Warriors Hearts - Battle Lines Blurred

Takes place immediately after the Battle of Yavin
Tales and stories set during the events of Episodes 4-6...

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Post by Nyran Kheiron »

Nyran, still dressed in dirty clothes, returned to his bedroom to change into uniform. He had had enough of this sick leave stuff and knew the best way to get the answeres he needed was as an Imperial Captain. As he was buttoning up his jacket he noticed a bag sitting beside his bed, it was not his. In seconds Nyran had the bag upside-down and emptied on the floor. he was only half surprised to see what tipped out. Among other things which he paid no attention to was a lightsaber. "I am in so over my head" he mumbled to himself as he threw the weapon under the bed.

With full uniform on he strode out from the house, intent on uncovering more info on his red headed jedi friend.
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Post by Gonesolo »

Once the transport had stopped she was quietly and roughly bundled out and into the imperial faction base just outside Theed. Her two captors talked quickly to the commander of the base before escorting her to the very lower levels of the base.

Once there she was locked in a cell on her own, the block above was filled with all sorts of colorful characters, many of whom whistled and shouted lewd remarks as she was ushered past, but this level was kept for high level prisoners. Secured in her cell four well armed stormtroopers watched her from a desk across the room.

She looked quickly around her cell, small and bare other than the cot bed against the far wall. There were no windows and the doorway was covered by a forcefield.

Sighing heavily Ariane pulled her sheet tight around her and lay down on the cot, maybe she could now get some sleep
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Post by Nyran Kheiron »

While an Imperial to the core Kheiron wasn't without friends in low places, and he knew of quite a number of people that would be willing to help if confronted by an arrest warrant, so it took little time to get information on his recent house guest. "Ariane Kaxsan, Rebel, Jedi, Smuggler, this all tells me nothing" He grumbled to himself, seething with a slight rage for the favours he called in just to get this useless information. "Seems there is only one person with an answer to all this, and she still has my damn bedsheet!".
Kheiron knew there was one place around here where they would hold someone as risky as a Jedi, but he also knew he sure wouldn't get in to see her. That blaster farce wouldn't fool anyone and he was no doubt under investigation himself. The only way he would get in to see her is with an army, lucky for him Kheiron knew just where to find one, the Rebellion.
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Post by Gonesolo »

She could not sleep, the image of Nyran's face as she was taken away in the speeder haunted her. She tried to meditate but again she could not get that image out of her mind.

"Snap out of it girl" she snapped at herself "He's a damn imperial. He'd have you killed quicker than look at you knowing what you are"

She looked around the cell, bar walls, no windows and protected by a forcefield.

"Yup I'm in trouble!" she sighed.

She closed her eyes and reached out searching for her old Padwan, maybe he could help her. Despite her best efforst she could not find him, she could however feel the influence of the two dark apprentices in the building, she could not shake the feeling that they may be interfering with her attempts.

She opened her eyes and sighed, looking around the cell one more time. Her eyes came to a stop on the four heavily armed guards standing just down the corridor then she looked down at the sheet she was wrapped in.

"HEY!" she called "any chance of getting my clothes??
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Post by Nyran Kheiron »

Despite what the Alliance may have thought, the Empire knew where a great many of thier so called safe houses were, after all, this is the Emperors home. Still dressed in full uniform, he went up and knocked on thier door. He was somewhat amused at the level of noise as they no doubt scrambled to hide thier gear and personnel. They certainly weren't very good at this. After a rather long wait at the door, he heard a voice ask "Yes?"
"I am Captain Nyran Kheiron of the Imperial Navy, and I believe I have something that may interest you. The location of many rebel prisoners, the access codes to an Imperial armoury and direct transport off planet. If you do not show me the way to whoever is in charge I will have this placed raided, and I dare say your superior will not enjoy hearing about the information you passed up, just to get you all killed. We clear soldier?"
With a creak the door opened, and Nyran was greeted by a number of blasters pointed in his direction, "This way" motioned one of the gunman, pointing to a hidden set of stairs decending to a basement of sorts. Now all he had to do was convince them he was defecting, and all will fall into place. He was sure putting his neak on the line for this Ariane chick, he sure hoped it'll all be worth it.
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Post by Gonesolo »

About an hour later and Ariane's clothes were "delivered" to her. Three of the troopers kept their weapons trained on her while the fourth dropped the force field and threw in her items.

Given no solice to change Ariane hid behind the blanket as well as she could and changed into her things. Refreshed to at least be presentable again she looked at her foot wear with distain.

"Well I aint running far in these" she smiled as she looked at her black high heels. "Nice for a date, no good for fleeing an imperial base!"

She tossed the sheet on the bed and sat up on the bed. She tried again to meditate, trying her best to force the image of Nyran's face out of her head. She needed to concentrate if she was ever going to get out of this.
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Post by Nyran Kheiron »

Sitting across from him was the supposed leader of this Rebel cell. Certainly not a man akin to undercover work or subtlety, this one was a soldier. The missing eye and the large scar on his cheek was evidence to the fact.
"You come into my home, alone and unarmed, threathening arrests and death to my men like a true ignorant Imperial," the man accented the statement by spitting on the floor, "I should have you killed for such gall but your offer intrigues me, you say you have the layout and location of many rebels held in prison, plus access to an armoury and escape off planet?"
The man lept to his feet to strike Nyran, who ignored his pride and let the punch land across his jaw.
"I do not trust you imperial and will have you killed if you so much glance in the wrong direction. I will examine these plans and if everything is in the clear then maybe we can do business but I have one question first, why?"
Rubbing his jaw to elevate the Rebels sense of superiority Nyran began to spin his tale in a tone he hoped they would consider sad yet defiant.
"The Empire left me for dead on some cold moon in the middle of nowhere. My shuttle was diverted to transport food supplies while my squad was left to fend for themselves. I lost many good men to the cold and the wildlife before the shuttle returned, no apologizes, no recompense, and I realized my life ment nothing to them. You cannot know how it feels to fight in the name of someone who would gladly see you die as much as the enemy, so I'm switching sides and showing them how large a mistake it was to value a shuttle load of food over me and my men"...
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Post by Gonesolo »

Ariane sat on the bed, legs crossed and tried to meditate, but no matter how hard she tried she could not get the image of Nyran's face as she was taken away from his home out of her mind. How badly had she let him down? Why did she care so much? He was an imperial, had he known who she was he would probably have sold her out anyway. And yet, something in the back of her mind still nagged at her, maybe he wouldn't?

"OH for the love of the force SNAP OUT OF IT WOMAN!" the voice startled her, she looked up to see Raxnars image shimmering in front of her.

"But you taught me...." Ariane started, her eyes darting to the storm troopers guarding her to see if they had noticed her talking to herself.

"I taught you to be mindful of your feelings, not to let them rule you!" snapped Raxnar cutting her off mid sentence. He raised his right hand as if to strike her, then he stopped, looked distainfully at his hand and then dropped it back to his side.

He walked over to her and knelt down in front of her, "Instead of letting your feelings for this man overwhelm you, use them, channel those feelings you will need them soon!" he smiled and stood up

As the image faded he winked at her "Besides he may surprise you!" and then he was gone.

Ariane re-asserted herself, put her hands, palm up open, on her knees closed her eyes and concentrated. This time she used her feelings for Nyran, her sorrow at what she had done to him and the anger she felt for what the imperials had done to her. Slowly the complex opened up to her, she pushed her influence more and more, forcing back the black cloud that was being imposed on her, exerted her influence on her surroundings and pushing all interferance away.
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