The Xen Chi Invasion: A Traitor's Retribution

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Man of Many Faces
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The Xen Chi Invasion: A Traitor's Retribution

Post by corsos »

Grand Admiral To'barren was suprised to find the three Adamar ships waiting for him at the rendevous point. He thought with Seneschal Visery's confidence and even greater ability he would have decided to handle Tanaab's meager defenses on his own. Perhaps his hubris had yet to return since his defeat by Grand Admiral Ardin.

"My lord, the Adamar Cruiser Defiant is hailing us."

"Put the Seneschal through."

The Retribution's screen lit up to show the large lizard like humanoid. "My lord, To'Barren, our missssion was a ssssuccccccesssss."

To'Barren smirked, it was amazing how uncomfortable the creature was speaking, being so used to even issuing his ship's orders through his rudimentary telepathic ability. "Endor is taken, what of Tanaab."

"Their defenssssse, isssssss far more complete than sssussspected, my lord."

Next to the lizard's picture appeared an electronic construct showing the defenses surrounding the world as famous for Lando Calrissian as it was for anything else. Indeed, the Republican Senate seemed to have paniced with news of the Xen Chi invasion. Two Calamari Cruisers, and six support ships were arrayed across the system, but not in any defensive formation he recognized. No one knew Republic tactics better than Ton, and this was not normal. No doubt due to his unfamiliarity the Adamar thought it defensive, but To'BArren knew better. They were preparing an invasion, a thrust, perhaps even into Xen Chi territory, if they could find it.

How bold... this has Organa Solo all over it. Im impressed.

Lord To'Barren smiled, almost feeling sorry for the failing government, they had no idea what they were getting into. Even when they entered into combat they would no doubt use their own tried and true tactics assuming the Xen Chi would be suprised by them. But Ton would anticipate and it would be the end of the fleet in short order. They really had no hope, and it wasn't even their fault. It was simply a twist of fate... sometimes that was how battle worked, like his defeat at the hands of the very people he now served.

"Thank you Seneschal, expect your orders soon."

To'Barren shut the transmission and looked down to his virtual map, and switched to Tanaab, inputting the data sent to him by the Adamar. His mind was already flowing with possibilities.
Last edited by corsos on Wed Sep 27, 2006 7:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

To'Barren deliberated long and hard over what would be the most prudent srtrategy in this instance. While his fleet certainly outnumbered that of the enemy, it was not overwhelmingly so and a straight attack would certainly mean some losses for his fleet. He had no intention of losing any ships, not yet anyway. So he would use his secret weapon as much as possible until it was out, the Adamar.

Their cloaking secret no doubt was not yet released to the general navy. In a week, maybe ten days certainly the secret would be out. To'Barren would press that advantage until it was gone. Both the Calamari Cruisers could be taken out with no losses to his fleet using the Adamar properly, all the while proving little risk to the then defenseless ships. The mixed fleet soared through hyperspace only moments from its release point inside the Tanaab system. To'Barren had his customary position at the front of the bridge of his command ship, the Imperial Mark 2 Star Destroyer Retribution, with his hands clasped behind his back his annoyingly cocky grin painting his face.

All his ships remained in perfect formation through the entire hyperspace jump, something not to be scoffed at, especially considering all the different technologies and thus hyperspace speeds of the various ships in the fleet. Therefore, To'BArren had considerable pride, moreso than usual, when his fleet arrived at the edge of the Tanaab system in perfect formation, with his ship at the front with the Ssi-ruuk ships on his starboard side, his IMperial the Republic ships on his port. WHat the enemy didnt see were the two Adamar ships squeezed between the Retribution and the ships closest to its sides. The third invisibly cloaked ship was tucked right underneath the Retribution.

"General Channel, no video, only audio, I don't want my secret out just yet." To'Barren ordered.

"Connected sir, broadcasting over all channel and the holonet."

To'Barren smiled, and began. "New Republic system Tanaab, its civilian government and military defense fleet. I am Grand Admiral To'Barren of the Xen Chi ascendary, surrender, and abandon your military installations and ships and you have my personal guarantee your lives will be spared. Fight, and you will be destroyed. That is also an assurance. You have five minutes."

The line was cut, and To'Barren awaited his answer...
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

Five minutes past and there was no response. Not a suprise. To'Barren could imagine the panic that was gripping the world, and most specifically the Republic base on the planet and in orbit. No doubt they were making all possible evacuation preparations. To'barren knew the Republic would have considerable personell in system if this was truly the launching point of a large scale military operation as it seemed. They might even have some Senators and some other political functionaries typically micromanaging the Naval officers as they tried to do their jobs. It was why he only gave them five minutes, not enough time to achieve any sort of meaningful evacuation.

"Full ahead, power all weapons, fire at will once in range."

The Republic response was no less swift to To'Barren's orders. The moment the advance began the majority of the enemy fleet began to turn and run, joining numerous small ships launching from the planet below. A trio of ships, however, began to advance, a simple rear-guard maneuver that was usually very effective except under strange circumstances. The primary weapons on the Adamar starships was one such circumstance. The trio of advancing ships consisted of an assault frigate, and two corellian gunships. Their Captains and their crews had no likely understood their fate, and their mission. They would die to protect their comrades and leaders who were onboard the far more valuable ships attempting to make a run for it. Quite the shame, their sacrifice would be for nothing.

To'Barren waited until the two forces were less than a click away from firing range. "Have the Adamar decloak, let's see how much they know." He stared at the enemy ships as the Adamar ships became visible to both their eyes, and their sensors. Their reaction was almost immediate, as they all turned hard to port and tried to doubleback. But the Adamar had revealed themselves too late for the three ships to get out of range. And it was not long before the gleaming reds microbes were crawling all over their hulls, devouring steel, energy and flesh without discrimination. The three ships were gone and the fleet continued on, the three Adamar ships now starting to lag behind with their power cores drained of their fuel, the microbes.

But soon the microbes began their process of Osmosis, and began to reproduce and then egines started once again. However, it would be some time before they had reproduced enough to fire their primary weapons. To'Barren hoped not so much longer than it took for them to catch the fleeing Republic ships, and hold them in place. Otherwise this fight would be uglier than he planned. Once the Xen Chi thrall fleet passed the debris of the nearly distentegrated Republic vessels To'Barren had already finished his calculations as to the remainder of the Republic fleet. The large Calamari Cruisers had turned as quickly as possible, but it was still an arduous process considering their position inside the gravity well and sheer size of the vessels. The thrall fleet on the other hand were able to go at flank speed, and continue a straight course. They would enter into firing range of the Republic fleet at the edge of Tanaab's gravity well on the opposite side of the planet, right before they would be able to jump to hyperspace. It would be essential for the larger ships to lock on with their tractor beams immediately to prevent their escape.

To'Barren paced anxiously across the bridge for nearly the entire 10 minutes as the two fleets came closer and closer. It appeared as though the ship's calculations were nearly precise. The Admiral smiled as the ships nearly closed to firing range.

Here's to the Republic never having any suprises up their sleeves...

