The Xen Chi Invasion: Skirmish Over Endor

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The Xen Chi Invasion: Skirmish Over Endor

Post by GrndAdmrlVegeta »

"Captain, with all due respect, you're needed aboard ship."

Captain Visj frowned at the voice piping into his ears through his flight suit's helmet. "Roger that Guardian, I'll be in shortly." He grasped the control yoke of the small TIE Interceptor and guided it toward the lone Nebulon-B frigate hovering in high orbit above the forest moon of Endor. He knew he shouldn't come out here this often, but lately things over Endor had been even more uneventful than usual. The only real reason to maintain a presence here was to discourage the occasional pirate or smuggler from using it as a base. Not that anyone ever came here, except for the occasional tourist. Though tourism was discouraged as well, sometimes a little more aggressively than was necessary.

Visj eased the TIE into the hangar bay and set the repulsorlifts to hover, then he pulled off his flight helmet and activated the cockpit hatch. He hauled himself out of the cockpit and descended the ladder that was provided for him, helmet tucked under one arm. He smiled as he saw his first officer at the base of the ladder, standing at ease with his hands clasped behind his back. "Welcome back Captain," he said.

Visj smirked as his feet touched the deck and he bounced his knees a bit, re-familiarizing himself with the feel or normal gravity. "How could I ignore an order from m xo?" he said, somewhat amused.

Commander Horek didn't return his grin. "Just following procedure Captain, you know it as well as I do," he said with more than a touch of annoyance.

Visj waved a hand in dismissal. "Of course, of course," he replied. "What's so important that you had to interrupt my little constitutional?"

Horek raised an eyebrow. "I thought you should know another civilian ship was stopped by our CAP a few minutes ago. When our pilots tried to shoo them off, they got a bit testy. One pilot is dead, another had to eject."

Visj's expression was suddenly serious. "And the civilians?" he asked, though he knew the answer already.

"Their ship was destroyed sir," Horek replied coldy.

Visj nodded. "I want a full report on my desk within the hour Commander," he said. "I want to know exactly what transpired out there."

"Understood Captain," Horek replied, though he didn't move from his spot at the base of the fighter.

"Was there anything else Commander?" Vosj said, a touch of that amusement back in his voice.

"No sir," Horek replied.

"Then you're dismissed," Visj said. Horek saluted and spun on his heel, practically marching back toward the hangar exit. Visj made his way to the pilots' locker room and stripped off his flight suit, beginning the process of getting back into his Captain's uniform once again. As he pulled on his jacket and buttoned it up, his thoughts wandered to the incident he'd just been told about. He was sure that his pilots had done their best to avoid a conflict, but the simple fact was that alot of them were trigger happy, and it wouldn't have taken much to have them start shooting. It occurred to him that if something interesting didn't happen soon, things could get a little out of hand in this little corner of the galaxy. He sighed as he finished donning his uniform, then left the locker room and headed for the turbolift that would take him to the bridge.
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Post by corsos »

ooc oh yes - there are going to A LOT of s's.


Seneschal Vissery prowled the bridge of his cruiser as it catapulted through hyperspace. It's two sister ships were in perfect position on its flanks, the last three remaining ships of what was once perhaps the most fearsome fleet in all of their sector of space, until the Xen CHi arrived. The Adamar did what they liked in their sector, putting species after species under their dominion. They could not be challenged. ANyone that did was summarly annihilated.

The Adamar had managed to harness a bio technology that served as a basis of their entire fleet. The microbes were a lifeform with so much innate energy the Adamar used them to power every function of their ships, from their communications, to engines, to hyperdrive, to sensors and their primary weapons. Self-replicating, it provided a power source that replenished the ships systems faster than any conventional method. They were unstoppable, until the Xen Chi and the blue demon proved that fact no more than a myth. The other function they provided was the cloak the only three Adamar cruiser left in the galaxy were employing. They would jump into Endor and not even be seen.

ANd that was how they dropped out of hyperspace, far from the planet known as Endor, cloaked and hidden from their enemies.

Visery had no need to ask for sensors readouts. HIs consciousness had melded with the ship's core, and the microbe giving him all the information he would ever need. The microbes and the Adamar had a special relationship, being able to communicate telepathically. NO communications could be intercepted or jamed. Except once.... when they encountered the Jedi.

