Star Wars: Path of Redemption

Takes place immediately after the Battle of Yavin
Tales and stories set during the events of Episodes 4-6...

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Post by Archangel »

Avath watched the situation unfold; while he heartily agreed with her, DeVries' reaction toward the Trickster was probably more vibrant than he expected. He would have said something, but he did not want to earn her ire alongside his shipmates as they voiced their own concerns regarding the issue. When Craslem responded, something about tracking devices, Avath slipped away from the scene, headed back to his room. It was not his business to interfere here; when he was needed, he would be called for... but he might check in with the Rebel before too long.
Kyr’am Gota
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Post by Topgun220 »

IC:After Kerak sat down on his bed he reached into his bag and pulled out a holophoto. A young woman appeared above the projector when he turned it on. She had long blonde hair and sparkling green eyes. In retrospect she was beautiful, Kerak's expression became saddened and soft as he looked at her. Nothing but this holo and memories were left her, not even his anger for the empire could cover his pain. Then Avath walked in, he quickly put the holo away and turned to Avath.
"Mr.Avath we need to talk. Come in, and shut the door behind you so prying ears and eyes don't hear our discussion."

OOC:Keep on truckin
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Post by Archangel »

Avath smiled thinly as he closed the door behind him. "Just Avath," he replied, "Titles are for those whose life begs them." He stepped a little closer, away from the door; he might have sat, but respect for the other kept him from being too overeager to get close. This man was a Rebel; by definition, he was not very trusting.

The Selonian's smile widened slightly and he tried to make it appear warm, despite the sharp teeth showing through his muzzle. "What did you want to talk about?" he asked.
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Post by Topgun220 »

"Well the rebellion to start with, obviously I'm a rebel. I never really did too good in infiltrator training where I had to disguise myself. Never the less it is obvious also that there are two ex-imperials on board this ship that act like were still in the imperial navy. Although my mission isn't critical to the rebellion it is important enough that I'm willing to kill all on board to get it done. Except you and the slicer if he doesn't get in the way. The rebellion will compensate you of course if you help me. Now don't take this the wrong way, I have no intention of killing caitlyn and Derek. However should a situation arise where I have no choice...." He let Avath fill in the rest. "I'm sure you have alot of anger towards the empire just being a Selosian, and I want you to know that I also have a lot of hatred against them for acts they committed. For now we need to control ourselves. Caitlyn and Derek are, for now, our allies and we need to help them to help ourselves. Not many people trust rebels but I'm hoping that our common enemy and interests can help us trust each other." Kerak relaxed and looked at the selosian. "Avath we all have scars from the imperials both visable and not. I'm just asking that you don't take your anger out on Caitlyn and Derek. I'll have to do the same and try to control myself, but we can help each other. "
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Post by Archangel »

The corners of Avath's mouth curled into a smile, even wider than before. "You don't have to worry about me facing my dragons here, Kerak. While I have no love for the Empire, destroying them is not very high on my to-do list." He paused, then continued thoughtfully, "Our allies they are, but only so far as we're useful to them. Given a choice between us and the Empire, they would doubtless choose the latter." He paused again, this time to let his smile disappear. "Thing is," he said, "until they've deserved my ire, I'm not doing anything against them."

He turned and moved to the door, but did not open it. He looked back over his shoulder; the only sound either sentient heard for a few moments was his tail swishing back and forth across the durasteel. He said, "I won't betray you to them, Kerak, but I'm not going to murder them, either. At best, I'll stay out of the way. If you choose to go through with that plan, just drop me at the nearest starport."

He opened the door and left, headed for his own room and leaving no room for discussion; if the time came, Avath regretfully realized that he and the Rebel might be on opposite sides of a blaster.
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Post by Topgun220 »

Kerak was afraid of that happening, he wouldn't kill them in cold blood not even for the rebellion or even the galaxy. If it came down to that to save the galaxy then the galaxy wasn't worth saving anyway. Although slightly hurt at his reply Kerak understood his answer and saw why he wanted to do that. This was just a last resort plan however, Kerak had no intention of going through with it unless it was obvious Caitlyn had enough of him and was going to turn him in or kill him. Kerak knew he could handle Caitlyn but Derek was another story, he was a trained soldier and wouldn't be so easily downed. Then there was Avath who most likely would side with them if it came down to it, he'd have to kill them all.

