Black Nova VII
Moderators: VagueDurin, Nichalus
Lord of the Knights who say Nee
Posts: 2278
Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2003 12:14 pm
Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2003 12:14 pm
Location: Deep space: Bearing 278 mark 4
Black Nova VII
Hello readers and rpers. Welcome to Black Nova VII.
As it stands now, we are preparing for an important to P3K where we will attempt an attack on an imperial tie factory and maybe swipe a ship at the same time. Those who wish to join the squadron may post now.
Our current location is in the simulator, so new pilots, dive right in!
IC (last 12 ic posts)
-Posted By PrinceKirin-
Kirin didn't know what to think. He roled the night he couldn't remember around in his head over and over. He strived to convince himself that he was with Arriane all night long. He spoke up after some to to think.
"Sir, whoever did this is probably a spy, someone trying to cover him or herself. I believe this person had the imperial killed to prevent exposure. However, even if one of us is the culprate, we may not have time to investigate. This mission has a critical time frame and we need to get ready, launch time is within 48 hours."
"Quite right" Ackbar stated. "You will begin your preparation and proceed with the mission as we investigate this incident. Kirin, if you will begin."
"Well, I don't mean to upstage my CO, sir. I will lead a group of men, ones that I have already hand selected, to the station as fresh yard and watch personel for the ISD Sabre. After relieving the current night watch and yard men, we will disable the local dock security and await for the Commander's attack on the tie factories on the planets surface. After the station's fighters are distracted the Nebulon-B Rebel Revenge will drop from hyperspace. We will intercept her as if to destroy her and escape with her and all fighters in our bays, or at least that is how I understand it. Commander Sarn, please take over, I really don't know much more than my part in this mission."
He yielded to his CO.
-Posted By David_Winters-
While waiting for Sarn to explain the mission in detail, Winters spoke up.
"Sir, in order to prepare for the mission, I'll have sims starting two hours from now. I'd like to have all squadron on the same page by the time we ship off."
And with that he sat back down, awaiting the Commander's briefing.
-Posted By Jedi Junki-
Reliseing Lt.commander kirin was right. sarn decided to look into the murder later, and focus on the mission at hand. " Master at Arms Qurela, I belive your most suited to the investigation. As for black nova supposed involement. I am unsure as to why someone in my squadron would want to kill an imperial P.O.W. But rest assured I will get to the bottom of this after the main mission is compelete."
" I Agree with the commander on this master at arms." Ackbar stated.
The rodian nodded in agreement with the admiral and bowed slightly to the other occupants of the admrials quarthers. " Very well commander I wish you luck on your mission, and I will look into the matter myself and I will inform you of anything I find. May the force be with you." he said, before giving sarn a quick salute and walking out of the room. Sarn returned the salute to his old friend and returned his attension to the gathered novas. " Okay guys, I belive kirin told you the basic stratigm for our mission. but theres more to it..." He paused to catch his breath for a moment before continuing. he knew that the mission itself wasn't going to be as easy as kirins eariler statment made it sound. But then again nothing in life was easy...
Sarn continued to stay quit for a few seconds to make sure all eyes were on him. He hated to have to repete himself when telling vital infomation to his fellow squadmates. He needed everyone to know what was up before heading out. Only when he was sure that everyones gaze was one him That he continued.
" Eariler at about 16:00 the admrial had summoned me into his quarthers to inform me of a new situation that had devoled at p3k. Apperntialy the imperials had surroned the area with some type of space mines. Any ships trying to enter the approch vector we have scheduled for the revengae to drop out off. will be vaped instaintly by the mines. "
" But, we have a method of clearing them....Admrial ackbar." He guestures toward the admrial with his righthand before taking a seat in his chair. Ackbar politly thanks sarn, and continues the briefing. We have manged to out fit a couple b-wings with special jammers that can block out the tracking signals of space mines. we need a group of skilled pilots to fly escort for the revengae with these b-wings. and knock out any that get in the way. That way once we make our escape with the star destroyer kirin and his team will steal. We can use the mines as a safe passage. Any imperial ship that pursues us once we go into hyperspace will be destroyed by their own mines."
-Posted By Urban_Nomad-
Ranesh had run straight from the hangar to the debriefing, hoping he wasn't too late.
He had come in somewhere around the mention of space mines. Grimacing as Sarns gaze passed over him, he entered the room. But the commander didn't miss a beat. Ranesh quietly took a seat next to Roland, avoiding the silent reprimand in his eyes as he focused on the situation at hand.
What is it with Kirin and stealing SD's?
Slowly, absentmindedly, his thoughts drifted to Naomi. She was staying with some old friends of Roland's, on an out of the way planet that was mostly forest. She said it was great, but they both knew that she felt imprisoned there. She'd grown up by the ocean, able to see for miles. The forests made her uneasy. That and the loss of Asad was still fresh in her mind. The only father she'd ever known... He tried to make things easier on her, visiting as often as he could. Which was what had made him late for the debriefing. But he got the feeling that being around him only brought back memories of Asad. He wanted to help, but he didn't know....
"revengae with these b-wings. and knock out any that get in the way."
Sarn's words pierced through his thoughts, pushing back everything else as he remembered what he was here for....
-Posted By PrinceKirin-
Kirin sat silently and very happy, he never liked speaking directly to large groups. The basic stategy for the attack was well explained by Sarn and he was certain no one thought it would be as easy as the way he himself had made it sound. Kirin wished he could be the man in the B-wing, but he was the only one familiar with imperial docking and command proceedures not to mention he was the only one who had stolen an ISD before, and that doesn't mention that he is one of the only three people on the entire ship with a bounty larger than 150 K on his head.
ooc: No, the fame has caught Kirin again. Now he is to steal yet another ISD, how far will his bounty go up? 200 K for a repeat offense? Who knows....
-Posted By David_Winters
ooc: Hey, Kirin, if you ever need any help stealing Imperial things, go ahead and ask me, seeing as how Winters spent a couple years as a TIE pilot in the Imperial Navy, I'm sure he knows his way around a Star Destroyer, if you catch my drift.
ic: Winters looked over the consoles and punched in a few more commands. The computer whirred and then beeped, confirming his commands.
"Okay, go ahead and tell the Commander that the simulators are prepped for the first run. I'll await his orders from there on."
"Yes, sir," the technician replied and ran off down the corridor looking for Black Nova's CO.
-Posted By Lord Arragon-
The YV-666 Razorwing appeared a mere 100 yards in front of the docking bay, panicking the traffic controllers inside. The comm link in the ship exploded with noise as the men tried to regain their composure while figuring out what was going on.
"Who the heck are you?!"
"You remember me," was the reply.
The junior controller was about to explode into the comm link, but his supervisor stopped him: he did remember.
"Kalyant? It's been forever! What have you been doing?"
"Good one. Keep your day job."
"It wasn't a joke."
"Oh. Well, just find yourself an open spot in here, I guess."
"Thank you."
The all-black ship set down at the end of a row of A-wings, and a man in a thick grey cloak descended from the ship. The man was about six feet tall, with salt-and-pepper hair and ice blue eyes. There was one lightsaber on his left hip, and a few others on his back. One still had a fingertip fused to the scarred metal. A souvenir.
He was called Redir Kalyant, and he had served as a Jedi Hunter when he was young, as the Republic was dying. The Empire had decided that they didn't need so many Jedi Hunters, and he was "laid off". The Empire had a more devious translation of "laid off", and his only companion was to be the assassin. Kalyant had escaped, but his family and his honor hadn't, and now his former partner was nowhere to be found. That was all changing, however. Jedi Killers carried reputations with them, and his sources were constantly on his tail. For now, Kalyant was destroying as much of the local Imperial force as possible, but the time would come.
Kalyant took the lift, then stepped out and down the hallway to the briefing room. This black ops squadron had more than its fair share of Jedi: Kalyant sensed them from across the ship. He walked in right as Sarn finished talking. He gave a small bow, then took a seat in the back row. The faces of those sitting nearby told him all he needed to know: it was another mission with little to no chance of survival, success, or even a fair fight. Those are always the best kind. Maybe they still wanted his help.
-Posted By PrinceKirin-
Kirin looked at David and spoke joyfully
"Finally, back in some sims. We've apparently got a little new blood under our belts so I'll go in as a tie fighter and give everyone a hard time. Sounds like fun, huh?"
-Posted By David_Winters-
"Definitely, and as much as I'd love to fly Imp with you, these new guys need some experienced help, so I'll play 'good-guy' this time," Winters said, smiling to Kirin. He punched in a few more commands and the simulator pods opened up. He hopped down to the Number 3 pod, and before getting in, activated a wall intercom.
"Attention all Black Nova pilots and trainees, we are commencing training simulations for the upcoming mission, all personnel are to report to the sim room, out."
And with that he hopped into the pod, hearing it close behind him with a hiss. At first it was dark for a few moments, and then some beeping was heard as the system booted up. The monitor that acted as the sky glowed bright blue, and then adjusted to mimic the hangar bay of Home One. Winters rubbed a hand on his neck, trying to loosen out the knots he felt in his muscles. He punched in some commands in the small droid console, as Bullseye was lifted into a similar simulator a few yards away.
Are you ready, David?
"Sure am, let's go," he said to his astromech. He punched the ignition, and felt the simulator buckle as it replicated repulsorlift engines.
"Black Nova Flight, Commander Ozan may be a little late to join us, so for now, I am Black Nova Lead, our Impish friends will be being lead by Lieutenant Commander Kirin, so don't let your guard down, stay near me, and you might make it through here alive. Well, digitally speaking, of course. Let's go."
-Posted By Gonesolo-
OOC: bit of Itony that Kirin is leading the imperials??
IC: After the meeting broke Ariane quietly left the briefing room. For a moment she hovered out side the door deciding whethar to join the squadron in the simulator. A slight pain in her chest made the final decision for her and she retired back to her quarters.
Entering the room she again pulled the hold all onto the bed and tool out a small leathar case and placed it gently on the bed. Returning the hold all to it's resting place she opened the leathar case on the bed.
A number of small tools sat in the petite case, fine detail tools for light cybernetic work. With a sigh she sat down on the bed and pulled up her right sleeve. Passing one of the tools over her arm a small storage area opened with an almost inaudable click. Picking up another tool she started to adjust the controls for her arm. Embeded in her arm where some monitoring circuitry for her "new" heart, she flicked it on for a few moments and observed the results before shutting it down again. Putting the tool back in it's case she reached into the compartment and pulled out a small 1 inch cylinder, she held it up and stared at it for a moment before smirking and putting it down and closing the compartment.
Silently, she picked up the cylinder and slipped out of the room.
Location: Bridge of the Theoi
Deep space
The low hum of the bridge equipment coupled with the incesscant chatter of bridge officers formed an almost comforting background of noise. Suddenly that comfort was shattered by the regimental sound of a rushed march
"Captain Kheiron, we have an incoming transmission sir!"
-Posted By David_Winters-
ooc: According to Sarn's plan, and for this case, the sim, there is no Imperial contact until after Kirin's taken the SD, as for the actual mission, who knows, but for now I'm going to skip ahead to after Kirin's simulated team as taken the Star Destroyer and we're leaving. Mirrodin, if you want to jump in, you can, that'd probably be best right now.
IC: Nighty-night Winters though to himself as he activated the B-Wing's jammers for the second time. The mines' designator lights fizzled and finally winked out. He activated his comlink: "Revenge, we have no traffic and an open road."
There was some beepings and whirrings from Bulseye's computer readout.
"Black Nova, look alive! I'm picking up two squadrons of TIEs...eyeballs, inbound and hot! Lock S-foils in attack position and engage at your own discretion. Remember that our XO is flying with the Imps so keep your eyes open!"
With that he modified his B-Wing's configuration to attack mode and goosed the throttle, being careful to avoid the mines.
-Posted By PrinceKirin-
Kirin grinned at the oncoming group of oponents.
"Computer, line up first three tie intercepter squadrons in a triple flock pattern. Keep the remaining ties in reserve. Make sure the three intercepter squadrons stay in pairs so that they don't stay open to attack." Kirin ordered the simulator. He, being the only imp, had to control their movements. This first pass was merely a test of the Nova's strategic abilities. Attacking three squadrons of intercepters would definitely be difficult. But in flock pattern it would be possible to defeat them.
In a flock pattern, each squadron takes and defends a specific sector of space. In this case it is merely a division of elevation. A squadron will break into two six craft flights and cover different areas. The best stretegy for defeating the formation is simple, but will the new Nova's know it or will David and Sarn just blow the imps away. The simulation had begun.
Hello readers and rpers. Welcome to Black Nova VII.
As it stands now, we are preparing for an important to P3K where we will attempt an attack on an imperial tie factory and maybe swipe a ship at the same time. Those who wish to join the squadron may post now.
Our current location is in the simulator, so new pilots, dive right in!
IC (last 12 ic posts)
-Posted By PrinceKirin-
Kirin didn't know what to think. He roled the night he couldn't remember around in his head over and over. He strived to convince himself that he was with Arriane all night long. He spoke up after some to to think.
"Sir, whoever did this is probably a spy, someone trying to cover him or herself. I believe this person had the imperial killed to prevent exposure. However, even if one of us is the culprate, we may not have time to investigate. This mission has a critical time frame and we need to get ready, launch time is within 48 hours."
"Quite right" Ackbar stated. "You will begin your preparation and proceed with the mission as we investigate this incident. Kirin, if you will begin."
"Well, I don't mean to upstage my CO, sir. I will lead a group of men, ones that I have already hand selected, to the station as fresh yard and watch personel for the ISD Sabre. After relieving the current night watch and yard men, we will disable the local dock security and await for the Commander's attack on the tie factories on the planets surface. After the station's fighters are distracted the Nebulon-B Rebel Revenge will drop from hyperspace. We will intercept her as if to destroy her and escape with her and all fighters in our bays, or at least that is how I understand it. Commander Sarn, please take over, I really don't know much more than my part in this mission."
He yielded to his CO.
-Posted By David_Winters-
While waiting for Sarn to explain the mission in detail, Winters spoke up.
"Sir, in order to prepare for the mission, I'll have sims starting two hours from now. I'd like to have all squadron on the same page by the time we ship off."
And with that he sat back down, awaiting the Commander's briefing.
-Posted By Jedi Junki-
Reliseing Lt.commander kirin was right. sarn decided to look into the murder later, and focus on the mission at hand. " Master at Arms Qurela, I belive your most suited to the investigation. As for black nova supposed involement. I am unsure as to why someone in my squadron would want to kill an imperial P.O.W. But rest assured I will get to the bottom of this after the main mission is compelete."
" I Agree with the commander on this master at arms." Ackbar stated.
The rodian nodded in agreement with the admiral and bowed slightly to the other occupants of the admrials quarthers. " Very well commander I wish you luck on your mission, and I will look into the matter myself and I will inform you of anything I find. May the force be with you." he said, before giving sarn a quick salute and walking out of the room. Sarn returned the salute to his old friend and returned his attension to the gathered novas. " Okay guys, I belive kirin told you the basic stratigm for our mission. but theres more to it..." He paused to catch his breath for a moment before continuing. he knew that the mission itself wasn't going to be as easy as kirins eariler statment made it sound. But then again nothing in life was easy...
