Young Avengers: School's Out
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Dark Lord of the Grill
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Young Avengers: School's Out
San Francisco, California
Chaos. Utter chaos. That's what was taking place down by Fisherman's Wharf. Police responded to a Code 211, a robbery in progress at Chase Bank, which was located just kitty-corner to the pier. The situation quickly escalated when it became apparent that the robber was some sort of meta human or mutant. He was a a massive, silver skinned thug wielding two large sledge hammers. San Francisco police had a small army surrounding the area and yet the man was wiping the floor with uniformed and SWAT officers alike.On top of that, he was very clearly enjoying himself, "Ha ha! Come on! Is this the best you little pigs can throw at me?! You all really think you can take down the great Jack Hammer?!"
Jack stumbled backwards and dropped his hammers. The police took notice of this and paused. Something had invaded the villain's face, impeding his field of vision. Jack tore at the ivory substance furiously, "What in the hell is this shit?!"
"It's webbing, big man. Courtesy of Yours Truly."
Jack ripped the silk from his face just in time to watch a white clad girl swing down, land on top of a nearby police car and use the same webbing to pull his hammers out of arms reach, "You can call me Spider-Girl. And speaking of names.....Jack Hammer? Seriously? That's like the second worst super villain name ever used, right behind Stilt-Man. I mean, the unbeatable Squirrel Girl has a more intimidating name than you."
Jack's jaw dropped open. His eyes went from confusion to anger in a flash, "No no no no! This is San Francisco! You people aren't supposed to be here!"
Spider-Girl stood erect and placed her hand on her chest, "You people?! You mean women? People of the spider persuasion? Fashionistas who don't believe in the no white after Labor Day rule? Which is it, Bob the Builder?"
"Heroes! Capes! Do-gooders! You damned people aren't supposed to be in San Francisco! I know, I did my research! I'm so tired of you people! First that damned Green Arrow in Bludhaven, then Steel in Metropolis, and now you?! Are you freakin' kidding me?! I can't catch one damn break! I mean, seriously! How is any self respectin' super villain supposed to make a name for himself? Or a living for that matter?! You and your friends just keep swoopin' in and stealing the spot light! It's just not fair!"
Spider-Girl hopped off the car and approached the villain, "I know, man. It can be tough out there. It's a real villain eat villain world, I tell you. You picked a rough career path, you know?"
Jack nodded, "Yeah. I blame my high school guidance counselor."
Spider-Girl put her hand on his arm, "We all do, big guy. So listen, everyone here is kind of expecting us to fight? You still up for that or what?"
The metal man shook his head, "Nah. I don't wanna hit a girl. Especially not one as nice as you. I'll go quietly."
Spidey shook Jack's hand, "I appreciate that. You're a real stand up kind of villain, Mr. Hammer. You be good in there and they might let you out early, okay?"
He smiled, "Will do, Webs. And just so you know, you are totally pulling off the white uniform. Don't let those haters tell you otherwise."
Spider-Girl waved as the police loaded the villain onto the truck, "Thanks, Jack! See you around!"
"See ya 'round, Spidey."
The door to the prisoner transport closed shut and the vehicle drove away. Spider-Girl looked around at the astonished police officers, "Well, you ladies and gents have a great day! Me? I'm off to the beach. I did not hitch hike all the way from the Big Apple just to fight crime. It's summer vacation, baby!"
With that Spider-Girl thwipped out web lines from her wrists and quickly vacated the area. Nearby another girl had watched the entire incident take place. She smiled as she watched the hero swing away, "Hot damn. Now that's some serious girl power."
Chaos. Utter chaos. That's what was taking place down by Fisherman's Wharf. Police responded to a Code 211, a robbery in progress at Chase Bank, which was located just kitty-corner to the pier. The situation quickly escalated when it became apparent that the robber was some sort of meta human or mutant. He was a a massive, silver skinned thug wielding two large sledge hammers. San Francisco police had a small army surrounding the area and yet the man was wiping the floor with uniformed and SWAT officers alike.On top of that, he was very clearly enjoying himself, "Ha ha! Come on! Is this the best you little pigs can throw at me?! You all really think you can take down the great Jack Hammer?!"
Jack stumbled backwards and dropped his hammers. The police took notice of this and paused. Something had invaded the villain's face, impeding his field of vision. Jack tore at the ivory substance furiously, "What in the hell is this shit?!"
"It's webbing, big man. Courtesy of Yours Truly."
Jack ripped the silk from his face just in time to watch a white clad girl swing down, land on top of a nearby police car and use the same webbing to pull his hammers out of arms reach, "You can call me Spider-Girl. And speaking of names.....Jack Hammer? Seriously? That's like the second worst super villain name ever used, right behind Stilt-Man. I mean, the unbeatable Squirrel Girl has a more intimidating name than you."
Jack's jaw dropped open. His eyes went from confusion to anger in a flash, "No no no no! This is San Francisco! You people aren't supposed to be here!"
Spider-Girl stood erect and placed her hand on her chest, "You people?! You mean women? People of the spider persuasion? Fashionistas who don't believe in the no white after Labor Day rule? Which is it, Bob the Builder?"
"Heroes! Capes! Do-gooders! You damned people aren't supposed to be in San Francisco! I know, I did my research! I'm so tired of you people! First that damned Green Arrow in Bludhaven, then Steel in Metropolis, and now you?! Are you freakin' kidding me?! I can't catch one damn break! I mean, seriously! How is any self respectin' super villain supposed to make a name for himself? Or a living for that matter?! You and your friends just keep swoopin' in and stealing the spot light! It's just not fair!"
Spider-Girl hopped off the car and approached the villain, "I know, man. It can be tough out there. It's a real villain eat villain world, I tell you. You picked a rough career path, you know?"
Jack nodded, "Yeah. I blame my high school guidance counselor."
Spider-Girl put her hand on his arm, "We all do, big guy. So listen, everyone here is kind of expecting us to fight? You still up for that or what?"
The metal man shook his head, "Nah. I don't wanna hit a girl. Especially not one as nice as you. I'll go quietly."
Spidey shook Jack's hand, "I appreciate that. You're a real stand up kind of villain, Mr. Hammer. You be good in there and they might let you out early, okay?"
He smiled, "Will do, Webs. And just so you know, you are totally pulling off the white uniform. Don't let those haters tell you otherwise."
Spider-Girl waved as the police loaded the villain onto the truck, "Thanks, Jack! See you around!"
"See ya 'round, Spidey."
The door to the prisoner transport closed shut and the vehicle drove away. Spider-Girl looked around at the astonished police officers, "Well, you ladies and gents have a great day! Me? I'm off to the beach. I did not hitch hike all the way from the Big Apple just to fight crime. It's summer vacation, baby!"
With that Spider-Girl thwipped out web lines from her wrists and quickly vacated the area. Nearby another girl had watched the entire incident take place. She smiled as she watched the hero swing away, "Hot damn. Now that's some serious girl power."
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
Posts: 221
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
The small jet was flying cross country, at speeds that weren’t normally possible for civilian aircraft. Designed and manufactured by Stark Industries, the designers had had access to engine technology that companies such as Boeing or Lockheed’s engineers only wished they had. It cut an otherwise six-and-a-half-hour flight down to two, but the young man who stared out of the window still wished it was even shorter. He had been in New York City, earlier that day, visiting the graves of his parents. One was easy to find, but the other was a bit more difficult. The more difficult one had been the first on his list, the cemetery large but navigable. Only having to contend with a few people attending a funeral, he had been able to find his mother’s grave rather quickly.
After paying his respects, Ian Carter had gone into the city, to figure a way to reach the easier to find, but harder to get to grave. His father was Ethan Drake, the second Iron Man, the first after the Chrell Invasion. He had been a great man, and a strong businessman. Falling in battle against the alien invader Tryax, Ethan had paid the ultimate cost to protect the people that he cared about, leaving Jamie Carter alone to raise their son.
The memorial was close to the Stark Industries building. There were so many tourists that came to see Stark Tower and try to catch a glimpse of Alex Burke, if he was there that day. It meant being able to have alone time with his father’s memorial was a problem sometimes.
But Ian had been able to spend the time that he had wanted to, and had paid his respects on the anniversary of his father’s death. Now he was on a plane, headed back to San Francisco, having also completed a meeting with Alex Burke and Natalia Pera. They had been interested in having him run one of the subsidiaries of Stark Industries, Stark Dynamics.
The proposition had been pretty sweet, all things considering. How could he possibly turn something like that down? At his age, being given an opportunity like this? Ian wasn’t hurting for money. His father had left him a fairly sizable trust fund, and he had barely dipped into the money that he had. It wasn’t that though that excited him about the offer. It was the opportunity to be closer to his father’s work. To walk in the footsteps of a man that he didn’t know that much about, but that he was eager to learn more about.
It had been all the impetus that he had needed to take up Alex and Natalia on their offer. Now that he had signed all the proper documentation, he was the new CEO of Stark Dynamics, based out of San Francisco, California. They were going to be landing, hopefully soon, and he wanted to get started immediately.
He was fairly happy that they were starting their final descent into San Francisco, so when the pilot came over the intercom and told him that they had been put into a holding pattern, Ian was not that pleased at all.
Rising from his seat, he walked over to the intercom and pressed the button to speak. “What’s the delay?” He asked.
“Sir, there’s some kind of….meteor….that’s falling from the sky. We’re being advised not to land at the airport.”
Ian thought for a moment as his blood ran cold. “There’s a Stark owned airstrip just outside of town, isn’t there?” He asked. “Land us there. Now.”
