Privateer's Dreams

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Privateer's Dreams

Post by Kytross »

Privateers’ Dreams - The State of the Galaxy

It is two years after the Battle of Endor. The Emperor is dead. His heir, Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith is dead. The last Death Star has been destroyed. There is a new Republic led by Mon Mothma, former senator from Chandrilla, and Princess Leia Organa, former senator from the former planet of Alderaan. They have defeated the Empire and, under Luke Skywalker, restored the Jedi order and brought peace, happiness, rainbows and unicorns to the galaxy. Everyone loves everybody. Everyone is everyone’s friend. Life is hunky-dory!

Yeah, right.

It’s been two years. Two years of war and strife across all of known space. Two years of conflict that were worse than all five years of the Clone Wars. The galaxy has never seen this level of destruction. The only place of relative peace has been Hutt Space, which has long stood apart from the Republic and the Empire. The New Republic has taken most of the sectors along the Rimma Trade Route in the south and some sectors along the northern part of the Hydian Way down to Coruscant, the former capital of the galaxy. The rest of the galaxy is fighting between factions of the Empire in a battle for the throne.

To understand the current chaos, one must understand the structure of the Old Republic, the structure of the Empire, and what happened when the Empire’s head was figuratively cut off at Endor.


Freedom reigned over the Old Republic with a bottom up structure of government. The individual star systems decided most of their own laws, then there were a few laws at the sector level and fewer still mandated from the Galactic Senate itself. The Republic was mostly concerned with peace; keeping peace within their own borders and maintaining peace with societies outside their borders. By the final days of the Republic most of the other governments had joined the Republic until it encompassed almost all of known space, except for Hutt space and a few tiny exceptions, like the Hapans who only ruled a few dozen star systems.

In the Old Republic, order was maintained from the bottom up in the same fashion. The local star system maintained their own police forces, consisting of ground forces and star ships. How many star ships was decided by the local government. How many did they need? How many could they afford? Star Systems were concerned with keeping the peace between citizens, and with importing and exporting regulations. A system with a great deal of traffic, like Kuat, might have a very large local fleet with multiple dreadnaughts and corvettes and satellite defenses, while a smaller system, like Naboo, would only have a few squadrons of star fighters.

The local sector maintained a sector fleet, controlled by the local sector government, not the Republic. These fleets were usually a few small capital ships like corvettes, or small carriers, and a few squadrons of star fighters. Most sector fleets were large enough to deal with pirate threats, and if they had a more significant problem they would deputize merchant ships or ask for help from neighboring sectors. The larger sector fleets had bigger capital ships like the Carrack-class cruiser, or perhaps a Dreadnaught. The largest sector fleets, like Corellia, Kuat, and Sluissi, had over a hundred corvettes, dozens of dreadnaughts, and countless fighters. Many of these ships would be on loan to neighboring sectors, and in the case of Corellia, could be found from one end of the galaxy to the other in the pursuit of criminal activity.

Because of Corellia’s commitment to maintaining peace throughout the galaxy, many considered Corellian Security to be the Republic’s fleet.

The actual Republic fleet was larger than most sector fleets but far smaller than the largest fleets. The Republic fleet consisted of mostly corvettes. Most of these ships were unarmed. The Republic didn’t maintain its rule through war but through negotiation. These ships carried Jedi. The Jedi kept the peace.

The Jedi were mystics who kept order in the galaxy through the use of the Force. The Jedi Council could sense threats to the Republic. In the case of internal threats they would dispatch a single Jedi Knight, possibly with an apprentice, to mediate local issues before it became a threat to the sector or, in worse case scenarios, a threat to the entire republic. In the case of external threats they would attempt negotiation, but if they sensed an imminent attack they would send Jedi to gather sector fleets and deal with the attack. In the history of the Republic, external threats were rare. Most other civilizations would rather negotiate. The Republic had not started a war since the Hutt Wars, over ten thousand years ago. From the end of the Hutt Wars until the start of the Clone Wars the Republic had lived in relative peace. There were a few incidents, but no war that encompassed the entire Republic.


The final century of the Republic was one of growing corruption. Corruption wasn’t unknown in the history of the Republic, it is a consequence of normal sentient selfishness. Normally it would reach a point where it was untenable and the people would cry out for change. A reforming political faction would arise and laws would be changed. Usually small insurrections would be planned, the Jedi Council would see them coming and mediate the issues, facilitating a change toward reform.

