The Kuras Tetrarchy

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The Kuras Tetrarchy

Post by Archangel »

The Question:
Looking over some of the stuff posted semi-recently, is a venture into the Story Threads for a government still necessary before moving to the MBT? If so, that's fine, but I just wanted to be clear...

The Notice:
WARNING: Some spoilers for great stories such as "And the Desolate Take Solace..." follow - read at your own risk.

The Answers:
Me, first of all, and then anyone else who wants to join or participate.

A tetrarchy: Freyel, a Ryn spy, Jex Sirri, an Omwati smuggler, Gideon Corey, a Force-sensitive colony leader, and Arelim Seron, human pirate and former bounty hunter. Also making an appearance will be Eric Noble (see Gideon or Jex's link), but not so centrally as these tetrarchs.

The Kuras System - specifically, Kuras IV, which is separated from the rest of the system by the Kuras Asteroid Belt; that system is separated from the rest of the Elrood Sector (located directly between the Kathol Sector and that area of Loris space with Shesharile, on our map - by rights, it should probably land right on top of Seier, but we really can't do that, can we?) by the Drift.

As soon as possible.

Because I want to bring together some good characters that I like and make a great story which can be more focused on working with the rest of the MBT - namely, a government, comprised of characters and creations of my own.

I'll start with Freyel. He has plenty of connections (namely, Jex Sirri), and will be in the process of acquiring the planet - a sudden pique of interest, a sudden spur-of-the-moment hobby. Crazy Ryn spies are like that, sometimes. I may bring in Arelim before the rest of the crew, but then, I may wait a bit. We'll see.

Gideon and Jex, along with the bulk of the government - that is, the colony currently established on Solace Station (again, see Gideon or Jex's link above) - will come along as soon as that story arch is finished. And yes, this means that both men will survive... can't really say for anybody else, though. ;)

The Needs:
What I need from you guys is, first of all, an answer to my question at the beginning of this post. I also would not be remiss against any participation in the storyline(s) and future government called... *drumroll*... The Kuras Tetrarchy.
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Post by Neuge »

It's never been necessary, but is usually recommended for new writers.

I'm pretty sure you can jump right in. ;)
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Post by Archangel »

Really? Sweet. Then I'll do that... erm... later. 'Cause, right now, I've expended my creative energy on continuing "And the Desolate Take Solace...". Shucks. :P
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Post by Jagtai »

I have to agree with Neuge. The original requirement was instituted to prevent the Shunters of the world from making GMed governments ;)

Btw, what about Jag'Tai? He is still in Protection, after all. I wouldn't mind having him join the thread.
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Post by Archangel »

Sure. 'Cause, after all, Protection will basically just be thrown to the dogs (i.e., Stranger's character and crew :P) when Arelim leaves. So it'd probably be smoothest for Jag'Tai to leave, as well.
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Post by Archangel »

MBT Thread

Wow. Incredible. I wrote a generic plan for the first part of this thread - which should last a while - and I haven't even finished the first point yet. And there are a lot of points. But I guess some are more detailed than others, and the first left a lot of room for improvization. :P
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Post by Mir »

Hmm...I'd be willing to join. Just matters on what you need/want.
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Post by Archangel »

Well, at the moment, all I need is time. Once the government starts to roll a bit more, more interaction would definitely be welcome... we'll have to see how things go from here. I've got things planned for a ways, like I said, but after that...

Like I said, we'll have to see. :P
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Post by Mir »

Works for me, Arch.
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Post by Mir »

Keep it going Arch!! :)
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Post by Archangel »

I will, don't you worry - but I've got a lot on my plate at the moment. Final exams - on two years' worth of work - start after next week, and continue for three weeks. So I'll be pretty busy for that amount of time. After that, I'm home free, and things should run quite smoothly for a while - though Internet access may be somewhat sparse. *shrugs*

So this could take a while. :P
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Post by Mir »

Alot on your plate, more like a six course meal :)
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Post by Archangel »

You're up, Jag.

You know what's weird? The number 666 keeps recurring with me. My Honor points for last week's 22 Honorable Kills in WoW - 666. The Kuras Tetrarchy thread? 6 replies, 66 views when I last posted.


:shock: !

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Post by Mir »

When can others jump in?
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Post by Archangel »

Well, at the moment, I've still got sort of a direction I need to take it in... you know, since there's no real government yet. But, I suppose, I could let you in on a few of the details about Lark's operation and you could post related to that... or somesuch. I'm not quite sure at the moment.

