Young Jedi
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Young Jedi
41 ABY
Jedi Temple, Tython...
"Cadence Sinclair!"
She could hear the shout from clear across the courtyard and involuntary flinched at the anger she heard in her mother's voice. Oh great, don't tell me she found it, Cadence silently grumbled to herself as she slowly turned to face her mother. At forty one years of age Caitlyn Sinclair looked surprisingly young, but the way her face was contorted in anger right now revealed signs of her age.
"Do you want to tell me why the front end of our speeder is smashed into pieces," Caitlyn demanded angrily.
Cadence just shrugged. "Beats me, I found it like that."
"Don't you dare lie to me, young lady. Your father told me you took it for a spin."
That brat, Cadence grumbled to herself. "Look, it was an accident, okay? I was going a little too fast and this tree just came out of nowhere."
"I told you one of these days you were going to get yourself killed, didn't I? You're lucky you didn't end up in a bacta tank on life support! From now on you're not going anywhere on a speeder without somewhere there to keep an eye on you."
"Oh, come on, mom, that's not even fair! Look, I didn't even get hurt I'll just be more careful next time."
"There isn't going to be a next time because you're grounded, missy. Now go back to your room and work on your studies."
"Grounded," Cadence repeated incredulously, "but I haven't done... Okay, maybe I did but still! Dad said I could take the speeder out so it's his fault I almost got hurt!"
"And I'll give him a piece of my mind when he gets home. Now march," she snapped pointing in the direction back to their apartment.
Cadence looked at her then back at her friends. For a moment she debated arguing with her some more but ultimately decided she had embarrassed herself enough. "Fine," she said finally then she said her goodbyes to her friends and followed her mother home. It was an awkward walk back to their four bedroom apartment they had set aside for their family. Behind her Caitlyn stewed silently and Cadence could feel the anger rolling off of her in waves. Her mother had quite the temper on her, but at times she could be the most caring individual she ever knew. It was the strangest sort of contradiction and Cadence wondered how her dad could even handle it.
The door to their apartment seemed to open with a sort of mournful hiss as if the apartment itself understood her plight. Cadence hated studying but her mother and even her instructors were insistent that she work hard and learn more. Caitlyn never had the benefit of the sort of education Cadence was now receiving and that fact alone seemed to make it that much more important to her. Every day it was the same thing, Caitlyn would come into her room and ask her how her studies were going. Some times she'd even try to help whenever Cadence was stuck on a particular problem, but then a shortwhile later she'd get frustrated and storm away leaving poor Cadence to figure it out for herself.
"Your Aunt Isis should be arriving today," Caitlyn said suddenly, breaking the awkward silence between them, "She says she has a surprise for your birthday."
That immediately got her excited. Her aunt always brought her the most wonderful gifts and every time Caitlyn would insist that she not spoil her daughter. Today Cadence was turning sixteen, which was an important year for her and briefly she wondered just what kind of surprise Isis was planning on bringing.
"Is she going to be able to stay long this time? Last time she only visited us for a few hours."
Caitlyn shrugged, "The situation has been tense between the Republic and the Empire ever since the Thyffera Incident. Your Aunt is doing everything she can to maintain the tenuous peace between them but all that work doesn't leave her much time to herself. She could get called away again to another emergency meeting with the Senate."
"I wish she didn't have to work so hard. I rarely get to see her as it is," Cadence replied sadly and Caitlyn smiled.
"Well, you just work hard at becoming the best Jedi you can be and maybe you can help her. Now run along and get started on your homework."
Cadence had almost hoped her mother had forgotten about that but no such luck. Reluctantly she headed down the hallway towards her bedroom and stepped inside. When the door closed behind her she leaned against it and briefly considered playing some video games before getting started on her studies.
"You better not be on that game, missy, I'll be coming in there to check on you," her mother called from the other room, almost as if she had read her mind.
She probably did, Cadence grumbled to herself. Then she sat down on her bed and summoned her datapad to her hand. Today she was told by her instructors to read a lecture on quantum mechanics, her least favorite subject. Why does a Jedi even need to know this stuff, anyway? I thought all we had to do was fight Sith and protect the galaxy. Grumbling under her breath she turned the device on and began to read...
Jedi Temple, Tython...
"Cadence Sinclair!"
She could hear the shout from clear across the courtyard and involuntary flinched at the anger she heard in her mother's voice. Oh great, don't tell me she found it, Cadence silently grumbled to herself as she slowly turned to face her mother. At forty one years of age Caitlyn Sinclair looked surprisingly young, but the way her face was contorted in anger right now revealed signs of her age.
"Do you want to tell me why the front end of our speeder is smashed into pieces," Caitlyn demanded angrily.
Cadence just shrugged. "Beats me, I found it like that."
"Don't you dare lie to me, young lady. Your father told me you took it for a spin."
That brat, Cadence grumbled to herself. "Look, it was an accident, okay? I was going a little too fast and this tree just came out of nowhere."
"I told you one of these days you were going to get yourself killed, didn't I? You're lucky you didn't end up in a bacta tank on life support! From now on you're not going anywhere on a speeder without somewhere there to keep an eye on you."
"Oh, come on, mom, that's not even fair! Look, I didn't even get hurt I'll just be more careful next time."
"There isn't going to be a next time because you're grounded, missy. Now go back to your room and work on your studies."
"Grounded," Cadence repeated incredulously, "but I haven't done... Okay, maybe I did but still! Dad said I could take the speeder out so it's his fault I almost got hurt!"
"And I'll give him a piece of my mind when he gets home. Now march," she snapped pointing in the direction back to their apartment.
Cadence looked at her then back at her friends. For a moment she debated arguing with her some more but ultimately decided she had embarrassed herself enough. "Fine," she said finally then she said her goodbyes to her friends and followed her mother home. It was an awkward walk back to their four bedroom apartment they had set aside for their family. Behind her Caitlyn stewed silently and Cadence could feel the anger rolling off of her in waves. Her mother had quite the temper on her, but at times she could be the most caring individual she ever knew. It was the strangest sort of contradiction and Cadence wondered how her dad could even handle it.
The door to their apartment seemed to open with a sort of mournful hiss as if the apartment itself understood her plight. Cadence hated studying but her mother and even her instructors were insistent that she work hard and learn more. Caitlyn never had the benefit of the sort of education Cadence was now receiving and that fact alone seemed to make it that much more important to her. Every day it was the same thing, Caitlyn would come into her room and ask her how her studies were going. Some times she'd even try to help whenever Cadence was stuck on a particular problem, but then a shortwhile later she'd get frustrated and storm away leaving poor Cadence to figure it out for herself.
"Your Aunt Isis should be arriving today," Caitlyn said suddenly, breaking the awkward silence between them, "She says she has a surprise for your birthday."
That immediately got her excited. Her aunt always brought her the most wonderful gifts and every time Caitlyn would insist that she not spoil her daughter. Today Cadence was turning sixteen, which was an important year for her and briefly she wondered just what kind of surprise Isis was planning on bringing.
"Is she going to be able to stay long this time? Last time she only visited us for a few hours."
Caitlyn shrugged, "The situation has been tense between the Republic and the Empire ever since the Thyffera Incident. Your Aunt is doing everything she can to maintain the tenuous peace between them but all that work doesn't leave her much time to herself. She could get called away again to another emergency meeting with the Senate."
"I wish she didn't have to work so hard. I rarely get to see her as it is," Cadence replied sadly and Caitlyn smiled.