After paying his respects, Ian Carter had gone into the city, to figure a way to reach the easier to find, but harder to get to grave. His father was Ethan Drake, the second Iron Man, the first after the Chrell Invasion. He had been a great man, and a strong businessman. Falling in battle against the alien invader Tryax, Ethan had paid the ultimate cost to protect the people that he cared about, leaving Jamie Carter alone to raise their son.
The memorial was close to the Stark Industries building. There were so many tourists that came to see Stark Tower and try to catch a glimpse of Alex Burke, if he was there that day. It meant being able to have alone time with his father’s memorial was a problem sometimes.
But Ian had been able to spend the time that he had wanted to, and had paid his respects on the anniversary of his father’s death. Now he was on a plane, headed back to San Francisco, having also completed a meeting with Alex Burke and Natalia Pera. They had been interested in having him run one of the subsidiaries of Stark Industries, Stark Dynamics.
The proposition had been pretty sweet, all things considering. How could he possibly turn something like that down? At his age, being given an opportunity like this? Ian wasn’t hurting for money. His father had left him a fairly sizable trust fund, and he had barely dipped into the money that he had. It wasn’t that though that excited him about the offer. It was the opportunity to be closer to his father’s work. To walk in the footsteps of a man that he didn’t know that much about, but that he was eager to learn more about.
It had been all the impetus that he had needed to take up Alex and Natalia on their offer. Now that he had signed all the proper documentation, he was the new CEO of Stark Dynamics, based out of San Francisco, California. They were going to be landing, hopefully soon, and he wanted to get started immediately.
He was fairly happy that they were starting their final descent into San Francisco, so when the pilot came over the intercom and told him that they had been put into a holding pattern, Ian was not that pleased at all.
Rising from his seat, he walked over to the intercom and pressed the button to speak. “What’s the delay?” He asked.
“Sir, there’s some kind of….meteor….that’s falling from the sky. We’re being advised not to land at the airport.”
Ian thought for a moment as his blood ran cold. “There’s a Stark owned airstrip just outside of town, isn’t there?” He asked. “Land us there. Now.”
Ninzified lol.
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
The meteor fell from the heavens, on a trajectory that was difficult to imagine. After all, from wherever it had come from, the meteor had gone through certain events that brought it to this moment. Monitored by a number of news agencies and governmental organizations, there was coverage on the meteor as it descended. The current path indicated it would hit the San Francisco bay, and already there were projections and models calculating the amount of damage that would be caused by the wave that would hit the cities. So far the projected damage didn’t seem to be that bad. At least, the thought process was that it could have been far, far worse. It appeared that the meteor was predominantly ice, which is what was going to save San Francisco and Oakland. The hope was that most of it would melt as the meteor entered the earth’s atmosphere.
Still, there were people in San Francisco and Oakland on the edge of their seats as they watched either through their windows or on their televisions as their doom was potentially recorded right before their eyes.
When the meteor finally hit, the concussive force was enough to shake the ground in San Francisco and in Oakland, despite the water absorbing a large amount of the impact. The news helicopters moving throughout the bay kept their cameras trained on the icy rock that seemed to be able to float despite looking incredibly dense. It was only when parts of the rock started breaking up, did the people watching at home and around the country realize that there were actually people inside of the rock.
Two people.
Trapped there.
One of them was a man with devilish looking red skin, and eyes the color of the Sol system’s sun. He had claws from his fingers, purple in color. Partially clothed, he bore evidence of wounds, and the breaths he took were heavy as he labored to his feet. On the other hand, the other person looked like a young girl. She had red hair and bright green eyes. Her skin seemed orange almost, as if it had been kissed by fire. She was laying on her portion of the rock and floated in the saltwater.
Once he got to his feet, the devil looking man stared out over the water, at the city of Oakland. Looking over his shoulder, he saw the city of San Francisco. The cameras barely were able to make out the confusion that was on his face. Clearly, he was not where he had been before. He turned back, staring at the chunk of rock that the unconscious girl lay on. He roared, an inhuman, guttural roar before leaping in to the air, towards San Francisco.
The news cameras continued to follow him, as he began to tear into cars, flinging them around and setting off the car alarms all throughout the area he was in. He clutched at his ears, the sounds of the alarms a bit overwhelming and foreign to him. But one thing was certain.
The damage was completely familiar.
Still, there were people in San Francisco and Oakland on the edge of their seats as they watched either through their windows or on their televisions as their doom was potentially recorded right before their eyes.
When the meteor finally hit, the concussive force was enough to shake the ground in San Francisco and in Oakland, despite the water absorbing a large amount of the impact. The news helicopters moving throughout the bay kept their cameras trained on the icy rock that seemed to be able to float despite looking incredibly dense. It was only when parts of the rock started breaking up, did the people watching at home and around the country realize that there were actually people inside of the rock.
Two people.
Trapped there.
One of them was a man with devilish looking red skin, and eyes the color of the Sol system’s sun. He had claws from his fingers, purple in color. Partially clothed, he bore evidence of wounds, and the breaths he took were heavy as he labored to his feet. On the other hand, the other person looked like a young girl. She had red hair and bright green eyes. Her skin seemed orange almost, as if it had been kissed by fire. She was laying on her portion of the rock and floated in the saltwater.
Once he got to his feet, the devil looking man stared out over the water, at the city of Oakland. Looking over his shoulder, he saw the city of San Francisco. The cameras barely were able to make out the confusion that was on his face. Clearly, he was not where he had been before. He turned back, staring at the chunk of rock that the unconscious girl lay on. He roared, an inhuman, guttural roar before leaping in to the air, towards San Francisco.
The news cameras continued to follow him, as he began to tear into cars, flinging them around and setting off the car alarms all throughout the area he was in. He clutched at his ears, the sounds of the alarms a bit overwhelming and foreign to him. But one thing was certain.
The damage was completely familiar.
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
Raven was very confused by the world around her. The easiest thing to point out as a difference was that the air did not have a clear distinct sulfurous smell, and ash didn’t float around as far as the eye could see. The second thing was that demons did not come ago as they pleased. If they were on this realm, this place called earth, they were unseen by the naked eye. She had yet to see anyone who would have fit the description of a demon, though many of the people that spoke often uttered words that befit a demon’s make up.
From the House of Mystery, Raven had been given passage to San Francisco, at her own behest. The journey had been short, as Noel Gabriele was an accomplished transporter. She had never seen a man as experienced with his spells as Noel. It was clear that he was not, on a raw power level, as good as Donovan and nowhere near the raw output of Camilla, but his experience had easily been the best out of the three.
Noel had merely been walking the earth for longer and had seen more than those two. His ability to fight, a trait that had been developed over his many years in practice, spoke volumes.
When he had asked her where she wanted to go, Raven hadn’t needed much time in deciding. San Francisco. It was one of the few things her father had told her about her mother and she wanted to see what she could find in the city that her mother had come from. Now, she found herself in the city, looking out over the Bay. Camilla had been gracious enough to give her some more suitable clothes, the robes that Raven had been wearing when transported by Donovan from Trigon’s realm to this one unbefitting of a woman her age in a time like this.
She watched as people stopped what they were doing, and began to point up to the sky. Following the indication, her eyes stretched up to the heavens and Raven’s eyes widened as she joined in with the many, watching the descent of some amalgamation of rock and ice. When it splashed down into the water, she gripped the rails. What a wonder this world was. But her eyes widened as she saw the water displacement rushing towards everyone. That was nothing compared to how wide her eyes grew when she saw the two people who had been inside of the rock and ice fallen object. Raven watched, her eyes narrowing as one of the people inside, a red skinned creature leapt from the object, landing on her side of the water, in San Francisco.
What was he going to do?
Her questions were soon answered as he started to destroy cars and buildings around him. Something was wrong. Turning back, she saw that the other person still had not stirred from the large rock floating in the bay.
A conflict warred inside of her. One the one hand, Raven didn’t want to get involved. She was there to find information about her mother, nothing more. These people’s problems were beneath her. That was the Raven of Trigon’s realm, the one who had been a part of his rule. She had no concern for these people’s wellbeing. But then there was the other side part of her. The part of her that had constantly rebelled against Trigon, and had wanted something different.
These people were innocent.
The demons weren’t.
There had to be something she could do.
From the House of Mystery, Raven had been given passage to San Francisco, at her own behest. The journey had been short, as Noel Gabriele was an accomplished transporter. She had never seen a man as experienced with his spells as Noel. It was clear that he was not, on a raw power level, as good as Donovan and nowhere near the raw output of Camilla, but his experience had easily been the best out of the three.
Noel had merely been walking the earth for longer and had seen more than those two. His ability to fight, a trait that had been developed over his many years in practice, spoke volumes.
When he had asked her where she wanted to go, Raven hadn’t needed much time in deciding. San Francisco. It was one of the few things her father had told her about her mother and she wanted to see what she could find in the city that her mother had come from. Now, she found herself in the city, looking out over the Bay. Camilla had been gracious enough to give her some more suitable clothes, the robes that Raven had been wearing when transported by Donovan from Trigon’s realm to this one unbefitting of a woman her age in a time like this.
She watched as people stopped what they were doing, and began to point up to the sky. Following the indication, her eyes stretched up to the heavens and Raven’s eyes widened as she joined in with the many, watching the descent of some amalgamation of rock and ice. When it splashed down into the water, she gripped the rails. What a wonder this world was. But her eyes widened as she saw the water displacement rushing towards everyone. That was nothing compared to how wide her eyes grew when she saw the two people who had been inside of the rock and ice fallen object. Raven watched, her eyes narrowing as one of the people inside, a red skinned creature leapt from the object, landing on her side of the water, in San Francisco.
What was he going to do?
Her questions were soon answered as he started to destroy cars and buildings around him. Something was wrong. Turning back, she saw that the other person still had not stirred from the large rock floating in the bay.
