Keeping it in the Family

18 years after the Battle of Yavin...
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Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

The large blast doors to CorSec Prison Facility 28-B slowly raised open. To anyone happening to pass by at that moment, they might do a double take, rub their eyes to make sure they weren't seeing double as two figures walked out, both wearing black flight jackets with white, oil stained, shirts underneath with black pants tucked into black calf-high pilot boots.

Looking to be in the late teens, or perhaps 'very' early twenties, both of them had roguish facial features, which was interesting considering that they were of different genders. The male had a scruff of youthful stubble due to their time within the comforts of Corellia's Penal Institution. And both of them were obviously Identical Twins.

Strangely enough, the outside guards were all smiling, and actually waving to the two as if they were fellow guards leaving for the day."You guys stay out of trouble." The Guard Captain smiled wryly towards them. "But we'll keep your beds clean for your return." He finished with a chuckle that the other guards quickly joined in with the laugh.

"Who? Us?" Ranion turned and walked backwards for several steps to look at the guards, an expression of mock innocent on his face. "We're just misunderstood. Plus, Judge Harrison has it out for us. You guys won't be seeing us...well...for a while anyway." He finished with a smirk on his lips. "Tell Moira I said hi, and we'll get that 'special' order to you guys soon as we make a run to Kessel."

Ranion turned back around after a final wave to the guards, and then as they rounded the corner, he sighed heavily. "Damn, I'm glad we were able to make a deal with those guys so they would put in a good word about us to the Advocate, so we could get an early release. I don't think I could have stood another day in that hellhole. Nor would we have probably survived another day because you pissed off that Bothan Spice Runner."

"What the hell did you do to him anyway?"

"Let's just say that telling him that the Mon Calamari sacrificed more for Endor than the Bothans did, it doesn't really go over too well. It was the heat of the moment. Really, he shouldn't have taken it as seriously as he did. Letting his fur get all out of shape like that." She said in reply. Running a hand through her hair, she sighed. "I'd really like a shower. A real shower. With real soap and hot water."

"Often times I hate the fact that you're a girl."

"Often times I hate the fact that you smell." She said back with a shrug. "But I deal with it." They continued to walk, putting distance between them and 28-B, which had been their home for a little while. More like a home away from home really. Either way, she didn't particularly like it there, but that was because it wasn't a bunk on a space ship. Or a room above a bar. That was home. "They could have at least let us keep our blasters. Though I guess that whole 'being responsible' thing comes into play."

"Makes it a bit harder for us to bend the rules."

"But that much more fun when we do." She said to her brother with a smile. "Come on, Ranion, I'll buy you a drink."
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Nichalus »

Ranion smirked and shook his head as his sister walked ahead of him towards the city center of Tyrena. Looking ahead he could see the gleaming silver spires of the, the majority of which were owned by the CEC, along with the grey permacrete buildings that surrounded the densely packed city. As they got closer to the city center, the crowds began getting thicker with tourists, or as Ranion refered to them as Tourons. Lavish hotels and plazas, with bright neon lights and primly dressed servants standing in front of them lined the roads. Expensive Hover Limos came and went with their cargos of the rich and elite class of the city's guests.

As they walked down the sidewalks, tourists in colorful souvenir shirts spouting slogans of 'I struck 'gold' at the Golden Beaches of Corellia', the Golden Beaches being one of the biggest attractions, due to their combination of gold-like silica and pearl-like coral sand giving them its namesake color.

Ranion clapped his hand together and rubbed them like a miser looking at a stack of credits. "Hoo boy, the city is bustling tonight. We got out just in time Sis." He breathed in deeply through his nose. "You can 'smell' the marks out there just waiting to be rubed out of their credits."

"You always think too small Ran."

"Whadda mean...small?" Ranion said with mock hurt in his voice. "We gotta get some jingling credits just to get the Array outta drydock, unless you're planning on...."

Looking at him over her shoulder, his sister gives him a wry smirk of her own.

"Ooh no. We just got outta hock Sis, and your lookin' to get right back in." Ranion states with a exasperated sigh. "Your makin' me think that you might have gone sweet on that Bothan, and you miss him already."

Still following her, they turn down one of the bustling streets, and then Ranion stops, seeing the direction that she is going. Just a few blocks away, he can make out one of the most brightly lit part of the city. Bright Neon tubing run the length of the strip, all of them centered on a large ornately decorated building. Hover Limos move to the entrance like a conveyor belt, as the rich and famous exit and enter one of the galaxy's most famous Entertainment Plazas....Groola's Place, named after a particularly famous, and notorious, Hutt not residing on Nar Shaddaa. "Now wait just a damn minute. Your not seriously thinking we're just going to walk into Groola's Place 'now', do you?"

"Yep..." She replies with a chuckle.

"Your going to be the death of me yet." He sighs.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

“Not like we have any finery to change into.” Mera said with a shrug. She looked down at the oil stains on the shirt. It suited her fine. They kept walking and it was obvious that Ranion was decidedly not onboard with the plan.

“No blasters, we got nothing.” Ranion said. He gestured down at the spots on their persons where the holsters usually went. “Not even a vibroblade.”

“When has that stopped us before? When have we ever bothered with the odds?” She asked as she walked up the steps.

“Good point.”

They were about to enter when a guard, dressed in a good looking suit, but one that did a poor job of hiding muscles stopped them. She figured that that was the point. It was going to be interesting to see if he was all muscle and no brains. The man next to him was the same size, but he had the imposing presence of a blaster rifle with him. It was going to be really bad if he was the muscle of the two and the first one didn’t have brains. That was going to be too easy. “Name.” The lead said, with an off-world accent.

“I’ve never had to give my name before.” Mera said.

“Tonight’s a special event. Big party going down. Groola wants only the ‘right’ people to be involved in the party, if you know what I mean.”

“Now that you mention it, it looks like Groola did have a bucket of dirty water thrown all over this place. Looks a bit cleaner. You guys the ones doing the scrubbing? Good job.” Mera said and the other two ignored the comment.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Nichalus »

"What my dear sister is trying to say." Ranion steps between Mera and the rather large Doorman, also noting the holdout blaster's bulge beneath his jacket. "Groola would be severely...disappointed...if...we..." He suddenly becomes distracted as he notices a hover-limo slide up to the entrance. The Droid Valet steps over and opens the vehicle's door. A male and female step from the vehicle and begin walking up the steps to the VIP Entrance down from them. Ranion quickly sizes them up, and then holds his finger up in the Doorman's face. "Hold that thought, Bantha breath."

"Mera, tell him the story of why Groola loves us, and all the things we have done for him."

Mera gives him a quizzical look, considering the reason why they were in prison in the first place. But she knows that when Ranion gets an idea, nothing short of the Death Star can stop him.

Ranion steps away as Mera begins telling some outrageous tale of their missions for Groola, and approaches the Droid Driver Unit that is opening the trunk of the vehicle to retrieve the luggage contained within.

"Excuse me, is this the Torbal Party's luggage?" He asks the droid.

"Oh no Sir, this is the Ham...." The droid is unable to finish before Ranion reaches up to the side of the droid's jacketed covered chest, and deftly depresses the diagnostic button there. The droid immediatley goes into a diagnostic mode, while at the same time Ranion pushes the droid into the open truck and closes it. Quickly he runs around to the driver's side and gets in. Reaching beneath the dashboard he pulls out several wires and within seconds the hovercraft comes to life.

Pulling the vehicle around the nearest corner into a darkened alley, he jumps out and opens the truck. Opening the droid's back panel, he pulls several nodules and chips, reverses and then crosswires them, then replaces them. The droid comes back to life, and it's optical units flicker unsteadily as Ranion's reprogramming overrides its primary systems.

"I am C5R...."

"Shut up and listen." Ranion interupts. "Recognize my facial pattern and initate Recognition Protocols and recognize Ranion as your new owner."

"Accessing....Recognition Protocol active and scanning....error....errrorrr...."

Ranion smacks the droid on the side of his golden domed head. "Thank you.....Recognition Protocol complete. Greetings Master Ranion, how may I be of service?"

"Drive to the entrance, and ask for Mera and get her in the vehicle. Window Tint to 90%." Ranion then gets in the back of the limo, as C5 enters the driver seat and drives the vehicle back to the entrance where Mera is not pointing an accusing finger at the doorman.