"Advancccce." Visery said, out of habit. And the three ships approached Endor, watching their unsuspecting enemy.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by GrndAdmrlVegeta »

Slowly pacing the command deck, hands behind his back, Captain Visj turned his head at the sound of a small alarm going off, and noticed with a slight frown the sensor operator simply switching it off and going about his business. He made his way over to the station and stood behind it, placing a hand on the back of the man's chair. "Something wrong Ensign?" he said.

"No problem sir, sensors just picked up a slight gravity distortion a good distance away," he replied nonchalantly.

"What sort of distortion?" Visj asked.

"Sensors reported it to be consistent with a ship or two entering or exiting hyperspace, but there aren't any ships in that area now, and there weren't before the sensors picked up the distortion," the Ensign said. "Likely just a sensor glitch, we get those every now and then in these older model ships."

"Very well Ensign, carry on," Visj said, standing up straight and going back to his pacing. Despite the young Ensign's assurances something didn't sit right with the Captain about what had just transpired. It was probably just paranoia, and possibly a hint of the same anxiousness the entire crew had to be feeling. "Raise the shields," he ordered. "I want to make sure they're functioning properly, just in case we run into another heavily armed civilian ship." Visj got a snicker or two with that comment, but he dismissed them without another thought. "And send one of our CAPs to the area of that gravitational distortion, just a quick pass to make sure everything's alright," he said on a whim. Various crew members moved about to carry out his orders as he went back to his pacing. Surely it was nothing, but it couldn't hurt to check.
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Post by corsos »

ooc sorry this took so long...

Visery and his task force floated towards Endor, and slowly moved into its gravity shadow. All the enemy saw fit to put in this sector was a lone underarmed Frigate. They might as well have sentenced the thousands of sentients on the ship to death. Visery would be proud to sign the warrant.

Still under cloak, the ship moved forward and as suspected, the enemy made no response. The trio of ships stopped about five clicks from the enemy frigate.

"Order sssships to sssshow themssssselvesssss." The Senschal hissed. His verbal orders, and his mental commands filtered through the microbes on his ship, and to the other two. In moments all three ships had simply appeared in front of the unsuspecting enemy frigate.

Now, time for some dissention and misinformation...

The ship opened up an open channel, everyone in the system would recieve the open transmission. The large lizard appeared on the viewscreen. "I am SSssssenessschal Vissssery, of the Adamar shhhhip Defiant. Pray to whomever you call your Godsss... you will ssssoon meet them." He hissed, before cutting the channel abruptly.

His order was never spoken, but it was given traveling from his mind to the microbes on his ship and then to the two on his flank. The Defiance and the ship on its left flank remained still, its shields, in reality the microbes glowing an eery red over thin, angular, jagged vessels. BUt the third ship began to glow a deeper red, but at its front point it glowed bright.... its primary weapon ready to fire within ten seconds. Anticipating it, the Defiance and its other ship began to move towards the one ready to fire to protect it after discharge.

In all, after the aliens showed themselves, until the weapon fires they would have all of 25 or 30 seconds before they dead. Visery was interested to see what their reaction would be.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by GrndAdmrlVegeta »

When the alien ships materialized in front of his ship, Captain Visj was just as surprised by it as anyone. "Battlestations!" he yelled instinctively, mentally cursing himself for not taking more action than he did. At least the shields were up, that was something. "Get our patrol fighters back here asap, and get the rest of them into space!"

"Sir, picking up a transmission on all frequencies," the comm officer said. Moments later a decidedly reptilian voice piped in over the ship's speaker.

"I am SSssssenessschal Vissssery, of the Adamar shhhhip Defiant. Pray to whomever you call your Godsss... you will ssssoon meet them."

"Like hell," Visj muttered under his breath. He jogged to the command station and touched a control. "Engineering, how soon can we jump to hyperspace?"

"We need a few minutes to get clear of the planet's gravity well sir," came the reply.

"Sir, picking up a power surge building in the alien ship, could be weapons powering up," the sensor operator said.

"Open fire, all forward batteries, target that point on the lead ship that's getting brighter," Visj said through the comms. "Engine room, give me everything you've got. Helm, set course directly for the lead ship, best possible speed."

"Sir?" the helmsman asked in disbelief.

"Do it!" Visj practically screamed.

"Aye sir!" the helmsman replied, hurriedly carrying out Visj's order. The alien ship began to grow in the forward viewport as the massive frigate accelerated.

