Shadow of Mystery
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Dark Lord of the Grill
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Shadow of Mystery
I'm not 100% sure where this thread is going. It is completely open. As for the bad guys, we can make them up as we go. Or we could use them in a later story. This is just to get my character rolling.
His eyes opened. He felt groggy, like he had been asleep for a very long time. When he attempted to lift his arms he found them to be sluggish and sore. He managed to turn his head and look out of the glass cylinder he was in. It looked like a medical room. A rather high tech medical room. He didn't recognize half of the equipment. However, he was not a doctor, so it made little difference. He lifted his arms and tried to push the top off. It only moved slightly. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, summoning the Force like he had done a million times before. The top flew off, making a loud crash on the floor next to the tank.
He rested for a moment before again summoning the Force to fill him with strength. He climbed slowly out of his would be glass prison. The air was cold against his bare skin. He looked around and found some raggy old clothes and quickly put them on. He made his way over to a mirror and frowned. He had no idea how he came to be here. Memories started flooding back to him. Friends, enemies, places; all of which seemed to be out of order. Then a far more disturbing memory was coming back. There was a cliff. Dark Jedi. He and a friend, a Bothan. Xanamiar Knight. Xanamiar was slain by a Dathomiri Witch. He was fighting too. His clone, a man named Kayne. Yes, that was his enemy. He defeated him. But then there was another. An older man. Powerful.
His eyes widened in horror. That man had defeated him. Struck him down with his lightsaber. He died in his son's arms. And yet, here he stood. Here stood Cazzik Wyn.
I'm not 100% sure where this thread is going. It is completely open. As for the bad guys, we can make them up as we go. Or we could use them in a later story. This is just to get my character rolling.
His eyes opened. He felt groggy, like he had been asleep for a very long time. When he attempted to lift his arms he found them to be sluggish and sore. He managed to turn his head and look out of the glass cylinder he was in. It looked like a medical room. A rather high tech medical room. He didn't recognize half of the equipment. However, he was not a doctor, so it made little difference. He lifted his arms and tried to push the top off. It only moved slightly. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, summoning the Force like he had done a million times before. The top flew off, making a loud crash on the floor next to the tank.
He rested for a moment before again summoning the Force to fill him with strength. He climbed slowly out of his would be glass prison. The air was cold against his bare skin. He looked around and found some raggy old clothes and quickly put them on. He made his way over to a mirror and frowned. He had no idea how he came to be here. Memories started flooding back to him. Friends, enemies, places; all of which seemed to be out of order. Then a far more disturbing memory was coming back. There was a cliff. Dark Jedi. He and a friend, a Bothan. Xanamiar Knight. Xanamiar was slain by a Dathomiri Witch. He was fighting too. His clone, a man named Kayne. Yes, that was his enemy. He defeated him. But then there was another. An older man. Powerful.
His eyes widened in horror. That man had defeated him. Struck him down with his lightsaber. He died in his son's arms. And yet, here he stood. Here stood Cazzik Wyn.
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
Dark Lord of the Grill
Posts: 1916
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Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:41 am
Location: Searching for a nursing home for Nichalus
He was so confused. He couldn't think straight. All he knew is that his rebirth was unnatural. Somehow he had been torn from the netherworld that is the Force. Or, perhaps he was merely a clone of the original Cazzik Wyn. Either way, his memories were still jumbled. They were sorting themselves out and returning to normal, but it was moving slowly. He still felt weak and hadn't brought himself to leave the medical room until now.
He stepped out into a white hallway, the same color the med bay had been, and quickly realized he was in space. Stars were the only visible thing amongst the blackness of space that could be seen through the window. He was on a Corellian vessel of some sort, a Corvette or Gunship. He walked down the cooridor until he reached another room. Upon entering he was slightly shocked at what he found. It was a work lab. There was a bench on the far wall, and on it was everything he needed to build not one, but numerous, lightsabers. This was all far too odd. Who brought him back? Who is supplying him with these rather rare supplies? And who's ship is this?
He stepped out of the room and looked around. Where was the crew? He decided to make his way to the bridge and see if anyone was there. Upon entering he saw only droids. Droids who seemed to be running absolutely everything. They were mostly old, revamped Battle Droids from the Clone War era. One of them, a protocal droid, approached him.
"Ah, Master Wyn. You are awake."
Cazzik's eyes narrowed.
"You know me?"
The droid responded.
"Oh yes, of course. You are our master."
Wyn was even more confused at this point. He hadn't remembered ever owning a droid.
"Then who's ship is this?"
The droid answered in the same tone he had before.
"The Infinity is a modified Corellian Corvette under the ownership of yourself, sir."
Before Cazzik could ask anything else the ship wide comm system chimed on and a female voice could be heard. It was a beautiful voice, but he could tell it was also full of darkness.
"Master Wyn. I was begining to think you would never wake up. Please, meet me in the docking bay at once. Your questions will be answered there."
Cazzik walked rather quickly to the designated meeting place with the mysterious woman. He entered the bay and saw two starfighters; an X-Wing and a TIE Advanced. Next to the TIE was a a strikinlgy beautiful woman with long, dark hair pulled back. She wore a tight, crimson suit with matching boots and gloves. Attached to her belt was a lightsaber, a long one; obviously a double bladed weapon. That meant she was a skilled warrior. He reached out and felt the Force around her. She wreaked of the Dark Side.
"Who are you?"
She smiled.
"My name is Azriel. I represent a rather powerful being that will remain anonymous at the current time."
He didn't like this woman at all. Had he the strength he would have struck her down. But in his current condition he probably wasn't a match for some of the droids on the ship.
"What exactly am I? A Clone?"
Azriel shook her head.
"No, not exactly. Your body decayed after your death. It was impossible to revive it. So my master cloned you. But your spirit is still the same. You are the one and only Cazzik Wyn, at least, as far as we know. There may have been another like Kayne out there, but we doubt it."
Cazzik couldn't believe what he was hearing. The ability to bring someone back from the dead, to rip their spirit from the Force and return it to a physical form was a great power indeed. But that power was one connected to the Dark Side of the Force.
"Your master brought me back? Why?"
Her smile returned.
"He beleives you to be a worthy adversary or a powerful ally. Either way, you will have your uses. You will find this vessel to be fully functional and equipped. You are the only sentient being on it, other than me at the moment. It is completely run and maintained by refitted droids. All of which do their job well. For personal use you have this X-Wing fighter. I'm sure you'll have both ships and the droids checked for anything wrong, but I'm to tell you we have not bugged anything. You'll find it all to be clean."
Cazzik stepped closer, looking angrier than a Jedi should.
"Why are you doing this?!"
She turned and climbed up into the cockpit of the TIE Advanced.
"This way the game will get started faster."
The cockpit closed and Cazzik stepped into the secure area while Azriel's fighter took off out of the hangar bay. Wyn stood for a moment, trying to think of what he needed to do first. It was obvious; find his sons. But he had no idea where to start looking. But there was someone else who may know something. Blackthorne.
He was so confused. He couldn't think straight. All he knew is that his rebirth was unnatural. Somehow he had been torn from the netherworld that is the Force. Or, perhaps he was merely a clone of the original Cazzik Wyn. Either way, his memories were still jumbled. They were sorting themselves out and returning to normal, but it was moving slowly. He still felt weak and hadn't brought himself to leave the medical room until now.
He stepped out into a white hallway, the same color the med bay had been, and quickly realized he was in space. Stars were the only visible thing amongst the blackness of space that could be seen through the window. He was on a Corellian vessel of some sort, a Corvette or Gunship. He walked down the cooridor until he reached another room. Upon entering he was slightly shocked at what he found. It was a work lab. There was a bench on the far wall, and on it was everything he needed to build not one, but numerous, lightsabers. This was all far too odd. Who brought him back? Who is supplying him with these rather rare supplies? And who's ship is this?
He stepped out of the room and looked around. Where was the crew? He decided to make his way to the bridge and see if anyone was there. Upon entering he saw only droids. Droids who seemed to be running absolutely everything. They were mostly old, revamped Battle Droids from the Clone War era. One of them, a protocal droid, approached him.
"Ah, Master Wyn. You are awake."
Cazzik's eyes narrowed.
"You know me?"
The droid responded.
"Oh yes, of course. You are our master."
Wyn was even more confused at this point. He hadn't remembered ever owning a droid.
"Then who's ship is this?"
The droid answered in the same tone he had before.
"The Infinity is a modified Corellian Corvette under the ownership of yourself, sir."
Before Cazzik could ask anything else the ship wide comm system chimed on and a female voice could be heard. It was a beautiful voice, but he could tell it was also full of darkness.
"Master Wyn. I was begining to think you would never wake up. Please, meet me in the docking bay at once. Your questions will be answered there."
Cazzik walked rather quickly to the designated meeting place with the mysterious woman. He entered the bay and saw two starfighters; an X-Wing and a TIE Advanced. Next to the TIE was a a strikinlgy beautiful woman with long, dark hair pulled back. She wore a tight, crimson suit with matching boots and gloves. Attached to her belt was a lightsaber, a long one; obviously a double bladed weapon. That meant she was a skilled warrior. He reached out and felt the Force around her. She wreaked of the Dark Side.
"Who are you?"
She smiled.
"My name is Azriel. I represent a rather powerful being that will remain anonymous at the current time."
He didn't like this woman at all. Had he the strength he would have struck her down. But in his current condition he probably wasn't a match for some of the droids on the ship.
"What exactly am I? A Clone?"
Azriel shook her head.
"No, not exactly. Your body decayed after your death. It was impossible to revive it. So my master cloned you. But your spirit is still the same. You are the one and only Cazzik Wyn, at least, as far as we know. There may have been another like Kayne out there, but we doubt it."
Cazzik couldn't believe what he was hearing. The ability to bring someone back from the dead, to rip their spirit from the Force and return it to a physical form was a great power indeed. But that power was one connected to the Dark Side of the Force.
