As the Wind Blows

Unrelated stories that take place in a setting besides Star Wars...

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As the Wind Blows

Post by Pryde »

It rained a lot lately, it was always raining. Aurora hated it, she hated the rain. She hated the cold and the wind but there wasn't much she could do about it, it was autumn in the Midwest. With a sigh she shouldered her bag, trying hard to remember the name of this school her father was sending her to, the fifth school she had attended since she was old enough to even go. Now she was in high school, a stranger in a strange city surrounded by strange people. Next week she could be somewhere else, never enough time to make friends or put down roots. She was a loner, she had to be she was given no other choice. Her father was always moving though he would never tell her why.

"Class, we have a new student today," the teacher announced as soon as the bell rang.

Aurora hated this part, standing up in front of so many people. Unconsciously her hands reached up and pulled the hood she wore over her face as far as it would go.

"She's a transfer student from West Virginia," the teacher continued.

And Massachusetts and North Carolina, Aurora finished for him.

"West Virginia," one of the students said, "What's she doing in Missouri?"

"Good question," another replied and everyone laughed.

Aurora felt embarrassed and directed her eyes towards the floor. "Now now," the teacher interrupted, "We don't want to make our guest feel uninvited," then she turned her attention to Aurora, "Go ahead, honey, introduce yourself."

Aurora took a step forward, her eyes sweeping the room taking in all the faces staring back at her. "My--My name is Aurora Lynn," she said simply and the teacher glanced at her expectantly.

"And?" She said.

"And that's it," Aurora replied.

"You don't want to tell us anything about yourself?"

Aurora shook her head. The woman stared at her a moment longer then sighed, "Alright, take a seat."

She loved hearing those words, it meant she didn't have to stand out in front of the crowd anymore she could hide herself safely among them. At least that's what she would have liked to think but even in a crowd she was not entirely alone, she knew this all to well. So it came as no surprise when one of the students tripped her and she nearly lost hold of her bag. She stumbled into an empty desk and managed to right herself, the desk making a loud screeching noise as it slid across the floor when she fell into it.

The other students had a good laugh but the teacher was pissed. "Who did that," she demanded hotly, "Tell me now!"

When no one answered she crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine," she said, "then everyone get out a pen and some paper. We'll start today with a pop quiz."

There was a loud groan as the students reached into their book bags and pulled out their utensils. Aurora, meanwhile, had dropped herself into the chair she fell into and immediately pulled the hood down over her eyes. She hated this school already and outside the rain continued to fall...
The one and only Stoban
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by VagueDurin »

Vance watched on from the back of the classroom as their teacher, Mrs. Sauser, introduced the new student. With a population of just under 5,000, it was a fairly rare occasion that Parkville High School got a new student. It was practically unheard of for them to get a transfer student.

The blond haired teen smirked slightly as the new kid spoiled Mrs. Sausers big introduction moment, then quickly grimaced and frowned as one of Parkvilles more assanine kids tripped Aurora. He could relate. While Vance had been here for three years now, he wasn't born here, and so he had been and would always be considered an outsider.

The rest of English class went by without anymore fanfare. The students took the impromptu quiz on sourcing guidelines, then delved into their already scheduled lectures. It wasn't until three blocks later at lunch that Vance saw Aurora again. He was sitting at a table away from the Parkville royalty and watched as the hooded girl unsuredly made her way through the cafeteria in search of a place to sit.

Feeling a sort of kinship with her though they'd never met, he caught her gaze momentarily and motioned for her to join him. He watched her hesitate, take one last desperate look around, and the grudgingly make her way over to sit down.

"Hey," he spoke immediately, "Aurora, right?" he asked, honey brown eyes trying to pierce the veil of her hood.
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by Pryde »

Aurora simply nodded in reply to Vance's question. The boy stared at her for a long time expecting her to say something but realizing that she wasn't going to.

"You don't say much, do you," he asked.

The girl just shook her head quietly. He felt like he wanted to get to know her but she wasn't giving him anything. "That's cool," he digressed, "Listen don't lump me in with the rest of the Parkville royalty... Im an outsider too. If we don't look out for each other--"

"Don't," Aurora said, speaking up for the first time.

"What?" Vance asked, surprised more by the fact that she spoke than anything.

"You can't be my friend," Aurora elaborated and Vance felt a bit put off by that.

"And why not?"

