Siege of Gotham
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Dark Lord of the Grill
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Siege of Gotham
Ethan Stark lay on his back waiting for the stars to subside. Though he had landed on a mat the wind had still been knocked out of him. The broody voice of his sparring partner came from his right, "You aren't going to get much practice on the floor, Stark."
Ethan sighed, "I know, I know. I'm just giving you a chance to catch your breath. Seems like you need it. That last one didn't even hurt."
The voice of Donna, Stark's state of the art artificial assistant echoed from his watch, "Your pain index spiked severely, Mr. Stark. It would seem that, it did in fact, hurt."
Henry Wayne threw a towel around his neck and reached his hand down and helped Ethan to his feet, "You are getting better. But don't lose your armor anytime soon, okay?"
Before Ethan could answer, the sparring session between the unarmed Batman and Iron Man was interrupted by Oracle, the Batman's answer to Donna, "Full analysis of the coin has been completed."
Ethan Stark had not originally planned on a sparring match when he came to Gotham City. He was here on business....hero business. Recently he had discovered a vault in Stark Tower, hidden within the confines of his father's old lab. It held a myriad of trinkets, some he recognized and others he didn't. This particular trinket was shaped like a coin, about the size of a fifty cent piece. Stark was unable to find any record in his database or by searching other accessible databases. What he did know was this, despite being solid gold the coin seemed, thus far, impervious to harm. The coin also seemed to attract electricity at a high level. Oh yeah...and it started glowing when he removed it from the vault.
He wasn't 100% certain, but the coin seemed to be bypassing science altogether and dabbling in the more mystical side of things. It was at this point that Iron Man decided to get a second opinion. Ethan stood behind Henry as the Batman brought up the report. Unfortunately, it possessed nothing new. Solid gold, somehow was acting as an electrical conductor, and so far seemed un-phased by physical harm. Stark frowned, "Looks like we need to find a Doctor....Strange or Fate. Pretty sure either would do."
Wayne continued to stare at the report, "And do you know where we can find either of those?"
"," Stark shrugged admittedly, "But considering some of the other items sitting in the same vault we really need to know what this is. Dad locked it away for a reason."
Harper Reed sat on the cream colored couch drinking her tea and staring intently at her laptop screen. Her roommate, Charlotte Cameron, was curled up in the chair next to her, reading one of her text books. Harper continued to glance up at the window, waiting for the sun to fully set. Then it was time to make an excuse and bail out to go patrolling. She loved it, even though Nightwing had seemingly ditched her to head off to sunny National City....where his ex lived. Harper's brow furrowed but she said nothing and shook the feeling off. She definitely needed to get out and get some exercise and maybe punch something.
Not to mention she would get to meet Iron Man if he was still there. Robin had texted her earlier and told her about the visit and the ensuing sparring match. She had so wanted to see that. She felt a slight smile pull at the corner of her mouth over the thought of an unarmed Iron Man attempting to spar with the Batman. Probably was a pretty one sided fight. Her smile left as quickly as it had arrived. Something outside had caught her eye. Harper set her laptop down on the table next to her and approached the window. Something was off, she could feel it. Charlotte looked up from her book, "What's wrong?"
Before Harper could respond she turned, completely on instinct, and tackled her friend to the floor. Glass exploded inward as black clad warriors flooded in through the opening, brandishing blades of all kinds. Harper's eyes widened.....the League of Assassins was standing in her dorm room.
"You're sure?" Questioned Sophia, Queen of the Amazons. Her warriors stood before her, five of them. The lead nodded her head, "We are. The signal was strong. The gods have sensed an awakening. Something powerful has been unleashed in the world of men."
Sophia stood and walked over to the fire to warm herself, "And the gods couldn't have been a little more insightful with their message? No other information was given?"
The warrior shook her head, "No, my queen. Nothing further is least by us."
"And which of the gods sent this message to us, sister?" Sophia's voice was biting, "It was obviously not the Skyfather as he is no more. His brothers have not been heard from in an age. So who? Hermes the great trickster? Or perhaps Ares himself, rising to make war once again."
The Amazon warrior, clearly uncomfortable at this point, responded, "I am uncertain, Queen Sophia. All I know is it was a divine message from Olympus."
Sophia nodded, "Apologies, sister. I did not mean to question you or your service to our people. Thank you for the information and notify me immediately if there is another message."
The group of warriors nodded in unison and left the palace. Sophia turned to one of her guards, "Bring me Princess Elena."
An alarm blared throughout the cave and Henry turned back to his massive computer terminal. Ethan frowned, "What the hell is that alarm for?"
Wayne's eyes narrowed, "Perimeter breach." He pulled up video of the surrounding estate and the pair watched as several dark clothed individuals moved quickly across the property towards Wayne Manor.
Ethan Stark lay on his back waiting for the stars to subside. Though he had landed on a mat the wind had still been knocked out of him. The broody voice of his sparring partner came from his right, "You aren't going to get much practice on the floor, Stark."
Ethan sighed, "I know, I know. I'm just giving you a chance to catch your breath. Seems like you need it. That last one didn't even hurt."
The voice of Donna, Stark's state of the art artificial assistant echoed from his watch, "Your pain index spiked severely, Mr. Stark. It would seem that, it did in fact, hurt."
Henry Wayne threw a towel around his neck and reached his hand down and helped Ethan to his feet, "You are getting better. But don't lose your armor anytime soon, okay?"
Before Ethan could answer, the sparring session between the unarmed Batman and Iron Man was interrupted by Oracle, the Batman's answer to Donna, "Full analysis of the coin has been completed."
Ethan Stark had not originally planned on a sparring match when he came to Gotham City. He was here on business....hero business. Recently he had discovered a vault in Stark Tower, hidden within the confines of his father's old lab. It held a myriad of trinkets, some he recognized and others he didn't. This particular trinket was shaped like a coin, about the size of a fifty cent piece. Stark was unable to find any record in his database or by searching other accessible databases. What he did know was this, despite being solid gold the coin seemed, thus far, impervious to harm. The coin also seemed to attract electricity at a high level. Oh yeah...and it started glowing when he removed it from the vault.
He wasn't 100% certain, but the coin seemed to be bypassing science altogether and dabbling in the more mystical side of things. It was at this point that Iron Man decided to get a second opinion. Ethan stood behind Henry as the Batman brought up the report. Unfortunately, it possessed nothing new. Solid gold, somehow was acting as an electrical conductor, and so far seemed un-phased by physical harm. Stark frowned, "Looks like we need to find a Doctor....Strange or Fate. Pretty sure either would do."
Wayne continued to stare at the report, "And do you know where we can find either of those?"
"," Stark shrugged admittedly, "But considering some of the other items sitting in the same vault we really need to know what this is. Dad locked it away for a reason."
Harper Reed sat on the cream colored couch drinking her tea and staring intently at her laptop screen. Her roommate, Charlotte Cameron, was curled up in the chair next to her, reading one of her text books. Harper continued to glance up at the window, waiting for the sun to fully set. Then it was time to make an excuse and bail out to go patrolling. She loved it, even though Nightwing had seemingly ditched her to head off to sunny National City....where his ex lived. Harper's brow furrowed but she said nothing and shook the feeling off. She definitely needed to get out and get some exercise and maybe punch something.
Not to mention she would get to meet Iron Man if he was still there. Robin had texted her earlier and told her about the visit and the ensuing sparring match. She had so wanted to see that. She felt a slight smile pull at the corner of her mouth over the thought of an unarmed Iron Man attempting to spar with the Batman. Probably was a pretty one sided fight. Her smile left as quickly as it had arrived. Something outside had caught her eye. Harper set her laptop down on the table next to her and approached the window. Something was off, she could feel it. Charlotte looked up from her book, "What's wrong?"
Before Harper could respond she turned, completely on instinct, and tackled her friend to the floor. Glass exploded inward as black clad warriors flooded in through the opening, brandishing blades of all kinds. Harper's eyes widened.....the League of Assassins was standing in her dorm room.
"You're sure?" Questioned Sophia, Queen of the Amazons. Her warriors stood before her, five of them. The lead nodded her head, "We are. The signal was strong. The gods have sensed an awakening. Something powerful has been unleashed in the world of men."
Sophia stood and walked over to the fire to warm herself, "And the gods couldn't have been a little more insightful with their message? No other information was given?"
The warrior shook her head, "No, my queen. Nothing further is least by us."
"And which of the gods sent this message to us, sister?" Sophia's voice was biting, "It was obviously not the Skyfather as he is no more. His brothers have not been heard from in an age. So who? Hermes the great trickster? Or perhaps Ares himself, rising to make war once again."
The Amazon warrior, clearly uncomfortable at this point, responded, "I am uncertain, Queen Sophia. All I know is it was a divine message from Olympus."
Sophia nodded, "Apologies, sister. I did not mean to question you or your service to our people. Thank you for the information and notify me immediately if there is another message."
The group of warriors nodded in unison and left the palace. Sophia turned to one of her guards, "Bring me Princess Elena."
An alarm blared throughout the cave and Henry turned back to his massive computer terminal. Ethan frowned, "What the hell is that alarm for?"
Wayne's eyes narrowed, "Perimeter breach." He pulled up video of the surrounding estate and the pair watched as several dark clothed individuals moved quickly across the property towards Wayne Manor.
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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Re: Siege of Gotham
Gotham University (Home of the...Who can remember at a time like this)
Dorm Room of Harper Reed and Charlotte Cameron (Strict No Shady People Allowed Rule - Currently being violated)
“What the hell is going on?” Charlotte asked, her eyes wide as she scrambled backwards on the floor. Glass was all around her and she was pushing into it (ouch), adrenaline making her ignore the cuts on palms and arms (super ouch).
“How the hell should I know?” Harper said. All thoughts of going on patrol had fled. After all, why did she need to do that when apparently a fight had come to her? “Get back.” She said.
“I don’t think the self defense class we took is going to help.” Charlotte hissed.
Harper dropped into a ready stance, cursing the fact that she had undersold what training she had during said self defense class. Charlotte had insisted they go to it (because Gotham is so super safe you know?) and Harper had been bored out of her mind. “Just get back.”
She leapt into action, letting the flow of the fight dictate her movements. She moved throughout the room in a way Charlotte had never seen her do before. As Harper’s foot placed against the wall and she spun off, connecting with the side of one of these ninja’s heads, Charlotte had two thoughts run through her head (almost three).
The first was that they had definitely not covered that in her class. Had Harper taken the advanced course? (She better not have, Charlotte hadn’t gotten an invite).
The second was that she felt really glad Harper was wearing Doc Martens because that would have really hurt her foot (almost as much as the bleeding from her palms was starting to hurt).
Whatever third thought she was going to have left her brain as a black clad…person ran up towards her and she screamed (Scream Queen quality). Backpedaling further and getting up off the ground, she ran into their kitchen, looking for something, anything (Knife, skillet, dishtowel, soap dispenser, cheese grater). She had finished doing the dishes before she had sat down to read, letting everything dry on their dishcloth. There were an assorted series of odds and ends of a kitchen there, from when Charlotte had made chili earlier in the day. (Secret recipe, it’s in the cumin).