Kerak put his hands over his eyes and leaned forward. "Oh by the force what have I become?" He reached down into his bag and ran a shaking hand over the holo of the woman he would have died for. "Why do I always get put into these situations where duty collides with my personal feelings." Kerak laid back in his bunk and closed his eyes desprately trying to end the war that raged in his head.
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Post by Pryde »

Caitlyn could hear Craslem speaking but his words barely registered in her mind. He mentioned something about tracking devices and she simply nodded at him. Turning away she left the room and headed towards her quarters, her mind a raging torrent of emotions. Why did she get so angry? When she was yelling at Craslem she felt something she wished she hadn’t felt. They’ve only been together for a short time and she barely knew any of them, but she was already concerned for their well being. She brought them into a situation they did not deserve to be in and if anything happened to them she’d be fully responsible. That knowledge weighed in heavily on her. She may have done some bad things in the past, but she was not wholly a bad person. An old friend from years long by had faith in her, and she did not wish to betray that trust. For the sake of his memory she will not allow her emotions to gain control of her--at least not anymore.

The door to her quarters slid shut behind her and she threw herself into the chair behind her desk. She stared at the holograph of Daniel and once again she wanted desperately to feel his arms around her once more. Just then the hatchway slid open again and Derak stepped through.

“I wish to be left alone, Derak,” Caitlyn told him, never taking her eyes off the holograph.

"I'm aware," Derak replied. The door hissed shut behind him, and he bolted it to prevent any unwanted guests. Taking a deep breath, he continued. "Caitlyn, after some thinking, I've decided that I'm going to do all I can to support you. But, to do that, I need to know some basic things. First, what happened six months ago that made you jump ship?"

Caitlyn sighed heavily, she was afraid he’d ask about that eventually. “I don’t wish to talk about it, Derak, and it’s none of your business.”

"It became my business when I signed on," the former stormtrooper retorted. "I'm sorry, Caitlyn, but I need to know this. I need to know everything there is if I’m to provide proper protection for you, and for the others. Now, what the hell happened back then, just tell me."

“I appreciate the sentiment, Derak, but you can’t help me. No one can. This is something I have to face alone.”

"Like it or not, you're not facing this alone." Derak let some frustration fill his voice. "Caitlyn, get over yourself. I'm here to help, regardless of what you say. So, fill me in. You'll feel better."

Caitlyn shot up from her chair, a bit of an edge to her voice. “Look, I already made the mistake of getting the others involved in this I will not make another. Attachment is what set me on this course it’s the reason why I’m here. I know you want to help, Derak, and I am grateful, but please understand that there are some doors that should remain closed.”

"You know me. I'm not going to back off that easily." Derak replied. What she said about attachment, it was all beginning to make sense now. "This is about Daniel, isn't it?"

Caitlyn froze, unconsciously biting her lip. She was hoping that name wouldn’t come up. “Don’t go there, Derak, please,” she begged him.

He fixed her with a stern glare. "Tell me what happened."

"You know what happened! You followed me didn't you?" Derak gave her a surprised look. "I saw your ship in orbit," she explained, "You saw the whole thing yourself!"

"Maybe the ship was in orbit, but that doesn't mean I know what happened. Stop delaying it, Caitlyn. Just tell me and we can move on."

“I killed him, alright?” She nearly screamed at him, “He betrayed my trust and defected to the Rebellion! I followed him and he begged me to see things his way but I was hurt! I couldn’t see passed my own anger and in the end he died at my hand.” Tears began filling her eyes then and she fell to her knees weeping. “I loved him with all my heart, Derak, and I killed him…”

"You killed him?" All the anger vanished from Derak as he finally saw why Caitlyn was so reluctant to speak about her past. He knew she and Daniel had been close, but he could not have guessed at her actions. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." He tried to draw her into what he hoped was a comforting hug.

