Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

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Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

Arron said her fairwells long before her sisters would leave, mostly because the events in Airam space were quickly changing. So she, Caden and Mark were trying to stay on top of everything and plan out their actions carefully. Thought they wouldn't leave till Gate Keeper finished his modifications to Caden's ship. which he assured wouldn't take that long.

San'dara was busy putting her own touch's on the "Dragon's Blood" and getting acquainted with its controls and abilities. Miranda, Lunix, Karra and Ashla were left to discuss what they needed to do next.

"So you two need to go to... Tyon?.." Lunix asked.

"Tython, but I think we should seek out Karra's inheritance on Dromund Kaas before anything else. From what the Gate Keeper can tell us its a ship that can lead us to the rest of the treasure that is promised to her." Ashla stated.

"Why do you think we need to go after this now? With our fathers life on the line..."

"Because we both have a strong feeling that there is something there that can help our father." Karra said before Ashla could. The small hints the holocron gives us about what awaits me kind of confirms our feelings on this..."

The three women were silent for a moment, Miranda was first to brake it. "I can't help but feel we are going to turn him into a monster... I can't be the only one who's had this thought cross their mind. Slade making secret deals with "mad scientists", You going off to train as a Jedi..."

"Je'daii..." Ashla corrected her.

"Fine... Je'daii... So you can use your unique and largely unknown powers over fire to heal him. Now we may be tossing in ancient Sith technology or what ever as well? No one else feels uneasy about all this? I mean... Why does he even want this done to him? I can understand healing him to the way he was before but he wants more then that. He wants to become... I don't know what he hopes to become... The more I think about it, the more it scares me..." Miranda, tears welling up in her eyes covered her face with both her hands. If there was any doubts if she had feels for Slade, they were put to rest at this moment.

"Miranda... I..." Before Lunix could say Miranda wave her off. "Lets... just get this done." Miranda wiped the tears away and with a shaky hand picked up a data pad. After a moment the room went dark and a holo of a planet came up. "This is Dromund Kaas, at least what it looked like a few thousand years ago. According to the information here, the planet was "abandoned" after the 2nd Great Galactic War. There is actually a lot of classified information here i don't have access to for obvious reasons... Its likely nothing more then information of when the old Sith Empire used it as their capital world."

"Why is it still classified?" Karra asked.

"Because the Republic back then would sooner forget about the bad events that no longer concerned them." Lunix stated plainly and a little disgusted. Miranda nodded, "That most likely the case, but even if i can't read the information i can still read the time stamps for those entries. There has been no known, official or other wise, visits to the planet since that time. It has been classed as a highly dangerous planet though, which may have kept the sight seer's away."

Lunix compared the planets location to an up to date off the shelf star map. "Its not even named on this map, just a generic marker stating its a highly dangerous star system... Well off the beaten path too. If I didn't know what I know now... I wouldn't have given it a second look."

"Given your track record of bad stuff happening to you girls, I think I'll tag along with you on this one. There is absolutely no new information on this world, and we don't know the condition of this ship your suppose to find there, or even how big it is. Me and my people can help protect you, make repairs as needed and even crew the damn thing if needed... I won't take no for an answer on this."

Lunix smiled and nodded. "Having a destroyer and a small army at our side dose sound nice right about now..." She thought for a moment. "I'd like to keep this as low profile as we can though if we can help it. We aren't going to take the Moon Shadow down on the planet. For the first landing I just want use to use the our new stealth capable ship."

Miranda sat back and thought it over. "Ok, I'll get together a team of my best to help find and secure the ship. But if shit hits the fan no holds barred, ok?"

Lunix looked to Ashla and the Karra, there was a silent agreement between them and they looked to Miranda nodding. "Sounds good."
"This is the captain. We have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then... explode."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

Lunix gathered up her things and stood up, pausing for moment. "Look... Miranda..." Lunix looked up at the older woman. "We are looking into every avenue we can find to help our father. We something may work better then another... Even if it turns out to be a dead end or something that wouldn't work and it might have been a waste of time... What if it wasn't? What if it turned out to be the best thing we could use? I think that is why he has made so many contacts over the years..."

Miranda thought for a moment, lowering her head. "It is best to have as many options on the table as possible when planning out a next move... You father made a habit of that, something that I like to think rubbed off on me during my time with his Renegades..." She raised her head to look at Lunix, wiping a tear from her face. "Lets get a move on shall we?"

less then a day later the Gate Keeper returned to the Moon Shadow, his work on Vayeate complete Caden and the others broke off from Marcus's forces and headed back deeper into Airam Space. Because of his size he wasn't able to travel though out the ship as everyone else, but his method of talking to those he needs/wants to through their minds worked well enough.

"Karra, at the first chance you get i would like to exami9n the holocron some more. Working on that vessel gave me a new perspective on how i may be able to untangle its secretes..."

"I'll bring it down to the hanger after my lesson with Ashla... Ok?"

"Indeed, be sure to keep an open mind and heart to your lessons... Many in the recent past have tried to walk the line of both light and dark, to embrace the whole of the force... Even if they think and preach that they succeed, they all failed."

Ashla chimed in at this. "Were you ever a Je'daii Gate Keeper?"

"No, I was part of something much older, though the views are very similar..." His voice turned sad, "The Gree have lost so much... Oddly they don't want to return to what they once had. I became what i am now to as a remembrance of that time, and i hope to one day bring at least a small portion back for everyone." His voice then showed a hint of surprise. "But you didn't ask about that, my apologies. Seems even I can end up rambling..." With that he closed off his mind.


About two weeks later the Moon Shadow exited its last hyper jump in the outer region of the Dromund system. The large ship made orbit in a stable Lagrange point of Dromund Tyne, once that kept the ship in the planet's shadow so as to be harder to detect. At the same time it would be easy for the vessel to brake orbit and make a micro jump to Dromund Kaas in a very short amount of time should the need arise. As far as scans and short range patrols could tell, they weren't detected entering the system and no one else was at least in that particular area.

Miranda's voice cam over the Dragon's Blood comm system. "Ok we are in orbit and undetected, your clear to head out when your ready."

San was in the pilot's chair finishing up her pre-flight check list. "Copy that command, final prep is complete and we are heading out now."

The YZ-1500's repulsor lifts came to life with a whine and the ship lifted off it's landing rungs, which retracted swiftly into the vessel. San slowly brought the ship over and out the primary hanger opening. Once clear she brought the engines and Sensor Evasion system online. She throttled up and the ship made its way deeper into the system, heading for Dromund Kaas.
"This is the captain. We have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then... explode."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

The flight to the Dromund Kaas was short and uneventful. Slipping into the atmosphere the huge ruined Kaas City could easily be seen. It was this city where the Sith Empire had first rebuilt its population and military might. Amazingly in a little more then 300 years they managed to put together a force that could more often then not out match the Galactic Republic. War would engulf the galaxy for the next 3000 years, braking the Republic and leaving the galaxy in ruin. All of it more or less started there, in that city below.

San brought up a magnified screen of the city, looking it over visually as scanners would give them away. When the screen centered on the Citadel she paused the image. Everyone could tell the Citadel and the surrounding city blocks were in far better condition then the rest of the city. San looked over to Lunix and the Sergent Leroy, the commanding officer of the Providence Commandos that was sent along with the girls.

Lunix looked back to San then to Leroy. "Looks like there might be someone home, lets keep guard up and avoid them as best we can." San nodded and began plotting a new course for them to use if they need to bring any one else down to the planet. Leroy nodded with San, "Understood, I'll send out short range patrols and secure a perimeter. No one will know we were here till we left." Lunix knew what that basically meant. If they came across anyone, or anyone came across them, hostile or not they would be removed silently and covertly. Providence Commandos were, and still are, some of the most trained and battle hardened private special forces in the galaxy, as good as any government organization. Hell most of their training likely came from retired commandos from the New Republic or even the Empire.

Leroy left the bridge of the ship to inform his troops of the current intel and give his orders. Karra moved up to where he was, holding the Holocron up it projected a map that didn't match up with the terrain they were flying over, but it had them marked on the map as they flew on. "It doesn't match up but the Holocron seems to know where we are and where we are going..." Lunix started watching the map and her navigation the moment Karra moved up. "Well given over three thousand years has passed since that things map was programmed in... Still some key points are still matching up... Still its lucky there is a clear way point for us to travel by."

Karra smiled. "You can thank Gate keeper for that. Apparently there should have been a few trials for me to overcome as I made my way through that mess on foot. This way we can hopefully just land and go on in the hidden hanger."

A mischievous smile formed on San's lips. "I heard the easy path is the way down to the dark side..." Karra could hear the humor in her sisters voice. "Its merely common sense. Why purposely put your self in needless harms way?" San had been sitting in on Ashla's lessons for Karra, and while she didn't completely understand the whole force side of the teachings, the rest of it she did understand. In essence a Je'daii was to act how they felt, but not without thought. From what she knew they seemed to be a little Jedi and a little Sith, but they didn't walk a fine line between the two, they openly walked through both. To San, that made them like normal people. No one one person is a pure saint or devil after all, so why force oneself to be as such?

"Objective up ahead, the area is largely clear of flora so we should have little to no problems finding a landing zone." Lunix alerted every one. Leroy stepped in, "If you would..." He put in a code on his forearm mounted datapad and new way point popped up on the Lunix's map. "Bring us in low at these areas to deploy some of my men before we land." Lunix transferred the new data to San's HUD. "No problem. Tell them to keep safe."

"Its our job to keep you safe, even at the cost of our lives... But I'll tell them." He turned and left.

San dropped off the Commandos at the designated spots then moved in to a landing spot where the flora would help hide the ship. San put the ship in standby mode then turned to look at Karra and Lunix. "I'll keep the engines warm and monitor you here so keep the link open and play the relays as needed." Lunix nodded to San smiling. "Will do. Be safe up here."

Leaving the ship Karra could already feel somethnig was off about the area. The whole planet was basically wetlands, with the ground saturated in water. But the ground here was surprisingly dry. It was also very flat and while there were spots of trees, mostly grass, and it she could see it clearly went on for at least a mile or more. Ashla and Gate Keeper came down the ramp as Karra place a hand on the ground, using the force she tried to get a better grasp of what she was feeling. Pushing her senses down through the ground, what she found startled her upright. "Its hollow..." She turned to Ashla and the Gate Keeper, both of which she could feel were confirming her discovery.

After a moment Gate Keeper looked off in the distance of the grass land. "So it is... The entire are it would seem, looks like the vessel we are her to retrieve is a very large one. San'dara did you get that?"

"I did, I'll relay the information to Miranda. Looks like we will need a crew for it after all."

"For now please remain here till the hanger and vessel are secure. If we do need a crew then we can transport them down."

"Of course."

Leroy and a hand full of commandos came up to Karra, Ashla and Gate Keeper. "A perimeter has been formed and tied into the ships alert systems. If anything gets passed my men we will know about it."

"Then we are all set it seems..." Karra pulls out the holocron, which started projecting a zoomed in version of the previous map it had showed. The way point was clearly visible roughly only a hundred feet from where they stood. "This is almost too easy..."
"This is the captain. We have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then... explode."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

The entrance was well hidden, and defended. But not in the way that would draw unwanted attention. A Gundark nest rested in the trees and the cave the served as the entrance to the hanger they now stood on.

"This is going to be a tough fight..." Leroy whispered only loud enough for the others next to him to hear.

