New Republic/Galactic Empire: Ignition Point
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New Republic/Galactic Empire: Ignition Point
OOC: Someone suggest a better title.
An Imperial Grand Admiral standing on the bridge of a New Republic Star Destroyer.
The irony and almost absurdity of the situation wasn’t lost on anyone.
“Captured this from the Empire. A few months or so after the Battle of Endor.” Rosion said. “This was the Bloodletter.” He said and turned and looked at the Captain of the vessel.
“We, uh, we call her the Freedom’s Reach now, sir.”
“But of course you do.” Rosion said, with a small smile.
The Freedom’s Reach, formerly known as the Bloodletter, was hurtling through space at a speed that could only be described as faster than the speed of light. Hyperspeed as it was more commonly referred to, or lightspeed. It was part of a New Republic fleet that was moving in a combined formation with other New Republic elements based on information that had been presented to both the New Republic and the Galactic Empire by the Crimson Empire. The proper sources had vetted the information, otherwise the forces in motion would have stayed at rest. Making up the majority of the New Republic forces was the most infamous fleet in New Republic history, the Red Dagger Fleet under the command of Commodore Silvers.
The trip was going to be ending soon, and the New Republic forces were already preparing themselves for the lurch that would signal the end to lightspeed, and their arrival in system.
Time would tell what was truly waiting for them when the tunnel of brilliant blue light reverted to pin pricks of stars in the distance against a black back drop.
An Imperial Grand Admiral standing on the bridge of a New Republic Star Destroyer.
The irony and almost absurdity of the situation wasn’t lost on anyone.
“Captured this from the Empire. A few months or so after the Battle of Endor.” Rosion said. “This was the Bloodletter.” He said and turned and looked at the Captain of the vessel.
“We, uh, we call her the Freedom’s Reach now, sir.”
“But of course you do.” Rosion said, with a small smile.
The Freedom’s Reach, formerly known as the Bloodletter, was hurtling through space at a speed that could only be described as faster than the speed of light. Hyperspeed as it was more commonly referred to, or lightspeed. It was part of a New Republic fleet that was moving in a combined formation with other New Republic elements based on information that had been presented to both the New Republic and the Galactic Empire by the Crimson Empire. The proper sources had vetted the information, otherwise the forces in motion would have stayed at rest. Making up the majority of the New Republic forces was the most infamous fleet in New Republic history, the Red Dagger Fleet under the command of Commodore Silvers.
The trip was going to be ending soon, and the New Republic forces were already preparing themselves for the lurch that would signal the end to lightspeed, and their arrival in system.
Time would tell what was truly waiting for them when the tunnel of brilliant blue light reverted to pin pricks of stars in the distance against a black back drop.
Man of Many Faces
Re: New Republic/Galactic Empire: Ignition Point
Dreskul had rendezvoused with Delth shortly outside of Midpoint Station, and listened intently as Delth explained to him what Rosion had done, and where they were going. The Admiral had put together a small portion of the 105th fleet that couldn't be indentified from the lost fleet and they were soon enroute to this lost planet where this ancient artifact was supposed to be located. They had been running through the information on the planet and the potential origin of this artifact, but so far the Imperial Intelligence archives had come up mostly empty.
Delth and Dreskul spoke quietly in his office when the door buzzed. "Enter." Delth said. When he saw who it was, his hand landed on his lightsaber, and Dreskul's on his blaster. It was Rosion's woman.
"Before you kill me, you need to hear what you have to say."
* * *
As usual, the news had reached Simon's ears far sooner that it had the dumb-witted Empire or New Republic. His ships were also faster, and he had already reached the planet with a huge contingent of his men. Rarely had he brought so many of his people to one place at the same time but this was worth it. He could take this thing, and auction it to the highest bidder. He could simply download its contents to the archives along with what he stole from the Xen Chi and had been acquired by the Syndicate over the years. Or he could simply use this prize to finally create the war between the New Republic and Empire that he and his employers were waiting for.
He smiled as his ship reverted from hyperspace. This was going to be fun.
Delth and Dreskul spoke quietly in his office when the door buzzed. "Enter." Delth said. When he saw who it was, his hand landed on his lightsaber, and Dreskul's on his blaster. It was Rosion's woman.
"Before you kill me, you need to hear what you have to say."
* * *
As usual, the news had reached Simon's ears far sooner that it had the dumb-witted Empire or New Republic. His ships were also faster, and he had already reached the planet with a huge contingent of his men. Rarely had he brought so many of his people to one place at the same time but this was worth it. He could take this thing, and auction it to the highest bidder. He could simply download its contents to the archives along with what he stole from the Xen Chi and had been acquired by the Syndicate over the years. Or he could simply use this prize to finally create the war between the New Republic and Empire that he and his employers were waiting for.
He smiled as his ship reverted from hyperspace. This was going to be fun.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Re: New Republic/Galactic Empire: Ignition Point
Amelia Tamaric read the caution on both Delth and Dreskul's faces as she entered his office. She had known the moment Rosion made his defection that Ardin had quietly ordered all of his accompanying entourage to be quietly rounded up for interrogation, yet she had managed to evade the Imperial agents crawling around Midpoint looking for her.
The two stunned guards now laying on either side of Delth's office entrance a testament to her choosing to reveal herself at this narrow window of opportunity before either man killed for out of guilty by association with Rosion.
"Rosion's action reflects part of a grander strategem in motion hear Director. Don't be so hasty as to think he hasn't been dropping hints for you all along." She said, making sure she kept her hands up and visible while keeping her distance. If Delth chose to end her life then there would be very little she could do to stop it, aside from the silent alarm having been tripped and more ISS security no doubt on their way.