Sarn continued to stay quit for a few seconds to make sure all eyes were on him. He hated to have to repete himself when telling vital infomation to his fellow squadmates. He needed everyone to know what was up before heading out. Only when he was sure that everyones gaze was one him That he continued.
" Eariler at about 16:00 the admrial had summoned me into his quarthers to inform me of a new situation that had devoled at p3k. Apperntialy the imperials had surroned the area with some type of space mines. Any ships trying to enter the approch vector we have scheduled for the revengae to drop out off. will be vaped instaintly by the mines. "
" But, we have a method of clearing them....Admrial ackbar." He guestures toward the admrial with his righthand before taking a seat in his chair. Ackbar politly thanks sarn, and continues the briefing. We have manged to out fit a couple b-wings with special jammers that can block out the tracking signals of space mines. we need a group of skilled pilots to fly escort for the revengae with these b-wings. and knock out any that get in the way. That way once we make our escape with the star destroyer kirin and his team will steal. We can use the mines as a safe passage. Any imperial ship that pursues us once we go into hyperspace will be destroyed by their own mines."
-Posted By Urban_Nomad-
Ranesh had run straight from the hangar to the debriefing, hoping he wasn't too late.
He had come in somewhere around the mention of space mines. Grimacing as Sarns gaze passed over him, he entered the room. But the commander didn't miss a beat. Ranesh quietly took a seat next to Roland, avoiding the silent reprimand in his eyes as he focused on the situation at hand.
What is it with Kirin and stealing SD's?
Slowly, absentmindedly, his thoughts drifted to Naomi. She was staying with some old friends of Roland's, on an out of the way planet that was mostly forest. She said it was great, but they both knew that she felt imprisoned there. She'd grown up by the ocean, able to see for miles. The forests made her uneasy. That and the loss of Asad was still fresh in her mind. The only father she'd ever known... He tried to make things easier on her, visiting as often as he could. Which was what had made him late for the debriefing. But he got the feeling that being around him only brought back memories of Asad. He wanted to help, but he didn't know....
"revengae with these b-wings. and knock out any that get in the way."
Sarn's words pierced through his thoughts, pushing back everything else as he remembered what he was here for....
-Posted By PrinceKirin-
Kirin sat silently and very happy, he never liked speaking directly to large groups. The basic stategy for the attack was well explained by Sarn and he was certain no one thought it would be as easy as the way he himself had made it sound. Kirin wished he could be the man in the B-wing, but he was the only one familiar with imperial docking and command proceedures not to mention he was the only one who had stolen an ISD before, and that doesn't mention that he is one of the only three people on the entire ship with a bounty larger than 150 K on his head.
ooc: No, the fame has caught Kirin again. Now he is to steal yet another ISD, how far will his bounty go up? 200 K for a repeat offense? Who knows....
-Posted By David_Winters
ooc: Hey, Kirin, if you ever need any help stealing Imperial things, go ahead and ask me, seeing as how Winters spent a couple years as a TIE pilot in the Imperial Navy, I'm sure he knows his way around a Star Destroyer, if you catch my drift.
ic: Winters looked over the consoles and punched in a few more commands. The computer whirred and then beeped, confirming his commands.
"Okay, go ahead and tell the Commander that the simulators are prepped for the first run. I'll await his orders from there on."
"Yes, sir," the technician replied and ran off down the corridor looking for Black Nova's CO.
-Posted By Lord Arragon-
The YV-666 Razorwing appeared a mere 100 yards in front of the docking bay, panicking the traffic controllers inside. The comm link in the ship exploded with noise as the men tried to regain their composure while figuring out what was going on.
"Who the heck are you?!"
"You remember me," was the reply.
The junior controller was about to explode into the comm link, but his supervisor stopped him: he did remember.
"Kalyant? It's been forever! What have you been doing?"
"Good one. Keep your day job."
"It wasn't a joke."
"Oh. Well, just find yourself an open spot in here, I guess."
"Thank you."
The all-black ship set down at the end of a row of A-wings, and a man in a thick grey cloak descended from the ship. The man was about six feet tall, with salt-and-pepper hair and ice blue eyes. There was one lightsaber on his left hip, and a few others on his back. One still had a fingertip fused to the scarred metal. A souvenir.
He was called Redir Kalyant, and he had served as a Jedi Hunter when he was young, as the Republic was dying. The Empire had decided that they didn't need so many Jedi Hunters, and he was "laid off". The Empire had a more devious translation of "laid off", and his only companion was to be the assassin. Kalyant had escaped, but his family and his honor hadn't, and now his former partner was nowhere to be found. That was all changing, however. Jedi Killers carried reputations with them, and his sources were constantly on his tail. For now, Kalyant was destroying as much of the local Imperial force as possible, but the time would come.
Kalyant took the lift, then stepped out and down the hallway to the briefing room. This black ops squadron had more than its fair share of Jedi: Kalyant sensed them from across the ship. He walked in right as Sarn finished talking. He gave a small bow, then took a seat in the back row. The faces of those sitting nearby told him all he needed to know: it was another mission with little to no chance of survival, success, or even a fair fight. Those are always the best kind. Maybe they still wanted his help.
-Posted By PrinceKirin-
Kirin looked at David and spoke joyfully
"Finally, back in some sims. We've apparently got a little new blood under our belts so I'll go in as a tie fighter and give everyone a hard time. Sounds like fun, huh?"
-Posted By David_Winters-
"Definitely, and as much as I'd love to fly Imp with you, these new guys need some experienced help, so I'll play 'good-guy' this time," Winters said, smiling to Kirin. He punched in a few more commands and the simulator pods opened up. He hopped down to the Number 3 pod, and before getting in, activated a wall intercom.
"Attention all Black Nova pilots and trainees, we are commencing training simulations for the upcoming mission, all personnel are to report to the sim room, out."
And with that he hopped into the pod, hearing it close behind him with a hiss. At first it was dark for a few moments, and then some beeping was heard as the system booted up. The monitor that acted as the sky glowed bright blue, and then adjusted to mimic the hangar bay of Home One. Winters rubbed a hand on his neck, trying to loosen out the knots he felt in his muscles. He punched in some commands in the small droid console, as Bullseye was lifted into a similar simulator a few yards away.
Are you ready, David?
"Sure am, let's go," he said to his astromech. He punched the ignition, and felt the simulator buckle as it replicated repulsorlift engines.
"Black Nova Flight, Commander Ozan may be a little late to join us, so for now, I am Black Nova Lead, our Impish friends will be being lead by Lieutenant Commander Kirin, so don't let your guard down, stay near me, and you might make it through here alive. Well, digitally speaking, of course. Let's go."
-Posted By Gonesolo-
OOC: bit of Itony that Kirin is leading the imperials??
IC: After the meeting broke Ariane quietly left the briefing room. For a moment she hovered out side the door deciding whethar to join the squadron in the simulator. A slight pain in her chest made the final decision for her and she retired back to her quarters.
Entering the room she again pulled the hold all onto the bed and tool out a small leathar case and placed it gently on the bed. Returning the hold all to it's resting place she opened the leathar case on the bed.
A number of small tools sat in the petite case, fine detail tools for light cybernetic work. With a sigh she sat down on the bed and pulled up her right sleeve. Passing one of the tools over her arm a small storage area opened with an almost inaudable click. Picking up another tool she started to adjust the controls for her arm. Embeded in her arm where some monitoring circuitry for her "new" heart, she flicked it on for a few moments and observed the results before shutting it down again. Putting the tool back in it's case she reached into the compartment and pulled out a small 1 inch cylinder, she held it up and stared at it for a moment before smirking and putting it down and closing the compartment.
Silently, she picked up the cylinder and slipped out of the room.
Location: Bridge of the Theoi
Deep space
The low hum of the bridge equipment coupled with the incesscant chatter of bridge officers formed an almost comforting background of noise. Suddenly that comfort was shattered by the regimental sound of a rushed march
"Captain Kheiron, we have an incoming transmission sir!"
-Posted By David_Winters-
ooc: According to Sarn's plan, and for this case, the sim, there is no Imperial contact until after Kirin's taken the SD, as for the actual mission, who knows, but for now I'm going to skip ahead to after Kirin's simulated team as taken the Star Destroyer and we're leaving. Mirrodin, if you want to jump in, you can, that'd probably be best right now.
IC: Nighty-night Winters though to himself as he activated the B-Wing's jammers for the second time. The mines' designator lights fizzled and finally winked out. He activated his comlink: "Revenge, we have no traffic and an open road."
There was some beepings and whirrings from Bulseye's computer readout.
"Black Nova, look alive! I'm picking up two squadrons of TIEs...eyeballs, inbound and hot! Lock S-foils in attack position and engage at your own discretion. Remember that our XO is flying with the Imps so keep your eyes open!"
With that he modified his B-Wing's configuration to attack mode and goosed the throttle, being careful to avoid the mines.
-Posted By PrinceKirin-
Kirin grinned at the oncoming group of oponents.
"Computer, line up first three tie intercepter squadrons in a triple flock pattern. Keep the remaining ties in reserve. Make sure the three intercepter squadrons stay in pairs so that they don't stay open to attack." Kirin ordered the simulator. He, being the only imp, had to control their movements. This first pass was merely a test of the Nova's strategic abilities. Attacking three squadrons of intercepters would definitely be difficult. But in flock pattern it would be possible to defeat them.
In a flock pattern, each squadron takes and defends a specific sector of space. In this case it is merely a division of elevation. A squadron will break into two six craft flights and cover different areas. The best stretegy for defeating the formation is simple, but will the new Nova's know it or will David and Sarn just blow the imps away. The simulation had begun.
"Yeah, and I stole an ISD. Doesn't mean you should. I am the lunitic around here." LT. CMDR. KIRIN A. TSUKINO
"What? Where in God's vast galaxy are you going to find a man crazy enough to even attempt to jump a moon into hyperspa.....where do I sign?"
FORGE ATOSURYUA, Promethian Engineering Guild, department of hyperspacial physics and temporal studies
"What? Where in God's vast galaxy are you going to find a man crazy enough to even attempt to jump a moon into hyperspa.....where do I sign?"
FORGE ATOSURYUA, Promethian Engineering Guild, department of hyperspacial physics and temporal studies
Posts: 160
Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Acolyte of Shadow
The door to the simulator slipped open in front of her. The simulation had already started and the two sides were just starting to engage. Slowly Ariane moved over to the simulator console. She paused and watched the engagement start to unfold, then she punched up the interface console.
She picked out her ship and entered her entry vector, slightly short of the combat area she choose a Tie Interceptor light and fast with a small load of concussion missiles.
Calmly she moved over to the simulator unit and settled into the seat, as the simulator loaded up her prefered settings she took a deep breath and opened her mind to those around, quickly she became aware of the rest of the squadron, their thoughts and their emotions were like an open book, her father had taught her a lot and her force skills were growing in power at almost a daily rate now.
The console flickered to life and she grasped the controls, ahead of her she could see the evolving battle, quickly she picked her first target and gunned her engines to life.
She picked out her ship and entered her entry vector, slightly short of the combat area she choose a Tie Interceptor light and fast with a small load of concussion missiles.
Calmly she moved over to the simulator unit and settled into the seat, as the simulator loaded up her prefered settings she took a deep breath and opened her mind to those around, quickly she became aware of the rest of the squadron, their thoughts and their emotions were like an open book, her father had taught her a lot and her force skills were growing in power at almost a daily rate now.
The console flickered to life and she grasped the controls, ahead of her she could see the evolving battle, quickly she picked her first target and gunned her engines to life.
Posts: 531
Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Location: Sunny Florida
ooc: Wow it's been a while since I posted here. Been kinda slow lately...
ic: Winters mind grabbed forcefully onto a new mental signature. Is that... As though Bullseye was reading his mind, the droid let out a mournful whistle.
"Black Nova, heads up, we have two major hostiles now, repeat, twp highly-skilled Imps, over."
He goosed the throttle, and slammed the right rudder, sliding through space and spraying a well-timed quad burst into a fleeting TIE Fighter. The Imperial fighter spiraled and then broke into pieces before finally exploding in a beautiful cloud of incandescent gas. He shifted the nose of the snub fighter to port and dove towards the planet. A few TIEs pursued and let his instincts guide him. These were only computer simulations, so his passive force abilities wouldn't help him much, but he knew that his skills and training as a pilot would, so he dove into his resevoirs of Imperial tactics and strategems.
He juked right as a few verdant blasts whipped past his port S-foil. He then slid back to port and slammed the starboard rudder, spinning one hundred and eighty degrees around. He stopped his motion and fired a few sporadic pot shots of his quad-linked laser cannons. One managed to clip a TIE's starboard solar panel, but not enough to damage it. However the simulated craft spun out of control away from the battle, but he'd surely be back. Winters realigned his craft on its previous vector and lowered his speed, banking hard to port. The two remaining TIEs followed effortlessly, all the while peppering his rear deflector shield with poorly aimed shots.
Bullseye beeped and whirred, and Winters responded in an aggravated voice, "Yes, damn it, I know they're right on us! Lock them into the computer as Targets One and Two, all right?"
The little astromech whistled obediently and did his job.
"Now task a proton torpedo to both targets."
Done, the console read.
"Good job, buddy, now hang on..."
He fired both proton torpedoes and dove planetward again and the TIEs followed. The torpedoes spun around and gave chase, and detonated nicely on the ion engines of both TIE Fighters. They were gone in a split second.
"All clear for now," Winters said, "now to find Kirin and Ariane..."
ic: Winters mind grabbed forcefully onto a new mental signature. Is that... As though Bullseye was reading his mind, the droid let out a mournful whistle.
"Black Nova, heads up, we have two major hostiles now, repeat, twp highly-skilled Imps, over."
He goosed the throttle, and slammed the right rudder, sliding through space and spraying a well-timed quad burst into a fleeting TIE Fighter. The Imperial fighter spiraled and then broke into pieces before finally exploding in a beautiful cloud of incandescent gas. He shifted the nose of the snub fighter to port and dove towards the planet. A few TIEs pursued and let his instincts guide him. These were only computer simulations, so his passive force abilities wouldn't help him much, but he knew that his skills and training as a pilot would, so he dove into his resevoirs of Imperial tactics and strategems.
He juked right as a few verdant blasts whipped past his port S-foil. He then slid back to port and slammed the starboard rudder, spinning one hundred and eighty degrees around. He stopped his motion and fired a few sporadic pot shots of his quad-linked laser cannons. One managed to clip a TIE's starboard solar panel, but not enough to damage it. However the simulated craft spun out of control away from the battle, but he'd surely be back. Winters realigned his craft on its previous vector and lowered his speed, banking hard to port. The two remaining TIEs followed effortlessly, all the while peppering his rear deflector shield with poorly aimed shots.
Bullseye beeped and whirred, and Winters responded in an aggravated voice, "Yes, damn it, I know they're right on us! Lock them into the computer as Targets One and Two, all right?"
The little astromech whistled obediently and did his job.
"Now task a proton torpedo to both targets."
Done, the console read.
"Good job, buddy, now hang on..."
He fired both proton torpedoes and dove planetward again and the TIEs followed. The torpedoes spun around and gave chase, and detonated nicely on the ion engines of both TIE Fighters. They were gone in a split second.