"Well, you just work hard at becoming the best Jedi you can be and maybe you can help her. Now run along and get started on your homework."
Cadence had almost hoped her mother had forgotten about that but no such luck. Reluctantly she headed down the hallway towards her bedroom and stepped inside. When the door closed behind her she leaned against it and briefly considered playing some video games before getting started on her studies.
"You better not be on that game, missy, I'll be coming in there to check on you," her mother called from the other room, almost as if she had read her mind.
She probably did, Cadence grumbled to herself. Then she sat down on her bed and summoned her datapad to her hand. Today she was told by her instructors to read a lecture on quantum mechanics, her least favorite subject. Why does a Jedi even need to know this stuff, anyway? I thought all we had to do was fight Sith and protect the galaxy. Grumbling under her breath she turned the device on and began to read...
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Re: Young Jedi
Built into all of the different rooms of the Karna-Sinclair house on Tython were various different circlish tunnels of varying sizes. They were located close to the ceiling and they had a small ledge directly underneath the openings. Few people at the temple didn't know what they were for, and when a small orange and blackish shape exited one of the tunnels and moved from the ledge to the floor of Cadence's room, she didn't even have a moment of surprise. "Hey, Trasa." She said.
Trasa turned and looked at her, confusion on his face. Then he scowled. "Rats. I've been caught again."
"You're an Anuran not a shadow."
The scowl on the Anuran's face deepened as he did a back flip and landed on her bed. "My dad can do it."
"Your dad is also Salvatore E. Salmurian, probably the greatest of your little fuzzball species."
"We are not fuzzballs! We are Anurans!" Trasa said to his aunt. "What'd you do to make Grandma mad, anyway? I thought I told you I worked on the controls of the speeder to make it betters."
"Yeah well, your amazing skills on inorganics do not work on organics."
"Ah." Trasa said. "Dad's coming back with Aunt Isis." He said. "I'm excited!" He added.
There was a knock on the door, clearly Caitlyn. He turned and looked at her, taking on a conspiratorial look. "I...was never here. Understand?" He said before doing a complicated series of jumps and escaping back into one of the tunnels.
Trasa turned and looked at her, confusion on his face. Then he scowled. "Rats. I've been caught again."
"You're an Anuran not a shadow."
The scowl on the Anuran's face deepened as he did a back flip and landed on her bed. "My dad can do it."
"Your dad is also Salvatore E. Salmurian, probably the greatest of your little fuzzball species."
"We are not fuzzballs! We are Anurans!" Trasa said to his aunt. "What'd you do to make Grandma mad, anyway? I thought I told you I worked on the controls of the speeder to make it betters."
"Yeah well, your amazing skills on inorganics do not work on organics."
"Ah." Trasa said. "Dad's coming back with Aunt Isis." He said. "I'm excited!" He added.
There was a knock on the door, clearly Caitlyn. He turned and looked at her, taking on a conspiratorial look. "I...was never here. Understand?" He said before doing a complicated series of jumps and escaping back into one of the tunnels.
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Re: Young Jedi
Alex Sage was walking through the courtyard, wearing a Sweat-stained Black tank-top, Brown cargo pants, and Black boots. Alex what notably exhausted, trying to shake away tiredness from his mom’s near-sadistic training. To be honest, Alex understood why his mom trained him into the ground, because she was Jedi Master Alliera 'Fearless' Sage, and she wanted him to be ready for the things she faced nearly every day. The Reason he was fighting off his tiredness was because Alex’s friend, Cadence, had forgotten the datapad she left in the Sage home. When Alex Reached the Karna-Sinclair Estate, he Dinged the door bell.
Last edited by Mandalore_The_Uniter on Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Young Jedi
Caitlyn could be rather scary when she wanted to be and some times it was even unintentional. This just happened to be one of those times and poor Alex just happened to get caught in the middle of it. Caitlyn had been busy thinking about all the things she would say to Akain, how it was irresponsible of him to let her drive off on her own without supervision or how stupid it was to even giver her permission in the first place. She had worked herself up into a heated rage so when there came a knock on the door she answered it in a huff.
"What," she demanded as the door slid open then her eyes widened a little when she saw Alex. Coughing nervously she forced herself to calm down. "I'm sorry, Alex, Cadence can't come out to play today because she's grounded but I'll let her know you stopped by."
"What," she demanded as the door slid open then her eyes widened a little when she saw Alex. Coughing nervously she forced herself to calm down. "I'm sorry, Alex, Cadence can't come out to play today because she's grounded but I'll let her know you stopped by."
DX Army Cadet
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Re: Young Jedi
"Actually ma'am." Alex said, Reaching into one of his pockets and pulling out a Datapad "Cadence left this at my house earlier today, it's a Datapad that Mom wants Cadence to read." Alex smiled as he handed the Datapad over the Caitlyn, it was a how to fly guide, one that his mom had made him memorize before letting him pilot a speeder. The other reason that he had visited was to see how Cadence was, the fact that she was grounded meant that she was ok, which caused him to release an involuntary sigh of Releaf. Alex had feelings for Cadence, ones he was not sure would ever be returned, and as such they were hidden deep. "About what happened today..." Alex said, Shaking his head to keep himself awake "Mom is willing to let you borrow her speeder bike if you need too."
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Re: Young Jedi
Your Father is one of the greatest Jedi to ever live. The Order's premier Weapons Master. His time as a Shadow are legendary. You have a lot to live up to.
The young man vividly remembered the words that had been said to him. He had failed that day, years ago, and in typical familial fashion, he had resolved to never fail again. His eyes fell upon the five Balin Mk 7 Training Droids. Designed and provided to the Jedi Order by Muir OmniCorp, they were probably the best training droids one could get when it came to lightsaber combat. He had heard tell of his father coming up with the brilliant idea one time of using an earlier model of the droid in an offensive capability back during one of the darker times. His mother had told his father that he had been completely out of his mind and after the battle, when his father had been right, his mother had still insisted that it had been a stupid idea. The anecdote popped into his head for no apparent reason. Still, they were good things to train with. The young Jedi activated his lightsaber and brought it up to bear. The blade made the familiar humming noise, a sound that he knew very well, since the day that he had been born.
There were rumors that outside of the sound of his mother getting upset with his father, it was his father's favorite sound. They were rumors that he could believe. He jumped forward, bringing his blade down in a long strike. It was an easy opener. The Balin that he was targeting reacted, its silver lightsaber blade springing to life and blocking his assault. The other four reacted as he had traveled through the air, fanning out, their own lightsabers being turned on. He was in a room with one purple blade and five silver ones. His ability to win, considering the odds and considering the level of the droids was fairly doubtful. But for a Karna-Sinclair, the odds were much easier. For one, nobody in the family knew the terms defeat or retreat, instead opting for things like "Oh, I just let them think that they won" or "an advanced movement to the rear." Key phrases that he had heard multiple times growing up.
The man spun around, his blade crackling with energy as he attacked the same Balin. He drove it backwards, utilizing one of the most advanced and powerful lightsaber forms ever. His mother had been against him learning it, but his father had instructed him in it anyway. He was still learning it, still learning to curb the taint of the dark side that it brought with every use. His gray eyes snapped to the left as he saw another Balin attempting to capitalize on his devotion to the destruction of the lead Balin. Each droid could be set to use a certain form predominantly and furthermore could be set to utilize it at what was perceived to be the mastery level of either padawan, knight, or master. This Balin, if he remembered properly, had its focus in Makashi at the Knight level, and also had the Shii-Cho level set at Master. It meant that if he hadn't moved in time, the stab would have been very painful.
