Vice and Virtue
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Location: Sunny Florida
Vice and Virtue
A swirling ebb of blue stars and light danced almost playfully around the nose of the Imperial Landing Craft. The blue hue flittered about on the steel gray fuselage, and reflected brightly off the dark tinted viewport. Inside, the two pilots adjusted settings and glanced back and forth, making sure all their instruments were set to prime conditions. There wouldn't be any slip-ups with this operation. A third passenger strode up to the cockpit and leaned by the pilot's seat. He was wearing a gray-tinted camouflage jacket with matching shirt and pants. It was the standard-issue urban Battle Dress Uniform for the Rebellion at the time, and Captain David Winters was pleased when they found some that fit. He made sure the E-11 blaster rifle attached to his belt wasn't going to trip him up when he moved and asked, "what's our time to reversion?"
"Not terribly long, Captain." The pilot reached down and punched a few commands in the navacomputer. "About ten minutes, sir, if you'd like, you can start prepping now."
"That's a good idea, Lieutenant. Keep her steady." Captain Winters patted the man on the shoulder and did an about face, leaving the cockpit area.
"Ten minutes!" he said as he reentered the cargo compartment. Inside was the rest of the elite Black Nova squadron, including its CO, Commander Sarn Val Ozan, and it's Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander Kirin Tsukino. They both nodded as the Training Officer informed them of the time to reversion. Captain Winters took his seat next to his old war buddy, Kyle Tellix, now a bona fide member of the Black Nova Squadron.
Kyle and David had been wingmates years back when they were both enlisted in the Imperial Navy as TIE pilots. When Winters had been shot down for treason, and presumed dead, Tellix had thought he had lost a good friend. Years later, Black Nova, and Winters raided an Imperial Star Destroyer, and with Tellix's help, managed to destroy an Interdictor Cruiser and flee with their lives. Ever since then, Tellix and Winters had been nearly inseperable, always sharing information and joking amongst themselves. And they always had a friendly competition in dogfights over the better performance. Of course neither would ever mention the possibility that they could be killed if either one slipped up. Such things weren't really discussed amongst the squadron.
Soon there was a quick jolt as the landing craft exited hyperspace and reverted to realspace. "Novas, target in sight, floating dead. Sensors indicate multiple life forms on board, looks like the passengers survived."
Commander Sarn picked up a mic. "And Silverblade Squadron?"
The pilot said, "hold on a moment," and changed frequencies. "Silverblade Squadron, this is Instigator, we are preparing for boarding run, what is your status? I say again, Silverblade Squadron, report in."
"Not terribly long, Captain." The pilot reached down and punched a few commands in the navacomputer. "About ten minutes, sir, if you'd like, you can start prepping now."
"That's a good idea, Lieutenant. Keep her steady." Captain Winters patted the man on the shoulder and did an about face, leaving the cockpit area.
"Ten minutes!" he said as he reentered the cargo compartment. Inside was the rest of the elite Black Nova squadron, including its CO, Commander Sarn Val Ozan, and it's Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander Kirin Tsukino. They both nodded as the Training Officer informed them of the time to reversion. Captain Winters took his seat next to his old war buddy, Kyle Tellix, now a bona fide member of the Black Nova Squadron.
Kyle and David had been wingmates years back when they were both enlisted in the Imperial Navy as TIE pilots. When Winters had been shot down for treason, and presumed dead, Tellix had thought he had lost a good friend. Years later, Black Nova, and Winters raided an Imperial Star Destroyer, and with Tellix's help, managed to destroy an Interdictor Cruiser and flee with their lives. Ever since then, Tellix and Winters had been nearly inseperable, always sharing information and joking amongst themselves. And they always had a friendly competition in dogfights over the better performance. Of course neither would ever mention the possibility that they could be killed if either one slipped up. Such things weren't really discussed amongst the squadron.
Soon there was a quick jolt as the landing craft exited hyperspace and reverted to realspace. "Novas, target in sight, floating dead. Sensors indicate multiple life forms on board, looks like the passengers survived."
Commander Sarn picked up a mic. "And Silverblade Squadron?"
The pilot said, "hold on a moment," and changed frequencies. "Silverblade Squadron, this is Instigator, we are preparing for boarding run, what is your status? I say again, Silverblade Squadron, report in."
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
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Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
As winters steeped back into the main hold where Sarn and the others were waiting. Each member of the outfit was eager to get into the thick of battle; each man had their weapons of choice ready at their sides or in hand. For sarn it was his trusty DL-44 heavy blaster that he had always carried at his side. He was confident that with it he could handle any situation that came up. But still he preferred to avoid conflict at all costs.
Looking up from his small spot in one of the corners of the small cargo area, he noticed one of his squad mates, Captain David Winter, walk in from the cockpit and informed them of how much time they had left before they dropped out of lightspeed. Nodding his head at the young officer, he thanked him for the heads up and pulled his datapad out from one of the pouches on his utility belt.
Quickly running through the mission perimeters that he had downloaded into shortly before heading off. He checked every objective and goal the team needed to fulfill for the operation to be a success. Across from him another member of Black Nova squadron also stood in waiting. The beautiful green skinned twi'lek known as Teresk Sal, was also assigned to the mission. Being the unit’s chief medical officer, she was given the responsibility to aid any of the passengers they rescued. Normally she never went out into the field...but during the coarse of the war; things had drastically begun to change.
Sarn looked up from his datapad and flashed her a small smile, trying to hide his own nervousness. He always became nervous before a start of any mission, but this time he seemed more jittery then usual. Though from the outside, he seemed calm and collected, he was trembling inside. But then again he had always had this feeling before a major operation, so it was for the most part a normal occurrence for him. Teresk herself knew of his condition, but never allowed her self to get concerned with it, at least not in public anyway. In truth she and sarn had been getting closer to each other, ever since the day the first meet back on kwrevon and were very worried about one and another safety, though they tried to play off these feelings as concerns for the well beings of friends, it was pretty obvious that their feelings ran much deeper then that.
Both of them were wearing nearly identical uniforms, except for a few differences. Sarn was dressed in a black body suit with a black blast helmet and his brown utility belt across his waist. While teresk’s was green with a white flak vest, red lekku wrap on her head and her brown utility belt around her waist. Teresk sighed as she watched sarn read over the information in his datapad before putting it away. It always bothered her to see him fret over the smaller details when it came to things like this. And it saddened her to realize that when she first meet him, he had always faced his missions with eagerness and a cocky attitude. But ever since the death of the squadrons first, original leader and the recent loses of most of his squad mates. He had become a bit too serious and a tad high string when on field assignments. “One day I’m going to have to get that man to calm down.” She thought to herself “But where am I going to find a tranquilizer dart powerful enough?" she added jokingly to her last train of though as she pulled out a small medical kit and ran through its contents. Once she was satisfied that she was well equipped for the mission she put it back into one of the numerous compartments on her belt and waited for the reversion into real space. They didn’t have to wait long.
Soon there was a quick jolt as the landing craft exited hyperspace and reverted to realspace. "Novas, target in sight, floating dead. Sensors indicate multiple life forms on board, looks like the passengers survived."
Feeling his anxiety and adrenalin raise, Sarn readed his trusty side arm for action and pulled out his security kit form one of the pouches on his belt.
Even though it was only a rescue mission, he felt he would have the need for such a device, during the course of the mission and wanted to be prepared. As he prepared to lead the squadron into the ailing space shuttle, when a nagging thought suddenly intruded his train of thought.
Sarn reached for the intercom button and picked up a mike. "And Silverblade Squadron?" He asked.
The pilot said, "hold on a moment," and changed frequencies. "Silverblade Squadron, this is Instigator, we are preparing for boarding run, what is your status? I say again, Silverblade Squadron, report in."
. " I really hope These guys can keep our buts covered while we get those people to safety. "he muttered to himself as he waited for their reply.
OOC: I think it would be better if the Novas had code names for this assignment, rather then their sqaud numbers.
Sarn Val Ozan
Call sign-Nova 1/Leader
Code Name: Black Fox
Teresk Sal
Call sign-N/a
Code Name: Twitch ing snake- (cause of her head tails)
Looking up from his small spot in one of the corners of the small cargo area, he noticed one of his squad mates, Captain David Winter, walk in from the cockpit and informed them of how much time they had left before they dropped out of lightspeed. Nodding his head at the young officer, he thanked him for the heads up and pulled his datapad out from one of the pouches on his utility belt.
Quickly running through the mission perimeters that he had downloaded into shortly before heading off. He checked every objective and goal the team needed to fulfill for the operation to be a success. Across from him another member of Black Nova squadron also stood in waiting. The beautiful green skinned twi'lek known as Teresk Sal, was also assigned to the mission. Being the unit’s chief medical officer, she was given the responsibility to aid any of the passengers they rescued. Normally she never went out into the field...but during the coarse of the war; things had drastically begun to change.
Sarn looked up from his datapad and flashed her a small smile, trying to hide his own nervousness. He always became nervous before a start of any mission, but this time he seemed more jittery then usual. Though from the outside, he seemed calm and collected, he was trembling inside. But then again he had always had this feeling before a major operation, so it was for the most part a normal occurrence for him. Teresk herself knew of his condition, but never allowed her self to get concerned with it, at least not in public anyway. In truth she and sarn had been getting closer to each other, ever since the day the first meet back on kwrevon and were very worried about one and another safety, though they tried to play off these feelings as concerns for the well beings of friends, it was pretty obvious that their feelings ran much deeper then that.
Both of them were wearing nearly identical uniforms, except for a few differences. Sarn was dressed in a black body suit with a black blast helmet and his brown utility belt across his waist. While teresk’s was green with a white flak vest, red lekku wrap on her head and her brown utility belt around her waist. Teresk sighed as she watched sarn read over the information in his datapad before putting it away. It always bothered her to see him fret over the smaller details when it came to things like this. And it saddened her to realize that when she first meet him, he had always faced his missions with eagerness and a cocky attitude. But ever since the death of the squadrons first, original leader and the recent loses of most of his squad mates. He had become a bit too serious and a tad high string when on field assignments. “One day I’m going to have to get that man to calm down.” She thought to herself “But where am I going to find a tranquilizer dart powerful enough?" she added jokingly to her last train of though as she pulled out a small medical kit and ran through its contents. Once she was satisfied that she was well equipped for the mission she put it back into one of the numerous compartments on her belt and waited for the reversion into real space. They didn’t have to wait long.
Soon there was a quick jolt as the landing craft exited hyperspace and reverted to realspace. "Novas, target in sight, floating dead. Sensors indicate multiple life forms on board, looks like the passengers survived."
Feeling his anxiety and adrenalin raise, Sarn readed his trusty side arm for action and pulled out his security kit form one of the pouches on his belt.
Even though it was only a rescue mission, he felt he would have the need for such a device, during the course of the mission and wanted to be prepared. As he prepared to lead the squadron into the ailing space shuttle, when a nagging thought suddenly intruded his train of thought.
Sarn reached for the intercom button and picked up a mike. "And Silverblade Squadron?" He asked.
The pilot said, "hold on a moment," and changed frequencies. "Silverblade Squadron, this is Instigator, we are preparing for boarding run, what is your status? I say again, Silverblade Squadron, report in."
. " I really hope These guys can keep our buts covered while we get those people to safety. "he muttered to himself as he waited for their reply.
OOC: I think it would be better if the Novas had code names for this assignment, rather then their sqaud numbers.
Sarn Val Ozan
Call sign-Nova 1/Leader
Code Name: Black Fox
Teresk Sal
Call sign-N/a
Code Name: Twitch ing snake- (cause of her head tails)
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
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Location: Jacksonville, Fl
In the capital city of Thani on the planet of Telos in the Juvex Sector
Juvex Sector Group Fleet Command
-From the office of Fleet Admiral Clermont Veers
On the top floor of the Sector Group Fleet Command building in the center of Thani, there lie the grand office of the little know Admiral Veers. After Veers was relieved of his military command involving the rebel “Black Nova” squadron almost a year ago, he was reassigned by the ISB to the Juvex Sector Group under the command of Moff Gheronus (Juvex/Senex Sector) and ordered to reorganize the sector group and all surrounding systems and to deal with and eliminate all opposition to the Empire. This included the mission of purging many systems of alien races, which Veers took much liking to and pursued very seriously (as he had been raised to disgust aliens and to see humans as the only pure race).
Moff Gheronus and Admiral Veers did not get along well at all. Veers saw Moff Gheronus as a corrupt, credit-hungry businessman instead of any kind of governing political or military official (which was the true reality). Moff Gheronus saw Veers as an insubordinate, ungrateful and dangerous person, but Moff Gheronus’ hands were tied as the ISB had granted Veers martial authority strait from the Emperor’s Advisor Council.
Moff Gheronus despised having a military commander “running” one of his own sector groups de facto, but this is where having deep routed connections with the shadowy ISB pays off.
From then on, the Juvex Sector Group has been one of the most stringent and well-controlled sectors in the Empire. And all to the credit of Fleet Admiral Veers.
-Now we turn to the events currently taking place…
…Admiral Veers sat at his large grassland scarlet greel wood desk (a long lost and rare recourse exploited by Veers) as he began to contact the Sector Moff office (Juvex/Senex Sector).
Moff Gheronus’ face appeared on the view screen. “What is it Admiral?” barked Gheronus.
“Moff, I have just received confirmation of the Priority 2 Enemy Registration-Report I sent yesterday to Imperial Center/ ISB Command. The report reads as follo---” Veers was interrupted
“Damn you Veers! I told you to send all Priority Reports through ME first! You know damn well that I’m the one who sends these reports to Center, not you, even if it is directed to your ISB goons. Do you understand me Veers?” raged Gheronus
“Yes sir. We have a full understanding.” Replied Veers
“I mean it this time Veers…Now, what is the report about this time. Another suspected rebel sabotage at the hands of a nurf jammed in a turbine?”
“No sir. This is quite different. The report is as follows: a trooper platoon in the city of Jhur on Bofa II, our Intelligence HQ, sighted a suspicious band of three cloaked characters in local garb. What caught the attention of the platoon was the manner at which these three were carrying out a normal food purchase in an open market. One of the characters was bent over the stand and grabbing at the collar of the vender. The other two characters were standing to the rear and watching the surrounding crowd as if to be protecting the suspicious transaction. As the platoon approached the area of attention, the two closest characters quickly made a gesture to the side as to suggest they were putting weapons away into their cloaks. The character leaning over the table noticed our platoon and began to act calm. The Troopers began to question the three characters. After the questioning, the CO of the platoon ordered a body search. Right as the troopers began to reach into the cloaks of the three characters, the first character, now confirmed as a women flung her hands out and evidently forced the platoon to fall on it’s feet and loose grip of their weapons…Moff Gheronus, we have a rebel force users on our hands.” Finished Veers
“WHAT? Out here? In this lonely sector. Impossible. Too many coincidences. Too much room for fraudulent account.” Replied Gheronus.
“Are you saying you do not trust my security initiative sir?” asked Veers
“Yes…perhaps I am. This does not seem unlike you Veers, to take things out of proportion and create them into sly opportunities for you to steel my command. Well I will not fall for it. I doubt Center will see differently from me. But I trust your ISB will. You watch yourself Veers. Do not push the authority I have in the wealth of this sector and in the dependence of Imperial Center to this commodity I have invested.” Ranted Gheronus
Veers paused. “If you were HALF the person I am Moff Gheronus, you’d be less a human and more a Wookie. And if you cared more about your governorship than your credits perhaps you would follow through with your empty threats more often.” Said Veers with such cool disregard.
“HOW DARE YOU! YOU PETTYLESS PAWN. YOU COWARD! This is the last straw! I am reporting you to Center! You’re an abomination to the Empire! I will see that you get a fitting discharge you ungrateful peon! And don’t you do anything further without my authorization! You’ll see better days Veers, or none at all! ARGH!”
The view screen went blank and displayed that the transmission had ended. Veers leaned back and laughed out loud as he turned to his page button. Admiral Veers Paged for the CO of his 1st Battle Group, Admiral Ryland Valtanan.
“Admiral Valtanan, you read PR 4A-1 from yesterday, correct?” Asked Veers
“Yes Sir. And I have the status report on the enemy registration sir.” Admiral Valtanan announced with a stone-like poise.
“Ah, excellent. Report”
“The enemy registration of those three rebels were located last aboard a passenger ship located in Station Kresh, Port 112. The vessel identification was evidently marked as associated with the enemy registration…”
“…So these spies planned their own escape to the point of tagging a full passenger ship?” inquired Veers.
“Yes Sir. Same exact tag and class-2 registration. The tagged vessel made an unplanned jump directly after it went underway. I ordered my 1st Squadron to track the vessel and intercept it. However sir, as the trajectory was acquired, we were not able to calculate a definite destination for some unknown reason. It is as if the vessel has an uncharted heading, which would be impossible as to the calculated proximity to our own sector group network. To resolve this set back I have ordered 1st Squadron to allocate a Line for each running transfer trajectory plot. This should allow us to eventually track them down along their own trajectory using and active range scanning sequence and thus revert them to real space with Interdiction capabilities once we are in range and on an active heading.” Finished Valtanan
“I am quite impressed with your operating plan, and you have accounted for the communication breach with your allocation initiative. Now hear this Admiral. The orders I have received from Central are to apprehend this Jedi girl at all costs. She is not to be harmed are injured in any way. I am quite curious as to the purpose of these specific orders, but I may only to assume she will be used for interrogation by the ISB. But I trust you will take the proper precautions once you have intercepted the vessel.”
“Yes sir. My men will not disappoint you.” Replied Valtanan
“Very well Admiral. I want a full Operation report on my desk in 2 hours. You may continue with the operation. Dismissed.” Ordered Veers
Admiral Valtanan snapped to attention, took a short bow and marched smartly down the long white strip of carpet leading to the brass and greel wood-leafed double boors.
Juvex Sector Group Fleet Command
-From the office of Fleet Admiral Clermont Veers
On the top floor of the Sector Group Fleet Command building in the center of Thani, there lie the grand office of the little know Admiral Veers. After Veers was relieved of his military command involving the rebel “Black Nova” squadron almost a year ago, he was reassigned by the ISB to the Juvex Sector Group under the command of Moff Gheronus (Juvex/Senex Sector) and ordered to reorganize the sector group and all surrounding systems and to deal with and eliminate all opposition to the Empire. This included the mission of purging many systems of alien races, which Veers took much liking to and pursued very seriously (as he had been raised to disgust aliens and to see humans as the only pure race).
Moff Gheronus and Admiral Veers did not get along well at all. Veers saw Moff Gheronus as a corrupt, credit-hungry businessman instead of any kind of governing political or military official (which was the true reality). Moff Gheronus saw Veers as an insubordinate, ungrateful and dangerous person, but Moff Gheronus’ hands were tied as the ISB had granted Veers martial authority strait from the Emperor’s Advisor Council.
Moff Gheronus despised having a military commander “running” one of his own sector groups de facto, but this is where having deep routed connections with the shadowy ISB pays off.
From then on, the Juvex Sector Group has been one of the most stringent and well-controlled sectors in the Empire. And all to the credit of Fleet Admiral Veers.