"My instructions from him were to let you know the intent behind his actions so that you, the Admiral, and Thrawn could plan accordingly. May I do so, or is that option now forfeit?" She looked both men straight in the eye and kept her tone even as Delth weighed his decision.
The two stunned guards now laying on either side of Delth's office entrance a testament to her choosing to reveal herself at this narrow window of opportunity before either man killed for out of guilty by association with Rosion.
"Rosion's action reflects part of a grander strategem in motion hear Director. Don't be so hasty as to think he hasn't been dropping hints for you all along." She said, making sure she kept her hands up and visible while keeping her distance. If Delth chose to end her life then there would be very little she could do to stop it, aside from the silent alarm having been tripped and more ISS security no doubt on their way.
"My instructions from him were to let you know the intent behind his actions so that you, the Admiral, and Thrawn could plan accordingly. May I do so, or is that option now forfeit?" She looked both men straight in the eye and kept her tone even as Delth weighed his decision.
"Overwhelming odds do not always matter, especially when the valiant warrior knows his only alternative is unacceptable: Death."
Man of Many Faces
Re: New Republic/Galactic Empire: Ignition Point
Delth's hands dropped to the blaster on his waist. He slowly pulled it out and pointed it at the woman. For a moment it hung there, until Delth placed it on the table.
"Make your words count."
Simon arrived on the freighter. Most of his advance team was there, with only Julia and Duncan yet to arrive from Nexus Station. It was a normal cargo run by one of the Company's subsidiaries. They had arrived ahead of the plodding Republoc and Imperial fleets, and with good cause.
At the bottom of the ramp, Simon and his guards were met by his contact on the planet.
"Do you have it"?
"We don't sir. Security around it is too tight, but we have access to it at your convenience."
"We have no time to waste." Simon replied. "Bring me there."
"Make your words count."
Simon arrived on the freighter. Most of his advance team was there, with only Julia and Duncan yet to arrive from Nexus Station. It was a normal cargo run by one of the Company's subsidiaries. They had arrived ahead of the plodding Republoc and Imperial fleets, and with good cause.
At the bottom of the ramp, Simon and his guards were met by his contact on the planet.
"Do you have it"?
"We don't sir. Security around it is too tight, but we have access to it at your convenience."
"We have no time to waste." Simon replied. "Bring me there."
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Re: New Republic/Galactic Empire: Ignition Point
OOC: Dust settling from Tech School and catching up after the fact. Yayers, I suppose. I hope this isn't dead.
The artifact was located within the ruins of an ancient structure deep within the southern mountainous regions of the planet. The ruins themselves were guarded by a mixture of War Droids, Shock Troopers, and even a handful of Morgukai. The artifact specifically was under guard by a small mixture of Sith Agents, overseen by a single Inquisitor, and two dark Jedi. All of these members had shed any indicators of who they truly were, though those with lightsabers did keep them readily accessible, if not well hidden.
The true leader of the device's personal guard was dark Jedi master Soryn Zaimur, hand picked by Darth Trayus himself to oversee the progress of this mission and ensure its success. None of them were told what was within the datacron they guarded, but were given explicit instructions to not activate it.
Soryn could feel the datacron's pull, its call to him. It wanted him to activate it, but he resisted. He knew the others felt it, as well, though their resolve was not so well fortified. A few times, he had to use non-lethal force to ensure the datacron remained unused. While he was not adverse to killing his own, each death resulted in one less person to guard the device until it was ready to be handed over to those it was designated to go to.
It was now just a matter of time. Soon, they were informed, the New Republic and Galactic Empire would be upon this place, and the datacron would shift ownership. Once that happened, Darth Trayus's plans would be set in motion.
The artifact was located within the ruins of an ancient structure deep within the southern mountainous regions of the planet. The ruins themselves were guarded by a mixture of War Droids, Shock Troopers, and even a handful of Morgukai. The artifact specifically was under guard by a small mixture of Sith Agents, overseen by a single Inquisitor, and two dark Jedi. All of these members had shed any indicators of who they truly were, though those with lightsabers did keep them readily accessible, if not well hidden.
The true leader of the device's personal guard was dark Jedi master Soryn Zaimur, hand picked by Darth Trayus himself to oversee the progress of this mission and ensure its success. None of them were told what was within the datacron they guarded, but were given explicit instructions to not activate it.
Soryn could feel the datacron's pull, its call to him. It wanted him to activate it, but he resisted. He knew the others felt it, as well, though their resolve was not so well fortified. A few times, he had to use non-lethal force to ensure the datacron remained unused. While he was not adverse to killing his own, each death resulted in one less person to guard the device until it was ready to be handed over to those it was designated to go to.
It was now just a matter of time. Soon, they were informed, the New Republic and Galactic Empire would be upon this place, and the datacron would shift ownership. Once that happened, Darth Trayus's plans would be set in motion.
Man of Many Faces
Re: New Republic/Galactic Empire: Ignition Point
ooc ill post tomorrow, scout's honor...
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Man of Many Faces
Re: New Republic/Galactic Empire: Ignition Point
ooc this will hopefully get me going
Duncan glanced over at Julia, still dressed in her elegant and extremely expensive business suit, hiding his lust behind the serious and gruff demeanor he usually wore. He loosened his tie, longing for the combat fatigues and combat gear stowed in the small smuggling apartment below the Dejarik table. Duncan despised having to keep up these appearances but he realized it was necessary. Simon had been purposely vague when he contacted the two of them on Nexus Station, likely because of the worry that someone was eaves dropping, even on their encrypted line. It told Duncan how serious this was, and how it might finally give them the means to finally reach their goal: war.