She turned back around and narrowly missed a dagger slicing through the air.
“What in the actual fu-” Charlotte said, blindly grabbing ahold of something from the counter and swinging it. She really hoped it was the kitchen knife.
It was not.
The mug did not have the reach of a knife. She looked down at it and then up at the person, who stared quizzically before starting towards her. Charlotte threw the mug and the ninja (she guessed) brought his arm (again another guess towards sex, this person is completely covered) up and the mug (priceless. Fall Semester Art 203’s Final Project) shattered against his arm.
She turned back to the stove and grabbed the large pot that had the chili and turned back.
“Don’t you make me doing this.” She said.
The shadowy ninja man charged forward in the small kitchen and she cried (on the inside) as she threw the contents of the pot at the guy.
He skidded backwards and fell to the ground. She turned back, dropping the pot and grabbed the cast iron skillet (from when she’d browned the beef. Also, finally!) and turned back around, conking him on the head.
Charlotte ran into the other room (gingerly but she had an obligation to her roommate and good friend), and watched as Harper dropkicked the second to last ninja (girl? This one has a ponytail). The ninja girl (assumption, again), fell through their coffee table.
(What a find. 60 bucks at a second hand store. Much sadness).
“Charlie, you good?” Harper asked.
Her eyes were off the prize as the last ninja (definitely a guy unless a girl on roids) kicked Harper square in the chest, knocking her back.
Charlotte threw the cast iron skillet as hard as she could.
It connected with the knee.
That had to hurt.
Harper ran forward and jumped, bringing her knee into the black clad man’s head.
That had to hurt more. (maybe. It’s not a contest though).
Charlie was panting, hands on her knees.
“We got to get out of here.”
“Like move? Yeah that could work.” Charlie said. “I think one of the other dorms, Hollyoaks has an opening, maybe?”
(It didn’t.)
Harper grabbed Charlie’s arm and shoved her out of the door, grabbing a yellow backpack on the floor as they left.
Dorm Room of Harper Reed and Charlotte Cameron (Strict No Shady People Allowed Rule - Currently being violated)
“What the hell is going on?” Charlotte asked, her eyes wide as she scrambled backwards on the floor. Glass was all around her and she was pushing into it (ouch), adrenaline making her ignore the cuts on palms and arms (super ouch).
“How the hell should I know?” Harper said. All thoughts of going on patrol had fled. After all, why did she need to do that when apparently a fight had come to her? “Get back.” She said.
“I don’t think the self defense class we took is going to help.” Charlotte hissed.
Harper dropped into a ready stance, cursing the fact that she had undersold what training she had during said self defense class. Charlotte had insisted they go to it (because Gotham is so super safe you know?) and Harper had been bored out of her mind. “Just get back.”
She leapt into action, letting the flow of the fight dictate her movements. She moved throughout the room in a way Charlotte had never seen her do before. As Harper’s foot placed against the wall and she spun off, connecting with the side of one of these ninja’s heads, Charlotte had two thoughts run through her head (almost three).
The first was that they had definitely not covered that in her class. Had Harper taken the advanced course? (She better not have, Charlotte hadn’t gotten an invite).
The second was that she felt really glad Harper was wearing Doc Martens because that would have really hurt her foot (almost as much as the bleeding from her palms was starting to hurt).
Whatever third thought she was going to have left her brain as a black clad…person ran up towards her and she screamed (Scream Queen quality). Backpedaling further and getting up off the ground, she ran into their kitchen, looking for something, anything (Knife, skillet, dishtowel, soap dispenser, cheese grater). She had finished doing the dishes before she had sat down to read, letting everything dry on their dishcloth. There were an assorted series of odds and ends of a kitchen there, from when Charlotte had made chili earlier in the day. (Secret recipe, it’s in the cumin).
She turned back around and narrowly missed a dagger slicing through the air.
“What in the actual fu-” Charlotte said, blindly grabbing ahold of something from the counter and swinging it. She really hoped it was the kitchen knife.
It was not.
The mug did not have the reach of a knife. She looked down at it and then up at the person, who stared quizzically before starting towards her. Charlotte threw the mug and the ninja (she guessed) brought his arm (again another guess towards sex, this person is completely covered) up and the mug (priceless. Fall Semester Art 203’s Final Project) shattered against his arm.
She turned back to the stove and grabbed the large pot that had the chili and turned back.
“Don’t you make me doing this.” She said.
The shadowy ninja man charged forward in the small kitchen and she cried (on the inside) as she threw the contents of the pot at the guy.
He skidded backwards and fell to the ground. She turned back, dropping the pot and grabbed the cast iron skillet (from when she’d browned the beef. Also, finally!) and turned back around, conking him on the head.
Charlotte ran into the other room (gingerly but she had an obligation to her roommate and good friend), and watched as Harper dropkicked the second to last ninja (girl? This one has a ponytail). The ninja girl (assumption, again), fell through their coffee table.
(What a find. 60 bucks at a second hand store. Much sadness).
“Charlie, you good?” Harper asked.
Her eyes were off the prize as the last ninja (definitely a guy unless a girl on roids) kicked Harper square in the chest, knocking her back.
Charlotte threw the cast iron skillet as hard as she could.
It connected with the knee.
That had to hurt.
Harper ran forward and jumped, bringing her knee into the black clad man’s head.
That had to hurt more. (maybe. It’s not a contest though).
Charlie was panting, hands on her knees.
“We got to get out of here.”
“Like move? Yeah that could work.” Charlie said. “I think one of the other dorms, Hollyoaks has an opening, maybe?”
(It didn’t.)
Harper grabbed Charlie’s arm and shoved her out of the door, grabbing a yellow backpack on the floor as they left.
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Re: Siege of Gotham
The elevator doors slide open with a quiet chime, revealing a tastefully dressed woman in a sharp business suit and jacket, her appearance a striking contrast to the ruggedness of the Batcave. Her heels click softly on the stone floor, the sound almost drowned by the wailing alarm klaxons reverberating through the vast, shadowed chamber.
She moves with an air of effortless grace, her stride smooth, confident, and deliberate. Her tailored jacket is a soft charcoal gray, perfectly fitted over a blouse of ivory silk, exuding professionalism and control. Strawberry blonde hair is swept back in a sleek style, and her eyes are sharp, focused, unfazed by the blaring alarms and the shadows that seem to move in the cave's far reaches.
Without breaking her stride, she surveys the high-tech equipment surrounding her—the Cave's computer's massive screens displaying streams of data, the rows of vehicles in various stages of readiness, and the suits lined up like sentinels. Though the Batcave is vast and imposing, her presence feels like it was always meant to be there. pausing in the center of the cave, commanding the space with her presence. Though the Batcave is vast and imposing, her presence feels like it was always meant to be there.
"Mr. Wayne," she says, her voice steady and composed, echoing in the cavernous space, "As I am sure that I don't need to tell you, but a small contingent of malefactors are approaching the Manor and the Cave."
Henry’s gaze is focused, but she meets it without hesitation, clearly unfazed. This conversation is important, and she is here for a reason. "Yes, I am very aware."
As she pauses in the center of the Batcave, her sharp gaze shifts slightly, landing on another figure—Ethan Stark, the brilliant tech tycoon and Iron Man, standing near one of the Batcave’s many high-tech consoles. His presence, though unexpected, doesn’t seem to surprise her. Clad in a signature workout suit, Stark has an air of ease and confidence, his sharp eyes gleaming with curiosity beneath his trademark charm.
The woman arches a brow ever so slightly, acknowledging him with a glance, before returning her attention to Henry. There’s a subtle tension in the air, though her composure never falters.
“Stark,” she says, her voice calm, with just a hint of knowing. "I suppose you're here for the some reason."
Ethan smirks, his arms crossed casually. “Well, I couldn't resist. You know me—always curious about what the Bat’s up to, training and promptly getting my ass kicked by the Batman. Or should I say… Mr. Wayne?” His eyes flick from her to Henry, the tension thickening as the two men exchange a silent look.
She turns back to Henry. "Seems like you've been keeping interesting company."
Henry’s lips curl into a half-smirk as he steps over to one of the glass cases containing a Batsuit. Without missing a beat, he punches in a quick code on the panel beside it. The case hisses open, revealing the sleek, armored suit inside.
With practiced ease, Henry strips down, his movements precise and efficient, revealing the battle-hardened body beneath the tailored clothes. Stark, always one for commentary, raises an eyebrow but remains silent, watching the transformation with a knowing grin.
Piece by piece, Henry begins donning the Batsuit. The armor clinks as it locks into place over his frame, transforming him from the man who stands before them into the iconic figure that strikes fear into the hearts of criminals. His motions are mechanical, perfected through countless repetitions, as if the weight of the suit is an extension of his own skin.
Once fully suited, Henry turns, his cape settling in a ripple of dark fabric. The Bat emblem gleams on his chest under the cave’s low light. His presence is undeniable, a looming shadow of both mystery and justice.
Ethan Stark, leaning against one of the cave’s consoles, chuckles lightly, his eyes gleaming with both admiration and amusement. "You never did like to waste time, huh?"
Henry’s eyes, now barely visible behind the dark cowl, shift to Stark, the half-smirk disappearing, replaced by a grim line. "I don’t have time to waste," he replies, his voice now deeper, more commanding.
Batman’s gaze shifts from the woman to Ethan Stark, his expression serious beneath the cowl. After a brief moment of silence, he speaks with that deep, commanding voice.
"Stark, this is Claire Elisabeth Pennyworth."
Evan raises an eyebrow, his smirk fading slightly as he looks at Claire with renewed interest. "Pennyworth?" he echoes, recognizing the significance of the name.
Claire, standing tall, gives Stark a polite nod, her composure unshaken. There’s an unmistakable air of confidence about her, the same kind of steady grace that has long been associated with the Pennyworth family. Stark’s curiosity deepens, but Claire remains as calm and measured as ever, as if this introduction was just another step in a much larger plan.
Ethan tilts his head, a glint of intrigue in his eyes. "Interesting. And here I thought I knew all the important players."
She moves with an air of effortless grace, her stride smooth, confident, and deliberate. Her tailored jacket is a soft charcoal gray, perfectly fitted over a blouse of ivory silk, exuding professionalism and control. Strawberry blonde hair is swept back in a sleek style, and her eyes are sharp, focused, unfazed by the blaring alarms and the shadows that seem to move in the cave's far reaches.
Without breaking her stride, she surveys the high-tech equipment surrounding her—the Cave's computer's massive screens displaying streams of data, the rows of vehicles in various stages of readiness, and the suits lined up like sentinels. Though the Batcave is vast and imposing, her presence feels like it was always meant to be there. pausing in the center of the cave, commanding the space with her presence. Though the Batcave is vast and imposing, her presence feels like it was always meant to be there.
"Mr. Wayne," she says, her voice steady and composed, echoing in the cavernous space, "As I am sure that I don't need to tell you, but a small contingent of malefactors are approaching the Manor and the Cave."
Henry’s gaze is focused, but she meets it without hesitation, clearly unfazed. This conversation is important, and she is here for a reason. "Yes, I am very aware."
