Battle of Ossus

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Battle of Ossus

Post by Cadden »

Darth Trayus watched in silence from his command post on the bridge as the vortex of hyperspace surrounding the viewport. He had just been notified that they would be departing from hyperspace in five minutes, and upon their arrival at Ossus the battle would immediately commence.

He waited patiently until the chronometer hit the zero marker, and the vortex halted, replaced by hundreds of streaking stars before, finally, the distant planet Ossus gradually grew to meet them. The Harbinger, flanked by half a dozen Imperial-class Star Destroyer Mark IIs, decelerated to attack speed, and honed in on its target dead ahead.

"Lord Trayus," the helmsman spoke up, "all ships accounted for and awaiting your command."

"Keep them in formation," he ordered. "They will provide a buffer for any attacks on the Harbinger." The man acknowledged the order and Trayus looked to the port of the ship as two of the Star Destroyers closed in, blocking a small cadre of defenses in the distance. If this is all the Jedi have managed to muster, this battle is already over, he thought. But Trayus was not one to take unnecessary risks. It was unlikely that their entire defenses had arrived, a tactical advantage that he was looking forward to exploiting. The only thing he required was enough time to get the Eclipse within firing range of the planet. One well placed shot was all it would take to end the Order. He had already decimated their precious City of the Jedi, and made an example of their temple on Onderon. But it was Ossus that would declare him the winner of this war.

"My lord," an officer spoke up, "enemy forces have engaged."

Trayus grinned. Good. They were taking the bait. "Proceed as planned," he ordered. One slip-up could mean the end of this battle, even his war. Anything short of the Jedi Order's annihilation was failure to him. "Keep the defense grid tight, I don't want them breaking through." The Star Destroyers surrounding the Eclipse were mostly expendable, though they certainly wouldn't go down without a fight, and offered more than the majority of the Jedi forces in the system could in terms of defenses and firepower.

* * *

On the surface of Ossus, alarm klaxons rang as Jedi and soldiers alike were scrambling for their stations. To L'hnnar, it could only have meant one thing. Darth Trayus had arrived. Each person had their own role to play in this battle, and he knew his well. Given his relationship with Faarel, the Council requested that L'hnnar stayed planet side and serve as a means of defense against any potential ground assaults. He had also taken it upon himself to seek out Aaralyn, in order to provide her some much needed counsel on the upcoming events. No doubt she would be hot to try to take her brother down again, and while L'hnnar found that motive commendable to a degree, he also saw some very flawed logic. It was that very motivation of hers that wound her in the predicament she was currently in, and he for one could not allow it to repeat itself.

OOC: Not much, but it should get this rolling, anyway. Let's do this thang and call it a day....
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Re: Battle of Ossus

Post by Pryde »

"Frak," Nova cursed as the swarm of red blips converged on their position. They had only just arrived at Ossus and already they were in the thick of the battle. "Scramble all defense fighters! I want a tight grid around the Skywalker, nothing gets through!"

She had been dreading this moment ever since she got the order to return to Ossus. The praxeum ship wasn't exactly designed for war but the Order needed every ship it could muster right now and looking out at the pitiable force arrayed against Trayus right now that number wasn't very much. Did the Republic even make it in time? She couldn't tell, they barely had any time to take stock of the situation before warning klaxons sounded throughout the ship. She glanced behind her at Tsivoin who stared at the view port with wide eyes. She was aware of his anxiety towards being in space but there wasn't much she could do about that now. She had intended to send him to the surface where he would be more useful but in a way she was kind of glad to have him with her right now. His presence was rather comforting.

"Well, I guess Faye won't be taking command of the ship just yet," she said with a shrug, "Looks like we get to be the first line of defense."


Master Faye Ward stood with Makaera Tor and other members of the Jedi Council around a holo table projecting images from space. She had only just received word that the Skywalker had arrived in system and was about to ride a shuttle up to the massive ship to resume her command of it. However, shortly after Nova had called in her arrival other ships began dropping out of hyperspace and heading towards the planet. Given their trajectory, formation and speed it wasn't hard to figure out it was Trayus' attack force heading right for them. The smaller ships encircled the Harbinger, creating a screen to protect the larger vessel.

"He'll use the smaller star destroyers as cover until he's within firing range," Jedi Master Par said.

"Will the shield hold up against a blast of that magnitude," Shar Temm asked from the other side of the table.

"It's Rakatan technology," Par answered, "Far more powerful than the shield that protected Onderon. It should be able to withstand a determined assault."