"All clear for now," Winters said, "now to find Kirin and Ariane..."
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
The interceptor engines quickly shot into life and the nippy imperial fighter roared into the battle. A squad of fighters meet her approach with a volley of laser fire, pulling hard on the stick and constantly adjusting her throttle setting she quickly jinked through the line of fire. Completing the move with a quick barrel roll she loosed a quick volley of blaster fire at the nearest x wing.
Not waiting to see what damage, if any she had done she turned her attention to another x wing which had buzzed her ship. This one was not so lucky as to get her full attention. Rolling the ship upside down she pulled back in a hard climb and as she passed the rebel fighter loosed a full barage at the happless fighter. The blaster shots impacted heavily on the rebel fighter but the majority of the shots damage was absorbed by the shields, what did get through was concentrated on the right top engine. As the X wing started to slow she completed her climb and continued to pull back to bring the ship back in a loop. Slowing down so as not to overshoot but not to slow to loose all her maneuverability she once again had her target in her sights.
Another volley of shots to the now shieldless fighter and the simulated craft exploded in a dazzling aray of plasma and released atmostphere. Just as the explosion filled her viewport she sensed someone approaching, Winters, she threw the interceptor into a diving turn as Winters first volley tore right through the area of space she had just exited.
Not waiting to see what damage, if any she had done she turned her attention to another x wing which had buzzed her ship. This one was not so lucky as to get her full attention. Rolling the ship upside down she pulled back in a hard climb and as she passed the rebel fighter loosed a full barage at the happless fighter. The blaster shots impacted heavily on the rebel fighter but the majority of the shots damage was absorbed by the shields, what did get through was concentrated on the right top engine. As the X wing started to slow she completed her climb and continued to pull back to bring the ship back in a loop. Slowing down so as not to overshoot but not to slow to loose all her maneuverability she once again had her target in her sights.
Another volley of shots to the now shieldless fighter and the simulated craft exploded in a dazzling aray of plasma and released atmostphere. Just as the explosion filled her viewport she sensed someone approaching, Winters, she threw the interceptor into a diving turn as Winters first volley tore right through the area of space she had just exited.
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Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
With his eyes peeled to the display screen. Showing the over all progress of the squadrons training status. Sarn failed to notice the door open. When the force alerted him to the presence of another. He finally pulled himself away from the screen and faced the intruder. " Qurela." he said drly. The rodian just nodded and took his seat next to the display screen sarn was so engrossed with only moments ago. Sarn sat down next to his old friend and pulled out a bottle of corellian ale from the rooms beverage locker. " Care for a drink old friend ?" he asked politly. Qurela put a hand up and nicely declined. Sarn shurged and poured a glass for himself. then leaned back into the chair. " So...has any new evidance came up from the murder case ?"
" Not a thing. Camrea's busted,guards dead, and almost all evidance is non-exitance. I've sent my operatives to scout around for any possible imperial plants and to cheak everyone background. Speaking of which..."
" Qurela old friend you, Bant, And teresk followed me to my room last night and kodachi can tell you that I was there. I only kill imps on the battlefield. You know that."
" Indeed I do. But times are pretty strange. I for one can remeber when taking imperial officer prisoner meant killing them after you got the info you needed. HA HA HA."
"HA HA HA, Yes those were the days. Back before mon montha came to our little resistance group and conviced us to form the alliance. How old were we then 13 ? 14 ?"
" I was about 13 and you were 14 when the corellian treaty was signed. Just a few years before the great battle at yavin. It seemed all to easy then."
" Yeah... you sure you don't want any ale mate ?"
" ...Pass it here. I might as well drink something before headin out other wise i'll go mad."
" HA HA HA, I hear that old friend I hear that."
" Not a thing. Camrea's busted,guards dead, and almost all evidance is non-exitance. I've sent my operatives to scout around for any possible imperial plants and to cheak everyone background. Speaking of which..."
" Qurela old friend you, Bant, And teresk followed me to my room last night and kodachi can tell you that I was there. I only kill imps on the battlefield. You know that."
" Indeed I do. But times are pretty strange. I for one can remeber when taking imperial officer prisoner meant killing them after you got the info you needed. HA HA HA."
"HA HA HA, Yes those were the days. Back before mon montha came to our little resistance group and conviced us to form the alliance. How old were we then 13 ? 14 ?"
" I was about 13 and you were 14 when the corellian treaty was signed. Just a few years before the great battle at yavin. It seemed all to easy then."
" Yeah... you sure you don't want any ale mate ?"
" ...Pass it here. I might as well drink something before headin out other wise i'll go mad."
" HA HA HA, I hear that old friend I hear that."
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
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Location: Sunny Florida
"Come on....come on...." Winters begged as he sent the B-Wing spiralling planetward in chase of a wayward TIE Fighter. His sensors were going crazy as they picked up mines, debris from the fight, as well as friendly and enemy craft all weaving and vying for maneuvering space. He slammed the right rudder pedal hard, and felt the simulator pod swivel on a motion base to simulate the maneuver. A TIE Fighter slipped in between his sights. Without thinking he pulled the trigger and watched with satisfaction as it exploded in a brilliant display of gas, fire, and shrapnel.
"Heads up!" the radio burst and Winters felt the presence of a human pilot. He pulled the pilot's yoke to his chest and stood on the left pedal. The B-Wing did a spiralling, banking move, and waves of verdant lasers screamed past. His sensors painted a TIE Interceptor behind him, moving fast, and without the clunkiness of the simulated fighters. Ariane... he thought with a tinge of disbelief. Bullseye whistled something, but he didn't hear.
"Get those torpedo tubes operational, now!" he yelled at his astromech. Bullseye hummed obediently. His data screens showed he was fully loaded now and ready to go.
"Let's see if she likes my little trick...Bullseye, lock her in as my primary target, and lock both tubes on her."
"Here we go..."
He goosed the throttle, and then in one quick maneuver spun the craft 180 degrees, firing his laser cannons and firing his two proton torpedoes the moment the turn was completed.
"Heads up!" the radio burst and Winters felt the presence of a human pilot. He pulled the pilot's yoke to his chest and stood on the left pedal. The B-Wing did a spiralling, banking move, and waves of verdant lasers screamed past. His sensors painted a TIE Interceptor behind him, moving fast, and without the clunkiness of the simulated fighters. Ariane... he thought with a tinge of disbelief. Bullseye whistled something, but he didn't hear.
"Get those torpedo tubes operational, now!" he yelled at his astromech. Bullseye hummed obediently. His data screens showed he was fully loaded now and ready to go.
"Let's see if she likes my little trick...Bullseye, lock her in as my primary target, and lock both tubes on her."
"Here we go..."
He goosed the throttle, and then in one quick maneuver spun the craft 180 degrees, firing his laser cannons and firing his two proton torpedoes the moment the turn was completed.
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
"Too easy!!" thought Ariane as the B Wing spun 180 in front of her. She knew what Winters was planning on doing before he did. She fired as he spun but not at him. Her shots impacted the torpedos almost as soon as they were clear of the tubes.
She did not have time to follow up on the shot as her ship roared past the B Wing.
"That should shake him up a bit" she smiled.
She did not have time to follow up on the shot as her ship roared past the B Wing.
"That should shake him up a bit" she smiled.
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Location: Sunny Florida
"Damn, she's good," he muttered. He had to build up speed again, and he knew that it would require a lot more effort to be a Force-user in a fast craft like the TIE Interceptor. Especially in the B-Wing. He banked hard, coming closer to lining up a shot. He cleared his mind, and tapped into the minds of those around him. In his minds eye he saw the Interceptor spin left.
He banked left and fired in the perfect path of the Interceptor, but much to his surprise it spun wildly in the opposite direction, just barely out of the cannon's line of fire.
"Fast little..."
In a futile attempt to do something he fired sporadically at Ariane's Interceptor. He knew it was pointless as Ariane was too good, not to mention more intuned with the Force than he was, but he had one advantag at that was the firepower and shielding of his B-Wing over the unshielded Interceptor. He pulled the throttle back, feeling the pod hum and vibrate as it simulated engine thrust and gave chase to the speedy Imperial craft.
He banked left and fired in the perfect path of the Interceptor, but much to his surprise it spun wildly in the opposite direction, just barely out of the cannon's line of fire.
"Fast little..."
In a futile attempt to do something he fired sporadically at Ariane's Interceptor. He knew it was pointless as Ariane was too good, not to mention more intuned with the Force than he was, but he had one advantag at that was the firepower and shielding of his B-Wing over the unshielded Interceptor. He pulled the throttle back, feeling the pod hum and vibrate as it simulated engine thrust and gave chase to the speedy Imperial craft.
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Lord of the Knights who say Nee
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Location: Deep space: Bearing 278 mark 4
ooc: I'm going to introduce five new MPC's over the next few posts so that our squadron will have the ability to loose a fighter or two in the upcoming mission. We can't all live now can we
"Wow, their good. So this is what it is like to face of with Black Nova.....simulator.....swarm formation, second tie wave." Kirin commanded his computer. Being the "runner" of this paticular simulation, the computer did just as he ordered. New ties popped up at the horrizon in new and changing formations.
Kirin, cutting his way through clouds and fighters, found one x-wing tearing apart tie formations.
"Thats one of the Nova's......cooken time!" Kirin muttered joyfully.
He attacked gracefully, performing a dive attack from an elevated position. With in seconds, the fighter took critical hits and lost shields just before exploding. Kirin smiled in content and a name appeared in the lower part of his screen. "Kill confirmed, Lt Lequre is down." He thought for a second while returning high into the clouds, "Ami went down quick. Did I just catch her off guard or what?"
It was highly possible that she was taken off guard. THe dive attack is usually a deadly experience and is responsible for the death of most aces, but a Nova should see it coming. Perhaps her injuries still plagued her.
Ami's simulator door opened and she just sat back thinking "Killed with ease....."

"Wow, their good. So this is what it is like to face of with Black Nova.....simulator.....swarm formation, second tie wave." Kirin commanded his computer. Being the "runner" of this paticular simulation, the computer did just as he ordered. New ties popped up at the horrizon in new and changing formations.
Kirin, cutting his way through clouds and fighters, found one x-wing tearing apart tie formations.
"Thats one of the Nova's......cooken time!" Kirin muttered joyfully.
He attacked gracefully, performing a dive attack from an elevated position. With in seconds, the fighter took critical hits and lost shields just before exploding. Kirin smiled in content and a name appeared in the lower part of his screen. "Kill confirmed, Lt Lequre is down." He thought for a second while returning high into the clouds, "Ami went down quick. Did I just catch her off guard or what?"
It was highly possible that she was taken off guard. THe dive attack is usually a deadly experience and is responsible for the death of most aces, but a Nova should see it coming. Perhaps her injuries still plagued her.
Ami's simulator door opened and she just sat back thinking "Killed with ease....."
"Yeah, and I stole an ISD. Doesn't mean you should. I am the lunitic around here." LT. CMDR. KIRIN A. TSUKINO
"What? Where in God's vast galaxy are you going to find a man crazy enough to even attempt to jump a moon into hyperspa.....where do I sign?"
FORGE ATOSURYUA, Promethian Engineering Guild, department of hyperspacial physics and temporal studies
"What? Where in God's vast galaxy are you going to find a man crazy enough to even attempt to jump a moon into hyperspa.....where do I sign?"
FORGE ATOSURYUA, Promethian Engineering Guild, department of hyperspacial physics and temporal studies
Blaster fire hissed agrily past the small ball cockpit of the interceptor as the pursing B wing continued to give chase to the nimble ship. They drew closer to the main battle and other ships were quickly crossing the two fighters path as they screamed through the battle field.
"enie, menie, miny........! Ariane smiled as a X wing shot past her HUD display "I guess you're Mo!" she grinned as she pull the Interceptor in completely the opposite direction.
Winters and his B wing stayed on her tail, firing almost wildly in a vain attempt to hit her, as she turn a bolt clipped her right wing causing the ship to buck wildly
"Stay awake Ariane!" she snapped pulling the ship back on course, A quick barrel roll and a power dive and the happless X wing was again in her HUD display, she pushed the trigger and unlessed the canons on her surprised foe, as the explosion filled her cockpit window she barrell rolled the Tie through the explosion.
"Now lets see what I can do about Winters!!" she smirked.
"enie, menie, miny........! Ariane smiled as a X wing shot past her HUD display "I guess you're Mo!" she grinned as she pull the Interceptor in completely the opposite direction.
Winters and his B wing stayed on her tail, firing almost wildly in a vain attempt to hit her, as she turn a bolt clipped her right wing causing the ship to buck wildly
"Stay awake Ariane!" she snapped pulling the ship back on course, A quick barrel roll and a power dive and the happless X wing was again in her HUD display, she pushed the trigger and unlessed the canons on her surprised foe, as the explosion filled her cockpit window she barrell rolled the Tie through the explosion.
"Now lets see what I can do about Winters!!" she smirked.
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Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
After finishing his little chat with Qurela. Sarn strolled casually down the hallway towards the simulator room. There he watched as the simulation pods bucked,and heaved in reposonse to their occupants actions. Feeling the need to drown out his troubles, he walked to the nearst sim-pod and climbed inside. " Hmm, I wonder how good Winters, Kirin, and Ariane have gotten since I last flown with them." he said to himself with a grin. " Heh Heh, only one way to really find out." And with that statment, he closed the pods hatch and waited for the sim to start. He didn't have to wait long, soon the entire pod rumbled to life as the hydraulics and motors came online and the computer screens sprang to life, showing at first a blank screen then starscape. " okay I'm in a B-wing training pod so I better strengthen up my shields first before going into battle." he thought.
Once he sets his shield strength to maxium and toggles it both fore and aft of his fighter, he then sets the throttle to 2/3 power and speeds off into the fray. " Alright ! now lets see what these nerf herders are made of !" he exclaims
Once he sets his shield strength to maxium and toggles it both fore and aft of his fighter, he then sets the throttle to 2/3 power and speeds off into the fray. " Alright ! now lets see what these nerf herders are made of !" he exclaims
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Lord of the Knights who say Nee
Posts: 2278
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Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2003 12:14 pm
Location: Deep space: Bearing 278 mark 4
Kirin's sim did not buck, it did not shake, it just hummed. He still hadn't been engaged. In his sim, he cruised at distance and observed the battle, trying to think of what to send.
"Computer, put in a squad of tie-advances, bring them in from Nova 3's starboard, range 4000 meters." Kirin was hoping that the new imperial craft would add some fun, evne though they are quite the opposite in a battle. One of the newest imperial combat, the advance, was starting to find itself on furballs more and more.
Meanwhile, while the squadron was quite distracted. Three new persons entered the sim room under lead of a gold squadron pilot.
"Why don't you all try a round with them."
The man in the center appeared around forty, which is ancient in fighter pilot terms. On his left was a young man and right a young women. The old man spoke with an English accent while quickly hopping into a sim.
"With pleasure young man, I think I'll give an old friend a shot or two."
Minutes later, Kirin's advances opened fire on the squadron leaders. The intercepters had been too easy, these would not be so.
"Computer, put in a squad of tie-advances, bring them in from Nova 3's starboard, range 4000 meters." Kirin was hoping that the new imperial craft would add some fun, evne though they are quite the opposite in a battle. One of the newest imperial combat, the advance, was starting to find itself on furballs more and more.