A conflict warred inside of her. One the one hand, Raven didn’t want to get involved. She was there to find information about her mother, nothing more. These people’s problems were beneath her. That was the Raven of Trigon’s realm, the one who had been a part of his rule. She had no concern for these people’s wellbeing. But then there was the other side part of her. The part of her that had constantly rebelled against Trigon, and had wanted something different.
These people were innocent.
The demons weren’t.
There had to be something she could do.
You know it's a bad day when you jump out of bed and miss the floor.
"I declare War!!"~Peay
"I declare War!!"~Peay
Dark Lord of the Grill
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
One day at the beach! She wanted one damn day at the friggin beach and it keeps getting interrupted. First, Jack Hammer decided to make a ruckus, and now this devil dude. In all fairness, at least Jack had been more gentlemanly than most super villains. This guy, though, he didn't look so friendly. Spider-Girl stared at the destruction from the side of the building she perched on. The creature below was definitely a few notches above her on the strength scale. She sighed. This was supposed to be a vacation of sorts. Her mom, Karen, had moved to San Francisco at the end of her senior year of high school while Emma went on to Empire State University. When her freshman year was completed the pair decided having Emma look at schools on the west coast wasn't a bad idea. Preferably near where her mother lived so she could save on living expenses. College was expensive. So was crime fighting.
So here she was, in the City by the Bay! So felt a lot like New York. Except with more sun. And a lot less smog. Honestly, other than the bad guys it wasn't so bad. She looked over to the fire escape the sat next to her. A pigeon had landed on the rail, cooing quietly, "Don't suppose you're actually a super hero in disguise, are you? No? Didn't think so."
The bird stared at her, almost confused by the human sitting on the wall next to it. Spider-Girl continued, "Listen, the least you could do is deliver a note to the Avengers in New York for me. Let them know I may need a teensy bit of assistance here. No? How about the Fantastic Five? X-Men?"
The pigeon cooed again before hopping away from Emma. Spider-Girl sighed, "Just me then. Sounds about right."
She leaped from the building and soared along her weblines to intercept the devil man. She landed just in time to deflect a car from hitting a group of civilians. The creature took notice of her and turned to meet this new obstacle. Spider-Girl felt her nerves strain, "Yeah....I'd rather tangle with Jack again."
Further downtown the meteor crash had been heard by everyone. Reports of the creature and the destruction were pouring in. Rachel stood in the streets, afraid of the choices in front of her. She had the power to help, but if she used it she would expose herself. The men looking for her would surely find her. She knew what she had to do. There was no real choice at all. She picked up her bag and pulled the hood on her shirt tighter. She began sprinting toward the commotion down near the piers.
So here she was, in the City by the Bay! So felt a lot like New York. Except with more sun. And a lot less smog. Honestly, other than the bad guys it wasn't so bad. She looked over to the fire escape the sat next to her. A pigeon had landed on the rail, cooing quietly, "Don't suppose you're actually a super hero in disguise, are you? No? Didn't think so."
The bird stared at her, almost confused by the human sitting on the wall next to it. Spider-Girl continued, "Listen, the least you could do is deliver a note to the Avengers in New York for me. Let them know I may need a teensy bit of assistance here. No? How about the Fantastic Five? X-Men?"
The pigeon cooed again before hopping away from Emma. Spider-Girl sighed, "Just me then. Sounds about right."
She leaped from the building and soared along her weblines to intercept the devil man. She landed just in time to deflect a car from hitting a group of civilians. The creature took notice of her and turned to meet this new obstacle. Spider-Girl felt her nerves strain, "Yeah....I'd rather tangle with Jack again."
Further downtown the meteor crash had been heard by everyone. Reports of the creature and the destruction were pouring in. Rachel stood in the streets, afraid of the choices in front of her. She had the power to help, but if she used it she would expose herself. The men looking for her would surely find her. She knew what she had to do. There was no real choice at all. She picked up her bag and pulled the hood on her shirt tighter. She began sprinting toward the commotion down near the piers.
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
She struggled to raise her head. It felt thick and heavy. Her eyelids burned, but slowly she raised them, to see her surroundings. Everything was foreign, alien, to her. The last thing she remembered was hurtling through the void of space, locked in a battle with her foe and now she was here, on some planet, in the middle of some liquid and nothing was right. Stimuli caught her eye though, and her head turned. There was some kind of a building and a cloud of smoke was rising through it. Her eyes, despite the pain, widened as she watched it fall, crumbling to the ground.
Then she saw him and it all became clear. Her enemy. The one who had brought her to this place.
Green light, green energy surrounded her fists and her eyes glowed with the same emerald hue. Rising from her half of the asteroid, she floated in the air. With a speed reminiscent of a Kryptonian, the young woman flew through the air, impacting against the back of the creature and knocking him into another building in San Francisco. Bricks, held together for years by the mortar and sweat of the people who had assembled them tumbled to the ground and she dropped to the round, purple boots touching Earth’s ground for the first time.
”Kiffa troq.” She said.
The alien groaned and rose to his feet, shaking his head to clear the cobwebs of the blow. Looking at her, he growled and clenched his fists. Charging forward, he threw a haymaker punch, one that would have cleaved the head off the shoulders of a human without the durability she possessed. Reflexes that were faster than his allowed her to block the punch with her forearm and she smiled.
”Kiffa troq.” She repeated and slammed her own fist into the alien’s midsection.
He doubled over, allowing her to hit an uppercut on him.
He lifted up into the air, and she followed.
When he returned to the ground, there was a crater in the street.
It was obvious that she was showing only a slightly better concern for collateral damage than he was.
Then she saw him and it all became clear. Her enemy. The one who had brought her to this place.
Green light, green energy surrounded her fists and her eyes glowed with the same emerald hue. Rising from her half of the asteroid, she floated in the air. With a speed reminiscent of a Kryptonian, the young woman flew through the air, impacting against the back of the creature and knocking him into another building in San Francisco. Bricks, held together for years by the mortar and sweat of the people who had assembled them tumbled to the ground and she dropped to the round, purple boots touching Earth’s ground for the first time.
”Kiffa troq.” She said.
The alien groaned and rose to his feet, shaking his head to clear the cobwebs of the blow. Looking at her, he growled and clenched his fists. Charging forward, he threw a haymaker punch, one that would have cleaved the head off the shoulders of a human without the durability she possessed. Reflexes that were faster than his allowed her to block the punch with her forearm and she smiled.
”Kiffa troq.” She repeated and slammed her own fist into the alien’s midsection.
He doubled over, allowing her to hit an uppercut on him.
He lifted up into the air, and she followed.
When he returned to the ground, there was a crater in the street.
It was obvious that she was showing only a slightly better concern for collateral damage than he was.
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
Ian sat on the plane, watching the news. They had landed and were in a Stark Dynamics hangar. The fighting had spread into San Francisco itself, and he could tell that this was going to cause a lot of damage. He was watching it but he was not helping it and that was something he was struggling with. But what could he do? He wasn’t sure. He had no powers, he had no abilities. But he wanted to help. This wouldn’t have stopped his father and he knew that. Ethan had found a way; he had always found a way. The door to the cabin opened and he looked up at the woman who had stepped in. She was a beautiful woman, dressed in a business suit, but he barely noticed that at the moment.
“Who are you?” He asked.
“I’m Alyssa Montenegro.” The woman said. “I’m your personal assistant now that you’re the CEO of Stark Dynamics. We need to get you off the plane, Mr. Carter.” She said. “Stark Dynamics security wants to make sure that you’re safe during this attack.” She added.
“Safe.” He said. “These people aren’t safe.” He said, pointing at the television on the plane. “We need to do something.”
“We’re securing the Stark Dynamics tower to ensure that there’s no damage and-“
“You’re not hearing me.” Ian said, shaking his head. “The people aren’t safe.”
“Sir, if you’d please just come with me.” Alyssa said, and he shook his head, rising and following her off the plane.
He was not happy about her response. He knew their options were limited, but there had to be something that they could do to help with what was happening in the city. If you had the ability to help, in Ian’s mind you had the obligation to help. That was how he had been raised and he wasn’t going to change now.
There was a car waiting for him, no doubt to take him to a safe location away from the city in case the situation got out of hand. The hangar was filled with a number of boxes from shipments, as the hangar was also used for commercial freight for the company. He headed over towards the car, a look of relief on the face of his new personal assistant, when he stopped.
Something had caught his eye. Turning back, he saw a large clear plexiglass case with metal hinges on it. Walking towards it, he pointed at it. “What’s this?” He asked.
Alyssa closed her eyes, it was clear from her face that she had a bad feeling about what was about to happen if she told him what he wanted to know. “It’s…It’s one of the new armors that we’ve been working on. We were planning on sending it to Mr. Burke in New York tomorrow. It’s a prototype. It’s called the Legionnaire Augmented Defense Armor, or the LAD Armor.”
He turned towards her.
“Boot it up.”
“Who are you?” He asked.
“I’m Alyssa Montenegro.” The woman said. “I’m your personal assistant now that you’re the CEO of Stark Dynamics. We need to get you off the plane, Mr. Carter.” She said. “Stark Dynamics security wants to make sure that you’re safe during this attack.” She added.
“Safe.” He said. “These people aren’t safe.” He said, pointing at the television on the plane. “We need to do something.”
“We’re securing the Stark Dynamics tower to ensure that there’s no damage and-“
“You’re not hearing me.” Ian said, shaking his head. “The people aren’t safe.”
“Sir, if you’d please just come with me.” Alyssa said, and he shook his head, rising and following her off the plane.
He was not happy about her response. He knew their options were limited, but there had to be something that they could do to help with what was happening in the city. If you had the ability to help, in Ian’s mind you had the obligation to help. That was how he had been raised and he wasn’t going to change now.