"We're moving into the atmosphere." Locke said from the pilot's seat. Duncan and Julia joined gazes and a nod before Duncan turned on his communicator. He had brought his best men with him from Nexus Station on Simon's request.
"Landing in three minutes." Duncan said. "Do not disembark until I give you the go ahead."
"Copy that boss." Came the response.
"These coordinates are near a very small spaceport. They gave us permission to land before they could have even conducted a proper scan." Locke said. "To call this backwater would be an understatement."
Duncan grunted and looked down at his suit. "Looks like this was overkill."
Julia shrugged, and uncrossed her legs. "You can take the soldier out of the fatigues..."
"Yeah yeah yeah." Duncan said. "Let's just get there."
The shuttle landed quietly on a landing platform half covered by vegetation. A small brown skinned alien approached the ship. Julia stood, and with all the grace of a trained dancer descended down the landing ramp. Duncan straightened his tie and jacket before following.
"Yes... hello." The brown alien stammered, taken a bit aback by Julia's beauty. Duncan enjoyed the view from behind, and the clearly discomfort being shown by the docks master.
Julia began even though it was clear the small alien was not finished. "We are here to meet Simon Colivaar."
"Oh... ummm.... he departed nearly an hour ago. He said he could not wait." The alien answered. "He left me this, telling you to follow." He handed over a small datacard.
Julia took and put it in her datapad. "It's encrypted." She said quietly, making sure to hold the display away from the alien. She looked back to them after reading it. "Our transport?"
"At the bottom of the platform." The dockmaster answered.
Duncan nodded. "Good. Now you are going to take this." Duncan handed him a small pouch of credits, "and look the other way as we unload our cargo and disembark."
The alien took the pouch, felt its weight and nodded before turning around.
Duncan grinned. "Let's gear up."
Duncan glanced over at Julia, still dressed in her elegant and extremely expensive business suit, hiding his lust behind the serious and gruff demeanor he usually wore. He loosened his tie, longing for the combat fatigues and combat gear stowed in the small smuggling apartment below the Dejarik table. Duncan despised having to keep up these appearances but he realized it was necessary. Simon had been purposely vague when he contacted the two of them on Nexus Station, likely because of the worry that someone was eaves dropping, even on their encrypted line. It told Duncan how serious this was, and how it might finally give them the means to finally reach their goal: war.
"We're moving into the atmosphere." Locke said from the pilot's seat. Duncan and Julia joined gazes and a nod before Duncan turned on his communicator. He had brought his best men with him from Nexus Station on Simon's request.
"Landing in three minutes." Duncan said. "Do not disembark until I give you the go ahead."
"Copy that boss." Came the response.
"These coordinates are near a very small spaceport. They gave us permission to land before they could have even conducted a proper scan." Locke said. "To call this backwater would be an understatement."
Duncan grunted and looked down at his suit. "Looks like this was overkill."
Julia shrugged, and uncrossed her legs. "You can take the soldier out of the fatigues..."
"Yeah yeah yeah." Duncan said. "Let's just get there."
The shuttle landed quietly on a landing platform half covered by vegetation. A small brown skinned alien approached the ship. Julia stood, and with all the grace of a trained dancer descended down the landing ramp. Duncan straightened his tie and jacket before following.
"Yes... hello." The brown alien stammered, taken a bit aback by Julia's beauty. Duncan enjoyed the view from behind, and the clearly discomfort being shown by the docks master.
Julia began even though it was clear the small alien was not finished. "We are here to meet Simon Colivaar."
"Oh... ummm.... he departed nearly an hour ago. He said he could not wait." The alien answered. "He left me this, telling you to follow." He handed over a small datacard.
Julia took and put it in her datapad. "It's encrypted." She said quietly, making sure to hold the display away from the alien. She looked back to them after reading it. "Our transport?"
"At the bottom of the platform." The dockmaster answered.
Duncan nodded. "Good. Now you are going to take this." Duncan handed him a small pouch of credits, "and look the other way as we unload our cargo and disembark."
The alien took the pouch, felt its weight and nodded before turning around.
Duncan grinned. "Let's gear up."
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Man of Many Faces
Re: New Republic/Galactic Empire: Ignition Point
The three armored carriers carved a pathway through the forest towards the small temple that had been discovered by a local excavation crew. Little did the rest of the galaxy know that the company in charge of the excavation was owned by a small subsidiary of the Obsidian Company. The tentacles of the company, and therefore the Syndicate that was its shadow, had slowly crept across the galaxy unseen by even the most powerful of governments. Of course, Simon had been very careful to keep the connections between his various companies subtle and quiet. There was no reason to think the company was powerful because it never actually exercised the power it had at its finger tips in a coordinated way. There were subtle acquisitions and transactions that were no suspicious on their own, but when see together it would have been see as quite a formidable economic empire.
Of course, the time was coming in which Simon would start to exercise some of that power. He had very little interest in the leadership of the Galactic Empire that his Fifth Column allies had, but he was quite happy to see war break out between the New Republic and Thrawn's Empire. Between the business he would do with his various shipyards and arms dealers, he would make just as more with the mercenary companies he had that would become quite valuable to both sides in a Galactic conflict. The profits would make him one of the most wealthy men in the entire galaxy. Unlike Grant Tirelli who was far more interested in small ball and the seedy underworld, Simon hoped one day to completely eliminate the need for the Syndicate. He would eventually become so powerful and influential he could fold his illicit activities into his legitimate operations and everyone would be more than happy to look the other way.
