The Xen Chi Invasion: Traitor
Moderators: VagueDurin, Nichalus
Man of Many Faces
The Xen Chi Invasion: Traitor
ooc this is the start of my involvement with the Xen Chi.
The interrogation had been going on for days, how many Banner didn’t know. He’d lost track of time by now. The only thing he was still counting were times he had blacked out because of the pain. This was the 34th. Banner tried to resist in the beginning, out of personal pride more than any loyalty to the Empire. Since becoming captive he had decided it had become clear that Grand Admiral Thrawn had sent him out here to fail, and to be rid of him.
What convinced him was the fate of the Cleansing, and Brax’s escape. Banner had thought it was the Xen Chi that had ejected the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer. But since the crux of their questioning had been about how the Cleansing managed to jump to hyperspace despite the gravity well, thinking it had something to do with Ton’s escape, that explanation had become impossible. Banner was loyal to Damascus… and Thrawn didn’t trust him. Somehow he had managed to rid himself of the Cleansing’s commander without losing the ship itself. It really was genius and Ton gave him credit for that.
Banner’s stubbornness held out the first five times he blacked out. After the sixth it was too much to bear. He was blindfolded the entire time, and couldn’t see what they were doing to him, but whatever it was it hurt. Sometimes it felt like his skin was being punctured, other times like it was being burned, and worse like it was being peeled off. He told them everything he knew. Everything about the Empire’s fleets, everything about their positioning, their strengths and weaknesses, and everything he knew about the New Republic Forces and everyone else.
But that wasn’t enough for his torturers. They were convinced he knew the secret of the Cleansing, some grand secret of the Empire that allowed hyperspace jumps inside gravity wells. He knew nothing of it, and told them again and again. They refused to believe. Banner then tried to lie, but they knew his lie was not plausible so they only continued on. At the end before he died he had one more card to play.
His head cleared, and the voices were there, like they always were. The language somehow seemed noble, but now it scared Banner more than anything. They stopped abruptly.
Must have seen me move…. Funny…. I couldn’t move if I tried.
They had rigged Banner in some sort of device, that held his arms and legs outstretched in a X shape – and clamped down on his waist holding him up. He was naked spare the blindfold… and they had used that invulnerability against him many times. Everytime he thought they had run out of methods they thought of something even more horrible to do to him.
The woman’s voice came again. One of them had the uncanny ability to speak an almost flawless common, in fact he could have been from Coruscant it was so perfect.
“We’ve concluded that you have told us everything you know, Admiral.”
Ton didn’t answer, he was so filled with relief.
“Now you will have the peace of death.”
“No…” Banner whispered… realizing they hadn’t heard him he spoke louder. “No, let me help you.”
“You wish to help us now, those that have tortured you so?”
“I know more about your enemies than any of your commanders could. Give me ships, I will destroy them for you.” Banner begged.
“And why should we trust a man that would so readily betray his own people?”
“I told you the truth… I am not Thrawn’s man, even though I serve under him. He sent me out here to die… he knew the fleet would be lost. It contained those commanders most loyal to the old regime… somehow he found a way to depose himself of me, but save his ship… I want my revenge on him….”
“So you want revenge then? Is it that simple Admiral?”
Banner spit out a broken tooth and a lot of blood with it. “I want to prove to him I am the greater officer… I want to see him fall for what he did to me.”\
“Surely you can do better than that Admiral?” Under her voice was the clang of metal instruments… likely being prepared for his death.
“I can get the Cleansing for you… the men would trust me. I can find it and deliver it to you… or see it destroyed… whatever you desire!”
They spoke in the foreign tongue now, and Ton could not understand anything they said. But from the tone there was disagreement. After more than a minute of the jibber jabber the woman spoke to him.
“We will give you a chance Admiral. But first… we must insure your loyalty and that you will be one of us until the end…”
“Anything… anything.” It wouldn’t be until much later that Banner would understand exactly what he was agreeing to. He felt the syringe enter his neck and he was out again. Whenever he was going to wake up, everything would be different.
The interrogation had been going on for days, how many Banner didn’t know. He’d lost track of time by now. The only thing he was still counting were times he had blacked out because of the pain. This was the 34th. Banner tried to resist in the beginning, out of personal pride more than any loyalty to the Empire. Since becoming captive he had decided it had become clear that Grand Admiral Thrawn had sent him out here to fail, and to be rid of him.
What convinced him was the fate of the Cleansing, and Brax’s escape. Banner had thought it was the Xen Chi that had ejected the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer. But since the crux of their questioning had been about how the Cleansing managed to jump to hyperspace despite the gravity well, thinking it had something to do with Ton’s escape, that explanation had become impossible. Banner was loyal to Damascus… and Thrawn didn’t trust him. Somehow he had managed to rid himself of the Cleansing’s commander without losing the ship itself. It really was genius and Ton gave him credit for that.
Banner’s stubbornness held out the first five times he blacked out. After the sixth it was too much to bear. He was blindfolded the entire time, and couldn’t see what they were doing to him, but whatever it was it hurt. Sometimes it felt like his skin was being punctured, other times like it was being burned, and worse like it was being peeled off. He told them everything he knew. Everything about the Empire’s fleets, everything about their positioning, their strengths and weaknesses, and everything he knew about the New Republic Forces and everyone else.
But that wasn’t enough for his torturers. They were convinced he knew the secret of the Cleansing, some grand secret of the Empire that allowed hyperspace jumps inside gravity wells. He knew nothing of it, and told them again and again. They refused to believe. Banner then tried to lie, but they knew his lie was not plausible so they only continued on. At the end before he died he had one more card to play.
His head cleared, and the voices were there, like they always were. The language somehow seemed noble, but now it scared Banner more than anything. They stopped abruptly.
Must have seen me move…. Funny…. I couldn’t move if I tried.
They had rigged Banner in some sort of device, that held his arms and legs outstretched in a X shape – and clamped down on his waist holding him up. He was naked spare the blindfold… and they had used that invulnerability against him many times. Everytime he thought they had run out of methods they thought of something even more horrible to do to him.
The woman’s voice came again. One of them had the uncanny ability to speak an almost flawless common, in fact he could have been from Coruscant it was so perfect.
“We’ve concluded that you have told us everything you know, Admiral.”
Ton didn’t answer, he was so filled with relief.
“Now you will have the peace of death.”
“No…” Banner whispered… realizing they hadn’t heard him he spoke louder. “No, let me help you.”
“You wish to help us now, those that have tortured you so?”
“I know more about your enemies than any of your commanders could. Give me ships, I will destroy them for you.” Banner begged.
“And why should we trust a man that would so readily betray his own people?”
“I told you the truth… I am not Thrawn’s man, even though I serve under him. He sent me out here to die… he knew the fleet would be lost. It contained those commanders most loyal to the old regime… somehow he found a way to depose himself of me, but save his ship… I want my revenge on him….”
“So you want revenge then? Is it that simple Admiral?”