-Now we turn to the events currently taking place…
…Admiral Veers sat at his large grassland scarlet greel wood desk (a long lost and rare recourse exploited by Veers) as he began to contact the Sector Moff office (Juvex/Senex Sector).
Moff Gheronus’ face appeared on the view screen. “What is it Admiral?” barked Gheronus.
“Moff, I have just received confirmation of the Priority 2 Enemy Registration-Report I sent yesterday to Imperial Center/ ISB Command. The report reads as follo---” Veers was interrupted
“Damn you Veers! I told you to send all Priority Reports through ME first! You know damn well that I’m the one who sends these reports to Center, not you, even if it is directed to your ISB goons. Do you understand me Veers?” raged Gheronus
“Yes sir. We have a full understanding.” Replied Veers
“I mean it this time Veers…Now, what is the report about this time. Another suspected rebel sabotage at the hands of a nurf jammed in a turbine?”
“No sir. This is quite different. The report is as follows: a trooper platoon in the city of Jhur on Bofa II, our Intelligence HQ, sighted a suspicious band of three cloaked characters in local garb. What caught the attention of the platoon was the manner at which these three were carrying out a normal food purchase in an open market. One of the characters was bent over the stand and grabbing at the collar of the vender. The other two characters were standing to the rear and watching the surrounding crowd as if to be protecting the suspicious transaction. As the platoon approached the area of attention, the two closest characters quickly made a gesture to the side as to suggest they were putting weapons away into their cloaks. The character leaning over the table noticed our platoon and began to act calm. The Troopers began to question the three characters. After the questioning, the CO of the platoon ordered a body search. Right as the troopers began to reach into the cloaks of the three characters, the first character, now confirmed as a women flung her hands out and evidently forced the platoon to fall on it’s feet and loose grip of their weapons…Moff Gheronus, we have a rebel force users on our hands.” Finished Veers
“WHAT? Out here? In this lonely sector. Impossible. Too many coincidences. Too much room for fraudulent account.” Replied Gheronus.
“Are you saying you do not trust my security initiative sir?” asked Veers
“Yes…perhaps I am. This does not seem unlike you Veers, to take things out of proportion and create them into sly opportunities for you to steel my command. Well I will not fall for it. I doubt Center will see differently from me. But I trust your ISB will. You watch yourself Veers. Do not push the authority I have in the wealth of this sector and in the dependence of Imperial Center to this commodity I have invested.” Ranted Gheronus
Veers paused. “If you were HALF the person I am Moff Gheronus, you’d be less a human and more a Wookie. And if you cared more about your governorship than your credits perhaps you would follow through with your empty threats more often.” Said Veers with such cool disregard.
“HOW DARE YOU! YOU PETTYLESS PAWN. YOU COWARD! This is the last straw! I am reporting you to Center! You’re an abomination to the Empire! I will see that you get a fitting discharge you ungrateful peon! And don’t you do anything further without my authorization! You’ll see better days Veers, or none at all! ARGH!”
The view screen went blank and displayed that the transmission had ended. Veers leaned back and laughed out loud as he turned to his page button. Admiral Veers Paged for the CO of his 1st Battle Group, Admiral Ryland Valtanan.
“Admiral Valtanan, you read PR 4A-1 from yesterday, correct?” Asked Veers
“Yes Sir. And I have the status report on the enemy registration sir.” Admiral Valtanan announced with a stone-like poise.
“Ah, excellent. Report”
“The enemy registration of those three rebels were located last aboard a passenger ship located in Station Kresh, Port 112. The vessel identification was evidently marked as associated with the enemy registration…”
“…So these spies planned their own escape to the point of tagging a full passenger ship?” inquired Veers.
“Yes Sir. Same exact tag and class-2 registration. The tagged vessel made an unplanned jump directly after it went underway. I ordered my 1st Squadron to track the vessel and intercept it. However sir, as the trajectory was acquired, we were not able to calculate a definite destination for some unknown reason. It is as if the vessel has an uncharted heading, which would be impossible as to the calculated proximity to our own sector group network. To resolve this set back I have ordered 1st Squadron to allocate a Line for each running transfer trajectory plot. This should allow us to eventually track them down along their own trajectory using and active range scanning sequence and thus revert them to real space with Interdiction capabilities once we are in range and on an active heading.” Finished Valtanan
“I am quite impressed with your operating plan, and you have accounted for the communication breach with your allocation initiative. Now hear this Admiral. The orders I have received from Central are to apprehend this Jedi girl at all costs. She is not to be harmed are injured in any way. I am quite curious as to the purpose of these specific orders, but I may only to assume she will be used for interrogation by the ISB. But I trust you will take the proper precautions once you have intercepted the vessel.”
“Yes sir. My men will not disappoint you.” Replied Valtanan
“Very well Admiral. I want a full Operation report on my desk in 2 hours. You may continue with the operation. Dismissed.” Ordered Veers
Admiral Valtanan snapped to attention, took a short bow and marched smartly down the long white strip of carpet leading to the brass and greel wood-leafed double boors.
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
One of a Kind Bachelor
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Joined: Sun Feb 16, 2003 4:58 pm
Location: Follow the shivers running down your spine (okay, so I'm in the doghouse)
"Five minutes until reversion," A computer voice said, and Teryn Ofdar glanced at his chronometer. Had the trip really passed that quickly? In the years that he had been a pilot, he had gotten into the habit of catching up on his correspondence during the long trip. Of course, he wrote it in a datapad that wouldn't fry if his ship was disabled, so that he could erase it to protect his friends if he were to be captured.
Teryn shook his head to clear it, turned off and put away the datapad, then set about running last-minute checks on all the vital systems. He had just finished his pre-emergence check when his computer informed him in its soft human, female voice that there were only thirty standard seconds remaining until reversion.
He smiled and began warming up the sensors and targeting equipment. He always loved this part of a hyperspace jump. The short time between the fantastical colors of hyperspace itself and the ermergence into hyperspace.
At ten seconds until hyperspace, he put on his helmet, which looked likesome franbkenstein mix of a standard pilot's helmet and a standard holo-game helmet. In truth, it was a bit of both. Teryn had just finished the last checks when his ship reverted to hyperspace.
He smiled. The reemergence of the stars always brought about the same feeling for him. One of sublime inner peace. Then the moment was past, and he slapped a button on his console, and another on his helmet.
Immediately, a duranium sleeve covered the cockpit, and, for one moment, the young rodian was completely cut off from the outside world. Then the holographic display turned on, in infra-red view.
Teryn was now availing himself of a function that it had taken Cap and himself weeks to perfect. It had meant losing some speed, but now the duranium plating was just a little more protection between himself and the vacuum outside. In an emergency, of course, the plates blew off, and he would have a normal view. That had been the easy part.
The hard part had been getting the hybrid helmet to talk to the sensors, and put up a holographic view of nearby space in many different modes. He couldn't count the number of software and hardware glitches that the pair had run into, but Cap had assured him that everything would work now, and if Cap said it would work, it would work.
Teryn noticed that he was off from where he was supposed to be by a few degrees, and pulled in a little tighter on his wingman. "This is Silverblade 11," he called over his com, "Reporting in."
ooc: I hope you don't mind, Vague, but I just went ahead. Silverblade 11 wasn't claimed, so I claimed it....
and I didn't think that anyone would have any problems with my modifications....
if you think about it, it IS feasible.

I thought of it first!
I think, lol
Teryn shook his head to clear it, turned off and put away the datapad, then set about running last-minute checks on all the vital systems. He had just finished his pre-emergence check when his computer informed him in its soft human, female voice that there were only thirty standard seconds remaining until reversion.
He smiled and began warming up the sensors and targeting equipment. He always loved this part of a hyperspace jump. The short time between the fantastical colors of hyperspace itself and the ermergence into hyperspace.
At ten seconds until hyperspace, he put on his helmet, which looked likesome franbkenstein mix of a standard pilot's helmet and a standard holo-game helmet. In truth, it was a bit of both. Teryn had just finished the last checks when his ship reverted to hyperspace.
He smiled. The reemergence of the stars always brought about the same feeling for him. One of sublime inner peace. Then the moment was past, and he slapped a button on his console, and another on his helmet.
Immediately, a duranium sleeve covered the cockpit, and, for one moment, the young rodian was completely cut off from the outside world. Then the holographic display turned on, in infra-red view.
Teryn was now availing himself of a function that it had taken Cap and himself weeks to perfect. It had meant losing some speed, but now the duranium plating was just a little more protection between himself and the vacuum outside. In an emergency, of course, the plates blew off, and he would have a normal view. That had been the easy part.
The hard part had been getting the hybrid helmet to talk to the sensors, and put up a holographic view of nearby space in many different modes. He couldn't count the number of software and hardware glitches that the pair had run into, but Cap had assured him that everything would work now, and if Cap said it would work, it would work.
Teryn noticed that he was off from where he was supposed to be by a few degrees, and pulled in a little tighter on his wingman. "This is Silverblade 11," he called over his com, "Reporting in."
ooc: I hope you don't mind, Vague, but I just went ahead. Silverblade 11 wasn't claimed, so I claimed it....
and I didn't think that anyone would have any problems with my modifications....
if you think about it, it IS feasible.

I thought of it first!
I think, lol
Some people hate Canadians...Two of my favorite Science Fiction Characters are Canadian: Rodney McKay and Deadpool.Jack Thompson wrote:I think I’ve got a First Amendment right to annoy people
Deadpool+Siryn 4ever
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Location: On the other side of the line of scrimmage.
Sal pushed the door open slowly, looking at the odd situation he had walked into. The room looked much like an old-fashioned kitchen layout, with tile flooring and white cabinets & walls. However, this one had a massive hole in one of the walls, and a large mass of vines growing up from the outside, into the building and up into the floor above. The Commenorian followed the vines' path up into the cieling and drew his blaster.
The voice in his head mimiced the look on his face, This could be bad.
He pushed aside some of the vines, looking out into the distance, to see that the sun was almost set, and night was nearly upon him. He knew the consequences of that situation, and moved quickly out of the building looking for his quarry.
He stopped. Rotating his head around, Sal let the macro binoculars built into his helmet scan the horizon for any movement.
He saw a group of tall grasses rustle slightly, and the hunter was on his way.
He ran as fast as he could in the battle armor, while at the same time trying to be as quiet as possible. As he closed within 30 meters of his target, he saw something large emerge from where his quarry had been. He let his gaze rise to see the ugly red glare of an Imperial AT-AT staring straight back at him, ready to fire, when Dimitri Salandran awoke from his dream in the cockpit of his Z-95 Headhunter.
One of the newer members of Silverblade Squadron, 'Sal', as he was affectionately known, had been given command of Two Flight and the call sign Silverblade 5. Some of the more experienced members of the squadron were not in favor of his acention to the spot, but Sal felt that he knew plenty more about starfighter tactics then some of the others did.
He let his eyes and mind refocus, and immediately checked his hyperspace countdown timer. He had just over four minutes before reversion, now was time to warm everything up. He keyed up the power control systems and began feeding power to the weapons, shields, and communication systems. He brought the sensor system online, and brought up information on the area they were headed to. It was at the edge of a star system, quite a distance from any inhabitable planet. The ship, a corellian corvette, had been heavily damaged by an Imperial star ship and Silverblade and their escort were going to pick up the pieces.
The timer pinged as it ticked inside of one minute, and the game was on. Sal did some final flight checks, checked his power fluctuators, gripped the yoke and prepared himself for anything. The timer dipped inside of ten seconds, and Sal felt himself being pushed back into the seat as the ship began to decellerate from hyperspace. At three seconds, the lines resolved themselves into stars and at zero, the sublight engines cut in and the Headhunter was back in business.
Sal looked over the sensor readouts, noting the arrival of all of his fellow Silverblade Squadmates, as well as the stolen Imperial landing craft they were escorting. He also noted the damaged bulk of a Corellian Corvete, drifting aimlessly some five kilometers away. Though difficult to make out with the lack of a nearby star, the white and red paint job made it stand out faintly against the deep black backdrop.
He keyed his mike, "Silverblade five, in the clear and ready to roll."
His comm buzzed back, Silverblade Squadron, this is Instigator, we are preparing for boarding run, what is your status? I say again, Silverblade Squadron, report in.
He stayed on the Squadron frequency, "Two Flight, on me."
Sal then switched back to the land craft's frequency, "Sliverblade five here Instigator. We're ready when you're ready."
The voice in his head mimiced the look on his face, This could be bad.
He pushed aside some of the vines, looking out into the distance, to see that the sun was almost set, and night was nearly upon him. He knew the consequences of that situation, and moved quickly out of the building looking for his quarry.
He stopped. Rotating his head around, Sal let the macro binoculars built into his helmet scan the horizon for any movement.
He saw a group of tall grasses rustle slightly, and the hunter was on his way.
He ran as fast as he could in the battle armor, while at the same time trying to be as quiet as possible. As he closed within 30 meters of his target, he saw something large emerge from where his quarry had been. He let his gaze rise to see the ugly red glare of an Imperial AT-AT staring straight back at him, ready to fire, when Dimitri Salandran awoke from his dream in the cockpit of his Z-95 Headhunter.
One of the newer members of Silverblade Squadron, 'Sal', as he was affectionately known, had been given command of Two Flight and the call sign Silverblade 5. Some of the more experienced members of the squadron were not in favor of his acention to the spot, but Sal felt that he knew plenty more about starfighter tactics then some of the others did.
He let his eyes and mind refocus, and immediately checked his hyperspace countdown timer. He had just over four minutes before reversion, now was time to warm everything up. He keyed up the power control systems and began feeding power to the weapons, shields, and communication systems. He brought the sensor system online, and brought up information on the area they were headed to. It was at the edge of a star system, quite a distance from any inhabitable planet. The ship, a corellian corvette, had been heavily damaged by an Imperial star ship and Silverblade and their escort were going to pick up the pieces.
The timer pinged as it ticked inside of one minute, and the game was on. Sal did some final flight checks, checked his power fluctuators, gripped the yoke and prepared himself for anything. The timer dipped inside of ten seconds, and Sal felt himself being pushed back into the seat as the ship began to decellerate from hyperspace. At three seconds, the lines resolved themselves into stars and at zero, the sublight engines cut in and the Headhunter was back in business.
Sal looked over the sensor readouts, noting the arrival of all of his fellow Silverblade Squadmates, as well as the stolen Imperial landing craft they were escorting. He also noted the damaged bulk of a Corellian Corvete, drifting aimlessly some five kilometers away. Though difficult to make out with the lack of a nearby star, the white and red paint job made it stand out faintly against the deep black backdrop.
He keyed his mike, "Silverblade five, in the clear and ready to roll."
His comm buzzed back, Silverblade Squadron, this is Instigator, we are preparing for boarding run, what is your status? I say again, Silverblade Squadron, report in.
He stayed on the Squadron frequency, "Two Flight, on me."
Sal then switched back to the land craft's frequency, "Sliverblade five here Instigator. We're ready when you're ready."
That which does not kill me only makes me stronger.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein
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ooc: There should be an ooc thread. Right now it's a little slow because of real world stuff like work and school (at least for myself) but it hasn't died completely. The relation is sometime after the current mission. It doesn't have to be a specific time, just sometime when we're not on one of our own missions.
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
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Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
OOC: FYI I am still here as well. I just been busy. will post when I can.
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
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Location: Sunny Florida
ooc: This is a semi-bump post
ic: The dead starliner tumbled aimlessly through the void, as the wedge-shaped landing craft drew closer. The pilots checked their instruments for the third time and waved Winters back up to the cockpit.
"Sir, you had best inform your men to suit up and get ready. We're about 10 kilometers out. We'll try for a quick docking maneuver, but the way she's flippin' and dippin', there's no promises. We might need an EV insertion."
"That's alright. What about hostile contacts?" Winters inquired.
"Nothing so far, sir. Sensors are clean." The pilot punched in a quick command. "Silverblade Squadron, get ready to sweep the sector, we're about to put the Novas in. Over."
Winters headed back to the aft compartment. He grabbed a silver helmet off a rack nearby and motioned for the Novas to give him his attention.
"Novas. Get ready to suit up. We'll most likely need an EV (Extra-vehicular) insertion, so get air-tight, now. Good luck."
ic: The dead starliner tumbled aimlessly through the void, as the wedge-shaped landing craft drew closer. The pilots checked their instruments for the third time and waved Winters back up to the cockpit.
"Sir, you had best inform your men to suit up and get ready. We're about 10 kilometers out. We'll try for a quick docking maneuver, but the way she's flippin' and dippin', there's no promises. We might need an EV insertion."
"That's alright. What about hostile contacts?" Winters inquired.
"Nothing so far, sir. Sensors are clean." The pilot punched in a quick command. "Silverblade Squadron, get ready to sweep the sector, we're about to put the Novas in. Over."
Winters headed back to the aft compartment. He grabbed a silver helmet off a rack nearby and motioned for the Novas to give him his attention.
"Novas. Get ready to suit up. We'll most likely need an EV (Extra-vehicular) insertion, so get air-tight, now. Good luck."
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
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Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
" Alright guys, you heard him. Get into those suits on the double." He barked as he reached under his seat for a small box. The box held a small light zero-g suit with a helet and oxygen tank tucked inside. Usually only for emergencies, sarn carried with him on missions that required an immersion into empty space. Carefully taking the suit and gear out of the durasteel container, he begins to slip it over his uniform and hooks his utility belt around his waist. “ Alright everyone, I want no slip ups. Stay close together at all times. We can not afford and loses.” He said before placing the helmet over his head. Soon he felt the wires and tubes from the tanks automaticlly sealing themsevles to the helm, and readied himself for an risky space walk. " May the force have mercy on us." he mumbled nervously.
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
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Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
The distinct sound of air escaping into vacuum would cause panic in some. In Sarns case just a mild case of goose bumps ran through his spine at the sudden thought of being sucked out into the cold dark void, filled his mind.
He shook the idea out of his head and focused on the task before him. He turns his eyes to far right and glances at the air tank gauge, installed on the inside of his helmet. " Okay people. We only have enough air for a trip too and back from that ship, So no dilly-dallying. Stay together." he commanded.
Slowly taking the first step out of the air lock. he then jumps out of the opening and propels himself toward the passenger ships airlock with his booster jets. As he was nearing the door, sarn couldn't help but feel a little weird as he shot through the airless void. " Its kind of nice, flying in space without a ship. Though I rather not repeat this stunt again,” he mentally told himself. He soon reached the airlocks hatch and quickly grabbed on two it with his right hand. Using his left, he actives the jets and used them to slow his trajectory. " Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!" he shouted frantically. Eventually he managed to come to a complete halt. With both hands now firmly holding the hatch and his feet now on the ships hull, he waits patently for the others to join him.
" Hey come on guys." he said. " Space isn't show bad, just hope you don't get run over by a freak asteroid and your fine." he added jokingly.
" Ha ha, no seriously come on. I can't wait here all day." He pleaded. " I love flying in space and all, but I rather do it in a ship. So if you can hurry, it would make me happy." he stated trying not to let his fear show.
He shook the idea out of his head and focused on the task before him. He turns his eyes to far right and glances at the air tank gauge, installed on the inside of his helmet. " Okay people. We only have enough air for a trip too and back from that ship, So no dilly-dallying. Stay together." he commanded.