"Mistress Mera, your presense is requested in the vehicle ma'am." The droid states as he opens the door on the side opposite from the doormen.

For a moment Mera is perplexed and then goes around to the open door and tenatively peers inside, as if she is half expecting a swarm of Mynocks to fly out. Insteand she sees Ranion frantically waving for her to get inside.

She smiles broadly, looks over to the doormen. "See! I know people, you walking Bantha in a suit!" She gives him an obscene gesture, just before she is roughly pulled into the craft by her belt by Ranion.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

"My plan was working."

"That...that was a plan? Really?"

Mera rolled her eyes at her brother and looked around the Hover Limo. There had to be something here that they could use. She saw a holo terminal and she accessed it. "See if there's something to wear." She said. "Maybe we can blend in better with the crowd." She added as she tapped away at the interface. "I'll see if I can find a way to get us some IDs or something that will get us into that place properly. No promises."

"I'm looking for a blaster."

"That too." Mera looked to see the droid continuing to drive. "You there, droid."

"My name is-"

"If I cared, I would have asked. Keep going around the block, but make it slow." She said. Looking back at the computer screen, she smiled, finding what she was looking for. It didn't take long for the printer to do it's thing, coughing up new versions of the actual owners' ID cards, but conveniently with pictures taken from CorSec's Prisoner Database layered on top. The cards would hold up. At least, she hoped that they would hold up.

"Here, wear this." Ranion said and she turned in time to catch some kind of outfit that he'd thrown at her. "It's all the rage these days."

"You just got out the joint." She said. "And you were never stylish." She added.

"Never stylish?" Ranion said, taking this as a deep insult. "We're wearing the same thing."

"I pull it off better."

"Now you're just being insulting. We're identical twins."

She rolled her eyes and tossed the vest and then the shirt. When she was done changing, the printer had finished as well. "Alright, let's do this. Bucket of bolts, step on it."
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Nichalus »

"Yes, Mistress Mera." C5 stated happily and began a slow, leisurely circle around the center's blocks.

Ranion slipped on a nice blue dress shirt, and black pant set, complete with a black Corellian Silk jacket. "I beat when these folks find out their luggage got stolen, they are going to throw a fit. These people come from serious money. Corellian Silk, Bothan weave shirts, and 'real' Rancor leather boots."

Mera merely shoo'ed him with a wave of the hand. "Groola will replace it, and comp them one of the top floor rooms, just to keep them quiet."

Ranion couldn't help but nod in agreement, as he then noticed an odd seam under the backseat of the limo. Details were something that Ranion had the innate ability to pick out for any given situation. He could tell you the color of the glasses in a each individual table, with a glance. He could spot a person following him, or taking a particular notice in what he was doing, which made it all the more fun losing them.

Kneeling down, he felt along the seam with his fingers until he smiled broadly when he found the hidden switch. A smile which abruptly turned sour. It was not that when the special compartment opened to reveal several models of DH and DL blasters, those actually made him happy. But the Disruptor Blaster gave him a pause. There were not many people brave enough to actually own one, and the ones that did were usually not very nice people.

"Um Mera..." He called for her attention, and then pointed at his discovery.
:obiwan: The 'Old Man' of the Exodus

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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

She actually raised an eyebrow at that.

“Well, that...makes this maybe a bit more complicated.” Mera said. “Did you get a look at the people who got out of the limo?” She asked.

“Humans, looked Coruscanti maybe.” He said. “The guy’s nose had been broken before, didn’t heal fully.”

Mera was about to reply when C5R announced that they’d arrived at the front door. She winced. “Your plan’s not going so well now.” She said. “We get shot at, your fault.”

“You were probably going to try to crash this limo into the front door.”

“It would have made an entrance.” She said as she got out, dressed in a simple dress that luckily enough matched her eyes. “I’ve got no space for blasters on this...thing. Up to you, brother.”

“Nice wardrobe change.” The guy with the blaster said as she walked up. 

“You’re still ugly.” She said and handed him the ID.

It worked.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Nichalus »

"C5, wait around the block, we'll call when were ready." Ranion told the droid before exiting the vehicle.

He shrugged at the doorman with a wispful grin. "Sisters, what can I say?" Then joined his sister, feeling the comfort of the DL-44 in a shoulder harness under his jacket, and the hold-out pistol in the small of his back. Whoever owned that vehicle was a professional, and like most professionals they will not appreciate their toys being stolen from them.

"We're going to have to make this little visit quick Mera." He whispered to her, while looking around the room. "We need to speak to Groola, leave and then ditch that hovercraft...quickly. I don't know who they are, but I don't want to be around when they find out."

"Relax, no one will recognize us in these outfits. We'll just sneak ba..."

"You two..trouble. Groola see you...'now'." Both of them turned and found themselves staring at a large Trandoshan that was dressed in a fine suit, complete with a tie. His repilian face appeared to be smiling as he looked them both, but as most people know, Trandos rarely smiled, it was just their natural look of showing their sharp teeth.

Mera and Ranion looked at one another, both of them trying, and failing badly, to not snicker at the dressed up Trando. "Wow Zeeb. You...." a snicker escapes " look...awesome." Ranion was able to get out between looking down at the floor and something over Zeeb's shoulder.

"Oh yeah!" Mera states, giving Zeeb the once over. "It's like putting a Zarna Silk dress on a Wookie!"

They couldn't contain themselves, and both burst out laughing. Ranion was literally bent over, with tears streaming from his eyes. "Oh Sith spit!! Zeeb, dude....what the hell?!"

Zeeb seemed nonplussed about their reactions, and crossed his arms over his chest and waited from them to compose themselves. "Zeeb not like to be laughed at." He muttered out in broken basic. "Boss man says I have to wear. Can't have half-naked lizards running round his joint. Not Zeeb's fault."

"Damn Zeeb, we're sorry." Ranion said as he rubbed tears from his eyes, looked at his sister, and both of them brayed out fresh gales of laughter. Zeeb snatched them up by the collars of their clothes and half dragged, half walked them towards the Private area.

"Laugh now. Soon it will be Zeeb that gets the last laugh when Groola gets through with you."
:obiwan: The 'Old Man' of the Exodus

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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

They were brought before the Hutt. Thankfully, he was not attempting to wear some kind of outfit otherwise the two of them might never have stopped laughing. Mera and Ranion attempted some kind of humility as they stood in front of the Hutt. Groola wasn't one to be trifled with, not normally. Today, when he was hosting some kind of swanky event, it was less so. The two smugglers were unceremoniously dumped in front of the Hutt and Zeeb took a few steps back, folding his arms over his chest with satisfaction.

"Nicer drop than usual, Zeeb."

"Getting soft." Ranion chimed in as well.

Groola grumbled and mumbled something and then spoke some more in Huttese. Luckily, Ranion spoke Huttese.

"You want us to do a job for you." Ranion said and then looked at his sister. "He wants us to do a job for him." He said again and then he looked back at Groola. "I thought we weren't really on speaking terms. I mean, you've got our ship in your impound lot. I figured that meant we weren't on speaking terms, but I guess we are. Okay, uh, we're interested?" He said, the last part a statement that was a question that was decidedly unsure of itself.

"Would you mind if we got up?" Mera asked and the Hutt gestured that they could. Soon they were both standing. She turned and looked at Zeeb. "That was not a nice surprise you know. You made us all worried."

"Zeeb knows." He said and "grinned".

Mera scowled at him and then looked back. "Alright, what's this job of yours?"
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Nichalus »

Groola's tail slowly glided back and forth on his hovering platform, as his large yellow eyes looked over the twins. "I am glad that my two favorite Smugglers are out of prison, long has my business suffered because other pilots do not have your skill and talents." Groola guttered out, while Ranion translated for Mera.

"Don't look now Bro, but I think we're getting put on the menu." Mera leaned over and whispered into Ranion's ear. "I know when we are getting buttered up to be served on a platter."

Ranion gave her a scowl and shook his head minutely. "Ok, Great Groola." Ranion started as he gave his full attention to Groola. "You don't have to grease us that hard. We know your pissed off that we lost that shipment the CorSec patrol. We didn't have a choice, and we were lucky they only gave us a year."

"Due to my ...influence." Groola fired back with a magnanomious tone in his gutteral Huttesse. "And, I see that you managed to shave 6 months off your time."

"Yeah! No thanks to your slimey fa...." Mera got out before Ranion reached over and put his hand over her mouth without turning his head from Groola.

