On Scarlet Fields We Softly Tread
Two days after Asgard
The truth was, he could not properly tell which was better: the wine or the book. The book was one he had read many times over the years, in the same way the wine was one he had had many times as well. Still, the repetitious reading of the book had never taken away from the story’s power. Just as the wine had never lost its potency. He turned the page of the book, the only sound in the library room the roaring fire. The Asgardian God of Mischief was content in his surroundings.
The door to the room opened and two members of the Royal Guard stepped into the room. Loki looked up, to see who it was and more importantly, what they wanted.
“Well, out with it. I haven’t got all day.” Loki said.
“My Prince, the King requests your presence in the throne room.” One of the guards said.
Loki shut the book, setting it down on the table next to his unfinished wine. “I suppose we shouldn’t keep him waiting. The old man might fall asleep.” He said, rising and smoothing out his robes. “No need to accompany me, gentlemen, I know the way.” He added.
He’d had a feeling this conversation was going to happen sooner rather than later. Loki walked through the hallways of Asgard with purpose. The Allfather was all-seeing. He was many "all" things, as annoying as that could be. But there was something that had escaped his notice, at least thus far. It hadn’t taken long for him to catch up though. Loki had been counting the days. Only two had passed since Thor had been sent to aid the Avengers in recovering the stolen Time Stone from the vault, as well as stop whoever it was who was attempting to accumulate the stones. In that time, Loki had been wondering whether or not Odin had figured out what had happened, or whether it was even an inkling in the Allfather's mind. Either way, it was a very real possibility that he was soon to find out. Odin didn't summon Loki, generally, unless there was something serious. The Allfather of Asgard preferred private conversations for the most part. So if he was being summoned, it was something that concerned the entire realm, and by extension, all the Nine Realms.
It didn’t take long, he soon found himself in the throne room. Majestic as always, the throne room was resplendent in Asgardian gold. Engravings decorated the walls, murals that were seemingly alive fighting with the engravings for space. The ceiling was beautiful, a testimony to the thousands of years Odin had kept the Nine Realms safe and peaceful. Loki’s eyes flitted upwards as he walked towards the Gold Throne where his father sat.
Where his adopted father sat.
Safety and peace were boring.
“Father, you requested an audience.” Loki said, kneeling.
Odin minced no words. “How did Doom enter my vault? And how is it that he was able to break locks to steal the gem, locks I placed on there with ancient magicks?” Odin asked.
He had caught up, indeed.
On Scarlet Fields We Softly Tread
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Re: On Scarlet Fields We Softly Tread
Loki rose, as Huginn flew into the room, joining Muninn on the throne in their specified place.
Everything was in its place in Asgard. Everything knew it’s place. There was no room for anything else.
“Your guess is as good as mine, Father.” Loki stated. “The man appeared to be quite knowledgeable and skilled in the Arcane. After all, before he shattered the locks and retrieved the stone from your vault, he first pierced the veil, gaining purchase on our soil. The veil you put up.” He said, leaving it unsaid that Odin had put up the veil in the first place for a specific purpose. A veil that, in Loki’s opinion, should never have been placed to begin with.
“Loki, the events you’re describing happened two days ago. I know what happened in my realm. The history lesson, while educational, is not necessary. I’m asking you how.” He said and when Loki merely shrugged and shook his head, Odin’s eye narrowed. “You are the greatest sorcerer in Asgard, rivaled only by myself.”
“Well if you’re wondering yourself, what answers could I possibly supply?” Loki asked, spreading his hands. “It is a mystery to myself as well. Hopefully, Thor will find those answers, when he wrenches the gem back from the grip of the one who overcame our defenses.” He said.
Odin rose from his seat and pointed at Loki. “Good that I have one son who can do his father’s bidding.”
Loki looked down at the ground, marshalling his words. “Worthy the hammer may find him. I pray worthy to find the answers you seek.” He said. “I apologize Father, for not being able to give you the answer.” He blinked and waited, before looking up.
