The S.S: Secrets of the Deep Core

Takes place immediately after the Battle of Yavin
Tales and stories set during the events of Episodes 4-6...

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Tamer of Horses
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The S.S: Secrets of the Deep Core

Post by Garet »

Ooc: the thread will take place a year before ANH


A dark rain cloud loomed over the buildings of Coruscant as the scent of precipitation could be smelled from the roof of the tallest buildings; some are so close to the sky that one could touch the artificial clouds if they tried. A beautiful sight and feeling for those that love the rain, but in Coruscant not many can experience this; instead they must encounter the strong smell of gaseous factories, body odor and –if you’re unlucky- decomposed bodies. This is something that Lieutenant Rikard Elms has smelled over the years in being an Imperial officer; he’s gotten used to the scent of burnt flesh from a blaster rifle, the smell of an ignited thermal detonator burning a room full of rebels…but he hasn’t gotten used to the smell of his own flesh burning.

That’s aside from his current worries; the burn mark he received in escaping an ambush is in the past now – by a few minutes - all he wants to do is get out of this planet safely. As he ran through a dark alley, Rikard laughed at the thought of leaving the planet; with one question ringing in his mind…’Where in the galaxy will he be able to go?’

What he accidentally uncovered forced him to attack Imperial soldiers…he had to; someone ordered them to kill him a few moments after he stumbled upon this information. All he wanted to do is find information on a rebel base in Coruscant…not this.

The artificial rain began to fall now, soothing yet stinging the burn mark on his right shoulder as he leaned on a wall for a quick breath.

“Calm down.” He whispered to himself while rubbing his hand down his face from exhaustion; Rikard is convinced he’s lost the squad that was after him. Closing his brown eyes tightly, the lieutenant kept on saying that phrase over and over in his mind.

The rain was coming down harder now, and Rikard needed a place to lay low…and possibly find a way out of this planet.

Straightening his uniform and lowering his hat slightly to cover his face, the Lieutenant stepped out of the alley and looked around the area for any sign of Imperial activity. Aside from the usual jumbo screens of advertisements, the countless pedestrians walking down the street…there was no sign of an Imperial soldier.

He never would have thought there would have been a day where he would be running from his own people.

The lieutenant looked around once again to make sure that it was clear; he then quickly made his way down a crowded path of pedestrians, trying to blend in case he was being watch. Rikard didn’t want to admit it, but deep down inside he knew…once the Empire is after you, they’ll catch you eventually. That thought kept on running through his mind as he began to breathe heavily without knowing, fear began to take over him for some odd reason.

Something is wrong he thought to himself as civilians began to look at him peculiarly…he was being watched. Rikard has been in the Imperial army long enough to know when eyes are set on him; he doesn’t know who or how, but his body is telling him that this someone has a sight for kill.

It was like the force guided him to look ahead at about thirty yards away; where a dark figure stood underneath a blue and green neon sign. The bright lights and dark atmosphere made it impossible to identify the figure, but this shadow stood out in the lieutenant’s eyes like the horns on top of a Krayt dragon’s head. For the first time, fear ran through his body as he stared at the shadow…and it was instinct - or perhaps the force - that made him run to his right, through the entrance of the ‘Red Bantha’ cantina.

The cantina was fairly big; a dance floor in the far back where the dancers danced to the tune of the band, many races gathered here as they talked, laughed and drank. The bar was located in the center of the cantina as a female Twi’lek and two Zabrak bartenders served their customers.

It took a while for Rikard to calm his breathing, he began to notice that many inside the cantina were looking at him; it’s not everyday you see a lone Imperial officer running inside a cantina to catch his breath. Rikard didn’t care at those looking at him though, as long as they knew he was an Imperial officer, no one would touch him.

If only they knew the fear inside him, like a stray womp rat trying to find it’s way out of a trap. That’s exactly how Rikard feels; he needs to find a ride out of this planet now.

“What can I get you?” questioned the female Twi’lek bartender as Rikard sat across from her. “‘Kreivous’ Black Whisky on the rocks” The bartender arched her eyebrow as she smiled slightly, “I like your taste.”

As the bartender was getting Rikard his drink, the lieutenant began to scan the area for a pirate; with enough credits for a job, a pirate is willing to do anything. The problem was, everyone is in this blasted cantina looked the same.

“Here’s your drink and twenty credits please” Rikard placed the credits on the table and as she was reaching them, Rikard reached for her hand and gave her an extra one thousand credits, “Where can I find a ship to get me out of this planet?” he whispered

Her eyes widened from what the Imperial officer said and did, “Is this some kind of sting operation?” Rikard wasn’t in the mood for this, “Listen, ‘Kreivous’ Black Whisky is an illegal drink to have in a cantina unless you have the proper license, which I really doubt you have one. Now if you don’t tell me a skilled pirate that has a ship to get me out of this planet I will send a squad of stormtroopers in here and raid this entire cantina.”

The barmaid looked quickly at someone sitting a couple of seats next to Rikard, “Ok,’ she whispered as she looked back at him, ‘Next to the dance floor there’s a table where a man with a slight beard wearing a worn out brown leather jacket is sitting. Go up to him and say that ‘Kisses’ sent you. He’s going to ask 'what color' and you give him this drink and say ‘Blue’.”

Rikard arched an eyebrow as the barmaid poured a glass of Talus Whisky ‘Blue Label’ on the rocks. “The man likes his whisky.” She smiled as she handed Rikard the glass, she then motioned where the man is sitting.

The human male the Twi'lek was talking about was sitting at a table with a rodian and a zabrak. The man was wearing his worn out brown leather jacket like she said he would, his appearance looked as if he got out of bed as his black hair was messed up along with his week old beard. The rodian was wearing a black jumpsuit and the zabrak wore a long black trench coat. From what Rikard could see the human was in a heated discussion with the other two and it looked like he was in control of the argument.

