Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Moderators: VagueDurin, Nichalus
Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
There's a prayer for the living and the dying
There's a prayer to soothe the savage sea
There's a prayer it seems for almost everything
But you, you haven't got a prayer for me
And I, I haven't got a prayer
-Unsettled Scores, Jim Steinman
Darren Fletcher sat at the table in the bar. Everyone else in his party had already left, no one stayed. Not a single damn one of them had stayed. He let out a sigh as he sipped on his drink. The crowd was starting to die down, only the more hardcore party remained. There was a wide assortment, of people and races present. A volus was dancing, rather impressively, in the center of the group. Flanking and surrounding him on the dance floor was a few turians, four salarians, a gaggle of humans and of course the asari. Asari seemed to be drawn to party’s. If there was a party, the asari were there.
A asari and a turian, sitting a table behind him, were talking. He could overhear their conversation. “I hate it.” The asari said.
“Well why don’t you have surgery.”
“Well it isn’t that bad, besides surgery is dangerous.” Darren tried his best to ignore them but even with the loud music it was surprisingly quiet. He had no choice but to listen. “These new implants they just bother me.” The asari continued. “It feels like I’m being nibbled on by a… by a…” She stumbled over the words, “What is the name of that Earth creature? Feathers and a long bill. Goes quack quack….”
“A cat.” The Turian replied.
“Yes the implant feels like I’m being nibbled on by cats!” the asari said. Darren smiled and laughed a bit to himself.
“Well that is good to see.” A third voice said. Darren looked up. A relatively young asari was leaning over, her arms on the table. “I thought you were going to sit here alone frowning all night.”
“I was contemplating.” Darren said to the asari.
The alien leaned forward with her feet planted her breasts heaving towards the man. “Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad.” She said smiling widely.
“You’re right.” Darren said sitting back. The woman didn’t go away, “You want to take a hear about it?” The asari sat down. “I’m Darren.” He said offering his hand.
Shaking it the asari said, “Arina T’Larin.” She said. “So what is your problem.”
“I’m rich apparently.” Darren said.
“That seems like one of those good problems to me.” Arina said.
“I’m just rich enough to pay off debt.” Darren said, “And for everyone else to abandon me.” It was true in its own way. Darren had indebted himself to an Ilium survey company. They had bought him a survey ship and in return he had to work for them until he had paid it off. Normally it would have taken about twenty years for him to have paid it off, however the company was able to squeeze every credit out of him that they could. At the rate he was going it would have taken nearly four hundred years to pay off his debt. They couldn’t argue with the fine print, a clause that he himself had placed in there, as most private contract surveyors do, he would receive a share of profits for finding a major deposit of element zero. It took ten years of transport runs, planetary scanning and survey but he had hit it big. His ship located a huge deposit of element zero. At first he didn’t realize it, hit survey leader was in the pocket of the company and withheld the information, but after reviewing the data again he picked it up. What he hadn’t expected was once teams were on the ground the deposit proved to be about three times the size he had initial thought.
It was his salvation, his debts was paid off, he owned a ship, and enough cash to get by comfortably but not enough for his great need. The problem lay however in his wealth. In order to attract certain highly qualified crewmen he offered percentages based off his own. The ships doctor, mechanic, pilot, navigator, and chief sensor technician all had taken their money and left for the citadel or other lavish surroundings. “All gone to start their own lives.” He continued.
“Well it is there loss.” The Asari said with a bit of a smile. “You seem level headed, you’ll be fine, get on with your own life.” Winking she added “I think a dance might in order.”
“You’re right.” Darren said.
“Of course I am, I’m pretty and dancing is always….”
“No no!” Darren interrupted. “About getting on with my own life.” He stood up and started walking towards the door. “I think I’ll tuck my son in and then go see a Volus, see if he has made any progress.” He gave a slight nod to the asari and walked away. “Thanks a lot.” The man said over his shoulder as he walked out the door.
Arina pouted a bit. “I was flirting.” She said with a bit of a frown, “not giving life lessons.” Sitting back she folder her arms and glanced around. She thought about heading out, after all she had to report to the ship early in the morning.
Darren was tired. He had stayed up late, first going home to tuck in his son and then, checking with his Volus employment agent to make sure that the small alien had managed to find crew on such short notice. Technically the crew worked for him and was paid out of pocket by him, however he didn’t have the funds. Instead he took a commission to survey a system of planets giving that money up front to the Volus who in turn hired the crew. After he completed his assignment the rest of the pay plus any applicable bonus’s would be transferred to his accounts at which time he would finish paying the Volus for the crew.
The Volus of course would take a percentage of the money, as arranged with the employee. Disreputable captains would dock pay and hand out fines for bad behavior and poor performance, Darren did that too if there was just cause, but often took the notion too far squeezing the crew for every penny he could save, splitting the savings with his Employment Agent, who in theory was supposed to dispute unjust claims.
The Employment Agents had assured the Captain that he had plenty of applications and that even on such short term notice he would be able to get crewmen, for a price. The percentage went up significantly, but such was the hazards of working through an intermediary. Hiring with one on one interviews and sifting through piles of applications would take too much time for the Captain who had immediate financial needs.
A tram stopped just outside the docking bay. The dark haired man stepped out and looked at the sleek ship. Around the size of a plump Alliance frigate it boasted powerful engines, large fuel storage capacity, the most advanced sensor system in the galaxy, and full facilities for the crew. Although its cargo bay wasn’t as large on those of vessels made purely for cargo transfer the ship boasted enough to have it qualify as a courier vessel for both the Citadel and the Alliance government. The side of the ship the lettering was plain, “Camelot”. Darren thought it was an appropriate name for a ship designed to scout out new planets for colonization and mining. In years to come who knew which would might become a prosperous kingdom? Besides was the Captain not king of his celestial castle?
As he peered across the docking bay, a familiar face greeting him. The woman and small child were waiting at the entrance to the ship. “Julian.” Darren said aloud. The child was being restrained by the woman who let go upon seeing him. Running slowly with an incredibly noticeable limp the child opened his arms. Darren picked him up and tossed him into the air, playfully, catching him and embracing him. “Julian what are you doing here?” He asked as the woman approached.
“It is my fault.” The woman replied.
“I asked Aunt Chelsea if I could see you off.” The boy said with a smile. The two looked nearly identical except for the young boy’s bright blue eyes. Darren smiled at him “I wish I could go with you!” he said.
“I’m going to be on the edge of the terminus systems.” He replied, “it’s safer here.” The boy had been partially crippled during the Skillian Blitz seven years earlier. He was only two at the time when the batarians came to Elysium looking for slaves. They had killed Darren’s wife and tried to take the boy when an Alliance soldier intervened. However in the resulting battle young Julian was nearly killed. Darren and his wife moved to Elysium after his service in the Alliance was over. The young couple wanted to start a new life on a new colony, instead they god blood.
Darren had bought his ship a year before the attack and was off planet when it happened. He arrived just as the batarians were leaving. His son had been badly hurt, unable to walk without extensive medical treatments. At the age of four through medical treatments his son was able to take his first steps. The limp was severe and the muscles severely damaged, further operations would cost him nearly all his money forcing him to go on longer and more dangerous assignments while his son stayed with his sister. Finally after seven years he was in a position to finally make enough money to afford the final procedure which would allow his son to walk without a limp, to run and play like other children.
“I wish you were coming with me.” He said finally in a soft sad voice. “Soon though, soon I’ll have some time and I promise we’ll take a vacation, go to a theme park somewhere fun.”
“That would be nice.” Chelsea said.
“Has he been good?” Darren asked Chelsea.
“Yes. Except for one little incident where he thought there was a monster in the closest.” Chelsea raised a brow at him.
“There was a monster!” The boy said.
Darren laughed. “Come on, you know I’d never let a monster get you!”
“Promise dad?” the kid asked.
“I promise I’ll protect you from monsters.” Giving the boy a wink he headed towards the ship.
Stalking the docking bay she finally found a target worth the aggravation of association. The blue skinned alien walked up behind the man, surprising him a bit. “Darren!” she said leaping. Arina smiled a bit as she looked at the little kid in his arms. “This is your son? He’s so cute.”
“Arina right?” Darren asked trying to remember her name from the night before. ”what are you doing here?”
“Oh I got hired by some Volus to be crew on this ship. Apparently the captain can’t afford regulars so here I am.”
“Oh really?” Darren said innocently. “What roll will you fill on the ship?”
“Oh I’m a doctor.” The Asari said, “I got degrees in XenoBiology and XenoPsychology.” She said with pride as Chelsea rolled her eyes.
“Really?” Darren said, “You don’t look like you’re much older than my son.”
“Eighty four.” She said crumpling up her facial features. Suddenly she changed subjects. “Do you know where I can find this Captain Fletcher?” She asked.
“We weren’t formally introduced.” Darren said, “I’m Darren Fletcher, Captain of Camelot.”
“I think I’m developing a sickness.” The Asari said.
“Foot in mouth disease?”
“You’ve heard the joke?” The Asari said excitedly. “Wow handsome, a family man, and a sense of humor.”
“Get on the damn ship.” Darren replied. The Asari smiled and took her leave. “This is going to be a long trip.” He said to his confused looking son and not amused sister. Leaning over he tussled the hair on his sons head much to his chagrin. “You be good for your aunt.” And then kissing his sister on the cheek he walked on board the space ship, his space ship.
There's a prayer to soothe the savage sea
There's a prayer it seems for almost everything
But you, you haven't got a prayer for me
And I, I haven't got a prayer
-Unsettled Scores, Jim Steinman
Darren Fletcher sat at the table in the bar. Everyone else in his party had already left, no one stayed. Not a single damn one of them had stayed. He let out a sigh as he sipped on his drink. The crowd was starting to die down, only the more hardcore party remained. There was a wide assortment, of people and races present. A volus was dancing, rather impressively, in the center of the group. Flanking and surrounding him on the dance floor was a few turians, four salarians, a gaggle of humans and of course the asari. Asari seemed to be drawn to party’s. If there was a party, the asari were there.
A asari and a turian, sitting a table behind him, were talking. He could overhear their conversation. “I hate it.” The asari said.
“Well why don’t you have surgery.”
“Well it isn’t that bad, besides surgery is dangerous.” Darren tried his best to ignore them but even with the loud music it was surprisingly quiet. He had no choice but to listen. “These new implants they just bother me.” The asari continued. “It feels like I’m being nibbled on by a… by a…” She stumbled over the words, “What is the name of that Earth creature? Feathers and a long bill. Goes quack quack….”
“A cat.” The Turian replied.
“Yes the implant feels like I’m being nibbled on by cats!” the asari said. Darren smiled and laughed a bit to himself.
“Well that is good to see.” A third voice said. Darren looked up. A relatively young asari was leaning over, her arms on the table. “I thought you were going to sit here alone frowning all night.”
“I was contemplating.” Darren said to the asari.
The alien leaned forward with her feet planted her breasts heaving towards the man. “Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad.” She said smiling widely.
“You’re right.” Darren said sitting back. The woman didn’t go away, “You want to take a hear about it?” The asari sat down. “I’m Darren.” He said offering his hand.
Shaking it the asari said, “Arina T’Larin.” She said. “So what is your problem.”
“I’m rich apparently.” Darren said.
“That seems like one of those good problems to me.” Arina said.
“I’m just rich enough to pay off debt.” Darren said, “And for everyone else to abandon me.” It was true in its own way. Darren had indebted himself to an Ilium survey company. They had bought him a survey ship and in return he had to work for them until he had paid it off. Normally it would have taken about twenty years for him to have paid it off, however the company was able to squeeze every credit out of him that they could. At the rate he was going it would have taken nearly four hundred years to pay off his debt. They couldn’t argue with the fine print, a clause that he himself had placed in there, as most private contract surveyors do, he would receive a share of profits for finding a major deposit of element zero. It took ten years of transport runs, planetary scanning and survey but he had hit it big. His ship located a huge deposit of element zero. At first he didn’t realize it, hit survey leader was in the pocket of the company and withheld the information, but after reviewing the data again he picked it up. What he hadn’t expected was once teams were on the ground the deposit proved to be about three times the size he had initial thought.
It was his salvation, his debts was paid off, he owned a ship, and enough cash to get by comfortably but not enough for his great need. The problem lay however in his wealth. In order to attract certain highly qualified crewmen he offered percentages based off his own. The ships doctor, mechanic, pilot, navigator, and chief sensor technician all had taken their money and left for the citadel or other lavish surroundings. “All gone to start their own lives.” He continued.
“Well it is there loss.” The Asari said with a bit of a smile. “You seem level headed, you’ll be fine, get on with your own life.” Winking she added “I think a dance might in order.”
“You’re right.” Darren said.
