Xen Chi Invasion: The Fog of War: Imperial Navy High Command
Moderators: VagueDurin, Nichalus
Posts: 617
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Location: Right Here. Sometimes over there, and a few places in between.
Xen Chi Invasion: The Fog of War: Imperial Navy High Command
Deep Space near the Coruscant System
SSD Principality Battlegroup
1630 Hours GST
"Fortune is certainly favoring the bold today..." High Admiral Kolot Rosion grimaced.
"Nothing." Rosion replied to an inquiry from a nearby aide, sighing again as he observed the cacophony of holographic stategic plots and force estimates above him. A wealth of data and information on virtually every major military asset or event that flowed directly into the Principality's Strategic Operations Center below the Main Bridge in the command tower. From here Rosion had near complete oversight over all Imperial operations, and when not on the frontlines of battle the SOC and it's capabilities was what made the Empire's command ships so important and decisive.
When he had first received confirmation of High Admiral Ton's engagement of the Xen'Chi at Ord Mantell Rosion had been rather abruptly interrupted as he slept. He groggily took measure the news for a few moments and gave orders to be awakened after Ton's fleet had won the battle so he could speak to him. However when he was woken again he was more than a little surprised to hear that the Cleansing and the vast majority of her fleet had been reportedly destroyed, Ton likely dead, and that Grand Admiral Thrawn was urgently waiting to speak with him via secure channel.
His conference with the Regent of the Empire had been short and to the point, and once it had ended Rosion immediately began carrying out his orders. That was a little over eighteen hours ago. In that time Rosion had coordinated a massive mobilization of Imperial forces throughout the galaxy in response to this supposed invasion. Garrison forces throughout the core and much of the rest of Imperial space had been placed on their highest alert, especially those systems along the projected invasion corridor and those that were of significant strategic value.
Fleets already defending Imperial strongholds like Reecee, Borleias, Obroa-Skai, Anaxes, Yaga Minor, and Muunilist had been further reinforced by additional forces sent directly to each system. In addition full sector fleets that were still assembling at a number of rallying points in deep space adjacent to systems that were under threat of attack. Rosion had also ordered an increase of patrols all along the Hydian Way and Perlemian, and recon missions to the systems that had already fallen, even though he knew exactly what to expect to see. Ever since Thrawn's appointment following Corellia many of the Empire's highest ranking officials and military commanders had been thoroughly briefed on the threat the Xen'Chi posed. Some like Ton had scoffed and openly questioned how much of a real threat they thought the Xen'Chi actually posed, going so far to believe it was some veiled political move on Thrawn's part. Even though Rosion, while respecting Ton for his leadership in battle, had never agreed with his pompous view, he found it rather ironic what that arrogance landed for Ton in the end. Now Rosion was seeing it firsthand, and strategically the Xen'Chi had shown a clear foresight to hit the Empire exactly where it would hurt the most. What was worst was that they knew the Empire was unprepared to immediately fight back and were trying to capitalize on the advantage in that as much as they could.
Throughout his career Rosion had never put much faith in war fought on the defense, but this case was the exception in that he couldn't fight it any other way. More so than that was the direct order from Thrawn to keep the Principality on a tight leash, he couldn't blame him though, after the loss of the Cleansing the Principality was the only dedicated command ship the Empire had left. The strategy Rosion had ultimately decided upon to use against the Xen'Chi was one of protracted defense. He'd still probably have to give more ground to their advance, but even that wasn't that bad as it shortened Imperial supply lines and lengthened theirs, and with the the new deployment of forces any further Xen'Chi assaults would cost them heavily in the amount of ships they'd lose. For now though all Rosion could do was sit back and watch.
"Any further updates on Mechis III?" He asked to the group of officers huddled around a strategic plot table with him. All of them shook their heads.
As expected Anorbis had been the next system to fall under attack and even though the garisson there had performed a commendable fighting retreat it was widely accepted that it was just a stepping stone to the next target. Now that ships had been reported at Mechis it was clear that the Xen'Chi were trying to carve a wedge right through Imperial space, and even though he had ships that could be sent there to reinforce the garisson Rosion was willing to wait and see what the Xen'Chi would do now.
SSD Principality Battlegroup
1630 Hours GST
"Fortune is certainly favoring the bold today..." High Admiral Kolot Rosion grimaced.
"Nothing." Rosion replied to an inquiry from a nearby aide, sighing again as he observed the cacophony of holographic stategic plots and force estimates above him. A wealth of data and information on virtually every major military asset or event that flowed directly into the Principality's Strategic Operations Center below the Main Bridge in the command tower. From here Rosion had near complete oversight over all Imperial operations, and when not on the frontlines of battle the SOC and it's capabilities was what made the Empire's command ships so important and decisive.
When he had first received confirmation of High Admiral Ton's engagement of the Xen'Chi at Ord Mantell Rosion had been rather abruptly interrupted as he slept. He groggily took measure the news for a few moments and gave orders to be awakened after Ton's fleet had won the battle so he could speak to him. However when he was woken again he was more than a little surprised to hear that the Cleansing and the vast majority of her fleet had been reportedly destroyed, Ton likely dead, and that Grand Admiral Thrawn was urgently waiting to speak with him via secure channel.
His conference with the Regent of the Empire had been short and to the point, and once it had ended Rosion immediately began carrying out his orders. That was a little over eighteen hours ago. In that time Rosion had coordinated a massive mobilization of Imperial forces throughout the galaxy in response to this supposed invasion. Garrison forces throughout the core and much of the rest of Imperial space had been placed on their highest alert, especially those systems along the projected invasion corridor and those that were of significant strategic value.
Fleets already defending Imperial strongholds like Reecee, Borleias, Obroa-Skai, Anaxes, Yaga Minor, and Muunilist had been further reinforced by additional forces sent directly to each system. In addition full sector fleets that were still assembling at a number of rallying points in deep space adjacent to systems that were under threat of attack. Rosion had also ordered an increase of patrols all along the Hydian Way and Perlemian, and recon missions to the systems that had already fallen, even though he knew exactly what to expect to see. Ever since Thrawn's appointment following Corellia many of the Empire's highest ranking officials and military commanders had been thoroughly briefed on the threat the Xen'Chi posed. Some like Ton had scoffed and openly questioned how much of a real threat they thought the Xen'Chi actually posed, going so far to believe it was some veiled political move on Thrawn's part. Even though Rosion, while respecting Ton for his leadership in battle, had never agreed with his pompous view, he found it rather ironic what that arrogance landed for Ton in the end. Now Rosion was seeing it firsthand, and strategically the Xen'Chi had shown a clear foresight to hit the Empire exactly where it would hurt the most. What was worst was that they knew the Empire was unprepared to immediately fight back and were trying to capitalize on the advantage in that as much as they could.
Throughout his career Rosion had never put much faith in war fought on the defense, but this case was the exception in that he couldn't fight it any other way. More so than that was the direct order from Thrawn to keep the Principality on a tight leash, he couldn't blame him though, after the loss of the Cleansing the Principality was the only dedicated command ship the Empire had left. The strategy Rosion had ultimately decided upon to use against the Xen'Chi was one of protracted defense. He'd still probably have to give more ground to their advance, but even that wasn't that bad as it shortened Imperial supply lines and lengthened theirs, and with the the new deployment of forces any further Xen'Chi assaults would cost them heavily in the amount of ships they'd lose. For now though all Rosion could do was sit back and watch.
"Any further updates on Mechis III?" He asked to the group of officers huddled around a strategic plot table with him. All of them shook their heads.
As expected Anorbis had been the next system to fall under attack and even though the garisson there had performed a commendable fighting retreat it was widely accepted that it was just a stepping stone to the next target. Now that ships had been reported at Mechis it was clear that the Xen'Chi were trying to carve a wedge right through Imperial space, and even though he had ships that could be sent there to reinforce the garisson Rosion was willing to wait and see what the Xen'Chi would do now.
"Overwhelming odds do not always matter, especially when the valiant warrior knows his only alternative is unacceptable: Death."
Posts: 617
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Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2003 10:52 pm
Location: Right Here. Sometimes over there, and a few places in between.
Deep Space, approximately 17 lightyears from the Coruscant System
SSD Principality Battlegroup
1240 Hours GST
"With all due respect your Excellency, but I must ask, how can you be so sure that that system is their target?" High Admiral Kolot Rosion asked as he addressed the holographic image before him.
"Because it is exactly what I would do, Admiral..." The likeness of Grand Admiral Thrawn replied, his demeanor reflecting his reputation for always being cool headed and steady. In every conversation he'd shared with the Regent of the Empire Rosion could never deny how he had been slightly intimidated by Thrawn's almost eerie sense of omnipresence, despite the distance that separated Thrawn from his chambers on Coruscant and Rosion's quarters on his flagship. "I trust that you can have your fleet assembled in five hours?"
"I'd prefer eight..." Rosion thought.
"Yes sir." He replied.
"Excellent, do you require any further clarification of your orders?"
"No sir, the strategem i've devised to use should allow my forces to catch the Xen'Chi off guard, your Excellency. Of that I can assure you."