There was a car waiting for him, no doubt to take him to a safe location away from the city in case the situation got out of hand. The hangar was filled with a number of boxes from shipments, as the hangar was also used for commercial freight for the company. He headed over towards the car, a look of relief on the face of his new personal assistant, when he stopped.
Something had caught his eye. Turning back, he saw a large clear plexiglass case with metal hinges on it. Walking towards it, he pointed at it. “What’s this?” He asked.
Alyssa closed her eyes, it was clear from her face that she had a bad feeling about what was about to happen if she told him what he wanted to know. “It’s…It’s one of the new armors that we’ve been working on. We were planning on sending it to Mr. Burke in New York tomorrow. It’s a prototype. It’s called the Legionnaire Augmented Defense Armor, or the LAD Armor.”
He turned towards her.
“Boot it up.”
Ninzified lol.
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
"Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Anger Management! Enough is enough!"
Webs sliced through the cold air, hitting their marks. The white clad Spider-Girl swung into action, wrapping up the female attacker quickly and moving onto the larger, and seemingly more aggressive, male second. Several web attacks covered his face, eliminating his vision. She then proceeded to wrap him up as she had done with the female.
The restraining attempts didn't work, however. The male broke free of the organic webbing first, but the female was not far behind. She frowned under her mask, "You're just as tough as you look. Good to know."
The devil roared and threw two vacant cars that Spider-Girl easily dodged. She closed the gap between them in a heartbeat and entered mid air with extreme grace. As she came down she landed both open palms on the creature's chest, emitting a massive green energy pulse as she did. The creature roared again, stumbled backwards and dropped to one knee. Spider-Girl inhaled quickly, her heart racing, "Webbing not so effective on you but you sure didn't like my venom blasts, did you?"
The demon raised his head, eyes glowing with rage. He climbed back to his feet and beat his chest like a hulking Silverback preparing for battle. Spider-Girl stepped back, "Oh shit...."
Before she could say more the female alien had raced past her and slammed into her enemy once more. Emma knew this fight needed to end quickly. The male had tried to kill her. The female...not so much. She shrugged and fired a webline at the nearest building, "Alright. Team Girl Power it is."
Webs sliced through the cold air, hitting their marks. The white clad Spider-Girl swung into action, wrapping up the female attacker quickly and moving onto the larger, and seemingly more aggressive, male second. Several web attacks covered his face, eliminating his vision. She then proceeded to wrap him up as she had done with the female.
The restraining attempts didn't work, however. The male broke free of the organic webbing first, but the female was not far behind. She frowned under her mask, "You're just as tough as you look. Good to know."
The devil roared and threw two vacant cars that Spider-Girl easily dodged. She closed the gap between them in a heartbeat and entered mid air with extreme grace. As she came down she landed both open palms on the creature's chest, emitting a massive green energy pulse as she did. The creature roared again, stumbled backwards and dropped to one knee. Spider-Girl inhaled quickly, her heart racing, "Webbing not so effective on you but you sure didn't like my venom blasts, did you?"
The demon raised his head, eyes glowing with rage. He climbed back to his feet and beat his chest like a hulking Silverback preparing for battle. Spider-Girl stepped back, "Oh shit...."
Before she could say more the female alien had raced past her and slammed into her enemy once more. Emma knew this fight needed to end quickly. The male had tried to kill her. The female...not so much. She shrugged and fired a webline at the nearest building, "Alright. Team Girl Power it is."
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
”Azarath Metrion Zinthos!”
A black glow enveloped three of the fallen light poles from the wreckage on the street, lifting them up in to the air and wrapping them around the alien demon creature. Spider-Girl and the other alien girl turned to see a woman in a black hoodie and black jeans floating up in the air towards them. Her eyes were glowing, and the same black glow surrounded her hands.
“And now there’s her.” Spider-Girl said, turning back as the alien struggled against the metal beams.
“You will not be able to break those bonds.” The girl in the hood said. She landed on the ground, in between Spider-Girl and the alien girl. “Who are you?” She asked.
“I’m your friendly neighborhood Spider-Girl.”
The girl in the hoodie looked her up and down. “You look ridiculous.” She turned to the other girl. “Who are you?” She asked.
"Kiffa nork grubthek."
“Tamaranean.” The girl said. “Good to know.”
“So she’s not ridiculous for talking like a crazy person?” Spider-Girl asked, lifting her arms up, confused.
“She’s speaking the language she was taught as a child.” The girl said, rising back in the air as the alien creature continued to struggle against the beams, slowly flexing them off of his body. “You chose to dress like that.”
“My mom said I looked spiffy.”
“She lied.”
The alien creature broke out of the beams and started charging forward towards the three women.
“So did you, apparently.” Spider-Girl grumbled, shooting webbing and jumping upwards to get out of the way.
A black glow enveloped three of the fallen light poles from the wreckage on the street, lifting them up in to the air and wrapping them around the alien demon creature. Spider-Girl and the other alien girl turned to see a woman in a black hoodie and black jeans floating up in the air towards them. Her eyes were glowing, and the same black glow surrounded her hands.
“And now there’s her.” Spider-Girl said, turning back as the alien struggled against the metal beams.
“You will not be able to break those bonds.” The girl in the hood said. She landed on the ground, in between Spider-Girl and the alien girl. “Who are you?” She asked.
“I’m your friendly neighborhood Spider-Girl.”
The girl in the hoodie looked her up and down. “You look ridiculous.” She turned to the other girl. “Who are you?” She asked.
"Kiffa nork grubthek."
“Tamaranean.” The girl said. “Good to know.”
“So she’s not ridiculous for talking like a crazy person?” Spider-Girl asked, lifting her arms up, confused.
“She’s speaking the language she was taught as a child.” The girl said, rising back in the air as the alien creature continued to struggle against the beams, slowly flexing them off of his body. “You chose to dress like that.”
“My mom said I looked spiffy.”
“She lied.”
The alien creature broke out of the beams and started charging forward towards the three women.
“So did you, apparently.” Spider-Girl grumbled, shooting webbing and jumping upwards to get out of the way.
You know it's a bad day when you jump out of bed and miss the floor.
"I declare War!!"~Peay
"I declare War!!"~Peay
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
The demon pounded the ground beneath him. Rage fueling his aggressive stance. Spider-Girl somersaulted over her opponent as he charged at the group. As she landed she fired her webbing from both wrists, catching him on either ankle. She gripped the organic roping and whipped her arms up, pulling the creatures legs out from under him. His face hit the concrete beneath him and he roared in annoyance. As the demon climbed back to his feet the girl in the hoodie threw him into the adjacent building with her glowing eyes. Spider-Girl dropped from her web line and landed next to her, "Nice shot, Wonder Witch!"
The hoodie girl narrowed her eyes, "That is not my name."
Spidey nodded, "I figured. But you didn't bother to introduce yourself so you earned yourself a nice new nickname instead. Could've been worse. The first name I was going with started with a B."
The witch's eyes flared up, "Perhaps we should focus on the task at hand?"
"I am. It's called multitasking. Speaking of which, can you speak with Alien Xena and figure out what's going on here? A little more information could be really helpful."
The hoodie girl narrowed her eyes, "That is not my name."
Spidey nodded, "I figured. But you didn't bother to introduce yourself so you earned yourself a nice new nickname instead. Could've been worse. The first name I was going with started with a B."
The witch's eyes flared up, "Perhaps we should focus on the task at hand?"
"I am. It's called multitasking. Speaking of which, can you speak with Alien Xena and figure out what's going on here? A little more information could be really helpful."
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
How are you doing with the systems, guv’nor?
“Well, you know, I’ve never been in a flying tin can before, so I think I’m doing alright.” Ian replied, to the artificial intelligence that was aiding him in piloting the LAD armor.
Right, you wanted a fight, mate, you’re going to get one.
“Why do you have a British accent from like the London underground again?” Ian asked.
Armor’s name is ‘LAD’, ain’t it?
“Should have seen that coming. How close are we?” Ian asked.
Should be coming up on ya vision now. Hold on to ya testicles.
Iron Lad streaked around the corner of a building, and surveyed the scene before him. He still couldn’t believe the armor he was wearing, and the fact that he was able to pilot it. More than likely, the onboard artificial intelligence who had told him his name was R.I.T.C.H.I.E. was assisting him by a huge margin. Still, it felt good, it felt right. Targeting systems picked up all of the combatants, highlighting everyone and starting to display weapons options. But who was he supposed to shoot at first? There were four fighters on the ground, three women and one angry looking alien man. Ian’s eyes darted around, looking at all of the four fighters on the ground.
His eyes stopped on the girl with the green eyes, and suddenly, missiles started firing from deployed launchers.
“No, I didn’t mean to-“ He said, reaching out a hand, but it was too late.
As the smoke cleared, he saw that the girl was lying sprawled on the ground, and she looked unconscious.
“Alien Xena!” One of the other women said and then pointed up at Ian. “Dick move, man.”
“I’m sorry.” Iron Lad said.
“Well, you know, I’ve never been in a flying tin can before, so I think I’m doing alright.” Ian replied, to the artificial intelligence that was aiding him in piloting the LAD armor.
Right, you wanted a fight, mate, you’re going to get one.
“Why do you have a British accent from like the London underground again?” Ian asked.
Armor’s name is ‘LAD’, ain’t it?
“Should have seen that coming. How close are we?” Ian asked.
Should be coming up on ya vision now. Hold on to ya testicles.
