SC - Corruption of Light (Mature)

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SC - Corruption of Light (Mature)

Post by Ghost »

Utapau, 15 ABY.

During the height of the Xen'Chi War, Admiral Alarice Mollari had taken leave from the New Republic Navy at the request of Admiral Nune to deal with personal issues which had arisen. Besides having discovered that a child she had bore during the Clone Wars had died during the Galactic Civil War after serving with the Empire. She also fought several times with the Minister of State, requesting permission to get command of the Home Strike Fleet and after two outright denials, she left in disgust and took the administrative leave that was offered to her. Despite her meritourious service to both the Old Republic, The Alliance to Restore the Republic and now the New Republic, she was starting to wonder where her place was. She took her leave on Utapau, a place she considered one of the most quiet and out of reach places in the galaxy, but she couldn't have been more wrong.

Unknown to her, she was being followed by a Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Obscurus who had taken interest in the Dathomir born woman. Having dabbled in Sith Alchemy and experimentations, he needed a fresh and unique target for his latest scheme, and it would seem this wayward Admiral fit the bill. She was Force sensitive and unaware of her raw and undeveloped abilities, she would become his greatest experiement to date. In the late hours she was ambushed near her camping grounds out in the vast fields of Utapau, her ship destroyed and she was taken off-world to the Sith Covenant homeworld of Roon.

This is where the untold story of how Fleet Admiral Alarice Mollari of the New Republic, became the way she is today and one of the many secrets she will take to the grave with her.

Roon, Homeworld of the Sith Covenant.

The dungeon was dark, damp and cold. She shivered in the limited clothing she was provided, hell one wouldn't be able to call it clothing. The durasteel shackles dug harshly into wrists as she sat up against the cold stones, her arms held above her head. Her head tilted to the side as she struggled to wake up, hearing voices in the distance. The sound of dripping water filled her ears. Drip, drop, drip. After a few moments, it started to become annoying, so annoying she was able to open her eyes slowly. Her vision swayed as she struggled to focus. "Where..." Nothing notable, save for a few blood splatters on the wall. She rolled her head to the left, her eyes slowly turning to look beside her at the scratches on the wall.

Alarice groaned as she struggled to look up at the metal which encased her wrists and the durasteel chains which were attached into the wall in two different places. Her shoulders were aching, apparently she was asleep for some time, because damn did they hurt. The voices silenced once she woke up and she could have swore she heard footsteps.
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Re: SC - Corruption of Light (Mature)

Post by Jagtai »

The hooded figure strode into the room with a speed that belied his apparent age.

"Is the subject awake?" The armoured figure in the room nodded, his face covered by a rebreather, his voice metallic as he answered.
"She is, Master."

The figure moved to the screen, his eyes fixed on Alarice.

"Excellent. Bring her food. We begin tomorrow."
"Yes, Master."

* * * * *

As Darth Obscurus left the room, he pondered the coming events. He had planned this for a long time, ever since he became aware of Alarice Mollari. She was nothing now, but when he was done, she would be his greatest asset.

* * * * *

The door opened, and a robed figure entered. A metal tray dropped in front of Alarice, spewing some kind of gruel at her clothes. A metallic voice rang out.

"Eat. My master wants you to be strong for the trials."
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Re: SC - Corruption of Light (Mature)

Post by Ghost »

Alarice looked down at the gruel infront of her, the figure released her binds but she was too weak to fight and too weak to resist the obvious nasty food before her. She looked up for a moment and looked down at the food. She quickly began to dig into the food, her dirty hands clawing at the plate, scarfing down as much as she could and as fast as she could. It had been days since she had eaten and she didn't even give herself a chance to taste the food. The words peaked her interest as she looked up briefly, swalloing slightly and speaking with a mouthful of gruel. "Trials?"
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Re: SC - Corruption of Light (Mature)

Post by Jagtai »


The door slammed behind Darth Kabal, as he left, leaving her question hanging in the air.

* * * * *

The next morning, Alarice was forcibly taken from the cell by Kabal. After a short trip in a landspeeder, the pair arrived at a handful of overgrown ruins. Half-dragging her, Kabal took her inside the ruins and into a large courtyard. What looked like a twisted obstacle course had been set up. On a platform above the courtyard knelt a dozen or so humanoids. From the grimy looks of them, they were slaves.

Kabal dropped Alarice just inside the courtyard. He withdrew a small metallic cylinder. He dropped the cylinder beside her and left, only to appear on the platform shortly afterwards. Only now did she notice a dais beside the platform; upon the dais stood a jet-black throne, and upon the throne sat a cloaked and hooded figure.

"Alarice Mollari." The voice of the figure seemed ancient, yet strong. "It is time for your first trial. You will go through the obstacle course, solving each problem in turn. Your only tools will be your wits and the lightsaber beside you. If you refuse, one of these innocents die. If you fail, one of these innocents die. Do you understand?"
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Re: SC - Corruption of Light (Mature)

Post by Ghost »

Alarice frowned slightly as she looked down at the lightsaber next to her and then the hooded figure. "Why the games? Why not face me yourself?" She glared towards his direction as she slowly rose to her feet, grasping the lightsaber in her left hand. She never truly had come to grips with her powers and abilities. She had only had dreams and visions of these powers which she had been blessed with. It was the Force indeed, but she was able to manipulate the Forces of Nature as well as the Force itself. "These people did nothing wrong..."
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Re: SC - Corruption of Light (Mature)

Post by Jagtai »

Obscurus smiled beneath the hood.

"In time, you will face me. When you have proven yourself worthy." He waved a hand at her last comment. "Their innocence is irrelevant. Now, am I to interpret your question as refusal?"