"Sir, we are five minutes out." The driver said to him over the closed comm system the men on this mission shared. Kayla was driving the lead transport, and Simon would trust no one more than the organization's best pilot to get them where they needed to go. Zail, Duncan's replacement as Chief Security Officer sat beside him. On the other was his intelligence officer, Gaston. Only B.D. remained onboard Chorn's ship, hidden outside the system, and Tenley was at their base. Otherwise, the best of his Company were here where Simon could most take advantage of their skills.
"We expect a number of mercenaries, perhaps even a Sith of some sort on site." Gaston said. "But our people should be able to get us in undetected."
"If the Sith arrives?" He asked.
Zail grinned. "We have options if he does."
Of course, the time was coming in which Simon would start to exercise some of that power. He had very little interest in the leadership of the Galactic Empire that his Fifth Column allies had, but he was quite happy to see war break out between the New Republic and Thrawn's Empire. Between the business he would do with his various shipyards and arms dealers, he would make just as more with the mercenary companies he had that would become quite valuable to both sides in a Galactic conflict. The profits would make him one of the most wealthy men in the entire galaxy. Unlike Grant Tirelli who was far more interested in small ball and the seedy underworld, Simon hoped one day to completely eliminate the need for the Syndicate. He would eventually become so powerful and influential he could fold his illicit activities into his legitimate operations and everyone would be more than happy to look the other way.
"Sir, we are five minutes out." The driver said to him over the closed comm system the men on this mission shared. Kayla was driving the lead transport, and Simon would trust no one more than the organization's best pilot to get them where they needed to go. Zail, Duncan's replacement as Chief Security Officer sat beside him. On the other was his intelligence officer, Gaston. Only B.D. remained onboard Chorn's ship, hidden outside the system, and Tenley was at their base. Otherwise, the best of his Company were here where Simon could most take advantage of their skills.
"We expect a number of mercenaries, perhaps even a Sith of some sort on site." Gaston said. "But our people should be able to get us in undetected."
"If the Sith arrives?" He asked.
Zail grinned. "We have options if he does."
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Man of Many Faces
Re: New Republic/Galactic Empire: Ignition Point
Zail stood directly in front of Simon, who wore his mask. Surrounded by the retinue of security, they made their way into the excavation grounds. Their group was twenty strong with the rest of their group remaining with the transports if there was need for a quick escape. Staying within the jungle they finally arrived at the southwest side of the site, where two humans with blaster carbines stood guard.
Two small flashes of red light from the dark forest got their attention. One of the two men raised his blaster and took a step towards the jungle. The other took a small device from his belt that flashed three bursts of red light back. Two more came back from the jungle and the guards' blasters dropped.
"We're clear." Zail said. The zabrak led them from the jungle and shared a nod with the two guards who let the group pass into the site. They handed Zail a small datapad with a technical readout of the site.
"Get in position and stay here." Zail looked to the majority of the guards. Only two stayed with Simon and he as they made their way deeper into the site. The ones behind took up firing position, including a number of snipers on the nearby mounds of dirt.
"THe Sith?" Simon asked.
"No sign of him." Zail said.
"Let's keep it that way." Simon said.
The four moved forward, and even to their surprise encountered no one else. "Why is no one here?" Simon asked.
"Big boys haven't even gotten here yet and this site is in the middle of nowhere. No risk of it getting stolen if no one important knows anything about it."
It took about three minutes to get the excavated chamber. "There it is." Zail said. And there the item sat, on a small very modest stone pedestal in the center of a small room. THe small metal object looked like nothing more than a metal cube. "Doesn't look like much."
"Oh..." Simon said. "What we got from GAIT, all that knowledge was stored in something not very different than this. Knowledge is power my friend, and I shall have more of it." Simon stepped forward, and Zail was sure to stand right behind him.
Reaching out Simon picked up the small cube, and for a moment, an imperceptible chill traveled through his body. "It's warm." Simon said. For a couple moments, his eyes glossed over and he was quiet.
"Boss?" Zail asked. "Boss?" WHen Simon didn't answer, he reached forward and touched the object. His reaction was much the same as Simon's. Simon blinked first, and cleared his throat.
"I'm sorry Zail. I'm fine. But we can't take this." Simon said, having changed his mind.
"No, of course not." Zail said, agreeing despite the fact it was their plan all along.
"Get the others." Simon said. "THey need to see this for themselves."
* * *
Soryn watched this all from the shadows with a grin on his face. The power was incredible. THe fools had no idea what was even happening to them.
"Should we strike?" Asked the armed man beside him.
"No... of course not." Soryn grinned. "Why would we destroy our new allies."
Two small flashes of red light from the dark forest got their attention. One of the two men raised his blaster and took a step towards the jungle. The other took a small device from his belt that flashed three bursts of red light back. Two more came back from the jungle and the guards' blasters dropped.
"We're clear." Zail said. The zabrak led them from the jungle and shared a nod with the two guards who let the group pass into the site. They handed Zail a small datapad with a technical readout of the site.
"Get in position and stay here." Zail looked to the majority of the guards. Only two stayed with Simon and he as they made their way deeper into the site. The ones behind took up firing position, including a number of snipers on the nearby mounds of dirt.
"THe Sith?" Simon asked.
"No sign of him." Zail said.
"Let's keep it that way." Simon said.
The four moved forward, and even to their surprise encountered no one else. "Why is no one here?" Simon asked.
"Big boys haven't even gotten here yet and this site is in the middle of nowhere. No risk of it getting stolen if no one important knows anything about it."
It took about three minutes to get the excavated chamber. "There it is." Zail said. And there the item sat, on a small very modest stone pedestal in the center of a small room. THe small metal object looked like nothing more than a metal cube. "Doesn't look like much."