As she pauses in the center of the Batcave, her sharp gaze shifts slightly, landing on another figure—Ethan Stark, the brilliant tech tycoon and Iron Man, standing near one of the Batcave’s many high-tech consoles. His presence, though unexpected, doesn’t seem to surprise her. Clad in a signature workout suit, Stark has an air of ease and confidence, his sharp eyes gleaming with curiosity beneath his trademark charm.
The woman arches a brow ever so slightly, acknowledging him with a glance, before returning her attention to Henry. There’s a subtle tension in the air, though her composure never falters.
“Stark,” she says, her voice calm, with just a hint of knowing. "I suppose you're here for the some reason."
Ethan smirks, his arms crossed casually. “Well, I couldn't resist. You know me—always curious about what the Bat’s up to, training and promptly getting my ass kicked by the Batman. Or should I say… Mr. Wayne?” His eyes flick from her to Henry, the tension thickening as the two men exchange a silent look.
She turns back to Henry. "Seems like you've been keeping interesting company."
Henry’s lips curl into a half-smirk as he steps over to one of the glass cases containing a Batsuit. Without missing a beat, he punches in a quick code on the panel beside it. The case hisses open, revealing the sleek, armored suit inside.
With practiced ease, Henry strips down, his movements precise and efficient, revealing the battle-hardened body beneath the tailored clothes. Stark, always one for commentary, raises an eyebrow but remains silent, watching the transformation with a knowing grin.
Piece by piece, Henry begins donning the Batsuit. The armor clinks as it locks into place over his frame, transforming him from the man who stands before them into the iconic figure that strikes fear into the hearts of criminals. His motions are mechanical, perfected through countless repetitions, as if the weight of the suit is an extension of his own skin.
Once fully suited, Henry turns, his cape settling in a ripple of dark fabric. The Bat emblem gleams on his chest under the cave’s low light. His presence is undeniable, a looming shadow of both mystery and justice.
Ethan Stark, leaning against one of the cave’s consoles, chuckles lightly, his eyes gleaming with both admiration and amusement. "You never did like to waste time, huh?"
Henry’s eyes, now barely visible behind the dark cowl, shift to Stark, the half-smirk disappearing, replaced by a grim line. "I don’t have time to waste," he replies, his voice now deeper, more commanding.
Batman’s gaze shifts from the woman to Ethan Stark, his expression serious beneath the cowl. After a brief moment of silence, he speaks with that deep, commanding voice.
"Stark, this is Claire Elisabeth Pennyworth."
Evan raises an eyebrow, his smirk fading slightly as he looks at Claire with renewed interest. "Pennyworth?" he echoes, recognizing the significance of the name.
Claire, standing tall, gives Stark a polite nod, her composure unshaken. There’s an unmistakable air of confidence about her, the same kind of steady grace that has long been associated with the Pennyworth family. Stark’s curiosity deepens, but Claire remains as calm and measured as ever, as if this introduction was just another step in a much larger plan.
Ethan tilts his head, a glint of intrigue in his eyes. "Interesting. And here I thought I knew all the important players."

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Re: Siege of Gotham
Batman turns away from Claire and strides toward the main computer, his cape sweeping behind him in a familiar arc. Claire follows silently, her eyes focused on the massive screen ahead. Batman begins typing rapidly, executing a series of commands that flood the screen with data, surveillance feeds, and tactical information.
Without turning around, his voice cuts through the tension. "Stark, suit up."
Ethan, standing a few feet away, smirks at the command. "Finally," he mutters under his breath. With a tap on his wrist device, his Iron Man suit begins assembling around him with a familiar hum, the red and gold plates locking into place with mechanical precision. In moments, Ethan is fully suited, his arc reactor glowing brilliantly in his chest, the mask lowering over his face.
As Batman continues inputting data, a holographic map of Gotham City lights up the computer’s massive screen. Claire observes the scene with silent attentiveness, understanding the gravity of the situation. The room hums with tension as both men prepare for what’s to come.
"Time's running out," Batman murmurs, his eyes focused on the strategic details unfolding on the screen.
Batman’s hands slow as they hover over the keyboard, his finger poised above the execute key. The glow of the Batcomputer reflects in his eyes, casting long shadows across his face, but for the briefest of moments, he hesitates. His finger lingers just above the button, as if some inner battle is raging, a part of him unwilling to finalize what he knows must be done.
The weight of his decision is palpable, hanging heavy in the air. For a man who always acts decisively, this fleeting hesitation is telling. Perhaps it’s the enormity of the mission before them, or the lives that hang in the balance—whatever the reason, something holds him back.
Claire watches him closely, her keen eyes catching the subtle pause, though she says nothing. Stark, suited up as Iron Man, glances at the hesitation but remains silent as well, knowing that the Dark Knight’s decisions are never taken lightly.
Then, with a slow breath, Batman’s expression hardens. His jaw clenches, and the weight of the hesitation vanishes. He presses the key, the screen flashing as the system processes his command.
The Batcave hums with the sounds of machinery coming to life, the Batmobile activating, weapons systems aligning. The plan is in motion, and there’s no turning back now.
Just as the final command is entered, the Batcave's speakers crackle to life with the calm, synthetic voice of D.O.N.N.A., Batman's new AI system.
--State Final Authorization Code, Mr. Wayne-- D.O.N.N.A. intones, her voice precise and clear and very familiar to Stark.
Ethan Stark, caught off guard, spins around to face the source of the voice. His helmet retracts, revealing a wide-eyed expression, both surprised and amused. "What the F—?" he starts, a grin spreading across his face as he quickly processes the situation.
Batman, his fingers still resting on the console, doesn’t bother to turn around. The barest hint of a smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth. "You're not the only one who knows how to hack a system, Stark."
Stark’s grin only grows wider, a low chuckle escaping him. "Oh, I see how it is now," he says, shaking his head. "You've got yourself a shiny little AI too, which was mine, huh? Nice touch."
Without missing a beat, Batman straightens up, his expression returning to its usual stoic resolve. He leans slightly toward the mic embedded in the console and speaks with his signature calm authority.
"Authorization code: Omega-Bravo-741."
D.O.N.N.A. responds immediately, --Final Authorization Code accepted. Operation sequence initiated.--
The Batcave’s systems hum to life, screens lighting up with mission parameters, weapon systems aligning, and tactical drones powering up. Both Batman and Stark know that from this moment forward, everything is set into motion. Claire remains silent, observing the exchange with her usual calm demeanor, though the slightest glint in her eyes suggests she wasn’t surprised by Batman's resourcefulness.
Batman, without breaking stride, reaches into his utility belt and pulls out the ancient-looking coin. The metal glints under the Batcave’s lights, its surface etched with strange, cryptic symbols. With a sharp flick of his wrist, he flips the coin toward Stark who catches it in midair, his suit's enhanced reflexes kicking in effortlessly.
“Take this to a safe place,” Batman says, his voice low and commanding. “It cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of the Legion of Shadows.”
Ethan’s amusement fades, replaced by a more serious expression as he realizes the weight of what’s just been handed to him. He glances at Batman, noting the intensity in his eyes. "Legion of Shadows, huh?" Stark mutters, gripping the coin tightly. “Sounds like we’re playing for some high stakes.”
Batman nods, his gaze unyielding. "You have no idea. If they get their hands on that, everything changes. And not for the better."
Stark gives a quick, confident nod as his Iron Man helmet snaps back into place. “You know me, I always keep the good stuff out of the wrong hands.” He turns towards the exit of the cave's long cavernous entryway, preparing to leave.
"Watch your back, Stark," Batman adds, his voice carrying the weight of years of experience. "The Legion won't be far behind you."
"Let 'em try," Stark replies, his voice crackling through the Iron Man suit's speakers. With a final glance at Batman and Claire, he jets off into the night sky, the coin safely in his grasp.
Without turning around, his voice cuts through the tension. "Stark, suit up."
Ethan, standing a few feet away, smirks at the command. "Finally," he mutters under his breath. With a tap on his wrist device, his Iron Man suit begins assembling around him with a familiar hum, the red and gold plates locking into place with mechanical precision. In moments, Ethan is fully suited, his arc reactor glowing brilliantly in his chest, the mask lowering over his face.
As Batman continues inputting data, a holographic map of Gotham City lights up the computer’s massive screen. Claire observes the scene with silent attentiveness, understanding the gravity of the situation. The room hums with tension as both men prepare for what’s to come.
"Time's running out," Batman murmurs, his eyes focused on the strategic details unfolding on the screen.
Batman’s hands slow as they hover over the keyboard, his finger poised above the execute key. The glow of the Batcomputer reflects in his eyes, casting long shadows across his face, but for the briefest of moments, he hesitates. His finger lingers just above the button, as if some inner battle is raging, a part of him unwilling to finalize what he knows must be done.
The weight of his decision is palpable, hanging heavy in the air. For a man who always acts decisively, this fleeting hesitation is telling. Perhaps it’s the enormity of the mission before them, or the lives that hang in the balance—whatever the reason, something holds him back.
Claire watches him closely, her keen eyes catching the subtle pause, though she says nothing. Stark, suited up as Iron Man, glances at the hesitation but remains silent as well, knowing that the Dark Knight’s decisions are never taken lightly.
Then, with a slow breath, Batman’s expression hardens. His jaw clenches, and the weight of the hesitation vanishes. He presses the key, the screen flashing as the system processes his command.
The Batcave hums with the sounds of machinery coming to life, the Batmobile activating, weapons systems aligning. The plan is in motion, and there’s no turning back now.
Just as the final command is entered, the Batcave's speakers crackle to life with the calm, synthetic voice of D.O.N.N.A., Batman's new AI system.
--State Final Authorization Code, Mr. Wayne-- D.O.N.N.A. intones, her voice precise and clear and very familiar to Stark.
Ethan Stark, caught off guard, spins around to face the source of the voice. His helmet retracts, revealing a wide-eyed expression, both surprised and amused. "What the F—?" he starts, a grin spreading across his face as he quickly processes the situation.
Batman, his fingers still resting on the console, doesn’t bother to turn around. The barest hint of a smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth. "You're not the only one who knows how to hack a system, Stark."
Stark’s grin only grows wider, a low chuckle escaping him. "Oh, I see how it is now," he says, shaking his head. "You've got yourself a shiny little AI too, which was mine, huh? Nice touch."
Without missing a beat, Batman straightens up, his expression returning to its usual stoic resolve. He leans slightly toward the mic embedded in the console and speaks with his signature calm authority.
"Authorization code: Omega-Bravo-741."
D.O.N.N.A. responds immediately, --Final Authorization Code accepted. Operation sequence initiated.--
The Batcave’s systems hum to life, screens lighting up with mission parameters, weapon systems aligning, and tactical drones powering up. Both Batman and Stark know that from this moment forward, everything is set into motion. Claire remains silent, observing the exchange with her usual calm demeanor, though the slightest glint in her eyes suggests she wasn’t surprised by Batman's resourcefulness.
Batman, without breaking stride, reaches into his utility belt and pulls out the ancient-looking coin. The metal glints under the Batcave’s lights, its surface etched with strange, cryptic symbols. With a sharp flick of his wrist, he flips the coin toward Stark who catches it in midair, his suit's enhanced reflexes kicking in effortlessly.