"Fire." To'Barren ordered, and soon turbolasers and Ion blasts were flying from the Imperial ships towards the fleeing Republic Cruisers. Having their aft sections facing To'Barren very little fire came back the other direction.

"Power tractor beams... as soon as we are in maximum range, engage them. Even if we can't catch them, we can slow them down."

"Engaging sir..."

To'Barren wished he could see the invisible energy fields of the tractor beams, but he could see their effect. Now outnumbering the enemy 2-1, with the Mon Calamri Cruisers three of his beams targeted each and he could see them shutter as the locks were slowly achieved by the combination of beams. The two cruisers and a handful of their support shifts came to a stop... but another ten or more jumped into hypserspace. It was not a complete victory but it would be good enough...
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Man of Many Faces
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Post by corsos »

To'Barren wasn't unhappy with his victory, but he was far from satisfied. ONly one of the Calamari Cruisers had surrendered. The other was utterly destroyed when something happened to ignite its power core. No other occurrence could have caused an explosion of that magnitude. To'Barren assumed it was accidental or some result of the damage his ships had done the Cruiser, Mon Calamari were not suicidal. The second, however, did finally surrender and as promised their crews were allowed to flee safely to Republic Space, but not before they saw what the Xen Chi did to the surface of Tanaab.

The portion of the continent that held the Republic military bases was He completely decimated, a base delta zero scenario, to use Imperial naval terminology. WHat remained of the civilization on that continent would know better than try to resist the Xen Chi again. There would be no need to continue with a planetary invasion, as the world held little of value to To'Barren and his fleet. Perhaps later on the Xen Chi would choose to sterilize and colonize the planet, but that mattered little to To'Barren. He wanted to cause as much damage by plunging as deep into the galaxy as possible, like a knife cutting a wound wider and wider across the galaxy's proverbial belly.

A pair of ships would remain to protect his flank but not many, they would need all the ships they could muster in their next thrust... Thyferra.

"My lord, ships dropping out of hyperspace."

There's no way reinforcements could have arrived so quickly...

He was right. Captain Co'rex and his detatchment had arrived, obviously successful from their action at Riflor. "Get me Co'rex immediately."Soon both Co'rex and his Chiss co-commander were on screen awaiting his orders.

"Send the official report of your mission when you have the time, but that is not essential considering you have returned with the whole of your fleet. Unless there is something extroadinary to report?"

SIlence was his answer, so he continued.

"Move into formation Tango-Break 7 with the remainder of the fleet, your crews will have twelve hours of downtime before we move towards our next target, Thyferra. We will have a command meeting in 8 standard hours where you will be briefed with the battleplan. Be rested and ready."

Both men saluted before To'Barren cut the transmission. "YOu have the bridge." He pointed to his second in command, before retiring to his private quarters. There he began to plan his next victory.

OOC notorious - you can FF and come on over for the breifing..
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

"Welcome to the Retribution." To'Barren welcomed the commanders of all species, Chiss, Human, Adamar and even Ssi Ruuvi. "We are about to strike the greatest victory for the Xen Chi in this galaxy. Few worlds hold the strategic importance of bacta rich Thyferra, by taking it we will severely hamper our enemies ability to wage war and hold a strategic point to drive towards Coruscant and the heart of the Galactic Empire. We will bring glory to the Xen Chi, and glory will then be bestowed upom us for our victories. Our rewards will be great. The EMpire is stretched thin, and have defensive measures spread throughout the Core, and thanks to the speed of our recent strikes they will not have redirected too many ships to our target, at least not yet. We are fortunate, for if we had taken this course only three months ago we would have encountered an Imperial fleet poised to invade the Loris system. That crisis has passed and those resources have been sent to Anaxes to stop our allies advances there."

To'Barren turned on the holographic display, showing them a virtual version of the Thyferra system. "Before we arrived for a good six months, the systems defenses were being harried by a large pirate force, not only stealing transports but also severely damaging their defenses. So while they are there, they have not been brought up to their usual standards. In my former life, it was my duty to review and approve all defenses of the system as created by Admiral Baldin. He has not changed his strategy, at least in terms of a large scale frontal assault. You see the alignment of the golan defense platforms and his capital ships, the latter arranged closer to the planet than the former with the idea that they would be able to react quickly and in force once the main attack thrust arrives. He will also hold some ships in reserve in case of a feint, a tactic often employed by the Republic."

"Therefore his weakness is agression. Our force will arive and drive towards the planet in a narrow formation, between their primary defense platforms. We will move through at flank speed with our heavy cruisers flanking our smaller assault vessels. AT that speed they will be able to absorb the damage from the platforms and return fire before any significant damage can be done to them. Once the end of our line is through, the final ships in the formation should be able to finish the defense platforms while those in front engage the defense vessels before they can combine their firepower with the defense platforms. We outnumber our enemy and speed of our assault will overwhelm them before they can make a meaningful adjustment. Questions?"

"What of our Shhhhhipssssss sssspecccial ssskillssssss, Admiral?" The Adamar Senseschal Visery asked.

"You will be at the center of our formation Seneschal, protected from our heavy cruisers. You may engage your cloak if you like, but with protection on your flanks you should be able to use your primary weapons at will." To'Barren answered.

The Seneschal nodded slowly, understanding, and satisfied.

Captain Co'Rex asked next. "Allow me the pleasure of securing our rear and finishing the Golan platforms."

"You shall have it Captain." To'Barren stated. "I will lead the port flank of our attack, Rear Admiral Chorn the starboard. We leave in two standard hours. Review the battleplan and ready your ships."

"Wait Admiral, what of the Ssi-Ruuvi. What do we earn from this."

To'Barren smiled at the dinosaur like humanoid as the other officers filed out. "I want to show you a continent...."
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

ooc this is half assed... but hopefully it gets the job done.


The combined fleet tumbled through hyperspace, and by To'Barren's formerly stringent Imperial standard they were doing so rather sloppily. No ships moved so out of formation that the attack plan would be adversely effected, but everything was so loose. Co’rex and his group were doing well, and naturally, so was the Chiss, under the command of Rear Admiral Chorn. But the Ssi-Ruuvi were sloppily going at their own pace and were in danger of dropping out of formation. So were some of the other thrall ships, human and otherwise were being just as careless. It was unacceptable and after this battle To’Barren would address it. Already both To’Barren and Chorn had to slow their pace in order to keep the Ssi-ruuvi ships within an acceptable distance to make the battle plan work. And Co’rex in his Hapan Battle Dragon was making sure to stay at the end of the row of ships.

To’Barren looked up from the holographic display that showed his ships positions in hyperspace and up to the white and blue tube of spinning light the Imperial Star Destroyer Retribution was flying through, side by side with the Chiss ship Icey Doom. He stood and stared at it… amazed at how it looked so different now… in his new body as compared to when he was fully human. He could almost see streaks of fire… and crimson blood. It energized him.

His thoughts were interrupted by the far more familiar red light indicating they were ready to exit hyperspace. “Helm, the moment we hit realspace, full ahead right between the Golans.”