"This may not have to end in a fight... I sense hunger among them, the majority of them may head out to hunt soon." Ashla replied. Karra nodded, having been a Trammis Witch, and living in the wilds with Red for so long, she was even more in-tuned with beasts and the wild surroundings then anyone else there. "Their hunters and gatherers are already gathering..." She placed a hand on the ground, closing her eyes and reached out with the force and her feelings. Much like how Ashla had taught her, but also with the experience of her time as a witch.

After a moment she looked up, pulling her hand away started. She regained composure quickly and looked at the others. "They will pass close to here when they leave, we should circle around north then wait."

"Wait for what?" Lunix asked.

"For my trial..."

"Trial? What trial?" again Lunix asked.

"Be calm, Your sister is more then ready, and nothing is gained with out hardship, or a show of strength." Ashla explained.

Lunix looked grim but nodded understanding. They quickly made their way around the nest from a fair distance, following Karra. It wasn't long after they reached their new position that the majority of gundarks left the area to hunt. After a long moment of waiting Karra stood drawing her sword. Instantly the air became heavy with a sense of primal murder. Everyone felt it, even those who weren't sensitive in the force.

Before anyone could say anything Karra leaped out from their cover, assisted with the force she landed several meters away right in the middle of the gundarks nest. Lunix didn't notice before, but now the gundarks that had remained were all gone... "I have a bad feeling about this..."

"Who doesn't?" Sarcastically asked Leroy.

In a flash Karra was beset upon by a hulking animal, a neat little crater remained where Karra once was right before the beast's over sized fists slammed into the ground. It only paused for a slight moment as it continued its attack with Karra just barely escaping each swing and blow.

"By the emperor's black bones!" Leroy yelled as he brought his rifle up. Lunix raised her hand in front of his weapon. "Hold it, this is too fast paced, you'll only get her killed..." It was true, Lunix couldn't even see when her sister dodges an attack. only where she was before and after the attack, never the movement. If she didn't know better she would have guessed Karra was teleporting.

In a moment of blinding speed the beast struck again at Karra, but this time just as it struck it cried out in pain and for the first time was stopped in its tracks. Lunix was able to get a real good look at it. It was an over sized gundark, its flesh and fur was off color for its species. Its over sized hands, over half the size of Karra her self, had tick boney plates covering every inch. It sure didn't look like it could swing those fists around like it did... Looking at Karra, Lunix saw her sister's blade was drenched in a sickly looking ooze that was the creature's blood. Looking back at it there was a deep gash running along its right hip to its left shoulder.

"It was created for speed and destruction, but sacrificed even a typical gundark's ruggedness and thick protective skin." Ashla stated. "She only needed to wait for the right opening, once she discovered its weakness. This fight is over."

"Just like that? Look at the destruction that thing has done!" Leyroy said. Trying to focus on the fight Lunix hadn't seen the damage that was done to the Gundark's nest. It was in utter ruin with foliage stamped down or torn out by their roots. Even trees were knocked over from the brief but exceedingly fierce battle. Ashla spared a glance to Leroy, "There is much you can learn from what you just saw..." She turned back to the stair down between Karra and the beast. "Just think about it..."

The gash in the beasts chest oozed a huge amount of its blood, it knew it's fight was over. Still it wouldn't back down, it would stand its ground till it's life completely pooled out at its feet. Karra extended her free hand, palm facing the dieing creature. She sent calming feelings to it, eased it of its pain. The creature visibly relaxed, Karra's unspoken words/feelings filled it's mind. "You have done well here great warrior. Now rest, and be at peace." The creature slumped over and dropped down on its hind. Karra slowly walked up to the creature, till her hand touched its forehead. The creature completely relaxed and slipped away into death.
"This is the captain. We have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then... explode."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

There was a moment of silence, which broke when the remaining Gundarks came out of hiding. They gathered together well away from the body of their sire and Karra, then they simply left. Karra raised a hand at the creature's body, with a little excertion from the force she lit it on fire. She then turned and headed for the cave, Lunix, Ashla and the other came out from their hiding spots and followed her.

The deeper they went into the cave the easier the trek became, the walls, floor and ceiling becoming smoother and more suited to humanoids. Soon it became like a typical corridor in a building or star ship.
As they kept going smaller rooms dotted the sides of the corridor. Most were collapsed, one or two did remain but were largely empty, except for some old tools or even some bunks. Clearly the workers who built this place lived here as well a worked, but knowing the Sith at the time they were likely slaves, and the echos in the force left from long ago told her they all died there to preserve the secret of the place.

They soon came upon a blast door with no normal looking locking mechanism. It was easy enough to figure out how to open it though. A pedestal with an opening the shape of the holocron was nearby. Karra inserted it in, and after a series of of unlock bolts that haven't moved for thousands of years the incredibly thick door slid up. As the group moved forward they entered a huge cavern, with only the light being from the hall behind them. Then lights started to activate across the cavern, only in patches though, clearly many had broke or the power for the facility was to low. But the site it provided was awesome.

Before them was a massive wedged shape ship, and unlike cavern it looked to be in near perfect condition. To the left of them was a droid and a hover sled. The Gate Keeper walked over to it and tapped the droid on the head. "No Response, this unit ran out of power long ago... I'll reactivate it." A prehensile cord snaked it way from the Gate Keeper's body and found a socket in the over 3000 year old droid.

"Is that really safe?" Lunix asked, though the moment she did she knew she had no reason to worry. Surly nothing could cause the Gate Keeper harm in the digital realm. He turned his head, his photo-receptors focusing in on her. "Worry not, It is a simple enough system." As he said that the droid came back to life, its virbobrain whirling to life and its red photo-receptors starting to glow. More cords snaked their way from the Gate Keeper, these with tool on their ends. They quickly made repairs to the droid, loosening up its rusted shut joints, reconnecting broken or loose wires and replaced any oil or other substances needed for operation.

When finish the droid seemed to shut off again, then came back online though quicker this time. The Gate Keeper's cords retracted and he took a step back. The droid looked him over for a moment then turned to Karra. "Master, your vessel awaits you command."

"I hope the ship doesn't need those kind of repairs... we may be here for a while..." Leroy stated. The droid looked at him then back to Karra. "Our top priority was the maintenance of the vessel, even above our own. While supplies dwindle my counter parts aboard the vessels inform me that they could have maintained it for another thirty years. We await your command."

Karra looked out at the ship. "How many of your counter parts are on-board? How soon can the ship fly?"

The droid paused for a moment then replied. "Out of three thousand droids, forty percent remain operational. With out them the vessel can be brought up to full power in three days." Karra shook her head. "That's too long, what if we had a full crew or more?" Again the droid paused, clearly it was accessing what ever network it shared with the remaining droids on the ship. "Less then a day master."

Lunix turned to Leroy, "Comm San and Miranda, ask them to bring down the people we need."

"I'll get a jump start on the operation, I should be able to cover for a large number of crew once i connect to the computers." Gate Keeper said as he walked over to the hover sled to take a look if it was operational. "Thank you Gate Keeper." Both Lunix and Karra said. He looked at them. "It is why I'm here daughters of Slade.
"This is the captain. We have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then... explode."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

Unlike the cavern that contained the vessel, the inside was busy with activity. The Gate Keeper had situated himself in the server room along with Lunix. While the Gate Keeper made up for a large portion of the nonoperational droids, leaving mostly the physical work to the operational ones he preformed all the system start ups. Lunix worked with him, using her slicer magic to streamline the process between the two.

Karra and the others made sure the ship was secured, a task made easier when San'dara brought down more Providence forces and crew members. With the remaining security checks being made by Leroy's men, Karra made her way to the bridge of the ship with Ashla. "This is quite the ship your ancestor left you Padawan, what do you plan on doing with it once we are finished with it?" Karra didn't face Ashla. The question was already on her mind. Outside its function to lead them to the rest of the treasure left to her... It was up to her to decide what to do with it. Ships and technology wasn't really her thing after all. Nor does she have the time to put into such things with her being a Je'daii Padawan and trying to revive her father... Something clicked in her mind and she outwardly smiled and looked at Ashla.

"I'll let my father decide what to with with it." Ashla smiled back as they stopped in front of the blast door leading to the bridge. At this point a number of Providence troopers came up behind the women weapons ready but not raised. When the door wouldn't open both women turn to the troopers and Karra nodded to the door. Wordlessly one of the troopers shouldered his weapon then pulled out a slicer/power pack while he walked up to the door. It was at the moment that the hum of the ships reactor came online, the emergency lights turned off and the primaries turned on. The blast door slid open, stale air assaulted Karra and the others. Karra and Ashla walked inside then made room for the troopers to make a security check. Dormant consoles and droids came to life through out the bridge, more Providence personal came in, crew members sent to help operate the ship.

Lunix's voice came over the ships inter-comm systems. "To all, the ship's reactor is spinning up at a steady and stable rate. At this time all systems should be operational but the ship won't be ready for flight for a few hours still. Take this time to familiarize your self with the ship's systems and controls. Once we are ready to take off, we are likely to alert who ever those are at Kaas city. We won't get a second chance. This mission is far from over. That is all."

"We have done all we could, While doing my security sweep i found a meditation room, let us continue with your training there." Ashla said. "Yes master." Karra replied and followed her.
"This is the captain. We have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then... explode."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

"Reactor is at 92% output and holding stable Ma'am."

"Engine's are warmed up and ready for full start up, Repulsorlifts are online and ready as well."

"Flight controls and internal systems are live and showing optimal operation."

Lunix paced the walkway that ran up through the bridge, her arm mounted data pad linked to the ships systems, she double checked everything. A ship this old, even so well preserved, was bound to have "hiccups". Her eyes could pick them up before they may become an issue. "Are the weapon's i wanted brought online up as well?" She asked when she stopped next to the weapons officer.

"Online and ready, Took them a few minuets to get the hang of their operation, but they should be able to provide us with cover fire should the need arise." Lunix nodded, "Thank you." Of course they couldn't man all the weapons, they simply didn't have the crew numbers, even with the droids helping. They could only manage a full, single shift, flight crew. She walked up to the front of the bridge then turned around. "Begin launch operations. Open the hangers doors, remove the docking clamps and external power feeds."

The massive hanger doors above the ship at first didn't move, but with a loud crack and sudden movement they started to slide away from each other. Dirt and plants fell through the slowly widening opening. Around the outer hull large magnetic clamps lifted away and power cables were ejected from their ports. The hanger doors gained momentum as they opened, the dull Dromund Kaas light cascaded across the ship's dark hull.

As the hanger doors drew close to fully open Lunix looked over to the helm's man. "Bright the ship's repulsorlifts online lets get her off the deck." The ship trembled and lifted slightly off the racks it rested on for so long. Lightning flashed outside and a torrent of rained started to fall, typical Dromund Kaas weather. Over the hanger Dragon's Blood with San'dara flew, her voice coming in through the comm. "This storm is going to get bad fast. Better hurry this up before we end up grounded."

"The hanger doors are about to reach minimum clearance ma'am. I can thread the needle and get us into open air." Lunix checked this over with her datapad, after a moment of looked it over she looked back up to the helm's man. "Do it."

The maneuver was so expertly executed and done so quickly Lunix felt silly for "checking the numbers". The ship simply slid out of the hanger and lifted up into the air. Now that they were out they could easily be seen, even by the naked eye from Kaas city.

"Final preparations are complete, we are ready to leave the atmosphere."

"Captain Miranda has brought the Moon Shadow out from her hiding spot and is heading for our link up."