"Very well...good hunting, Admiral."
That briefing with Thrawn had ended more than five hours ago, and even as he stared at the plethora of holographic plots representing Xen'Chi incursions and fleet movements into Imperial space from the Principality's strategic operations center Rosion still wondered how Thrawn could've been so right.
"Here's the updated status reports on the readiness of the fleet, Admiral." Fleet Captain Caius Rhodes interjected as he handed Rosion a large datapad covered with text and numbers. A year ago Rosion had been analytical of how Rhodes would perform as his new XO and adjunct, but since then the man had done more to prove his worth than any other officer in his command. Even though he was an excellent coordinator when it came to whipping a ship's crew into shape Rhodes was a soldier at heart, more so than even Rosion would admit himself to be. He'd lost a good portion of his left arm at Corellia but had treated it as if it were a minor inconvenience at best, and was well known to crack jokes about it when off duty.
Rosion scanned over the contents of the datapad and shrugged.
"What's taking Rear Admiral Marsalis so long?"
"Last minute repair work at Kuat, the Adjudicator took quite a pasting at Thyferra, the rest of his battlegroup is either already here or on their way."
"Very well, I can assume the rest of the fleet checks out then?"
Rhodes gave a curt nod. Rosion took a small utensil out of the datapad's side and signed his signature across a dotted line on it's display before he handed it back to him.
"Good, head up to the bridge and handle any other fleet operations from there. I'll be up shortly."
Rosion returned Rhodes' salute before directing his attention back at the holographic layouts and projections that showed the results of the Empire's efforts strategically after a year of war against the Xen'Chi. Rosion couldn't help but grimace as he counted the number of Imperial strongholds that had fallen, systems that even the New Republic in the heyday of the Civil War had never been foolish enough to assault directly.
All around him the room was filled with a cacophony of incoming or outgoing hypercomm transmissions and officers trying to mark new developments on various holographic displays. Rosion could tell from listening in on a few of them that the status of the war hadn't changed, the Empire was still barely holding it's own. Offering yet more sacrifices to the Xen'Chi and their altar of death to be added with the half of Imperial space that had already been taken, effectively splitting the Empire in two. If Rosion had thought that the Battle of Corellia would've been cause of the Empire's worst casualties he certainly had no illusions about how many millions of personnel had died as a result of the Xen'Chi invasion. Entire fleets and scores of hundreds of Imperial ships had long since been destroyed, and when the Cleansing had been lost at the outset of the conflict Rosion had been under orders to do nothing more than coach from the sidelines. the last six months had been the very incarnation of what a slow war of attrition was described as in even the most rudimentary of military strategy.
"Commander Fisk." Rosion called out, continuing to look at different displays as the officer walked up, the man knew all too well what Rosion had summoned him for.
"Nothing too big happening today, sir." He reported on cue, looking over the datapad he held. "The response force sent to Endor detected a comm beacon in orbit and the remains of the base on the Sanctuary Moon but nothing else. A group of enemy ships dropped out of hyperspace a few minutes later and forced them to withdraw. Until further notice the frigate we had patrolling the area has been declared MIA. In other developments there's been a few reports of enemy fleet movements near Kashyyyk, no confirmation though as it's in Republic space. We also now have confirmation on reports that Yag'dhul, Riflor, and Tanaab had fallen. Fleet Intel suspects that the Xen'Chi will proceed to use those worlds along with Thyferra as staging areas for invasions into the Wild Star Confederacy, Loris Empire, and Actium Alignment at some point in the future once their done sizing them up." He continued.
"On our side both Admiral Baldin and Admiral Dreskul have massed their fleets at Fondor and Borleias to bolster defenses at both locations. Elements of the 27th Sector Group launched raids on Obroa-Skai and Reecee this morning from Brentaal in...what were mostly minor battles. In some good news however, the ships sent to Mechis III have reported little resistance in taking back the system. Other than that it's just the usual..."
By "the usual" Rosion knew he referred to the almost daily attacks, skirmishes, and small scale battles that occured all along the Perlemian Trade Route and Hydian Way, along with numerous others on countless Imperial outposts, starbases, and minor worlds near Xen'Chi or contested space across the galaxy. It was what formed the background to any war of this magnitude, though they almost never made it to the attention of the galaxy at large, most people only cared about the big flashy battles. It's not as if they were really that gripping or encouraging to begin it, especially since the vast majority of such battles usually had the Empire playing defense to the Xen'Chi, and had been the reason why Fisk never detailed the casualty figures from them.
"Thank you, Commander." Rosion said finally after a brief pause, gesturing for him to carry on as he continued to absorb new information as it was shown the strategic holographic layouts. Minutes later when he deemed that no other information needed to be taken in he departed the room and took a turbolift to the Principality's bridge.
It was similar to the operations center in the amount of noise that was in the air as various stations communicated with other parts of the massive Decimation-class Super Star Destroyer, the only one the Empire still had, as the ship prepared to depart. With the state the Principality had been left in from the aftermath of Corellia she had been brought to a makeshift drydock installation in deep space built by KDY where she could be repaired in secret. Since then the Principality had not only been fully restored, repaired, and recrewed, she had also been given a huge refit of many of her systems. Everything from weapons, shields, engines, sensors, and armor plating had been "uprated" in the words of the KDY engineers that had worked on her. Mostly with the intent to not repeat the ship's failings at Corellia but also to make her that much more deadly when she fought against the Xen'Chi or the forces of GAIT in the future.
"Officer on deck!" The ship's master at arms barked as Rosion walked into view. He returned the crew's salutes as he headed for the bridge walkway and was greeted by Rhodes.
"The fleet is fully assembled, sir. All commands are reporting in and are standing by for further orders." Rhodes replied, handing Rosion another datapad to sign off on.
"Have navigation relay hyperspace coordinates to the rest of the fleet and proceed with the countdown." Rosion ordered. "And send a communique for all fleet commanders to meet me in the briefing room."
"Yes sir."
A few moments later Rosion walked into a moderately sized conference room and sat down in the biggest chair as the holograms of various battlegroup and squadron commanders flickered into existance one by one.
"Gentlemen, as you all are no doubt aware of by now, our destination is the Yaga System. I have it on the highest authority that a major Xen'Chi assault will be launched on the system in a matter of days..." Rosion began as he and the other officers began to formulate a battle plan, just as a flicker of pseudo-motion from the nearby viewports indicated the fleet's progression into hyperspace. Rosion was at least glad that he and his fleet had finally been taken off their leash, he knew that as bad as things were it still wasn't too late for the Empire to regain the initiative in this war and was determined that Yaga Minor would be the beginning of that reversal.
OOC: Feel free to use this as the prompt to launch the attack on Yaga Minor Corsos, this all took place prior to the attacks on Borleias and Fondor so Rosion will have already arrived at Yaga Minor by the time the Xen'Chi show up.
It'd be good to know how large of a force you intend to bring as well.
SSD Principality Battlegroup
1240 Hours GST
"With all due respect your Excellency, but I must ask, how can you be so sure that that system is their target?" High Admiral Kolot Rosion asked as he addressed the holographic image before him.
"Because it is exactly what I would do, Admiral..." The likeness of Grand Admiral Thrawn replied, his demeanor reflecting his reputation for always being cool headed and steady. In every conversation he'd shared with the Regent of the Empire Rosion could never deny how he had been slightly intimidated by Thrawn's almost eerie sense of omnipresence, despite the distance that separated Thrawn from his chambers on Coruscant and Rosion's quarters on his flagship. "I trust that you can have your fleet assembled in five hours?"
"I'd prefer eight..." Rosion thought.
"Yes sir." He replied.
"Excellent, do you require any further clarification of your orders?"
"No sir, the strategem i've devised to use should allow my forces to catch the Xen'Chi off guard, your Excellency. Of that I can assure you."
"Very well...good hunting, Admiral."
That briefing with Thrawn had ended more than five hours ago, and even as he stared at the plethora of holographic plots representing Xen'Chi incursions and fleet movements into Imperial space from the Principality's strategic operations center Rosion still wondered how Thrawn could've been so right.
"Here's the updated status reports on the readiness of the fleet, Admiral." Fleet Captain Caius Rhodes interjected as he handed Rosion a large datapad covered with text and numbers. A year ago Rosion had been analytical of how Rhodes would perform as his new XO and adjunct, but since then the man had done more to prove his worth than any other officer in his command. Even though he was an excellent coordinator when it came to whipping a ship's crew into shape Rhodes was a soldier at heart, more so than even Rosion would admit himself to be. He'd lost a good portion of his left arm at Corellia but had treated it as if it were a minor inconvenience at best, and was well known to crack jokes about it when off duty.
Rosion scanned over the contents of the datapad and shrugged.
"What's taking Rear Admiral Marsalis so long?"
"Last minute repair work at Kuat, the Adjudicator took quite a pasting at Thyferra, the rest of his battlegroup is either already here or on their way."
"Very well, I can assume the rest of the fleet checks out then?"
Rhodes gave a curt nod. Rosion took a small utensil out of the datapad's side and signed his signature across a dotted line on it's display before he handed it back to him.