5, 4, 3, 2,…1

To’Barren counted down in his head and on cue the spiraling light turned into elongated lines and then into still, blazing stars, large and small surrounding the large green bacta world, Thyferra. And as he predicted there were two dark spots hovering inside the gravity well in orbit around the planet… the two Golan defense platforms on this side of the planet. And immediately they began to grow larger as the two columns of ships came forward towards the planetoid.

Communication after communication was sent to the invading fleet, but To’Barren ignored them all. Only after his victory would Baldin know who had bested his most secure defenses.

Besides, by revealing myself prematurely, I might give them a clue as to predicting my path and method of attack…

The Icey Doom and Retribution flew side by side their ships right behind them in a straight line, only with Chorn flying a few decimals below To’Barren and his starboard battle group. It would allow both rows of ship to fire at the both golan’s on either side, even if it was at maximum ranger for one column, every little bit helped. And of course flying between the two columns invisible to all, and in typical perfect formation.

After only a minute the Imperial Commander had his quick response vessels moving into position but with To’Barren’s fleet at flank speed they would not get there in time to support the two Golans and the Carrack Cruiser on this side of the planet. The two lines would be able to move past the golans and spread out in to full battle formation to engage the numerically inferior opponent. It would be a bloodbath.

Unfortunately, battle was not always predictable… and this one was no different. As they approached the Golans Ton noticed something, the two platforms were much closer together than what was typical. Squeezing the two columns through would be very difficult, nearly impossible with the Adamar ships in between. It made sense, enough room for only a single ship to get through, one that would be pummeled by the combined strength of the two battlestations. It would take piloting of the highest caliber, a caliber To’Barren knew his helmsman had, he had been with him on the Cleansing for years. The only other one he trusted was the Chiss on Chorn’s ship. It made his solution simple.

A tightbeam communication was immediately sent to the rest of the fleet. “Starboard columns, link up your navigation to the Retribution’s computer, port to the Icey Doom. Follow us through the gap, this is going to be very tight. To’Barren out.”

Looking back towards the ever-growing battle stations, lasers began hitting harmlessly against his ship’s shields, blasts from maximum range… this was going to be tight.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by Notorious »


I'm on this, playing some catch up. Post will be TONIGHT I swear. When I say tonight I'm also including tomorrow morning haha. Er yeah.
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Post by Notorious »

It was certainly a tight fit - border-lining on reckless even - but Captain Co’Rex of the Redemption was not going to be passing through the Golan Defense Platforms. His mission was to finish them off, to destroy them, once they were in range and the rest of the fleet was through. The ion cannons were charged and a vicious barrage of proton torpedoes were loaded. All they needed was to be in range, but Co’Rex’s Hapan Battle Dragon would be the last ship through.

“The defense platforms’ structural integrity is at 80%. Shields down to 42%. They will be in range in… fifteen seconds.”

“You know what to do,” Co’Rex said, his own eyes away from his crew and facing the platforms. After their victory at Riflor he knew exactly how well the Dragon’s weapon system worked - they all did. The Redemption was weak against multiple targets like a fleet of fighters, but two defense platforms were perfect for its targeting computers. Ion blasts came flying from the battle cruisers as if in a stream. The rotating guns allowed for continuous shooting at an amazing speed. The defensive gun platforms were disabled in seconds, their shields dropping to zero. Once they were weak and without their shields, the Hapan Battle Dragon released a wall of proton torpedoes from all ten tubes, five missiles for each platform. The tubes reloaded quickly, and as the Dragon approached ten more torpedoes hit their mark. That was it for the platforms - both of them exploded into brilliant flowers of fire in space, their debris scattering like glitter.

“That’s it for the defense platforms, Grand Admiral,” Captain Co’Rex reported.
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Post by corsos »

To'Barren could have sworn he felt the Retribution and Icey Doom scrape hulls on their way between the defense platforms, even though the sensors didnt register the hit. The feel of a ship and it's commander;s instincts would always be more trustworthy than sensors, even those of the standards used on the Star Destroyer Retribution. Thankfully the Adamar ships had moved above and below the two lead vessels giving Chorn and To'Barren's crews the little room they had used. If this were the days in the Imperial navy he wouldn't have even paid any mind to his trail ships moving through the gauntlet of laser fire, but this fleet was still relatively untested, so despite the Imperial ships massing to defend the bacta world of Thyferra To'Barren kept a watchful eye on the holo-battle display.

Even as his ships began trading turbolaser fire with the Imperial Star Destroyer Resonance he still watched until the Hapan Battle Dragon moved between the two golans. With Co'rex in place, and the platforms effectively damaged by the columns of vessels he finally looked back towards the battle in front of him. Co'rex was once an Imperial much like him, and a capable Captain. In him, there was trust. As per his orders the Adamar ships remained cloaked in the initial engagement past the platforms. The initial screening defense force was impressive, just not compared to the number of ships To'Barren had at his disposal. Besides the Star Destroyer, there were two frigates, a Nebulon and Lancer along with an old dreadnaught to take a pounding.

The Icey Doom and Retribution engaged the Star Destroyer while the rest of the fleet began to flow around the two cruisers into position striking at the support ships. To'Barren respected the garrison commander, he did everything he could to complete his mission, give the remainder of the garrison fleet the time to respond to mass a larger scale defense. There was a problem though, To'Barren knew the strategy, he had recieved it when Baldin developed it and sent it into high command. So he overcommitted his ships to an all-out initial attack, something that even if the garrison commander went above and beyond, couldn't hold out against long enough for his reinforcements to arrive.

It was not long for the first wave of ships to be little more than debris... just in time for the second wave to approach. To'Barren smiled as the cloaked Adamar emerged from the center of the fleet and began to charge their weapons. It was like clockwork....
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

And it was over in minutes. Once the Adamar released their primary weapons destroying the three cruisers in the second wave any defense that might save the system was at an end. There were another 8-10 ships still in the garrison but with their positioning they would be blungeoned piecemeal by combined Xen Chi fleet. In the very least the Imperial commander was being practical about it, having called for a general retreat. The remaining Imperial vessels were breaking orbit and moving away on the other side of the planet, some remaining behind to provide some cover for the ships now fleeing the planet.

"Arrange Cordon Break-Alpha, disperse the fleet and make sure nothing valuable leaves the planet. All cargo ships are to be captured or destroyed, anything that can carry enough bacta that may significantly aid the Imperial war machine. Smaller personal vessels can be allowed to leave, whining moffs and other petty nobles will only be a thorn in Thrawn's craw. Make it so."

Admiral Chorn swung around the planet in one direction, To'Barren in another, the rest of the ships spreading out into a blockade formation around the planet. As predicted it wasnt long before the bacta facilities began loading transports and getting them into the atmosphere. He knew how this worked from his days in the Imperial military, the bacta cartels trying to protect their product worried only about their profits, while the Imperials only cared about getting their bacta with absolutely no concern for the cartels. There was likely a lot of shouting, and even some shooting going on down on the surface as the arguments raged between the two factions.