Iron Lad streaked around the corner of a building, and surveyed the scene before him. He still couldn’t believe the armor he was wearing, and the fact that he was able to pilot it. More than likely, the onboard artificial intelligence who had told him his name was R.I.T.C.H.I.E. was assisting him by a huge margin. Still, it felt good, it felt right. Targeting systems picked up all of the combatants, highlighting everyone and starting to display weapons options. But who was he supposed to shoot at first? There were four fighters on the ground, three women and one angry looking alien man. Ian’s eyes darted around, looking at all of the four fighters on the ground.
His eyes stopped on the girl with the green eyes, and suddenly, missiles started firing from deployed launchers.
“No, I didn’t mean to-“ He said, reaching out a hand, but it was too late.
As the smoke cleared, he saw that the girl was lying sprawled on the ground, and she looked unconscious.
“Alien Xena!” One of the other women said and then pointed up at Ian. “Dick move, man.”
“I’m sorry.” Iron Lad said.
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
Spider-Girl landed both feet into the armored man's chest and sent him hurtling into the closest building. As her new opponent climbed out of the rubble he had created she webbed his face plate and both of his gauntlets. With him distracted she put a powerful fist to his face, yet again throwing him back into the building. She stepped through the hole in the wall, "Seriously man, that was a shitty blind side attack."
He climbed back to his feet, his hands in the air, "It was an accident. I didn't mean to fire on her. Is she okay?"
Spider-Girl poked her head out of the hole. The alien woman was standing again. However, she looked furious. Spidey looked back at the new guy, "Yeah, she looks okay. A little pissed. Not really sure what she is capable of yet so you might either want to apologize or run away."
He nodded and stepped past her to address his mistake. A blast of green energy sent him back into the building for the third time. Spider-Girl looked down on him as she clung to the ceiling, "By the way, I don't think she speaks English. And she may or may not have some anger issues. I haven't decided yet. Good luck, bro."
After clearly deciding that the armored new comer wasn't a threat Spider-Girl left the building to reengage the demon with the others.
He climbed back to his feet, his hands in the air, "It was an accident. I didn't mean to fire on her. Is she okay?"
Spider-Girl poked her head out of the hole. The alien woman was standing again. However, she looked furious. Spidey looked back at the new guy, "Yeah, she looks okay. A little pissed. Not really sure what she is capable of yet so you might either want to apologize or run away."
He nodded and stepped past her to address his mistake. A blast of green energy sent him back into the building for the third time. Spider-Girl looked down on him as she clung to the ceiling, "By the way, I don't think she speaks English. And she may or may not have some anger issues. I haven't decided yet. Good luck, bro."
After clearly deciding that the armored new comer wasn't a threat Spider-Girl left the building to reengage the demon with the others.
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
Alien Xena turned from the demon alien she was fighting and towards the armored man, who was trying to crawl out of the hole that the female spider had put him in. She twisted her body, moving her hands around in the air before leveling them at the hole and blasting him with green energy. She would have continued, had the red alien not barreled her over and dropped her to the ground. Rolling over and over, she lifted herself up, her attention now turned towards her original foe. The girl in the hoodie reached out, saying her words again, and black tendrils appeared, manipulated by the girl to impede the progress of the red alien.
The alien girl's hands glowed, and she leapt up into the air. He responded, while struggling against the black tendrils and unleashed a heat beam from his mouth, knocking her out of the sky.
"We still need to be able to talk to her." Spider-Girl said, landing next to the girl in the hoodie. "Any ideas?" She asked.
"If I'm coming up with all the ideas and doing all the work, then what's the point of you?"
"I told you already. I look spiffy." Spider-Girl replied, jumping into the air. Counting on the red alien being occupied with Alien Xena, she contorted herself in the air as she moved, landing a kick on the alien's head. As her feet touched the ground, she looked up to see that the man in the Iron Man looking suit was back up and floating in the air, targeting. "Don't hit me, I'm a girl."
The alien girl's hands glowed, and she leapt up into the air. He responded, while struggling against the black tendrils and unleashed a heat beam from his mouth, knocking her out of the sky.
"We still need to be able to talk to her." Spider-Girl said, landing next to the girl in the hoodie. "Any ideas?" She asked.
"If I'm coming up with all the ideas and doing all the work, then what's the point of you?"
"I told you already. I look spiffy." Spider-Girl replied, jumping into the air. Counting on the red alien being occupied with Alien Xena, she contorted herself in the air as she moved, landing a kick on the alien's head. As her feet touched the ground, she looked up to see that the man in the Iron Man looking suit was back up and floating in the air, targeting. "Don't hit me, I'm a girl."
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
“I’m not trying to hit any of you.” Iron Lad replied.
“None of us?” Spider-Girl replied. “What about that dude?” She asked, pointing at the alien…thing. “You could hit that dude. But only that dude.”
“Right.” Iron Lad said, lifting upwards. “I’ll see what I can do.”
He landed behind the alien man and when the creature turned, it roared and lifted its arms to smash downwards. Ian caught the potentially devastating attempt and pushed against it. Servos started working overtime to combat the exceptional strength of the alien.
“RITCHIE, do you have anything for me?” Iron Lad asked, as the asphalt beneath his feet began to crack.
Funny you should ask, guv’nor.
The shoulder launchers opened up, but instead of missiles, they started deploying flares. The bright lights blinded the creature and he relented, lifting his arms to shield and cover his eyes from the bright flares. This gave Iron Lad the opening he needed. Ramming his fists into the alien’s stomach region, he opened up his palms, firing both of his repulsors at full blast.
“This is our shot.” He said, to everyone.
“None of us?” Spider-Girl replied. “What about that dude?” She asked, pointing at the alien…thing. “You could hit that dude. But only that dude.”
“Right.” Iron Lad said, lifting upwards. “I’ll see what I can do.”
He landed behind the alien man and when the creature turned, it roared and lifted its arms to smash downwards. Ian caught the potentially devastating attempt and pushed against it. Servos started working overtime to combat the exceptional strength of the alien.
“RITCHIE, do you have anything for me?” Iron Lad asked, as the asphalt beneath his feet began to crack.
Funny you should ask, guv’nor.
The shoulder launchers opened up, but instead of missiles, they started deploying flares. The bright lights blinded the creature and he relented, lifting his arms to shield and cover his eyes from the bright flares. This gave Iron Lad the opening he needed. Ramming his fists into the alien’s stomach region, he opened up his palms, firing both of his repulsors at full blast.
“This is our shot.” He said, to everyone.
Dark Lord of the Grill
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
The Devil had had enough. Iron Lad had hit him hard, clearly hurting the creature. It was now pissed off and no longer messing around. It began hurtling cars at the group of heroes, indiscriminately targeting anything that moved. Spider-Girl immediately lept into action, her reflexes faster than those of her companions. She was webbing and catching flying vehicles as quickly as she could. The witch girl joined in, using her impressive abilities to protect civilians. Iron Lad and Xena pressed the attack, bringing the heat. Repulsors and energy blasts continuously slammed into the Devil, attempting to put him on the defensive. The Devil was not to be subdued.
He jumped at Iron Lad, much faster than anyone could have predicted. Gripping the armored hero in his great hands he brought him down hard into the concrete. The creature's muscles propelled his fists like massive battering rams, repeatedly beating Iron Lad in the face and chest. Ian was in trouble. Spider-Girl was the first to notice and moved at amazing speeds to come to his aid. Unfortunately, she wasn't quite fast enough. She webbed the armor and pulled him away from another blow. The Devil, however, gripped Iron Lad's foot and used the armored man like a club, repeatedly striking Spider-Girl, effectively taking both heroes out of the fight.
The witch fell next, as she took a vehicle to the back. The female alien dove into action, engaging the Devil in close quarters combat. For a brief moment it appeared she was winning. That illusion was cut short. The Devil brought the full force of his rage against her. Blow after blow the alien woman was struck down. She lay there, barely moving, waiting for the final hit. The Devil stood above her, roaring. Clearly pleased with his victory. As he basked in his victory something happened. The scales turned.
A semi-truck flew through the air, hurled at incredible speed. It plowed into the alien demon, sending both the truck and the creature into an evacuated building. The explosion that ensued brought the structure down on top of their enemy. The creature, stunned, crawled from the rubble and slowly climbed to his feet. His eyes flickered forward, attempting to locate the origin of the attack. It took merely a moment to do so. Running at him was a tall, muscular girl. A green amazon clearly intent on harming him. She landed a powerful uppercut that sent the creature back into the rubble, "Get up! All of you! We can take him!"
The others attempted to shake off their beatings. Spider-Girl webbed the Devil up as he appeared from the wreckage of the building again. Iron Lad and the alien female took flight, along with the witch. Together they let loose a flurry of firepower that brought the Devil to his knees. The green woman stepped forward. Looking the demon in the eyes she smiled, "Welcome to San Francisco. Bitch."
With one last blow the Devil was brought down.
He jumped at Iron Lad, much faster than anyone could have predicted. Gripping the armored hero in his great hands he brought him down hard into the concrete. The creature's muscles propelled his fists like massive battering rams, repeatedly beating Iron Lad in the face and chest. Ian was in trouble. Spider-Girl was the first to notice and moved at amazing speeds to come to his aid. Unfortunately, she wasn't quite fast enough. She webbed the armor and pulled him away from another blow. The Devil, however, gripped Iron Lad's foot and used the armored man like a club, repeatedly striking Spider-Girl, effectively taking both heroes out of the fight.
The witch fell next, as she took a vehicle to the back. The female alien dove into action, engaging the Devil in close quarters combat. For a brief moment it appeared she was winning. That illusion was cut short. The Devil brought the full force of his rage against her. Blow after blow the alien woman was struck down. She lay there, barely moving, waiting for the final hit. The Devil stood above her, roaring. Clearly pleased with his victory. As he basked in his victory something happened. The scales turned.
