive, and old. Mostly built of stone, it was clearly here before the planet became so hostile. The Dark Side presence on the planet sprung from this location, Malice could feel it. His grip on his weapons tightened as he noticed they were no longer alone. Some type of......creatures were just out of sight. Many of them. They were vicious, and had a strange signature in the Force. He did not ignite his sabers. Something or someone was holding the monsters at bay.


Sadis stared down at Saria. She was dark, twisted. Much like himself. She enjoyed the kill, almost too much. Yes, this little contest had been worth it. She would not have been the one he would have chosen from the beginning, but he would clearly have been wrong. He stood up and smiled slightly at her. She was a gem, much more than he could have ever hoped for. He turned and walked slowly down to the theater from his balcony. As he reentered the room she was still there, waiting for him.

He approacher her, taking in the lifeless body of her opponent. She had dispatched him easily. He took her saber from her, igniting it and admiring the blade.
"An elegant weapon, is it not?"

It was a rhetorical question. He swung it slowly one way and then back. He finally turned it off and handed it back to her.
"You have completed every task set before you. Eliminated your opponents either through combat or manipulation. And for someone so young you did it with finesse. I will admit I'm impressed. Your time as a child is over, and your name, Saria, no longer fits."

He took a seat and stared up at her.
"I was took the name Sadis in the true Sith tradition. You, as my apprentice shall be given a name that represents your unique......talents," He stood up once more and approached her again. This time only a few inches from her he placed his hands on her shoulders, much the way a father would a daughter.
"Saria is dead. In her place now stands Sirena; the demon with the voice of an angel."

He stopped, his eyes closed. For a moment he did not move, he didn't breath. He turned around to face the entrance of the theater.
"Come my apprentice. We have guests."

He quickly made his way to one of the lower balconies that overlooked the front of his castle. It was covered in shadows, making it an excellent place to hide and observe the approaching individuals. It was not long until they came into view. A human, incredibly powerful from what Sadis could tell. The other was a warrior, a species he was not familiar with. It took him only moments to identify what they were. He turned to his apprentice.
"At last. They have shown themselves."

He stepped back into the castle and strode through the halls and down the stairs. Sirena was right behind him. He could feel the hunger of his Blood Wraiths outside, but they did not dare attack the newcomers, for Sadis held them at bay. The giant doors of the fortress opened and Sadis stepped out from the shadows alongside his apprentice. The four locked eyes for a moment, without words. It was Sadis that broke the silence.
"The creatures are called Blood Wraiths. They will not attack, they heed my will. I created them, using ancient alchemy."

His eyes locked with the human's.
"But you all ready knew that. For the Dark Lord knows all."
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Post by Cadden »

Ilan looked at the man for a moment, assessing the situation. He was, indeed, correct. My, aren't we the insightful one? he mused. And you know how to identify a Sith. He's more dangerous on his own, then as one of us.

"You... Dark one... what is your name?" Ilan asked. This isn't one of the Sith, but that does not mean he could not be one. "I can sense you know much of the Sith... but you are no Sith. Not yet, at any rate."

OOC: I warned you, now leave me alone! :P
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Post by Cazzik »

Sadis stared at the two Sith Lords. He took them in, every aspect of their being. They were not descendants of the Sith Empire, of his creator Darth Kren. They were new, and yet old at the same time. They had become Sith without being linked to the last great dark reign. But they were still indeed Sith, lords of the Dark Side. The human had spoken, and he was not one to be ignored.
"You are correct. I am not a Sith. But I know much, for I was created to be the heir of a fallen Dark Lord."

His eyes flickered. What little he had left to learn, this man knew. He could make him what he was meant to be.
"I am Sadis. Once, long ago, I was the apprentice of the Dark Lord, Darth Kren. Ruler of the Sith Empire." He paused momentarily. "But he is dead, and my senses tell me that perhaps another now holds the title of Dark Lord."
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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Post by Cadden »

A false upstart to a pretended regime, perhaps, Ilan mused. As much as he had hated his previous two masters for not including him on the ways of the Sith, he still admired them. Which was what kept him loyal. "I am Dark Lord of the Sith," Ilan responded. "Any other who claims the title will see how fatal such presumptions may be. For I was trained by my masters of the true Sith Empire - Darth Vader and Darth Sidious." Of course, he would not tell Sadis that he only learned of the ways of the Sith recently. "I stand before you today, holding their teachings. For I am Darth Invisus, Dark Lord of the Sith... and none stand above me."

Ilan looked at Sirena, and noticed her proficiency immediately. He granted her a quick grin, one that spoke in volumes, reading something along the lines of, Spare me your charms, woman, I am above such things. Ilan's attention shifted back to Sadis. "I see you have worked hard to accomplish a mission only a Sith Lord may," he continued. "Your situation is rather... interesting, to say the least. However, if you are not truly a Sith, then your mission to fulfill the duties of a Sith will prove to be futile, Sadis. Unless..."

He nodded to Malice, who in turn mentally prepared himself for the possibility of conflict. By looking at Ilan's apprentice, they would never suspect that he was ready to draw his lightsabers at a moment's notice, and the same was with Ilan. Indeed, Invisus was the cunning one. "Unless," he continued, "you were to renounce your position as master, and take on that of apprentice. I have uses for those of your talents, Sadis, and I am sure you would enjoy the satisfaction of fulfilling your dreams of being a Sith Lord. However, I am not so foolish as to go annointing every individual strong in the Force a position amongst my empire. You would have to prove yourself worthy of being one of us."