Only three transports To'Barren thought had bacta on them managed to get to hyperspace, and however many left quickly after their arrival. The rest were either towed in, but mostly destroyed by the net of thrall vessels. The Hapan Battle Dragon was damaged by the Golan platforms, but nothing serious, and his and Admiral Chorn's vessels took a decent beating when they battled in orbit around the planet. It wasnt any damage that couldnt be fixed in a day or two but it would delay them slightly in their schedule to go to Yag'Dhul and give their special greeting to the Wild Star Confederacy. Once again he adressed all his vessels. "Maintain the cordon, Admiral Chorn prepare for land invasion."

To'Barren had given the pleasure of directing the land operations to the Chiss, their naval officers had extensive traning in both orbital and ground operations and he trusted Chorn explicitly. He would remain here and defend Thyferra while To'Barren moved on to the Confederacy. Considering their rumored relationship with the Chiss, it was likely prudent as well. Chorn did have the difficult task of coordinating with the Ssi-ruuk, who while seeing the strategic value of controlling the bacta laden world, was looking forward to their own special brand of colonization. But none of that could begin before To'Barren addressed the planet.

"Admiral, we are being hailed by the planet, a Moff Traikin."

To'Barren smiled, he knew the weasily little man. This would be enjoyable. The old man's picture jumped to life on the holo-display. "Alien invaders, this is soverign Imperial territory..."

"Quite, Moff. I heard enough from you while in the Navy, I have no need of your rantings now."

The man's wrinkled face scruntched even further trying to figure out what To'Barren was talking about. He was clueless, not a suprise.

"You knew me as High Admiral Banner Ton, Moff Traikin. A shame you and your fellow politicians didnt take a better liking to me, I would be fighting off these invaders, and effectively mind you. But Thrawn left me for dead, now I will return the favor to him and all his cronies."

"Banner.... how can you just betray all of us like that.... to our enemies that want us dead?"

"Why, that's because we have something in common Moff, we both want to see you dead." To'Barren looked off-camera. "DO we have target lock on his signal?"

"Yes sir." Came the muffled voice from elsewhere on the bridge.

"Any last words Moff?"

"I'll serve you, and the aliens, I swear it! We're not so different Banner, we can work together again?"

"We are very different... Moff. I'll still be breathing in 10 seconds." To'Barren didn't even turn off the holodisplay, he only gave the signal. The Adamar vessel fired first, creating the hole in the planetary sheild. Then came the Retribution, it's turbolasers piercing the atmosphere burning towards its target. The Moff and his surroundings shook... then there was a flash of fire before the connection went dead. His next communication was to Admiral Chorn.

"Rear Admiral Chorn, begin planetary assault. Secure the bacta facilities first, kill anyone that resists. Do you understand?"

"Perfectly, my lord. Chorn out."

To'Barren smiled, his mind already starting to consider his next target, Yagh'dul.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

ooc in the spirit of moving this along - hope you don't mind Vox - this is a huge FF but one I think we need to do for effect...

Sweet, sweet victory.

He hadn't even taken the entire fleet, leaving Chorn with the entire Ssi-Ruuk force and some others back at Thyferra, but Yag'dhul fell nonetheless. Suprise was another factor, but the most effective tool were the Adamar. It would be the last time To'Barren would even think to use them in this manner lest they be destroyed and rendered completely ineffective. As it was, one allowed itself too much distance from the fleet and after loosing its primary weapon it was pounced upon quickly by the enemy and destroyed. Visery was infuriated with his loss, but was ready to fight nonetheless.

Overall they had lost four cruisers, and a number of smaller assault ships. All large losses, but not with what they now had at their disposal at Yag'dhul. This was the centerpoint of the bottom portion of the galaxy, where almost all communication flowed from and all transit to and from Loris and the Wild Star Confederacy came through. It was now under To'Barren's control, Xen Chi control. They had their second major victory within days of one another. First it was stealing the enemy's bacta supply, now silencing their communication network. Holding it would vcertainly be trickier, but for that To'Barren had a plan as well. His axis was now measured equally between Thyferra and Yagdhul... something he would use to his advantage.

He had already put a crash course on the ships that were being built at the shipyards, who were slowly being taken over by his ground troops. Others were fighting fiercely on the surface to take control of important command and control stations. Any enemy armies huddled away from valuable resources, civilians or not, were eradicated via orbital bombardment made possible by the Adamar who could punture a hole in any planetary shield. He already had shut down the communication network, but soon he could use it to his advantage, and the galaxy would rue the day they banished Grand Admiral Tanner Bon to the enemy...

ooc I know - quick and crappy - but we need to move this ahead and Voxy has no time to rp a real battle anyway.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Into the Core: Fondor

Post by corsos »

Seneschal Visery stood on the Defiant his consciousness flowing through the microbes and into the ships systems, feeling everything around it and its sister ship, the only other left from their species, the Aranche, named for the greatest hero in the Adamar's history. His tail twisted on the durasteel floor as his sensors washed over the array of Imperial forces set up to defend Fondor. This is what his great species, and great instruments of war had been reduced to... reconnaissance. Since the blue demon had found the secret to breaking through the microbes defenses their effectiveness was a question, and now it appeared all their enemies had found that secret.

Fortunately that secret had not yet given them the ability to see through the Adamar's cloak, so its ability to reconnaissance enemy forces was still strong. And To'Barren planned on using their abilities to move undetected near and past enemy forces to his greatest possible advantage. The man was motivated and pretty skilled, and despite his weak human DNA he seemed quite strong. Fondor's defenses were very well fortified, as To'Barren had warned. The information was being relayed back to the fleet's staging point outside the system where an attack was being planned. Soon Visery and his two ships would not be the only two in the system, and the newcomers would be far more numerous, and visible.

To'Barren watched as the Adamar's sensor readouts flooded into command and control on the bridge of his Imperial Star Destroyer Retribution.

"Are you sure we've scanned all the microjump points outside the system? There aren't any ships laying in wait?" He asked.

"No sir, Vice Admiral Chorn handled it himself. It's clear."

We have numerical superiority, and some measure of suprise. But Baldin knows this system better than anyone, and if anyone knows how to run a defense of a system its him. Don't forget, he was responsible for killing Coret Trobane when he stopped his fleet and super ship when Corellia tried to sieze Fondor. But I'm sure he wasn't all that happy when Thrawn took away some of his ships to protect Coruscant... that I will take advantage of.

Admiral Garm Baldin was the most veteran officer in the entire Imperial fleet. A crusty and grumpy older man from Ardin's group of trusted men, he knew the ins and outs of commanding a fleet, and he would make no mistakes in his defenses. Admiral Nidan had taught him all too well. It wouldn't be like Fondor, or Yag'dhul. To'Barren would simply have to be better. His men would have to be better. It was time for war.

"Set hyperspace coordinates Tango-Break Double Retro. Transmit them to the fleet and commence countdown."

"Aye sir, entering hyperspace in 10 seconds."

To'Barren paced the bridge as the core charged for hyperspace travel. He hated Baldin, he was everything To'Barren couldn't become when Ardin ran the Empire. The feeling mutual, as the old man felt that at the time Banner represented everything wrong with the young Imperial officer. But he knew who was better, this battle would only prove it.