Caitlyn allowed herself to be pulled into the hug, though at first she wanted to refuse. But to feel Derak’s arms around her reminded her of what it was like to be loved and she wanted to hold onto that if only for a moment. “No,” she said finally, pushing away from him and wiping her tears, “I--I can’t…”

“It's okay to grieve, Caitlyn, to talk to others about the things you've done." He gently directed her to her bunk, where he helped her sit. "Let it go, Caitlyn." Derak sighed, wishing he could do more. His entire life had been devoted to killing, discipline, and other martial endeavors, so now seeing his friend in such a state, he wasn't sure what more he could do than offer his support. "Cait, listen, I want to help. I don't know if I can help you with this, but I do know that I can do my best to keep you safe. To do that, we can't have these secrets."

Caitlyn glanced away from him, unable to look him in the eye. But how can you protect me from myself? “It’s time for you to go, Derak,” she said at last, “I’ve already said too much.”

"Perhaps, Caitlyn," Derak shook his head. He wasn't going to get anywhere like this. But, little by little, he was gaining her confidence, just like when he had first met her, all those years ago. "Caitlyn, you know I'm here to help you, so when you want to talk, please, talk." He turned away and headed for the door, but before exiting, he gave her a brave smile. "What are friends for, right?"

Caitlyn said nothing as he left the room. She appreciated Derak’s willingness and desire to help but he couldn’t even begin to understand what she was going through. All her life all she had ever known was pain and sorrow. When she was little her parents were killed in a rebel attack. Then, while serving in the Imperial Navy, she had to endure the loss of many of her friends. Daniel’s defection to the Rebellion had pushed her over the edge and before she knew it she had done something very terrible. She hated him, she hated him for believing those who were responsible for her parent’s death and she hated him for betraying her trust but she didn’t want to kill him. She was blinded by rage and couldn’t control herself and that scared her more than anything. It was that fear, the fear of becoming something too terrible to even think of, that brought her back. Otherwise she’d have been lost to the darkness forever.

If Derak only understood that, she couldn’t afford to get too close to anyone not even him. The fear of losing him would draw her down a path she dare not tread. She already came close once to fall again would spell her doom…


Caitlyn stared out the viewport at the planet Tatooine. Little more than a dust ball floating in space. The planet was covered in a desert that had no end and it was home to some of the vilest scum of the galaxy, namely Jabba the Hutt. She was definitely not looking forward to finishing her deal with him, but Jabba was not known to be lenient with those who disappointed him. The bounty placed on Han Solo’s head after dumping his cargo was proof of that.

“Set a course for the Mos Eisley space port and bring her in,” she ordered Kerak, “Have the others meet me in the cargo bay, I’d like to keep this transaction as short as possible.”
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic

"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
Kyr’am Gota
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Post by Topgun220 »

"Who wouldn't." Kerak added as the ship fast approached the large brown ball that was Tatooine. The ship rocked slightly while enterring the atmosphere. Kerak carefully set the Intrepid down in Mos Eisley spaceport. He activated the ship's speaker system "Everyone report to the cargo bay please." After lowering the loading ramp Kerak got up and walked towards the cargo bay.
Niko says:
were so lame
Kit_Fitsu says:
but awesome at the same time
Niko says:
its so contradictory
Magic Man says:
agreed on both acounts
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Post by Archangel »

Avath heard the command and walked casually to the cargo bay; the Rebel was already there. Avath nodded a greeting to him and leaned against a wall to await DeVries' arrival. He vaguely wondered what she wanted to talk about; it seemed a simple enough process to drop off some crates to the local crime lord, get paid, and be gone again.

Still, Avath thought, he might be better off looking for work from here. This ship was filled to overflowing with conspiracy and secrecy. Part of him longed for a straight-up, honest merc mission. It seemed there were too few of those.

On the other hand... another part of him was curious and desired the challenge that was represented by the intrigue on that strange vessel. Unless something incredibly bad happened on Tatooine, he resolved to stay - for the moment.
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Post by Pryde »

As the others filed into the cargo bay Caitlyn quickly put them to work unloading the shipment of spice. She stepped out onto the tarmac to great Jabba's personal representative, but was surprised by who she saw. The man approached her with a smug look on his face and she immediately suspected a trap.

"That's as far as you go," she said at last, stopping him several feet away. "You're not the one who is supposed to meet us. What have you done with him?"

"Let's just say he's--delayed," the man replied cryptically, "but that is a discussion for another time. I am here on behalf of Raynar Marr, I believe you've heard of him."