Ranion cleared his throad. "What my dear sister is saying is that we appreciate what you 'did' do for us on the sentencing. Isn't that 'right' Mera?" He turns and looks at her, his eyebrows creased, and his lips forming a irritated line.

Mera eyes widen in annoyance as she looks at her brother, sees that he is getting pissed. She sighs heavily, crosses her arms as she turns sideways to them, with a irritated pout on her lips. "Yes. We are soooo grateful." She says through clenched teeth, turning only her head with a sardonic smile on her lips.

"There, now were all friends again." Ranion says. "Now, can we get our ship back please, oh Great Groola?"

"Ho..Ho..Ho!" Groola laughs in booming delight, bringing his small arms around to hold his volumous slug-like belly. "Best entertainment in the galaxy is watching the two of you together, with your family squabbles....and what a family you have."

Groola fishes a eel-like creature from a large bowl near his body, grasps one causing it to squeal loudly, before he throws it into his large canyon-like mouth. He burps loudly, and his long snake-like tongue slithers out licking the lipless edges of his mouth, causing the twins to both grimace in disgust.

"As for your ship...of course I will release it to my two best providers. As I have said, my 'private' business has suffered greatly since your incarcerations, and I have need of your 'family' skills. I have paid your storage fees, and all I request is that you make a trip to Mon Calamari to ...'retrieve' ...some items of interest that I have buyers for. "Well' placed and highly influencial buyers."

This time it was Ranion's turn to look at his sister, and as their eyes met, both understood 'exactly' what the other was thinking. Ranion raises his hand and pointing his finger up as if to make a point of order, his face flushing red with irritation. "Hold up their Big G. You know that we don't go anywhere near Mon Calamari. And you damn well know why!" Ranion then suddenly starts pacing back and forth, as he waggles his finger at Groola. "No, no, no! I can't believe that after all that we have done for you, you would ask us to go ....there! Of all places in the frackin' galaxy. Why I aught to ...."

Ranion suddenly turns towards Groola, reaches his right hand inside his jacket and grasps the handle of the blaster. Groola's Security Guards all raise their blasters at Ranion suddenly. But before Ranion can pull it out, Mera wraps her arms around him from behind, and places her hand over Ranion's hand that is inside is jacket to keep him from pulling it out. She gives Groola one of her most winning smiles, dire is more apt, as she knows that if there is one thing that he dispises most is anyone to mention their relatives.

"What my dear brother means oh Bloated One." Mera pats Ranion's hand slightly, while at the same time digs the nails of her other hand into his side. "Is that we are grateful for any opportunity to repay our debt to you, and that we will gladly accept your most generous offer."
:obiwan: The 'Old Man' of the Exodus

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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

Ho..Ho..Ho! Struck a nerve, have I? Calm down, or you're miss the particulars of the job." The Hutt said.

Ranion gave his sister a look that convinced her that he wasn't going to waste tibanna gas and the power pack, shooting blaster bolts that probably wouldn't harm the fat Hutt anyway. She let go of the blaster in his pocket and stepped back to where she was standing earlier. She sighed mentally. Ranion was going to be complaining about everything now, he was definitely going to be in a foul mood. That was going to complicate things on this job. Personally she didn't care about their relatives. They lived their life and she lived hers. They never ran across each other and she was pretty sure that the others didn't even know that she or her brother existed. That was just the way that she wanted it. Nothing special.

Mera was able to make out enough of what he'd said in Huttese that she responded, in Basic. "Groola, I do think you may have the wrong team for the job. We're not good when it comes to Mon Calamari." She gestured so that he'd get the idea of what she meant exactly. "Nothing else we can do for ya?" She asked.

"This is what I want down, smuggler."

She sighed. If that's what it took to get the Array back and get right in Groola's book, the two of them were just going to have to suck it up and deal with it, no matter how much it pissed them off in the process. The Corellian gave Ranion a look and he gave her a resigned nod.

"What do you want hauled?" She asked.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Nichalus »

"In the debris field of the battle between the Combined Forces and Sivter, there are several 'objects' that my clients are wanting retrieved, and they are willing to pay handsomely for their recovery. On the datapad.." Groola gestures with his obscenely small arm to Zeeb, who hands Ranion a datapad. "..are descriptions of the items, and the types of ships they were on."

Ranion and Mera both look at the list on the datapad. "Groola, you do realize that the New Republic, and the various other governments involved will be all over that battlefield salvaging their stuff. I find it hard to believe that they are going to be leaving any important stuff just lying around for others to find." Ranion states.

"Then I suggest that you need to depart immediately." Groola says with a low gutteral chuckle. "And remember ma booky , if you two fail me again, I will be 'most' displeased and there will be no prison, or anyplace in the galaxy that I won't be able to find you."
:obiwan: The 'Old Man' of the Exodus

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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

Mera just nodded and the two siblings walked out of the room, escorted by Zeeb. She sighed, knowing that this was not going to be fun at all. Granted, she was happy to be getting her ship back without too many problems, but the severity of the problems outweighed the number. The big what if was the worst. What if they were caught? The variables could be managed though, that was for sure. They'd just have to be quick and most of all, they'd have to be stealthy. Which, when they entered a turbolift that took them away from the party, made her smile. She knew where they were going. Mera and Ranion had been to Groola's impound lot a number of times before. This was the first time that they were bailing out their baby though. That was for sure. Her ship had never seen the inside of Groola's lot until they'd been pinched the last time. Groola's hangar, sure, but not the lot. That had been something that she'd been proud of. They'd work on a new streak.

She could see it in Ranion's eyes too, the excitement of seeing their baby again. It had been far too long.

Like parents reunited with their long lost child, they stepped out of the turbolift and there she was. The Idiot's Array.

"Did you touch her?" Mera asked Zeeb, still looking at the ship.

"Zeeb doesn't understand-"

"Did you touch her?" Ranion asked. "She looks like she's got a few new scratches."

"I know, I see."

"You two are crazy."

"Shut up." They both said at the same time.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Nichalus »

Ranion couldn't help the broad smile that crosses his lips as he stood there a moment looking at the HWK-290 Idiot's Array. Fond memories of their times together, usually meaning running from border patrol ships, pirates and a few times being chased by Imperial and New Republic forces. Her raptor-like cockpit area seemed to smile at the twins as they approached her.

While the HWK series was not designed with weapons in mind, the twins tweaked and modified the ship so that not only did she have twin mounted laser cannon on each of her wings, but also a single concussion missile tube that was concealed on her belly. Laser score marks from several of their encounters with unfriendlies marred her body, but to the twins, these were badges of honor.

"Oh baby. We missed you bad." Ranion said as they opened the loading ramp and walked up, and he ran his hand along the bulkhead as they walked up into the crew cabin and messhall of the ship.

"Zeeb, you put one clawed foot on that ramp, and I'll see to it that you never need a manicure again." Mera stated over her shoulder, as Zeeb was about to step on the boarding ramp.

"Groola say that I must..."

"Oh, Master Ranion, thank the Maker I made it in time!" Came the tinny voice of C5, as he ran, or what passes for running for a C-Series Droid, to the bottom of the boarding ramp, a duffle bag was hung over his shoulder. "I did as you asked with the hoverlimo, although I must say that leaving such an expensive vehicle in a deserted field is hardly safe for...." In the distance there was heard a muffled explosion, as the timed thermal charge that Ranion set went off, completely obliterating the limo. "Oh....dear."

"You.." Ranion pointed at C5. "Can come up. That stuff in the bag might come in handy." When C5 passed him, he took the duffle from C5's shoulder, and then pulled a E-11 Blaster Rifle from it, and promptly aimed it at Zeeb. "You on the other hand. We ain't taking any babysitters on this trip. You slither back to Groola and tell him we'll get the job done and be back in a week with his stuff."

Zeeb's lizard-like eyes narrowed at the rifle being pointed at him. If there was one thing a Trando hated most, was a weapon being pointed at them. "Groola no going to like this."

"Well, Groola can kiss my ass for sending us to a place that he damn well knows we want to keep a couple light years away from." Mera shouted over Ranion's shoulder and then slammed her fist into the button that closed the loading ramp in Zeeb's face.