Slowly taking the first step out of the air lock. he then jumps out of the opening and propels himself toward the passenger ships airlock with his booster jets. As he was nearing the door, sarn couldn't help but feel a little weird as he shot through the airless void. " Its kind of nice, flying in space without a ship. Though I rather not repeat this stunt again,” he mentally told himself. He soon reached the airlocks hatch and quickly grabbed on two it with his right hand. Using his left, he actives the jets and used them to slow his trajectory. " Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!" he shouted frantically. Eventually he managed to come to a complete halt. With both hands now firmly holding the hatch and his feet now on the ships hull, he waits patently for the others to join him.
" Hey come on guys." he said. " Space isn't show bad, just hope you don't get run over by a freak asteroid and your fine." he added jokingly.
" Ha ha, no seriously come on. I can't wait here all day." He pleaded. " I love flying in space and all, but I rather do it in a ship. So if you can hurry, it would make me happy." he stated trying not to let his fear show.
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
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Location: Jacksonville, Fl
Aboard the Decimator, Flag Ship of the 2nd Line of the 3rd Squadron of the 1st Battle Group
The Bridge Operations Officer turned to the Captain of the Decimator to give his report.
“Captain Ward, we have picked up a signal from the register.”
“Is it by any chance the registered craft?” asked Line Captain Carlist Ward
“I cannot seem to match this signal to the registered priority sir. However the signal is located on the mission trajectory vector. Shall I initiate active scanners sir?” asked the Operations Officer
“No... Remain silent and passive. We will proceed on an adjacent vector. I want you to mask our scanners and interdiction field. Inform Commodore Zytag that we will be moving out on the registered signal.”
“Ay ay sir.” Replied the Operations Officer
The Bridge Operations Officer turned to the Captain of the Decimator to give his report.
“Captain Ward, we have picked up a signal from the register.”
“Is it by any chance the registered craft?” asked Line Captain Carlist Ward
“I cannot seem to match this signal to the registered priority sir. However the signal is located on the mission trajectory vector. Shall I initiate active scanners sir?” asked the Operations Officer
“No... Remain silent and passive. We will proceed on an adjacent vector. I want you to mask our scanners and interdiction field. Inform Commodore Zytag that we will be moving out on the registered signal.”
“Ay ay sir.” Replied the Operations Officer
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
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Location: Sunny Florida
The eerie silence was unnerving. Of all the things that Winters had no problem doing, space-walking wasn't one of them. There was nothing but the void and the shallow breathing echoing in the helmet. A burst of static startled the soldier.
"Alright, Novas, once we're inside, be alert. Some of the passengers might be Imperials, but there are to be no casualties."
There were several nods within the reflective helmets. Winters' thick boots made contact with the Corvette's outer hull. Let's do this.
He reached down, gripping the embedded handle in the airlock. He twisted hard and pulled out, making sure his feet were secured. There would've been a hiss if there was any air. The door lathargically rotated outwards, allowing the commandos to enter. Once the first team was gathered, they slid the outer blast door shut and activated the pressure system. As air entered the airlock, the pressure gauge started rising to nominal levels.
"Alright, get ready for anything."
Anything wasn't there though. The inner door slid silently into its slot, revealing an empty white-washed corridor. Winters signalled with his hands for two Novas to go forwards and scout the main corridor. They went forward, while the rest followed Winters around to the right corridor. Winters removed his space helmet and clipped it onto his backpack. He readied his rifle and heard murmoring down the hallway. He rounded a corner and saw the group of passengers, gathered in a hallway, sitting, resting, and leaning against the walls and various boxes and cargo. He quickly pulled his rifle barrel up, and relaxed his picture.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Galactic Empire, you are now under the protection of the Rebel Alliance. Any Imperial sympathizers should step forward. We promise not to harm you." Winters deactivated his rifle and slung it on his hip. "Now if you'd be so kind, we have a time schedule to keep. You'll all be able to go about your merry way in no time at all. We aren't keeping you all for very long. Let's go." He turned away from the passengers as the Novas headed forwards. "Instigator, Black Fox, package is secured. We're going to secure the ship and search for the drop. Spyder out."
"Alright, Novas, once we're inside, be alert. Some of the passengers might be Imperials, but there are to be no casualties."
There were several nods within the reflective helmets. Winters' thick boots made contact with the Corvette's outer hull. Let's do this.
He reached down, gripping the embedded handle in the airlock. He twisted hard and pulled out, making sure his feet were secured. There would've been a hiss if there was any air. The door lathargically rotated outwards, allowing the commandos to enter. Once the first team was gathered, they slid the outer blast door shut and activated the pressure system. As air entered the airlock, the pressure gauge started rising to nominal levels.
"Alright, get ready for anything."
Anything wasn't there though. The inner door slid silently into its slot, revealing an empty white-washed corridor. Winters signalled with his hands for two Novas to go forwards and scout the main corridor. They went forward, while the rest followed Winters around to the right corridor. Winters removed his space helmet and clipped it onto his backpack. He readied his rifle and heard murmoring down the hallway. He rounded a corner and saw the group of passengers, gathered in a hallway, sitting, resting, and leaning against the walls and various boxes and cargo. He quickly pulled his rifle barrel up, and relaxed his picture.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Galactic Empire, you are now under the protection of the Rebel Alliance. Any Imperial sympathizers should step forward. We promise not to harm you." Winters deactivated his rifle and slung it on his hip. "Now if you'd be so kind, we have a time schedule to keep. You'll all be able to go about your merry way in no time at all. We aren't keeping you all for very long. Let's go." He turned away from the passengers as the Novas headed forwards. "Instigator, Black Fox, package is secured. We're going to secure the ship and search for the drop. Spyder out."
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
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Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
After allowing the other members of the team to enter the corvette first, Sarn cautiously steps inside the disabled transport and upon entering; he slowly pulls out his DL-44 blaster pistol and places its setting on stun. He then slowly moves through the white washed hallway, with both hands on his blaster and his mind focused on his goal, he warily begins to check every room and corner he comes across for any "surprises" that the team might stumble across. “ This is Fox, I currently don't see any indications of life forms on my end. I’m heading into the next area to begin my search. Stick close with your teammates and report every 3 minutes. Fox Out.”
"Instigator, Black Fox, package is secured. We're going to secure the ship and search for the drop. Spyder out." He smiles at the quickness that David was showing and considered adding it to his report. " He'll make a fine officer one day." he thought happily a smile had creep on his face, but was obscured by the space helmet he wore. Sarn would have taken the thing off earlier, but he had decided against it thinking that having enmity would help aid his mission. Besides in the off chance he ran into a bounty hunter, he had an advantage; with his helmet he could hide is identity. The very idea brought him little comfort as he silently crept down the narrow corridors.
" Copy that Spyder, I'm glad to hear It.” he said joyfully. " Now I want you to check any passengers you encounter for injuries. If you find one in need of medical aid contact snake immediately, she's our medical officer." Sarn instructed. " Remember we are here to rescue these people not hurt them. Set your weapons to stun and try to avoid any unnecessary weapons discharges do you understand?" he said with authority in his voice. “ Spyder I’m leaving you in charge for a while, I’m heading down to the engine and maintenance areas to check for any survivors and to see if our friends left any “surprises” for us. Stay frosty and watch out for anything suspicious. Black Fox over and out.”
"Instigator, Black Fox, package is secured. We're going to secure the ship and search for the drop. Spyder out." He smiles at the quickness that David was showing and considered adding it to his report. " He'll make a fine officer one day." he thought happily a smile had creep on his face, but was obscured by the space helmet he wore. Sarn would have taken the thing off earlier, but he had decided against it thinking that having enmity would help aid his mission. Besides in the off chance he ran into a bounty hunter, he had an advantage; with his helmet he could hide is identity. The very idea brought him little comfort as he silently crept down the narrow corridors.
" Copy that Spyder, I'm glad to hear It.” he said joyfully. " Now I want you to check any passengers you encounter for injuries. If you find one in need of medical aid contact snake immediately, she's our medical officer." Sarn instructed. " Remember we are here to rescue these people not hurt them. Set your weapons to stun and try to avoid any unnecessary weapons discharges do you understand?" he said with authority in his voice. “ Spyder I’m leaving you in charge for a while, I’m heading down to the engine and maintenance areas to check for any survivors and to see if our friends left any “surprises” for us. Stay frosty and watch out for anything suspicious. Black Fox over and out.”
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Posts: 160
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Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
The long darkens narrow corridors seemed to go on forever. Holding his Blaster pistol out in front of him, sarn slowly walked through the empty corridor. Through his helmets visor he was unable to identify various shapes that lingered in the shadows. Deciding that the helmet was more of a hindrance to him, he takes it off and clips it onto his backpack.
" Well at least I can see now”. he mutters as he takes a small blast helmet out from his pack and secures it on his cranium. " Now to find those passengers." He pulls out both his datapad and a small device from various pouches on his belt, and then plugs the datapad into the device.
He types something into the datapad and downloads them onto the other machine. With in a few short minutes he had download a small map of the ship into the device and unplugs his datapad from it before placing back into his belt.
The device was a special handheld GPS that sarn had modified. During his days with the corellian resistance, he and his team used to use these gadgets to help coordinate their attacks on corellias surface. He later had Bant modify it to where he could download information from various computers and scanning stations and upload maps and building layouts into it. The device would show a small 2D holo image on its screen which depicted sarns where abouts. It was also modified with a small life scanner and radar to help sarn track enemy movements.
In this case, it would make his search for easier. Waving it around the corridor it soon gave out a low beeping sound. The radar displayed a large collection of red dots about 50 meters to the north. Clutching both weapon and the device in his hands he makes his way toward the area indicated on his GPS. He travels down the empty passages way for 10 minutes, keeping his eyes glued to the gps screen until he reaches a small hatchway.
“ This must be the place.” He states flatly. Holstering his weapon, sarn moves the scanner over the door way and checks the display screen. On it he sees a small layout of the ship, a green dot indicating his current position standing out side the room. On the other side are a small number of twenty dots, some stationary while others moving around in circles. Eventually he beings to feel something through the force, echoes of pain, anger and confusion bombard his senses. Balling his right hand into a fist he bangs it against the hard durasteel plated door, the hard knock apparently draws the attention of the passengers inside. He soon begin to hear their various voices grow louder as they tried to call out to him. “ Hello is anyone out there?” cried a mans voice. “ I’m here to rescue you.” Sarn answers.” Is there anyone hurt in there, any wounded?” he asks worriedly.
“ Yes several of us have a few cuts and bruises while a few others are in dire need of medical treatment. But we cannot get out the door is jammed and magnetically sealed.”
Sarn mentally curses to himself and reaches for his comlink, once he grabs a hold of the small transmitter he flicks it on and tries to contact the others.“ This is Black Fox calling in. I found a small group of survivors in area D-675. They’re are locked up tight and there is no way to get to them.” He informs. “ I’ll need some assistance over here to help get them out of this room. It’s magnetically sealed so we may need some low charges detonators or cutting tools.” He stops for a moment to inform the people on the other side of the door that help is on its way before continuing. “ Spyder, I want you to escort snake down here. Some of these civies are wounded and need medical attention. Do you copy?”
" Well at least I can see now”. he mutters as he takes a small blast helmet out from his pack and secures it on his cranium. " Now to find those passengers." He pulls out both his datapad and a small device from various pouches on his belt, and then plugs the datapad into the device.
He types something into the datapad and downloads them onto the other machine. With in a few short minutes he had download a small map of the ship into the device and unplugs his datapad from it before placing back into his belt.
The device was a special handheld GPS that sarn had modified. During his days with the corellian resistance, he and his team used to use these gadgets to help coordinate their attacks on corellias surface. He later had Bant modify it to where he could download information from various computers and scanning stations and upload maps and building layouts into it. The device would show a small 2D holo image on its screen which depicted sarns where abouts. It was also modified with a small life scanner and radar to help sarn track enemy movements.
In this case, it would make his search for easier. Waving it around the corridor it soon gave out a low beeping sound. The radar displayed a large collection of red dots about 50 meters to the north. Clutching both weapon and the device in his hands he makes his way toward the area indicated on his GPS. He travels down the empty passages way for 10 minutes, keeping his eyes glued to the gps screen until he reaches a small hatchway.
“ This must be the place.” He states flatly. Holstering his weapon, sarn moves the scanner over the door way and checks the display screen. On it he sees a small layout of the ship, a green dot indicating his current position standing out side the room. On the other side are a small number of twenty dots, some stationary while others moving around in circles. Eventually he beings to feel something through the force, echoes of pain, anger and confusion bombard his senses. Balling his right hand into a fist he bangs it against the hard durasteel plated door, the hard knock apparently draws the attention of the passengers inside. He soon begin to hear their various voices grow louder as they tried to call out to him. “ Hello is anyone out there?” cried a mans voice. “ I’m here to rescue you.” Sarn answers.” Is there anyone hurt in there, any wounded?” he asks worriedly.
“ Yes several of us have a few cuts and bruises while a few others are in dire need of medical treatment. But we cannot get out the door is jammed and magnetically sealed.”
Sarn mentally curses to himself and reaches for his comlink, once he grabs a hold of the small transmitter he flicks it on and tries to contact the others.“ This is Black Fox calling in. I found a small group of survivors in area D-675. They’re are locked up tight and there is no way to get to them.” He informs. “ I’ll need some assistance over here to help get them out of this room. It’s magnetically sealed so we may need some low charges detonators or cutting tools.” He stops for a moment to inform the people on the other side of the door that help is on its way before continuing. “ Spyder, I want you to escort snake down here. Some of these civies are wounded and need medical attention. Do you copy?”
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
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Location: Sunny Florida
"Roger that, Fox, we'll be there ASAP." Winters clicked off his comlink and approached Black Nova's medic, Teresk Sal codenamed "Snake".
"Some wounded need you near the engine compartments."
She nodded and wiped some sweat off her brow. "Alright, let's get moving."
"Keep things tight up here!" Winters ordered to the few Novas gathered with the first group of passengers. Tellix, Winters' friend nodded and continued gathering the passengers' names and homeworlds on his datapad.
Winters and Sal, or Spyder and Snake respectively, were alone as they proceeded down the corridor towards the aft section of the ship. The white-washed corridors gave Winters some comfort in that they allowed very little room for a surprise attack. And he mentally scolded himself for that. This is a passenger ship. There aren't any stormtroopers here. Just us and the civilians. Get it together.
Apparently the space walk had disoriented himself more than he thought. He activated his comlink.
"Wraith, (Tellix) how are things on your end?" Winters asked to take his mind off things.
"No threats, Spyder. Oh, and Spyder."
"I found Sierra. She's here along with the escorts, as we hoped, sir."
"Good, make sure she's comfortable and get ready to move them towards the air locks for extraction. We dont' know how long until TANGO (the Empire) arrives. We have to help some passengers near the engines, we'll be back as soon as we can. Keep up the good work."
"Roger that, Wraith out."
"Some wounded need you near the engine compartments."
She nodded and wiped some sweat off her brow. "Alright, let's get moving."
"Keep things tight up here!" Winters ordered to the few Novas gathered with the first group of passengers. Tellix, Winters' friend nodded and continued gathering the passengers' names and homeworlds on his datapad.
Winters and Sal, or Spyder and Snake respectively, were alone as they proceeded down the corridor towards the aft section of the ship. The white-washed corridors gave Winters some comfort in that they allowed very little room for a surprise attack. And he mentally scolded himself for that. This is a passenger ship. There aren't any stormtroopers here. Just us and the civilians. Get it together.
Apparently the space walk had disoriented himself more than he thought. He activated his comlink.
"Wraith, (Tellix) how are things on your end?" Winters asked to take his mind off things.
"No threats, Spyder. Oh, and Spyder."
"I found Sierra. She's here along with the escorts, as we hoped, sir."
"Good, make sure she's comfortable and get ready to move them towards the air locks for extraction. We dont' know how long until TANGO (the Empire) arrives. We have to help some passengers near the engines, we'll be back as soon as we can. Keep up the good work."
"Roger that, Wraith out."
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Posts: 96
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Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:33 pm
Location: Jacksonville, Fl
Aboard the Decimator, Flag Ship of the 2nd Line of the 3rd Squadron of the 1st Battle Group
“Captain, we are almost within interdiction range,” reported the Operations Officer aboard the Decimator
“Very well. You know what to do when we are in range. I don’t want any available possibility for this signal to escape before we have a chance to check it out. I have a hunch this may be our mission.
When we complete our jump I want the boarding crews ready. Clear?
“Yes sir...oh, and Captain?” continued the Operations Officer “isn’t there the slight possibility that this signal, assuming it is our mission, could become aware of our heading and escape before we even get within interdiction range? Inquired the Officer
“That would be a possibility if we were dealing with an imperial vessel. But this is a correlian corvette, a civilian cruise liner, They would not be able to break our signal jam, let alone decipher our register code, we have nothing to worry about” Answered Captain Ward
“Understood sir. I’ll keep you updated within the minute “
“Captain, we are almost within interdiction range,” reported the Operations Officer aboard the Decimator
“Very well. You know what to do when we are in range. I don’t want any available possibility for this signal to escape before we have a chance to check it out. I have a hunch this may be our mission.
When we complete our jump I want the boarding crews ready. Clear?
“Yes sir...oh, and Captain?” continued the Operations Officer “isn’t there the slight possibility that this signal, assuming it is our mission, could become aware of our heading and escape before we even get within interdiction range? Inquired the Officer
“That would be a possibility if we were dealing with an imperial vessel. But this is a correlian corvette, a civilian cruise liner, They would not be able to break our signal jam, let alone decipher our register code, we have nothing to worry about” Answered Captain Ward
“Understood sir. I’ll keep you updated within the minute “
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
Posts: 531
Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Location: Sunny Florida
"Look at this," the co-pilot of the Instigator said, pointing to the communications display in the cockpit.
"Great," the pilot mumbled. "Interdictor, get Fox and Spyder on the comlink, tell them to get back immediately. And I'm going to contact Silverblade."
"Aye, sir."
Winters was hurrying a group of about ten passengers back to the airlock. Luckily the corvette had enough emergency EVA suits for all those onboard. They all gathered in the airlock and Winters smashed the open button. The inner doors shut, and they all started floating before the outer doors opened without any noise. Once they were all onboard, Winters hurried to the cockpit.
"Here, sir, I have Silverblade." the co-pilot handed Winters the mic.
"Silverblade, this is Nova 3, we need you to exfilitrate the sector, immediately. Don't worry about us, I have a plan."
Winters waited for acknowledgement and then watched as the X-wings outside all angled back towards Anoth and jumped into hyperspace. Only a few moments later, the Interdictor came within range.
"Identify yourself." the comlink crackled.
"This is the Imperial Landing Craft, Instigator," Winters said into the comlink.
"What is your registration code?"
The pilot started looking around the cockpit. Winters kept his gaze on the Interdictor's silhouette getting closer and closer.
"I repeat, what is your registration code? We have an Interdiction field up now, Instigator."
Winters cursed underneath his breath. The pilot handed Winters a small datapad he found underneath the main displays.
"Our last message got lost, sir," Winters said, buying some time, "I repeat, we are registration Alpha-Alpha 2-2-Zeta. I repeat, we are registration Alpha-Alpha 2-2-Zeta."