Raynar Marr, the name rang a bell. He was a former Imperial Intelligence operative before he went rogue, but what did he have to do with all this. "My master has information you might find--intriguining," he continued before Caitlyn could even reply. "If I were you, Captain DeVries, I wouldn't keep him waiting." And then he was gone, just as suddenly as he appeared.

Derak stepped up beside her, his eyes watching the mysterious stranger cautiously. "What do you think? A trap?"

Caitlyn nodded, "Of course. Load the spice up onto the transport, it seems we'll have to deliver it personally."

Derak turned to look at her. "What about Raynar?"

"I will meet with him alone," Caitlyn replied and she turned to leave, but Derak stopped her. "I don't think that's a good idea."

Caitlyn glared at him. "It doesn't matter what you think, I'm not going to get you involved in this now take your hand off me."

"Caitlyn, don't you get it," Derak said in exasperation, "He got a good look at each of us, we're involved in this whether you like it or not. Now we're all going with you and that's final. Safety in numbers, and all that."

Caitlyn stared at him for a full minute then finally her shoulders sank. "Very well," she said, a note of defeat in her tone, "If you're going to be stubborn about this then you better be prepared in case this is a trap. Inform Avath, any unconcealed weapons are likely to spark hostilities, if he's going to carry a blaster make sure it's well hidden."
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic

"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
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Post by JadeKyle »

"Ma'am we've got a slight problem." Craslem said hurrying down the deck and stumbling in the process, catching himself before he fell he started toward the captain.

"The tracking device, yeah I found it, it was in one of these crates, and I didn't know which and didn't have the equipment to scan each one." He glanced toward the crew, "I couldn't stop the signal, I couldn't divert it, and I couldn't do anything." He took a look of defeat.

"The Imperials should know we are here now and will be here soon." He looked from Derek to the captain and then went over to unload crates, a defeated slump to his shoulders. He had expected to do the impossible and failed miserably at it.
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Post by Topgun220 »

"I think that whatever it is were going to do here we better do it quick and leave then." Kerak said so everyone could hear. He tunred around to see the crates of spice and muttered to himself. "Why is it everywhere we go I end up performing manual labor?"
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Post by Pryde »

Derak cocked an eyebrow at Caitlyn. "Is that true?" he asked, "Do you think they're coming?"

Caitlyn looked at him then shook her head. "No, that wouldn't make much sense," she replied. "They placed a homing beacon on our ship then let us escape from Kessel. If they're following us chances are we won't see them."

Caitlyn just barely caught the sour look from Derak. "I don't like it anymore than you do, but there's nothing we can do about that right now. Let's just find out what Raynar wants then get the frell off this rock."
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic

"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
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Post by Archangel »

Avath paid close attention to what passed between DeVries and the Soldier, after what the Prankster had said; she was right, after all. If you intend to be seen, you blast the enemy out of the sky, you don't place homing devices and take this long to arrive in-system. They would have had a Hyperspace trajectory almost immediately, and if they were following in force, they would already be in orbit over Tatooine. Since they were not, they had something more devious planned. Avath made a mental note to keep his eyes more open than usual.

He helped unload the crates from the vessel, and onto the transport they would be taking to Jabba. It seemed simple enough - except it was now quite apparent that DeVries was interested in something entirely separate from a few crates of spice. Her mission had very little - if anything - to do with making shipments for a Hutt, and probably much more to do with the secrets of the Empire. He made another mental note: keep one eye on DeVries at all times. Having already lied once, she could not be trusted in the slightest.
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Post by Pryde »

The trip to the coordinates Raynar had given them proved fairly uneventful. There were no ambushes or Imperial raiding parties waiting for them, though Caitlyn had half expected something would happen. Either way they arrived at Raynar's cantina in one place, though "cantina" was a poor description of what this place actually was. It appeared Raynar had been making a name for himself, he seemed to dab a little into everything.

He owned an operated a cantina, obviously, as well as a brothel and an arena among other things. As soon as they stepped through the front door they were each searched thoroughly for weapons before they were escorted to Raynar, who was sitting comfortably in his own private booth.

"Raynar," Caitlyn said with a slight bow of her head, "A pleasure to see you, as always."

Raynar chuckled a little bit at that. "Funny, I was under the impression you didn't like me, Captain. We never did see eye to eye, you and I. You're a lot like your father, you know?"