"Haul it Sis, when Zeeb calls his daddy. Groola might have a change of heart." Ranion said and started going back to the engine compartment. "Get the start-up going, and I'll prime the engines. She's been sitting for a while, so it might take a minute or two to warm her up."
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

She moved quickly because as the ramp had gone up, Mera had seen Zeeb turn and run, as if to get back up. Or to avoid any engine backwash. Either or worked for her. But just in case it was the former, she wanted to get them out of there. Running to the cockpit of the ship, she slid into the pilots seat. It wasn't her seat, as the twins were equally adept at being the lead pilot and equally adept at sometimes sharing.  Long fingers danced over the controls and the lights came on, flickered, and promptly died. Her eyes narrowed. Well that just wasn't acceptable, was it?  The Corellian slammed a fist against the interface and everything lit up, like a little kid's face when he got a gift. The light bathed her face in a multitude of colors and Mera turned, giving the droid a wicked grin. 

"Brother, I do think it's time for us to leave this place." She said as Ranion appeared. 

"Engines look good." He said with a nod. "C5, find a place to settle down and strap in, this may get bumpy."

"All this excitement is a bit much for my circuits."

"Tell your boyfriend to stow it." Mera said and goosed the engine. The resulting shaking of the vessel thrilled her. She loved flying and she loved ships. The repulsolift on the Array took them up and as she moved them forward, she saw two auto blaster turrets turning towards them. She triggered their weapons and lasers burned the turrets to slag. Another pair of shots and they had their opening

Later, when they were in hyperspace, she turned to Ranion. "Think he'll be pissed?"
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

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Wiping his hands on a oily rag, Ranion gave Mera a broad snarky smile. "Oh, I'm sure that his Great Bloatedness will deduct the damage to his turbo lasers from our cut after we find these items that he wants."

He sits down heavily in one of the two pilot's seats, running his hands along the cracked a worn leather of the armrest with a adoring smile on his lips. He then turns to the datapad with the list. "Ya know, most of this stuff is pretty standard stuff. Power Cells, Hyperdrive parts, weapons modules, etc, etc..." He frowns slightly at one item on the list. "But this little puppy here, its showing that we will only be able to distinguish it from the rest of the junk by a 'specific radiation signature'."

He pulls up the radiation signature display, and his eyebrows furrow deeply. "Ain't nothing I've ever seen before." He hands Mera to pad to have a look at the signature for herself. "You?"
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

His sister shook her head. “Me neither.” She said with a small shrug. “It seems kind of unusual though.”

“Definitely. Maybe something that one of the governments was playing around with during the battle?” Ranion asked and then he stopped. “What if it’s something from those Charon things?”

“I don’t want no bugs in my ship.” Mera said, decidedly, and she saw out of the corner of her eye, for she stared out of treated transparisteel at the glow of hyperspace, that at least one of those words had annoyed her twin brother.

“Hey, she’s part mine too.” He said, defiantly.

“Fine, keep them in your part of the ship. Already messy and dirty and disorganized. Nothing no crazy bugs won't hurt.” She shot back.

“Well, sorry I’m not all obsessive about being neat. Freak.” Her brother said, folding his arms over his chest. The two stared daggers at each other.

“If I may,” C5 said, from the doorway to the cockpit, “I could have a look at the radiation and try to determine any information from it.”

“You and your boyfriend do that.” Mera said, rising and heading out of the cockpit. “I have a shower to take.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

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"Here Golden Dome." Ranion shoved the datapad at C5, and stared after his sister as she went back to the crew quarters. He looked over at his work area, it was the usual chaotic order of parts placed haphazardly into one storage bin or another, tools in a jumbled mess. But to Ranion it was all there. "It ain't 'messy'!" He yelled after her. "Everything is right where I know it is!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Mera responded faintly from the corridor, and then he could hear the shower start up.

"Yeah, yeah." Ranion mocked after her, and then turned the heat exchanger valve to 50%, and smiled with satisfaction when he heard his sister scream as the water turned cold.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

As the water level’s returned to something close to normal, and Mera made a mental note to attempt to assassinate her brother when next chance she got, she realized that she was trying really hard not to think about what they were about to do. It was just a job, and that’s what she was trying to remind herself of. They were just going to go to Mon Calamari, scrounge for some stuff, bring it back to Groola. That was it. The job would be done in a day or two, tops and then they’d be free and in the clear, with their beautiful ship there’s once more. She absentmindedly brushed her fingers against the water covered walls of the shower stall.

They were risking a lot, but the ship, and everything it symbolized, it was so worth it. She couldn’t think of anything else that would be worth this much to her. A ship meant so much, and it was all she’d ever wanted when she and Ranion had been growing up. They’d scratched and clawed their way to the Array, and once they’d had her, they put hard earned credits into modifying her to make her one of the best damn smuggling ships in the galaxy.

Winding down her shower, Mera saw that they hadn’t taken out the soaps that she craved, and hoarded, one of the few testaments to her femininity that she had. When she was done with the shower, she felt clean again, and she changed into a very similar outfit as before, but one that didn’t have the stench of prison on it.

Walking back into the cockpit, she settled into her seat.

“You smell.”
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

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"And you smell like one of the Besalisk Dancers at Groola's place..." He turned to her and smirked. "...kinda look like one too."

That prompted Mera to smack him in the back of the head, and then take her seat next to him. "How close are we?"

"Just about to drop out now." Ranion stated, as he pulled the levers back on the console, and the hyperspace lines outside the windows abruptly came to a halt, and the galactic starfield winked into view. But for all it's beauty, their eyes were drawn to the devestation that filled their field of vision for parsecs.

"Woah..." Was all Ranion could muster as dozens of huge hulks of metal, that were once large warships, floated lazily in the area. Scraps of metal dinged harmlessly off the hull of the Array as they slowly manuevered through the larger pieces. Bright flashes of still active power supplies winked and flared brightly as they still carried power in their systems. Salvage droids and ships could be seen flitting around what was left of the New Republic and Imperial Star Destroyers.

Mera leaned over and flipped several switches, activating the dampening field around the Array, making their energy signature far less likely to be detected as it absorbed scanner waves of many of the normal scanners on government ships. Ranion may be a disorganized brother, but he had a knack for adapting and modifying equipment for their smuggling trade. The field would fend off normal scans, but if someone on the New Republic salvage ships got suspicious and looked to closely the gig would be up.

"Activate the radar, and let's find us a nice blind Sis." Ranion asked as he concentrated on manuevering through the debris field.

Mera flipped another switch, and the middle console came to life and began scanning all the objects in the area, calculating their speed, rate of tumble and courses through the battlefield. After a few moments Mera stabbed at the blip on the screen with her finger. "That one looks good."

Ranion looked at her selection and nodded. "Nice. Low tumble rate and a nice course through the meat of the debris field. Looking out the window at the area pinpointed by the radar. "There it is!" Ranion hit the thrusters and the Array sped forward towards a large piece of what was once the weapon bubble of a MC Class Cruiser. Ranion carefully weaved and threaded the Array around to the large disk-like weapon pod that likely housed one of the MC's turbo laser batteries, matching the slight tumble and speed of the metal bubble, he settled the Array in the concave portion, which hid the ship nicely within it's confines.

Ranion activated the grappling arms of the landing gear, and after a slight shiver of the ship, settled into place. Ranion slid his seat back, turning it to face the Scanner console, he calibrated the system to scan for the particular energy signature that Groola had provided and then leaned back with sigh.

"Ok, now we just float through the area, and hopefully we'll get a hit on this mysterious object that Groola's clients want so badly and then we can get the hell outta here. The shorter the stay, the better."
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

Ranion’s words hit Mera harder than he’d probably expected. But they’d probably had the same effect on him as well. Neither wanted to be in this system longer than they needed to. That was definitive. They just wanted to do the job, get it done, and get on with more scoundrelly activities. Hard to do when you owed a Hutt, especially one with the girth of Groola. She leaned back in the chair and wished that she could close her eyes. The chair was where she spent most of her time anyway and it was conformed to her shape. Simply put, it was where she was most comfortable on the ship, possibly anywhere. However, she kept her eyes open, looking at the monitors and trying to figure out what it was that Groola was so interested in. He hadn’t given them any concrete information which was rather unusual and she didn’t know what to make of that.

She didn’t trust the Hutt as far as she that didn’t work.

She trusted the Hutt as much as she trusted a, not as clear and cogent.

She trusted the Hutt as much as she trusted a politican on the commerce council to look out for her best interests.