The fleet jumped into hyperspace.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

Ah Admiral Baldin, stubborn man to the end.

To’Barren and his initial invasion force numbered more than Baldin’s defense fleet. All in all, even minus the ships defending Yag’dhul and Thyferra, To’Barren held almost 60 ships at his command. Forty of them were with him, the other twenty with Vice Admiral Chorn setting the trap he had in store for the veteran officer. Already, Baldin’s forces were arranged tightly around the planet and the in line with the Golan defense platforms. They hung in front of the shipyards, a sturdy well built wall protecting the system’s most precious resource. But his resources were far more scant than To’Barren’s. His ships numbered thirty with only five Star Destroyers, along with six of the Golan defense platforms. However, in their array only two, at most could engage one enemy ship at a time.

It was the weakness of the configuration of the system’s shipyards, spread far and wide across the planet. It made the spread configuration of the Golans a necessary evil, but one with enough assets that could be remedied with little difficulty. Unfortunately for Admiral Baldin, he did not have those assets at his disposal.

He will expect me to be aggressive, swarm around his lines forcing him to move ships away from his center line to prevent getting trapped in system. It will cost me ships, moving past their flanks, ships I am not willing to lose. So I shall move straight at him, and engage at maximum range, not allowing his golans the advantage of their relative proximity. He will only be able to engage me ship on ship, where with my superior numbers I have the advantage.

“Full ahead helm. Tighten our formation. I want our ships on top of one another. Halt our advance on maximum range and unload on their ships. Ignore the golans, focus on their Capital ships.”

“Sir, you wish to leave their Golans intact?”

“They will not be intact long. Once we begin firing on the Capital ships, Admiral Baldin will withdraw around the planet, where Vice Admiral Chorn will be the anvil to our hammer.” To’Barren concluded.

“Aye sir. Full ahead.”

To’Barren watched the planet and its defenders get larger and larger in the viewport as his much larger fleet approached the soon to be defeated. Admiral Baldin tried to tighten his formation to counter his maneuvers, but there was little he could do with the Golans and shipyards spread out the way they were. His battle was lost before it was fought. As an Imperial Admiral To’Barren had planned and designed the entire defense of the Core when he was assigned head of the fleet by Damascus. He knew the weakness of every system defense, every fleet. And he was prepared to exploit it.

“Maximum range sir!”

“Fire at will.”

Turbolasers lit up the void of space.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

To'Barren smiled as he watched the ships in Baldin's fleet begin to turn about and head back around the planet, just as he expected. He saw the hopelessness of his defense and was now wisely retreating around the planet, the perfect withdrawal that would not allow his enemies to cut him off before he jumped out of the system. The remaining golans would provide an effective screen, along with the garrison fighter squadrons. So utterlt predictable.

"Should we break through the line and follow them sir?" Luietenant Evers asked.

"No, remain here, destroy the golans. Launch assault transports, orders are to sieze the shipyards. Do not let them self-destruct."

"Aye sir."

They have the schematics and know the protocols of the Imperial shipyard defense grid. I don't think Baldin will destroy the platforms, nor would Thrawn have such a potential future asset destroyed out of hand.

The transports launched from all his cruisers and flew towards the shipyards, escorted by a squadron of fighters each. Turbolasers joined the fighters covering the troop transports as they soared past the Golan defense platforms. But To'Barren was focusing on Baldin's fleet that was now almost completely around the planet, and as deep into the planet's gravity well as possible.

"Activate the tight beam to Vice Admiral Chorn."

"Aye sir." The comm officer answered.

To'BArren counted the seconds in his head, imagining the Chiss officer recieving the communication, giving his orders and his ships making their microjump into the system. In all, it shouldn't take more than 10 seconds. He waited as he watched Baldin's ships pull away from the planet's gravity, getting closer and closer to a hyperspace jump.

Where is he....

He waited more. And more. Still, he waited. And he was still waiting as Baldin's fleet jumped into hyperspace.

"Damnit all!" To'Barren slammed his fist on his console and turned to his sensors officer. "Trace their route, I want to know where they are going, and I want to know now. Order Captain Co'rex and his battlegroup to subdue the remainder of Imperials in the system and secure the shipyard. Get us out of the gravity well, and plot a course immediately to follow Baldin. He will NOT escape me, do you understand?"

"Aye sir, maneuvering out."

"And get me Chorn, now."


"Vice Admiral." To'Barren started, trying to maintain his calm. "Where are you and your battle group?"

The Chiss voice that came back over the comm unit was as cold and calm as it always was. "Gravity mines. They were placed on the microjump routes into the system, and sir, they were cloaked. We are still locating and clearing the remainder of the mines."


"Very well, we're sending coordinates. Rendevous as soon as time permits."

"Yes Admiral."

The channell cut and To'Barren stewed. The Empire didn't have cloaking technology, To'BArren knew that without a doubt. They had run some tests during Ardin's time but nothing had ever been put into use as far as he understood. There was only one explanation. Thrawn. The alien had morre tricks than To'Barren had given him credit for. Perhaps this would be more of a challange that he originally thought....
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by Notorious »

"Quickly, target that Star Destroyer's engines," Captian Co'Rex ordered the main gunner. A barrage of ion blasts shimmered across space and splashed against the bright engines of a fleeing Victory-class. The star destroyer, in all its Imperial might, lost all sub-light power and simply drifted on its own momentum.

"It's not in position to enter hyperspace," an officer informed the captain. "She's not going anywhere."

"Very good," Co'Rex declared with slight sigh. The captain did not feel guilt about bringing down the Empire, no, but the stress of battling his own former people was taking its toll on him. Still - he would remain strong, especially in the public eye.

"New orders in, sir," the communications officer declared. "We're to secure the shipyard and subdue the remaining Imperials."

"Send two troop transports to that shipyard immediately, formal escort included. The stragglers here will be no problem."
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Post by corsos »

To’Barren had to wait another two hours for Chorn to finally show himself. He wasn’t quite sure which Chiss to blame, Chorn for being sloppy or Thrawn for being a scheming bastard. After Chron arrived, finally, To’Barren could hear the anger and frustration in his voice as well. No doubt he took little pleasure in being outwitted by an enemy, especially the only one of this own race that was known to travel in the known galaxy. Co’rex was still taking control of the local shipyards, when they moved into formation together and prepared for their hyperspace jump.

“Admiral, with all due respect if what you say about Admiral Baldin is true, he would attempt a typical withdraw to his base of power.”

To’Barren nodded at the holographic image. “I expect as much, so he will withdraw either to the deep core, to Byss, or all the way to Coruscant. But he will try to consolidate his forces along the way so he is strongest when he reaches his final destination. We must cut him off before he gets there. Vice Admiral, take your battle group to Mrlsst and give nominal, I will go to Khomm in an attempt to cut off Baldin and force him into battle before he withdrawals fully. We do not want to fight him on his own terms.”

“Yes sir. I will depart immediately.”