Faye was busy watching the holographic ships hovering high above the surface of the planet. On one of those ships her old padawan and her charge were caught in the middle of what had suddenly become a losing battle. "The Harbinger is the key to Trayus' entire plan, without it...," she left the rest hanging in the air but the others around the table understood her meaning. Somehow they had to break through Trayus' screen and destroy that ship...
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Re: Battle of Ossus

Post by Foxx »

Makaera’s face was a mask, though a mix of emotions went on, underneath the surface. There was a calm though, through the tempest that swirled through her. She had to have faith. Faith that Renato and Tone had accomplished the objective that she had given them. Unlike the master to her side, the Togruta was unsure whether or not the shield would hold. True, it was possibly the strongest shield possessed by any one organization in the entire galaxy, but that did not mean that it was invincible. Since the ships that the Antarian Rangers had amassed would not be able to stop the Harbinger, soon the mettle of that shield would be tested.

Her grip on the table was ironclad. Those who looked at her, saw no emotion, no expression, no movement. No movement, save for eyes that flitted from data feed to data feed, trying to maintain a good grasp of the events that historians would chronicle and argue about in years to come. All of their accounts would be half-truths, as they wouldn’t have witnessed it all first hand. Makaera was a witness, and the imagery was being burned into her mind.

“If we can stop the Harbinger…” A random Jedi Knight said.

“With what forces?” Kali Skywalker replied. “We do not have the offensive capabilities to thwart a ship of that size.” She said.

The woman in charge of the Temple itself was right. If anyone knew the capabilities of the forces at the Temple, it would be Kali Skywalker. The Nautolan turned to Makaera. “You did speak with the Minister of State, Grandmaster?” She asked.

Makaera merely nodded, remaining silent. She had indeed spoken to Roman Kato, and they had discussed the topic of the New Republic sending a fleet to assist the Jedi Order. She had paid for that request by accepting the request that a decision be made concerning the Jedi Order’s official status in relation with the New Republic. Both leaders understood that it was time for the two organizations to once more be married at the hip. They had tried to be separate and there had been many successes. But at the same time there had been many failures.

Weaknesses on both sides had been pointed out. Weaknesses that now, various enemies were using to target the Jedi order. It seemed as though the Order was constantly on the edge of some disaster. From what was happening here to the situation that was developing with foes that thought themselves able to ransack the Library archives with impunity, to other countless fires that burned throughout the galaxy.

Burning brighter still with the focus of the Jedi here, on Ossus.

The worries were her own, shared in some modicum by many others. But Makaera knew that in order to do something about those worries, she first needed to put to rest the one that was causing the pounding headache to rage.

Then it happened.


Pinpricks of light shifted and twisted, an ugly amalgation of distorted quantum science. Though some might have considered it unnatural, to species such as the Duros or the Sullustans, or to the humans who called Corellia home, there were few things more beautiful. This was a glimpse of speeds faster than light, of a space where things moved with blinding alacrity. Precision was required to make the trip with an acceptable measure of danger and predicament, and the man who stood on the bridge of one of the larger vessels in the fleet turned and looked at the man who was in charge of guiding them through this nebulous fog.

“Like a shepherd, with the lost and strays, a beacon through the night.” He said.

The navigations officer didn’t even bother to acknowledge the words of praise, he continued to do his job.

The one on the higher level continued to walk, claws careful not to scratch the polished white metal of the flooring. He stopped when he reached the chair of the commanding officer, who was not just the commanding officer of the ship, but of the whole fleet that was hurtling through space, hell bent on safeguarding the damned.

“You chose not to accept the promotion.” He said.

“It didn’t seem right.” The other said, in the chair. “What use is a title if the person lacks the ability to command at that level?” He asked. “A High Admiral, or a Fleet Admiral, or whatever one wants to call oneself, they can tack on whatever awards or honorifics they choose, their abilities aren’t enhanced by the gratuitous actions. Their tides are just as strong, no more, no less.”

The standing being’s white fur rippled in appreciation. “I feel as though you and I will get along quite well.” He said. A smile cracked his features. “Almost, swimmingly, as your kind would say.” He turned when he felt the presence of two additional people. “Ah, Padawans Farani and Krellisk.” He said. “It is good that you are here.”

“Would we not be better suited in the medical wards, Padawan Margreve?” Tone asked.

“No, no. Many years have pasted since I have fought this fight. Assistance is a boon I may require.” Tyrian Margreve said.

“He wants an audience.” The seated man said, an eye rotating to better see the three Jedi.

“You wound me with words spoken in jest. I do feel this friendship is a union blest.” Tyrian replied.

Tone just nodded. She was still getting used to the way that Tyrian spoke. Sometimes he spoke rather plainly and straightforward, but then, sometimes even midsentence, he would change to a sing-song, almost poem style of speak.

Then they were there.

Around a hundred ships of the Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic reverted from lightspeed. First one ship, then another, then groupings of them. All of their nav systems had been slaved to the command ship. A ship that had a rich history and had only recently been refitted to see battle once more.