What were you thinking of? That is, what's your idea?
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Post by Jagtai »

I'll post asap.
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Post by Jagtai »

Posted. It is a bit non-descript, since I don't know if you want me to do anything specific :)
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Post by Archangel »

Well, I wouldn't mind if we went to the turbolifts and you opened a can of...

I mean, it wouldn't have bothered me if you had posted the killing of the Trandoshan bounty hunter. But I'll move us along next time I post, and maybe we can both kill him. Or... work together to kill him, 'cause we couldn't both kill him. You know what I mean.
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Post by Jagtai »

Ah. Well, if you move us to meeting the Trandoshan, I'll kill him. I'll do it fast and bloody too ;)
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Post by Archangel »

Sorry I'm so slow in posting. I've got lots of packing I'm supposed to be doing. Moving one's life possessions on an airplane is no easy feat

Also sorry for GMing your character a tiny bit there, Jag, but I figured it'd be better to get things back on one of the ships (or on another planet, or something) where we could discuss what all is going on.
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Post by Jagtai »

No problem, Arch, RL life takes precedence. And I don't mind people using my characters as long as they do it right ;)

I'll just make a short post of getting them back to the docks; then you can decide if they talk in the docks, or if they board their ships.
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Post by Jagtai »

I don't know what to post, so I'll just wait until I see an opening :)
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Post by Archangel »

Well, I might make the next post unless Mirrodin jumps in. Either way, you don't have to post anything... I just left room for your reactions in case you wanted to. ;)
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Post by Jagtai »

I'd rather let the reader imagine how Jag'Tai reacts than post a one-liner ;)
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Post by Archangel »

I'll post ASAP. I can't guarantee 'Net access for any amount of time... until, um... like... July or August. So I won't guarantee any posts anytime soon, but they may appear out of the blue. ;)
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Post by Mir »

No problem for me. I don't know if Jag will be happy or not, you can never tell with the Boss, tempramental sort of fellow. ;)

*Scurries off to post on the Black Star Confederacy Thread*

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Post by Jagtai »

Nah, no problem for me. Feeling a tad uninspired at the moment anyway ;)
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Post by Archangel »

I posted! Yay!

Hey, look, I posted in "And the Desolate Take Solace...", too. I'm on a roll!


Well, not really. That's two posts. In an hour. Not bad, but I'm not carrying on, so it's not really a "roll", per se. :P
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Post by Archangel »

I'm thinking we might just do a time skip, sort of. I need Arelim to check the ship messages when he gets back to his, so that wouldn't be much of one, but at this point, it might be easier to move forward to Arelim and Jag'Tai joining Lark's organization, as well as the Muir and Freyel sharing whatever information they can find on the deed. There would be discussion of Yerrix's message at that time, as well.

Plus, I need to work out exactly how Yerrix is going to get out of his predicament. So this OOC discussion gives me a few notches of time to think about that.

Thoughts? Objections? Alternatives?
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Post by Mir »

Works for me man.
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Post by Jagtai »

Fine by me :)
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Post by Archangel »

Okay, so... I'll move everything forward... soon.


Classes start tomorrow. :shock:
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Post by Mir »

lol, I gotta go up to my college on the 24th. Move-in is 26th. But classes don't start till after Labor Day.
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Post by Archangel »

Classes started today.

... They weren't so bad. Listened to David Crowder live in chapel.
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Post by Mir »

Er...Who's that again? :oops: :mrgreen:
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Post by Archangel »


I can't tell if you're joking... or seriously don't know... or what. But yeah, he's a pretty popular Christian musician (in case you weren't joking), and he lives here in Waco, so he plays at Baylor and some churches around town when he's not on tour. Or busy.
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Post by Mir »

Wasn't joking, and thanks for the info. :D
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Post by Archangel »

Given the circumstances, I figured it was better if Jag and Arelim joined up with Lark separately. Plus, I have everybody arriving at different times to avoid associating the two, especially for when the "stuff" hits the fan. :P
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Post by Mir »

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Post by Archangel »

After I wrap up And the Desolate Take Solace... (I've just finished the "Main Quest"), they'll be able to move around a bit before Freyel contacts Jex Sirri about help in this whole "Kuras System" thing. Freyel won't know about the colony, so he'll probably ask if the Purgatory's Escape would be willing to help in a battle against Lark - and Jex'll get everybody to agree, 'cause Kuras IV would be the kind of perfect sanctuary they're looking for - without the crazy spirits.

And thus will begin the Kuras Tetrarchy... :)
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