"Your master brought me back? Why?"
Her smile returned.
"He beleives you to be a worthy adversary or a powerful ally. Either way, you will have your uses. You will find this vessel to be fully functional and equipped. You are the only sentient being on it, other than me at the moment. It is completely run and maintained by refitted droids. All of which do their job well. For personal use you have this X-Wing fighter. I'm sure you'll have both ships and the droids checked for anything wrong, but I'm to tell you we have not bugged anything. You'll find it all to be clean."
Cazzik stepped closer, looking angrier than a Jedi should.
"Why are you doing this?!"
She turned and climbed up into the cockpit of the TIE Advanced.
"This way the game will get started faster."
The cockpit closed and Cazzik stepped into the secure area while Azriel's fighter took off out of the hangar bay. Wyn stood for a moment, trying to think of what he needed to do first. It was obvious; find his sons. But he had no idea where to start looking. But there was someone else who may know something. Blackthorne.
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
Dark Lord of the Grill
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Location: Searching for a nursing home for Nichalus
He stood and walked over to the middle of the room where the large holo-projector sat. Amassed throughout the dark interior was a large collection of ancient relics, from an ancient lightsaber to Jedi scrolls from the library on Ossus. He had even managed to locate several holocrons. Only two of which held any real interest to him. One was the only holocron created by a Dark Jedi he had ever managed to find, and the other was a created by an ancient Sith Lord. However, this one would not open for him. Only a Sith could retrieve the information within the crystal, and he was not a Sith, nor did he have any real desire to be one. However, one day the Sith would return, and this artifact may be used to his advantage. Only time would tell.
He looked down at the holo-projector. It was nearly time for them to check in. His eyes raised underneath his metallic mask as Azriel entered the room. She bowed her head to him and he nodded. Then the projector lit up as an Iktochi and another human woman appeared seperately. The holo woman had shoulder length white hair and wore a black leather combat suit. She, like the Iktochi, had a lightsaber at her side. She was the first to speak.
"Lord Kamulos, I believe I have located the wreckage from K-471's ship. However, I believe I will need help in retrieving his remains, if there are any."
Kamulos didn't move. His long black, hooded cloak remained motionless.
"His remains ARE there, Raven. You doubt my knowledge?"
Raven bowed her head again.
"Of course not, Lord. My apologies."
Kamulos turned and stepped away from the projector. His metallic armor oddly enough made no sound as his steps fell.
"Aid will be sent, Raven. You are dismissed."
Raven's image faded as she bowed. The Iktochi spoke next.
"The Cerrik planetary civil war is coming to a close, my Lord. Soon, the general will be defeated unless we act. He wishes to know when he can expect our troops."
When we finally obtain our troops, thought Kamulos. But he did not vocalize this. Though he was sure the Iktochi, the eldest of all those involved in this conversation, was thinking the same thing. This man was his greatest servant, though not the most powerful. He was loyal, and more so, he was Kamulos' savior. Treachery was not something he needed to worry about from this dark master, not like the females.
"Tell him soon. Very soon. You must help his forces hold out, my friend. I trust you can accomplish this?"
The Iktochi nodded.
"I can."
The metallic Dark Jedi turned back to face the projector.
"Good. Then you may go."
The other vanished in a bow and Kamulos looked up at Azriel. The woman stared at the terrifiying being in front of her for a split second before speaking.
"The Jedi is awake. The project is finished, Lord."
He felt himself smile underneath the mask.
"So, Cazzik Wyn once again lives. The process took longer than I had thought."
She noded.
"Longer than any of us thought, even Raze."
He stepped closer to her.
"Yes. But it worked. Plans are now in motion. This phase can be left to deal with itself for the time being. You heard Raze, the general needs reinforcements. Raven cannot retrieve K-471 alone. We need that cyborg immediately if we are to succeed on Cerrik. We shall both leave at once to aid Raven, and then we will have what we need to win the civil war."
He dropped his hand to his hip, where his single bladed lightsaber sat.
"Ready the ship, Azriel. We leave within the hour."
He stood and walked over to the middle of the room where the large holo-projector sat. Amassed throughout the dark interior was a large collection of ancient relics, from an ancient lightsaber to Jedi scrolls from the library on Ossus. He had even managed to locate several holocrons. Only two of which held any real interest to him. One was the only holocron created by a Dark Jedi he had ever managed to find, and the other was a created by an ancient Sith Lord. However, this one would not open for him. Only a Sith could retrieve the information within the crystal, and he was not a Sith, nor did he have any real desire to be one. However, one day the Sith would return, and this artifact may be used to his advantage. Only time would tell.
He looked down at the holo-projector. It was nearly time for them to check in. His eyes raised underneath his metallic mask as Azriel entered the room. She bowed her head to him and he nodded. Then the projector lit up as an Iktochi and another human woman appeared seperately. The holo woman had shoulder length white hair and wore a black leather combat suit. She, like the Iktochi, had a lightsaber at her side. She was the first to speak.
"Lord Kamulos, I believe I have located the wreckage from K-471's ship. However, I believe I will need help in retrieving his remains, if there are any."
Kamulos didn't move. His long black, hooded cloak remained motionless.
"His remains ARE there, Raven. You doubt my knowledge?"
Raven bowed her head again.
"Of course not, Lord. My apologies."
Kamulos turned and stepped away from the projector. His metallic armor oddly enough made no sound as his steps fell.
"Aid will be sent, Raven. You are dismissed."
Raven's image faded as she bowed. The Iktochi spoke next.
"The Cerrik planetary civil war is coming to a close, my Lord. Soon, the general will be defeated unless we act. He wishes to know when he can expect our troops."
When we finally obtain our troops, thought Kamulos. But he did not vocalize this. Though he was sure the Iktochi, the eldest of all those involved in this conversation, was thinking the same thing. This man was his greatest servant, though not the most powerful. He was loyal, and more so, he was Kamulos' savior. Treachery was not something he needed to worry about from this dark master, not like the females.
"Tell him soon. Very soon. You must help his forces hold out, my friend. I trust you can accomplish this?"
The Iktochi nodded.
"I can."
The metallic Dark Jedi turned back to face the projector.
"Good. Then you may go."
The other vanished in a bow and Kamulos looked up at Azriel. The woman stared at the terrifiying being in front of her for a split second before speaking.
"The Jedi is awake. The project is finished, Lord."
He felt himself smile underneath the mask.
"So, Cazzik Wyn once again lives. The process took longer than I had thought."
She noded.
"Longer than any of us thought, even Raze."
He stepped closer to her.
"Yes. But it worked. Plans are now in motion. This phase can be left to deal with itself for the time being. You heard Raze, the general needs reinforcements. Raven cannot retrieve K-471 alone. We need that cyborg immediately if we are to succeed on Cerrik. We shall both leave at once to aid Raven, and then we will have what we need to win the civil war."
He dropped his hand to his hip, where his single bladed lightsaber sat.
"Ready the ship, Azriel. We leave within the hour."
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
Dark Lord of the Grill
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Location: Searching for a nursing home for Nichalus
The shuttle came out of hyperspace and set down not far from Raven's TIE fighter. The ramp extended to the ground and Lord Kamulos descended, followed by Azriel. The woman looked around momentarily before speaking.
"I don't see her."
Kamulos didn't bother looking at her.
"She's over that hill."
The two proceeded across the ruined surface of Xorn. Years ago, a team of heroes, including Cazzik Wyn, traveled to the planet and in a grand battle destroyed K-471 and his Cult Mechanicus which set of a chain reaction that devastated the world. However, there were still some of the factories that could be made operational. Only K-471 could reactivate them though. He was the key to Xorn and a droid army.
As they came to the peak of the hill, they spotted Raven at the entrance to a large, artificial cave. She turned when she sensed them.
"He's in there. It's heavily guarded. I believe all the droids that survived the destruction gathered in this one place."
Azriel looked at the cave entrance. It was huge. It must go several miles underground. She turned to her Lord as he spoke.
"Someone rallied them together. Yes, he is in there."
Azriel nodded.
"Then what is your plan, Lord?"
He unhooked his lightsaber.
"We find him."
Then he entered the cave.
"I don't see her."
Kamulos didn't bother looking at her.
"She's over that hill."
The two proceeded across the ruined surface of Xorn. Years ago, a team of heroes, including Cazzik Wyn, traveled to the planet and in a grand battle destroyed K-471 and his Cult Mechanicus which set of a chain reaction that devastated the world. However, there were still some of the factories that could be made operational. Only K-471 could reactivate them though. He was the key to Xorn and a droid army.
As they came to the peak of the hill, they spotted Raven at the entrance to a large, artificial cave. She turned when she sensed them.
"He's in there. It's heavily guarded. I believe all the droids that survived the destruction gathered in this one place."
Azriel looked at the cave entrance. It was huge. It must go several miles underground. She turned to her Lord as he spoke.
"Someone rallied them together. Yes, he is in there."
Azriel nodded.
"Then what is your plan, Lord?"
He unhooked his lightsaber.
"We find him."
Then he entered the cave.
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
Dark Lord of the Grill
Posts: 1916
Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:41 am
Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:41 am
Location: Searching for a nursing home for Nichalus
Dark Lord of the Grill
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Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:41 am
Location: Searching for a nursing home for Nichalus
It had been days and no one had returned his transmission. He was begining to wonder if Cadden was even still alive. It wasn't like he lived a nice safe life either. The one upside to the peace and quiet was his strength had returned almost completely and he had finished his new ligthsaber. It resembled his old quite a bit, the one he had given his son, Caius, before he died. He ignited the weapon and stared at the sapphire blade for a long moment before shutting it down and returning to the bridge to check on the droids. He still didn't trust them.