Toshiro Karna-Sinclair had turned, placing a free hand on the first Balin and utilizing it as a fulcrum to propel his movements. He now turned, his back to one of the corners, his front to the five droids that were advancing on him. The smile he wore was typical for his father. Thin lipped, with a hint of irony in it. The part that was lacking in the young man's smile was the pain.
Meanwhile, behind plated, treated transparisteel, stood another man. He wore the same smile that Toshiro had. This one, with the pain.
The young man vividly remembered the words that had been said to him. He had failed that day, years ago, and in typical familial fashion, he had resolved to never fail again. His eyes fell upon the five Balin Mk 7 Training Droids. Designed and provided to the Jedi Order by Muir OmniCorp, they were probably the best training droids one could get when it came to lightsaber combat. He had heard tell of his father coming up with the brilliant idea one time of using an earlier model of the droid in an offensive capability back during one of the darker times. His mother had told his father that he had been completely out of his mind and after the battle, when his father had been right, his mother had still insisted that it had been a stupid idea. The anecdote popped into his head for no apparent reason. Still, they were good things to train with. The young Jedi activated his lightsaber and brought it up to bear. The blade made the familiar humming noise, a sound that he knew very well, since the day that he had been born.
There were rumors that outside of the sound of his mother getting upset with his father, it was his father's favorite sound. They were rumors that he could believe. He jumped forward, bringing his blade down in a long strike. It was an easy opener. The Balin that he was targeting reacted, its silver lightsaber blade springing to life and blocking his assault. The other four reacted as he had traveled through the air, fanning out, their own lightsabers being turned on. He was in a room with one purple blade and five silver ones. His ability to win, considering the odds and considering the level of the droids was fairly doubtful. But for a Karna-Sinclair, the odds were much easier. For one, nobody in the family knew the terms defeat or retreat, instead opting for things like "Oh, I just let them think that they won" or "an advanced movement to the rear." Key phrases that he had heard multiple times growing up.
The man spun around, his blade crackling with energy as he attacked the same Balin. He drove it backwards, utilizing one of the most advanced and powerful lightsaber forms ever. His mother had been against him learning it, but his father had instructed him in it anyway. He was still learning it, still learning to curb the taint of the dark side that it brought with every use. His gray eyes snapped to the left as he saw another Balin attempting to capitalize on his devotion to the destruction of the lead Balin. Each droid could be set to use a certain form predominantly and furthermore could be set to utilize it at what was perceived to be the mastery level of either padawan, knight, or master. This Balin, if he remembered properly, had its focus in Makashi at the Knight level, and also had the Shii-Cho level set at Master. It meant that if he hadn't moved in time, the stab would have been very painful.
Toshiro Karna-Sinclair had turned, placing a free hand on the first Balin and utilizing it as a fulcrum to propel his movements. He now turned, his back to one of the corners, his front to the five droids that were advancing on him. The smile he wore was typical for his father. Thin lipped, with a hint of irony in it. The part that was lacking in the young man's smile was the pain.
Meanwhile, behind plated, treated transparisteel, stood another man. He wore the same smile that Toshiro had. This one, with the pain.
DX Army Cadet
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Re: Young Jedi
Alliera Sage walked throught the door that led to her home, it was a releaf to finally get home after a long day of training her son, Teaching classes, and dealing with people who wanted to meat the 'Fearless' Jedi. The Living room of the home was Basic in design, with a Couch and several chairs oriented so that the sitters could see the Holodisplay on one side of the Room. Alliera Layed down on the Couch, resting her exhausted head down on the Right Armrest. Alliera's blond hair had grey in it, and her eyes had a Large amount of Experiance in them. "Why'd i accept that promotion to Master again?" Alliera asked nobody in particular "Things were easier when i was just a Knight: i could just whoop bad guy butt, teach my Children a lesson, and come home to my loving husband..."
a Five year old girl with Grey eyes and Brown hair walked throught the door that led to the Bedrooms into the Living room, she was sniffling and looked paler then usual.
"How are you feeling, ad'ika(Sweety)?" Alliera asked her sick Daughter...
"Better mommy." The Girl Said.
a Five year old girl with Grey eyes and Brown hair walked throught the door that led to the Bedrooms into the Living room, she was sniffling and looked paler then usual.
"How are you feeling, ad'ika(Sweety)?" Alliera asked her sick Daughter...
"Better mommy." The Girl Said.
Master of the Ninja Post
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Re: Young Jedi
“Welcome back, Kalja.”
Kalja Falanis Leidias stopped midway through her first attempted knock on the temple headmaster’s door with just a touch of irritation. She instead palmed the button to open the door and stepped inside. “Blast it, Mom! I wanted to surprise you. How long have you known I was back on Tython?”
Kalja’s mother, Kalja Sairu Leidias, looked up from her work with a smile. Although she was in her fifties, had two children, the responsibilities of being a Jedi Council member, a liaison to the Empire, and running the Tython temple, not to mention that she had survived and conquered nightmarish situations which no one should have been expected to come out of alive, much less unscathed - none of it seemed to have left a mark on her at all. If she wasn’t already so well-known, people probably would have assumed she was still in her late twenties.
It was too soon to think that her mother could be eternal, but there were plenty of jokes and rumors to that effect. Her apparent agelessness coupled with her inherent beauty and gentle nature could still lead people who didn’t know better to believe she was soft and weak. Soft; perhaps… Weak; not even remotely…
“I don’t think you really want to know when I sensed your return,” her mother answered as her smile became amused.
Kalja Falanis sighed with disappointment. “I thought I was getting pretty good at concealing my presence too. Especially after everything Dad had taught me.”
The elder Kalja stood up and walked over to her daughter, holding her arms open for a hug. “You have improved quite a bit, but even your father has trouble slipping by me. I’m glad you were able to make it back in time.”
The younger Kalja embraced her mother before stepping back. “Are you kidding? No way I’d miss Cadence’s birthday. Besides, that mission to Bimmiel was hardly worth the effort. It wasn’t even a Sith incursion like we thought, just some self-important Darksiders claiming to be the reborn Cult of Shadow. I didn’t have much trouble cleaning them out. It’s hard to believe those losers were ever considered a threat to the galaxy.”
Kalja Sairu’s expression turned a little more serious. “Don’t get overconfident because of these upstart groups. It’s been twenty-three years since Sivter’s demise, but there are still too many of his Dark Lords unaccounted for. Raii is still out there too. You remember what happened with her last time, don’t you?”
Kalja Falanis looked down awkwardly. “Yeah… it was close.”
Her mother placed a hand on her shoulder. “The important thing is you’re back safe and sound. Unfortunately, it looks like your brother won’t be able to make it. He’s still away with your father.”
“Cadence is going to be disappointed to hear that, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised,” Kalja Falanis said as she looked back up. “It sounds like Jim.”
Kalja Sairu sat down on the edge of her desk. “So, have you finally decided to take on Cadence as your Padawan?”
“Mom!” the younger Kalja objected. “Don’t read my mind!”
“I’m your mother, I didn’t have to,” Kalja Sairu answered back with a smile. “It seems like a day doesn’t go by where Cadence asks me if you’ve decided. She keeps rejecting anyone else who offers, even me.”
“I know, I know,” Kalja Falanis said with a self-conscious flick of one of the braids in her short black hair. “I should have done this earlier, but it’s a big responsibility. I’ve never trained someone else before. I’m afraid I’ll screw her up somehow, but I can’t keep putting it off.”
