A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

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A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

This is the OOC for this thread: viewtopic.php?p=293371

It's primarily a lighthearted thread about Kalja and her gal pals getting into trouble during her bachelorette party, circa early 19 ABY.

Mir, I used Jana to help set things up since she seemed the logical choice. Let me know if you feel anything should be changed with how I wrote her.

Otherwise, Mir, Pryde, Tal, feel free to start writing your characters into the thread. Also, if you want to pepper in some cameos of other characters that would be attending the wedding, but won't be taking part in Kalja's night of fun, feel free to do so.

Jag, I hate to say it, but I don't think you have any characters that would know Kalja or Delth well enough at this point in time to be invited to the wedding. However... if you're interested in taking part in this thread, maybe we can come up with some kind of antagonist character you could RP instead.

Likewise to anyone else seeing this thread and getting an itch to write again, let me know!
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by TalRaimi »

Post up!
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

Great stuff, Tal!

Just two notes:

1) The Jedi Temple at Onderon was razed to the ground by Darth Trayus before the end of the War of Darkness, so your post would probably be happening at the Jedi Temple at Ossus instead.

The only reason I remember the timeframe for it is because I've been doing a lot of re-reading of old threads to update Kalja's wiki entry.

The second note is mostly an aside...

2) Mithral has sooo many reasons to be afraid of Kalja and thus be on his best behavior. Not only did all that stuff happen on Arcanix, but Kalja also knows how to exorcise spirits, and she also wiped out the last of the Val Aru race in another thread way, way back on the Sony boards.

She's probably a Val Aru bogeyman at this point. :oldrazz:
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by TalRaimi »

Ah, I had a 50/50 chance of which temple was still standing. I knew one of them got hit. :)

Adn yes, while my intension isn't really to have Reave involved much, Mithral would do well to keep quiet and hope Kalja forgets he's there.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

It's probably more of a case that Kalja knows about Mithral, but she's deferring to Reave on how he wants to handle it. As long as Reave and Mithral get along, she's content to let Mithral remain where he is. They both know that if Reave really wanted to get rid of Mithral, all he has to do is ask Kalja.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Mir »

Unsure if I need to do anything with Jana at this junction. I might introduce her padawan, but besides that, I think it's more letting people get there, right?
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

I'd say go ahead an introduce Jana's Padawan, plus if you want to do a little mini scene with someone else who might be at the wedding but won't be part of the night out, you could do that.

So, for example, you could have Akain show up with Sal. Maybe Daria Nekros got an invite. If you can think of other characters that would know Kalja or Delth well enough, potentially them too. If you're unsure if a particular character would be invited, you can always ask about it here.

To give you an idea, I'm writing up a little something with Davit Jipper, who was the captain of the Champion of Juoi during the early days of Tulsar's hunt for Sivter.

Essentially the entire Wavecrest hotel is empty except for the staff and the guests invited to the wedding (they won't need to worry about disguises as long as they're in the hotel). There's a cover story that the Wavecrest is temporarily closed for remodeling to keep anyone not related to the wedding away from the building.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

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Pryde? Mir?

Just checking in to see how you guys are doing.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Mir »

I'm here, just busy. My dad went to the hospital yesterday.

Edit: Not Kevin
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

Gotcha. I hope it's nothing serious. :(
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

Fun post, Pryde! Leave it to the Sinclairs to stand out while "in cognito." ;)

I'll mention that Elena likely met her new siblings, Reave and Morwenna, at Tulsar's funeral (which would have occurred a month+ before this thread). However, exactly how much they interacted is something I'll leave up to you and Tal. Kalja would have made introductions at the very least.

Now I'll have to think of something fun to do for Clara and Tav's intro post...

As for Faye... she would have the option of a +1. Do you want her to show up with Sigarr? If so, we could collab on a post. Let me know!
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Pryde »

Sure, she can show up with Sigarr. I kinda forgot about Faye. I also, sort of forgot about Tav. I suppose he would be on the tram too. Or maybe not? Iono. I can go back and edit the post to add him in so he and Clara show up together, if you want.

I just kinda got hung up on the whole, Isis is handling the situation with her characteristic thoughtfulness and grave consideration. She is exactly as serious as she needs to be at any given moment.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

Nah, I can do a separate post for Clara and Tav. I've got an idea in mind for how to do it. If you'll remember from Boot Camp Blues, Clara has a habit of fitting in at fancy shindigs better than Isis. ;)

I can see about getting a collab post started for Faye and Sigarr soonish...

Here's a question for you though: who would Salvatore be with right now? Caitlyn or Akain?