"Good, head up to the bridge and handle any other fleet operations from there. I'll be up shortly."
Rosion returned Rhodes' salute before directing his attention back at the holographic layouts and projections that showed the results of the Empire's efforts strategically after a year of war against the Xen'Chi. Rosion couldn't help but grimace as he counted the number of Imperial strongholds that had fallen, systems that even the New Republic in the heyday of the Civil War had never been foolish enough to assault directly.
All around him the room was filled with a cacophony of incoming or outgoing hypercomm transmissions and officers trying to mark new developments on various holographic displays. Rosion could tell from listening in on a few of them that the status of the war hadn't changed, the Empire was still barely holding it's own. Offering yet more sacrifices to the Xen'Chi and their altar of death to be added with the half of Imperial space that had already been taken, effectively splitting the Empire in two. If Rosion had thought that the Battle of Corellia would've been cause of the Empire's worst casualties he certainly had no illusions about how many millions of personnel had died as a result of the Xen'Chi invasion. Entire fleets and scores of hundreds of Imperial ships had long since been destroyed, and when the Cleansing had been lost at the outset of the conflict Rosion had been under orders to do nothing more than coach from the sidelines. the last six months had been the very incarnation of what a slow war of attrition was described as in even the most rudimentary of military strategy.
"Commander Fisk." Rosion called out, continuing to look at different displays as the officer walked up, the man knew all too well what Rosion had summoned him for.
"Nothing too big happening today, sir." He reported on cue, looking over the datapad he held. "The response force sent to Endor detected a comm beacon in orbit and the remains of the base on the Sanctuary Moon but nothing else. A group of enemy ships dropped out of hyperspace a few minutes later and forced them to withdraw. Until further notice the frigate we had patrolling the area has been declared MIA. In other developments there's been a few reports of enemy fleet movements near Kashyyyk, no confirmation though as it's in Republic space. We also now have confirmation on reports that Yag'dhul, Riflor, and Tanaab had fallen. Fleet Intel suspects that the Xen'Chi will proceed to use those worlds along with Thyferra as staging areas for invasions into the Wild Star Confederacy, Loris Empire, and Actium Alignment at some point in the future once their done sizing them up." He continued.
"On our side both Admiral Baldin and Admiral Dreskul have massed their fleets at Fondor and Borleias to bolster defenses at both locations. Elements of the 27th Sector Group launched raids on Obroa-Skai and Reecee this morning from Brentaal in...what were mostly minor battles. In some good news however, the ships sent to Mechis III have reported little resistance in taking back the system. Other than that it's just the usual..."
By "the usual" Rosion knew he referred to the almost daily attacks, skirmishes, and small scale battles that occured all along the Perlemian Trade Route and Hydian Way, along with numerous others on countless Imperial outposts, starbases, and minor worlds near Xen'Chi or contested space across the galaxy. It was what formed the background to any war of this magnitude, though they almost never made it to the attention of the galaxy at large, most people only cared about the big flashy battles. It's not as if they were really that gripping or encouraging to begin it, especially since the vast majority of such battles usually had the Empire playing defense to the Xen'Chi, and had been the reason why Fisk never detailed the casualty figures from them.
"Thank you, Commander." Rosion said finally after a brief pause, gesturing for him to carry on as he continued to absorb new information as it was shown the strategic holographic layouts. Minutes later when he deemed that no other information needed to be taken in he departed the room and took a turbolift to the Principality's bridge.
It was similar to the operations center in the amount of noise that was in the air as various stations communicated with other parts of the massive Decimation-class Super Star Destroyer, the only one the Empire still had, as the ship prepared to depart. With the state the Principality had been left in from the aftermath of Corellia she had been brought to a makeshift drydock installation in deep space built by KDY where she could be repaired in secret. Since then the Principality had not only been fully restored, repaired, and recrewed, she had also been given a huge refit of many of her systems. Everything from weapons, shields, engines, sensors, and armor plating had been "uprated" in the words of the KDY engineers that had worked on her. Mostly with the intent to not repeat the ship's failings at Corellia but also to make her that much more deadly when she fought against the Xen'Chi or the forces of GAIT in the future.
"Officer on deck!" The ship's master at arms barked as Rosion walked into view. He returned the crew's salutes as he headed for the bridge walkway and was greeted by Rhodes.
"The fleet is fully assembled, sir. All commands are reporting in and are standing by for further orders." Rhodes replied, handing Rosion another datapad to sign off on.
"Have navigation relay hyperspace coordinates to the rest of the fleet and proceed with the countdown." Rosion ordered. "And send a communique for all fleet commanders to meet me in the briefing room."
"Yes sir."
A few moments later Rosion walked into a moderately sized conference room and sat down in the biggest chair as the holograms of various battlegroup and squadron commanders flickered into existance one by one.
"Gentlemen, as you all are no doubt aware of by now, our destination is the Yaga System. I have it on the highest authority that a major Xen'Chi assault will be launched on the system in a matter of days..." Rosion began as he and the other officers began to formulate a battle plan, just as a flicker of pseudo-motion from the nearby viewports indicated the fleet's progression into hyperspace. Rosion was at least glad that he and his fleet had finally been taken off their leash, he knew that as bad as things were it still wasn't too late for the Empire to regain the initiative in this war and was determined that Yaga Minor would be the beginning of that reversal.
OOC: Feel free to use this as the prompt to launch the attack on Yaga Minor Corsos, this all took place prior to the attacks on Borleias and Fondor so Rosion will have already arrived at Yaga Minor by the time the Xen'Chi show up.
It'd be good to know how large of a force you intend to bring as well.

"Overwhelming odds do not always matter, especially when the valiant warrior knows his only alternative is unacceptable: Death."
Man of Many Faces
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ooc: That'll be really kinda difficult corsos, even after reading up a lot on the Xen'Chi I don't feel too confident that I could rp them very well. Were you still going to ditch the Fondor battle (don't know if Veggie has been around to rp) and have To'Barren show up at Yaga Minor or was that changed?
"Overwhelming odds do not always matter, especially when the valiant warrior knows his only alternative is unacceptable: Death."
Man of Many Faces
ooc No - Im rping both sides of both those battles. I just can't do another one when you throw in my Ghost ship thread, and Delth's doings.
You dont need to rp them directly, just write from Rosion's point of view, and describe what he sees the Xen Chi doing.
See Xen Chi ship types at the bottom of the screen.
You dont need to rp them directly, just write from Rosion's point of view, and describe what he sees the Xen Chi doing.
See Xen Chi ship types at the bottom of the screen.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2003 10:52 pm
Location: Right Here. Sometimes over there, and a few places in between.
Yaga System
1400 Hours GST
Rear Admiral Tieron Marsalis hated his job. Not so much the fact that he disliked his rank or his position under Rosion's command, but more to do with the fact of what his standing orders were. Enroute to the Yaga System three days ago he would've expected that his battlegroup would be held in reserve, especially since out of all the units of the Imperial 6th Fleet they had just come out of action during the Xen'Chi attack on Thyferra. Instead, Rosion had decided that Marsalis' ships would "add to the ruse" as he had put it.
Staring out from the bridge viewport of his flagship, the Imperial Star Destroyer Adjudicator, Marsalis looked at the the shipyards, drydocks, occasional Golan platform, and other facilities that encircled Yaga Minor's outer atmosphere. It had become a hub of Imperial naval activity since the Xen'Chi invasion broke out and in that time had seen a huge upsurge in it's defenses, which in itself was amazing when Marsalis reflected on how much of a fortress world it had been before. He couldn't imagine how much more of a defense could be mounted of a world.
As it stood now however only twenty capitol ships stood guard over the world, half of them spread out across the system and the rest on patrol in high orbit. All of them part of the original garrison force with the exception of the Adjudicator battlegroup, which had been brought to the planet's drydocks and made to look as though they were receiving makeshift repairs.
The rest of the fleet, more than ninety ships, had been dispersed to deep space a few parsecs outside of the star system itself. Waiting for the Xen'Chi to arrive. Marsalis was certain he wasn't the only commander who felt as though they were wasting time and resources, but Rosion had never let his subordinates down before when it came to defeating an enemy, and Marsalis had faith in the battle plan Rosion had devised, he just didn't like the job he'd been given: playing the bait.
OOC: Sorry for the delay, instead of making a new thread for the battle i'm just going to have it fought in this one. It's sub par but gets the point across, take it away Jag.
1400 Hours GST
Rear Admiral Tieron Marsalis hated his job. Not so much the fact that he disliked his rank or his position under Rosion's command, but more to do with the fact of what his standing orders were. Enroute to the Yaga System three days ago he would've expected that his battlegroup would be held in reserve, especially since out of all the units of the Imperial 6th Fleet they had just come out of action during the Xen'Chi attack on Thyferra. Instead, Rosion had decided that Marsalis' ships would "add to the ruse" as he had put it.