His father had fallen silent and he turned to see what Odin was looking at. Into the main hall, Heimdall was walking into view, escorting another. The man was decrepit looking. He wore black robes, so only his face was visible. The face itself was covered partially by the hood, but what Loki could see was repulsive. The face was grotesque, twisted. There was heavy scarring. The smell of ash and decay began to pervade the throne room of mighty Odin. It even appeared as if smoke was wafting up from his robes. The man trudged along, staring at the ground the entire way.
Finally, he ended his sojourn, standing near Loki, who turned to look at Heimdall. The Asgardian gave Loki a look indicating he was not sure what was going on either. There was something about this newcomer, something that reeked of death.
“Who are you?” Odin asked.
“I do not have a name.” The man replied, slowly looking up at Odin. “I am a messenger.”
“On whose behalf do you speak?” Loki asked.
Odin shook his head, sitting back down. “Loki, do not be blind.” He said.
“I speak on behalf of the goddess of death.” The man said. “Hela.”
Everything was in its place in Asgard. Everything knew it’s place. There was no room for anything else.
“Your guess is as good as mine, Father.” Loki stated. “The man appeared to be quite knowledgeable and skilled in the Arcane. After all, before he shattered the locks and retrieved the stone from your vault, he first pierced the veil, gaining purchase on our soil. The veil you put up.” He said, leaving it unsaid that Odin had put up the veil in the first place for a specific purpose. A veil that, in Loki’s opinion, should never have been placed to begin with.
“Loki, the events you’re describing happened two days ago. I know what happened in my realm. The history lesson, while educational, is not necessary. I’m asking you how.” He said and when Loki merely shrugged and shook his head, Odin’s eye narrowed. “You are the greatest sorcerer in Asgard, rivaled only by myself.”
“Well if you’re wondering yourself, what answers could I possibly supply?” Loki asked, spreading his hands. “It is a mystery to myself as well. Hopefully, Thor will find those answers, when he wrenches the gem back from the grip of the one who overcame our defenses.” He said.
Odin rose from his seat and pointed at Loki. “Good that I have one son who can do his father’s bidding.”
Loki looked down at the ground, marshalling his words. “Worthy the hammer may find him. I pray worthy to find the answers you seek.” He said. “I apologize Father, for not being able to give you the answer.” He blinked and waited, before looking up.
His father had fallen silent and he turned to see what Odin was looking at. Into the main hall, Heimdall was walking into view, escorting another. The man was decrepit looking. He wore black robes, so only his face was visible. The face itself was covered partially by the hood, but what Loki could see was repulsive. The face was grotesque, twisted. There was heavy scarring. The smell of ash and decay began to pervade the throne room of mighty Odin. It even appeared as if smoke was wafting up from his robes. The man trudged along, staring at the ground the entire way.
Finally, he ended his sojourn, standing near Loki, who turned to look at Heimdall. The Asgardian gave Loki a look indicating he was not sure what was going on either. There was something about this newcomer, something that reeked of death.
“Who are you?” Odin asked.
“I do not have a name.” The man replied, slowly looking up at Odin. “I am a messenger.”
“On whose behalf do you speak?” Loki asked.
Odin shook his head, sitting back down. “Loki, do not be blind.” He said.
“I speak on behalf of the goddess of death.” The man said. “Hela.”
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Re: On Scarlet Fields We Softly Tread
Odin’s visage was blank, an expression of nothing. “What message do you bring from Helheim?” He asked.
“My mistress has concerns, Allfather.” The man said. “There have been…problems. Problems with the souls sent to Helheim. The problem is that the souls have not been reaching Helheim the way they are supposed to. My mistress keeps track of those who have died and fallen in battle. Not all are to be carried by your Valkyrior and taken to Valhalla. Some are to go to Helheim. But not all that are supposed to go to Helheim have made it to Helheim. There are rumors that some have been taken, by your Valkyrior, elsewhere.” He said.
Loki scoffed. “Those are serious accusations to be laying at the feet of Odin.” He said. “Hela knows as does everyone that the Valkyrior would never disobey direct orders from Odin himself. He has decreed the proper allotment of souls based off of the agreement between Odin and Hela eons ago.” Loki said. “What proof does your ‘mistress’ offer that these allegations are anything more than words of a death god greedy for more soldiers in her army?” He asked.