Banner spit out a broken tooth and a lot of blood with it. “I want to prove to him I am the greater officer… I want to see him fall for what he did to me.”\
“Surely you can do better than that Admiral?” Under her voice was the clang of metal instruments… likely being prepared for his death.
“I can get the Cleansing for you… the men would trust me. I can find it and deliver it to you… or see it destroyed… whatever you desire!”
They spoke in the foreign tongue now, and Ton could not understand anything they said. But from the tone there was disagreement. After more than a minute of the jibber jabber the woman spoke to him.
“We will give you a chance Admiral. But first… we must insure your loyalty and that you will be one of us until the end…”
“Anything… anything.” It wouldn’t be until much later that Banner would understand exactly what he was agreeing to. He felt the syringe enter his neck and he was out again. Whenever he was going to wake up, everything would be different.
Last edited by corsos on Fri Jul 28, 2006 8:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Man of Many Faces
Anything but this...
If Banner had known what they were going to do with him, that's what he would have said. Above all, Banner always wanted to survive and live. He never thought that in doing that it would mean turning into something he wasn't. At first, when he woke up he felt no different, in fact he felt better than he had in a while. There was no pain, no weariness, nothing. In fact, he flet stronger than ever.
The floor is cold...
It was the first feeling he had, then quickly realizing that he wasn't wearing any clothes. He opened his eyes. The room was pitch black, absolutely dark. Banner walked around it, picked out the corners, and locating the sliding door that must lead outside. He’d done it. What he offered these aliens was finally valuable enough to spare his life. The only lingering effects of his torture were a dull ache on his right shoulder and bicep, like a dull inflammation. All the other broken bones were healed. What medical technology this species must have.
The lights in the room went on suddenly, and they forced Banner to close his eyes they were so bright.
How long has it been since they were open?
Even closed the red and white flashes overwhelmed his eyesight and he had to cover his face with his forearms. It was at least a minute or two before he was sure enough to remove his arm and open them.
The room’s walls were mirrors, and lit as brightly as a park at noon on a cloudless day. It gave him the perfect vantage to see how they transformed him.
His pale skin was now dull and ashen, almost grey. His hair was gone, from head to toe, shaved down to the skin. Some of his teeth were longer and somewhat sharpened. His fingernails were almost black. Even his eyes had changed; their sharp brown was now replaced with a dim red. They were almost glowing.
Banner didn’t believe it, this wasn’t him. This was not a human. He was looking at one of his captors… this was some kind of trick.
The speakers clicked on and an alien voice began speaking in a language Ton had never heard before he was captured at Ord Mantell. Except… somehow he knew exactly what was being said as though it was spoken in the clearest common.
“Good morning…. To’Barren.”
Banner had always been able to handle pressure, any surprise but this was too much. He began to shake and shiver, and fell to the ground, clenching into a fetal position. Then he fainted.
If Banner had known what they were going to do with him, that's what he would have said. Above all, Banner always wanted to survive and live. He never thought that in doing that it would mean turning into something he wasn't. At first, when he woke up he felt no different, in fact he felt better than he had in a while. There was no pain, no weariness, nothing. In fact, he flet stronger than ever.
The floor is cold...
It was the first feeling he had, then quickly realizing that he wasn't wearing any clothes. He opened his eyes. The room was pitch black, absolutely dark. Banner walked around it, picked out the corners, and locating the sliding door that must lead outside. He’d done it. What he offered these aliens was finally valuable enough to spare his life. The only lingering effects of his torture were a dull ache on his right shoulder and bicep, like a dull inflammation. All the other broken bones were healed. What medical technology this species must have.
The lights in the room went on suddenly, and they forced Banner to close his eyes they were so bright.
How long has it been since they were open?
Even closed the red and white flashes overwhelmed his eyesight and he had to cover his face with his forearms. It was at least a minute or two before he was sure enough to remove his arm and open them.
The room’s walls were mirrors, and lit as brightly as a park at noon on a cloudless day. It gave him the perfect vantage to see how they transformed him.
His pale skin was now dull and ashen, almost grey. His hair was gone, from head to toe, shaved down to the skin. Some of his teeth were longer and somewhat sharpened. His fingernails were almost black. Even his eyes had changed; their sharp brown was now replaced with a dim red. They were almost glowing.
Banner didn’t believe it, this wasn’t him. This was not a human. He was looking at one of his captors… this was some kind of trick.
The speakers clicked on and an alien voice began speaking in a language Ton had never heard before he was captured at Ord Mantell. Except… somehow he knew exactly what was being said as though it was spoken in the clearest common.
“Good morning…. To’Barren.”
Banner had always been able to handle pressure, any surprise but this was too much. He began to shake and shiver, and fell to the ground, clenching into a fetal position. Then he fainted.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Man of Many Faces
ooc boy im having trouble motivating myself to write this
"Wake up To'Barren."
It was a voice Ton had never heard before, one that surely wasn't human. At least now he was dressed, he could tell that much, and he was no longer laying down, rather sitting in a chair of some sort.
"Grand Admiral." Came the almost reptillian voice again.
Those two words roused Banner enough to open his eyes. The room he was in was somewhat familiar, but altered somehow. It was the command office of an Imperial Class Star Destroyer. But the being standing before him was no Imperial officer. The bipedal lizard stood almost seven feet high, with a large green snout.
"What is this?"
"Your new ssssssssship Grand Admiral." The Lizard hissed. "The Xxxen Chi ensssslave many sssspeccccies, including your own."
Ton rose to his feet, and caught his reflection in the shining pristine table. What he last remembered was no nightmare. It was truth. He had been transformed somehow, but what caught his eye more was his uniform. Somehow these aliens had replicated the uniform of an Imperial Grand Admiral. Banner knew vanity was his major flaw, but now it would promote his survival, allowing him to look past his appearance and to his new command.
"I will return to my ssssship. Thissss datacard containsss ordersss from the oversssseer."
The huge lizard stepped backwards and out of the room, leaving Ton staring down at the datacard. He fit it into the small drive on the desk and an image came to life. The alien was very similar to Ton's new appearance.
"I am the High Consul. Welcome to the cabal of the Xen Chi. The lizard you have just spoken to is Seneschal Visery, former commander of an entire fleet destroyed by the Chiss you call Thrawn. His fleet has three ships remaning all of Adamar make, and crew. He is here to assist you, and assure your loyalty. He has proven his worth many times over. It is time for you to do likewise."
"You have been given command of a small fleet comprised of an array of vessels taken and turned to our uses on the ouskirts of your galaxy. You will recognize many of them, some you will not. Technical details of all the vessels have been provided for you. The Captain's of these vessels will obey your orders. Serve us with your knowledge of our enemy as you see fit, but do not betray us, or you will be killed."
The image flickered away and revealed a fleet list. Banner took stock...
ooc boy - i have no motivation tonight.....
"Wake up To'Barren."