This time it was different. As exemplified by the Naboo crisis, ten years before the first battle of Geonosis, corruption had gotten to both the courts and the senate. The Republic senate considered Trade Federation’s blockade perfectly legal even when the Queen of Naboo, Padme Amidala, came to the senate and gave eye-witness testimony to the Trade Federation’s violation of Republic law. The Queen of Naboo returned to her world, raised an army of indigenous peoples and defeated the Trade Federation, proving her claims to the galaxy-at-large. Yet the Trade Federation was not found guilty of its blatant violations of Republic law by the courts and only received a slap on the wrist from the senate. The corruption of the Republic was visible for the entire galaxy to see.

This time it was different. The population of the Republic did not cry out for reform. No groups were forming for insurrection. The population didn’t want to overthrow the Republic. This time they wanted out. The separatist faction was formed over the next ten years. After the first Battle of Geonosis they would form the government called the Confederacy of Independent Systems, or CIS.

There is debate over who started the Clone Wars. The facts show that the first battle was at Geonosis, a star system that had never been aligned with the Republic. The Republic would claim they had been there to rescue a Republic Senator; the same Queen of Naboo who had raised an army against the Trade Federation. The Confederacy would cite her presence there as trespassing and the Republic’s attack as an act of war.

Queen Amidala’s presence on Geonosis has incited conspiracy theories to this day.

What only a few journalists asked at the time, what no one could answer, is where did the Republic get a Clone Army from? Clones take years to grow and train and Kamino was not part of the Republic. Kaminoans never do anything for free, where did the funds come to build this so-called Grand Army? This bit of corruption in the Republic hinted at Jedi involvement. Rumors flew, but no proof was ever given to the public. The courts were lost, the senate stymied, if the Jedi were corrupt as well the Republic was already lost.

The Clone Wars raged for five years. The Republic started as the aggressors, they waged the war. The Jedi had no great advantage in offense. They had immense powers on a personal level, but that counted little in wars of artillery and battles between fleets. They could foresee threats to the Republic, threats to themselves and their units, but that was only an advantage in defense. The war went poorly for the Republic.

The Confederacy used this to their advantage. They let the Republic press the attack for the first three years. They had one Jedi on their side, Count Dooku, who was a Jedi Master. He could foresee the Republic’s major assaults. Dooku suggested their supreme commander, General Grievous, stay on the defensive and the former Jedi informed the cyborg general where the Grand Army of the Republic would attack, when they would attack and the exact number of their forces.

Over three years of defensive warfare the Confederacy whittled down the Republic’s forces. Then they went on the attack. The Jedi Council could foresee the all of the Confederacy’s attacks, even the minor assaults, with far greater detail than the single Jedi Master in the Confederacy. That mattered little when the Republic didn’t have the martial forces to counter all of these attacks. They had to pick and choose where to send their clones, which star systems should be defended and which should be abandoned. More and more the battle was fought less by the Grand Army and more by sector fleets, then local system fleets, and finally by the common man; volunteers defending their homes. The Battle of Kashyyyk is the most cited example of this. There were more than twice as many Wookiees in that battle than there were clones.

Many historians have argued about the advantages of clones verses droids. It is worth a moment to outline the argument here.

Clones are significantly cheaper to produce. Facility and equipment costs are roughly equitable between clones and droids, but for raw material a clone is created from a fraction of a credit’s worth of raw carbon and other organic matter. They are quick grown in cloning cylinders and fed bep, or some equivalent of cheap protein paste filled with essential vitamins and nutrients. Clones take years to grow and train, so they take longer to produce, but like droids they don’t draw a salary. Even factoring the cost of armor, clones cost a fraction of what droids cost. Additionally, the average clone is far smarter than the average battle droid used in the Clone Wars. Clones react to changes on the battlefield faster than most droids. Clones can take initiative, something most droids are programmed not to do. Clones have ‘espirit de corps,’ they care about their fellow clones and will fight harder when their lives or the lives of their comrades are on the line.