OOC: If you're not going to cause a conflict, then damnit, I will! :P
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Post by Cazzik »

Sadis smiled slightly. This man was cunning, powerful. He could feel it. And he was baiting him. He could tell. The Dark Lord wanted to know if Sadis was truly worth his time. He would not fight. There was a time for brute strength, for battle. This was not it, which meant the Marauder's presence was not necessary. He unhooked his lightsaber slowly, so as to not cause alarm. He tossed it over to the Marauder. Though the alien was a skilled warrior, Sadis was confidant he could destroy him. It was Invisus he was not keen on fighting.

He turned around and motioned slightly with his hand at his castle.
"This is my fortress, Lord Invisus. Everything I have ever found about the Sith, everything I have ever learned is stored here. Their teachings, their secrets. My collection is impressive, but not complete. There are few things that elude my grasp, Dark Lord. But the title of Sith has been one of those things for some time."

He turned back to face the newcomers.
"I will not fight you. For there is no reason for me to do so. It would serve no purpose, and more than likely someone would die, eliminating a member of an all ready too small order." He stared directly at the Dark Lord, not flinching. This man had earned his title, Sadis was certain of that now. He could bring destruction to the Jedi and reclaim the galaxy in the name of the Sith. "You have knowledge, secrets, that I require, Lord Invisus. I would be in your debt if you shared them."
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Post by Cadden »

"Debt can be eluded," Ilan responded, "and once repaid, a deadly nuicanse to deal with. If you want my good graces, you will have to do more than be in my debt, Sadis." Ilan nodded to his fortress. "What you have done here is impressive. I would hate to have to level it to the ground because you fail to cooperate." He made a hard eye contact with Sadis and let the silence seep in before he continued.

"You swear your allegiance to me, Sadis, and I will share this knowledge with you." Ilan was not willing to take chances with this one. True, it was likely he could beat Sadis is combat, either through means of the lightsaber or the Force, but should Sadis grow too powerful, than he would be in a heap of trouble. That would not be allowed to happen. Nemesis wore his teachings well, and he would sooner let his Codru-Ji apprentice take his place than... this.


Nemesis observed the gladiatorial ring with great interest. The individual he watched in particular was a forest green skinned Nautolan with a mean streak about him. What's more, he was sensitive to the Force. Another kill for the Nautolan. He smirked, and got up from his seat. Strolling to the betting booth, he spoke to the being, and placed his bet - eight hundred credits says the Nautolan would take on ten of their toughest opponents.

The attendant gave him a look, then smirked as he took his credits. "I hope yer a good loser," he remarked, though Nemesis did not bother to respond.

It was only a matter of time before the event began. Nemesis watched intently, as the Nautolan was pitted up with the ten best fighters the arena had to offer. One went down, then another, and another. Cheers became roars, and roars became boos, until after about the sixth downed opponent, they suddenly changed to cheers again. Nemesis remained vigilant, watching the brute's movements.

And it was over. The Nautolan was the last one standing. Returning to the betting booth, an angry attendant gave him his dues, and Nemesis quietly walked away. The Nautolan had passed the test. He would make a worthy addition, to be sure.

He arranged for them to meet, and when they had, he realized how far he had underestimated the gladiator. "Nautolan," he spoke to the other, "what is your name?"

The Nautolan looked Nemesis up and down, before finally speaking. "Xahruk," he responded. "Who wishes to know?"

"My name is Eyion Robiu," Nemesis responded, opting to use his birth name, rather than his new given name. True, he had found the perfect candidate, but he was not sure what loyalties the Nautolan had, if any. He needed to either reshape them, or give him new ones. "I am under the employment of one who could greatly benefit your talents."

Xahruk eyed Nemesis for a moment. "What is the pay?" he asked. Nemesis merely smirked.
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Post by Cazzik »

Threats. This Dark Lord was a brute in Sadis' opinion. They had only just met and he continued to use the threat of death and destruction constantly. He was a Sith, though. More like Darth Vader than even he might know. Sadis preferred to model himself after some of the other great Lords. Vader's master, Sidious as well as Darth Bane were two such individuals. Sadis knew Invisus would keep an eye on him. Despite anything the Dark Lord would say, Sadis was powerful, and they both knew it.
"You can hold your threats, Dark Lord. They are not required here."

He turned his back on the two Sith and motioned towards his fortress.
"If you so choose to level it, then you will have denied yourself the knowledge I have stored inside. Many holocrons and ancient scriptures. Not to mention the oldest secrets of Sith alchemy."

He turned back.
"They are yours, as is my allegiance, in exchange for your secrets."
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Post by Cadden »

"Threats?" Ilan repeated, clearly offended. "Sadis... I don't do threats. I deal with insurance. You're more valuable to me alive, but more dangerous to me on your own." He hated to admit it to the other, but reality spoke that, on his own, Sadis had little power to posess a threat to Ilan.

That, and the offer had become far juicier. Tomes of knowledge - holocrons, scriptures, alchemy secrets - all being presented as a gift of good will to the Dark Lord. Perhaps razing this place would not be such a good idea, after all, he mused. The irony that would have been, and an unfortunate one at that. Had Sadis declined his offer, or been persistent in any dealings with Ilan, subsequent action would have actually hurt Ilan more than it would have benefitted him.

"I wish to see this knowledge, then," he said after a moment of contemplation. "If what you speak of is genuine, then you will find yourself much closer to becoming a Sith Lord than ever before." Of course, Sadis wouldn't just become a Sith Lord like that. He had to earn the title, above all else. But, it was a small step, and he was sure the other knew as well as he did. "My apprentice shall accompany me, for he still has much to learn of the Sith. If what you have is what you claim, then you may join us, and your journey to what you have desired for so long will finally be complete."

Ilan motioned for Sadis to lead the way. Malice kept himself vigilant, as he had been instructed. At any moment, a trap could be sprung, and both were ready for such an occurance. If their hosts would be foolish enough to try, then they would find themselves no longer in need of what had been established here.
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