Lunix nodded, this was it. "Take off."

The ship's repulsorlifts glided the ship higher to an escape arch then the ship's engines ignited, pushing the ship faster and harder to escape velocity. San's voice came over the comm again, "Not bad for three thousand year old ship." Lunix didn't comment despite herself being impressed with the vessel. The ship was simply unaffected by the storm. They soon broke atmosphere, their trajectory bringing them along side the Moon Shadow.

After seeing the size difference between the ships Lunix couldn't help but holo comm Miranda. When her image popped up Lunix simply said, "For once we have the bigger ship." Miranda shook her head smiling. "Good luck getter a decent crew for it. Your father had a lot of friends but not that many..."

"Actually I wanted to talk to you about that, but it can wait till we are out of the system." Miranda nodded and her image flickered away. Everything was going just as perfect as it could... Then the strangest alarm went off...

"Ma'am! I've lost control! Some sort of auto pilot has taken over." Lunix quickly walked over to the helm. "Can you deactivate it?" The officer shook his head. "I don't even know where to look!"

Before anything else could be said a holo of the hanger came online, and a males voice came over the speakers. "Blood of my Blood, You have done well to get this far. KNow that any troubles the befall you now are not of my own design. You have already proven your power and dedication to recovering the boon i have left you. Go well and know that none will be able to follow you." The holo of the hanger switched to a much higher view of it, likely from a satellite in orbit. The hanger then exploded into a huge mushroom, the destruction this kind of explosion made would have been for miles around where the hanger once was, the shock wave even being felt by Kaas city.

"Lunix... Your Ship just dropped from all our scanners, its like you aren't even next to us... Also there was a massive explosion of the surface... was that you doing?" Lunix pulled her gaze away from the holo of the explosion and saw Miranda's image on the holo comm had returned. "No... Some sort of assurance of secrecy from Karra's ancestor... What do you mean we aren't on you scanners?"

A voice from one of the officers behind Lunix drew both of the women's attention. "The same system that took over the helm activated a number of other systems we... well ignored because they weren't part of the start-up or flight systems. Its a stealth system of some sort."

"A damn good one too, if I didn't see you out side my view port i wouldn't know you were there..."

"Ma'am, the ships hyperdrive is spinning up on its own, and the navi-computer is locked too. Looks like we are heading for the rest of the treasure now, whether we like it or not."

"Can we at least send the jump cords to Miranda so she can follow us?"

"Yeah, I can manually transfer the cords of were we are going... Best patch me through to your navigation officer Commander Miranda... and fast!" Lunix quickly patched both navigation officers together and her's started reading out the code out loud.
"This is the captain. We have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then... explode."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

Two jumps later and a near fire fight with an local government fleet, Miranda had transferred a larger number crew over to the newly acquired ship in the event that her ship couldn't follow. The Stealth on the ship was perfect, during the whole incident with that local government they never knew there was another ship. The "black Box", as Lunix was calling it now, that was controlling the flight path for the ship made sure it never had a back drop behind it that would cause the ship to have a silhouette. They tried to set up a tracking system for the Moon Shadow to follow, but the stealth system hid even that signal, despite their ability to comm each other even that couldn't be traced. The applications of such a ship was endless, governments across the galaxy have all attempted to make such a ship, but none were ever this successful. The ship is even undetectable entering and exiting a system, unless someone sees it.

Lunix had found a way to disable the black box, but if they did that they would lose the location of the rest of the inheritance. With everything that they have discovered on the ship so far, no one was willing to give that up. The ship had a super weapon, it was one of the first things they had discovered. Once upon a time it was capable of destroying a ship in a single shot, its capabilities on a current day ship was unknown though, not that they were in a hurry to use the weapon. The ships over all performance was simply amazing for something as old as it was. It could put up a decent fight against the Moon Shadow Miranda had stated when she looked of the projected stats Lunix came up with after their discoveries.

There was a chime at the door. Lunix didn't hear it at first, her full attention was on the schematics of the stealth system she had managed to bring up. The second chime got her attention though, she placed the data pad down rubbing her eyes with her free hand. "Enter..." She reached for the now barely warm cup of caff as San'dara walked in. "Well the whole wing of fighters and other support craft are pretty much scrap. According to the droid we managed to get up and running down in the hanger resources to keep them functioning were diverted to the ship as a whole, so they were just abandoned..." She walked up to Lunix's desk and dropped her pad down. "Not that i think they would have been any good to start with. I took a look at one of the ones in better shape... They are pretty basic and under powered to go up against current day fighter craft."

"So if it comes to a fight we have only the Moon Shadow's squadrons for support... And you in the Dragon's Blood."

"Well lets hope it doesn't come down to that, but if it helps even the larger guns on this ship can target and track fighters, the gun crews are actually highly impressed with the reaction time of the turrets." Lunix haphazardly nodded as she picked up the pad with the information on the fighters.

"So how much longer till you think we reach Karra's treasure?" After a moment Lunix tossed the pad back down. "Hopefully no that much longer. This is already taking long then I had hoped..."

"Hey, Its ok... you know? You saw the doctor's reports on dad, hes fine... All things considered..."

"Yeah I know... Its just... I don't know. I guess I still feel like this might be a wild hunt over nothing that would really help."

"Hey, we already found a number of medical practices on this ships data banks that could help. Gate Keeper says that there is likely more to be discovered at our destination. He doesn't seem like the sort to lie, I mean he hasn't yet at least." San said leaning back on the desk.

"When I came out to the galaxy to find our father... I never expected any of this... you know? Finding so many half sisters was a surprise in its self, a welcomed on at that I might add... But to find out about everything he has done and these strange friends he has... When I stop and think about it all... It just seems surreal... And now this mission he sent us on... What if Miranda is right, about turning dad into a monster?"

The comm buzzed and a voice filtered through. "We are about to exit hyper space ma'am." Lunix stood up, "Maybe our fears are unfounded... I guess i can only hope Dad knows what he was asking for..."

They both walked out of the officer, down a short corridor and into the bridge just as the count down ended and the ship exited hyperspace. Ahead of them was what remained of an asteroid field and beyond that, a large facility guarded by what seemed to be smaller versions of the ship they were on now. Lunix and San looked at each other then back out the forward view port. "Guess we are here..."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

"Two of the ships are on a intercept course, they are heading for the Shadow Moon. The third is holding a defensive position. They seem to be ignoring us..."

Miranda's image came to life from the holocomm. "If that's the place then Karra really should have it stand down. Who or what ever is there must think we followed you here as hostiles."

Before Lunix could call for Karra, her older sister and Ashla had already arrived. "Comm the station please." Karra said walking up to the holocomm transceiver. Ashla stopped short next to Lunix and San. Karra pulled out the holocron and held it out in front of her. The comm officer nodded, signaling that a connection was established. "I am Karra, Descendent of the one who crafted this holocron. I have claimed this vessel and sought out for the gifts promised to me. The ship you are currently about to attack is with me, attack them and you will have to face you would be new Mistress. I will not be tested any further."

San leaned in to Lunix, "She sounded a lot like one of those Sith just now." Ashla leaned in as well to comment. "We figured it would be Sith we would be dealing with here, in one form or another. So she felt playing the part would be best for now." Lunix and San looked at each other. Neither of them had thought there would be people, let alone sith, waiting for the moment.

There was a long moment of silence then a mechanical voice came through the comm. "As you wish Mistress, I have waited for you for so long. Welcome."

"Transmission has been cut. We received a flight path and docking clearance." stated the comm officer. "Both hostile ships have broke off and are returning to their previous courses."

"Take us in then."

Both ships, the Super Dreadnaught and Moon Shadow, soon docked with the station. "Well here goes..." The women, soon joined by the Gate Keeper and Leroy and his commandos, made their way to the docking link. When they passed over a single droid, one that looked very much like the ones that served on the Super Dreadnaught only newer and seemingly more advanced, stood waiting for them.

"Mistress, me and this facility is at your service." The droid bowed. Karra walked up to the droid, first looking around the corridor then at the droid. "I don't sense any darkness here..." The droid righted its self. "There wouldn't be, The Sith empire knew the dangers of focusing the force though the machines that power and operate this facility, though not as much as my previous master, your ancestor. That is why this facility has not been touched by a force user till now. Sith protocols in my programing have also been modified or removed to keep the facility neutral, this was done by my previous master."

Ashla came forward next to Karra. "So we don't need to meet any expectations as sith?"

"The previous mater made sure that no matter what path his descendent has taken, his gift will be there for them. Other then that there is little more information on this subject. What i do need now though before we proceed is who else may have assess to me and my systems, you brought a large number of persons with you after all Mistress."

Karra looked back at every one, gesturing to her sisters, Ashla and Gate Keeper. "Give them full access to everything, and for now give Leroy access as lead security officer. Also there is a woman named Miranda on board the other ship, Allow her and her people on board as well, give her full access as well."

"Understood, where or what would you like see first?."

"Take us to the data core."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

It had felt like such a short amount of time, but in reality it had been a couple hours. Lunix, the Gate Keeper and Miranda had spent this time in the data banks, and they were just simply amazed at all the information and tech that was stored there. Even information and tech from the past few years, the latest being a continuously updating data on Miranda's ship, the Moon Shadow. It nearly had a complete schematic of the ship and Evolve was already coming up with improvements for the vessel, despite Miranda's displeasure. Gate Keeper mentioned once during this time that Evolve had Gree tech stored in its data core, after this discovery he has remained silent.

Lunix on the other had was looking over the medical and biological data, the one thing that they made this "side trip" for. A lot of what she found was biological weapons, typically meant for or used on one person during Sith rivalries. But a select few did bring a smile to her lips. She copied the basic data for them to use as leverage for the doctors and scientists her father wanted them to gather.

Happy with her findings she unplugged her datapad and stood up. She walked over to Miranda, who was still looking over various data streams. Miranda jumped slightly when Lunix gently place a hand on the older woman's shoulder. Miranda looked up at her, "Your going to be heading out soon?" Lunix nodded taking a seat next to her. "Evolve and this station looks very promising, and not just to help with dad, but with his second phase as well." Miranda nodded and looked back to her monitor. "No kidding, Evolve makes what Slade asked me to do easier and can make it happen a lot faster. I just need to find a suitable location and get things rolling." Lunix looked at the monitor with Miranda, the information streaming was about some sort of molecular furnace. "Well we leave this in your capable hands. I'm not sure when Kara and Ashla will return from Tython, but San and I should be back in a month or two... Depending on how hard it is to find these people..."

Miranda looked back over to Lunix. "By then I hope to have moved this station to a new location, I'll be sure to keep you girls updated. Be safe out there, Slade isn't sending you to the best known places to find these people." The two women hugged. "We will, and you be careful as well. Just about anyone would want this place if they knew it existed and what treasures it held." Miranda shook her head with a smile. "Even if it was found out, those sentinels out there aren't push overs. After looking over some of their schematics, I think they could take on anything but a full Imperial assault fleet. Plus I'm assembling Providence's fleet again, once I have my people outfitted with ships, its only going to be better defended."

Lunix nodded with a smile and after an hour of final preparations and farewells they left on the Dragon's Blood heading for the person that should be easiest to find, Rebecca Shorapka in Systems Alliance Space.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

The ship provided by Evolve was one of its own guardian vessels. It was smaller then the ship she had recovered from Dromund Kaas but was still quite vast. Evolve assured them that the ship, dubbed "Raider", is a significant improvement over the super dreadnaught. Evolve also informed them that likely by the time they returned the Super Dreadnaught would be updated to the standards that Raider is at, an would again make it a superior ship to Raider and its sister ship, much like how the Super Dreadnaught was with the older Harrower-class ships.

