WoH X-Men: Somewhere else...OOC

If your thread needs an OOC thread as well, put it here.

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WoH X-Men: Somewhere else...OOC

Post by Nichalus »

If there are any interested parties, besides Mir and Caz, that would like to have a visit to the new X-Men thread, please feel welcome to join. Just be aware that the X-Men have been disbanded, and I'm working on the 'where' and 'whys' that this happened as the IC Thread moves on.

All mutantkind is fee to use with the EXCEPTION of the Omega Level mutants, unless you have a compelling idea to use one.

Just wanted to throw this out there, and welcome any that feel an itch to join in on the WoH Forum.
:obiwan: The 'Old Man' of the Exodus

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