The New Jedi Order: Legacy

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The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Pryde »

Felicity Sage let out an exasperated sigh, drooping over the desk she was sitting at and laying her head directly on top of the datapad she was reading. Senator Kayl's Treatise on the Delicate Balance of Diplomatic Relations was a long and extremely dull read. She wouldn't have even bothered with it normally but sitting around the temple with nothing else to do encouraged nosy Jedi Masters to appoint her tasks and special training assignments. Reading this treatise was one such assignment, given to her by master Rialto who found her happily practicing her martial arts on a few willing but unfortunate padawans in the yard. He felt her concern for honing her martial skills was clouding her judgement and leading her down a dark path and he thought that spending some time studying diplomacy might do her some good.

Felicity thought that he could use a hobby instead of nosing in on her free time. Rialto, unfortunately, did not share her opinion. Now she was stuck in the Ossus library reading a treatise on the importance of diplomacy while a good number of her friends and allies were engaged in a difficult battle on the far away planet of Arcanix. "I should be there, not sitting here reading a stupid book," she muttered mostly to herself.

"One more lightsaber isn't going to change the outcome of that battle," a voice said from behind her and Felicity turned to look at the woman in surprise. Jedi Librarian, Jade Kitana, smiled, "That vile monster Sivter has at last been beaten to a corner, now he's outnumbered and outgunned. He won't escape the Leidiases this time."

"I know that," Felicity said, turning back to her book, "It's just... I'm fine, Jade. I know I was out of it when they brought me back but right now I've never felt better. I should be out there doing something, you know? Making a difference."

Jade leaned her head to one side and gave Felicity a thorough glance. She had to admit, Felicity was in good health but the fact that none of her memories from her time in captivity have returned was rather worrisome. Jace had taken great pains in keeping Felicity's actions while she was still under the influence of the brainwashing device a secret but he knew eventually she would learn the truth. Jade had just figured that that time would have already come and gone, it was strange that it had not. Either the device had more of an effect on her than anyone could have imagined or Felicity was repressing her memories to protect herself.

"Everyone feels that way, Kit Kat," Jade said finally, using the nickname she had given Felicity long before she ever picked up her first lightsaber. The name Felicity was similar in sound to feline and Jade had always said that Felicity often reminded her of a cat because of her curious nature and uncanny craftiness. At first she would call her Kitty Kat, but eventually the name became shortened to Kit Kat and it just stuck. "But you don't have to be a great warrior to make a difference. Senator Kayl started his career as a poet. His songs and sonnets became the inspiration for his political ideals."

Felicity couldn't help but roll her eyes. She knew that already, Senator Kayl's "humble beginnings" were well documented in the first chapter of the book. She found that part the most dull of it all. "I don't know if you've noticed, Jade, but I'm not really a poet and I'm not very good at being a diplomat, either."

"You're just a girl, Kat, it's too early to know what you'll be good at when you're older. Swinging a lightsaber might come easy to you now but age brings wisdom and you're only sixteen. You've still got a lot of growing left to do."

That's what scared her the most. Would she some day become just as boring and dull as all the other Jedi Masters at the temple? She closed her eyes and shook her head. No way, I'd need a zero-g cell before I start sitting around moralizing all day like the others. There was one glimmer of hope, though, Master Ward was perhaps the least diplomatic of all the Jedi Masters though Felicity still considered her quite dull in everything else. Ward's martial skills could not be denied, though, she was easily one of the best combatants on the Council, a well-rounded warrior skilled in almost every kind of weapon. Now if only her training had extended to her social skills as well, maybe then Faye would be less of a prude.

"Well, I better get back to this," Felicity said, "Master Rialto was pretty adamant that I finish this...," she stopped suddenly when her eyes were drawn to an unusual sight.

"Who are they," she asked, pointing to a group of Antarian Rangers huddled to one side of the library.

Jade followed the gesture with her eyes then shrugged. "Members of the Antarian Rangers," she explained, "They're part of the defense force guarding the temple."

"No, I know that," Felicity replied, "I mean why are they here?"

Jade looked at her then back at the Rangers realizing she didn't have an answer. Most of the rangers had been assigned to guard posts surrounding the outer perimeter of the temple and at key points within the city, but there really was no reason for a group of them to be inside the library. Silently she looked back at Felicity, the two girls drawing their lightsabers and starting forward towards the group of armed men.

"Excuse me," Jade said aloud and almost immediately three of the Rangers turned on them and opened fire. Jade and Felicity were both forced behind cover as blaster bolts pelted the floor and the book shelves around them. Felicity hazarded a glance around the shelving to see what they were up to and saw a couple of the bandits loading a holocron into a bag. Another wave of blaster fire forced her behind cover again and she looked at Jade.

"They're stealing a holocron," she said, "We have to stop them."

She glanced around looking for anything that might help and finally hatched a plan. "I'll try to get around them, you stay here and keep 'em busy."

"Keep them busy," Jade repeated in a started voice just as Felicity broke from cover, "but I can't... Felicity, Wait!" But it was too late, the girl had already ducked down an adjacent aisle and out of sight. Great, just great, Jade thought to herself. Violence really wasn't her forte, she had been trained with a lightsaber but she wasn't accustomed to fighting like Felicity was. Silently praying to herself the Jedi Librarian broke from cover, igniting her blue blade and assuming a Soresu stance. A hail of gunfire rained down on top of her and Jade did her best to hold it at bay.

The impostors were in full retreat, apparently having acquired whatever it was they came for. Two of them kept Jade distracted while the others slipped around the backway. Suddenly a loud ruckus filled the area as if someone had set off a bomb, it was only after the thieves had stopped firing at her that Jade realized Felicity had knocked over a book shelf, causing it to crash into the shelf behind it creating a domino effect that cut the impostor Rangers into two groups. Felicity easily dispatched one of them, jumping out from behind cover and cutting down one of the rangers with her double lightsaber before he could even react. The second one had tossed the bag containing the holocron to his fellows and drew a lightsaber, igniting it just in time to parry an attack from Felicity that would have cleaved him in two.