“One thing I’ve learned about the Sinclair bloodline over the years is that trouble naturally follows them around,” Kalja Sairu said to her daughter. “Cadence is no different in this respect. You’re better off training her than worrying about keeping her safe. I discovered that the hard way with Caitlyn - and to a lesser extent with Isis.”
Kalja Falanis couldn’t help but chuckle at the statement. “You make a good point.”
“Besides,” her mother added, “I know you’re going to do great.”
Kalja Falanis Leidias stopped midway through her first attempted knock on the temple headmaster’s door with just a touch of irritation. She instead palmed the button to open the door and stepped inside. “Blast it, Mom! I wanted to surprise you. How long have you known I was back on Tython?”
Kalja’s mother, Kalja Sairu Leidias, looked up from her work with a smile. Although she was in her fifties, had two children, the responsibilities of being a Jedi Council member, a liaison to the Empire, and running the Tython temple, not to mention that she had survived and conquered nightmarish situations which no one should have been expected to come out of alive, much less unscathed - none of it seemed to have left a mark on her at all. If she wasn’t already so well-known, people probably would have assumed she was still in her late twenties.
It was too soon to think that her mother could be eternal, but there were plenty of jokes and rumors to that effect. Her apparent agelessness coupled with her inherent beauty and gentle nature could still lead people who didn’t know better to believe she was soft and weak. Soft; perhaps… Weak; not even remotely…
“I don’t think you really want to know when I sensed your return,” her mother answered as her smile became amused.
Kalja Falanis sighed with disappointment. “I thought I was getting pretty good at concealing my presence too. Especially after everything Dad had taught me.”
The elder Kalja stood up and walked over to her daughter, holding her arms open for a hug. “You have improved quite a bit, but even your father has trouble slipping by me. I’m glad you were able to make it back in time.”
The younger Kalja embraced her mother before stepping back. “Are you kidding? No way I’d miss Cadence’s birthday. Besides, that mission to Bimmiel was hardly worth the effort. It wasn’t even a Sith incursion like we thought, just some self-important Darksiders claiming to be the reborn Cult of Shadow. I didn’t have much trouble cleaning them out. It’s hard to believe those losers were ever considered a threat to the galaxy.”
Kalja Sairu’s expression turned a little more serious. “Don’t get overconfident because of these upstart groups. It’s been twenty-three years since Sivter’s demise, but there are still too many of his Dark Lords unaccounted for. Raii is still out there too. You remember what happened with her last time, don’t you?”
Kalja Falanis looked down awkwardly. “Yeah… it was close.”
Her mother placed a hand on her shoulder. “The important thing is you’re back safe and sound. Unfortunately, it looks like your brother won’t be able to make it. He’s still away with your father.”
“Cadence is going to be disappointed to hear that, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised,” Kalja Falanis said as she looked back up. “It sounds like Jim.”
Kalja Sairu sat down on the edge of her desk. “So, have you finally decided to take on Cadence as your Padawan?”
“Mom!” the younger Kalja objected. “Don’t read my mind!”
“I’m your mother, I didn’t have to,” Kalja Sairu answered back with a smile. “It seems like a day doesn’t go by where Cadence asks me if you’ve decided. She keeps rejecting anyone else who offers, even me.”
“I know, I know,” Kalja Falanis said with a self-conscious flick of one of the braids in her short black hair. “I should have done this earlier, but it’s a big responsibility. I’ve never trained someone else before. I’m afraid I’ll screw her up somehow, but I can’t keep putting it off.”
“One thing I’ve learned about the Sinclair bloodline over the years is that trouble naturally follows them around,” Kalja Sairu said to her daughter. “Cadence is no different in this respect. You’re better off training her than worrying about keeping her safe. I discovered that the hard way with Caitlyn - and to a lesser extent with Isis.”
Kalja Falanis couldn’t help but chuckle at the statement. “You make a good point.”
“Besides,” her mother added, “I know you’re going to do great.”
Man of Many Faces
Re: Young Jedi
Delth felt older than his 60 years, and he looked it as well. His hair was nearly all gray, and his face had as many wrinkles as it did scars. But this was one of his proudest moments, his firstborn son receiving his first Command. Of course, it was not the type of command Delth had envisioned for his son.
James Ardin II had faced every expectation that came with that name since he was a boy, and had managed to overcome most of them. Delth had tried to convince him not to join the service, but he was insistent on it. He was the first member of the Imperial Knights to also attain the rank of Lieutenant in the Imperial Navy. It was obvious by his demeanor, and now by his career path, that he was much more like his namesake than he was his father. Delth could not have been prouder.
Intelligence Director Dreskul had requested to give the boy his first Command personally. At first, James was disappointed he would not be leading men into battle, but when the details of his assignment became clear his feelings quickly changed. He didn't quite yet realize how difficult it would be, and what hard choices he would have to make. They were the type of choices Delth's brother could always make, he could not.
"Lieutenant Ardin, you are being assigned to the Jedi Academy on Tython, as representative and ambassador of the Galactic Empire."
"Thank you sir."
Dreskul nodded. "Please sit." He looked to Delth. "You can stay for this briefing if you wish, Director."
James looked back to him.
"No. Your command, James, not mine. He's all yours Gregory."
"Thank you, Delth. You can wait outside."
* * *
James watched his father limp out of the office, and then he turned back to Director Dreskul. "Sir, I'm anxious to get started."
"Your enthusiasm is admirable, Ardin." Dreskul said. "No doubt you are looking forward to being near your mother and sister?"
"I am, sir."
"This is not a vacation or a family reunion, Lieutenant. They will be there, and you may spend time there, but your mission is paramount."
"Of course sir."
"The Jedi grown in power, strength, and influence in the Galaxy. They have not chosen sides between the New Republic and Empire, and it needs to stay that way."
"Of course, sir."
"This assignment makes you part of Navy Intelligence. In addition to fulfilling the role of Ambassador, you will need to send back to us any useful information about the Jedi, New Republic, and other individuals of interest at Tython. This includes information about your family." Dreskul said. "You are not to engage in active espionage, rather just tell us what you see and hear. Do you understand?"
"Yes sir."
"Then if your mother tells you something in confidence that may help our cause, you will relay that to me?" Dreskul asked pointedly.
"If those are my orders sir, of course."
"Your name, knowledge of the force, and training in intelligence made you perfect for this position. Your family connections made us leery, but your father convinced us you would do the right thing." Dreskul said.
"I will do my duty." James said.
Dreskul nodded. "There's a shuttle waiting for you. Good luck."
* * *
James walked outside to find his father sitting in the large leather chair outside Dreskul's office. "Father, you know what they want me to do?"
The two walked side by side towards the hangar. "I do. You will have many decisions to make."
"I can't betray mother, or Kalja..."
"I don't expect you to, and neither does the Director. I only agreed to this because you were the only one I trusted to manage our relations with the Jedi."
"But what if I have to choose?"
"Once you decided to join the service, you knew this day would come. It's those tough decisions that make the man." Delth said putting his hand on his son's shoulder. "I trust you will make the right ones."
James smiled, and continued walking. "Will you come to visit?"
"The Jedi have long memories son, many still will not welcome me at their temples. It is best I keep my visits at a minimum. But if you need me, I will come."
"Our family has not been together in a long time." James said.
"I know." Delth said, his voice distant. James wondered what he was thinking about that made him answer in such a way.
The two walked in silence until they reached the hangar. "Send my love to your mother and sister for me."
