Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
Moderators: VagueDurin, Nichalus
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Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
As was discussed on THIS thread, this will be the official vote. It has been almost a month, so I believe there has been ample time to discuss it further.
The Rules are reduced to simply being respectful of one another.
These rules are strictly for the MBT (The Exodus Galaxy Forum) and subsequent OOC Forums concerning The Exodus Galaxy forum. The reason being is that The Exodus Galaxy forum is a collaborative story writing forum, where member's stories could (but not always) effect another member's story.
The Story Coordinators are basically the two members that you need to get with and explain what you have in mind for a story. Their job is simple, as long as the story does not change our MBT Universe in some significant way...."Have Fun". You don't have to give them the whole song and dance, just a basic gist of the story and a 'general' outcome. A one paragraph blurb is about all that is needed. One the SC's can look at and immediately go..."Sounds cool".
In other words, no assassinations/destruction of Major SW Characters/Worlds. We will keep with the rule of NOT using the Iconic SW Characters of Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, etc..., unless it is a minor blurb about them, or even a innocuous meeting with them (this sort of thing would be something the SCs would need to approve of). Besides, our characters that we have created should be the ones that have all the fun, since their history is still being created.
To put it simply, if you KNOW your story isn't going to have far-reaching galaxy-wide ramifications, your not destroying a iconic worlds (Coruscant, Endor, Yavin, etc...), assassinating a major canon character, or anything of like magnitude, then you really don't have to consult with the Story Coordinators..and have fun writing your story.
That is 'not' to say that we cannot still have epic stories of large battles, major destruction. But the days of blowing up iconic planets and the Major Powers switching regions of space, should be done only on the rarest of occasions. We can still write epic stories without destroying major worlds, or conquering one side or the other. The Big Two Powers will be...the Big Two Powers, where as, they are there, and that is where they will stay. There is none of the other systems that can challenge them. The Universe as it is right now, is how it will stay. That is not to say it can't happen, but that if something like that was would have to be a complete majority of the members that write on the MBT.
This forum is NOT a SIM! We are here to write stories in our own creation of the Star Wars Universe. There is no "I WIN" here. If you are here to conquer and control, you're in the wrong forum.
***If a member wants to write a story in the Star Wars Universe that would use Icon Characters (Luke, Han, Leia, etc..), or even destroy the entire universe at their whim, these stories can be written in the Star Wars: The Stories forum without any complaints, and members are free to write whatever they wish on that forum. The Exodus Galaxy forum is the ONLY forum where there are rules for members writing stories in the Star Wars Universe.***
That is not to say that those of you that have created Independent Systems, that your crafted worlds or Systems are not going to be recognized. Far from it. Your worlds are uniquely created in the gigantic galaxy of the SW Universe, what you have done, cannot be changed. So don't think that even for any instance. Everything that has been written to this point, is history for the SWE MBT Universe. A lot of us have put years of work into writing our stories on the MBT, it would be the most disrespectful thing we could imagine to just 'ignore' what has been done over a decade of time. But recognize that all player created systems cannot compete against the New Republic and the Empire systems, again...This is not a SIM.
Moderators are here to keep the peace and to observe discussions to ensure that members remain respectful to one another, and respectful of the stories that are being written on the forum.
Moderators will be fair, but strict, in their moderation of discussions by members of this forum.
This does not mean that discussions, even somewhat heated ones, cannot be made. But even during these types of discussions, you need to remain respectful, and try to work out compromises.
If a compromise cannot be reached on a MBT issue, and ONLY after all means of discussion has been exhausted, then members may elect for the Moderators/Story Coordinators(MBT SCs Only) to discuss among themselves to make the final decision. Once they have discussed and made a decision, their ruling will be final and no further arguments will be accepted or condoned. So if you don't want them making the decision, then 'find a way' to work it out.
***Directly threatening, blatantly insulting a member/moderator will be met with a immediate warning. This includes threats via Private Messages.
***Moderators will be watching, and if any member becomes unruly, disrespectful and/or outright belligerent towards another member, or a Moderator, they will be warned, and their posts deleted.
***If a member has been warned, and they continue to argue/create another thread/post continuing the argument, they will immediately be given a second warning.
***A third warning will be met with an immediate 2 week ban, subject to Moderator discussion the ban could be longer and/or permanent.
***If you have a complaint about a ruling by the Moderators, then you 'must' send a PM (Private Message) to 'all' Moderators. Any public complaining of a ruling by a Moderator will be deleted and the poster will be issued a warning.
The Rules are reduced to simply being respectful of one another.