It was strange being in a ship mostly operated by droids, but the controls and other interfaces weren't designed for organic species. Evolve had to solely rely on droids for its protection, for so long that it made it that much easier for those droids to operate the ships and fighters. In a way that alone made these massive ships run smoother then even the ships used by the CIS during the Clone Wars. Though this was omething it would have to undo if these ships were to be crewed by living beings in the future. Evolve would be using the super dreadnaught to experiment with new organic accessible controls, with the help of Providence techs and crew members. Karra even remembered Miranda talking to Evolve about bringing in Lilly and Starlight Stardrives to help speed it up.

Karra had to admit she was highly impressed with the ship. She had been on a number of different types of vessels by now to know what made a good ship, not so much on the technical level, but in the layout and internal design. The mood it created and practical yet defensive layout made her feel safe and calm. They also were able to simply cruise on through star systems and even hostile territories without anyone even knowing they were there thanks to the Stealth system. She keeps hearing the Providence techs talk excitedly about how advance it is and how they never seen anything like it before, that if it actually hide the ship from site it would be the ultimate in cloaking technology. Karra didn't know much about such things, nor did Ashla, but they could both agree that it was something that was worth having. She rather did like this ship a lot.

Besides the droid crew, Karra and Ashla, a number of Miranda's Providence troopers and crew members also were stationed on the ship. They acted as the command crew for the most part, but were there to also learn about the ships they would someday operate them selves. Their destination is Tython, in lore its where the Jedi order was first founded, after a brutal war between multiple force using factions, known as the Force Wars. What isn't talked about either remembered or locked away was the fact that all these factions stemmed from one order, The Je'daii Order.

The Je'daii Order was the first order of force users ever assembled, they practiced balance of the force within them selves, falling to far to either side of the force was viewed as dangerous and lead to corruption. Those who were corrupted would be exiled to one of the two moons to meditate until they returned to balance. A series of events would ultimately tear the order apart and lead to first the Formation of the Jedi, and later the Sith. Both having extreme different views for the light side and the dark side, one seeking to bring balance to the force by "policing" the galaxy, while the other seeks revenge against the Jedi for the wrongs they committed "In the name of the Light" and to bring their sense of "justice and unity" to the Galaxy.

Ashla has already shared with Karra a great deal of this history, and has nonstop training and showing her the corruptible nature both the Jedi and Sith have. While it was hard to believe at first, the evidence was there. Much of it was clear with the Sith, but to see what the Jedi have done and how they simply justify it, or simply ignore what happened, often never apologizing. Karra often saw more honesty in the Sith and their actions, despite being distasteful, during these lessons. Once they reach the planet, they would first recover what remained of Ashla's belongings, if any. Then Ashla will lead Karra in a deep, intensive meditation that will bring them both in balance with the force.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

It was the last few moment in the last hyperspace jump. Both Ashla and Karra stood on the bridge along with many of other other living crew members. Ashla had provided the first set mathematical equations and numerous course corrections for the droids. They followed her orders with out pause or complaint, though the constant dropping out of hyperspace then entering again is what brought the other living crew members to the bridge. This last jump was proving to be turbulant, like the ship was fighting an unknown force that didn't want them to advance. Such jumps were dangerous, and cost more fuel then they were often worth. If not for one of the special features the ship possessed, there was a very real chance that once they got to system that held Tython, they wouldn't have the fuel to return.

The swirling tunnel of light flashed away and the stars came zipping into view, then all was still, or that is what the optical allusion would have you think. Raider coasted forward on the inertia of the jump for a while then the engines were brought to full power. The sight before them was very much like that of Corellia, only dead. The system was chalk full of evidence that it was once just as busy, but what once was is now only empty decaying husks. Star Ships and Space stations littered the area, one could clearly tell where there were once space lanes.

Karra looked over to Ashla, her face showed little sign of it, but the woman was saddened over the sight. Karra couldn't blame her, this was once her home, long ago. "Was it like this before you were..." Ashla looked at Karra suddenly as if she was pulled out of a day dream. The women glanced back at the sight before them then turned to face the rear of the bridge. "Yes... And before you ask... War did this." She sighed holding her self. "The Despot War left very little in its wake, people tried to rebuild, but as you can see nothing would last. I can't even begin to think what happened to all the people... It doesn't even feel right in the force anymore..." Ashla let her arms fall to her sides then drew in a deep breath, then turned back to the view. "Take us into orbit of the fifth planet and prepare a shuttle."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

Surviving on this planet wasn't the hard part, it was the waiting. Miria had crash landed on Tython weeks ago on a vision and a feeling she got. Typically people who are ship wreaked would stay with the ship, but ever since she had been on the planet, something drew her into the mountains. She spent those weeks going deeper and deeper into those mountains, along they way she found ruins of ancient cities and towns. More often then her way was along what once was a road. But the higher and farther she went all these things became scarcer and scarcer. She now was held up by a wild storm, she managed to find shelter in a nearly intact hut carved in solid stone. A section of the roof and a wall was missing but luckily it faced away from the wind, with a fire going it wasn't so bad. After a meal of rations supplemented with wild game she dozed off by the fire.

The storm must has zapped more of her strength then she thought, she wasn't as alert as she should have been when the sound of a repulsorlift echoed off the mountains. Groggy she got to her feet, her saber flew into hand. The bright morning sun seeping in from the ruined roof and wall blinded her for a moment but the force told her there were people outside of the hut now. She her orders being yelled out over the sound of the air craft, she also heard droids. But there was no intention of murder in the force, only curiosity and cautiousness. Then that feeling in the force returned, the same one that coaxed her to travel into the mountains, only this time it came from right in front of her, It was calming. Rubbing her eyes she made out the figures of two women standing just beyond the door way. Suddenly Miria was falling, but she was caught before she hit the ground. "Shhhh... Its ok... Your ok."

Miria woke up and bolted upright, which turned out to be a bad move. Her balance failed her and she fell back into something soft. "Easy, you still need some rest." The woman's voice was a little rough but her tone was kind. Miria looked over to the speaker, the woman looked wild like she was from some sort of tribe. She wore armor that didn't look very practical but Miria knew better then to judge simply on looks. The force was strong with the woman as well, very strong in fact but it felt different, as much wild as the woman looked. The woman poured some water into a bowl from the fire and handed it to her. "Sip it till is gone, it will build up you immunity." Miria took the bowl and did as she was told. The water was spiced and tasted horrible, but when the liquid reached her stomach she felt a rush of relief throughout her body. After taking a few more sips she turned back to the woman. "Who are you? What happened to me?"

The woman had returned to the stew she had given Miria, she added something to it stirring it in slowly. "My name is Karra, when we found you, you had over worked your body, that the animal you have been hunting and eating turned out to be poisonous." Karra finished with the stew then turned to Miria. "It wasn't easy finding a cure, but it looks like its working well enough." Miria, finding renewed strength after having some of the stew sat up. It hurt, more then it should have, then she saw why. Her hands and arms were bandaged up clear to her shoulders. "What?" Karra moved over to Miria, "Stay calm, the poison has hallucinogenic properties, once it was affecting you, you didn't even know it was. You have mild frost bite all over your body in patches, the Kolto injections are taking care of it, you won't even have any scaring."

"I never felt any danger... How did i not sense the poison?" Another woman entered the hut, she had a very strong presence in the force, but it also felt old, ancient even. "Even i couldn't tell you that, Tython always had its mysteries, and with its past the way it is... Lets just say we shouldn't take anything on this planet for granted."

"You... Did you send me the vision? Are you the one that drove me to come this far?" Miria asked as Karra tended to her bandages. The other woman sat next to the fire and scooped up her own bowl of the stew. "Yes, I'm Ashla. I know where you come from... Or rather when. You are unique in so many ways, it would be hard for someone like me to ignore you. You have no place to go so i thought I'd lead you here."

"For what reason?" Ashla sipped from her bowl a few time, the taste didn't seem to phase her. "To maybe provide you with answers, and a place to belong. We have something in common, though to you its a lesser extent." Miria thought for a moment, "You're from another time as well?" Ashla nodded. "Yes but I didn't tear my way through time here like you did. I lived through the years as a statue, it wasn't very pleasant I assure you." Miria sipped from her bowl then shook her head. "Neither was my trip though time..."