"That's enough Raynar, what is this about?" Caitlyn replied with a sharp wave of her hand, apparently Raynar had touched on a sensitive subject.

"Short and to the point, that's why I like you DeVries. You never waste time with pleasantries." Raynar said with a smile.

Caitlyn's expression remained unchanged as she glared at him. "And you talk too much."

Raynar feigned a hurtful expression before speaking. "Very well then, Caitlyn, I see you're not in the mood for games. I will tell you why I brought you here, but first you must have a drink with me."

A servant appeared then and poured them each a drink before retreating through the curtain. Raynar raised his glass to Caitlyn and beckoned them all to do the same. "I'll pass," Caitlyn refused.

"Oh come now," Raynar pleaded, "is that anyway to treat your hospitable host? I did not bring you here as an enemy, Caitlyn, I have a proposition for you."

"What could you possibly offer me?"

Raynar downed his drink with one smooth gulp then set the glass on top of the table. "Information," he replied, "Word has traveled to my ear about your little escapade on Kessel."

Caitlyn shook her head. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Everything, my dear," Raynar replied with a smile, leaning back in his chair as he did so. "The Empire is up to something and your sudden appearance on Kessel startled them. What exactly were you searching for?"

"That is certainly none of your business," Caitlyn said, crossing her arms over her chest. Raynar watched her for a moment then shrugged. "I see," he replied non-chalantly. "No matter, information is not hard to acquire, especially for someone of my talents."

"What exactly is that supposed to mean?"

"It means, my dear Caitlyn, that I know more about you than you do of yourself. I know what brought you to Kessel, and I know why you are here now. You're searching for Geneva, are you not?"

Caitlyn refused to allow her surprise to show on her face. Someone like Raynar might enjoy catching her off guard. "And what do you know if it?"

Raynar shrugged, "About as much as you. I encountered the name on a mission for Imperial Intelligence, when I tried to find out more about it I discovered that all the files relating to Geneva were classified and required top security clearance. So, I decided to do my own investigating, but things didn't go as planned. Though, the details of what happened next are irrelevant, suffice it to say I wound up here on Tatooine soon after."

"What a shame," Caitlyn replied.

"You wound me, Caitlyn, after all are we not so different, you and I? It is a fact that your reputation with the Empire is not much better than mine at the moment."

"Get on with it, Raynar, or I'm leaving."

"As you wish," Raynar said, shrugging slightly, "As you know I run a fairly profitable business here on Tatooine. The cantina was just for starters, the brothel and the arena soon followed, but what I really deal in is information. You won't believe the price a few choice files can garner on the Black Market."

Caitlyn leaned in closer, her eyes narrowing. "What's your point?"

"My point is I can help you find Geneva, and in exchange we split the profits."

"I'm not doing this for money, Raynar."

Raynar waved his hand. "Of course, of course, you're doing it because your dear old dad's friend was killed, I know. But if the level of secrecy surrounding Geneva is any indication you might as well say you've stumbled upon a veritable goldmine. People will pay good money to get their hands on whatever the Imperials are trying to hide. All I'm asking for is a little compensation as payment for my services, is that not so reasonable?"

"I think I've heard enough," Caitlyn replied, standing up from her chair and turning to leave.

"I have a memory core," Raynar blurted out suddenly, stopping Caitlyn dead in her tracks. "Or at least I used to have a memory core. You see, it was stolen from me by one of Jabba's men. It doesn't hold much information about Geneva, but I believe it contains a set of coordinates that might lead us to it. It is, of course, encoded but I was nearly finished decoding it when it was stolen."

Raynar's odd behavior was beginning to make sense now. "So you want us to retrieve it," Caitlyn replied.

"More or less," Raynar said, "I have tried on numerous occasions to steal it back, but my men can't seem to get within an inch of Jabba's palace without being discovered. You, on the other hand, will have no trouble getting in, I'm sure."

"What else is on this memory core?"

"Nothing of any relevance to this conversation," Raynar replied, waving off her inquiry, "The important thing is that it might hold the key to finding Geneva."

"In that case I refuse."

Raynar seemed shocked by her response. "What?"