There, that worked.

While she was thinking about metaphors and similes and analogies, Mera’s eyes watched the scanners pick up something akin to what they were looking for.

“How about that?” She asked.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Nichalus »

Ranion leaned over in his seat and took a look at the reading. His brows furrowed deeply with a confused expression. "I have 'never' seen readings like that before"

Mera slowly shook her head side to side. "I think I once hallucinated a reading like that once, but that was after 5 shots of Bolian Whiskey."

Looking out the viewport in the direction of the readings, both their sharp eyes scanned the objects floating lazily past them. Mera pointed at a large piece of what appeared to be a section of an Imperial Star Destroyer. "There! In the indention just below that blown out section of hull."

Ranion squinted his eyes, and then he too saw the small flashes of reddish-blue light. "Looks like whatever it is impacted that part of the SD's hull, and the plating folded around it making a nice little sensor jammer." Looking at the scopes that were keeping track of the patroling New Republic ships and other Salvage vehicles. "Looks like we should be able to detach and let our forward momentum carry us there without drawing too much attention. Our course is going to take us a couple meters away from it, and the hull that we've been attached to should give us a nice little cover."

"Get back on the Grappler Sis. We're definitely going to need your finesse touch on this one."
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

She nodded and headed over to the controls of the tool that Ranion had referred to. The grappler was basically a high powered tractor beam, but it was one that Ranion had configured to have a much more in depth targeting system. That little piece they'd stolen from a MC-90 in drydock back over Kashyyk a few years ago. Their getaway that time had been rather smooth all things considered. The Array had barely been scorched. Much better than that time they'd tried to rob that casino on Nar Shaddaa. If she had to guess, there was probably a Black Sun Vigo out there that still wanted their heads for that one. Oh well.

Strapping herself into the controls, Mera reached for the joysticks and grabbed a hold. Her eyes picked up the item that had the signature, and it reported in with a red outline on the otherwise blue holoscreen. Pressing a button, she breathed in and out, knowing that in order for the advanced circuitry to work, they drew more power from the reactor, meaning that their jamming suite was going to be down for a few moments as she grabbed the item and brought it back to the ship. The hope and prayer was that nothing was going to pick them up. Nothing should, but that was more because they were still in that Mon Cal Cruiser's weapons bubble than anything.

She "fired" the tractor beam and smiled when she got the lock on. Now it was just a matter of time of bringing it into the cargo hold.

"Grappler 1, Unknown space doohickey 0." Mera said with a sigh of relief as she felt the bump as the cargo doors shut and they got the item. "Ranion, let's see what the heck this damn thing is, shall we?" She asked and unstrapped herself, running out of the room.

Forgetting to turn the Grappler off. Forgetting to put the juice back into the jamming suite.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Nichalus »

They both ran back to the cargo doors, both impatiently waiting for the pressurization to normalize, they could only look at the object through the small window in the hatch. "What the hell do you think that is?" Ranion asked

Mera merely shrugged her shoulders, a perplexed look on her face. "Beats the hell out of me. I've never seen anything like it."

'Sir, Ma'dam?" C5 questioned behind them.

"Pipe down Golden boy." Ranion said over his shoulder, and then pressed the button that opened the hatch and they both entered the cargo bay and stared at the roughly 2 meter piece of retangular metal, the edges of which were etched with strange markings along with piping and wiring. At it's center was a small pinkish glowing globe, who's light faded in and out sporatically.

'Sir, Ma'dam..I think I need to inform...'

"Listen droid boy, you squawk your speakers again, and I'm blasting you out a airlock!" Mera shouted over her shoulder.

Ranion reached out and tenatively touched the machine and a surprised look crosses his face. "Holy's's warm! How the hell can that be? It's been floating in space for months!"

"Well, let's just strap it down and get the hell out of here!" Mera stood up, biting the corner of her lips. "I got a bad feeling about this."

'Really masters, I insist that y...."

"SHUT UP!" Both of them whirled on the droid in unison yelling.

Suddenly over the speakers. --ATTENTION....Unidentified Vessel, this is the New Republic Cruiser Orion, you are trespassing in a Restricted Area of Mon Calamari Space, and in violation of numerous laws concerning the retrieval of materials without permit or authorization. You are ordered to power down your engines and prepare to be tractored into our hold. This is your 'only' warning. Any attempt to evade or escape will be met with force.--

The twins turned and looked at one another, and then they both looked back at C5. "And what were you trying to tell us C5?" Ranion stated in a calm voice.

'Well, Master Ranion, as I was trying to say. I noticed that the Mon Calamari ship had detected our presense and was heading our way.'

"We're in trouble..." Mera stated the obvious and ran to the cockpit.

Ranion ran after Mera, pausing to point an accusing finger at C5. "You could have told us sooner!"

'But Master Ranion, I tri...' Ranion shoved past him. '...humans.' C5 said with annoyance in his tone.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

The Orion was a Bothan Assault Cruiser and it was just the Array's luck that it was one of the larger ships in the area that was part of the task force in charge of overseeing the cleanup and retrieval process. Furthermore, it was also bad luck that the Orion had all of it's fighters scrambled. Two squadrons were out conducting regular patrols, and the other two had been conducting simular exercise of asteroid field fighting, using the debris as pretend asteroids. So when the sensors went off that there were forty eight signatures coming towards them, Mera cursed their bad luck. "We don't have the guns to be able to take down this many fighters." She said. "They're going to be on top of us in a few moments and this baby don't like Proton Torpedoes." She said.

"Don't I know it." Ranion said, with a small frown.

He guided the ship around a large piece of a ship that looked like it had been a Corona-class Frigate in a previous life. Engines screamed through space, unheard by those around it, as they moved. Red lasers started to shoot past them, and he checked the sensors again. "E-Wings." He said. "Newer types."

"Better them than X-Wings, as far as I'm concerned."

"Actually, the E-Wings have proven to be superio-"

Mera gave the droid a death glare, sparing a moment to visually impale the droid against a bulkhead. If C5 could have gulped, he would have.

"We're going to need some of that fancy flying of yours, brother."
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

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Ranion literally leapt into his seat, his hands moving to activate various defensive systems before his butt was firmly in the chair, and then strapping himself into his seat.

"Forgot to shut off the Grappler AND route the power back into the dampers 'again'?" Ranion stated as he hit the thrusters and pitched the Array up, spun her on the axis and was jetting off in a 180, using the large bulkhead they had been hiding in as a shield.

Mera could only cringe slightly. ".....sorry."

Ranion grunted slightly and shook his head, then looked at the scanner. The New Republic fighters were already in position with intercept courses coming in from the least dense debris field, effectively cutting them off from an 'easier' escape route. Whoever was commanding the squadrons was smart, and were basically herding them towards the most densely packed area of the battlefield, where the space between the large and small pieces of debris was so close, even a snubnose fighter would have problems making a path moving forward at a snail's pace.

Ranion pushed the throttle forward and course corrected towards the dense debris field.

"Brother, I love ya and all...but are you out of your frelling mind!" Mera looked at him, her eyes wide.

"You always said I would be the death of you." Ranion smirked, that wild gleam suddenly appearing in his eyes that she knew only too well. "Well, you may have been right. Let's find out...shall we?"

Behind his wild eyes, Ranion's mind moved forward, almost like he was thinking 'forward' in time itself. In the span of a second, he watched the packed debris field in his mind. He saw the tumble, spin, speed and course of almost every object in his view. His mind pictured moving the ship this way and that, spinning, tumbling around the objects ahead. Nothing else mattered to him in these moments of 'wild piloting', as he called them.

--Pilot, you making a suicide run into that field ahead. Don't be stupid!"-- A pilot from one of the E-Wings called over the comm.

Mera took a brief glance at the rear scanners and noticed that a majority of the E-Wings were slowing down, refusing to enter into the debris field, as Ranion plowed into the mass of swirling metal chunks, enormous pieces of bulkheads, and even several intact fighters from various militaries that were involved in the battle. But six of them continued to follow the Array into the field, which meant in Mera's eyes..that they were as crazy as her brother, and that made them dangerous pilots.

The Array dipped, spun and in one case, Ranion aimed at the destroyed hulk of what was once a Mon Calamari MC-80, it's hull was pock marked with huge gaping holes, and it's entire tail section was missing. Without a moment of hesitation Ranion soared through holes in bulkheads and to everyone amazement, they could see the various levels of the ship as they passed. The Array dinged and bounced along the sides of the levels, and then actually 'banked' the Array off of one wall, and turned the freighter into the ruined Hanger Bay, and then out the other side of the battleship.