“Of course I am, I’m pretty and dancing is always….”
“No no!” Darren interrupted. “About getting on with my own life.” He stood up and started walking towards the door. “I think I’ll tuck my son in and then go see a Volus, see if he has made any progress.” He gave a slight nod to the asari and walked away. “Thanks a lot.” The man said over his shoulder as he walked out the door.
Arina pouted a bit. “I was flirting.” She said with a bit of a frown, “not giving life lessons.” Sitting back she folder her arms and glanced around. She thought about heading out, after all she had to report to the ship early in the morning.
Darren was tired. He had stayed up late, first going home to tuck in his son and then, checking with his Volus employment agent to make sure that the small alien had managed to find crew on such short notice. Technically the crew worked for him and was paid out of pocket by him, however he didn’t have the funds. Instead he took a commission to survey a system of planets giving that money up front to the Volus who in turn hired the crew. After he completed his assignment the rest of the pay plus any applicable bonus’s would be transferred to his accounts at which time he would finish paying the Volus for the crew.
The Volus of course would take a percentage of the money, as arranged with the employee. Disreputable captains would dock pay and hand out fines for bad behavior and poor performance, Darren did that too if there was just cause, but often took the notion too far squeezing the crew for every penny he could save, splitting the savings with his Employment Agent, who in theory was supposed to dispute unjust claims.
The Employment Agents had assured the Captain that he had plenty of applications and that even on such short term notice he would be able to get crewmen, for a price. The percentage went up significantly, but such was the hazards of working through an intermediary. Hiring with one on one interviews and sifting through piles of applications would take too much time for the Captain who had immediate financial needs.
A tram stopped just outside the docking bay. The dark haired man stepped out and looked at the sleek ship. Around the size of a plump Alliance frigate it boasted powerful engines, large fuel storage capacity, the most advanced sensor system in the galaxy, and full facilities for the crew. Although its cargo bay wasn’t as large on those of vessels made purely for cargo transfer the ship boasted enough to have it qualify as a courier vessel for both the Citadel and the Alliance government. The side of the ship the lettering was plain, “Camelot”. Darren thought it was an appropriate name for a ship designed to scout out new planets for colonization and mining. In years to come who knew which would might become a prosperous kingdom? Besides was the Captain not king of his celestial castle?
As he peered across the docking bay, a familiar face greeting him. The woman and small child were waiting at the entrance to the ship. “Julian.” Darren said aloud. The child was being restrained by the woman who let go upon seeing him. Running slowly with an incredibly noticeable limp the child opened his arms. Darren picked him up and tossed him into the air, playfully, catching him and embracing him. “Julian what are you doing here?” He asked as the woman approached.
“It is my fault.” The woman replied.
“I asked Aunt Chelsea if I could see you off.” The boy said with a smile. The two looked nearly identical except for the young boy’s bright blue eyes. Darren smiled at him “I wish I could go with you!” he said.
“I’m going to be on the edge of the terminus systems.” He replied, “it’s safer here.” The boy had been partially crippled during the Skillian Blitz seven years earlier. He was only two at the time when the batarians came to Elysium looking for slaves. They had killed Darren’s wife and tried to take the boy when an Alliance soldier intervened. However in the resulting battle young Julian was nearly killed. Darren and his wife moved to Elysium after his service in the Alliance was over. The young couple wanted to start a new life on a new colony, instead they god blood.
Darren had bought his ship a year before the attack and was off planet when it happened. He arrived just as the batarians were leaving. His son had been badly hurt, unable to walk without extensive medical treatments. At the age of four through medical treatments his son was able to take his first steps. The limp was severe and the muscles severely damaged, further operations would cost him nearly all his money forcing him to go on longer and more dangerous assignments while his son stayed with his sister. Finally after seven years he was in a position to finally make enough money to afford the final procedure which would allow his son to walk without a limp, to run and play like other children.
“I wish you were coming with me.” He said finally in a soft sad voice. “Soon though, soon I’ll have some time and I promise we’ll take a vacation, go to a theme park somewhere fun.”
“That would be nice.” Chelsea said.
“Has he been good?” Darren asked Chelsea.
“Yes. Except for one little incident where he thought there was a monster in the closest.” Chelsea raised a brow at him.
“There was a monster!” The boy said.
Darren laughed. “Come on, you know I’d never let a monster get you!”
“Promise dad?” the kid asked.
“I promise I’ll protect you from monsters.” Giving the boy a wink he headed towards the ship.
Stalking the docking bay she finally found a target worth the aggravation of association. The blue skinned alien walked up behind the man, surprising him a bit. “Darren!” she said leaping. Arina smiled a bit as she looked at the little kid in his arms. “This is your son? He’s so cute.”
“Arina right?” Darren asked trying to remember her name from the night before. ”what are you doing here?”
“Oh I got hired by some Volus to be crew on this ship. Apparently the captain can’t afford regulars so here I am.”
“Oh really?” Darren said innocently. “What roll will you fill on the ship?”
“Oh I’m a doctor.” The Asari said, “I got degrees in XenoBiology and XenoPsychology.” She said with pride as Chelsea rolled her eyes.
“Really?” Darren said, “You don’t look like you’re much older than my son.”
“Eighty four.” She said crumpling up her facial features. Suddenly she changed subjects. “Do you know where I can find this Captain Fletcher?” She asked.
“We weren’t formally introduced.” Darren said, “I’m Darren Fletcher, Captain of Camelot.”
“I think I’m developing a sickness.” The Asari said.
“Foot in mouth disease?”
“You’ve heard the joke?” The Asari said excitedly. “Wow handsome, a family man, and a sense of humor.”
“Get on the damn ship.” Darren replied. The Asari smiled and took her leave. “This is going to be a long trip.” He said to his confused looking son and not amused sister. Leaning over he tussled the hair on his sons head much to his chagrin. “You be good for your aunt.” And then kissing his sister on the cheek he walked on board the space ship, his space ship.
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
The one and only Stoban
Posts: 3894
Joined: Mon Feb 17, 2003 1:39 pm
Joined: Mon Feb 17, 2003 1:39 pm
Location: A constant state of irrationality
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Eight Years Ago
The cognac was soothing... in that just enough of a good burn sort of way... as he swallowed. The dark atmosphere of Chora's Den matched Wyborn Lendsouth's mood just fine as the ex soldier crumpled up another losing ticket and tossed it into the middle of the table he sat behind. The piece of flimsy ricocheted off a handful of already empty glasses before coming to rest next to three identically crumpled tickets. "Guess today just ain't my day." He grumbled to himself, rocking back the rest of the contents of his tumbler glass before catching a scantily clad waitresses eye and ordering another. "Thanks, Doll." He called after her, reaching to swat her on the behind but missing by a mile.
A chair pulled out next to him. "Is this a private party?" a voice asked as a dark haired man sat next to him. His blue eyes seemed tired and worn. "Or can anyone come?" The two men stared at each other.
"Lieutenant Fletcher."
"Call me Darren Chief, I'm not with the military anymore." Lifting up his finger he called the waitress over. "I'll have two shots of Asari Bravari's and a shot of Jameson." he looked over at his friend. "And a glass of cognac, I believe that is you." He said smirking. "I got some catching up to do."
Wyborn's eyebrows furrowed slightly as his green eyes focused on his former brother in arms. He cleared his throat and let the corner of his lip twitch into a half smirk. The scar that ran down his left cheek angled a bit from the gesture.
"It's been too long, Darren." Wyborn responded, offering his hand for a shake. After the Lieutenant shook in greeting Wyborn leaned against the table. "What brings you down to the dregs of the Citadel? Last I heard you'd turned into a family man."
The waitress approached and dropped their drinks down. Darren nodded and tipped the waitress. "Yeah I have a wife, Elise." Taking a shot in hand he quickly downed it. "And I got a son, Julian. Sure would like to meet his Uncle Wybee though." Chuckling he took the blue Asari drink in hand and sipped a bit on it before taking a gulp. "Now as to your first question." he added swirling the liquid contents around. "I came down here looking for you. I got a bit of a proposal for you."
Wyborn's gaze sharpened just a tad, a bit of the alcohol induced haze sliding away and being replaced with a keen vigilance he used to carry at all times. The ex-soldier reached forward and picked up his new glass of cognac and tipped it in Darren's direction before taking a gulp. "Proposal is a fancy sort of a word, LT." He spoke, his voice quieter than it had been before, almost conspiratorial. "Go on.."
"I got a ship." Darren said with a bit of a smirk. "I managed to make a deal with a company who floated me a loan. I have to work off my debt to the surveying company, will take about ten years but we'll be free. All we have to do is fix her, get her up and running and then just float out in the stars."
"So she isn't running now?"
"No, not so much. I had to take one of her shuttles here..." He said pausing. "She's an Old Alliance Currier Frigate. The engines, FTL drive and weapons were torn out for salvage, but we can replace all that pretty easy, I already got a line on an Asari antiproton drive. But I could use someone to help me with all the arrangements." Finishing his drink he started on the third. "I suppose I'm offering you a job."
Wyborn had to chuckle just a bit under his breath as Darren explained just why his spaceship couldn't go into space just yet... But after he'd had his fun with that, his expression turned more on the serious side. Employer's weren't exactly lining up to offer an ex-special forces soldier a job... and the folks that did take an interest in his particular skillset... Well, apparently they didn't approve of his extra-curricular activities... Wyborn wasn't the trusting sort though. Years of hard living and betrayal had taught him to be rather skeptical of anything that seemed to be too good to be true. He'd get around to asking about the company in a minute though. There was a more pressing question on his mind.
"What does the missus have to say about this?"
"Getting to the heart of matters right?" Darren stared at his final drink, nursing it in his hand before taking a sip. "What we did..." he paused as the painful memory wakened in his mind. It had been almost two years since then. "Well trying to find work after that has been hell. This is a chance for me, for my wife to prosper and to get out of it all." Taking another sip he frowned. "She's supportive." He summarized. "It will be hell long trips where I don't get to be with her, but it is my ship, some of these cruises I'll be able to take her with me, once Julian is old enough I can take him with us too. We don't always have to operate in the traverse after all, there is plenty of jobs everywhere." Giving a weak smile he added, "I don't have many other options."
What they did... Wyborn's green eyes went ghost-like for a moment before he cast them down at the table. It didn't seem to matter how many bottles he emptied, he could never seem to leave that place.. Could never un-see what he'd seen. He took a long drink from his glass before looking back up at Darren. He was a good man, good as any as far as Wyborn was concerned. And it was obvious he'd thought this thing through. In the end, he was right... They didn't have many other options. "Whats the story on this company, then?" He asked finally. "You sure they're on the up and up?"
"As up and up as anything on Illium is." Darren replied. "I read the contract, and it is the standard contract alot of guys get. And there is a clause in there, any element zero we find, we get a cut off. Not a huge percentage, but we have the potential of becoming rich men."
Misado Limited...
That was the name that was etched into the side of the glass bottle that he currently rolled between his hands. It wasn't the most exclusive brand of Cognac in the galaxy, but it certainly wasn't bottom shelf stuff either. One didn't just waltz into any old trading post and expect to find them stocking Misado. Wyborn wasn't necessarily surprised by the fact that this particular bottle of Misado was empty... But he was a might perplexed that this bottle seemed to be his last. The ex-soldier was sure he'd had one more to go... This, was a problem...
But every problem had a solution, and Wyborn's business had always been solving problems. The man grumbled slightly as he pulled his 34 year old frame out of the chair and stood up to his full 6'3" height. He stretched out some sort joints before grabbing a jacket off the nearby bunk and then headed out of his quarters and down the corridor.
The MSV Camelot was an ex Alliance frigate, and although it had been long since decommissioned and been serving Darren and the crew in its current capacity for the better part of a decade its interior was still what some would call spartan at best. Normally that didn't bother Wyborn. He'd been a soldier in the Alliances Special Forces, most of the time the frigate made him feel at home... But today... Today the Camelot was eerily empty and it was truly unsettling. A new compliment of crew was arriving today to replace the greedy and opportunistic ones who had turned their back on the Camelot... but that meant new people. Wyland was a distrusting sort of person and the prospect of a new crew didn't make him happy. "Happiness don't power drive cores, though." He mumbled to himself as he rounded a corner, checking to make sure his sidearm was in place.
He'd keep an eye on the newcomers. As the ships Security Chief it was his duty, after all. Finally he found himself at the central lift and Wyborn walked inside, keying a floor on the panel and standing back as the lift descended. Soon he found himself standing face to face with the crewmember who might just have the next closest time in service to the Camelot as himself (now that all the others had taken off). James Hogue, the ships Quartermaster. Wyborn was always suspicious of James, though he'd never been able to decide why. There was just something about the way he and the Captain interacted... but Darren had vouched for the younger man, and told Wyborn to let it be. He trusted Darren so he'd dropped it. And besides, James was one hell of a quartermaster.