Home One.

The Mon Calamari in the chair turned and looked at Tyrian. “I believe it’s time for your meditation.” He said, before turning back to the battle. “All ships, fire at will. Fighters launch and engage the enemy. Our objective is to destroy the enemy fleet. We will start with the Harbinger.”
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Re: Battle of Ossus

Post by Cadden »

The enemy fleet jumped in. Trayus just looked on in silence, no indication of whether he was surprised or expecting their arrival. No word was spoken, and to any but the most in-tune to the Force at that very moment would not have caught the subtlety coming from him as he projected a single, short command out. Finally, he turned his head to see his executive officer looking on with nervousness. "Calm yourself, captain," he assured the man. "We stay on course, we stay on the defensive. The enemy fleet is of no concern to us."

He could tell the sentiments were not shared by any one of the crew members of the Harbinger, but chose to ignore it. To disobey his commands were to tempt death itself. And so the small offensive of ships maintained their course, ignoring the incoming fleet. It would have been considered an unusual spectacle to those observing it, had they not known what was about to happen upon them.

Not one minute after his statement, the remainder of his fleet jumped into the system, pinning the Republic forces between itself and the Harbinger. Darth Trayus just looked on with satisfaction as the new arrivals deployed their fighter and bomber craft. The fleet would provide an adequate enough distraction against the Republic's and Jedi's own, to where they would have no choice but to divide their attention, or face annihilation. Their mere presence alone would not turn the tide of the battle back in his favor, but it was a step in the right direction.
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Re: Battle of Ossus

Post by Mir »

The Mon Calamari in the command chair of the Home One was a student of history. He had grown up reading the history of the great battles that had transpired in the past. His uncle had been a constant reminder, as he had gotten older, that victory was always achievable, despite the odds. That same uncle had taught him that humility was the key to success. Always understanding that there were those that were better than you and always understanding that there was more to learn.

His uncle had faced a vessel with a superlaser, though much less in strength than the one before him. He had come through that battle unscathed and victorious. Maybe history would repeat itself this day. At the moment, they didn’t have any information on whether or not the superlaser was functional and that was going to be a deciding factor, at least to him, whether or not the New Republic and the Jedi Order were successful in this fight.


The voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He had been watching the turbolasers start to pound away at the small force that this Dark Lord had brought with him to attack Ossus with. The chair turned and he looked at Tone Krellisk.

“Yes, Jedi Krellisk?” He asked.

“Does this not all seem odd to you?” Tone asked. “Six Star Destroyers and an Eclipse-class is all that this Dark Lord brings to Ossus?” She asked.

“Jedi Krellisk, the Eclipse-class itself could be considered a fleet.” The Mon Calamari replied.

“When I would watch the family’s animals and protect them against predators, I could hold off many, if need be, though I was just one.” Renato said.

“I know, it just seems…” Tone said, trailing off. She turned to Tyrian, but his eyes were closed, as he was already beginning to retreat deep into himself, to conduct the Battle Meditation that would be required to win the battle.

“Admiral, we’re receiving reports of hyperspace reversion.” One of the Mon Calamari officers said.

Suddenly another one spoke. “Admiral, we have ships in Sectors Eight and Nine.”

He looked down at the data that was scrolling across his screen. His eyes widened.

“It’s a trap!” The Mon Calamari called out. “Each Task Force is to break away from the command element and engage the newly arrived forces. The command element will continue to support the Skywalker in the fight against the Harbinger.” Admiral Ackbar said. “Now, the real fight begins.”
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Re: Battle of Ossus

Post by Shaggy »

Daer'Gunn felt it before the alarms went off and Araya's head spun as the Force alarm hit her as well. Both were in a dead run towards the council chambers when the full alarms began to sound. They entered the room with the rest of the council. Everyone was already there and the battle plan had just started.

"He'll use the smaller star destroyers as cover until he's within firing range," Jedi Master Par said.

"Will the shield hold up against a blast of that magnitude," Shar Temm asked from the other side of the table.

"It's Rakatan technology," Par answered, "Far more powerful than the shield that protected Onderon. It should be able to withstand a determined assault."

The rest of the talk faded to the background as visions of Onderon started to flash before Daer'Gunn's eyes. "I can't allow that to happen... not again... not here!

"Master Makaera, the Sunrider is in orbit and awaiting your order. I have my ship here and can be in route to her quickly enough. Her shields and armor are thick, plus she could provide some defensive capabilities against those smaller destroyers."

Araya was already in contact with Smoke and the loyal droid was prepping the White Flame for lift off. This time Trayus would not catch them unprepared for his assault.
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Re: Battle of Ossus

Post by Cadden »

The enemy fleet was breaking up to respond to the new arrivals. Darth Trayus grinned, it was just as he had predicted. He watched as his Star Destroyers clashed with their cruisers, and the fighters engaged in dogfights all around the battlefield. Interceptors were moving to engage bombers of both sides, while laserfire, torpedoes, and missiles lit up the vacuum of space. It was glorious. Beautiful.