Staring out from the bridge viewport of his flagship, the Imperial Star Destroyer Adjudicator, Marsalis looked at the the shipyards, drydocks, occasional Golan platform, and other facilities that encircled Yaga Minor's outer atmosphere. It had become a hub of Imperial naval activity since the Xen'Chi invasion broke out and in that time had seen a huge upsurge in it's defenses, which in itself was amazing when Marsalis reflected on how much of a fortress world it had been before. He couldn't imagine how much more of a defense could be mounted of a world.
As it stood now however only twenty capitol ships stood guard over the world, half of them spread out across the system and the rest on patrol in high orbit. All of them part of the original garrison force with the exception of the Adjudicator battlegroup, which had been brought to the planet's drydocks and made to look as though they were receiving makeshift repairs.
The rest of the fleet, more than ninety ships, had been dispersed to deep space a few parsecs outside of the star system itself. Waiting for the Xen'Chi to arrive. Marsalis was certain he wasn't the only commander who felt as though they were wasting time and resources, but Rosion had never let his subordinates down before when it came to defeating an enemy, and Marsalis had faith in the battle plan Rosion had devised, he just didn't like the job he'd been given: playing the bait.
OOC: Sorry for the delay, instead of making a new thread for the battle i'm just going to have it fought in this one. It's sub par but gets the point across, take it away Jag.
"Overwhelming odds do not always matter, especially when the valiant warrior knows his only alternative is unacceptable: Death."
The Adminerator
OOC: Hope this is acceptable. I have only a little knowledge of the Xen'Chi and are pretty much winging it.
Overseer Sil'ek looked at the tactical display. His fleet consisted of some ninety ships, all of them Xen'Chi vessels. The fleet of Sil'ek had only recently been committed to the campaign, and as their first mission had been charged with the capture of the Yaga system, and the annihilation of the enemy fleet stationed there.
Scout reports indicated that the system was heavily defended, though hardly a match for Sil'ek's fleet - a fact Sil'ek had proudly stated to his superior. The Overseer was confident that his fleet would take the system with little trouble.
With a word, Sil'ek ordered the attack to commence...
Yaga System
1700 Hours GST
Ninety obsidian vessels dropped out of hyperspace just inside the system. Following standard Xen'Chi protocol, massive amounts of sleek fighters launched from the vessels and raced towards the Imperial defenders, while the larger capital ships advanced behind them.
Onboard his command ship, the Xai'Chen-class Command Ship Wicked Dominion, Sil'ek imagined with glee the surprise of the defenders. He could almost taste their fear...
Overseer Sil'ek looked at the tactical display. His fleet consisted of some ninety ships, all of them Xen'Chi vessels. The fleet of Sil'ek had only recently been committed to the campaign, and as their first mission had been charged with the capture of the Yaga system, and the annihilation of the enemy fleet stationed there.
Scout reports indicated that the system was heavily defended, though hardly a match for Sil'ek's fleet - a fact Sil'ek had proudly stated to his superior. The Overseer was confident that his fleet would take the system with little trouble.
With a word, Sil'ek ordered the attack to commence...
Yaga System
1700 Hours GST
Ninety obsidian vessels dropped out of hyperspace just inside the system. Following standard Xen'Chi protocol, massive amounts of sleek fighters launched from the vessels and raced towards the Imperial defenders, while the larger capital ships advanced behind them.
Onboard his command ship, the Xai'Chen-class Command Ship Wicked Dominion, Sil'ek imagined with glee the surprise of the defenders. He could almost taste their fear...
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By the time the first alarm klaxons had sounded Rosion knew the assault was underway. For six days the entire Imperial 6th Fleet had lied in wait for them and now the Xen'Chi had finally decided to show themselves. It had almost been enough to convince Rosion that perhaps Thrawn had been wrong in his prediction, who had only informed him that an attack was sure to occur, but not when. Now that prediction was reality and Rosion's battleplan went into motion, swinging his command chair in the direction of Captain Rhodes his tone was calm and professional.
"Ninety four capital ships, standard formation. They're already launching starfighter squadrons."
"As we expected, have the garrison fleet form up according to standard protocol as we planned. It's nothing the Xen'Chi haven't seen before and they'll probably respond as they always have, and remind Admiral Marsalis not to launch until my order." Rosion ordered as he got up from his chair and made his way to a holographic table plot at the rear of the Principality's bridge. "Are the mines and ComSats standing by?"
"Yes sir, Planetary Defense reports they went to passive standby mode the moment the enemy fleet dropped out of lightspeed. They also report that the satellites are online and awaiting your command, the mines shouldn't be anything more than sensor echoes, and the Xen'Chi will have to close within the planet's mass shadow before they pick them up." Rhodes replied, ignoring the riot of bridge activity around him as crewmen and officers went about the work of manning battlestations and sending orders.
Rosion merely nodded as he heard the report, watching the various the icons representing some of the system's garrison force that had been spread out microjump to Yaga Minor and assemble into a defensive wall formation from the hypercomm sensor feeds the Principality was monitoring. With his fleet already pre-deployed and now ready for battle all he could do was let the Xen'Chi fall into the trap he had set.
From having nothing more to do but study Xen'Chi strategy and tactics for so long Rosion had been careful to anticipate what his Xen'Chi counter-part was likely to do in this situation, and had built his own strategem around it. In nearly every major planetary assault they had conducted the Xen'Chi had always favored quick and decisive brute force to not just overwhelm defenders, but completely wipe them out with no chance of retreat or withdrawl. Rather than bringing the usual 3:1 force ratio that was required for most assaults against fortified targets the Xen'Chi always fielded more, and on average had outnumbered Imperial forces 5:1 in many previous engagements.
It was clear that it was no different here, after monitoring Yaga Minor for so long the Xen'Chi probably thought they knew the Empire couldn't spare any reinforcements to contest the system against a fleet of such size, and if it weren't for Thrawn's intuition they probably would've been right. As they closed within weapons range of the defending Imperial flotilla and opened fire with the first shots of the battle the garrison commander followed Rosion's orders to the letter. After not more than fifteen minutes of trading blows and sacrificing two Dreadnoughts, Carrack cruiser, and Victory Star Destroyer his ships reversed their engines and began a steady withdrawl to the safety of Yaga Minor's Golan platforms and planetary defenses.
OOC: Your move, Jag. Sorry it took so long.
Outside of the four ships already destroyed the garrison fleet consists of 7 ISD IIs, 1 VSD, 1 Lancer Frigate, 5 Corellian Corvettes, 4 Nebulon-B Frigates, and 1 remaining Dreadnought. All of their shields will have already taken quite a pounding so assign damage as you wish, their falling back under the cover of 4 Golan-IIIs though and are still letting their bomber and fighter squadrons (plus others launched from the planet) mingle up with your own. If you want to start hitting some of the shipyard and drydock facilities go ahead, just be warned that any ships which do so will be at the mercy of several planetary ion cannons and turbolasers.
What's your fleet composition? I'll be sure to share mine once the trap is sprung.
"Ninety four capital ships, standard formation. They're already launching starfighter squadrons."
"As we expected, have the garrison fleet form up according to standard protocol as we planned. It's nothing the Xen'Chi haven't seen before and they'll probably respond as they always have, and remind Admiral Marsalis not to launch until my order." Rosion ordered as he got up from his chair and made his way to a holographic table plot at the rear of the Principality's bridge. "Are the mines and ComSats standing by?"
"Yes sir, Planetary Defense reports they went to passive standby mode the moment the enemy fleet dropped out of lightspeed. They also report that the satellites are online and awaiting your command, the mines shouldn't be anything more than sensor echoes, and the Xen'Chi will have to close within the planet's mass shadow before they pick them up." Rhodes replied, ignoring the riot of bridge activity around him as crewmen and officers went about the work of manning battlestations and sending orders.
Rosion merely nodded as he heard the report, watching the various the icons representing some of the system's garrison force that had been spread out microjump to Yaga Minor and assemble into a defensive wall formation from the hypercomm sensor feeds the Principality was monitoring. With his fleet already pre-deployed and now ready for battle all he could do was let the Xen'Chi fall into the trap he had set.
From having nothing more to do but study Xen'Chi strategy and tactics for so long Rosion had been careful to anticipate what his Xen'Chi counter-part was likely to do in this situation, and had built his own strategem around it. In nearly every major planetary assault they had conducted the Xen'Chi had always favored quick and decisive brute force to not just overwhelm defenders, but completely wipe them out with no chance of retreat or withdrawl. Rather than bringing the usual 3:1 force ratio that was required for most assaults against fortified targets the Xen'Chi always fielded more, and on average had outnumbered Imperial forces 5:1 in many previous engagements.
It was clear that it was no different here, after monitoring Yaga Minor for so long the Xen'Chi probably thought they knew the Empire couldn't spare any reinforcements to contest the system against a fleet of such size, and if it weren't for Thrawn's intuition they probably would've been right. As they closed within weapons range of the defending Imperial flotilla and opened fire with the first shots of the battle the garrison commander followed Rosion's orders to the letter. After not more than fifteen minutes of trading blows and sacrificing two Dreadnoughts, Carrack cruiser, and Victory Star Destroyer his ships reversed their engines and began a steady withdrawl to the safety of Yaga Minor's Golan platforms and planetary defenses.