But the lieutenant didn’t care though with what they were talking about; he picked up the glass of whisky and made his way towards the man.
If they swing their swords for the sake of 'order'.
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Post by Garet »

The Red Bantha

Garrett sat patiently at his usual table as he waited for Verrick Kraz's goons for an important meeting. Garrett’s last mission with his crew went sour when one his crewmembers, Zeta, punched out pretty boy Verrick during the drop off. Garrett didn’t see it for himself, but from what Zeta says; Verrick groped her which led to her breaking his nose. The crime lord yelled that Zeta punched him for no apparent reason, but Garrett trust’s Zeta and knows that she wouldn’t do something unless she is forced to…especially when it’s during a mission with the client. Garret, though, believes that something else must have happened between the two that Zeta didn’t mention, but it didn’t matter.

That event almost led to a shootout if it wasn’t for Garrett “persuading” Verrick that they still had possession of the spice and if anything went wrong, there was no way the gang lord would get it. Not even a day has passed since the incident and Verrick is demanding a meeting with two of his trusted companions to do the talking.

Garrett twirled his glass of whisky as he looked around the bar; there was no way pretty boy Verrick would walk in here. He’s too much of a ‘high class’ crime lord to be caught in the lower slums of Coruscant. Garrett then laughed at the thought of Verrick being a gang lord; it was once controlled by Verrick’s father, Alkim Kraz, until he decided to call it quits and gave the gang to Verrick. Most of the gang members would have easily rebelled over Verrick, but everyone knew that Alkim still watched what was happening from a distance and could have easily gotten involved…technically it’s still his gang and Verrick is the doll.

Verrick’s two ‘negotiators’ came in the cantina and immediately began to walk towards Garrett’s direction. Garrett quickly emptied his glass of whisky as he looked around the area for his scattered crew: too see if their still watching him in case things got ugly. He wasn’t too surprised too see who Verrick brought to be his ‘voice’; the Zabrak, Roklar Sergar and the Rodian, Greebis.

“Boys” greeted the pirate as the two negotiators sat across from him; Roklar immediately cut to the point, “Verrick wants compensation.”

Garrett laughed, “Verrick wants something in return for Zeta punching him?”

She did break his nose” replied Greebis in his Rodian tongue. Garrett scratched his head, “What exactly does he want?”

Both were quiet for a moment until Roklar broke the silence, “Zeta’s hand”

Garrett rubbed his beard as he tried to cope with what the Zabrak said; is this really the pretty boy’s idea or could it be the old man’s? Alkim is known for these psychotic ‘reasoning’ with those that cross his path…Verrick is also his son so he could have daddy’s psychopathic mind as well. If only Garrett worked with Verrick longer then he did with Alkim; planning things out without knowing your enemy is a dangerous thing.

“Tell him we have a problem then.”

Both negotiators looked at each other, Here it comes he thought to himself.

We do have a problem then.” stated Greebis, Garrett nodded his head as he leaned forward, “You’re going to tell Verrick that there’s no way I’m going to follow his sick ways just because he can’t keep his zipper closed.”

“Do you realize what you’re getting yourself into?” Roklar’s cold voice didn’t scare Garrett at all; the pirate has been through similar occurrences like this before.

“If you think I’m going to give my crewmember’s hand then I think you guys are just as crazy as he is.’ Before either negotiator could even reply Garrett continued ‘Would either of you have done it if you were in my place.”

Bullseye The Zabrak and Rodian were quiet; both knew that the pirate had a point.

“Kisses sent me to see you.” The three didn’t notice the Imperial officer walking towards them until he spoke; and all three were shocked to see one here…let alone talking to them. Garrett was especially shocked for him to know the code for a meeting with him.

“What color?” he continued as he stared at the officer; he was hiding it well, but deep inside he was a wreck. The officer gave Garrett the drink like he was supposed to, “Blue.”

Something’s not right here.

Garrett looked at Verrick’s two goons and they knew as well as him that they should get going in case this was a pinch. He also noticed some of his crew getting a bit agitated as well.

“What do you need?” Garrett decided to play along as he began to think of a plan to get out of this cantina with his group in case a raid was about to happen.

“I need a ship to leave this planet.”

“Have a seat.” Garrett didn’t bother drinking the whisky the officer brought him in case it was drugged.

The officer looks agitated it's as if he really does want to get out of Coruscant…but something isn’t right; he’s an Imperial officer, can’t he just leave with one of the ships the Empire provides?

Garrett looked around the cantina, Also if this really was a raid…couldn’t he have used some other excuse for me to agree with in order to nail me?

“Don’t you have a ship?”

“I’m in a situation.” He whispered in reply, Garrett was about to laugh at his face, “You do know that you’re an Imperial officer and you could send an entire army to solve it…right?”

The officer shook his head as his dark brown eyes began to show fear, “Not if they’re the problem.”

Any other pirate would doubt this officer’s story, but Garrett was slightly different from the rest...which has helped him to survive in the galaxy for this long.

“50,000 credits to get you off Coruscant.’ Rikard couldn’t believe it, but Garrett continued, ‘And the reason why the Imperials are after you.”

“Very well.”

Garrett scratched his head slightly as he began to think of how in the force he’s going to explain this to his crew.
If they swing their swords for the sake of 'order'.
I will fire my arrow for 'pride'
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Post by Aranador »

‘Alpha’ was doing what he did best, which was blend in. Allan Farrel was physically just another Correlian, and not the least bit remarkable to look at. Not ugly enough to draw attention, yet definitely not attractive enough to garner a second glance either. Medium build, medium height – everything about him was just statistically commonplace – a rough description of him was like a rough description of half the planet’s population.

And he liked it like that. Right now he was in a bar in Coruscant, keeping an eye out for the well being of his current boss. The man he was looking out for was off to the side of the cantina, in a booth, while Alpha was up against a slender bar table making utterly inane conversation with a moderately comely woman. Alpha knew this particular female was a snitch – to him at least – it was easy to tell. It had to do with the types of questions floating along through the conversation – all utterly innocuous – and all subtly out of place. What Alpha didn’t know is who she may be a snitch for. She wasn’t exactly high quality, either physically or in her ‘interrogation’ technique - not that it mattered really. As easily as breathing, Alpha was spinning a tale that essentially made no sense, and had no possible bearing on reality. One thing Alpha was terribly good at was out and out story telling.

In essence – talking to Alpha was a waste of time – unless he wanted it to be otherwise. Deception was as much a part of who he was as the non-descript features of his face. Spinning a worthless tale simply happened as he talked.