Meanwhile, while the squadron was quite distracted. Three new persons entered the sim room under lead of a gold squadron pilot.
"Why don't you all try a round with them."
The man in the center appeared around forty, which is ancient in fighter pilot terms. On his left was a young man and right a young women. The old man spoke with an English accent while quickly hopping into a sim.
"With pleasure young man, I think I'll give an old friend a shot or two."
Minutes later, Kirin's advances opened fire on the squadron leaders. The intercepters had been too easy, these would not be so.
"Yeah, and I stole an ISD. Doesn't mean you should. I am the lunitic around here." LT. CMDR. KIRIN A. TSUKINO
"What? Where in God's vast galaxy are you going to find a man crazy enough to even attempt to jump a moon into hyperspa.....where do I sign?"
FORGE ATOSURYUA, Promethian Engineering Guild, department of hyperspacial physics and temporal studies
"What? Where in God's vast galaxy are you going to find a man crazy enough to even attempt to jump a moon into hyperspa.....where do I sign?"
FORGE ATOSURYUA, Promethian Engineering Guild, department of hyperspacial physics and temporal studies
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Location: Sunny Florida
The B-Wing did a barely controllable port rollover. Verdant lasers whistled past the cockpit of the simulated fighter craft, and Winters swore. He slammed hard on the rudder pedals, the sim pod rocking to and fro violently. But somehow in all the chaos Winters managed to keep his head in the game. It had always been a gift, an apparent extension of his so-called Force Sensitivity. And that's when his sensors told him something he did not want to hear.
"TIE Advanced!?" He shook his head, and muttered, "Bullseye, you better get on the ball with these guys, we have new friends off to starboard."
Range: 3500 meters and closing fast
"Thanks," he snapped to starboard, and saw the specs in the black backdrop of stars and planets and opened fire, sending sporadic fire towards the new foes. The TIE Advanceds' were shielded so any stray hit wouldn't do anything but maybe startle the pilot, if he was green. A veteran wouldn't even notice.
"Okay, time to get down to business." He decided, and quickly shut off his random blaster fire. The TIE wing and his B-Wing sped for each other while Bullseye counted off the hundreds of meters.
Collision in 8 seconds...
"Lock on to the lead's wingman!"
The targeting reticule appeared in a split second and went from green to red immediately. Winters juked to starboard and fired into the reticule. While the B-Wing wasn't primarily a fighter craft, it packed a lot more punch then the faster X or A-wings. He pulled his secondary trigger on the yoke, loosing an ion blast into the wingman's craft. The shields exploded in a haze of blue electricity, and the faster moving blaster shots tore through the cockpit and wing pylons, completely obliterating the TIE in almost nothing flat. The lead and remaining wingman pulled off to port, and the rest of the wing opened fire. Winters' shields screamed with so much energy being poured into them.
"Bullseye, keep those shields up! Pull from the ion cannon!"
His shield monitor fizzled and adjusted constantly, his vision was partially obscured by flashing shields and blaster fire.
"Damn it, give me some back up here! All Wings engage the TIE Advanceds! Let the Revenge's minesweepers clear the fields! Just keep these imps off her!"
"TIE Advanced!?" He shook his head, and muttered, "Bullseye, you better get on the ball with these guys, we have new friends off to starboard."
Range: 3500 meters and closing fast
"Thanks," he snapped to starboard, and saw the specs in the black backdrop of stars and planets and opened fire, sending sporadic fire towards the new foes. The TIE Advanceds' were shielded so any stray hit wouldn't do anything but maybe startle the pilot, if he was green. A veteran wouldn't even notice.
"Okay, time to get down to business." He decided, and quickly shut off his random blaster fire. The TIE wing and his B-Wing sped for each other while Bullseye counted off the hundreds of meters.
Collision in 8 seconds...
"Lock on to the lead's wingman!"
The targeting reticule appeared in a split second and went from green to red immediately. Winters juked to starboard and fired into the reticule. While the B-Wing wasn't primarily a fighter craft, it packed a lot more punch then the faster X or A-wings. He pulled his secondary trigger on the yoke, loosing an ion blast into the wingman's craft. The shields exploded in a haze of blue electricity, and the faster moving blaster shots tore through the cockpit and wing pylons, completely obliterating the TIE in almost nothing flat. The lead and remaining wingman pulled off to port, and the rest of the wing opened fire. Winters' shields screamed with so much energy being poured into them.
"Bullseye, keep those shields up! Pull from the ion cannon!"
His shield monitor fizzled and adjusted constantly, his vision was partially obscured by flashing shields and blaster fire.
"Damn it, give me some back up here! All Wings engage the TIE Advanceds! Let the Revenge's minesweepers clear the fields! Just keep these imps off her!"
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Posts: 160
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Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
Feeling the sim-pod buck and rock with each turn, Sarn pressed hard on the starboard breaking peddle and pulled his control stick rougly to the right, fighting of the g-forces that were pressing hard against his body, as he tried to to catch up with the imperial fighter. He looks down at his targeting computer and notices that he still as about five more kilos to go before he can get a solid lock. Arming both the laser cannons and torpedo launchers, he sets his eyes on the targeting box, waits for the targeting cross hairs to turn red and places his fingers over the triggers, tapping them across the hard durasteel metal nervously.
" Come on, come on." he says impatiently. Finally he hears a loud shrilling beep, confirming that his intened target has entered the kill zone. Wasting no time, he fired directly into the ion engine drives and watched his his laser volley reduce the once mighty imperial fighter into millions of tiny pieces of scrap metal. Wiping the sweat that had fromed on his brow in the last few seconds, he then calibrates his weapons systems power and charges the energy back to full strength, before cycling through his targeting computer for his next target. " Alright winters I managed to get one off you." he said. " But, try to be a little more careful in the future huh ?" He joked " Can't be around to protect you forever right ?" he says with a smirk growing on his face.
" I hear ya dave, Hang on !" Sarn screamed into his mike, as he steered his craft hard to starboard and set his throttle to match speed with the TIE advanced that was hounding winters fighter. Trying to match speed with a highly maneuverable TIE Advanced in a B-wing, was like trying to out race a pod-racer on the back of a druken hutt. The B-wings, a ship souly designed for bombing missions, Wasn't exactly his ship of choice. They were slow and didn't fly as fast as any other high performance fighter, such as x-wings, But they did carry a large enough payload to cause havok on imperial warships and heavily fortifed instillations. Unfotunitly all that amounted to nothing when you were flying one against a highly maneuverable and dealdy TIE Advanced.Damn it, give me some back up here! All Wings engage the TIE Advanceds! Let the Revenge's minesweepers clear the fields! Just keep these imps off her!"
Feeling the sim-pod buck and rock with each turn, Sarn pressed hard on the starboard breaking peddle and pulled his control stick rougly to the right, fighting of the g-forces that were pressing hard against his body, as he tried to to catch up with the imperial fighter. He looks down at his targeting computer and notices that he still as about five more kilos to go before he can get a solid lock. Arming both the laser cannons and torpedo launchers, he sets his eyes on the targeting box, waits for the targeting cross hairs to turn red and places his fingers over the triggers, tapping them across the hard durasteel metal nervously.
" Come on, come on." he says impatiently. Finally he hears a loud shrilling beep, confirming that his intened target has entered the kill zone. Wasting no time, he fired directly into the ion engine drives and watched his his laser volley reduce the once mighty imperial fighter into millions of tiny pieces of scrap metal. Wiping the sweat that had fromed on his brow in the last few seconds, he then calibrates his weapons systems power and charges the energy back to full strength, before cycling through his targeting computer for his next target. " Alright winters I managed to get one off you." he said. " But, try to be a little more careful in the future huh ?" He joked " Can't be around to protect you forever right ?" he says with a smirk growing on his face.
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Lord of the Knights who say Nee
Posts: 2278
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Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2003 12:14 pm
Location: Deep space: Bearing 278 mark 4
Kirin leaned forward inhis cockpit seat, looking to see what Sarn had done. Kirin sat back and grinned. He waited a few minutes for more tie advances to engage his CO. As he watched the squadron begin to work together, a defening alarm sounded in his cockpit. Kirin flopped back against his seat as he took in what was going on.
"Warning, missile lock!" the computer sounded.
Kirin had already began a steep dive to starboard.
He quickly took note of who was in battle. The entire squadron and simulated allied craft were two kilometers away, who could have locked on?
Using the simulated asteroids to break the lock, he zoomed through a space debris field. The alarm went off and he stopped his ship dead in its tracks. he eased it slowly back until the simulator jolted from him backing into an asteroid. Then he waited, waited for whoever had locked onto him to come looking.
"Warning, missile lock!" the computer sounded.
Kirin had already began a steep dive to starboard.
He quickly took note of who was in battle. The entire squadron and simulated allied craft were two kilometers away, who could have locked on?
Using the simulated asteroids to break the lock, he zoomed through a space debris field. The alarm went off and he stopped his ship dead in its tracks. he eased it slowly back until the simulator jolted from him backing into an asteroid. Then he waited, waited for whoever had locked onto him to come looking.
"Yeah, and I stole an ISD. Doesn't mean you should. I am the lunitic around here." LT. CMDR. KIRIN A. TSUKINO
"What? Where in God's vast galaxy are you going to find a man crazy enough to even attempt to jump a moon into hyperspa.....where do I sign?"
FORGE ATOSURYUA, Promethian Engineering Guild, department of hyperspacial physics and temporal studies
"What? Where in God's vast galaxy are you going to find a man crazy enough to even attempt to jump a moon into hyperspa.....where do I sign?"
FORGE ATOSURYUA, Promethian Engineering Guild, department of hyperspacial physics and temporal studies
Posts: 531
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Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Location: Sunny Florida
Shields flashed. Klaxons blared, and Bullseye whined. Winters jostled in the cockpit as another sensor told him the port stabilizer was damaged.
"These B-Wings are too slow!" He goosed the throttle, shifting from one rudder pedal to the other, weaving through errant blaster fire and dogfighting Imps and Rebels.
Nova 3, come hard to starboard, 283 by 833, mark 4
"What's this?" Winters mused, as he began to follow the instructions. The B-Wing's cockpit bucked and bounced, knocking Winters about, as he struggled to keep the craft from spinning out of control in the wild battle. As he neared the coordinates he saw the Revenge coming around to bear in on the dogfight.
We're warming up port batteries, get ready to welcome us to the party.
"Roger that, Revenge," Winters said into his comlink as the Nebulon-B Frigate angled to starboard, and the portside lit up a bright red. As Winters' B-Wing dove planetside, a wall of fire erupted overhead. The turbolaser batteries were homing in on the main wing formations of TIEs. The crew of the Revenge weren't going to risk friendly fire by shooting into the fray, but by attacking the outer wings, they could take out flocks of TIE Fighters.
"Bullseye!" one of the Nova's reported as a dozen or so TIE Fighters were utterly disintegrated. Unfortunately, this compromised the Revenge's relative security, as they were now a prime target for the remaining wings.
TIEs, inbound! Black Nova Squadron, pull back and support!
"Roger that! All available Novas, follow me, we're covering the Revenge." Winters switched his comlink controls.
"Revenge, how much longer until you can make the jump to hyperspace?"
"These B-Wings are too slow!" He goosed the throttle, shifting from one rudder pedal to the other, weaving through errant blaster fire and dogfighting Imps and Rebels.
Nova 3, come hard to starboard, 283 by 833, mark 4
"What's this?" Winters mused, as he began to follow the instructions. The B-Wing's cockpit bucked and bounced, knocking Winters about, as he struggled to keep the craft from spinning out of control in the wild battle. As he neared the coordinates he saw the Revenge coming around to bear in on the dogfight.
We're warming up port batteries, get ready to welcome us to the party.
"Roger that, Revenge," Winters said into his comlink as the Nebulon-B Frigate angled to starboard, and the portside lit up a bright red. As Winters' B-Wing dove planetside, a wall of fire erupted overhead. The turbolaser batteries were homing in on the main wing formations of TIEs. The crew of the Revenge weren't going to risk friendly fire by shooting into the fray, but by attacking the outer wings, they could take out flocks of TIE Fighters.
"Bullseye!" one of the Nova's reported as a dozen or so TIE Fighters were utterly disintegrated. Unfortunately, this compromised the Revenge's relative security, as they were now a prime target for the remaining wings.
TIEs, inbound! Black Nova Squadron, pull back and support!
"Roger that! All available Novas, follow me, we're covering the Revenge." Winters switched his comlink controls.
"Revenge, how much longer until you can make the jump to hyperspace?"
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Lord of the Knights who say Nee
Posts: 2278
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Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2003 12:14 pm
Location: Deep space: Bearing 278 mark 4
Kirin's screen suddenly read, "ISD escape beginning." He growled at being distracted until it was too late. The plan was in motion and going quick. Soon the Revenge would jump out.
"By now we'd have the ship and would be clearing all moorings in order to 'chase' the revenge." Kirin muttered. Just then, the ship that chased him into the field buzzed past.
"Got'cha!" Kirin yelled, punching his accelerator.
He followed the a-wing tight, not firing and giving away his position. The asteroids were clustered enough to keep the sensors from locking on and alerting the pilot. Kirin Didn't worry about locking, he just eased up to point blank and then opened fire. The blaster bolts killed the shields and then the ship blew up.
"By now we'd have the ship and would be clearing all moorings in order to 'chase' the revenge." Kirin muttered. Just then, the ship that chased him into the field buzzed past.
"Got'cha!" Kirin yelled, punching his accelerator.
He followed the a-wing tight, not firing and giving away his position. The asteroids were clustered enough to keep the sensors from locking on and alerting the pilot. Kirin Didn't worry about locking, he just eased up to point blank and then opened fire. The blaster bolts killed the shields and then the ship blew up.
"Yeah, and I stole an ISD. Doesn't mean you should. I am the lunitic around here." LT. CMDR. KIRIN A. TSUKINO
"What? Where in God's vast galaxy are you going to find a man crazy enough to even attempt to jump a moon into hyperspa.....where do I sign?"
FORGE ATOSURYUA, Promethian Engineering Guild, department of hyperspacial physics and temporal studies
"What? Where in God's vast galaxy are you going to find a man crazy enough to even attempt to jump a moon into hyperspa.....where do I sign?"
FORGE ATOSURYUA, Promethian Engineering Guild, department of hyperspacial physics and temporal studies
Posts: 160
Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
TIEs, inbound! Black Nova Squadron, pull back and support!
" Roger that Revenge, Nova 1 responding to your distress call." Sarn said, as he jilted the control stick left and pressed down hard on the steering pedels. The pod bucked and rocked violently in response as it simulated the fighter sharply banking to the left. Sarn then switched his remaining weapons energy into his engines and pressed down hard on the throttle. The ship shot through the cosmos like a blasing comet on a collision course with with the Nebulon-B frigate looming ahead of it.
Of course, once his fighter was close enough to the ship. Sarn cut the engines and toggled nearly all of the engines power back into his weapon systems. Just in time to battle the first wave of fighters. Sarn looked up from his enegry disply and shivered at the sight of the incoming fighters.
" Skipray Blastboats ! Why did it have to be blastboats." he thought glumly remembering his last encounter with the dreaded imperial bombers.