It was a voice Ton had never heard before, one that surely wasn't human. At least now he was dressed, he could tell that much, and he was no longer laying down, rather sitting in a chair of some sort.
"Grand Admiral." Came the almost reptillian voice again.
Those two words roused Banner enough to open his eyes. The room he was in was somewhat familiar, but altered somehow. It was the command office of an Imperial Class Star Destroyer. But the being standing before him was no Imperial officer. The bipedal lizard stood almost seven feet high, with a large green snout.
"What is this?"
"Your new ssssssssship Grand Admiral." The Lizard hissed. "The Xxxen Chi ensssslave many sssspeccccies, including your own."
Ton rose to his feet, and caught his reflection in the shining pristine table. What he last remembered was no nightmare. It was truth. He had been transformed somehow, but what caught his eye more was his uniform. Somehow these aliens had replicated the uniform of an Imperial Grand Admiral. Banner knew vanity was his major flaw, but now it would promote his survival, allowing him to look past his appearance and to his new command.
"I will return to my ssssship. Thissss datacard containsss ordersss from the oversssseer."
The huge lizard stepped backwards and out of the room, leaving Ton staring down at the datacard. He fit it into the small drive on the desk and an image came to life. The alien was very similar to Ton's new appearance.
"I am the High Consul. Welcome to the cabal of the Xen Chi. The lizard you have just spoken to is Seneschal Visery, former commander of an entire fleet destroyed by the Chiss you call Thrawn. His fleet has three ships remaning all of Adamar make, and crew. He is here to assist you, and assure your loyalty. He has proven his worth many times over. It is time for you to do likewise."
"You have been given command of a small fleet comprised of an array of vessels taken and turned to our uses on the ouskirts of your galaxy. You will recognize many of them, some you will not. Technical details of all the vessels have been provided for you. The Captain's of these vessels will obey your orders. Serve us with your knowledge of our enemy as you see fit, but do not betray us, or you will be killed."
The image flickered away and revealed a fleet list. Banner took stock...
ooc boy - i have no motivation tonight.....
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Man of Many Faces
He was at the head of a fleet with ships crewed by traitors, men that would rather live and kill their former comrades than die at the hands of their enemies. Banner To'Barren would fit right in, the perfect leader for this band of warriors. He had his motivation, and so would the rest of the fleet. There was a simple way to avoid being labeled as turncoats and traitors by the known galaxy. Total victory. The Xen'Chi and their thralls would have to win this war. Then To'Barren and his men would be heroes, but more importantly victors. Nothing was sweeter than victory. Total victory. Thrawn and the rest of the galaxy continuously conspired to prevent Banner from his rightful place as not just Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy, but of the entire Empire. It was he who lead the Empire's war machine against the New Republic, victorious in every battle. He devised the plan, gathered the resources, deployed them and won every battle, even Corellia despite the firing of Centerpoint, and the unexpected arrival of GAIT. He regained Coruscant for the Empire and reestablished it as the preeminent power in the galaxy. If anything Damascus' meglomania inhibited his ability to lead, rather than strengthening it. Then Thrawn had the gaul of removing him as Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy, and marginilizing him. And so threatened by his ability to lead, Thrawn purposely sent him into a battle where he was sure to lose even at the risk of losing a ship like the Cleansing, the Empire's greatest weapon with its greatest crew. He did not deserve to lead the Empire. He would lose, and To'Barren would see it done himself.
His fleet was not as powerful as Sith Fleet even if he did have the Cleansing. But it would do for what he had planned. The ships were primarily made up of galactic species conquered by the Xen'Chi on the fringe of known space. The flagship was the Imperial Mark II Star Destroyer recommissioned as the Retribution. A fitting name. The three Adamar ships supported it, and from their specs To'Barren found they would be used best as scout and recon ships, with their special claoking devices. The other truly unique ship was Chiss, manned by a wholly Chiss crew that defected from their federation. To'Barren knew little about the species until Thrawn came, then he did his research. WHat he found made it all the more suprising that there would be such a ship in an enemy fleet. But they were here.
He was still reviewing the remainder of the fleet list. There was such an amalgamation of ship types that it would be difficult to come up with a functional battle strategy. But this was what To'Barren was good at, and he would NOT fail.
His fleet was not as powerful as Sith Fleet even if he did have the Cleansing. But it would do for what he had planned. The ships were primarily made up of galactic species conquered by the Xen'Chi on the fringe of known space. The flagship was the Imperial Mark II Star Destroyer recommissioned as the Retribution. A fitting name. The three Adamar ships supported it, and from their specs To'Barren found they would be used best as scout and recon ships, with their special claoking devices. The other truly unique ship was Chiss, manned by a wholly Chiss crew that defected from their federation. To'Barren knew little about the species until Thrawn came, then he did his research. WHat he found made it all the more suprising that there would be such a ship in an enemy fleet. But they were here.
He was still reviewing the remainder of the fleet list. There was such an amalgamation of ship types that it would be difficult to come up with a functional battle strategy. But this was what To'Barren was good at, and he would NOT fail.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Man of Many Faces
Posts: 1306
Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 10:02 pm
Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 10:02 pm
Location: Place farthest from the brightside of the universe
"Wake Up, Captain Co'Rex."
Charl Corry opened his eyes in response to a new name. The words were not even of his native tongue, but he understood them perfectly. He was sitting - which was much better than laying sprawled on the floor of a cell. He was dressed in a freshly cleaned captain's uniform that no longer strongly contrasted with his skin. No, the uniform had not changed, but his skin was now the bland color of ash - like death. How the Xen'Chi managed to distort his body into their own form was something he was glad to not know or witness. What they did to change him now was of no consequence; he still had his life - the life he begged them for.
The first form to enter his field of vision was Thrawn himself. He was standing before him at the center of a strange command center. There were men, alien men, sitting idly at every station and staring back at Charl. They must have been on the bridge of a ship, but this was not Corry's frigate. He had allowed his ship to be captured while trying to protect the Cleansing - an honorable sacrafice for any Imperial officer. This was not the same frigate... so where were they?
"You made a wise decision, Captain Co'Rex." Thrawn spoke, but his voice was not the same. Corry massaged his new face with his new hands as if to wipe away a suspected delusion. When he lowered his limbs back down against the arms of his captain's chair he came to a new realization. This was not Thrawn, this was just another Chiss - or perhaps it was a Xen'Chi. All these damn aliens looked alike to him. The alien was tall, nearly seven feet, and it had dark skin with a more bluish tint that differed from Corry's dull grey. It took a few steps closer to him, its red eyes glowing passively.
"This is your new ship, the Redemption. With it you will have the chance to restore your honor in the eyes of the Xen'Chi through victory... victory under your commander To'Barren. You will follow his orders without question, and you will be closely monitored."
To'Barren? Co'Rex?
"What type of ship is this?" Corry asked.