“Take this to a safe place,” Batman says, his voice low and commanding. “It cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of the Legion of Shadows.”
Ethan’s amusement fades, replaced by a more serious expression as he realizes the weight of what’s just been handed to him. He glances at Batman, noting the intensity in his eyes. "Legion of Shadows, huh?" Stark mutters, gripping the coin tightly. “Sounds like we’re playing for some high stakes.”
Batman nods, his gaze unyielding. "You have no idea. If they get their hands on that, everything changes. And not for the better."
Stark gives a quick, confident nod as his Iron Man helmet snaps back into place. “You know me, I always keep the good stuff out of the wrong hands.” He turns towards the exit of the cave's long cavernous entryway, preparing to leave.
"Watch your back, Stark," Batman adds, his voice carrying the weight of years of experience. "The Legion won't be far behind you."
"Let 'em try," Stark replies, his voice crackling through the Iron Man suit's speakers. With a final glance at Batman and Claire, he jets off into the night sky, the coin safely in his grasp.

EFFL Champion (2013-2016) First Two-Time Exodus Champion
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Re: Siege of Gotham
Batman turns his gaze to Claire, who stands motionless and composed, her expression as stoic as ever despite the gravity of what’s to come. She knows exactly what lies ahead, but her calm remains unshaken. As if on cue, the Batmobile silently glides up behind her, the cockpit sliding open with a quiet hiss.
Without missing a beat, Claire deftly leaps into the driver’s seat with a fluid motion, making the notoriously difficult task look effortless. She grips the steering wheel, her sharp eyes scanning the dashboard for a moment before turning back to Batman.
He can't help but quip, his tone deadpan but with the faintest hint of humor. "No detours through the McDonald's drive-thru, Claire."
Claire smirks slightly, the only crack in her otherwise cool demeanor. She raises an eyebrow, then delivers her response with the same dry wit she’s known for.
"Not unless you want a Bat-Burger with extra justice on the side," she replies smoothly, not missing a beat.
Batman shakes his head, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly in amusement. It’s typical Claire—always ready with a one-liner, no matter the situation. The Batmobile’s engine roars to life, and in an instant, she’s gone, the car vanishing into the tunnels of the Batcave with a roar.
For a moment, Batman stands there, watching her disappear into the distance. Then his focus sharpens once more, turning back to the screens. The mission ahead is critical, but at least he can count on Claire to get the job done—without stopping for a drive-thru snack.
Batman’s eyes narrow as he watches the monitors tracking the Batmobile’s progress through the tunnels. The high-resolution feed shows the sleek vehicle tearing through the dimly lit passages, its engine roaring with a ferocity that echoes through the Batcave.
Suddenly, movement catches his eye—several Legion of Shadows soldiers lurking within the tunnels, their silhouettes barely visible as they attempt to ambush Claire. But before they can make their move, the Batmobile reacts with precision, veering slightly as its automated defense systems engage.
In an instant, the car plows through the soldiers with ruthless efficiency. One soldier is flung aside by the Batmobile’s reinforced frame, while another is taken down by a stun blast from its side-mounted cannons. A third attempts to dive out of the way but is swiftly incapacitated by a well-timed tire trap that deploys from the Batmobile’s undercarriage.
Claire, cool as ever, navigates through the chaos without hesitation, her hands steady on the wheel. She doesn't even need to break stride, the Batmobile handling the threat effortlessly. Batman watches it all unfold on the screens, his expression remaining unreadable, though he’s clearly impressed by her skill and the Batmobile's flawless performance.
“Typical Claire,” he mutters to himself, half-smirking.
As the last of the Legion soldiers are dispatched, the Batmobile accelerates into the darkness of the tunnel, pushing forward toward its next objective. The screens go quiet, and Batman turns away, knowing that at least for now, Claire’s path is clear. But the real fight is just beginning.
Suddenly, the atmosphere in the Batcave shifts as a swarm of Legion Assassins pours into the space from multiple directions. From the tunnel Claire just sped through, a fresh wave of attackers emerges, while above, several dozen assassins descend swiftly on rappelling lines from the cavern ceiling. Their approach is coordinated, their movements precise.
As they slide down the lines, some of the assassins arm themselves with bows, nocking arrows in quick succession. Their aim is deadly, arrows cutting through the air with a high-pitched whistle, each one aimed directly at Batman.
Without hesitation, Batman pivots, his cape snapping open in a wide arc as he raises it in defense. The arrows that come too close are deflected by the reinforced armor hidden within the cape’s fabric. With a flick of his wrist, he sends the projectiles spiraling away, their sharp tips bouncing harmlessly off the cave floor or embedding in the nearby rock walls.
More arrows come, but Batman is already moving, his reflexes as sharp as ever. He darts between the incoming fire, his movements a blur of shadow and precision. The assassins are skilled, but Batman is always one step ahead, calculating their trajectory with cold efficiency. The more precise shots are deflected effortlessly, his cape acting as both shield and weapon, shrouding him in a swirling cloud of darkness.
In one fluid motion, he flings a handful of batarangs into the air. The projectiles cut through the rappelling lines, sending several assassins crashing to the ground, while others are forced to abandon their descent or land awkwardly, momentarily disoriented. The bow-wielding assassins falter as their cover is compromised, allowing Batman the opening he needs.
“Nice try,” he mutters under his breath as he prepares for the next wave, his eyes scanning the room, assessing the battle.
More assassins close in, weapons drawn, but Batman stands ready—his cape billowing around him like a dark storm. The fight is only beginning.
As the second wave of Legion assassins enters the Batcave, moving like shadows through cracks in the walls, Batman remains motionless, standing in the very center of the vast cavern. His cape hangs still, and his face is calm, knowing that this moment is exactly what he’s been waiting for. The assassins, moving slowly and cautiously, have no idea what is coming.
Batman’s eyes flick upward toward a specific hidden camera, and with a precise blink, he sends the final command to the Batcave’s defense systems. His stance remains rigid, unmoving, as the assassins close in—too late.
In milliseconds, protective lenses slide over the eye slots in Batman’s cowl. Then, the entire Batcave explodes in light. Hundreds of ultra-powerful lamps, positioned in every corner and hidden crevice, ignite all at once, bathing the entire cave in a blinding, searing white light. The usually dim and shadow-filled sanctuary becomes a world of brilliance, leaving no inch of space unilluminated.
The Legion assassins, trained to operate in darkness and shadows, are caught completely off-guard. They raise their arms to shield their eyes, but the intensity is overwhelming. Their formation crumbles as they stagger, some falling to their knees, disoriented and blinded. The cave is silent except for their confused movements.
When the light finally fades after several agonizing moments, and their eyes struggle to adjust, they look back to the center of the cave—the spot where Batman stood.
He’s gone.
The assassins panic. Some exchange confused glances, while others instinctively spread out, weapons ready. But the emptiness where Batman stood is part of a larger plan. They are right where he wants them.
Suddenly, the roar of powerful jet engines fills the cave as the Batplane comes to life. From its hangar built into the side of the cave, the sleek, black aircraft emerges, its engine flaring bright as it soars into the vast space. Batman, now inside, maneuvers the plane with precision, heading toward the cave's exit. The assassins look up, their hearts sinking as they realize what is coming.
Inside the cockpit, Batman's face is set in grim determination. His eyes flick to the rear camera, watching the confused assassins as they scramble below. His fingers hover over a final command.
"Execute ‘Out of Time,’" he says, his voice cold.
--Out of Time... Execute,-- D.O.N.N.A., the Batcave's advanced AI system, repeats, her voice echoing through the cavern.
--Goodbye...assholes-- she adds, just as every exit and door to the Batcave slams shut with a thunderous clang. The walls vibrate as massive steel barriers lock into place, sealing the assassins inside.
Without a second to react, every piece of equipment in the cave, every trap, every hidden explosive, is activated. The cave erupts in a symphony of destruction. Explosions ripple through the walls, sending shrapnel and debris flying in every direction. Weapons caches, munitions stores, and tech stations detonate in a perfectly orchestrated sequence of deadly force. The once-imposing Legion assassins are thrown into chaos as the Batcave itself collapses around them, their fate sealed.
Above ground, the carnage isn't confined to the cave.
Wayne Manor, historic and imposing, filled with yet more Legion assassins infiltrating the home, also erupts in flames. A massive explosion tears through the mansion, sending debris and fire high into the night sky. The shockwave ripples across the Gotham landscape as the manor, like the Batcave, is consumed in a fireball of fury, the remains of its iconic structure shattered in a cataclysmic burst.
The Batplane rockets out of the cave’s exit, clearing the destruction just in time. As Batman flies into the dark Gotham night, he looks down at the chaos left behind, his expression hard, knowing that the Legion of Shadows has been dealt a devastating blow. But his war is far from over.
The Batcave is gone, Wayne Manor lies in ruins, but Batman remains. As always, he's prepared for what comes next.
Without missing a beat, Claire deftly leaps into the driver’s seat with a fluid motion, making the notoriously difficult task look effortless. She grips the steering wheel, her sharp eyes scanning the dashboard for a moment before turning back to Batman.
He can't help but quip, his tone deadpan but with the faintest hint of humor. "No detours through the McDonald's drive-thru, Claire."
Claire smirks slightly, the only crack in her otherwise cool demeanor. She raises an eyebrow, then delivers her response with the same dry wit she’s known for.
"Not unless you want a Bat-Burger with extra justice on the side," she replies smoothly, not missing a beat.
Batman shakes his head, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly in amusement. It’s typical Claire—always ready with a one-liner, no matter the situation. The Batmobile’s engine roars to life, and in an instant, she’s gone, the car vanishing into the tunnels of the Batcave with a roar.
For a moment, Batman stands there, watching her disappear into the distance. Then his focus sharpens once more, turning back to the screens. The mission ahead is critical, but at least he can count on Claire to get the job done—without stopping for a drive-thru snack.
Batman’s eyes narrow as he watches the monitors tracking the Batmobile’s progress through the tunnels. The high-resolution feed shows the sleek vehicle tearing through the dimly lit passages, its engine roaring with a ferocity that echoes through the Batcave.
Suddenly, movement catches his eye—several Legion of Shadows soldiers lurking within the tunnels, their silhouettes barely visible as they attempt to ambush Claire. But before they can make their move, the Batmobile reacts with precision, veering slightly as its automated defense systems engage.
In an instant, the car plows through the soldiers with ruthless efficiency. One soldier is flung aside by the Batmobile’s reinforced frame, while another is taken down by a stun blast from its side-mounted cannons. A third attempts to dive out of the way but is swiftly incapacitated by a well-timed tire trap that deploys from the Batmobile’s undercarriage.
Claire, cool as ever, navigates through the chaos without hesitation, her hands steady on the wheel. She doesn't even need to break stride, the Batmobile handling the threat effortlessly. Batman watches it all unfold on the screens, his expression remaining unreadable, though he’s clearly impressed by her skill and the Batmobile's flawless performance.
“Typical Claire,” he mutters to himself, half-smirking.