And this is where the Jedi will fall... and the galaxy to follow.... he thought. He gaze shifted back to Ossus, still several dozen kilometers out of his superlaser's range. He could sense the urgency in the Jedi and New Republic's efforts, but in the distance he could sense an unusual confidence, coming from Ossus itself. Almost calm, even. The sense of urgency was there, still, but there was something else.

The shields surrounding the bridge flashed momentarily as a couple stray torpedoes collided against them. Trayus averted his gaze habitually to the impact site and looked out at the battlefield once more. In the distance, he could make out an MC80 Star Cruiser, put in a position of a distant offensive. He observed the ship's movements for a moment, and focused his attention toward it and its occupants. He could feel the Force emanating from the ship. Focused, determined. This was going to prove to be a hindrance on his plans if he were to leave it alone. The wills of his men would be crippled, and the battle would be lost before they even got within range of Ossus.

He narrowed his eyes. "Captain," he said without turning his focus away from the MC80, "assign a task force to engage that ship." He pointed directly at the Star Cruiser. "I want it destroyed at all costs."

"Yes, my lord," the captain said, and turned to relay his orders. It wasn't long until two of his Shadow-class Star Destroyers, accompanied by four of the Sith-class, were maneuvering to engage the ship.

There was a short pause before Trayus spoke again. "Deploy the Shadow Droids," he commanded. He reached out with the Force and connected with each of the Droids' embedded brains, linking them with his own consciousness. He would give them their commands directly, and guide them through the battle. Everyone had their orders, now, and it was only a matter of waiting until they would lay their strike against the Jedi Order, and demonstrate to the galaxy the meaning of true power.
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Re: Battle of Ossus

Post by Vox »

Jedi Holocron Gate Keeper Santis Rawl
Excerpt from Journal Entry #493
Most Recent Access: Three days ago by Freedom Nadd

...The Force is a mystery to everyone. Even those who use it. It can be used in the smallest of ways to pinch closed an artery like stitches until medical help arrives or it can pull a starship out of space if the user is powerful enough. There is no limit to it. The only limit is the sentient being trying to control it and its ability to do so, or more correctly the Forces ability to pass through that being...

Jedi Holocron Gate Keeper Santis Rawl
Excerpt from Journal Entry #753
Most Recent Access: Three days ago by Freedom Nadd

...Contacting other Force users for albeit brief communication isn't limited to what I mentioned in previous writings. It is a skill that must be taught but even if you do not know who you are contacting you can use this skill. For instance, if you were to disguise yourself but a Force user tries to contact you the Force will know who you are. The disguise may fool those around you, but the Force doesn't see the disguise only who you actually are...


In the middle of the battle with ships moving in a ballet of death where fighters wove through turbolaser fire and danced like moths around a fire a message made it's way to the bridge of The Harbinger. It was a horrible time for a message to be sent, most communications officers would ignore it or even delete a message sent in combat. This message was different though, it was untraceable and unstoppable. Only the Force knew who it came from and who it was going to. Only the sender would know its origin. Only the recipient would know it was received. It was exactly when the message needed to arrive however; it was arriving when the recipient was distracted enough to let his guard down...

Don't you think it's time to stop playing with those toys of yours and come home....Mandalore...
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Re: Battle of Ossus

Post by Cadden »

The battle was shifting between Trayus's favor and that of his enemies' each moment. The officers onboard the Harbinger informed him that the Mon Calamari cruiser he directed his forces to engage was likely the Republic's flagship for this operation. It was the Home One. Trayus had never seen the ship before, but he knew of its reputation, and the reputation of its famous commanding officer, Admiral Ackbar. He pondered for a moment if Ackbar himself was even onboard the craft, but deemed the information irrelevant. Such musings were a distraction, as the favor he gained over the battlefield could easily be countered by whoever was onboard that ship, motivating the Republic's and Jedi's forces while waning his own.

As if on queue, something came to him. A message, through the Force, but it was deemed impossible to trace where it came from. Whoever had sent it to him, they knew him. But given the contents and context of the message, it did not seem that they really understood who, or what, he truly was. It was almost as though it were a sound for help, but without knowing anything more than the message itself it was difficult to determine.

Don't you think it's time to stop playing with those toys of yours and come home....Mandalore...

