Sith'ari: Gods of the Dark Side

18 years after the Battle of Yavin...
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Sith'ari: Gods of the Dark Side

Post by Cazzik »

The small craft slowed upon its approach to the tiny moon. From space the entire rock gave off a reddish hue which provided a false sense of warmth. The moon was actually quite cold, which the pilot was reminded of quickly as he brought the vessel into the atmosphere. Ice began forming across the viewport and continued to grow as the ship was set down on the rocky earth below. The landing ramp was extended and the lone occupant of the vessel stepped out. His black armor was difficult to see in the dim light. The man scanned the area thoroughly with the sensors in his helmet, identifying the direction in which he needed to travel. His equipment picked up one life sign over the ridge up ahead. It was identified as a female Zeltron. The man had half expected to pick up a different life sign entirely; a much larger life sign. He holstered both of his blasters, content that the only creature within sensor range was the one he was here to pick up.

He began walking toward her, the hard rocks crunching beneath his feet and the cold wind relentlessly swirling around him. As he reached the top of the ridge he stared down in disbelief. The man was a killer; a master of death. But there was little chance he would have survived the incredible sight below. Beyond the cliff were three massive bodies laying in the dirt; all lifeless. Three dead Leviathans, all bio engineered by his master; the Sith’ari. They were bred for one purpose and one purpose only; to kill the master’s one and only apprentice. Clearly they had failed and she had succeeded. At the edge of the cliff the woman sat on her knees; her white armor and hood a brilliant contrast to her crimson skin. She did not move as he approached her. He paused before reaching down to his belt and unhooking two lightsabers, “He sends his approval. You have passed your final test. You are now Sith.”

She stood without a word and turned to face him. He bowed his head and handed both of the lightsabers to her, “You are to discard your former name. He now calls you Darth Mortis. You are the Reaper.” She hooked both of the weapons to her own belt before turning to gaze down upon the corpses of the three Leviathans. The massive creatures had massacred many Jedi throughout history. Just one could pose a threat to several Knights at once. Her master, the Sith’ari, had sent her to her death on the barren moon. Without her lightsabers she was tasked with killing the creatures or die trying. Obviously the former is what came to pass, “What is my master’s will?”

“You are to begin the hunt. He said you would know where to begin,” the armored man stated.

“And you, Stryfe? Were you simply tasked with returning my weapons?” Mortis asked.

“No, Lady Reaper. I am to serve you on your quest. I am your weapon just as you are his. Am I correct in assuming we will now finally make our move against the Jedi?”

Darth Mortis shook her head and turned away from the dead beasts and began walking back toward’s Stryfe’s ship, “No. The Jedi will wait for another time. First we must destroy the false prophets and the pretenders. First we eradicate all those who call themselves Sith.”
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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Re: Sith'ari: Gods of the Dark Side

Post by Cazzik »

Nar Shaddaa was a vile locale; a rock full of pathetic life forms not fit for any other place in the universe. The lowliest of thugs to the top brass of all major criminal organizations called the Smugglers’ Moon home. It was as close to the center of the underworld as one could possibly get and nearly as densely populated as Coruscant. It was here that any information you could ever desire was available…for a price. Darth Mortis trailed behind Stryfe. Her white armor a contrast to his own black combat gear. The former bounty hunter was in his element. This was his world which meant it was only smart to allow him to take the lead for the time being. He had told her of an informant he had previously used on more than one occasion. They were on their way there now.

They turned down a narrow alley way off of the main street they had been travelling on. They continued to walk without speaking. There was no need for conversation. The armored man stopped at a door and turned his masked helmet toward the Sith, “We’re here.” She nodded and proceeded to push open the door and enter the building. Loud music bombarded them and villainous looking individuals looked up at them from all corners of the large room. It was dimly lit but tables and chairs were plainly visible, as was the bar. He scanned the room slowly and eventually his gaze fell upon his target; a Rodian sitting at a table with a small group of others. He moved silently through the crowd like a predator stalking prey. The Rodian didn’t even notice him until he was all ready upon them. The alien looked up in surprise, clearly uncomfortable with the individual who now stood before him, “Stryfe! You’re….you’re here! I thought you were dead.”

Stryfe did not respond. He simply stared down at the Rodian through the visor in his helmet. The green skinned man shrugged nervously, “Listen, that deal with the Jedi was a mistake. We got screwed over too, man. Not just you. It wasn’t my fault!”

