A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by TalRaimi »

I'd say Taskmaster is a fair representation of our humour. And Richard Ayoade is practically a national treasure, although for me he'll never surpass his role in the IT crowd. Stree Countdown anyone?

Language wise I rarely hear chracters with an accent unless written specifically on the page that way, although there are a few americanisms that do stand out to me, and I'm aware of a few British ones that I write, Mum and Mom being a big one. The real question though is what kind of British accent do Morwenna and Reave have? Scouse, Brummie, Gerordie, Mancunian... the list is practically endless. :)
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Re: A Jedi Night on the Town OOC

Post by Halomek »

Street Countdown? You mean the game that's just like regular Countdown except it's played in the street!? ;)

I wouldn't even know where to start on what accent they would have. Since they both grew up in the streets, it feels like they should have an accent that's not the Queen's English. Here's another question though... Reave grew up on Abregado-rae. I don't think you ever specified if Morwenna also came from there, so there's a chance she might have grown up on another world. Would they have different accents coming from different planets? Maybe only Morwenna has the accent (she was the one who used the "rubbish" slang).

Or maybe their Val Aru traits come with an accent? You did specify that they're pretty dominant and become more pronounced as they get older.

There are so many different ways to look at it.

Also... *nudges* to add some content to their wiki articles.
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