"We are currently scanning our databases. . .stand by."
"This had better work," Winters whispered to the pilots who just wiped the sweat off their brows.
"Great," the pilot mumbled. "Interdictor, get Fox and Spyder on the comlink, tell them to get back immediately. And I'm going to contact Silverblade."
"Aye, sir."
Winters was hurrying a group of about ten passengers back to the airlock. Luckily the corvette had enough emergency EVA suits for all those onboard. They all gathered in the airlock and Winters smashed the open button. The inner doors shut, and they all started floating before the outer doors opened without any noise. Once they were all onboard, Winters hurried to the cockpit.
"Here, sir, I have Silverblade." the co-pilot handed Winters the mic.
"Silverblade, this is Nova 3, we need you to exfilitrate the sector, immediately. Don't worry about us, I have a plan."
Winters waited for acknowledgement and then watched as the X-wings outside all angled back towards Anoth and jumped into hyperspace. Only a few moments later, the Interdictor came within range.
"Identify yourself." the comlink crackled.
"This is the Imperial Landing Craft, Instigator," Winters said into the comlink.
"What is your registration code?"
The pilot started looking around the cockpit. Winters kept his gaze on the Interdictor's silhouette getting closer and closer.
"I repeat, what is your registration code? We have an Interdiction field up now, Instigator."
Winters cursed underneath his breath. The pilot handed Winters a small datapad he found underneath the main displays.
"Our last message got lost, sir," Winters said, buying some time, "I repeat, we are registration Alpha-Alpha 2-2-Zeta. I repeat, we are registration Alpha-Alpha 2-2-Zeta."
"We are currently scanning our databases. . .stand by."
"This had better work," Winters whispered to the pilots who just wiped the sweat off their brows.
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Posts: 96
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Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:33 pm
Location: Jacksonville, Fl
“What class registration? Alpha-Alpha? That vessel should not even be in this sector. Although, it could be a custom’s vessel, but why out here? Check their Station. I want to know where this shuttle came from.” Ordered Captain Ward
“Yes sir. Their registration code checks out. Their station is…aboard the…the VSD Protector. Wait, that’s strange. It says here that the VSD Protector was decommissioned and scraped two years ago. Don’t know what to tell you sir.” reported the Operations Officer
“Yes, very strange indeed. Hmmm. Dose not make much sense. Anyhow Lieutenant, inform Commodore Zytag that we have located the mission and it is going nowhere. open up communications on my frequency. I want to talk to the officer of this shuttle.” Ordered Captain Ward
“Yes sir”
“Imperial shuttle Instigator, this is Line Captain Ward, commanding Officer of the 2nd Line of the 3rd Squadron of the 1st Battle Group, 3rd Fleet Jurvex Sector. What is your business here? The 3rd Imperial Fleet of this sector has been given strict orders concerning this civilian passenger ship. What orders have you been given to be in this area? Asked Captain Ward
At the moment Ward was more skeptical than trusting. The response to his question would either make or break his current position and thus dictate the fate of this dire situation.
“Yes sir. Their registration code checks out. Their station is…aboard the…the VSD Protector. Wait, that’s strange. It says here that the VSD Protector was decommissioned and scraped two years ago. Don’t know what to tell you sir.” reported the Operations Officer
“Yes, very strange indeed. Hmmm. Dose not make much sense. Anyhow Lieutenant, inform Commodore Zytag that we have located the mission and it is going nowhere. open up communications on my frequency. I want to talk to the officer of this shuttle.” Ordered Captain Ward
“Yes sir”
“Imperial shuttle Instigator, this is Line Captain Ward, commanding Officer of the 2nd Line of the 3rd Squadron of the 1st Battle Group, 3rd Fleet Jurvex Sector. What is your business here? The 3rd Imperial Fleet of this sector has been given strict orders concerning this civilian passenger ship. What orders have you been given to be in this area? Asked Captain Ward
At the moment Ward was more skeptical than trusting. The response to his question would either make or break his current position and thus dictate the fate of this dire situation.
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
Posts: 96
Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:33 pm
Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:33 pm
Location: Jacksonville, Fl
Back in the city of Tani on Telos, Admiral Veers was hosting an eloquent dinner with a special guest and some of his closest high-ranking officers. The dinner was held in the elaborate Officer’s Club of the Fleet Association building located one block from Veers’s towering HQ building. The special guest was General Shan Palthis from the ISB and a long time friend from Veers’s home planet of Chandrilla. The other guests were the following: Veers’s Vice Admiral Vivian Sangraal, Admiral Ryland Valtanan of the 1st Battle Group, his Vice Admiral Firmus Alcon, Admiral Falkirk Cyteron of the 2nd Battle Group and his Vice Admiral Victren Shrike. But these men of power are of little importance. The real and only person of importance this evening was the man in the tan uniform of the ISB.
Veers and Palthis were friends from the very beginning of their military careers. They were in the same Fighter Wing stationed on Chandrilla . Throughout their patrols they became close friends as they shared many of the same young overzealous views of war, politics, race and the universe. Between them Palthis was the more moderate one… well, actually, anyone would be more moderate compared to Veers in his startup days.
During their young fighter days, Veers and Palthis were stationed everywhere together, which was planned by their superiors. After nine years as fighter pilots Veers and Palthis were sent to the Imperial Security Bureau for ten long years. Afterwards they were both assigned to the legendary Carida Academy as head instructors. Palthis taught MacroStategy, Theory of War, Psychology, and Intelligence. Veers taught Fighter Tactic, MicroStrategy, Officership, and Naval Ship Command. As a head instructor on Carida, this is where Veers trained young cadet David Winters, not knowing his future fate.
After the days at the Academy, Veers and Palthis went their own ways to higher command. Palthis became a Major under Colonel Wullf Yularen (The Emperor’s ISB Liaison to Grand Moff Tarkin) and Veers was given his own entire Battle Group as a full Admiral. Veers’s stern ethics and over bureaucratic tendencies put him ahead of many of his peers and associates.
Now Palthis was a General of the ISB and was the Under-Secretary to the Secretary of Central Internal Affairs (a position that rubbed shoulders with the Emperors own council).
Veers sat at the extreme end of the long white stone table with General Palthis seated to his right, and his officers to his left. The last course was currently being finished.
“Yes Sir. The people of Bofa II are rather susceptible to change, which of course makes base refit less of a logistical mess. I find Bofans to be…quite amiable, if not indifferent to our presence. Tenancy in those sectors can be instigated with less labor on our part” Said Admiral Valtanan.
“Indeed. Their populations are easily controlled as long as we refit their society around a centrally located Imperial administration. Our facilities remain less stressed and our resources can be used in both equity and efficiency.” Added Veers
“I see. Now how is the Fleet Association coming? I heard Moff Gheronus say you were constructing shipyards without his ‘authority’. Inquired Palthis with an obvious smirk
“That is correct. Gheronus thinks his ‘authority’ ventures beyond the productivity of the very forces that protects his lousy hide. Little does he know that my Fleet Association provides jobs for military and civilian alike. The building of this third shipyard will employ 45% of the human labor force of this sector. Little where else does a Credit represent the working and loyal human productivity.” Veers continued while maintaining his stony face and posture. “Gheronus also does not know about the communication way-stations I have been building. But how would I expect him to. He knows only what I want him to know.”
“Well Admiral, you should be most proud of your efforts. You know, my superior has even put in and order for an economic summary report of this sector. That is quite a compliment to your accomplishments.” Commented Palthis
Veers lowered his chin and looked at Palthis through the top of his eyes (resembling a mother’s scold). This was a look that Palthis recognized all too well whenever he paid Veers petty compliments. The other officers looked around at each other with slight smirks assuming old friends could only transmit such a look. Veers always said that he “was devoted to duty beyond the need of recognition or reward,” and it surely showed in his attitudes toward accepting compliments.
Veers was getting restless. He was never a person to play “chatty host” and meander through conversation. He was a man of business and preferred to use his mouth for such. The final course was ending and this was much to his pleasure. He raised a leisure finger, which stimulated the statue-like officials on the side of the room to begin their job of clearing the table.
“Well staff, the evening was pleasant and I thank you for your company. Let us retire.” Said Veers
The Officers stood from their chairs and one by one shook hands with General Palthis and gave casual salutes to their Fleet Admiral.
“Now, to business. Shall we?” Veers gestured to one of 6 small cozy alcoves along the windowed wall of the large vaulted dining chamber. Veers and Palthis sat across from each other in the two large and very comfortable chairs as two glasses of RosaPalence Lacquer were set down upon the table between them.
“I must say, it is truly good to see you again. A year has it been since we last saw each other?”
“My my, I bet that was hard for you to say ‘Fleet Admiral’ Veers” said Palthis obviously joking.
Veers lifted an eyebrow at the comment.
“Well, I suppose you’ll want to get down to business Veers?”
“Yes, yes let us. So…what have you found out about these orders of mine? What is so important about this force adept Rebel witch? You’ve seen the orders Palthis. I was given an actual time frame to apprehend this enemy… a TIME FRAME! Since when does Center spend their efforts timing an arrest operation? And what of the other rebel scum with the witch? What of them? It seems as if Center has set priorities on individual enemies, which is strange when you think of the coverage the Navy has at current.”
“Well, all I can tell you is what I was able to extract through retro-resource analysis. And like you said, I only used the resources allowed by the system and nothing else. I know how you get when dealing with the information system.”
“It is a two edged sword. What would I be saying of my loyalty to the Empire if I was found snooping around for unauthorized information. You have to use what you are given to be safe. In this case, you and I both know the holes in the retro-transaction system back at ISB division. This, at least, is within order.”
“Yes yes, I know Veers. You don’t have to always explain it to me. Anyhow, here is what I found. First I had sorted through the data tracks of the INBOR (Imperial Navy Bureau of Regulation) and INTS (Imperial Navy Transmission System) only to find NOTHING!
“What!” exclaimed Veers
“That’s right. It seems as though Naval Command does not even know of this order. Your good Grand Admiral is either in the dark or part of a cover-up. This was the first evidence I found which led me to believe that there really was something more behind that order you received, as you had so perfectly predicted. With no help from Naval Command I turned to the Central Communications Relay, which allowed me to locate the routing transfer notice of the order. However, I later found that not only was the data file missing, but in fact deleted. I then had to trace that to Central itself. That was the inconvenient part, but I did it within regulation. I received authority from my superior to retract a retro-file using a coded signature from the routing transfer notice. Once in Central’s main databanks, I had my Intel department locate all associated information dealing with the order.”
“And?” Said an anxious Veers
“Well, don’t get your hopes up. My division found an unattached reference file. It was a contract order for the construction of a Star Destroyer…the Imperium it is to be titled.”
“That’s it? out of all that you were only able to find an obscurely placed contract order?”
“Yes, that’s it. This is the only bit of relevant information of could acquire from what little we found.”
“Relevant? Hardly. What does a new Star Destroyer have to do with my orders or this witch hunt?”
“I’m only telling you what I found. Although the contract order was very, very ambiguous for a high-level order. But at this point there is nothing I can do to get any more information unless I were to bargain with the Emperor and his clandestine artery agencies.”
Veers tilted his head back in frustration and controlled aggravation. “Well then, my curiosity will just have to remain unjustified. But now I think there’s been a thorn put in my heal.” Veers let out a great sigh as he cleansed his frustration from his composure. “Well then, let me show you around the Officers Club a bit. I set up a museum for the local Works Society. I think you’ll enjoy it.”
As Veers escorted Palthis out of the great dinning room he hid a great deal of feelings under his calm facade. He knew the intricacies of policy, regulation and bureaucracy and even though Center tended to work in shadowy ways, this was very strange. None of it seemed to make since. Veers, as a person who had to know everything, this lack of knowledge felt like a black hole in his mind. Veers did in fact enjoy the company of his oldest and single friend, but this evening seemed to only raise more questions than answers. Veers would get little sleep tonight.
Back in the city of Tani on Telos, Admiral Veers was hosting an eloquent dinner with a special guest and some of his closest high-ranking officers. The dinner was held in the elaborate Officer’s Club of the Fleet Association building located one block from Veers’s towering HQ building. The special guest was General Shan Palthis from the ISB and a long time friend from Veers’s home planet of Chandrilla. The other guests were the following: Veers’s Vice Admiral Vivian Sangraal, Admiral Ryland Valtanan of the 1st Battle Group, his Vice Admiral Firmus Alcon, Admiral Falkirk Cyteron of the 2nd Battle Group and his Vice Admiral Victren Shrike. But these men of power are of little importance. The real and only person of importance this evening was the man in the tan uniform of the ISB.
Veers and Palthis were friends from the very beginning of their military careers. They were in the same Fighter Wing stationed on Chandrilla . Throughout their patrols they became close friends as they shared many of the same young overzealous views of war, politics, race and the universe. Between them Palthis was the more moderate one… well, actually, anyone would be more moderate compared to Veers in his startup days.
During their young fighter days, Veers and Palthis were stationed everywhere together, which was planned by their superiors. After nine years as fighter pilots Veers and Palthis were sent to the Imperial Security Bureau for ten long years. Afterwards they were both assigned to the legendary Carida Academy as head instructors. Palthis taught MacroStategy, Theory of War, Psychology, and Intelligence. Veers taught Fighter Tactic, MicroStrategy, Officership, and Naval Ship Command. As a head instructor on Carida, this is where Veers trained young cadet David Winters, not knowing his future fate.
After the days at the Academy, Veers and Palthis went their own ways to higher command. Palthis became a Major under Colonel Wullf Yularen (The Emperor’s ISB Liaison to Grand Moff Tarkin) and Veers was given his own entire Battle Group as a full Admiral. Veers’s stern ethics and over bureaucratic tendencies put him ahead of many of his peers and associates.
Now Palthis was a General of the ISB and was the Under-Secretary to the Secretary of Central Internal Affairs (a position that rubbed shoulders with the Emperors own council).
Veers sat at the extreme end of the long white stone table with General Palthis seated to his right, and his officers to his left. The last course was currently being finished.
“Yes Sir. The people of Bofa II are rather susceptible to change, which of course makes base refit less of a logistical mess. I find Bofans to be…quite amiable, if not indifferent to our presence. Tenancy in those sectors can be instigated with less labor on our part” Said Admiral Valtanan.
“Indeed. Their populations are easily controlled as long as we refit their society around a centrally located Imperial administration. Our facilities remain less stressed and our resources can be used in both equity and efficiency.” Added Veers
“I see. Now how is the Fleet Association coming? I heard Moff Gheronus say you were constructing shipyards without his ‘authority’. Inquired Palthis with an obvious smirk
“That is correct. Gheronus thinks his ‘authority’ ventures beyond the productivity of the very forces that protects his lousy hide. Little does he know that my Fleet Association provides jobs for military and civilian alike. The building of this third shipyard will employ 45% of the human labor force of this sector. Little where else does a Credit represent the working and loyal human productivity.” Veers continued while maintaining his stony face and posture. “Gheronus also does not know about the communication way-stations I have been building. But how would I expect him to. He knows only what I want him to know.”
“Well Admiral, you should be most proud of your efforts. You know, my superior has even put in and order for an economic summary report of this sector. That is quite a compliment to your accomplishments.” Commented Palthis
Veers lowered his chin and looked at Palthis through the top of his eyes (resembling a mother’s scold). This was a look that Palthis recognized all too well whenever he paid Veers petty compliments. The other officers looked around at each other with slight smirks assuming old friends could only transmit such a look. Veers always said that he “was devoted to duty beyond the need of recognition or reward,” and it surely showed in his attitudes toward accepting compliments.
Veers was getting restless. He was never a person to play “chatty host” and meander through conversation. He was a man of business and preferred to use his mouth for such. The final course was ending and this was much to his pleasure. He raised a leisure finger, which stimulated the statue-like officials on the side of the room to begin their job of clearing the table.
“Well staff, the evening was pleasant and I thank you for your company. Let us retire.” Said Veers
The Officers stood from their chairs and one by one shook hands with General Palthis and gave casual salutes to their Fleet Admiral.
“Now, to business. Shall we?” Veers gestured to one of 6 small cozy alcoves along the windowed wall of the large vaulted dining chamber. Veers and Palthis sat across from each other in the two large and very comfortable chairs as two glasses of RosaPalence Lacquer were set down upon the table between them.
“I must say, it is truly good to see you again. A year has it been since we last saw each other?”
“My my, I bet that was hard for you to say ‘Fleet Admiral’ Veers” said Palthis obviously joking.
Veers lifted an eyebrow at the comment.
“Well, I suppose you’ll want to get down to business Veers?”
“Yes, yes let us. So…what have you found out about these orders of mine? What is so important about this force adept Rebel witch? You’ve seen the orders Palthis. I was given an actual time frame to apprehend this enemy… a TIME FRAME! Since when does Center spend their efforts timing an arrest operation? And what of the other rebel scum with the witch? What of them? It seems as if Center has set priorities on individual enemies, which is strange when you think of the coverage the Navy has at current.”
“Well, all I can tell you is what I was able to extract through retro-resource analysis. And like you said, I only used the resources allowed by the system and nothing else. I know how you get when dealing with the information system.”
“It is a two edged sword. What would I be saying of my loyalty to the Empire if I was found snooping around for unauthorized information. You have to use what you are given to be safe. In this case, you and I both know the holes in the retro-transaction system back at ISB division. This, at least, is within order.”
“Yes yes, I know Veers. You don’t have to always explain it to me. Anyhow, here is what I found. First I had sorted through the data tracks of the INBOR (Imperial Navy Bureau of Regulation) and INTS (Imperial Navy Transmission System) only to find NOTHING!
“What!” exclaimed Veers
“That’s right. It seems as though Naval Command does not even know of this order. Your good Grand Admiral is either in the dark or part of a cover-up. This was the first evidence I found which led me to believe that there really was something more behind that order you received, as you had so perfectly predicted. With no help from Naval Command I turned to the Central Communications Relay, which allowed me to locate the routing transfer notice of the order. However, I later found that not only was the data file missing, but in fact deleted. I then had to trace that to Central itself. That was the inconvenient part, but I did it within regulation. I received authority from my superior to retract a retro-file using a coded signature from the routing transfer notice. Once in Central’s main databanks, I had my Intel department locate all associated information dealing with the order.”
“And?” Said an anxious Veers
“Well, don’t get your hopes up. My division found an unattached reference file. It was a contract order for the construction of a Star Destroyer…the Imperium it is to be titled.”
“That’s it? out of all that you were only able to find an obscurely placed contract order?”
“Yes, that’s it. This is the only bit of relevant information of could acquire from what little we found.”
“Relevant? Hardly. What does a new Star Destroyer have to do with my orders or this witch hunt?”
“I’m only telling you what I found. Although the contract order was very, very ambiguous for a high-level order. But at this point there is nothing I can do to get any more information unless I were to bargain with the Emperor and his clandestine artery agencies.”
Veers tilted his head back in frustration and controlled aggravation. “Well then, my curiosity will just have to remain unjustified. But now I think there’s been a thorn put in my heal.” Veers let out a great sigh as he cleansed his frustration from his composure. “Well then, let me show you around the Officers Club a bit. I set up a museum for the local Works Society. I think you’ll enjoy it.”
