Elena hated this planet. The neon lights, the loud music, the crowds. She hated the crowds. Home to the city of Canto Bight, Cantonica was the number one luxury get away for wealthy tourists, gamblers and war profiteers. Built on the shore of the sea of Cantonica, the galaxy’s largest artificial ocean, Canto Bight was a beacon of opulance on an otherwise barren world. Nowhere else in the galaxy was the decadence of high society so blatantly on display as it was here. The rich and powerful gambled and drank themselves into a stupor while the less fortunate worked the casinos and the racetracks. Forced to live in conditions not fit for habitation, many of the denizens have banded together to form semi-autonomous communities in the hills surrounding the city.
Working conditions for many on the planet left much to be desired. Few were lucky enough to earn a paycheck while most were treated as little more than slaves. The best anyone could hope for was a spot in the stables tending the fathiers. A roof over your head, a pile of hay to sleep on, living in the lap of ‘luxury’--if you don’t mind the beatings, that is. For most, however, they could find a home in any number of ramshackle communities dotting the hills just outside the city. Communities like the Tangle located outside the wall just west of Old Town. Built amid the ruins of an ancient city the Tangle was little more than an encampment of shanties, tents, and shelters half thrown together into a makeshift settlement. Out of sight, out of mind, places like the Tangle represented the true underbelly hidden beneath Cantonica’s lavish streets. Groups of homeless beings all coming together to form semi-autonomous communities on the far outskirts of the city. In squalor, like animals, while society's elite trampled over them.
Elena had half a mind to do some trampling of her own, but she was here on business and trampling wasn't on the itinerary. With a sigh, she came to a stop in front of one of the largest casinos in Canto Bight. A bright neon sign hanging above the entrance proudly proclaiming its name, Coruscant Hotel and Casino. Named, of course, after the original capital of the Galactic Republic then later the seat of power for the old Empire. A tyrannical government that fell apart nearly thirty years ago, long before she was born.
As she stared up at the sign a group of beings began to descend the stairs in front of her. She immediately looked at her feet as they passed, one hand pulling her hood tighter around her face. She wasn't dressed in anything fancy, not like the people around her. She wore typical spacer garb, a muddy gray poncho over dark shirt and trousers. Completely non-descript--or at least she had hoped. In this environment, however, the outfit made her stand out even more. Still, the poncho served its purpose, hiding her weapons from prying eyes. As the group passed, she overheard one of them comment on her appearance, mocking her in front of the others. The three women each shared a laugh at her expense and Elena glared at them. When their backs were turned, she stuck her tongue out at them, immediately feeling rather childish. Her cheeks red she turned and headed up the stairs to the casino.
At the top a large, burly alien stood outside of a massive entrance. "Gotta check ya for weapons," the Nikto told her as she approached.
Elena’s gait did not falter as she stepped right past him. "You don't have to check me for weapons," she asserted.
The Nikto stared at her a moment then shrugged. "Nah, I don't gotta check ya for weapons."
Inside the noise was ear-shattering. Between the music, the slots, the crowds, and the constant sound of poker chips and dice rolls it was a wonder anyone could hold a conversation. People passed by almost shoulder to shoulder as servers carrying drinks carefully made their way through the crowd. A large uproar arose from a nearby sabacc table. Apparently, someone was having a great night. She waited a moment and watched the game with an idle curiosity. She didn't have the luxury to partake, however, as she was here to meet someone. A man known only by his title, the Master Codebreaker. She had no idea what he looked like, only that he wore a red plom bloom on his lapel. His usual haunts were the dice tables at any high-stakes casino in Canto Bight. Just the dice tables, though. Apparently, he wasn't allowed to touch the digital stuff.
Can't imagine why...
She stopped next to a large card table, her eyes searching the crowd for a red plom bloom. There were so many people present that the task of finding a single person based on his pin felt like an impossibility. Not so much for her, as it turned out. It didn’t take long for her to garner some unwanted attention. She’d hoped the hood would keep people away, but in actual fact it made her stand out.
"Well, well, a mysterious beauty enters my world," a man said as he sidled up next to her at the table, eyeing her from head to toe. "C’mon, love, take that hood off and show me your pretty face?"
"Beat it," she told him.
The man looked disappointed. "Aw, don't be like that. Lemme try to get to know you first."
Elena groaned, discreetly lifting the edge of her poncho to reveal the Westar 35 she wore on her belt. "I said scram."
The man's eyes bulged. "Uh, yea--right," he said, slinking back into the crowd. Never taking his eyes off her.
The girl sighed, turned her attention back to searching for the Codebreaker. There was another commotion from a table a short distance away. A large crowd had gathered around a craps table, packed so tightly they obscured her view of the dice roller. Pushing away from the card table she tried to make her way closer. She’d barely made it a few feet when a pair of larger beings suddenly obstructed her path, forcing her to dance around them to avoid being knocked over. The two Ithorians appeared not to notice as they passed, idly chatting among themselves while pointing to a row of slot machines.
“Hey, I’m walking here,” she shouted at them, but the two beings ignored her.
She glowered at the pair until they were out of sight before turning her attention back to the crowded table. After moving a bit closer she could barely make out the form of a well-dressed man wearing a white jacket through the gaps in the crowd. He was leaning forward over the table to pick up the dice when she saw him. As he did so she briefly caught a flash of a small red pin on his lapel.
Red plom bloom, she thought before working her way around to his side of the table. Her first attempt to push through the crowd met with resistance as well as a few nasty comments. Still she persisted, wedging herself between people until she found herself standing right next to the man.
"Are you the one they call the Master Codebreaker?" she asked.
The man paused just long enough to look down at her with what looked like the slightest hint of surprise. "They’re letting kids in here now?" he asked, one hand reaching for the dice.
"I'm not a kid,” she asserted, “I'm eighteen."
"My apologies," he said, shrugging his shoulders before tossing the dice down the length of the table. There was a brief pause followed by a celebratory pump of his arm. A rousing cheer rose from the crowd.
Elena fidgeted, looking up at him in annoyance. "Look, I don't have time to be coy. I’ve got a job for you, so are you the Codebreaker or not?"
"I don't work pro bono, Kid, and you don't look like you have much to pay with."
That stung a bit, but then the truth always did. Still, she didn’t appreciate him pointing out she wasn’t exactly swimming in cash. "Can we go talk somewhere private or do I have to do this here?"
"Depends on what you're offering," he said, reaching for the dice once more.
She frowned. "I was told you'd be sympathetic toward my plight."
"Told by whom?" he said, never taking his eyes off the table.
"Maz Kanata."
He stopped finally, looking at her with renewed interest. "How do you know that name?"
Elena refrained from answering him. Instead, she picked up the dice, placing them back into his open palm. She gestured toward the table with a nod of her head. Codebreaker gave her a strange look before he tossed the dice away. As they tumbled across the table the girl made a slight gesture with her hand. It was a subtle movement but enough that Codebreaker saw it. In response both dice stopped rolling, landing on a five and six. There was a mix of cheers and groans from the patrons around the table. The Codebreaker, however, had not yet taken his eyes from his winning roll. After a moment he leaned over to the woman standing next to him.
"Cash me out," he told her, even as the dice were being passed back to him. He ignored the man running the table, turned his attention back to Elena. "Come with me…"