" Nova 3, I need you to stay as close as you can to the revenge. Several flights of Tie Bombers and Blast Boats are heading in its direction. I'm going to try and interdict some of their missiles, but I need you to get the ones that I might mis... Bleep ! Bleeep!"
The warning saxon had dragged him out of his conversation and warned him of Approching torpedo fire. Toggling through his targeting computer hastilly, he locked on to the first incoming projectile and aligned his own missle launcers up with it. Once his targeting scope turned red he fired and watched as his own missle turned the other one into space debris.
" Ha ! one down... Bleep ! Bleep! Bleep !...About ten more to go. Sheesh. " he sighed as he aligned his ships sights up with the next missile.
" Ouch time." he thought bitterly as he ready himself for the wave of approching projectiles.
" Roger that Revenge, Nova 1 responding to your distress call." Sarn said, as he jilted the control stick left and pressed down hard on the steering pedels. The pod bucked and rocked violently in response as it simulated the fighter sharply banking to the left. Sarn then switched his remaining weapons energy into his engines and pressed down hard on the throttle. The ship shot through the cosmos like a blasing comet on a collision course with with the Nebulon-B frigate looming ahead of it.
Of course, once his fighter was close enough to the ship. Sarn cut the engines and toggled nearly all of the engines power back into his weapon systems. Just in time to battle the first wave of fighters. Sarn looked up from his enegry disply and shivered at the sight of the incoming fighters.
" Skipray Blastboats ! Why did it have to be blastboats." he thought glumly remembering his last encounter with the dreaded imperial bombers.
" Nova 3, I need you to stay as close as you can to the revenge. Several flights of Tie Bombers and Blast Boats are heading in its direction. I'm going to try and interdict some of their missiles, but I need you to get the ones that I might mis... Bleep ! Bleeep!"
The warning saxon had dragged him out of his conversation and warned him of Approching torpedo fire. Toggling through his targeting computer hastilly, he locked on to the first incoming projectile and aligned his own missle launcers up with it. Once his targeting scope turned red he fired and watched as his own missle turned the other one into space debris.
" Ha ! one down... Bleep ! Bleep! Bleep !...About ten more to go. Sheesh. " he sighed as he aligned his ships sights up with the next missile.
" Ouch time." he thought bitterly as he ready himself for the wave of approching projectiles.
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Posts: 531
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Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Location: Sunny Florida
"A few more minutes, Nova 3, keep 'em off us until then!" came the delayed answer from the maneuvering frigate.
Figures, Winters thought grimly.
Torpedoes and blastboats inbound
"Thanks, Bullseye, start to lock onto the torpedoes."
About a dozen red reticules suddenly appeared on Winters' HUD.
He banked hard to starboard, away from the fleeing frigate, which was still pouring terajoules of energy into the dogfighting mess.
Winters started pumping energy from his engines into his ion and blaster cannons, and warmed up his own missile tubes. He grinned as the torpedoes drew nearer, the range meters turned from green symbols to orange, and then to blinking red numbers. He reversed his thrusters and started dancing with with his steering pedals, causing the B-Wing to stop in its tracks and twist and turn every which way. He felt his senses reaching out, into the void of the simulated virtual world. It was harder to match up with fake missiles as opposed to the real thing, in some sort of ironic twist. His energy meters started beeping warning messages as he pulled the double triggers as fast as possible. Red and blue bolts of energy streaked outwards towards the incoming projectiles. One was hit with a well placed ion blast, and sputtered as it shut down and spun out of control. Two more exploded from the oncoming spray of blaster fire. One more managed to get hit right as it passed Winters' craft. The explosion shredded the left S-foil and caused the B-Wing to spiral away, out of control.
Severe S-foil damage...Port-side
"What?" Winters looked out the cockpit as he struggled with the yoke and pedals, and saw the debris slowly floating away from his ship. "Well isn't that least we're not in the atmosphere."
There was another shudder and Bullseye reported: Port-side blaster cannon malfunction
Winters looked again, and sure enough, the cannon was now floating free, away from its host craft. The engines screeched and with a powerful jolt, Winters had regained control of the craft.
"Revenge, you have multiple inbound warheads, you better do something! Fast!"
Figures, Winters thought grimly.
Torpedoes and blastboats inbound
"Thanks, Bullseye, start to lock onto the torpedoes."
About a dozen red reticules suddenly appeared on Winters' HUD.
He banked hard to starboard, away from the fleeing frigate, which was still pouring terajoules of energy into the dogfighting mess.
Winters started pumping energy from his engines into his ion and blaster cannons, and warmed up his own missile tubes. He grinned as the torpedoes drew nearer, the range meters turned from green symbols to orange, and then to blinking red numbers. He reversed his thrusters and started dancing with with his steering pedals, causing the B-Wing to stop in its tracks and twist and turn every which way. He felt his senses reaching out, into the void of the simulated virtual world. It was harder to match up with fake missiles as opposed to the real thing, in some sort of ironic twist. His energy meters started beeping warning messages as he pulled the double triggers as fast as possible. Red and blue bolts of energy streaked outwards towards the incoming projectiles. One was hit with a well placed ion blast, and sputtered as it shut down and spun out of control. Two more exploded from the oncoming spray of blaster fire. One more managed to get hit right as it passed Winters' craft. The explosion shredded the left S-foil and caused the B-Wing to spiral away, out of control.
Severe S-foil damage...Port-side
"What?" Winters looked out the cockpit as he struggled with the yoke and pedals, and saw the debris slowly floating away from his ship. "Well isn't that least we're not in the atmosphere."
There was another shudder and Bullseye reported: Port-side blaster cannon malfunction
Winters looked again, and sure enough, the cannon was now floating free, away from its host craft. The engines screeched and with a powerful jolt, Winters had regained control of the craft.
"Revenge, you have multiple inbound warheads, you better do something! Fast!"
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Lord of the Knights who say Nee
Posts: 2278
Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2003 12:14 pm
Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2003 12:14 pm
Location: Deep space: Bearing 278 mark 4
Kirin smiled at his work then his face went grim. "The squadron is in b-wings and the com hax x-wings. Where'd the A's come from?"
As he said this, blaster bolts began flying all around Kirin's tie. And a-wing was bearing down from the front and another from behind.
"Ah, crap, where the hell'd they come from?" he yelled.
He slammed the throtle forward and shot at the one coming at him from the front. He squeezed the trigger as hard as he could and wore away the A's shields. Diving, he found he now had two a-wings on his tail, a death warrant to any tie fighter.
He killed the throttle and alloewd his fighter to coast at top speed. He quickly used his maneuvering thrusters and spun his tie to face aft. He was still moving in his original direction. He'd devised this trick himself and the maneuver was named for him. He now had both the targets in his sights and there were essentially stationary as they tryed to get right behind him. Though he knew not what was behind him, he had faith the path was clear enough for him not to hit anything.
He pulled the trigger again, this time one on the a-wings dissapeared into a fireball. Now it was a dual. Both the tie and last a-wing faced each other and travelled in the same direction. Blaster fire rained from both until Kirin suddenly slammed his throttle forward. His fighter stopped and sudden;y was going in a more proper direction. The a-wing zipped by as Kirin turned around. He was behind it and right on the A's six. Pulling on the trigger, he vaporized the rebel fighter.
Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he quietly sighed to himself, "That was incredibly challenging. I wonder what that was all about."
He checked his systems, trying to figure out what still worked. his readout screen was cracked, and several systems, including some sensors, were fried.
As he said this, blaster bolts began flying all around Kirin's tie. And a-wing was bearing down from the front and another from behind.
"Ah, crap, where the hell'd they come from?" he yelled.
He slammed the throtle forward and shot at the one coming at him from the front. He squeezed the trigger as hard as he could and wore away the A's shields. Diving, he found he now had two a-wings on his tail, a death warrant to any tie fighter.
He killed the throttle and alloewd his fighter to coast at top speed. He quickly used his maneuvering thrusters and spun his tie to face aft. He was still moving in his original direction. He'd devised this trick himself and the maneuver was named for him. He now had both the targets in his sights and there were essentially stationary as they tryed to get right behind him. Though he knew not what was behind him, he had faith the path was clear enough for him not to hit anything.
He pulled the trigger again, this time one on the a-wings dissapeared into a fireball. Now it was a dual. Both the tie and last a-wing faced each other and travelled in the same direction. Blaster fire rained from both until Kirin suddenly slammed his throttle forward. His fighter stopped and sudden;y was going in a more proper direction. The a-wing zipped by as Kirin turned around. He was behind it and right on the A's six. Pulling on the trigger, he vaporized the rebel fighter.
Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he quietly sighed to himself, "That was incredibly challenging. I wonder what that was all about."
He checked his systems, trying to figure out what still worked. his readout screen was cracked, and several systems, including some sensors, were fried.
"Yeah, and I stole an ISD. Doesn't mean you should. I am the lunitic around here." LT. CMDR. KIRIN A. TSUKINO
"What? Where in God's vast galaxy are you going to find a man crazy enough to even attempt to jump a moon into hyperspa.....where do I sign?"
FORGE ATOSURYUA, Promethian Engineering Guild, department of hyperspacial physics and temporal studies
"What? Where in God's vast galaxy are you going to find a man crazy enough to even attempt to jump a moon into hyperspa.....where do I sign?"
FORGE ATOSURYUA, Promethian Engineering Guild, department of hyperspacial physics and temporal studies
Posts: 531
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Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Location: Sunny Florida
hey, that was my move! *sigh*
ic: One of the many wonders of the B-Wing's design, which was accredited to Admiral Ackbar himself, was the gyro-stabilized cockpit. While the main body of the craft, which was long and flat, spun around the main pivot point of the cockpit, the pilot remained stationary. Now in to an untrained pilot in a hazardous combat situation this could prove to be rather disorienting. But for Captain David Winters of Black Nova Squadron, it proved to be a lifesaver. As his craft argued and wrestled control from him, he worked his targeting computer and energy allocation systems.
According to his shipboard diagnostics, and visual confirmation, the left stabilizer foil of the bomber craft was missing, free-floating in the void somewhere.
"You piece of Hutt slime, move!" He angrily chastised his bomber. He pulled the throttle back, feeling the simulated thrust push the craft forwards. Here we go he thought to himself, Now I'm back in this.
His targeting computer had already lined up the remaining torpedoes which were still streaking towards the Revenge.
"Fire starboard emergency thrusters!" his comlink picked up the command from the Revenge's bridge crew. The frigate's slim fuselage rolled gently onto its side, but of course that description was relative in the sphere of open space. The large glowing emgines in the aft of the ship grew larger as the mammoth attempted to flee the oncoming warheads.
In the hey-day of the Empire, the Nebulon-B frigates were used as gunboats and were outfitted with turbolasers, anti-ship lasers, concussion missiles, proton torpedoes and the likes. And in Winters' mind, the Rebellion modifications didn't do the ship justice. If this monster was still a gunboat, all those torpedoes would be slag by now.
The turbolasers still on the craft began to lock onto the incoming missiles, however they posed too small a target for the larger, anti-capital ship weapons. The huge blasts streamed by without any effect.
"Still incoming!" Winters reported in the com as he goosed the throttle, hoping to be able to intercept a few more before they struck the port shields. The turbolasers fired again. And to the same effect. Winters' targeting computer managed to pick up two of the missiles' signatures and locked his own proton torpedo tubes up to them.
"Night, night." He pulled the double-trigger, and twin streaks of blue rocketed out of the fuselage of the Rebel fighter craft towards their targets. A few seconds later, there were two rather large explosions, but they left the remaining five torpedoes unharmed.
The first two struck the shields ahead of the pack. They blew a wide enough hole for the remaining torpedoes to go in unaffected. But luckily, two of them missed the slender midsection of the frigate, and in the process of looping around for a second pass, they lost their targeting signal and shut down, floating into the void. However the fifth missile struck home, detonating in the plastisteel alloy hull of the Nebulon-B's main fuselage. There was a tremendous incandescent gas explosion, as well the spewing of a great amount of debris.
"Revenge! What's your status? Report!" Winters barked into his com as he flew underneath the bow of the frigate.
"This is the Revenge, we seem to be okay. We still have control of the engines and aft sections. We've had to seal two levels though, but we're alright. Just don't let it happen again, otherwise this baby's going to be flying home in two."
Winters let out a sigh of relief. Of course, in a real life situation, there would be dozens of lost lives in those compartments affected. And the loss of any life was not a good thing.
"Roger that, Revenge, plot your final navigation points for the jump to hyperspace, we'll keep 'em off you until then, Nova 3 over and out." He shut off the comlink and boosted back around the frigate, reengaging the TIE Fighters that were just awaiting a fight.

ic: One of the many wonders of the B-Wing's design, which was accredited to Admiral Ackbar himself, was the gyro-stabilized cockpit. While the main body of the craft, which was long and flat, spun around the main pivot point of the cockpit, the pilot remained stationary. Now in to an untrained pilot in a hazardous combat situation this could prove to be rather disorienting. But for Captain David Winters of Black Nova Squadron, it proved to be a lifesaver. As his craft argued and wrestled control from him, he worked his targeting computer and energy allocation systems.
According to his shipboard diagnostics, and visual confirmation, the left stabilizer foil of the bomber craft was missing, free-floating in the void somewhere.
"You piece of Hutt slime, move!" He angrily chastised his bomber. He pulled the throttle back, feeling the simulated thrust push the craft forwards. Here we go he thought to himself, Now I'm back in this.
His targeting computer had already lined up the remaining torpedoes which were still streaking towards the Revenge.
"Fire starboard emergency thrusters!" his comlink picked up the command from the Revenge's bridge crew. The frigate's slim fuselage rolled gently onto its side, but of course that description was relative in the sphere of open space. The large glowing emgines in the aft of the ship grew larger as the mammoth attempted to flee the oncoming warheads.
In the hey-day of the Empire, the Nebulon-B frigates were used as gunboats and were outfitted with turbolasers, anti-ship lasers, concussion missiles, proton torpedoes and the likes. And in Winters' mind, the Rebellion modifications didn't do the ship justice. If this monster was still a gunboat, all those torpedoes would be slag by now.
The turbolasers still on the craft began to lock onto the incoming missiles, however they posed too small a target for the larger, anti-capital ship weapons. The huge blasts streamed by without any effect.
"Still incoming!" Winters reported in the com as he goosed the throttle, hoping to be able to intercept a few more before they struck the port shields. The turbolasers fired again. And to the same effect. Winters' targeting computer managed to pick up two of the missiles' signatures and locked his own proton torpedo tubes up to them.
"Night, night." He pulled the double-trigger, and twin streaks of blue rocketed out of the fuselage of the Rebel fighter craft towards their targets. A few seconds later, there were two rather large explosions, but they left the remaining five torpedoes unharmed.
The first two struck the shields ahead of the pack. They blew a wide enough hole for the remaining torpedoes to go in unaffected. But luckily, two of them missed the slender midsection of the frigate, and in the process of looping around for a second pass, they lost their targeting signal and shut down, floating into the void. However the fifth missile struck home, detonating in the plastisteel alloy hull of the Nebulon-B's main fuselage. There was a tremendous incandescent gas explosion, as well the spewing of a great amount of debris.