OOC: Your move, Jag. Sorry it took so long.
Outside of the four ships already destroyed the garrison fleet consists of 7 ISD IIs, 1 VSD, 1 Lancer Frigate, 5 Corellian Corvettes, 4 Nebulon-B Frigates, and 1 remaining Dreadnought. All of their shields will have already taken quite a pounding so assign damage as you wish, their falling back under the cover of 4 Golan-IIIs though and are still letting their bomber and fighter squadrons (plus others launched from the planet) mingle up with your own. If you want to start hitting some of the shipyard and drydock facilities go ahead, just be warned that any ships which do so will be at the mercy of several planetary ion cannons and turbolasers.

"Overwhelming odds do not always matter, especially when the valiant warrior knows his only alternative is unacceptable: Death."
The Adminerator
As the battle unfolded, Sil'ek watched with ill-hidden joy. The Imperial vessels were under heavy fire from the Xen'Chi vessels, even as the sleek fighters employed by the aliens were trading fire with the defending fighters. On both accounts, the Xen'Chi was winning.
When the defenders began to withdraw, Sil'ek's XO asked for orders. Sil'ek's answer was simple.
"Kill them all. None shall survive this day."
The Xen'Chi fleet followed his orders to the point, following the Imperial vessels as they withdrew. Crimson plasma fire hit the defenders, and concentrated fire eventually got the better of one of the Star Destroyers, an ISDII, which broke in two. The sight made Sil'ek smile in malice, obviously enjoying the thought of so many enemies dying.
OOC: Weak, I know.
Fleet composition is 10 Xai'Chen command ships, 40 Hetch'hek heavy cruisers, 40 Vis'kral frigates, and 10 Ruh'kmar carries. So I do hope the Principality is around
When the defenders began to withdraw, Sil'ek's XO asked for orders. Sil'ek's answer was simple.
"Kill them all. None shall survive this day."
The Xen'Chi fleet followed his orders to the point, following the Imperial vessels as they withdrew. Crimson plasma fire hit the defenders, and concentrated fire eventually got the better of one of the Star Destroyers, an ISDII, which broke in two. The sight made Sil'ek smile in malice, obviously enjoying the thought of so many enemies dying.
OOC: Weak, I know.
Fleet composition is 10 Xai'Chen command ships, 40 Hetch'hek heavy cruisers, 40 Vis'kral frigates, and 10 Ruh'kmar carries. So I do hope the Principality is around

"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve." - Bilbo Baggins
From madness comes wisdom, and from wisdom comes power.
"I'm convinced you're secretly a British Spy" - Mir
It takes strength and restraint to be gentle. Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong. - Leo Buscaglia
My characters
From madness comes wisdom, and from wisdom comes power.
"I'm convinced you're secretly a British Spy" - Mir
It takes strength and restraint to be gentle. Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong. - Leo Buscaglia
My characters
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Location: Right Here. Sometimes over there, and a few places in between.
"They're inside the wire, sir." Captain Rhodes said as he and Rosion watched holographic feeds of the unfolding battle.
"I know, give it just a little bit more time," Rosion replied, watching the coordinates of the Xen'Chi fleet intently. "Are the ComSats transmitting?" He said after a brief pause.
"Yes sir."
"Then the order is given, execute."
Mere moments later the space all around and inside the Xen'Chi fleet lit up as it was filled with brilliant detonations of thousands of fragmentation cluster mines. Packed with Diamond Boron warheads they were designed to inflict devastating casualties to starfighter formations, which is exactly what they did now. Along with them a number of strategically placed anti-ship mines went off as well, not really to destroy many Xen'Chi ships as much as they were meant to throw their fleet into disarray.
Just a few seconds later, five separate fleet groups of Rosion's armada emerged from hyperspace, effectively braketing the Xen'Chi fleet in a bowl formation. Utilizing targeting data from a number of Yaga Minor's communications satellites the Imperial ships were given instant targeting solutions, and many were already firing before they had fully reverted to sublight speeds.
Launching their combined starfighter squadrons wave after wave of TIE Defenders, shielded Interceptors, and Bombers accelerated to attack speeds and dove headlong into the heart of the Xen'Chi fleet, capitalizing on the losses the Xen'Chi fighters kept in reserve had suffered. On the other side of the engagement, the garrison fleet that had taken so much of a pounding was finally reinforced.
Opening fire with a salvo of turbolaser fire the ships of Rear Admiral Marsalis' battlegroup lurched into motion and quickly launched from the drydocks they had been kept in. Demonstrating that they weren't anywhere near as damaged as the Xen'Chi were led to believe they linked up with the garrison fleet and maintained a solid formation that no longer retreated. To add insult to injury Marsalis' group was joined by two wings of TIE Interceptors that had been lying in wait on Yaga Minor itself.
On the bridge of the Principality High Admiral Rosion clasped his hands behind his back as he watched his flagship pour an ocean of fire on the mutliple Xen'Chi ships it had trained under it's guns. He watched with interest as the shields of a Xai'Chen command ship were overwhelmed and imploded. More turbolaser fire lit up it's hull and after not more than a minute's time the ominous looking warship had been set ablaze with fires all across it's superstructure, the trap had been sprung.
Putting himself in the shoes of the Xen'Chi commander he honestly couldn't see how they could fight their way out of this predicament, the cluster mines had destroyed almost a quarter of their starfighter umbrella, the larger mines had left their fleet unorganized, and Rosion's ships had essentially pinned them to the planet's gravity well to the point where the three Interdictor cruisers he had at his disposal didn't even need to active their generators. Surrender was unfathomable to the Xen'Chi however, and Rosion knew that they would fight to the last man before this engagement was over.
OOC: Not my best work but it will do, feel free to interpret how much damage has been done as long as it's extreme. The cluster mines would've destroyed about a quarter of the Xen'Chi squadrons and the anti-ship ones would've destroyed a few of their frigates and damaged a lot more of their fleet.
"I know, give it just a little bit more time," Rosion replied, watching the coordinates of the Xen'Chi fleet intently. "Are the ComSats transmitting?" He said after a brief pause.
"Yes sir."
"Then the order is given, execute."
Mere moments later the space all around and inside the Xen'Chi fleet lit up as it was filled with brilliant detonations of thousands of fragmentation cluster mines. Packed with Diamond Boron warheads they were designed to inflict devastating casualties to starfighter formations, which is exactly what they did now. Along with them a number of strategically placed anti-ship mines went off as well, not really to destroy many Xen'Chi ships as much as they were meant to throw their fleet into disarray.
Just a few seconds later, five separate fleet groups of Rosion's armada emerged from hyperspace, effectively braketing the Xen'Chi fleet in a bowl formation. Utilizing targeting data from a number of Yaga Minor's communications satellites the Imperial ships were given instant targeting solutions, and many were already firing before they had fully reverted to sublight speeds.
Launching their combined starfighter squadrons wave after wave of TIE Defenders, shielded Interceptors, and Bombers accelerated to attack speeds and dove headlong into the heart of the Xen'Chi fleet, capitalizing on the losses the Xen'Chi fighters kept in reserve had suffered. On the other side of the engagement, the garrison fleet that had taken so much of a pounding was finally reinforced.
Opening fire with a salvo of turbolaser fire the ships of Rear Admiral Marsalis' battlegroup lurched into motion and quickly launched from the drydocks they had been kept in. Demonstrating that they weren't anywhere near as damaged as the Xen'Chi were led to believe they linked up with the garrison fleet and maintained a solid formation that no longer retreated. To add insult to injury Marsalis' group was joined by two wings of TIE Interceptors that had been lying in wait on Yaga Minor itself.
On the bridge of the Principality High Admiral Rosion clasped his hands behind his back as he watched his flagship pour an ocean of fire on the mutliple Xen'Chi ships it had trained under it's guns. He watched with interest as the shields of a Xai'Chen command ship were overwhelmed and imploded. More turbolaser fire lit up it's hull and after not more than a minute's time the ominous looking warship had been set ablaze with fires all across it's superstructure, the trap had been sprung.
Putting himself in the shoes of the Xen'Chi commander he honestly couldn't see how they could fight their way out of this predicament, the cluster mines had destroyed almost a quarter of their starfighter umbrella, the larger mines had left their fleet unorganized, and Rosion's ships had essentially pinned them to the planet's gravity well to the point where the three Interdictor cruisers he had at his disposal didn't even need to active their generators. Surrender was unfathomable to the Xen'Chi however, and Rosion knew that they would fight to the last man before this engagement was over.
OOC: Not my best work but it will do, feel free to interpret how much damage has been done as long as it's extreme. The cluster mines would've destroyed about a quarter of the Xen'Chi squadrons and the anti-ship ones would've destroyed a few of their frigates and damaged a lot more of their fleet.
"Overwhelming odds do not always matter, especially when the valiant warrior knows his only alternative is unacceptable: Death."
The Adminerator
Sil'ek could but watch as the mines destroyed some thirty percent of his fighter squadrons and damaged or destroyed one fifth of his capital ships.