"Because I don't want to have to say goodbye to you," she said, finally glancing up at him, her dark eyes locking with his. She was surprisingly pretty and Vance had to wonder why she would even try so hard to cover her face.
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by VagueDurin »

Vance did little to hide his reaction to her statement. His blond eyebrows furrowed slightly towards the center of his face and his head tilted just slightly to the right in thought. Because I don't want to have to say goodbye to you... He wondered what she meant by that. The literal meaning was obvious enough, but there had to be more to it than just that.

Who was this gorgeous girl who spoke in such frugal sentences and did everything she possibly could to hide herself from sight. In a highschool where most students stories could be discovered through a simply cursory glance at their fashion sense, this girl, this Aurora was a mystery cocooned within a veil of intrigue.

Intrigued, he was.

"You've been here for four hours, and you're already planning on leaving?" He finally responded.
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by Pryde »

"No," she said quietly, idly playing with one of her meatballs with her plastic spork. Vance watched her for a moment, briefly wondering if that was all she was going to give him. Surprisingly, it wasn't. "This is the fifth school I've been to," she explained and Vance had to strain to hear, "It won't be the last."

She finally knifed her spork into the meatball and held it up to look at it. "After awhile making friends just seems pointless," she finished, shoving the meatball into her mouth and chewing it.
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by VagueDurin »

Vance took a quick sip out of his Gatorade bottle, and considered her response as he tightened the lid back down. He wondered immediately what the reason was that she'd been enrolled in five different schools. For the briefest of moments he felt a twinge of hopefullness. Maybe she's an Army brat like me... he thought to himself. It wasn't something he liked to mention to anyone, though and he certainly wouldn't be volunteering that information up to her the first day he'd met her. Thoughts about his family... He didn't enjoy them.

Painfully aware of the dangerous slope his internal thought process was starting to take him, he shook his head slightly to bring his focus back onto the present, back onto Aurora. He waited patiently for her to finish the meatball before he spoke again. "Five? That's rough.. Why so many?" He asked, doing his very best to keep the dialogue polite and noncommital.
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by Pryde »

Aurora just shrugged and munched down on another meatball. Vance toyed with his food while keeping an eye on her, trying to decide if she just didn't want to answer or if she truly didn't know.

"Is your father in the service," he asked, hoping to find some kinship with this girl.

Aurora just shook her head while slurping up some spaghetti. Now Vance was confused, if her father wasn't in the service then what other reason would she have to move so much?

"So what does he do then," he asked, breaking eye contact with her to swirl a bunch of spaghetti onto his fork while trying to keep the conversation casual.

"I don't know," the girl finally said and Vance looked at her with surprise.

"You don't know?"

"No, I don't," Aurora snapped, "I don't know where he gets his money or why we have to move so much. I just know that if I don't do what he says when he says it then he...," she stopped suddenly, realizing she had said too much, "Look, my dad's a drunk and a jerk and I really don't want to talk about it."
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by VagueDurin »

"Look, my dad's a drunk and a jerk and I really don't want to talk about it."

Vance sucked in a quick breath as his honey colored eyes darkened several shades. The teen bit his lip and glanced quickly around to investigate whether any of the other students had happened to be eavesdropping on their conversation. Thankfully, it seemed as though the rest of the schools population had absolutely no interest in the pair.

When he finally looked back in Aurora's direction, there was a haunted look of understanding coupled with sympathy and naked wrath suspended in his darkened eyes. It took the boy a handful of seconds to think of a response and in that time he pushed his tray to the side, his appetite gone. He reached a hand out to a point in the table in-between them and tapped it lightly against the surface.

"I uh- Sorry I pried." he spoke softly, not quite successful in keeping the quiver out of his voice. "I didn't know."

He waited a handful of seconds, but Aurora only glanced away from his gaze and expression and shrugged silently. Vance forced a friendly half-smile and sighed slightly. He tapped the table one last time before slowly rising to his feet. "Well hey, I've gotta get my books from my locker before next period... I'll see you around, Aurora."

He picked up his tray and turned to leave, but paused mid-step and turned to look back over his shoulder in her direction. "Maybe we can talk again, sometime." he offered, then turned and walked away feeling pretty lousy about himself and his failed attempt to help the new girl transition to the school.

Worse yet, he felt as though he might have just blown any chance he had at making a new friend in a town that wasn't his home and where he was all but alone. Vance dropped his tray off at the dishwashing station and made his way out of the cafeteria, turning to his right he headed down the long corridor of lockers to grab his history books for next periods lectures.
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by Pryde »

Aurora felt like crap after he left. He was just trying to be a friend, she shouldn't have snapped at him like that. We a heavy sigh she finished off the rest of her lunch and set the tray aside. Then she shouldered her backpack and headed out to the hallway to find her locker. The rest of the day after that was uneventful. She kept her head down in class, copied her notes and avoided anymore attempts from her classmates to talk to her, but the entire day she couldn't take her mind off Vance.