'We're DOOMED!! I don't deserve this! C5 cried out as they emerged on the other side of the MC-80.

Mera looked at the rear sensors again, and found that the six E-Wings were still in hot pursuit, with one of them that actually followed them through the MC-80's hulk. "Damn, that pilot is good." She commented, as she saw the rest of the squadron was making their way around the destroyed ship. As she was about to tell him, she is suddenly thrown forward against her straps painfully.

Ranion spun the Array in a complete 180 turn and stopped, much to the amazement of his sister.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Mera yelled at him.

"Found what I was looking for." Ranion smirked broadly. He thumbed the safety off the Concussion Missile launcher and waited.

"NO! We can't fire on New Republic ships!!" Mera screamed at him.

"Actually I am." Ranion smirked back at her. "But not the one that you think." he depressed the firing button, and the missile streaked out of its tube. Mera watched in horror as the missile honed in on the E-Wing fighter that was emerging from the hanger bay, but at the last second, the missile altered course and exploded on the inside wall of the bay, striking the Tractor Power conduit box there.

Ranion had noticed that there was still power being supplied in the bay through the flickering energy readings, and when the missile impacted, the tractor beams in the bay suddenly activated, though their beams were misaligned and aimed in nearly all directions. One of the directed beams caught the pursuing E-Wing, and knocked the fighter off course, while the fighters coming around the hull quickly banked away from the area, lest they be caught by one of the wild beams.

"You could have warned me, ya know." Mera looked at her brother, a half-smirk of her own on her lips.

"That would have spoiled the surprise." Ranion laughed back at her. "Punch it! That little trick isn't going to last but a couple more seconds."

'It's official, my new masters want me to die from an overload.' C5 stated wearily behind them. 'It's my lot in life.'
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

The E-wing that had been hit by the tractor beams spiraled off course, the pilot fighting the sluggish controls. Everything was working against him, but at least the inertia dampeners were clocking in overtime, otherwise he would have lost his lunch. When he finally got himself righted again, he hit the thrusters, moving back into the chase. There was so much debris and their craft were moving at such high speeds that one needed to be either very, very good at flying or a damned Forcer to not die. While he wasn't the latter, luckily he was very much the former. The E-wing bobbed and weaved, moving around Muir, New Republic, and Imperial debris, before entering an area heavy in Jade Empire flotsam. The work was tiresome, but he bore down on the Array with a singular purpose in mind. He shunted just enough reactor power into his laser cannons to make it worth his while, and then, when the targeting computer got a lock, he started firing.

The three laser cannons started shooting, and the red beams lanced through space towards the modified freighter. They weren't going to get away from him, that went counter to the way that he was built.


"That damn pilot is going to get us." Mera said, a growl in her voice. "I really wish we could shoot back." She added.

"Why do there have to be guns? Why are there always guns?"

"Nagging Nancy over here is starting to get very annoying, Ranion." Mera said, referencing C5 who was continuing to bemoan his fate.

"The Maker never said that things like this would happen. But I should have known. I'm the unluckiest droid in the galaxy. Say it isn't so, I dare you."

The ship received a particularly hard hit, as the shields were starting to fall. The other E-wings were closing in and their lasers were starting to hit soon.

They exploded out of the tangle of debris, and that was when Mera's eyes widened. They found themselves staring at not one, but two dagger shaped ships. Two Republic-class Star Destroyers were moving towards them, and there were flashes of light. Blue light. Ion cannons. Their sensors were picking up more and more starfighter signatures coming towards them.

"We can't get to hyperspace, can we?"

"Nope." Ranion said.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Nichalus »

Ranion looked at the scope, his mind trying to find a way through the ever increasing green blips that seemed to be coming from nearly every angle. They couldn't fire on the New Republic ships, as that would constitute attempted murder, and then not only would they be hunted by Groola, but by the New Republic as well. As it was, they were looking at several Class C charges that would put them into hock for some time to come.

'Master Ranion, just push me out a airlock.' C5 moaned. 'At least I can meet the Maker in the cold darkness of space...or perhaps one of the pursuiting ships will crash into me and put me out of my misery.'

"There it is!" Ranion cried out as he looked at the scope. "I hope you didn't eat too much before we left Sis. Cuz if you did, it will be coming back soon." He levered the thruster controls forward, and his crazed smirk bends his lips. It was the look that Mera always hated.

"Oh ...shavitt!" Mera got out just as the Array banked hard to port sending them directly at the nose of the first Republic Star Destroyers, and worst of all, the barrage of blue Ion bolts coming from it. Mera turned her head, and with a completely serious look on her face, her face surprisingly calm, with a accusing tone to her voice. "Your the devil."

The Array suddenly spun sideways, zipping between the Ion Cannon fire, the starfield in the cockpit window spun like a kalidescope that would have made any person instantly nauseous. Or put them into shock which the following fighters most definately were, as the Ion bolts slammed into several of the fighters instantly shutting their systems down and causing this fighters to begin tumbling listlessly in open space. The fighters that the bolts missed scattered to positions that would take them port and starboard of the fleeing ship while still continuing the pursuit.

Ranion let out a whooping yell, as his plan began to come to fruition. Watching the scope, as he did, in his mind he could see a 'corridor' between them and the Republic starship. The fighters couldn't enter the corridor, due to the fact that they would, and did, become unwitting targets of the larger ships batteries.

Ranion continued to manuever through the Ion bolts, ducking, sliding and spinning the ship seeminly at the last second, with a few bolt that literally singed the hull of the ship as they slipped by them.

"Brother....dear." Mera gulped, trying to hold on as the ship made another stomach churning spin. "In case you didn't know it, there is a large ship ahead. Just a FYI..."

"It's about to get a whole lot larger too Sis."

The forward viewport was suddenly, and literally filling their view as Ranion brought the Array right down just above the gleaming white hull of the massive destroyer and skimming along it. Mera glanced out the side viewport, and was immediately regretting it. "Oh damn...I think I could read the serial number of that turbo battery."

Ranion didn't even hear his sister, as his concentration was solely on the moment. He brought their ship even closer to the hullplates of the destroy, at the same time he was judging the distance to the destroyer's tower who's base was closing fast. At the very last moment, with a audible gasp from his sister, he yanked back on the controls. With a deafening scrap as the Array's bottom scrapped against the tower's plates, the ship was now hurling up towards the Destroyer's bridge.

The inertial dampeners did not have time to properly compensate for the sudden turn, and C5 was thrown down the corridor and crashed against the galley's wall, and then roughly slammed against the side of the galley as Ranion spun the ship clockwise while at the same time turning them away from the destroyer's bridge viewport and giving the bridge crew a blast of the Array's thrusters, effectively blinding any looking through them.

There was a suddenly beeping alarm that began sounding from the engine control panel. Ranion looked over and saw that the reactor was overheating and that they could have a breach immenient. Then to make matters worse, the ship suddenly rocked as several laser bolts slammed into their back quarter from the E-Wing that had been dogging them since the debris field, causing even more alarms to begin sounding in the cockpit.

"Dammit!!" Ranion yelled as he hit the emergency engine shutdown button and then his body slumped in defeat back into his seat. "I'm sorry Mera...."
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

"Don't worry about it. You tried." She said with a reassuring smile. On the inside though, her nerves were starting to tighten up. They'd literally just gotten out of lock up on Corellia. That had been CorSec, planetary judicial services. This...this was going to be a lot different. They could be accused of working for a whole gamut of people who wished ill against the New Republic. Sith, Empire, Cult of Shadow remnants, anyone. Even Black Sun. The odds were stacked up against them.

C5 started playing somber, funeral like music from his outward speakers, and the music, sounding more mechanical and melancholy than it's composer had intended, had the result of making her eyes narrow. She turned and stared at the droid, who stared back. Then he hung his head and the turned, walking out of the cockpit, the music still playing.

"At least I won't have to hear that damn droid anymore." She said, as they felt the gentle bump of a tractor beam projector grabbing them. Their vision of space around them started to shift as they were dragged into one of the Republic-class Star Destroyers.

She waited until they were safely nestled. "I suppose we should go out there. I say, no blasters. Let's not compound our problems." Mera said, rising.