The other Rangers headed for the door, breaking past the Librarian by tossing her a concussive grenade that tossed her flat on her back. Felicity, meanwhile, was engaged in single combat with the remaining impostor who proved to be an adept duelist. He matched the girl blow for blow, pounding hard against her defenses but Felicity had fought tough opponents before and she wasn't easily intimidated. She matched his skill with sheer tenacity, forcing him on the defensive and off balance. A miscalculated step spelled doom for him and he found his weapon cut in half and his back pressed against a wall. The violet tip of Felicity's blade hovered just inches from the man's neck and he stared at the weapon with increasing apprehension.

"Who are you," Felicity demanded, "What do you want?"

The man was silent for a moment then his face twisted into a smile and he began to laugh. "They've trained you well, young one, but that training will not be enough. You and all your kind are doomed. Nothing can stop the rise of the New Jedi Order!"

"What are you--," Felicity started to say but the man surprised her when he grabbed her by the wrist and forced her blade into his chest. She reached out to catch him as he fell but the man was dead even before he hit the floor.

"What was he," Jade asked, limping up behind her.

Felicity only shook her head. "I'm not sure," she said, then she glanced up at the woman behind her, "Are you alright?"

"Shaken, mostly," Jade replied, "but they didn't hurt me."

Her eyes glanced up from Felicity and the impostor to where a row of book shelves had toppled over. "You, on the other hand."

Felicity winced, "Right, I'll clean that up, I swear, but I gotta talk to the Council first."

"I'll talk to the Council," Jade assured her, "You can get started cleaning this mess right away."

Then the librarian turned and limped towards the door, leaving a poor, disgruntled Felicity behind...
Balsa is not a lie!
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Balsa »

"What happened here?" came a voice from behind Felicity. The girl spun at the half-growl, half-question, and Jedi Cyrilla Ky'lik grinned inwardly at the girl's momentary look of shock. Cyrilla belonged to the Cathar people, and Felicity's reaction was common for those unaccustomed to seeing a ferocious looking feline standing before them.

Felicity pointed at the two dead men and the carnage of the surrounding data stacks, saying, "There were thieves who were trying to steal a holocron. Librarian Kitana and I stopped them."

"I see that," the Cathar replied as she hooked her lightsaber to her belt. She looked from dead body to dead body, noting the pungent odor of charred flesh and the stink of ozone from blaster fire. She wrinkled her nose and thought she detected an off-worldly scent. Kneeling by the most cleanly killed body, Cyrilla grabbed a handful of the man's hair and brought it to her muzzle. She sniffed.

"What are you doing?" Felicity asked, horror in her voice.

"Smelling him," Cyrilla said, turning towards the girl. She smiled, a grin of pointed teeth. "He's not from around here. He smells absolutely alien." The Cathar released the dead man, who slumped to the ground with a dull thud, and wiped her hands on her robes. "I'm sorry for being rude. I am Cyrilla Ky'lik. I was in here studying when I heard the commotion. Are you okay?"
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Archangel »

Feldar T'kappi had taken to studying in the library. He was trying to find a path, an answer to his question: What was he supposed to do? He had no master. He had a few prospects, as he considered them, but none had yet volunteered to train him. He didn't know if it would be okay to ask them to train him. So instead, he studied. He read about the old Jedi, the ancient Jedi. He read diplomatic treatises with interest. He devoured all of the technical and engineering texts he could find in the Jedi library. He knew that he would never be an adept combatant, but he also knew that the Force would not abandon him for that. He still had a great deal to learn.

His keen hearing caught an odd sound. At the same time, a foreign odor caught his senses. There were strangers in the library. Turning, he saw a group of Antarian Rangers. It was odd, he thought, that a military group should be patrolling the library. It was odd further still, he supposed, that they should be so strong in the Force. As he reached out with his senses, he realized that they were much stronger than Antarian Rangers should have been.

Setting down his copy of Senator Kayl's Treatise on the Delicate Balance of Diplomatic Relations, he stood and began to follow the group. Suddenly, two other Jedi - two human females, one with red hair and one with black (of course, the rest of their pink, wrinkly bodies looked identical to Feldar's eyes) - charged the group, lightsabers drawn. A battle ensued.

The pseudo-Rangers made for an exit. Feldar followed them along a parallel path, darting down one of the other aisles. Suddenly, he heard a sharp crack, followed by ominous creaking. The bookshelves, towering over his small frame, groaned as they leaned toward him. Suddenly, they toppled, dumping books and datapads down upon him. With a shrill squeak, he called on the Force and threw himself back the way he had come. In a tightly wound ball of fur and Jedi robes, he tumbled away from the potentially deadly event.

He slowly sat up to see the black-haired woman fighting one of the Rangers. The Ranger had a lightsaber. That was odd. Within moments, it was over. The Ranger was dead. The red-haired woman ran off to tell the Council, while the black-haired woman stayed behind. A few seconds later, a cat-like Jedi - a Cathar, Feldar thought, but he was not sure - approached the black-haired woman and began speaking.

Regaining his feet, Feldar made his way over to the pair. The only thing he could think to say was how foolish the woman's tactics had been, but he did not wish to be rude. She had, after all, caught some of the strangers. Instead, he leaned against one of the downed bookcases, trying not to look dizzy, and listened to their conversation. He did not wish to interrupt.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Pryde »

"I'll be fine," Felicity replied, kneeling down next to one of the soldiers. She fished around in his uniform for a bit until she found his service tags. Then she did the same for the other, holding them both up so she could see. Each tag had a name and a service number but Felicity doubted either of them belonged to the dead men in front of her.