It wasn't until the last bell had rung for the day that she finally found him on his way to the bus stop outside of school. After class she'd gone to her locker and gathered her things, now she stood there staring at Vance wondering just what she should say to him. She almost didn't say anything but when someone bumped into her from behind and sent her sprawling into him she really didn't have a choice.

"I--I am so sorry," she quickly apologized, bracing herself on his upper arm so that she wouldn't fall.

When Vance turned to see who it was he couldn't help but take notice of the lingering grasp she had on his arm, even after she had straightened up. "No, it's alright," he assured her and Aurora shook her head.

"No, it's not alright," she said and the words were out of her mouth before she even had time to think about them, "back at the cafeteria, what I said... I didn't mean it to sound so harsh. You were just trying to be a friend and--," she stopped suddenly when she caught some people looking at them, that's when she noticed her hand was still on his arm. Blushing furiously she dropped her hand to her side and quickly looked away. "Anyway, I'm sorry."
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by VagueDurin »

To say he was surprised at her apology would have been an understatement. He was much more than surprised, and pleasantly so, at that. His eyes tracked her hand as it fell from his arm back down to her side, before they refocused on her still hood-covered face.

"Really, it's cool, Aurora." He spoke after a moment of thought. It was hard to tell if she was simply trying to absolve her own conscious and alleviate her feelings of guilt, or if she was actually trying to mend the rift her behavior had created between them.

Vance's life thus far had a unique way of maturing him beyond his years, much of it having to do with people being less than genuine with him. It had left the teen fairly jaded.

"Don't sweat it." he added before breaking eye contact to glance around at the afterschool crowd around them, studying the students as well as trying to see if the Bus was close to arriving.

It seemed as though the bus was going to be a minute. With a soft half-sigh, Vance turned back to Auroa. "How'd the rest of the day go?" He asked, being very careful to keep his tone neutral, leery of putting himself out there again so recently after she'd swatted his offer of friendship away.
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by Pryde »

"Um, it went okay," Aurora answered, though she kept looking over her shoulder like she was late for something, "Look, I better go. My dad will pitch a fit if I'm late. I guess I'll see you around?"

There was a slight hesitation to her words but they contained just a glimmer of hope. Perhaps she didn't hate him as much as he thought. "You bet," he answered with a smile.

Aurora answered his smile with one of her own before shyly turning away and heading up the street towards home. For a moment the rain let up and a single ray of sunshine broke through, illuminating the ground at her feet as she ran. Three schools in three states and Aurora had yet to make a friend she could keep. Just this once she allowed herself to believe that this town would be her home. But dreams are often shattered and hope turned to despair and when her bus took off without her, the popular kids staring out the window and laughing as she chased it, a sense of dread overcame her. She would have to walk home, a notion that meant that she would surely be late and the closer she got to home the more her stomach turned. The idyllic image of her future faded from her mind and the stark reality of the present came back in full force.

She was soaked and wet by the time she got to the door. The rain pounded on her shoulders and drenched her hoodie. With a moment's hesitation she reached up a tiny hand to turn the knob and enter the house. She felt like a prisoner on death row just seconds away from meeting the firing squad. Steeling herself for what was to come she put one foot in front of the other and slowly entered the house. Her father was right where she had left him that morning before leaving for school. He was asleep in his favorite chair, a newspaper sprawled over his chest and a row of bottles surrounding him on the floor.

Aurora had hoped to slip past unnoticed and make it up to her room but not three steps to the stairs her toe hit a stray beer bottle, knocking it into another and making a clatter. Her father awoke with a start, his eyes resting directly upon her. Without saying a word he checked his watch. "You're late," he said.

"I--I missed the bus," Aurora replied, "I had to walk home."

Doctor Robert Lynn, a retired geneticist of some reknown, lazily pulled himself out of the chair and stalked towards his daughter. "What have I told you about being late?"

Aurora began backpedaling towards the stairs, her heart beating fast. "I--I'm sorry, Daddy, it won't happen again."

"You're right it won't happen again," he yelled, reaching out and backhanding his daughter across the cheek. "After everything I do to protect you! To take care of you! I threw away everything for you, doesn't that mean anything?"