Droids are significantly faster to produce. Their training is programmed into them and they are ready to fight the moment they stepped off the assembly line. True, the average battle droid was considerably stupider than the average clone, but B1 battle droids always obeyed orders. Always. Droids had no ‘espirit de corps’ but they also did not break ranks out of fear, they always fought to the last. Always. B2 ‘super’ battle droids had greater arms and armor, and had limited processors that allowed them to make decisions on their own, but their cost was over twice the B1’s, while their effectiveness was not. Tactical droids and the infamous IG-100 series droids had ‘brains’ that were far greater than that of the average clone, and could learn quickly from experience, but their cost was prohibitive. There were other variants as well, the devastatingly effective droideka and even ‘smart’ commando droids, but they were expensive and rarely used. ConsequentlyThe B1 battle droid was the main droid used by the Confederacy, and they overwhelmed Republic forces. In terms of cost, the B1 droid brain was over ten times more expensive than a clone in raw materials alone. Then you had to manufacture it and program it, all of that cost money. The better the droid brain the more expensive the raw material.

Which is better is a debate that is still raging.

It is interesting to note that the Clone Wars saw the start of the citizenry being involved in warfare. The Galactic Civil War is being fought by citizen soldiers and Imperial volunteers. There are droids used by both sides though they tend to fight in support roles like astromechs. It is worth noting that the New Republic forces show an ‘espirit de corps’ that far exceeds anything seen in the Clone Wars or in the Empire. It is argued that they fight not only to defend against the tyranny of the Empire, but fight for a cause they value more than their lives. History can show example after example where undertrained forces armed with only what they can personally afford have fought off better trained and armed Imperial forces.

The tide of war would change after the Confederacy went on the offensive. The Grand Army had more resources, most of the Slice had stayed with the Republic and while clones took longer to produce than droids did, the Republic could out-manufacture the Confederacy on capital ships and fighters. The Confederacy had one Jedi, the Republic had thousands. The Grand Army became adept at targeting the ‘head’ of the Confederacy forces. In space battles they would eliminate the control ship, the capital ship giving all the orders to the droid forces. In ground battles they would eliminate or capture the commanding officer. Once the ‘head’ was cut off it was an easy matter to kill the rest of the ‘beast.’

This would be how the Confederacy was eventually defeated. In less than a month’s time Dooku was killed in the battle of Coruscant by Anakin Skywalker. General Grievous was killed in the battle of Utapau by General Obi-Wan Kenobi. After the Jedi assassination attempt on Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was foiled by Darth Vader, Palpatine sent the Sith Lord to Mustafar where he killed the remaining leaders of the Confederacy and sent orders to surrender to the remaining Confederate forces. The Republic won the war by cutting off the head of the Confederacy.

Mace Windu and his Jedi Bendu’s assassination attempt would have far reaching socio-political ramifications, leading directly to the transformation from a republic to an empire. Palpatine ordered the Jedi hunted down and killed. Without the Jedi there was only Darth Vader left to foresee threats against the Empire. One cyborg was not enough to mediate all the issues that arose in conflicts between people across all of known space. What would replace the Jedi order? How would the galaxy restore peace and order?


Gone were the days of bottom up government of the Old Republic. The Empire moved to establish rule from the top down. Darth Vader assumed the role of supreme commander of the military and second to the Emperor in the government. The two of them worked flawlessly together. Never had the galaxy ever seen such efficiency. Vader took the Grand Army and incorporated the surrendered forces from the Confederacy. He spent the next few years hunting down the remnants of the Confederacy still rebelling and eliminating the few remaining Jedi assassins.

Politically, the Emperor made it very clear that the Senate made the laws and while he would still preside over the senate, it was his job to execute those laws. To that end the Emperor established the Moff system. Moffs enforced the will of the Emperor and were loyal to him, not the Senate. Moffs were a civilian position with military authority. A Moff had no rank in the military, but had the authority to direct Imperial forces in the area as they saw fit. They started as governors of vast swathes of the galaxy who reported directly to the Emperor. Within a year there were Moffs for each of the sectors in the Empire. Within three years each star system had a Moff who reported to the Moff in charge of their sector. Sector Moffs reported to what would eventually be called Grand Moffs. Grand Moffs reported directly to the Emperor and Vader. This gave the Emperor direct control over the citizenry.