As Veers escorted Palthis out of the great dinning room he hid a great deal of feelings under his calm facade. He knew the intricacies of policy, regulation and bureaucracy and even though Center tended to work in shadowy ways, this was very strange. None of it seemed to make since. Veers, as a person who had to know everything, this lack of knowledge felt like a black hole in his mind. Veers did in fact enjoy the company of his oldest and single friend, but this evening seemed to only raise more questions than answers. Veers would get little sleep tonight.
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
Posts: 96
Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:33 pm
Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:33 pm
Location: Jacksonville, Fl
Aboard the Decimator
“Captain…I’ve received a transmission from Fleet Command. The transmission contains an order from Fleet Admiral Veers’ Office. We have been ordered to…allow the Shuttle Instigator to continue its duties without further authorization verification from our Line.” The Operations Officer read the transmission with a question mark of disbelief and a wrinkled forehead.
“Is that so?” Captain Ward slouched in his chair as he paused in thought. He obviously wanted to contest orders of such blindness, but he never would of course. After his short period of thought he regained his posture and spoke with a sigh of regret. “Very well Lieutenant. An order is an order. Lower the Interdiction field. Contact the Instigator, I will inform them of the latest development.”
“Yes sir”
“ISD Decimator to the Shuttle Instigator. I have received orders to accept your presence and business without any further required verification. The interdiction field has been lowered. Continue with you customs duties Instigator. I am currently sending a boarding crew to gather information of my own charge. I am sure this will provide no complication to your duties.”
An affirmative response of military respect and gratitude came from the other end.
“Lieutenant, have launch bay prep my shuttle. I want to meet with this customs team.”
“Aye aye sir”
And right as the Captain turned to exit the Bridge, an alarming voice came from behind him.
“CAPTAIN!” the Operations Officer yelled with such surprise as to knock the wind right out of him.
“What, what. What is it Lieut---.” Ward was cut off by his lieutenant as he made his way to the controls near the bridge window.
“The Instigator…It just made a jump! It’s gone sir! LOOK!"
Wards’ eyes grew large as he took the time to look out and to see only the dead Corellian Corvette. The shuttle was missing from the picture. Ward moved over to the sensors display. The little triangle that had designated the shuttle was now absent from the screen. Ward slammed his fists on the screen and thrust his hands upon his head in aggravation.
“By the Empire! Does Veers not know what he has done?” Captain Ward received a few surprised looks from his Bridge crew upon referring to his highest superior by last name only. “You know what Lieutenant? Those were no doubt rebels aboard that shuttle. REBELS…NO DOUBT! You and I both suspected it. Well now our suspicion has become reality. Why, WHY would command send such an order without having full knowledge of the vessel or even the situation.” Ward paused “How…how could command send such and order when we have not even verified the shuttle? That is quite puzzling.”
“You could be correct sir” The Lieutenant put himself back together among the busy atmosphere of the Bridge, now on emergency tracking duty. “But with all due respect, this order, having come from Fleet Command, must mean there exists something larger than what we know, or what we are meant to know.”
“Yes, very possible Lieutenant.” Ward also found his composure among the excited Bridge crew. There was something about such a busy atmosphere. It was almost soothing to those of seasoned experience. To Ward, all the noise and running around was rather tranquil for his mind. This was common among veteran officers. They were able to ignore nearly any distraction other than their own. “However, this could also be a greatly engineered rebel scheme and one of bad coincidence.”
“Captain…I’ve received a transmission from Fleet Command. The transmission contains an order from Fleet Admiral Veers’ Office. We have been ordered to…allow the Shuttle Instigator to continue its duties without further authorization verification from our Line.” The Operations Officer read the transmission with a question mark of disbelief and a wrinkled forehead.
“Is that so?” Captain Ward slouched in his chair as he paused in thought. He obviously wanted to contest orders of such blindness, but he never would of course. After his short period of thought he regained his posture and spoke with a sigh of regret. “Very well Lieutenant. An order is an order. Lower the Interdiction field. Contact the Instigator, I will inform them of the latest development.”
“Yes sir”
“ISD Decimator to the Shuttle Instigator. I have received orders to accept your presence and business without any further required verification. The interdiction field has been lowered. Continue with you customs duties Instigator. I am currently sending a boarding crew to gather information of my own charge. I am sure this will provide no complication to your duties.”
An affirmative response of military respect and gratitude came from the other end.
“Lieutenant, have launch bay prep my shuttle. I want to meet with this customs team.”
“Aye aye sir”
And right as the Captain turned to exit the Bridge, an alarming voice came from behind him.
“CAPTAIN!” the Operations Officer yelled with such surprise as to knock the wind right out of him.
“What, what. What is it Lieut---.” Ward was cut off by his lieutenant as he made his way to the controls near the bridge window.
“The Instigator…It just made a jump! It’s gone sir! LOOK!"
Wards’ eyes grew large as he took the time to look out and to see only the dead Corellian Corvette. The shuttle was missing from the picture. Ward moved over to the sensors display. The little triangle that had designated the shuttle was now absent from the screen. Ward slammed his fists on the screen and thrust his hands upon his head in aggravation.
“By the Empire! Does Veers not know what he has done?” Captain Ward received a few surprised looks from his Bridge crew upon referring to his highest superior by last name only. “You know what Lieutenant? Those were no doubt rebels aboard that shuttle. REBELS…NO DOUBT! You and I both suspected it. Well now our suspicion has become reality. Why, WHY would command send such an order without having full knowledge of the vessel or even the situation.” Ward paused “How…how could command send such and order when we have not even verified the shuttle? That is quite puzzling.”
“You could be correct sir” The Lieutenant put himself back together among the busy atmosphere of the Bridge, now on emergency tracking duty. “But with all due respect, this order, having come from Fleet Command, must mean there exists something larger than what we know, or what we are meant to know.”
“Yes, very possible Lieutenant.” Ward also found his composure among the excited Bridge crew. There was something about such a busy atmosphere. It was almost soothing to those of seasoned experience. To Ward, all the noise and running around was rather tranquil for his mind. This was common among veteran officers. They were able to ignore nearly any distraction other than their own. “However, this could also be a greatly engineered rebel scheme and one of bad coincidence.”
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
Posts: 531
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Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Location: Sunny Florida
Winters slumped back in the chair, and wiped a thin layer of sweat off his forehead. One of the pilots looked in his direction and gave a confident smirk. "Gutsy call, Captain."
Winters smiled and nodded, relief visible on his face. "I try." He got up and patted the pilot on his shoulder. He headed to the back where the rest of the team was assembled. (ooc: Since we were jumped out prematurely I'm assuming everyone's onboard now)
"We're home free for now, but we need to be careful. That was way too close for comfort, and we can't risk losing our 'cargo' now."
Winters smiled and nodded, relief visible on his face. "I try." He got up and patted the pilot on his shoulder. He headed to the back where the rest of the team was assembled. (ooc: Since we were jumped out prematurely I'm assuming everyone's onboard now)
"We're home free for now, but we need to be careful. That was way too close for comfort, and we can't risk losing our 'cargo' now."
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
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Location: Jacksonville, Fl
Aboard the Decimator
The Bridge was calming to its normal status of operations. A bleep here, a mundane report there and a random enlisted crewmember once and a while. There was however a general feeling of mild failure among the crew and even greater upon Line Captain Ward. He was 100% positive that this incident was of rebel creation, whether they fooled the brass or whether the brass fooled them. Ward’s mission was the human contents of the Corelian corvette the Star Pearl. The rebels, he assured himself, were aboard the imperial shuttle and thus had time to tamper with those contents if not fully remove them. Ward shivered in the thought of not knowing how long the Corvette had been within rebel hands. Ward was sure he would find evidence of rebel presence aboard the Star Pearl. He would however conduct his investigation with the utmost care due to the small amount of intelligence his Line had to offer on the situation before or after.
“Captain. I have the report you requested.”
“Yes. What have you found?”
“Unfortunately the line of travel we calculated from the shuttle’s jump information leads us to no possible destination. Either they would have made a secondary jump-course correction that would throw our calculations off or their destination is somehow hidden from our scanners.”
“Both are very possible. We must consider the shuttle lost unless otherwise proven so.” Ward said this with a hint of defeat in his voice, which the Lieutenant recognized. “What of the Star Pearl? Have you located any course intelligence in that blasted vessel?”
A pause. “No sir. From what the boarding team can gather the ship was never on a vector course and it corrected at least two times. However, we did find a rebel scanning device in one of the engine compartments.” This fact did not much matter to Ward as it did little to boost his confidence of the fact he had already suspected to be true.
Captain Ward gave a deep sigh. “Than we are to stay here and wait for further orders. Keep searching for anything of significance Lieutenant. I will be in my quarters. The Bridge is yours”
“Yes sir. I will keep you informed”
The Bridge was calming to its normal status of operations. A bleep here, a mundane report there and a random enlisted crewmember once and a while. There was however a general feeling of mild failure among the crew and even greater upon Line Captain Ward. He was 100% positive that this incident was of rebel creation, whether they fooled the brass or whether the brass fooled them. Ward’s mission was the human contents of the Corelian corvette the Star Pearl. The rebels, he assured himself, were aboard the imperial shuttle and thus had time to tamper with those contents if not fully remove them. Ward shivered in the thought of not knowing how long the Corvette had been within rebel hands. Ward was sure he would find evidence of rebel presence aboard the Star Pearl. He would however conduct his investigation with the utmost care due to the small amount of intelligence his Line had to offer on the situation before or after.
“Captain. I have the report you requested.”
“Yes. What have you found?”
“Unfortunately the line of travel we calculated from the shuttle’s jump information leads us to no possible destination. Either they would have made a secondary jump-course correction that would throw our calculations off or their destination is somehow hidden from our scanners.”
“Both are very possible. We must consider the shuttle lost unless otherwise proven so.” Ward said this with a hint of defeat in his voice, which the Lieutenant recognized. “What of the Star Pearl? Have you located any course intelligence in that blasted vessel?”
A pause. “No sir. From what the boarding team can gather the ship was never on a vector course and it corrected at least two times. However, we did find a rebel scanning device in one of the engine compartments.” This fact did not much matter to Ward as it did little to boost his confidence of the fact he had already suspected to be true.
Captain Ward gave a deep sigh. “Than we are to stay here and wait for further orders. Keep searching for anything of significance Lieutenant. I will be in my quarters. The Bridge is yours”
“Yes sir. I will keep you informed”
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
Posts: 531
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Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Location: Sunny Florida
ooc: semi-bump
The Instigator started lifting its small stub-wings as it neared the landing pad at the Rebel base on Anoth. The ramp lowered and Winters stepped out alongside Sarn and the others. Rebel soldiers immediately began waving the passengers towards a secure location. They weren't allowed to hear the name of the planet lest any of them be Imperial sympathizers. After all the passengers had been safely herded away, Winters sighed and relaxed a little.
"What's the matter?" Tellix asked, smiling. "A little hit and run too much for you now?"
Winters smirked back. "Never. After Carida and all that? That was nothing."
"I don't remember them teaching us covert operations at Carida."
"That's because you were always asleep. Come on, let's get something to drink and then I'm going to rest."
"Sure thing. Just like the good ol' days."
The two friends nodded to Sarn and Kirin and the other Novas and headed off towards the pilot's lounge.
The Instigator started lifting its small stub-wings as it neared the landing pad at the Rebel base on Anoth. The ramp lowered and Winters stepped out alongside Sarn and the others. Rebel soldiers immediately began waving the passengers towards a secure location. They weren't allowed to hear the name of the planet lest any of them be Imperial sympathizers. After all the passengers had been safely herded away, Winters sighed and relaxed a little.
"What's the matter?" Tellix asked, smiling. "A little hit and run too much for you now?"
Winters smirked back. "Never. After Carida and all that? That was nothing."
"I don't remember them teaching us covert operations at Carida."
"That's because you were always asleep. Come on, let's get something to drink and then I'm going to rest."
"Sure thing. Just like the good ol' days."
The two friends nodded to Sarn and Kirin and the other Novas and headed off towards the pilot's lounge.
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Posts: 96
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Location: Jacksonville, Fl
In the capital city of Thani on the planet of Telos in the Juvex Sector
Fleet Admiral Veers was seated at the end of a very long table surrounded by guests when an orderly came from behind and whispered something into Veers’s ear.
Veers quickly stood and announced, “Governors and Councilmen, you will excuse me. Urgent business has just arisen and I must attend to it. We will adjourn until tomorrow morning. Good day.” Veers made a curt nod of the head and swiftly marched out the door.
Admiral Veers and the orderly were now walking briskly through the corridors of the Fleet Association building, which led to the underground access of the Fleet Command Central HQ building. As the two entered the premises of the Fleet Command HQ they were joined by Veers’s Vice Admiral Vivian Sangraal and two orderlies of his own. All five men converged in the same corridor and all were moving at the same fast pace.
“Sir. We’ve received the confirmation report. All authentication has been confirmed and destroyed. The transmission awaits your audience.” Reported Admiral Sangraal with efficient speed.
Three minutes later all five approached the great doors of Veers’s own War Room. Veers marched in with pristine fluidity as the entire room was brought to attention upon his arrival. Once the echo from the heels of snapped boots died, the room (or more accurately, chamber) was dead quite. Veers walked up to the huge round computer table in the middle of the room. All 200 and five personnel were surrounding him like statues. He started taking off his gloves as he ordered:
“As you were”
The hum of operations began yet again, but more quietly under the presence of the highest-ranking Sector officer.
“Play the transmission,” ordered Veers
Throughout the entire room the all-important transmission resounded
“Agent 24-9-12-12-5-20 reporting mission Delta 5-1. Destination confirmed…0932. Coordinates computed…0933. JTT 4 parsecs…0933.9. Destination arrival…0940. Destination listing…Anoth, planet Jevex Sector, system Alpha 1-1 Lambda 42. Time signal coded. Prime coordinates, origin Omega 5 Alpha 6, Prime vector 2-4-5-9-2-2-4-4-7-12-01. Approach vector, series 6, 1-minor02, 2-minor05, 3-minorR35, 4-minorS01, 5-major09, 6-majorA05. Report authentication sent via code V-R7. Report ended. Agent 24-9-12-12-5-20 coded and out.”
The transmission ended with a deaf silence. A smirk grew on Veers’s face.
“Well well. So the rebels have a hideout in our very own back yard. They have managed to hide an entire planet from us for at least six years. Well now they come out to play. I would be remorseful if we did not greet them with a friendly welcome party.”
At this time Veers bestowed the smirk to Sangraal who then said:
“I will inform the 1st Battle Group to move out sir.” said Admiral Sangraal
“Very good Admiral. Inform Admiral Valtanan that failure is not an option and that he will only be permitted back to base if he accomplishes the mission 100% or if he is returned in a body bag. He knows to expect no mercy from me. I will be in my office.” And Veers marched out with a spine-tingling hiss from the doors.
Once the 1st Battle Group, under the command of one of the empires most seasoned Admirals, had received it orders, it made the fateful jump to destination…Anoth.
Fleet Admiral Veers was seated at the end of a very long table surrounded by guests when an orderly came from behind and whispered something into Veers’s ear.
Veers quickly stood and announced, “Governors and Councilmen, you will excuse me. Urgent business has just arisen and I must attend to it. We will adjourn until tomorrow morning. Good day.” Veers made a curt nod of the head and swiftly marched out the door.
Admiral Veers and the orderly were now walking briskly through the corridors of the Fleet Association building, which led to the underground access of the Fleet Command Central HQ building. As the two entered the premises of the Fleet Command HQ they were joined by Veers’s Vice Admiral Vivian Sangraal and two orderlies of his own. All five men converged in the same corridor and all were moving at the same fast pace.
“Sir. We’ve received the confirmation report. All authentication has been confirmed and destroyed. The transmission awaits your audience.” Reported Admiral Sangraal with efficient speed.
Three minutes later all five approached the great doors of Veers’s own War Room. Veers marched in with pristine fluidity as the entire room was brought to attention upon his arrival. Once the echo from the heels of snapped boots died, the room (or more accurately, chamber) was dead quite. Veers walked up to the huge round computer table in the middle of the room. All 200 and five personnel were surrounding him like statues. He started taking off his gloves as he ordered:
“As you were”
The hum of operations began yet again, but more quietly under the presence of the highest-ranking Sector officer.
“Play the transmission,” ordered Veers
Throughout the entire room the all-important transmission resounded
“Agent 24-9-12-12-5-20 reporting mission Delta 5-1. Destination confirmed…0932. Coordinates computed…0933. JTT 4 parsecs…0933.9. Destination arrival…0940. Destination listing…Anoth, planet Jevex Sector, system Alpha 1-1 Lambda 42. Time signal coded. Prime coordinates, origin Omega 5 Alpha 6, Prime vector 2-4-5-9-2-2-4-4-7-12-01. Approach vector, series 6, 1-minor02, 2-minor05, 3-minorR35, 4-minorS01, 5-major09, 6-majorA05. Report authentication sent via code V-R7. Report ended. Agent 24-9-12-12-5-20 coded and out.”
The transmission ended with a deaf silence. A smirk grew on Veers’s face.
“Well well. So the rebels have a hideout in our very own back yard. They have managed to hide an entire planet from us for at least six years. Well now they come out to play. I would be remorseful if we did not greet them with a friendly welcome party.”
At this time Veers bestowed the smirk to Sangraal who then said:
“I will inform the 1st Battle Group to move out sir.” said Admiral Sangraal
“Very good Admiral. Inform Admiral Valtanan that failure is not an option and that he will only be permitted back to base if he accomplishes the mission 100% or if he is returned in a body bag. He knows to expect no mercy from me. I will be in my office.” And Veers marched out with a spine-tingling hiss from the doors.
Once the 1st Battle Group, under the command of one of the empires most seasoned Admirals, had received it orders, it made the fateful jump to destination…Anoth.
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
Posts: 531
Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Location: Sunny Florida
It was now time for the screening process. Some of the passengers weren't likely to be Rebel enthusiasts, or at the very least, neutral. There were bound to be Imperial loyalists. And that is what gave David Winters his headache. He had led, with some other Nova pilots a few soldiers, the non-Rebel sympathizers into a room.
"All right. Perhaps you know why you're all gathered here. . ." he let the thought hang in the air in front of them. One of the older gentlemen looked at him and then suddenly took a step back in fear.
"You're-You're going to shoot us aren't you? Trap your little secret up in this room with our corpses!"
This took Winters by surprise. He stood up straighter, and held his hands out. "Actually. . . no, that wasn't the plan. But good try."
Some of the soldiers helped the man back into a chair.
"You're all here because you are on a base. A Rebel base. What this means is that you'll have to be dropped back into a random planet somewhere on the outer-rim, after a long flight. One filled with random hyperspace calculations and jumps. So that you can forget where you are. You got it?"
There were nods.
"Excellent. Now if you'll follow Sergeant, uh. . ." he wasn't supposed to use real names, and improvised, "Sergeant Leader to your shuttle, he'll prep your gear, and brief you again on your flight. And you'll be safe, I promise you." He said smiling to the old man who just grunted.
"Happy bunch, aren't they?" Winters whispered to the soldier at his side who tried not to laugh in front of the passengers.