"Revenge! What's your status? Report!" Winters barked into his com as he flew underneath the bow of the frigate.
"This is the Revenge, we seem to be okay. We still have control of the engines and aft sections. We've had to seal two levels though, but we're alright. Just don't let it happen again, otherwise this baby's going to be flying home in two."
Winters let out a sigh of relief. Of course, in a real life situation, there would be dozens of lost lives in those compartments affected. And the loss of any life was not a good thing.
"Roger that, Revenge, plot your final navigation points for the jump to hyperspace, we'll keep 'em off you until then, Nova 3 over and out." He shut off the comlink and boosted back around the frigate, reengaging the TIE Fighters that were just awaiting a fight.
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Posts: 160
Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
Things were really starting to get hairy for the rebels. Sarn himself had tried to intercepted every incoming missile and rocket that was launched at the Rebels Revenge, and meet with only minor success. But, that was the least of his worries, now the blast boats had started to harass his fighter.
Already he had four of them on his six. But no matter how much energy he poured into the afterburners or how many maneuvers he pulled. Sarn was unable to lose his imperial tormentors. " Damn it all!" he shouted to no one in particular. He begin to feel his frustration raising, as he attempted another tight turn. " No matter what I do, they'll match it." he groaned " Its like trying to out fly my shadow." he said through grit teeth. Behind him the blast boats followed closely and pelted his rear shields with a heavy volley of green bolts. Warning klaxons and shields displays warned sarn of the impending danger he faced at their hands. Running out of ideas and options, he did the only thing he could think of.
Pressing down hard on the breaking pedal, He lowered his speed and flipped the ship around so he would now be facing the blasts boats as opposed to running from them. With his guns now aimed directly at his attackers, He fires at the closest one and watched as all three cannons pour into the Skiprays cockpit. Do to sarns sudden action, the pilot of the skipray could not react in time and was instantly vaped. The other blastboats broke of from their attack and scatted out of the exploding ships path. This distraction gave him enough time to re-route power to both his shields and weapons systems, Then re-calibrate his ships engines settings. With his fighter now back in good fighting condition, he re-set his throttle to full power and chased after one of the fleeing blast boats. When his targeting computer confirmed a good shooting solution, he aligned his cross-hairs up with the ships engines and fired into the glowing thruster tube. " Payback time" he says with an evil smirk on his face.
Already he had four of them on his six. But no matter how much energy he poured into the afterburners or how many maneuvers he pulled. Sarn was unable to lose his imperial tormentors. " Damn it all!" he shouted to no one in particular. He begin to feel his frustration raising, as he attempted another tight turn. " No matter what I do, they'll match it." he groaned " Its like trying to out fly my shadow." he said through grit teeth. Behind him the blast boats followed closely and pelted his rear shields with a heavy volley of green bolts. Warning klaxons and shields displays warned sarn of the impending danger he faced at their hands. Running out of ideas and options, he did the only thing he could think of.
Pressing down hard on the breaking pedal, He lowered his speed and flipped the ship around so he would now be facing the blasts boats as opposed to running from them. With his guns now aimed directly at his attackers, He fires at the closest one and watched as all three cannons pour into the Skiprays cockpit. Do to sarns sudden action, the pilot of the skipray could not react in time and was instantly vaped. The other blastboats broke of from their attack and scatted out of the exploding ships path. This distraction gave him enough time to re-route power to both his shields and weapons systems, Then re-calibrate his ships engines settings. With his fighter now back in good fighting condition, he re-set his throttle to full power and chased after one of the fleeing blast boats. When his targeting computer confirmed a good shooting solution, he aligned his cross-hairs up with the ships engines and fired into the glowing thruster tube. " Payback time" he says with an evil smirk on his face.
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Ave Imperator
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Joined: Sun Feb 16, 2003 9:46 pm
Location: Wherever I May Roam
The blank screen in front of him flickered to life as the top closed tightly. The screen lit up and dsplayed an unfolding dogfight, one that probably wouldn't end soon.
Pushing his red hair away form his eyes, Tarn warmed up his B-wing and rocketed into the fray.
The Revenge had just taken a few misslies and was in bad shape but was still able to fly.
Flying close to the ship, Tarn kept an open eye to anything that got within range of the Revenge. "Screech," he said to his droid, "scan the area,"
Multiple targets coming in at bearing 274
He quickly fired his manuvering(sp?) jets and turned the ship to face the incoming threat. "Revenge, this is Nova 9, multiple hostiles comeing in hot. I'm relaying your their vector."
As soon as the data was sent he pushed his throttle forward and sent the ship into a mad dash to postion himself in between the incoming ships and the Revenge
"Screech, I need to you identify the targets."
2 TIE Bombers and 2 TIE fighters flying escort.
"Tag the bombers as targets 1 and 2."
He flicked on his launcher and set all sheilds to front, "Screech, bring up target 1."
As his targeting reticule lined up on the first bomber, it started as a yellow box until the HUD flickered to red which was accompanied by Screech doing what he did best, screeching. He fired his first missile before he yelled, "Screech bring up target 2!" The range between Tarn and the bombers had cut dramastically so he had a small window to get the second missile off. He lined up the bomber which immiedieatly went red and fired his next missile. Both bombers exploded into two spectacular fireballs, sending some debris into the TIEs that were flying close escort. With the bombers gone, the TIEs broke off and began to swing around Tarn.
He then evened out his sheilds and swung his ship around to face the first TIE, keeping the second behind him. As he flew towards the first TIE he began to focus, this move needed exact timing. He saw the laser bolts rip out of the TIE and towards him, which he reacted to by going into a straight dive. Now that both TIEs had fired at the same time, their lasers rip each other to shreds.
"Too easy..."
The blank screen in front of him flickered to life as the top closed tightly. The screen lit up and dsplayed an unfolding dogfight, one that probably wouldn't end soon.
Pushing his red hair away form his eyes, Tarn warmed up his B-wing and rocketed into the fray.
The Revenge had just taken a few misslies and was in bad shape but was still able to fly.
Flying close to the ship, Tarn kept an open eye to anything that got within range of the Revenge. "Screech," he said to his droid, "scan the area,"
Multiple targets coming in at bearing 274
He quickly fired his manuvering(sp?) jets and turned the ship to face the incoming threat. "Revenge, this is Nova 9, multiple hostiles comeing in hot. I'm relaying your their vector."
As soon as the data was sent he pushed his throttle forward and sent the ship into a mad dash to postion himself in between the incoming ships and the Revenge
"Screech, I need to you identify the targets."
2 TIE Bombers and 2 TIE fighters flying escort.
"Tag the bombers as targets 1 and 2."
He flicked on his launcher and set all sheilds to front, "Screech, bring up target 1."
As his targeting reticule lined up on the first bomber, it started as a yellow box until the HUD flickered to red which was accompanied by Screech doing what he did best, screeching. He fired his first missile before he yelled, "Screech bring up target 2!" The range between Tarn and the bombers had cut dramastically so he had a small window to get the second missile off. He lined up the bomber which immiedieatly went red and fired his next missile. Both bombers exploded into two spectacular fireballs, sending some debris into the TIEs that were flying close escort. With the bombers gone, the TIEs broke off and began to swing around Tarn.
He then evened out his sheilds and swung his ship around to face the first TIE, keeping the second behind him. As he flew towards the first TIE he began to focus, this move needed exact timing. He saw the laser bolts rip out of the TIE and towards him, which he reacted to by going into a straight dive. Now that both TIEs had fired at the same time, their lasers rip each other to shreds.
"Too easy..."
McCaffery: There are creatures in the deep you couldn't imagine in your worst nightmares.
Arthur 'AC' Curry: Oh thats reassuring. Thanks a lot.
"When someone stands in the way of justice, you simply walk up behind them and stab them in the heart" Ras Al-Gul - Batman Begins
Arthur 'AC' Curry: Oh thats reassuring. Thanks a lot.
"When someone stands in the way of justice, you simply walk up behind them and stab them in the heart" Ras Al-Gul - Batman Begins
Lord of the Knights who say Nee
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Location: Deep space: Bearing 278 mark 4
"Nova 9?," Kirin questioned," Fresh blood in the squadron. Pity this peice of crap is in no shape for taking on anymore real pilots."
Kirin hit several keys then a read out came up. Merely three nova's remained, 1, 3, and 9. Ties remainig, no ties, six intercepters, 5 advances and a bomber.
"A squadron!?!? Thats it! All that work and programming and all I got left is a squadron!?! Computer, simulate the time frame. When exactly would the defense fighters from the surface facilities and factories reach the battle?"
A computerized voice announced with no emotion, "Imperial surface defence squadrons would tipically arrive to re-inforce in fifty seconds. Fighters from the drydocked ships would arrive now. However only one squadron is available from them."
"Computer, hold off the squadron from the ISD's until the others arrive. Have the surface fighters come in two waves, lead waves," he paused, thinking of how exactly the imps would defend a hiden surface facility, "Lead waves should be ties. Make three out of six fighters a tie, two an intercepter, and one an advance."
"Re-inforcements inbound," the computer responded, making Kirin happy. "Seven squadrons inbound in three waves. Three tie squadrons, three tie intercepter squadrons, and one advance."
"Computer make the isd squadron a group of bombers."
Kirin sat back smiling. He could cruise around and then enter the battle with one of the waves and throw off the squadron. His resources were essentially gone, but he was confident that they could succeed. He'd look for his own CO, Sarn himself. Kirin knew that part would be tough in the imps. The novas were acting as a fighter screen around the Revenge, a craft already well suited at taking on large amounts of fighters. He'd have to brake them away....somehow.
Kirin hit several keys then a read out came up. Merely three nova's remained, 1, 3, and 9. Ties remainig, no ties, six intercepters, 5 advances and a bomber.
"A squadron!?!? Thats it! All that work and programming and all I got left is a squadron!?! Computer, simulate the time frame. When exactly would the defense fighters from the surface facilities and factories reach the battle?"
A computerized voice announced with no emotion, "Imperial surface defence squadrons would tipically arrive to re-inforce in fifty seconds. Fighters from the drydocked ships would arrive now. However only one squadron is available from them."
"Computer, hold off the squadron from the ISD's until the others arrive. Have the surface fighters come in two waves, lead waves," he paused, thinking of how exactly the imps would defend a hiden surface facility, "Lead waves should be ties. Make three out of six fighters a tie, two an intercepter, and one an advance."
"Re-inforcements inbound," the computer responded, making Kirin happy. "Seven squadrons inbound in three waves. Three tie squadrons, three tie intercepter squadrons, and one advance."
"Computer make the isd squadron a group of bombers."
Kirin sat back smiling. He could cruise around and then enter the battle with one of the waves and throw off the squadron. His resources were essentially gone, but he was confident that they could succeed. He'd look for his own CO, Sarn himself. Kirin knew that part would be tough in the imps. The novas were acting as a fighter screen around the Revenge, a craft already well suited at taking on large amounts of fighters. He'd have to brake them away....somehow.
"Yeah, and I stole an ISD. Doesn't mean you should. I am the lunitic around here." LT. CMDR. KIRIN A. TSUKINO
"What? Where in God's vast galaxy are you going to find a man crazy enough to even attempt to jump a moon into hyperspa.....where do I sign?"
FORGE ATOSURYUA, Promethian Engineering Guild, department of hyperspacial physics and temporal studies
"What? Where in God's vast galaxy are you going to find a man crazy enough to even attempt to jump a moon into hyperspa.....where do I sign?"
FORGE ATOSURYUA, Promethian Engineering Guild, department of hyperspacial physics and temporal studies
Posts: 160
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Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
"Nova 9?" Sarn said with a smirk. " Ha! its about time I got some new meat into this unit." he said as he pulled his ship into a tight barrel roll and dived toward a lone skipray. ZAP! Zap! Zap! Boom! " One down, two more to go." he exclaims happily. " Alright Lets see how many more of these Bantha Herders are left." he moves to check his ships sensors, just in time to get a heads up report.
Several Targets flying in tight Formation Bearing at Mark 7
4 TIE/Ins 2 Bombers and 1 Remaining Skipray. Each one is on intercept vector with the Revenge.
" Spast! That’s not good." He says sourly. " I'm no where near the Revenge to do anything. And in this thing it might take a eon to get there." he adds bittrly.
"Computer get me the new guys channel."
Contact Established...
" Nova 9? This is Lead here. My scopes have spotted several fighters on an intercept course with the Revenge. I'm trying to tail them, but I might be to late with my current heading. I need you to intercept any torpedoes or missiles the blast boat or bombers fire at the revenge. I'll try and see if I can get with in Missile range and take care of the tie fighters that are flying escort."
Several Targets flying in tight Formation Bearing at Mark 7
4 TIE/Ins 2 Bombers and 1 Remaining Skipray. Each one is on intercept vector with the Revenge.
" Spast! That’s not good." He says sourly. " I'm no where near the Revenge to do anything. And in this thing it might take a eon to get there." he adds bittrly.
"Computer get me the new guys channel."
Contact Established...
" Nova 9? This is Lead here. My scopes have spotted several fighters on an intercept course with the Revenge. I'm trying to tail them, but I might be to late with my current heading. I need you to intercept any torpedoes or missiles the blast boat or bombers fire at the revenge. I'll try and see if I can get with in Missile range and take care of the tie fighters that are flying escort."
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Ave Imperator
Posts: 2216
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Joined: Sun Feb 16, 2003 9:46 pm
Location: Wherever I May Roam
"Roger that, Lead," Tarn replied over his comm.
He quickly adjusted a few knobs and levers and then said, "Screech, keep me updated on any and all missiles that head towards the Revenge."
He then clicked on his comm and sent out a message to the Revenge, "Revenge, this is Nova 9. I'm getting readings on incoming hostiles, fire up those turbos and get ready for another wave of missiles. I'll take as many as I can."
"Roger that, Nova 9. Revenge out."
Suddenly Screech began his signature yelling and Tarn's HUD lit up with red flashes. "Here comes the first wave." he said quietly as he broke away from the Revenge and began his intercept.
"Screech!" he yelled, "Tag every missile and torpedo. I swear if you miss one, I'll use you to stop these things."
4 Missiles. 2 Torpedoes
"Ok, target the closest one and get me a lock."
The first torpedo from the blastboat was the leader, not too far off from Tarn's ship. However, the other torpedo and one of the other missiles were not to far behind it.
"Screech," he said, "I got an idea.."
He rocketed past the missiles and turned completly around his ship and hit the throttle. Flying so that he was perpendicular with the 3 incoming missiles, he warmed up his lasers.
"Tell me when they are about 45 degrees of the starboard bow."
A series of clicks answered him as he positioned his ship in place. Soon enough Screech's alarm went off, which led to Tarn shooting off a stream of blaster bolts.
Since the three missiles were clustered together, when the lasers detonated the first, the second two were destroyed in the fireball.
Knowing there were still more TIEs out there and the fact that Tarn couldn't break off and engage them, he could only wait for Lead to get here and then he'd make those TIEs pay.
"Roger that, Lead," Tarn replied over his comm.
He quickly adjusted a few knobs and levers and then said, "Screech, keep me updated on any and all missiles that head towards the Revenge."
He then clicked on his comm and sent out a message to the Revenge, "Revenge, this is Nova 9. I'm getting readings on incoming hostiles, fire up those turbos and get ready for another wave of missiles. I'll take as many as I can."