Droids lay in ruin everywhere you looked. Raven and Azriel were amazed. They had known Lord Kamulos was powerful, but they had never really believe he was as powerful as Raze said he was. They had both realized they had been wrong. In front of Kamulos was the broken exo-skeleton of K-471. His mind still worked, but his body was crushed. He turned to the women.
"Move him back to the shuttle. I will take Raven's TIE fighter back to the base. I have other matters to attend to."
Droids lay in ruin everywhere you looked. Raven and Azriel were amazed. They had known Lord Kamulos was powerful, but they had never really believe he was as powerful as Raze said he was. They had both realized they had been wrong. In front of Kamulos was the broken exo-skeleton of K-471. His mind still worked, but his body was crushed. He turned to the women.
"Move him back to the shuttle. I will take Raven's TIE fighter back to the base. I have other matters to attend to."
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
Dark Lord of the Grill
Posts: 1916
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Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:41 am
Location: Searching for a nursing home for Nichalus
Pryde and Xany, email me. I'd love to have you both on the thread.
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
Dark Lord of the Grill
Posts: 1916
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Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:41 am
Location: Searching for a nursing home for Nichalus
Here you go, Pryde. Enter your character.
The Infinity came out of hypserspace in between Tynna and the Corellian Run. The small trading station known as the Corellian Dream was the designated destination. Cazzik wasn't sure what he was doing there. He needed allies. That was certain. He had all ready collected enemies, perhaps more than he knew. The Force had drawn him here. Someone or something could aid him.
Could it be? Could the darkness finally be showing him where he is? Kamulos' eyes were shut, and yet he saw so much. A battlefield burned to ashes. Bodies lay everywhere. But in the middle stood one. A figure that kept changing. A Mandalorian, then a droid, then an assassin, then a Jedi, and finally just a boy. Yes, just a boy. The dark side had shown him the face of his ally. Cloaked in shadows the figure was, and yet his eyes were completely visible. Bright blue, almost luminescent, and then they changed to something other, a color not quite nameable, but one that radiated power. And then the vision ended.
Lord Kamulos opened his eyes, the only thing visible beneath his metallic armor. At last he had seen his greatest ally, his heir. He was uncertain how far into the future it was. What was certain, was that he was to be trained. For the longest time he had thought his ally would have been an all ready proven Jedi, perhaps the resurrected Cazzik Wyn. But now, the only thing Wyn and the others could be were pawns. They were tools, and Kamulos would make the most of them.
Here you go, Pryde. Enter your character.
The Infinity came out of hypserspace in between Tynna and the Corellian Run. The small trading station known as the Corellian Dream was the designated destination. Cazzik wasn't sure what he was doing there. He needed allies. That was certain. He had all ready collected enemies, perhaps more than he knew. The Force had drawn him here. Someone or something could aid him.
Could it be? Could the darkness finally be showing him where he is? Kamulos' eyes were shut, and yet he saw so much. A battlefield burned to ashes. Bodies lay everywhere. But in the middle stood one. A figure that kept changing. A Mandalorian, then a droid, then an assassin, then a Jedi, and finally just a boy. Yes, just a boy. The dark side had shown him the face of his ally. Cloaked in shadows the figure was, and yet his eyes were completely visible. Bright blue, almost luminescent, and then they changed to something other, a color not quite nameable, but one that radiated power. And then the vision ended.
Lord Kamulos opened his eyes, the only thing visible beneath his metallic armor. At last he had seen his greatest ally, his heir. He was uncertain how far into the future it was. What was certain, was that he was to be trained. For the longest time he had thought his ally would have been an all ready proven Jedi, perhaps the resurrected Cazzik Wyn. But now, the only thing Wyn and the others could be were pawns. They were tools, and Kamulos would make the most of them.
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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Location: Earth
Jessica Sterling stepped off the transport and heaved her pack over her shoulder. Though a small trading station the Corellian Dream did house a surprisingly large number of merchants at any given time. One could say that a lot of legitimate business was practiced here, though it is also true that one could say so too was a lot of illegitimate business. It was the illegitimate business that drove the young smuggler here. Well that and the New Republic security detail that broke up her smuggling ring.
Glancing up ahead Jessica's heart nearly skipped a beat when she noticed some Corsec troopers scanning identifications for each of the passengers. Discreetly the young girl stepped out of line passed several techies moving in to examine the ship. One of the Corsec troopers had noticed the move, but he quickly lost her in the huge crowd filling the hangar bay and gave up trying to chase her. Jessica breathed a sigh of relief as she glanced back at the man searching this way and that until finally he shrugged and turned back to his post.
With all the security running around on this station, Jessica figured it would be nearly impossible for her to find a decent job here, but she was willing to take what she could get. For awhile now the New Republic had been stepping up its security measures and breaking up one smuggling ring after another, leaving her without a decent source of income. But lately, though, some strange disturbance has been disrupting their activities. Jessica didn't care much for what it was all about, hell anything that got the NR off her back was a blessing in her opinion.
Tucked away in one corner of the station Jessica found a small cantina. A cantina frequently visited by smugglers from all walks of life. Here she was meeting and old friend, and hopefully her new employer if everything worked out well. She was seated in a private booth off to one side of the cantina where she waited for almost half an hour before her soon-to-be business partner showed up.
"Sorry to keep you waiting," the Rodian apologized as he sat down across from her.
"You always keep me waiting, and you always apologize," Jessica replied with a wave of her hand, "But now that you're here, Malvek, let's forget the formalities and cut right to the chase. I need a job."
"No can do, darlin'," Malvek replied, "Lately I've been having Corsec breathing down my neck. Apparently I'm being 'investigated' for any sort of illegal activities. I'd like to hire you for a few jobs I have in mind, but until Corsec backs off I can't take the risks."
"Come on, Malvek," Jessica pleaded, "You know me! Just give me one job, anything to keep me going for a little while. I won't disappoint you."
"You're right," Malvek told her, shaking his head slightly, "I do know you and I know how wreckless you can be. The last two starships you brought me had scorch marks all over the hull. It took my men a week working 'round the clock to get them out. I don't need that kind of publicity right now."
"Hey, you want me to be discreet I can be discreet," Jessica replied, brushing a lock of her crimson hair out of her face.
Malvek nearly doubled over in laughter at that remark and Jessica frowned at him. "What's so funny," she asked, her cerulean eyes boring into him.
"I'm sorry, the thought of you being discreet--" he stopped himself suddenly when her expression darkened somewhat. "Right, anyway I'm sorry, love, but I simply can't give you a job right now. Look me up later when things around here quiet down." And with that he left the booth without saying another word. Jessica watched him go for a moment before burying her face in her arms.
Sithspit, she cursed, now what am I going to do?
"Miss," a woman's voice announced suddenly, "Your ruby bliel."
"Uh, thanks," Jessica replied, taking the drink from her and sipping it momentarily. Smoothing out a wrinkle in the gray jumpsuit she wore, Jessica glanced around the room after the waitress had retreated periodically sipping from her drink. Someone around here has got to have need for a new starship or two, she thought to herself. Or at least a pilot, but where do I start?
Glancing up ahead Jessica's heart nearly skipped a beat when she noticed some Corsec troopers scanning identifications for each of the passengers. Discreetly the young girl stepped out of line passed several techies moving in to examine the ship. One of the Corsec troopers had noticed the move, but he quickly lost her in the huge crowd filling the hangar bay and gave up trying to chase her. Jessica breathed a sigh of relief as she glanced back at the man searching this way and that until finally he shrugged and turned back to his post.
With all the security running around on this station, Jessica figured it would be nearly impossible for her to find a decent job here, but she was willing to take what she could get. For awhile now the New Republic had been stepping up its security measures and breaking up one smuggling ring after another, leaving her without a decent source of income. But lately, though, some strange disturbance has been disrupting their activities. Jessica didn't care much for what it was all about, hell anything that got the NR off her back was a blessing in her opinion.
Tucked away in one corner of the station Jessica found a small cantina. A cantina frequently visited by smugglers from all walks of life. Here she was meeting and old friend, and hopefully her new employer if everything worked out well. She was seated in a private booth off to one side of the cantina where she waited for almost half an hour before her soon-to-be business partner showed up.
"Sorry to keep you waiting," the Rodian apologized as he sat down across from her.
"You always keep me waiting, and you always apologize," Jessica replied with a wave of her hand, "But now that you're here, Malvek, let's forget the formalities and cut right to the chase. I need a job."
"No can do, darlin'," Malvek replied, "Lately I've been having Corsec breathing down my neck. Apparently I'm being 'investigated' for any sort of illegal activities. I'd like to hire you for a few jobs I have in mind, but until Corsec backs off I can't take the risks."
"Come on, Malvek," Jessica pleaded, "You know me! Just give me one job, anything to keep me going for a little while. I won't disappoint you."
"You're right," Malvek told her, shaking his head slightly, "I do know you and I know how wreckless you can be. The last two starships you brought me had scorch marks all over the hull. It took my men a week working 'round the clock to get them out. I don't need that kind of publicity right now."
"Hey, you want me to be discreet I can be discreet," Jessica replied, brushing a lock of her crimson hair out of her face.
Malvek nearly doubled over in laughter at that remark and Jessica frowned at him. "What's so funny," she asked, her cerulean eyes boring into him.
"I'm sorry, the thought of you being discreet--" he stopped himself suddenly when her expression darkened somewhat. "Right, anyway I'm sorry, love, but I simply can't give you a job right now. Look me up later when things around here quiet down." And with that he left the booth without saying another word. Jessica watched him go for a moment before burying her face in her arms.
Sithspit, she cursed, now what am I going to do?
"Miss," a woman's voice announced suddenly, "Your ruby bliel."
"Uh, thanks," Jessica replied, taking the drink from her and sipping it momentarily. Smoothing out a wrinkle in the gray jumpsuit she wore, Jessica glanced around the room after the waitress had retreated periodically sipping from her drink. Someone around here has got to have need for a new starship or two, she thought to herself. Or at least a pilot, but where do I start?