As the last of the Legion soldiers are dispatched, the Batmobile accelerates into the darkness of the tunnel, pushing forward toward its next objective. The screens go quiet, and Batman turns away, knowing that at least for now, Claire’s path is clear. But the real fight is just beginning.
Suddenly, the atmosphere in the Batcave shifts as a swarm of Legion Assassins pours into the space from multiple directions. From the tunnel Claire just sped through, a fresh wave of attackers emerges, while above, several dozen assassins descend swiftly on rappelling lines from the cavern ceiling. Their approach is coordinated, their movements precise.
As they slide down the lines, some of the assassins arm themselves with bows, nocking arrows in quick succession. Their aim is deadly, arrows cutting through the air with a high-pitched whistle, each one aimed directly at Batman.
Without hesitation, Batman pivots, his cape snapping open in a wide arc as he raises it in defense. The arrows that come too close are deflected by the reinforced armor hidden within the cape’s fabric. With a flick of his wrist, he sends the projectiles spiraling away, their sharp tips bouncing harmlessly off the cave floor or embedding in the nearby rock walls.
More arrows come, but Batman is already moving, his reflexes as sharp as ever. He darts between the incoming fire, his movements a blur of shadow and precision. The assassins are skilled, but Batman is always one step ahead, calculating their trajectory with cold efficiency. The more precise shots are deflected effortlessly, his cape acting as both shield and weapon, shrouding him in a swirling cloud of darkness.
In one fluid motion, he flings a handful of batarangs into the air. The projectiles cut through the rappelling lines, sending several assassins crashing to the ground, while others are forced to abandon their descent or land awkwardly, momentarily disoriented. The bow-wielding assassins falter as their cover is compromised, allowing Batman the opening he needs.
“Nice try,” he mutters under his breath as he prepares for the next wave, his eyes scanning the room, assessing the battle.
More assassins close in, weapons drawn, but Batman stands ready—his cape billowing around him like a dark storm. The fight is only beginning.
As the second wave of Legion assassins enters the Batcave, moving like shadows through cracks in the walls, Batman remains motionless, standing in the very center of the vast cavern. His cape hangs still, and his face is calm, knowing that this moment is exactly what he’s been waiting for. The assassins, moving slowly and cautiously, have no idea what is coming.
Batman’s eyes flick upward toward a specific hidden camera, and with a precise blink, he sends the final command to the Batcave’s defense systems. His stance remains rigid, unmoving, as the assassins close in—too late.
In milliseconds, protective lenses slide over the eye slots in Batman’s cowl. Then, the entire Batcave explodes in light. Hundreds of ultra-powerful lamps, positioned in every corner and hidden crevice, ignite all at once, bathing the entire cave in a blinding, searing white light. The usually dim and shadow-filled sanctuary becomes a world of brilliance, leaving no inch of space unilluminated.
The Legion assassins, trained to operate in darkness and shadows, are caught completely off-guard. They raise their arms to shield their eyes, but the intensity is overwhelming. Their formation crumbles as they stagger, some falling to their knees, disoriented and blinded. The cave is silent except for their confused movements.
When the light finally fades after several agonizing moments, and their eyes struggle to adjust, they look back to the center of the cave—the spot where Batman stood.
He’s gone.
The assassins panic. Some exchange confused glances, while others instinctively spread out, weapons ready. But the emptiness where Batman stood is part of a larger plan. They are right where he wants them.
Suddenly, the roar of powerful jet engines fills the cave as the Batplane comes to life. From its hangar built into the side of the cave, the sleek, black aircraft emerges, its engine flaring bright as it soars into the vast space. Batman, now inside, maneuvers the plane with precision, heading toward the cave's exit. The assassins look up, their hearts sinking as they realize what is coming.
Inside the cockpit, Batman's face is set in grim determination. His eyes flick to the rear camera, watching the confused assassins as they scramble below. His fingers hover over a final command.
"Execute ‘Out of Time,’" he says, his voice cold.
--Out of Time... Execute,-- D.O.N.N.A., the Batcave's advanced AI system, repeats, her voice echoing through the cavern.
--Goodbye...assholes-- she adds, just as every exit and door to the Batcave slams shut with a thunderous clang. The walls vibrate as massive steel barriers lock into place, sealing the assassins inside.
Without a second to react, every piece of equipment in the cave, every trap, every hidden explosive, is activated. The cave erupts in a symphony of destruction. Explosions ripple through the walls, sending shrapnel and debris flying in every direction. Weapons caches, munitions stores, and tech stations detonate in a perfectly orchestrated sequence of deadly force. The once-imposing Legion assassins are thrown into chaos as the Batcave itself collapses around them, their fate sealed.
Above ground, the carnage isn't confined to the cave.
Wayne Manor, historic and imposing, filled with yet more Legion assassins infiltrating the home, also erupts in flames. A massive explosion tears through the mansion, sending debris and fire high into the night sky. The shockwave ripples across the Gotham landscape as the manor, like the Batcave, is consumed in a fireball of fury, the remains of its iconic structure shattered in a cataclysmic burst.
The Batplane rockets out of the cave’s exit, clearing the destruction just in time. As Batman flies into the dark Gotham night, he looks down at the chaos left behind, his expression hard, knowing that the Legion of Shadows has been dealt a devastating blow. But his war is far from over.
The Batcave is gone, Wayne Manor lies in ruins, but Batman remains. As always, he's prepared for what comes next.

EFFL Champion (2013-2016) First Two-Time Exodus Champion
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Joined: Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:43 pm
Re: Siege of Gotham
“What the hell is going on?” Charlie asked, which she felt was a very reasonable question. I mean, honestly.
“How the hell should I know?” Harper replied and her friend eyed her as she reached out and repeatedly pressed the close door button on the elevator. “What?”
“Either you took the advanced self defense class or there’s something you’re not telling me.” Please tell me it’s not some elaborate ruse by your ex-boyfriend to get back at you. Chris was a total loser
Harper stared straight in front of herself, reminding Charlie of a dog that knew it was in trouble and was trying to hide in plain sight. “Out with it.” She said.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Harper said (liar) as the elevator dinged and the doors opened. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
“Ninjas attack us, just us, and you know nothing about it?” Charlie protested as she was dragged from the elevator.
They were in the lobby and out the front door in moments. Harper’s eyes were moving back and forth as if she was looking for someone or something. “You okay with riding on my motorcycle?”
“With the way you drive?” She goes way beyond doing fifty-five in the fifty-four.
Harper shot her a look now and Charlie shrugged. Harper led them towards the parking garage attached to the dorm, which her motorcycle was. Her regular motorcycle, it was not decked out with enhancements that would make this easier, but the modifications it did have would allow her to get them out of there. She wasn’t sure what the next step was after that, but Henry had taught her one step at a time. Maybe when Charlie wasn’t looking she would contact the rest of the gang to figure out what was going on.
She was rather surprised that she had not been contacted yet, but at the same time if they were dealing with their own attacks similar to this, it made a lot of sense.
Harper’s thoughts were rudely intruded as a van came spinning into the parking garage as they reached the second floor, where her bike was. It did not look friendly, if a van could have looks. Well, it wasn’t the van, it was more the three ninjas hanging off the sides of it.
“That doesn’t look friendly.”
“No shit, Charles.” Harper said, dragging Charlotte behind some junior’s sedan. She brought both her hands up and sent them running through her hair as she closed her eyes and weighed their options.
Remember your training.
On balance, she knew what needed to be done.
“Okay, I have a confession.” Harper said, eyes still closed, but digging through the yellow backpack.
“You went to an advanced self defense class.”
“No.” Harper said, pulling a batarang out of the backpack. “But there’s something I’m not telling you.” She spun upwards and threw the batarang at the oncoming van.
She came back down as an explosion rocked the parking garage. Charlie’s eyes were wide.
“Harper Guinevere Reed.” Yeah, yeah use the full name. Make her feel guilty as fuuuuuuuck.
Harper winced. “I need you to get real cool about some real shit, real fast.”
“How the hell should I know?” Harper replied and her friend eyed her as she reached out and repeatedly pressed the close door button on the elevator. “What?”
“Either you took the advanced self defense class or there’s something you’re not telling me.” Please tell me it’s not some elaborate ruse by your ex-boyfriend to get back at you. Chris was a total loser
Harper stared straight in front of herself, reminding Charlie of a dog that knew it was in trouble and was trying to hide in plain sight. “Out with it.” She said.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Harper said (liar) as the elevator dinged and the doors opened. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
“Ninjas attack us, just us, and you know nothing about it?” Charlie protested as she was dragged from the elevator.
They were in the lobby and out the front door in moments. Harper’s eyes were moving back and forth as if she was looking for someone or something. “You okay with riding on my motorcycle?”
“With the way you drive?” She goes way beyond doing fifty-five in the fifty-four.
Harper shot her a look now and Charlie shrugged. Harper led them towards the parking garage attached to the dorm, which her motorcycle was. Her regular motorcycle, it was not decked out with enhancements that would make this easier, but the modifications it did have would allow her to get them out of there. She wasn’t sure what the next step was after that, but Henry had taught her one step at a time. Maybe when Charlie wasn’t looking she would contact the rest of the gang to figure out what was going on.
She was rather surprised that she had not been contacted yet, but at the same time if they were dealing with their own attacks similar to this, it made a lot of sense.
Harper’s thoughts were rudely intruded as a van came spinning into the parking garage as they reached the second floor, where her bike was. It did not look friendly, if a van could have looks. Well, it wasn’t the van, it was more the three ninjas hanging off the sides of it.
“That doesn’t look friendly.”
“No shit, Charles.” Harper said, dragging Charlotte behind some junior’s sedan. She brought both her hands up and sent them running through her hair as she closed her eyes and weighed their options.
Remember your training.
On balance, she knew what needed to be done.
“Okay, I have a confession.” Harper said, eyes still closed, but digging through the yellow backpack.
“You went to an advanced self defense class.”
“No.” Harper said, pulling a batarang out of the backpack. “But there’s something I’m not telling you.” She spun upwards and threw the batarang at the oncoming van.
She came back down as an explosion rocked the parking garage. Charlie’s eyes were wide.
“Harper Guinevere Reed.” Yeah, yeah use the full name. Make her feel guilty as fuuuuuuuck.
Harper winced. “I need you to get real cool about some real shit, real fast.”
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Re: Siege of Gotham
Stark didn't even slow down when the explosion registered with his systems. He knew Wayne had a contingency and that he was okay. Iron Man had a role to play and so did the Batman and right now his role was to keep this coin away from the League of Shadows. Ethan opened up a com channel to Stark Tower, "Mercedes! You need to lock down the tower. Now! Tell Morgan to suit up just in case. You might have company."
Misty Knight's voice echoed through his helmet, "On it. What's going on?"
Iron Man continued his flight path and stopped suddenly as he saw a boy on a rooftop, enemies attempting to follow Stark now closing in around him, "Not sure but if anyone looking like a ninja tries to get in shoot first and ask questions later. I think they're after something I brought with me to Gotham but you never know."