"Come on," she said, starting towards the door, "I need to see a friend."

Cyrilla looked around in bewilderment. "What about the mess?"

"I'll clean it later," she threw back over her shoulder as she left the room. The service tags might tell her where these men came from but in order to find that she would need access to the Antarian Ranger's database.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Balsa »

Cyrilla glanced from the mess of shattered datacrystals and scattered slates to Felicity's retreating form and sighed in exasperation. She was about to take off after the girl when her nose caught the peculiar smell of an alien. Her eyes found the creature a moment later, and they narrowed into green slits as they focused on him. He was red-furred and possessed strangely large ears, but her gaze lingered on the artificial arm grafted to his shoulder. Part of her mind wondered about the prosthesis, how it was attached, what powered it, how its man-machine interface matrix was designed, but that was to be expected. She was tempted to ask about that limb, she was after all trained as a healer, but she knew she had more important tasks.

The Cathar nodded towards the alien Jedi -- she assumed it was a Jedi because of its lightsaber -- before turning and sprinting towards Felicity. The girl was by now out of sight, but Cyrilla's superior sense of smell and hunting skills easily guided her. She cut through an alley way and stepped out to appear suddenly in front of the young Jedi, who barely stopped in time to avoid slamming into her.

Cyrilla gently placed a hand on Felicity's shoulder. "Hold up," the Cathar growled. "Where are we going and who are we seeing?"
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Archangel »

Feldar watched the human female leave with some consternation. First she was foolish, and now she was disobedient? Besides that, she was inconsiderate, even rude.

The Chadra-Fan sighed. He would never understand these human females. At least the other, the Cathar, seemed a little less inconsiderate. She seemed to be staring at him, perhaps curious about him... then she left, too.

Well, phooey.

He worked to catch his breath for another few minutes, calling on the Force to calm himself physically and emotionally. The adrenaline that had been pumped into his system with the arrival of the strangers was filtered out, and the anger at the actions of his fellow Jedi was slowly soothed.

Moving to the first of the toppled bookcases, Feldar called on the Force to lift it back into place. He used his mechanical arm to guide it as it settled back into its grooves. There were other Jedi in the library beginning to gather. He went down the line of toppled bookcases, picking each one up and settling it into place. Several of the others were helping him by the time he reached the last one, and many of them were placing books and pads back on the shelves when he turned back to glance at them.

He smiled. Perhaps not all of his fellows were this way. Only a select few. He joined the others in replacing the books and pads, hoping - against the Jedi way, he knew - that the black-haired female would return so that he could give her a piece of his mind.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Pryde »

"We're going to the Ranger outpost," Felicity explained, "I need to, um... 'borrow' one of their computers."

"Borrow? What for?"

"For these," Felicity said, holding up the two service tags. "These men had to come from somewhere and the Antarian Rangers keep records of all of their transfers. If I can figure out when these men arrived and from where then we have a trail to follow."
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Pryde »

"Do we know what they were after," Faye Ward asked, her blue, holographic image sitting straighter at the report of a theft.

"They took a holocron," Jade explained, "One dating back to the Jedi Civil War. It was damaged, though, and not a lot of information could be gleaned from it. I can't imagine why they would take it."

"It obviously has something that is of importance to someone," one of the other Council members said, "Who was it that first noticed the impostors?"

"A girl, Felicity Sage."

The gathered masters each shared a glance with each other at the mention of Felicity's name. Her reputation for rushing off to save others with no thought for herself was well known, already Jade could tell that they sensed there would be trouble.

"Where is she now?"

"Cleaning up the, uh--mess she caused in the library," Jade answered, at least I hope that's where she is.

"See to it she remains there for the time being," Faye spoke again, "The girl is skilled but she is headstrong and over confident. We'll have a more experienced knight investigate the matter for us and we already have someone in mind."

Faye's eyes glanced up from Jade to where the chamber door had just opened to permit a young Jedi inside...
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Balsa »

Cyrilla shook her head in mild amusement and not an insignificant amount of exasperation. This girl's initiative was certainly commendable, and her youthful enthusiasm was refreshing, but she lacked a certain degree of reality. "What makes you think the Rangers will let you just walk in and use one of their computers? And, unless you're a talented slicer, how do you plan on actually accessing a computer? I don't believe they'd just leave a terminal unlocked and ready for use by the public."

She ran a clawed hand through her mane and wrinkled her nose. Felicity reeked of adrenaline and excitement. "More importantly, though, if these fake Rangers really are fake, why would they be in the real Rangers' system? It would have been easier for them just to dress up as Antarian Rangers and infiltrate the library than to go through the trouble of hacking into a guarded network and risk exposure."
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Pryde »

Felicity let out an exasperated sigh. It might have been faster if she'd gone by herself at least then she wouldn't have to answer all these questions. "After what happened on Onderon we've increased our security," she patiently began, "There's no way a group of people can just land on Ossus and walk into the Temple library, not without the proper clearance. The temple defenses would stop them long before then."

She held up one of the service tags. "You see these? There's a small device inside them that transmits an IFF signal alerting the temple defenses, like the statues out in front, that the people passing by are friendlies. That's why they have to be authentic and you can only get one of these from another Antarian Ranger."

"Okay," Cyrilla said, "but that still doesn't explain how you're going to get access to the Ranger database."

"I'm friends with the commander. We fought together on Ruusan," Felicity explained.

Cyrilla was still confused. "And he's just going to let you use his computer?"

"Well, no--not exactly," she said, hesitating just slightly, "I might have to convince him to leave."