The hooded man turned to Loki. His expression had not changed, despite Loki's words and attempts to get under his skin. Truth be told, it was possible his skin wasn't even really skin. Not anymore, at least. “My mistress does not lie, Prince of Asgard. You may believe what you wish, but she knows what she knows.” He turned back to Odin, content in his handling of Loki's words. “And if this problem is not resolved, Allfather, she will march on Asgard and punish those she feels responsible. She holds you responsible for the actions of your Valkyrior. They are, after all, your Valkyrior.”
The younger man’s eyes flashed. “You would dare threaten Asgard and the House of Odin?” He asked, his voice a cool whisper. He opened his mouth to speak again but went silent when his father lifted his hand. The hooded man continued to look up at to Odin, decrepit face and all, waiting for the Allfather to speak.
“My son is correct in saying you have brought forth serious allegations this day. They are not allegations that can be easily overlooked.” Odin said. “Hela knows I hold fast to my oaths. The promise I made to her long ago has not been broken, not on my end. If the Valkyrior are doing what she says, they do so not on the orders of Odin.”
The messenger raised his eyes to Odin.
“My mistress cares not for your words. She cares for action. As I said before, she knows what she knows. You have been warned, Allfather. You have been warned. The dead do not mince words.” He said and turned starting to shuffle out of the throne room.
Heimdall look at Odin, and the Allfather gestured that Heimdall should follow the man out.
“My mistress has concerns, Allfather.” The man said. “There have been…problems. Problems with the souls sent to Helheim. The problem is that the souls have not been reaching Helheim the way they are supposed to. My mistress keeps track of those who have died and fallen in battle. Not all are to be carried by your Valkyrior and taken to Valhalla. Some are to go to Helheim. But not all that are supposed to go to Helheim have made it to Helheim. There are rumors that some have been taken, by your Valkyrior, elsewhere.” He said.
Loki scoffed. “Those are serious accusations to be laying at the feet of Odin.” He said. “Hela knows as does everyone that the Valkyrior would never disobey direct orders from Odin himself. He has decreed the proper allotment of souls based off of the agreement between Odin and Hela eons ago.” Loki said. “What proof does your ‘mistress’ offer that these allegations are anything more than words of a death god greedy for more soldiers in her army?” He asked.
The hooded man turned to Loki. His expression had not changed, despite Loki's words and attempts to get under his skin. Truth be told, it was possible his skin wasn't even really skin. Not anymore, at least. “My mistress does not lie, Prince of Asgard. You may believe what you wish, but she knows what she knows.” He turned back to Odin, content in his handling of Loki's words. “And if this problem is not resolved, Allfather, she will march on Asgard and punish those she feels responsible. She holds you responsible for the actions of your Valkyrior. They are, after all, your Valkyrior.”
The younger man’s eyes flashed. “You would dare threaten Asgard and the House of Odin?” He asked, his voice a cool whisper. He opened his mouth to speak again but went silent when his father lifted his hand. The hooded man continued to look up at to Odin, decrepit face and all, waiting for the Allfather to speak.
“My son is correct in saying you have brought forth serious allegations this day. They are not allegations that can be easily overlooked.” Odin said. “Hela knows I hold fast to my oaths. The promise I made to her long ago has not been broken, not on my end. If the Valkyrior are doing what she says, they do so not on the orders of Odin.”
The messenger raised his eyes to Odin.
“My mistress cares not for your words. She cares for action. As I said before, she knows what she knows. You have been warned, Allfather. You have been warned. The dead do not mince words.” He said and turned starting to shuffle out of the throne room.
Heimdall look at Odin, and the Allfather gestured that Heimdall should follow the man out.
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Re: On Scarlet Fields We Softly Tread
The prince turned to his father, after the messenger had left the room. Odin had been silent since the messenger had decided to leave. Now he was looking elsewhere, off into space. The ravens were silent as well, until he waved his hand, and Muninn squawked, before flying off. There were no words passed between the two, but there were never any words that needed to be passed between them. Loki could see that the message from Hela was affecting him. It had to be affecting him. There was no way it couldn’t.
“How dare she.” Loki said finally, to cut through the silence. Someone had to. Odin was being far too silent after such words had been uttered in his halls. “To make such threats and accusations, and not even in person?” He asked.