"This ship is one of many captured by the mighty Xen'Chi fleet. You might recognize it as a Hapan Battle Dragon." With that the man turned and walked to the exit of the bridge. Corry... or C'Rex as he came to understand, had many more questions he wished to ask but refrained from doing so. He looked at the faces of the aliens waiting for his orders and swallowed a lump in his throat. The captain couldn't help but feel nervous, but if he was going to command this crew like he had promised, he had best get over it.
"Get me the stats on this ship. I want everything; the dimensions, the gun emplacements, the engine and power capabilities, the strengths and the flaws. I want to know what squadrons or garrisons this thing carries, what tactics or standard operating procedures it has already programed, and what changes or improvements it has undergone since manufacture. Give me anything you can find, and in the meantime open up a communcation channel with this To'Barren immediately."
"Aye, sir," chimed out several officers and the bridge ignited with activity.
'Hapan Battle Dragon?' Captain Co'Rex thought to himself. 'How the frag did they get one of these?'
Charl Corry opened his eyes in response to a new name. The words were not even of his native tongue, but he understood them perfectly. He was sitting - which was much better than laying sprawled on the floor of a cell. He was dressed in a freshly cleaned captain's uniform that no longer strongly contrasted with his skin. No, the uniform had not changed, but his skin was now the bland color of ash - like death. How the Xen'Chi managed to distort his body into their own form was something he was glad to not know or witness. What they did to change him now was of no consequence; he still had his life - the life he begged them for.
The first form to enter his field of vision was Thrawn himself. He was standing before him at the center of a strange command center. There were men, alien men, sitting idly at every station and staring back at Charl. They must have been on the bridge of a ship, but this was not Corry's frigate. He had allowed his ship to be captured while trying to protect the Cleansing - an honorable sacrafice for any Imperial officer. This was not the same frigate... so where were they?
"You made a wise decision, Captain Co'Rex." Thrawn spoke, but his voice was not the same. Corry massaged his new face with his new hands as if to wipe away a suspected delusion. When he lowered his limbs back down against the arms of his captain's chair he came to a new realization. This was not Thrawn, this was just another Chiss - or perhaps it was a Xen'Chi. All these damn aliens looked alike to him. The alien was tall, nearly seven feet, and it had dark skin with a more bluish tint that differed from Corry's dull grey. It took a few steps closer to him, its red eyes glowing passively.
"This is your new ship, the Redemption. With it you will have the chance to restore your honor in the eyes of the Xen'Chi through victory... victory under your commander To'Barren. You will follow his orders without question, and you will be closely monitored."
To'Barren? Co'Rex?
"What type of ship is this?" Corry asked.
"This ship is one of many captured by the mighty Xen'Chi fleet. You might recognize it as a Hapan Battle Dragon." With that the man turned and walked to the exit of the bridge. Corry... or C'Rex as he came to understand, had many more questions he wished to ask but refrained from doing so. He looked at the faces of the aliens waiting for his orders and swallowed a lump in his throat. The captain couldn't help but feel nervous, but if he was going to command this crew like he had promised, he had best get over it.
"Get me the stats on this ship. I want everything; the dimensions, the gun emplacements, the engine and power capabilities, the strengths and the flaws. I want to know what squadrons or garrisons this thing carries, what tactics or standard operating procedures it has already programed, and what changes or improvements it has undergone since manufacture. Give me anything you can find, and in the meantime open up a communcation channel with this To'Barren immediately."
"Aye, sir," chimed out several officers and the bridge ignited with activity.
'Hapan Battle Dragon?' Captain Co'Rex thought to himself. 'How the frag did they get one of these?'
Man of Many Faces
Man of Many Faces
"My lord, we've been recieving communications from every ship in the fleet, spare the three Adamar vessels, and the Chiss cruiser. They seem thoroughly confused."
To'Barren had met his second in command shortly after he began sifting through his fleet's manifests. Captain Tomson was a former planetary commander for a small system he called Dellaron, way out in the outer rim. He was older than Ton, but someone that seemed to appreciate discipline and what it meant to run a ship. In the very least it seemed like To'Barren wouldn't have to worry about running the Imperial Star Destroyer. The rest of the fleet, however..... would be far more problematic.
Like his, the remainder of the ships in the fleet, spare the Adamar and Chiss vessels seemed to be mixed bags of humans and other sentients. A smart move by the Xen Chi, if they had grouped those of similar affiliations together, instigating some sort of insurrection would not be difficult.
"I will address the fleet." To'Barren stated, rising to his feet. HIs ashen skin looked strange, contrasting his bright white Grand Admiral's uniform, but that is what he was now, a strange hybrid of parts, much like this fleet, mismatched and patched together.
"We are broadcasting sir."
To'Barren nodded and looked into the ships holo-projector. "Officers of Shadow Fleet. I am Lord To'Barren, your leader. I was once another man, a human, known to the galaxy as BAnner Ton." He let that sit for a moment before continuing. "The Xen'Chi defeated me, and my fleet. They bested me, the man that destroyed the Corellian Commonwealth and put the New Republic back into exile. I was the best, and the Xen Chi massacred my fleet. I know serve them, as a shadow of what I was, like you and these ships. OUr hope of returning to the galaxy and reclaiming our positions is gone. We would be turned out, labeled turncoats and killed. We are mere ghosts."
"Perhaps in death we may be granted a reprieve. But I have no intention of finding that out anytime soon. There is another way. Destroy the old order and rebuild with the Xen Chi, with us beside them at the helm. Not only return to where we came from, but return as conquerors. Follow me, and I will lead us to total victory. All of us are here for the same reason. We are talented, and we want to live. Those are our only faults of why we are in this position. If they are to even be considered faults. I consider them virtues. Follow me. And we will win."
To'Barren finished, and waited for questions.
ooc leaving work - had to rush it - sorry.
To'Barren had met his second in command shortly after he began sifting through his fleet's manifests. Captain Tomson was a former planetary commander for a small system he called Dellaron, way out in the outer rim. He was older than Ton, but someone that seemed to appreciate discipline and what it meant to run a ship. In the very least it seemed like To'Barren wouldn't have to worry about running the Imperial Star Destroyer. The rest of the fleet, however..... would be far more problematic.
Like his, the remainder of the ships in the fleet, spare the Adamar and Chiss vessels seemed to be mixed bags of humans and other sentients. A smart move by the Xen Chi, if they had grouped those of similar affiliations together, instigating some sort of insurrection would not be difficult.
"I will address the fleet." To'Barren stated, rising to his feet. HIs ashen skin looked strange, contrasting his bright white Grand Admiral's uniform, but that is what he was now, a strange hybrid of parts, much like this fleet, mismatched and patched together.
"We are broadcasting sir."
To'Barren nodded and looked into the ships holo-projector. "Officers of Shadow Fleet. I am Lord To'Barren, your leader. I was once another man, a human, known to the galaxy as BAnner Ton." He let that sit for a moment before continuing. "The Xen'Chi defeated me, and my fleet. They bested me, the man that destroyed the Corellian Commonwealth and put the New Republic back into exile. I was the best, and the Xen Chi massacred my fleet. I know serve them, as a shadow of what I was, like you and these ships. OUr hope of returning to the galaxy and reclaiming our positions is gone. We would be turned out, labeled turncoats and killed. We are mere ghosts."