Shouldn't be too much longer, Winters thought, until they can finally debrief their agent.
"All right. Perhaps you know why you're all gathered here. . ." he let the thought hang in the air in front of them. One of the older gentlemen looked at him and then suddenly took a step back in fear.
"You're-You're going to shoot us aren't you? Trap your little secret up in this room with our corpses!"
This took Winters by surprise. He stood up straighter, and held his hands out. "Actually. . . no, that wasn't the plan. But good try."
Some of the soldiers helped the man back into a chair.
"You're all here because you are on a base. A Rebel base. What this means is that you'll have to be dropped back into a random planet somewhere on the outer-rim, after a long flight. One filled with random hyperspace calculations and jumps. So that you can forget where you are. You got it?"
There were nods.
"Excellent. Now if you'll follow Sergeant, uh. . ." he wasn't supposed to use real names, and improvised, "Sergeant Leader to your shuttle, he'll prep your gear, and brief you again on your flight. And you'll be safe, I promise you." He said smiling to the old man who just grunted.
"Happy bunch, aren't they?" Winters whispered to the soldier at his side who tried not to laugh in front of the passengers.
Shouldn't be too much longer, Winters thought, until they can finally debrief their agent.
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Posts: 96
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Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:33 pm
Location: Jacksonville, Fl
Fleet Admiral Veers was reviewing and authorizing last minute battle orders, with his orderly (Lieutenant Byron Lizar) over his shoulder, when Vice Admiral Sangraal entered the room with a smart salute.
Veers looked up with a nod of acknowledgment and finished up what he was currently doing.
“Please, take a seat.” Said Veers with an air of politeness
“Thank you sir” replied Sangraal
Veers put up an index finger to Sangraal and turned quickly to his orderly as he said, “Lieutenant, make sure the Requisition Consents get to Captain Nassar in Logistics, and process this countermand immediately”
“Yes sir.” and the orderly was on his way out a back door.
“Now, Admiral, you wanted to speak to me” said Veers
“Yes sir. I was curious about the current operation. We have located Black Nova, who is certain to stay based on Anoth for at least another day, and yet you have no intention of personally commanding the operation. Now I know the secretive nature of your search for…” Sangraal was cut off
“You are aware of my secrete and ongoing search for David Winters and you are baffled why I am not personally commanding this opportunity to capture him. Do I have it correct?”
“Yes sir. I am merely curious. I did mean to raise a point of personal request.”
“Unnecessary Admiral. I value your insight and your worthy concern. As my executive you are privileged enough to bypass such protocol. You see Admiral, Black Nova will not be captured during this operation to Anoth.”
Sangraal showed no sign of surprise. He was in many ways more stern in composure than Veers, his face a soft but stiff mask; absent of the more numerous facial lines present on Veers. Sangraal was Veers’ second in command for a reason. He had battle-hardened resolve, and could intimidate almost anyone. If the entire universe came crashing down atop him, he would meet it with a confident and brave spirit, and would charge at it with unnatural courage. Veers respected Sangraal above all of his staff and fleet officers.
“Not only is Black Nova not the priority of this operation, I have no expectations of Valtanan to capture or destroy all rebel opposing forces. This battle is meant to act as a morale devastator. I want the Rebel Alliance, as well as Black Nova, to understand that the Empire is close on their track, perhaps closer than they would like us. I want them to know that their safe haven in the galaxy has now been made unsafe under the ever-seeing eye of the Empire. Having conquered the theater of operation, we will be able to acquire the coordinates for any escaping rebel vessel and we will deal the deadly blow once the rebels have been scared, scattered and reformed. In my dealings with Black Nova I have developed an operating strategy. You see, Black Nova is a special forces ground and space fighter unit. They do not compromise their covert nature by attaching to definite and permanent bases; instead they travel from mission to mission in single form or with an accompanying detachment. Our agent tipped us on Black Nova’s retrieval mission a week ago. Thus Black Nova will be using Anoth as a safe-base for a new mission brief no doubt. Therefore, when we shove our little surprise down their throats and the evacuation elements are scattered, Black Nova will be easy prey along with their mission, which happens to be ours as well. Along with my intentions for this operation, I have included elements in accordance to the mission we have been designated by Center. As of late I have received what I am to believe is the final brief of Center’s mission. This sector was charged with capturing a force adept rebel spy for some covert Imperial experiment. We were charged with the mission as the target evolved here. However, before yesterday I was not curtain as to the details of our mission once the witch had been apprehended…now I know. At 0100 tomorrow, this fleet will acquire a new and very special ISD-II vessel. This vessel has been commissioned as my new flagship and battle command center of this fleet. To be rather blunt, as I grow tired of my own rambling, The Imperium, as it is to be called, is a state-of-the-art destroyer which uses the force abilities of a force adept person to pilot the vessel, but more importantly, to control the targeting system of the vessels’ hyperlaser. I am somewhat confused on the technical aspect of the technology, but evidently the ship can enhance the senses of the pilot and allow the vessel to actually locate and target specific enemy signals. This hyperlaser is housed within the interior of the vessel. The vessels’ identification information is identical to that of an ordinary destroyer. And evidently the thermal operating and coolant systems are undetectable by sensors. Have I satiated your curiosity Admiral?”
“Above and beyond, sir. I have one last concern if I may. After we capture the Anoth Theater and you begin your hunt for Black Nova again with the Imperium, who will govern Juvex Sector in your absence?”
“What a coincidence that you should ask. I had you in mind, by both proxy and ability. I will need the best I have to stay behind and administer the economy of this sector. I will also require your strength and intelligence as Moff Gheronus might use my absence as an opportunity to force his authority on this Sector. I will grant you full authority to take whatever action necessary in such a case. And does this satiate your concern Admiral”
Sangraal smirked at the dry humor. “Yes sir, yes it does. You of course know to expect no dissatisfaction from me. However, I would advise we discuss this matter when the time comes. First things first, and what not.”
“My sentiments exactly. Well Admiral, is that all for now?”
“Yes sir. I will return to my post if that is alright with you.”
“Yes. You are dismissed.” Veers arose from his large chair
Sangraal sprung from his chair with a click of the heels and gave a casual salute and shook Veers’ outstretched hand.
“Good day sir and thank you for your time” said Sangraal
“Good day Admiral, and you are most welcome” Replied Veers.
Sangraal was off smartly down the long office floor to the two great doors at the other end.
Veers, back in his chair, picked up a datapad with a picture of the Imperium displayed. He looked gapingly at the picture and a large smile grew on his hard face.
Veers looked up with a nod of acknowledgment and finished up what he was currently doing.
“Please, take a seat.” Said Veers with an air of politeness
“Thank you sir” replied Sangraal
Veers put up an index finger to Sangraal and turned quickly to his orderly as he said, “Lieutenant, make sure the Requisition Consents get to Captain Nassar in Logistics, and process this countermand immediately”
“Yes sir.” and the orderly was on his way out a back door.
“Now, Admiral, you wanted to speak to me” said Veers
“Yes sir. I was curious about the current operation. We have located Black Nova, who is certain to stay based on Anoth for at least another day, and yet you have no intention of personally commanding the operation. Now I know the secretive nature of your search for…” Sangraal was cut off
“You are aware of my secrete and ongoing search for David Winters and you are baffled why I am not personally commanding this opportunity to capture him. Do I have it correct?”
“Yes sir. I am merely curious. I did mean to raise a point of personal request.”
“Unnecessary Admiral. I value your insight and your worthy concern. As my executive you are privileged enough to bypass such protocol. You see Admiral, Black Nova will not be captured during this operation to Anoth.”
Sangraal showed no sign of surprise. He was in many ways more stern in composure than Veers, his face a soft but stiff mask; absent of the more numerous facial lines present on Veers. Sangraal was Veers’ second in command for a reason. He had battle-hardened resolve, and could intimidate almost anyone. If the entire universe came crashing down atop him, he would meet it with a confident and brave spirit, and would charge at it with unnatural courage. Veers respected Sangraal above all of his staff and fleet officers.
“Not only is Black Nova not the priority of this operation, I have no expectations of Valtanan to capture or destroy all rebel opposing forces. This battle is meant to act as a morale devastator. I want the Rebel Alliance, as well as Black Nova, to understand that the Empire is close on their track, perhaps closer than they would like us. I want them to know that their safe haven in the galaxy has now been made unsafe under the ever-seeing eye of the Empire. Having conquered the theater of operation, we will be able to acquire the coordinates for any escaping rebel vessel and we will deal the deadly blow once the rebels have been scared, scattered and reformed. In my dealings with Black Nova I have developed an operating strategy. You see, Black Nova is a special forces ground and space fighter unit. They do not compromise their covert nature by attaching to definite and permanent bases; instead they travel from mission to mission in single form or with an accompanying detachment. Our agent tipped us on Black Nova’s retrieval mission a week ago. Thus Black Nova will be using Anoth as a safe-base for a new mission brief no doubt. Therefore, when we shove our little surprise down their throats and the evacuation elements are scattered, Black Nova will be easy prey along with their mission, which happens to be ours as well. Along with my intentions for this operation, I have included elements in accordance to the mission we have been designated by Center. As of late I have received what I am to believe is the final brief of Center’s mission. This sector was charged with capturing a force adept rebel spy for some covert Imperial experiment. We were charged with the mission as the target evolved here. However, before yesterday I was not curtain as to the details of our mission once the witch had been apprehended…now I know. At 0100 tomorrow, this fleet will acquire a new and very special ISD-II vessel. This vessel has been commissioned as my new flagship and battle command center of this fleet. To be rather blunt, as I grow tired of my own rambling, The Imperium, as it is to be called, is a state-of-the-art destroyer which uses the force abilities of a force adept person to pilot the vessel, but more importantly, to control the targeting system of the vessels’ hyperlaser. I am somewhat confused on the technical aspect of the technology, but evidently the ship can enhance the senses of the pilot and allow the vessel to actually locate and target specific enemy signals. This hyperlaser is housed within the interior of the vessel. The vessels’ identification information is identical to that of an ordinary destroyer. And evidently the thermal operating and coolant systems are undetectable by sensors. Have I satiated your curiosity Admiral?”
“Above and beyond, sir. I have one last concern if I may. After we capture the Anoth Theater and you begin your hunt for Black Nova again with the Imperium, who will govern Juvex Sector in your absence?”
“What a coincidence that you should ask. I had you in mind, by both proxy and ability. I will need the best I have to stay behind and administer the economy of this sector. I will also require your strength and intelligence as Moff Gheronus might use my absence as an opportunity to force his authority on this Sector. I will grant you full authority to take whatever action necessary in such a case. And does this satiate your concern Admiral”
Sangraal smirked at the dry humor. “Yes sir, yes it does. You of course know to expect no dissatisfaction from me. However, I would advise we discuss this matter when the time comes. First things first, and what not.”
“My sentiments exactly. Well Admiral, is that all for now?”
“Yes sir. I will return to my post if that is alright with you.”
“Yes. You are dismissed.” Veers arose from his large chair
Sangraal sprung from his chair with a click of the heels and gave a casual salute and shook Veers’ outstretched hand.
“Good day sir and thank you for your time” said Sangraal
“Good day Admiral, and you are most welcome” Replied Veers.
Sangraal was off smartly down the long office floor to the two great doors at the other end.
Veers, back in his chair, picked up a datapad with a picture of the Imperium displayed. He looked gapingly at the picture and a large smile grew on his hard face.
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
Posts: 96
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Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:33 pm
Location: Jacksonville, Fl
Aboard the ISD-II Naphmark, Flagship of the 1st Battle Group, 3rd Fleet Juvex Sector
Admiral Valtanan was standing before his Captain’s chair reviewing navigation vectors of his fleet when his executive officer, Rear Admiral Tygran Chersyra, entered the bridge and snapped to attention with a salute.
“Sir, we have received launch authorization from Fleet Command.” Reported Admiral Chersyra
“Very good Admiral. I want a report on our away status.” Ordered Admiral Valtanan with his very deep and booming voice. He was the most seasoned of Veers’ fleet officers and there were few men in Veers’ fleet who could match Valtanan’s massive and broad stature. He was a 38 year-old man with a full head of stark white hair and a darker than normal complexion. His appearance made him stand out like an Imperial Guardsman on the icy deserts of Hoth.
Chersyra gave a curt bow and approached a consul, which displayed the arrangement and status of every registered vessel attached to the battle group. “Sir, the Battle Group is formed up and awaiting your orders.” Reported Chersyra
“Very well. Open broadcast frequency.” Valtanan was now able to communicate to all vessels of Battle Group 1.
“Battle Group 1…Launch!”
And with that order, 29 Star Destroyers, 56 cruisers and frigates and an army of 271,600 stormtroopers made the jump to hyperspace towards Anoth. The entire battle group was formed on one battle network that jammed any incoming sensors. So even if the rebels did pick up the battle groups’ signal, it would be the size of a single vessel and it’s identification would be masked as a medical frigate. Valtanan was only given orders to capture the entirety of Anoth base and any non-offensive enemy vessels. However, Valtanan was never known for a failure of order and never did he disappoint. He had enough Interdictor cruisers under his command to incapacitate four entire star systems. Valtanan would leave little room for any vessel to escape, not knowing that Veers would freely accept the escape of some vessels, like that of Black Nova Squadron and the force adept agent. Valtanan knew that his very career and even his life were on the line if he performed beneath the expectations of Fleet Admiral Veers. Thus, even though Veers secretly expected vary little from this mission, Valtanan would fight this battle as if it was his last. The Rebels would never know what hit them.
Admiral Valtanan was standing before his Captain’s chair reviewing navigation vectors of his fleet when his executive officer, Rear Admiral Tygran Chersyra, entered the bridge and snapped to attention with a salute.
“Sir, we have received launch authorization from Fleet Command.” Reported Admiral Chersyra
“Very good Admiral. I want a report on our away status.” Ordered Admiral Valtanan with his very deep and booming voice. He was the most seasoned of Veers’ fleet officers and there were few men in Veers’ fleet who could match Valtanan’s massive and broad stature. He was a 38 year-old man with a full head of stark white hair and a darker than normal complexion. His appearance made him stand out like an Imperial Guardsman on the icy deserts of Hoth.
Chersyra gave a curt bow and approached a consul, which displayed the arrangement and status of every registered vessel attached to the battle group. “Sir, the Battle Group is formed up and awaiting your orders.” Reported Chersyra
“Very well. Open broadcast frequency.” Valtanan was now able to communicate to all vessels of Battle Group 1.
“Battle Group 1…Launch!”
And with that order, 29 Star Destroyers, 56 cruisers and frigates and an army of 271,600 stormtroopers made the jump to hyperspace towards Anoth. The entire battle group was formed on one battle network that jammed any incoming sensors. So even if the rebels did pick up the battle groups’ signal, it would be the size of a single vessel and it’s identification would be masked as a medical frigate. Valtanan was only given orders to capture the entirety of Anoth base and any non-offensive enemy vessels. However, Valtanan was never known for a failure of order and never did he disappoint. He had enough Interdictor cruisers under his command to incapacitate four entire star systems. Valtanan would leave little room for any vessel to escape, not knowing that Veers would freely accept the escape of some vessels, like that of Black Nova Squadron and the force adept agent. Valtanan knew that his very career and even his life were on the line if he performed beneath the expectations of Fleet Admiral Veers. Thus, even though Veers secretly expected vary little from this mission, Valtanan would fight this battle as if it was his last. The Rebels would never know what hit them.
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
The coldness of space....
To be adrift in the depths of space is an almost certain death sentence.....
And yet, somewhere in the blackness there is life.....
Drifting silently thought the obscurity is a small vessel....
The badly damaged ship shows no external signs of life......
A single becon light flickers faintly on the ships hull.....
On board the two pilots are unconcious, life support is barely sufficient.
The only power source is the distress beacon which desperatly calls for any nearby assistance, but it's cry for help goes unanswered....
And so the ship drifts on.....
To be adrift in the depths of space is an almost certain death sentence.....
And yet, somewhere in the blackness there is life.....
Drifting silently thought the obscurity is a small vessel....
The badly damaged ship shows no external signs of life......
A single becon light flickers faintly on the ships hull.....
On board the two pilots are unconcious, life support is barely sufficient.
The only power source is the distress beacon which desperatly calls for any nearby assistance, but it's cry for help goes unanswered....
And so the ship drifts on.....
Posts: 531
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Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Location: Sunny Florida
"Captain Winters!"
It was a young soldier, probably just out of one of the Rebellion's basic training areas. His face was flushed and he was breathing hard.
"What is it? Calm down." Winters said, trying to be reassuring. He felt a knot forming in the pit of his stomach. People don't get worked up this easily over nothing. But he was just a kid. Maybe it was nothing at all. . .
"Two Star Destroyers have been picked up on sensors, at the edge of the system. Their bearing is coming straight for us, sir!"
Forget about that theory, he thought grimly.
"Alright, listen very carefully. You listening?" The private nodded. "Get everyone toward the evacuation center. And sound General Quarters!"
The kid ran off and Winters swore. He ran towards the communication building and saw Tellix walk out calmly. He looked surprised when he was Winters.
"Kyle? What were you doing in there? Nevermind, get to your X-Wing, we're scrambling. Star Destroyers have arrived!"
"Star Destroyers have what?" Tellix surprise was now outweighed with concern.
"Attention all squadrons, prepare for lift off. Black Nova and Yellow Squadron are scrambling to intercept fighters approaching the planet. Green and White Squadrons are on standby. All other squadrons run escorts for the transports and evac immediately! I repeat. . . ".
"Things are about to get exciting," Winters mumbled.
It was a young soldier, probably just out of one of the Rebellion's basic training areas. His face was flushed and he was breathing hard.
"What is it? Calm down." Winters said, trying to be reassuring. He felt a knot forming in the pit of his stomach. People don't get worked up this easily over nothing. But he was just a kid. Maybe it was nothing at all. . .
"Two Star Destroyers have been picked up on sensors, at the edge of the system. Their bearing is coming straight for us, sir!"
Forget about that theory, he thought grimly.
"Alright, listen very carefully. You listening?" The private nodded. "Get everyone toward the evacuation center. And sound General Quarters!"
The kid ran off and Winters swore. He ran towards the communication building and saw Tellix walk out calmly. He looked surprised when he was Winters.
"Kyle? What were you doing in there? Nevermind, get to your X-Wing, we're scrambling. Star Destroyers have arrived!"
"Star Destroyers have what?" Tellix surprise was now outweighed with concern.
"Attention all squadrons, prepare for lift off. Black Nova and Yellow Squadron are scrambling to intercept fighters approaching the planet. Green and White Squadrons are on standby. All other squadrons run escorts for the transports and evac immediately! I repeat. . . ".
"Things are about to get exciting," Winters mumbled.