"I will father." James said.
Delth extended his hand, and James shook it, before he walked towards the waiting Lambda Class Shuttle.
* * *
Delth watched as the shuttle took off. He had seen his son go off to battle, and enter into deadly situation, yet he knew this would be the most difficult he would ever have to face...
James Ardin II had faced every expectation that came with that name since he was a boy, and had managed to overcome most of them. Delth had tried to convince him not to join the service, but he was insistent on it. He was the first member of the Imperial Knights to also attain the rank of Lieutenant in the Imperial Navy. It was obvious by his demeanor, and now by his career path, that he was much more like his namesake than he was his father. Delth could not have been prouder.
Intelligence Director Dreskul had requested to give the boy his first Command personally. At first, James was disappointed he would not be leading men into battle, but when the details of his assignment became clear his feelings quickly changed. He didn't quite yet realize how difficult it would be, and what hard choices he would have to make. They were the type of choices Delth's brother could always make, he could not.
"Lieutenant Ardin, you are being assigned to the Jedi Academy on Tython, as representative and ambassador of the Galactic Empire."
"Thank you sir."
Dreskul nodded. "Please sit." He looked to Delth. "You can stay for this briefing if you wish, Director."
James looked back to him.
"No. Your command, James, not mine. He's all yours Gregory."
"Thank you, Delth. You can wait outside."
* * *
James watched his father limp out of the office, and then he turned back to Director Dreskul. "Sir, I'm anxious to get started."
"Your enthusiasm is admirable, Ardin." Dreskul said. "No doubt you are looking forward to being near your mother and sister?"
"I am, sir."
"This is not a vacation or a family reunion, Lieutenant. They will be there, and you may spend time there, but your mission is paramount."
"Of course sir."
"The Jedi grown in power, strength, and influence in the Galaxy. They have not chosen sides between the New Republic and Empire, and it needs to stay that way."
"Of course, sir."
"This assignment makes you part of Navy Intelligence. In addition to fulfilling the role of Ambassador, you will need to send back to us any useful information about the Jedi, New Republic, and other individuals of interest at Tython. This includes information about your family." Dreskul said. "You are not to engage in active espionage, rather just tell us what you see and hear. Do you understand?"
"Yes sir."
"Then if your mother tells you something in confidence that may help our cause, you will relay that to me?" Dreskul asked pointedly.
"If those are my orders sir, of course."
"Your name, knowledge of the force, and training in intelligence made you perfect for this position. Your family connections made us leery, but your father convinced us you would do the right thing." Dreskul said.
"I will do my duty." James said.
Dreskul nodded. "There's a shuttle waiting for you. Good luck."
* * *
James walked outside to find his father sitting in the large leather chair outside Dreskul's office. "Father, you know what they want me to do?"
The two walked side by side towards the hangar. "I do. You will have many decisions to make."
"I can't betray mother, or Kalja..."
"I don't expect you to, and neither does the Director. I only agreed to this because you were the only one I trusted to manage our relations with the Jedi."
"But what if I have to choose?"
"Once you decided to join the service, you knew this day would come. It's those tough decisions that make the man." Delth said putting his hand on his son's shoulder. "I trust you will make the right ones."
James smiled, and continued walking. "Will you come to visit?"
"The Jedi have long memories son, many still will not welcome me at their temples. It is best I keep my visits at a minimum. But if you need me, I will come."
"Our family has not been together in a long time." James said.
"I know." Delth said, his voice distant. James wondered what he was thinking about that made him answer in such a way.
The two walked in silence until they reached the hangar. "Send my love to your mother and sister for me."
"I will father." James said.
Delth extended his hand, and James shook it, before he walked towards the waiting Lambda Class Shuttle.
* * *
Delth watched as the shuttle took off. He had seen his son go off to battle, and enter into deadly situation, yet he knew this would be the most difficult he would ever have to face...
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

Master of the Ninja Post
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Re: Young Jedi
“I’m going to head on over to the Sinclair house,” Kalja Falanis said to her mother. “You coming?”
Kalja Sairu shook her head. “Not yet. I’m expecting the new Imperial ambassador to show up at any time. It wouldn’t be right to leave Meila here to meet them without me. You know how Imperials can be. They would take offense if the only person to greet their emissary was the Assistant Headmaster.”
The younger Kalja rolled her eyes. “Oh, blah. Let ‘em get offended. They’re too uptight about everything as it is. You indulge the Empress way too much.”
Kalja Sairu gave her daughter one of her famous playful smiles. “Do you know why they’ve changed ambassadors on me so much over the years?”
“I’ve… never really thought about it now that you mention it,” Kalja Falanis concluded with a puzzled look.
“It’s because your mother is just a little too good at turning enemies into friends,” she explained. “The ambassadors stop being suspicious after spending enough time with me and then become useless in Imperial eyes.” Kalja Sairu sighed. “So they get recalled and replaced and we start the whole process over again. I keep hoping they’ll stop being so paranoid, but it seems doubtful I’ll see that happen in my lifetime.”
Her daughter chuckled. “Don’t sell yourself short, Mom. Haven’t you heard? You’re going to live forever.”
Kalja Sairu joined her daughter with a laugh of her own. “Oh, those silly rumors. Yes, I know them. I’ll live for precisely as long as the Force wills it, no longer.” She waved her hand and the door opened. “Now go and have fun with Cadence. Please tell everyone there that I plan to arrive later.”
Kalja left the Jedi Temple and stood on the edge that separated it from the forest that surrounded it. She could simply take a transport down the road, or hike one of the many trails, but that would be too easy. She took a deep breath and smiled before rubbing her hands together in anticipation. “Mom aside, let’s see how good I’ve really gotten,” she said quietly to herself before setting off in a sudden dash towards the Sinclair house.
She entered the woodland and leapt at the first sturdy tree she came across before bounding off of it towards another tree in a technique she had learned from her “uncle” Sal. She kept it up, never slowing down, always doing her best to constantly hide her presence, as she jumped from tree to tree until she finally arrived at the next clearing where a series of dwellings has been constructed to house those who didn’t live in the temple itself. The Sinclair house was on the far end. It was easy to spot since it looked quite different from the other dwellings – thanks again to the constant tinkering of one Salvatore E. Salmurian.
Kalja herself had never lived in one of the dwellings since her mother had always preferred to stay in the temple, but she understood the dorms didn’t provide enough room for some people to feel comfortable or raise a family.
From her tree branch perch, Kalja alighted onto the nearest roof with a light touch before she was running and leaping for the next roof. In a series of almost noiseless jumps, she finally reached the Sinclair roof and swiftly made her way over to where she knew Cadence’s room would be. Kalja poked her head over the edge and raised an eyebrow at the sight of Cadence struggling with some kind of work.
She smiled briefly before announcing her presence. “Hey, Katy, what’s the deal? I thought this was your birthday. You’re supposed to be having fun!”
Kalja Sairu shook her head. “Not yet. I’m expecting the new Imperial ambassador to show up at any time. It wouldn’t be right to leave Meila here to meet them without me. You know how Imperials can be. They would take offense if the only person to greet their emissary was the Assistant Headmaster.”
The younger Kalja rolled her eyes. “Oh, blah. Let ‘em get offended. They’re too uptight about everything as it is. You indulge the Empress way too much.”
Kalja Sairu gave her daughter one of her famous playful smiles. “Do you know why they’ve changed ambassadors on me so much over the years?”
“I’ve… never really thought about it now that you mention it,” Kalja Falanis concluded with a puzzled look.