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic
"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
Dark Lord of the Grill
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As the Infinity approached the station, Cazzik began to hear a familiar voice, one he didn't think he'd ever hear again.
"The Force is strong with you my friend... Yet, your destiny was not fullfilled the first time around, or so it would appear."
Cazzik looked around the ship, seeing nothing.
"When we met, you contacted me in a similar way that I am contacting you now."
Cazziks mind began to wonder on his past life, and his experiences. "Xanamiar?"
"Yes my friend, you have always been strong with the Force. I suppose it was destiny that we met all those years ago."
Cazzik scanned the area again, and noticed the outline of the dark bothan sitting on the bridges floor, with his legs crossed, looking up at him.
"I am here for a couple reasons. One, I couldn't help but to see an old friend once more. The second reason is a bit more important however, it would seem that you need a lot of help to fullfill your destiny, and return to the Force."
Xanamiar looked down at the palm of his hand then held it up, showing Cazzik what looked to be a hologram of a space station.
"You have some business at the Corellian Dream, the Force drew you here with a purpose, but after you get done you need to find this station." Xanamiar held his palm close to Cazzik. "It's name is Crystal Shard Point, I'm sure you will find that your destiny will benefit from finding it."
Xanamiar closed his hands and stood up, looking Cazzik in the eyes.
"Follow your Destiny, and feel the Force Cazzik. You have always been stronger with the Force than I was, I know more now than ever before, and know that I am only begining to learn anything. Take care of my friends, and they will take care of you."
"The Force is strong with you my friend... Yet, your destiny was not fullfilled the first time around, or so it would appear."
Cazzik looked around the ship, seeing nothing.
"When we met, you contacted me in a similar way that I am contacting you now."
Cazziks mind began to wonder on his past life, and his experiences. "Xanamiar?"
"Yes my friend, you have always been strong with the Force. I suppose it was destiny that we met all those years ago."
Cazzik scanned the area again, and noticed the outline of the dark bothan sitting on the bridges floor, with his legs crossed, looking up at him.
"I am here for a couple reasons. One, I couldn't help but to see an old friend once more. The second reason is a bit more important however, it would seem that you need a lot of help to fullfill your destiny, and return to the Force."
Xanamiar looked down at the palm of his hand then held it up, showing Cazzik what looked to be a hologram of a space station.
"You have some business at the Corellian Dream, the Force drew you here with a purpose, but after you get done you need to find this station." Xanamiar held his palm close to Cazzik. "It's name is Crystal Shard Point, I'm sure you will find that your destiny will benefit from finding it."
Xanamiar closed his hands and stood up, looking Cazzik in the eyes.
"Follow your Destiny, and feel the Force Cazzik. You have always been stronger with the Force than I was, I know more now than ever before, and know that I am only begining to learn anything. Take care of my friends, and they will take care of you."
"Certified Local Madman"
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What is hyperspace, truly? To most, its nothing but a medium of transport, a convenient, empty void used for holonet transmissions and hyperspace jumps. It is simply there. It always was, and always will be, no matter what happens.
To the hunter, however, hyperspace was different. Where others saw nothing, he saw the birth and death of stars and suns. Where others heard nothing, he heard countless whispers, thoughts of beings not yet born or long deceased.
It can drive one mad, to hear the whispers for so long. Some would claim the hunter had already gone insane, call him a dangerous madman and criminal.
And perhaps they would be right.
The hunters thoughts drifted, caring little for the other vessels approaching the trade station. His droid would land the ship safely. There was still time... Time to come to peace with the whispers he had just departed.
However - something was different. It was not like the flowing voices of hyperspace, but a constant, single presence. His mind focused, grasping for the presence in curiosity.
A corvette. Heading for the station, just like the hunter. And onboard was a truly powerful mind. Then the hunter shied away, shielding himself.
A Jedi.
To the hunter, however, hyperspace was different. Where others saw nothing, he saw the birth and death of stars and suns. Where others heard nothing, he heard countless whispers, thoughts of beings not yet born or long deceased.
It can drive one mad, to hear the whispers for so long. Some would claim the hunter had already gone insane, call him a dangerous madman and criminal.
And perhaps they would be right.
The hunters thoughts drifted, caring little for the other vessels approaching the trade station. His droid would land the ship safely. There was still time... Time to come to peace with the whispers he had just departed.
However - something was different. It was not like the flowing voices of hyperspace, but a constant, single presence. His mind focused, grasping for the presence in curiosity.
A corvette. Heading for the station, just like the hunter. And onboard was a truly powerful mind. Then the hunter shied away, shielding himself.
A Jedi.
Dark Lord of the Grill
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Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:41 am
Location: Searching for a nursing home for Nichalus
OOC: Oh shit, Dark. Your character post actually had me worried for the safety of my character. That doesn't happen to me very often. Happy to have you aboard.
Cazzik watched in astonishment as Xanamiar faded away. He stood for a long moment, not so much as flinching. One of the droids approached him and asked if he was all right. The only thing Wyn could manage to say at that particular time was "crazy Bothan."
He hadn't seen his old friend since.........well, since they both died. Cazzik himself had utilized the form of communication that Xanamiar had to only a few others after his demise. He quickly turned to the droid commander.
"I'll be on the station for only a short tme. While I'm gone I want you to search the databanks and locate the coordinates for a station called Crystal Shard Point. When I return I wish to leave immediately."
The droid nodded.
"As you wish, sir."
Cazzik turned and walked back to the room that he had chosen to stay in, mainly because it all ready had a large wardrobe that seemed to all fit him. He grabbed a black suit and boots and put them on. He clipped his lightsaber to his belt and then pulled his cloak on around him to cover it, leaving the hood down. He turned and walked down the corridors until he reached the hatch. When the droids had docked with the station he exited without a word.
Wyn guarded his presence and mind securely here. He had no idea what villainy lurked in a place like this. The Force seemed to be leading him towards a cantina. He followed willingly, listening to his instincts. There was something else though. He couldn't pinpoint it, but in the back of his mind there was a tugging. He decided to remain extremely cautious. Something potentially dangerous was nearby.
Kamulos entered the gloomy room. The scientists stiffened and you didn't need to be a Jedi to sense the fear orbiting them. Azriel and Raven turned and bowed their heads to him. The Dark Jedi approached the crippled body of K471 which now hung motionless in the air supported by cables and wires. Lord Kamulos turned to Raven.
"Summon Kir Varrus. Tell him it's time to honor his life debt to me."
Raven bowed her head in response and left the room. The metallic man turned back to the motionless cyborg.
"K471. You do not know me, but I know you. You once had a massive army, and the potential to create an even larger one. You were a technical genius. You have survived for over 400 years, simply by disgarding your mortal body and fusing your being into the computer system of an entire world."
K471's voice was stranger. Looking at him you would expect the monotone voice of a droid, but it was very much the opposite.
"Congratulations. You haven't managed to tell me anything that probably isn't all ready public knowledge at this point. Who are you and what do you want?"
Kamulos smiled underneath his mask.
"I have a proposition for you. I will return you to a working body so that you may again design a superior one for yourself. But if I do this, you and your droid factories and armies will be under my control."
The cyborg didn't say anything for a long time. Obviously pondering how badly he truly wanted to be able to move about again.
"And if I refuse?"
Kamulos stepped closer.
"Then we will return this crippled shell to the junk pile we pulled out of. And you will remain very much alive and motionless for all of eternity."
Cazzik watched in astonishment as Xanamiar faded away. He stood for a long moment, not so much as flinching. One of the droids approached him and asked if he was all right. The only thing Wyn could manage to say at that particular time was "crazy Bothan."
He hadn't seen his old friend since.........well, since they both died. Cazzik himself had utilized the form of communication that Xanamiar had to only a few others after his demise. He quickly turned to the droid commander.
"I'll be on the station for only a short tme. While I'm gone I want you to search the databanks and locate the coordinates for a station called Crystal Shard Point. When I return I wish to leave immediately."
The droid nodded.
"As you wish, sir."
Cazzik turned and walked back to the room that he had chosen to stay in, mainly because it all ready had a large wardrobe that seemed to all fit him. He grabbed a black suit and boots and put them on. He clipped his lightsaber to his belt and then pulled his cloak on around him to cover it, leaving the hood down. He turned and walked down the corridors until he reached the hatch. When the droids had docked with the station he exited without a word.
Wyn guarded his presence and mind securely here. He had no idea what villainy lurked in a place like this. The Force seemed to be leading him towards a cantina. He followed willingly, listening to his instincts. There was something else though. He couldn't pinpoint it, but in the back of his mind there was a tugging. He decided to remain extremely cautious. Something potentially dangerous was nearby.
Kamulos entered the gloomy room. The scientists stiffened and you didn't need to be a Jedi to sense the fear orbiting them. Azriel and Raven turned and bowed their heads to him. The Dark Jedi approached the crippled body of K471 which now hung motionless in the air supported by cables and wires. Lord Kamulos turned to Raven.
"Summon Kir Varrus. Tell him it's time to honor his life debt to me."
Raven bowed her head in response and left the room. The metallic man turned back to the motionless cyborg.
"K471. You do not know me, but I know you. You once had a massive army, and the potential to create an even larger one. You were a technical genius. You have survived for over 400 years, simply by disgarding your mortal body and fusing your being into the computer system of an entire world."
K471's voice was stranger. Looking at him you would expect the monotone voice of a droid, but it was very much the opposite.
"Congratulations. You haven't managed to tell me anything that probably isn't all ready public knowledge at this point. Who are you and what do you want?"
Kamulos smiled underneath his mask.
"I have a proposition for you. I will return you to a working body so that you may again design a superior one for yourself. But if I do this, you and your droid factories and armies will be under my control."
The cyborg didn't say anything for a long time. Obviously pondering how badly he truly wanted to be able to move about again.
"And if I refuse?"
Kamulos stepped closer.