The military was revamped. The Emperor would not have the people policed by droids or clones, he made it very clear that with the Jedi gone the citizenry needed to stand up and police themselves. What he never said, but it quickly became clear, is that only humans would be accepted. Sector fleets were commandeered by the Empire and all of their officers were sent for retraining. Non-human officers never finished their training, they would all be sent home. Sector fleets were now under the direct authority of the imperial military, not the sector government, and could be reassigned as the military saw fit.

The military was expanded. The Victor-class star destroyer, the most powerful capital ship the galaxy had ever seen, had begun production at the end of the Clone Wars and the Empire ramped up their production. Venator-class star destroyers were phased out of production. Venators were more carriers than battle ships and the Clone Wars had shown that turbolaser barrages won battles far more than individual star fighters. The Victory class would lead to the far larger and more powerful Imperator-class star destroyer, also known as the Imperial class, or in slang, an ImpStar. The ImpStar would become the backbone of the Imperial fleet, soon out producing the Victory and eventually becoming the most manufactured capital shi in the galaxy. Today there are more Imperial Star Destroyers in the Imperial fleet than any other type of capital ship.

Most of the focus is on the imperial navy, but the army was expanded as well. Some of the ground forces were assigned to the fleet, but most forces were garrisoned on planets. During the reign of the Emperor the army saw significantly more action than the navy. They quelled rebellions all over the empire. Yet the navy received far more funding and glory.

Imperial Intelligence was part of the military. They found the Emperor’s enemies for Vader to eliminate. Over the course of the years those enemies were found more frequently inside the borders of the empire.

Stormtroopers, imperial shock troops, began as the remaining clone forces. The Empire established a training facility on Carida and recruits began joining the Stormtroopers. Stormtroopers are fanatically loyal to the Emperor and Lord Vader and are considered the best warriors in the Empire.

The military was under direct control of Supreme Commander Darth Vader. Technically they were still under the authority of the senate, but in practical usage they obeyed Vader. In day-to-day function orders were assigned by Admiralty.

COMPNOR came next. The Commission for the Preservation of the New Order. Whatever their goals were in the beginning, by the death of the Emperor these fanatics had come to embody the worst bigotry and persecution of the empire. They are an organization that would take over a star system’s government, starting with the children in schools and using subtle loyalty tests among the adults. Citizens of the empire lived in fear of being informed on by their fellow citizens because of COMPNOR. Not loyal enough? You will be sent to reeducation camps. Sympathetic to aliens? Reeducation camp? Too successful? Your business will be nationalized by the empire and you will be reeducated. COMPNOR had its own military, COMPForce, its own intelligence agency, the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) and it’s own direct line to the Emperor, the Select Committee.

All of these organizations had some authority over each other. All of them could rat the others out. All of them had as much authority as they could keep. It is theorized that the Emperor did this on purpose, that his goal in setting up four bureaucracies with overlapping authority was to keep them all fearful of each other, and therefore, keep them all loyal to him. The higher you were in any of these organizations the more freedom you had to operate. Fail to please the Emperor, fail to be loyal and you will be disposed of with ten subordinates all ready and eager to take your place.

Imagine you are an Imperial Captain of a Star Destroyer. You get into a hypothetical situation where you have contradictory orders from the Senate, the local Moff, Admiralty, and COMPNOR. You are required by law to follow all of these organizations but you can only follow one.

Who do you obey? Choose wrong and you will be executed. Choose right and you will be rewarded, possibly promoted.

What’s the right decision? Whoever wins. In the Empire, ends always justify the means. Nothing is morally right in the Empire. Only victory and loyalty count. Loyalty without victory will lead to your execution. Victory without loyalty will lead to your execution. Obey the Emperor and pray for his mercy. Vader has no mercy.


Rebellion began almost immediately against the Empire. It was small at first, easily crushed by Vader and the military, but over two decades it grew. The senate had opposed rebellion at first, but after the Gorman Massacre, where peaceful protestors had been killed by the military, the senate grew sympathetic. Funds began to be channelled to various rebellious factions and eventually Mon Mothma would form a rebel alliance to restore the Republic.

19 years after the declaration of the empire, the Emperor disbanded the senate for their disloyalty. His control over the galaxy through the Moffs, the military and COMPNOR was such that he felt he didn’t need the senate anymore. With the creation of the Death Star, a mobile battle station the size of a small moon armed with a super laser that could destroy a planet with a single shot, he may have been right. Rebellion against the Empire no longer meant reeducation. Now your entire planet would be destroyed. The Emperor would rule the galaxy through fear.