Cursing himself for walking headlong into so simple a trap, he began issuing orders. He knew that he could not win this battle, but he was determined to at least die with honour.
"Order all detachments to join up and prepare for a breakthrough. Concentrate all fire on the command ship. And order the fighters to form up and repel the enemy fighters."
However much in disarray the fleet was, the Xen'Chi was disciplined. The capital ships began to form up, even as they withdrew. Plasma fire from every ship in line of sight poured towards the Principality.
Nevertheless, the withdrawal went slowly. Caught in the gravity well of the planet, the alien vessels was forced to turn and move towards the center of the Imperial line, where the majority of the enemy ships were located. Even if they could get past the line, few ships would make it out alive. It was obvious that the Xen'Chi was fighting a losing battle...
OOC: Had to edit it, as I saw a major error.
Cursing himself for walking headlong into so simple a trap, he began issuing orders. He knew that he could not win this battle, but he was determined to at least die with honour.
"Order all detachments to join up and prepare for a breakthrough. Concentrate all fire on the command ship. And order the fighters to form up and repel the enemy fighters."
However much in disarray the fleet was, the Xen'Chi was disciplined. The capital ships began to form up, even as they withdrew. Plasma fire from every ship in line of sight poured towards the Principality.
Nevertheless, the withdrawal went slowly. Caught in the gravity well of the planet, the alien vessels was forced to turn and move towards the center of the Imperial line, where the majority of the enemy ships were located. Even if they could get past the line, few ships would make it out alive. It was obvious that the Xen'Chi was fighting a losing battle...
OOC: Had to edit it, as I saw a major error.
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Location: Right Here. Sometimes over there, and a few places in between.
"They're converging on us..." Captain Rhodes reported from the Tactical station.
"I see it." Rosion said as he watched the Xen'Chi fleet respond to the ambush. He knew they had no shortage of boldness, but their actions here bordered on the suicidal. He would've expected they would try to exploit one of his weaker fleet groups on their flank, or try to break throug the garrison fleet and it's reinforcements to skim along the atmosphere and retreat. But instead they were opting to challenge the Principality and it's entire group to a fullscale slugging match.
Despite the literal pounding they were taking the Super Star Destroyer's new shield generators and projectors were proving their worth in this engagement. Having suffered less than a seven percent decrease in integrity since the enemy began mass firing on them. It wasn't the first time his flagship had been singled out and fired upon in such a manner, and after what had happened at Corellia Rosion wasn't going to make the same mistake. Aside from the rest of it's fleet group the Principality had and entire squadron of Imperial Star Destroyers acting as it's close escorts.
Watching the battle unfold for the next three minutes as the Xen'Chi (remarkably) were able to reform their fleet formation Rosion took note of the losses the Empire had been able to inflict on them. The element of surprise had taken quite a toll, costing them fourteen capital ships of various classes (usually frigates and cruisers) in half that time as isolated stragglers were ganged up on and simply flattened with fire in ratios as much as 6:1 to the Imperials. He watched his holographic overlay with interest as one lone, crippled, Hetch'hek class cruiser in particular that had lost it's shields was hammered with ion cannon fire from two Victory Star Destroyers and a Carrack cruiser. Knocking out it's engines in little time before a wave of concussion missiles spurned a series of primary explosions that split it's hull in two.
The starfighter arena was even worse for the aliens. Prior to the springing of the trap the majority of their squadrons had been heavily engaged with TIEs from the garrison force. Unfortunately when it was sprung the majority of their fleet only had a token rearguard force to throw up against the new threat to their rear. When it had been quickly dispatched by the lead TIE Defender squadrons off the Principality almost half the Xen'Chi fleet had been left open to attack, which the following wings of TIE Bombers had exploited ruthlessly with moderate losses and had left a sizable amount of ships that hadn't even been engaged heavily damaged.
Even when fighting against it all the Xen'Chi were still making a fearsome accounting of themselves. They had recovered brilliantly and by the time their fleet had closed within thirty seven kilometers of the Principality and her group, still trading a continuous stream of turbolaser and plasma fire with them, Rosion gave his next set of orders.
"Tactical, intensify forward fire power and recompute for targeting solutions on those Xai'chen command ships at the heart of their formation. Pass your data on to the rest of our escorts and our fleet group, I want them focusing on them as well."
"As ordered, Admiral."
"What about the rest of the fleet?" Rhodes inquired as he walked up to Rosion's side.
"Have all the flanking groups center their fire on the edges of the enemy formation," Rosion replied as he watched the Principality increase it's total output of fire by almost ten percent and rain it down on three separate Xen'Chi command ships that had entered optimal range. "Frigates and Cruisers should be their top priority, coordinate with Flight Ops to have our fighters provide cover for the bomber wings to take out their Carriers, and give Rear Admirals Falon and Marsalis permission to pursue the Xen'Chi at their own discretion." He continued, his expression remaining stoic the whole time.
Rhodes grinned at his response. "With pleasure, sir."
As his XO made his way to the Flight Ops alcove Rosion turned to his chief communications officer.
"Lieutenant, signal the Anchorage, Stellar Web, and Emperor's Net to begin powering up their gravity well generators. If the Xen'Chi thought they were somehow going to escape this battle then we'll just have to show how wrong they really are."
"I see it." Rosion said as he watched the Xen'Chi fleet respond to the ambush. He knew they had no shortage of boldness, but their actions here bordered on the suicidal. He would've expected they would try to exploit one of his weaker fleet groups on their flank, or try to break throug the garrison fleet and it's reinforcements to skim along the atmosphere and retreat. But instead they were opting to challenge the Principality and it's entire group to a fullscale slugging match.
Despite the literal pounding they were taking the Super Star Destroyer's new shield generators and projectors were proving their worth in this engagement. Having suffered less than a seven percent decrease in integrity since the enemy began mass firing on them. It wasn't the first time his flagship had been singled out and fired upon in such a manner, and after what had happened at Corellia Rosion wasn't going to make the same mistake. Aside from the rest of it's fleet group the Principality had and entire squadron of Imperial Star Destroyers acting as it's close escorts.
Watching the battle unfold for the next three minutes as the Xen'Chi (remarkably) were able to reform their fleet formation Rosion took note of the losses the Empire had been able to inflict on them. The element of surprise had taken quite a toll, costing them fourteen capital ships of various classes (usually frigates and cruisers) in half that time as isolated stragglers were ganged up on and simply flattened with fire in ratios as much as 6:1 to the Imperials. He watched his holographic overlay with interest as one lone, crippled, Hetch'hek class cruiser in particular that had lost it's shields was hammered with ion cannon fire from two Victory Star Destroyers and a Carrack cruiser. Knocking out it's engines in little time before a wave of concussion missiles spurned a series of primary explosions that split it's hull in two.
The starfighter arena was even worse for the aliens. Prior to the springing of the trap the majority of their squadrons had been heavily engaged with TIEs from the garrison force. Unfortunately when it was sprung the majority of their fleet only had a token rearguard force to throw up against the new threat to their rear. When it had been quickly dispatched by the lead TIE Defender squadrons off the Principality almost half the Xen'Chi fleet had been left open to attack, which the following wings of TIE Bombers had exploited ruthlessly with moderate losses and had left a sizable amount of ships that hadn't even been engaged heavily damaged.
Even when fighting against it all the Xen'Chi were still making a fearsome accounting of themselves. They had recovered brilliantly and by the time their fleet had closed within thirty seven kilometers of the Principality and her group, still trading a continuous stream of turbolaser and plasma fire with them, Rosion gave his next set of orders.
"Tactical, intensify forward fire power and recompute for targeting solutions on those Xai'chen command ships at the heart of their formation. Pass your data on to the rest of our escorts and our fleet group, I want them focusing on them as well."
"As ordered, Admiral."
"What about the rest of the fleet?" Rhodes inquired as he walked up to Rosion's side.
"Have all the flanking groups center their fire on the edges of the enemy formation," Rosion replied as he watched the Principality increase it's total output of fire by almost ten percent and rain it down on three separate Xen'Chi command ships that had entered optimal range. "Frigates and Cruisers should be their top priority, coordinate with Flight Ops to have our fighters provide cover for the bomber wings to take out their Carriers, and give Rear Admirals Falon and Marsalis permission to pursue the Xen'Chi at their own discretion." He continued, his expression remaining stoic the whole time.
Rhodes grinned at his response. "With pleasure, sir."
As his XO made his way to the Flight Ops alcove Rosion turned to his chief communications officer.
"Lieutenant, signal the Anchorage, Stellar Web, and Emperor's Net to begin powering up their gravity well generators. If the Xen'Chi thought they were somehow going to escape this battle then we'll just have to show how wrong they really are."
"Overwhelming odds do not always matter, especially when the valiant warrior knows his only alternative is unacceptable: Death."
The Adminerator
"They're targeting the Xai'Chen and the Ruh'kmar, Overseer!"
Sil'ek ignored the obvious notification. He was well aware that they were targeting his command ships and carriers - indeed he had expected it. Although the ships could take a pounding well, Sil'ek doubted they could hold up forever.