"Roger that, Nova 9. Revenge out."
Suddenly Screech began his signature yelling and Tarn's HUD lit up with red flashes. "Here comes the first wave." he said quietly as he broke away from the Revenge and began his intercept.
"Screech!" he yelled, "Tag every missile and torpedo. I swear if you miss one, I'll use you to stop these things."
4 Missiles. 2 Torpedoes
"Ok, target the closest one and get me a lock."
The first torpedo from the blastboat was the leader, not too far off from Tarn's ship. However, the other torpedo and one of the other missiles were not to far behind it.
"Screech," he said, "I got an idea.."
He rocketed past the missiles and turned completly around his ship and hit the throttle. Flying so that he was perpendicular with the 3 incoming missiles, he warmed up his lasers.
"Tell me when they are about 45 degrees of the starboard bow."
A series of clicks answered him as he positioned his ship in place. Soon enough Screech's alarm went off, which led to Tarn shooting off a stream of blaster bolts.
Since the three missiles were clustered together, when the lasers detonated the first, the second two were destroyed in the fireball.
Knowing there were still more TIEs out there and the fact that Tarn couldn't break off and engage them, he could only wait for Lead to get here and then he'd make those TIEs pay.
McCaffery: There are creatures in the deep you couldn't imagine in your worst nightmares.
Arthur 'AC' Curry: Oh thats reassuring. Thanks a lot.
"When someone stands in the way of justice, you simply walk up behind them and stab them in the heart" Ras Al-Gul - Batman Begins
Arthur 'AC' Curry: Oh thats reassuring. Thanks a lot.
"When someone stands in the way of justice, you simply walk up behind them and stab them in the heart" Ras Al-Gul - Batman Begins
Posts: 531
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Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Location: Sunny Florida
Winters' B-Wing weaved between the bridge of the Revenge and it's main fuselage connecting bridge. His sensors only showed a few Nova's remaining, namely three, the Commander, himself, and the new recruit, Tarn, or Nova 9. That's what we get for flying with simulated buddies he thought grimly.
He banked to starboard and leveled out as the engine block of the Revenge flew by, heading in the opposite direction. Bullseye reported what Winters just saw. Multiple waves of TIEs inbound from P3K's surface bases.
"Thanks," Winters switched his comlink on to Nova 9, "Nova 9, this is Nova 3, make sure you hit-and-run. The Revenge is still going to need some cover, and Lead is still too far away to provide fire support. Hit them hard, and high-tail it back here, and then we'll switch off."
Winters plan was to have at least one heavily armed B-Wing fighter-bomber craft near the Revenge at all times, in case some enemies made it through the dwindling fighter screen. So when Nova 9 returned to the Revenge, Winters would boost out to meet the surviving waves of TIE Fighters trying to get closer while Sarn tailed from behind and hit their rear. It should be effective enough to keep them at bay long enough for the command crew aboard the Revenge to lock in their coordinates and make the jump to hyperspace. Otherwise they were all done for.
He banked to starboard and leveled out as the engine block of the Revenge flew by, heading in the opposite direction. Bullseye reported what Winters just saw. Multiple waves of TIEs inbound from P3K's surface bases.
"Thanks," Winters switched his comlink on to Nova 9, "Nova 9, this is Nova 3, make sure you hit-and-run. The Revenge is still going to need some cover, and Lead is still too far away to provide fire support. Hit them hard, and high-tail it back here, and then we'll switch off."
Winters plan was to have at least one heavily armed B-Wing fighter-bomber craft near the Revenge at all times, in case some enemies made it through the dwindling fighter screen. So when Nova 9 returned to the Revenge, Winters would boost out to meet the surviving waves of TIE Fighters trying to get closer while Sarn tailed from behind and hit their rear. It should be effective enough to keep them at bay long enough for the command crew aboard the Revenge to lock in their coordinates and make the jump to hyperspace. Otherwise they were all done for.
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Ave Imperator
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Joined: Sun Feb 16, 2003 9:46 pm
Location: Wherever I May Roam
"Roger that, Nova 3," Tarn answered quickly.
He angled his fighter back towards the ship and rocketed back as fast as his thrusters would take him. "Screech, find the remaining missles, and quickly, I don't want any getting away from me."
Tarn's HUD lit up again showing the remaining three missiles, two weres still far off, but the lead had made it past him and was closing on the Revenge.
"Sithspit," he cussed.
"Screech, lock onto that missiles and find it's velocity."
"Match it!"
The ship rocketed forward with all it had trying to catch the rouge missile. Switching his comm to the Revenge he said, "Revenge, this is Nova 9, I've got an incoming missile, I'm trying to catch it, but there are also two more on my tail so get ready."
"Roger that, Nova 9. Warming up turbolaser batteries now."
"I hope this works..."
"Roger that, Nova 3," Tarn answered quickly.
He angled his fighter back towards the ship and rocketed back as fast as his thrusters would take him. "Screech, find the remaining missles, and quickly, I don't want any getting away from me."
Tarn's HUD lit up again showing the remaining three missiles, two weres still far off, but the lead had made it past him and was closing on the Revenge.
"Sithspit," he cussed.
"Screech, lock onto that missiles and find it's velocity."
"Match it!"
The ship rocketed forward with all it had trying to catch the rouge missile. Switching his comm to the Revenge he said, "Revenge, this is Nova 9, I've got an incoming missile, I'm trying to catch it, but there are also two more on my tail so get ready."
"Roger that, Nova 9. Warming up turbolaser batteries now."
"I hope this works..."
McCaffery: There are creatures in the deep you couldn't imagine in your worst nightmares.
Arthur 'AC' Curry: Oh thats reassuring. Thanks a lot.
"When someone stands in the way of justice, you simply walk up behind them and stab them in the heart" Ras Al-Gul - Batman Begins
Arthur 'AC' Curry: Oh thats reassuring. Thanks a lot.
"When someone stands in the way of justice, you simply walk up behind them and stab them in the heart" Ras Al-Gul - Batman Begins
Posts: 531
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Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Location: Sunny Florida
The incoming volley of fire was torrential. Green lasers threatened to rip Winters' ship apart at the seams. As he fired into the fray, he saw another TIE Fighter light up and disintegrate. He tried to smile, but the wailing of his droid and shields snapped him back to reality. His starboard stabilizer suddenly recoiled and flipped vertically, tearing itself off the main fuselage.
The B-Wing spun wildly out of control, and managed to ram into another TIE Fighter, crumpling its port solar panel like a can of cheap Corellian ale. The B-Wing's starboard engines shut down and the B-Wing went into a flat spin.
"Damn!" Winters grunted, his inertial projecter breaking, suddenly forcing him back in his seat with the once constricted interia. He reached down next to his left leg and pulled the bright yellow ejection handle. There was a hissing sound from his simulator as it buckled one more time and then the screen went black. The machine started running diagnostics, giving feedback data on enemies destroyed, hits taken, his flight path in relation to the other pilots. Winters didn't bother with it. He knew Kirin had played the odds, sending in extra forces that weren't there. But that did put things in perspective for the Captain. If P3K did have a sizable Imperial presence on the surface, and the Revenge didn't move its tail, then they would be systematically destroyed without effort. It was a matter of numbers and odds, and Corellians hated odds.
Winters exited the sim pod and headed over to the main computer, monitoring the progress of the battle.
"Commander, if you don't mind, I think I'll pull the plug here. I'm sure Lieutenant Commander Kirin has shown his worth in combat. Besides, there are only two Novas left, and I don't care if you manage to survive, sir, that's unnacceptable for this squadron." He paused a moment, "with respect sir, I don't mean to undermine your authority." He smiled. Sometimes Winters came across a little too honest. Oh well, he thought. He punched in a few commands, and the Revenge jumped into hyperspace, leaving the two Novas suspended in space. Soon the screen went black and all the pods opened up, revealing the pilots, some sweating, some laughing, some smiling.
If that had been a real combat situation, we'd all be dead...and that's no laughing matter, Winters thought.
"I think it's time we get some rest and preparation for the real thing, sir," Winters said as he saw the Commander appear.
ooc: Not wanting to cut anything short, but it seems like this sim is taking too long, since some of the players are in and out. Thought I'd stop it so we can get some R & R and then get to the real thing, and move on. If I've overstepped my boundaries, I apologize, but it was really starting to drag out.
The B-Wing spun wildly out of control, and managed to ram into another TIE Fighter, crumpling its port solar panel like a can of cheap Corellian ale. The B-Wing's starboard engines shut down and the B-Wing went into a flat spin.
"Damn!" Winters grunted, his inertial projecter breaking, suddenly forcing him back in his seat with the once constricted interia. He reached down next to his left leg and pulled the bright yellow ejection handle. There was a hissing sound from his simulator as it buckled one more time and then the screen went black. The machine started running diagnostics, giving feedback data on enemies destroyed, hits taken, his flight path in relation to the other pilots. Winters didn't bother with it. He knew Kirin had played the odds, sending in extra forces that weren't there. But that did put things in perspective for the Captain. If P3K did have a sizable Imperial presence on the surface, and the Revenge didn't move its tail, then they would be systematically destroyed without effort. It was a matter of numbers and odds, and Corellians hated odds.
Winters exited the sim pod and headed over to the main computer, monitoring the progress of the battle.
"Commander, if you don't mind, I think I'll pull the plug here. I'm sure Lieutenant Commander Kirin has shown his worth in combat. Besides, there are only two Novas left, and I don't care if you manage to survive, sir, that's unnacceptable for this squadron." He paused a moment, "with respect sir, I don't mean to undermine your authority." He smiled. Sometimes Winters came across a little too honest. Oh well, he thought. He punched in a few commands, and the Revenge jumped into hyperspace, leaving the two Novas suspended in space. Soon the screen went black and all the pods opened up, revealing the pilots, some sweating, some laughing, some smiling.
If that had been a real combat situation, we'd all be dead...and that's no laughing matter, Winters thought.
"I think it's time we get some rest and preparation for the real thing, sir," Winters said as he saw the Commander appear.
ooc: Not wanting to cut anything short, but it seems like this sim is taking too long, since some of the players are in and out. Thought I'd stop it so we can get some R & R and then get to the real thing, and move on. If I've overstepped my boundaries, I apologize, but it was really starting to drag out.
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Ave Imperator
Posts: 2216
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Joined: Sun Feb 16, 2003 9:46 pm
Location: Wherever I May Roam
The space around Tarn went completly black and then the hatch to the simulator opened pouring the bright white lights into the pod.
Tarn jumped out of the pod and raked his hand thought his shoulder length red hair and discreetly wiped the sweat off his hand.
As he left to the pod, he looked around for the two other pilots who were with him in the simulator, "Hello," he began, "My name is Tarn Marx, I was Nova Nine in there."
He stretched out his hand and added, "It's nice to meet you."
The space around Tarn went completly black and then the hatch to the simulator opened pouring the bright white lights into the pod.
Tarn jumped out of the pod and raked his hand thought his shoulder length red hair and discreetly wiped the sweat off his hand.
As he left to the pod, he looked around for the two other pilots who were with him in the simulator, "Hello," he began, "My name is Tarn Marx, I was Nova Nine in there."
He stretched out his hand and added, "It's nice to meet you."
McCaffery: There are creatures in the deep you couldn't imagine in your worst nightmares.
Arthur 'AC' Curry: Oh thats reassuring. Thanks a lot.
"When someone stands in the way of justice, you simply walk up behind them and stab them in the heart" Ras Al-Gul - Batman Begins
Arthur 'AC' Curry: Oh thats reassuring. Thanks a lot.
"When someone stands in the way of justice, you simply walk up behind them and stab them in the heart" Ras Al-Gul - Batman Begins
Posts: 160
Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
" Good thinking Captain. I agree that our current performance was about as sloppy as a Hutt at a boonta eve banquet." he says with a frustrated sigh.
" But I have a feeling that we will do better, I seen what this squadron can do and I expect everyone to come back here and practice their flying skills. Not to be rude but we need to keep our instincts sharp if we are going to win against the imperials."
He turns to face Tarn one of the new additions to the squadron and shakes his hands. " Glad to have you aboard with his." he says to him warmly. Sarn then reaches into his uniforms front pocket and pulls out a data card, then hands it to the new pilot. This has some of the missions Alliance HQ wants us to pull load them into your datapad and get ready for a rough ride." he says with a lop-sided grin before saluting the young pilot and the rest of the squadron. " Until then Novas Dismissed!"
Black Novas next planed missions from the Alliance HQ
Objectives-Assault on planet P3K
(Primary)Destroy Imperial shipyards
Destroy Tie fighter manufacturing plants
Capture The Dreadnaught Dooku
And Rescue Senator Radum of Della 7
(Secondary)-Steal A star destroyer
Objective: Occupancy Admiral Ackbars fleet to the Mantoonie system And help engage the imperial forces there.
( Primary)-Protect the Home One from Tie fighters and Destroy and bombers.
(Secondary)-Disable any escaping imperial shuttle and scan them.
Objective: Assault an Imperial Munitions convey
( Primary)-Take out all Freighters carrying Warheads or blasters
( Secondary)-N/A
Objective: Covert Espionage on Ralta 7
( Primary)-Infiltrate the Imperial Garrison there and steal the imperial communication codes from the main computer, so our forces can decipher their secret transmissions to and from every imperial base in the sector. And free the Captured Alliance Base Commander Major Tal Beridian.
(Secondary)-Capture or Kill the base commander Lt.Hawking
OOC: Note the other mission profiles for the p3k mission are in the old bn 6 thread. the senator is currently being held aboard the star destroyer the kirin will steal. so it's a little easy. Btw david I agree that we were caring the sim on too long. time to kick some asses lol.
" But I have a feeling that we will do better, I seen what this squadron can do and I expect everyone to come back here and practice their flying skills. Not to be rude but we need to keep our instincts sharp if we are going to win against the imperials."
He turns to face Tarn one of the new additions to the squadron and shakes his hands. " Glad to have you aboard with his." he says to him warmly. Sarn then reaches into his uniforms front pocket and pulls out a data card, then hands it to the new pilot. This has some of the missions Alliance HQ wants us to pull load them into your datapad and get ready for a rough ride." he says with a lop-sided grin before saluting the young pilot and the rest of the squadron. " Until then Novas Dismissed!"
Black Novas next planed missions from the Alliance HQ
Objectives-Assault on planet P3K
(Primary)Destroy Imperial shipyards
Destroy Tie fighter manufacturing plants
Capture The Dreadnaught Dooku
And Rescue Senator Radum of Della 7
(Secondary)-Steal A star destroyer
Objective: Occupancy Admiral Ackbars fleet to the Mantoonie system And help engage the imperial forces there.
( Primary)-Protect the Home One from Tie fighters and Destroy and bombers.
(Secondary)-Disable any escaping imperial shuttle and scan them.
Objective: Assault an Imperial Munitions convey
( Primary)-Take out all Freighters carrying Warheads or blasters
( Secondary)-N/A
Objective: Covert Espionage on Ralta 7
( Primary)-Infiltrate the Imperial Garrison there and steal the imperial communication codes from the main computer, so our forces can decipher their secret transmissions to and from every imperial base in the sector. And free the Captured Alliance Base Commander Major Tal Beridian.
