Gotham City
One Year Ago
She stared up at the skyscrapers. This was not like back home. Fawcett City was big but it wasn’t this big. Charlotte Cameron lugged her suitcase on the sidewalk outside of Gotham’s main train station. Looking around, she still couldn’t believe where she was. Sure, she had been the one who had made the application to Gotham University, but still. Charlotte smiled, looking around at the city that she was going to call her home for the next few years. Checking her watch she realized she was running low on time.
Charlotte checked her phone for directions and started out. As she walked, she picked up on different conversations from people. Apparently the prior evening, there had been a knock down drag out fight between Batman and Killer Croc. Which didn’t mean too much to her. One of the names was familiar, but she had no idea who Killer Croc was.
She’d heard about Batman. Everyone had, even in Fawcett City.
She couldn’t spend too much time trying to figure out what was fact or fiction about the story. Charlotte quickly cross the streets, looking out for way more traffic than she was used to. A lot of the people got pretty annoyed about an out of her element teenager pulling a fairly big suitcase down the street. She couldn’t spend too much time thinking about that either.
Soon, she was at the gates of Gotham Univesity’s downtown campus.
Checking her email, she looked at the schedule again and where she was supposed to go.
After getting through the initial processing, she was given her room number. Charlotte already had her roommate’s name. Harper, she sounded nice. It didn’t take her long for her to be on the sixth floor of the dorm building. She walked down the hallway. She ended up standing in front of room 613. She was about to knock on the door when she remembered that this was her room too now.
Opening the door, she stepped inside and looked around. The rooms were rather large. There was a small common area, along with two bedrooms and a shared bathroom. She looked at the decor. Most of it felt right, but there were some out of place posters on the wall already. Definitely not standard for the campus.
Charlotte turned and saw a woman coming out of one one of the bedrooms.
“You must be Harper.” She said.
“Which must make you Charlotte.” Harper Reed replied.
The two shook hands.
“So you’re from Fawcett City huh?” Harper asked.
“Yeah, kind of an out of the way city.” Charlotte said. “It’s got a lot of people, but nothing like Gotham City.” Charlotte said. “Been here for ten minutes and it’s already overwhelming.” She said with a smile.
“You’ll get used to it. I’m from here, so I know the city like the back of my hand.” Harper said.
“Stick with me, you’ll do fine.”
Meeting of the Minds (One Shot)
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