"Oh..." Simon said. "What we got from GAIT, all that knowledge was stored in something not very different than this. Knowledge is power my friend, and I shall have more of it." Simon stepped forward, and Zail was sure to stand right behind him.
Reaching out Simon picked up the small cube, and for a moment, an imperceptible chill traveled through his body. "It's warm." Simon said. For a couple moments, his eyes glossed over and he was quiet.
"Boss?" Zail asked. "Boss?" WHen Simon didn't answer, he reached forward and touched the object. His reaction was much the same as Simon's. Simon blinked first, and cleared his throat.
"I'm sorry Zail. I'm fine. But we can't take this." Simon said, having changed his mind.
"No, of course not." Zail said, agreeing despite the fact it was their plan all along.
"Get the others." Simon said. "THey need to see this for themselves."
* * *
Soryn watched this all from the shadows with a grin on his face. The power was incredible. THe fools had no idea what was even happening to them.
"Should we strike?" Asked the armed man beside him.
"No... of course not." Soryn grinned. "Why would we destroy our new allies."
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Man of Many Faces
Re: New Republic/Galactic Empire: Ignition Point
Duncan watched as his squad of thirty men ambled out of the transport and down the ramp and into the armored transport. These were Duncan's hand picked, many of them he trained himself, when he ran the security division of the Syndicate. Zail had decided to surround himself with his own people, often less skilled are far less smart than Duncan's. But there weren't many, since Duncan's footprint on Nexus station had to be minimal. He had gathered his security people from the station, and his agents in the field in nearby systems that wouldn't effect their assignments. In totality he had 17 men with him, to go along with Julia, their pilot Locke, and himself. There were twenty in total. It would be less than the contingent that Zail brought, but Duncan hoped they would be far smarter, more prudent and better skilled. He also hoped they would never have to find out if that was the case.
They followed the direction on the datapad as Julia read the the same intelligence reports Gaston had put together for all of them.
"But they don't seem to have any idea what this item actually is, or what it does." Julia said.
Duncan nodded. "Unless there's a clue in GAIT's archives that Tirelli's man brought back. Gaston would never put that in an intelligence brief."
"Boss, I know this is above my pay grade, but I've always found it far... healthier to stay clear of Sith and Jedi issues." Karn said, the scars of many battles ravaging his frowning face. His heavy rim accent made him hard to understand, but his words rang true to everyone in the transport.
"Ambition makes people do foolish things." Duncan said quietly, now worried about his brother. The report also told him that scattered around the planet, Simon had nearly 200 people planetside, and fifty with him at the excavation site. Those type of numbers in one place for the Syndicate was tantamount to going to war.
"I'll talk to him." Julia said confidently, knowing her ability to reach her lover in the past whenever he reached too far.
They were only a kilometer from the rendezvous point.
They followed the direction on the datapad as Julia read the the same intelligence reports Gaston had put together for all of them.
"But they don't seem to have any idea what this item actually is, or what it does." Julia said.
Duncan nodded. "Unless there's a clue in GAIT's archives that Tirelli's man brought back. Gaston would never put that in an intelligence brief."
"Boss, I know this is above my pay grade, but I've always found it far... healthier to stay clear of Sith and Jedi issues." Karn said, the scars of many battles ravaging his frowning face. His heavy rim accent made him hard to understand, but his words rang true to everyone in the transport.
"Ambition makes people do foolish things." Duncan said quietly, now worried about his brother. The report also told him that scattered around the planet, Simon had nearly 200 people planetside, and fifty with him at the excavation site. Those type of numbers in one place for the Syndicate was tantamount to going to war.
"I'll talk to him." Julia said confidently, knowing her ability to reach her lover in the past whenever he reached too far.
They were only a kilometer from the rendezvous point.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Man of Many Faces
Re: New Republic/Galactic Empire: Ignition Point
Simon's caravan of transports were abandoned. It wasn't like him or Zail to be so sloppy and leave their carriers unguarded. No one said it, but everyone with Duncan knew this was a sign something hadn't gone right.
"Locke, take our ride and park it somewhere no one will find it. Stay with it. Julia, stay here, and you three stay with them." Duncan motioned to three of his mercenaries that had been working for the Syndicate on Thyferra, they see known as The Busters. "The rest of you, two groups, half of you with me, Karn take the other half. The tracks show where Simon's army went, full recon but no contact. Leave surveillance here so we know if they return. Locke, keep an eye on the feed."
Duncan was ripping off his suit now, and putting on his combat package. This was no longer a business operation. "Julia, gear up and be careful. Something isn't right."
Everyone turned to her as if she was just going to do what Duncan did, and tear off her clothes. She went for a button on her jacket before smirking. "No freebies boys." They all laughed. Duncan loved how she could fit in with the boys.
And not the only reason....
She jumped back into the transport and switched out of her suit as Locke relocated the transport. The Busters set up the surveillance point around Simon's abandoned transports.
"Move out." Duncan said. "Everyone stay off comms unless you make some sort of contact, and remember we are dealing with some of our best men. If someone took them out, they are good enough to do the same to us." Duncan finished zipping up his jacket, and double checked the charge on his pistol and rifle. Five by five. He led his men into the jungle to the southeast,and Karn went southwest. The goal was to surround whatever Simon was heading towards... This excavation site...
"Locke, take our ride and park it somewhere no one will find it. Stay with it. Julia, stay here, and you three stay with them." Duncan motioned to three of his mercenaries that had been working for the Syndicate on Thyferra, they see known as The Busters. "The rest of you, two groups, half of you with me, Karn take the other half. The tracks show where Simon's army went, full recon but no contact. Leave surveillance here so we know if they return. Locke, keep an eye on the feed."