“It’s because your mother is just a little too good at turning enemies into friends,” she explained. “The ambassadors stop being suspicious after spending enough time with me and then become useless in Imperial eyes.” Kalja Sairu sighed. “So they get recalled and replaced and we start the whole process over again. I keep hoping they’ll stop being so paranoid, but it seems doubtful I’ll see that happen in my lifetime.”
Her daughter chuckled. “Don’t sell yourself short, Mom. Haven’t you heard? You’re going to live forever.”
Kalja Sairu joined her daughter with a laugh of her own. “Oh, those silly rumors. Yes, I know them. I’ll live for precisely as long as the Force wills it, no longer.” She waved her hand and the door opened. “Now go and have fun with Cadence. Please tell everyone there that I plan to arrive later.”
Kalja left the Jedi Temple and stood on the edge that separated it from the forest that surrounded it. She could simply take a transport down the road, or hike one of the many trails, but that would be too easy. She took a deep breath and smiled before rubbing her hands together in anticipation. “Mom aside, let’s see how good I’ve really gotten,” she said quietly to herself before setting off in a sudden dash towards the Sinclair house.
She entered the woodland and leapt at the first sturdy tree she came across before bounding off of it towards another tree in a technique she had learned from her “uncle” Sal. She kept it up, never slowing down, always doing her best to constantly hide her presence, as she jumped from tree to tree until she finally arrived at the next clearing where a series of dwellings has been constructed to house those who didn’t live in the temple itself. The Sinclair house was on the far end. It was easy to spot since it looked quite different from the other dwellings – thanks again to the constant tinkering of one Salvatore E. Salmurian.
Kalja herself had never lived in one of the dwellings since her mother had always preferred to stay in the temple, but she understood the dorms didn’t provide enough room for some people to feel comfortable or raise a family.
From her tree branch perch, Kalja alighted onto the nearest roof with a light touch before she was running and leaping for the next roof. In a series of almost noiseless jumps, she finally reached the Sinclair roof and swiftly made her way over to where she knew Cadence’s room would be. Kalja poked her head over the edge and raised an eyebrow at the sight of Cadence struggling with some kind of work.
She smiled briefly before announcing her presence. “Hey, Katy, what’s the deal? I thought this was your birthday. You’re supposed to be having fun!”
Man of Many Faces
Re: Young Jedi
James wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he felt nervous. He had faced near death many times on missions from both the Imperial Knights and Imperial Navy. But this was something else. He was being trusted to be the voice of the Empire in every conceivable way, and they were trusting in not just his lightsaber, but his judgment. So was his father. Everyone was finally treating him like a man, and now he had to prove that he was worthy of it.
The new Lambda Class 7 shuttle slowly drifted towards the landing pad adjacent to the Jedi Academy. Despite the inertial dampeners, James equated the sinking feeling in his stomach with that of his nerves. He knew very well the person he would have to face when he landed, and what he would have to do. He could picture the looks in her eyes as he did it, and it pained him. But it needed to be done in order to set a precedent he would have to follow for the duration of his trip.
He had a small retinue with him that was meant to guide him through his new role. Guilroy Arkain, an aide and Imperial Intelligence agent, was one of them. His guard and good friend, Walter Arunson, was the second member of his team. Walter was fine with a blaster, but even better behind the yoke of a TIE fighter. James wouldn't tell him, but he was the best fighter pilot he knew, including himself. Finally, there was Thomas Marion, part of the diplomatic corps, assigned to help James with all the mundane duties he wanted little to do with.
"Ready pal?" Walter said.
James nodded, removing any signs of the nerves and anxiety he felt from his countenance.
"If they follow protocol." Thomas said. "The head master and the other senior instructors will meet you at the landing platform. I think I see them."
James swallowed hard and said nothing as the ship set down and the ramp lowered the ground. James made sure he was the first off the shuttle, followed closely behind by Walter, and then Thomas and Guilroy. His mother would recognize the former two. He marched down the shuttle ramp, blocking his thoughts from the force, and stopped only a few feet in front of his mother.
"Headmaster Leidias, I am Imperial Ambassador Ardin, assigned here under the Direction of the Galactic Empire."
The new Lambda Class 7 shuttle slowly drifted towards the landing pad adjacent to the Jedi Academy. Despite the inertial dampeners, James equated the sinking feeling in his stomach with that of his nerves. He knew very well the person he would have to face when he landed, and what he would have to do. He could picture the looks in her eyes as he did it, and it pained him. But it needed to be done in order to set a precedent he would have to follow for the duration of his trip.
He had a small retinue with him that was meant to guide him through his new role. Guilroy Arkain, an aide and Imperial Intelligence agent, was one of them. His guard and good friend, Walter Arunson, was the second member of his team. Walter was fine with a blaster, but even better behind the yoke of a TIE fighter. James wouldn't tell him, but he was the best fighter pilot he knew, including himself. Finally, there was Thomas Marion, part of the diplomatic corps, assigned to help James with all the mundane duties he wanted little to do with.
"Ready pal?" Walter said.
James nodded, removing any signs of the nerves and anxiety he felt from his countenance.
"If they follow protocol." Thomas said. "The head master and the other senior instructors will meet you at the landing platform. I think I see them."
James swallowed hard and said nothing as the ship set down and the ramp lowered the ground. James made sure he was the first off the shuttle, followed closely behind by Walter, and then Thomas and Guilroy. His mother would recognize the former two. He marched down the shuttle ramp, blocking his thoughts from the force, and stopped only a few feet in front of his mother.
"Headmaster Leidias, I am Imperial Ambassador Ardin, assigned here under the Direction of the Galactic Empire."
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Re: Young Jedi
Alliera realized that she was late for a Meeting, since her recent promotion to Senior Instructor, she had been asked to come to several meetings. The meeting that she was currently late for was the Meeting with the New Ambassador from the Galactic Empire, and 'it was very unbecoming of a Senior Instructor to miss such a Meeting', as the Patriach of her Family had said to her several times over the Past week. Alliera was a Vocul Supporter of the Jedi's Long Time Allies, the ITO, who were Staunch allies of the New Republic, But she didn't let it effect her friendship with the Kaljas and Thier Family. Alliera Stood up, and quicly Bolted out of the Sage household and to the area where the Imperial Ambassador was weighting. When Alliera reached the Area, Her Robes were wrinkled, and her hair was askew, but she bowed Respecfully to the Ambassador when she skidded into the place with the Other Senior Instructors.
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Re: Young Jedi
"That's fine, Alex, thank you but Salvatore will have it looking like new in no time," Caitlyn assured him then she stepped to the side and allowed Alex to enter. "Cadence is in her room," she said before leaving the house and allowing the door to close shut behind her. Alex stared in wonderment for a moment after she left, Caitlyn's rather curt attitude often caught people by surprise.
A short while later she found herself on the landing pad along with Kalja and the senior instructors of the temple. She had arrived a bit later than the rest which normally would have reflected poorly on the Assistant Headmaster, but Caitlyn didn't care much for such platitudes. When she arrived she just barely caught the tail end of James' greeting to his mother which caused her to frown.
"Is that any way to greet your mother," she asked him pointedly causing all eyes to turn to her as she approached. "The least you could do is give her a hug."
"Well, yeah I guess," Cadence replied. Kalja's sudden appearance nearly startled her. "But Mom's all in a huff because I crashed her speeder."
"You what," Kalja asked in surprise, "You weren't hurt were you?"