Odin shook his head, waving his hand in the air. “Loki, you are paying too much attention to the pomp and circumstance. How the message was given doesn’t matter. The content of the message is of paramount importance.” He said. “These are serious allegations and they need to be looked into.”
“Who can we send?” Loki asked. “Thor is on Midgard, assisting the Avengers in retrieving the Infinity Stone stolen from our vaults.” He said.
“Lady Sif is on a mission.” Odin added.
This Loki did not know. But he filed it away for future use. “The Warriors Three then? Surely, they will be willing to serve the Allfather in this quest.”
The Allfather shook his head. “While the Warriors Three are potent and capable, for something of this nature, I do not feel they are adequate. If Help feels we have wronged her, whether that feeling is right or wrong, it puts Asgard in danger, not to mention the rest of the Nine Realms.”
The smile was on the inside and Loki took a step forward, kneeling in front of his father. “Then, Father, I offer my own services, my own blades and my own magicks. I will find answers to these accusations from Hela, the Goddess of Death.” He said. “In the absence of my brother, this quest should rightly fall to me.” He looked up to his father.
Odin was weighing something in his mind, thinking through the possibilities and the probabilities. No doubt the Allfather’s mind, able to work at speeds faster than any dweller of Midgard could fathom, was making his decision in a manner that would be best for Asgard and for all the Nine Realms. After a few moments, he nodded. “Yes, Loki. Your words are true. You must be the one to handle this issue. Anyone other than a member of our family would be seen as insulting to Hela.” Odin stepped forward himself, and bade Loki rise. He clapped a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Take care, Loki, for there will be challenges ahead. Challenges you may not have faced before. I have faith in you, for you are a Son of Asgard.”
Loki nodded and smiled. “I will not fail you, Father.” He said. “I will find out who is denying Hela her rightful souls and who would set the fires of Helheim skyward towards our abode.”
He turned and headed out of the throne room of Asgard.
He had a mission to complete and he would not return until he had done just that.
“How dare she.” Loki said finally, to cut through the silence. Someone had to. Odin was being far too silent after such words had been uttered in his halls. “To make such threats and accusations, and not even in person?” He asked.
Odin shook his head, waving his hand in the air. “Loki, you are paying too much attention to the pomp and circumstance. How the message was given doesn’t matter. The content of the message is of paramount importance.” He said. “These are serious allegations and they need to be looked into.”
“Who can we send?” Loki asked. “Thor is on Midgard, assisting the Avengers in retrieving the Infinity Stone stolen from our vaults.” He said.
“Lady Sif is on a mission.” Odin added.
This Loki did not know. But he filed it away for future use. “The Warriors Three then? Surely, they will be willing to serve the Allfather in this quest.”
The Allfather shook his head. “While the Warriors Three are potent and capable, for something of this nature, I do not feel they are adequate. If Help feels we have wronged her, whether that feeling is right or wrong, it puts Asgard in danger, not to mention the rest of the Nine Realms.”
The smile was on the inside and Loki took a step forward, kneeling in front of his father. “Then, Father, I offer my own services, my own blades and my own magicks. I will find answers to these accusations from Hela, the Goddess of Death.” He said. “In the absence of my brother, this quest should rightly fall to me.” He looked up to his father.
Odin was weighing something in his mind, thinking through the possibilities and the probabilities. No doubt the Allfather’s mind, able to work at speeds faster than any dweller of Midgard could fathom, was making his decision in a manner that would be best for Asgard and for all the Nine Realms. After a few moments, he nodded. “Yes, Loki. Your words are true. You must be the one to handle this issue. Anyone other than a member of our family would be seen as insulting to Hela.” Odin stepped forward himself, and bade Loki rise. He clapped a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Take care, Loki, for there will be challenges ahead. Challenges you may not have faced before. I have faith in you, for you are a Son of Asgard.”
Loki nodded and smiled. “I will not fail you, Father.” He said. “I will find out who is denying Hela her rightful souls and who would set the fires of Helheim skyward towards our abode.”
He turned and headed out of the throne room of Asgard.
He had a mission to complete and he would not return until he had done just that.
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