Mandalore... the word practically sang to him. It brought back memories that he had repressed for the past two years. Better memories. Memories... before all of this. It was the distraction that his enemies were hoping for, enough to turn the tide in their favor. "My lord," he heard Admiral Ondi speak up, interrupting his thoughts, "we've lost one of our Star Destroyer escorts." Trayus frowned, and pushed passed the distraction, burying it deep. If they lost one more of the Star Destroyers surrounding the Harbinger, the Republic and Jedi could make a frontal assault against the ship and turn the tide with little difficulty.

He could not take that risk. It was highly unlikely they would be within range of the planet before the ship came under attack, and so he had to push his flagship's primary weapon back as a secondary measure. "Deploy the ground assault forces," he ordered.

"My lord?" the admiral responded. "At this range? We would likely lose half of them before they even reached orbit."

"We will lose all of them if we wait," he argued. "Deploy them." His voice was harsh and commanding, this time. In the tone that dared him to defy his orders. Adar hesitated but a brief moment before he turned and relayed the Sith Lord's orders to his commanding personnel. Darth Trayus gazed back out into the vacuum of space, and observed the battle as it continued to develop around him. His escorts were taking the brunt of the combined forces' assault, as was the intention of their presence, but it would not take long before they would become ineffective at this job. The advantage was shifting in his enemies' favor, and the balance had to change soon, else all would be for naught.

He focused once more on his Shadow Droids, and relayed new orders to their integrated brains. They began to swarm the enemy bombers and take on their fighter escorts. While the Harbinger was now secondary priority, it was still an essential part to his plans. It not only served as the key to victory, but it was also the very symbol of his fleet and its backbone. Should the Eclipse fall, his forces would be scattered, and the battle would be lost.
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Re: Battle of Ossus

Post by Pryde »

The Skywalker shook again as blaster fire pelted the ship's shields. Elena braced herself against a nearby console as her eyes took in the surrounding battle. "One of the Harbinger's escorts has been destroyed," Captain Mak Flemming informed her, "At the rate we're going we should be able to break through before the Harbinger is in weapon's range."

"Should?" Elena asked him pointedly.

Mak shrugged, "Well, things happen."

More red blips lit up on the screen as landing craft launched from Trayus' ships and made a beeline for the planet. Some of the Republic's forces as well as those commanded by the Jedi diverted their attack to deal with the new threat. "Like that," Mak pointed out, "Our focus should be on the Harbinger, but if that army makes it planet side they may not need their big guns."

"The temple has its own defenses."

"Enough to counter that," he pointed at the holo display in front of them.

Elena watched the swarm of enemy ships close on Ossus. Flemming was right, they had two options. Either they could focus fire on the Harbinger's escort fleet or deal with the landing craft. They didn't have enough forces to handle both--at least not before the Harbinger was in range of its main weapon.

"Get me the commander of the Republic fleet," she said finally.

One of the deckhands nodded and began hailing the Republic flagship. Meanwhile Flemming looked over at Elena. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking I've got a ship full of Jedi just sitting around cooling their heels," She told him, "It's time we went on the offensive..."
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Re: Battle of Ossus

Post by Cadden »

Cazzik Wyn had begun to assemble a small team of Jedi to accompany him on his mission. This was it, the final moments of this war. It would be decided, here, the fate of the galaxy, and that of the Jedi Order. He could not simply wait idly for Trayus's forces to reach them. They had to go on the offensive.

Among the Jedi who accompanied him onboard the Hyperion were Jedi Master Daer'Gunn, Guan Blackthorne (against Cazzik's personal wishes), Aaralyn Blackthorne (against the Council's wishes), and the unknown face of one Lok Tarkis, who was tasked by the group Aaralyn had been in refuge with to train her and be her mentor. He knew he would get a lot of flak from the Council for bringing her along, but Cazzik was one of the few within the Order who saw this situation in a completely unorthodox manner. He saw Trayus as Cadden, yes… but he also saw Trayus as something completely separate from his old friend.

There has to be some good in him somewhere, he thought. This isn't him. Not the real him. There's something else going on, here. But… what? He had felt something very… off about Cadden, even from the first time they clashed on Tython, before Cazzik had made the connection he was Trayus. And, looking back, ever since Sivter attacked Onderon, even. He sensed… another presence alongside Cadden's. A dark presence… very dark… and very powerful. No doubt Daer'Gunn had sensed it, as well.

"My brother had made a deal with the Devil," Aaralyn explained to them. "I sensed this darksider's presence in him and sought to save him from it. But its hold on him was too strong, and… I failed." There was a look of shame and guilt on her face. Cazzik didn't have the whole story, but he knew enough of what happened to her. It was one reason why he risked so much to bring her along. "If we cannot save him… well… we must stop him."