Was she ever going to stop asking questions? The longer they waited here the colder the trail was getting. "Look, just let me handle the details. I'll get the information we need then we can go get our holocron back."
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Durgan »

Durgan entered the council Chambers through the oen doorway, this was not Durgans first time here he knew the routine well by now. As Durgan approched the center of the room he bowed in respect for his superiors even though at times he didn't bieleve they were. Durgan had found it increasingly more difficult to conform to the jedi standards he needed something to get him away from this planet and the council. As Durgan brought himself back up from his bow he did his normal unenthusiastic introduction.

"Masters how may a humble servant of the force aid you today?"

He suspected that the masters could detect his sarcastic tone of voice. Ever since he returned to the jedi he had meet quite abit of resistance because of masters ttainimg style. Perhaps they were going to send Durgan deep into the far reaches of the known galaxy atleast there maybe he could continue his research un interupted. Durgan let out a small sigh to the thought and then waited patiently to hear what his new assignment would be.
Last edited by Durgan on Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Balsa »

"Fine," the Cathar said, giving up. She had met similarly stubborn humans (and Cathars!) in the past, and knew there was no point in trying to deter the girl. "Lead on. But don't get into anymore trouble," she added as Felicity led them running towards the Antarian base.

Not sure what to post lol

Arch, hurry up!
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Pryde »

Satisfied Felicity led the rest of the way to the Antarian Ranger outpost just outside the temple grounds. Inside the outpost was a flurry of activity as news of the attack spread and Rangers were ordered to investigate or called in for questioning. Felicity and Cyrilla walked past that all and straight into the office of Varik Kasra, Commander of the Antarian Rangers stationed on Ossus.

"Hi, Varik," Felicity greeted him with a smile.

"Not a good time, Kit Kat," the man replied, not even bothering to take his eyes off his computer.

"Oh, I know. I just came here to tell you that the Council would like to see you."

Cyrilla gave Felicity a sharp look but the girl ignored it. "Strange," Varik said, "I didn't hear anyone call on the holo."

"That's because she didn't use it. Master Ward told me to come get you personally, something about me sitting on my hands not doing anything."

Varik snickered at that. "Yeah, that sounds like her alright."

He pushed his chair back and headed for the door. "Might as well go see what they want."

As soon as he left Cyrilla turned to her. "You lied to him."

"Not really," Felicity said, "the Council's going to want to see him eventually he's just going to get there a bit early."

She sat down in the Commander's chair and started typing commands into his console. Cyrilla watched as the girl bypassed Ranger security and snuck her way into the outpost's database. "Where did you learn to do that," Cyrilla asked.

"Jace showed me. He taught me a lot of useful things."

"Did he teach you how to lie?"

Felicity rolled her eyes. "You're not going to let that go, are you?"

"We'll see."

"Fine, I'll apologize to him later," she said, then she leaned forward when something caught her eye. "Here they are, the two names I found on those service tags. The last entry here says they were part of the garrison on Elysium. That will be our first stop."

"First stop?" Cyrilla asked incredulously, "You can't be serious."

"Of course I'm serious," Felicity replied, "These tags were stolen from those men and we need to find out what happened to them. There's a chance they could still be alive and even if they're dead their families deserve to know."

Her own thoughts of Max's disappearance crept into her head but she shoved them back down before Cyrilla could pick up on it. She would have liked to be able to bring Max's body back with her so they could have a proper ceremony but there was just no sign of him. "Besides, the thieves already left and first thing they'll do is try to cover their tracks. That's why we need to get to Elysium as soon as possible and find out who hired them."


After being dismissed by the Council Jade sighed heavily as she made her way through the halls back to the library. She told the Council that she was confident Felicity had stayed where she was but Jade knew the girl too well. She probably didn't even wait three seconds before rushing out the door following some kind of clue. When she arrived back at the library her worst fears were confirmed when Felicity was nowhere to be seen. Cursing to herself under her breath she stopped the nearest padawan, a furry little creature with large ears and a robotic arm.

"Excuse me, the dark haired girl I was in here with before, have you seen her?"


Faye Ward gave Durgan a stern look, noting the man's sarcasm but letting it pass--for the moment. "Durgan jai Sheelal," Faye began, "we are placing you in charge of investigating the recent break in at the temple library."

"The culprits stole a holocron from our databanks and they claimed to be working for something they referred to as the 'New Jedi Order,'" one of the other master's explained.

"You're job will be to track down these thieves and retrieve the holocron. You will also inestigate rumors of this New Order and report back to us with whatever you find, do you understand?"

Durgan opened his mouth to speak but before he could mouth the first word the door to the Council Chambers opened and Varik Kasra stepped through. "You wanted to see me, Masters," he asked.

The assembled Jedi Masters traded glances with each other until finally Faye shook her head. "Yes, eventually, Commander, but not right now."

"Why are you here, Varik? Who sent you," the Jedi Master sitting next to Faye asked as he leaned forward in his chair.

Varik bowed his head, "I'm sorry, Master, but Felicity had told me that--,"

"Felicity," Faye repeated and then she let out an exasperated sigh. I should have known that girl wouldn't sit still. "Commander, we're going to need you and your men to follow up on the attack at the library. Have your men investigate the scene and report back anything you find and run an internal audit on all of your troops. We want to make sure everyone under your command are who they say they are."

"Yes, Ma'am," Varik replied, then he snapped his heels together and threw her a sharp salute before spinning on his heel and leaving the room.

As soon as he had gone Faye turned her attention to Durgan. "And you," she said, "find Felicity Sage and retrieve whatever information she may have uncovered. It is likely she possesses your first lead. Once you have it you are to turn Felicity over to temple security so that she may be escorted back to her room."
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Durgan »

Durgan answered Faye “Yes Ma'am”

As quickly as he had entered the room he made his way out already certain were to start looking for this Felicity Sage. Durgan made it outside the temple and hopped into his hover craft and as soon as it had powered up Durgan floored it with no regard.

