A voice crackled over the radio of the Quinjet, "This is Gamma Leader. First three Quinjets form up on our position. Jolly Green escort, you hang back. If needed I'll give you the signal."
Derek Reid's voice vanished from the airwaves after that. He was a fair and competent leader, never putting anyone in harms way if he didn't need to, and that included David, despite the fact that he was, you know, a Hulk. In fact, he was THE Hulk. Son of Bruce Banner and Betty Ross-Banner. He had inherited his father's powers, but thanks to his dad he never received the kind of hate the original did. David was an accomplished scientist that also doubled as a Special Asset for S.H.I.E.L.D. Assigned to Gamma Squad he assisted in taking down threats all over the globe.
Today they were called in as backup for Liberty Force, the premier super team working for the United States government. The team had encountered a group of monsters, kaiju even, threatening to overrun Miami. Per standard mission operations the rest of the team were headed into combat first to analyze the situation and call in David if necessary. Banner closed his eyes and reached out to his partner, calming him. His other half was eager to join the fray. David had known his alter-ego his entire life, and the pair communicated well. It was more of a symbiotic relationship than his father had. That said, they were still two separate personalities, not like Jennifer Walters, Emil Blonsky, Granddad Thunderbolt, or any of the others that remained completely in control when they changed. No, David and the Hulk had to communicate with one another. Banner was adept at pointing the Hulk in the direction of the bad guys and staying with him in his consciousness during combat, but it was the jade giant throwing the punches, not him.
"I'm swinging us around to get a look at the targets, David. You and Big Green might want to get eyes on them before you get called in."
That was JJ - Jennifer Jackson, his S.H.I.E.L.D. handler. She was bright, skilled as a pilot and combatant, and all around reliable agent. Mostly, David considered her a dear friend. Banner looked out the windshield of the cockpit and stared down at the three giant creatures engaged in combat with Liberty Force and now Gamma Squad. He could see first responder lights everywhere, no doubt trying to evacuate civilians, not his strong suit. JJ chimed in as they watched one of the creatures crush Shield Maiden into the ground, the second strongest member of Liberty Force, "Where do you think they came from?"
Banner shrugged, "Other than somewhere underneath the idea. I'm more concerned with why all three of them decided to attack now and together."
Shield Maiden rose again and launched herself at the one who had knocked her down. This time she was assisted by Star Power, the most powerful and youngest on the team. Together they seemed to be a match for the creature. But that left two others almost completely unchecked, "They're strong."
JJ smiled and looked up at David, "Too strong for Big Green?"
Banner returned the smile, "He definitely took offense to that question."
The radio buzzed to life again, "Quinjets 1-3 provide air support for our unit. We are moving in to assist the rest of Liberty Force with the second target. Quinjet 4, scatter drones to assist Shield Maiden and Star Power with target one. And do me a favor, on the way, go ahead and drop Big Green off to say hello to target 3."
JJ grinned, "You got it, Commander."
David moved to the back of the jet where the drop ramp would be lowered in a moment. He gripped one of the handles as JJ whipped the aerial vehicle around with speed and precision, launching drones as she did. The ramp began lowering, revealing blue sky and white clouds. She turned around in her chair, "You ready?"
David looked back at her, revealing his eyes had turned a magnificent shade of green, "Oh yeah. We're ready."
Something Incredible (One Shot)
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Something Incredible (One Shot)
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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