"Well well, Security Chief Lendsouth would you like to have a look at my wares?" James perked up from behind his console, obviously glad to have a customer. "You know I've got the latest and greatest in Virtual Reality Do--"
Wyborn interrupted him by setting the bottle of Misado down on his counter with a slight clang. "Tell me you have some in reserve? I... uh... thought I was safe but it turns out I mis-counted." Wyborn still wasn't quite positive that he'd finished all of his bottles and it was nagging at the back of his mind.
Jimmy narrowed his light blue eyes as he blew out a slow breath. "Oi... I dunno Chief, lemme consult the logs right quick..." He spoke, leaning forward as his fingers danced over the keys in front of him. The orange back lighting of the screen illuminated his face and tinged his dark blond hair a bronze color as he worked. "You know that Misado is tough to come by, Chief... I've got a case of the Orsuvian Reserves in, one of them traitors ordered it but took off before it came in... I know its a bit more costly but if you're in a pinch..." He trailed off towards the end as he glanced up at Wyborn searching for a response. He could tell the old man was considering it. Jimmy watched carefully as the Chief's lips tightened and he shifted his weight backwards slightly before he spoke up again. "Otherwise I can put out some feelers and probably track down some Misado, have it waiting for us when we come back in from this trek?"
That was the sealer, and Jimmy knew it. No way in hell that Chief Lendsouth was going to go out on a trip into the Traverse empty bottled. He watched the older veteran grumble a bit to himself before nodding reluctantly. "Alright I'll take it."
"Great, you won't be disappointed, this Orsuvian stuff is legit." Jimmy tapped a few more keys then leaned back in his seat. "I'll have someone drop it off in your quarters by the end of the day Chief, anything else I can help you with?"
Wyborn shook his head and walked away slowly, still trying to remember what the hell had happened to that last bottle. As he dissapeared around the corner and got back into the lift, Jimmy twisted the cap off of a never before opened bottle of Misado Limited and slowly started to pour himself a drink, a satisfied smirk smeared fully across his features.
The cognac was soothing... in that just enough of a good burn sort of way... as he swallowed. The dark atmosphere of Chora's Den matched Wyborn Lendsouth's mood just fine as the ex soldier crumpled up another losing ticket and tossed it into the middle of the table he sat behind. The piece of flimsy ricocheted off a handful of already empty glasses before coming to rest next to three identically crumpled tickets. "Guess today just ain't my day." He grumbled to himself, rocking back the rest of the contents of his tumbler glass before catching a scantily clad waitresses eye and ordering another. "Thanks, Doll." He called after her, reaching to swat her on the behind but missing by a mile.
A chair pulled out next to him. "Is this a private party?" a voice asked as a dark haired man sat next to him. His blue eyes seemed tired and worn. "Or can anyone come?" The two men stared at each other.
"Lieutenant Fletcher."
"Call me Darren Chief, I'm not with the military anymore." Lifting up his finger he called the waitress over. "I'll have two shots of Asari Bravari's and a shot of Jameson." he looked over at his friend. "And a glass of cognac, I believe that is you." He said smirking. "I got some catching up to do."
Wyborn's eyebrows furrowed slightly as his green eyes focused on his former brother in arms. He cleared his throat and let the corner of his lip twitch into a half smirk. The scar that ran down his left cheek angled a bit from the gesture.
"It's been too long, Darren." Wyborn responded, offering his hand for a shake. After the Lieutenant shook in greeting Wyborn leaned against the table. "What brings you down to the dregs of the Citadel? Last I heard you'd turned into a family man."
The waitress approached and dropped their drinks down. Darren nodded and tipped the waitress. "Yeah I have a wife, Elise." Taking a shot in hand he quickly downed it. "And I got a son, Julian. Sure would like to meet his Uncle Wybee though." Chuckling he took the blue Asari drink in hand and sipped a bit on it before taking a gulp. "Now as to your first question." he added swirling the liquid contents around. "I came down here looking for you. I got a bit of a proposal for you."
Wyborn's gaze sharpened just a tad, a bit of the alcohol induced haze sliding away and being replaced with a keen vigilance he used to carry at all times. The ex-soldier reached forward and picked up his new glass of cognac and tipped it in Darren's direction before taking a gulp. "Proposal is a fancy sort of a word, LT." He spoke, his voice quieter than it had been before, almost conspiratorial. "Go on.."
"I got a ship." Darren said with a bit of a smirk. "I managed to make a deal with a company who floated me a loan. I have to work off my debt to the surveying company, will take about ten years but we'll be free. All we have to do is fix her, get her up and running and then just float out in the stars."
"So she isn't running now?"
"No, not so much. I had to take one of her shuttles here..." He said pausing. "She's an Old Alliance Currier Frigate. The engines, FTL drive and weapons were torn out for salvage, but we can replace all that pretty easy, I already got a line on an Asari antiproton drive. But I could use someone to help me with all the arrangements." Finishing his drink he started on the third. "I suppose I'm offering you a job."
Wyborn had to chuckle just a bit under his breath as Darren explained just why his spaceship couldn't go into space just yet... But after he'd had his fun with that, his expression turned more on the serious side. Employer's weren't exactly lining up to offer an ex-special forces soldier a job... and the folks that did take an interest in his particular skillset... Well, apparently they didn't approve of his extra-curricular activities... Wyborn wasn't the trusting sort though. Years of hard living and betrayal had taught him to be rather skeptical of anything that seemed to be too good to be true. He'd get around to asking about the company in a minute though. There was a more pressing question on his mind.
"What does the missus have to say about this?"
"Getting to the heart of matters right?" Darren stared at his final drink, nursing it in his hand before taking a sip. "What we did..." he paused as the painful memory wakened in his mind. It had been almost two years since then. "Well trying to find work after that has been hell. This is a chance for me, for my wife to prosper and to get out of it all." Taking another sip he frowned. "She's supportive." He summarized. "It will be hell long trips where I don't get to be with her, but it is my ship, some of these cruises I'll be able to take her with me, once Julian is old enough I can take him with us too. We don't always have to operate in the traverse after all, there is plenty of jobs everywhere." Giving a weak smile he added, "I don't have many other options."
What they did... Wyborn's green eyes went ghost-like for a moment before he cast them down at the table. It didn't seem to matter how many bottles he emptied, he could never seem to leave that place.. Could never un-see what he'd seen. He took a long drink from his glass before looking back up at Darren. He was a good man, good as any as far as Wyborn was concerned. And it was obvious he'd thought this thing through. In the end, he was right... They didn't have many other options. "Whats the story on this company, then?" He asked finally. "You sure they're on the up and up?"
"As up and up as anything on Illium is." Darren replied. "I read the contract, and it is the standard contract alot of guys get. And there is a clause in there, any element zero we find, we get a cut off. Not a huge percentage, but we have the potential of becoming rich men."
Misado Limited...
That was the name that was etched into the side of the glass bottle that he currently rolled between his hands. It wasn't the most exclusive brand of Cognac in the galaxy, but it certainly wasn't bottom shelf stuff either. One didn't just waltz into any old trading post and expect to find them stocking Misado. Wyborn wasn't necessarily surprised by the fact that this particular bottle of Misado was empty... But he was a might perplexed that this bottle seemed to be his last. The ex-soldier was sure he'd had one more to go... This, was a problem...
But every problem had a solution, and Wyborn's business had always been solving problems. The man grumbled slightly as he pulled his 34 year old frame out of the chair and stood up to his full 6'3" height. He stretched out some sort joints before grabbing a jacket off the nearby bunk and then headed out of his quarters and down the corridor.
The MSV Camelot was an ex Alliance frigate, and although it had been long since decommissioned and been serving Darren and the crew in its current capacity for the better part of a decade its interior was still what some would call spartan at best. Normally that didn't bother Wyborn. He'd been a soldier in the Alliances Special Forces, most of the time the frigate made him feel at home... But today... Today the Camelot was eerily empty and it was truly unsettling. A new compliment of crew was arriving today to replace the greedy and opportunistic ones who had turned their back on the Camelot... but that meant new people. Wyland was a distrusting sort of person and the prospect of a new crew didn't make him happy. "Happiness don't power drive cores, though." He mumbled to himself as he rounded a corner, checking to make sure his sidearm was in place.
He'd keep an eye on the newcomers. As the ships Security Chief it was his duty, after all. Finally he found himself at the central lift and Wyborn walked inside, keying a floor on the panel and standing back as the lift descended. Soon he found himself standing face to face with the crewmember who might just have the next closest time in service to the Camelot as himself (now that all the others had taken off). James Hogue, the ships Quartermaster. Wyborn was always suspicious of James, though he'd never been able to decide why. There was just something about the way he and the Captain interacted... but Darren had vouched for the younger man, and told Wyborn to let it be. He trusted Darren so he'd dropped it. And besides, James was one hell of a quartermaster.
"Well well, Security Chief Lendsouth would you like to have a look at my wares?" James perked up from behind his console, obviously glad to have a customer. "You know I've got the latest and greatest in Virtual Reality Do--"
Wyborn interrupted him by setting the bottle of Misado down on his counter with a slight clang. "Tell me you have some in reserve? I... uh... thought I was safe but it turns out I mis-counted." Wyborn still wasn't quite positive that he'd finished all of his bottles and it was nagging at the back of his mind.
Jimmy narrowed his light blue eyes as he blew out a slow breath. "Oi... I dunno Chief, lemme consult the logs right quick..." He spoke, leaning forward as his fingers danced over the keys in front of him. The orange back lighting of the screen illuminated his face and tinged his dark blond hair a bronze color as he worked. "You know that Misado is tough to come by, Chief... I've got a case of the Orsuvian Reserves in, one of them traitors ordered it but took off before it came in... I know its a bit more costly but if you're in a pinch..." He trailed off towards the end as he glanced up at Wyborn searching for a response. He could tell the old man was considering it. Jimmy watched carefully as the Chief's lips tightened and he shifted his weight backwards slightly before he spoke up again. "Otherwise I can put out some feelers and probably track down some Misado, have it waiting for us when we come back in from this trek?"
That was the sealer, and Jimmy knew it. No way in hell that Chief Lendsouth was going to go out on a trip into the Traverse empty bottled. He watched the older veteran grumble a bit to himself before nodding reluctantly. "Alright I'll take it."
"Great, you won't be disappointed, this Orsuvian stuff is legit." Jimmy tapped a few more keys then leaned back in his seat. "I'll have someone drop it off in your quarters by the end of the day Chief, anything else I can help you with?"
Wyborn shook his head and walked away slowly, still trying to remember what the hell had happened to that last bottle. As he dissapeared around the corner and got back into the lift, Jimmy twisted the cap off of a never before opened bottle of Misado Limited and slowly started to pour himself a drink, a satisfied smirk smeared fully across his features.
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Arina gracefully glided across the deck of the ship. She could tell it was originally a military craft despite the attempt at adding comforts. Seats at stations had been replaced with large cushioned ones, and ugly wiring, formerly exposed, now covered by clean looking bulkheads. “Hello Doctor.” A voice called as she entered the Medbay. She looked over and saw a holographic image of an old man with a grey beard.
“And you are?” She asked.
“I am Merlin, Camelot’s local VI. Do you have a query?” The voice was old and wizen with a bit of a crackle. She couldn’t tell if it was static or actually part of the program.
“Tell me about the accommodations.”
“There are four cabins, two have been purposed for single occupancy each posses a lounge and work area. Of the remaining cabins one has been designated for dual occupancy and the other for quad occupancy. The remainder of the crew resides in two quarters each capable of housing eight people. Public showering and restroom facilities are adjacent with the two single occupancy cabins possessing their own toiletry facilities.
“Yes where will I be staying?” Arina asked.
“You will be staying on level two, officer quarters four.” The VI said. She asked about her roommate. “Currently there is no other occupant, there is a vacancy.”
“Really?” She said a devilish smile forming over her pursed lips. “Where does everyone else stay?”
“The Captain and Executive Officer both reside in single occupancy facilities. The Quarter Master, Chief Technician, and Pilot reside in the quad occupancy facility. The rest of the crew are stationed in their gender appropriate quarters.”
“Can you give me directions to my quarters?”
Lights lit up on the floor in blue. “I have marked out the path for you, please follow the blue lights to your quarters.” The Asari smiled and hoisted her bag up onto her back following the lights. As she did so she noticed other crewmembers following various colors of light on the floor. As she followed the lights she suddenly impacted against something, or rather someone…
“And you are?” She asked.
“I am Merlin, Camelot’s local VI. Do you have a query?” The voice was old and wizen with a bit of a crackle. She couldn’t tell if it was static or actually part of the program.