"Perhaps in death we may be granted a reprieve. But I have no intention of finding that out anytime soon. There is another way. Destroy the old order and rebuild with the Xen Chi, with us beside them at the helm. Not only return to where we came from, but return as conquerors. Follow me, and I will lead us to total victory. All of us are here for the same reason. We are talented, and we want to live. Those are our only faults of why we are in this position. If they are to even be considered faults. I consider them virtues. Follow me. And we will win."
To'Barren finished, and waited for questions.
ooc leaving work - had to rush it - sorry.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Posts: 1306
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Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 10:02 pm
Location: Place farthest from the brightside of the universe
To'Barren appeared before Captain Co'Rex as a life-sized hologram. The Grand Admiral was addressing the entire fleet which lead Co'Rex to believe that he was not the only one who was recruited by means of interrogation. Strange that he would give up his life in one instant, but ultimately fold under torture. He wondered what Admiral Ton would have thought of him if he could see this.
"... I was once another man, a human, known to the galaxy as Banner Ton..."
Captain Co'Rex felt his eyes brighten involuntarily. He knew Ton, met him on occasion, and recieved many orders from him. This meant that the Cleansing had not survived the battle... Charl Corry had failed. But Co'Rex was a new man. Should he reveal himself?
"Grand Admiral To...Barren," the captain spoke confidently despite the fact that he nearly mispronounced his leader's name. "I've fought under your command in the past, and I have full confidence in this fleet. The Redemption is in your hands."
"... I was once another man, a human, known to the galaxy as Banner Ton..."
Captain Co'Rex felt his eyes brighten involuntarily. He knew Ton, met him on occasion, and recieved many orders from him. This meant that the Cleansing had not survived the battle... Charl Corry had failed. But Co'Rex was a new man. Should he reveal himself?
"Grand Admiral To...Barren," the captain spoke confidently despite the fact that he nearly mispronounced his leader's name. "I've fought under your command in the past, and I have full confidence in this fleet. The Redemption is in your hands."
Man of Many Faces
To'Barren recieved multiple messages, many of which suprised him, all of them similar. He was not the only Imperial officer captured at his defeat, and not the only one that decided it was better to defect, than to die. What he told Co'rex, he told the others as well.
"It is good to still have you with me Captain." He tried to pick up the facial features, and match it with a faxsimile of his new name. But nothing came to mind. It was no matter, they all were different men.... beings now. "Our defeat will bring us a new, greater victory with our new masters. Soon the galaxy will be ours to command. Prepare to depart soon Captain, I already have our first target in mind."
"Yes Grand Admiral."
To'Barren finished speaking to his other Captains and Commanders and sat back in his chair. The combination of commanders, species, and ships was daunting. There were two Star Destroyers, besides his Retribution, and a handful of frigates from Carracks, to Lancers, to Nebs, to even a Strike Cruiser. The Imperial Class ships came to 12. There was only one Republic ship, a Mon Calamari Cruiser, a small and older MC-80. Fortunately is Mon Calamari crew was still onboard, and the ship would certainly be formidable. Captain Kalk'Fan no doubt had an interesting tale as to how he got here. He would love to hear it some day. Then there was the Hapan Battle Dragon, a ship Ton had seen the specs of many times, but never faced in combat. The rest of the fleet was an amalgamation of corvettes, freighters, and a dozen old dreadnaughts. He had his techs look into them, and they seemed to be from the doomed Katana Fleet. Very interesting. Many of those Dreadnaughts were being piloted by species To'Barren had never even heard of before. So many tales in this fleet, To'Barren hoped it meant the crews would be battle tested and battle hardened. He would find out shortly.
There was one Captain he hadn't talked with. The Captain of the Chiss Springhawk class Cruiser, Icey Doom. They had not contacted To'Barren. nor them him. That was about to change. To their credit, his communication was responded to immediately.
"Captain of the Chiss Cruiser Icey Doom, this is Lord To'Barren, please respond."
The icey blue alien's face appeared on his viewscreen, his hair, unlike Thrawn's was pitch-black. They both had those ominous glowing red eyes. "Lord To'Barren, I am Vice Admiral Kichorn-oudao." There was no mistaking the emphasis on his rank, as To'Barren had assumed him a Captain. "The Icey Death is at your disposal."
"I must say, Vice Admiral," Ton's emphasis was obvious as well, "I was suprised to see one of Thrawn's own kind with his sworn enemy."
The officer's manner was much like Thrawn's, his answer cold and calculating. "I once served with the Grand Admiral. When he determined us to be less valuable that his own goals, rather than be destroyed, we switched sides."
"Quite unlike the Chiss, from my understanding." To'Barren answered.
"Most care more about the race, my loyalty above all was to those on my crew. We were betrayed by Thrawn, left to die. I am certain he had little choice in his own, perfectly functioning mind, however, he failed to predict we would have a choice, whether or not to live or die. We had already left the Ascendary, there was nothing else. You served under him, you know his way."
To'Barren nodded. "Good Vice Admiral, I too was left by him to die. Perhaps we can find our retribution together."
"We shall see, Lord To'BArren. We await your orders."
"And you shal have them, soon."
To'Barren ended the communication and stepped onto the bridge. "Gentlemen, set course for Lwhekk."
"Where my lord." The helmsman turned and asked.
To'Barren smiled. "It's in the nav-computer."
And soon they were gone...
"It is good to still have you with me Captain." He tried to pick up the facial features, and match it with a faxsimile of his new name. But nothing came to mind. It was no matter, they all were different men.... beings now. "Our defeat will bring us a new, greater victory with our new masters. Soon the galaxy will be ours to command. Prepare to depart soon Captain, I already have our first target in mind."
"Yes Grand Admiral."
To'Barren finished speaking to his other Captains and Commanders and sat back in his chair. The combination of commanders, species, and ships was daunting. There were two Star Destroyers, besides his Retribution, and a handful of frigates from Carracks, to Lancers, to Nebs, to even a Strike Cruiser. The Imperial Class ships came to 12. There was only one Republic ship, a Mon Calamari Cruiser, a small and older MC-80. Fortunately is Mon Calamari crew was still onboard, and the ship would certainly be formidable. Captain Kalk'Fan no doubt had an interesting tale as to how he got here. He would love to hear it some day. Then there was the Hapan Battle Dragon, a ship Ton had seen the specs of many times, but never faced in combat. The rest of the fleet was an amalgamation of corvettes, freighters, and a dozen old dreadnaughts. He had his techs look into them, and they seemed to be from the doomed Katana Fleet. Very interesting. Many of those Dreadnaughts were being piloted by species To'Barren had never even heard of before. So many tales in this fleet, To'Barren hoped it meant the crews would be battle tested and battle hardened. He would find out shortly.