To’Barren shut down the channel and put his group into motion moving it towards its jump point for Khomm. It was the next large Imperial base inside the deep core that had some kind of naval presence. Baldin would have allocated a small force there as a simply deterrent. The beauty of defending the deep core was the Commander with the advantage was not necessarily the one with the large fleet. With the stars packed so densely the biggest difficulty to any commander was mobility. Baldin would no doubt believe that his enemy would have the advantage over his opponent in this regard. It gave To’barren all the confidence in the world that he would be able to surprise the old Commander and outflank him.

“Sir, we are prepared to jump, coordinates set for Khomm.”

“Do it.”

And they were off, leaving Co'rex with the charge of securing Fondor.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

Mrlsst... abandoned... and here at Khomm, only the remains of a full evacuation. Baldin will not even consider staying to fight. Coward. I will chase him until he must.

To'Barren conferred with Chorn on their tight beam communication, and both agreed without any consternation. "It is no longer wise to split our forces Grand Admiral To'Barren. Baldin may well be setting the bait for a trap, meeting it without our full strength would be unwise."

"Agreed, Chorn." To'Barren answered. "Rendevous at Khomm, then we depart for Svivren. That system is far more significant than this one and I expect somewhat of a robust defense. I will order the Adamar ahead to Pantolomin to either secure the system, or determine if that is where Baldin's fleet is massing."

"Aye Grand Admiral." Chorn repled, quietly. "Shall we leave garrisons? The Ssi-ruuk are anxious to spread their unique way of life."

To'Barren smirked. "They will require patience, tell their Grand Master they can have all the decisions they desire after our enemy is defeated. Come to Khomm immediately, total victory sits at our doorstep."

"On my way sir."

Chorn's image dissapeared and To'Barren sighed, going back to his fleet list, mentally comparing it to what once defended the Core. A titanic battle awaited them... one he would win.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by Notorious »

Grand Admiral To’Barren left the system along with Vice Admiral Chorn in pursuit of Baldin, leaving Captain Co’Rex to secure Fondor. The bulk of the battle had already been won, meaning that there was little resistance left for Co’Rex to crush with little difficulty. The troops stationed on the shipyard for protection attempted to surrender after the first wave of fearsome Xen’Chi warriors showed their prowess, but even the thrall Xen’Chi troops were relentless. The few transports that Co’Rex had sent were more than enough to slaughter… and secure the shipyard.

“Good,” the captain said in response to the good news. “How many Imperial ships remain?”

“Four have not been completely destroyed, sir.”

“Let’s change that,” Co’Rex said. “But leave that Lancer frigate be - we’ll commandeer it shortly. We may have enough men on reserve to skeleton crew it.”

“Aye, sir.”

The Imperial vessels that were unable to escape understood their doom. They were surrounded by Co’Rex’s small battle group and instead of fleeing attempted to inflict as much damage as possible before being destroyed. However, with the Hapan Battle Dragon right at the front lines, the ships’ only chance of surviving for another few minutes was to flee its ion cannons. The Redemption quickly incapacitated the remaining ships, making their sacrifice worth very little. The Xen’Chi’s losses were minimal, but repairs were still needed. Luckily, they had a brand new shipyard.
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Post by corsos »

"Sir there they are, on the far side of the planet leaving the gravity well. They are in full retreat."

Do you think I am blind?

To'barren nodded. "We have no chance of any effective pursuit. Contact the Adamar at Pantolomin, we are to rendevous with them at Chawza. That's where the enemy is headed."

Svivren was like all the world To'Barren had swept through since taking the shipyards at Fondor. He expected this was where Baldin would make his stand, because unlike Khomm and Pantolomin it had fairly valuable resources that would hurt the Imperial war effort. But Baldin instead continued to withdraw and consolidate. By now To'Barren would be facing nearly the entire Core fleet, whatever was left of it, when Baldin finally decided to stay and fight. That fight would likely happen at Chawza.

"Connect me to Chorn."

"Connected sir." The blue skinned Chiss appeared before him.

"Grant the Ssi'ruuk their wish of colonization below. This world is valuable to our war effort and leaving a sizable garrison here will protect our flank for the final assault." To'Barren ordered.

"Aye Grand Admiral, I shall. WHen shall we depart for Chawza?"

"It will take some time for the Adamar, even with their hyperdrive systems, to get to Pantolomin and then back to Chawza for rendevous. We should have a few hours. We've been on duty for near 24 straight. Order your men a brief respite, we will need them at full capacity for what is coming."

"Aye sir, I was going to suggest as much myself. Chorn out."

To'Barren looked over his bridge crew and spoke loud enough for all to hear. "Get us in formation for jump to Chawza, then everyone has a three hour furlough, afterwhich I need you back at your stations. Go."

The former Imperial looked at the map before him, showing him the Core of the galaxy, the center of the Galactic Empire and the key to power for anyone who wanted to control the known galaxy. He was taking it with no casualties, without even a fight. Something was wrong. Thrawn, or Baldin, or both had something up their sleeves. To'Barren needed to figure out what it was, and fast before it was too late.


Seneschal Visery stood onboard the Defiant, the only other ship left of their species, the Aranche hanging right beside it. Like the other planets Pantolomin had been recently evacuated. All the signs were there, and not one enemy ship or defense remained to ward off attackers. Had the paleskins become so weak that they refused to even fight, or perhaps there was something else.

The blue demon led them now, the same one that saw to the destruction of his entire fleet less than a year past. He owed that being much, and planned on giving it to him. This new leader brought them victories, but they felt hollow to him. Why, he couldnt tell, but they did.

They were wasting their time here, and now he had new orders, to meet the entire fleet at a planet called Chawza. The final battle drew nearer, and so did his chance for revenge.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by GrndAdmrlVegeta »

OOC: Hey C, before you post again catch me on AIM. :)
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
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Post by GrndAdmrlVegeta »

OOC: Oh, and there's this.

"Reports from the front sir."

Baldin took the datapad from Captain Natire and scanned over it quickly. "Thank you Captain, I will review this in my office," he said. He looked up, and could see the look of disappointment clearly on the face of his Captain, with maybe a hint of contempt. "Is there something you would like to say Captain?" Baldin said evenly.

"Permission to speak frankly sir?" he said, tight-lipped. Baldin merely nodded. The look Natire gave him could have cut durasteel. "With all due respect sir, why the retreats? You're running away from this alien fleet as if you fear them. The crew is saying you've lost your edge, that in your old age you don't have the stomach for war anymore. They say you're gathering all these ships in one place just so you can hid behind them and feel safe. And frankly, I'm starting to believe them."

Baldin lowered the datapad to his side and met Natire's eyes stare for stare, and when he didn't budge the corner of his lip upturned in the barest of smiles. "I know what the crew is thinking Captain, I see it in their faces every day. I don't particularly like the idea of retreating anymore than you do, but with this opponent, it is the proper course. You see I know the commander of this alien fleet personally, even fought alongside him for a number of years. And if you believe nothing else I say to you now, believe this: When the time comes to meet this one in battle, the [i[Warlock[/i] will be at the vanguard of the fleet, right out in front. I would have it no other way. Attend to your duties Captain, these aliens will be dealt with soon enough."

