Exodus Legacy: State of the Galaxy

41 years after the Battle of Yavin...
A divergent, persistent and interactive Star Wars timeline set in the future of the Legends forum.

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Exodus Legacy: State of the Galaxy

Post by Halomek »


Exodus Legacy is a forum set roughly twenty years in the future of the original Exodus forum, known these days as the Legend timeline. Anyone is free to contribute as long as they abide by the rules of the Exodus community. It's a place where members can explore the fates, legacies, or ongoing adventures of their creations from the original Legends board.

Likewise, feel free to introduce brand new characters with no connection to the Legends board if such inspiration strikes you. The state of the Exodus galaxy had changed quite a lot from the status quo of Legends, which brings us to...


The year is 41 ABY. The state of the galaxy is largely peaceful. Political control has stabilized between the New Republic and the Galactic Empire, with each superpower maintaining roughly half of the galaxy. Instead of waging war with each other, the two governments oversee control over their respective territories which has allowed them to focus on rooting out corruption and other such negative elements from their own governments. With the balance of power stabilized, many smaller governments have been reabsorbed into either the New Republic or the Empire and any government ruled by a Darksider or pushing a Darksider-based agenda were beaten back or eliminated by joint Republic/Imperial operations.

They are aided in this by the Jedi Order, which has grown exponentially and now functions as an independent peacekeeping force for both sides. Additionally, the Empire has established the Imperial Knights as a further peacekeeping countermeasure to patrol within their own territory.


This unprecedented state of cooperation can be traced back to Jedi Master Kalja Sairu Leidias and her establishment of a Jedi Temple on Tython in 19 ABY. Kalja was in a unique position, thanks to her marriage to Imperial hero Delth Ardin, to have political connections throughout the New Republic and the Empire. Initially she only wanted a safe place for her children to be born and raised, but after obtaining the impossible and getting the Empire's permission to create a new temple (under their supervision), her dream quickly grew and expanded.

Kalja reached out to all of her old friends and allies, offering them a home on Tython. Not everyone responded, but enough did that the temple quickly filled with students and teachers. A small colony, known as New Joy, was also established to support the temple. Since Kalja was considered a hero for her actions in stopping intergalactic threats like GAIT and Sivter, the Empire had a vested interest in supporting Tython to mend their reputation since the days of Palpatine and Damascus.

At first the Empire only allowed Jedi based on Tython to roam within their borders, and always with a partner from the Imperial Knights to watch them, however the value of the Jedi soon became apparent when they rooted out a cadre of disloyal Moffs seeking to create a civil war within the Empire. This act saved the Empire countless lives and resources and it wasn't long afterwards that they allowed Jedi from the New Republic into their borders as well. The rest, as they say, is history. The proliferation of Jedi throughout the galaxy would eventually lead to a new era of peace that the galaxy hasn't seen in generations.

Tython is still a highly protected planet even within the new age of peace. The planet and Kalja Sairu Leidias have become symbols of the new peace across the galaxy. If either of them were to fall to malicious forces, it's unknown what that would mean for the galaxy at large. As such, access to the planet is highly restricted and fiercely watched over by Imperial patrols. An Imperial garrison on the planet maintains law and order, but is also there as a potential countermeasure in case a Jedi goes bad and has to be dealt with. A detachment of Imperial Knights also helps to watch over Tython. Finally, Kalja herself spends much of her time on the look out for threats to Tython, aided by her deep connection to the Force, to locate potential infiltrators and saboteurs.


The cost of peace is eternal vigilance. Although the New Republic and the Empire have never been stronger, the lure of greed and the easy blame of prejudice still occasionally rear their ugly heads on both sides. Terrorist cells and upstart Darksider groups (many of whom claim to be the new Cult of Shadow) have been popping up on worlds in both territories with alarming frequency. It seems as though as soon as one is stamped out, another rises to take its place.

While these threats to the galactic peace are usually quickly identified and dealt with, there are whispers of much greater evils still in hiding and biding their time for the right moment to strike...



Based on Coruscant, the Galactic Empire has taken great strides to eliminate the corruption and evils seen under dictators like Palpatine and Damascus. Grand Admiral Thrawn, serving as Regent, has worked tirelessly to maintain the effectiveness of the authoritarian and centralized power theorems of the old Empire without implementing the tyrannical policies that has haunted the government since its creation. Women and Non-Humans now work freely within the Empire. Corruption has been largely rooted out thanks to the internal policing by Oremin agents and externally by the Imperial Knights and the Jedi Order.

However, Thrawn is not getting any younger and there are rumblings that the Empire should see the return of a proper emperor to the throne before Thrawn passes on. Many remember the internal conflicts that occurred when there was no clear line of succession after the deaths of Palpatine and Damascus. Every year there is a potential list of candidates to become the new emperor, but it is so far a largely theoretical exercise. Not even Thrawn's loudest detractors can find fault with how prosperous the Empire has become under his rule.

New Republic

Based on Mon Calamari, the New Republic is overseen by a Chief of State and a Minister of State. It busies itself mostly with the concerns of its member worlds and trying to find consensus on it goals within the Senate. Although it moves at a slower rate of progress than the Galactic Empire, its citizens are no less dedicated to seeing their government thrive.

However, despite the strides the Empire has made in bettering itself, there are some in the New Republic that resent the fact that the Empire still exists in any form at all. The horrors of the past with their galactic neighbor are not easily forgiven by everyone. Additionally, the Senators of the New Republic aren't always unified behind the cause. Some have a more vested interest in obtaining what's best for their sector and not necessarily what's best for the New Republic as a whole.

The Jedi Order

The Jedi Order has regained the size and strength it once had prior to the Great Jedi Purge. The main temple is based on Ossus, but it also has several temples on other worlds, most notably Onderon and Tython. Additionally, the Jedi field several wandering Praxeum ships, such as the Skywalker, that travel the galaxy to find new recruits that might not be able to make their way to a Jedi Temple normally. Their authority as galactic peacekeepers is recognized by both the New Republic and the Empire, which allows them to act with less red tape than normal law enforcement.

However, not everyone appreciates the Jedi and the peace they've brought to the galaxy. It's a mixed bag if unaffiliated worlds will recognize the authority of a Jedi and there are some in the higher levels of power in both the Empire and the Republic that believe they are above being policed by the Jedi. Additionally, it is still a standing policy that any actions taken by the Jedi within Imperial territory have to be run by the Imperial Knights first.


The Adventures of Kalja Falanis Leidias and Cadence Karna-Sinclair:

Kalja Falanis Leidias, the daughter of Kalja Sairu Leidias, has taken an apprentice: Cadence Karna-Sinclair. Together, they are on a four year journey to train and grow until Cadence is ready to take the trials to be a Jedi Knight. Under Kalja's guidance, Cadence is slowly starting to learn how to harness her deep wellspring of power.

Neither of them are aware that Cadence looks nearly identical to an ancestor of hers that fell to the Dark Side thousands of years ago before being killed by one of Kalja's ancestors. Is history doomed to repeat itself? No one can say for sure.

In the meantime, the two have been summoned to Ord Mercek, homeworld of the Republic Engineering Corporation, as representatives of the Jedi Order. They are there to honor Rowen Halomek as the old soldier finally retires from active service. It should be a nice easy mission. What could possibly go wrong?

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