The two enforcers for which ever gang lord had gotten mad at their little pirate group this time arrived, and it quickly became apparent to Alpha that negotiations were stalled over some point or other that could not be agreed on. Alpha’s boss – Garrett – was just a bit too nice, in Alpha’s opinion, but on the other hand, he was an exceptional leader, as good at making the right decision as Alpha was at clouding it. The real difference between them was probably in terms of ‘vision’. Garrett acted, made things happenhow he wanted them to, while Alpha reacted, stopped things from happening as other people wanted them to.

It was an odd, but profitable partnership, which is why Alpha stuck by Garrett where another boss would have failed to retain the services of Alpha.

Alpha was about to run some level of interference to put the goons off their game – when an unexpected event wandered over to Garrett’s table.

An imperial officer. Unusual. Borrowing a bit from his embellishments with the young woman he was conversing, he cast a little suspicion in the way of the Rhodian sitting across from Garrett. Alpha figured it wouldn’t hurt to create a little general animosity towards the thug. Still – the officer appeared to be carrying a shot of whiskey – which could mean something really bad was happening.

Alpha might be good at playing the game – but Garrett was a master at changing the rules.
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Post by Pryde »

If Alpha was the master of blending in then Sierra Ward was his exact opposite. She sat right in the middle of the bar literally surrounded by people as she graced them all with one of her fantastical stories. You see, unlike Alpha, Sierra was an attention hog, she literally coveted it. If you weren't paying attention to her at any given point in time then there was a problem. She barely even noticed the events unfolding on the other side of the bar where Garrett was sitting. She was too distracted in her retelling of the time her crew escaped from an Imperial fleet through a dense asteroid field, all because of her of course. While it may be true that her ego is literally the size of a gas giant, no one can deny that she is hot behind the controls of a starship.

Forged from humble beginnings, she got her start dusting crops for her family in her father’s T-16 back on Corellia. She later turned to piracy and became, as she is often wont to say, “The best pilot in the galaxy this side of the core.” While her claim may still be up for debate, it is true that her unorthodox flying skills have helped get herself and her crew out of several sticky situations.

“So, we fired some concussion missiles and blew a hole straight through the asteroid,” Sierra was saying as some man she just met was handing her another drink. “Then I flew the ship right through the hole and dropped some proximity mines behind us. The Imperials never saw it coming! At least three TIE’s were destroyed by the mines and the others had to go around, but by that time I’ve already brought the ship to a full stop and turned it around. It was a tight fit, but I managed to get her going the other way. The Imps were completely surprised when they realized we hadn’t emerged from the other side of the asteroid yet. We fired some drones then to keep ‘em guessing, nothing too fancy just a little device that would ping their radar and look like a ship. They got so lost looking for us that we managed to slip out unnoticed. And to believe the others thought we were in real trouble when they saw that Star Destroyer, but I wasn’t worried at—,“ She stopped suddenly when out of the corner of her eye she caught Garrett speaking to an Imperial officer.

“Oh my god,” she said in shock, jumping to her feet.

“What is it,” someone commented, craning his head to look. Sierra quickly waved him away and said, “Oh nothing! I just, uh--remembered that I had something really important to say to my captain. I’ll just be a moment, so don't go anywhere.”

Before they could respond she quickly shoved her way out of the circle and crossed over to Garrett’s table. “Evenin’, boss,” she said cheerily, “Who’s your friend?”
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic

"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
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Post by Aranador »

Alpha allowed his gaze to obviously leer towards Sierra Ward. Inwardly he thought to himself 'And there is someone who doesnt realise there are rules to the game at all.' His exaggerated gaze had the desired effect though, as the woman he was at the standing table with increased her own efforts to maintain Alpha's attention.

Still - this would work out fine. Sierra was definitely a hot shot pilot able to get out of a dire scrape. But she needed to be - she was also an undeniable trouble magnet.
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Post by Mir »

A human male in the corner had also found Sierra Ward attractive, though he didn't know the name of the face and body that he was looking at. He simply sat in a booth, drinking slowly from his mug of Corellian ale. The female Twi'lek across from him noticed his interest in the woman.

"Kerrigon, don't think about it." He turned back to his twi'lek companion.

"Think about what, Evle?"

"That woman. You see the Imperial officer just as I do. You know there's going to be trouble, as I do. That's where our thought patterns change. Mine stay normal, yours...don't, I'm afraid."

"Its been weeks since we had a good fight or trip."

"Trip yes, fight no. What about that bar clearing brawl you were in yesterday?"

"Yesterday? Yesterday, what happened yesterday....Oh, you mean the Trandoshan?"

"Yes, I mean the trandoshan. And the rodian, and the two humans, and the devaronian."

"They had it coming. As I recall, you don't take catcalls too nicely, so I set them straight." The twi'lek, Evle, as he had called her examined her nails.

"That may be true, but I wanted to set them straight. You took the fun away from me."

"Take away the fun from me this time."

"Its tempting. We'll see." She leaned back and returned to her lomin ale. And Jace Kerrigon went back to admiring the back and backside of the woman some distance off.

OOC: Bah. Two characters. Any problems?
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Post by Etch_Coli »

/ooc: It's always so much shorter when you actually post it :?

Drake sat towards the back of the room, slowly sipping his brew. He glanced about, sizing up possible trouble in the room. Other than a few random thugs, the Red Bantha was fairly docile tonight. Towards the middle of the cantina sat Garet and Verrick’s two goons. The discussion between them seemed fairly heated, but forcefully toned down.

Looks like something is going south.

It was no surprise really, Garet was a headstrong leader, and Verrick was spoiled for a gang leader. Not to mention the fact that Verrick was more than likely taking action on his fathers behalf. You’d have better luck taming a Krayt than having those two reach an agreement.

I’m sure that Zeta giving Verrick a wallop didn’t help much. That girl is feisty. He thought to himself with a grin.

As Drake took another sip of his drink, he noticed a man enter the cantina dressed as an Imperial Officer.

Shit, will he recognize me?

The chances were slim of course, but you can never be too sure. You’re not likely to find an officer of the empire down here unless there’s a solid reason for it. Drake downed the remainder of his beer and made his way across the room, seating himself at a table away from the officers field of view. He was alone, it seemed. No commotion outside, and no bodyguards with him. The officer looked a bit distraught and he ordered a stiff drink. Nonetheless, Drake made sure he’d stay out of sight.

