The object of this tread is to talk about what we saw, liked and disliked and maybe put together a loose roadmap on where we want to take our cannon to.
So, I'm very disappointed with Disney's movies. There is a lot about it that just rubs me wrong, So much that I can't list it all. But here is a few.
Hyperspace Ramming: I feel this can only be done out in open space well away from gravity wells and if the safeties had been disabled.
Hyperspace "skipping": When i saw this and nearly yelled bullshit out loud in the theater. I feel like they were trying to put a new spin on Micro jumps but he was going from planet to planet, inside atmosphere, inside landscapes that required dodging and maneuvering. Why the Falcon didn't end up atomized can only be explained as "The rule of cool!"
Lazy Xyston-class design: When/if this class is introduced here, we use one of the concept art one from the art book, like the red one, or stick to eclipse class. I feel there should only be like a hand full of them too, not hundreds/thousands. Then have them BACKED UP by a few thousand or so of Sith upgraded ISDs. ( Make it that palpy had many more built during his reign then anyone thought and had many of the known ones simply disappear shortly after endor.)
First Order: I'm sure everyone thought that this militant group during the first movie was small and had to rely on starkiller base to make a military move against the NR. But then we are told that there fleet was as big if not bigger then the Empires during its height. I think we should keep them a small group, and have their fleet only just larger then the task force we saw during the 2nd movie that was chasing after the Raddus. Thus making the Resistance's destruction of star killer actually make them out to be a much more creditable threat to the FO's plans.
I like to think that Starkiller base taking out the NR capital, the bulk of its fleet and the preemptive political ground work effectively splinters the NR much like what happened to the empire in legends, and the one person left that has the possibility to reunite it would be Leia, giving the FO another reason to chase after the resistance. It would be a torn apart galaxy at this point, a lot of back stabbing, trust issues between States. Maintained by the FO through politics and information controlling. A big tech i would have them develop wouldn't be "hyperspace tracking" but communications control. Them being able to completely block the Resistance's call for help from D'Qar/Crait wasn't received. That is how great the tech is, they didn't even have to be there to block the transmission and with out the resistance even knowing it was blocked.
Luke and Ben: Sith/knights of Ren attacked the conclave, Luke and Ben survived. The thing where Ben seems to be slipping to the Dark side is still a thing BUT Luke dose not act like he did in the movie, I feel he instead finally realizes that there is a dark influence tugging at Ben's mind, Thats what triggers the attack, like they were waiting for what happened in the movie but this happened instead. Luke and Ben are at odds for a bit but luke does something like he did with his father, ( i won't fight you, you are good i can feel it. Don't let the emperor/ this darkness twist you like it twisted your grandfather.) This is more like Luke then what the 2nd movie gave us. Ben gains new resolve, which helps block out palpy/snork and Luke does the rest then they both go into exile to Ahch-To, To train Ben and prepare to take the fight to the Sith.
On a side note we could have it that Luke took a wife or at the very least had a child, known or unknown to him, unknown to the galaxy at large with Mara and their story together can mirror Legends, with changes to fit the narrative. If we wanted to go a darker route we could even have it that they died during the attack on his temple, or presumed dead...
On another side note, Rey's introduction/Adventures can roughly remain the same except there is no interactions between her and Ben because Ben would never be apart of the FO. Or maybe we keep the "connection" they have, It seemed to me that snoke had a hand in it, at least they wanted to be that way or snoke liked to think/ make them think it was him, but in the third movie it looked more like a natural thing between them due to the life sharing ability they both seemed to have. So here are a pair of teens who meet each other in their "dreams" and ... yeah, I'm not trying to "ship" them together but i also think it be kinda good story telling if at the end the two blood lines, skywalker and palpy, end up together. *Shrug*
So tell me what do you think about the movies, my ideas and your ideas, lets get this Discussion rolling and spark our writing into new life!