"Then we will return this crippled shell to the junk pile we pulled out of. And you will remain very much alive and motionless for all of eternity."
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
"Certified Local Madman"
Posts: 2744
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Joined: Sun Feb 16, 2003 1:34 am
OOC: Well, that was my intention after all. *evilgrin* Felt like a mysterious comeback. Happy to be along as well.
A Jedi was here. Here, on the very same station as the hunter. And whispers of sorrow and pain accompanied him, as mots were attracted to a candle. Why was the Jedi here?
He would not be looking for the hunter... or would he?
But it mattered not. The hunter would fulfill his mission. He always did. He entered the station, security giving him only a casual glance. He did not draw much attention, never, no matter the place. While he passed down the corridors, his mind searched for his prey. Whispers surrounded it, just like the Jedi. But they were different. Not just pain and sorrow, but whispers of hate... and revenge. And death. Death in the tenfolds.
A feral growl escaped the hunter. He was closing. In front of the quarter doors of his victim, he waited. When it opened, the damned one smiled, welcoming him like an old friend. Fool... he was not suspecting anything. They never did.
The door closed, his victim turned, still smiling. The deactivation of the security camera was not even noticed by him.
His smile turned into a face of horror and pain, as his mental death scream echoed through the force like a lensflare of pain. The hunter gasped as its force washed over him.
Its aftermath lasted for almost a minute. The hunters mind cleared. He glanced at his victim with a mixture of pain and satisfaction. Neural overload, the medics would say. His nerve-strings burned and scorched, as if by a electric power surge. But they would find no reason for it. They never had, and they never would.
It pained the hunter. But it had to be done. A tear forming in his eye, he left the quarter. Behind him, the security camera sprung back to life. It would not be long.
Now, he had something else to attend to...
A Jedi was here. Here, on the very same station as the hunter. And whispers of sorrow and pain accompanied him, as mots were attracted to a candle. Why was the Jedi here?
He would not be looking for the hunter... or would he?
But it mattered not. The hunter would fulfill his mission. He always did. He entered the station, security giving him only a casual glance. He did not draw much attention, never, no matter the place. While he passed down the corridors, his mind searched for his prey. Whispers surrounded it, just like the Jedi. But they were different. Not just pain and sorrow, but whispers of hate... and revenge. And death. Death in the tenfolds.
A feral growl escaped the hunter. He was closing. In front of the quarter doors of his victim, he waited. When it opened, the damned one smiled, welcoming him like an old friend. Fool... he was not suspecting anything. They never did.
The door closed, his victim turned, still smiling. The deactivation of the security camera was not even noticed by him.
His smile turned into a face of horror and pain, as his mental death scream echoed through the force like a lensflare of pain. The hunter gasped as its force washed over him.
Its aftermath lasted for almost a minute. The hunters mind cleared. He glanced at his victim with a mixture of pain and satisfaction. Neural overload, the medics would say. His nerve-strings burned and scorched, as if by a electric power surge. But they would find no reason for it. They never had, and they never would.
It pained the hunter. But it had to be done. A tear forming in his eye, he left the quarter. Behind him, the security camera sprung back to life. It would not be long.
Now, he had something else to attend to...
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Jessica shivered slightly as a chill ran down her spine. Somewhere in the pit of her stomach she knew something terrible had happened. Shrugging her shoulders slightly she tried to ignore the feeling and went back to reading her datapad. Decent job openings were few and far between, but none of them carried with them the same thrill and excitement that Jessica craved. An opening for a freighter pilot seemed interesting, but hardly worth while. Shipping foodstuffs and imported wares between planets legally was not her style. After all, shipping things illegally was what smugglers did, but Jessica preferred not to smuggle cargo. Her opinion was that smuggling cargo was too easy, and hardly exciting enough for her. So instead the young rogue smuggled starships as well as many other types of vehicles, a far more enjoyable pasttime.
Truth be told, Jessica was qualified to pilot just about any type of vehicle imaginable, ranging from small hovercraft to intergalactic starships. And she was able to maintain and repair these vehicles as necessary to keep them in working order. And, if necessary, she also possessed the technical know-how to slice the onboard computers to give herself full access to the ship's systems. As for her piloting skills, well Malvek was right, she was incredibly wreckless, but she was also incredibly good, or at the very least incredibly lucky. She was no starfighter pilot, however, she grew up dusting crops in her parent's T-16 back on Tatooine. So when things started to get hairy she sought the quickest way out.
Jessica took another sip from her drink and continued to scroll down through the list of job openings. A sudden movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention, and she instantly felt that something was not right. She glanced up from the datapad and caught sight of two New Republic security officers entering the cantina. Not good, she thought to herself, quickly glancing about for an escape route. Only one door in or out, just great.
Just then her eyes settled upon a trandoshan and an idea began to form. I'd hate to do this, but-- she thought just before she hurled her drink at the back of the trandoshan's head. The glass shattered against his skull and the alien shot out of his seat with a furious look on his face.
"Who threw that," he roared.
"He did," Jessica exclaimed, looking very afraid and pointing at a man sitting some distance behind the trandoshan. "He said you were the ugliest thing he had ever seen just before he threw his drink at you."
The trandoshan wasted little time, roaring in anger and pouncing on the unsuspecting patron, burying his fist into the man's face as his friends watched in shock. Just then another man stood up from somewhere on the other side of the cantina and shouted, "Bar fight!"
Suddenly the cantina erupted into an enormous brawl. Patrons all over the bar were hopping out of their seats and slugging anyone within arm's reach. Jessica glanced back at the two NR officers who ended up getting sucked unwillingly into the violence. Smiling slightly the lithe little girl quickly made her escape, slipping through the front door unnoticed by either the NR officers or the warring bar patrons.
"Well, that was easier than I thought it would be," she said, smiling to herself as she watched the carnage from outside the cantina. The two New Republic officers were now waist deep in drunken bar patrons trying desperately to get the situation under control. "I do hope no one bruises their pretty faces," she muttered smugly to herself as she turned to leave. But just as she was leaving another man was entering, and the two met rather abruptly. "Ooph," she cried, landing on her rump after crashing into the man.
"Hey watch where you're--," she started, but she stopped suddenly when she glanced up at the man. He was wearing a black suit with matching boots and a cloak pulled tightly about his shoulders. His face was handsome, and though he had a calm demeanor Jessica could clearly tell that he carried himself like a warrior. And his eyes, she could plainly see the grim determination in his eyes, yet at the same time the man seemed somehow lost. "Going," she finished meakly, staring up at him in stunned wonder. Who is this guy? And what's with the robe?
Truth be told, Jessica was qualified to pilot just about any type of vehicle imaginable, ranging from small hovercraft to intergalactic starships. And she was able to maintain and repair these vehicles as necessary to keep them in working order. And, if necessary, she also possessed the technical know-how to slice the onboard computers to give herself full access to the ship's systems. As for her piloting skills, well Malvek was right, she was incredibly wreckless, but she was also incredibly good, or at the very least incredibly lucky. She was no starfighter pilot, however, she grew up dusting crops in her parent's T-16 back on Tatooine. So when things started to get hairy she sought the quickest way out.
Jessica took another sip from her drink and continued to scroll down through the list of job openings. A sudden movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention, and she instantly felt that something was not right. She glanced up from the datapad and caught sight of two New Republic security officers entering the cantina. Not good, she thought to herself, quickly glancing about for an escape route. Only one door in or out, just great.
Just then her eyes settled upon a trandoshan and an idea began to form. I'd hate to do this, but-- she thought just before she hurled her drink at the back of the trandoshan's head. The glass shattered against his skull and the alien shot out of his seat with a furious look on his face.
"Who threw that," he roared.
"He did," Jessica exclaimed, looking very afraid and pointing at a man sitting some distance behind the trandoshan. "He said you were the ugliest thing he had ever seen just before he threw his drink at you."
The trandoshan wasted little time, roaring in anger and pouncing on the unsuspecting patron, burying his fist into the man's face as his friends watched in shock. Just then another man stood up from somewhere on the other side of the cantina and shouted, "Bar fight!"
Suddenly the cantina erupted into an enormous brawl. Patrons all over the bar were hopping out of their seats and slugging anyone within arm's reach. Jessica glanced back at the two NR officers who ended up getting sucked unwillingly into the violence. Smiling slightly the lithe little girl quickly made her escape, slipping through the front door unnoticed by either the NR officers or the warring bar patrons.
"Well, that was easier than I thought it would be," she said, smiling to herself as she watched the carnage from outside the cantina. The two New Republic officers were now waist deep in drunken bar patrons trying desperately to get the situation under control. "I do hope no one bruises their pretty faces," she muttered smugly to herself as she turned to leave. But just as she was leaving another man was entering, and the two met rather abruptly. "Ooph," she cried, landing on her rump after crashing into the man.
"Hey watch where you're--," she started, but she stopped suddenly when she glanced up at the man. He was wearing a black suit with matching boots and a cloak pulled tightly about his shoulders. His face was handsome, and though he had a calm demeanor Jessica could clearly tell that he carried himself like a warrior. And his eyes, she could plainly see the grim determination in his eyes, yet at the same time the man seemed somehow lost. "Going," she finished meakly, staring up at him in stunned wonder. Who is this guy? And what's with the robe?
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic
"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
OOC: Getting tired of waiting on Cameo over at the Gait Hunt thread.
So, this is one of those assumption instances, where it is assumed that the meeting is done between Cadden and his father and Cameo. (Like it should have been one week ago.
Incoming Transmission
Attempting to Trace...
Trace Failed
To: Cazzik Wyn
From: Cadden Blackthorne
Somehow, I'm not surprised that you are alive. However, you will have to forgive my suspicion - the galaxy can be a cruel place. My sons and I know nothing about the whereabouts of your sons. However, we may provided some assistance, however limited, to get you started on track. I might be able to pick up a trail for you to follow. You will need to provide me your coordinates so that we may meet up and continue this in a more secure manner.