Drake spent a few years as a storm trooper in their recon division. There he was trained in all aspects of combat, specializing in sniping and blasters of all calibers. He’s rarely seen without a few blasters under his coat, and carries his rifle around wherever he’s able. A mission gone south in the Lok system made him a deserter. The very reason he is wary of Imperial Troops. It wasn’t too long after “the incident” that Drake had teamed up with Garet. The two got along well and Drake trusted the man with his life. That was more than he could say for most of his superiors in the Empire.

Drake snapped quickly out of thought as the Imp started towards Garet, drink in hand. His hand slid slowly to his holster, loosening the pistol from it’s harness. The two exchanged words, and Verrick’s thugs made a quick exit. If he was worried by the situation, Garet hid it well.

Keeping his hand on his blaster, Drake waited for a signal.
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Post by RileyKenobi »

To say that Zeta Foxx had a temper was a gracious understatement, and most likely an ignorant one at that. She was currently dawdling at the edge of the bar, leaning back against the adjoining wall, running her finger around the rim of her half-full opal, her golden eyes flicking methodically back and forth between Garrett and his "situation" and the rest of the club.

The bartender had taken particular notice of her, and by now had connected her with Garrett. He said nothing; people-watching was an intriguing part of his job, along with playing a shrink a few times each night to a miserable slob of a being who usually ended up snoring on the countertop, or else tossed out after being refused service after god-knows how many glasses of whatever. This girl, however, was only halfway through her opal, one of the more exotic and expensive drinks behind the counter, and hadn't said a peep besides. This might turn out interesting, the man thought to himself with a small smile.

Zeta watched Garrett with irritated curiousity that morphed immediately into alarmed suspicion as an Imperial Officer approached Garrett, handed him a drink, and sat down beside her captain.

What the bloody hell does he think he's doing?

Zeta shot a glance at Drake, who had hastily distanced himself from Garrett and the officer, avoiding eye contact and the like. Zeta downed the rest of her opal, surprising the bartender as she sent her empty glass shooting down the bar. Tugging at her studded belt, Zeta slipped across the room and slid into the booth next to Drake, who looked relieved that it was her, and only her. She leaned next to him, her hawk-like eyes still fixed on Garrett, who was now alone with the officer.

"Who the hell is that?" she said quietly. "Last thing we need is a bloody Imperial sniffin' around."

"How should I know, Zeta?" said Drake, hand on blaster. He still looked a little shifty, Zeta noted. She patted him good-naturedly on the shoulder. "If he was here for you, he'd have found you by now, methinks. 'Sides, Sierra's over there; if anything fishy was up, she'd be making a fuss for the whole world to hear."

Both pirates chuckled dryly about their young pilot; no doubt a good flier, excellent in any sort of pinch, but probably the most drama-oriented individual either of them had ever met. Zeta cracked her knuckles habitually; she winced as she squeezed the fresh bruise she had acquired breaking the nose of Garrett's most recent "client."

"So...shall we say hello?"
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Post by Garet »

“I’m surprised that you accepted this offer very quickly.’ stated Rikard, ‘It was as if you knew this wasn’t a sting operation to arrest you.” Garrett shrugged and smiled, “Well I have a ‘sixth-sense’ when it comes to people in need.”

The Imperial officer wasn’t convinced, but the pirate continued. “Now I want to know the reason why you want to leave Coruscant.”

Rikard was going to lie until the pirate leaned towards him and whispered, “And don’t you think of lying or else I’m getting up and leaving this cantina…if you think that you will be able to find another ride out of this planet in this sector, then you’re mistaken.”

A subconscious chill ran up the Imperial soldier’s spine after what Garrett told him, “I stumbled upon a disk in which I thought would have been information concerning a rebel hideout.”

“What did the disk contain?”

Rikard shook his head, “I don’t know, by the time I was about to open the disk my own soldiers were ordered to shoot me down on the spot.”

Garrett leaned back and folded his arms as he tried to understand what Rikard told him.

This can’t be a lie, its to odd for a ranking officer to be shot at by his own men by looking through data.

“How did you manage to escape?” Rikard smiled as he shifted his uniform, “There’s a reason why I’m a ranking officer,’ he said with pride, ‘After finding some cover, igniting a thermal detonator and blaster shots here and there…I managed to get out.”

He then showed Garrett his burn mark, “I even have the proof for the detonator.” Garrett didn’t need to look at it; he knew the officer was telling him the truth. This was too…unheard of…to be a lie.

Sierra, Zeta and Drake then walked up to Garrett’s table, “Evenin’, boss,” Sierra said cheerily, “Who’s your friend?”

Garrett let out a light sigh, “This “friend” of mine is our latest job.” He immediately raised his hand to stop whatever Sierra wanted to say as he knew that both Zeta and Drake were trying their best not to say anything in the cantina to cause a commotion.

“We’ll discuss this at our ship,’ he then gave a signal to Alpha to meet with them in the back exit of the cantina, ‘Let’s leave from the back guys, and head straight to the S.S. I’ll talk about our job there.”

He then looked at Rikard, “And let’s not try to make a scene, it looks like we have to do this under the radar.”
If they swing their swords for the sake of 'order'.
I will fire my arrow for 'pride'
Then I would punch for the sake of a 'bond'
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Post by Mir »

"They're moving."

"I noticed."

"You noticed her ass moving, not them."

"Point taken." They were obviously trying to leave through the back door, but Kerrigon smiled, as did Evle. It was obvious. An Imperial captain in a cantina like this? Moving towards the back with others, even as indiscreetly as possible? The two looked at each other and rose at the same time.

Kerrigon tossed a few credit coins down on the table. The two of them stepped forward, heading out the front.

"How you want to do this?" Evle's lekku twitched as she spoke.

"I'll go around the back, and you come in three minutes."

"You mean when the blasters start going off."

"Why do you have to make things difficult?"

"I don't. You're the one who does that." Jace smirked and then headed around the back. Evle followed immediately.