These rules are strictly for the MBT (The Exodus Galaxy Forum) and subsequent OOC Forums concerning The Exodus Galaxy forum. The reason being is that The Exodus Galaxy forum is a collaborative story writing forum, where member's stories could (but not always) effect another member's story.
The Story Coordinators are basically the two members that you need to get with and explain what you have in mind for a story. Their job is simple, as long as the story does not change our MBT Universe in some significant way...."Have Fun". You don't have to give them the whole song and dance, just a basic gist of the story and a 'general' outcome. A one paragraph blurb is about all that is needed. One the SC's can look at and immediately go..."Sounds cool".
In other words, no assassinations/destruction of Major SW Characters/Worlds. We will keep with the rule of NOT using the Iconic SW Characters of Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, etc..., unless it is a minor blurb about them, or even a innocuous meeting with them (this sort of thing would be something the SCs would need to approve of). Besides, our characters that we have created should be the ones that have all the fun, since their history is still being created.
To put it simply, if you KNOW your story isn't going to have far-reaching galaxy-wide ramifications, your not destroying a iconic worlds (Coruscant, Endor, Yavin, etc...), assassinating a major canon character, or anything of like magnitude, then you really don't have to consult with the Story Coordinators..and have fun writing your story.
That is 'not' to say that we cannot still have epic stories of large battles, major destruction. But the days of blowing up iconic planets and the Major Powers switching regions of space, should be done only on the rarest of occasions. We can still write epic stories without destroying major worlds, or conquering one side or the other. The Big Two Powers will be...the Big Two Powers, where as, they are there, and that is where they will stay. There is none of the other systems that can challenge them. The Universe as it is right now, is how it will stay. That is not to say it can't happen, but that if something like that was would have to be a complete majority of the members that write on the MBT.
This forum is NOT a SIM! We are here to write stories in our own creation of the Star Wars Universe. There is no "I WIN" here. If you are here to conquer and control, you're in the wrong forum.
***If a member wants to write a story in the Star Wars Universe that would use Icon Characters (Luke, Han, Leia, etc..), or even destroy the entire universe at their whim, these stories can be written in the Star Wars: The Stories forum without any complaints, and members are free to write whatever they wish on that forum. The Exodus Galaxy forum is the ONLY forum where there are rules for members writing stories in the Star Wars Universe.***
That is not to say that those of you that have created Independent Systems, that your crafted worlds or Systems are not going to be recognized. Far from it. Your worlds are uniquely created in the gigantic galaxy of the SW Universe, what you have done, cannot be changed. So don't think that even for any instance. Everything that has been written to this point, is history for the SWE MBT Universe. A lot of us have put years of work into writing our stories on the MBT, it would be the most disrespectful thing we could imagine to just 'ignore' what has been done over a decade of time. But recognize that all player created systems cannot compete against the New Republic and the Empire systems, again...This is not a SIM.
Moderators are here to keep the peace and to observe discussions to ensure that members remain respectful to one another, and respectful of the stories that are being written on the forum.
Moderators will be fair, but strict, in their moderation of discussions by members of this forum.
This does not mean that discussions, even somewhat heated ones, cannot be made. But even during these types of discussions, you need to remain respectful, and try to work out compromises.
If a compromise cannot be reached on a MBT issue, and ONLY after all means of discussion has been exhausted, then members may elect for the Moderators/Story Coordinators(MBT SCs Only) to discuss among themselves to make the final decision. Once they have discussed and made a decision, their ruling will be final and no further arguments will be accepted or condoned. So if you don't want them making the decision, then 'find a way' to work it out.
***Directly threatening, blatantly insulting a member/moderator will be met with a immediate warning. This includes threats via Private Messages.
***Moderators will be watching, and if any member becomes unruly, disrespectful and/or outright belligerent towards another member, or a Moderator, they will be warned, and their posts deleted.
***If a member has been warned, and they continue to argue/create another thread/post continuing the argument, they will immediately be given a second warning.
***A third warning will be met with an immediate 2 week ban, subject to Moderator discussion the ban could be longer and/or permanent.
***If you have a complaint about a ruling by the Moderators, then you 'must' send a PM (Private Message) to 'all' Moderators. Any public complaining of a ruling by a Moderator will be deleted and the poster will be issued a warning.