To make sure the galaxy knew this wasn’t an idle threat, the Empire used the Death Star to destroy the peaceful planet of Alderaan. In hindsight this was a mistake. The destruction of Alderaan was a catalyst for rebellion across the galaxy. The citizenry finally realized how dire their situation was. What was once a single fire of rebellion was now a wildfire, springing up across the galaxy.

In response to the destruction of Alderaan, the Rebel Alliance blew up the Death Star.

Before this the Rebel Alliance had not been very successful against the Empire. Now they had a Jedi working with them. Granted, he was a barely trained Jedi, but it was enough. Luke Skywalker, son of the Jedi Hero Anakin Skywalker, was the pilot who destroyed the Death Star. Over the course of three years Skywalker would lead Vader on a merry chase across the galaxy, somehow managing to keep one step ahead of the Sith Lord and somehow completing his Jedi training. The reports on how he did this are conflicting. The Sith Lord was in command of Death Squadron; 27 star destroyers, the largest fleet ever assembled in the history of the galaxy, and its sole mission was to hunt down the rebellion and destroy it. And yet, Skywalker kept the smaller rebel forces one step ahead of him.

Then came Hoth. The battle of Hoth isn’t much of a victory for either side. The Empire attacked and destroyed the rebel base, but through Skywalker’s guidance the rebels were able to evacuate everyone. They lost a great deal of expensive equipment, but thanks to Skywalker’s leadership and pilotage, they were able to escape.

During the battle, in a display of Jedi skill, Skywalker destroyed an Imperial All-Terrain Armored-Transport by himself with just a lightsaber.

From Imperial reports when the probe droid first transmitted from Hoth the Imperials dismissed it as a pirate base, one of several their thousands of probe droids had found. It was Darth Vader whose mystical abilities revealed that it was the hidden rebel base.

From Republic reports Skywalker had been in a bacta tank at the time. Had Skywalker not been in a bacta tank it is likely that he would have foreseen the attack and moved the base before the Empire arrived. Apparently he had fought some kind of local fauna and almost died from exposure to the cold of Hoth. Everyone agrees it was the heroic actions of General Han Solo who had saved Skywalker from death. Solo had been about to leave to pay off the crime lord Jabba the Hutt, but stopped to save Skywalker. Skywalker would return the favor by rescuing Solo from the crime lord a few months later, killing Jabba in the process. It is worth a historical note that the elder Skywalker had an excellent relationship with the Hutt during the Clone Wars, saving Jabba’s child on one occasion. There are also conflicting reports that while it was Skywalker’s plan, it was Princess Leia Organa that actually slew the Hutt.

From one edge of known space they would travel to the other edge. The Empire was building a second Death Star in secret above the forest moon of the planet Endor. If the citizens of the galaxy knew about it they would have revolted en masse. The first Death Star had nearly guaranteed the Emperor’s tyrannical control of the galaxy. This one would make the consequences of rebellion too horrible. After the unwarranted destruction of Alderaan three years earlier everyone knew the Emperor would use this Death Star as more than a deterrent.

The Rebel Alliance knew they had to destroy it. They assembled their entire fleet, a fleet larger than any seen in during the Clone Wars, but a fraction of the size of Death Squadron, and went to Endor to destroy the second Death Star before it became operational. They were met by Death Squadron and to their dismay the second Death Star, though uncompleted, was already operational. Despite heavy losses, the Rebel Alliance was able to destroy the second Death Star, and cripple the larger Imperial fleet.

It is reported that Skywalker had been aboard the Death Star during the battle. Apparently he fought and defeated Darth Vader and possibly confronted the Emperor himself. Short of an interview with Skywalker it is unlikely that we will ever know the full truth. Even a report from Skywalker would only give us one side of the story, and you can never trust one side of the story.

It is heavily theorized that Senator Mon Mothma knew that the Emperor was aboard the Death Star. There are many reports to that effect. However, there are conflicting reports as well. Was Mon Mothma utilizing the same ‘cut off the head’ strategy the Republic perfected during the Clone Wars? After the battle of Endor Palpatine was dead, Vader was dead and the Death Star was destroyed. That may have been her goal all along.