Natire's frown softened just a bit, and he gave Baldin a crisp salute and turned on his heel, recognizing the dismissal for what it was. Baldin sighed and turned to go to his office, glancing around the bridge as he did so and taking in the crew's looks. Most of them looked away when his eyes found them, but he could feel them watching him. They are losing confidence in you, he heard himself say. Just as you are losing confidence in yourself. His eyes narrowed slightly as he pushed that voice to the back of his mind for the hundredth time that day.
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
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Post by corsos »

To'Barren had spent the short twenty minute jump to Chawza contemplating exactly what Baldin was up to. And he could think of nothing other than the obvious. He knew he was going to lose, and knew his chance of defending the Core systems hopeless so he continued to retreat in the hopes of going into hiding to fight either a defensive or guerilla war against the Xen Chi. The man was resourceful and went by the book, and when one was completely outnumbered with little chance for victory you were to with withdraw with one of two purposes.

Either it was to consolidate your forces to mount a superior defense at a system that was more suited for it, or it was to save your forces for a future offensive action whether it be a major offensive or fighting a long term low intensity guerilla war of resistance. To'Barren thought the first was more Baldin's style and that was the likely scenario, but the most defensible and valuable system that he had taken was Fondor, and that would have been the logical place to organize such a strong defense. And if not Fondor, then certainly Svivren. Therefore, it left the only other possibility, that Baldin was in fact as completely outgunned as it seemed and his fleet would hope to link up and dissapear into the deep core where it was easy to hide if you knew the space well enough, and Baldin did, to be a future constant thron in the side of To'Barren and the Xen Chi. Of course Baldin didn't expect the commander of his enemy to be someone with just as much knowledge of the deep core as he, someone who would find him and destroy his entire force. There was no running from destiny.

"Sir, we're dropping out of hyperspace."

To'Barren nodded and watched his predicted scene play out before his eyes. As expected Chawza was abandoned all but a few transports in the process of leaving on the far side of the system.

"Let me guess, those ships are poised for a jump to Byss?"

"Possible sir, their position and heading indicate Byss would be a likely destination."

To'Barren nodded. "Pursue and mass the fleet. Follow them. They are about to recieve the suprise of their lives."

The alien fleet flowed across space like a wave, not even stopping to occupy or subdue the system. It moved into the gravity well, and then slowly began to come out of it. However, the trip in sub-space was not completely uneventful. He got the first contact from High Command that he had recieved in quite a while.

It was Overseer Nelai. And as much as her words interested To'Barren, so did the background from which she spoke. It was not her Xai'Chen cruiser that she was on. It was Imperial, and To'Barren could swear it was the Cleansing... he would know his ship anywhere. BUt on that subject he kept silent, even though all his mind could process was...

They found my ship...

"Grand Admiral To'Barren, Overseer Hell'kattar has begun his assault on Coruscant. He outnumbers his enemies and expects victory before the day is over. How goes your progress?"

"We have chased the enemy to the brim of the deep core. Much to their suprise, I'm sure, I will pursue them into that region of space and destroy whatever I find. Victory will be the Xa'Tieron's very shortly."

"Excellent. Report in when the battle is concluded."

Nelai dissapeared and it left To'Barren elated. In the back of his mind he though it possible Baldin's would have scurried all the way back to his master at Coruscant to help with the defense there. But if Kattar outnumbered the enemy there that certainly was not the case. It meant only one thing, that To'Barren had Baldin trapped in the Core, a trap of the old man's own making. Quite the shame.

As ships drifted to the edge of the gravity well, To'Barren thought back to the days he spent debating and fighting with Baldin over tactics and strategy. With tactics Baldin was always more cautious, thoughtful and defensive moving around his pieces to provide the best possible effect from each and every one of his ships. He was the opposite, favoring aggression with quick punishing attacks that would put even the most well coordinated enemy into confusion, retreat and eventually defeat. To'Barren felt that his way always won... and so far it had. He would enjoy laughing at Baldin when all was said and done. The old man had made a mistake, a complete miscalculation that his enemy would not be able to follow him into the deep core. To'Barren would take advantage of it.

"We have cleared the gravity well sir, and are prepared to jump towards Byss."

"Commence coordinated countdown."

To'Barren stood still and smiled and the numbers began descending from twenty. Victory over not only an enemy, but an old colleegue that never truly held respect for him would be particularly sweet, especially one that always considered him so simple in his ways and boasted he could predict his every move. Baldin always said Banner Ton's aggression would be his undoing someday, reaching a little too far. That was about to be proven wrong.


Or maybe he is about to prove that he was right all along.



And so it was, for his entire fleet still hung in Chawza space, only a second away from their jump.

"It's a trap, they know we're coming." To'Barren muttered under his breath. He almost had him, almost had him. Everything Baldin had predicted had almost come true. Somehow he figured out it was him leading this Thrall fleet, and with every withdrawal, Baldin knew that he would be emboldended and dive deeper and deeper after him. All the way to Byss. And that was Baldin's mistake. There was no way any Xen Chi would have know where Byss was, yet the ships leaving Chawza were obviously left their as bait, looking back in retrosepct. Only Banner Ton, now To'BArren would have been able, for sure to determine where they were heading and how to follow with the maze like density of stars in the deep core. Baldin was trying to lead him into a trap. and To'Barren had almost stepped right in, just not quite.

"Order the Seneschal to continue their jump, with his support ship. I want to know what ships the Admiral has at Byss. We're about to turn the tables on the trapper..."

In short order the two cloacked Adamar vessels were soaring through hyperspace.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

“The human wassss correct.” Seneschal Visery said to no one in particular. As formidable as Grand Admiral To’Barren’s fleet was it would have been crushed had it arrived in this system. Escape would have been impossible with the positioning of the human gravity ships. Of course, Visery and his ships with their cloaking abilities would have survived but mostly all the others would have been destroyed.

“Sssssend our sssenssssor recordsssss back to Grand Admiral To’Barren. Let him ssssee for himsssssself how many are here waiting for us.”

Visery’s connection with the microbes did require him to vocalize his commands, rather they flowed through the microbes and all the ships systems into the other instruments and into the minds of the others on the bridge. The microbes, besides their unbelievable energy properties held telepathic powers as well, that meshed well with the rudimentary ones held by every Adamar.

Sssent Sssseneshal.

So here Visery would wait, until he had his orders from To’Barren.

* * *

“Clever old man.” To’Barren looked at the sensors readings sent by the Adamar, and smiled.

You almost had me, almost. But not quite. Now, it is I, that has you.

“Send me the reports from the battles at Borleais, Yaga Minor, Ord Mantell and Coruscant.”

“Yes sir.” The Lieutenant answered. “But we have received no news from Coruscant.”

“They still have their system wide jamming in place then, not quite a good sign of Supreme Overseer’s Hell’Kattar’s success. We’ll have to do this the hard way.” To’Barren went over the charts and reports from the other battles and began counting. From his days with the Empire he had to memory precisely how many ships the Empire had at their disposal after the Battle of Corellia. He knew that by counting the ships at the major battles taking place he could estimate how many ships, maximum and minimum would be where he wanted to go.