"I refuse," Caitlyn said again, then she turned to leave but someone stepped in her way. The man had a blaster leveled at her and was soon joined by several others, all pointing weapons at the others.

Raynar shook his head, "I'm afraid no was never an option, Captain." Then he turned to one of his men. "Take them to the holding cells, I may have use for them in the arena."

The man nodded then turned and nudged Caitlyn forward but as he did so she reached out and slapped his gun away. Then with a quick jab she broke his nose with the palm of her hand while using the other to spin him around and pull the blaster free from his grip. She hastily took aim and fired, nailing one of the other guards in the leg with a stun bolt. The man's leg went numb and he fell to the ground but remained conscious.

The others took aim and fired but Caitlyn shielded herself with the wounded mobster. The man fell limply to the floor and Caitlyn managed to down at least one other guard before taking a bolt to her chest. Her vision swam and she eventually blacked out...

Some time later she awoke with a start inside some type of holding cell. With her was Derak and Craslem. Avath and Kerak occupied a cell on the other side of the hallway. Caitlyn tried to sit up, but her head ached so much that she had to lie down again.

"Are you alright," Derak asked, a look of concern in his eyes.

"I'm fine," Caitlyn replied curtly.

"I suppose that wasn't part of the plan." Derak said, and Caitlyn could have sworn he was being sarcastic if not for the serious look on his face.

Caitlyn shook her head, her fist tightening at her side. "No, that wasn't part of the plan at all..."
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic

"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
Kyr’am Gota
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Post by Topgun220 »

"Then what is the plan? I have a great dislike of cages." Kerak said from his seat nearby. "We could always jump the guards when they come to give us slop to eat." He wasn't overjoyed at being held prisoner but at least the empire didn't have him. He could endure whatever Raynar and his goons threw at him.
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Post by Archangel »

Without weapons, the battle had been all too short for Avath's liking. He had knocked a few heads, but nothing that would not be cured by a nap and a bacta patch. Besides, he had not invested his whole self into the fight; he did not know these people, and they were not trying to kill him, so realistically, he had no reason to kill them. In retrospect, he probably should have, since the fight earned him numerous bruises on his chest and arms.

But at this point, he was too furious with DeVries to even think of what he should have done. When he heard that she was awake, he stood and went to the cell door; he waited until the Rebel had finished his suggestion, but really paid no attention to it. "Is she alright?" he echoed the Soldier disdainfully, "Who in the Nine Hells cares? She lied to us--well, maybe not to you, soldier-boy, but to those of us who haven't been her lover since the Imperial days--and now we're imprisoned by some other former Imperial, waiting to fight and probably to die in his 'arena'." He turned his eyes to Kerak for a moment and continued, "Even if escape were possible, I would sooner take my chances working for Raynar than going with you, DeVries--though, at this point, I'd give pretty much any one of your lives to be back on Nar Shaddaa, as much as I hated that place."

He went back to the corner of his and Kerak's cell, dropping himself in the shadows. He would listen to whatever response his 'captain'--now, ironically, and in all likelihood, permanently without that hunk of metal they tried to pass off as a vessel--would give, but he no longer cared.

Normally, he would not have been so vocal about his concerns, but since no one else objected to the present situation, he had decided it was up to him.
Kyr’am Gota
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Post by Topgun220 »

"I agree, to an extent. You most definately lied to us, now I want you to come clean now. Otherwise I'm with Avath, we'll find another job elsewhere... If we survive" Kerak leaned against the bars and watched the guards outside walking back and forth into different rooms.
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Post by JadeKyle »

Craslam had been sitting in the corner knees to chest with his arms wrapped around them. He had been the first taken out in the fighting, he was an obvious target and not near a match for the people who were confronting him.

"The locks are mechanical, not electronic." He muttered to himself looking at the cell door. He pulled out a small data pad how had managed to hide and carefully pulled out a small antenna from another pocket, twisting in on he got to work.

"Former Imperial? Even one such as he should have better security then this. I've seen better on rebel ships I've..." He stopped and looked up and finished that thought in his head.

"Everything in this area is run through a wireless signal, that then routes it to the security mainframe, the only thing that is not on it are these damned locks." He clicked again at his data pad, a small grin appearing on his face. "I'm in, the cameras are under my control, if you can get the lock open I can make them think we are still here." He looked up again. "Sorry Captain I just don't want to die."
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Post by Pryde »

"You might as well give up," Caitlyn replied irritably, "Raynar is not a fool."

