Hello! Long time no see!

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Hello! Long time no see!

Post by SmokeMare »

Hello everyone!

What's happening here? I know it's been a long time, just thought I'd check back. Really glad to see everyone is still writing and working on the Exodus universe.

Did the big reboot happen? Are all my characters now considered non-existent or could I theoretically fire up the Mirage Obsidious and get Darius Malakai, Rissk and Arice Quinn and co back in action?
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Re: Hello! Long time no see!

Post by Pryde »

Yeah, the reboot did happen and at the moment those characters technically don't exist in it yet. The OG Exodus galaxy is still around, though. We just gave it the (Legends) moniker but other than that it's still just as you've left it.
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Re: Hello! Long time no see!

Post by GanninSpeys »

Hmm, so that explains it. :shock:
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