“Tell me about the accommodations.”
“There are four cabins, two have been purposed for single occupancy each posses a lounge and work area. Of the remaining cabins one has been designated for dual occupancy and the other for quad occupancy. The remainder of the crew resides in two quarters each capable of housing eight people. Public showering and restroom facilities are adjacent with the two single occupancy cabins possessing their own toiletry facilities.
“Yes where will I be staying?” Arina asked.
“You will be staying on level two, officer quarters four.” The VI said. She asked about her roommate. “Currently there is no other occupant, there is a vacancy.”
“Really?” She said a devilish smile forming over her pursed lips. “Where does everyone else stay?”
“The Captain and Executive Officer both reside in single occupancy facilities. The Quarter Master, Chief Technician, and Pilot reside in the quad occupancy facility. The rest of the crew are stationed in their gender appropriate quarters.”
“Can you give me directions to my quarters?”
Lights lit up on the floor in blue. “I have marked out the path for you, please follow the blue lights to your quarters.” The Asari smiled and hoisted her bag up onto her back following the lights. As she did so she noticed other crewmembers following various colors of light on the floor. As she followed the lights she suddenly impacted against something, or rather someone…
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
The one and only Stoban
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Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
James was humming a little tune to himself as he strolled through the corridors of the Camelot. After scamming off the Chief he was feeling rather opportunistic and decided that he should take advantage of the new oncoming crew and make his introductions as soon as possible. He was daydreaming about the credits he was likely to be making in the near future and as such hadn't noticed the quickly moving Asari until it was too late and they'd run full on into each other.
"Oi, a thousand pardons, M'lady." He spoke as he reached out to help steady her.
"Oi, a thousand pardons, M'lady." He spoke as he reached out to help steady her.
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
“Oh no it is all my fault.” Arina said trying to avoid eye contact. That drove human males crazy, avoiding the eyes playing games to appear as if you were shying away. “I was just so clumsy.” She pouted a little. “This computer is making me follow lights on the ground, it is a wonder more people don’t run into eachother.” Extending her hand she introduced herself. “I’m Doctor Arina T’Lorin, I don’t suppose you can help me to my quarters can you? I could really use some help, every part of the ship looks the same to me… I’m used to asari vessels.” She enjoyed playing her role.
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
The one and only Stoban
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Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
James watched her with a practiced eye for a moment before he let a slow grin creep its way across his face. Doctor, eh? He stepped sideways to make room for another crewmember to pass by and then bent down to pick up the bag that she'd dropped. He searched out her downturned gaze with his own as he rose back up. "Oh I assure you, Merlin would never purposefully put any of the crewmembers in danger, Doctor. No worries though, the Camelot has a pretty straight forward design. Clever being like yourself ought to have her all figured out in no time. Where did Merlin say you'd be staying, Doll?"
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
"I'm all alone," She said with a sad expression. "in the cabin meant for two people." Playfully she reached out a hand and touched the man on the shoulder. "Thank you so much for doing this for me. I would hate to get lose on my first day and make a bad first impression." Grabbing at her form fitting clothes she added softly. "And I've been wearing these same clothes since last night. I just can't wait to get out of them and into something more comfortable." Her hand slipped under her shirt and lifted it slightly exposing a bit of blue flesh around her abdomen. "It's so hard having a career and still maintaining a social life."
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
The one and only Stoban
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Location: A constant state of irrationality
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
James had to give it to her, she was good. Very good. In fact, he was already looking forward to watching her work her wiles on some of the more unsuspecting crewman. "Oh, the least I can do, Doll. Name's James Hogue." He spoke as he turned and started to lead her down the corridor. "Ships Quartermaster. Anything you need requisitioned, I'm the guy that'll make it happen."
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Arina walked behind the man for awhile until they reached her quarters. "Oh no." She said looking at the space. There was a fair amount there but still much smaller than she was used to. "So much room, I couldn't impose." Smiling she walked in and motioned for James to follow. Putting her hands on the bed she felt the sheets. "And this certainly won't do." Throwing the sheets aside and off the bed she turned and asked, "In my bag I have some better linens." The man handed her her large bag. Slowly she began to search through it before pulling out a thin sheet of fabric. "Made by the Hanar." She added, "Supposedly they are frictionless, and it is inlaid with nanotubes that emit a slight energy pulse, tingling pleasure all night." Placing the light red, nearly pink, sheet onto the bed and pulling up the blanket over it almost seemed like a chore to her. She flopped down on her back, legs dangling below the knee at the edge of the bed, and put her hands over her head. Exposing the flesh of her belly as she stretched and heaving her breasts as she breathed deeply she then added, "I don't suppose you could requisition me an Anti-gravity mattress?" She patted a spot on the bed next to her, "Come over here and feel this," she pouted her lips, "it is so hard..."
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
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Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Alicia 'Venom' Jones* Walked up to the Camelot, Hand-in-hand with Invictus**, holding several bags and packs between them,earning strange looks from the Dock workers. Seeing a Heavily armed Merc with a Monsterish visage holding hands seemingly unassuming Turian male must have drawn attention, because Local Security forces were eyeing them up, and it make Venom 'itchy'. Invictus placed a calming hand on Venom's sholdier, and guided her into the ship.
Venom and Invictus began looking around the ship, and eventually found the Engineering room. Venom grabbed Invictus' bags from him, as he began to inspect the engine of the ship, and the other inner workings. "Uh, Invictus, are you sure you should be picking around the engine room?" Venom asked, looking at Invictus Inquisitively
"Love, i know what i'm doing, and the Volus said that the Captain would know us by sight." Invictus said, his voice Muffled by his work on the engine "and besides, your meaner that anybody on this station, let alone this ship, and i trust you too back me up."
Physical Discription: 5'7", White Skin, Black Hair, Green Eyes, Athletic Frame.
Clothing/Armor: Black Cargo-pants, Black Combat boots, Black Longsleeve Shirt, Black Armor Chest Piece with white Spider-symbol with legs extending and meeting anouther symbol on the back, Black Balistic Face mask with white eye pieces and a monster mouth painted where the mouth is. Ka-bar in Shieth Strapped to left arm, Brawler X Pistol in Right Cheek Pocket, Hydra X Shotgun on Magnetic Strap on Lower Back of Chest Armor Piece. Mattock Rifle on Magnetic Strap On Top-Back of Chest Armor piece, Machete Strapped to Right Thigh.
Physical Discription: 6'01", Greyish-Black Plaiting, Moderate Fringe, Blue Face Paint along cheeks, Ice Blue Eyes.
Clothing/Armor: Black Combat Boots, Loose Blue Pants, Black Shirt.
Venom and Invictus began looking around the ship, and eventually found the Engineering room. Venom grabbed Invictus' bags from him, as he began to inspect the engine of the ship, and the other inner workings. "Uh, Invictus, are you sure you should be picking around the engine room?" Venom asked, looking at Invictus Inquisitively
"Love, i know what i'm doing, and the Volus said that the Captain would know us by sight." Invictus said, his voice Muffled by his work on the engine "and besides, your meaner that anybody on this station, let alone this ship, and i trust you too back me up."
Physical Discription: 5'7", White Skin, Black Hair, Green Eyes, Athletic Frame.
Clothing/Armor: Black Cargo-pants, Black Combat boots, Black Longsleeve Shirt, Black Armor Chest Piece with white Spider-symbol with legs extending and meeting anouther symbol on the back, Black Balistic Face mask with white eye pieces and a monster mouth painted where the mouth is. Ka-bar in Shieth Strapped to left arm, Brawler X Pistol in Right Cheek Pocket, Hydra X Shotgun on Magnetic Strap on Lower Back of Chest Armor Piece. Mattock Rifle on Magnetic Strap On Top-Back of Chest Armor piece, Machete Strapped to Right Thigh.
Physical Discription: 6'01", Greyish-Black Plaiting, Moderate Fringe, Blue Face Paint along cheeks, Ice Blue Eyes.
Clothing/Armor: Black Combat Boots, Loose Blue Pants, Black Shirt.
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Darren sat in the chair staring out into space. He hit the button on the side of the railing with his foot closing the shutter and blocking off the view. Hitting the button with his foot again he watched as the shutter opened up revealing the port outside. From his position he could see crew boarding the ship. “Good to see you captain.”
Darren looked up and saw a young drell. He had picked up the boy from a slaver nearly four years ago. It was one of the seeder jobs he received shipping cargo into the traverse. The drell had been trying to escape when he was caught and beaten by the nearby guards. Immediately the captain took a liking to the young alien and used his share of the jobs wages to buy him. Shortly after, not realizing the captain’s intent, the boy tried to escape from the ship only to be thwarted and let free. He had become something of a mascot on the ship during the two month voyage and survey, learning everything he could from other crew members.
When finally they arrived back in port the Captain had set him up with an apartment next to his sister’s, so that his family could watch over the boy. He enrolled the alien in school and eventually hired him on as part of the crew, a technician working on the sensors and electronics that ran the ship.
“It is good to see you again as well Theron.” The Captain said standing from his chair. He walked over and hugged the young man putting a hand on his forehead and giving it a kiss. “Julian asked about you.”
“Yes but I’m not family it didn’t seem right…” The captain was about to speak when he added, “Besides with the Chief Technician gone someone had to stay behind and make sure everything was set for the new guy.”
“About that.” Darren began.
“Don’t worry Captain.” The Drell said. “I’ll get him ready, tell him about all the quirks.”
“That won’t be necessary.” The mans face turned into a huge smile. “You’re the new Chief tech.”
“Really?” The boy said wide eyed.
“Yes really.” Darren said, “That memory of yours has you knowing all the ins and out of this ship, every little problem that comes up with mixing the alien technologies is in your brain.” He patted the young alien on the back. “Besides, you’re family. I can trust you more than anyone else I might hire to do the job.”
“There has been a disturbance in the engine room.” Merlin said suddenly. “I believe someone is accessing the engine systems.”
“It is probably the turian engineer.” Darren said, “Well Chief Tech, you should go check it out.”
“Aye Aye Captain!” The Drell smiled a large smile and saluted in mock behavior before leaving the bridge of the ship.
Theron walked down the hall and down the service elevator to the engine room. “Excuse me.” The young drell said. “The engines run on human and asari designs, you should study up on them before fiddling.” The turian was large, a lot larger than him and intimidating. “The system that they operate on is a very complex web of conversion devices.”
Darren looked up and saw a young drell. He had picked up the boy from a slaver nearly four years ago. It was one of the seeder jobs he received shipping cargo into the traverse. The drell had been trying to escape when he was caught and beaten by the nearby guards. Immediately the captain took a liking to the young alien and used his share of the jobs wages to buy him. Shortly after, not realizing the captain’s intent, the boy tried to escape from the ship only to be thwarted and let free. He had become something of a mascot on the ship during the two month voyage and survey, learning everything he could from other crew members.
When finally they arrived back in port the Captain had set him up with an apartment next to his sister’s, so that his family could watch over the boy. He enrolled the alien in school and eventually hired him on as part of the crew, a technician working on the sensors and electronics that ran the ship.
“It is good to see you again as well Theron.” The Captain said standing from his chair. He walked over and hugged the young man putting a hand on his forehead and giving it a kiss. “Julian asked about you.”
“Yes but I’m not family it didn’t seem right…” The captain was about to speak when he added, “Besides with the Chief Technician gone someone had to stay behind and make sure everything was set for the new guy.”
“About that.” Darren began.
“Don’t worry Captain.” The Drell said. “I’ll get him ready, tell him about all the quirks.”
“That won’t be necessary.” The mans face turned into a huge smile. “You’re the new Chief tech.”
“Really?” The boy said wide eyed.
“Yes really.” Darren said, “That memory of yours has you knowing all the ins and out of this ship, every little problem that comes up with mixing the alien technologies is in your brain.” He patted the young alien on the back. “Besides, you’re family. I can trust you more than anyone else I might hire to do the job.”
“There has been a disturbance in the engine room.” Merlin said suddenly. “I believe someone is accessing the engine systems.”
“It is probably the turian engineer.” Darren said, “Well Chief Tech, you should go check it out.”
“Aye Aye Captain!” The Drell smiled a large smile and saluted in mock behavior before leaving the bridge of the ship.
Theron walked down the hall and down the service elevator to the engine room. “Excuse me.” The young drell said. “The engines run on human and asari designs, you should study up on them before fiddling.” The turian was large, a lot larger than him and intimidating. “The system that they operate on is a very complex web of conversion devices.”