A semi-truck flew through the air, hurled at incredible speed. It plowed into the alien demon, sending both the truck and the creature into an evacuated building. The explosion that ensued brought the structure down on top of their enemy. The creature, stunned, crawled from the rubble and slowly climbed to his feet. His eyes flickered forward, attempting to locate the origin of the attack. It took merely a moment to do so. Running at him was a tall, muscular girl. A green amazon clearly intent on harming him. She landed a powerful uppercut that sent the creature back into the rubble, "Get up! All of you! We can take him!"
The others attempted to shake off their beatings. Spider-Girl webbed the Devil up as he appeared from the wreckage of the building again. Iron Lad and the alien female took flight, along with the witch. Together they let loose a flurry of firepower that brought the Devil to his knees. The green woman stepped forward. Looking the demon in the eyes she smiled, "Welcome to San Francisco. Bitch."
With one last blow the Devil was brought down.
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
In an alley way not too far away from where the fighting was, there was a shift in the air. A change in the currents. The smell of burning ozone pervaded the air, as the rats scurried away from the alley, knowing that something was happening. But they did not know what it was. Most people wouldn’t have known if they had been witnessing the event. Many of those in the know, the scientists who were the community of the wise in this era, they would have been at a loss for words to describe it. But there was a ripple, in the very fabric of reality, and the matter of the alley, as seemingly from nowhere, a blue ball of energy manifested itself, electricity shooting off of it and causing sparks as it scored the brick of the buildings in the alley way.
The ball of blue energy descended to the ground, spreading outwards. As it did, it slowly coalesced into a body. A young man stepped out as the energy dissipated. He was dressed in a yellow and red costume of sorts, one very reminiscent of a hero of Keystone City. Looking around, the young man then looked up at the sky.
He was there. It had taken a lot of energy to get there, but he was back. Back in the past.
He remembered the words he had been told.
To save yesterday, destroy tomorrow
With a flash of blinding light, he took off.
“That…was….awesome.” Spider-Girl said, swinging next to the tall green woman. “Man, talk about a girl who eats her broccoli. Or is it spinach?”
The much taller woman turned and stared at her.
“Was it something I said?” Spider-Girl asked.
“It probably was.” The girl dressed in the dark hoodie said. “That seems to be the cause of the problems around here.”
“Whoa!” Spider-Girl said. “I did not bring the Predator dude. That was all Alien Xena.” She said, pointing at Alien Xena who was breathing heavily, crouched over.
Slowly raising herself, she turned and looked at the rest of the group. “Nofi kusi.
“She’s speaking in tongues again.”
“It’s Tamaranean.” Iron Lad said, as he floated down to the ground. “I have a translator program, but there seems to be something wrong with the program. I can’t translate.”
“Neither can I. I’ve heard it before, but I don’t know how to translate it.” The girl in the hoodie said. “If I remember right, they learn languages through skin contact.” She added, as Iron Lad retracted the mask to reveal his face.
“What if she’s got alien diseases?” Spider-Girl asked.
“You’re an idiot.” The girl in the hoodie replied.
“That’s also something my mom has said to me.”
“Well, she didn’t lie that time.”
The alien young woman walked up, looking at each in turn. Her eyes moved between them, calculating something unseen. Finally, they settled on Spider-Girl. Cocking her head to the side, the alien woman leaned in, sliding a hand around Emma’s head and pulling her in for a long, deep kiss.
At that moment, there was a flash as the man in the red and yellow suit appeared. Everyone turned and looked, everyone except for Spider-Girl and the alien girl, who were deep in the kiss.
The man stared at the two of them.
“Mother?” He asked.
The ball of blue energy descended to the ground, spreading outwards. As it did, it slowly coalesced into a body. A young man stepped out as the energy dissipated. He was dressed in a yellow and red costume of sorts, one very reminiscent of a hero of Keystone City. Looking around, the young man then looked up at the sky.
He was there. It had taken a lot of energy to get there, but he was back. Back in the past.
He remembered the words he had been told.
To save yesterday, destroy tomorrow
With a flash of blinding light, he took off.
“That…was….awesome.” Spider-Girl said, swinging next to the tall green woman. “Man, talk about a girl who eats her broccoli. Or is it spinach?”
The much taller woman turned and stared at her.
“Was it something I said?” Spider-Girl asked.
“It probably was.” The girl dressed in the dark hoodie said. “That seems to be the cause of the problems around here.”
“Whoa!” Spider-Girl said. “I did not bring the Predator dude. That was all Alien Xena.” She said, pointing at Alien Xena who was breathing heavily, crouched over.
Slowly raising herself, she turned and looked at the rest of the group. “Nofi kusi.
“She’s speaking in tongues again.”
“It’s Tamaranean.” Iron Lad said, as he floated down to the ground. “I have a translator program, but there seems to be something wrong with the program. I can’t translate.”
“Neither can I. I’ve heard it before, but I don’t know how to translate it.” The girl in the hoodie said. “If I remember right, they learn languages through skin contact.” She added, as Iron Lad retracted the mask to reveal his face.
“What if she’s got alien diseases?” Spider-Girl asked.
“You’re an idiot.” The girl in the hoodie replied.
“That’s also something my mom has said to me.”
“Well, she didn’t lie that time.”
The alien young woman walked up, looking at each in turn. Her eyes moved between them, calculating something unseen. Finally, they settled on Spider-Girl. Cocking her head to the side, the alien woman leaned in, sliding a hand around Emma’s head and pulling her in for a long, deep kiss.
At that moment, there was a flash as the man in the red and yellow suit appeared. Everyone turned and looked, everyone except for Spider-Girl and the alien girl, who were deep in the kiss.
The man stared at the two of them.
“Mother?” He asked.
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
Ian's jaw dropped open as he stared at the sight in front of him. He didn't even seem to notice the newcomer. The hooded girl reached over and pressed her index finger against his chin, slowly closing his mouth for him. It looked like something out of a cartoon. The green skinned model looked from the kissing girls to the speedster with extreme curiosity, "Did you just call one of them mother?"
The kid shook his head, "What? Yeah. I mean no!"
By now Iron Lad and the Witch turned to evaluate what was taking place. She-Hulk continued with the questions, "Well, who are you then? Actually, who the hell are all of you?"
The alien girl turned to the group, "You may call me Ryand'r."
Spider-Girl, still slightly stunned, responded, " were looking for language lessons. Right. Because everyone looks for the Rosetta Stone behind my tonsils."
The kid shook his head, "What? Yeah. I mean no!"
By now Iron Lad and the Witch turned to evaluate what was taking place. She-Hulk continued with the questions, "Well, who are you then? Actually, who the hell are all of you?"
The alien girl turned to the group, "You may call me Ryand'r."
Spider-Girl, still slightly stunned, responded, " were looking for language lessons. Right. Because everyone looks for the Rosetta Stone behind my tonsils."
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
"I'm Ana. Ana Romanov." The hooded girl said.
"I prefer Wonder Witch." Spider-Girl replied.
"I don't care what you prefer." Ana said, staring at the other girl. She turned to Ryand'r. "You're Tamaranean, aren't you?" She asked and it was more statement than question. The alien nodded.
"I prefer Alien Xena. When you're not trying to kiss me." Spider-Girl said.
"Do you ever stay quiet?"
Spider-Girl shrugged and grinned. "Only during History tests."
Ana rolled her eyes in response. This was starting to get annoying. "I hate you." Ana replied and turned to Iron Lad. "You are?" She asked.
"I'm Ian. Ian Carter." He said. "Who are you?" He asked, turning to the speedster. "And why did you call one of them mother?" He asked. "I'm pretty sure we're still trying to figure that one out."
"Two girls kissing, and that's what you're trying to figure out?" Ana asked and Ian glared at her. She looked at the speedster herself. "Ian does raise a question though. Who are you? You weren't involved in fighting the alien."
"I prefer Wonder Witch." Spider-Girl replied.
"I don't care what you prefer." Ana said, staring at the other girl. She turned to Ryand'r. "You're Tamaranean, aren't you?" She asked and it was more statement than question. The alien nodded.
"I prefer Alien Xena. When you're not trying to kiss me." Spider-Girl said.
"Do you ever stay quiet?"
Spider-Girl shrugged and grinned. "Only during History tests."
Ana rolled her eyes in response. This was starting to get annoying. "I hate you." Ana replied and turned to Iron Lad. "You are?" She asked.
"I'm Ian. Ian Carter." He said. "Who are you?" He asked, turning to the speedster. "And why did you call one of them mother?" He asked. "I'm pretty sure we're still trying to figure that one out."
"Two girls kissing, and that's what you're trying to figure out?" Ana asked and Ian glared at her. She looked at the speedster herself. "Ian does raise a question though. Who are you? You weren't involved in fighting the alien."
You know it's a bad day when you jump out of bed and miss the floor.
"I declare War!!"~Peay
"I declare War!!"~Peay
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
Spider-Girl looked to the sky as a helicopter whipped around the area, "Looks like the media is here. Well, I guess everyone knows I'm not in New York now."
"Do you think anyone really cares?" Ana said sarcastically.
Emma shrugged, "Maybe. Maybe not. Was still supposed to be a vacation, you know?"
The green girl frowned as she looked at the airborne reporters, "Shit. I gotta go."
As she turned to walk away Ian spoke up, "It's just some reporters. Where are you going?"
Rachel turned back, "Listen, it's been fun. This hero business and what not. But I seriously need to go. See you around." With that she jogged off, quickly.
Halfway around the world, in a military style complex, a man burst through an office door. The sole occupant of the room looked up from his desk. His eyes held a merciless gaze that seemed to state, without words, that the other man had best not have disturbed him for any reason short of a nuclear onslaught. The younger individual, now much more nervous then he had been, spoke, "Commander Mills.....we found her. She's in California. San Francisco to be exact."