Duncan was ripping off his suit now, and putting on his combat package. This was no longer a business operation. "Julia, gear up and be careful. Something isn't right."
Everyone turned to her as if she was just going to do what Duncan did, and tear off her clothes. She went for a button on her jacket before smirking. "No freebies boys." They all laughed. Duncan loved how she could fit in with the boys.
And not the only reason....
She jumped back into the transport and switched out of her suit as Locke relocated the transport. The Busters set up the surveillance point around Simon's abandoned transports.
"Move out." Duncan said. "Everyone stay off comms unless you make some sort of contact, and remember we are dealing with some of our best men. If someone took them out, they are good enough to do the same to us." Duncan finished zipping up his jacket, and double checked the charge on his pistol and rifle. Five by five. He led his men into the jungle to the southeast,and Karn went southwest. The goal was to surround whatever Simon was heading towards... This excavation site...
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Re: New Republic/Galactic Empire: Ignition Point
The wily Jedi Master watched from the hangar, as the last of the supplies was loaded onto the transport ships. As expected for something like this, the New Republic and the Galactic Empire had converged, both attempting to figure out just what was going on down on the planet below. But there was enough evidence for their to be a hint that this had to do with the Force. Which meant that the Jedi Order was going to be involved. Above all else, the Jedi had to keep sensitive items out of the hands of people who would misuse them.
And pray that none of our members get wise to the powers locked in the vaults of Ossus. Ember Rekali thought.
He had assembled a few members of the Jedi Shadows. Though the organization was still small in number, their ranks had some heavy hitters. The Jedi that he had assembled here today would be more than enough to take care of the situation at hand. But just in case, Makaera Tor had authorized Ember himself to go down to the planet below and deal with this matter.
They’d arrived on the far side of the planet. Ember had had them jump very close by, and then speak to some of his contacts within the New Republic. It hadn’t taken much to get an accurate picture of where the forces were martialed for the two respective galactic super powers. Once that had been obtained, it had been relatively simple for him to determine where he wanted his own ship to jump. The Empire wouldn’t register much of anything, and the New Republic wouldn’t do much to interfere with an Jedi ship anyway.
So they were covered.
As it was, the transport was lifting up off the hangar bay floor and headed out. It was time to see just what this artifact was all about.
And pray that none of our members get wise to the powers locked in the vaults of Ossus. Ember Rekali thought.
He had assembled a few members of the Jedi Shadows. Though the organization was still small in number, their ranks had some heavy hitters. The Jedi that he had assembled here today would be more than enough to take care of the situation at hand. But just in case, Makaera Tor had authorized Ember himself to go down to the planet below and deal with this matter.
They’d arrived on the far side of the planet. Ember had had them jump very close by, and then speak to some of his contacts within the New Republic. It hadn’t taken much to get an accurate picture of where the forces were martialed for the two respective galactic super powers. Once that had been obtained, it had been relatively simple for him to determine where he wanted his own ship to jump. The Empire wouldn’t register much of anything, and the New Republic wouldn’t do much to interfere with an Jedi ship anyway.
So they were covered.
As it was, the transport was lifting up off the hangar bay floor and headed out. It was time to see just what this artifact was all about.
Man of Many Faces
Re: New Republic/Galactic Empire: Ignition Point
Ooc I pmed Dorset if he wants to continue, so I won't post for the imperials yet
Duncan's men found nothing. Karan's men found nothing. Both groups rendezvoused outside the half buried temple, with some of the men acting as cover on the edge of the jungle.
"No signs of struggle, combat, nothing." Karn said. "No tracks either. Unless they took the long way around they are either still inside, or..... I don't know."
Duncan nodded. "I don't like this, and it's getting dark. I don't want to know what wakes up at night in the jungle. We have two hours, maybe."
"This temple gives me the creeps boss." Erik said, a former stormtrooper turned gun for hire. He was no genius but the man did have experience and the instincts of a soldier. The rest of the men muttered agreement.
"I need this place searched, outside AND in." Duncan said. "I need four volunteers to go inside and search this thing. Who's with me?
It took a few seconds but eventually he had his volunteers and they walked towards the uncovered entrance on the south end of the compound. "Karn, full scout on the perimeter, let me know what you find."
"On it, boss."
Duncan and his men walked inside, leaving Karn barking orders to the men left without. With him was El, the former Imperial ISS agent who quit the show once Thrawn took charge, there was Vector, ordinance expert and merc, the gunslinger brothers Amos and Otis, and Toko, the Twileck that once claimed he tore the arms off a Mandalorian. He was... large.
Duncan took the lead and activated his glow stick, while El did the same in the rear. The three in he middle had their wide array of blasters at the ready. But this place was dead. The air was stale and damp, there was no light in the narrow corridors at all.
"Boss, I recognize these symbols on the stone walls. Sith." El said. "Remember them from my time under Damascus. Can't tell you what they say, but it's Sith for sure."
"Forcers..." Duncan muttered. "Have your Jedi gear ready." That meant slug throwers, stun grenades and other weapons with wide payloads Jedi couldn't block.
But they never found any Jedi, nor Sith, nor anything else sentient.
"Looks like it opens up ahead." Duncan said, seeing his light expand into a large chamber.
They reached the large room, which had a large pedestal in its center.
"People have been here." Duncan said, sniffing the dust in the air and the disturbed dirt on the ground."
"And recently." One of the brothers added.
The pedestal was empty, with only dirt on top of it. Spare a square portion in the center that was still clean gleaming stone.
"Something was removed." Duncan said.
"They went this way." Vector said, pointing to another entry on the other side of the chamber.