OOC: don't really see how we can have a run-in, but let's see what happens, eh?
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Post by Pryde »

Sierra was just about to unleash a whole slew of objections as soon as she found out that the Imperial was their next job, but Garrett cut her off. “We’ll discuss this at our ship," he said, signalling to Alpha then and letting him know that they were leaving. "‘Let’s leave from the back, guys, and head straight to the S.S. I’ll talk about our job there.”

As the others all filed out the door Sierra turned to Drake and whispered, "Is this a good idea? Trusting him like this?" Drake's frown deepened even more and Sierra's heart sank. "I knew it, this isn't a good idea, is it?"
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic

"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
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Post by RileyKenobi »

Zeta kept her distance from the Imperial, walking back with Drake and Sierra. The Kiffar was not happy at all. She glanced at Sierra as she spoke to Drake with a concerned tone.

"Is this a good idea? Trusting him like this?" she asked, her young face creasing. Drake frowned but gave no reply, and Zeta didn't do anything. "I knew it, this isn't a good idea, is it?"

"It'll be a worse idea if'n you don't shut your gob," Zeta snapped. Sierra gave her a glare in response. "If anyone catches a whiff of whateverthehell's going on, we'll be in much more of a pickle than we are now. And we haven't even gotten on the bloody ship yet."

"That's exactly my point," said Sierra irritably. "But you never let me fini-"

"Because you're mouth's too big," said Zeta gruffly. "If you used a little common sense in public, we wouldn't need your grand escapes."

At this Sierra smiled smugly, and Zeta smirked lopsidedly. She was a bit of a blabbermouth at times, but Zeta still liked her better than most people she ran into. Drake put himself between the two girls.

"Easy ladies," he said quietly. "Otherwise I'll put you in time out."

Zeta laughed heartily and kicked a piece of debris playfully.
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Post by Mir »

The small stone that Zeta kicked bounced off of Jace's boot. He looked at the group, as Evle came around the group.

"Now, what would you all be doing here? With an Imperial officer? Can't be that interesting, nah." He grinned. "Who's in charge here, I have a proposition for that person."
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Post by Pryde »

"I knew it, I knew this wasn't a good idea," Sierra said, instinctively hiding behind Drake and Alpha. She wasn't too good with a blaster so if things got nasty she'd be out of her league here. Though the newcomers were greatly outnumbered she couldn't put it passed them to try something stupid. Lots of people did stupid things, hell she was one of them. If these two pulled blasters on them they could probably kill her at least before they themselves were killed, and that's the thought that worried her the most. She prefered to be behind the sticks controlling the S.S., that's where she felt the most alive and the most safe. On foot she was out of her element, sure she's fired a gun on occasion in the past, but usually from behind a barrier where it was relatively safe. Out here in the alleyway there was no cover, therefore there was nowhere to hide.
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic

"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
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Post by Etch_Coli »

Drake gave Zeta playful nudge as they exited the cantina. Her hot-headed yet playful nature had always intrigued him. Their playful banter was cut short by the voice of a stranger.

“Now, what would you all be doing here? With an Imperial officer? Can't be that interesting, nah." A sly grin slid across the mans face. "Who's in charge here, I have a proposition for that person."

Drake couldn’t help but chuckle as Sierra muttered "I knew it, I knew this wasn't a good idea." as she slipped into the background. He took a step forward and arched his shoulders letting his coat fall to the ground. Underneath the coat was an staggering amount of weaponry. His hand moved towards his hip, smoothly palming his blaster. He could see the stranger eyeing his hardware.

“I’d think long and hard before trying anything pal.” Drake stated with a lop-sided grin.
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Post by Aranador »

Alpha caught Garrett’s signal easily enough. OK – so – things were definitely interesting now, but not major fire fight interesting. Alpha turned to his female companion, and with a nervous smile, said “I think I’ll call it a night. I don’t wanna feel the sting of a late night.” He enhanced his comment with a glance at the Imperial.

The woman, in fact most of the bar, were already thinking the same thing – sting operation. Garrett was known well enough as a shrewd operator, but plenty here would like to believe he was about to hit a big fall, and if Verrick’s goons could somehow get the idea that Garrett was spending quality time with the Empire after falling to a sting, so much the better. I’d take a bit of post action work, but for now, Alpha was happy enough that the ground work was in place.

Leaving by a different exit, then surreptitiously making his way to meet up with the rest of the crew, Alpha began a close observation of the Imperial. Nervous as all get out, but, not because he was in the company of piratical thugs. Something else was scaring him enough to make present company seem desirable. Fun.

A suspicious pair of vagabonds placed themselves in the path of the group, and Alpha could tell they were spoiling for a fight. Which didn’t make sense – numbers and the obvious firepower definitely didn’t make picking a fight a good idea on their part. Unless – they ad back up.

Alpha began to scan the surroundings for any sign of potential additional trouble, but for the moment, was coming up blank. He leaned in to Garrett, but pitched his voice so Drake would hear as well. “I think they’re on their own, but they might be trying to delay us – lets try and get moving without a scene here”
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Post by Garet »

A smiled crossed Garrett's face as Sierra, Zeta and Drake quietly discussed his decision with the Imperial; he would have been worried if they would’ve accepted this job without arguing it. Rikard though on the other hand didn’t say a word the moment they stepped out of the cantina…whatever it was, something was spooking him well.

If he’s being hunted by the Empire, I guess bringing him a safe house would be sufficient

A voice interrupted Garrett’s thought, "Now, what would you all be doing here? With an Imperial officer? Can't be that interesting, nah."

An ambush was the first thing that crossed the pirate captain’s mind, but he only saw two thugs…at the moment.

The male continued, "Who's in charge here, I have a proposition for that person."

Before Garrett could even reply, Drake was about to go gung-ho on them as he took a step forward, “I’d think long and hard before trying anything pal.”

A gun fight was the last thing Garrett wanted right now, any sign of a fight could bring the Imperials running into here in no time; and that means mission failure.

Alpha came up from behind Garrett, “I think they’re on their own, but they might be trying to delay us – lets try and get moving without a scene here”

“Couldn’t agree with you more,” Garrett quickly scanned both ambushers and studied the situation.

They definitely must have known that they’re outnumbered before confronting us…especially the thought that a fight could be possible. Therefore they must be skilled in some way.