Mercedes Knight confirmed the information and vanished from the line. Stark, now hovering, fired several repulsor blasts at the enemies swarming the nearby roof. His eyes narrowed in the mask, "Armor, activate A.I. number 12." It took only a brief second to replace D.O.N.N.A. with another system, one that he had much more history with. He smiled as she spoke.
<Hello, Stark. It appears we are under attack. Have you thought about fighting back by chance?>
Ethan let out an audible laugh, "Friday, I missed you." Before he soared down to rescue the boy he noticed something odd....the ninjas were running right past him and he didn't seem at all phased by their presence. The boy just stared up at Iron Man from the roof, his ruffled black hair slightly visible beneath his red hoodie. The kid then raised his hand to the air and before Iron Man realized what he was doing he pulled the trigger of the gun, sending a brilliant flare into the sky above them. Later on, Stark would remember that moment as the moment when all hell broke loose.
An explosion from behind vibrated the city. Iron Man whirled around to see the nearest bridge collapsing into the bay. More explosions quickly followed; bridge after bridge erupting in flame before being swallowed by the dark water beneath. This wasn't just an attack on Batman....this was a full fledged assault on Gotham City. Something massive was at play. "All right, Friday. We're done screwing around. We need eyes in the sky right now. Activate Big Brother."
Iron Man then moved quickly away from the rooftops where their enemies seemed to be gathering in an attempt to get to him. As he flew multiple marble sized drones were released from his armor, shooting away from him at incredible speeds. Using his suit he was coordinating their locations, blanketing the city so they could see everything and what he saw was incredible from a coordination standpoint. He was witnessing an army of ninjas invading the city and multiple high tech submarines just below the watery surface. They were heavily armed, many of which were near the bridges that had been taken out. "Friday, sync up Big Brother data with D.O.N.N.A and send pertinent information to all first responders in Gotham City and the surrounding area."
<Data synchronization is complete. Information has been sent.>
Iron Man's armor accessed Batman's communications, attempting to reach all members of Henry's team, "This is Iron Man. If you're getting this than you need to know it's not just a few Ninjas. There is a literal army invading Gotham City, including naval support and one really creepy ass kid that may or may not be orchestrating this whole thing."
There was a loud screeching sound and Stark whipped around to see three man sized, reptilian creatures flying straight for him, smoke and flames licking the air as it poured from their open jaws. Iron Man continued speaking, "And dragons....they also have dragons."
Misty Knight's voice echoed through his helmet, "On it. What's going on?"
Iron Man continued his flight path and stopped suddenly as he saw a boy on a rooftop, enemies attempting to follow Stark now closing in around him, "Not sure but if anyone looking like a ninja tries to get in shoot first and ask questions later. I think they're after something I brought with me to Gotham but you never know."
Mercedes Knight confirmed the information and vanished from the line. Stark, now hovering, fired several repulsor blasts at the enemies swarming the nearby roof. His eyes narrowed in the mask, "Armor, activate A.I. number 12." It took only a brief second to replace D.O.N.N.A. with another system, one that he had much more history with. He smiled as she spoke.
<Hello, Stark. It appears we are under attack. Have you thought about fighting back by chance?>
Ethan let out an audible laugh, "Friday, I missed you." Before he soared down to rescue the boy he noticed something odd....the ninjas were running right past him and he didn't seem at all phased by their presence. The boy just stared up at Iron Man from the roof, his ruffled black hair slightly visible beneath his red hoodie. The kid then raised his hand to the air and before Iron Man realized what he was doing he pulled the trigger of the gun, sending a brilliant flare into the sky above them. Later on, Stark would remember that moment as the moment when all hell broke loose.
An explosion from behind vibrated the city. Iron Man whirled around to see the nearest bridge collapsing into the bay. More explosions quickly followed; bridge after bridge erupting in flame before being swallowed by the dark water beneath. This wasn't just an attack on Batman....this was a full fledged assault on Gotham City. Something massive was at play. "All right, Friday. We're done screwing around. We need eyes in the sky right now. Activate Big Brother."
Iron Man then moved quickly away from the rooftops where their enemies seemed to be gathering in an attempt to get to him. As he flew multiple marble sized drones were released from his armor, shooting away from him at incredible speeds. Using his suit he was coordinating their locations, blanketing the city so they could see everything and what he saw was incredible from a coordination standpoint. He was witnessing an army of ninjas invading the city and multiple high tech submarines just below the watery surface. They were heavily armed, many of which were near the bridges that had been taken out. "Friday, sync up Big Brother data with D.O.N.N.A and send pertinent information to all first responders in Gotham City and the surrounding area."
<Data synchronization is complete. Information has been sent.>
Iron Man's armor accessed Batman's communications, attempting to reach all members of Henry's team, "This is Iron Man. If you're getting this than you need to know it's not just a few Ninjas. There is a literal army invading Gotham City, including naval support and one really creepy ass kid that may or may not be orchestrating this whole thing."
There was a loud screeching sound and Stark whipped around to see three man sized, reptilian creatures flying straight for him, smoke and flames licking the air as it poured from their open jaws. Iron Man continued speaking, "And dragons....they also have dragons."
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
Dark Lord of the Grill
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Re: Siege of Gotham
An aerial battle like Gotham had never seen was taking place just above the city scape. Iron Man was dodging inferno blasts and razor sharp teeth and claws all while returning fire. Below them the silent army of ninjas continued their task, Stark's drones tracking movements and sending data to Friday and Donna. None of the Bats had responded to Iron Man's hails. He was beginning to think they hadn't made it.
The first of the dragons shrieked as repulsor energy hit it multiple times, sending it crashing into one of the adjacent buildings. Wings broken, it still tried to climb out of the rubble. Ethan circled around and released another barrage of repulsor fire making sure the reptile didn't get back up a second time. Ethan launched himself higher, barely missing a clawed assault from the other two. Targeting scanners locked on the second beast and an array of clustered missiles erupted from Iron Man's shoulders, detonating on contact and making sure the winged enemy was no longer able to harm anyone. As the final dragon gained on him he "hit the breaks" and flipped over the top of the creature, gripping it by the head and allowing a wrist mounted laser to detach the neck from the shoulders.
He watched the final creature fall from the sky before scanning the city below. It wasn't just ninjas anymore. Soldiers in black armor with red accents were emerging from the bay, firing high powered rifles at the first responders showing up. "Friday, send drone data to S.H.I.E.L.D. and Vanguard. We need backup now."
Ethan opened another channel to Batman, "If any of you are still out there I'm calling in the cavalry. I know it's your city but none of you have answered and trust me, we need the help."
Before he could continue he watched as three of the submersibles broke the surface, each launching a missile that quickly honed in on him, "Well....shit." Iron Man turned and soared upward, allowing the missiles to fall in line behind him. Gritting his teeth he accelerated downward, weaving in and out of skyscrapers, slowing the speed of the projectiles. He slowed just enough to bring the missiles in close before accelerating again and diving directly into the bay. The weapons followed and detonated underneath one of the submersibles just as Iron Man erupted from the water on the other side.
The grin that spread across his face was short lived as a massively powerful energy blast sent him spiraling through the nearest skyscraper. Iron Man hit the ground hard, bouncing several times before coming to a halt, "Friday, what the hell was that?!"
As she answered, Ethan watched as an armored assailant with giant red eyes landed in front of him.
<That appears to be Black Manta. I would suggest you get off your butt and start firing back.>
The first of the dragons shrieked as repulsor energy hit it multiple times, sending it crashing into one of the adjacent buildings. Wings broken, it still tried to climb out of the rubble. Ethan circled around and released another barrage of repulsor fire making sure the reptile didn't get back up a second time. Ethan launched himself higher, barely missing a clawed assault from the other two. Targeting scanners locked on the second beast and an array of clustered missiles erupted from Iron Man's shoulders, detonating on contact and making sure the winged enemy was no longer able to harm anyone. As the final dragon gained on him he "hit the breaks" and flipped over the top of the creature, gripping it by the head and allowing a wrist mounted laser to detach the neck from the shoulders.
He watched the final creature fall from the sky before scanning the city below. It wasn't just ninjas anymore. Soldiers in black armor with red accents were emerging from the bay, firing high powered rifles at the first responders showing up. "Friday, send drone data to S.H.I.E.L.D. and Vanguard. We need backup now."
Ethan opened another channel to Batman, "If any of you are still out there I'm calling in the cavalry. I know it's your city but none of you have answered and trust me, we need the help."
Before he could continue he watched as three of the submersibles broke the surface, each launching a missile that quickly honed in on him, "Well....shit." Iron Man turned and soared upward, allowing the missiles to fall in line behind him. Gritting his teeth he accelerated downward, weaving in and out of skyscrapers, slowing the speed of the projectiles. He slowed just enough to bring the missiles in close before accelerating again and diving directly into the bay. The weapons followed and detonated underneath one of the submersibles just as Iron Man erupted from the water on the other side.
The grin that spread across his face was short lived as a massively powerful energy blast sent him spiraling through the nearest skyscraper. Iron Man hit the ground hard, bouncing several times before coming to a halt, "Friday, what the hell was that?!"
As she answered, Ethan watched as an armored assailant with giant red eyes landed in front of him.
<That appears to be Black Manta. I would suggest you get off your butt and start firing back.>
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
Posts: 18896
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Re: Siege of Gotham
“This is the single most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen.” Charlie said. It really was.
“It’s really not. You grew up in Minnesota, literally anything you saw when you stepped outside of the homestead farm was the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever seen.” It really wasn't.
“I didn’t grow up on a farm and you know that. I mean, why does this need to be this tight and just…Everyone can see everything, Harper.”
Charlie was staring, gawking was probably the better term at Harper, who was now no longer dressed in her lounging around the dorm clothes but rather in a tight fitting suit that Charlie had seen on the news in blurry pictures and videos. “You really are Batgirl.”
“It’s wicked cool, am I right?” Batgirl waved her hands and did a little shimmy.
There was something nice about her best friend and roommate finally knowing about this.
“Wicked dangerous! You could have brought these death ninjas to my door any time before this and I would have had no warning.” How dare you Harper Guinevere Reed
Batgirl rolled her eyes. “It’s not that serious.”
“It is to me, lady,” Charlie said. “Now, what’s the plan because who knows what’s going on with these death ninjas.”
“Right. To business.”
Batgirl tapped the side of her mask, plugging herself back into the network. She was connected with the rest of the team.
She heard the end of Iron Man’s message, that no one had answered and he was calling in the cavalry. She tapped a few more times on the side of the mask.
“This is Batgirl.” She said. “I’m here.” She immediately started receiving an upload of information. Images and videos started flying across her lens, giving her an in-depth glimpse at what was happening around Gotham City. Her jaw dropped.
“What is it?” Charlie asked. Please don't say it's worse than death ninjas. That's already terrible, RIP my chili.
“It is…not good.” Batgirl said and started walking towards her motorcycle. “Those ninjas are not here for me. They’re here for all of us. There’s a massive attack on the city. Charlotte, I don’t know if I can keep you safe, bud. I don’t know exactly what’s going on and I need to get to the bottom of this. The rest of the team needs my help.”
Charlotte nodded. “That’s fine with me, I should be fine. But I can’t go back to the dorm, obviously.”