"What would you have us do then?" Kerak shot back, a slight edge to his voice.

"Nothing," Caitlyn said, shaking her head slightly, "Raynar won't kill us, he thinks we know something. That's the only reason why we're here."

Kerak slammed his fist down on his bunk. "And as soon as he finds out we don't know anything we're dead. I'm sorry, Caitlyn, but I'm not about to give up that easily."

Caitlyn stared at him for a moment but said nothing. There wasn't much she could say to restore their trust in her and if they managed to get out of here they were surely to go their own way. To give up now would probably be a wise decision, but they were already in way too deep. She couldn't gaurantee that the Empire wouldn't hunt them down and kill them just to be safe.

"So what'll it be, Captain?" Kerak continued, "Are you going to tell us the truth? Or are we going our separate ways?"

Caitlyn sat in silence staring at her feet. "I'm sorry," she said quietly to herself.

"What?" Kerak asked, unable to hear what she just said.

Caitlyn stood up, crossed over to the bars and leaned against them. "I hid the truth from you for two reasons. One, I wasn't sure I could trust you, any of you. I couldn't take the chance of one of you being a spy. And two, I thought it would protect you, but clearly I was wrong."

Letting herself drop she slid to the floor and rested her back against the bars. "Not long ago a very dear friend of mine was killed. He was a scientist in the Imperial R&D Division and he had contacted me a week before asking to meet with me. He said it was urgent and begged me to hurry, but by the time I got to him he was already dead. I searched his apartment but I only found one clue. Next to his body, written with his own blood was a single word, 'Geneva.' Whatever it is, whatever it means, it was enough to get him killed and I'm determined to find out why. All I know right now is that it has some connection to the Empire and we're not supposed to know about it. But whatever it is it's big and you all have become targets because of it... Because of me."
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic

"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
Kyr’am Gota
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Post by Topgun220 »

Kerak lost his edge and took a step back as if slapped in the face. He got what he wanted, he knew what Caitlyn was after. Now he had a choice, complete his mission and ditch this crew or stick it out and find out what this Geneva is. Only one thing struck him right now though, she did care what happened to them. She wasn't using them as cannon fodder, maybe he was wrong about her after all. "There is no room for self pity on this trip Caitlyn, we signed up knowing something wasn't right with this boat. We had our gut feelings that screamed at us to stay away, but we had reasons to join. I suppose we say them now since you came clean." He took a deep breath, he was going to endanger his mission. He didn't care too much though, he would probably die on the hunt for this Geneva.

"I'm a rebel infiltrator, rank sergeant major. I was on a mission to establish a treaty with the hutts in the name of the alliance. I have no family or friends, in my line of business you lose both very quick. I was unfortunate enough to get this far, I don't know if that will change your opinion of me or not but I don't care if it does. I'll watch your backs because that’s what I do." He sat against the cell bars not too far from Caitlyn. "Sorry, but we had a right to know what we might die for."
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Post by Archangel »

Avath looked at the Rebel with some irritation, but most of his ire was against DeVries. "Frell you," he said, still sitting in the corner; he made sure everyone heard it when he said it, and he almost took pleasure in imagining the look on DeVries' face. "I don't require that my employers tell me about their personal histories or why they want me to do what I do. All I ask is that I know exactly what it is I'm being paid for," he said, no less anger in his voice than before, "I'm a merc, and that means I follow orders - why I have them, or even for whom, doesn't matter to me. I do them, I get paid, I go home. That's the way it works."

He stood and went back to the bars, pointing a clawed finger at the woman resting against the bars between them. "You didn't follow that. You told us a false mission, hiring us for something else entirely - and then, when you finally revealed what we're really here for, you told us why." He paused and let his hand drop; he shook his head, but the anger was gone. "I can live with that. Don't expect me to tell you about the dragons in my past, but you hired me for a job - a job that's not done yet, and a job we're now all completely aware of."

Surprisingly, the Selonian grinned, a feral smile baring sharp teeth. "So," he said, tail swishing back and forth in what must have been anticipation, "let's get the Hell out of here whatever way we can, find this 'Geneva', and kick in the teeth of anyone who gets in our way."