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Posts: 96
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Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:33 pm
Location: Jacksonville, Fl
Aboard the ISD-II Naphmark, Flagship of the 1st Battle Group, 3rd Fleet Juvex Sector
All was silent. The bridge crew of the Naphmark had all systems and operations running smoothly and now had a chance to look out the viewscreen of the bridge while peace still inhabited the vessel. The crew was astonished at the size of Anoth. Even at this far distance Anoth presented a morsel of something in a vacuum of nothingness. Many of the petty officers and enlisted men heard rumblings about the destination of their mission, but were adamant that there would in fact exist a secret enemy base in the back yard of Juvex sector. Anoth had remained hidden from the Empire for decades and now Veers and the valiant men of his great fleet had the honor and glory of discovering this symbol of rebellion strength first. The astonishment on the faces of the crew was that of impressiveness and disbelief that such a base did in fact exist. The same situation was no doubt present aboard the accompanying star destroyer, the ISD-II Immaculate. The two vessels made their slow and menacing approach towards Anoth.
Admiral Valtanan showed no signs of being impressed, because he was not. He was impressed by very little. Even if he did find himself to be impressed by something chances are he would not display it by facial expression.
“Fleet status… report” Ordered Admiral Valtanan
“The Immaculate reports SRF. Squadron command is on Delay Schedule Hyper-status B3. They are awaiting the operation schedule jump signal.” Replied The Operations officer
“Very well. Com Scan report”
“Anoth base has been alerted to our presence. Com scan has detected two squadrons headed our way. Shall I put defense fighters on Protocol 01 sir?”
“No. Can you detect any line vessels in the theatre?”
“Yes sir. I am picking up multiple active and non-active Mon Calamari-class vessels and a detachment of Corellian-class vessels. All in the proximity of Anoth base”
“Exactly. I want to pin down all capital vessels only at the correct time. If we launched fighters now, the enemy would be determining the vanguard and line of battle. We make our way towards point Alpha and wait there. Fighters will be launched at close range in defense. Inform Group Captain Firestar that he will receive his orders soon.”
This Group Captain Firestar was Valtanan’s secret weapon. Lynus Firestar and his squadron were trained personally by Veers at Carida. The Squadron was among the best of the Imperial Starfighter Corps. Firestar was able to outfit his squadron with a full compliment of Tie Interceptors. Firestar preferred to split up his enemy, destroying a cohesive team, and then attacking each part at the same time. He would attack in a wedge formation full speed towards his target and fire off one salvo before breaking into six different directions. Firestar was also known to “play” with his enemy by making fast non-stop passes zooming dangerously close to the enemy. He did this to make his enemy tense and cause them to loose their patience. Veers loved the tenacity and merciless fury of Firestar’s fighting style. He revered Firestar almost as much as he did Winters at one point.
Elsewhere in space...
Aboard the ISD Touchstone, Flagship of the 10th Line or the 4th Squadron of the 1st Battle Group.
“Captain. I am picking up a faint signal. Wait…it’s a distress signal. It, it has an Imperial encryption signature attached. Sir, if we leave it here it could fetch the attention of a rebel vessel within 1 parsec of our waypoint. What shall we do sir?” reported the ships' Operations Officer
“Yes. I had already figured the part about enemy interception at its current proximity. Well then, we will retrieve the vessel. Cut route-signal network with the fleet. Take us out of hyperspace. Lets make this fast. I want the vessel and the crew safely secured within 5 minutes after we launch the retrieval team.” Ordered Line Captain Angston Chambers
Captain Chambers turned to his Executive Officer, Commander MocToris. “Commander, hurry down to the main bay. Make sure that the crew, if still alive, is given immediate medical care. Report from the bay on our away status.”
“Yes sir. I’m on my way,” replied Commander MocToris
…6 Minutes later…
“Captain, this is Commander M…” Commander MocToris was cut off
“Yes yes Commander. You're one minute late! What in the Emperors’ name took you so long? Well?
“This ship sir, it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen. The only thing that tells me it is an Imperial vessel is the registration code. But it sure looks to me like an experimental type anti-fighter vessel, Beautiful really---“
“Damnit Commander, you can make love to it later! The crew, what about the crew?”
“Just two sir, and alive. I have not had time to do a data check on them, but they are under oxygen hibernation and are being sent to the medical bay as we speak.”
"Very good. I want you to stay with those two until they are revived. The Touchstone will now re-connect with the fleet."
All was silent. The bridge crew of the Naphmark had all systems and operations running smoothly and now had a chance to look out the viewscreen of the bridge while peace still inhabited the vessel. The crew was astonished at the size of Anoth. Even at this far distance Anoth presented a morsel of something in a vacuum of nothingness. Many of the petty officers and enlisted men heard rumblings about the destination of their mission, but were adamant that there would in fact exist a secret enemy base in the back yard of Juvex sector. Anoth had remained hidden from the Empire for decades and now Veers and the valiant men of his great fleet had the honor and glory of discovering this symbol of rebellion strength first. The astonishment on the faces of the crew was that of impressiveness and disbelief that such a base did in fact exist. The same situation was no doubt present aboard the accompanying star destroyer, the ISD-II Immaculate. The two vessels made their slow and menacing approach towards Anoth.
Admiral Valtanan showed no signs of being impressed, because he was not. He was impressed by very little. Even if he did find himself to be impressed by something chances are he would not display it by facial expression.
“Fleet status… report” Ordered Admiral Valtanan
“The Immaculate reports SRF. Squadron command is on Delay Schedule Hyper-status B3. They are awaiting the operation schedule jump signal.” Replied The Operations officer
“Very well. Com Scan report”
“Anoth base has been alerted to our presence. Com scan has detected two squadrons headed our way. Shall I put defense fighters on Protocol 01 sir?”
“No. Can you detect any line vessels in the theatre?”
“Yes sir. I am picking up multiple active and non-active Mon Calamari-class vessels and a detachment of Corellian-class vessels. All in the proximity of Anoth base”
“Exactly. I want to pin down all capital vessels only at the correct time. If we launched fighters now, the enemy would be determining the vanguard and line of battle. We make our way towards point Alpha and wait there. Fighters will be launched at close range in defense. Inform Group Captain Firestar that he will receive his orders soon.”
This Group Captain Firestar was Valtanan’s secret weapon. Lynus Firestar and his squadron were trained personally by Veers at Carida. The Squadron was among the best of the Imperial Starfighter Corps. Firestar was able to outfit his squadron with a full compliment of Tie Interceptors. Firestar preferred to split up his enemy, destroying a cohesive team, and then attacking each part at the same time. He would attack in a wedge formation full speed towards his target and fire off one salvo before breaking into six different directions. Firestar was also known to “play” with his enemy by making fast non-stop passes zooming dangerously close to the enemy. He did this to make his enemy tense and cause them to loose their patience. Veers loved the tenacity and merciless fury of Firestar’s fighting style. He revered Firestar almost as much as he did Winters at one point.
Elsewhere in space...
Aboard the ISD Touchstone, Flagship of the 10th Line or the 4th Squadron of the 1st Battle Group.
“Captain. I am picking up a faint signal. Wait…it’s a distress signal. It, it has an Imperial encryption signature attached. Sir, if we leave it here it could fetch the attention of a rebel vessel within 1 parsec of our waypoint. What shall we do sir?” reported the ships' Operations Officer
“Yes. I had already figured the part about enemy interception at its current proximity. Well then, we will retrieve the vessel. Cut route-signal network with the fleet. Take us out of hyperspace. Lets make this fast. I want the vessel and the crew safely secured within 5 minutes after we launch the retrieval team.” Ordered Line Captain Angston Chambers
Captain Chambers turned to his Executive Officer, Commander MocToris. “Commander, hurry down to the main bay. Make sure that the crew, if still alive, is given immediate medical care. Report from the bay on our away status.”
“Yes sir. I’m on my way,” replied Commander MocToris
…6 Minutes later…
“Captain, this is Commander M…” Commander MocToris was cut off
“Yes yes Commander. You're one minute late! What in the Emperors’ name took you so long? Well?
“This ship sir, it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen. The only thing that tells me it is an Imperial vessel is the registration code. But it sure looks to me like an experimental type anti-fighter vessel, Beautiful really---“
“Damnit Commander, you can make love to it later! The crew, what about the crew?”
“Just two sir, and alive. I have not had time to do a data check on them, but they are under oxygen hibernation and are being sent to the medical bay as we speak.”
"Very good. I want you to stay with those two until they are revived. The Touchstone will now re-connect with the fleet."
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
Posts: 531
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Location: Sunny Florida
ooc: I kinda forgot about Silverblade's involvement (sorry guys, my bad) when posting the loudspeaker assignments, so just change "Yellow Squadron" to "Silverblade Squadron"
ic: "Well, they picked a hell of a day to show up!" a young Ensign aboard the Mon Calamari Cruiser Victor One mumbled at his navigation station.
"Stow that kind of talk, soldier. Take us just outside firing range for our long range-missiles," the Captain said forcefully. The Ensign responded properly and input the data into his console. The Captain looked out the viewport, and let his eyes dance about his own console, where various computer-generated nava-computer displays flashed. Some battle-tactic simulations were being generated by the battle computer as well, and he paid close attention to those. Once he was satisfied with the information at his disposal he picked up a remote comlink hooked up to the entirety of the ship's interior.
"Listen up! This is Captain Tyru, battle stations! I say again, battle stations! Two ISD's have jumped in-system and we have to greet them. This isn't a drill!" He promptly deactivated the comlink and placed both hands on his console and looked forwards. The computer linked up to the main viewport highligted the two approaching Star Destroyers. One Mon Calamari Cruiser wasn't going to be able to stop them, but Freedom Two, the only other active Mon Calamari craft was patrolling the far end of the Hoth Sector, and it would take several minutes for it to arrive to the battle, and by then it would be too late.
"Sir! Communication incoming from the base!"
"Patch it through!" Tryu barked. The comlink operator nodded quickly and punched in a few commands in his computer system. The intercom system in the bridge played the transmission while the holotank near the main console array sparked to life. It showed the flight control officer of Anoth Base. He looked worried and distraught.
"Sir! Freedom Two is changing vector to intercept your position now. Estimated Time to Arrival is fifteen minutes!"
"We don't have that long, what else is coming?" Tryu said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Black Nova Squadron is scrambling as we speak, and Silverblade is prepping for take-off, sir! All other squadrons are going to be escorting the transpors out of system."
"Alright. . ." Tryu thought for a moment. Black Nova was good, or at least so the Captain had heard. He had never seen them engage in actual combat. This would definitely be interesting. . . if he lived long enough to see it. As cliched as that thought seemed, it was eerily fitting. But Captain Tyru knew his crew couldn't see the concern that was growing in his head. He had to have the answers, and he had to have them now. At least give them some peace if we're all to die here, he thought grimly.
"Novas, form up, on my wing and report in," Commander Sarn said over the squadron's frequency as they took off. The S-foils were already beginning to lock in attack position.
"Nova 2 standing-by," Lieutenant Commander Kirin Tsukino reported in.
"Nova 3 standing by," Captain David Winters said shortly afterwards. The rest of the squadron filled in accordingly, and they formed a wedge formation as they approached the aft sector of Victor One's fuselage.
"Alright, here's the game plan," Sarn began explaining. "Novas 2, 3, and 4 and I will form Flight One. I'm Flight Lead. 5 through 8 are Flight Two, Nova 5 has Lead. Novas 9, 10, 11, and 12 are Flight Three, Nova 9 has Lead. Got it?"
"Yes, sir," The Flight Leads reported and then began issuing their own specialized commands.
"Flight Two, break right and follow my lead."
"Copy that, Flight Lead." The four X-Wings immediately banked right in perfect unison and started drifting from the main formation.
"Flight Three, you take the left flank," Sarn instructed.
"Yes, sir. Flight Three, on me!" The last four X-Wings did their turn to the left and the command wing was left on its own.
"Time for a show?" Winters asked over the intercom. It didn't take long for Kirin to answer. "Fireworks ready and lit."
"We aim to please," Winters said and momentarily called upon the Force to bring them luck. A thought that amused him. The two gray, cold wedges in the distant darkness of space didn't, however.
ic: "Well, they picked a hell of a day to show up!" a young Ensign aboard the Mon Calamari Cruiser Victor One mumbled at his navigation station.
"Stow that kind of talk, soldier. Take us just outside firing range for our long range-missiles," the Captain said forcefully. The Ensign responded properly and input the data into his console. The Captain looked out the viewport, and let his eyes dance about his own console, where various computer-generated nava-computer displays flashed. Some battle-tactic simulations were being generated by the battle computer as well, and he paid close attention to those. Once he was satisfied with the information at his disposal he picked up a remote comlink hooked up to the entirety of the ship's interior.
"Listen up! This is Captain Tyru, battle stations! I say again, battle stations! Two ISD's have jumped in-system and we have to greet them. This isn't a drill!" He promptly deactivated the comlink and placed both hands on his console and looked forwards. The computer linked up to the main viewport highligted the two approaching Star Destroyers. One Mon Calamari Cruiser wasn't going to be able to stop them, but Freedom Two, the only other active Mon Calamari craft was patrolling the far end of the Hoth Sector, and it would take several minutes for it to arrive to the battle, and by then it would be too late.
"Sir! Communication incoming from the base!"
"Patch it through!" Tryu barked. The comlink operator nodded quickly and punched in a few commands in his computer system. The intercom system in the bridge played the transmission while the holotank near the main console array sparked to life. It showed the flight control officer of Anoth Base. He looked worried and distraught.
"Sir! Freedom Two is changing vector to intercept your position now. Estimated Time to Arrival is fifteen minutes!"
"We don't have that long, what else is coming?" Tryu said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Black Nova Squadron is scrambling as we speak, and Silverblade is prepping for take-off, sir! All other squadrons are going to be escorting the transpors out of system."
"Alright. . ." Tryu thought for a moment. Black Nova was good, or at least so the Captain had heard. He had never seen them engage in actual combat. This would definitely be interesting. . . if he lived long enough to see it. As cliched as that thought seemed, it was eerily fitting. But Captain Tyru knew his crew couldn't see the concern that was growing in his head. He had to have the answers, and he had to have them now. At least give them some peace if we're all to die here, he thought grimly.
"Novas, form up, on my wing and report in," Commander Sarn said over the squadron's frequency as they took off. The S-foils were already beginning to lock in attack position.
"Nova 2 standing-by," Lieutenant Commander Kirin Tsukino reported in.
"Nova 3 standing by," Captain David Winters said shortly afterwards. The rest of the squadron filled in accordingly, and they formed a wedge formation as they approached the aft sector of Victor One's fuselage.
"Alright, here's the game plan," Sarn began explaining. "Novas 2, 3, and 4 and I will form Flight One. I'm Flight Lead. 5 through 8 are Flight Two, Nova 5 has Lead. Novas 9, 10, 11, and 12 are Flight Three, Nova 9 has Lead. Got it?"
"Yes, sir," The Flight Leads reported and then began issuing their own specialized commands.
"Flight Two, break right and follow my lead."
"Copy that, Flight Lead." The four X-Wings immediately banked right in perfect unison and started drifting from the main formation.
"Flight Three, you take the left flank," Sarn instructed.
"Yes, sir. Flight Three, on me!" The last four X-Wings did their turn to the left and the command wing was left on its own.
"Time for a show?" Winters asked over the intercom. It didn't take long for Kirin to answer. "Fireworks ready and lit."
"We aim to please," Winters said and momentarily called upon the Force to bring them luck. A thought that amused him. The two gray, cold wedges in the distant darkness of space didn't, however.
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Posts: 531
Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Location: Sunny Florida
Her eyes suddenly opened. She was staring at the ceiling of the medical center of an imperial star destroyer. The faint flicker was fading almost a memory already, but it had been enough, enough to revive her.David_Winters wrote: "We aim to please," Winters said and momentarily called upon the Force to bring them luck.
"Ah your awake!" smiled a medical officer entering from the adjoining office, the woman looked at her confused "Where am I?" she asked meekly
"On board the ISD Touchstone, we found you drifitng. Your ship was dead in space and you were not far behind."
She looked herself up and down as the medical officer spoke, some of the synthi flesh on her left arm had been pulled away and the black cortosis glinted out from beneath. Otherwise she appeared to be health, apart from a bum to the head and a few minor scratches.
"What about my co-pilot?" she queried
"She's fine" smiled the medical officer "She's resting in a bacta tank, she was slightly worse off then you when we found you but she has responded well to treatment. She should be up and around in a few hours!"
With that the officer turned a picked a few items up from a nearby desk.
"These are yours I believe?" she handed the woman the handful of belongings "Commander Kheiron!" with that she saluted smartly.
The woman returned the salute and took the belongings, placing her imperial ID badge back on her Tie uniform.
"I need to speak to the commander" She spoke
"I though you might. There are two guards outside they will escort you to the bridge but don't expect great conversation from Chambers we are in the middle of an operation!"
She nodded in reply and pressed the door release button, two storm troopers stood to attention outside the medical bay, upon seeing her ID they immediatly saluted which she promptly returned and indicated that they should lead on, she followed sharply behind.
Posts: 96
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Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:33 pm
Location: Jacksonville, Fl
Aboard the ISD-II Naphmark
“Sir, we have acquired an approach vector from this MonCal cruiser, ID1.” The Operations Officer pointed to a signal on the tactical relay screen. “Its heading is 4° mark 2 to our current bearing. Enemy fighter units have taken up two by-linear headings to our course. What are your orders sir?” The Operations Officer was speaking to Admiral Valtanan’s back as the Admiral looked out the viewport of his bridge.
Valtanan did not move nor did he acknowledge the officer physically, he kept his gaze on the soon-to-be battlefield before him. “The Advanced Guard will maintain our position here at point Alpha. Inform the Immaculate to undertake evasive action under full shields once the fighters break prime 2 defense grid. Once the second enemy fighter unit breaches our prime one defense grid give the launch order, protocol 1. Broadcast a timed relay to the Battle Group. We are on schedule.”
“Aye aye sir.”
Veers was sitting comfortably in his great chair facing the magnificent window, which looked out upon the splendor of his civil and military accomplishments. He was sipping liquor slowly and had upon his lap a datapad, which was turned off.
A bell tone interrupted his gaze upon the city when an orderly marched inside the office and came to attention then saluted. He reported his business.
“Admiral, We have received the transmission from the ISD-II Imperium informing us of its arrival and approach vector. Shall I inform Colonel Valasantratta of his reception sir?”
“Yes. Ready an escort unit for his entry into the city. Inform the Colonel I will be awaiting his touchdown.” Ordered Veers
“Yes Admiral” and the Orderly was off.
Veers finished his liquor leisurely, gave a large sigh and stood from his chair, placing the datapad on his great desk. He them made the long journey to the northern military spaceport, about five miles from his HQ building. Accompanying Veers in his air speeder was Vice Admiral Sangraal, Admiral Cyteron, Commandant: Rear Admiral Gavin Rietzcourt, Chief-of-Staff: Rear Admiral Sheridan Val Kliestenon and Inspector-General: Rear Admiral Declan Visoroth.
Once at the spaceport (the largest in the city), all of Veers’ staff exited the vehicle and stood alert as Veers made his appearance and adjusted his officer cap.
“Gentlemen, this way.” His staff followed him in order of seniority.