When he finished his tabulation, his smile could not be wider.

“I have a new course. Set 231.544.”

“Sir, that brings us to…”

To’Barren interrupted. “Yes, I know. It’s time we reclaimed our home. Send word to the Adamar to meet us there. Full ahead to Coruscant.”
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

ooc please see viewtopic.php?t=6887 for the continuation of this thread...
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by corsos »

Undisciplined fools...

"Give me a ship count." Chorn said coldly.

"Sensors indicate 20 ships including our own. We lost approximately 10 in the battle, meaning the other twenty have not come to the rendevous as you requested sir."

In his head Chorn went through the number of total forces he had at his disposal. When To'BArren took the systems inside the Inner Core he did not fortify or garrison them. Taking and holding them now would be foolish. Khomm was already under the control of the Ssi-ruuk. Fondor and Yag'dhul were heavily fortified as well, even Mrlsst had a small defense force. Chorn would take his force to Halowan, and make his stand there knowing withdrawal was a possibility. He had no intention of sacrificing anything they had worked so hard to win. Of course, since To'Barren had never engaged the Imperials stationed in the core so they would be able to bring their entire force against them.

He hoped Seneschal Visery would return to them as well, only two Adamar ships remained, but they would be very valuable.

"Connect me with Captain Co'rex."

In only a few moments Co'rex's frustrated image was in front of him on the holo-screen. "Captain, wemust prepare for an Imperial counterattack. Take your battlegroup with you, fortify and defend Halowan. I expect the Imperials to counter-attack quickly. I must make sure our other fortifications are in place, and try to regather the forces that fled from Coruscant."

"Yes sir."

"Good then." Chorn said. "It's up to us now Captain. I don't know what happened at Coruscant. I'm not going to be able to explain it either. But we still need to fight. Do you understand?"
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by Notorious »

"I understand completely, sir," Co'rex replied, though he had wished that Chorn had a better explanation than I don't know. "Whatever went wrong, it was only one battle. The Empire will have no such luck a second time, Admiral. Co'rex, out."

The flustered captain took a deep breath and attempted to cleanse himself of rage. Time and effort were helping him clear his mind of the obstructions of frustration but the fresh stench of failure was still potent - hints of aggravation lingered with it.

Five of the six ships in his battle group were remaining. According to their sensors the sixth ship had not been destroyed, so most likely they fled. It was only a lancer frigate, but a useful tool nonetheless. The Imperator-class Star Destroyer, crewed by former Imperials, had not acted in a cowardly fashion and would be of great use to their defense. This thrall fleet was far from giving up.

"Helm," Co'rex barked. "Prepare to jump to Halowan but do not do so until I give the command."

"Aye sir."

The Captain glanced at his holo-display, refreshing his memory on the names of all the ships in his direct group. After doing so he connected to each ship and ordered them to jump to Halowan immediately and assume defensive formation delta 5, the most effective position with the fewest ships, until reinforcements arrived. Turning to the officers running the sensor and communication arrays, Co'rex continued his rant.

"We've been charged with locating those damned ships that fled the battle. We must regroup. They must have beacons, the Xen'Chi wouldn't just send us out here on our own. Find them."
Man of Many Faces
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Post by corsos »

"Warmaster, the pleasure is mine." Chorn bowed before the translucent blue image.

"The news from the battle at Coruscant was discouraging. The report you filed shows a battle that even the most novice commander couldn't have lost. Yet you fled with your tail tucked between your legs." Kattar said coldly.

Chorn eyed the Warmaster, trying to see past his inscrutable expression. He would have no luck with that. "Warmaster, I'm afraid I have no explanation for what happened other than what was in my report. Once Grand Admiral To'Barren's ship was destroyed many of the thralls fled. If I may be so bold sir, that is the fault of the Xen CHi conditioning programming."

The blue image stared at him, as though figuring out exactly how he would remove the Chiss from his command and arrange his execution. "You are fortunate that I have recently seen things I never thought possible Vice Admiral, or I would throw this report away and instead file your severed head as an explanation for the failed battle."

"However, you made a wise command decision in withdrawing to defend the planets you beleive you are still able to. Most Xen Chi would not have made the same choice. They would have fought on despite the likelyhood of defeat was high."

"I am Chiss, I am not Xen Chi." Chorn answered.

"And you are the correct person to continue the defense of the planets we have siezed in the Core. I have new orders for you, Admiral. As you pull the remainder of your forces away from Pantolomin, Chawza, Svivren, Halowan, Khomm and Mrlsst you are to inflict punishment on the civilian population. Not enough for mass killings, but enough to create a humanitarian crisis the Empire will have to deal with, wasting their resouces. Focus on holding the strategic worlds of Fondor, Thyferra, and Yagdhul."

"Yes sir, it will be done."

"I have confidence in you Chorn, do not betray that confidence."

The Warmaster's image flicked away leaving Chorn staring at the wall. He transferred his orders to Co'rex...
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Man of Many Faces
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Post by corsos »

Things have gone precisely how the Warmaster predicted.

Vice Admiral Chorn sat comfortably in the former Presidential Palace on Thyferra, as comfortable as can be. The Imperials were so preoccupied with pacifying and stabilizing their recouped territories, they weren't able to make any move on Thyferra, Fondor, or Yag'dhul. It gave Chorn and Corex a chance to recoup their fleets, and even get some thrall reinforcements from Warmaster Kattar. Their force was not quite as strong as it was at their zenith but it was close, and now it was concentrated in three vital systems to the Empire, and the rest of the galaxy. The blue images of his three fellow Commanders dominated the office, Co'rex, The Ssi-ruuvi Kraanar and the Adamar Seneschal Visery giving their reports.

The one of most interest, as always was from the Adamar. Visery was able to use the cloaking technology of the two ships left from his race to scout any territory without risking any detection. He had an annoying lisp, and exagerating his 's' sounds, but luckily Chorn's people had modified the comm devices to automatically translate so he sounded like any protocol droid.

"The Imperial fleet is still spread thin throughout the core, and the other systems constituting their territory. However, the Command Ship known as the Principality has relocated back to Coruscant and its battlegroup is slowly growing. My sister ship watches that as we speak. Also, while spying on the Principality, we witnessed other ships arriving at Coruscant including one from the government called the Black Star Confederacy."

Chorn nodded. He was aware of the government from which a suprisingly impressive fleet routed Xen Chi forces from conquered planets. If they had secured a working alliance with the Galactic Empire it could provide somewhat of a long term problem to their position here. "Keep watching the Principality, if the enemy launches a serious counter-offensive that is the ship that will lead it."

"Yes, Vice Admiral."

"Co'rex, any news?"

"Nothing. We are near completion of the ships that were partially constructed at FOndor when we took it. WHen they are complete we will blow the yards, they are already wired."

"Very good Captain. Stay sharp, it will not be so quiet forever."
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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