"Order all escorts to converge around the Xai'Chen and Ruh'kmar. The less they can target, the less they can hit. All ships, full power ahead. Target fourty-five degrees downward."
As one, the Xen'Chi vessels angled themselves at a fourty-five degrees downwards angle. At that angle, they could still fire, yet did not have pass through the Imperial lines. Instead, they would go underneath, which would also limit the amount of fire the Imperial vessels could drop on them.
Even as they did so, the smaller vessels converged around the Xai'Chen, providing cover for the larger vessels. At the same time, they increased speed.
Just as one of the lead ships left the pull of the planet's atmosphere and began charging up its hyperdrive, a new mass shadow appeared virtually on top of them.
"Overseer, they're jamming our hyperdrives." Sil'ek was at a loss. He had heard of these 'interdictor fields', but had never experienced one. He decided to continue the plan regardless.
"Continue on the course. Their jamming range must be limited. And concentrate your fire on the big command ship!"
While the main fleet continued on its path, the remaining fighters challenged the Defenders and Bombers, doing their very best to stop further bombing runs. They had limited success due to their excellent speed and maneuverability, but they were simply to few to stem the tide indefinitely.
OOC: Hope that's better.
Sil'ek ignored the obvious notification. He was well aware that they were targeting his command ships and carriers - indeed he had expected it. Although the ships could take a pounding well, Sil'ek doubted they could hold up forever.
"Order all escorts to converge around the Xai'Chen and Ruh'kmar. The less they can target, the less they can hit. All ships, full power ahead. Target fourty-five degrees downward."
As one, the Xen'Chi vessels angled themselves at a fourty-five degrees downwards angle. At that angle, they could still fire, yet did not have pass through the Imperial lines. Instead, they would go underneath, which would also limit the amount of fire the Imperial vessels could drop on them.
Even as they did so, the smaller vessels converged around the Xai'Chen, providing cover for the larger vessels. At the same time, they increased speed.
Just as one of the lead ships left the pull of the planet's atmosphere and began charging up its hyperdrive, a new mass shadow appeared virtually on top of them.
"Overseer, they're jamming our hyperdrives." Sil'ek was at a loss. He had heard of these 'interdictor fields', but had never experienced one. He decided to continue the plan regardless.
"Continue on the course. Their jamming range must be limited. And concentrate your fire on the big command ship!"
While the main fleet continued on its path, the remaining fighters challenged the Defenders and Bombers, doing their very best to stop further bombing runs. They had limited success due to their excellent speed and maneuverability, but they were simply to few to stem the tide indefinitely.
OOC: Hope that's better.
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Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2003 10:52 pm
Location: Right Here. Sometimes over there, and a few places in between.
"Enemy fleet is changing course," Rhodes reported from his station. "They're taking a 45 degree downward angle to try to slip by, Admiral."
"I see it," Rosion replied as he saw the new development. The Xen'Chi were definitely getting desparate now, they'd lost enough enough ships at this point that their commander knew they wouldn't last long against Rosion's Star Destroyers in it a close range pitched engagement. Unfortunately they refused to yield to the fact that this battle was fast approaching it's end, at this point there was no way they could escape, they just didn't know it yet.
"Signal Fleet Group 3 to move to intercept," He ordered after a moment of thought. "Have all other groups maintain their fire. With that fleet in a more compact formation it'll be easier to saturate, and their overall damage will accumulate, those escorts are a temporary buffer at best."
"Yes sir." Rhodes replied. "Should we target their engines as well, Admiral? A number of ships say they have clear solutions on them."
"By all means," Rosion said, turning to his Chief Tactical officer. "Commander, how many solutions on enemy engine arrays do we have?"
"Three sir, we're concentrating the bulk of our fire on their command ships as you ordered, although in light of the coure change they just made if the Principality maintains a parallel course I can probably bring more of our ion cannons to bear."
"Do it, coordinate with the Helm as you see fit."
With that Rosion turned his attention back to the battle as his orders were carried out. It hadn't been won yet, and he was quick to get his thoughts in line lest he become overconfident, but at the very least he knew his fleet had a huge upperhand in it so far. Staring out the bridge viewports he clasped his hands behind his back as the stars shifted outside. As the Xen'Chi fleet dove the Principality and it's group, along with the other elements of the Imperial fleet, dove with them, many taking either mirror or pursuit courses that kept the Xen'Chi within their field of fire.
Behind the Xen'Chi the other fleet groups that surrounded them (or had been following them in the case of Marsalis' group) also gave chase, firing concentrated ion cannon salvos at the Xen'Chi engine arrays that had been left exposed. Simultaneously the fleet group that originally had dropped out of hyperspace below the engagement zone, and had been hammering away at the Xen'Chi at long range ever since, began to move for a more head on engagement.
In effect, once the Imperial formation had caught up, the Xen'Chi were still caught up in a five way crossfire. Rosion watched with indifference as two of their command ships fell out of formation, succumbing to ireparable damage they had suffered over the course of the battle, and the Principality along with a half a dozen other ships finished them off. At this point, there were only a handful of their ships left that hadn't taken heavy damage, most of them being a few frigates and carriers that were still in line to be focused on.
"No fleet can hold cohesion forever when they've taken losses like this," Rosion whispered to himself, glancing at a sensor readout that showed how many squadrons the Xen'Chi still had left. "Break...break..."
"I see it," Rosion replied as he saw the new development. The Xen'Chi were definitely getting desparate now, they'd lost enough enough ships at this point that their commander knew they wouldn't last long against Rosion's Star Destroyers in it a close range pitched engagement. Unfortunately they refused to yield to the fact that this battle was fast approaching it's end, at this point there was no way they could escape, they just didn't know it yet.
"Signal Fleet Group 3 to move to intercept," He ordered after a moment of thought. "Have all other groups maintain their fire. With that fleet in a more compact formation it'll be easier to saturate, and their overall damage will accumulate, those escorts are a temporary buffer at best."
"Yes sir." Rhodes replied. "Should we target their engines as well, Admiral? A number of ships say they have clear solutions on them."
"By all means," Rosion said, turning to his Chief Tactical officer. "Commander, how many solutions on enemy engine arrays do we have?"
"Three sir, we're concentrating the bulk of our fire on their command ships as you ordered, although in light of the coure change they just made if the Principality maintains a parallel course I can probably bring more of our ion cannons to bear."
"Do it, coordinate with the Helm as you see fit."
With that Rosion turned his attention back to the battle as his orders were carried out. It hadn't been won yet, and he was quick to get his thoughts in line lest he become overconfident, but at the very least he knew his fleet had a huge upperhand in it so far. Staring out the bridge viewports he clasped his hands behind his back as the stars shifted outside. As the Xen'Chi fleet dove the Principality and it's group, along with the other elements of the Imperial fleet, dove with them, many taking either mirror or pursuit courses that kept the Xen'Chi within their field of fire.
Behind the Xen'Chi the other fleet groups that surrounded them (or had been following them in the case of Marsalis' group) also gave chase, firing concentrated ion cannon salvos at the Xen'Chi engine arrays that had been left exposed. Simultaneously the fleet group that originally had dropped out of hyperspace below the engagement zone, and had been hammering away at the Xen'Chi at long range ever since, began to move for a more head on engagement.
In effect, once the Imperial formation had caught up, the Xen'Chi were still caught up in a five way crossfire. Rosion watched with indifference as two of their command ships fell out of formation, succumbing to ireparable damage they had suffered over the course of the battle, and the Principality along with a half a dozen other ships finished them off. At this point, there were only a handful of their ships left that hadn't taken heavy damage, most of them being a few frigates and carriers that were still in line to be focused on.
"No fleet can hold cohesion forever when they've taken losses like this," Rosion whispered to himself, glancing at a sensor readout that showed how many squadrons the Xen'Chi still had left. "Break...break..."
The Adminerator
Sil'ek watched as another two of his ships was reduced to floating debris. He made a decision.
"We can't escape this battle. But if we must die, we will die like true warriors!" he exclaimed. He turned to the communications officer. "Change the course to 4-5-7. Spread out. Full speed ahead. Order all vessels to engage Attack Plan Zash'kat."
As one, the remaining Xen'Chi ships changed course. As a black tidal wave, they moved directly upwards towards the Imperial detachment above.
Sil'ek's capital ship sent a final message, before all ships turned off radio connections.
"You are free to choose your own targets. See you on the other side, my fellow warriors."
Of the remaining thirty ships, another seven broke apart under the incessant fire before reaching the Imperial lines. Then the first Xen'Chi vessels reached its target. With a massive explosion, the vessel plunged into the belly of one of the star destroyers.
The Xen'Chi flagship made its way past, heading directly for the Principality. Sil'ek looked at the explosion, as another vessel reached its target. He felt a sting of regret for leading his men into this trap. Annoyed with the feeling, he turned to watch the Principality grow larger and larger before him...
OOC: Two Xen'Chi vessels have crashed into Star Destroyers. I'll leave it up to you how many of the remaining twenty-one reach their targets, and the extent of the damage. But the Imperial fleet shouldn't escape unscathed.