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
DX Army Cadet
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Joined: Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:31 am
Location: Mandelore
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
"Don't worry kid, I've worked on alot of the ships that Traverse the Terminus..." Invictus said, still working "I've seen systems alot more convoluted...". Venom looked at the drell, and patted his sholdier. "If it's a problem, i'll drag him out of there." She wispered to him, shrugging her sholdiers "but he does know what he's doing, i can find no less than 5 captains that can vouche for him.". Venom took off her Ballistic mask and put it in one of her bags, and offered her hand for a shake, "Alicia 'Venom' Jones, and my boyfriend over there is Invictus." She said, smiling "nice to meet you." invictus crawled out of where he was fiddling with the engine, and stood up, "Yea, it's nice to meet you." he said, offering his hand for a shake as well "don't worry, i don't bite."
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Atlanta, Georgia
United States
“Agent Simons.” The man said. He was older, nearly sixty, with a thick Russian accent. “May I assume there is a reason you invited me and the other guests here?”
“To talk about the future.” Simons said. “To be frank I’m wondering why you are opposing the Covert Defense Appropriation Bill.”
“I don’t believe your organization has any legitimate function in colonial affairs. Cerberus isn’t even part of the alliance anymore, a bill to give money to an organization outside of Parliments control, even through your corporate cover is criminal.”
Simons gave a wolfish grin. “What you mean by that is you won’t give money to an organization you don’t control.” A girl brought over two glasses and a bottle of vodka. “I didn’t invite you here to insult you.” Simons said. “Much the opposite, I want to schmooze you.” He poured vodka into both glasses, “Being a traditionalist you can’t refuse a drink.”
“I suppose not.” The Russian said taking the shot in hand and downing it. As the glasses empty a girl came over and poured two more. “I do hope it isn’t your plan to drink me under the table. Russians have a high capacity for alcohol bred throughout the centuries.”
“And I sir, am the product of alcoholics from thirteen different countries.” The two drank again.
“Why can’t you be satisfied? You’re already monitoring the business sector and are prevalent in our scientific and intelligence community.”
“Parliament begged for our involvement in those cases. You were one of them as I recall.”
“A mistake I won’t compound.” The Russian delegate said. “Gregor Vasiliev is no fool. Any power I give to Cerberus is power I give to the Illusive Man, and to you.”
“Maybe that is true,” Simons replied. “but the Alliance needs these programs even if certain people don’t believe so. You have the power to give us the funding needed to protect humanity.”
“You are talking about treason.” The Russian said adding quickly, “I find I do not want any more of your vodka.” Vasiliev said and started for the door.
“Wait a moment if you will Representative.” The agent said as the man reached the door to leave.
“For what?” The elderly Russian man said turning.
Biting his lower lip the agent took on a somber tone, “I didn’t want to do this.”
“For gods sake what?”
“A girl named Zhenya;” The agent said softly looking around. “a pregnancy, a threat to go to your wife and the media. I’m talking about a concrete block in the ooze and mud at the bottom of Lake Baikal. I know where she is.”
Vasiliev stared blankly. In all his years in Parliament he’d never been in a situation like this.
“I don’t like you either. I don’t like old men who play with thirteen year old girls.” The agent frowned a bit, “And I don’t like people who kill their toys when it becomes inconvenient to them. Call me old fashion but I don’t like it one bit. I ought to throw you to the wolves.”
“Damn you.” Vasiliev said. “You can’t prove a damn thing, and your evidence could never see a court room, you’re organization doesn’t exist.”
“Unfortunately for you I don’t have to prove anything.” The agent bit down on his lips as he lifted a gloved hand to his head. “You were thoughtful enough to preserve the corpse in concrete. With a simple call I can have a dead child, with another dead child inside of her with your DNA. Even if you beat the courts you’re done.”
“Unless I do what you say.”
“That is correct.”
“And you don’t think you have too much power?” The MP said.
“Don’t talk to me about power you bastard. I don’t use my position to rape little girls and have them murdered.”
“And yet despite your supposed outrage you are willing to let me get away with it in order to further your own goals?”
The agent just smiled back at him. “Anything to further the cause of humanity.”
“Besides your silence, what else will I get out of this arrangement?” Vasiliev asked with a twing of curiousity. “Where is the quid pro quo here?”
“Oh I think you’ll be pleased with services rendered.”
Bekenstein Colony
Sam Turner walked besides the industrialist William Blake. Blake was running for a seat in parliament on the platform of improving relations with alien governments in order to bolster trade and thus gain more wealth for himself and other industrialists by increasing market shares in alien economies. The man was running for office for entirely self serving reasons, but his idea’s made sense to help bolster the economy of the Alliance at least according to several top economists. His campaign was gaining momentum and it was Turners job as part of the Alliance security detail to protect him.
Turner hated to admit that he would probably have voted for the man if he lived in the colonies. Despite his self-serving attitude Turner thought he had some good ideas. Among these idea’s was cooperation to create new business opportunities and strengthen humanity’s position in the galaxy. Certainly it made more sense than the isolationists and xenophobes who formed the vast majority of the opposition.
Blake was inside schmoozing another financial backer. “Increases in export would be good for us all.” Turner heard him say. “I mean through better relations with aliens we have a market of potential customers that was previously untapped. Luxury goods from human sectors is a commodity that many buy.”
The security guard heard all of this, and some of his less than honest deals. With that last statement money was offered up for elections war chest and Blake was ready to leave. Turner stepped outside and looked around checking to make sure that their location was still secure. There wasn’t any crowds or any reporters. Just the wealthy and opulent scenery of the planet. One of the other guards gave a nod to Turner. “We’re clear sir.” Turner said staring at the politician.
Walking from the mansion the man started to descend the steps. Suddenly his head exploded into a fine red mist. It was only after the body had hit the ground when Turner heard the bang. Ducking for cover he pulled out his weapon and fired in the direction of the muzzle flash. Another flash and bellow followed and Turner watched his partner fall. Pulling out a sub-machine gun he let volleys of fire into the rifleman’s position.
And then it stopped. There was no more gun fire and no more movement. Turner looked over at the place where Blake fell. “Poor bastard.” Turner said looking down at the headless body. He got up and focused on the area where the fire came from. Security and paramedics were arriving and he made his way towards the enemy position. He was an agent of the Alliance and it was his job to figure out what this was all about. He approached the area and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Surveying the scene he noticed an oddity. Turning he walked down from where he assumed the gunshots were coming from and saw a batarian hunched over a large smoking sniper rifle, a hole through his head.
Turner had apparently shot the attacker, although his positioning seemed off. Bending down Turner did a rudimentary search of the body finding a datapad. Pulling out a pair of gloves and lifting it he examined the data. The batarian was hired by a slaver, who apparently had been ripped off by Blake who was using slave labor in his factories. Turner frowned at the thought. The entire thing felt wrong to him.
MSV Camelot
Theron looked at the woman and then at the Turian. “It isn’t that I mind, it is just that I feel it would be better to read the instructions first. Familiarize yourself with the systems.” He stepped forward, “Systems that effect the entire ship.” Folding his arms he added quickly, “I’m chief technician Theron Azeios.”
He leaned up against the wall. “And anything you do could potentially effect the entire ship and as this is my first stunt as chief tech I’d rather not have a subordinate mess up this early. Trying to make a good impression and all.” Pausing for a reaction he then started out the door. “You’re team consists of two other engineers you’re responsible for. You have a Propulsion Engineer and a Power Engineer.” The Drell stood in the doorway.
United States
“Agent Simons.” The man said. He was older, nearly sixty, with a thick Russian accent. “May I assume there is a reason you invited me and the other guests here?”
“To talk about the future.” Simons said. “To be frank I’m wondering why you are opposing the Covert Defense Appropriation Bill.”
“I don’t believe your organization has any legitimate function in colonial affairs. Cerberus isn’t even part of the alliance anymore, a bill to give money to an organization outside of Parliments control, even through your corporate cover is criminal.”
Simons gave a wolfish grin. “What you mean by that is you won’t give money to an organization you don’t control.” A girl brought over two glasses and a bottle of vodka. “I didn’t invite you here to insult you.” Simons said. “Much the opposite, I want to schmooze you.” He poured vodka into both glasses, “Being a traditionalist you can’t refuse a drink.”
“I suppose not.” The Russian said taking the shot in hand and downing it. As the glasses empty a girl came over and poured two more. “I do hope it isn’t your plan to drink me under the table. Russians have a high capacity for alcohol bred throughout the centuries.”
“And I sir, am the product of alcoholics from thirteen different countries.” The two drank again.
“Why can’t you be satisfied? You’re already monitoring the business sector and are prevalent in our scientific and intelligence community.”
“Parliament begged for our involvement in those cases. You were one of them as I recall.”
“A mistake I won’t compound.” The Russian delegate said. “Gregor Vasiliev is no fool. Any power I give to Cerberus is power I give to the Illusive Man, and to you.”
“Maybe that is true,” Simons replied. “but the Alliance needs these programs even if certain people don’t believe so. You have the power to give us the funding needed to protect humanity.”
“You are talking about treason.” The Russian said adding quickly, “I find I do not want any more of your vodka.” Vasiliev said and started for the door.
“Wait a moment if you will Representative.” The agent said as the man reached the door to leave.
“For what?” The elderly Russian man said turning.
Biting his lower lip the agent took on a somber tone, “I didn’t want to do this.”
“For gods sake what?”
“A girl named Zhenya;” The agent said softly looking around. “a pregnancy, a threat to go to your wife and the media. I’m talking about a concrete block in the ooze and mud at the bottom of Lake Baikal. I know where she is.”
Vasiliev stared blankly. In all his years in Parliament he’d never been in a situation like this.
“I don’t like you either. I don’t like old men who play with thirteen year old girls.” The agent frowned a bit, “And I don’t like people who kill their toys when it becomes inconvenient to them. Call me old fashion but I don’t like it one bit. I ought to throw you to the wolves.”
“Damn you.” Vasiliev said. “You can’t prove a damn thing, and your evidence could never see a court room, you’re organization doesn’t exist.”
“Unfortunately for you I don’t have to prove anything.” The agent bit down on his lips as he lifted a gloved hand to his head. “You were thoughtful enough to preserve the corpse in concrete. With a simple call I can have a dead child, with another dead child inside of her with your DNA. Even if you beat the courts you’re done.”
“Unless I do what you say.”
“That is correct.”
“And you don’t think you have too much power?” The MP said.
“Don’t talk to me about power you bastard. I don’t use my position to rape little girls and have them murdered.”
“And yet despite your supposed outrage you are willing to let me get away with it in order to further your own goals?”
The agent just smiled back at him. “Anything to further the cause of humanity.”
“Besides your silence, what else will I get out of this arrangement?” Vasiliev asked with a twing of curiousity. “Where is the quid pro quo here?”
“Oh I think you’ll be pleased with services rendered.”
Bekenstein Colony
Sam Turner walked besides the industrialist William Blake. Blake was running for a seat in parliament on the platform of improving relations with alien governments in order to bolster trade and thus gain more wealth for himself and other industrialists by increasing market shares in alien economies. The man was running for office for entirely self serving reasons, but his idea’s made sense to help bolster the economy of the Alliance at least according to several top economists. His campaign was gaining momentum and it was Turners job as part of the Alliance security detail to protect him.
Turner hated to admit that he would probably have voted for the man if he lived in the colonies. Despite his self-serving attitude Turner thought he had some good ideas. Among these idea’s was cooperation to create new business opportunities and strengthen humanity’s position in the galaxy. Certainly it made more sense than the isolationists and xenophobes who formed the vast majority of the opposition.
Blake was inside schmoozing another financial backer. “Increases in export would be good for us all.” Turner heard him say. “I mean through better relations with aliens we have a market of potential customers that was previously untapped. Luxury goods from human sectors is a commodity that many buy.”
The security guard heard all of this, and some of his less than honest deals. With that last statement money was offered up for elections war chest and Blake was ready to leave. Turner stepped outside and looked around checking to make sure that their location was still secure. There wasn’t any crowds or any reporters. Just the wealthy and opulent scenery of the planet. One of the other guards gave a nod to Turner. “We’re clear sir.” Turner said staring at the politician.
Walking from the mansion the man started to descend the steps. Suddenly his head exploded into a fine red mist. It was only after the body had hit the ground when Turner heard the bang. Ducking for cover he pulled out his weapon and fired in the direction of the muzzle flash. Another flash and bellow followed and Turner watched his partner fall. Pulling out a sub-machine gun he let volleys of fire into the rifleman’s position.
And then it stopped. There was no more gun fire and no more movement. Turner looked over at the place where Blake fell. “Poor bastard.” Turner said looking down at the headless body. He got up and focused on the area where the fire came from. Security and paramedics were arriving and he made his way towards the enemy position. He was an agent of the Alliance and it was his job to figure out what this was all about. He approached the area and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Surveying the scene he noticed an oddity. Turning he walked down from where he assumed the gunshots were coming from and saw a batarian hunched over a large smoking sniper rifle, a hole through his head.