Kabal ignited his lightsaber and moved to the first in line, a young sobbing woman no more than seventeen. He raised the lightsaber to strike...
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Re: SC - Corruption of Light (Mature)

Post by Ghost »

"NO!" She quickly deactivated the lightsaber and brought her hand down to her side. She hesitated at first but she had little choice in the matter. This wasn't a fleet engagement or some argument with Roman, this was reality. She was stuck in a situation beyond her comprehension at the moment, something she'd have to wait out and see. She had an idea why she obviously was here to be tested, it obviously had something to do with her place of birth and the powers she was born with. In disgust, Alarice moved away from the group, gripping the lightsaber tightly as she headed towards the entrance of the obstacle course. She looked back once before heading inside the darkened walls, her thoughts drifted away from the place she was at right then and there, towards Roman and towards her little girl Marisa. Oh how she missed them..
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Re: SC - Corruption of Light (Mature)

Post by Jagtai »


Obscurus smiled as Alarice's thoughts were revealed to him. This could prove useful knowledge.

* * * * *

Inside the course, Alarice found herself in front of a roaring river. It was too wide to jump with any degree of certainty, and too deep and wild to simply traverse. The only way across was a ferry, little more than a raft controlled by pulling on a rope. An emaciated old man dressed in rags was standing next to the raft.

"Ten credits to cross."
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Re: SC - Corruption of Light (Mature)

Post by Ghost »

Alarice looked at the old man, he was visible trembling and very sickly looking. She knew what was expected of her but she couldn't do it. She looked back behind her and then to the man. She had no credits, and she knew if she killed him then she would sink to the level that the dark figure expexted her to..unless. Alarice didn't want to do this, she had hidden away her abilities for years and had done so for good reason.

She prayed that this was the right answer and wasn't failure because either the old man would die or the young girl, but somehow part of her wished it was the old man, just so he could be put out of his misery. She merely ignored him and began chanting underneath her breath, her eyes closing as she ignited the lightsaber. She twirled the crimson blade in a mystical fashion, and as she spoke in an ancient tongue, the river began to calm and slowly began spread apart. The more she focused her chanting and the powers of the Force, the more it began to spread and move apart. Soon, her movements were blurry which caused the old man to gasp and stumble backwards. The ground began to shake harshly as she lifted made an upwards motion, the sound of the earth crumbling and cracking beneath the wet water bed echoed through the course.

She continued to chant and hold her hands high and the ground kept shaking harder and harder with each moment. Moments later it ceased, and slowly she let her hands down, disengaging her lightsaber and breathing heavily. Sweat poured down the sides of her face as she examined the murky land bridge which formed now between the river. She turned slightly to look at the old man and then to the bridge. "I'll cross my own way, thank you." Without another word, she left him there and crossed the muddy bridge, her boots soaking in the mud and occassionally getting stuck. It wasn't long before she crossed over the river, leaving the old man and the first trial behind.
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Re: SC - Corruption of Light (Mature)

Post by Jagtai »

Obscurus was pleased and furious at the same time. She had not solved the trial as she was supposed to, but neither had she failed it. Impressive, Mollari. Most impressive. Go on. Let us see if you will handle the next trials as easily. He waved his hand, and Kabal stepped away from the girl. Time would tell if the girl's life was forfeit.

The next room was round, followed by a narrow hallway. A young man in Jedi robes whirled as Mollari entered.

"Away, fiend! Do not torment me any further!" His eyes seemed strange to Alarice, but for a moment she couldn't quite put her finger on why. Then she realized; he was mad or at least getting there. He raised a green-hued lightsaber...
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Re: SC - Corruption of Light (Mature)

Post by Ghost »

Alarice watched as the young Jedi raised his lightsaber but didn't attack her, she knew why. -The Code-. She sighed softly and took several paces left as he followed her exact movements, whichever direction she'd move, he'd go too. She brought her hand up and spoke calmly. "Listen to me, I understand your torment but I'm not here to further push you to the brink of despair." It was as if she was talking to a caged animal, her voice was soothing and gentle. "I'm a pawn just like you and our fates are intertwined somehow because here you stand before me and I before you. So, allow me passage and come with me and we shall figure a way out of this mess..alright?"
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Re: SC - Corruption of Light (Mature)

Post by Jagtai »

The young Jedi didn't respond at first. Then his eyes - and mind - seemed to clear. He lowered the lightsaber.

"'re not one of his pawns?" He shut off the lightsaber. "Are you sure?" He didn't wait for a reply; apparently, hope was all that kept his mind from fracturing completely. "I...I'm Taphan Varik."

Taphan was really a sorry sight. His brown robe was torn in several places, revealing barely healed wounds beneath. At least one of the wounds was cauterized, suggesting that a blaster or lightsaber had inflicted the wound. He also seemed slightly malnourished.

He extended his hand.
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Re: SC - Corruption of Light (Mature)

Post by Ghost »

She shook his hand firmly. "I'm Alarice Mollari...Admiral of the New Republic." She was curious how he had gotten here, how would a Jedi Knight be captured and not get rescued by the Order, or even go unnoticed. Surely someone would have taken note of him going missing. She sighed softly and looked over his wounds for a moment before giving him a soft nod. "Please, sit down." She gently took his hand, despite him jerking away for a moment, she insisted and through the Force no doubt he could feel a sense of serenity and calmness coming from her. Her aura was one of peace and light, despite all the attempts of the Sith, they wouldn't break her..not now. She brought her hand over one of the freshest wounds and began chanting a slow chant, her hands working methodically and slowly, moving back and forth. Her whispers echoed and a soft breeze came from out of nowhere, a soft light began to emanate from her palms and within moments the wound began to heal and seconds later was nothing more than a scar. She took a deep breath and slowly stood up, nodding briefly.

"I can only do so much to help you, we obviously have to save our strength for what lies ahead..."
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