Mills set his pen down and nodded, "Ready the task force. Let's bring her home."
"Do you think anyone really cares?" Ana said sarcastically.
Emma shrugged, "Maybe. Maybe not. Was still supposed to be a vacation, you know?"
The green girl frowned as she looked at the airborne reporters, "Shit. I gotta go."
As she turned to walk away Ian spoke up, "It's just some reporters. Where are you going?"
Rachel turned back, "Listen, it's been fun. This hero business and what not. But I seriously need to go. See you around." With that she jogged off, quickly.
Halfway around the world, in a military style complex, a man burst through an office door. The sole occupant of the room looked up from his desk. His eyes held a merciless gaze that seemed to state, without words, that the other man had best not have disturbed him for any reason short of a nuclear onslaught. The younger individual, now much more nervous then he had been, spoke, "Commander Mills.....we found her. She's in California. San Francisco to be exact."
Mills set his pen down and nodded, "Ready the task force. Let's bring her home."
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
"I think I can take care of the news media." Iron Lad said, but the green girl was already gone. He turned to the rest of the group before turning finally to the speedster. "So, any time now. I think we'd all like to get out of here before the media fully shows up."
"My name is Max." The teenager said. "Maximillian Allen. That's my name." He said.
Well that was straightforward at least. "Okay, now the other question." Ana said and he looked down at the ground, appearing to be rather embarrassed. Clearly, it wasn’t something he wanted to talk about. "What is it?" She asked, looking at Spider-Girl and Ryand’r.
"Well, that's a bit more difficult to answer." Max said. "But I need to speak to all of you and I need to do it quickly. There are forces at play that would endanger all of us.”
“That doesn’t sound apocalyptic at all.” Spider-Girl said. “Is it more serious than the algebra test I have coming up?” She asked.
Iron Lad gave her a look and she shrugged. “What, I’m just asking.” She looked up at the helicopters. “Are we going to move this along?” She asked.
Iron Lad looked at the speedster. “Max, I’m going to give you an address for you to come to tomorrow, in the evening.” He said and looked at the rest of the group. “The rest of you are invited as well. We can figure out what it is that Max is talking about.”
"My name is Max." The teenager said. "Maximillian Allen. That's my name." He said.
Well that was straightforward at least. "Okay, now the other question." Ana said and he looked down at the ground, appearing to be rather embarrassed. Clearly, it wasn’t something he wanted to talk about. "What is it?" She asked, looking at Spider-Girl and Ryand’r.
"Well, that's a bit more difficult to answer." Max said. "But I need to speak to all of you and I need to do it quickly. There are forces at play that would endanger all of us.”
“That doesn’t sound apocalyptic at all.” Spider-Girl said. “Is it more serious than the algebra test I have coming up?” She asked.
Iron Lad gave her a look and she shrugged. “What, I’m just asking.” She looked up at the helicopters. “Are we going to move this along?” She asked.
Iron Lad looked at the speedster. “Max, I’m going to give you an address for you to come to tomorrow, in the evening.” He said and looked at the rest of the group. “The rest of you are invited as well. We can figure out what it is that Max is talking about.”
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
Ian was sore. He was definitely not used to what had happened yesterday. There had been plenty of hits, and the hits were not something he’d taken before. Luckily, the bed was quite comfortable. His eyes opened, as the windows came alive, letting in the sunshine that shone over San Francisco. His home was inside of the Stark Dynamics tower, the tower itself dominating the skyline of San Francisco. The city, which was home to so many tech giants, was already coming alive in the morning. Ian rose from the bed, a bit groggy. Shaking his head, he looked down at his bare chest. There was a welt on his chest and he lightly prodded it, wincing with the pain.
That was definitely not something he was used to.
He got up out of the bed and walked over to the windows. His bedroom was akin to one you would expect a young man with his wealth to have. If the soreness was something he wasn’t used to, the money definitely was something he wasn’t used to. He hadn’t grown up destitute, but he definitely hadn’t grown up with marble floors either.
Ian turned at the sound of a knock on the door.
Alyssa was standing there, a tablet computer in her hands. She was dressed in a dark green sheath body con dress with black heels. She held up the tablet. “Good morning, Mr. Carter.” Alyssa said. “How are you feeling this morning?” She asked.
“There are parts of me that hurt. A lot.” He said.
She smiled. “Well, that’s to be expected, I guess. The LAD Armor does protect the user from a lot, but you took a beating during that fight.” She said. “Unfortunately, there can be no rest for the weary. There are a few things that you need to look over today.” She said. “Remember, you have your guests later in the day.”
He nodded. He remembered. Ian had invited the people he’d met yesterday to come to Stark Dynamics so that Max could speak to them. Hopefully they would all come to talk. Whatever it was that Max had needed to tell them, it had seemed rather urgent. “What’s on the docket for today?” He asked.
“You have quite a few meetings with department heads.” She said. “You’re going to have to hit the ground running. I made sure to schedule extra time with the R&D department, as I figured you have some questions after using the LAD Armor last night.”
“You figured correctly.” He said and walked over to the door to the closet. Opening the door, Ian stepped inside and stared. The clothes inside were incredible. The walk-in closet was large and quite well stocked. His fingers moved over the fabrics. The shirts were expensive, and the suits even more so. “Let’s not keep anyone waiting.”
“Your father was the one who hired me.”
Ian smiled, at the researcher’s words. “Really?” He asked and the man nodded. “I didn’t know that, that’s cool.” He said. “I never knew him, but everyone speaks highly of him.”
George Hemingway nodded again. “That’s really how you have to speak, when you speak about Ethan Drake. He was a complicated man, but he wanted to help people. It’s one of the reasons why he spun off Stark Dynamics, to attack problems from a different perspective.” He said. He looked around the floor of the highly advanced Stark Dynamics design laboratory. “We designed the LAD Armor with that mission in mind.”
“I’ve experienced first hand what it can do.” Ian said. “Alyssa said it’s a prototype though.”
George reached over and pressed a button. The lights darkened a bit and a display showed the armor. It floated in the air, hovering and turning slowly. “LAD stands for Legionnaire Augmented Defense. It’s designed to be more of a defensive system, but it definitely has the ability to attack as well. It’s supposed to operate as one of many, each system being used in concert with the other. In this way, each system operator can rely on his fellow operators for help and assistance. That’s why the suit is modular.”
“So it’s more of a squad based design?” Ian asked.
“Yes.” George replied. “You see, we wanted to make something that would allow a squad to go into battle and provide assistance where needed. We developed the artificial intelligence, R.I.T.C.H.I.E., to coordinate the operators together.”
“What happens if there’s only one operator and one system?”
George paused. “It would work fine, but at the same time, it may not work at peak efficiency. We’ve developed a number of new technologies to go along with the armor, if it passed the prototype stage. As head researcher, I wanted to see what we could to improve upon your father’s muscle reflection and recognition software. It’s an interesting system that…” George trailed off, as Alyssa walked into the room.
She looked like she needed to speak with Ian.
He looked over at her. “What’s up?” He asked.
“Your guests are arriving.” She said.
Ian looked over at George. “This has been a simply fascinating conversation. I don’t think I’m as good of a designer as my father was, but I’d love to be able to look over the designs you’ve been working on for the LAD Armor.”
“Absolutely.” George said. “Stark Dynamics needs to have a Drake at the helm. It’s great that you’re part of the company.”
Ian smiled. “I appreciate that, George.” He looked back at Alyssa. “Lead the way, Ms. Montenegro.”
That was definitely not something he was used to.
He got up out of the bed and walked over to the windows. His bedroom was akin to one you would expect a young man with his wealth to have. If the soreness was something he wasn’t used to, the money definitely was something he wasn’t used to. He hadn’t grown up destitute, but he definitely hadn’t grown up with marble floors either.
Ian turned at the sound of a knock on the door.
Alyssa was standing there, a tablet computer in her hands. She was dressed in a dark green sheath body con dress with black heels. She held up the tablet. “Good morning, Mr. Carter.” Alyssa said. “How are you feeling this morning?” She asked.
“There are parts of me that hurt. A lot.” He said.
She smiled. “Well, that’s to be expected, I guess. The LAD Armor does protect the user from a lot, but you took a beating during that fight.” She said. “Unfortunately, there can be no rest for the weary. There are a few things that you need to look over today.” She said. “Remember, you have your guests later in the day.”
He nodded. He remembered. Ian had invited the people he’d met yesterday to come to Stark Dynamics so that Max could speak to them. Hopefully they would all come to talk. Whatever it was that Max had needed to tell them, it had seemed rather urgent. “What’s on the docket for today?” He asked.
“You have quite a few meetings with department heads.” She said. “You’re going to have to hit the ground running. I made sure to schedule extra time with the R&D department, as I figured you have some questions after using the LAD Armor last night.”
“You figured correctly.” He said and walked over to the door to the closet. Opening the door, Ian stepped inside and stared. The clothes inside were incredible. The walk-in closet was large and quite well stocked. His fingers moved over the fabrics. The shirts were expensive, and the suits even more so. “Let’s not keep anyone waiting.”
“Your father was the one who hired me.”
Ian smiled, at the researcher’s words. “Really?” He asked and the man nodded. “I didn’t know that, that’s cool.” He said. “I never knew him, but everyone speaks highly of him.”
George Hemingway nodded again. “That’s really how you have to speak, when you speak about Ethan Drake. He was a complicated man, but he wanted to help people. It’s one of the reasons why he spun off Stark Dynamics, to attack problems from a different perspective.” He said. He looked around the floor of the highly advanced Stark Dynamics design laboratory. “We designed the LAD Armor with that mission in mind.”
