I've ran into a hiccup. In that Wookieepedia uses some weird code to get that banner thing to appear.
A simpler approach and easier solution would be to create an article template that would identify the article as our Canon or Legends classification. This has the drawback of being a little more of an eyesore, but again, it's easier to work with and implement. So I need your guys' opinion on this one. Should we push for the banner, like Wookieepedia has, or are we satisfied with just slapping a template on all our articles stating whether it's Canon or Legends? Keep in mind that, once it's decided upon, it's going to be permanent. This is going to be a huge undertaking, as it is. We don't need to do it twice.
I'd like to add that I can probably figure out the banner in time, but just glancing at how Wookieepedia did it I'm not seeing it as an easy endeavor to replicate properly. I will keep looking into it, however, for the duration of this poll. I do realize this might invalidate the poll itself, but please keep in mind it's only present in the case that this is going to be more trouble and effort than it's worth. I don't want people to be voting one way or another just because they want a "quick fix."
I'm keeping this poll indefinite, and it will close when we're ready to start the migration. Which can be as early as this weekend to as late as... never.

This brought about some other thoughts to follow, below:
All context-specific categories (characters, locations, technologies, organizations and governments, etc.) and articles will be renamed appropriately. This is going to be a total push, no article and category will be left untouched. That's a lie, actually... general categories (like the Featured Article) will be left alone, as they're not context-specific. But all others will not be untouched!
Secondly, our article templates will require some minor reworking to separate the auto-categorizations. This will be a little more annoying and a bit more of a nuisance to work with, but it's still necessary, else our articles will be classified incorrectly when we use them.
Once again, this is going to be a huge undertaking, so... we need your help! With half of the Wikia admin team gone AWOL, and the other half not really caring anymore... I mean... busy and stuff... yeah...

ANY and ALL MBT articles need to be moved to the new Legends format. Instructions will follow when we're ready for this push to happen... primarily because I'm not entirely sure if it's just a simple matter of moving the articles to "(Article Name)/Legends" or not. PLUS: all links in these articles will have to redirect to the new article names... because, honestly, if they don't we're just going to wind up confusing people....
Yeah, it's daunting. It's huge. And it's going to take a while... but it's necessary in order to differentiate between the current MBT and the new in our Wikia. Unlike canon, we won't be having any "commonalities" in our canon. And if it is, I think we're all under the consensus that they're going to be minimal.
Please keep all discussions to a minimum on this thread. If you have ideas and suggestions that can help streamline this process, or you'd like to volunteer, then feel free to speak up. Otherwise, just please cast your vote. Participation in the Wikia conversion process is going to be expected of everyone, so no need to volunteer for that. If you write here, and you've contributed to the MBT, you've been voluntold.