End transmission
OOC: Just send your response via this thread. Don't worry about any others. I'll be having Cadden active here for the duration he is needed.

Incoming Transmission
Attempting to Trace...
Trace Failed
To: Cazzik Wyn
From: Cadden Blackthorne
Somehow, I'm not surprised that you are alive. However, you will have to forgive my suspicion - the galaxy can be a cruel place. My sons and I know nothing about the whereabouts of your sons. However, we may provided some assistance, however limited, to get you started on track. I might be able to pick up a trail for you to follow. You will need to provide me your coordinates so that we may meet up and continue this in a more secure manner.
End transmission
OOC: Just send your response via this thread. Don't worry about any others. I'll be having Cadden active here for the duration he is needed.
Dark Lord of the Grill
Posts: 1916
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Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:41 am
Location: Searching for a nursing home for Nichalus
OOC: Sorry guys. I feel a lot better now.
Cazzik had felt a disturbance in the Force. Something was definately on the station with him other than the normal less-than-legal-opportunistic individuals. He didn't move fast enough to get out of the way of the woman who came barging through, the one he knew to have started the bar fight. He had watched her throw a drink at the back of a Trandoshan's head. Not the brightest thing he had ever seen, and yet she pulled it off without being caught.
She looked up at him, apparently not sure what to make of the dark stranger. His stern face remained motionless as he pondered whether to help her or not. She was running from the New Republic. Soliders had entered when she made the distraction. Cazzik, too, was not interested in being discovered by any governments at the moment.
"Get up and follow me. I can help you elude the troops."
Cazzik turned and started on his way back to the ship, turning to make sure she was going to follow. He sensed something about this girl, she could be of great use, a potentially powerful ally, and Wyn needed allies. And beyond that, there was a very strong urgence from his gut instinctis to get off the station now.
Cazzik had felt a disturbance in the Force. Something was definately on the station with him other than the normal less-than-legal-opportunistic individuals. He didn't move fast enough to get out of the way of the woman who came barging through, the one he knew to have started the bar fight. He had watched her throw a drink at the back of a Trandoshan's head. Not the brightest thing he had ever seen, and yet she pulled it off without being caught.
She looked up at him, apparently not sure what to make of the dark stranger. His stern face remained motionless as he pondered whether to help her or not. She was running from the New Republic. Soliders had entered when she made the distraction. Cazzik, too, was not interested in being discovered by any governments at the moment.
"Get up and follow me. I can help you elude the troops."
Cazzik turned and started on his way back to the ship, turning to make sure she was going to follow. He sensed something about this girl, she could be of great use, a potentially powerful ally, and Wyn needed allies. And beyond that, there was a very strong urgence from his gut instinctis to get off the station now.
Last edited by Cazzik on Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
Dark Lord of the Grill
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Location: Earth
Jessica watched him leave speechless and, without discerning any plausible reason why, she got up to follow him. "What am I doing," she asked herself quietly, "I don't even know this guy and he just decides to help me?" She hurried her step a bit to catch up with the stranger.
"Well, I suppose I've been on worse dates," she told him cheerily, "Though, I must say of all the men I've ever met your pick up line has to be the most original. 'Get up and follow me. I can help you elude the troops,'" she repeated, pondering over the line as if studying it, "It's unique, for sure, but you might want to spice it up a bit. Say something like, 'Come with me if you want to live.'"
She watched him for a moment, but the man said nothing. "I don't suppose my rescuer will at least tell me his name," she asked inquiringly.
"Well, I suppose I've been on worse dates," she told him cheerily, "Though, I must say of all the men I've ever met your pick up line has to be the most original. 'Get up and follow me. I can help you elude the troops,'" she repeated, pondering over the line as if studying it, "It's unique, for sure, but you might want to spice it up a bit. Say something like, 'Come with me if you want to live.'"
She watched him for a moment, but the man said nothing. "I don't suppose my rescuer will at least tell me his name," she asked inquiringly.
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic
"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
"Certified Local Madman"
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The Jedi was on the station. The whispers told him that much, oh yes, they did. Was it him who had urged him to stay after the kill? That the whispers did not tell.
Quietly the hunter slipped to the docking bay where the Jedis ship was located. A corvette usually carried a sizeable crew... But this one was devoid of life. Slaved? Or droid-manned? The hunter pondered his options. He could probably slip onboard. But would the Jedi be able to detect him if he just rode along?
He decided against it. However, there was something he had to do before he could follow the Jedi. Sneaking across the hull undetected, he placed a tiny tracer beacon betweem two engine exhaust ports. It would be safe enough there, and the radiation would make detecting it fairly difficult.
He was confident that he would be able to follow the Jedi without it... But the tracer would make sure of it.
Slowly and carefully, he made his way back to his own ship.
Quietly the hunter slipped to the docking bay where the Jedis ship was located. A corvette usually carried a sizeable crew... But this one was devoid of life. Slaved? Or droid-manned? The hunter pondered his options. He could probably slip onboard. But would the Jedi be able to detect him if he just rode along?
He decided against it. However, there was something he had to do before he could follow the Jedi. Sneaking across the hull undetected, he placed a tiny tracer beacon betweem two engine exhaust ports. It would be safe enough there, and the radiation would make detecting it fairly difficult.
He was confident that he would be able to follow the Jedi without it... But the tracer would make sure of it.
Slowly and carefully, he made his way back to his own ship.
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Location: Searching for a nursing home for Nichalus
Cazzik didn't respond to the woman. He listened to her continuous chatting all the way to the ship and stopped dead outside entrance. He looked around. Whatever was making the Force urge him to leave had been here, very recently. It was time to go. He turned to the woman.
"My name is Cazzik. I have a Corellian Corvette that is completely crewed by droids. I need a pilot and a mechanic. If you can do either of those than you're hired. But you need to decide quickly, I have to leave now."
Sorry, thats all I have time for right at the moment.
"My name is Cazzik. I have a Corellian Corvette that is completely crewed by droids. I need a pilot and a mechanic. If you can do either of those than you're hired. But you need to decide quickly, I have to leave now."
Sorry, thats all I have time for right at the moment.
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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"Well, sure I can fix just about anything you need me to," she told him matter-of-factly, "and for your information you're looking at the best pilot in the whole galaxy. Whatever you need me to fly I can fly it, but we've yet to discuss what sort of payment I'll receive."
The man turned away then and started leave. "Wait," she called after him, hurrying to catch up with him, "I'll do it, we can talk about payment later."
The man turned away then and started leave. "Wait," she called after him, hurrying to catch up with him, "I'll do it, we can talk about payment later."
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic
"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
"Certified Local Madman"
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The hunter waited, his thoughts drifting, in his ship.
A Jedi is here...
Whispers filled his mind... The whispers carried by the Jedi and his own, normally burrowed deep within his mind.
Follow the Jedi...
It had been so long, since the hunter had felt this... Longer than most beings were alive.
And it tugged at the hunter, disturbed him... Feared him. A slumbering, unyielding call, full of hate, anger and bloodlust.
He hadn't felt it since Ossus. And now the call was back, stronger than ever.
Kill the Jedi !
The hunters conscious snapped back. Slowly, the ship undocked from the station.
The hunter waited, his thoughts drifting, in his ship.
A Jedi is here...
Whispers filled his mind... The whispers carried by the Jedi and his own, normally burrowed deep within his mind.
Follow the Jedi...
It had been so long, since the hunter had felt this... Longer than most beings were alive.
And it tugged at the hunter, disturbed him... Feared him. A slumbering, unyielding call, full of hate, anger and bloodlust.
He hadn't felt it since Ossus. And now the call was back, stronger than ever.
Kill the Jedi !
The hunters conscious snapped back. Slowly, the ship undocked from the station.
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Location: Searching for a nursing home for Nichalus
Sorry guys. My parents' internet went down. But I'll be able to get on for the next couple of days before I head back over there.
Cadden, let me know if we are going to meet or if they should go directly to Crystal Shard Point.
Cazzik nodded at her.
"Good. I promise I'll do my best to make it worth your while. But we must leave now."
Wyn turned and walked up the ramp. Once Jessica was inside he ordered the droids to take off and plot a course for Crystal Shard Point. He turned from the communicator on the wall back to the woman.
"Now, follow me. I'll show you to your quarters."
The Jedi Master led her to a rather spacious room.
"I hope this will do. If not, there are several other, unoccupied rooms. Get yourself settled and meet me on the bridge."
With that, Cazzik turned and left the woman alone.
The rain was strong, as it always was. Azriel was soaked, though the cold didn't bother her much. Next to her stood the newly and temporarily reconstructed body of K471. Both of Kamulos' servants watched as the old Headhunter fighter set itself down on the landing ramp. The hatch opened and a man in black and silver Mandalorian armor climbed out. Kir Varrus.
He was an imposing figure; a deadly warrior. And what was more, was he was a true Mandalorian, like his ancestors before him. However, in recent times their kind dwindled, and some, like Kir Varrus, found themselves working for some very dark powers. The warrior walked up to Azriel and bowed his head slightly at her. She did the same.
"Varrus. This is K471, the leader of the once infamous Cult Mechanicus."
Kir looked the cyborg over.
"You are not a droid."
K471 responded in his, still, monotone voice.
"No. I was once human, like you and Azriel. A disease crippled my body, one that would have claimed my life. But I managed to save myself, in a way."
The Mandalorian stared for a few moments longer before turning back to Azriel.
"What does Lord Kamulos need with me?"
Azriel shook her head as she motioned for him to enter the building.
"You will have to ask him yourself."
Sorry guys. My parents' internet went down. But I'll be able to get on for the next couple of days before I head back over there.
Cadden, let me know if we are going to meet or if they should go directly to Crystal Shard Point.
Cazzik nodded at her.
"Good. I promise I'll do my best to make it worth your while. But we must leave now."