Batgirl grabbed her helmet and tossed it to Charlie. “Right. I know where we can stash you. Get on, let’s get out of here.”
I see this going swimmingly.
“It’s really not. You grew up in Minnesota, literally anything you saw when you stepped outside of the homestead farm was the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever seen.” It really wasn't.
“I didn’t grow up on a farm and you know that. I mean, why does this need to be this tight and just…Everyone can see everything, Harper.”
Charlie was staring, gawking was probably the better term at Harper, who was now no longer dressed in her lounging around the dorm clothes but rather in a tight fitting suit that Charlie had seen on the news in blurry pictures and videos. “You really are Batgirl.”
“It’s wicked cool, am I right?” Batgirl waved her hands and did a little shimmy.
There was something nice about her best friend and roommate finally knowing about this.
“Wicked dangerous! You could have brought these death ninjas to my door any time before this and I would have had no warning.” How dare you Harper Guinevere Reed
Batgirl rolled her eyes. “It’s not that serious.”
“It is to me, lady,” Charlie said. “Now, what’s the plan because who knows what’s going on with these death ninjas.”
“Right. To business.”
Batgirl tapped the side of her mask, plugging herself back into the network. She was connected with the rest of the team.
She heard the end of Iron Man’s message, that no one had answered and he was calling in the cavalry. She tapped a few more times on the side of the mask.
“This is Batgirl.” She said. “I’m here.” She immediately started receiving an upload of information. Images and videos started flying across her lens, giving her an in-depth glimpse at what was happening around Gotham City. Her jaw dropped.
“What is it?” Charlie asked. Please don't say it's worse than death ninjas. That's already terrible, RIP my chili.
“It is…not good.” Batgirl said and started walking towards her motorcycle. “Those ninjas are not here for me. They’re here for all of us. There’s a massive attack on the city. Charlotte, I don’t know if I can keep you safe, bud. I don’t know exactly what’s going on and I need to get to the bottom of this. The rest of the team needs my help.”
Charlotte nodded. “That’s fine with me, I should be fine. But I can’t go back to the dorm, obviously.”
Batgirl grabbed her helmet and tossed it to Charlie. “Right. I know where we can stash you. Get on, let’s get out of here.”
I see this going swimmingly.
Posts: 18896
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Joined: Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:43 pm
Re: Siege of Gotham
Charlotte and Batgirl moved through the city with a swiftness that Charlie hadn’t anticipated. Gotham City was always buzzing and packed with people. The traffic was a thing to deal with. That being said, she hadn’t been surprised the streets had been packed with people and cars all trying to evacuate. But everyone seemed to give her and Harper a clear road, seemingly knowing they needed the Batman team to figure things out if people were going to survive. They arrived at a tall highrise building.
“Where are we going?”
“Are you sure that’s going to be safe?” Charlie asked, pulling her helmet off in the underground garage. She tucked hair behind her ears and looked over at Harper. She was still trying to process the fact that her best friend and roommate was, in fact, a costumed vigilante. She had been trying to figure out how she had missed this, considering she knew her schedule so well.
“Safer than staying in the dorm. Where we’re going it’s a fortress,” Batgirl said.
The elevator was large enough for them and the motorcycle. As they rode up, Batgirl was trying to figure out who was on the communications network. She knew Nightwing was out of town. That left Robin and Batman himself. Robin could have been busy, but the idea that Henry wasn’t on the communications system, she didn’t know what to think.
She sent a message to Iron Man to see if he knew what Henry’s status was. The fact that he was patched into the network had to indicate he had been in communication with Henry.
Unfortunately, she didn’t have time to be worried. After all, she knew if she got worried it would show and Charlie would get worried. That needed to be avoided. The doors opened to the penthouse. What she found was…surprising to say the least.
Then again with the way the day was going, there wasn’t that much that was going to surprise her.
She saw a slew of the death ninjas on the ground, beat up and unconscious. A young man was dragging them, sliding them into a corner where a containment field was set up.
He turned and looked over at her. “Batgirl,” He said. “My communications set up got dinged in the fight. I’m sorry. I thought I should get these guys locked up and then figure out what was going on with it.”
“No, that’s fine,” She said. “I’ll help.”
“Robin?” Charlotte asked. She cocked her head to the side. “Wait a damn minute, that’s Jesse.”
Robin looked around and then realized she was pointing at him. “Oh.” He floundered. “Uh, hey Charlie.”
She glared at him. “You too?”
Batgirl looked between them. She remembered, belatedly, that Jesse had a tendency to try to flirt with Charlotte and she didn’t appreciate it that much. “Right. Jesse slash Robin, Charlie’s here.”
“No, shit.”
Charlie looked around. “Does this place belong to Henry Wayne?” She asked and then her eyes narrowed. “Is Henry Batman?”
“Um,” Robin said and looked at Batgirl. He held his hands up and went back to dragging the last of the death ninjas into the containment field.
“We’re standing in a penthouse apartment owned by Henry Wayne. You are Batgirl. He,” Charlie said pointing at Robin again, “is Robin. Henry Wayne just happens to let you guys crash at one of his places?”
“Well, when you put it that way…”
“You’re rich! Why do you even have a roommate? Harper, get over here right now.”
Batgirl removed her cowl and walked over to her friend. “Look, I wanted a regular college experience okay? You’re an awesome friend, why wouldn’t I want to live with you?”
“Because your creepy teenager friend would be able to meet college aged women.”
Harper laughed. “He is a little weird, but he’s like my little brother.” She looked over her shoulder at Robin who was now working on his communications device. “He’s saved my life before.” She looked back at Charlie. “I should have told you, Charles.”
“We can’t fix that now.” Charlie shot Jesse a look. “I’ll be fine here. That containment thing should hold those guys right?” She asked.
“It should.”
Robin walked over, fitting his mask back on his face. “I think I have it working.” He looked over at Batgirl. “We should get out of here. There’s people that need us.”
She nodded. “You’re right. I don’t know what’s going on with Henry, but I’m sure he’d want us out there.” Harper fit the cowl back on her face. “There’s food in the fridge, Charles. I’ll be back,” Batgirl said.
Batgirl and Robin were on their matching motorcycles, moving through the city. They had already rescued a few people stuck in a building that had come under fire from the onslaught on the city. Now they were on to the next, using the city wide network to find people that needed help. The problem was that they were only putting temporary bandages on a larger problem.
They desperately needed Henry to get into the fight so they could figure out who was causing this in the first place. Finding and cutting the head off the snake was a big issue.
Speeding around a corner, they saw up ahead a few APCs and soldiers moving through the streets, shooting at people.
“They’re definitely not GCPD SWAT,” Robin said over the comms system.
She nodded and they slid to a halt.
The soldiers noticed them and as they opened fire on the two Bat Family members, Robin and Batgirl ran forward, working in tandem. Smoke grenades and shock grenades started flying from their utility belts as well as Batarangs. They swung through the air, landing flying kicks. The two got into the fight, taking down the soldiers, some of whom tried to use hand to hand combat to stop them.
Batgirl used the same spin off kick she had employed in the dorm fight, hitting a vicious kick on one of the soldiers. She grabbed his gun and started firing as she spun on the ground. She wasn’t shooting to kill, but maiming, that was fine with her.
Robin meanwhile was using his staff and knocking out soldiers left right and center. They were doing a really good job, in her mind, before a really tall guy came out of nowhere, planting a fist directly into her chest. She flew backwards, landing on the ground. Looking up, she couldn’t make out exactly who it was but she could tell the guy was not a baseline human.
He advanced towards her as the soldiers took this time to back away, leaving with their APCs. He, Robin and her remained.
He had some kind of device in his palm and it started glowing as he walked towards her, as if it was charging up. He didn’t get a chance to use it though as Robin came into view, tackling the man to the ground. Robin was shrugged off and the two settled into a fight as Batgirl scrambled to her feet. She surged towards them and he started fighting both of them at the same time.
Batgirl didn’t consider herself the greatest martial artist on earth. Neither did Robin, she knew that. But whoever this was, he was making them look like amateurs. She dodged underneath a punch and scored a hit, planting a fist in the man’s midsection. This allowed Robin the opportunity to land a hit as well. They maneuvered him close to one side of the street.
Robin started running towards the front of a building as Batgirl ran towards the man who was now crouched. Leaping off the side, he sailed towards the man as Batgirl jumped herself. They linked hands and spun in the air, Robin using his weight and momentum to spin her into a dropkick that flung the man backwards.
“Who the hell are you?” She asked.
“Who aren’t I?” He replied, lifting the gauntlet covered hand. A beam of energy shot out, lancing her in the chest.
She dropped to the ground, coughing.
Robin ran forward and suddenly claws appeared from the man’s left hand. He swiped at Robin who was forced to backpedal. Claws appeared from the other hand and this fight had turned even more deadly. She struggled to rise as smoke wafted upwards from her chest plate. Forced to watch, she saw Robin engage the man.
Blood sprayed as the man sliced through Robin’s stomach area. Robin tried to fight back but the wounds were too grave. The man grabbed Robin and spun him around in a headlock so that Robin and the man were facing Batgirl.
Her eyes widened as she saw the smile on the man’s face. The gauntlet was charging up again.
She got to her feet and was dropped again by a blast from whatever energy emitter was on his palm. Tears sprung in her eyes as she watched Robin struggle, his hands on the forearm that was choking him. The man pressed the gauntlet against the side of Robin’s head.
The beam shot through the side of his head and out the other side.
He dropped the young man as a vacant look appeared on Robin’s face.
He was dead.
The man stepped forward and reached into his pocket. He dropped a few coins in front of Batgirl’s head.
“To pay for his admission to the afterlife.” Then a few more. “For you to pay admission to yours.”
He kicked her in the side of her head and everything went black.
“Where are we going?”
“Are you sure that’s going to be safe?” Charlie asked, pulling her helmet off in the underground garage. She tucked hair behind her ears and looked over at Harper. She was still trying to process the fact that her best friend and roommate was, in fact, a costumed vigilante. She had been trying to figure out how she had missed this, considering she knew her schedule so well.
“Safer than staying in the dorm. Where we’re going it’s a fortress,” Batgirl said.
The elevator was large enough for them and the motorcycle. As they rode up, Batgirl was trying to figure out who was on the communications network. She knew Nightwing was out of town. That left Robin and Batman himself. Robin could have been busy, but the idea that Henry wasn’t on the communications system, she didn’t know what to think.
She sent a message to Iron Man to see if he knew what Henry’s status was. The fact that he was patched into the network had to indicate he had been in communication with Henry.
Unfortunately, she didn’t have time to be worried. After all, she knew if she got worried it would show and Charlie would get worried. That needed to be avoided. The doors opened to the penthouse. What she found was…surprising to say the least.
Then again with the way the day was going, there wasn’t that much that was going to surprise her.
She saw a slew of the death ninjas on the ground, beat up and unconscious. A young man was dragging them, sliding them into a corner where a containment field was set up.
He turned and looked over at her. “Batgirl,” He said. “My communications set up got dinged in the fight. I’m sorry. I thought I should get these guys locked up and then figure out what was going on with it.”
