"You know that... If we do this we will exist outside of normal time. There will be no going back, we split off from ourselves and can no longer even return to our own time. Are you sure you want to do this?" The room was nearly pitch black save for the light from a large view port, only a female silhouette could be seen from the direction the question was asked. The other, a male, was silent. The female took a few steps closer to him. "We are all with you, no matter what you decide."
"Do it."
True time travel, was mostly a fantasy. Though there was the common time dilation that came from Hyperspace travel, it wasn't controlled or even considered time travel as there was no actual "skipping" over any period in time and it only moved the traveler forward in time. These effects were easily countered with relativistic shielding. Most theorize that time can only move forward, the crew of this one ship thought other wise, and have found a way to travel into the past. Now then intended to use this discovery for the betterment of the Galaxy, or at least they hoped to.
"Then so be it." The female moved closer and kissed the man then left the room. Their ship was a old but heavily modified victory class star destroyer, save for a few additions to the exterior of the ship it looked just like any other ship of its era, which was good for their destination. The real changes were on the inside, the ship was highly advance even for their current time frame. When they traveled back just about no one ship or battle station would be a match for the ship. While it was armed with Anti-matter weapons the primary weapon was a compact, hyper particle super laser. Despite the name the weapon its self was a anti-matter weapon of considerable fire power.
Other systems included mass displacement devices, used for interdiction and defensive purposes against missiles and torpedoes. Neutron shields, a cloaking device and of course the time traveling equipment.
It took time to charge the systems from a trip, and it would take longer for a trip this far into the past. The target time period? 0BBY, destination? Alderaan, the day before it was destroyed by the death star.
Displaced time
Moderators: VagueDurin, Nichalus
Displaced time
"This is the captain. We have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then... explode."
Re: Displaced time
As the flux capacitor charged up the ship traveled up to 88 miles per hour and exploded!
I really have no idea what i was doing that night....
I really have no idea what i was doing that night....
"This is the captain. We have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then... explode."
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