But the enemies’ skill didn’t scare Garrett, no matter what the situation; he never showed fear to those that look for it. He’s the captain of the crew; he has to show a clear mind, strong body and when the situation comes…aggressive attitude.

“Get in between Alpha and Zeta,’ ordered Garrett to Rikard as he walked next to Drake, ‘Let me handle this,” he said as he place his hand on his friend’s shoulder. He then walked towards the main thug, close enough to be in firing range with his blaster (in case Garrett needed to use it) and far enough to avoid the attacker in case he was skilled in unarmed combat. Garrett’s body blocked the attacker’s field of view towards Rikard direction incase it was an assassination; he just hoped that Alpha or Zeta was doing the same thing from behind.

“I’m the captain,’ Garrett continued, ‘Let me say something before your ‘proposition’. Believe me when I say that we’re not underestimating you due to us outnumbering you, but I do hope you're not underestimating us either."
If they swing their swords for the sake of 'order'.
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Post by Aranador »

"Errr," Alpha whispered quietly to Zeta. "Can't say I fancy being human shield to an Imperial. You got point Zeta." He said with a wry grin. Well - Zeta knew him well enough to know that he didnt fancy being human shield at all. Push come to shove, and Alpha would more likely pull out some clever trick and high tail it out of the way.

He glanced at the Imperial - who was definitely on edge. "Know those two at all" Alpha asked, but the only reply was a negative shake of the officer's head.

"Great," Alpha muttered, mostly to himself. "Couple of punks that smell money and want a cut." Then to Zeta once again he whispered "five standard says we hire those goonbahs. Still - Twi'lek girls are kind of cute."

Alpha wished he had his scanning macrobinocs with him - but no such luck just now - he was traveling light. Nothing to it but be ready - Alpha hated 'off the cuff' actions - he prefered having a plan.
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Post by Mir »

Jace nodded. "Of course not. Don't underestimate you one bit." He turned to the one with all the weapons. "But I think he underestimates me and Evle here."
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Post by RileyKenobi »

Zeta rolled her eyes irritably. She watched the speakers in front of them warily as Alpha spoke to her quietly. She nodded and raised her eyebrows in response to Alpha, only opening her mouth at his last comment.

"Still - Twi'lek girls are kind of cute."

"Don't let Iri hear you say that," she said out of the side of her mouth. She crossed her arms over her chest and stared straight at the vagabond who was speaking to Garrett.

"Of course not. Don't underestimate you one bit." He turned to Drake. "But I think he underestimates me and Evle here."

Zeta's lip curled nastily. "And your point is?" she snarled. "You're wasting my time."
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Post by Pryde »

Sierra poked her head out from behind Drake just long enough to get a good look at the stranger. He seemed pretty confident for being outnumbered nearly three to one, but maybe he had something up his sleeve? Just then a thought occured to her, his face seemed somehow familiar but it took her a moment to place it. "Hey, I recognize you," she announced suddenly, drawing everyone's attention, "You're the guy who was eyeing me from the corner! Drake, shoot him."

Just then Zeta quickly stepped forward and kicked her in the shin. "Ow," Sierra cried, rubbing her shin while balancing on one foot, "What'd I say?"

The stranger looked at her then with a surprised expression on his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could formulate a question Sierra quickly cut him off. "I'm a pilot," she said, as if that explained everything, "It helps to have a sharp eye."
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic

"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
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Post by Garet »

"Of course not. Don't underestimate you one bit." He turned to Drake "But I think he underestimates me and Evle here."

Garrett didn't have time for pointing fingers right now, "Listen mate, I'm sure you have a reason why you're here, but right now we're pressed for time. You said you have a proposition."

occ: sorry for the short post guys, i cant seem to do much here...i want to go to the ship lol.
If they swing their swords for the sake of 'order'.
I will fire my arrow for 'pride'
Then I would punch for the sake of a 'bond'
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Post by Mir »

Jace nodded. "A proposition yes. My partner and I want to join your group. There's got to be at least one or two positions you haven't had filled yet."
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Post by Garet »

"A proposition yes. My partner and I want to join your group. There's got to be at least one or two positions you haven't had filled yet."

Garrett didn't see this coming; a proposition to join the crew? He thought for sure there was going to be a fight happening. He did have a point though, they do need some extra help since this job looks like a sticky one; but he doesn't make the decision who joins...the whole crew does.

"We follow a certain rule in my crew.' Garrett folded his arms as he motioned to the crew behind him, 'Not only do I make the decision, but they do as well."

He then looked at Drake, Alpha, Sierra and Zeta, "What do you think guys."
If they swing their swords for the sake of 'order'.
I will fire my arrow for 'pride'
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Post by RileyKenobi »

"You already know my answer, but it won't matter much anyhow," Zeta replied.

"Don't give me that," said Garrett, his brow furrowing.

Zeta raised her hands in a surrendering gesture, shrugging. "Whatever you gotta do."
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Post by Garet »

"We don't have time for this.' hissed Rikard as he shoved himself away from Alpha and Zeta, 'In case you haven't noticed but we are sitting womp rats for the Imperials!"

Garrett frowned slighlty as he looked at the two strangers, "Very well, you can join us...Lady Luck must be on your side due to the fact that we're in a tight schedual."

He didn't give anyone time to reply as he continued to talk, "Let's go to our ship and get off this rock."


It took a while for the crew to reach the S.S. due to the paths they went through to avoid being detected. No one talked throughout the walk, not only to avoid being detected but also because of the new members that joined the group.

A smile crossed Garrett's face as he caught sight of his ship; the S.S.. Words cannot explain the warm feeling that Garrett feels when he looks at the ship, it sort of calms him down from everything. The moment everyone was inside and the hanger doors were closed, Garrett turned to Sierra.

"Alright, head to Talus; we're going to bring our Imperial friend to the safe house for now and discuss our mission further." Before Garrett could even finish his sentence, Sierra was already half way towards the cockpit.

He then turned to the two new members, "There's a room where both of you could stay in...make yourselfs comfortable because this is your home now."

He then looked at Zeta, Drake and Alpha whom definetaly wanted to talk to him with what has currently happened.
If they swing their swords for the sake of 'order'.
I will fire my arrow for 'pride'
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Post by Etch_Coli »

Drake paced around uneasily, quietly trying to subdue his anger. It wouldn't do any good for him to shout at Garet, he had to have a good reason. Didn't he?