Wyn turned and walked up the ramp. Once Jessica was inside he ordered the droids to take off and plot a course for Crystal Shard Point. He turned from the communicator on the wall back to the woman.
"Now, follow me. I'll show you to your quarters."
The Jedi Master led her to a rather spacious room.
"I hope this will do. If not, there are several other, unoccupied rooms. Get yourself settled and meet me on the bridge."
With that, Cazzik turned and left the woman alone.
The rain was strong, as it always was. Azriel was soaked, though the cold didn't bother her much. Next to her stood the newly and temporarily reconstructed body of K471. Both of Kamulos' servants watched as the old Headhunter fighter set itself down on the landing ramp. The hatch opened and a man in black and silver Mandalorian armor climbed out. Kir Varrus.
He was an imposing figure; a deadly warrior. And what was more, was he was a true Mandalorian, like his ancestors before him. However, in recent times their kind dwindled, and some, like Kir Varrus, found themselves working for some very dark powers. The warrior walked up to Azriel and bowed his head slightly at her. She did the same.
"Varrus. This is K471, the leader of the once infamous Cult Mechanicus."
Kir looked the cyborg over.
"You are not a droid."
K471 responded in his, still, monotone voice.
"No. I was once human, like you and Azriel. A disease crippled my body, one that would have claimed my life. But I managed to save myself, in a way."
The Mandalorian stared for a few moments longer before turning back to Azriel.
"What does Lord Kamulos need with me?"
Azriel shook her head as she motioned for him to enter the building.
"You will have to ask him yourself."
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
OOC: Was hoping to meet you on MSN last night, Cazzik, but I'll just do some time jumping so that you're not waiting on me. Regardless, We'll meet at Crystal Shard Point.
A lone VCX-820 dropped out of hyperspace at the coordinates given to them. Cadden looked out of the viewport, at the destination Cazzik had given them. So, this was Crystal Shard Point. He couldn't help but sense that it housed at least a few Force-sensitive individuals, possibly even Jedi. He sighed. Of all the places, he mused. "Crystal Shard Point, this is the Hellfire," he announced over the comm. "We request permission to land. We were told to meet someone here for personal business."
OOC: Weak, I know, but meh.
A lone VCX-820 dropped out of hyperspace at the coordinates given to them. Cadden looked out of the viewport, at the destination Cazzik had given them. So, this was Crystal Shard Point. He couldn't help but sense that it housed at least a few Force-sensitive individuals, possibly even Jedi. He sighed. Of all the places, he mused. "Crystal Shard Point, this is the Hellfire," he announced over the comm. "We request permission to land. We were told to meet someone here for personal business."
OOC: Weak, I know, but meh.
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"Welcome to Crystal Shard Point, Hellfire, please proceed to docking bay 32 and enjoy your stay." Talia looked out the large windows of the control center at the new arrival.
"Looks like we have a meeting happening here, get some extra guards around the bar area, hate for anything to happen."
Crystal felt the new presense, a force user was comming close to the station, she had spent some time with Adam and Arralynn of whom she had no doubt was her sister now.
"I think I'm going to go welcome the ship that just docked myself." Crystal motioned for Arralynn to stay while she walked down to the docking bays.
"Looks like we have a meeting happening here, get some extra guards around the bar area, hate for anything to happen."
Crystal felt the new presense, a force user was comming close to the station, she had spent some time with Adam and Arralynn of whom she had no doubt was her sister now.
"I think I'm going to go welcome the ship that just docked myself." Crystal motioned for Arralynn to stay while she walked down to the docking bays.
OOC: Actually, you should be able to sense four Force users. 
After the Hellfire landed, Cadden, followed by Dalen, Jerik, Guan, Ryy'Suuk, and Sil'ais, walked down the now-lowered boarding ramp. Someone was waiting for them, evidently just arrived in the docking bay. Cadden stretched out, and felt the Force flowing through her, and raised an eyebrow. "It's not every day that I get to be greeted by a Jedi," he mentioned. "Guess I've been running a lucky streak of late."

After the Hellfire landed, Cadden, followed by Dalen, Jerik, Guan, Ryy'Suuk, and Sil'ais, walked down the now-lowered boarding ramp. Someone was waiting for them, evidently just arrived in the docking bay. Cadden stretched out, and felt the Force flowing through her, and raised an eyebrow. "It's not every day that I get to be greeted by a Jedi," he mentioned. "Guess I've been running a lucky streak of late."
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Crystal smiled at the man as he spoke.
"And it's not everyday that someone who has as much control over the force, as it appears you do, drops in on my doorstep either." Crystal reached out with the force to try to get a sense of motivation of why he was there, but didn't get anything from him.
"My name is Crystal Roshia. I'd like to personally welcome you to our station, may I ask what brings you here?"
"And it's not everyday that someone who has as much control over the force, as it appears you do, drops in on my doorstep either." Crystal reached out with the force to try to get a sense of motivation of why he was there, but didn't get anything from him.
"My name is Crystal Roshia. I'd like to personally welcome you to our station, may I ask what brings you here?"
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"I hope this will do. If not, there are several other, unoccupied rooms. Get yourself settled and meet me on the bridge," the man told her before leaving Jessica alone with her own personal thoughts. He's ordering me around already and I haven't even been settled in yet, she thought to herself as she rather informally dropped her bag on the bunk where she would be sleeping. The room was rather spacious, she had to admit. Probably even larger than her last apartment, so she had few complaints. The only problem she had with it was how cold the room felt. Not in a sense that she was feezing, mind you, but in a sense of how lifeless it was. Oh well, she guessed her stay on this ship would be a rather extended one, so she had plenty of time to liven it up.
Either way she was expected on the bridge, and something told her that Cazzik was not the type that liked to be kept waiting. So, without bothering to put her things away properly, she left the room and headed for the bridge. She passed several droids along the way, but for the most part they seemed to ignore her and go about their duties. Great, the company's about as cold and lifeless as my new boss, she thought upon entering the bridge. On one side of the bridge Cazzik stood over a computer screen double checking some figures one of the droids had provided him with. Possibly their next destination.
"It's good to see that you're keeping yourself busy," Jessica said as she approached him, "but before you find something to occupy me with why don't you explain a few things first? Like, for instance, why help me avoid what is obviously the law in this sector? And how did you know I was looking for a job? But let's not get ahead of ourselves," she said, taking a seat right next to him and swivelling the chair around to look him in the face. "You don't look like the type who goes around helping criminals much, so why pick me to be your pilot? And how can you be so sure that I'm not dangerous? Oh, and what's with the robe? Are you like trying to be a Jedi, or something?"
Either way she was expected on the bridge, and something told her that Cazzik was not the type that liked to be kept waiting. So, without bothering to put her things away properly, she left the room and headed for the bridge. She passed several droids along the way, but for the most part they seemed to ignore her and go about their duties. Great, the company's about as cold and lifeless as my new boss, she thought upon entering the bridge. On one side of the bridge Cazzik stood over a computer screen double checking some figures one of the droids had provided him with. Possibly their next destination.
"It's good to see that you're keeping yourself busy," Jessica said as she approached him, "but before you find something to occupy me with why don't you explain a few things first? Like, for instance, why help me avoid what is obviously the law in this sector? And how did you know I was looking for a job? But let's not get ahead of ourselves," she said, taking a seat right next to him and swivelling the chair around to look him in the face. "You don't look like the type who goes around helping criminals much, so why pick me to be your pilot? And how can you be so sure that I'm not dangerous? Oh, and what's with the robe? Are you like trying to be a Jedi, or something?"
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic
"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
"I'm here to meet with an old friend," Cadden responded to Crystal's inquest. He looked around, as if this were the only docking bay on the station. (OOC: If it is, sorry.
) "It appears as though I am early."
Guan, behind him, nodded. "I do not sense Cazzik's presence on the station," he agreed. "Are you sure he meant here?"
Cadden nodded in response. "These are the coordinates he sent," he responded. Cadden then looked at Crystal. "Evidently, we will be staying here for a while, until he arrives." He didn't feel the need to say more.

Guan, behind him, nodded. "I do not sense Cazzik's presence on the station," he agreed. "Are you sure he meant here?"
Cadden nodded in response. "These are the coordinates he sent," he responded. Cadden then looked at Crystal. "Evidently, we will be staying here for a while, until he arrives." He didn't feel the need to say more.
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Location: Searching for a nursing home for Nichalus
Pryde, Cazzik isn't wearing robes. He is wearing a suit similar to Luke when he fought Vader on the second Death Star. Not a huge deal though.
Cazzik stared at her for a long while. She was strong willed; that was good.
"To start with, yes, I am a Jedi," he motioned to the lightsaber that hung at his belt. "I like to think I've always been a good judge of talent. You looked like you could be handy on a starship. Most people at the Corellian Dream aren't exactly legitimate business men, so I had all ready figured you were probably a criminal of some sort. To what end you'll have to tell me."
He turned and walked over to a console to check the ETA of their trip to Crystal Shard Point. He saw they were nearly there and turned back to Jessica.
"I assumed you were looking for work, it is what most people are doing at that particular station. And as for helping you elude the authorities, well, I have learned that just because someone is a criminal doesn't mean they are a bad person who is hellbent on betraying you. Some of the greatest people I've ever met have been criminals at one point or another."
He walked over and took a seat and swiveled it around to look at her.
"We are headed to Crystal Shard Point. It is another space station. I have business there. But before we arrive I must tell you everything. You shouldn't ally yourself with me without knowing all there is to know."
Cazzik took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He hated this part. Telling someone who he used to be, a Dark Jedi Master, still despised throughout much of the galaxy was not pleasant.