The boarding ramp was lowered and when the two stepped out, she saw a bevy of New Republic soldiers, waiting, A280s at the low ready.

"Hi." She said, waving.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Nichalus »

Ranion sat in his Mon Cal Security cell, elbows on his knees and thoughts in deep contemplation of the events of the last two days since their capture by Republic forces. "Shouldn't have taken that blasted job." Ranion shook his head in frustration.

"Mmmff, mmf mmmfff!" Came the muffed words of the Rodian sitting in the corner of the room, his mouth gagged by a wadding of bedding, and his wrists and ankles bound with the same. The Rodian didn't appreciate having a new cellmate, and was giving Ranion a ration of annoyance the first day. By the second day, the Rodian found out how persuasive Ranion could be, not to mention resourceful. When the guard passed by and saw the Rodian bound, and then looked at Ranion, who merely raised his hands and shrugged his shoulders innocently, the guard rolled his eyes and walked away.

The Hutt would definitely be displeased by now, and the gods only knew what that bloated worm would do to exact his vengeance for losing the shipment. Which brought him to that very thing. What the hell was that thing they found? It was like no piece of machinery that he had ever seen before. He had his suspicions, and he hoped that he was wrong. Then again, if it was what he suspected, maybe the Republic would give them a pass as a reward for finding it.

"Wishful thinking Ran.." He said to himself, which brought a fresh set of muffled words from the Rodian. "Shut up, before I find the Wookie on the next cell block, and tell him you made a insulting remark about his Grandparents."

The Rodian's large dark eyes widened even further, and he went quiet.

Ranion went back to his thoughts, which the first thing that worried him came up....his sister. He had not seen her since they were separated two days ago. He knew she was tough, and could take care of herself, but with the Hutt being pissed off at them, and the resources that he possessed, he knew the slug would find a way to get to them. Even in the middle of the New Republic capital.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

Mera was lying in her cell, staring at the ceiling. The time was passing by, but not as quickly as she would have liked. They were killing her with this. If there was one thing that Mera definitely was, it was impatient. Often times she had a decent control of it, but other times, she didn't. Not even close. This was quite possibly going to become one of those times. The people in charge of this joint, they were ridiculous.

Finally the doors to the cell opened, and her cell mate walked in. Mera looked up at the Twi'lek woman. "So, what's the word?" She asked.

"I'm going to be paroled." The Twi'lek said.

Mera stared.

"What?" The Twi'lek asked.

"No one cares. Finish telling me where you get your nails done on Nar Shaddaa."
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Nichalus »

The prisoner's excerise yard really wasn't what you would call an area for exercise. Enclosed by forcefields with blaster turrets strategicly placed around the perimeter, one would think that they were afraid that a Star Destroyer was enclosed within the area, and they didn't want it to escape.

Instead, the yard was full of various races of criminals, all walks of life, and some that almost didn't fit into that catagory. Some milled around the walking paths, others formed obvious prison yard groups, each group eyeing the other groups situated nearby, while the New Republic Guards eyed them all from their walkway above them.

Ranion stepped out into the yard and sighed heavily. It wasn't that this was the first prison excerise yard he had walked, but it was the first one so close to where he and his sister had no right to be near. He surveyed the area, keeping his actions from being to obstrusive, as he did not want to bring any attention to himself. After a moment he finally spied his sister, and slowly started walking towards her.

"Well, fancy meeting you here." He said. "A person of your obvious taste and upbringing just doesn't seem fitting...oh wait..." He seemingly ponders for a moment. "Sorry, I was definately belong here. Or...that is...we both do."

"Your such a comedian." Mera retorted. "You know we are in a very bad spot. It's only a matter of time before that bloated Hutt sends someone to make us disappear."

"And what better place than a prison." Ranion nodded.

"Then again, he could always just put a mynock in the right ear here, and that information gets passed to ..."

"Don't even say it.." Ranion cut her off and then looked around the yard. "We need to get the hell out of here."
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

"You and me are on the same page. Also, I found out about this great nail place on Nar Shaddaa and it's....what?" She asked.

"You wonder why I like the droid."

"That droid should hopefully be scrap by now." Mera said. "Anyway. I was thinking that Nar Shaddaa would be a great place to lay low once we get out of here. Which brings up a good question. How are we going to get out of here?"

"I'm out of ideas." Ranion said and she detected a sense of anger there. Not at her, or at the situation, but at himself. He blamed his flying skills for the reason why they had found themselves in this predicament.

"Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out." She said. "Look, you just keep your head up and don't make too many friends. You won't be coming back to visit them anytime soon."
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Nichalus »

"Oh look." Ranion said with a heavy sigh of frustration, as he looked over Mera's shoulder at the two approaching humans. One of the two had what appeared to be a Vibroknife cupped in his hand, while the other had a coil of wire in his hand. "Looks like were about to meet new friends, and just when I was starting to like this place."

The two stopped just short of the twins. The one with the vibroknife had a large and ugly scar that crossed his face nearly from ear to ear, while the other was missing his left hand. Both of them, wore serious looks on their faces.

Mera's back was still to them as Ranion spoke. "Let me guess, you.." pointing to the one missing his hand. "..tried shaving the other with the vibroknife..slipped..nearly cut handsome's face in half, but you lost your hand trying to catch the knife. Bravo!" Ranion started clapping lightly.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

“You sure you’re not in here for shitty humor alone, boy?” One of the two.

“I guess that’d mean you’re in here for your looks.” Mera said.

“Oh, come on now, sweetheart, I’m sure you’d have a good time.”

She rolled her eyes. “Honestly, we’re not in the mood for a fight. If you’re that terribly interested in one, I’m sure we could find someone else to-”

“Groola wanted to say hello.” 

“Well, I don’t think we’re going to be able to find someone else.” Ranion said. “Though, if he wants to say hello, tell him to stop being lazy and waddle over here. Bastard is pretty rude if you ask me.”

“No one asked you.” One of the other two said, brandishing his vibroknife again.

“Well, I’m asking.” Mera said.

“Well, I’m telling.” Ranion said.

“You two are a comedic duo.”

“The size of the words coming out of your mouth. Honestly, you’re never going to make it up the scum ladder.” Mera said. “And you wanted a date with me.”

The brawl started.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Nichalus »

In the 3 minutes it took for the prison's security detachment to arrive at the spot, the fight was fierce but quick. The crowd of prisoners were uncommonly quiet and hushed, almost in awe as the CERT Team parted the prisoners to get to the disturbance, what they saw caused even them to pause with shocked looks on their faces to match the prisoners.

Ranion and Mera sit on top of the two would-be assassin's backs, their legs splayed out like they were sitting on a beach somewhere nice. The one assassin that was missing a hand was now missing the other. The twins looked like they had gone through several rounds with a Rancor, their faces bloodied and slimed with prison grounds dirt.

Ranion looked with bleary bloodshot eyes at his sister and pointed an obviously broken finger, since he was pointing to his sister's chest but the finger was almost pointing straight up. " have something on your shirt Sis." If his finger was causing him pain, he didn't show it through his worn out expression.

"What? Oh..." Mera asked at first and then looked down and saw the assassin's dismembered hand lying against chest, it's finger hooked into her prison jumpsuit pocket. She reached over and flicked the finger, causing the hand to tumble to the ground between them.

The CERT Team regained their composure and leveled their weapons at the two. "Reach for the sky you two!"

"I'm really just too tired, can you guys just drag us away." Ranion retorted.

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with my dear brother." Mera said.

At the same time, both of them leaned to the side, Ranion's head coming to rest on Mera's shoulder, and Mera's head falling on top of Ranion's head. Both of them soundlessly passed out.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

When Mera and Ranion woke up, they were seated on a long, duracrete bench. They were shackled, and the chains went into the walls. Ranion woke up first, and strained against the chains to see just how much slack he had. It wasn’t much. But it was more than he’d figured he’d be given. It wasn’t enough to reach out to his sister, that much was for sure. But she came around on her own. Hair hanging around her head, Mera blinked a few times.

“I feel like…I feel like…You remember when we got our hands on that bottle of Firewhiskey?” She asked.

“First time we ever drank.” Ranion replied. “We were sick as dogs the next day.” H said with a smile growing.

“Good times.” They both said at the same time.

“But really…” Mera said. “I feel like that.”