Turner had apparently shot the attacker, although his positioning seemed off. Bending down Turner did a rudimentary search of the body finding a datapad. Pulling out a pair of gloves and lifting it he examined the data. The batarian was hired by a slaver, who apparently had been ripped off by Blake who was using slave labor in his factories. Turner frowned at the thought. The entire thing felt wrong to him.
MSV Camelot
Theron looked at the woman and then at the Turian. “It isn’t that I mind, it is just that I feel it would be better to read the instructions first. Familiarize yourself with the systems.” He stepped forward, “Systems that effect the entire ship.” Folding his arms he added quickly, “I’m chief technician Theron Azeios.”
He leaned up against the wall. “And anything you do could potentially effect the entire ship and as this is my first stunt as chief tech I’d rather not have a subordinate mess up this early. Trying to make a good impression and all.” Pausing for a reaction he then started out the door. “You’re team consists of two other engineers you’re responsible for. You have a Propulsion Engineer and a Power Engineer.” The Drell stood in the doorway.
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
DX Army Cadet
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Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
"Sir, i've seen similar engines all over the Terminus." Invictus said, pointing to the engine "and systems like these, i've worked all of them before, so with respect sir, i know what i'm doing."
"i'm sorry about him, he takes pride in his work..." Venom said, shaking her head "but he does have considerable experiance." with that, Venom smacked invictus over the head, and handed him his bags back. "Sorry sir." Invictus said, nodding "i can brief the Engineers on what they need to know from what i've seen so far." Venom shook her head, "So, where's our Quarters?"
"i'm sorry about him, he takes pride in his work..." Venom said, shaking her head "but he does have considerable experiance." with that, Venom smacked invictus over the head, and handed him his bags back. "Sorry sir." Invictus said, nodding "i can brief the Engineers on what they need to know from what i've seen so far." Venom shook her head, "So, where's our Quarters?"
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Theron smiled a bit. "Merlin." He asked as a VI interface of an old man apeared at the terminal next to him. "Where is Chief Crewman Jones and Engineer Invictus quartered?"
"Crewman Jones is assigned to Crew Quarters B." the old wisen man replied.
"That's where female crewman go." Theron added.
The holographic avatar continued. "And Chief Engineer Invictus is assigned to Crew Quarters A until new renovations can be made to the Armory."
"Like that will happen." Theron said with a bit of a frown. "Captain has been saying he was going to convert that to living quarters since before I started crewing aboard Camelot." Looking sympathetically he added, "Right now the thing is filled with boxes and trash."
"Crewman Jones is assigned to Crew Quarters B." the old wisen man replied.
"That's where female crewman go." Theron added.
The holographic avatar continued. "And Chief Engineer Invictus is assigned to Crew Quarters A until new renovations can be made to the Armory."
"Like that will happen." Theron said with a bit of a frown. "Captain has been saying he was going to convert that to living quarters since before I started crewing aboard Camelot." Looking sympathetically he added, "Right now the thing is filled with boxes and trash."
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
The one and only Stoban
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Joined: Mon Feb 17, 2003 1:39 pm
Location: A constant state of irrationality
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
James couldn't help but smirk before he stepped forward and took a seat on the edge of her bed and bounced on the matress a couple times. "I can see what I can do about it, doll... but I gotta admit you lucked out here, there are a lot worse matresses on the Camelot."
Wyborn stepped onto the bridge and glanced around breifly before finding Darren. He strode up to his old friend and cleared his throat slightly. "How's the influx looking?" He asked, referring to the oncoming crew members.
Wyborn stepped onto the bridge and glanced around breifly before finding Darren. He strode up to his old friend and cleared his throat slightly. "How's the influx looking?" He asked, referring to the oncoming crew members.
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Darren smiled a little bit as he looked over at Wyborn. “Everything seems fine.” He said looking over at the feed. “The pilot is onboard and all other crewmen are moving about.” Rotating in his chair he locked the seat into position. The man gripped the controls with both hands and typed a number of commands into the console in front of him. “We’re cleared for take off. Let’s shake the new people shall we?” Pulling back on the stick and jerking a little at the controls he pulled the ship out of its slip. The inside of the vessel rocked as its mass effect fields interacted with the gravity being generated by both movement and the planet.
“I think this crew will work out. My main concern is the Turian. For one he’s a Turian, and there is still some bad blood there, but the main concern is the food situation. They can’t eat what us and Asari eat. All he’ll have for this first trip is crappy protean bars and other very basic foods.” Shaking his head Darren added, “If he stays on for another run or two we’ll have to start stocking alternative foods.”
Arina smiled as she watched the young man bounce up and down on her mattress. “Well.” She said with a bit of a smile. The hum of the engines permeated the ships hull, like a distant humming. “Looks like we’re getting ready to leave.” Arina said as the ship lurched causing her to call over into the young mans arms. As if it was on cue she smiled laying on top of him and gave him a wink. “I like being in your arms.” She said. “It makes me feel so safe.” She stood up and walked towards the back of the room. She pulled a thin privacy divider across the room and started to change. “I think we should both get ready for duty.” She said as her naked silhouette danced behind the cloth.
Part 1
To Live and Die in Starlight
Five days after take off and nothing had happened. Darren was hoping that this would be the average, boring, and dull survey sweep that he had signed up for. They had surveyed the first planet on the list at the far edge of the system and were in orbit over the next. The asteroid belt between the third and fourth planet they currently orbited played havoc on their sensors. They were rich in metals and metal dust clouds and radioactive particles stirred up prevented initial long scanning of the inner planets.
Darren loomed over the Pilot. “Well Evans?” He said.
Chase Evans smiled. “We’re about to make our second orbit, nothing fancy, nothing too exciting just letting gravity to it’s thing.”
Darren looked at the young man. He was just out of flight school and busted from the Alliance Navy for reasons Darren didn’t know. Young, and full of confidence. “Good.” He said finally before turning in his chair. As the captain his chair sat in the center of the bridge overlooking all the stations. The pilot sat in front of him with weapons and various sensor and scanning stations divided around him. Below the planet was raging with a storm, the continent they were over was experiencing a blizzard, but besides the cold temperature and the storm the planet was a possible site got colonization with a breathable atmosphere.
“Captain I’m picking up something weird.” The tech at one of two planetary stations said.
“What is it?” Darren asked. Normally when he sat in command there was nothing happening.
The scanner operator crunched his brow. “Looks like a heat source.” He finally said pointing to the screen in front of him.
“That planet is a frozen tundra.” Darren said. “What could be making a heat source.” Leaning over he stared at the blip on the screen. “Concentrate all scanners there.” An image began to appear as a silhouette of the terrain was uncovered. “A ship.” Darren said.
“It looks like it’s been there awhile.” The sensor operator replied. “Damage, and ice all over it….”
Pressing a nearby button the Captain said, “prepare the shuttle.” Looking back to the sensor operator and then to Chase he added, “Continue as scheduled and maintain communications with the ground team.” Pressing down on a nearby button he spoke loud and firm, his voice echoing over the ships intercom, “Would Crewman Mitchells, Jones, Azeios, Invictus, and XO Lendsouth please report to the Cargo Area.” Taking his finger off the button for a minute he remembered something pressing again to speak, “Oh and Wyborn, look sharp.” Getting up from his chair he walked up to Chase and patted his back. “The ship is all yours. Try not to crash it.” And with that he left the bridge.
“I think this crew will work out. My main concern is the Turian. For one he’s a Turian, and there is still some bad blood there, but the main concern is the food situation. They can’t eat what us and Asari eat. All he’ll have for this first trip is crappy protean bars and other very basic foods.” Shaking his head Darren added, “If he stays on for another run or two we’ll have to start stocking alternative foods.”
Arina smiled as she watched the young man bounce up and down on her mattress. “Well.” She said with a bit of a smile. The hum of the engines permeated the ships hull, like a distant humming. “Looks like we’re getting ready to leave.” Arina said as the ship lurched causing her to call over into the young mans arms. As if it was on cue she smiled laying on top of him and gave him a wink. “I like being in your arms.” She said. “It makes me feel so safe.” She stood up and walked towards the back of the room. She pulled a thin privacy divider across the room and started to change. “I think we should both get ready for duty.” She said as her naked silhouette danced behind the cloth.
Part 1
To Live and Die in Starlight
Five days after take off and nothing had happened. Darren was hoping that this would be the average, boring, and dull survey sweep that he had signed up for. They had surveyed the first planet on the list at the far edge of the system and were in orbit over the next. The asteroid belt between the third and fourth planet they currently orbited played havoc on their sensors. They were rich in metals and metal dust clouds and radioactive particles stirred up prevented initial long scanning of the inner planets.
Darren loomed over the Pilot. “Well Evans?” He said.
Chase Evans smiled. “We’re about to make our second orbit, nothing fancy, nothing too exciting just letting gravity to it’s thing.”
Darren looked at the young man. He was just out of flight school and busted from the Alliance Navy for reasons Darren didn’t know. Young, and full of confidence. “Good.” He said finally before turning in his chair. As the captain his chair sat in the center of the bridge overlooking all the stations. The pilot sat in front of him with weapons and various sensor and scanning stations divided around him. Below the planet was raging with a storm, the continent they were over was experiencing a blizzard, but besides the cold temperature and the storm the planet was a possible site got colonization with a breathable atmosphere.
“Captain I’m picking up something weird.” The tech at one of two planetary stations said.
“What is it?” Darren asked. Normally when he sat in command there was nothing happening.
The scanner operator crunched his brow. “Looks like a heat source.” He finally said pointing to the screen in front of him.
“That planet is a frozen tundra.” Darren said. “What could be making a heat source.” Leaning over he stared at the blip on the screen. “Concentrate all scanners there.” An image began to appear as a silhouette of the terrain was uncovered. “A ship.” Darren said.
“It looks like it’s been there awhile.” The sensor operator replied. “Damage, and ice all over it….”
Pressing a nearby button the Captain said, “prepare the shuttle.” Looking back to the sensor operator and then to Chase he added, “Continue as scheduled and maintain communications with the ground team.” Pressing down on a nearby button he spoke loud and firm, his voice echoing over the ships intercom, “Would Crewman Mitchells, Jones, Azeios, Invictus, and XO Lendsouth please report to the Cargo Area.” Taking his finger off the button for a minute he remembered something pressing again to speak, “Oh and Wyborn, look sharp.” Getting up from his chair he walked up to Chase and patted his back. “The ship is all yours. Try not to crash it.” And with that he left the bridge.
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
DX Army Cadet
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Joined: Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:31 am
Location: Mandelore
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Venom and Invictus were waiting in the Cargo area, Venom was wearing a Pair of Brown Cargo Pants and a Black shirt, Invictus was wearing a set of blue pants and a black shirt. "Sir." Venom said Semi-Demonically as the captain walked in, cracking her knuckles "who do i get to kill next?" Invictus shook his head, and sighed, "That's Venom Speak for: What's the mission." He said, a turian version of a smile on his face "what's going on?" Venom tilted her head to the side, "please let it be something exciting, i need to stretch my legs...." "Remember love, we accepted this job because it was supposed to be calmer?" Invictus said, looking at Venom. "But ever sense the cap. kicked us out of the armory after we were about to do 'it', i've been so bored..." Venom said. in reply to this, invictus just sighed, and mouthed 'I'm sorry' to the captain.
The one and only Stoban
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Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
“Would Crewman Mitchells, Jones, Azeios, Invictus, and XO Lendsouth please report to the Cargo Area... Oh and Wyborn, look sharp.”
Wyborn glanced up at the speaker mounted on the wall and not for the first time he asked himself why he did so. Did he think that some day, one of these times, he would actually find Darren perched up there in the corner of the bulkheads? The veteran shook his head slightly and couldn't help but smirk at the image. He pushed the chair out from behind his desk and slowly stood up. The XO had taken a pair of steps towards his door before the Captain spoke again. Sharp, eh?
The Camelot was not a war-bird. Her crew were not soldiers, either. They didn't make a habit of operating in conflict zones or even try to make trouble, however, the Galaxy was a generally dangerous place, and a lot of their missions took them to edges of the frontier, as such, they were at the very least prepared to defend themselves. Wyborn opened one of his desk drawers and pulled his Pinnacle IX out and then walked out the door.
As he made his way through the corridor he thoroughly examined the dark red weapon that he shared so much of his history with. The ex-soldier got lost in his thoughts for the remainder of his walk and was only brought back to reality when he crossed through the doorway and into the cargo hold.
"You're just lucky it was the Captain who walked in on you." He commented, a smirk so small that only Darren might be able to notice it twitching at the corner of his lips as he closed the distance and finally stopped to Darren's left. "Reporting as ordered, Sir."