"Move, weapons up." Duncan said, and led the men through the entry. More dark narrow corridors until they found another large chamber, this one was not underground, in fact it was missing its ceiling giving a lovely view of the stars. On the floor were black burn marks.
"Not explosives, ignition marks. A ship was here. Small, maybe enough for a handful of men." Vector said. "I'd say it left an hour ago."
"But whose?" Duncan asked absently. "We didn't see any ships leave the area while we were enroute."
"The tracks keep going." El said. "They move through here."
Ooc to be continued
Duncan's men found nothing. Karan's men found nothing. Both groups rendezvoused outside the half buried temple, with some of the men acting as cover on the edge of the jungle.
"No signs of struggle, combat, nothing." Karn said. "No tracks either. Unless they took the long way around they are either still inside, or..... I don't know."
Duncan nodded. "I don't like this, and it's getting dark. I don't want to know what wakes up at night in the jungle. We have two hours, maybe."
"This temple gives me the creeps boss." Erik said, a former stormtrooper turned gun for hire. He was no genius but the man did have experience and the instincts of a soldier. The rest of the men muttered agreement.
"I need this place searched, outside AND in." Duncan said. "I need four volunteers to go inside and search this thing. Who's with me?
It took a few seconds but eventually he had his volunteers and they walked towards the uncovered entrance on the south end of the compound. "Karn, full scout on the perimeter, let me know what you find."
"On it, boss."
Duncan and his men walked inside, leaving Karn barking orders to the men left without. With him was El, the former Imperial ISS agent who quit the show once Thrawn took charge, there was Vector, ordinance expert and merc, the gunslinger brothers Amos and Otis, and Toko, the Twileck that once claimed he tore the arms off a Mandalorian. He was... large.
Duncan took the lead and activated his glow stick, while El did the same in the rear. The three in he middle had their wide array of blasters at the ready. But this place was dead. The air was stale and damp, there was no light in the narrow corridors at all.
"Boss, I recognize these symbols on the stone walls. Sith." El said. "Remember them from my time under Damascus. Can't tell you what they say, but it's Sith for sure."
"Forcers..." Duncan muttered. "Have your Jedi gear ready." That meant slug throwers, stun grenades and other weapons with wide payloads Jedi couldn't block.
But they never found any Jedi, nor Sith, nor anything else sentient.
"Looks like it opens up ahead." Duncan said, seeing his light expand into a large chamber.
They reached the large room, which had a large pedestal in its center.
"People have been here." Duncan said, sniffing the dust in the air and the disturbed dirt on the ground."
"And recently." One of the brothers added.
The pedestal was empty, with only dirt on top of it. Spare a square portion in the center that was still clean gleaming stone.
"Something was removed." Duncan said.
"They went this way." Vector said, pointing to another entry on the other side of the chamber.
"Move, weapons up." Duncan said, and led the men through the entry. More dark narrow corridors until they found another large chamber, this one was not underground, in fact it was missing its ceiling giving a lovely view of the stars. On the floor were black burn marks.
"Not explosives, ignition marks. A ship was here. Small, maybe enough for a handful of men." Vector said. "I'd say it left an hour ago."
"But whose?" Duncan asked absently. "We didn't see any ships leave the area while we were enroute."
"The tracks keep going." El said. "They move through here."
Ooc to be continued
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Man of Many Faces
Re: New Republic/Galactic Empire: Ignition Point
"So Simon's people came here and talked to whomever left in the ship, and then continued on their way?" Vector asked.
"But why?" Toko added.
"Great damn question." Duncan answered.
"Oh shit... Duncan you want to see this." El shouted from the adjacent chamber.
Duncan ran over and saw the forest outside the adjacent corridor.
"They went out the opposite way." El said.
"And probably doubled back to the transports." Duncan said.
"We have a trail in the woods." Three men from Karn's squad stepped out of the jungle.
"Damnit. Pull up the surveillance on the transports. Everyone, rally here and double time back to our ride. We need to go." Duncan looked to those around him. "I hope you guys are in good shape."
They began to sprint through the jungle as Duncan tried to raise Julia on his comm unit but there was no answer.
"They must be jamming." Vector said, already falling behind.
"We could be running into a trap." El said.
"Why would Simon do that?" Otis asked.
"There's nothing right about this." Duncan said. "Nothing at all."
By the time Duncan reached the outskirts of the clearing, only El was still with him. The rest of his team was closing her was sure, but there was no way to know how far behind they were. As the two of them dove behind some brush, they spied the entirety of Simon's group loading into their transports. SImon still stood outside, with the Busters right beside him. Julia stood next to Locke, engaging Simon in conversation.
"Who's that?" El said, motioning to someone in a black cloak a few feet behind Simon.
"Not one of ours." Duncan said, lifting his blaster.
"Look what we found." Simon said, taking a step towards Julia, and putting her hand in his. "Can't you feel its power?"
Julia took his hand and looked at whatever Simon had in hand, though it was too hard for Duncan to see.
"Are you OK, Simon? You have a look..."
"Of a man who understands." Simon said. "Touch it, and you will see."
Julia looked up, and at the others around Simon, and she saw the same thing Duncan saw... not empty stares or glazed expressions... but instead some type of extra focus. Duncan had hand picked many of those men himself. THey didn't look right.
"Cover me." Duncan whispered, before stepping out into the clearing.
"Julia, come here." He said, looking at his brother. "Let her go Simon."
"Brother!" Simon said, genuinely smiling. "I'm glad you are here. We found what we came for and it is more than we could have expected."
"How?" Duncan said. "Is it valuable? What is it worth? Or is it information?"
"Come see." Simon said, and a moment after the man in the black cape and cowl whispered something in his ear.