The door opened to the room that they were in. A man walked in, and he didn’t look like he’d seen many happy days. He was dressed in a normal guard uniform and he carried a stun baton with him.

“Hi.” Mera said, flicking her hair back. “How you doing?” She asked.

“Shut up.” The guy said.

“Why is it that no one has nice manners these days?” Mera asked, looking at Ranion. “I mean, I gave him the eyes. He didn’t even respond to the eyes.”

“You have beautiful eyes, Sis.” Ranion replied, nodding solemnly. She rolled those eyes in response.

“You’re only saying that because we’re identi-“

“I said, shut up!” The man said, bringing the stun baton around and hitting the side of Mera’s head.

Ranion’s set of identical eyes darkened. “What do you want?” He asked.

“Well, we’re not really allowed to hit folk. At least, not cause any permanent damage.” The guard said. Then he smiled. “But we heard who you two are…you know…the real youse.” He said. “So we decided to make an exception. I mean, it’s not everyday that we get to meet celebrities.”
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Nichalus »

The officer raised his baton, and malicious smile creased his lips. Mera brought her hands up to block the blow, while Ranion was about to launch himself at the officer. But before the officer could strike, a calm but confident voice came from the doorway.

"You do that officer, and I can guarantee you a long stay at a outpost in the Koornacht Cluster at one of the Penal facilities housing the various marasi being held there in check."

The officer looked over his shoulder, while Mera leaned one way, and Ranion the other, around the officer to see the primly dressed woman in a fine Corellian Silk business suit, her auburn colored hair, with a shocking streak of pure white hair on the side, neatly wound in a tight bun on the back of her head with no a single loose strand to be seen. Her face was angular in a way that would turn many a men, and even some women's, heads. Icy blue eyes stared out at the officer, who had no doubt that if her eyes were blasters, he would be a cinder.

"Who the hell are you?" The officer stated, trying to sound off with some authority, but his eyes wavered with uncertainty. Mera and Ranion merely nodded as if asking the same question.

"I am the first person that you do not want to be on your badside, and the last person that will see to it that you will not profit from the first." The woman stated emphatically. She removed the datapad from under her arm, and slid it across the table to the officer. "I am a representative of clients that are, shall we say...reputable, within the walls of power in the New Republic. My clients do not wish to be named, but suffice to say that these two have their interests." She reached over and tapped the screen of the datapad and brought up a file. "As you can see this order is signed by the appropriate officials, and while the method that these two used to acquire the object in their hold is in question, they were going to turn over the object to the appropriate authorities in due course. This that not right?" He did not move her head, but her eyes looked at both the twins in turn.

Mera and Ranion were so perplexed by the unexplained turn of events, that they could only nod their heads in agreement.

"Such conversationalists..." The woman deadpanned without a smile. "So you see Officer. These two were not given the proper representation, or the chance to deliver their cargo to the proper authorities, and instead find themselves being brutalized by an over-zealous guard, when the New Republic is in fact in their debt for their recovery of a very important object."

"An that is exactly what I've been trying to tell them!" Ranion finality found his voice.

"Yeah! What he said!" Mera replied.

The woman's eyes squinted in disapproval at both of them. "My clients have obviously been traumatized by these events, and as the order shows, they are to be released into my custody immediately."

For a long few seconds the officer merely stared at the woman, as if he was transfixed by the litany of words that came out of her mouth and his brain was still trying to comprehend just what the hell was going on. Shaking his head as if from a dream, he picked up the pad and studied the order. Once he was satisfied, he handed the pad back to the woman.

"The orders look legit...Ma'am." he begrudgingly admitted. "They're free to go."

The woman nodded her head at the twins and they all stepped out into the corridor leading out of the prison. Mera and Ranion kept looking at one another with perplexed expressions, wondering if this was a trap, or they were dreaming.

"I can hear you two thinking back there. Your wondering if you were born under a lucky star, or I'm part of an elaborate trap by Groola. The answer is neither. Once I tell you both what you have to do next, you may wish that I had left you in the prison."

"Listen Sister..." Ranion stated with some irritation. "I think the first thing in order is just who in the Nine Suns of Debarium you are? Who the frack to you work for, and why the hell you got us out of jail?!"

"In that order, you may call me Wilhelmina. Who I work for is none of your business, suffice to say they have the power to get you out of prison. As to your last question..." They stepped into a plexiglass elevator that began its downward descent. "...your going to steal that ship."

Both Ranion and Mera stared out the glass window at the nearby shipyard, and their eyes widened as they instantly recognized the distinct shape of the Millennium Falcon resting in a heavily secured open bay below.
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by Mir »

Mera gawked. It could have been any YT-1300, why did it have to be that one? Why? She shook her head, closing her eyes. “Now why would either of us want to steal that ship?” She asked, opening them and looking at Wilhemina, a steely gaze on her face.

“Well, she is fast.” Ranion said, and winced as Mera reached out and clonked him lightly on the head.

“No way.” Mera said, placing her hands on her hips. “No way in all of the stony hells.” She said. “You’re crazy.” She added, pointing at Wilhemina. “Why would you want us to steal that ship?”

“For reasons that belong to the people who broke you out of prison.” The other woman replied. “Now, you don’t have much time, obviously.” She said.

“Obviously why?” Ranion asked, a slightly confused look on his face.

“The orders are forged, aren’t they?” Mera asked, her eyes narrowing.

“Of course.” Wilhemina replied. “You know what that means, don’t you?” She asked, politely.

“They’re going to be coming for us.” Ranion said, and he looked at his sister. “Well, this isn’t good.” He said. “Sis, we don’t have a choice.”

“I know, I know.” She said. Her eyes drifted around, as she thought. Mera noticed that the Idiot’s Array was also in the hangar. While otherwise she probably would have given the plan a bit more thought, she didn’t have the luxury. Warning klaxons went on throughout the building. The New Republic soldiers would be here soon. “Alright, here’s my idea. You take the Falcon. I’ll take the Array. We split up.” She said. “Two are harder to catch than one. When you break out, do it fast. We’ll meet up at the place we went to after the job on Stewjon where we almost lost the cargo to the robotic bears.” Mera said.

Ranion stood there for a moment, contemplating it.

“….And break?” Wilhemina said, shrugging and gesturing suggestively. “Scoot.”
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Re: Keeping it in the Family

Post by corsos »

Jerik was filled with regret.

He had a chance to take them on the street before they went to see the Hutt, and he decided not to with all the civilian eyes around. Then, he could have disabled their ship in orbit. Once they got to Mon Calamari and started playing a game of tag with the New Republic, he knew he had missed his shot.

Now the woman was in the picture. Jerik had contacted his people within the Syndicate and they gave him nothing. Either they didn’t know, which he doubted, or they just didn’t want to give him too much information. The Syndicate was always very careful disseminating their information, and Jerik was not high enough on the food chain to get any of it. That damned Duncan ass off the grid the past couple of weeks.

In other words, Jerik was on his own. He still assumed the Syndicate wanted the two of them alive since the contract was still on the holonet, but the silence from the organization was disconcerting.

His gunboat floated silently in space between the wreckage. With his systems turned off, he was undetectable. There was no way for him to get on the ship. Now, it was a waiting game.

Jerik twirled his blaster pistol in his hand, and leaned back in his chair. He didn’t do patience well. He also didn’t do “alive” well either. These twins were trying his patience, which he had very little of to begin with.

Twirling his blaster pistol, Jerik turned the holonet back on and began laughing at the latest episode of "The Wookie and Me."

* * *
Imperial Intelligence was very distracted. Their consultations with the ISB over the internal disputes between Thrawn and Moffs on Bastion had sucked up way too many resources. It left Talis with his datapad, a couple of operators that were in deep cover and a long file on the woman that was scarce on details.

The latest report from his operative said only that somehow she was part of the Republic power structure, and got orders to release a pair of twins. He didn’t know anything else, except that she was up to something. She had been seeing meeting with a number of important people, including the Solos and Skywalkers, yet there was no affiliation with the government. She appeared to be Alderaanian, and those were becoming rarer by the year. The information he got was extremely circumstantial and he couldn’t put it all together into a real profile. She was working for someone very powerful.

Talis craved information, and right now it was in short supply. Putting his feet up on his desk, Talis looked at the star map, trying to figure out what was going to happen next. The woman interested him, and perhaps these twins were the string he needed to pull to get to her.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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