Miri would need another full two days before she was healthy enough to move on. During that time the three women exchanged their stories, how Karra and Ashla meet and their journey to this planet. About the Je'daii and how Ashla wished to teach Karra and Miria if she so desired to be the first Je'daii in centuries.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

~~~~~~~~Providence Fleet: Unspecified Star System~~~~~~~~~

Even Miranda was impressed with her self, but was amazed at how easy it really was. She supplemented her and Evolve's fleet with six modified Shrike combat frigates, thanks to Lilly. When she called for old members of Providence to return, they did. Not all of them... but more then enough to crew those ships. While Evolve's two dreadnaughts did what they did best, Miranda's two destroyers and host of new frigates could act as a deterrent to anyone that happen to locate them as they moved the Resource Factory.

Miranda thought it was Lilly Starlight and her company in on this discovery, to help Evolve convert it's ships control systems to that organics can use. She was on the Factory right now with a small team of her brightest, most loyal, minds. Last talk Miranda had with Lilly, she was having a field day, like a child in a candy store. She couldn't fault the younger woman, Miranda was impressed with the assortment of technologies and the building capabilities the factory had. Evolve now had the Super Dreadnaught in the Factory's berth, already stripped down to its frame. She saw the schematics, the ship was going to be every bit as powerful as Evolve's three defending ships, more-so in fact with the weapon's it was going to be equipped with. She was surprised it's hangers were going to be filled with a version of Providence's own fighter craft as well, the design effectively being scanned and stolen right off her own ship. She didn't think Sienar Fleet Systems would be very happy with that... She would have to do something about that later... After she finds a suitable new hiding place for the factory... and recruit suitable trustworthy crews for the dreadnaughts... Then find out what she was to do with such a fleet to begin with... "I wish Slade was here..."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Providence Mining colony Hospital~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The dreams came and went, as often as his awareness of the world around him. Last he could remember he woke up on an operating table, much to the dismay of the doctors and nurses working on him. He caught a glimpse of the state of his body, he wasn't surprised at what he saw. Then he was out again, likely he was sedated again. He should have told them he most sedation drugs didn't work well on him, all too often his enemies would try to drug him for capture, and so he developed a form of limited immunity to it all.

His dreams were of his daughters, he feared for their lives and often wondered how they were doing. His subconscious feed on in and caused him to have strange dreams. But one short one caught his attention, it showed him a fleet barely seen in the darkness of space. It stood between the innocent and an unknown evil that would see everything and everyone destroyed. He saw his daughters, they looked different... They looked Stronger... And beside them he stood.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Systems Alliance Boarder: Tindalos-class Deep space Station "Orion"~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"We aren't aligned with anyone and we aren't merchants. Its like I said before, we are simply travelers looking for a woman named Rebecca Shorapka... Our father sent us to find her to ask her for help." Lunix said with waning patience. The male's voice on the other side of the conversation then said the same thing he been saying. That the boarders are closed to everyone but government envoys or expected licensed merchants. Both the women noticed he made no mention of Rebecca Shorapka, like he completely tuned out that whole part Lunix said. San also noticed that the boarder patrol ships were getting closer. They hid their approach well with in their patrol routes, anyone typical pilot would have just shrugged it off, but she was an ace pilot with years of experience. She knew a trap was about to be sprung, but she couldn't do anything about it. They needed to find this Rebecca, and if they were going to attack they would have by now.

Just as there would have been no escape the male traffic controls voice was interrupted by a woman's. "What's your father's name?"

Lunix and San looked at each other then Lunix replied. "Slade..."

"Whats his last name?" The woman's voice asked again. Lunix opened her mouth to answer but stopped short. She didn't know if her father even had a last name. She felt ashamed for never finding out, and cursed herself now because her not knowing may cost them time and their freedom. Before she could come up with anything to say San answered. "He doesn't have one."

Their was a moment of silence, then the male's voice was back, he was talking about protocols as if he was never interrupted by the woman. Lunix looked to San, "Is that true? Dad doesn't have a last name?"

She nodded with a smile. "I asked him once, because I wanted to change mine to his. But he told me he abandoned it when he lost everything and took to the stars. Told me he couldn't even remember it, so I figured that no one would know it." She looked out at the patrol ships, which were now returning to their true patrol routes. "Looks like I was right."

They traffic controller's voice came back, "Sending you a course vector now, follow it or you'll be considered an enemy and fired on." San's hands ran across the controls as Lunix responded. "Thank you."

Their course brought us to one of the largest ships either of the girls ever been close to, the only others being the Airam dreadnaughts. They were instructed to follow the green guide lights, so they did and landed in a overly large and empty hanger. As they settled down their ship no one came out to meet them, not even a security team, the only blast door that could be seen remained shut. While this made the girls a little nervous they lowered the ramp and went down to the deck of the hanger.

There before them was a woman of average height, long blond hair that would easily drag on the floor if it wasn't kept up in a loose bun and pony tail. She had on nothing but a skin tight body suit that looked like it was the first part in a more elaborate set of body armor or flight suit. Both San and Lunix were taken completely by surprise and both took a step back. "Geez! Where did you come from?!"

The woman just smiled, "Lets go somewhere more comfortable, then we can talk." The woman, both San and Lunix now suspected as Rebecca Shorapka, turned a walked for the blast door. Both of the girls glanced at each other then followed. beyond the blast door their was stark difference from the hanger, the corridors were filled with activity. If the waves or busy people didn't part ways for Rebecca and the girls, it would have been a trial to manage a way through. After a short walk Rebecca show them into a room that was exceptionally comfy, its decor like that of a rustic home found in the woods. there was even a real fire place burning wood that left the air pleasantly scented.

Rebecca motioned for them to sit, and they did. The seating was firm but soft, San couldn't help but think that her bed wasn't nearly as comfortable."Can I offer you girls a drink?" Both accepted and as Rebecca made them their drinks she spoke. "So Slade has finally decided to call on the favor I owe him. I won't deny him it but i can't help but wonder why he didn't come him self. Mind telling me the story while we head... Where are we going?" Rebecca brought over the girls drinks. "A hyper matter colony... Here." Lunix took the drink then handed her a data chip with the planets location. When San accepted her drink Rebecca loaded the chip into a slot next to a well disguised wall terminal. She took her own drink then sat across from the two girls, and San and Lunix filled her in on every thing that had happened with their father and the Sith cult.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

A grave yard of a battle, one that took place roughly forty years ago, in the middle of a dead system over likely nothing. Miranda on Moon Shadow and a pair of of Shrikes scouted ahead of the rest of the fleet and Evolve. The field before them was littered with the remains of Republic and CIS vessels, but one ship in particular caught Miranda's attention. It was a largely intact Rothana battleship, though the damage it had sustained was more then enough to cripple the ship.

"I can't help but wonder why this was all left here..." Lilly stated. When she heard of the large debris field of destroyed ships, she wanted to join the scout party to see it for her self. Miranda turned to the woman. "We are out in the middle of a dead zone, there is no life out here let alone a base or even a fueling station. Its more of a wonder why two such fleets came out here to begin with." Lilly nodded, "Well there is one way to find out... After all, you have your eye on that behemoth." Miranda looked back out to the battleship. "You think Evolve can handle something that big?" Before Lilly could answer Evolve's voice came over the intercom. "As long as I have a supply of raw materials, which there is plenty floating around that vessel, I can work on any project. Even if it can't fit in my construction bay."

Lilly looked over to Miranda, "I think we inadvertently challenged her." Miranda turned back to Lilly. "Her?"

"Evolve, surly you noticed it. She's much more then a typical AI or droid."

Miranda thought about it and nodded. "Yeah, there is definitely something different, I just hope Evolve doesn't turn out to be a danger to us..."

Evolve's voice came over the intercom again, "I am no danger to those who my master has determined that will command me in while she is away. But beyond that I truly hope we can become more... maybe become friends."

Miranda had heard of droids or AI systems who have claimed to have become self aware beyond their programming. In a sense gained free will and became a sentient being all their own. She also heard many of those droids and/or AIs forsake biological and have often murdered or attempted to wipe out organics to 'free them selves'. Miranda had never met any such AI or droid... Not till possibly now.

"Friendship starts with trust and experiences built between two or more people, Evolve. I don't know whats in store for us, now or in the future. But we have high hopes for you, we trust you will give us what we need to survive and face that future, as I hope you trust us with your secrets and your defense."

"Then let us build onto that trust and experience the future together."

Miranda had hoped for such a response, but for some reason didn't expect it. She never thought of her self as a intolerant or raciest woman... and yet somehow she felt an unfounded suspicion, frightened, and worse yet anger directed at Evolve. Feelings she didn't have till this very moment, of course the reason was that she simply first believed that Evolve was just an AI, one that was meant to serve it's master unquestioningly. Now that may not be the case at all. Now there is a potential for Evolve to be a rouge, where it may right now be plotting her and her crews death... While such thoughts chilled her to the bone, she was also ashamed of herself for thinking that way. After all if Evolve was like that it had plenty of chances to kill them all already. Even now it's stealth ships were more then capable of wiping them all out.

"Evolve... When we finally find a place to set up our operations, I'd like to get to know you better."

"As would I Commander Moonbeam."

Miranda turned and started walking to the back of the bridge, "Have a boarding party prepped, ask Gate Keeper if he would join us to help slice the battleship's systems. Keep alert to any movement." There was a series of acknowledgments from Miranda's officers. Just as she was about to leave the bridge to head for the hanger she turned to Lilly. "Why don't you and Evolve see about giving her a face to her voice." Lilly smiled, "What do you think Evolve?" Evolve's voice sounded from the intercom again. "I think I would like that."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

The shuttles of the old sith empire, even the ones Evolve had constructed, weren't very comfortable. They were however rugged and had some impressive speed and maneuvering over the typical military transports Lilly flew in before.

"We are entering the debris field, its not very dense but be ready for any bumps." called the droid pilot back to the passengers. Another surprise for Lilly was how the droid piloted the shuttle. The droid flew with purpose but in a fluid motion, almost in a way that would be considered 'relaxed fun'. The same could be said about the other two shuttles, and the escort fighters from the Harrower dreadnaughts, also piloted by Evolve's droids. There was also a pair of squadrons of fighters from Miranda's two destroyers, Moon Shadow and Thunder Child.

The reason for such a large force to be sent to look over the old Rothana Battlecruiser was due to many accounts of CIS ships, fighters and other types of droids still operational in remote sectors of space, much like this one, and attacked anyone who passed by. No one wanted to take the chance that it could happen here. Many of the fighters broke off to do some scouting, Lilly would tune her datapad to their sensors. "Gray 2, 3, 4, and 5 give me visuals of the ship its self please." The shuttles hung back now as the fighters did their job. the visuals Lilly got confirmed some of her theories. The large ship was damaged, but not enough that it would simply just shut down and be left to rot. The engines and reactor were untouched, their only issue being they were out of fuel and antimatter.

"You reading this Miranda?"

"Yes, if it weren't for Evolve and the factory we would be in similar shape with all this micro jumps we have to make."

"If we can get the astrogation charts the ship made on its way here we may be able to forgo anymore of those..."

"This is flight leader, the area for 10 clicks is clear. Shuttle craft, your clear to make an approach to the target. We will continue our scouting of the other vessels."

With that the shuttles headed in for the battlecruiser. They were to land in the large fighter hangers whose blast doors were left open. The landing and securing of the hangers went with out incident. Lilly and her team were now heading for the bridge to secure the astrogation maps, while Gate keeper's team headed for the reactor room to see if they could get main power back online. The corridors were filled with dead clone troopers and destroyed CIS droids. As they went on there were fewer clones, and the CIS droids weren't so much destroyed, but powered down. It was clear who won this battle, only to be left to slowly run out of power. Not a fate Lilly would wish on even her enemies.

"Lilly, the reactor requires only minor repairs then simply needs antimatter." Gate Keepers means of communicating still caught her off guard, his voice simply in her mind. "Once the field is clear Evolve will bring the factory in and begin refueling the vessel."

"Ok Gate Keeper, we are about to enter the bridge now stand by." The heavy blast doors were shut but with no power to them all it took was a bit of leverage and muscle to open them enough to allow Lilly and her team in. What they saw was much like the rest of the ship. A lot of dead clones and destroyed droids, though the droids were centralized around the blast door. Lilly guessed this was the last stand for the ship's crew of clones. "Ok, set up the fusion generators. Lets see what we can get off the local computer systems till Gate Keeper can get main power and the main computer core online."

~~~~~~~~Providence Antimatter mining colony~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The doctor wasn't very pleased with Rebecca and her questioning, even Lunix could sense a little hostility in Rebecca's tone. It seemed Rebecca was none too please with the treatments Slade had been getting, despite it was needed to keep him alive one way or another. Reading Slade's medical records, she only looked up to ask the nearly insulting questions. They soon reached his room where both San and Lunix hesitated to enter, but after a moment of collecting them selves they did.

They almost wished they hadn't, their father's body was cleaned up, but he was so pale. The trauma he went through, and continued to go through with his operations had nearly left him bald and his body looked like it was withering away. Both San and Lunix looked away, and held each other. Rebecca's emotions seemed to flare to life seeing the pain the two girls were going through, her own eye watering some. She handed off Slade's medical records to one of her assistants and walked over to the tank that held Slade and looked him over. She walked around the tank slowly twice, her expression changing often.

She then walked up to the girls, her arms crossed in front of her, her expression soft. "I'm not going to lie, he doesn't look good. The radiation from the explosion clearly has done more damage to him then the explosion it self..." The girls couldn't look up. "But i brought someone back to life before..." That statement drew their attention, their thoughts were full of hope and doubt. "Lets transfer him to my ship, then we can go looking for these other doctors your father put his trust in." Again at the mention of the other doctors her tone changed to one of disdain. Lunix could only hope that the woman's attitude toward other doctors didn't cost them their father.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

Miranda and Lilly were now on board the factory, watching as Evolve sent out drones and droids to make necessary repairs to the Battlecruiser. "So does this happen often? Coming across derelict ships that one can simply just claim as their own?" Evolve's question caused Miranda and Lilly to look at one another. Miranda's first thought was that it was a rear thing, but after thinking about it for a moment she actually came across such vessels and a regular basis. None as large as this battlercruiser... But the Galaxy is a dangerous place, and a number of things could happen to a crew of a ship and just leave the vessel behind for someone else to lay claim. Miranda then replied, "I wouldn't say its a rare occurrence, but its also not very common, not for a typical spacer I would think." Lilly nodded, "Derelicts are are often brought to my company for repairs or deconstruction, more often by planetary governments then independent people. It costs a lot to recover such ships, and there are often many rules and regulations." Lilly took a moment to bring up information on the subject then pretty much read it out loud, paraphrasing much of it and skipping out on all the legal jargon.