"We can't escape this battle. But if we must die, we will die like true warriors!" he exclaimed. He turned to the communications officer. "Change the course to 4-5-7. Spread out. Full speed ahead. Order all vessels to engage Attack Plan Zash'kat."
As one, the remaining Xen'Chi ships changed course. As a black tidal wave, they moved directly upwards towards the Imperial detachment above.
Sil'ek's capital ship sent a final message, before all ships turned off radio connections.
"You are free to choose your own targets. See you on the other side, my fellow warriors."
Of the remaining thirty ships, another seven broke apart under the incessant fire before reaching the Imperial lines. Then the first Xen'Chi vessels reached its target. With a massive explosion, the vessel plunged into the belly of one of the star destroyers.
The Xen'Chi flagship made its way past, heading directly for the Principality. Sil'ek looked at the explosion, as another vessel reached its target. He felt a sting of regret for leading his men into this trap. Annoyed with the feeling, he turned to watch the Principality grow larger and larger before him...
OOC: Two Xen'Chi vessels have crashed into Star Destroyers. I'll leave it up to you how many of the remaining twenty-one reach their targets, and the extent of the damage. But the Imperial fleet shouldn't escape unscathed.
Posts: 617
Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2003 10:52 pm
Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2003 10:52 pm
Location: Right Here. Sometimes over there, and a few places in between.
High Admiral Rosion watched in shock as a Xen'Chi cruiser struck the Star Destroyer Apathy. It rammed it amidships, hitting it head on from it's ventral fighter bay and cracking the vessel in two before it's reactor core overloaded and two ships were consumed in a hypermatter fireball.
"Intensify forward firepower!" He barked.
"Too late." Captain Rhodes replied.
Another fireball erupted outside the bridge viewports as a Xen'Chi cruiser hit one of Rosion's Victory Star Destroyers.
"Admiral, enemy fleet is spreading out on ballistic courses towards our own, and we've got a Command ship headed for the Principality" Rhodes reported, the anxiety in his voice evident in the faces of the rest of the bridge crew.
"Signal all ships to switch over to short range dispersion fire." Rosion ordered, turning to his Tactical officer. "Concentrate all fire on that ship, blow it out of the stars."
The man simply nodded, seconds later all of the Principality's guns fell silent. The stayed that way for less than two seconds as they were carefully trained on their new target, trying to achieve the perfect lock and inflict maximum damage. When they opened fire again Rosion was almost half certain that they did so with enough sheer force to rip the forward hull of the enemy Command Ship clear off with amount of fire they directed on it...and they did. All around it other Imperial ships had joined the Principality, downing eleven more ships outright with the heavy salvos they let off. The battle was all but over yet the Xen'Chi were unrelenting in trying to take as many Imperials with them to the grave, or whatever they called their afterlife.
"Intensify forward firepower!" He barked.
"Too late." Captain Rhodes replied.
Another fireball erupted outside the bridge viewports as a Xen'Chi cruiser hit one of Rosion's Victory Star Destroyers.
"Admiral, enemy fleet is spreading out on ballistic courses towards our own, and we've got a Command ship headed for the Principality" Rhodes reported, the anxiety in his voice evident in the faces of the rest of the bridge crew.
"Signal all ships to switch over to short range dispersion fire." Rosion ordered, turning to his Tactical officer. "Concentrate all fire on that ship, blow it out of the stars."
The man simply nodded, seconds later all of the Principality's guns fell silent. The stayed that way for less than two seconds as they were carefully trained on their new target, trying to achieve the perfect lock and inflict maximum damage. When they opened fire again Rosion was almost half certain that they did so with enough sheer force to rip the forward hull of the enemy Command Ship clear off with amount of fire they directed on it...and they did. All around it other Imperial ships had joined the Principality, downing eleven more ships outright with the heavy salvos they let off. The battle was all but over yet the Xen'Chi were unrelenting in trying to take as many Imperials with them to the grave, or whatever they called their afterlife.
"Overwhelming odds do not always matter, especially when the valiant warrior knows his only alternative is unacceptable: Death."
The Adminerator
When the guns of the massive command ship fell silent, Sil'ek knew what was about to happen. He silently said his goodbyes, and as the Imperial guns opened fire, he looked into his doom with no care in this world. At least they can say I went out with a fight, he thought.
Sil'ek merely watched as the prow of his ship was blown clean off. Even when he was informed of an imminent reactor meltdown, he retained his stoic calm, and when the explosion in the reactor tore the ship apart, his last thought was:
My duty is done.
The remaining ten ships reached their targets, taking several cruisers with them, and severely damaging more. As the last ship rammed a Star Destroyer, causing heavy damage, the battle was over. Not a single Xen'Chi remained alive at Yaga Minor...
Sil'ek merely watched as the prow of his ship was blown clean off. Even when he was informed of an imminent reactor meltdown, he retained his stoic calm, and when the explosion in the reactor tore the ship apart, his last thought was:
My duty is done.
The remaining ten ships reached their targets, taking several cruisers with them, and severely damaging more. As the last ship rammed a Star Destroyer, causing heavy damage, the battle was over. Not a single Xen'Chi remained alive at Yaga Minor...
Posts: 617
Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2003 10:52 pm
Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2003 10:52 pm
Location: Right Here. Sometimes over there, and a few places in between.
"It's over..." Captain Rhodes stated bluntly.
"Redeploy our starfighter squadrons to finish off any enemy stragglers." Rosion ordered. Noticing as another of his subordinates, Commander Fisk, entered the bridge. "Are there any Xen'Chi ships left disabled as I instructed?"
"Yes sir, a crippled cruiser and a frigate."
"Good. Send assault teams to board them, i'm sure our engineers will want to go over them." He replied as he turned to Fisk. "Yes Commander? What is it?-Wait, excuse me one moment..."
Before he could reply Rosion remembered one more task he had forgotten and turned to his chief communications officer.
"Lieutenant, send a hypercomm transmission to Coruscant informing the Regent of our victory here."
"Admiral..." Fisk began, the comm officer's face beginning to register the same expression as he checked records of wideband alerts that had been received during the battle. "...that's what I came to inform you about. I thought it best to wait until after the battle but..."
"The Xen'Chi began their assault on Coruscant hours ago, Thrawn was able to defeat their first wave but we haven't received any updates on the situation since then." Fisk spilled, a quick glance to the comm operator confirming his report.
Captain Rhodes slid up next to the Admiral as Rosion took in the weight of the new development. All of a sudden he felt much tired than he really was, and was half inclined to simply sit down in his command chair at the news of what the Xen'Chi attack on Coruscant translated to.
"Orders sir?" Rhodes asked.
Rosion sighed and let his face set into the hard lines it had grown used to after so many years of war.
"We clean up here and standfast, if Thrawn really needed us for reinforcements he would've sent word. Get the fleet back into fighting form and on alert status in one hour, send any further updates to my quarters, I need to think."
"Consider it done."
As he left the Principality's bridge Rosion was in deep thought about what his next move would be. Yaga Minor had ended only to have another more important battle take it's place, and a part of him conceded the fact that it had been what the Xen'Chi had wanted all along. He just had hope...or perhaps trust, that Thrawn had anticipated for it as well.
"Redeploy our starfighter squadrons to finish off any enemy stragglers." Rosion ordered. Noticing as another of his subordinates, Commander Fisk, entered the bridge. "Are there any Xen'Chi ships left disabled as I instructed?"
"Yes sir, a crippled cruiser and a frigate."
"Good. Send assault teams to board them, i'm sure our engineers will want to go over them." He replied as he turned to Fisk. "Yes Commander? What is it?-Wait, excuse me one moment..."
Before he could reply Rosion remembered one more task he had forgotten and turned to his chief communications officer.
"Lieutenant, send a hypercomm transmission to Coruscant informing the Regent of our victory here."
"Admiral..." Fisk began, the comm officer's face beginning to register the same expression as he checked records of wideband alerts that had been received during the battle. "...that's what I came to inform you about. I thought it best to wait until after the battle but..."
"The Xen'Chi began their assault on Coruscant hours ago, Thrawn was able to defeat their first wave but we haven't received any updates on the situation since then." Fisk spilled, a quick glance to the comm operator confirming his report.
Captain Rhodes slid up next to the Admiral as Rosion took in the weight of the new development. All of a sudden he felt much tired than he really was, and was half inclined to simply sit down in his command chair at the news of what the Xen'Chi attack on Coruscant translated to.
"Orders sir?" Rhodes asked.
Rosion sighed and let his face set into the hard lines it had grown used to after so many years of war.
"We clean up here and standfast, if Thrawn really needed us for reinforcements he would've sent word. Get the fleet back into fighting form and on alert status in one hour, send any further updates to my quarters, I need to think."
"Consider it done."
As he left the Principality's bridge Rosion was in deep thought about what his next move would be. Yaga Minor had ended only to have another more important battle take it's place, and a part of him conceded the fact that it had been what the Xen'Chi had wanted all along. He just had hope...or perhaps trust, that Thrawn had anticipated for it as well.
"Overwhelming odds do not always matter, especially when the valiant warrior knows his only alternative is unacceptable: Death."
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