There was one Captain he hadn't talked with. The Captain of the Chiss Springhawk class Cruiser, Icey Doom. They had not contacted To'Barren. nor them him. That was about to change. To their credit, his communication was responded to immediately.
"Captain of the Chiss Cruiser Icey Doom, this is Lord To'Barren, please respond."
The icey blue alien's face appeared on his viewscreen, his hair, unlike Thrawn's was pitch-black. They both had those ominous glowing red eyes. "Lord To'Barren, I am Vice Admiral Kichorn-oudao." There was no mistaking the emphasis on his rank, as To'Barren had assumed him a Captain. "The Icey Death is at your disposal."
"I must say, Vice Admiral," Ton's emphasis was obvious as well, "I was suprised to see one of Thrawn's own kind with his sworn enemy."
The officer's manner was much like Thrawn's, his answer cold and calculating. "I once served with the Grand Admiral. When he determined us to be less valuable that his own goals, rather than be destroyed, we switched sides."
"Quite unlike the Chiss, from my understanding." To'Barren answered.
"Most care more about the race, my loyalty above all was to those on my crew. We were betrayed by Thrawn, left to die. I am certain he had little choice in his own, perfectly functioning mind, however, he failed to predict we would have a choice, whether or not to live or die. We had already left the Ascendary, there was nothing else. You served under him, you know his way."
To'Barren nodded. "Good Vice Admiral, I too was left by him to die. Perhaps we can find our retribution together."
"We shall see, Lord To'BArren. We await your orders."
"And you shal have them, soon."
To'Barren ended the communication and stepped onto the bridge. "Gentlemen, set course for Lwhekk."
"Where my lord." The helmsman turned and asked.
To'Barren smiled. "It's in the nav-computer."
And soon they were gone...
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Man of Many Faces
The trip to Lwhekk was long and tiresome. To'Barren prepared his Captains for what they should expect. The Adamar and Chiss commanders had heard of the Ssi-Ruuk but most of the human crew had not. Like the Chiss, and the Xen'Chi they were an alien species once responsible for the invasion of Bakura, only to be repulsed by a combined New Republic-Imperial fleet. That was public news broadcast all over the holonet. What wasn't was Grand Admiral Ardin's arrival in the system as the first part of his fortification of the unknown regions against this eventual Xen Chi invasion. Ardin did not want to potential enemies on either flank.
Typically, a species as proud and strong as the Ssi-Ruuk did not take well to Ardin's suggestion of swearing loyalty to the Empire after arriving with a battle fleet. Instead, they chose to resist, and paid dearly. It took almost a month but eventually the entire system was quelled. Not conquered, Imperial forces only disembarked for the surface of the Capital, Lwhekk, to convince the Ssi-Ruuk leader in person to use wisdom in submitting to the Empire. It was effective, so much so the Imperials didn't even leave behind a garrison of any kind. The Ssi-Ruuk fleet and arsenal was left in such dissaray thwy were no longer a threat. That was five years ago. And Ton knew, he knew in that time the Ssi-Ruuk would have rebuilt some semblance of a fleet, and would certainly be looking for revenge against the Empire.
So, when he arrived in system to find an array of warships between he and Lwhek, he was very pleased. A half doezen by the count of them. They would do well in supplementing Shadow Fleet.
"We are being hailed sir."
To'barren nodded and the viewscreen above him lit up with the face of a giant lizard.
"Send back my image, I imagine they will be quite suprised to find a non-human commanding a ship such as this." To'Barren had never spoken directly with a member of the Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium, but across the galaxy the look of suprise was somewhat universal.
To'Barren spoke before the alien did. "I am not your conquerors. I will speak with your Shreeftut immediately, or you shall turn me into one."
The alien murmured something in a strange tongue before dissapearing from the screen. To'Barren stood perfectly still, waiting for his order to be obeyed. He knew it would, there was no other choice, the Shadow Fleet was far more powerful than the cruiser and picket ships arrayed against them. As he predicted, it took only five seconds for another Ssi-Ruuk to appear on the viewscreen. This was the Shreeftut, there was little doubt in his crimson cape and ornate headdress.
"Who are you?" The Shreeftut asked, clearly annoyed.
"I am Lord To'Barren, Grand Admiral of the Shadow Fleet, proud thrall of the Xen Chi ascendary. We are here to offer your number in our fleet. We head towards the Core... and offer you a chance at revenge on your enemies.... and protection of your borders."
To'Barren waited for an answer, knowing his promises were empty. If the Xen Chi wanted to take complete control of this Star Cluster they would, but after they used the Ssi-ruuk for what they needed.
Typically, a species as proud and strong as the Ssi-Ruuk did not take well to Ardin's suggestion of swearing loyalty to the Empire after arriving with a battle fleet. Instead, they chose to resist, and paid dearly. It took almost a month but eventually the entire system was quelled. Not conquered, Imperial forces only disembarked for the surface of the Capital, Lwhekk, to convince the Ssi-Ruuk leader in person to use wisdom in submitting to the Empire. It was effective, so much so the Imperials didn't even leave behind a garrison of any kind. The Ssi-Ruuk fleet and arsenal was left in such dissaray thwy were no longer a threat. That was five years ago. And Ton knew, he knew in that time the Ssi-Ruuk would have rebuilt some semblance of a fleet, and would certainly be looking for revenge against the Empire.
So, when he arrived in system to find an array of warships between he and Lwhek, he was very pleased. A half doezen by the count of them. They would do well in supplementing Shadow Fleet.
"We are being hailed sir."
To'barren nodded and the viewscreen above him lit up with the face of a giant lizard.
"Send back my image, I imagine they will be quite suprised to find a non-human commanding a ship such as this." To'Barren had never spoken directly with a member of the Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium, but across the galaxy the look of suprise was somewhat universal.
To'Barren spoke before the alien did. "I am not your conquerors. I will speak with your Shreeftut immediately, or you shall turn me into one."
The alien murmured something in a strange tongue before dissapearing from the screen. To'Barren stood perfectly still, waiting for his order to be obeyed. He knew it would, there was no other choice, the Shadow Fleet was far more powerful than the cruiser and picket ships arrayed against them. As he predicted, it took only five seconds for another Ssi-Ruuk to appear on the viewscreen. This was the Shreeftut, there was little doubt in his crimson cape and ornate headdress.
"Who are you?" The Shreeftut asked, clearly annoyed.
"I am Lord To'Barren, Grand Admiral of the Shadow Fleet, proud thrall of the Xen Chi ascendary. We are here to offer your number in our fleet. We head towards the Core... and offer you a chance at revenge on your enemies.... and protection of your borders."
To'Barren waited for an answer, knowing his promises were empty. If the Xen Chi wanted to take complete control of this Star Cluster they would, but after they used the Ssi-ruuk for what they needed.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Posts: 1306
Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 10:02 pm
Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 10:02 pm
Location: Place farthest from the brightside of the universe
"Captain, we have those schematics and details you requested."