Cazzik could sense the conflict in her upon saying that. "You're angry," he said, and she looked at him. She seemed to open her feelings. "At him. At what he's done, and why he did it. I understand. We will save him. What he's done as Trayus… this isn't him, Aaralyn. You need to understand this. Everyone has lost something to this crusade of his. But it isn't his crusade, it's this darksider's who's in control. You no doubt felt the same conflict I did when you faced him. Cadden never wanted this, any of it." All he wanted was Sivter's death, he thought. And he got much more than he bargained for.

"Which is why you want to be directly involved in this," Daer'Gunn chimed in. He knew what Cazzik did: if it were anyone else, Cadden would be facing extreme charges for crimes he was powerless to prevent himself from doing. The resulting sentence would have been no less extreme. "What do you intend to do if we succeed?"

"I intend to right some wrongs, and give him a chance." Cazzik was very calm and rational about this, despite what he had gone through with Trayus. But his approach had changed significantly after he learned Trayus was Cadden, and Cadden was not in control of his own actions. He had not been in this exact situation before, but he figured that, if he could be saved and forgiven for his past actions, that Cadden deserved the same opportunity. "And, if I cannot do that, then there's only one option we have left."

"He's better than that," Guan said. It was the sound of a son desperate to save his father. Was this what Luke Skywalker had gone through with Darth Vader, Cazzik wondered? He could only imagine what Guan was going through right now. "He's stronger than that. There has to still be some good in him… he has to have some control left…." There was a hint of desperation in Guan's voice.

There's something else going on here, with him, Cazzik noted. He needed to make it a point to ask Guan what else was bothering him, later. "There is," he assured Guan. "The problem is, will he be able to overcome this spirit's hold over him? I don't want to take extreme measures any more than you do, but we need to be prepared to do what the situation calls for."

They grew silent as the Hyperion neared Darth Trayus's landing craft. Cazzik looked them over on the radar and visually as he could. There were a lot of signatures in the Force present, but none of them were familiar to him. Trayus was not among them. He's using them not only as his ground troops, but also as bait to draw attention away from his ship, he noted. He opted to steer clear of the landing craft, despite his own skills as a pilot or the capabilities of his ship. Any direct engagement would have been nothing short of suicide, and they needed as much protection as they could afford if they were to get to the Harbinger intact.

A hand came upon his shoulder and Cazzik spared a glance at Daer'Gunn. "You sure about this?" the other said. "We've both gone up against him, and I'm not as confident as you are this will work."

"No," Cazzik admitted, "I'm not. But if we don't try…." He let the thought trail off. Best not to wander there, in present company.
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Re: Battle of Ossus

Post by Mir »

Overseeing the entire field of battle was a daunting task, considering the firepower of both fleets, and the sheer number of ships that the New Republic had brought. The Open Circle fleet was spread out and well arrayed, concentrating fire based off various strategies and objectives. But the Mon Calamari in charge of everything was making it look effortless. However, he was indeed being helped by the presence of the Jedi who was using Battle Meditation to knit the hearts and minds of the fleet’s members together, uniting them behind a singular task.

It freed up the Mon Calamari to do things like answer a communications request from the commander of the Skywalker.

“This is Jedi Knight Elena Connor, to whom am I speaking to?” She asked.

“My name is Ackbar.” The Mon Calamari replied, and Elena’s face changed.

“You don’t look like Admiral Ackbar.” She said, looking at his rank which did denote him as an Admiral.

“He’s my uncle. You didn’t choose this moment to discuss my heritage, I think, Master Jedi.”

“No, you’re right.” Elena said, nodding. Nobody had ever said that Nova didn't waste time during a fight. “I wish to coordinate with you regarding using the Skywalker as a transport of sort, to induce a boarding situation of the Harbinger.”

“Working it in to the master plan requires the presence of a rational man. Luckily for you and all we involve, this is simple for me to resolve.” Tyrian said in his rhyming way. The Togorian smiled, though his eyes were closed, and he floated, cross legged, near where Ackbar sat. “Commence your attack, Jedi Connor, remember we fight for more than honor. A bath of blood awaits our forces, when Darth Trayus does retort.”

“I believe he is saying that the tide is in your favor.” Ackbar said, pausing for a moment to peer at the Jedi next to him with a quizzical look on his face.
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Re: Battle of Ossus

Post by Cadden »

OOC: A certain someone :P has been generously reminding me to post. I haven't been feeling it is done, yet, but I've been sitting on it for too long. So... here's my cut-short leading-to-the-finale post....


The Hyperion was nearing the Harbinger, having taken minimal damage thanks to Cazzik's opting to take a safer route, avoiding a majority of enemy fire, to get there. The route had cost them a few additional minutes, but it was worth it, Cazzik noted. "Aaralyn," he said, "you know the layout of the ship. Think you could tap into the shield control officer's mind, get him to temporarily lower them at our approach vector?" It wouldn't have been long, if they timed it right, and as such their landing would likely go unnoticed. Assuming, of course, there was nobody guarding the docking bay to report their arrival to Darth Trayus.