"The ability to claim depends where they are found. Personally owned ships that are found are typically giving to a next of kin of the original owner, if there is none then the person who found it may have claim, again depending on regulations. As I said before Governments, like the New Republic, even have a organization that actively seeks out derelict ships to recover mainly because they have the resources and credits to bring such ships back to civilization."

Miranda then added in, "In the case of this Battlecruiser, we are well outside any governments controlled space. If the Galactic Republic still existed they might have been able to lay claim to it once they found out we have it, but they don't so they can't. If you weren't with us I might have just sold the information about everything here to the highest bidder, then let them figure out how they were going to recover all this. But since we do have you and you are capable of restoring the ship... I'll be able to claim it, not with out jumping through any number of legal issues and calling in a favor or two though... But that can wait till i actually show off the ship to the rest of the galaxy."

"I see, if you would transfer everything regards the subject to me, I may be able to speed up that process for you when the time comes Commander Miranda." Miranda looked surprised, "You can do that?"

"Indeed, i can go over all the data, prep the written work and find any loopholes that may help or quicken the process, as well and ensure none of the larger governments try to just take the ship away. A vessel like this is clearly a boon to the added security of our fleet and any one else would think the same for themselves and may use underhanded methods to relieve us of it."

"Well, thank you."

"I would also like to remain here even when the ship is finished, it is a secure area for more reasons then one and I wish to study the other vessels. Building a way point station here may also be advantageous for us, seeing how this path gives us a uninterrupted and stealthy route that spans a large area of space." Miranda thought about it then nodded, "Yeah that would be an advantage to us in the future. How soon can you start on that?"

Evolve brought up several holograms, all showing the various progress on both the Super Dreadnaught that brought them to Evolve and the Old Republic Battlecruiser. "The Battlecruiser will be brought back to standard operational condition in less then a week, the Super Dreadnaught's upgrades are nearly completed as well. Both are finished I'll be able to start on the super structure of the station, till then though i can begin construction on its various support craft and droid work crew."

"That Old sith ship is almost done? That's incredible, last i saw it was stripped down to its frame...!" Lilly exclaimed. "It would take my company at least a year of round the clock work to bring that thing up to standards..."

"You misunderstand Lilly. I didn't just bring the Super Dreadnaught up to standard galactic technology. The ship now even surpasses my Harrower dreadnaughts is defensive and offensive capabilities, and is to become the flag ship of my defense fleet,at least until Master Karra returns and says other wise."

Miranda and Lilly looked at each other both surprised. "Can you just do that to any ship?"

"Indeed I can." New sets of holograms replaced the old ones showing Miranda's destroyers, her New Frigates and again the Old Republic Battlecruiser, but they had significant changes to both their structures and systems. "As you can see I could upgrade all the ships in you fleet significantly, If you wanted me to that is. But to do so could easily compromise my existence."

"So you havn't even mentioned upgrading my ships because you see them as a... front of sorts? A fleet that can interact with the galaxy normally with out raising suspicions?"

"That actually makes a lot of sense Miranda." Lilly said mostly to herself.

"This is what I intended yes."

"Yes it does, but i wish you discussed this with me at least."

"But I knew you would agree commander..." Miranda interrupts Evolve. "That doesn't matter, keeping each other well informed about each other motives helps builds trust... Other wise it can breed mistrust, and that is something none of us can afford now, is it?"

"You are right commander, I didn't mean to cause any mistrust between us. I shall endeavor to keep you better informed and discus future tactics with you." Miranda took a deep breath and sighed. "No harm done... About some of these system upgrades, some of these can be applied with out them being outstandingly obvious. Maybe we can put our minds together and come up with something." Miranda didn't let it show, but Evolve acting like that scare the hell out of her. It would seem minor but such assumptions have cause misunderstandings and major problems in the past. She wants to give Evolve the benefit of the doubt, but she was now going to be all that much alert when keeping tabs on the AI.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

The three women, Ashla, Karra and Miria, had finally made it to the hidden temple. It wasn't as grand as many of the others that had dotted the planet, but it was still impressive. Despite the high winds and years of neglect it's entrance, hand carved into the face of the mountain, was is fair condition. Miria could feel that the force was strong here... *Maybe strong is the wrong word... Its more focused...* She thought to her self.

Ashla walked up to what could be the only visible door, a solid slab of rock. Back when the temple was new Miria would guess that the door was perfectly disguised in with the rest of the wall. But the ware of thousands of years has eroded the edges enough to make it obvious. Ashla's aura had been steadily growing stronger as they got closer to the temple, now that they were at its door step she was practically a beacon. Miria could literally feel the temple reaching out to the woman. Miria could tell Karra felt it as well, her feelings weren't as guarded as her own were. but she was in more control then many Jedi Knights Miria knew during the Clone Wars, and if the stories she had been hearing from the young woman were to be true... She is truly a strong willed woman.

Ashla placed a hand on the slab of rock and exerted her will and force through it. There was a mechanical click and with a groan the rock was pulled back then dragged to the side, stale air rushed out as the door opened. Ashla turned to the younger women, "Now your training can truly begin. The temple will test you as you walk the halls, nothing too dangerous I would suspect..."

Miria couldn't help herself and asked, "Whats in there?"

"I'm not sure... For now its only what you take with you..."

Ashla took a step away from the door and ushered in Karra and Miria.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

Rebecca was certainly a great host. While this had been the first time in a long while Lunix and San'dara had been near their father, they ended up not seeing him as much. Not that they didn't want too, its just they wanted to remember him how he was, and not how he is now. Rebecca would keep the girls busy, showing them her work any even having them test some of it. San'dara impressed Rebecca when she was able to pilot a ExoShell without a neural up-link. She only managed to get it to take a few steps but Rebecca told the girls that shorapka pilots, on their first run, don't often do so well and their minds are connected directly to the machine. Rebecca asked if San'dara would want to undergo the Shorapka Genetic and Cybernetic enhancements, but San'dara would decline, though Lunic noticed her sister watched the Exoshells and their pilots with greater interest.

Dr. Kieth, a man who had a hand in Vader's own cybernetic implants, knew how to cover his tracks well. He did leave specific crumbs that would seemingly have nothing to do with each other, mean nothing to anyone else, wouldn't raise any red flags, save for Slade or anyone he sent after the man. Even then it was difficult, if not for Rebecca's help it may have taken Lunix and San'dara longer to find him. Rebecca's fleet held back outside the system while the girls headed to the sparsely inhabited planet.

The planet and its population were highly primitive compared to the worlds closer to the core. They lived a simple life where technology had little place, though when it was used it was used in surprising ways, maybe not truly ingenious but effective. The Dragon's Blood landing caused a bit of an uproar, advanced ships like it weren't often seen and often meant something bad was going to happen. Still the people were welcoming and tension seemed to fade away when they saw only two young women leave the ship, which caught the attention of another sort of people...
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

The Planet was highly arid, it literally sucked the water out of you. An older woman named Beth, owner of the tavern, soon took the lead in asking the girls what their business might be. Lunix simply explained to her that they were looking for an old friend of the family, and that they needed his help with their father. Beth seemed to mull over the information for a bit then nodded. "Well if'in you need any help I'll do what I can. Lets go inside where its a little wetter, these old bones can't take this dryness for long." The woman lead the girls and the small mob of people that had gathered to see the "space born" to her tavern.

The wooden buildings of the town were strange, built with multiple low angles in trapezoidal shapes and no two buildings were next to each other, they were all separated by a good amount of space. San'dara's curiosity got the better of her, "Why are the buildings shaped and placed like that?" The older woman let out a rough dry laugh. "How else would they be little one?" One of the men in the mob ran up to Beth. "Beth, the dry is getting to your mind again, these two are Space born." Beth stopped and looked back at Lunix and San. "Oh thats right..." Beth turned around and started walking again. "Well its to make them strong for the wind season, its the best we can do with wood around here. Other towns are either carved out of a mountain, underground or make use of mud and bricks to make domes. But the ground here is best suited for farming, not mudding and bricks. They might not look as fancy but they keep the dry out and stand strong against the wind and sand."

The Building Beth lead them to, her tavern, was one of the largest. A large muscular man stood next to a huge heavy and thick wooden door, he said nothing, only looked out in the direction where Lunix could feel a light wind was coming from. Just beyond the the door jam were several sheets and blankets hanging from the ceiling. As the girls passed each one the dry air seemed to get more and more tolerable. Finally passed all that they entered the main hall of the tavern where the air was actually pleasantly damp, at least when compared to the outside.

Beth lead them to a table and motioned for them to sit while she did. Right away a girl not much older then them brought them tankards water. Lunix didn't realize how thirsty she was till she got a good look at the large glass of water and started to gulp it down. When she was finished, knowing how dry it was outside, she looked up at the girl, "How much?" Before the girl could say anything Beth started laughing dryly. "Your credits won't be able to buy anything on this planet I'm afraid. Lucky for you and your sister we here aren't so tight with our water." The male from before nodded and added, "We here have lots of water, so much we don't charge for it." Lunix turned to look at him, noticing the small mob that had formed when they landed had all but disappeared. "Is water that rare?" Beth, finishing her own drink, answered for the male. "Not really. There is plenty of water deep in the ground. Below the town is a huge cavern filled with fresh water, with several springs feeding it not less. Its why this land is for farming. Its like I said before, We aren't fancy but we are strong."

"Not exactly what you said before Beth... or on the same subject but I guess they get the idea..." The male said. Beth looked to the male, "You done correcting me Ted? Haven't you had enough oogeling these girls or are you looking to try for a fifth wife?" That caused San, who was in the middle of taking a long swig of her water, to take water down the wrong tube and start coughing. "See?" Beth motioned to San. "Thats universal woman speak for not interested, now git." Ted put of a false look of hurt then smiled and left. Beth watched him go then turned her attention back to San and Lunix. "Best keep an eye on that one, he has been hanging out with the bad types these last few seasons... Now tell me about this man your looking for."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

Lunix and San'dara told Beth everything they knew about Doctor Kieth Trillion. Beth thought for a moment then got up and walked over to a map of the world painted on a wall. "If this doctor is on world then i would look here." She pointed to an area on the map that had little detail compared to the rest of the map. "Its a place of superstition, forbidden technology and dark magic... At least that's what they say." The two girls walked over, San took out a datapad and scanned the map for their use. "What is known for sure about that place is the people who go there, often come back changed. The Marauders once came from there."

"Who are they?" Lunix asked, turning away from the map. "The Marauders? Doesn't the name say it all? They raid small towns and villages... They aren't stupid enough to cause any damage here though, ruining a crop here would call down the military on them. That isn't to say they haven't come here from time to time. As I'm sure I said before, we openly share our water here. But they are a dangerous lot, they have mechanical limbs often ending in some sort of weapon. That's why i think you may be able to find this doctor in that valley." Lunix nodded, "Then that's where we will start our search. Thank you for all your help." Beth smiled warmly, "You very welcome, before you leave though, be sure to take persuasions against the weather. We will give you all the water you need, should you need it."

