I have a fairly good idea of what's going to happen in Fate's Edge, but those events only matter to Felicity they're not going to have much weight in this new thread. Instead, this new thread is going to be all about political infighting, maneuvering, backstabbing, frontstabbing, stabbing with lethal and *Cough!* non-lethal things (

We've got a large sector of space divided into nine or ten provinces (maybe more, maybe less, we'll probably work that out as we go) and each province has a ruling House. There is a council of leaders and a "supreme" leader of sorts chosen from amongst the others to represent the entire sector (we're going to call that the Iron Throne cause that's basically what it is). So at the moment this area is in a turbulent period. There aren't any major conflicts right now but things are a little on edge (there might be a couple of minor houses warring with each other but not enough to cause a concern for the bigger players). Felicity crash lands into the middle of all this and immediately gets embroiled in the politics of the area though she's not a major player at all... Yet. A subplot of this story will involve Felicity uncovering the mysteries of her past.