Also, would Micaiah be coming to the wedding? I think she's Hirai's half-sister IIRC. She was also running around with the Final Shot crew quite a bit during the War of Darkness. I'll let you decide.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Pryde »

Wow, it's been so long I can't even remember my own stable of characters. ><

Um, hrmm... maybe Salvatore might be with Akain? It's a bachelorette party, after all, and Sal's a bachelor. ;)
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

No worries. You have a lot of them and the only reason I'm remembering so many details after so long is because I've been brushing up on the old threads to update Kalja's wiki. ;)
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Pryde »

I sort of have a feeling if I went back and looked I'd find they're all pretty much the same person. Giving characters distinct voices is something I've only recently started getting better at and am still learning.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

Hmm, I just realized you mentioned five women in your post, but only named four of them. The fifth was probably supposed to be Clara?

Let's just assume it's Micaiah and she hasn't said or done anything to get noticed yet. :oldrazz:
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Pryde »

Um... *nervous cough*
Pryde wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 2:01 am "Well, it might be a bit—rather very attention grabbing," Elena said, "but I don't think anyone would recognize her. Not with the red streaks in her hair."

Caitlyn hunched over even more, the color of her ears and face blending with the red in her hair.

"What?" Elena continued, sounding innocent. "Did I say something I shouldn't have?"

"What about your outfit, Sis?" Clara interjected. "You look exactly the same."

"What are you talking about? I have this," she said, pointing at the fake mustache she wore. She made no effort to dress differently or recolor her hair. The mustache wasn't even the right color.

"Oh yes, how could I have missed that?"
That's kinda why I offered to edit and add Tav to the scene. >.>
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

Ah, my tired eyes read that as "Caitlyn" instead of "Clara". My bad!

Hmm... I can still work with that.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Pryde »

I suppose maybe it could be Micaiah, but I don't know if she'd say that. Not for the reason why it's there, and she wouldn't say it in that way. Hirai can't say it, she doesn't understand the complex nuances of the social interaction taking place in front of her, neither would Micaiah. Caitlyn at the moment is feeling way too embarrassed to try to deflect, so Clara redirects the conversation at Isis to spare her further embarrassment.

Only other person who would do that is Elena, which would be extremely weird coming after her last comment of; "What? Did I say something wrong?"
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Pryde »

I suppose it's my fault for having waaay too many emotionally stunted characters. ><

I wonder what that says about past me... :raisedbrow:
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

Nah, leave it in. I can make some adjustments to the post I'm working on.

As for Micaiah. If you want her to make an appearance and save a little time, you could say she's already arrived at the hotel and just have her show up to greet whoever.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

I hope that interaction fits for all your characters, Pryde. I can change things up if need be.

If you need to borrow Kalja for a few lines of dialogue in your next post, go right ahead.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Mir »

Halomek wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 5:49 pm Gotcha. I hope it's nothing serious. :(
Sudden hypoglycemia that potentially caused some stroke like symptoms. He's recovering.

I wasn't sure who else to bring in, so I totally curveballed it.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

Hey, Ashin!

She would have been on the guest list due to the connection she and Kalja had during the War of Darkness. I didn't know you had control of the character with Beorht away from the boards. Neat.

Also glad to know you dad is on the mend.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Mir »

Actually, Jon gave me control of a good number of people, including Ashin. Certh, Atreyu, and a few others. It's funny, because I was thinking of doing something he and I had talked about briefly, but I couldn't remember if we ever started it. Turns out we did, so I'm going to run with it and see what happens with part of it. Prob a good explanation as to why Akain may not be present for all of this.

Cause he, Foxx, and I did have Makaera ask Koss to apprehend Akain.

Yeah my dad's doing much better.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »


Needless to say with a wedding and a pregnancy, Kalja is probably at her most emotionally vulnerable right now. She's still Kalja and a Jedi Master, so she won't fly off the handle if things start going wrong, but she might be inclined to be more forceful than usual if things go sideways. If Akain does show up and Ashin makes a move on him, she better hope it's far away from where Kalja is.

Honestly, pretty much anyone on the guest list for a wedding between Kalja and Delth would likely have a bodycount of some kind associated with them. Kalja would be giving that "best behavior" warning to everyone who shows up. She's nice, but she's not naïve. :oldrazz:
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Pryde »

Well, at least two people I know brought arsenals with them. *shrug*
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

Oh yeah, it's completely in character for them. They've just been fairly warned is all. ;)

I can't imagine how chaotic a thread like this would be if we had some of our other members active again. For example, Kalja would have invited Garrett Granth and that would have been a real powder keg waiting to happen if he showed up. I was half-tempted to make a passing reference to Granth taking full advantage of the open bar, but I thought better of it. The only one who can do justice to writing Granth is Xfiend, IMO.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Mir »

Halomek wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 4:51 pm Gotcha.

Needless to say with a wedding and a pregnancy, Kalja is probably at her most emotionally vulnerable right now. She's still Kalja and a Jedi Master, so she won't fly off the handle if things start going wrong, but she might be inclined to be more forceful than usual if things go sideways. If Akain does show up and Ashin makes a move on him, she better hope it's far away from where Kalja is.

Honestly, pretty much anyone on the guest list for a wedding between Kalja and Delth would likely have a bodycount of some kind associated with them. Kalja would be giving that "best behavior" warning to everyone who shows up. She's nice, but she's not naïve. :oldrazz:
That's the thing.