"Y-yes, Daddy. I--it means a lot," Aurora managed to whimper and upon hearing the fear in her voice and seeing the tears in her eyes her father faltered for a moment.

Realizing what he had done he knelt down next to her and hugged her tight. "I'm sorry, sweetie," he apologized, his tone becoming gentle, "You know I'm only looking out for you, right?"

He pushed his daughter away and looked into her eyes. Aurora only nodded her head and he held her close again. "Good, 'cause I don't know what I'd do if I lost you too. Now run upstairs and get yourself cleaned up and tomorrow I want you home promptly at three."

Aurora hurried up the stairs away from her father and Robert watched her go. When she was out of sight he stared at his hand before forming it into a fist and punching the wall. He thought about tucking her in for bed but figured he had done enough damage and instead settled himself back down into his favorite chair. A world renowned geneticist and what have I become, he asked himself quietly, his eyes drooping shut just before he drifted off into a deep and fitful sleep...
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by VagueDurin »

The bus ride home was unremarkable. Vance's home was one of the last stops on the route, awarding the teen plenty of time to complete homework assignments, study for upcoming tests, cure communicable diseases... Ok well not so much on the last one, but the point is that today he did none of those things. Today he sat quietly in his seat and thought about his place in the world.

This type of introspection was something that occasionally enveloped him. Often at random. Vance's past was not a well known entity. Most of the students at school had no idea why he lived with friends of the family, rather than a mother, a father, or even a distant relative. Vance didn't even know any of his distant relatives, for that matter he wasn't even sure if he had any. His guardians told him that his father checked up on him often, but he had a hard time believing that. His mother... well, he'd never hear from her again, would he?


Uncle Jeff dropped him off to school early the next morning for Lacrosse practice on his way to work, as was their customary routine. They said little to each other. It hadn't always been this way, Vance knew. He had fond memories of his time with Jeff and Theresa from his younger years. He wasn't sure what changed. If it was the fact that he had grown older and began to understand the situation better, or more likely, his suspicion was that Jeff and Theresa had been under the impression that his Father was going to collect him back by now.

Either way, as the car took off down the road behind him, Vance gave a slight shrug. There's certainly worse ways to live... he thought briefly, then headed into the locker room.


His blond hair was still darkened with dampness from the shower after practice when he took his seat in English class. Vance glanced around the room briefly, not necessarily looking for Aurora, then started to arrange his notebook, pens and textbook on the desk in front of him. There was still six minutes before the period started and only a handful of students were present. He crossed his arms over the chest of his distressed navy blue Henley-style short sleeve and tipped his head forward slightly, deciding to rest his eyes for a bit.
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by Pryde »

Aurora pulled her hood down tighter over her face as she passed her fellow students in the hall. She did what she could to cover the bruise on her cheek with makeup but she was still worried that someone else might see. Trying to remain as discreet as possible she headed to her locker first to get her books. It was there she had her first run in with the "In" crowd at Parkville High, also known as the popular kids. Aurora was in the midst of inputting her combination when one of the boys, Kyle Solusar the team quarterback, came up and shouldered her into the locker with a loud bang.

There was a raucous of laughter that followed and Aurora refused to look at them. "Sorry, geek," Kyle said with a laugh, "Didn't see you there."

He laughed some more and followed his friends down the hallway to class. Aurora said nothing and started reentering her combination into the electronic lock on her locker. When she was done there was a light tone and a click and the locker popped open.

"Don't let those guys bother you," a girl said beside her. "They're just jerks. Name's Olivia, by the way," the girl said, holding her hand out to her.

Aurora ignored it and her and simply shoved her books into her bag. "What class are you in," Olivia continued, her hand dropping sheepishly to her side.

Again Aurora ignored her and slammed the locker closed before turning on her heel and heading to class.

"Can I at least get your name," Olivia called after her but there was no response.

Aurora arrived at class just shortly after the bell rang. By now the other students had already taken their seats and the teacher was just about ready to start roll call. "You're late, Ms. Lynn," she said sternly, "Don't let it happen again."

Aurora simply nodded and quickly took her seat. She set her notebook down on the desk in front of her and her English book off to the side. Then she rested her head on the desk and resisted the urge to sigh in exasperation. Second day of class at a new school and already history was beginning to repeat itself. She hated this school, she hated Kyle and she hated Olivia even though she was trying to help but most of all she hated her life. Why couldn't she have a normal family in a normal house in a normal place? Why is it she had to move so much? Why is it she couldn't ever make friends? Why did she have to be so different?