"We will, and thank you again. We will come visit before we leave." San said and gave the woman a hug. Beth walked the girls out of the building and watched the them walk back to their ship. When she was sure they were out of ear shot Beth looked to the huge man standing by the equally huge door. "Call for the military..."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

The Girls returned the next morning wearing a sort of skin tight suit that left very little to the imagination. They did brake up the "lewdness" a little by have on protective gear, survival gear and light jackets. Following behind them was a rather tall and intimidating looking droid which pulled two small speeder bikes with it on either side and towed another behind it. Like the girls, the bikes were loaded with additional survival gear and out fitted to operate in the very arid environment, much like the droid was. They certainly didn't fit in with this set up, but then again they weren't trying to be stealthy about all this.

The sight of them started to draw the attention of the towns folk, much like their arrival yesterday had. They were soon joined by Beth who looked them over and nodded in approval. "Water retaining suits... Haven't seen there like in a long while." She walked past the girls to look at the droid and gear on the bikes. "You're going well prepared, more so then I first thought you would... And here I had arranged some help for you." Beth turned and motioned over to her tavern. Four large men sat checking their own gear, one was cleaning an overly large weapon that looked a lot like a Gatling Gun. They all wore heavy clothing with armor plating strapped over, each of them also had a heap of ponchos and other coverings next to them. All that clothing, Lunix knew, would act like the all the cloth in the taverns door way keeping the dry air out while keeping the men's moisture in, though it must be hot under all that.

"They are military, some of the best I'm told. They are always looking a for a reason to go into that valley, going with you is as good a reason as any other. They also know the lay of the land all the way up to the valley." Lunix turned to Beth, "You don't have to convince me. I won't turn down any help we can get, time is an issue for us after all." Beth nodded and motioned for the girls to follow her.

As the girls walked up to them the four soldiers watched them. "When Beth told us we would be escorting a pair of girls I didn't expect... Well that!"

"Yeah I know Jebb, those two are very fine looking! If i knew they were off world women i would have taken a bath..."

Jebb snorted, "Like that would have made any difference Chester, they are way out of your league." Chester laughed, "Maybe, but that isn't going to stop me."

"Would you two pipe down, the mission started the moment we got into town. Women chasing can come when we get them and ourselves out of this alive. Get me?"

Both Chester and Jebb nodded, "Yes Major..."

The Major finished tying up a sack and watched the girls following Beth. "What do you think about them sergeant?" The man with the Gatling gun looked up from polishing his weapon, first to the Major then to Lunix and San'dara. "Nice curves... But I got two ex wives already. Not looking to add to that collection." The major smiled, "Not what I was asking." The sergeant smiled and nodded, "I know... They got the gear and know how to use it. They are also well prepared, maybe even more then we are. The way walk and the look in their eyes... They know how to fight and they aren't stupid or completely trusting of us." The Major stood up as Beth and the girls neared, "That's fine with me."

The other three troopers stood up as the Major greeted the women. "Major, This is Lunix and San'dara. Girls, this is the Major. Before you ask, he is just known as Major. He doesn't answer to any other name..." The Major offered his hand to the girls, both of which shook them. He was surprised at how strong a grip they had. Sergeant was right they had seen some action. "I earned my rank with blood sweat and tears Beth. Its the proudest achievement of my life."

"Yes yes, you old war horse. I know." Beth smiled mischievously. Major looked back to the girls. "A pleasure to meet the two of you. I Hope you won't take this the wrong way but I'm glad to see you know to prepare for whats out there. Should make our lives a little better."

"Yes... Well our father taught us well. Beth told us your military is always looking for a reason to head into the valley. If its such a problem why don't you just move in and be done with it?"

"Numbers," The Sergeant said taking a step forward. "Our military is strong and feared by the numerous criminal elements on our world, that valley isn't the only contested area and if we were to mobilize everything to take care of it once and for all, the other areas will take advantage of our absence."

"There is also the off chance we fail and loose a lot of good men. That would leave us in a bad position that would be taken advantage of as well." Added the Major, "Sending in strike team to 'keep them soft' is about all we can and will do, unless they want to go to open war. But they wouldn't dare, because all this applies to them as well. We have a odd sense of balance here."

Lunix could understand that. Seemed like that is how the whole galaxy was set up at the moment. All the sides more or less keeping pace with one another but are often to focused on each other they forget to watch their back for that unknown. Now Lunix wondered if there was an unknown sneaking up on these people... *Oh god... If I'm not careful I'm going to be a overly paranoid old woman before I'm even past my prime...*

Then another thought came to mind. "I see... So your not just going to protect us you're also going to make sure we don't stir up the hornet's nest. Am I Right?" The Major looked surprised and looked to the Sergeant. "Told you Major..."

"Don't worry, once we find Keith we are gone, till then we will only defend ourselves from any threat." Lunix said with a sharpness to her voice.

"We do what we must." Replied the Major, his tone equally sharp.

"Good, With that settled lets get a drink to go and head out."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

The trip was long but the final hyperspace jump was nearing completion. Miranda had to admit, these Shrike Frigates were a good buy. They performed well for their role and thanks to simplified or familiar controls the crews for the ships were able to get use to them quickly. The crew though... she was a little worried about, at least at first. They were once part of the Military Airam Clan "Knights", which had recently been pretty much dissolved and its members banished from Airam space.

What remained of their fleet had barely managed to make it far enough to contact the Providence Fleet which was deep in a no "life zone" of the galaxy, a collection of star systems that had never had or no longer had any form of life. The Ex-Chief Marcus and his wayward clansmen wanted to join Miranda's Providence to be of help to Slade and his kin. Arron, returning as well from the Airam civil war, vouched for Marcus and the clan. While she allowed it, she at the time didn't have much trust in these people, but after this trip she has become fairly impressed with them. Which brings her to this trip, the fleet alone has tens if not hundreds of thousands of refugees, all on battle worn, fuel-less atmosphere leaking ships that are out in the middle of nowhere. She couldn't bring Evolve back to the fleet for many reasons, two of the biggest is that she was building a way station of sorts where they found that Republic/CIS battlefield and the fact that Evolve needed to remain top secret.

So she had to come up with another method to help the refugees out. She first thought to use the Shrike Frigates to ferry to the people in to the fleet, but that would take a long time with the low capacity the ships had. There was also the issue of where to keep so many people. The combined capacity of all the ships, even the Harrowers and the newly operational Rothana Battlecruiser wouldn't be enough, and she wasn't about to let anyone on Evolve. Well the next best idea they had was to buy passenger liners and or cargo ships, a big investment for a people She had up till now no knowledge about. But after searching the holonet and Lilly made a few comm call they learned about the a singular vessel that would meet their needs and could be an asset in the future. Which is what brings Miranda to Dac in the Mon Calamari system.

After a lengthy customs/security check, on can't simply just fly to the capital of the Free Galaxy in a warship unhindered after all, Miranda contacted the Company's customer service to take a tour of the vessel, and if it really fits her and the refugee's needs, work out a deal. She was instructed where she could dock her ship and a time to meet a representative in the morning. Apparently they arrived in the middle of the night locally.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Mir »

Shosnkuo walked into the conference room with an easy smile on his face. The man had recently been given a promotion, but that wasn't necessarily due to his personal accomplishments, and more due to the fact that his superior had passed away during the attack on Dac by Sivter not too long ago. Either way, he had now been tasked with meeting with Miranda Moonbeam in regards to a business matter. He didn't have much information on the woman herself, but what he had heard gave him reason to believe that she would be very astute in their business dealings. The Mon Calamari shook hands with the woman and then sat down.

"Ms. Moonbeam, it is a pleasure to meet you. From my understanding, you are interested in a transaction with Mon Calamari Shipyards." The Mon Cal said. "It's always good for us to maintain our private sector work, so we're highly interested in hearing just what it is that you're looking to purchase from us. Ships, I presume?" He asked.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

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Miranda had brought with her Marcus and a Droid had met Shosnkuo that morning. Marcus was there for obvious reasons that only Miranda and him would know, his people were the ones that would be house in any ship or ships Miranda buys that day. The Droid was actually a avatar for Evolve, though not Evolve herself she was there to act as Evolves eyes and ears and to help Miranda in anyway she needed.

Both Marcus and the Droid remained behind Miranda as she shoot hands and pleasantries with Shosnkuo. "The pleasure is mine Mr. Shosnkuo. This is my Associate Marcus, he is simply here to observe." She sat down and held out a hand, to which the droid handed her a datapad. "Thank You Evee, could you please get me a glass of water?" The Droid bowed and went to do so. "Yes Mr. Shosnkuo I'm looking for a ship or ships that could meet my current needs. After doing some research I believe you have what I'm looking for." She typed a few keys on the data pad then placed it on the table. A holo of the Silent Reef leaped up and started cycling through numerous angles and internal shots that were found on the Mon Cal's Company own Holosite. "If at all possible I would like a tour of the vessel and speak with an engineer who had intimate knowledge over the vessel's capabilities, and its history."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

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“Ah, the Silent Reef.” Shosnkuo said, nodding. “A classic vessel, full of history and detail.” He added. “Unfortunately, I don’t think that there’s an engineer alive who worked on the original vessel. However, I believe one or two could be found who worked on it during the refit when it went through the New Class upgrades.” He said. “Perhaps one of those might be suitable for your inquiry?” He asked, as he rose. “I’ll see if we can contact one of them during our journey to the vessel itself.” He said, gesturing towards the door.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

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Miranda got up, exchanging the datapad to Evee for the water it was sent to get. "That would be just fine." Miranda walked out of the room then waited for Shosnkuo to come out and lead them on.

Miranda and company were lead aboard a small but roomy shuttle, its passenger cabin mostly made out of clear durasteel. They were well stocked with finger food and many assortment of drinks. Miranda noticed Marcus went straight for the liqueur, she couldn't blame him for being a little of a lush, he had lost so much in the last month or two. Not only did he lose the war, many of his Clan had died during it, and more die by the day back in Airam space. Not everyone was able to reach the refugee fleet and those that were left behind must hide till they can be rescued or find a way out them selves. While no one talked about it, Macus's son wasn't with them and Arron was keeping to herself...

Still though Marcus remained dignified and respectful for the trip out to the Silent Reef. The ship was large enough that they could already see it in it's own small dock hanging in a Lagrangian point away from the major star yards and space ways. But Miranda noticed that wasn't the only object taking up the space there. Husks of other ships of Mon Cal design were lined up with out their own docks. Many looked like they were the ruined remains from combat. Others looked like half disassembled MC-80s from the Alliance age, likely ships that were having the New Class project applied to them but for one reason or another stopped. One fairly large hull caught Miranda's attention. It was strange, its lines looked like someone tried to take the wreaks of a Star Destroyer and a Mon Cal cruiser and weld them into something usable.

"What is that hull Mr. Shosnkuo?" Miranda asked pointing it out.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

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"That?" Shosnkuo asked, looking at the hunk of ship that Miranda was interested in. "That's nothing more than junk at this point. A failed experiment that we had been working on. Budget cuts forced us to abandon the project. It's a shame, it could have been something great." He said. The Mon Cal turned to Miranda. "We have a number of those sometimes."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

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"Was it a private build or was it backed by an government?" Miranda didn't know much about ship construction, But that unfinished nearly empty hull certainly got Evee's attention. Miranda always trusted Lilly's father and now Lilly herself about such things. But Evee, Evolve's Avatar, was brought along to do that job, with Lilly's 'Seal of approval'. After all who would know better then a sentient shipyard if a vessel was well crafted or not, Miranda couldn't fault that logic.