A large Iktochi started to stand up, clearly prepared to make his presence known to Stryfe. With a speed that would have rivaled a Force user Stryfe pulled one of his blasters from its holster and swung the bladed portion across the alien’s neck. The Iktochi gripped his throat as blood poured out before dropping to the ground dead. By the time the others at the table were reacting Stryfe had both blasters leveled at the Rodian, “I’m not here to discuss the Jedi, Biith. Nor am I interested in killing anymore of your men. I’m just here for some information. Keep your lapdogs under control and we won’t have a problem.”

Biith did the equivalent of a frown for a Rodian and motioned for everyone to relax. His companions sat back and Stryfe lowered his weapons. Biith then looked past the armored merc to the white clad Zeltron behind him. The first thing that caught his attention was the mix of exotic beauty and the hardened look of battle. The second thing were the twin sabers clearly visible at her side. Without taking his eyes off the woman he addressed Stryfe once more, “You’re working with Jedi now? I thought your business was killing them.”

Darth Mortis leaned in close to Biith and whispered in his ear, “Refer to me as a Jedi again, scum, and I will remove your tongue.”

The Rodian leaned back and looked at the merc, “She’s…..charming. What can I do for you, Stryfe?”

“We’re looking for a man. Might refer to himself as either Ryder or Sin. Tends to carry a lightsaber with him.” Stryfe pulled out a small holodisk and turned it on. An image of a fit individual completely clad in white armor appeared. The Rodian studied the image for some time before looking up at the merc, “Yeah I know him. He and his troops shuttle arms through the south port while attempting to bypass Hutt authority.”

Biith stared at Stryfe, “You know he claims to be a Sith Lord, right? Not sure exactly what that means but I do know he is pretty proficient with that laser sword of his.”

Stryfe turned and motioned at Darth Mortis that their business here was concluded. The pair began walking away when the Rodian’s voice was heard once again, “This makes us even now, right? All is forgiven for the whole Jedi situation on Kessel?”

The ebony armored warrior turned and fired six shots from his blaster with incredible speed and wicked accuracy. Biith’s remaining six companions fell dead instantly. The stunned Rodian shook in visible fear as the black visor stared at him, “Yes, my friend. All is forgiven.” The mercenary turned and followed the Sith Lord out of the back room cantina and back onto the streets of the Smuggler’s Moon.
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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Re: Sith'ari: Gods of the Dark Side

Post by Cazzik »

The pair had made their way to the south port and slowly sought out their prey. Just as Biith had predicted the man known as Sin was using several bays to smuggle heavy armaments out of Nar Shaddaa. Undoubtedly the weapons were being sent to his master's followers throughout the Outer Rim. Darth Sin served a warlord named Darth Ares who claimed to be the Dark Lord of the Sith. For the past several years the false Lord had been building his infrastructure and amassing troops and ships in order to conquer the galaxy one system at a time. It was a pathetic plan concocted by someone who was blind to his surroundings......and his true enemies. He expected to continue to annex planets into his New Sith Empire without the Jedi, the Republic, or the Galactic Empire taking notice. Ares did not have the resources to go to war with any of them and the minute they decided to step in he would be finished. Her master's wisdom rang true as she thought about this never reveal yourself until your enemy has already lost. This pretender on the other hand had declared war on any who oppose him without being prepared for the consequences. And that is exactly what she is.........the consequence.

They cloaked themselves in shadow and hid high up where none would find them. Several mercenaries guarded the landing bays and continued to keep watch as more and more weapons were being loaded on the cargo vessels. Mortis used her skills to hide their presence from any nearby Force user, an ability she had become quite adept at thanks to her Master's instruction. Her yellow eyes locked onto the armored clad man as he entered the bay. His white cape floated behind him and he had several lightsabers hanging from his belt in plain view. This man was not attempting to hide who he was. He must fancy himself the New Lord Vader the way he strutted past his men. He was truly a fool no matter how talented he was with a blade.

There was a noise out of sight, near the entrance of the landing bay. Stryfe turned to Mortis, "They've arrived."

She nodded silently. Sin would learn just how foolish he had truly been. Mercenaries flooded into the bay and Sin unhooked his double bladed weapon and began defending the shipment immediately. His men took refuge behind crates and boxes and drew their blasters, returning fire at their new enemies. The pair watched as the confrontation escalated and bodies dropped on both sides. It had been too easy to manipulate this meeting. All it took was an anonymous tip to the Hutts that someone was attempting to bypass their smuggling operations. The cartel would wipe out Sin's men and she would finish the fraud herself, leaving his master to believe that the Hutts had just declared war on him. Ares would undoubtedly retaliate and dwindle away his resources against the Hutts as she drew nearer to eliminating him. All the while her master and his order would remain secret. The true path of the true Sith.
"I'd like to nominate Cazzik for the Sexiest Man on Earth 2010." --Balsa
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