A hand on her shoulder drew her attention and she glanced up into Vance's eyes. "Hey, are you okay," he asked and Aurora suddenly realized she had been whimpering softly.

"I'm fine," she lied, "I just--,"

"Ms. Lynn, there will be no talking while I'm talking," the teacher snapped and Aurora felt her cheeks begin to burn.

"I'll tell you later," she whispered to Vance and quietly went back to resting her head on the table...
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by VagueDurin »

The clock kept ticking down, and eventually the classroom filled up with students. All but one, anyway. As the bell rang, Vance couldn't help but think about what Aurora had said the day before about moving around all the time and not wanting to make friends so that she didn't have to say goodbye. Could she have possibly already split again? Couldn't be....

It wasn't long before Aurora finally showed up, and was summarily reprimanded by the teacher. She trudged her way through the room and slumped down into the seat behind Vance with a heavy sigh. Even before he heard her whimper softly Vance was already risking a reprimand of his own to turn backwards to look at her and ask what was up... "Hey, are you okay," he asked, trying to find her face within the confines of her hood.

"I'm fine," she lied, "I just--,"

"Ms. Lynn, there will be no talking while I'm talking," the teacher snapped and Aurora felt her cheeks begin to burn.

"I'll tell you later," she whispered to Vance and quietly went back to resting her head on the table...

Vance winced slightly in response to the outcome of events, before turning back to face the front and struggle through the rest of the class in a mildly concerned, mildly curious state of mind. As was the case the day before, he didn't manage to corner Aurora again until lunch break, where they again sat at the same table they had the day before. She joined him just as silently as she had then, carefully avoiding eye contact as she fumbled around with the macaroni on her tray.

"Hey, Earth to Aurora." Vance joked tenderly. "What's up?"
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by Pryde »

"W-what," Aurora asked in a startled voice and then she remembered who was talking to her. "Sorry," she apologized, one hand using her fork to toy with her macaroni while the other unconsciously pulled her hood down just a bit further over her left check where her father had struck her. "I just... I had a rough morning," she lied, "Run in with the popular kids and well, you know..."
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by VagueDurin »

Vance furrowed his blond eyebrows in scrutiny but eventually nodded his head. "Yeah," He said, pausing to much on some food, "I suppose I do know that well enough. They're relentless." He tapped at the table for a few seconds, then narrowed his eyes, trying to pear deeper into the hood. "You uh, wanna talk about it?" He asked awkwardly.
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by Pryde »

Aurora quietly shook her head, spooning up a mouthful of macaroni and shoving it down her throat mostly for the added benefit of not having to talk while there was food in her mouth. She didn't know why she bothered to even talk to this kid at all. She knew all too well that at any day she would look her last upon him and never see him again. So why did she spend so much time with him? Was it because he was the only person besides Olivia who had been nice to her since coming here? Or was it something else?

"That homework in English class," she said after swallowing her food, hoping to change the subject, "It's crazy, right?"
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by VagueDurin »

"Ridiculous." Vance replied, understanding that the subject was changing and choosing to roll with it rather than to make Aurora any more uncomfortable. He piled another generous helping of macaroni into his mouth and gulped it down. Silent for a moment, he started to muse. If Aurora's schedule was half as packed as his was, there'd likely be no way she'd have a chance to complete the English assignment before the end of the day today.

"You wanna get together after final bell and work on it together?" The words fled out his damned lips as if struck by lightning. It was all his mind could do to catch up and stall the shocked and betrayed expression his face was trying to throw on.
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by Pryde »

Aurora stared at him for a long time, probably about as surprised as he was but she was even more shocked by her reluctance to answer. Her response should have been simple, her father would roast her on a spit if she didn't come home on time but still. Part of her wanted to make her own choices for once and another part of her was still angry at him for last night.

"I--I really shouldn't," she said and Vance nodded.

"I understa--,"

"But I want to," she interrupted him and Vance looked at her in surprise. "I'm sure my Dad won't mind if I let him know I'm staying late to study."
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by VagueDurin »

It'd been a rather uneventful rest of the schoolday, even by Parkville standards. Which suited Vance just fine. After the final bell, he found himself a spot out of the way of the hustle and bustle outside the front of the school in a patch of gravel with a couple of old benches. The teen was busy toeing at the rocks with his sneakers, trying hard not to make it obvious that he was nervously keeping an eye out for Aurora.