The trip to the Antarian Ranger outpost was quick and smooth all the way up until Durgan arrived at the outpost itself. Durgan brought the hovercraft to a stop right outside the crowd quickly departing the vehicle and making his way through the crowd in search of someone who looked like they were in charge. Once inside the compound Durgan found a young lieutenant barking off orders to the other men wandering around aimlessly.

“Lieutenant were is your commanders office?”

The Lieutenant looked at Durgan about to object to him giving the young officer orders but quickly realized who he was talking to “Sorry Master Jedi, there in the center tower top floor but I believe he has left.”

Durgan nodded to the man in understanding and made his way into the building. Seeing that this facility had no elevator Durgan would have to rough it up the stairs a much unwanted activity but Durgan made his way to the top. As Durgan approached the door to the commands office he could hear taking a young woman he knew he had discovered what he was looking for but who was she talking to. Durgan didn't take the moment to hesitate and flung the door open slamming it against a filling cabinet. As Durgan busted in through the open door he noticed Felicity sitting behind the console but was unsure of who the other was standing next to her.

“Felicity Sage, stepped away from the console.” Durgan spoke with a command voice.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Pryde »

The door slamming open startled to two girls and Felicity quickly followed the man's orders, stepping away from the computer. "Who the heck are you," she demanded, her hand on her lightsaber in case this man turned out to be in league with the impostors.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Balsa »

Cyrilla already had one of her lightsabers out and ignited. The gold blade hummed quietly as she regarded with suspicion this... thing. The figure before her was part droid part organic being, and the odor of oils and machinery stank under the aroma of alien reptile. The Cathar wrinkled her nose at the unnatural scent of it all and bared her teeth.

"Best answer her question," she snarled.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Durgan »

"calm yourselves there's no need for violence, I'm Durgan jai Sheelal. The counsel sent me to investigate the theft at the library and to hand you over to the authorities. Seeing how you are armed and defiantly not coming quietly I wont be handing you over to anyone."

Durgan walked up to the console Felicity was working on a there was a assortment of useless data then Durgan noticed the reference to Elysium.

"So you already have a good start here I would be surprised but I've heard a lot about you Felicity. How about this I tell the counsel you've already disappeared headed off planet, they will issue me a vessel and will go track these imposters down. What do you say I'd appreciate the help?"
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Pryde »

Felicity gave him a curious look. "You'd be defying the Council's orders," she told him, I thought only I did that.

"Look," she said carefully, "I'd like to trust you and everything, but I don't really know you sooo...," she grabbed Cyrilla by the wrist and pulled her along as she jumped out the nearest window. "See ya," she finished just as she disappeared out of sight along with the Cathar.

The two young Jedi free fell to the ground below until Felicity let loose a telekinetic blast towards the earth that slowed their descent enough for them to land. Felicity got up and dusted herself off then turned to Cyrilla who was livid.

"Don't you ever do that again," the Cathar snarled and Felicity just shrugged.

"Don't be such a prude, Cylla--,"

"Cyrilla," the girl corrected her.

"Right, Cyrilla, anyway let's go," Felicity replied then she grabbed Cyrilla by the wrist again and pulled her along in the direction of the star port...
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Durgan »

Durgan watch as the two girls leap out of the window stunned for a moment then realizing what was going on. Durgan ran as quick as he could down the stairs and out the front but the two had disappeared and a crowd had formed around the spot they had landed.

"Do any of you know were they were headed?"

One of the soldiers pointed towards the south, Durgan knew from the general direction they were headed for the spaceport. Durgan ran and jumped back into his hovercraft speeding off in the direction of the spaceport. Durgan knew he would have time to beat them there but what he would do once they arrived he was still unsure of.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Archangel »

Feldar looked up. It was the red-haired woman from before. "She left," he answered as a matter of fact. "She was accompanied by a young Cathar. They were in a hurry. I think she intended to investigate this crime, even though it was clearly not her duty to do so." The young Chadra-Fan figured that this woman probably didn't need his commentary, but he was still frustrated by the girl's careless and rude actions, and he wanted her superiors to know it. That sort of activity could not be condoned among the Jedi.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Pryde »

Jade let out an explosive sigh. "I knew she wouldn't sit still," she said, her fingers squeezing the bridge of her nose. "Look, I need you to do me a favor. Felicity means well but her eagerness will get her hurt or killed. I need you to go find her and bring her back before she gets herself into trouble."
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Archangel »

Feldar frowned, though he doubted the human would recognize the expression on his face. "Me, Master?" he asked incredulously. He was only a Padawan. Not even a Padawan, since he had no master of his own. This kind of command didn't make sense. Why would a high-ranking Jedi tell him to go, alone, and pursue a wayward Jedi - one who had, presumably, already graduated beyond his level?

Perhaps... perhaps it was the Force. He had spent months now searching for a purpose, a direction. Maybe this was it. Even if it wasn't, it could be an opportunity to find a purpose outside the walls of the Temple... among the people.

Smiling with resolve, Feldar stood up a little bit straighter. "Yes, Master. I will depart immediately."

And he did.

* * * * *

"You're the second person to ask about her today," the Antarian Ranger said, "She in some kind of trouble?"

Feldar tried to shrug, but he ended up leaning awkwardly. "No, sir, no, but we do need to be sure she stays that way," he answered. It was not exactly the truth, and Feldar felt a twinge in his gut at lying to an officer, especially one who was so helpful. But all the same, his explanation did include part of his task, and he knew it would be inappropriate to air the dirty robes of the Jedi among anyone who did not need to know. "You say she cracked into your database from your commander's room, then jumped out the window, and then headed toward the spaceport?"

Feldar suppressed a laugh at the litany of increasingly bizarre and criminal actions a Jedi (or so she was supposed to be) was committing.