“I’ve experienced first hand what it can do.” Ian said. “Alyssa said it’s a prototype though.”
George reached over and pressed a button. The lights darkened a bit and a display showed the armor. It floated in the air, hovering and turning slowly. “LAD stands for Legionnaire Augmented Defense. It’s designed to be more of a defensive system, but it definitely has the ability to attack as well. It’s supposed to operate as one of many, each system being used in concert with the other. In this way, each system operator can rely on his fellow operators for help and assistance. That’s why the suit is modular.”
“So it’s more of a squad based design?” Ian asked.
“Yes.” George replied. “You see, we wanted to make something that would allow a squad to go into battle and provide assistance where needed. We developed the artificial intelligence, R.I.T.C.H.I.E., to coordinate the operators together.”
“What happens if there’s only one operator and one system?”
George paused. “It would work fine, but at the same time, it may not work at peak efficiency. We’ve developed a number of new technologies to go along with the armor, if it passed the prototype stage. As head researcher, I wanted to see what we could to improve upon your father’s muscle reflection and recognition software. It’s an interesting system that…” George trailed off, as Alyssa walked into the room.
She looked like she needed to speak with Ian.
He looked over at her. “What’s up?” He asked.
“Your guests are arriving.” She said.
Ian looked over at George. “This has been a simply fascinating conversation. I don’t think I’m as good of a designer as my father was, but I’d love to be able to look over the designs you’ve been working on for the LAD Armor.”
“Absolutely.” George said. “Stark Dynamics needs to have a Drake at the helm. It’s great that you’re part of the company.”
Ian smiled. “I appreciate that, George.” He looked back at Alyssa. “Lead the way, Ms. Montenegro.”
Ninzified lol.
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
Max was a bit nervous, his mind moving at a frenetic pace. But that was what happened sometimes when you were touched by the Speed Force. He was sitting in a room on a floor high up in a building that was impossibly tall. It was incredible, really. He could see out over all of San Francisco really and he could see the water.
He turned when he saw the doors to the room open and Ian walk in, accompanied by the woman who had greeted him when he had first come to the Stark Dynamics tower.
Max waved. “Hey.” He said.
“Hey.” Ian replied. “Max, right?” He asked and Max nodded. “So, you were the first to get here.” He said. “Makes sense, you’re the one who wanted to tell us all something. Can I get you something to drink?” He asked.
“No.” Max said. “Alyssa already…” he said and trailed off, looking away. He swiveled back. “Already offered.” He finished.
Ian nodded. “Okay, so do you want to give me a heads up about what you wanted to talk to us all about?” He asked. Before Max could speak, Ian stopped. He realized that Max was in the same red and yellow uniform that he had seen him in the previous evening. It was dirty in places and looked like it had taken a beating over time. It looked the same as it had yesterday. “Max, are those your only clothes?” He asked.
Max looked down, his eyes widening. Now that Ian had brought it up, he realized that other man was right. “Uh, well, yes. These are my only clothes. They’re what I came back in.” He said.
Ian turned to Alyssa. “Can we find him something?” He asked.
“I don’t know if anything you have will fit him.” She replied. “He’s shorter than you.”
“That’s fine.” Ian said. He looked back at Max as Alyssa left to find the clothes. “Is there anything you can tell me?” He asked.
Max sighed and looked down at the ground, thinking for a few moments. “Well, I could…I might….” He said and trailed off. “Really it’s….but the danger, you know…” He said. He looked back up. “It’ll probably be easier for everyone if I explained everything to everyone at the same time.” He said.
“Sure, sure.” Ian replied.
The clothes didn’t fit. But Max still happily changed into the jeans, black t-shirt and brown and white striped hoodie. They were almost comically too big for him. Ian was six feet tall, and Max was about six inches shorter than that. He was also far more wiry and lanky than Ian was, and Alyssa had made sure everything fit Ian’s body size well. Max padded around the room, barefoot, and waited for the rest to arrive, all the while stealing glances out of the window at the ocean.
The water.
He turned when he saw the doors to the room open and Ian walk in, accompanied by the woman who had greeted him when he had first come to the Stark Dynamics tower.
Max waved. “Hey.” He said.
“Hey.” Ian replied. “Max, right?” He asked and Max nodded. “So, you were the first to get here.” He said. “Makes sense, you’re the one who wanted to tell us all something. Can I get you something to drink?” He asked.
“No.” Max said. “Alyssa already…” he said and trailed off, looking away. He swiveled back. “Already offered.” He finished.
Ian nodded. “Okay, so do you want to give me a heads up about what you wanted to talk to us all about?” He asked. Before Max could speak, Ian stopped. He realized that Max was in the same red and yellow uniform that he had seen him in the previous evening. It was dirty in places and looked like it had taken a beating over time. It looked the same as it had yesterday. “Max, are those your only clothes?” He asked.
Max looked down, his eyes widening. Now that Ian had brought it up, he realized that other man was right. “Uh, well, yes. These are my only clothes. They’re what I came back in.” He said.
Ian turned to Alyssa. “Can we find him something?” He asked.
“I don’t know if anything you have will fit him.” She replied. “He’s shorter than you.”
“That’s fine.” Ian said. He looked back at Max as Alyssa left to find the clothes. “Is there anything you can tell me?” He asked.
Max sighed and looked down at the ground, thinking for a few moments. “Well, I could…I might….” He said and trailed off. “Really it’s….but the danger, you know…” He said. He looked back up. “It’ll probably be easier for everyone if I explained everything to everyone at the same time.” He said.
“Sure, sure.” Ian replied.
The clothes didn’t fit. But Max still happily changed into the jeans, black t-shirt and brown and white striped hoodie. They were almost comically too big for him. Ian was six feet tall, and Max was about six inches shorter than that. He was also far more wiry and lanky than Ian was, and Alyssa had made sure everything fit Ian’s body size well. Max padded around the room, barefoot, and waited for the rest to arrive, all the while stealing glances out of the window at the ocean.
The water.
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
Ana adjusted the hoodie as she walked through the lobby of Stark Dynamics. She knew she was out of place. Everyone was dressed so nicely, in suits and business attire. She was dressed in jeans and a hoodie. Neither of the articles of clothing fit her well. It was all she had. It wasn’t this lobby that she was out of place in, it was the entire world. While it might have sounded like a trope out of a young adult’s book, the sentiment actually did apply to her. She had been plucked, rather unceremoniously, and against her will, from her home in Azarath and from her father. Zatanna and Donovan hadn’t asked, they’d done it without asking her. Sure, it had not been the best place for her, but that world of fire and brimstone was all she knew.
Now she didn’t know anything about anything. She’d read about the world that humans called their own, but she had never really experienced it. Within her first week, she had been able to get some information about the woman who her father had said was her birth mother and that was why she had come to San Francisco in the first place. Apparently this was where her mother was from. Ana wanted to see if she could track the woman down.
She also wondered if her father was searching for her.
Ana ignored the sidelong glances that different people tossed her way as she walked up to the main desk.
“Can..Can I help you?” the guard asked.
“I hope so.” Ana said. “I know Mr. Carter and he asked me to come here today. My name is Anastasia Romanov.”
The guard looked at her for a moment, sizing her up. No doubt wondering if it was worth his job to make the call. If she wasn’t who she said she was and was just there to cause trouble, then it could be his job if he ran the name up the line. Luckily for her, he did, and soon she was in an elevator traveling up to where apparently Carter lived.
When the doors opened, she stepped into easily the nicest place she’d ever seen in her life. She saw Ian and Max there, as well as another woman.
“Hey guys.” She said.
Now she didn’t know anything about anything. She’d read about the world that humans called their own, but she had never really experienced it. Within her first week, she had been able to get some information about the woman who her father had said was her birth mother and that was why she had come to San Francisco in the first place. Apparently this was where her mother was from. Ana wanted to see if she could track the woman down.
She also wondered if her father was searching for her.
Ana ignored the sidelong glances that different people tossed her way as she walked up to the main desk.
“Can..Can I help you?” the guard asked.
“I hope so.” Ana said. “I know Mr. Carter and he asked me to come here today. My name is Anastasia Romanov.”
The guard looked at her for a moment, sizing her up. No doubt wondering if it was worth his job to make the call. If she wasn’t who she said she was and was just there to cause trouble, then it could be his job if he ran the name up the line. Luckily for her, he did, and soon she was in an elevator traveling up to where apparently Carter lived.
When the doors opened, she stepped into easily the nicest place she’d ever seen in her life. She saw Ian and Max there, as well as another woman.
“Hey guys.” She said.
You know it's a bad day when you jump out of bed and miss the floor.
"I declare War!!"~Peay
"I declare War!!"~Peay
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Re: Young Avengers: School's Out
Emma perched on the building across from Stark Dynamics. She was getting the hang of this super hero business, clearly one of the individuals with the most experience in the group. This wasn't her first team up, though it normally didn't involve this many other people. She swung down to the front entrance and walked through the doors of the company building. She walked up to the front desk, smiling beneath her white mask, "Good morning! I have an appointment with the Iron Guy. Possibly some other eclectic, costumed professionals as well. Last name is Girl. First is Spider."
Emma was promptly escorted to the room with the others. She walked in, hand up in greeting, "Hey, everybody."
She noticed Ana, Max, Ian, and some other woman in the room. Everyone except for the Green Giant and the Alien Xena were accounted for, "So what's the big meeting about?"
Emma was promptly escorted to the room with the others. She walked in, hand up in greeting, "Hey, everybody."
She noticed Ana, Max, Ian, and some other woman in the room. Everyone except for the Green Giant and the Alien Xena were accounted for, "So what's the big meeting about?"
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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