"Of course not, but Mom got mad because I could have been. You know how she is, she's way too overprotective of me. I didn't think she'd ground me on my birthday, though," she said with a frown, turning back to the datapad in her hand.
A short while later she found herself on the landing pad along with Kalja and the senior instructors of the temple. She had arrived a bit later than the rest which normally would have reflected poorly on the Assistant Headmaster, but Caitlyn didn't care much for such platitudes. When she arrived she just barely caught the tail end of James' greeting to his mother which caused her to frown.
"Is that any way to greet your mother," she asked him pointedly causing all eyes to turn to her as she approached. "The least you could do is give her a hug."
"Well, yeah I guess," Cadence replied. Kalja's sudden appearance nearly startled her. "But Mom's all in a huff because I crashed her speeder."
"You what," Kalja asked in surprise, "You weren't hurt were you?"
"Of course not, but Mom got mad because I could have been. You know how she is, she's way too overprotective of me. I didn't think she'd ground me on my birthday, though," she said with a frown, turning back to the datapad in her hand.
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Re: Young Jedi
Kalja Falanis just chuckled as she did a handstand on the roof before swinging into the open window and landing on her feet with a perfect flip. “Well, this is no way to spend a birthday, especially not your sixteenth. You only get one you know. I’m sure my mom can talk some sense into your mom, but in the meantime, how about we do some Jedi exercises instead? Surely your mom can’t object to that.”
Cadence looked at her inquiringly. “You mean like meditation or something?”
“I was thinking of something a little more active,” Kalja corrected her as she gestured outside. “It’s a beautiful day, we should enjoy it.” She pointed a finger at the pad in Cadence’s hand, knocking it away with a small application of the Force. “And if those exercises happen to look like a game of Force tag, well, we can chalk that up to coincidence.” She smirked. “What do you say?”
Kalja Sairu had to admit that she was surprised at James’ announcement. It was definitely a different tactic for the Empire to take and it meant one of two things, either they were getting desperate to find fault with the Jedi or they were finally becoming more accepting of them. In any case, Kalja decided that the best way to handle the situation was to play it pretty straight for now – which ironically enough meant being a little more playful.
“That’s no way to speak to our handsome new Imperial ambassador, Caitlyn,” Kalja spoke up with a placating hand directed at her. She looked at James. “I apologize for the outburst. Welcome to Tython, Ambassador Ardin.”
She gestured to Caitlyn. “You’ve met Assistant Headmaster Caitlyn Karna-Sinclair.” Kalja then gestured to the woman on the other side of her. She looked mostly human except for the fact that she lacked any kind of visible mouth. Her long hair was tied up in a pony tail. Unlike the rest of the Jedi, she carried a long sword with her instead of a lightsaber. “And this is my other Assistant Headmaster, Meila, formerly of the Linshi Monks. You may remember her from that trouble we had with Laeradr some years back.”
Meila bowed respectfully as a voice came from a gauntlet on her wrist. “An honor, Ambassador.”
“And of course as many of my senior instructors as we could pull away have come to greet you as well,” Kalja said to James. “We can provide a tour of the temple grounds if you like, or we can discuss business in my office. Whatever you prefer.”
Cadence looked at her inquiringly. “You mean like meditation or something?”
“I was thinking of something a little more active,” Kalja corrected her as she gestured outside. “It’s a beautiful day, we should enjoy it.” She pointed a finger at the pad in Cadence’s hand, knocking it away with a small application of the Force. “And if those exercises happen to look like a game of Force tag, well, we can chalk that up to coincidence.” She smirked. “What do you say?”
Kalja Sairu had to admit that she was surprised at James’ announcement. It was definitely a different tactic for the Empire to take and it meant one of two things, either they were getting desperate to find fault with the Jedi or they were finally becoming more accepting of them. In any case, Kalja decided that the best way to handle the situation was to play it pretty straight for now – which ironically enough meant being a little more playful.
“That’s no way to speak to our handsome new Imperial ambassador, Caitlyn,” Kalja spoke up with a placating hand directed at her. She looked at James. “I apologize for the outburst. Welcome to Tython, Ambassador Ardin.”
She gestured to Caitlyn. “You’ve met Assistant Headmaster Caitlyn Karna-Sinclair.” Kalja then gestured to the woman on the other side of her. She looked mostly human except for the fact that she lacked any kind of visible mouth. Her long hair was tied up in a pony tail. Unlike the rest of the Jedi, she carried a long sword with her instead of a lightsaber. “And this is my other Assistant Headmaster, Meila, formerly of the Linshi Monks. You may remember her from that trouble we had with Laeradr some years back.”
Meila bowed respectfully as a voice came from a gauntlet on her wrist. “An honor, Ambassador.”
“And of course as many of my senior instructors as we could pull away have come to greet you as well,” Kalja said to James. “We can provide a tour of the temple grounds if you like, or we can discuss business in my office. Whatever you prefer.”
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Re: Young Jedi
Cadence's face brightened up into a smile. "That sounds like fun," she said then she stood up and ran towards the open window diving through it and past Kalja. "Race ya to the hill," she threw back as she descended to the ground outside landing in a graceful crouch.
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Re: Young Jedi
Alex Entered Cadence's Room, and Saw Kalja and Cadence outside. "hey, Birthday girl!" Alex called to Cadence, Pulling the datapad out of one of his Pockets "Did you Get that Package that I Slipped you Last Night?"
The Package he was refering to was the plain white box he had, during his Mother's Late Marksmanship class, slipped into her things. The Package was time-locked so that it could only open the day of her birthday, and on the Top of the Durasteel Package was the Words: To Cadence Karna-Sinclair From: The Sage Family, don't open till your birthday. The Package held an Ivory-White Lightsaber that was made out of a Phrik alloy; the blade that Emited from it was Silvery-Blue, A Sleek Hold-out blaster, and a set of Reinforced Jedi Padawan Robes.
The Package he was refering to was the plain white box he had, during his Mother's Late Marksmanship class, slipped into her things. The Package was time-locked so that it could only open the day of her birthday, and on the Top of the Durasteel Package was the Words: To Cadence Karna-Sinclair From: The Sage Family, don't open till your birthday. The Package held an Ivory-White Lightsaber that was made out of a Phrik alloy; the blade that Emited from it was Silvery-Blue, A Sleek Hold-out blaster, and a set of Reinforced Jedi Padawan Robes.
Man of Many Faces
Re: Young Jedi
James nodded respectfully.
"A tour would be fine, but first allow me to introduce the members of my team. This is Thomas Marion, a member of the Diplomatic Corps. in the Foreign Services Division. He is part of the diplomatic mission sent here."
Thomas stepped forward and bowed. "An honor, Headmaster."
James looked at the man from Imperial Intelligence, "Guilroy Arkain, a member of the IFB, he will be in charge of security for this delegation."
"Headmaster." Guilroy bowed as well. "A pleasure."
"And finally Walter Arunson, my aide and attache." James said.
Walter stepped forward, keeping his smile hidden. "Greetings, Headmaster." James's mother knew Walter for a long time as one of his oldest friends.
"A pleasure, gentlemen." The Headmaster said. "Now, we can start the tour if you are prepared?"
"We are ready." James confirmed.
"A tour would be fine, but first allow me to introduce the members of my team. This is Thomas Marion, a member of the Diplomatic Corps. in the Foreign Services Division. He is part of the diplomatic mission sent here."
Thomas stepped forward and bowed. "An honor, Headmaster."
James looked at the man from Imperial Intelligence, "Guilroy Arkain, a member of the IFB, he will be in charge of security for this delegation."