As much as he proclaimed against the notion of telling one's backstory, it was DeVries' open honesty about what and why that changed his mind. If she were not willing to admit her mistakes - and try, however vainly, to correct them - then she was not worth following. The fact that she did, the indication that she might actually care about the lives of others, made him reconsider.

Besides, he told himself, he still needed the money.
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Post by Pryde »

"Then I suggest we get out of here before Raynar and his men come back," Caitlyn said, climbing up to her feet and moving to the door. "Craslem, if you can blind those cameras then I suggest doing so now." The man nodded and set to work. Then, to everyone's surprise, Caitlyn simply waved her hand over the lock and the door slid open. Derak stared at her, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"How?" he managed to say before Caitlyn cut him off.

"Not now," she said before moving to the next door and using the same technique.

As soon as everyone was gathered out in the hallway Caitlyn turned to Craslem. "Now we need a map," she told him, "Think you can find one?"
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic

"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
Kyr’am Gota
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Post by Topgun220 »

Kerak was shocked at Caitlyn's display of powers, he hid it by pointing out the obvious.
"We might need some weapons too if we want to get out of here alive. Unless you can shoot laser out of your hand too." He said to Caitlyn with a smirk.
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Post by JadeKyle »

OOC: sorry I didn’t see these last couple posts last time I checked in. A short one sorry.

"Way ahead of you boss, um..." He clicked several times. His tongue stuck between his lips. "Why look at this, the Imperial still has connections so it seems." He pulled up the small map and handed it to his captain.

"That should be recent I can't tell by the date, and I’m not sure if any of the illegal stuff is on it."

"As for weapons there is a security armory a floor up and a little to the right, according to the map." Craslam grinned pleased with himself; he brought a questioning gaze on the captain.
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Post by Archangel »

Avath nodded. "We're going to need weapons. Besides, chances are, they put our weapons in the security armory, too, after they confiscated them," he suggested. He turned his gaze to DeVries. "What are we waiting for?" A thin smile broke his snout and might have sent a chill down an onlooker's spine - if they thought they might be the target of that cold malice. The Selonian's tail swished in anticipation.
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Post by Pryde »

Caitlyn nodded then glanced over at Derak. "You have point, Derak," she told him and the man nodded in response, moving to the front. Following Craslem's directions they quickly made their way to the armory. So far it seemed no one had taken notice of their escape and they had yet to meet any resistance. But just before they could make it to the armory Derak drew up short, signalling the others to stop. Caitlyn crept up behind him and glanced around the corner. Two guards were standing outside the armory, both of them carrying blaster rifles.

"They'll have to be taken out quietly," Caitlyn said, "but be quick about it. It won't be long before Raynar find's us missing..."
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic

"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
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Post by Archangel »

Avath glanced at the others after being informed of the two guards; they had no weapons and - apart from, perhaps, the Soldier - he was the most combat-inclined of them all. He stifled a sigh; those blaster rifles were probably not on stun, and he was hoping to live a little bit longer than this.

He started moving and did not slow down; he rounded the corner, his dark presence leaping forward. The guards raised their weapons at the shadowy figure, but Avath was already between them. He whipped his tail around the legs of one, taking him to earth, while his claws gripped the neck of the other, taking him into the ferrocrete wall with a resounding crack. That soldier fell, bleeding from the scratches inflicted by Avath's claws and from the split his skull had just received. He was unconscious and dying. Avath turned his attention to the other opponent.

This one was smarter. While Avath was dealing with his comrade, he was extricating himself from the Selonian's tail. He rolled aside and raised his blaster rifle, aiming it at Avath's chest; he was too far away for the Selonian to reach before getting shot, but it put him dangerously close to the rest of the group.

Avath raised his hands in surrender, watching with some dismay as the soldier began reaching for his comlink while keeping a steady eye on the escapee. It was time for Avath's fellows to make a move or they would be surrounded by enemies within minutes.
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Post by Topgun220 »

Kerak jumped the guard from behind getting his head in a tight lock before twisting it sharply creating a loud crack. The guard went limp and Kerak set his body to the ground. "How about that armory?" He said getting up.

OOC:Sorry I jumped it but I need to get involved in this thread again.
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