Looking over some of the stuff posted semi-recently, is a venture into the Story Threads for a government still necessary before moving to the MBT? If so, that's fine, but I just wanted to be clear...
The Notice:
WARNING: Some spoilers for great stories such as "And the Desolate Take Solace..." follow - read at your own risk.
The Answers:
Me, first of all, and then anyone else who wants to join or participate.
A tetrarchy: Freyel, a Ryn spy, Jex Sirri, an Omwati smuggler, Gideon Corey, a Force-sensitive colony leader, and Arelim Seron, human pirate and former bounty hunter. Also making an appearance will be Eric Noble (see Gideon or Jex's link), but not so centrally as these tetrarchs.
The Kuras System - specifically, Kuras IV, which is separated from the rest of the system by the Kuras Asteroid Belt; that system is separated from the rest of the Elrood Sector (located directly between the Kathol Sector and that area of Loris space with Shesharile, on our map - by rights, it should probably land right on top of Seier, but we really can't do that, can we?) by the Drift.
As soon as possible.
Because I want to bring together some good characters that I like and make a great story which can be more focused on working with the rest of the MBT - namely, a government, comprised of characters and creations of my own.
I'll start with Freyel. He has plenty of connections (namely, Jex Sirri), and will be in the process of acquiring the planet - a sudden pique of interest, a sudden spur-of-the-moment hobby. Crazy Ryn spies are like that, sometimes. I may bring in Arelim before the rest of the crew, but then, I may wait a bit. We'll see.
Gideon and Jex, along with the bulk of the government - that is, the colony currently established on Solace Station (again, see Gideon or Jex's link above) - will come along as soon as that story arch is finished. And yes, this means that both men will survive... can't really say for anybody else, though.

The Needs:
What I need from you guys is, first of all, an answer to my question at the beginning of this post. I also would not be remiss against any participation in the storyline(s) and future government called... *drumroll*... The Kuras Tetrarchy.