"Headmaster." Guilroy bowed as well. "A pleasure."
"And finally Walter Arunson, my aide and attache." James said.
Walter stepped forward, keeping his smile hidden. "Greetings, Headmaster." James's mother knew Walter for a long time as one of his oldest friends.
"A pleasure, gentlemen." The Headmaster said. "Now, we can start the tour if you are prepared?"
"We are ready." James confirmed.
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

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Re: Young Jedi
Kalja bowed back respectfully to Thomas, Guilroy, and Walter as they were introduced before nodding at James. His answer proved that his service in the Imperial Knights hadn’t driven out all of the playful sensibilities he’d inherited from his mother, though he hid it better than she did. The Jedi Temple on Tython had been James’ home, he’d been raised here, and it certainly wasn’t his first trip back since he’d left to pursue his career. A tour of the grounds was only a formality in his case; one that he could have easily waived and still remained in the proper political decorum.
Kalja turned and nodded her head slightly, silently dismissing the senior instructors to return to their duties. Meila left as well to oversee the temple business while Kalja was busy giving the tour. Caitlyn stayed and Kalja knew better than to try and tell her to leave. If Kalja made it an explicit order, Caitlyn would follow it, but then she had more of a reason to stay than the others. Caitlyn was, after all, the godmother to James and Kalja Falanis.
Kalja cleared her throat politely before beginning the spiel she had recited dozens of times before to the Imperial ambassadors who had preceded James. “As you may be aware, the Jedi Temple on Tython is a recreation of the original Jedi Temple that stood here thousands of years before. Of course, when I first arrived, all that remained were ruins, but…”
Kalja Falanis looked up at Alex before looking over at Cadence. “Alex slipped you a package?” She grinned mischievously. “Last night? I didn’t realize you two were sweet on each other.”
Kalja turned and nodded her head slightly, silently dismissing the senior instructors to return to their duties. Meila left as well to oversee the temple business while Kalja was busy giving the tour. Caitlyn stayed and Kalja knew better than to try and tell her to leave. If Kalja made it an explicit order, Caitlyn would follow it, but then she had more of a reason to stay than the others. Caitlyn was, after all, the godmother to James and Kalja Falanis.
Kalja cleared her throat politely before beginning the spiel she had recited dozens of times before to the Imperial ambassadors who had preceded James. “As you may be aware, the Jedi Temple on Tython is a recreation of the original Jedi Temple that stood here thousands of years before. Of course, when I first arrived, all that remained were ruins, but…”
Kalja Falanis looked up at Alex before looking over at Cadence. “Alex slipped you a package?” She grinned mischievously. “Last night? I didn’t realize you two were sweet on each other.”
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Re: Young Jedi
"Is that Jelousy i hear?" Alex countered, smirking "do you want some of this Mandalorian Muscle?" Alex Busted out Laughing afterwards, this was why he was friends with these two. "And besides, it was just her Birthday Present, that i slipped into her things during our last class yesterday." He siad, smiling at his friends. Alex Walked over to Cadence, jumping through the Window, "May i join you?" He asked.
Alliera nodded to the Headmaster and walked away, she was well awake and Active now, so she headed towards the Armory. Ever sense the Beginning of the Tython Temple, Alliera made sure that she personally saw to the Quality of the Weapons in the armory. Members of the Sage family often joked that she was the real 'Weapon's Master'. When Alliera entered the Armory, she took a Curved lightsaber, one she had noted to be of Inferior Quality, and started to take it apart on the local work bench.
Alliera nodded to the Headmaster and walked away, she was well awake and Active now, so she headed towards the Armory. Ever sense the Beginning of the Tython Temple, Alliera made sure that she personally saw to the Quality of the Weapons in the armory. Members of the Sage family often joked that she was the real 'Weapon's Master'. When Alliera entered the Armory, she took a Curved lightsaber, one she had noted to be of Inferior Quality, and started to take it apart on the local work bench.
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Re: Young Jedi
Cadence gave Kalja a sour look. "It's not like that at all, we're just friends," she whispered under her breath. Kalja was about to say more but Alex had jumped through the window and joined them on the hill.
"May I join you?" He asked.
"Technically we're supposed to be training," Cadence told him. "Buuut I don't think Kalja would mind having another 'pupil' to play with," she added with a wink.
"May I join you?" He asked.
"Technically we're supposed to be training," Cadence told him. "Buuut I don't think Kalja would mind having another 'pupil' to play with," she added with a wink.
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Re: Young Jedi
"what'd you think of your Presents?" Alex asked Cadence, Tensing and loosening his muscles "I know they seem utilitarian, but they should come in handy when you finally get a master." Alex eyed Kalja in a 'when are you gunna get too it manner, before started to streatch more elaborately. "Sounds fun." Alex said, gaining a Playfull smile "What's on the Training Regiment?"
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Re: Young Jedi
Kalja smiled as Alex and Cadence had their back and forth. This was more like it. She’d probably catch hell from Caitlyn for getting Cadence out of her punishment, but Kalja considered that a small price to pay for making sure Cadence had fun on her birthday. Even though she knew her godmother had never really had a childhood of her own, Kalja still couldn’t conceive of punishing someone on their birthday. It wasn’t right.
Kalja was also aware of a slight sensation that meant her brother was nearby. She and James had always shared a special connection through the Force. No matter how well either of them could hide their presence from others, they could always find one another. Kalja opted to let James’ arrival be a surprise for Cadence instead of telling her.
Alex’s question brought Kalja back to focus on her current whereabouts. She shared a playful glance with Cadence before looking back at Alex. “Oh, it’s nothing, Al. Katy and I were just doing a little exercise called-” she suddenly gestured at him, tapping him with the Force, “-you’re it!”
Kalja was also aware of a slight sensation that meant her brother was nearby. She and James had always shared a special connection through the Force. No matter how well either of them could hide their presence from others, they could always find one another. Kalja opted to let James’ arrival be a surprise for Cadence instead of telling her.
Alex’s question brought Kalja back to focus on her current whereabouts. She shared a playful glance with Cadence before looking back at Alex. “Oh, it’s nothing, Al. Katy and I were just doing a little exercise called-” she suddenly gestured at him, tapping him with the Force, “-you’re it!”
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Re: Young Jedi
((OOC: Was waiting for Pryde to post, but i'll post now))
Alex started chasing after the two girls, a smirk on his face. "My mom trained me well." He called to the Girls jokingly "you can't beat Alex Sage!"
Alex started chasing after the two girls, a smirk on his face. "My mom trained me well." He called to the Girls jokingly "you can't beat Alex Sage!"
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Re: Young Jedi
A Pair of Armored arms wrapped around Alliera, and a pair of lips kissed her neck, "You work to hard." The Voice said, taking a light tone.
"I would love to take time off Kaleth, but i gotta take care of this one thing." Alliera said, continueing the fix of the Curved hilted lightsaber as kisses were lain on her neck.
A Pair of Armored arms wrapped around Alliera, and a pair of lips kissed her neck, "You work to hard." The Voice said, taking a light tone.
"I would love to take time off Kaleth, but i gotta take care of this one thing." Alliera said, continueing the fix of the Curved hilted lightsaber as kisses were lain on her neck.
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Re: Young Jedi
OOC: Pryde's got a lot on his plate at the moment in RL...
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Re: Young Jedi
((OOC: I Talk to Hal on a regular Basis, and i just got the news a few days ago...hopefully we can revive this when he gets back...))
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