"What the frell is going on?" Drake blurted. "You're going to take two complete strangers on a host trip for an IMPERIAL OFFICER? You've gone mad my friend. Right off your rocker."

Slightly ashamed at his outburst, Drake took a seat in the nearest chair and awaited a response.
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Post by Pryde »

Garrett was about to respond when his communicator beeped. Sierra had finished powering up the ship and was in the process of requesting clearance to take off when an unsuspected problem arose. "Garrett, we have a situation," she announced, "The Imperials are holding all traffic in and out of Coruscant right now. They want us to pop the hatch so they can come in and inspect the ship. What do I do?"
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic

"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
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Post by Aranador »

As the crew plus two plus cargo made the walk back to the S.S., Alpha couldnt help but smirk a little. Still - despite being willing to wager 5 standard on this out come, there wasnt anyone to collect it from - well - unless he could scam one of the newcommers into playing sabbac with him - although chances are good that Zeta would spill the beans on just how much of a card cheat he was - oh well.

Finally back on the ship, and Garrett was inviting questions. Drake was certainly wanting answers anyway, but Alpha hated the simple approach of asking, he preferred to investigate and discover - even when it was from someone he trusted implicitly like his own captain. Old habits.

And there it was - a call to action - his kind of action. The imperials wanted to inspect their ship. That - to Alpha - ment letting them do it, and making sure they found everything that Alpha wanted them to, and nothing else. Yes - this was his chance to put some misleading information into Imperial Intelligence again, something that would link Verrick and his goons with a missing Imperial coded disk. Subtley of course.

Sabbac would have to wait, this was a much more interesting dupe.
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Post by Aranador »

"OK" Alpha piped up. "Firstly, agree to the search, but sound petulant and in a hurry. The Imperials love to make you wait if they think it annoys you."

"Secondly," he continued, "We need a red mynoc." He was referring to something suspicious that would attract the Imperials attention, but not be what they were looking for. "Zeta, you're it. Time to overdo your nonchalant looks, and let them question you. Let slip that you are leaving because you had a run in with your gang lord friend. Then, later, let it slip that he has aquired some coded disk he thinks he can sell to the Imperials. You dont like Imperials so you bailed on the deal. That is all you know - you definitely dont know that the disk is Imperial in the first place, just that it might be of interest to them."

"And thirdly," he said, now facing their Imperial guest. "You need a make over. Big baggy pants - bend your knees while you walk in them - it wont look like their bent in the loose clothing, but that with a bit of a hunch and you can look 15 or 20 cenimeters shorter. Some quick work on the hair. Finally, I have a fake prosthetic arm - we strap your real one up under a baggy top, and it controls this fake one via pressure sensors in the strapping. The baggy top, with the hunch and your arm strapped across your belly, will make you look a lot fatter. At all times, remain helpful and in full sight of the Imperials, and you'll have the disk strapped in with your arm. You have to be too obvious to be what we are hiding here."

"Yeah" Alpha said, more to himself. "This should work out pretty good - the Imperials can stamp our pass out of here, and we can leave some heat on Verrick."

Anyway - thats the plan as he saw it. He'd let Garrett decide if he would run with it or some other idea. Alpha's job was done pretty much for now - so - he'd just go with the flow for a bit.
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Post by Garet »

ooc: sorry guys for the late post, personal things interfered. anyway!



Imperial Star Destroyer
Location: Outside Coruscant

Colonel Oran sat in his office in disbelief from what he found out; how in the galaxy could one's nightmare come true? Information that he sworn to keep in secret was not only stumbled upon, but taken also. Oran took off his imperial hat and scratched his blond hair as he tried to think of a way to explain this to his superiors.

Another Imperial officer stepped into his office as he saluted Oran, "Sir, we're blocking all traffic exiting Coruscant as you've commanded."

"Thank you, Mavrik. I want you to notify all those at the blockade that Lieutenant Rikard was a Rebel spy that has Imperial battle plans.”

He lied.

The officer nodded and stepped out of the office, Oran still couldn’t believe that out of all the people involved, it had to be Rikard; he still remembers the time Rikard and himself went to a cantina to celebrate Rikard’s promotion.

He then got a holocall; Oran took a deep breath as he prayed that it wasn’t whom he thought it was. Accepting the call, the senator of Coruscant stood before him.

What’s the meaning of this Oran?” cackled the hologram as the old human senator stood firm and upset. Oran though, ignored the threat, “Its taken senator.”

”Taken?’ the senator didn’t know what Oran was talking about for a moment as the Imperial officer sat quietly and stared at the senator. Staring back at the officer for a moment, his eyes then widened as he covered his mouth, realizing what Oran was talking about. ‘Impossible…How could…” The senator was hopping for Oran to reply, but he just stared back quietly. ”No…I refuse…I refuse to believe that the data is out there.

“Believe it senator,’’ Oran then leaned back on his chair and began to rub his face as he moaned, the senator then said something idiotic of him. “Should we notify them?”

Oran was about to tackle the hologram, if the senator was really in front of him, the officer would actually shoot him down. “Are you mad? Do you not fully understand what they would do to us if they find out that…” Oran didn’t bother finishing the sentence as images of torture ran through his mind.

”Us? Why us? You swore under oath to keep it a secret.”

“And so have you, we are both involved in this, Maren. The information was taken from a soldier under my command and in your planet.”

Oran had a point, if the hologram was able to show full colors, it would show Senator Maren’s skin turning pale at this moment.

”I…wh-what are we going to do?”

Oran was quiet for a moment, “Pray to the force that the blockade will capture Rikard.”


Garrett thought for a moment about Alpha’s plan; from Alpha’s tone it sounded as if it could possibly work. He trusted Alpha, if he didn’t Alpha wouldn’t be on this ship with the rest of them.

“Very well, we’ll go with your plan.”
If they swing their swords for the sake of 'order'.
I will fire my arrow for 'pride'
Then I would punch for the sake of a 'bond'
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Post by Etch_Coli »

“Blasted Imps!” Drake cursed under his breath as he swiftly made his way to his quarters.