"Just play it cool, Vance." He told himself, "Else you're gonna run her right away."
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by Pryde »

Class had finally let out and Aurora was both relieved and terrified. For one thing she hadn't spent much time with boys before so the idea of studying with one after class had her feeling sick to her stomach. Then to make matters even worse there was her underlying fear of what her father might do to her if she came home late. Despite all that she tried her best to push those thoughts aside as she followed the crowd exiting the school. It took a moment of searching to find Vance sitting on a bench just out of the way of everyone leaving the building. She was on her way over to meet him when someone suddenly bumped into her from behind and sent her sprawling to the ground.

"Oops, sorry about that, nerd," Tommy Bachner said in a mocking tone, "You should really look where I'm going."

He and his friends shared a laugh amongst themselves as Aurora glared up at them.

"What's the matter, nerd? Gonna cry?" Tommy continued to mock her.

Aurora looked away and by chance her eyes met with Vance's. He was already on the verge of coming to her rescue but Aurora didn't want him to start a fight just for her. She shook her head and he froze indecisively, struggling with his desire to help and her refusal to let him.

"Go on, say something, nerd?"

Aurora closed her eyes. She hated this school, she hated her life, she was now starting to hate Tommy but most of all she hated her father. All of it was coming back to her now and she just wanted to scream to the heavens and run away.

"Hey, I'm talking to you," Tommy growled at her, kicking gravel and dirt all over her, "You gonna say something say it!"

Aurora's tiny hands balled into fists. "Shut up," she whispered quietly.

"What was that? Couldn't hear ya," Tommy said, leaning over her with his hand to his ear.

Aurora shot to her feet and spun on him. "I said shut up," she screamed at the top of her lungs. Overhead the clouds began to darken and swirl, the wind picked up to an almost uncomfortable pace and a heavy rain began to fall.

Ignoring all this Tommy Bachner, quarterback of the highschool football team continued to push her. "Little mouse found her courage, huh? Whatcha going to do about it," he asked, shoving her again.

Aurora stood her ground, glaring at the boy with a fire in her eyes.

"Come on, little mouse, try something."

Aurora had had enough, she clenched her fists together and screamed at him. "Why won't you just leave me alone," she shouted and almost at exactly the same time a bolt of lightning struck from the sky enveloping Tommy and leaving his smoldering body lying on the ground.

Aurora stared at him in disbelief. "W-what just happened?"

A crowd of people rushed over to them, some of them frantically checking Tommy while others reached for their phones. People were shouting for help but Aurora could not hear them. She merely stared at her hands in shock as the world around her faded from her thoughts. She wasn't sure how but somehow she knew, she knew she had been responsible. Her eyes looked up from her hands and for a moment her gaze locked with Vance. He started to say something but before he could put voice to his words she turned and she ran...
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by VagueDurin »

Vance stuck around the scene just long enough to confirm that one of the many panicking teens had managed to dial 911, then he took off at his fastest clip in the direction that Aurora had fled. He had no idea where she was heading, or if he'd be able to catch up with her... but for whatever reason, he felt that following the darkening sky was a safe bet... It wasn't long before he came upon a pond-side park and could hear muffled sobbing from inside one of the tube-slides.

The teen nimbly and silently climbed his way up the jungle gym and carefully peeked his head into the top of the tube-slide. "Aurora...?" he whispered.
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by Pryde »

"Stay away," she screamed and Vance was caught by surprise.

"Why," he asked, caught so completely off guard that he wasn't sure what else to say.

"I don't want to hurt you."

"Hurt me? Aurora, what are you talking about?"

"That boy," she began, her voice trembling, "I--I think I killed him."

"Aurora, that wasn't you. It couldn't have been."

"It was," Aurora cried, "I felt it. He made me so--so angry that I just wanted to hurt him. Then I felt--something, I don't know what it was and then that! I know it was me, I just know it! I'm a freak!"

Her dad was going to be furious with her, she knew it. It was all starting to make sense now. Why mom left, why they had to move all the time. It was because she could do things like this.
The one and only Stoban
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by VagueDurin »

Vance took a moment to consider this, but conscious of waiting too long and giving her a chance to rabbit, he carefully sat down near the entrance to the slide and spoke again.

"Even if you're right, and you did do it... You're not angry at me, are you?" He asked.
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Re: As the Wind Blows

Post by Pryde »

Aurora shook her head quietly. "No," she said, "but I'm still dangerous. Why else would my dad keep making us move from place to place? He's afraid of me."
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