"Come here now." Simon was far more emphatic that time. Duncan knew the tone, he used it when he did not want to be disobeyed. He still grasped Julia with his other hand. "We're in this together brother, like we always have been. Thy Syndicate will fill the vacuum of power left by the Empire and Republic."
"Vacuum of power?" Duncan asked. "WHen the hell did we want that?"
"Join us." Simon said.
All his men raised their weapons at Duncan now.
"Simon, stop it!" Julia said, grabbing his shoulder. "What are you doing? He's your brother."
"He's a threat." Duncan wasn't sure if his brother said that or the man in black that stood behind him.
"You have three seconds." Simon said.
"Don't!" Julia screamed at him.
The scenarios went through Duncan's mind. Even if some of his men had arrived to support El, it wouldn't be enough. He would either have to die or do what his brother wanted.
How bad could it be?[/i}
"Stop counting. I'm coming."
"Duncan, don't do it." Julia pleaded.
"I don't have a choice." He looked at her the way he always did, and for the first time he saw that same look reflected in her eyes for him.
It made Duncan smile.
"I'm sorry." Julia said, grabbing Simon and kissing him. and placing her hand on whatever the master of the Syndicate and Obsidian Company was holding.
"No!" Duncan said. but before he could do anything else blaster fire erupted from the jungle all around him. He felt huge arms wrap him up and drag him into the jungle. "Let me go! I need to get Julia!"
"Bring him Toko." It was El. "We need to get out of here."
With Duncan kicking and screaming, he and his men melted into the jungle, as Simon's returned fire at targets they couldn't see. All Duncan could was the image of Julia kissing his brother and placing her hand on whatever Simon held onto... he was running now, but he would return for her and whatever did this to his brother.
"But why?" Toko added.
"Great damn question." Duncan answered.
"Oh shit... Duncan you want to see this." El shouted from the adjacent chamber.
Duncan ran over and saw the forest outside the adjacent corridor.
"They went out the opposite way." El said.
"And probably doubled back to the transports." Duncan said.
"We have a trail in the woods." Three men from Karn's squad stepped out of the jungle.
"Damnit. Pull up the surveillance on the transports. Everyone, rally here and double time back to our ride. We need to go." Duncan looked to those around him. "I hope you guys are in good shape."
They began to sprint through the jungle as Duncan tried to raise Julia on his comm unit but there was no answer.
"They must be jamming." Vector said, already falling behind.
"We could be running into a trap." El said.
"Why would Simon do that?" Otis asked.
"There's nothing right about this." Duncan said. "Nothing at all."
By the time Duncan reached the outskirts of the clearing, only El was still with him. The rest of his team was closing her was sure, but there was no way to know how far behind they were. As the two of them dove behind some brush, they spied the entirety of Simon's group loading into their transports. SImon still stood outside, with the Busters right beside him. Julia stood next to Locke, engaging Simon in conversation.
"Who's that?" El said, motioning to someone in a black cloak a few feet behind Simon.
"Not one of ours." Duncan said, lifting his blaster.
"Look what we found." Simon said, taking a step towards Julia, and putting her hand in his. "Can't you feel its power?"
Julia took his hand and looked at whatever Simon had in hand, though it was too hard for Duncan to see.
"Are you OK, Simon? You have a look..."
"Of a man who understands." Simon said. "Touch it, and you will see."
Julia looked up, and at the others around Simon, and she saw the same thing Duncan saw... not empty stares or glazed expressions... but instead some type of extra focus. Duncan had hand picked many of those men himself. THey didn't look right.
"Cover me." Duncan whispered, before stepping out into the clearing.
"Julia, come here." He said, looking at his brother. "Let her go Simon."
"Brother!" Simon said, genuinely smiling. "I'm glad you are here. We found what we came for and it is more than we could have expected."
"How?" Duncan said. "Is it valuable? What is it worth? Or is it information?"
"Come see." Simon said, and a moment after the man in the black cape and cowl whispered something in his ear.
"Come here now." Simon was far more emphatic that time. Duncan knew the tone, he used it when he did not want to be disobeyed. He still grasped Julia with his other hand. "We're in this together brother, like we always have been. Thy Syndicate will fill the vacuum of power left by the Empire and Republic."
"Vacuum of power?" Duncan asked. "WHen the hell did we want that?"
"Join us." Simon said.
All his men raised their weapons at Duncan now.
"Simon, stop it!" Julia said, grabbing his shoulder. "What are you doing? He's your brother."
"He's a threat." Duncan wasn't sure if his brother said that or the man in black that stood behind him.
"You have three seconds." Simon said.
"Don't!" Julia screamed at him.
The scenarios went through Duncan's mind. Even if some of his men had arrived to support El, it wouldn't be enough. He would either have to die or do what his brother wanted.
How bad could it be?[/i}
"Stop counting. I'm coming."
"Duncan, don't do it." Julia pleaded.
"I don't have a choice." He looked at her the way he always did, and for the first time he saw that same look reflected in her eyes for him.
It made Duncan smile.
"I'm sorry." Julia said, grabbing Simon and kissing him. and placing her hand on whatever the master of the Syndicate and Obsidian Company was holding.
"No!" Duncan said. but before he could do anything else blaster fire erupted from the jungle all around him. He felt huge arms wrap him up and drag him into the jungle. "Let me go! I need to get Julia!"
"Bring him Toko." It was El. "We need to get out of here."
With Duncan kicking and screaming, he and his men melted into the jungle, as Simon's returned fire at targets they couldn't see. All Duncan could was the image of Julia kissing his brother and placing her hand on whatever Simon held onto... he was running now, but he would return for her and whatever did this to his brother.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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