As he entered his room he gazed around at the weapons and parts scattered about. He had to make sure that the illegally sliced weapons were well hidden. Lifting his mattress and a thin steel plate, Drake revealed a hidden storage compartment. He unbuckled his harness and set it inside. Quickly he gathered the other weapons and tossed them in the container leaving only a disassembled Xerrol “Nightstinger” rifle on the table.

This was going to be tricky. They needed to pass an Imperial inspection, when they potentially had three things the Imps could want. First of all, there was the matter of the disk. What the disk contained had yet to be seen, but it was already making their life overly difficult. Obviously, the disk contained some highly classified information. Second of all, there was the Imperial Officer. The Empire believed that he knows the contents of the disk and would stop at nothing to silence the man. Which brought Drake to the last issue. Himself. Obviously, in light of the situation, he was hardly the top priority. However, that was no reason to let his guard down.

Alpha was quite experienced at duping people, and his plan was solid, but Drake couldn’t help but wonder if they’d make it through this.

He crossed the room and grabbed a sweater, throwing it on over his armored vest. The long sleeves covered his more distinguishing marks, and it was baggy enough to conceal the vest. He took a quick look in the mirror to verify his thoughts.

Looking good. He thought to himself with a grin.Hmm, maybe I should wear a hat or something.

He grabbed a beanie and threw it on.

That works.

Placing a lone pistol in his leg holster, Drake made his way back to the bridge of the ship.
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Post by Pryde »

Sierra nearly jumped out of her skin when Drake entered the cockpit. She gave him a sidelong glance and raised an eyebrow at the clothing he was wearing. "What's going on out there," she asked, "Where's Garrett? And what's with that ridiculous outfit?"
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic

"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
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Post by Etch_Coli »

Drake gave Sierra a smirk as he entered the cockpit to meet a barrage of questions.

"What's going on out there? Where's Garrett? And what's with that ridiculous outfit?"

“I’d assume the others are preparing for the inspection. As for the outfit, I have a few distinguishing marks that I’d rather keep hidden.” Drake replied, subconsciously fingering the scar on his arm. “I know that I’m not a high priority for them right now, but it never hurts to be safe.”

Drake wandered over and plopped down in the co-pilots seat.

“Whadya think? Ya think we’ll make it out of here without a fight?”
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Post by Pryde »

"Of course we will--right?" Sierra replied, not sounding very sure of herself. She wasn't about to admit that even she was a little frightened by the idea of running blockade surrounding Coruscant, though. As sure of her ability as she was even she had to admit she had her limits. Not very many pilots managed to escape Coruscant and lived to tell the tale. If the Imps even suspected them chances are they'd either be put in holding cells or blown out of the sky. She only hoped that whatever Garrett had planned would work.

"Anyway," she continued, albeit with a slight shake to her voice, "even if they do catch us you have me to fly you out of here. The Imperials won't even be able to keep up."
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic

"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
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Post by Mir »

Jace and Evle came out of their rooms after setting their things up. It wasn't much between the two of them, but it was their life. They came as Sierra was finishing her sentence.

"-even if they do catch us, you have me to fly you out of here. The Imperials won't even be able to keep up."

"Hey. What's the plan, and how can we help?" Jace said, indicating the Twi'lek next to him. Evle nodded.
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Post by RileyKenobi »

OOC: So sue me. I actually have time and I've had no creative outlets, save screaming at football games. So. FASTFORWARD.

IC: Zeta gave Alpha a very rude and very not-amused look before turning to Garrett. The height difference was emphasized by the annoying angle she had to turn her head.

"Screw the Imps," she said, casting a glare at Rikard. "We're not getting paid to get caught, are we?"

"And your suggestion?" said Garrett. He smiled slightly.

"A long time ago, someone would have said 'burn rubber'," she replied. With that, she jumped up the nearest ladder and made her way into the turret hatch, where she picked up a comm headset and spoke quickly.

"Sierra, what the hell are you doing up there?" she snarled.

"Waiting for orders!" the pilot retorted. "Are we being inspected?"

"Not if I have anything to do about it," said Zeta, flipping switches and turning knobs as she spoke. "Fire her up and hit the gas, kiddo. Do your stuff and get us out of here."

"Garrett tell you that?" Sierra's voice was doubtful.

"He didn't tell me anything. Now will you move?!" she shouted. "I've got us covered if you're worried about fighters."


"I said MOVE!"

OOC: hopefully that will give some of you something to do.
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Post by Pryde »

Not wasting another minute Sierra throttled up the ship and shot off towards open space. This is crazy, she thought wildly to herself, there's a whole frellin' fleet of Imps between us and freedom, what does she think we're going to accomplish? Several TIE's swooped in behind them soon after the freighter blasted free of the space port. Laser blasts rocked the ship, weakening the shields but doing little damage to the hull.

Sierra threw the ship into evasive manuevers as they rocketed out into space, the TIE's hot on her heels. As soon as they left atmosphere Sierra caught the outline of an Imperial Star Destroyer burning towards them. Sirens blared in the cockpit and Sierra quickly reached over to turn them off. "They've got us on scope and they're coming to say, 'Hi.' I hope you guys are with me back there..."
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic

"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
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Post by RileyKenobi »


Zeta grabbed the controls and swiveled in her turret and klaxons screeched in the hallway above her. She set her seek and stared pointedly at the screen a moment before letting off a quick round and nailing one of the four TIEs on the sidewing, sending it into a deadly spin. She chuckled.

"What're you laughing at?" Garet's voice came accusingly over the comm. "The TIEs are the least of our worries."

"I don't see anyone else strapping up," she snapped back. "I'm the only one covering our asses, as of now. So don't complain to your only gunner!"

With that she blasted another TIE, this one in the frontal cockpit. It exploded in an orange plume. The other two fighters started evasive maneuvers, making it a bit harder for Zeta to keep her sights on them. But very few pilots were a match for Zeta's aim and steady hands. Three more shots, and the two fighters were obliterated.

"Will somebody hit the fracking light speed?! I can't take out a DESTROYER!" Zeta shouted.

OOC: I'm on winter break....hence the time...hence the post. This is really just a test to see if anyone's still alive out there, haha.
Stop blowing holes in my ship!
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