Knowing that Trayus was Cadden, now, Cazzik knew he would not back down from a fight. However, he also knew his friend-turned-enemy would also not abandon whatever tactical advantages he might have in favor of personal business, and as such would much rather simply throw whatever he had at them when they boarded.

Aaralyn nodded, and prepped herself for Cazzik's word. She used that time to seek out the officer, but did not tap into his mind just yet. She didn't want to give their intentions away. No doubt her brother… or, rather, that thing that was controlling him… would sense something amiss the second they executed their plan, and so she needed to be meticulous about this.

As they neared the Eclipse, Cazzik gave her the word, and Aaralyn focused on the officer. A subtle suggestion was planted in the man's mind, causing the Harbinger's shields at their location to completely phase out for just a brief moment, allowing the Hyperion to pass through unharmed.

That was when things got interesting. Cazzik cut power to the aft and side shields, diverting the power equally to the forward shields and engines. The ship bucked forward, and the Eclipse began to fire its laser cannons their way. Cazzik made minor adjustments to their vector to limit the number of hits to the shields, while remaining on course.

"So much for a quiet operation," Daer'Gunn said.

Cazzik grimaced. He was expecting this, but that didn't make it any less surprising. "Things are going to get a little rough," he said.

The ship hurtled toward the hangar bay, taking hits against its strengthened shields, and Cazzik maneuvered his way to their intended destination. Despite a vast majority of the craft now absent, Cazzik and his gunner fired a hail of laserfire at the remaining ships and the soldiers guarding the hangar, tearing through the weakened defenses.

Cazzik touched down in an unharmed area, and the Jedi occupants immediately sprung into action, as the boarding ramp lowered and the Hyperion's passengers rushed out to finish the job. The Jedi made quick work of the soldiers and mechanized infantry that guarded the hangar. Cazzik turned his attention to Aaralyn. She knew the ship's layout better than anyone. "Aaralyn," he said, "we need to get to the bridge. Trayus will be there."

She nodded and motioned them to follow her. Cazzik was unusually comfortable with her leading on, despite some of the other Jedi within the Order believing she was beyond redemption. She wants to save him, he noted. Though, from what I've gathered, she wouldn't be wholly adverse to killing him, either…. Cazzik couldn't let that happen. Cadden had to answer for his crimes. And, perhaps, the Jedi Order could even discern just what was going on, here, in the process.

They fought their way toward the bridge, coming across standard patrol units and guards alike. Trayus was expecting a boarding party to come aboard his ship, and at least mostly consisting of Jedi, as they encountered dark Jedi, troops, and droids capable of combating Jedi.
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Re: Battle of Ossus

Post by Cadden »

The fight toward the bridge was wrought worth both unexpected encounters and those they could have easily anticipated. Many of the troops and droids they fought through were what Cazzik considered "leftovers" from when the Cylon Imperium had been an active entity. He could only assume it fell victim to Trayus's conquests.

They were getting closer, now, as their adversaries were getting more determined to put them down. But Cazzik's team was well-trained, and even Guan, despite his injury and handicapped state, was well enough in holding his own. Aaralyn led them to the final lift that would take them to the bridge.

"This way," she said as the door slid open. Cazzik was half-expecting to see some opposition, yet was surprised to see an empty lift. Unless, of course, this particular route will lead us to our doom, he noted. They weren't at the bottom of the shaft, so it could just as easily go down as it could up.

They took that chance and boarded the lift, heading up toward the bridge, their objective. It felt longer than it took, partially due to anticipating a trap lying it wait for them, but surprisingly there was no incident while they climbed the ship's levels.

The lift stopped at the bridge level, and the group poured out, springing immediately into action to dispose of the droids awaiting them. The ambush was weak, though Cazzik suspected it was just a taste of what was to come. They fought their way to the bridge proper, where, at the observation platform stood who Cazzik could only assume was Darth Trayus himself.

"Welcome, Jedi," Trayus spoke without turning to face them. "You are just in time to see the end of your pathetic Order."

It wasn't until they caught a glimpse of the battlefield from the viewports that Cazzik realized that things had taken a gradual turn for the worst. While they still were fighting strong, the Jedi and New Republic forces were slowly being pushed back. The situation had become dire.

"Father," Guan spoke up, stepping forward, "please, stop this madness. This isn't you. Turn yourself in, let the Jedi help you!"

Trayus laughed. "I'm not your father, BOY!" He turned to face the Jedi as they all began their approach, lightsabers ignited and in readied defensive positions. "You managed to thwart my plans before, but you will not succeed this time."

That was all the information Guan needed to know to fully assess the situation. It was that... Nomad Soul... that he and Jerik purged from Cadden's body back at Udine six years ago. Or so they thought. Clearly they were mistaken. And, it was far more powerful this time.