"To start with, I was recently brought back from the dead. I am uncertain of how, but I believe it to be the work of a Dark Jedi or Sith. A powerful one at that. I don't know much at this point," he paused for a moment to let it sink in. "I died at the hands of Quinis Asanis, the ruler of the Anari Alliance. I have no idea whether that government still stands or not, nor if he is dead or alive. I have three sons, all of whom I have no clue to their whereabouts. I am searching for them."
He sighed and looked away for a moment.
"My name is recognized by many throughout the galaxy. And not for brave deeds I might add. I once worked for the Galactic Empire. I hunted down Jedi and slaughtered them. But it wasn't until I broke away from any galactic government that my name was truly known. I lead the Dark Force Fleet. I massacred hundreds, and bombarded planets to no end. I murdered every Jedi, young and old, that I could find. Eventually, I saw something in myself that made me turn from the Dark Side. I surrendered to my........." he paused. The thought of Jade and Esran still stung a bit. "I surrendered to my ex and her husband. They took me into custody. Eventually I earned a fraction of trust and I was released. I married her sister and had a child. I wasn't a very good father nor husband, and they left. I have done what I can to make the galaxy safer since. But most people still want nothing to do with me once they learn my name."
His eyes connected with hers. This is the part he hated. Telling them his full name.
"I am a Jedi Master now. But I was once the Dark Jedi, Cazzik Wyn."
He did not look away. He waited for a response.
Pryde, Cazzik isn't wearing robes. He is wearing a suit similar to Luke when he fought Vader on the second Death Star. Not a huge deal though.
Cazzik stared at her for a long while. She was strong willed; that was good.
"To start with, yes, I am a Jedi," he motioned to the lightsaber that hung at his belt. "I like to think I've always been a good judge of talent. You looked like you could be handy on a starship. Most people at the Corellian Dream aren't exactly legitimate business men, so I had all ready figured you were probably a criminal of some sort. To what end you'll have to tell me."
He turned and walked over to a console to check the ETA of their trip to Crystal Shard Point. He saw they were nearly there and turned back to Jessica.
"I assumed you were looking for work, it is what most people are doing at that particular station. And as for helping you elude the authorities, well, I have learned that just because someone is a criminal doesn't mean they are a bad person who is hellbent on betraying you. Some of the greatest people I've ever met have been criminals at one point or another."
He walked over and took a seat and swiveled it around to look at her.
"We are headed to Crystal Shard Point. It is another space station. I have business there. But before we arrive I must tell you everything. You shouldn't ally yourself with me without knowing all there is to know."
Cazzik took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He hated this part. Telling someone who he used to be, a Dark Jedi Master, still despised throughout much of the galaxy was not pleasant.
"To start with, I was recently brought back from the dead. I am uncertain of how, but I believe it to be the work of a Dark Jedi or Sith. A powerful one at that. I don't know much at this point," he paused for a moment to let it sink in. "I died at the hands of Quinis Asanis, the ruler of the Anari Alliance. I have no idea whether that government still stands or not, nor if he is dead or alive. I have three sons, all of whom I have no clue to their whereabouts. I am searching for them."
He sighed and looked away for a moment.
"My name is recognized by many throughout the galaxy. And not for brave deeds I might add. I once worked for the Galactic Empire. I hunted down Jedi and slaughtered them. But it wasn't until I broke away from any galactic government that my name was truly known. I lead the Dark Force Fleet. I massacred hundreds, and bombarded planets to no end. I murdered every Jedi, young and old, that I could find. Eventually, I saw something in myself that made me turn from the Dark Side. I surrendered to my........." he paused. The thought of Jade and Esran still stung a bit. "I surrendered to my ex and her husband. They took me into custody. Eventually I earned a fraction of trust and I was released. I married her sister and had a child. I wasn't a very good father nor husband, and they left. I have done what I can to make the galaxy safer since. But most people still want nothing to do with me once they learn my name."
His eyes connected with hers. This is the part he hated. Telling them his full name.
"I am a Jedi Master now. But I was once the Dark Jedi, Cazzik Wyn."
He did not look away. He waited for a response.
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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Crystal Shard Point
That was where the Jedi was going. He could feel him through the whispers roaming hyperspace. He would not loose him now.
He was the hunter, and he never lost a trail.
This one was special, however. Not exactly like a Jedi... Darker. Deadlier. The voices surrounding him spoke of death and pain.
An almost feral growl escaped the hunters lips. He would take great pleasure in this hunt.
Something tugged at the back of his mind. He felt something... more than just this strange Jedi on the corvette.
Carefuly, he reinforced his mental shield. He could sense disturbances in the force... It would not be easy to remain undetected.
That was where the Jedi was going. He could feel him through the whispers roaming hyperspace. He would not loose him now.
He was the hunter, and he never lost a trail.
This one was special, however. Not exactly like a Jedi... Darker. Deadlier. The voices surrounding him spoke of death and pain.
An almost feral growl escaped the hunters lips. He would take great pleasure in this hunt.
Something tugged at the back of his mind. He felt something... more than just this strange Jedi on the corvette.
Carefuly, he reinforced his mental shield. He could sense disturbances in the force... It would not be easy to remain undetected.
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Crystal looked at the man, and had no reason to disbelieve him.
"Well, if you would follow me, I'll show you to the part of this station that you will most likely feel most comfortable in. It is off limits to everyone except the Jedi, and Talia the owner of this station."
Crystal walked through the bay doors and made her way to the lift for the top levels of the station.
"Well, if you would follow me, I'll show you to the part of this station that you will most likely feel most comfortable in. It is off limits to everyone except the Jedi, and Talia the owner of this station."
Crystal walked through the bay doors and made her way to the lift for the top levels of the station.
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OOC: Well, you were wearing a cloak with a hood earlier when you were on the station, and that's kinda like a robe. 
IC: "Okay," Jessica replied, unsure of what to say. The magnitude of everything he said still hung over her and she was unsure of what to think of it all. "Well then, first I'll need a full diagnostic of this ship," she began, "Everything from weapon's loadouts to cargo manifests. I'll need to know how heavy we're running and what modifications I'll need to make," she just barely caught the pained look on Cazzik's face, "Don't worry, I'm not going to sabotage your ship. I'll just need to make a few changes to help her run faster. I have a feeling we're going to need all the speed we can muster out of this thing."

IC: "Okay," Jessica replied, unsure of what to say. The magnitude of everything he said still hung over her and she was unsure of what to think of it all. "Well then, first I'll need a full diagnostic of this ship," she began, "Everything from weapon's loadouts to cargo manifests. I'll need to know how heavy we're running and what modifications I'll need to make," she just barely caught the pained look on Cazzik's face, "Don't worry, I'm not going to sabotage your ship. I'll just need to make a few changes to help her run faster. I have a feeling we're going to need all the speed we can muster out of this thing."
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic
"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
"Certified Local Madman"
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OOC: Uhm...anyone still alive?
Their resistance, while brave, was futile.
Slowly the hunter turned his head, taking in the carnage he had brought upon the crew of the old Action IV freighter. Only its captain survived, staring blankly out of the viewport, into hyperspace.
It had pained him little, slaughtering the smugglers. They, too, were not worth the air they were breathing. Few beings in the galaxy were, as far as the hunter was concerned.
They had fought, but to no avail. The hunter failed not. Mere smugglers would not stop him. Never.
Motionless he remained for hours, until the laser-scarred freighter finally dropped out of hyperspace near Crystal Shard Point.
The captain moved slowly, like an automaton, and opened a channel to the station.
"Crystal Shard Point, this is the freighter Diaspora requesting docking clearance. We had a run in with pirates and need a place for repair and resupply."
The hunter took great care to hide his presence here. He was not about to be revealed... Not yet.
Their resistance, while brave, was futile.
Slowly the hunter turned his head, taking in the carnage he had brought upon the crew of the old Action IV freighter. Only its captain survived, staring blankly out of the viewport, into hyperspace.
It had pained him little, slaughtering the smugglers. They, too, were not worth the air they were breathing. Few beings in the galaxy were, as far as the hunter was concerned.
They had fought, but to no avail. The hunter failed not. Mere smugglers would not stop him. Never.
Motionless he remained for hours, until the laser-scarred freighter finally dropped out of hyperspace near Crystal Shard Point.
The captain moved slowly, like an automaton, and opened a channel to the station.
"Crystal Shard Point, this is the freighter Diaspora requesting docking clearance. We had a run in with pirates and need a place for repair and resupply."
The hunter took great care to hide his presence here. He was not about to be revealed... Not yet.
Dark Lord of the Grill
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Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:41 am
Location: Searching for a nursing home for Nichalus
OOC: I am REALLY sorry. I ended up getting another roommate so I had to move. We just now got our internet back. Anyway, here to stay now. Moving is all done. Let me know if everyone is still on the thread so I know what to post. Thanks.
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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"Diaspora, this is Crystal Shard point. Please dock at the following coordinates. Welcome to Crystal Shard Point, and enjoy your stay." Talia returned to her scanning of the local news, as well as keeping an eye on all the ships that were comming to the station.
Crystal had taken the guests to the top floors, where the levels were for Jedi only.
"This is where we put the Jedi who are on the station." she said as the doors opened into the garden. "This used to be Master Knight's ship, we have intergrated it into the station to be used as a place for training Jedi, feel free to wander about the station if you desire, or stay here. When Cazzik arrives, I will bring him up here." Crystal smiled then motioned to the two, and walked them down the hallway. "Here are some quarters for you both, enjoy your stay. I'm going to go welcome a friend back. Unless you need anything else?"
Crystal had taken the guests to the top floors, where the levels were for Jedi only.
"This is where we put the Jedi who are on the station." she said as the doors opened into the garden. "This used to be Master Knight's ship, we have intergrated it into the station to be used as a place for training Jedi, feel free to wander about the station if you desire, or stay here. When Cazzik arrives, I will bring him up here." Crystal smiled then motioned to the two, and walked them down the hallway. "Here are some quarters for you both, enjoy your stay. I'm going to go welcome a friend back. Unless you need anything else?"
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