“No, that’s fine,” She said. “I’ll help.”
“Robin?” Charlotte asked. She cocked her head to the side. “Wait a damn minute, that’s Jesse.”
Robin looked around and then realized she was pointing at him. “Oh.” He floundered. “Uh, hey Charlie.”
She glared at him. “You too?”
Batgirl looked between them. She remembered, belatedly, that Jesse had a tendency to try to flirt with Charlotte and she didn’t appreciate it that much. “Right. Jesse slash Robin, Charlie’s here.”
“No, shit.”
Charlie looked around. “Does this place belong to Henry Wayne?” She asked and then her eyes narrowed. “Is Henry Batman?”
“Um,” Robin said and looked at Batgirl. He held his hands up and went back to dragging the last of the death ninjas into the containment field.
“We’re standing in a penthouse apartment owned by Henry Wayne. You are Batgirl. He,” Charlie said pointing at Robin again, “is Robin. Henry Wayne just happens to let you guys crash at one of his places?”
“Well, when you put it that way…”
“You’re rich! Why do you even have a roommate? Harper, get over here right now.”
Batgirl removed her cowl and walked over to her friend. “Look, I wanted a regular college experience okay? You’re an awesome friend, why wouldn’t I want to live with you?”
“Because your creepy teenager friend would be able to meet college aged women.”
Harper laughed. “He is a little weird, but he’s like my little brother.” She looked over her shoulder at Robin who was now working on his communications device. “He’s saved my life before.” She looked back at Charlie. “I should have told you, Charles.”
“We can’t fix that now.” Charlie shot Jesse a look. “I’ll be fine here. That containment thing should hold those guys right?” She asked.
“It should.”
Robin walked over, fitting his mask back on his face. “I think I have it working.” He looked over at Batgirl. “We should get out of here. There’s people that need us.”
She nodded. “You’re right. I don’t know what’s going on with Henry, but I’m sure he’d want us out there.” Harper fit the cowl back on her face. “There’s food in the fridge, Charles. I’ll be back,” Batgirl said.
Batgirl and Robin were on their matching motorcycles, moving through the city. They had already rescued a few people stuck in a building that had come under fire from the onslaught on the city. Now they were on to the next, using the city wide network to find people that needed help. The problem was that they were only putting temporary bandages on a larger problem.
They desperately needed Henry to get into the fight so they could figure out who was causing this in the first place. Finding and cutting the head off the snake was a big issue.
Speeding around a corner, they saw up ahead a few APCs and soldiers moving through the streets, shooting at people.
“They’re definitely not GCPD SWAT,” Robin said over the comms system.
She nodded and they slid to a halt.
The soldiers noticed them and as they opened fire on the two Bat Family members, Robin and Batgirl ran forward, working in tandem. Smoke grenades and shock grenades started flying from their utility belts as well as Batarangs. They swung through the air, landing flying kicks. The two got into the fight, taking down the soldiers, some of whom tried to use hand to hand combat to stop them.
Batgirl used the same spin off kick she had employed in the dorm fight, hitting a vicious kick on one of the soldiers. She grabbed his gun and started firing as she spun on the ground. She wasn’t shooting to kill, but maiming, that was fine with her.
Robin meanwhile was using his staff and knocking out soldiers left right and center. They were doing a really good job, in her mind, before a really tall guy came out of nowhere, planting a fist directly into her chest. She flew backwards, landing on the ground. Looking up, she couldn’t make out exactly who it was but she could tell the guy was not a baseline human.
He advanced towards her as the soldiers took this time to back away, leaving with their APCs. He, Robin and her remained.
He had some kind of device in his palm and it started glowing as he walked towards her, as if it was charging up. He didn’t get a chance to use it though as Robin came into view, tackling the man to the ground. Robin was shrugged off and the two settled into a fight as Batgirl scrambled to her feet. She surged towards them and he started fighting both of them at the same time.
Batgirl didn’t consider herself the greatest martial artist on earth. Neither did Robin, she knew that. But whoever this was, he was making them look like amateurs. She dodged underneath a punch and scored a hit, planting a fist in the man’s midsection. This allowed Robin the opportunity to land a hit as well. They maneuvered him close to one side of the street.
Robin started running towards the front of a building as Batgirl ran towards the man who was now crouched. Leaping off the side, he sailed towards the man as Batgirl jumped herself. They linked hands and spun in the air, Robin using his weight and momentum to spin her into a dropkick that flung the man backwards.
“Who the hell are you?” She asked.
“Who aren’t I?” He replied, lifting the gauntlet covered hand. A beam of energy shot out, lancing her in the chest.
She dropped to the ground, coughing.
Robin ran forward and suddenly claws appeared from the man’s left hand. He swiped at Robin who was forced to backpedal. Claws appeared from the other hand and this fight had turned even more deadly. She struggled to rise as smoke wafted upwards from her chest plate. Forced to watch, she saw Robin engage the man.
Blood sprayed as the man sliced through Robin’s stomach area. Robin tried to fight back but the wounds were too grave. The man grabbed Robin and spun him around in a headlock so that Robin and the man were facing Batgirl.
Her eyes widened as she saw the smile on the man’s face. The gauntlet was charging up again.
She got to her feet and was dropped again by a blast from whatever energy emitter was on his palm. Tears sprung in her eyes as she watched Robin struggle, his hands on the forearm that was choking him. The man pressed the gauntlet against the side of Robin’s head.
The beam shot through the side of his head and out the other side.
He dropped the young man as a vacant look appeared on Robin’s face.
He was dead.
The man stepped forward and reached into his pocket. He dropped a few coins in front of Batgirl’s head.
“To pay for his admission to the afterlife.” Then a few more. “For you to pay admission to yours.”
He kicked her in the side of her head and everything went black.
Dark Lord of the Grill
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Location: Searching for a nursing home for Nichalus
Re: Siege of Gotham
Iron Man stood up and brushed the rubble off himself. He stared directly at his new enemy, the notorious mercenary and pirate; Black Manta, "Listen, Big Head. I don't know what all of this is about but I'm getting a little tired of blasting your subpar troops into oblivion without an explanation."
Friday cut through Ethan's communication systems, <His armor is more sophisticated than it looks. He has concealed weaponry, including vibranium blades.>
Ethan didn't respond but made note of the scans as Manta finally spoke, "Hand over the coin, Stark. We know you have it."
Iron Man stood his ground, "THE coin? You know I'm rich, right? I have a lot of coins. You'll need to be more specific."
Behind the pirate several of his armored troops took up defensive positions, rifles raised. Iron Man turned slightly as more movement to his right was detected; ninjas. In front of them was the boy he had seen earlier, though he was older than Ethan initially thought, "Do as he says, Stark."
"Creepy rooftop kid. Thanks for joining us. Sounds like you two are friends. So, what's your deal anyway?" Iron Man quipped.
The man in the red hoodie outstretched his arms and raised his face to the sky. What appeared to be a black hole opened up in his stomach, a swirling ebony mass. More shocking were the five raptor-like creatures that climbed out of it. Ethan watched the horror show unfold in front of him, "That's.....gross."
As his enemies charged him Ethan released another round of marble sized drones which began blinding everyone with intense, targeted strobe lights. In the midst of the chaos one of the tiny drones attached itself to the coin and flew off in Batgirl's direction, utilizing her comm signal to track her, "Batgirl, I'm sending a coin your way. Not sure what it does but it's what they seem to be after. They think I've still got it. I'll hold them off. You get it out of here."
The armored hero turned and ignited his thrusters, launching himself forward and bringing his fist to bear directly on the monster man's face. His jaw cracked and he fell to the ground, unconscious. Iron Man smiled to himself. At least he wouldn't be birthing anymore creepy critters for awhile. He blasted two of the raptor-esque creatures, before launching rockets at the other three. He barely missed being hit by Manta's energy blast again. He turned and prepped to retaliate but watched as Manta's troops raised their rifles to the sky and started firing. Unfortunately for them, they were slow on the draw and several of them were gunned down.
Black Manta also turned his attention to the sky just in time to see 30+ highly trained S.H.I.E.L.D agents wearing falcon flight packs descend from the clouds, "Iron Man, this is Falcon Corps Commander Lee Dreslin. We're responding to your mayday."
Ethan nodded, "Glad to have you here, Commander! Tell Director Rogers thanks for me."
Ethan took that moment to fire rapid repulsor blasts at Manta, hitting him in quick succession and throwing him into a pile of rubble. The mercenary growled and climbed to his feet only to be sent spiraling again after a barrage of rockets hit their mark, "Looks like it's just you and me again, Bug Eyes. Let's dance."
Friday cut through Ethan's communication systems, <His armor is more sophisticated than it looks. He has concealed weaponry, including vibranium blades.>
Ethan didn't respond but made note of the scans as Manta finally spoke, "Hand over the coin, Stark. We know you have it."
Iron Man stood his ground, "THE coin? You know I'm rich, right? I have a lot of coins. You'll need to be more specific."
Behind the pirate several of his armored troops took up defensive positions, rifles raised. Iron Man turned slightly as more movement to his right was detected; ninjas. In front of them was the boy he had seen earlier, though he was older than Ethan initially thought, "Do as he says, Stark."
"Creepy rooftop kid. Thanks for joining us. Sounds like you two are friends. So, what's your deal anyway?" Iron Man quipped.
The man in the red hoodie outstretched his arms and raised his face to the sky. What appeared to be a black hole opened up in his stomach, a swirling ebony mass. More shocking were the five raptor-like creatures that climbed out of it. Ethan watched the horror show unfold in front of him, "That's.....gross."
As his enemies charged him Ethan released another round of marble sized drones which began blinding everyone with intense, targeted strobe lights. In the midst of the chaos one of the tiny drones attached itself to the coin and flew off in Batgirl's direction, utilizing her comm signal to track her, "Batgirl, I'm sending a coin your way. Not sure what it does but it's what they seem to be after. They think I've still got it. I'll hold them off. You get it out of here."
The armored hero turned and ignited his thrusters, launching himself forward and bringing his fist to bear directly on the monster man's face. His jaw cracked and he fell to the ground, unconscious. Iron Man smiled to himself. At least he wouldn't be birthing anymore creepy critters for awhile. He blasted two of the raptor-esque creatures, before launching rockets at the other three. He barely missed being hit by Manta's energy blast again. He turned and prepped to retaliate but watched as Manta's troops raised their rifles to the sky and started firing. Unfortunately for them, they were slow on the draw and several of them were gunned down.
Black Manta also turned his attention to the sky just in time to see 30+ highly trained S.H.I.E.L.D agents wearing falcon flight packs descend from the clouds, "Iron Man, this is Falcon Corps Commander Lee Dreslin. We're responding to your mayday."
Ethan nodded, "Glad to have you here, Commander! Tell Director Rogers thanks for me."
Ethan took that moment to fire rapid repulsor blasts at Manta, hitting him in quick succession and throwing him into a pile of rubble. The mercenary growled and climbed to his feet only to be sent spiraling again after a barrage of rockets hit their mark, "Looks like it's just you and me again, Bug Eyes. Let's dance."
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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