It's been a while since I've posted here, and I'm relieved that the board's still here.
I thought it'd be fun if we all shared a bit about our life. I'll go first.
I've turned 43 (which is still really weird - I'd swear I'm still 17 in some areas). I'm still married, and we'll hit 20 years next year. I have two daughters, aged 16 and 12, both in 'raging teen mode'.
I've worked in customer service for over 12 years, and are now (finally) educating myself, aiming to become a proper office worker by taking a Business College course (just a five weeks one, to get the basics, after which I have to work as a office student for 2 years). Not a huge aspiration, but I like it. (EDIT: aced the exams

I still write, am still a raging Star Wars fan, and still hold all of you dear.
What about you guys?