So it's been a while. And for the record I'm blaming Hal for this, and to a lesser extent Mir and Pryde for actually inspiring me to write again. Anyway here's the OOC for the new thead.
Also I'm not sure if anyone else found the boards were down for a bit today, but i'm sure it had nothing to do with me posting again after so long.
'Would you do it with me, heal the scars and change the stars?'
As I was writing my last post, it left me to wonder about Arien's parents... they might be dead and all but I thought I'd leave that door ajar for the future.
'Would you do it with me, heal the scars and change the stars?'
I can confirm that the board was down earlier today.
And I will happily take the blame for getting you back in the writing spirit.
As for Arien's parents/relatives... I'm going to say he probably hid his Force-sensitivity from them and then abandoned them the first chance he got to leave Arabanth because of their prejudice and (in his eyes) inferior intellects. He's likely made no effort to contact them since returning to Hapes all those many years ago. Probably keeping tabs on them though. It's possible he also outlived his parents by this point.
I'll have to think some more about that...
When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
TalRaimi wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 4:26 pm
Feeling slightly more in control of herself than she had for the past few days, she settled into the co-pilots seat and watched Hapes grow ever bigger as they began their decent towards the planet and the landing pad at the Fountain Palace.
Underlined to highlight. Does this mean a few days have already passed since the notice went out about Casara's death? Or was Nyalla just feeling generally bad when she got the news and remembering Casara's words are making her feel better on such a tragic day?
When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
To be honest I went with 'days' just because it sounded better than 'hours.' And I'm not sure how long it would take to get from the edge of the Transity mists to Hapes.
I think it's safe to say Nyalla would arrive the day after Casara died.
'Would you do it with me, heal the scars and change the stars?'
Tried some more mature versions of Jenarvia. AI is though because it tends to either go smooth skinned or old crone. I veered towards the more smooth skinned versions because of Hapan genetics.
Here was the original picture:
Let me know if any of these work for you, Tal. Here are the matured versions:
When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
I like the bottom three, that syle helps convey age a bit better.
Also we never decided what sort of relationship the sisters had. Were they really close or a bit distant? I think Nyalla is quite happy being second daughter, and doesn''t envy Ely her role as Crown Princess. She wants to be supportive but is also somewhat unsure of what her own role is, and what her future holds. On a seperate note I'd say she's probably the weakest of the three when it comes to the Force and by comparrision has been lax in keeping up her training while serviving in the military.
'Would you do it with me, heal the scars and change the stars?'
I would say the siblings and their parents are pretty close. In the cutthroat world of Hapan politics, immediate family would probably be among the few people they could trust (aside from their traitorous Aunt Aurana).
I also gave Arien the Legacy treatment:
Dude looks pretty good for pushing 80. Chalk it up to him using the Force to slow down his aging.
When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
Frankly, the entire galaxy is probably lucky that Arien has already achieved basically everything he wanted already. He might just be the most successful Darksider on Exodus.
When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
While I won't deny I also had certain Game of Thrones influences to my Hapes threads, they were more influenced by the Wheel of Time while I was writing them.
As for Cadence, I'm sure she be fine.
'Would you do it with me, heal the scars and change the stars?'
I was already planning on having members of the Night's Watch annoyed they can't have bodyguards assigned to Cadence because I figure Akain and Caitlyn would have said no but this just makes the conversation funnier for me to write.
Everyone knows "Pops and Junior = #Ratings"
Everyone knows "Cazzik and Mir = #Wynning"
It was a busy weekend, my brother's 40th and then car shopping and dinner with friends on the Sunday. And then work... will try and have something up soonish.
'Would you do it with me, heal the scars and change the stars?'
This was going through my head the entire time I was writing up that last post:
Arien: "What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"
Nyalla: "What do you mean? African or European swallow?"
Tal, I'm leaving it open for you to reply for Nyalla. Up to you how she answers Arien's last question and how they conclude their training for that scene.
When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
lol, I don't want to think about how old that movie is.
My thinking duel wise is that Nyalla was prepared for a double kill, - not the best result in fencing, let's be fair - but also hoping that arien's self preservation would kick in and they would abord the strike.
'Would you do it with me, heal the scars and change the stars?'
Just FYI I’m on holiday for a week, but have an iPad with me so willl try to do a short post here and there, but feel free to move things along if inspiration strikes.
'Would you do it with me, heal the scars and change the stars?'
Before we proceeded much further, I was actually curious if you've decided on if you want to bring in any of your other characters and/or a legacy progeny to be part of the delegations.
When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!