(Secondary)-Capture or Kill the base commander Lt.Hawking
OOC: Note the other mission profiles for the p3k mission are in the old bn 6 thread. the senator is currently being held aboard the star destroyer the kirin will steal. so it's a little easy. Btw david I agree that we were caring the sim on too long. time to kick some asses lol.
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Posts: 160
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Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
Home Ones Hanger bay....
The smell of star ship fuel and wielding torch fumes filled his nostrils with various distasteful odors. Normally a person in such an environment would find this unpleasant, but to both Sarn and his friend chief engineer Bant Trig’uol, they were signs of progress and determination of the rebel spirit. Together they inspected and checked each of the B-wing fighters for the upcoming mission. Normally at this time Sarn would have been resting or at least have gotten himself something to eat. But in light of recent events, he thought it might be safer to check the ships himself; if there was a traitor or an imperial sleeper agent aboard then he needed to make sure that almost every operation they did went off with out incident. “ Hey bant this stabilizer could use a bit more tweaking don’t you think ?” he asked his blue skinned friend.
Bant turned to face the aforementioned device and leaned forward to get a closer look at it. " hmmm...Perhaps a small tweak or maybe it need to be replaced entirely. I get right on it after I wield this engine booster back on."
he said calmly.
Sarn nodded in agreement and pulled his datapad from one of the pockets in his utility belt. Switching it on he then typed up the info on all the B-wings in the room and ran thru them one by one.
" Let's see..."
Nova 1-check
Nova 2-check
Nova 3-check
Nova 4- check
Nova 5-check
Nova 6-check
Nova 7-check
Nova 8-check
Nova-9 -Under maintenance
" Looks like almost everything checks out. Alright Bant I'll leave you to your work." he said happily as he wander toward the exit. The blue Mon-cal just waved at him and returned to his work. " Alright just need a few more touches and..." *turns on wielding torch* FA-SHOOOOOOOO !
The smell of star ship fuel and wielding torch fumes filled his nostrils with various distasteful odors. Normally a person in such an environment would find this unpleasant, but to both Sarn and his friend chief engineer Bant Trig’uol, they were signs of progress and determination of the rebel spirit. Together they inspected and checked each of the B-wing fighters for the upcoming mission. Normally at this time Sarn would have been resting or at least have gotten himself something to eat. But in light of recent events, he thought it might be safer to check the ships himself; if there was a traitor or an imperial sleeper agent aboard then he needed to make sure that almost every operation they did went off with out incident. “ Hey bant this stabilizer could use a bit more tweaking don’t you think ?” he asked his blue skinned friend.
Bant turned to face the aforementioned device and leaned forward to get a closer look at it. " hmmm...Perhaps a small tweak or maybe it need to be replaced entirely. I get right on it after I wield this engine booster back on."
he said calmly.
Sarn nodded in agreement and pulled his datapad from one of the pockets in his utility belt. Switching it on he then typed up the info on all the B-wings in the room and ran thru them one by one.
" Let's see..."
Nova 1-check
Nova 2-check
Nova 3-check
Nova 4- check
Nova 5-check
Nova 6-check
Nova 7-check
Nova 8-check
Nova-9 -Under maintenance
" Looks like almost everything checks out. Alright Bant I'll leave you to your work." he said happily as he wander toward the exit. The blue Mon-cal just waved at him and returned to his work. " Alright just need a few more touches and..." *turns on wielding torch* FA-SHOOOOOOOO !
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
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Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Location: Sunny Florida
Winters caught Tarn as they were passing through one of the corridors of the base.
"Hey, Tarn. You may have noticed we're a little short-handed around here," he said, starting the conversation and guaging the younger pilot's emotions. "So because of that, we're going to need you to be on top of your game, alright? Every pilot who can fly in this squadron has to fly worthy of three pilots, understand? It's not going to be easy, but if you don't give 100%, we're going to lose, which means we're going to die." The other pilot gulped. Winters smiled casually. "Hey, don't sweat it. Just watch my back, and I'll make sure to watch yours. Go ahead and get prepped."
Winters patted Tarn on the back and started down the corridor for the hangar.
"Hey, Tarn. You may have noticed we're a little short-handed around here," he said, starting the conversation and guaging the younger pilot's emotions. "So because of that, we're going to need you to be on top of your game, alright? Every pilot who can fly in this squadron has to fly worthy of three pilots, understand? It's not going to be easy, but if you don't give 100%, we're going to lose, which means we're going to die." The other pilot gulped. Winters smiled casually. "Hey, don't sweat it. Just watch my back, and I'll make sure to watch yours. Go ahead and get prepped."
Winters patted Tarn on the back and started down the corridor for the hangar.
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Lord of the Knights who say Nee
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Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2003 12:14 pm
Location: Deep space: Bearing 278 mark 4
I like the way you put that, "The Kirin"
Kirin leveled his fighter for an attack run on his CO but was cut short by his crackling radio saying ""Commander, if you don't mind, I think I'll pull the plug here...."
Kirin's jaw dropped as the other Nova's faded out of the sim. His target just dissappeared.
"So clo...." He was cut short again by sudden violent jolting of his simulator. The the screen went black. Assuming it was a computer error, he just sighed, the text came across the screen. "Imperial Leader destroyed by sim x-wing"
The cockpit opened and he grumpily hopped out, then he saw the other pilots, the ones who'd caused him the damage earlier. "Trainer Winchester, Ensign Nan, and Lt. Wafford..." Kirin said quietly.
The older man, Winchester, stepped forward and spoke elligantly, though his voice was plegged by a deep brittish sounding accent.
"My good Mr. Tsukino, it appears you ov made good for yourself." Winchesters deep voice cracked out, "We were sent to be the new pilots. I'm a dinosaur in this buisness, but still good. And you know these former cadets."
Kirin quickly charged up, "Ensign Nan, Blue Squadron, reduced in rank four times and has a conviction as a deserter. And Lt. Wafford, merciful Wafford whom on many confirmed occasions allowed the enemy to escape. And you forner trainer, I read that you were demoted to ensign for many accounts of gross dissubordination."
"All true, Kirin m'boy." Winchester said.
"All of you true fighter pilots though. We will have to do some work....." Kirin mumbled before giving a brief order. "I'm sure Commander Ozan knows of your presence. Please go to your quarters and check for orders."
Kirin left before hearing a response. His day had just gotten off on the wrong foot, shot down by the computer, how humiliating. And now, three people he really didn't want to see. Past friends? No, associates or even worse, old foes.
aboard the star destroyer the kirin will steal.
I like the way you put that, "The Kirin"

Kirin leveled his fighter for an attack run on his CO but was cut short by his crackling radio saying ""Commander, if you don't mind, I think I'll pull the plug here...."
Kirin's jaw dropped as the other Nova's faded out of the sim. His target just dissappeared.
"So clo...." He was cut short again by sudden violent jolting of his simulator. The the screen went black. Assuming it was a computer error, he just sighed, the text came across the screen. "Imperial Leader destroyed by sim x-wing"
The cockpit opened and he grumpily hopped out, then he saw the other pilots, the ones who'd caused him the damage earlier. "Trainer Winchester, Ensign Nan, and Lt. Wafford..." Kirin said quietly.
The older man, Winchester, stepped forward and spoke elligantly, though his voice was plegged by a deep brittish sounding accent.
"My good Mr. Tsukino, it appears you ov made good for yourself." Winchesters deep voice cracked out, "We were sent to be the new pilots. I'm a dinosaur in this buisness, but still good. And you know these former cadets."
Kirin quickly charged up, "Ensign Nan, Blue Squadron, reduced in rank four times and has a conviction as a deserter. And Lt. Wafford, merciful Wafford whom on many confirmed occasions allowed the enemy to escape. And you forner trainer, I read that you were demoted to ensign for many accounts of gross dissubordination."
"All true, Kirin m'boy." Winchester said.
"All of you true fighter pilots though. We will have to do some work....." Kirin mumbled before giving a brief order. "I'm sure Commander Ozan knows of your presence. Please go to your quarters and check for orders."
Kirin left before hearing a response. His day had just gotten off on the wrong foot, shot down by the computer, how humiliating. And now, three people he really didn't want to see. Past friends? No, associates or even worse, old foes.
"Yeah, and I stole an ISD. Doesn't mean you should. I am the lunitic around here." LT. CMDR. KIRIN A. TSUKINO
"What? Where in God's vast galaxy are you going to find a man crazy enough to even attempt to jump a moon into hyperspa.....where do I sign?"
FORGE ATOSURYUA, Promethian Engineering Guild, department of hyperspacial physics and temporal studies
"What? Where in God's vast galaxy are you going to find a man crazy enough to even attempt to jump a moon into hyperspa.....where do I sign?"
FORGE ATOSURYUA, Promethian Engineering Guild, department of hyperspacial physics and temporal studies
Just as she lined Winters up in her sights the screen on the simulator went black. she snarled as the simulator pod came to a rest with a Simulation Ended message.
Quietly she stepped out of the pod and watched as Kirin greeted a number of new recruits. Kirin being Kirin he seemed to know all of them. She made a note to check their service records later and the slipped out of the simulator room. Soon Black Nova would be launching on their latest mission and she wanted to be ready, she headed towards one of the training rooms on board.
Quietly she stepped out of the pod and watched as Kirin greeted a number of new recruits. Kirin being Kirin he seemed to know all of them. She made a note to check their service records later and the slipped out of the simulator room. Soon Black Nova would be launching on their latest mission and she wanted to be ready, she headed towards one of the training rooms on board.
The door to the training room slid open quietly in front of her. She stepped quietly inside and looked around. The room was fairly sizeable but was mostly devoid of furniture. Along one wallk stood a weapons locker and inside were a number of weapons and training implements. Quickly she found what she was searching for.
A number of target droids were on one shelf of the locker, small shperical units with a singlar weapon used for training new recruits in accuracy and hitting moving targets, they would do perfectly. She opened the cabinet and took out about half a doozen.
The droids took flight one by one as she activated them, each one awaiting her command to begin. As the last droid slipped into the air she pulled the metal cylinder of her back and held it level in front of her. With a his a red beam shot from one side of the cylinder and she pulled the weapon into a ready stance.
"Begin!" she commanded and the 6 floating spheres began circling her looking for their best shooting angle........
A number of target droids were on one shelf of the locker, small shperical units with a singlar weapon used for training new recruits in accuracy and hitting moving targets, they would do perfectly. She opened the cabinet and took out about half a doozen.
The droids took flight one by one as she activated them, each one awaiting her command to begin. As the last droid slipped into the air she pulled the metal cylinder of her back and held it level in front of her. With a his a red beam shot from one side of the cylinder and she pulled the weapon into a ready stance.
"Begin!" she commanded and the 6 floating spheres began circling her looking for their best shooting angle........
Posts: 160
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Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
It was late when sarn had made it to his quarters. Shuffling his feet tiredly, he latterly tried to drag his weary body toward his awaiting bed. The thought of plopping down into those comfeterable sheets and sleeping for eternity sounded like music to his ears. As he finally managed to make it to his bedside, he quickly took off and through his uniform on the floor and climbed in. “ If I can avoid any annoyances for awhile maybe I can get me some well desired shut eye.” He thought to himself as he began to slowly shut his eyes.
As soon as he closed his eyes, they shoot back open again upon hearing a crash. Alarmed he quickly got up and reached for his blaster, when he noticed a familiar shape roll towards him.. “ KODACHI !” he screamed with annoyance. The little black astromech droid warbled an inquiry and seemed upset at its master’s tone of voice. “ Kodachi, I am trying to get some shut eye. Whatever you want, it can wait till morning okay?” he said frustratingly. The droid gave an electronic whine but nevertheless obeyed its master. As it rolled off to its corner, Sarn tried once again to allow the merciful feeling of sleep wash over him. “ Now where was I?” he said as he once again nestled himself under his warm inviting blankets.
As soon as he closed his eyes, they shoot back open again upon hearing a crash. Alarmed he quickly got up and reached for his blaster, when he noticed a familiar shape roll towards him.. “ KODACHI !” he screamed with annoyance. The little black astromech droid warbled an inquiry and seemed upset at its master’s tone of voice. “ Kodachi, I am trying to get some shut eye. Whatever you want, it can wait till morning okay?” he said frustratingly. The droid gave an electronic whine but nevertheless obeyed its master. As it rolled off to its corner, Sarn tried once again to allow the merciful feeling of sleep wash over him. “ Now where was I?” he said as he once again nestled himself under his warm inviting blankets.
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
The drones circled around her looking for the best angle to attack. Each movement accompanied by a low hiss. She held the blade of her weapon out in front of her and prepared for the attack. She could feel her attachment to her new lightsaber, although she had been comfortable with her old blades they were her mothers and not her own so she had never felt the same connection that she felt with this weapon.
But there was something else, something elusive, urging her on helping her to tap into her emotions.
She tightened her grip on the blade hilt and gritted her teeth, as she did so the first of the target drones fired. Deftly she blocked the bolt with her blade. The other drones quickly followed and she was soon moving fluidly to block the incoming fire. But, there were too many of them and the drones were at a close range a few shots got through. The blasts were non lethal but they stang when they hit. Each shot infuriated her more and more and each sting pushed her further and further.
With a snarl she leapt high in the air, out from the middle of the attacking drones, as she did so a second blade ignited on her saber. The glowing red blades cast a grim shadow on the wall behind her. Quickly the drones re-aquired their target and moved to attack again. Firing rapidly as they approached, but this time none got through. Her blades hummed and whistled through the air as she deftly blocked the incoming fire.
With a roar she brought the blade crashing down on one of the training drones, it smashed into pieces and fell to the ground.
"Increased difficulty" she snarled and the drones responded quickly. There movements became more varied and there rate of fire increased. There fire did not reach her however, as her anger grew her weapon appeared to move faster and faster.
A few minutes later the door to the training room hissed open as she exited the training room. Inside on the floor the wrecked parts of 6 targeting droids lay scattered across the floor, and in her eyes a fire burned.......
But there was something else, something elusive, urging her on helping her to tap into her emotions.
She tightened her grip on the blade hilt and gritted her teeth, as she did so the first of the target drones fired. Deftly she blocked the bolt with her blade. The other drones quickly followed and she was soon moving fluidly to block the incoming fire. But, there were too many of them and the drones were at a close range a few shots got through. The blasts were non lethal but they stang when they hit. Each shot infuriated her more and more and each sting pushed her further and further.
With a snarl she leapt high in the air, out from the middle of the attacking drones, as she did so a second blade ignited on her saber. The glowing red blades cast a grim shadow on the wall behind her. Quickly the drones re-aquired their target and moved to attack again. Firing rapidly as they approached, but this time none got through. Her blades hummed and whistled through the air as she deftly blocked the incoming fire.
With a roar she brought the blade crashing down on one of the training drones, it smashed into pieces and fell to the ground.
"Increased difficulty" she snarled and the drones responded quickly. There movements became more varied and there rate of fire increased. There fire did not reach her however, as her anger grew her weapon appeared to move faster and faster.
A few minutes later the door to the training room hissed open as she exited the training room. Inside on the floor the wrecked parts of 6 targeting droids lay scattered across the floor, and in her eyes a fire burned.......
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