"Very good," Captain Co'Rex replied, snatching the datapad from the human-alien hybrid's hand. He glanced over the data quickly, his speed-reading and nearly photographic memory skills both coming in handy. In his quarters he would spend more time studying the ship in-depth, but Shadow Fleet was leaving hyperspace and entering Ssi-Ruuk territory. All ships needed to be prepared in case the race of lizard-men had flurished in the past couple of years. Corry had never battled the Ssi-Ruuk, but according to the stories they were quite fierce. It took the combined efforts of the victorious Rebellion and the Imperial remnants to push them from Bakura. With any luck they would join the Xen'Chi... otherwise be assimilated.
"Hapan Battle Dragon," whispered the captain to himself. He was still some what taken aback. The ship was of a very innovative design and excellent when faced against a single, large target. A system of rotating ion cannons gave it the ability to shoot several shots at once without having to wait for a main cannon to recharge, and it could fire in any direction without wasting time turning the actual ship. If utilized correctly, even much larger capitol ships would fall victim to the Battle Dragon. It could disable a star destroyer in a matter of minutes. However, it had a fatal weakness, and that was numbers. The ship was basically useless against a fleet of fighters due to its lack of multiple targeting computers. But as long as Co'Rex stayed in the shadow of another ship they would be an excelllent addition to the fleet.
"Very good," Captain Co'Rex replied, snatching the datapad from the human-alien hybrid's hand. He glanced over the data quickly, his speed-reading and nearly photographic memory skills both coming in handy. In his quarters he would spend more time studying the ship in-depth, but Shadow Fleet was leaving hyperspace and entering Ssi-Ruuk territory. All ships needed to be prepared in case the race of lizard-men had flurished in the past couple of years. Corry had never battled the Ssi-Ruuk, but according to the stories they were quite fierce. It took the combined efforts of the victorious Rebellion and the Imperial remnants to push them from Bakura. With any luck they would join the Xen'Chi... otherwise be assimilated.
"Hapan Battle Dragon," whispered the captain to himself. He was still some what taken aback. The ship was of a very innovative design and excellent when faced against a single, large target. A system of rotating ion cannons gave it the ability to shoot several shots at once without having to wait for a main cannon to recharge, and it could fire in any direction without wasting time turning the actual ship. If utilized correctly, even much larger capitol ships would fall victim to the Battle Dragon. It could disable a star destroyer in a matter of minutes. However, it had a fatal weakness, and that was numbers. The ship was basically useless against a fleet of fighters due to its lack of multiple targeting computers. But as long as Co'Rex stayed in the shadow of another ship they would be an excelllent addition to the fleet.
Man of Many Faces
"I'm glad you've come to see the truth, Shreeftut. I assure you that the resources you have provided will be put to the greatest use." To'Barren smiled as the communication was cut.
It took an hour of varying degrees of negotiation for the Shreeftut and To'Barren to come to an agreement. The Grand Admiral was happy he didn't have to demonstrate his willingness to lay waste to the star cluster if the Shreeftut decided not to comply. It would have been a waste of possible assets. The Shreeftut was most concerned with leaving Ssi-Ruuvi space undefended, and the command structure of the fleet. They compromied to allow three picket ships to remain in system as a home defense fleet, with a tacit agreement that the Xen' Chi would help defend them from any attacks. It was an agreement To'Barren had no intention of fulfilling.
The second was not a compromise. The Ssi-ruuk ships and officers would serve under To'Barren, his second in command Vice Admiral Kichorn-oudao, and then the Adamar Seneschal, Visery. The SHreeftut tried to suggest a co-command, an offer To'Barren laughed at openly, something that angered the Ssi-Ruuk leader and ended negotiation for half an hour. When To'BArren made no attempt to reconnect, the SHreeftut seemed to get the message that he had very leverage in this negotiation and submitted to the proposal.
The Ssi-Ruuk in the end would donate their lone cruiser and a quartet of their picket ships to the combined Xen Chi thrall fleet. It's commander, an officer To'Barren called Captain, Tri-Beck seemed quite excited when he told them that the first target of their invasion path would be Bakura, a system long valued by the Ssi-Ruuk. Once they learned that they were more than excited to participate, and even volunteered to spearhead the invasion. Who was To'Barren to argue with such a fine plan.
When To'Barren explained the plan to the combined fleet he stressed that. "Our new comrades wish to lead the attack, we shall alllow them the honor by remaining outside the system while they do as they see fit. If they require assistance the remainder of the fleet will jump into the system. If this is not necessary, we have the benefit of keeping secret our new alliance. We will make a unified jump outside the system, then allow the Ssi-ruuk to enter alone. Questions?"
It took an hour of varying degrees of negotiation for the Shreeftut and To'Barren to come to an agreement. The Grand Admiral was happy he didn't have to demonstrate his willingness to lay waste to the star cluster if the Shreeftut decided not to comply. It would have been a waste of possible assets. The Shreeftut was most concerned with leaving Ssi-Ruuvi space undefended, and the command structure of the fleet. They compromied to allow three picket ships to remain in system as a home defense fleet, with a tacit agreement that the Xen' Chi would help defend them from any attacks. It was an agreement To'Barren had no intention of fulfilling.
The second was not a compromise. The Ssi-ruuk ships and officers would serve under To'Barren, his second in command Vice Admiral Kichorn-oudao, and then the Adamar Seneschal, Visery. The SHreeftut tried to suggest a co-command, an offer To'Barren laughed at openly, something that angered the Ssi-Ruuk leader and ended negotiation for half an hour. When To'BArren made no attempt to reconnect, the SHreeftut seemed to get the message that he had very leverage in this negotiation and submitted to the proposal.
The Ssi-Ruuk in the end would donate their lone cruiser and a quartet of their picket ships to the combined Xen Chi thrall fleet. It's commander, an officer To'Barren called Captain, Tri-Beck seemed quite excited when he told them that the first target of their invasion path would be Bakura, a system long valued by the Ssi-Ruuk. Once they learned that they were more than excited to participate, and even volunteered to spearhead the invasion. Who was To'Barren to argue with such a fine plan.
When To'Barren explained the plan to the combined fleet he stressed that. "Our new comrades wish to lead the attack, we shall alllow them the honor by remaining outside the system while they do as they see fit. If they require assistance the remainder of the fleet will jump into the system. If this is not necessary, we have the benefit of keeping secret our new alliance. We will make a unified jump outside the system, then allow the Ssi-ruuk to enter alone. Questions?"
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Man of Many Faces
ooc I know I asked for volunteers to defend Bakura - but I decided to take care of it myself. Apologies.
To'Barren and the rest of Shadow Fleet waited for the Ssi-Ruuk to call for assistance, but they never did. He hoped they hadn't become arrogant wanting to finish this mission themselves despite possible losses. When the fleet at large arrived To'Barren had found, thankfully that was not the case. The only Republic ship there was a flaming wreck of an old assault frigate. The Ssi-Ruuk cruiser and its team of picket ships tore it apart. Sensors showed some wreckage of Ssi-Ruuk fighters, but otherwise they didn't appear to have suffered any serious losses.