Wyborn glanced up at the speaker mounted on the wall and not for the first time he asked himself why he did so. Did he think that some day, one of these times, he would actually find Darren perched up there in the corner of the bulkheads? The veteran shook his head slightly and couldn't help but smirk at the image. He pushed the chair out from behind his desk and slowly stood up. The XO had taken a pair of steps towards his door before the Captain spoke again. Sharp, eh?
The Camelot was not a war-bird. Her crew were not soldiers, either. They didn't make a habit of operating in conflict zones or even try to make trouble, however, the Galaxy was a generally dangerous place, and a lot of their missions took them to edges of the frontier, as such, they were at the very least prepared to defend themselves. Wyborn opened one of his desk drawers and pulled his Pinnacle IX out and then walked out the door.
As he made his way through the corridor he thoroughly examined the dark red weapon that he shared so much of his history with. The ex-soldier got lost in his thoughts for the remainder of his walk and was only brought back to reality when he crossed through the doorway and into the cargo hold.
"You're just lucky it was the Captain who walked in on you." He commented, a smirk so small that only Darren might be able to notice it twitching at the corner of his lips as he closed the distance and finally stopped to Darren's left. "Reporting as ordered, Sir."
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Without breaking stride Darren entered the room bay and headed towards the shuttle. “We found a ship down there.” He said loudly so everyone would know what was happening. “Only minimal heat is detected. There doesn’t appear to be anyone home and the wreckage is old.” Pulling some cold weather gear out of the cabinet he added, “There is a blizzard down there, which means it will be very cold and low visibility.”
Motioning for the others to gear up he continued. “We got the doctor on standby, but we don’t expect to find anyone. You got five minutes to gear up, and then we go down. Because of the storm and terrain conditions around the ship we’ll be landing about six hundred yards from the crash site and moving on foot.” He pulled a breath mask on. “We’re going for a hike.”
In five minutes everyone had geared up and was ready to descend to the surface. The shuttle launched and fell towards the planet. The flight was uneventful except for the shaking and rattling as they passed through the storm front. Exiting the shuttle they began walking towards the ship. It was a much larger vessel than Camelot, and of a standard human design. Holes were punched in the hull and several pieces of metallic debris were blown across the forested tundra. “Burn marks.” Darren said pointing at black markings on nearby tree’s. The entire site was on fire at one point. Approaching the ship Darren found the hatch and placed a small wire surrounded by a gel on the hull in a square around the entrance. Hitting a button he watched as the material began to eat through the metal. “Alright, we’re in.” He said finally, “Look for anything of value to salvage.” Stepping into the ship he paused and turned back around, “Also lets try to figure out what happened here.” He said as if it was an after thought.
Motioning for the others to gear up he continued. “We got the doctor on standby, but we don’t expect to find anyone. You got five minutes to gear up, and then we go down. Because of the storm and terrain conditions around the ship we’ll be landing about six hundred yards from the crash site and moving on foot.” He pulled a breath mask on. “We’re going for a hike.”
In five minutes everyone had geared up and was ready to descend to the surface. The shuttle launched and fell towards the planet. The flight was uneventful except for the shaking and rattling as they passed through the storm front. Exiting the shuttle they began walking towards the ship. It was a much larger vessel than Camelot, and of a standard human design. Holes were punched in the hull and several pieces of metallic debris were blown across the forested tundra. “Burn marks.” Darren said pointing at black markings on nearby tree’s. The entire site was on fire at one point. Approaching the ship Darren found the hatch and placed a small wire surrounded by a gel on the hull in a square around the entrance. Hitting a button he watched as the material began to eat through the metal. “Alright, we’re in.” He said finally, “Look for anything of value to salvage.” Stepping into the ship he paused and turned back around, “Also lets try to figure out what happened here.” He said as if it was an after thought.
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
The one and only Stoban
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Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Wyborn scuffed his boots against a nearby bulkhead to try and free up some of the packed in snow that was stuck to their soles. He reached up with gloved hands and loosened the baclava that was wrapped around his face and neck before stepping forward, flicking on a short-ranged light to help him see better in the wrecked ship. He took a moment to gather his bearings and then took off down a nearby corridor.
After a handful of steps he clicked on his communicator. "Comm check, Darren you copy?"
"Check." came the Captains reply.
Wyborn nodded to himself and then continued on down the walkway, shining his light left and right over the bulkheads. "I don't recognize the class, but this ship is definately of human origin. Looks civillian too."
After a handful of steps he clicked on his communicator. "Comm check, Darren you copy?"
"Check." came the Captains reply.
Wyborn nodded to himself and then continued on down the walkway, shining his light left and right over the bulkheads. "I don't recognize the class, but this ship is definately of human origin. Looks civillian too."
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Walking through the ghost ship Darren could see that whatever the final moments of the ship, it had been chaotic. Along the bulkheads he could see ruptures and other damages. "Are you seeing this Wyborn?" he asks. "Looks like there was some internal fighting." The metal on the inside of the ship was already beginning to rust from the snow, ice, and otherwise harsh weather of the surface. He came into what appeared to be a galley and looked in wonderment. Frozen food was scattered all around the room, tables were overturned and all of the chairs seemed to have migrated over towards the front of the ship.
Several frozen bodies littered the floors as a breeze whistled down the empty hall. "Lots of good salvage here." Darren said to himself as he turned the corner and stared at the room. Around him was sophisticated computers and machinery with uses he had never seen before. Several robotic arms and other mechanical devices and tables dominated the scene. "Lots of salvage." He said softly as he looked around. "It looks like we have some sort of fabrication bay, or medical facility here." Something inside of him lurched as he looked at the scene. There was something very wrong with everything. Along the side of the far wall was several storage tubes. He walked up to them and placed his hand on the cold glass and wiped away the ice and snow that had gathered. "My god...." he said softly.
"Crewman Jones I want you to go back to the shuttle head up to Camelot and get the doctor, once you've gotten her bring her down here." He said staring at the cryotube. Inside was a young girl, maybe hitting sixteen or seventeen, it was hard to tell through the frost. "Everyone else converge on my position."
Several frozen bodies littered the floors as a breeze whistled down the empty hall. "Lots of good salvage here." Darren said to himself as he turned the corner and stared at the room. Around him was sophisticated computers and machinery with uses he had never seen before. Several robotic arms and other mechanical devices and tables dominated the scene. "Lots of salvage." He said softly as he looked around. "It looks like we have some sort of fabrication bay, or medical facility here." Something inside of him lurched as he looked at the scene. There was something very wrong with everything. Along the side of the far wall was several storage tubes. He walked up to them and placed his hand on the cold glass and wiped away the ice and snow that had gathered. "My god...." he said softly.
"Crewman Jones I want you to go back to the shuttle head up to Camelot and get the doctor, once you've gotten her bring her down here." He said staring at the cryotube. Inside was a young girl, maybe hitting sixteen or seventeen, it was hard to tell through the frost. "Everyone else converge on my position."
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
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Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Venom responded with a 'Yes Sir', and immediately left to the shuttle, patting her Boyfriend/Lover on the sholdier as she left. Invictus made his way to the Captian's possition, Hand resting on the Pistol he brought with him, he had enough experiance to tell that something could go wrong at any moment. when invictus reached the captain, and saw the Cryo Tube, "Possibly a Passenger...Or Cargo..." Invictus said, inspecting the girl in the Cryo tube "it's possible that she was being shipped to a Whore house in the Terminus..."
Meanwhile, Venom put the Commands into the Console of the Shuttle, and sat down when it began to move. During the Shuttle ride to the Ship, Venom pulled her Dog tags out of her white Cold Wheather gear, and clutched them, a Habbit she develouped when she was alone. when the shuttle docked, Venom got out, and went to search for the doctor.
Meanwhile, Venom put the Commands into the Console of the Shuttle, and sat down when it began to move. During the Shuttle ride to the Ship, Venom pulled her Dog tags out of her white Cold Wheather gear, and clutched them, a Habbit she develouped when she was alone. when the shuttle docked, Venom got out, and went to search for the doctor.
The one and only Stoban
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Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
As far as crashed ships went, this one wasn't all that different than any other Wyborn had set foot on... He'd been aboard plenty in his life before the Camelot, and twice as many since. There were the obvious signs of distress along the bulkheads and floor boards. Welds that hadn't quite held up the the stress of the ships last moments. If one had enough time, patience, and diligence, he or she could easily determine almost exactly what the ship had gone through prior to ending up at it's final resting place.
Of course, that was all on the macro side of the scale. Every ship is as individual as its crewmembers and owner. This one was did not disprove that rule. Though the vessel was clearly not of a Military classification, it was clear to Wyborn that it was up-kept with the same sort of detached precision. It was clearly not a pirates or a smugglers ship... likely not a civilian transport, either, though. This left a very narrow margin of possible owners... At least in Wyborn's mind.
His torch flashed across something peculiar and the ex-soldier meandered into another room to investigate... He was just about to collect his findings when Darren's voice came through the communicator. "Everyone else converge on my position."
He didn't hesitate. Wyborn left the room he'd been searching and quickly made his way back through the vessel the way he'd come. He fought the urge to draw his weapon, determined to not give in to his nerves. If Darren had wanted him to come prepared to engage an enemy, the Captain would have said as much. It took him a short minute or two at a decent job before Wyborn walked into the lab and took in the sights all around him as he made his way over to where the Captain was standing.
"What is it?" He asked.
Of course, that was all on the macro side of the scale. Every ship is as individual as its crewmembers and owner. This one was did not disprove that rule. Though the vessel was clearly not of a Military classification, it was clear to Wyborn that it was up-kept with the same sort of detached precision. It was clearly not a pirates or a smugglers ship... likely not a civilian transport, either, though. This left a very narrow margin of possible owners... At least in Wyborn's mind.
His torch flashed across something peculiar and the ex-soldier meandered into another room to investigate... He was just about to collect his findings when Darren's voice came through the communicator. "Everyone else converge on my position."
He didn't hesitate. Wyborn left the room he'd been searching and quickly made his way back through the vessel the way he'd come. He fought the urge to draw his weapon, determined to not give in to his nerves. If Darren had wanted him to come prepared to engage an enemy, the Captain would have said as much. It took him a short minute or two at a decent job before Wyborn walked into the lab and took in the sights all around him as he made his way over to where the Captain was standing.
"What is it?" He asked.
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Staring at the Turian the captain thought about his response. "No." He said simply. "It doesn't make for a slaver to use a ship this large for a single girlno matter how pretty." He stared at the girl in the tank. "I mean she's probably worth about a quarter of the cost of transporting her on a ship this big." And there was something else, something he didn't say aloud. The crewmen were wearing uniforms, a relative rarity in the civilian sector. Furthermore there was hardly enough of them to operate the ship if it was actually moving cargo.
Darren heard the foot falls and knew who it was without turning. "What is it?"
Darren turned and smiled grimly at his old friend and pointed to the tank with the young girl in it. "What do you think?" He asked waving his hand around the room to indicate the advanced medical technology. "Seems like if it was a medical ship they would have more cryo tubes and more space dedicated to hospital beds right?"
Darren heard the foot falls and knew who it was without turning. "What is it?"
Darren turned and smiled grimly at his old friend and pointed to the tank with the young girl in it. "What do you think?" He asked waving his hand around the room to indicate the advanced medical technology. "Seems like if it was a medical ship they would have more cryo tubes and more space dedicated to hospital beds right?"
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
The one and only Stoban
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Location: A constant state of irrationality
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Lendsouth's green eyes narrowed slightly at the corners as he let his gaze sweep more thoroughly across the lab. Naturally, his focus landed on the stasis tube that held the adolescent girl. He took a few steps forward, passing the Turian and the Captain to stand in front of the container. For a few long, silent moments he held an unflinching gaze as he studied the scene before him and then suddenly he turned away from the tube and uttered a slightly disgusted snort.
"None of this adds up." He spoke, starting to walk a slow circuit around the lab, nudging objects on the floor with his boot occasionally. "It's just like you say. You've got all of this tech wedged in here, but not so much as an inkling of a purpose for it all."
"None of this adds up." He spoke, starting to walk a slow circuit around the lab, nudging objects on the floor with his boot occasionally. "It's just like you say. You've got all of this tech wedged in here, but not so much as an inkling of a purpose for it all."
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Darren thought for a moment as the people gathered around. His first priority was to see to the safety of the girl, and for that he needed the doctor. But it would take time to go back to the ship, get her and come back so in the interim he decided to….
“Captain.” He was interrupted. The young and nervous drell walked in. “I think we triggered an automated distress beacon on the higher bands when we walked into the ship.” Theron seemed excited and then saw the woman. “Who is she?” He asked suddenly.