The Ranger nodded. "Yep," he replied, "along with that Cathar. The other Jedi has already gone after them. He was an odd one, I tell you. But I bet you two would get along."

Feldar frowned for the umpteenth time that day. "Why do you say that?"

The Ranger pointed to the Chadra-Fan's mechanical arm. "He was a cyborg, like you. Part droid, part... well, alien, I guess, but I don't know what kind. Like I said - he was an odd one."

Feldar smiled. He did not know this other Jedi, but perhaps they would cross paths and track down the girl - Felicity, the other woman had called her - together. "Thank you, officer," he said, and bowed. Turning, he left the Ranger outpost behind and returned to his landspeeder. He had been forced to jury-rig it to accept hand controls only, since he could not reach the pedals and still see over the console. That had added to the time it took him to leave. All the same, he had enjoyed the activity; it was refreshing to engage in some mechanical exercises from time to time.

He dropped into the driver's seat and settled down until he was comfortable. Then he immediately straightened up and leaned forward, so that he could see and was no longer comfortable. Sighing a little, he wished for a vehicle designed for his size; as he activated the speeder and began heading south toward the spaceport, he vowed to make one when he had enough spare time.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Pryde »

"I don't understand why we just don't pick one and go," Cyrilla said impatiently, "They're all going to the same place, aren't they?"

Felicity ignored her impatiences and pointed to the display in front of her. "This one makes stops at Belderone and Nam, this one goes straight to Anari where we transfer to a flight heading to Elysium. What we need is a direct flight, the less time we spend getting there the better."

She went back to examining the board until she found an entry that matched her criteria. "Here we go, a direct flight to Elysium. It leaves in an hour."

She frowned at that, that other Jedi would still be looking for them and an hour would give him plenty of time to find them. Their best option was to get on a flight leaving immediately but with the crowd mulling about the spaceport that day just getting there would take time. "I guess we have no choice," she finally said, grabbing Cyrilla by the wrist again and pulling her towards the nearest check in.

"Two tickets for Flight 227 to Elysium," Felicity said and the woman behind the desk stared at her with disbelief.

"And how do you plan to pay for that?"

"Will credits work," Felicity asked, dumping a pile of credits onto the desk while completely oblivious to the woman's sarcasm.

The woman's eyes widened suddenly as she stared at the pile. A cursory glanced told her there was more there than she made in a week. "I--I had no idea Jedi were so well paid," she said in surprise.

"It's actually from my allowance," Felicity explained with a shrug and the woman felt a twinge of jealousy.

She silently took down their information and charged them for the tickets before sending them away. As Felicity and Cyrilla walked towards the security check point on their way to their flight Felicity cast a glance back over her shoulder to where the woman was just now beginning to help another customer. "What was that all about," she asked, looking to Cyrilla in confusion, "Did I say something to make her angry?"
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Durgan »

Durgan had been waiting in the star port check in desk for nearly a hour and half when he overheard a attendant.

"This Jedi came in just flinging a pile of credits all over my counter I couldn't believe it"

Durgan walked over to the woman “What flight were those two getting on?”

The woman looked up at the man trying to cut his way through the line “I'm sorry sir I can't tell you that and you need to get to the back of the line if you want any assistance.”

Durgan pulled a ID from under his robe “Ma'am I'm here on official Jedi Counsel business now please answer my question.”

The woman got a dreaded look on here face as if today couldn't get any worse “One moment, they got two tickets on flight 227, now can you please leave me alone.”

“No ma'am I need you to get me security and get me on that flight, NOW!.” Durgan had become tired of the woman’s poor attitude and began raising his voice.

“I'm so..sorr...sorry but the flight has already left.” The woman had become upset but cooperated pressing a button on her console and a pair of security guards came out of the door behind her.

Durgan walked away from the feeble woman and to the two security guards “I have no time to explain I don't know when the flight left but you two need to get me aboard a flight to Elysium immediately.”

The two guards snapped to attention knowing who they were dealing with and escorted Durgan behind the counter and into the loading docks.

“we can get you on a flight heading directly there in a matter of a few minutes Master Jedi we will personally make sure it doesn't leave without you.”

Durgan thought to himself finally some cooperation things were starting to look up now if only he could catch Felicity and her little companion.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Balsa »

“Probably,” Cyrilla replied as the security personnel swept them with hand-held scanners. “That was a lot of credits you just dumped on her counter. Not every smart, it could attract attention.” The security guard waved her through, and Cyrilla turned towards Felicity, asking, “Have you thought this through at all?”

“What do you mean?” Felicity replied.

The Cathar pointed first at her own clothes and then at Felicity’s. “Do you have spare clothes? Supplies? Anything?” Cyrilla saw the look on the girl’s face, and she knew she didn’t. Sighing, the Cathar pulled Felicity towards a spaceport vendor. “Your enthusiasm is nice, but it needs tempering. You can’t leap into a mission without any planning.” Tossing Felicity a backpack, the Cathar began filling the pack with rations, medical and survival supplies, and other miscellaneous items she knew would come in handy.

Felicity started to voice a question, but Cyrilla cut her off. “I’m only doing this because your mission is mildly interesting and I’ve got no other assignments.” She hesitated. “Plus, it’d be a waste to see such talent killed because of poor guidance and planning.”

"I know how to take care of myself," Felicity interjected. "I handled those fake Rangers earlier."

"Just barely," Cyrilla grunted. "Plus, you're more likely to die from exposure or dehydration than from combat. Take it from someone who has experience in that area."
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Archangel »

Feldar sensed them before he saw them. The young woman was indignant, of course. She had difficulty seeing flaws in herself or her plans. The Cathar was wiser, but seemed a little foolhardy - to Feldar - just to be accompanying this wild human. He sniffed the air and was able to follow their scent, even without the Force. He had become sufficiently familiar with them, and the smell of a Cathar was hard to lose among a bunch of stinky humans.