This day Veers was rather giddy inside, but he would show no external sign of it. Today was the day he had long awaited since he and Palthis spoke about this hitherto secret Imperial project. The ISD-II Imperium was a very special Star Destroyer. It looked like an Imperator-Class Star Destroyer and it registered as an Imperator-Class Star Destroyer. However, this was not an ordinary Imperator-Class Star Destroyer. The ISD-II Imperium housed a hyperlaser within its belly. The laser could penetrate the depths of hyperspace and could ravage any planet in any system in any sector it was located in. The laser was not a planet destroyer, but it could wipe out while cities with one shot. Needless to say it could also obliterate any capital ship. The Imperium was specially built to harness the force abilities of a force-adept person. The vessel would use the telepathic and force-sensing capabilities of the pilot to locate rebel targets anywhere in the universe. This vessel was the ultimate enemy of the rebel cell organization. And one by one the Imperium would traverse the galaxy destroying major and minor rebel cells, instillations and fleets alike. The Emperor himself entrusted this mighty vessel to Veers with the instruction to deracinate the heart of the rebel alliance. Veers would comply all to willingly.
Standing on the open-air platform, Veers stood silently as he watched Colonel Gavin Valasantratta exit his shuttle with a group of staff officers. It was a windy day. As Colonel Valasantratta made his way to the awaiting Fleet Admiral, Veers looked up and saw for the first time his flagship to be, his symbol of the Empire, the Imperium. It was suspended in the air in low orbit. An evil smirk crept across Veers’ face. He was awoken from his daydream by the sound of and old, monotone and rather boring voice.
“Fleet Admiral Veers, Colonel Gavin Valasantratta, ISB Inspection Officer reporting arrival of the ISD-II Imperium and crew. I have arrived with the vessel you have been assigned.” Announced the old, droopy-faced ISB officer with a limp salute.
Veers returned the salute. “Welcome to Juvex Sector Colonel. I have long awaited your arrival. Now that you are here we can begin instruction on how to operate this new vessel of mine. But first let us compile our mission brief back at Head Quarters.”
“Yes. I have the ISA (Imperial Security Authorization) of my staff and myself. I also have the notarized INC (Imperial Navy Code) confirmation you requested. Our inspection reports and operating primers are with us. We are ready to follow your lead Fleet Admiral Veers.”
Veers could tell that this officer (nearing 60 years of age) was not a military man. He was strictly from intelligence. He probably never fired a blaster in his life and Veers doubted if he had ever been given field assignments. This Colonel had a weak salute and he did not know the protocol for addressing an officer of the Admiral class. Instead the Colonel used Veers’ whole title. Veers found it humorous. Yet there was an erudite look to the fossilized officer, which gave an air of respect and technical wisdom. Veers would follow procedure and learn from the Colonel how to operate the Imperium, but after that, the dear Colonel would not be allowed to conduct his routine inspections aboard the vessel. The Imperium would be Veers’ vessel and his alone.
“Sir, we have acquired an approach vector from this MonCal cruiser, ID1.” The Operations Officer pointed to a signal on the tactical relay screen. “Its heading is 4° mark 2 to our current bearing. Enemy fighter units have taken up two by-linear headings to our course. What are your orders sir?” The Operations Officer was speaking to Admiral Valtanan’s back as the Admiral looked out the viewport of his bridge.
Valtanan did not move nor did he acknowledge the officer physically, he kept his gaze on the soon-to-be battlefield before him. “The Advanced Guard will maintain our position here at point Alpha. Inform the Immaculate to undertake evasive action under full shields once the fighters break prime 2 defense grid. Once the second enemy fighter unit breaches our prime one defense grid give the launch order, protocol 1. Broadcast a timed relay to the Battle Group. We are on schedule.”
“Aye aye sir.”
Veers was sitting comfortably in his great chair facing the magnificent window, which looked out upon the splendor of his civil and military accomplishments. He was sipping liquor slowly and had upon his lap a datapad, which was turned off.
A bell tone interrupted his gaze upon the city when an orderly marched inside the office and came to attention then saluted. He reported his business.
“Admiral, We have received the transmission from the ISD-II Imperium informing us of its arrival and approach vector. Shall I inform Colonel Valasantratta of his reception sir?”
“Yes. Ready an escort unit for his entry into the city. Inform the Colonel I will be awaiting his touchdown.” Ordered Veers
“Yes Admiral” and the Orderly was off.
Veers finished his liquor leisurely, gave a large sigh and stood from his chair, placing the datapad on his great desk. He them made the long journey to the northern military spaceport, about five miles from his HQ building. Accompanying Veers in his air speeder was Vice Admiral Sangraal, Admiral Cyteron, Commandant: Rear Admiral Gavin Rietzcourt, Chief-of-Staff: Rear Admiral Sheridan Val Kliestenon and Inspector-General: Rear Admiral Declan Visoroth.
Once at the spaceport (the largest in the city), all of Veers’ staff exited the vehicle and stood alert as Veers made his appearance and adjusted his officer cap.
“Gentlemen, this way.” His staff followed him in order of seniority.
This day Veers was rather giddy inside, but he would show no external sign of it. Today was the day he had long awaited since he and Palthis spoke about this hitherto secret Imperial project. The ISD-II Imperium was a very special Star Destroyer. It looked like an Imperator-Class Star Destroyer and it registered as an Imperator-Class Star Destroyer. However, this was not an ordinary Imperator-Class Star Destroyer. The ISD-II Imperium housed a hyperlaser within its belly. The laser could penetrate the depths of hyperspace and could ravage any planet in any system in any sector it was located in. The laser was not a planet destroyer, but it could wipe out while cities with one shot. Needless to say it could also obliterate any capital ship. The Imperium was specially built to harness the force abilities of a force-adept person. The vessel would use the telepathic and force-sensing capabilities of the pilot to locate rebel targets anywhere in the universe. This vessel was the ultimate enemy of the rebel cell organization. And one by one the Imperium would traverse the galaxy destroying major and minor rebel cells, instillations and fleets alike. The Emperor himself entrusted this mighty vessel to Veers with the instruction to deracinate the heart of the rebel alliance. Veers would comply all to willingly.
Standing on the open-air platform, Veers stood silently as he watched Colonel Gavin Valasantratta exit his shuttle with a group of staff officers. It was a windy day. As Colonel Valasantratta made his way to the awaiting Fleet Admiral, Veers looked up and saw for the first time his flagship to be, his symbol of the Empire, the Imperium. It was suspended in the air in low orbit. An evil smirk crept across Veers’ face. He was awoken from his daydream by the sound of and old, monotone and rather boring voice.
“Fleet Admiral Veers, Colonel Gavin Valasantratta, ISB Inspection Officer reporting arrival of the ISD-II Imperium and crew. I have arrived with the vessel you have been assigned.” Announced the old, droopy-faced ISB officer with a limp salute.
Veers returned the salute. “Welcome to Juvex Sector Colonel. I have long awaited your arrival. Now that you are here we can begin instruction on how to operate this new vessel of mine. But first let us compile our mission brief back at Head Quarters.”
“Yes. I have the ISA (Imperial Security Authorization) of my staff and myself. I also have the notarized INC (Imperial Navy Code) confirmation you requested. Our inspection reports and operating primers are with us. We are ready to follow your lead Fleet Admiral Veers.”
Veers could tell that this officer (nearing 60 years of age) was not a military man. He was strictly from intelligence. He probably never fired a blaster in his life and Veers doubted if he had ever been given field assignments. This Colonel had a weak salute and he did not know the protocol for addressing an officer of the Admiral class. Instead the Colonel used Veers’ whole title. Veers found it humorous. Yet there was an erudite look to the fossilized officer, which gave an air of respect and technical wisdom. Veers would follow procedure and learn from the Colonel how to operate the Imperium, but after that, the dear Colonel would not be allowed to conduct his routine inspections aboard the vessel. The Imperium would be Veers’ vessel and his alone.
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
Hey! A tank!
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Joined: Fri Dec 10, 2004 5:48 pm
Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
Cack checked the small barracks assigned to his men. Damn. No one. Where were they now? Always running off, the slackers. Everyone under his command did this. Always. Sometime he would make them pay. He certainly had the power, but he'd get them sometime...
Sometime, he'd get revenge on all of his men, a somewhat harder task, with most of them transferred. The Imperial Army captain picked up a box of needles, and scattered them across the bed of Yarmo Hadge, Delta Six's sniper. A certain John Berger, the heavy weapons soldier recently transferred in from Alpha One, entered.
"You didn't see anything," Cack said.
"See what, Captain Jemar?"
"Exactly. Except for the Captain Jemar part. I'm Cack, and you can tell Yar there aren't any needles strewn all over his bunk, because I didn't put them there."
"Very good, sir. I won't get on not doing it."
"I think we should stop there."
"Good enough. I'll be on the holographic range. Pitiful for a Star Destroyer, I think. When's briefing?"
"A couple hours. I haven't decided yet. I'll give you a ring when I'm ready."
Sometime, he'd get revenge on all of his men, a somewhat harder task, with most of them transferred. The Imperial Army captain picked up a box of needles, and scattered them across the bed of Yarmo Hadge, Delta Six's sniper. A certain John Berger, the heavy weapons soldier recently transferred in from Alpha One, entered.
"You didn't see anything," Cack said.
"See what, Captain Jemar?"
"Exactly. Except for the Captain Jemar part. I'm Cack, and you can tell Yar there aren't any needles strewn all over his bunk, because I didn't put them there."
"Very good, sir. I won't get on not doing it."
"I think we should stop there."
"Good enough. I'll be on the holographic range. Pitiful for a Star Destroyer, I think. When's briefing?"
"A couple hours. I haven't decided yet. I'll give you a ring when I'm ready."
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
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Location: Sunny Florida
"Prepare the first volley," Captain Tryu ordered.
"Preparing the first volley, aye, sir." There was a brief pause. "All cannons are charged and locked on."
"Good. Hold fire until my order."
Tryu watched the tactical displays closely. The Freedom Two had already begun changing course to head to Anoth, but Tryu had already told his crew it wouldn't be there in time. The order to evacuate was already being broadcast on the base, but even with that, Tryu wasn't sure if more than 30% of the soldiers and civilians there would make it. It was a grim situation. The Victor One at this point was being used solely to hold off the Imperials as long as possible, to create the highest number of surivivors.
"Victor One, Nova 3 here," Winters said into his com, "buzzin' you in five."
The Captain looked out the starboard viewscreen and sure enough, five seconds later, the renowned X-Wing Squadron jetted past. Nova Lead, 2 and 3, all dipped their wings in salute and hit the afterburners.
It's a hopeless battle, Tryu realized.
"Sir, First ISD is altering profile. Banking planetside!"
"All right. Hold course."
"Holding course, aye, sir."
The Ensign looked up. "Yes, sir?"
"Fire the first volley!" The Ensign immediately obeyed. "Keep those cannons firing until their Destroyers are debris or we're slagged!"
"Aye, sir! First volley launching!"
The turbolaser cannons on the Mon Cal Cruiser began to spit blue and green beams towards the cold wedges drifting closer.
"Flight One, goose it!" Nova 1 called out.
"Heads up, Novas! First wave inbound and hot!" Nova 5 called out. Winters looked down at his scope. The outer arc was filled with red blips.
"Party time," he whispered, closing his eyes briefly and praying. He then yanked his throttle back and felt the intertial compensator try to counteract the g-forces.
The X-Wings roared ahead, lone fighters in a void that was not welcoming.
"Contact in less than fifteen seconds! Flight One! Fire at will!" The four lead X-Wings spat red fire into the wall of gray and black, and verdant beams returned to greet them. The shields screamed, and a few TIEs exploded into incadescent gas. The melee was joined.
"Preparing the first volley, aye, sir." There was a brief pause. "All cannons are charged and locked on."
"Good. Hold fire until my order."
Tryu watched the tactical displays closely. The Freedom Two had already begun changing course to head to Anoth, but Tryu had already told his crew it wouldn't be there in time. The order to evacuate was already being broadcast on the base, but even with that, Tryu wasn't sure if more than 30% of the soldiers and civilians there would make it. It was a grim situation. The Victor One at this point was being used solely to hold off the Imperials as long as possible, to create the highest number of surivivors.
"Victor One, Nova 3 here," Winters said into his com, "buzzin' you in five."
The Captain looked out the starboard viewscreen and sure enough, five seconds later, the renowned X-Wing Squadron jetted past. Nova Lead, 2 and 3, all dipped their wings in salute and hit the afterburners.
It's a hopeless battle, Tryu realized.
"Sir, First ISD is altering profile. Banking planetside!"
"All right. Hold course."
"Holding course, aye, sir."
The Ensign looked up. "Yes, sir?"
"Fire the first volley!" The Ensign immediately obeyed. "Keep those cannons firing until their Destroyers are debris or we're slagged!"
"Aye, sir! First volley launching!"
The turbolaser cannons on the Mon Cal Cruiser began to spit blue and green beams towards the cold wedges drifting closer.
"Flight One, goose it!" Nova 1 called out.
"Heads up, Novas! First wave inbound and hot!" Nova 5 called out. Winters looked down at his scope. The outer arc was filled with red blips.
"Party time," he whispered, closing his eyes briefly and praying. He then yanked his throttle back and felt the intertial compensator try to counteract the g-forces.
The X-Wings roared ahead, lone fighters in a void that was not welcoming.
"Contact in less than fifteen seconds! Flight One! Fire at will!" The four lead X-Wings spat red fire into the wall of gray and black, and verdant beams returned to greet them. The shields screamed, and a few TIEs exploded into incadescent gas. The melee was joined.
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Posts: 96
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Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:33 pm
Location: Jacksonville, Fl
Aboard the ISB-II Naphmark
“Ah, very good. The battle has begun.” Said Admiral Valtanan as he stood dangerously close to the bridge viewport. The two crew pits on either side of him were humming with action. Valtanan quickly turned about face and began marching down the central catwalk of his bridge. He dawned his battle face and started barking orders.
“Shields up full. Divert all power to particle shield generators. Bring us around full bearing to enemy vessel. Order the Immaculate to approach at a heading of 30° Init 4° Term, mark 13. Sound alarm for impact. Full speed ahead!”
The Naphmark screamed forward strait towards the enemy MonCalamari cruiser. The two massive vessels were closing in. Within about fifteen seconds of the attack order, the Naphmark received the great majority of the enemy’s ferocious salvo. It was a fitting opening attack. nine think turbolaser blasts were absorbed fully by the Naphmark’s shields. However, under such an intense and simultaneous volley of fire, the shields could not hold. Three full turbolaser blasts penetrated the overwhelmed shields and pummeled through the armor of the Naphmark and sliced through five beams of the star destroyers’ ventral trench. Tractor beam projectors were put out of action and targeting control had been breached. Admiral Valtanan looked as twisted metal floated past his bridge. Gaseous flames began to exit the three large breached which the MonCalamari cruiser had made.
“Better then I suspected. Seal off dedicated quarters and decks. Maintain velocity. Now divert all ray shielding to particle projectors. I want to hold off their subsequent file until the fleet arrives. One more minute. Bring all batteries to bear. They may disrupt our shields, but we may out gun them any day.”
“Sir, he have full-on heading on the enemy vessel. Targeting program is authorized. What are your orders sir?” reported the operations officer
“Ah, very good. The battle has begun.” Said Admiral Valtanan as he stood dangerously close to the bridge viewport. The two crew pits on either side of him were humming with action. Valtanan quickly turned about face and began marching down the central catwalk of his bridge. He dawned his battle face and started barking orders.
“Shields up full. Divert all power to particle shield generators. Bring us around full bearing to enemy vessel. Order the Immaculate to approach at a heading of 30° Init 4° Term, mark 13. Sound alarm for impact. Full speed ahead!”
The Naphmark screamed forward strait towards the enemy MonCalamari cruiser. The two massive vessels were closing in. Within about fifteen seconds of the attack order, the Naphmark received the great majority of the enemy’s ferocious salvo. It was a fitting opening attack. nine think turbolaser blasts were absorbed fully by the Naphmark’s shields. However, under such an intense and simultaneous volley of fire, the shields could not hold. Three full turbolaser blasts penetrated the overwhelmed shields and pummeled through the armor of the Naphmark and sliced through five beams of the star destroyers’ ventral trench. Tractor beam projectors were put out of action and targeting control had been breached. Admiral Valtanan looked as twisted metal floated past his bridge. Gaseous flames began to exit the three large breached which the MonCalamari cruiser had made.
“Better then I suspected. Seal off dedicated quarters and decks. Maintain velocity. Now divert all ray shielding to particle projectors. I want to hold off their subsequent file until the fleet arrives. One more minute. Bring all batteries to bear. They may disrupt our shields, but we may out gun them any day.”
“Sir, he have full-on heading on the enemy vessel. Targeting program is authorized. What are your orders sir?” reported the operations officer
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
Posts: 531
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Location: Sunny Florida
"Sithspit!" Winters grumbled as he banked hard to starboard. The etheric rudder pedal didn't put up any resistance. The X-Wing gracefully fell onto his starboad S-foils and arced away from the Star Destroyer's port side, which began to bellow fire at the Mon Calamari cruiser.
"There's heavy fire from that ISD!" Sarn barked on the comlink.
"Anything we can do about it, Lead?" Nova 9 asked. Sarn thought hard.
Winters broke his turn and buzzed the command deck of the Freedom One
"Freedom, keep up heavy fire on those shields, keep 'em busy as long as you can manage!" Winters nearly shouted into his comlink.
"Flight Three, strafe the shield generators, see if you can't do anything about them!" Sarn ordered.
"Roger that, Lead, Flight Three, on me!" 9 Responded.
"This is pointless," Winters mumbled. He pulled hard left, and the X-Wing rolled with his yoke. Two TIE Fighters merged onto his tail and began spitting fire on his rear shields.
"Damn! I've got trouble!" Winters called out.
"On it!" Nova 4 rolled into the TIE's baffles and put two red blasts into the starboard one's ball cockpit. It disintegrated. The second one rolled away as soon as he saw his wingman explode.
"This is getting nasty! Status on the ground!" Winters barked into his comlink next.
"Getting there, Captain! The transports haven't been fueld up yet! We're sitting ducks right now!"
"Roger that, we'll keep 'em busy! Just get the hell out of here as soon as you're fueled!"
"Roger that!"
"There's heavy fire from that ISD!" Sarn barked on the comlink.
"Anything we can do about it, Lead?" Nova 9 asked. Sarn thought hard.
Winters broke his turn and buzzed the command deck of the Freedom One
"Freedom, keep up heavy fire on those shields, keep 'em busy as long as you can manage!" Winters nearly shouted into his comlink.
"Flight Three, strafe the shield generators, see if you can't do anything about them!" Sarn ordered.
"Roger that, Lead, Flight Three, on me!" 9 Responded.
"This is pointless," Winters mumbled. He pulled hard left, and the X-Wing rolled with his yoke. Two TIE Fighters merged onto his tail and began spitting fire on his rear shields.
"Damn! I've got trouble!" Winters called out.
"On it!" Nova 4 rolled into the TIE's baffles and put two red blasts into the starboard one's ball cockpit. It disintegrated. The second one rolled away as soon as he saw his wingman explode.
"This is getting nasty! Status on the ground!" Winters barked into his comlink next.
"Getting there, Captain! The transports haven't been fueld up yet! We're sitting ducks right now!"
"Roger that, we'll keep 'em busy! Just get the hell out of here as soon as you're fueled!"
"Roger that!"
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Posts: 531
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Location: Sunny Florida
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