"Blackthorne's own kin failed to save him, you will have no further success," Trayus continued. "Now, take witness to your demise."

The main side rooms opened up and produced several individuals dressed in garb similar to that of Trayus's. From the command consoles below leapt more of these individuals, and two others approached Trayus's side, one was dressed similarly to the others but the individual sported a uniqueness to his style that Cazzik could only deduce meant a position of leadership. The other was a Noghri clothed in black robes. Trayus didn't even speak a word, as suddenly the groups were upon them.

It was Cazzik's small boarding party versus not fewer than three dozen dark Jedi. The odds were against them in nearly every way, as their enemies possessed both skill and numbers. But many of them were also no match for two seasoned Jedi Master warriors and their entourage of skilled fighters.

A handful of the dark Jedi were felled with a few minutes, but their numbers countered the unbalanced skill. These odds seemed strikingly evident to Trayus, as he sent both individuals whom were at his side into the fray, and soon after that even he joined in, after somewhere around the tenth casualty.

That was when the fight got interesting, as Cazzik once again found himself squaring off against the man he once called friend. The two clashed blades, exchanging offensive and defensive mandatory l maneuvers while each attempted to find the upper hand to win the battle and declare the final victor between the two.

In the midst of the battle outside, a new contender emerged from lightspeed, not far from the Harbinger's position. Workout hesitation or delay, the commander of the array of capital ships, Taelic Lankeneau, ordered concentrated firepower against the Eclipse's bridge. The various Sith-class Star Destroyers, Nession-class Cruisers, and Apollyon l-class Assault Cruisers gave the Eclipse all they had to offer. Turbolasers, laser cannons, and proton torpedoes alike lit up space as the newly arrivals' full fury impacted against the Eclipse's shields. In a matter of a couple minutes, they finally cut through.

The explosions against the ship's hull sent the entire bridge's occupants stumbling. Trayus spared a glance around to examine the bridge's structural integrity before grimacing. He tapped into the radar officer's mind to determine the threat to his plans. The ship's that were raining hell down on them were unmistakably Sith Empire owned. This tien of events caught him completely by surprise, and it showed in his fighting. The ship would become incapacitated if they kept this barrage up, and it would only be a matter of time before it was completely dead. He assessed the situation, and quickly came to the decision that he could no longer win this battle. His plans had been foiled by a completely disinterested party, which he could only assume was here only because it determined his workings behind their war agadir the New Republic.

With little regard for his Hands of Darkness's lives, or any others on the bridge, Trayus worked his way to the exit, and departed the scene. The ship was rocking violently, now, and if he delayed much longer he could likely become a casualty.

Worth the bridge exposed, the Sith fleet began to spread out its firepower, targeting caps other key critical sections of the ship. Its fighters and bombers had now joined in to weaken and expose parts of the Eclipse's shields through concentrated firepower. With very little to contend against them, Taelic was confident they could put it down with minimal losses.

Now the whole ship was put on red alert. Despite the Harbinger's superior shielding, even it was subject to repeated impacts against segments of its own defenses, and gradually, with each passing minute, it was losing its tactical advantage. Trayus moved through the ship with urgency, knowing the Jedi would not be far behind. The battle was, effectively, over now. He had no further aces up his sleeve, and there was no advantage to be found in turning on the defensive. The combined forces of the Jedi, New Republic, and Sith Empire more than evened the odds, they turned them around. All that Trayus could do, now, was one last gambit. And knowing Cazzik as well as he did, all that had to be done was lure them into his trap.

It took several minutes to reach the hangar which housed his ship. He considered trapping the Jedi here by disabling theirs, but knew time was too short. During his escape the ship had buckled at least half a dozen times, and without information on what systems were likely to go first, he could not take any risks. The Shadow Hunter busy from the hangar bay and spiraled out of the combat zone. A couple minutes later, Cazzik's Hyperion took pursuit.

Trayus opened a communications channel. "Darth Invictus," he spoke, "the Eclipse has been lost. Ossus cannot be conquered this day. Bring the 1st Defense Fleet to Morazis. We can still salvage this situation and turn it into something to our advantage."

Without waiting for a response, Trayus killed the comm. The ship was ready for lightspeed, and shortly after burst forward, leaving the dieing Eclipse behind, and a fleet quickly dissolving into disarray.

OOC: Long time coming, and certainly not how I had originally thought of doing this, but it is what it is. Wrapping up posts will take place over in Dawn of Darkness thread. It's on you guys how you want to wrap up Ossus.

I also apologize for any weirdness in words or whatnot. My phone isn't very forgiving, and I can't catch all the errors it produces. :?

Edit: This post continues here.
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