As he followed, he eventually got close enough to see them, then to hear their conversation. He worried they would sense him, but they could be caught up in their conversation.

That was, until the human declared that she had "handled" the fake Antarian Rangers. At that, Feldar made a sound like a cross between a snort of derision and a huff of indignation. Combined with his Chadra-Fan physique, the sound would have been exceptionally odd to human ears. Besides that, he was now just a half-dozen paces behind the duo, and he let his emotions roll off of him carelessly.

They turned to look at him, and he froze for a moment, his eyes widened just a touch. Then, remembering his task, he set his jaw and stepped forward - imperiously, he thought - until he was within optimum speaking range. "Master Kitana and the Jedi Council request that you return at once," he declared, the squeak in his voice not quite betraying his anxiety, but rather due to his species' vocal cords.

In retrospect, he suspected that his attempt at authority had ultimately sounded comical.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Pryde »

Felicity just watched dumbfounded as the Cathar filled her pack with various items to help them on their way. This was the kind of thing that Jace would have done, he was always the one to temper her eager nature. Ever practical the assassin would have packed ahead of time for the both of them, except Cyrilla was just now getting to know her quirky personality.

Just then the two girls heard a noise from behind and both of them turned to see an odd creature watching them. "Master Kitana and the Jedi Council request that you return at once," he squeaked and Felicity briefly wondered if he was nervous or if he always sounded like that.

"We're going to need more stuff," she declared, turning back to Cyrilla, "This won't be enough for the three of us."

"What," Feldar and Cyrilla asked almost at the same time.

Felicity just turned and gave Feldar her sweetest smile. "I've decided you're coming with," she told him.

"But the Council--," he started to say.

"Can wait," Felicity finished. "I have a lead and it's getting colder the longer we take. So come on! I'll get another ticket for you at the gate," she said before hurrying off to the nearest register. The woman behind the counter rung her up and Felicity swiped her family cred stick through the machine. She didn't really bother to see if Feldar was following her, she just figured he would.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Balsa »

Cyrilla sighed. She would regret this decision, she knew it. This Felicity was far too eager without any sort of sense, and following her flew against everything the Cathar had ever learned or been taught or experienced. Especially in a galaxy this dangerous, one did not just impulsively jump at the chance to experience danger and adventure without any sort of preparation. While she didn’t possess the talent of far sight, Cyrilla was certain that the girl would end up in trouble if no one were there to guide her. She’d bet on it.

The Cathar looked at the alien before her, the one that had come to deliver the Jedi Council’s message. He had large ears and small eyes and possessed a woody and musky aroma that reminded her of her childhood home. His unique scent matched that of the alien from the library, and confirmed that they were one and the same. Not that she needed the aromatic confirmation. The alien’s prosthetic arm gave him away. Cyrilla nodded towards the alien. “It seems we’ve been volunteered for this mission. My name is Cyrilla Ky’lek,” she said, bowing in introduction. “Who are you?”
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Archangel »

Feldar bowed his head in return, though his frown seemed to be permanent. "Feldar T'kappi," he answered. Glancing back after the human, he commented, "I get the feeling that she's going to get herself killed if we don't help her." He sighed and added, "Even though we really should let the Council handle this."

Furrowing his brow, he asked with a squeak, "Is she always like this?"
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Balsa »

“I don’t know,” Cyrilla said with a sight of exasperation. “I only just met her, in the library. And, I have to agree. I also feel that if we don’t help her, she’s going to end up in a bad situation. She’s far too eager with no tempering. She has no idea how the galaxy works.” The Cathar finished stuffing the backpacks with supplies and paid the vendor. “Do you have anything to retrieve from your quarters? Now’s the time to do it, since I don’t believe we’ll be getting another chance once we leave on this … adventure.”

I might have something more substantial once we're on the journey.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Archangel »

Feldar shook his head. "No," he answered, "I have everything I need with me." He patted the lightsaber, hanging from his belt, meaningfully. He and Cyrilla followed the human, who purchased a ticket for Feldar. The three of them soon departed, with full packs and appropriate tickets, for the designated landing bay.

As Feldar boarded the passenger vessel, he wondered if he was getting into more than he could handle.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Pryde »

Cyrilla and Feldar had been sitting together on the transport for well over an hour now. Felicity had long ago said she needed to use the facilities and they had yet to see her return. They each looked at each other, wondering if the girl had somehow managed to get herself into trouble already but just as they had decided to get up and go look for her she finally appeared.

"Hey, look," she said as she walked up to them, "They were selling these little Jawa dolls at the gift shop on the upper deck, aren't they adorable?"

She held one up for their inspection, a big childish smile plastered on her face.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Balsa »

“What?” Cyrilla asked incredulously. She took one of the Jawa dolls and peered at it before looking back up at Felicity. “Just how old are you?” the Cathar said. The girl was certainly an adolescent, but from the way she as acting, Cyrilla was unsure just how young she really was.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Pryde »

"Sixteen, why?" Felicity asked as she sat back down in her chair. Cyrilla stared at her wide eyed and in shock but Felicity ignored it. "The base on Elysium isn't far from the spaceport," she began, her manner becoming all business like, "but the impostors will want to have hidden the real Antarian Rangers someplace good before leaving, otherwise the Elysium base would have sent a warning to Ossus."

She thought about that for a moment then her eyes lit up. "Soldiers like to drink, right? Maybe we should start by looking around any cantinas that are nearby?"
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Balsa »

Sixteen, Cyrilla thought. Felicity really was a child. She shook her head. More and more she realized how foolish it was to be led into this mission. She doubted if Felicity had even received all that much training outside of the basic Jedi skills. And even if she had, she couldn't have had experienced much of the galaxy.