"Get me Tri-Beck." To'Barren said. And in moments his will was done, and the large red dinosaur like commander appeared before him.
"It looks like you have done well, Captain Tri-Beck."
"Yes. The enemy is destroyed. Our priests are below preforming the sanctity ceremony, to bless this world for our occupation. We will then begin ententchment to replace our losses." The Ssi-Ruuk Captain did not seem all too pleased explaining his actions to anyone, but he would have to learn.
"I trust you have cut-off their communication array?"
"Yes my lord, no one will know of your arrival or our alliance."
"Very good." To'Barren responded. "You will have some time to do what needs to be done to secure the planet. One of your picket ships can remain once the entire fleet moves on. But do not expect more than a couple standard days. This invasion will be swift."
"Yes my lord." Tri-beck answered, before To'Barren cut off the transmission, switching it back over to the Adamar and the Chiss.
"Seneschal, you may move onto Endor. If you beleive you can neutralize the enemy on your own, so be it. Do so. No need to occupy the planet, simply secure our flank. Vice Admiral Chorn, Riflor on the other hand must be secured as it will be staging point for our jump to Tanaab. How many ships do you require?"
The Chiss was implacable as always, "No more than a half dozen."
To'Barren nodded. "Take Captain Co'rex and whomever else you deem necessary."
"Very well."
The channel was cut and To'Barren watched as the three Adamar ships jumped to Endor, and the Chiss organized his battle group.
All they had was victory.
ooc Notorious - you can rp the chiss vice admiral along with co'rex. Have fun taking riflor. I imagine the NR presence there wont be large. Feel free to take care of it on your own - or consult an NR person. It matters not to me. Ill take care of Endor.
To'Barren and the rest of Shadow Fleet waited for the Ssi-Ruuk to call for assistance, but they never did. He hoped they hadn't become arrogant wanting to finish this mission themselves despite possible losses. When the fleet at large arrived To'Barren had found, thankfully that was not the case. The only Republic ship there was a flaming wreck of an old assault frigate. The Ssi-Ruuk cruiser and its team of picket ships tore it apart. Sensors showed some wreckage of Ssi-Ruuk fighters, but otherwise they didn't appear to have suffered any serious losses.
"Get me Tri-Beck." To'Barren said. And in moments his will was done, and the large red dinosaur like commander appeared before him.
"It looks like you have done well, Captain Tri-Beck."
"Yes. The enemy is destroyed. Our priests are below preforming the sanctity ceremony, to bless this world for our occupation. We will then begin ententchment to replace our losses." The Ssi-Ruuk Captain did not seem all too pleased explaining his actions to anyone, but he would have to learn.
"I trust you have cut-off their communication array?"
"Yes my lord, no one will know of your arrival or our alliance."
"Very good." To'Barren responded. "You will have some time to do what needs to be done to secure the planet. One of your picket ships can remain once the entire fleet moves on. But do not expect more than a couple standard days. This invasion will be swift."
"Yes my lord." Tri-beck answered, before To'Barren cut off the transmission, switching it back over to the Adamar and the Chiss.
"Seneschal, you may move onto Endor. If you beleive you can neutralize the enemy on your own, so be it. Do so. No need to occupy the planet, simply secure our flank. Vice Admiral Chorn, Riflor on the other hand must be secured as it will be staging point for our jump to Tanaab. How many ships do you require?"
The Chiss was implacable as always, "No more than a half dozen."
To'Barren nodded. "Take Captain Co'rex and whomever else you deem necessary."
"Very well."
The channel was cut and To'Barren watched as the three Adamar ships jumped to Endor, and the Chiss organized his battle group.
All they had was victory.
ooc Notorious - you can rp the chiss vice admiral along with co'rex. Have fun taking riflor. I imagine the NR presence there wont be large. Feel free to take care of it on your own - or consult an NR person. It matters not to me. Ill take care of Endor.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 10:02 pm
Location: Place farthest from the brightside of the universe
OOC: As you wish
"Captain Co'Rex," chirped the hologram floating several feet in front of the captain's face. "This is Vice Admiral Kichorn-oudao of the Icey Doom. The Redemption has been ordered to join my battle group for the taking of Riflor. Your orders in detail will be transferred immediately for you to read. If you have any questions then contact me on this frequency and one of my officers will take care of the situation."
"Yes, admiral." Co'Rex responded obediently. This Vice Admiral was short and to the point, which was not unlike an Imperial commander, but he had a frigid quality to him. Perhaps all those years on a freezing planet made all of the Chiss act permanently cold.
A Battle Dragon would add an excellent edge to the strike force headed for Riflor. Any capital ships they encountered would go down easy as long as they could keep the dragon concealed like a secret punch to the gut. Vice Admiral Chorn then rallied several other ships to his cause; an Imperial-class Star Destroyer to soak up the fire power, one Nebulon-B frigate for support, one Lancer-class frigate to strengthen the weak rear-end of the Neb, and finally a Dreadnaught from the infamous Katana Fleet to flank the Icey Doom. With two squadrons of fighters resting in the belly of the Neb, one waiting inside of the Dreadnaught, and another six from the Imperial-class Star Destroyer as well as five gunboats, Chorn had plenty of fighter support. (9 squadrons worth)
Whatever resistance Riflor had to offer would be but a futile effort to prolong inevitability. Soon the New Republic planet would belong to the Xen'Chi.

"Captain Co'Rex," chirped the hologram floating several feet in front of the captain's face. "This is Vice Admiral Kichorn-oudao of the Icey Doom. The Redemption has been ordered to join my battle group for the taking of Riflor. Your orders in detail will be transferred immediately for you to read. If you have any questions then contact me on this frequency and one of my officers will take care of the situation."
"Yes, admiral." Co'Rex responded obediently. This Vice Admiral was short and to the point, which was not unlike an Imperial commander, but he had a frigid quality to him. Perhaps all those years on a freezing planet made all of the Chiss act permanently cold.
A Battle Dragon would add an excellent edge to the strike force headed for Riflor. Any capital ships they encountered would go down easy as long as they could keep the dragon concealed like a secret punch to the gut. Vice Admiral Chorn then rallied several other ships to his cause; an Imperial-class Star Destroyer to soak up the fire power, one Nebulon-B frigate for support, one Lancer-class frigate to strengthen the weak rear-end of the Neb, and finally a Dreadnaught from the infamous Katana Fleet to flank the Icey Doom. With two squadrons of fighters resting in the belly of the Neb, one waiting inside of the Dreadnaught, and another six from the Imperial-class Star Destroyer as well as five gunboats, Chorn had plenty of fighter support. (9 squadrons worth)
Whatever resistance Riflor had to offer would be but a futile effort to prolong inevitability. Soon the New Republic planet would belong to the Xen'Chi.
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