“Umm Captain.” Chase, the pilot, interrupted. “We’ve detected a ship on an approach vector towards the planet.” There was a pause and then he added, “It looks like a batarian vessel.”
Thinking for a moment the captain nodded. “I want you to go to ground in the asteroid field.” He ordered. “We will call for pick up when we are sure it is safe.” Pulling out the pistol on his side he checked quickly to make sure that it was ready to fire. Checking it quickly he placed back in its holster at his side.
“What do you think?” Directing his question at his old friend, “Friend or foe?” Wyborn gave him a sideways glance. “You’re right.” Frantically he began to look around. “Wyborn, take Invictus and head around to the side over there.” He then looked over at Theron and Mitchel. “Mitchel you come with me, Theron you head up to the other end and stay out of harms way.” The drell looked like he was about to protest but a stern glare from Darren sent him running towards an alcove to hide in. A gunship flew overhead signaling the approach of the batarians.
Darren walked towards the open door preparing to meet the newly arrived friends. Nearly a dozen batarians made their way up the pass. Darren could tell which was the leader, as he was flanked by several turian mercenaries. Probably paranoid one of the batarians would kill him to take over the ship. As they got closer Darren stepped out. “Hey there.” He said passively. “If you’re here to salvage I don’t mind sharing, but most of the good stuff was already….” A shot fired out interrupting his sentence.
Light raced across the windswept sky as the batarians fired their weapons. Darren darted with a jump into the whole and back towards a nearby bulkhead. He pulled his pistol out and frowned a bit. “We are having company.” The good news was, until they burned through another entrance, they would be funneled through a single doorway. “And they’re pissed.” Aiming his pistol he fired adding an extra point to his statement as the first of the batarians passed through the door.
“Captain.” He was interrupted. The young and nervous drell walked in. “I think we triggered an automated distress beacon on the higher bands when we walked into the ship.” Theron seemed excited and then saw the woman. “Who is she?” He asked suddenly.
“Umm Captain.” Chase, the pilot, interrupted. “We’ve detected a ship on an approach vector towards the planet.” There was a pause and then he added, “It looks like a batarian vessel.”
Thinking for a moment the captain nodded. “I want you to go to ground in the asteroid field.” He ordered. “We will call for pick up when we are sure it is safe.” Pulling out the pistol on his side he checked quickly to make sure that it was ready to fire. Checking it quickly he placed back in its holster at his side.
“What do you think?” Directing his question at his old friend, “Friend or foe?” Wyborn gave him a sideways glance. “You’re right.” Frantically he began to look around. “Wyborn, take Invictus and head around to the side over there.” He then looked over at Theron and Mitchel. “Mitchel you come with me, Theron you head up to the other end and stay out of harms way.” The drell looked like he was about to protest but a stern glare from Darren sent him running towards an alcove to hide in. A gunship flew overhead signaling the approach of the batarians.
Darren walked towards the open door preparing to meet the newly arrived friends. Nearly a dozen batarians made their way up the pass. Darren could tell which was the leader, as he was flanked by several turian mercenaries. Probably paranoid one of the batarians would kill him to take over the ship. As they got closer Darren stepped out. “Hey there.” He said passively. “If you’re here to salvage I don’t mind sharing, but most of the good stuff was already….” A shot fired out interrupting his sentence.
Light raced across the windswept sky as the batarians fired their weapons. Darren darted with a jump into the whole and back towards a nearby bulkhead. He pulled his pistol out and frowned a bit. “We are having company.” The good news was, until they burned through another entrance, they would be funneled through a single doorway. “And they’re pissed.” Aiming his pistol he fired adding an extra point to his statement as the first of the batarians passed through the door.
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
The one and only Stoban
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Location: A constant state of irrationality
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Wyborns features twisted into a brief grimace as the situation suddenly grew exponentially more complicated. Batarians... he thought to himself grimly... Why Batarians? He grunted an acknowledgment to Darren's orders and then turned to face Invictus.
"Let's go, Turian." He spoke, drawing his pistol and silently wishing he'd brought along a shotgun or rifle... Wyborn glanced at the Turian's weapon, "I hope you know how to use that piece."
The ex-soldier then took off down the corridor, visualizing the way that their team had come in and mapping out the downed ships natural choke points. Without knowing the enemies strength planning for conflict would be somewhat tricky. When he felt he'd found the most advantageous position he stopped, indicating a location for Invictus to occupy that would keep them out of each others lines of fire.
Once set, he radioed the Captain. "In position, pal."
It didn't take the Batarians long to make their intentions known. No sooner had the alien bastads showed up and they'd already opened fire. Wyborn set his jaw and glanced over at the Turian as he prepared for combat, "Guess its time to earn your keep." He joked.
"Let's go, Turian." He spoke, drawing his pistol and silently wishing he'd brought along a shotgun or rifle... Wyborn glanced at the Turian's weapon, "I hope you know how to use that piece."
The ex-soldier then took off down the corridor, visualizing the way that their team had come in and mapping out the downed ships natural choke points. Without knowing the enemies strength planning for conflict would be somewhat tricky. When he felt he'd found the most advantageous position he stopped, indicating a location for Invictus to occupy that would keep them out of each others lines of fire.
Once set, he radioed the Captain. "In position, pal."
It didn't take the Batarians long to make their intentions known. No sooner had the alien bastads showed up and they'd already opened fire. Wyborn set his jaw and glanced over at the Turian as he prepared for combat, "Guess its time to earn your keep." He joked.
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Darren frowned a little as he looked down the sights of his pistol and fired into the narrow passage leading into the ship. The batarians had armor and Darren had to be careful to aim for joints or exposed flesh. Firing as quickly as he dared, hoping not to risk over heating his weapon. The batarians were a stubborn people and refused to yield despite the amount of wounded clogging up the tiny passage. It was only a matter of time until they tried some new tactic besides jumping into gunfire.
"You ready to talk?" Darren yelled wishing to cease the senseless violence. He was met with a barrage of fire. Ducking his head he knew the enemies intent. Make him keep his head down so they could storm up and gain ground. Lifting his head he saw the enemy doing just that and fired a few shots from cover. As he did so his shots bounced harmlessly off shields. "Damn." He said before giving the signal to Wyborn and the Turian. Lifting his head the three started to fire together taking down the shielded foes.
Silence followed the death of the two shielded batarians. No one attempted to follow through the hall. That worried Darren more than the enemy charging forward violently. Lifting his head up he could see two batarians flanking the entry way risking glances down the hall. Each time they poked their heads out Darren fired a few shots to remind them he was still here. "They are planning something guys." he yelled after his sixth round of shots. "Be careful."
Another minute went by without so much as a peep from the batarians when suddenly an explosion echoed through the ship. "They burned through!" He yelled as he dared a peek over. Another wave of pirates rushed in, this time from multiple entrances, one in front of Darren and another somewhere down the corridor from him. "Cover me!" he said pulling back from his position under fire. He would be less effective at hitting the pirates entering from the first point, but if he remained he'd be open to shots coming from the other entry point, he needed to find a corner to give him cover from both, unfortunately that made is inevitable that the enemy would get through.
As he ran he stopped and turned to cover Crewman Mitchels. The minute the poor man stood up to run he was shot twice through the chest. "Damnit!" Darren yelled shooting his pistol and rushing foward to grab the downed man. He grabbed the limp body and pulled it back behind a stack of boxes. "Mitchel!" he yelled. "Stay with us!" Popping his head up he fired another few shots.
"Theron!" He yelled at the Drell. "Fall back to the Med Bay thing we were at and get as much of that equipment operational as possible! We have wounded."
"You ready to talk?" Darren yelled wishing to cease the senseless violence. He was met with a barrage of fire. Ducking his head he knew the enemies intent. Make him keep his head down so they could storm up and gain ground. Lifting his head he saw the enemy doing just that and fired a few shots from cover. As he did so his shots bounced harmlessly off shields. "Damn." He said before giving the signal to Wyborn and the Turian. Lifting his head the three started to fire together taking down the shielded foes.
Silence followed the death of the two shielded batarians. No one attempted to follow through the hall. That worried Darren more than the enemy charging forward violently. Lifting his head up he could see two batarians flanking the entry way risking glances down the hall. Each time they poked their heads out Darren fired a few shots to remind them he was still here. "They are planning something guys." he yelled after his sixth round of shots. "Be careful."
Another minute went by without so much as a peep from the batarians when suddenly an explosion echoed through the ship. "They burned through!" He yelled as he dared a peek over. Another wave of pirates rushed in, this time from multiple entrances, one in front of Darren and another somewhere down the corridor from him. "Cover me!" he said pulling back from his position under fire. He would be less effective at hitting the pirates entering from the first point, but if he remained he'd be open to shots coming from the other entry point, he needed to find a corner to give him cover from both, unfortunately that made is inevitable that the enemy would get through.
As he ran he stopped and turned to cover Crewman Mitchels. The minute the poor man stood up to run he was shot twice through the chest. "Damnit!" Darren yelled shooting his pistol and rushing foward to grab the downed man. He grabbed the limp body and pulled it back behind a stack of boxes. "Mitchel!" he yelled. "Stay with us!" Popping his head up he fired another few shots.
"Theron!" He yelled at the Drell. "Fall back to the Med Bay thing we were at and get as much of that equipment operational as possible! We have wounded."
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Re: Mass Effect: Merchants Lament
Mitchel didn’t make it. It didn’t matter how fast the captain ran or how many batarians he slew while falling back, nothing would bring his crewman back. As he walked through a door it slammed behind him. Theron began welding the thing together sealing it so the intruders would have to bring in equipment or waste explosives to get through. “Good job.” Darren said at the diminutive drell. “There is only one more door leading to this corridor and two more between here and the medical bay. I want you to seal them all.” He pointed to a display on his omnitool to indicate the doors they needed to close.
“Gotcha skipper.” He said lazily giving a mock salute and going on his way.
“And if you run into trouble don’t be a hero. Run and get me.”
“Alright.” The drell smiled now as he plodded away down the hallway at a jog.
The captain searched as he walked down the hallways opening storage lockers. He found what he needed, a biosuit that seemed the right size. Darren moved on to the medical bay. Sleeping beauty was still in her tank resting. Moving around the tank he examined a console with data and began to read it. “What’s the plan here captain.” He heard someone say, but ignored them. The girl seemed fine, in prime health except for being in stasis.
Theron walked into the medical bay. “I’ve sealed all the doors.” He said approaching the captain and the girl in the tank.
“It’s probably cold in there.” The captain said lifting up the biosuit and putting it in front of the girl.
Frowning the young drell said, “You want to take her out don’t you?”
“Yes I do.” The captain replied. “If we’re going to escape and get her out we can’t carry a cryo tube around.” Manipulating the controls, Darren smiled as a message lit up on the display. Theron flinched from the motion of the door swinging open. The girl fell out, a result no doubt of the extended time in cryo, and into Darrens arms. “I’m here to help you.” He said covering her with the clothing quickly, “We need to get you into this biosuit.” Although nearly skintight the biosuit was designed to maintain blood flow and keep the body warm in the harshest conditions of space, it would serve well in the snow. “Can you get dressed?” he asked softly hoping that the cold would register the need. “We need to get out of here, and you need to get dressed.”
“Gotcha skipper.” He said lazily giving a mock salute and going on his way.
“And if you run into trouble don’t be a hero. Run and get me.”
“Alright.” The drell smiled now as he plodded away down the hallway at a jog.
The captain searched as he walked down the hallways opening storage lockers. He found what he needed, a biosuit that seemed the right size. Darren moved on to the medical bay. Sleeping beauty was still in her tank resting. Moving around the tank he examined a console with data and began to read it. “What’s the plan here captain.” He heard someone say, but ignored them. The girl seemed fine, in prime health except for being in stasis.
Theron walked into the medical bay. “I’ve sealed all the doors.” He said approaching the captain and the girl in the tank.
“It’s probably cold in there.” The captain said lifting up the biosuit and putting it in front of the girl.
Frowning the young drell said, “You want to take her out don’t you?”
“Yes I do.” The captain replied. “If we’re going to escape and get her out we can’t carry a cryo tube around.” Manipulating the controls, Darren smiled as a message lit up on the display. Theron flinched from the motion of the door swinging open. The girl fell out, a result no doubt of the extended time in cryo, and into Darrens arms. “I’m here to help you.” He said covering her with the clothing quickly, “We need to get you into this biosuit.” Although nearly skintight the biosuit was designed to maintain blood flow and keep the body warm in the harshest conditions of space, it would serve well in the snow. “Can you get dressed?” he asked softly hoping that the cold would register the need. “We need to get out of here, and you need to get dressed.”
Domani, forget domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
Let's live for now and anyhow who needs domani?
~ Frank Sinatra, Forget Domani
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