While Evee's exterior was that of a common protocol droid, its internals were highly advanced Evolve technology. Even at this distance the droid was able to make a three dimensional mapping of the Hybrid hull in great detail. The information was condensed, encrypted and sent back to Evovle her self for review.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

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"It was a private build." Shosnkuo replied. "Well, it was intended to be for governmental use, but at first it was a private build. You see, as a sign of the non-aggression pact between the New Republic and the Empire, we were planning on pitching an idea for a joint governmental task force that was designed for exploratory purposes. We wanted a vessel that would symbolize both Imperial and New Republic design theories. Since the Imperial design theories start with Wessex and the Star Destroyer, and the New Republic design theories, particularly with capital ship design, are centered around the Mon Cal vessels, it seemed like a good genesis point for our ship." He said.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

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"That's actually a interesting idea... When we are finished with the Silent Reef maybe we could talk about it more?" As the shuttle neared the ship it slowed down and was brought around the Silent Reef slowly for those on board to get a good look at the vessel. Miranda was impressed with the ship's over all size and shape, while she may have preferred the sharp angles of her Victory Destroyers she could appreciate the elegant curves and sleekness of the ship.

The observation shuttle soon landed in a small hanger meant for VIPs. Once they exited the shuttle they proceeded to the next room which was an large observation deck which had a huge view port of the Silent Reef as well as several real time holos of the ship scattered around the room. There were very few other beings, it actually looked like the station had been shut down till very recently.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

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“Indeed.” Shosnkuo said. He remained silent as they walked on board the ship itself. It wasn’t until they reached the observation deck that he spoke again. “As you can see, the ship was well designed and built. Maintenance has been a bit of an issue recently. Most of our workers have been tied up with a few other projects. But everything is in order, still.” He said, as they continued onwards, finding themselves on the bridge of the vessel.

Obviously, he wasn’t going to take them through everything, the ship was hundreds upon hundreds of meters long. “I can attest to the fact that the ship had some of our best designers work on it, though I’m afraid it doesn’t look like we’re going to be able to get one of our engineers to be able to come and talk on it.” He said. “Was there anything in particular that you were wondering about?” The Mon Cal asked. “Maybe I might be able to answer your question.”
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

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"Well I do have a few questions i hope you can answer then. I know the New Class program should have made it so that anyone can operate the ship now, not just Mon Calamari and Quarren. But what about maintenance? How standardized is the inner workings of the ship? Can my own people be able to do it or will i constantly have to bring the vessel here?" She walked over to one of the consoles looking it over. "I also need to know how soon the ship, should I buy it, can be fully stocked and ready to leave the dock? To make that easier to answer we would only need half the standard supplies and I'll provide any support ships the vessel may need to be considered "safe to operate".
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

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Shosnkuo blinked. Interesting, rapid fire questions. He answered them as they had been presented to him.

"Maintenance shouldn't be an issue. The inner working of the ship have been standardized, indeed; any being of any species should be able to work on within the bowels of this vessel, provided they have the knowledge and ability. You would not need to bring the vessel here, should you so desire." He said, and then he paused to consider, as her last question required some additional thought. "Hmm, you raise an interesting question. I would say, in my opinion, that we would be looking at maybe a week, at most. No fewer than two days, at a minimum."
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

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Miranda looked over to Marcus who nodded and she turned back to Mr. Shosnkuo. "This vessel seem to be exactly what we need. Shall we start on the proper paper work?"

The group headed back to the company's main offices were the finer details were ironed out. When that was finished Marcus was tasked with supervising the Silent Reef as it was brought online and stocked. He would also have to assign a crew to the ship, they would likely be the first few from his Clan to be saved from the floating wreaks of his once proud fleet. It was a good chance for Miranda to see how the man operates, and to see if she could trust him and his people.

With everything dealt with on the Silent Reef, Miranda brought up the Hybrid Project again. She told Mr. Shosnkuo she was interested in maybe financing the project if they could meet her standards and conditions. Those being that she wanted to bring in her own people to help work on the design, the vessel class would remain a product the Company can build and sell but the first one would be hers, and the last would be a later agreed on percentage from the sales of the vessels considering she would likely be the only financier and having her people work on it.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

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Meanwhile Lilly Starlight was busy with her own ship purchasing, only she was seeing the right to build a production model of the Z-95-AF4-P1. It had long been an idea she wanted to do as modifying existing Z-95s into this craft was time consuming, depending on the stock model they have, and took up room that was needed for other projects. Starlight Star Drives already have the production capabilities to construct the fighter craft, which weren't in use at the moment, and the refined schematic for the fighter had long been ready.

The reason she wanted to push for the rights of the fighter now was so that she could help supply Miranda with a fleet of fighter craft quickly. Miranda was building up a fleet of capital ships very quickly to help safe guard Evolve, but it wouldn't stand up to much with out proper support craft, and with larger ship yards busy replacing what was lost during the War of Darkness her company was the best option. If this deal were to fall through she did have another option. Thanks to looking into Evolve's vast databanks of ships and ship technologies she had found a whole series of Rendilli fighter craft, that after some additional outside research she found to no longer have a patent anymore. Legally she could patent them under Starlight Star Drives, practically stealing the whole series, but instead she asked some of her lawyers to work out a deal with Rendilli while she worked with Incom over the Z-95 deal.

Surprisingly the meeting with the Incom's Board of Directors went very well. She wasn't scared of them per-say, but it was the first time she went to a larger company to pitch a project, typically it was the other way around. They liked her presentation and were impressed with the live performance show of the Z-95-AF4-P1s she had brought with. Of course they would want to review the production version of the fighter craft, they will want trial productions and flight tests and will place a representative at the production facility. All of which was reasonable and expected, after all the product legally was as much theirs as it was hers and no one want to put out a shoddy product.

After an exhaustive day of paper work and additional meetings with share holders and executives over this whole deal, she had more good news waiting for her. Seemed the purchase of the FT-Series of Rendilli fighters went without a hitch. While with those she would have to start from the ground up on designing and producing a modern fighter craft, she would have a lot less red tape to deal with. Doing some math in her head she concluded that both projects would be in full production around the same time with some undisclosed help from Evolve... She was going to need to expand Starlight Star Drives...
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

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The next day Lilly was finishing up some frame and deck plans for Evolve, the result impressed even her. It was a heavily modified version of the Terminus-Class of light destroyers that had made up the bulk of the Old Sith Empires fleets. Really it was only ideas for the layout she and Evolve were playing around with to fill out the stealth fleet. Evolve can only modify existing plans but the old Terminus just had so many flaws, and Evolve had already optimized it to the point where nothing further could be done with it. So Evolve enlisted Lilly's help in developing a completely new ship from it. The crazy part is Evolve didn't need Lilly to come up with complete plans. Such a thing would take months or years to develop, what Lilly draw up could be considered a child's drawing compared to a complete set of plans for a ship. But she had a feeling that Evolve was about to surprise her with engineering feats no one thought possible, let alone thought a AI could do.

Just as she finished sending the plans in a coded message, she received one from Miranda. She opened it as she took another bite from her breakfast and listened to it, watching the holo image of Miranda explain how the deal went with the Silent Reef. She nearly choked when Miranda told her about the Project she was now financing. A new Class of Battle Cruiser by the Mon Cal, and Miranda secured a place in the design team for Lilly. A basic design of the vessels replaced Miranda's holo, the frame and much of the outer hull was complete but it was still far from finished. Lilly sat back to let it all soak in then smiled after a moment. There was a point in time where she was asking herself, "How did i get so involved with these people?" But after reflecting on it, she has seen some of the most spectacular things in the last few months, and she wouldn't trade it for anything.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

As Miria entered the long untouched temple a darkness stole all the light. She quickly turn around to see if Karra or Ashla were still outside, but the door was gone. She was alone in darkness... A twinge of panic started to swell in the pit of her stomach and began to rise. Then the screams came, millions of voices crying out in fear, anger and sorrow. So loud were the scream it was as if all these people stood right next to her. Miria collapsed to the floor covering her ears, her face contorted into absolute terror. She knew where these screams came from... Light finally filled a small area of the void, the image of Alderaan then people with no faces surrounded her. The screams continued but now she could hear these faceless people ask her accusingly.

"Why didn't you help us?!"

"Why did you run?!"

"You should have helped!"

"There had to have been something you could have done!"

Silence and darkness returned... Or did it? Miria could almost see, there was a small amount of light. She strained her eyes then saw it, there were asteroids all around her. This is what Alderaan is now, she realized. In the distance she saw a brighter object, this orb looked like a moon, but the moment she thought that she knew other wise. The image of this object grew instantly taking up nearly all of her view, the Death Star. The screams and the accusations echoed in her mind, distance like a nearly forgotten memory despite it being very fresh and raw. Behind her she heard a sound that froze the blood in her veins. Vader's respirator assisted breathing, she turned to see Vader killing any Jedi that stood in his way and murdered those who tried to run. People she knew, people she left behind when she unofficially left the Order and went to Meditate...

Vader turned to her, but it wasn't her... She was her mother, who stood with Miria's Master, Obi Han'So. The fight between the three fierce, but short. Vader wounded then killed Obi Han'So, then hammered down on Miri's Mother's defenses, driving her to her knees then in a quick acting sliced off her raised arms and decapitated her.

Miria yelled out in anguish, tears flowing. She would remain like that for hours, alone in a room, not realizing her trial was over.
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Re: Recovered Artifacts: Act 3: Balance & Science

Post by Red Dragon »

Karra found herself deep in the woods, she felt like she knew this place... Trammis III. The moment she knew where she was fire rolled in and consumed everything. The heat very nearly took Her breath away. The smoke and soot stung her eyes, she wiped at them with her arm, smearing soot across her face. When she looked up again she was in her village, her burning village. Burnt corpses lay everywhere, women clutching their young, all burnt to ash. In the center of the village was a figure. Karra knew already who it had to be. After all all of this was her worst fear. She started to walk toward the figure, the flames licked at her flesh but it did not burn her. She walked right up to herself, a being twisted in fear and anger, but Karra could feel the sadness in herself as well. Her twisted self drew her blade, as did Karra, but after a moment Karra let it fall and she quickly closed the distance to her twisted other self. Confused by Karra's actions and swiftness the twisted form didn't respond fast enough.

Karra embraced her twisted self and held her tight, The twisted form was shocked, but only for a moment. Soon it raised its blade over Karra to stab down into her back, but faltered once more when Karra spoke, "Its ok..." It looked down to see karra looking up at her. "You aren't alone." The twisted version of Karra looked up to see Slade, her father, and her many sisters. It only felt love coming from them. She looked back down at Karra, tears started to well up in her eyes. Karra smiled up at her twisted self, "We are all here for you." The twisted Karra broke down in tears, she dropped her blade and returned Karra's embrace. In a flash of light the two became one and Karra now stood in the middle of the vast hall of the hidden Je'daii temple.

Ahsla came up beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You have done well. You exceeded my expectations. Like a true Je'daii you didn't conquer your darker side, you accepted it, and it accepted you. Now your path as a Je'daii can truly begin." Karra let out a sigh of relief, but noticed Miria wasn't with them. "What happened to Miria?" Ashla shook her head. "She may not have been ready for this... I expected too much and knew too little of her inner demons. She hasn't failed but neither has she passed, she must come to terms with the ordeal she went through."
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