EFFL Champion (2013-2016) First Two-Time Exodus Champion
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
OCD Balsa: I'll only vote Yes if the formatting is changed!!
Non-OCD Balsa: Would it be prudent to add a line that says these rules are specific to the forum only, and do not supersede the wiki rules?
Non-OCD Balsa: Would it be prudent to add a line that says these rules are specific to the forum only, and do not supersede the wiki rules?
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
The Non-OCD Balsa must have missed this at the top of the post:
"These rules are strictly for the MBT (The Exodus Galaxy Forum)"
"These rules are strictly for the MBT (The Exodus Galaxy Forum)"

EFFL Champion (2013-2016) First Two-Time Exodus Champion
Balsa is not a lie!
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
That's why he's non-OCD Balsa. Also known as Doesn't-Know-How-To-Read Balsa.
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
lolBalsa wrote:That's why he's non-OCD Balsa. Also known as Doesn't-Know-How-To-Read Balsa.

EFFL Champion (2013-2016) First Two-Time Exodus Champion
Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
Huh-wha... ?Balsa wrote:@Cadden
You have a right to remain silent... I hope to God you use it.
Xanamiar wrote:Cadden is a comical genius.
Adenn Mirshko
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change we go ten years and were back where we started. 

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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
There's a Lion King circle of life reference just waiting to happen.
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Everyone knows "Cazzik and Mir = #Wynning"
Adenn Mirshko
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
Eh...might be pushing it. More a "We fought for years to be a certain way...and were back at the rules we started with" mentality. But if you want to sing Elton John that's all you...
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
Why wouldn't I want to sing Elton John? I'm not going to be sorry about it. Sorry seems to be such a hard word.Vox wrote:Eh...might be pushing it. More a "We fought for years to be a certain way...and were back at the rules we started with" mentality. But if you want to sing Elton John that's all you...
Everyone knows "Pops and Junior = #Ratings"
Everyone knows "Cazzik and Mir = #Wynning"
Everyone knows "Cazzik and Mir = #Wynning"
Adenn Mirshko
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
This explains so much about so much...Mirrodin2nd wrote:Why wouldn't I want to sing Elton John? I'm not going to be sorry about it. Sorry seems to be such a hard word.Vox wrote:Eh...might be pushing it. More a "We fought for years to be a certain way...and were back at the rules we started with" mentality. But if you want to sing Elton John that's all you...
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
You're welcome.
Everyone knows "Pops and Junior = #Ratings"
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Everyone knows "Cazzik and Mir = #Wynning"
Adenn Mirshko
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
Oh i wasn't thanking you...I was saying that in disappointment... 

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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
I'm happy to have provided this moment of sarcasm.
Everyone knows "Pops and Junior = #Ratings"
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Everyone knows "Cazzik and Mir = #Wynning"
Adenn Mirshko
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
That's what its all about.
Everyone knows "Pops and Junior = #Ratings"
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Everyone knows "Cazzik and Mir = #Wynning"
Adenn Mirshko
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
I thought it was all about getting to the middle of the tootsie pop...
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
Hokey Pokey? 

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Everyone knows "Cazzik and Mir = #Wynning"
Adenn Mirshko
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
I give up...that reference should span the ages.

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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
Oh I got it. I was merely giving another that involved a "that's what it's all about" theme.
Especially's in the lyrics.
Especially's in the lyrics.
Everyone knows "Pops and Junior = #Ratings"
Everyone knows "Cazzik and Mir = #Wynning"
Everyone knows "Cazzik and Mir = #Wynning"
Adenn Mirshko
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change like a Step by Step reference...
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
Oooh, that one's a bit out for me. I'm '89, but I don't think I ever watched that show.
Everyone knows "Pops and Junior = #Ratings"
Everyone knows "Cazzik and Mir = #Wynning"
Everyone knows "Cazzik and Mir = #Wynning"
Adenn Mirshko
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
I think that this can be safely dropped from the Sticky Roll.
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Everyone knows "Cazzik and Mir = #Wynning"
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Re: Official "Don't be a Dick" Rule Change
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Everyone knows "Pops and Junior = #Ratings"
Everyone knows "Cazzik and Mir = #Wynning"
Everyone knows "Cazzik and Mir = #Wynning"
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