Koss and Makaera agreed to a deal

Makaera agreed that different Sith artifacts could be returned in exchange for the Sith Empire stopping funding a proxy war against the Jade Empire. She said she would bring this proposal to the Council if Koss agreed to apprehend Akain. But she didn't give a reason why.

Koss ante'd up saying he'd agree to that if Makaera agreed to, if asked, allowing Ashin back into the Jedi Order, through the Council of Reconciliation.

Makaera agreed.

We didn't get far enough but Koss was/is telling Ashin to be part of the efforts that brings Akain in. But she doesn't want to. She wants the exact opposite. She's not there to make a move on Akain, she wants to know why Makaera wants him in the first place. Jon and I established a mutual attraction and she doesn't want him harmed. But she's not going to defy Koss without knowing why Makaera wants it done.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Mir »

I think we were thinking of having Asemir v. Akain but unsure. Suffice to say that's not possible now. (And technically it's in the past)
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

Well, I'm not opposed to you using this thread to do some storybuilding on that point, just try to keep it from derailing the actual purpose of the thread. ;)

Heck, maybe this whole deal to bring Akain in is why in the future he eventually settles his family on Tython instead of his personal planet (Kalja hasn't found Tython yet during the timeframe of this thread). Akain would know that they'd be safe under Kalja's watch.

Even someone like Koss is going to think twice before trying to go up against Kalja. There's also not a whole lot Makaera could do to coerce Kalja into giving up Akain either.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Mir »

That's why I said timing wise it makes more sense for Akain to not be present at all and for him to be involved in the Warp for Halla.

Conveniently, he gets to avoid being in an uncomfortable bind of being around both Ashin and Caitlyn at the same time.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

Maybe Akain can send a nice card or something in lieu of his necessary absence.

I could see him pulling off some Back to the Future shenanigans.

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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Mir »

That actually would be funny and sort of on brand. His interpersonal skills are terrible but he sticks to social norms.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

Good stuff so far. I'm enjoying all the character interaction.

The Wavecrest now has a wiki entry, with an image of the hotel exterior: https://starwars-exodus.fandom.com/wiki/Wavecrest_Hotel

I should also point out the hotel is a staging area for the guests to stay at, but it's not the actual location of the wedding. That'll take place at a private location at Junari Point: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Junari_Point. In fairness, most of the guests wouldn't know this yet. Honestly the only characters that would know would be Kalja, Delth, Trai, and Jana. So far nothing has contradicted that, but I wanted to clear that up.

We can assume all the wedding prep Jana is taking care of is for the Junari Point location. ;)
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

The bachelorette party won't be the same night as most of the guests showing up. There are still a few days until the marriage, so there's time for people to get settled first.

Also, Pryde, I guess it's worth mentioning that Mai (and her adopted daughter) would have received an invite. Up to you if you want to do anything with it.

For flavor:
Schrödinger's party guests (invited and would likely be attending if they were active on the boards - in other words, they're there and not there)
* Danolie Notorious
* Devon Vos & Family
* Jaster Mereel
* Tsivoin Ulderis

Invited, but not attending:
* Akain Karna - Deliberately staying away so as not to cause trouble (I guess Sal is with him too?)
* Sulimurr - Too busy running Juoi
* Skarrek - Stuck on Nar Kresh
* Chirushk - Too busy with his work to attend something as silly as a wedding

Unknown (Invited, but I don't have a solid idea what their characters would do)
* Garrett Granth
* Ket Maliss
* Adumar Ranchino

I might add more later. Kalja and Delth have met a lot of people during their adventures.
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

Nice post, Tal. I enjoyed it. :)

Hopefully Pryde can post soon, but I have an idea for a good follow-up in the meantime...

EDIT: I also got around to making a wiki entry for Davit Jipper if anyone is curious about his history/appearance: https://starwars-exodus.fandom.com/wiki/Davit_Jipper
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by TalRaimi »

Cool. I know this was supossed to be a more light hearted thread, but I couln't help end up being a bit reflective with Morwenna. I'm sure Pryde and Mir will lighten things up later though. In the meantime, here's hoping Davit and Morwenna don't end up getting trollied on Whiskey!
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

I'll tell you what, Tal... I've been hooked watching a lot of British TV lately - mostly Taskmaster and some of the panel shows like Big Fat Quiz and 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown. I blame Richard Ayoade for sending me down this slippery slope. I can trace it from watching him on Garth Marenghi's Darkplace to The IT Crowd to where I'm at now. It's been great, honestly, and it's also helped me to learn a lot of British slang.

Which is a long way to say that seeing Morwenna refer to herself as a "rubbish sibling" to your use of the term "trollied" has made it my head canon that Reave and Morwenna speak with some kind of a British accent.

Maybe that's how you've always heard them in your head, but I've had to adjust my American inner reading voice to match. ;)
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