Cutting off the head of the Empire did not kill it, but it did fracture it. Had Palpatine died, Vader would have taken the throne. Had Vader died, the Emperor would have chosen a replacement. The Empire was not ready for both of them to die. It is objectively true that not a single Grand Moff, Grand Admiral, nor Select Committee member was ready to take over the Empire. What followed was internecine warfare on a scale the galaxy had never seen.

First came the aggregation of resources and the forming of coalitions. The Grand Moffs tried to secure their individual moffdoms, making promises to sector Moffs and key system Moffs.

The war began with the Grand Admirals. No matter how large a planetary army was, it was insignificant compared to the power of a single ImpStar. ImpStars couldn’t explode a planet into dust, like the Death Star did, but with enough time their turbolasers could render a planetary surface to slag. Over the next six months the Grand Admirals battled each other for dominance of space in fleet battles larger than anything the galaxy had seen before. At the end of those six months the Imperial fleet had been all but destroyed and the few Grand Admirals that were left were hunted down and killed by the Grand Moffs and their sector fleets.

During those six months the Rebel Alliance declared itself the New Republic. They didn’t have many member worlds, yet, and they were all on the outer rim, but it was something. Then the Sluis sector left the Empire.

The Sluis sector is kind of interesting among sociologists. It is not interesting among most historians. Very little of galactic consequence has ever happened there. This is one of those few exceptions.

The Sluis sector is the most heavily populated area in the galaxy. Roughly half the galactic population is sluissi, and most of them live in or near the Sluis sector. Everyone knows the hyperdrive was created around 25,000 years ago by the humans of Corellia and the Duros of Duro. The Hutts probably also developed hyperdrive around this time. And so did the Sluissi. Unlike the other cultures, the Sluissi did not go out and see how much of the galaxy they could explore. As a society they stayed in their own ‘neighborhood’ and developed all sorts of technologies, the most important one to our discussion being terraforming. While the rest of the galaxy were exploring, the Sluissi terraformed every terrestrial rock they found, colonizing every star system they came across. Unlike any other space sector, almost every star system in the Sluissi sector is inhabited.

The humanoid from the waste up and snake like from the waste down, Sluissi are masters of most technologies, everything from biochemistry to space travel. Their culture treats technology like high art, they obsess over it.

During the Clone Wars the Sluissi had been with the Separatists. When they lost they resigned themselves to life under the Empire. There had been no rebellions in sluissi space, consequently there was very little imperial presence. Over the two decades of Imperial rule Sluissi space was used by the Imperial Navy as a common repair port. It was only a month after the battle of Endor that the Sluissi very politely told their Moff that they were no longer going to be part of the empire and that he should either join them or leave. He threatened reprisals and they simply pointed out that every single Imperial ship in their space had been worked on by them and that over the last month they had fitted them all with disabling devices. If the Empire tried reprisals it would turn out poorly for them.

An overture was politely made to the New Republic asking what they expected of member worlds. Mon Mothma came to Sluis Van and the Sluissi sector became the second sector to join the New Republic, after the Calamari sector. The New Republic would work their way north, up the Rimma trade route all the way to Yag Dhul, using both diplomacy and martial action to gain territory, all while the Grand Admirals decimated their fleets across the Slice.

It is rumored that the Herglics of Giju would gladly join the New Republic if the republic forces could get to them. The Imperial forces have made a stronghold of the world of Thyferra, the only planet that manufactures the medicinal bacta the galaxy depends on.

A second fleet started at the abandoned rebel base on Dantooine and took territory south of there, staying west of the Hydian Way and making their way down to Coruscant.

Two months ago the New Republic took Coruscant. They now control most of known space on the north/south access from the colonies to the outer rim, and a few planets in the core. The various factions of the Empire still control the majority of the known galaxy, especially in the slice. The New Republic is being cautious. They are letting the Empire fight itself while they slowly acquire territory no one is fighting for. Taking Coruscant has gotten the entire galaxy’s attention. There is a chance some of the imperial factions will join together to seek reprisal on the New Republic.

This is the state of the galaxy two years after Endor.


I am using this map.
"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" - Except, apparently, that one.

"And Anarchy, I think we can agree, is only fun some of the time." - Ducky
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