Star Wars: Exodus Wiki and Rules

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Star Wars: Exodus Wiki and Rules

Post by Jagtai »

Here are a few useful links for our Star Wars: Exodus Wikipedia:

Main Page
Exodus Galaxy Timeline
Exodus Galaxy Map
World of Heroes Cateogry

General Rules
  • The Golden Rule
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In other words, be nice.
  • Moderating the Wiki
    Though it was not explicitly said earlier, the Moderator Team has in its duties the responsibility of maintaining peace on the wiki. As a result, any conflicts occurring on the wiki are under the purview of the moderator team.
  • Respect the Moderators & Admins
    Do not fight the staff or administration; their rule is law. It is their job to keep the wiki civil and running smoothly. Making public complaints regarding any administrative, enforcement, or other Moderator/Admin will not be tolerated. If you've have an issue, please private message (PM) a Moderator or Administrator.
  • Mature Content
    While Mature content (ESRB Ratings) maybe be necessary to convey context and history, explicit content should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Anything that may be construed as NC-17 or Adult Only is prohibited.
Image Uploading Rules
  • Proper Citation of All Images
    All images uploaded to the SWE Wiki must be properly cited and sourced. Specifically, all images must include the information requested by the Template: Information page. To do this, copy and paste the template code into the summary of the image, and fill out the required fields. Fill out the information to the best of your ability. At the minimum, you must include the original source from which you found the image.

    As a note, remember that simply reusing someone else's image and saying it is "Fair Use" does not qualify the use as Fair Use. Providing the source and attributing the image to its creator is common courtesy; SWE does not advocate the stealing of images and the infringement of copyright.
  • Sourcing Older, Unsourced Images
    All users have the responsibility to go back and provide proper citation/sources for all of their previously uploaded images. Users should follow the guideline stipulated above. Sourcing and citation of older images should be complete by the end of 2010; otherwise, removal of unsourced images may occur.

    For those of you who have a number of saved, unsourced images for which you've forgotten the original source, you may try TinEye Reverse Image Search. TinEye is a free service that allows you to link to or upload an image, and it will scour the Internet in search of where that image has been used. Please use this service to locate the original source of the image, as well as the artist/creator.
  • Using an Image Already Uploaded
    The use of an identical image that is already in use on the wiki has been a source of contention; as a result, we have clarified the rules regarding the use of an existing image for a different purpose.

    No Restriction
  • Unless the image has been custom made or is an original creation, anyone can use an image.
  • If an image is already in use, it is considered polite and courteous to first ask the original user if he or she would mind the duplicate use of the image.
  • The artist/original creator of the image has ultimate and final say over how an image may be used, regardless of the views of the uploader(s).
    • Restricted Images
      The following content may not be uploaded to our wiki. Please read each entry carefully, as there may be stipulations:
      • Games Workshop Images originating from Games Workshop intellectual property may not be used to represent non-Games Workshop articles or subject matter. Intellectual property from Games Workshop include but are not limited to Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Fantasy Battle. There have been cases in the past where Games Workshop has filed suit against those who infringe on their intellectual property, and we do not want to be in that position; all related images will be deleted with or without notification to the uploader.
Last edited by Jagtai on Thu May 05, 2011 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Updated map link
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Star Wars: Exodus Wikipedia

Post by Halomek »

Until an Admin can post a permanent link to the Exodus Wiki, I'm creating this thread to provide people an easy way to access it.

Star Wars: Exodus Visual Encyclopedia:

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Re: Star Wars: Exodus Wiki

Post by VagueDurin »


Effective immediately, everyone must adhere to a new policy regarding usage of Games Workshop materials on our Wikia. Compliance is mandatory. Details may be found at the following link: ... MMEDIATELY

-Star Wars: Exodus Visual Encyclopedia Admin Team
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Re: Star Wars: Exodus Wiki and Rules

Post by Jagtai »

Balsa has been promoted to full Wiki Admin, effective immediately.
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