Sighing, the Cathar took a sip from a glass of water. "What would you expect to find? If the real Rangers are hidden, no one aside from the imposters will know where. I doubt randomly questioning people at a tavern will lead you to where they're being kept. And why do you assume the originals are still alive? They could have killed them and stolen their ID tags. We should probably investigate the Ranger base and figure out when the real Rangers may have been abducted."
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Pryde »

Felicity shook her head, she knew the Rangers would have standing orders to return her to the Order. With all the Jedi preoccupied with the war and elsewhere around the galaxy Felicity knew she was best qualified to handle this situation, why couldn't the Council see it?

"I'm not going to ask people where they are," Felicity corrected the Cathar, "I'm going to ask them where they've been. And if they're dead we owe it to their families to find out."
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Archangel »

Feldar was no older than the human girl - but then, he also wasn't trying to lead an investigation as if he were a rogue Jedi Knight ready for a fight. But when he realized their situation, and he discovered (what he hoped to be) her true motivation, he could not help himself.

Feldar hated to admit it, but, "She's right," he squeaked. "A full investigation will take days, maybe longer. Whatever's left of those Rangers will be long gone by then, if it isn't already." He hung his head. "We are ill-equipped for this task, but I agree with the girl. We must find out what happened to those men, and fast, so we can bring that small comfort to their families."

The loss of a loved one just hit a tad close to home for the little Chadra-Fan.
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Pryde »


Three cantinas they've been to and not a single clue has turned up. Cyrilla had long ago expressed her opinion that this mission was a waste of time, once again urging Felicity to visit the Ranger outpost. Felicity was well aware that they'd been lucky their arrival had gone unnoticed but if the Rangers knew she was here they would detain her and send her back for certain and any trail leading to the culprits on Ossus would be lost.

"Let's try the next one," she said, leading her little motley crew down the street to the next cantina on their list. So far they had eliminated most of the drinking establishments surrounding the base but it was only a matter of time before they found someone who recognized either a name or a picture of one of the missing rangers. From there it was just a matter of fanning out and allowing the Force to guide her.

Felicity once again cast a sidelong glance at her companions, she knew neither of them were very eager to come along and that she had probably gotten them all in over their heads but she didn't know why. Why was she trying so hard to defy the Council? Was it because she felt some sort of responsibility for Max's death? Or was she simply getting restless?

A faint hint of movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention and she instantly felt the presence of another. She didn't say anything to Cyrilla and Feldar and simply let it pass, instead taking a sudden turn down a narrow alley.

"Where are we going," Cyrilla asked, though as was typical of Cyrilla whenever she "asked" it sounded more like a demand.

Felicity just ignored the question, leading them further into the alley and then taking a right and a left before suddenly coming to a stop. Feldar and Cyrilla stared at her questioningly before the Cathar caught an unfamiliar scent. Feldar smelled it too but before either of them could say anything Felicity was already acting. A young man came around the corner and just as he appeared Felicity grabbed him them forced him up against the wall. The blade of her lightsaber sprang to life and she held the weapon just inches from his throat.

"Want to explain why you're following us," she asked in a firm, but non-threatening way.

The boy stared wide-eyed at the lightsaber first then finally met the Jedi's gaze. "I knew it," he said, "I knew you were Jedi, from the way that you were dressed!"

Felicity could sense that the boy did not mean them any harm and gently let go of him before disengaging her lightsaber and returning it to her belt. "I need your help," the boy continued, "There are men accosting my family, demanding money from us! They say they'll kill us if we don't pay up."

"Why have you not contacted the authorities?" Cyrilla demanded.

The boy just stared at her, "We did, but nothing happened! An officer appeared at our home and told us everything was alright but not two days later those same men appeared and took my sister! They said they were going to hold her as payback for calling the police. Please! You have to help me rescue her!"

Felicity couldn't believe what she was hearing, just what kind of a law existed on Balmorra, anyway? "Of course I'll help you," she said and Cyrilla was incredulous.

"What about the missing rangers? What about the lead you keep saying is getting cold?"

"There are three of us," Felicity replied, "I can go with him to save his family while you two continue the search. Your senses are sharper than mine, if you can't get these people to tell you where the rangers have been then you may have to use this to find them," she said, tapping her nose for emphasis.

"I don't think splitting up is wise," Feldar told her, "We don't know how many of these men there are."

Felicity just smiled. "I can take a few thugs," she assured him, "but if you're that worried then maybe only one of us has to stay."
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Archangel »

Feldar shook his head. "No," he said, "This is your mission, or so you keep saying. You get after the missing Rangers. Cyrilla and I will help the boy." He smiled at the boy, his snout twisting upward slightly with the expression. Looking back at the Cathar, he added softly, "And I don't know about Cyrilla, but without a frame of reference, it's difficult to distinguish one human from another. I don't know what the missing Rangers are supposed to smell like. So at this point," he finished with a sad frown, "if we can use our noses to find the missing rangers, then your nose will likely work just as well."
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Re: The New Jedi Order: Legacy

Post by Pryde »

"But I--," Felicity started but Cyrilla interrupted her.

"It's as you said," the Cathar answered firmly, "we can handle a few thugs."

Felicity bit her lip, glancing first at the boy then back at Feldar and Cyrilla. "Just be careful," she told them, a note of genuine concern in her voice. Then she held up her communicator and showed it to them, "I'll contact you when I find the missing Rangers."

The others nodded and she turned to leave, casting one last glance over her shoulder at the boy. She hoped the two Jedi she was leaving behind could handle themselves and she hated the idea of not being there to help. Still, they felt confident enough to volunteer and Feldar made a valid point about her chances of finding the Rangers first. With a sigh she headed back out to the street, the others slipping from view the moment she turned the first corner.
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