"All TIEs, begin strafing runs on the hostile ships, try and distract them as much as you can," Visj said. "Get under their shields if you can." He watched through the viewport as his ship rapidly drew closer to the enemy task force and turbolaser fire began to issue from his ship. With any luck, he could keep the aliens guessing long enough to get his crew out of this mess. That rapidly growing point of light ahead of him, however, told him that very soon he and his crew would likely be dead.
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Post by corsos »

Will these species learn to die with any nobility?

The lasers blasts from the frigate hit the shields of the cruiser harmlessly, being absorbed by the microbes, more energy to make the burst from the primary weapon all the more powerful. Visery's ships had times when the primary weapon was going to fire, and was heading straight for the line the weapon would travel. The level of red light continued to increase until the weapon fired, the microbes flowing across the vaccuum. Thousands of them would die on the transfer, but enough would get there to utterly destroy the ship.

The red beam hit the frigate, and rather than blasting through it, it flowed over the frigate and through it, the microbes hitting the durasteel and eating through it. It flowed like a tidal wave over the ship's exterior and then through its halls and corridors, the microbes desperately seeking a power source to allow them to leave. Visery watched as the ship was devoured meter by meter. The smaller fighters were still left, pecking away at the for the moment unshielded cruiser, but quickly the smaller laser cannons on the cruisers began to pick them off one by one. It would only take minor repairs to get the cruiser back to optimal operating capabilities.

Visery watched it all unfold, satisifed. The Adamar were not destroyed, not yet. And these last three ships would make their ancestors proud...
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by GrndAdmrlVegeta »

The ship lurched slightly as whatever it was the aliens had fired on his ship finally hit it. Visj touched a control on his command chair and spoke "Damage report," not quite sure what had happened.

"Minimal sir, it doesn't look like..." the voice on the other end of the comm paused for a moment, and when it spoke again it sounded decidedly uneasy. "Sir, something's eating through the hull."

Visj could see the red glow that had engulfed his ship through the forward viewport, and when he heard that he fancied that he could see tiny cracks in it. "Can you stop it?"

"Sir, I don't even know why it's happening," came the reply.

Visj saw the barely controlled panic in the eyes of his fellow crewmen, but he maintained his composure. He sat down in his chair and hit another control, dictating something into the small comm there. "Comm station, download the message I just dictated into the distress beacon and launch it immediately," he said. When the comm officer turned to him and nodded, indicating that he was finished, Visj activated the shipwide comm system. "This is the Captain. All hands abandon ship, I repeat, all hands abandon ship." It was then that he heard the cracking sound, and all at once the main viewport shattered outward. You'll never get away with this, was Visj's last thought before he was sent violently into space with the rest of the bridge crew.

OOC: Sorry that took so long, I'm still here, honest!
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Post by corsos »

ooc Ill mop up in system Veggie - you can either post Baldin's reaction here or start a new Core Worlds base of operations thread.

The ship is destroyed... and the fighters gone. Mission accomplished.

The fighters were more difficult to deal with, as it was with the Xen Chi Cruisers, which with no fighter compliment had to rely on their quad-laser cannons. The fighters were knocked off one by one until the last one was gone, with only minimal damage done to the cruiser.

"Sssscan the planet."

Information flowed through the microbes to the other ships and back, into Visery;s mind. There was only one small base on the forest moon. It would not be there for long.

"Cruisssser Blitzzzzz, bombard the target. Leave nothing."

Seneshal Visery watched as the Teberin's sister ship rumbled forward and unleashed its primary weapon. The weapon's power dissipated as it entered the atmosphere, but there was enough energy left to destroy the small base. Unfortunately, enough time elapsed likely allowed whomever was down there to send some type of communication to the large Imperial base nearby.

"Formation for hypersssspaccce." The three ship task force would head for Tanaab, another New Republic world to scout, in anticipation of Admiral To'Barren's arrival. It took another ten minutes for the microbes on the Teberin's two sister aships to have enough power to make the jump. Then they were off, headed for Tanaab.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Post by GrndAdmrlVegeta »

OOC: Oh hell, I completely forgot! I'll post soon, I swear. That is, if it matters anymore. :P
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Post by corsos »

Well im in the process of hitting the Republic world of Tanaab - but then Ill be heading to Thyferra - so if you want to set up Baldin for that you certainly can.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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